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Last: >>484404640

Anby, Nicole, Billy and Nekomata preparing for launch day edition

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:

>Capcom x Hoyoverse Creator Roundtable

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
>no Ellen OP
Shit thread
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How does it feels knowing that Lycaon is the most popular character in this game ?
I'm actually shocked he wasn't a limited character.
Stop putting the retarded edition shit in the OP like a dead general
We hate pedos here.
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How long does unlocking the gacha system take? Can you skip the text and cutscenes?
editions are pretty standard
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huh, didn't think billy and Ben would be that high on my list but ye they deserve the A spot
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someone make an ellen thread
Will you need to roll weapons in this game?
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Hey bangbros
30-40 minutes. you can skip some scenes
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Based newfag larper here's a (you)
>t. souless tranny
>Dapper gentleman butler
>Excellent intro video
>Uses kicking attacks and keeps his hands out of the action
Don't care if furfags take a liking to him, I think he's a cool dude.Very rare that a gacha has a cool male character, let alone one from the start.
This game could have a panty and stocking collab
they really aren't, show 30 gacha generals that have editions in their OP if it's standard
We love pedos here.
>some scenes
Didn't they promise a skip button on the launch livestream?
Maybe you can skip more stuff compared to CBT3
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we LOVE cunnygods here
pedo, problematic game
How miserable is this game playing with mouse and keyboard?
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How the fuck does Billy resist the urge to rape all those hot girls in his squad?
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Meng Hao walked into the McDonald's. The cultivator taking his order gave a derisive snort, but Meng Hao did not really care, because he had repressed his aura down to the Single Patty Realm, and a fool would not be able to tell his true level of burger eating.

"Give me... a Happy Meal!"

The cultivator's face flickered before he finally regained his composure and laughed. "You couldn't afford a Happy Meal. Get lost! Don't you see that there are Double Quarter Pounder Realm eaters waiting behind you?"

Meng Hao slapped his bag of holding and threw 80 billion spirit McDonald's coupons onto the counter, causing an earthquake which demolished half of the restaurant. Everyone dropped their jaws. None could see how this was possible!

"I'll take that Happy Meal with a side order of fries, " Meng Hao said. He was as calm as the ocean in a painting of an insanely calm ocean. "And let me see your manager!"

The cashier cultivator coughed up a mouthful of ketchup. He simply could not handle Meng Hao's killing intent, because he was only at the Quarter Pounder with Cheese realm himself. Even though Meng Hao had suppressed his aura, because he had cultivated the Heavenly Burgin' Qi, this was enough to kill people a few levels higher if he truly wanted.

It was then that another man which a much more fierce aura stepped forward. "You dare make trouble here?"

"P... Patriarch Hamburglar!"

Patriarch Hamburglar was 99 cents of the way into the Big Mac Realm, plus tax! Meng Hao was pushed back two feet, knocking over a soda machine. Powerade Mountain Berry Blast geysered outward, killing several onlookers.

Of course, Mayor McCheese saw all this happen through the window.
17 is my favorite number
i hate mihoyo drones so much
Ellenfags are becoming annoying.
Yup. The paid Gacha is basically the same as HSR.
I wanna fuck ben
We love Ellen's nipples here
I like them personally. They add a little extra flair to a boring thread template.
Cunny Hares is probably my favorite faction so far.
I fucking LOVE reading MTL chinese web novel slop
It's a great way to pass time at work
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He's a robot.
Just like the characters herself. Very poetic.
No I mean, will I NEED to? As in, are A-rank weapons trash or usable? I'm coming from games where you lose out on a third of your damage if you don't.
Billy is a pure soul who likes shooting things, he has risen above his base urges and the need of flesh after becoming an android.
They're your introduction to New Eridu, and, I believe, will be your free starter 3-man party (Nekomata not included).
bro he probably has no peenids
He wasn't always a robot, lorelet.
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>He was as calm as the ocean in a painting of an insanely calm ocean
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for me it's koleda
Billy is an android.
Where my Anbyggers at? Pleated skirt+navel+thighhighs+spats__ is the winning combination.

Official Ellen banger
As a straight male, I'd be happier to get werewolf sebastian over Nekomiya or Rina, they just don't look cool to play as. Their hits feel weak.
forever seventeen...
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he's too chill for that
Billy's mental age is like 9.
All he thinks about is superhero shows and guns.
Sorry sir let me correct this
>she rims ugly bastards
>I want to suck on her cock!
>canon lesbian with her blonde gf!
>imagine how loose and beat up her pussy is from fucking other men for money
>male shark dorsal fin LMAOOOOO
>cute and valid transbian sister!
There you go
where are my potatoes (nahi, bailu, hook) this entire cast makes my dick flaccid
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Rina and Corin are cute
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Dunno. All we can really do is speculate based on Ellen's banner weapon.
Are they sisters?
They are getting very uppity. We need to put them down soon before it gets out of control
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Zhu Yuan
bros he's literally me???
>locked to basic/dash spamming, Ice, attack agents
Extremely inflexible and will age like shit
As an Ellenfag I'll save for a future generalist engine
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Plus it's nice teasing nicole about her need for money
Based, All I thought about when I was 6 was samurais and playing medal of honor LOL
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She looks degenerate enough.
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Fuck the Police
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Nahida status?
The only generalist weapon in the game is the bp weapon
Cute tummy. How flat is she?
perfectly encapsulates the chinaslop style of writing kek
She looks like she fucks middle school boys for their lunch money
Reminder female shark tails only get bitten like that from sex with male sharks so Eileen is used goods
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I'm so happy he's back bros
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Why is she the face of the game? Is she hiding some big lore relevant secret like Paimon and March?
Am I retarded or is this the first major mihoyoslop to not be an isekai?
The two siblings already exist in the world, no?
Tomorrow no one will be here because everyone will play the game
Hopefully they added some more f2p W-Engines, the craftable ones were horseshit
Is this a Tectone approved gacha?
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>Touch my puffy nipples? uh-no
How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
S-rank Engines are really tailored for their corresponding Agents. A-rank ones have more general non-specific bonuses.
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The chosen one to defeat Tectonic...
If the mc siblings don't have romantic tension I'm dropping the game
how is genshin isekai they're literally alien from space, only welt in hsr is isekai
Then it isn't worth it
>roll 150 pulls to gain 1-2 per month a bit earlier
I shan't
No, his third worlder fanbase clowned on him for trying to return on mihoyo's dick so he's starting Blue Archive
3D model has none
I'll touch Nicole's puffy nipples instead
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she's pretty cute
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If you don't know what those words mean you shouldn't be playing the game
>hawk tuah
>fanum tax
>give me your ohio
>no cap
>vibe check
>let him/her cook
>on god
>glow up
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She does have amnesia so maybe
Oh shit nice, this mf carried me during many missions in arknights where I couldn't just spam surtr to win.
Bro they're LITERALLY from another world
Bwyo fix your copypasta, it's aura, not auro
How much night stuff is there in this game?
Bro they don't have to be from Earth to be an isekai, if the character goes from their familiar world into an unfamiliar one it still counts
on the pro side if you don't know what those words mean you're old enough for ellen to rim you for cash
>blue archive
I thought he hates lolis how the fuck is he gonna play blue archive
is Hypergryph still buckbroken about Ifrit? Do modern maps have lanes longer than 2 tiles?
Given Soldier-11, she sure seems like a reject/prototype "Soldier" from the military.
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Right here bwo, I'll roll for her dupes ASAP once she's on rateup.
Did they fix disc farming? None of you will play for long if they didn't.
is that from latest quest
he's just in the closet
>hawk tuah
>fanum tax
nope, no idea
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>Weapons banner is 75/25
Why don't make it 100% like Wuwa?
Legendary Moonlight Sculptor is good Korean mtl slop
Its from when you select your gender in the beginning of the game
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so he's going from the pedo game he hated for being a pedo game to a game that's ten times more blatantly for pedos
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if all character models are unique there's hope that they'll release someone smaller than piper but frankly i dont expect that from hoyoverse
the time when they came from space as shooting star?
more gacha drama
So cool
because they don't need to
getting rid of her thong was a mistake
Wuwa is dead as shown here.
If I go to philliphines it is isekai
They traded it off for doubling the pity to get your guarantee quicker if you lose the rate up so it's not as painful to lose
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>She floats around like a spoopy ghost
>first thread in days that doesn't have the censored posts early on
oh no bros, is he ok?
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this game is crackalackin
Genshin is 75/25?
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Come the fuck on... I've cleared every last scrap I can find. This shit is so retarded, it's like call of duty all over again. At some point the games become bigger than my entire hard drive.
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Found her
furbro you don't have to larp as some fucking straggot...
What is the gameplay like? The story is [Skip]core.
Genshin is
yeah I don't know either
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robot is the closest to potato proportions but waterkuma seems to aim more in the 10-14 range for his cunny than the potato zone
billy is a shota, no nsfw allowed
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I feel like modding this game won't be as straightforward given the fact that most characters have different base models
No genshin has the worst system ever. It's 75/25 to get a rate up weapon but it's a double rateup so if you need to want both weapons or else you might come out mad. And you need to lose twice to get the guaranteed one you want.
Where's Nicole's prostitute djs at? This is just Mona on crack.
I wish she were my CEO
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you're getting left behind anon, better buy a new drive
>need to lose twice to get the guaranteed one you want.
Thats crazy
how long until these release?
>if all character models
Hoyo always uses fixed character proportion templates. For Genshin they have 3 female and 2 male variants.

Lithuanians/Irish will be given no quarter.
doesn't this guy getting death threat from kuro community because he didn't cover wuthering wave ?
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I'm sure the characters will move around once I get to play them
no clue yet, we don't even have model leaks. They showed art of them on the livestream so designs are finalized at least
You can free up hidden space search on google
I find it bullshit as well. You can probably move some things temporarily off the disk, keep in mind it doesn't NEED all 110 GB permanently, it only needs that much for unzipping and other work, but after install a lot will be freed up
Do we get to run around town as the characters or just as the self inserts?
The upside is if you want two weapons you want on that banner you can get them both. But if you only want one it's not recommended to pull. And most characters don't need the weapon unlike these games where the weapon is very necessary.
Does Corin powercreep Billy into irrelevance or is it the other way around?
Isn't everyone basic attacking all the time? Dash attacking shouldn't be a problem for most attackers too
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This game doesn't
thanks I was looking my hardest
It's maximum whale bait.
It used to be even worse back in the launch days, there was no guarantee even after losing twice so you could get the wrong weapon forever.
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>sponsored video thumbnail
All the animation is godlike.
he got hit by the jannies a few hours ago for spam
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Bro buy a fucking ssd it makes your entire pc faster and they cost literally nothing these days
I CAN'T BR-mmmph
Good thing you never need limited weapons in Genshin, with extremely few edge cases (Nilou) every character has amazing craftables and accessible 4* options, and the game's difficulty doesn't demand you roll weapons
You can even transmog with mods to get the drip
HSR on the other hand...........
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finally got a vacation
Bro here thinking about Ifrit when HG just made W alter
but they have amazing meshes so texture modding should be all that is required for many of them
Why do the only two characters I like both have to be ice dps :(
If I roll for ellen it's pointless to roll miyabi later.
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Are you picking the guy or the girl? Why?
shota when
Ever heard of herta cones? Firefly best DPS in the game can do just fine with one of those.
this game does models per-character retardbro
I had to put it on my hdd
hopefully the load times aren't too bad...
guy so I can fuck Nicole and the lolis
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I like how no one ever bemoans how Anby's thong got buffed into spats because everyone agrees it's patently ridiculous this even made it into an alpha version of a miHoYo game.
Girl, I prefer having my player character being as much of a gremlin as possible.
>not shown: only if you have e2
>Are you picking the guy or the girl?
I'm a man IRL
I prefer to talk to other characters through a male protagonist
I can stalk my sister
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The fun one
Belle, just because she's cute
Will self-insert as the girl
>AI song
jesus christ it's over
Just as the MCs. But the Agents can be chilling in town and you can talk to them. There is also a quasi-dating mechanic where you can invite a specific agent to join you for a meal or somesuch and build a relationship meter with them.
when does the game launch
The thong was superior in every way
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I want to be a qtpie (virtually)
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how long until EoS?
Male because I'm male and he doesn't look terribly like a certain genshin male mc.
I grieve it but at least the straps stayed. I would've preferred having the straps stay + schrödinger's underwear but that gets hard when it's a video game.
I'm day 1 on HSR and I don't roll for LCs at all even though I max stars every time... It's just a 4 niggas in a row game, wtf man
Time to watch toku shows with Billy
the janny is still a rogue who helped his shitposter friend though, so i am not gonna get my hopes up just yet
That was legit never staying. I'm convinced at least half the censorship changes were someone upstairs going "yeah that's not how we do things here liquid bear"
Yeah but does this game have candy crush????
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Belle's design is more fun
>Moron making shit up
>Trying to use it as a fact
Hang yourself braindead shitter
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>lewd artist can't fucking stay in character
Do they really have to make the chest so offputtingly BIG? It's tasteless.
I don't think its quite that cut and dried yet. Faction also matters for enabling additional abilities, so that can still be relevant. Plus Billy is ranged.
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Internally Hoyo employees are still playing and gooning to this version of Anby btw
'bout tree fiddy
suno and shit is the easiest way to make slop I guess
im choosing xiang-i mean the girl one she's cute
It's more obnoxious that he is constantly drawn in a harness. Sure, dude's got some sort of weird strap on his face, but that isn't even enough to think "he must be into bondage!"
rolling for him on day one with multiple accounts
Corin's kit is also more dangerous because she has to lean into her attacks
He's most likely a free starter, together with Nicole and Anby.
Post more Ellen
hopefully we get mods that give all the original designs back
that's hot anon
>Pick girl
>Get a brother you follow around

>Pick male
>Get an imoto ingame that follows you around

Lol lmao
it's a yaoi staple xis, like the freakishly huge hands, you just live with it
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Am I supposed to play this in jap or eng?
The intellectual take. Playing the male protagonist is the best option, period.
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Yea, i love her.
The other sibling doesn't follow you around. They're cooped up inside the shop, outside of cutscenes.
Your choice determines whose ass you're going to see on the screen as you run around town.
installing multiple instances through bluestacks + pc client and using Billy in all of them
>wanted to do a New Eridu playthrough on Stellaris to pass the time till launch
>there's not enough canon info on the setting to recreate it
well shit
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With who does he synergize?
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>collabs with your chinese game
>adds a bondage wolf daddy to it
I hate this meme reality we're living in
At least the bear isn't sexual and kinda cool
>cunning hares
>not a single one is a hare or even a bunny/rabbit
>a cat girl
i love her
Goddamn, gender dynamics are so cute
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Guy. I can self insert to romancing female humans and beastkin and male beastkin, but romancing male humans is somehow offputting and I don't want to risk that becoming part of the plotlines.
Piper or the other hares, probably
Other physical characters and/or other Cunny Hares.
>determines what you want to look like as you interact with the world of ZZZ
PCchads are you doing m+kb or controller? I'm kind of torn on this one
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If I can join Victoria Housekeeping and wear a maid dress for Lycaon it will all be worth it
It has 0 buttons to press like Genshin, but it might be comfier on controller in general
Japanese is what they speak in asia, though?
I've been too lazy to set up the stuff that lets you use a switch pro controller for non-steam stuff, so mouse + kb.
I play PGR with MKB and it works completely fine so hopefully this game has a similar control scheme
Controller because this feels more fighting game-y than shooter to me.
Oh no....
male so i can listen to the girl mc talk. also male mc doesnt look like trash this time
But what does Day9 think about the game?
>3rd person action game
Controller, of course. The glory of PC master race is the number of options, not that you have to play everything with KB+M. However, chink devs like Mihoyo seem to do decently good KB+M support, unlike japs, who are mostly console devs, and only do it as an afterthought for PC ports.
Gay who?
It starts off with the genshin-like scheme with attack on left click but you can rebind it freely, at least in CBT3. It even recognized side mouse buttons this time around.
parry shit is nicer with controller
going by HSR EN will have higher highs and lower lows while JP will be generic at worst
guess we'll know on 9th of july
He wears heels?
Post your favorite character
Post your favorite soda
By the way, ShortFatOtaku covering the Stellar Blade fiasco uncovered that the Koreans have disabled the Jap voices for the Western release, and he speculates it was done so people don't pick them by default but instead enable the Korean voices, placing Korea on the map as a game developing nation and in general further strengthening the status of the Korean language overseas
Roughly 36 hours to go bros...
That's a name I haven't heard since my SC2 days
They're transforming rocket boots. That's what he attacks with.
Whether they follow you everywhere or not is irrelevant. If you pick girl you are getting an onnichan faggot. One that WILL put his dick inside you. I will be the bull for my immouto.
Setting outside of fights is basically backstreet Shibuya/Akihabara so JP.
The guy 'cause I'm a siscon.
it's less than 30 bro
Zizsterz ...
Isn't it dropping July 4th 6am EST?
are there no events in 1.0 besides just "log in and collect free shit"?
i am not complaining, just making sure i am not missing out anything from what they have announced
i do recall people posting about some events during the beta, the one with the arcade, the one with the reworked bangboo menu, and the one with the store girl exchanging crap from the street for gibs
stelle in hsr, male in zzz
kek literally NOBODY gives a shit about korean culture
and I'm saying that as a zergling myself
is there any way to roll for units right now?
I'm trans so I will be picking belle
every faction has 4 characters and at least one male so far right? will the cunny idols remain a trio or will there be a fourth for an all girl quartet? or is there a chance they'll get a male member somehow
it should be 11pm est
where is zzz gacha simulator?
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I really fucking hate this dude, he reminds me of deadpool in all the worst ways possiblehttps://i.imgur.com/GKO9bl8.png
>no lolis on release
Shit game. DoA on arrival.
I had to buy Stellar Blade in the JP store because they didn't let me play in Japanese otherwise yes.
There was also a larger event with a mix of TV-mode and combat stages.
I'm a yurifag so I will be picking Belle
The PC config options in general are really good, especially compared to HSR. Feels like they want it to feel like a first class title in PC.
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>genshin has no QoL
>HSR gets a lot of QoL
>ZZZ gets even more QoL
>genshin still a coughing baby in the sahara
>he reminds me of deadpool
This but that's what I like about him
This will show the release on your time
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Any ZZZs for this feel?
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Anyone else saving their cum to goon the fuck out when the game releases?
Why does best korea music mogs kpop so hard?
>4 am
im grippin
Could be a manager/producer. But yeah they seem to be shooting for 3:1 female to male more or less. Although Belobog is half and half, so that's not an absolute rule.
When I played CBT2, there was basically only one "big" event - Golden Week. You had an event dungeon to go through, which was on a bigger side compared to most Main/Side missions, but it saved your progress between dives. And the reason you had to do multiple - was because the event was timegated a bit, so it took a few days to clear the whole thing. But there was plenty of time left on the event running, so you don't need to do it daily risking to miss out on rewards otherwise.

Other events were mostly small bonuses, like the coffee shop buffs, or the arcade thing.
this has a tracker and the anon can see whoever country access the link by the way
Koleda jumpscare!
>>genshin has no QoL
That's just wrong bwo
dr. pepper
>28 hours left before release
What snacks will you have?
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Yeah for now they might announce something when Zhu Yuan's banner comes out but for now it's "log in and get free pulls to build your roster for the upcoming content" so it's pretty chill
Here's the list of login events
Squish her legs by 20% down in Photoshop and bake it again
>t. StableDiffusion wizard
I can see it...
he's quite literally gay
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the Shark girl is this game's Seele right?
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koleda love
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Project Mugen is undergoing a rebrand and potentially releasing soon. CCs have been getting emails about promoting the game. Anyone else playing ZZZ as a Project Mugen waiting room?
Apple Cider
Water, nuts and fruit, unironically. I'm getting too old for anything else.
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will this game be ZASED enough to add an oppai loli?
no I will not play open world slop
idk but Totalbiscuit loves it
Tapito Doritos and probably a 6 pack of White Claw
/gig/ and /hsrg/ are laughing at us right now.
Does anyone actually know what the gameplay loop is for Mugen?
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When is ZZZ getting the Yae expy?
Anything major is going to have to wait for Genshin 2 anon, but if it gets ZZZ animation system and skip button I'll be happy
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Mods get his ass >>484423049
No, you can't, nigger.
Spent my money on yawntrail
Wishing I saved for this game fml
i will, along with roco kingdom on playstation
but i will continue playing zzz on phone
just too many good games coming up now desu
i am also excited for gta 6 and dokev, which will also be marketed once crimson desert is out
Yeah, that mole is too damn erotic
korea has culture?
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Nobody yet. But maybe the non-android girl on Zhu Yuan's cop team.
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Dun like furrys
Dun like homos and lesbos
Dun like lolis
Like young adults/late teens
Like hags
Like cool lads
It's okay because my IP comes from another state
Yeah, I feel you. I'll be bouncing games between updates, that's what's most fun for me.
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Gentlemen, how much longer until this game goes live
yeah I saw that
who's dun?
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Ice coffee and some jelly doughnuts from my local shop
I don't need to sleep it's July 4th the day after release so I can play all night if I want
it's way too big shit looks ridiculous
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>forgetting the Simple As
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I haven't came for a month ever since my circumcision (paraphimosis, i had no choice but at least i can now LARP as a G*d's chosen adenochrome enjoyer)
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Does the game launches tomorrow if you choose NA server?
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>character looks punk as fuck
>her entire characterization is "dude food lmao"
thanks, I hate it
I don't give a fuck about these developers aka netease they have a shitty history and will probably be shit as with everything they touch.
Ellen does enjo kousai
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/gig/ is in no position to laugh at anyone.
Could be sheep too the thing on her hand looks like sheers.
At least now you're true patriot, son
She's an animal, of course she cares more about food than about other things
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I saw that the release is going to give 180 pulls or some shit like that? Was that just me reading it wrong or what?
You know this may be a controversial opinion but I’m going to share it anyways. It’s an about time I stand up for my values as a human instead of being held by the chains of society. I would have sex with a shark.
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You don't deserve her.
It looks cool when she's zooming around in combat.
yeah league, small dicks and feminism
I will try it for the bunny girl and see how i feel about it.
Did the preload last night. When I click Start Game, it boots up for a couple seconds then kicks me back to this client. Is that expected, or do I need to fix it?
that's what it says idk
>you only need to parry the first hit of a multihit attack and it autoparries the rest for you
No fucking way, surely there's a way to disable that setting. I though they were inspired by fighting game? Where's my dragon install? My Geese
manual input super? Parrying is the fucking staple of fighting games why make it baby mode?
It's technically true.
bricked due to some unity bug that was in kerbal space program iirc
I'm sorry for your loss
I'm 30 years old and this will be my 3rd mihoyoslop game to daily :3
Never i fear... but we can stil hope.
it releases globally at the same time vtard
if I wanted to play Elden Ring I wouldn't.
Are you on PC? Do you mean back to the "push to play" menu or back to the launcher?
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picture of client after predownload.
Ok but we can admit that the designs are all pretty soulless right?
Is that a HouHou reject sullying the greatness of the trailer? Can she be booted from the squad?
Repair it with the launcher.
I want to rape.
Post a design with soul so we can compare.
against butcher I could swear it would parry his first two attacks (like a "heavy recoil" parry kind of feeling, you're getting pushed back etc) but if you did nothing after that you got hit, and after that he did a hit that you needed to dodge instead
don't quote me on this though
>Project Mugen
lol no. People who bitch about hoyo gacha rates don't know how bad the standard is.
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It works like that for multi-hit attacks, yes. HOWEVER, bosses can do wombo combos, when they follow-up a multi-hit with another separate attack or two, so if you relax thinking the game will keep parrying, then you'll get hit by the follow-up. OR, if you didn't notice you ran out of perfect assist charges, you will do a switch instead, which, while acting like a dodge for the first hit, does not grant you invulnerability for the rest of multi-hit attacks (you can still perfect dodge each individual hit though).
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Timezone based release
"How do you do fellow ziggers"
Just answer yes or no. I don't want to read all that shit.
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>entire characterization is "dude food lmao"
A woman after my own heart
i want to marry her
what are the good songs from this game?
Then you don't deserve an answer
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Who's the paimon of this game?
nobody tell her
how bad does it get?
Unrelated but that made me think of some other MMO that amazon has bought to violate and add niggers+censorship to it, did that flop or what?
your sibling
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you decide
whats the game about
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uoooh paimon is cute and funny
Are you a third worlder anon?. your PC might not be able to run it, you only need 8gb of ram but you probably could get away with 4Gb and you at least need a 970 gtx, if you ran hsr and genshin okay then it's probably a bug that will get fixed
>cross legs
>shiny highlight
Holy shit, sex now
wasn't that Blue Archive: The MMROPG game?
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Well? I'm Lycaon, btw.
Your big brother or little sister
Whichever you choose as MC, you get the other sibling as a personal paimon
Didn't play the beta but I think Fairy is the Bangboo themed MC that helps you navigate the Hollows or something?
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wow it's fofo (forma de zzz)
also this is a really good trailer honestly
I will rape her and then you can marry her.
tranny slop
You want S0V1? I’ll give you S0V1!
reddits not gonna like this bro
what is this expression meant to convey
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There isn't one. There's a disembodied AI who talks and little mascot robots who don't.
Blue Protocol, and it's failing (one of the biggest lolcows) because it's a Nip game in current year
I love the bangboos bros
>I don't want to read all that shit.
I don't want to answer all that shit either.
Which character will be AGPfags' favorite one?
wtf her ass
ahh right! Blue Protocol! I remember really being into it until the censorship then drop it 100%
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Does this team work together?
It's literally a yes or no question.
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>openworld sloppa by a company known for being shitty and predatory on a level that's bad even by gacha standards
this will not go well
>that hand
mr.kim.... we won
>Whichever you choose as MC, you get the other sibling as a personal paimon
Male MC bros...we won so hard(again)
straightchads keep winning (as it should be)
For me, it's the robot loli.
watercooma is trying to get them to turn Caesar into a shortstack trust
I’m falling for the shark
>Physical Attacker (Hares)
>Physical Anomaly (Calydon)
>Physical Support (Calydon)
It should.
Probably. If not, sub in Anby for Lucy and it will.
I like that Butcher is both an intro to the autoparry for multi-hits and also a lesson that you can still get mixed up if you rely on parrying everything
>project mugen waiting room
We know next to nothing about the game aside from a bunch of pre-rendered stuff in an old trailer. It's hard to be hyped for a game that nobody knows anything about--plus it's NetEase
the jp release was fun for a couple weeks but like pso2ngs the game lacks any form of endgame whatsoever, idk why jap devs are like this
considering how bad its doing in jp i wouldn't be surprised if the global ver gets cancelled
there's over 300 (possibly over 400 since the 300 is using cbt3 numbers) but they're not all gibs. We won't know where the promised 100 are coming from until launch, probably leveling bonuses
There's probably none that appeals to them, because AGP niggers always have absolutely freakish fetishes (besides the overarching AGP one) and they can't appreciate an understated female character design where the chick wears pants. Only gentlemen can appreciate post-nerf Grace
Lucy is fire but the team should still work
yeah and some attacks will take more charges of your perfect assist than others
Sorry no, but if you like to suffer a lot then sure it'll work
>dem titties
at least her animations still have a good amount of bounce
Got it. This "donwload now to get 180 pulls" warning appeared on my Hoyo Launcher so I was wondering.
bwos wuwa is laughing at us again...
some alpha/test gameplay came out and it looked like slop, although that's super early so who knows
who plays that game
well, if you download now I think you qualify for pre-register rewards idk
I love the fact that Koleda mindbroke Anon's mind in the last few days kek
I play Star Rail, Genshin, Wuthering.... How screwed am I?
lmao this fucker posts here for sure
me :) i'm that whole genereal
Oh really? I didn't notice. Unless that's a new thing in CBT3. Although they did DOUBLE the amount of parry charges from 3 to 6 in CBT3.
In the beta surveys they were asking about how satisfying are various mechanics of the game, and I take it, the parry was very well received.
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the 180 figure comes from 80 boopons (currency you cannot pay for that you use to roll for the little rabbit guys) and 100 normal rolls, going by hsr's advertising for free pulls you probably have to work for them in some minor capacity instead of just getting the 100 outright. Either way you qualify for all bonuses by playing close to launch so if the game interests you no harm in trying
Why would a kuudere wear a thong ever?
i mean she's so cute
Wuwa more like whowastes their time still playing that slop with the ALL ROOK SAME roster and ALL SOUND SAME name list
6 different fucking Yangs in that game I swear to god
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yep big attacks cost more charges of your perfect assist so pay attention to that when playing
omaahh lawd zzzbros!!!! gott eemmm X"D
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is wuthering waves actually popular? I installed it, played it a for an hour, then uninstalled it a few days later. Punishing Gray Raven is better. WuWa is just open world sloppa
Stick with her and suffer for the next couple months? Or be a metafag and reroll for someone else? Tough choices indeed
It's just going through its Liyueslop phase.
Thanks, bros.
t.Ching Lee Hyuee
i play hi3 genshin star rail and snowbreak and im gonna play this too
he's been here from day 1, his first star rail videos were all jokes about doomposting, constantly fluctuating thread opinion, and shitty calcs
I want to buy a plushie of them they are adorable
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How long until the zone loses its zen and becomes zero?
Its The new big thing that had genshin as reference to build on( which isn't something impressive). its not really a impressive game and the optimization it's legit fucking ass
Hi Tectone hopefully the chemotherapy kills you by the end of the year
i know but you took to long to help against anons mocking the fact that no one like her
they're eating up the leftovers from genshin, people that want action combat in genshin but couldn't get it plays ww
no idea how far they can go after ZZZ but at least they have open world it's still different from ZZZ
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call the wambulance, broke azz bitch LOL
you can't do shit AHAHAHAHA
i just want to see if will be another wuthering waves case were encore were demed tier 2
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Fellow yumes are you going to stick out this game? The MC is kinda cute and there is a boy archer I like. How are you feeling about ZZZ?
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Do it for her
well anons are always mad about something so why should i waste my time here 24/7
I thought he was just bald from bad genes
IGN has some recent footage on their YouTube channel and I think this game might have the best combat animations of any game I've seen.


Its not that the animations themselves are good, its how reactive characters are to what's going on. It looks like even the swap animations change based on the characters state like sliding or jumping?
built for rape by fat ugly bastard
She has been the only one I've ever been interested in since day 1.
She's not one of the free characters is she?
Is there any reason to use more than one dps on a team? Or have more than one built dps of the same element? I like Ellen but I also want the samurai fox girl coming later and they are both ice element. Would it be pointless to roll them both?
TB is gone bro
Man... this is why I don't hang out with you guys after school...
She's a rate-up on the first banner and you get a copy for free. I had her dupes maxed out in CBT3.
Specifically the fight with cop hag, anby and Nicole @ 8:10
>Is it pointless to not roll for a character you like?
Yes yes it is pointless to have fun in a game. Jesus Christ this is sad. Think for yourself instead of asking other people to think for you. Break the chains.
The only people still playing are in full cope mode wuwa is the joke of the gacha game genre
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it's definitely the most stylish gacha I've seen, just sitting on the intro screen with the tv is so fucking soulful
>stacks up to 2 times
>lasts until the enemy recovers from stun
Okay, wait. So, does the target have to be stunned for this effect to apply? Or can it be applied to the enemy when their daze gauge is still far from being full, and it'll still persist all the way until the target is first stunned, and then recovers from the stun?
Because if it's the former, then you'd HAVE to play in manual mode or lose on an extra 35% damage mod against stunned enemies. Fuck, I only played on auto switch attack trigger in the beta. I'd have to relearn the game, if it works like that.
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Hello retard, not everyone is a whale who can roll everyone. Some have to be careful and make calculated choices.
>28 hours left
why is https://yourcountdown.to/zenless-zone-zero
saying 33 hours left?
This implies a kuudere still went and accidentally bought a thong when regular panties or spats would be more available
The true options for a kuudere are classic bear panties (never knew to stop wearing them after growing older), spats or nopan
Miyabi probably isn't coming out for a while. Just roll for who you like. Skipping Ellen if you like her just because of Miyabi sharing the same role will be dumb if Miyabi isn't playable for a year.
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Nicole bought it for her
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Why do they give you the hottest girl in the game for free at the start?
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if things are at all similar to hsr you'll get able to grab 'redundant' characters without major issue. I have a fuckton of superfluous units I just liked in some way going off of nothing but the $5 jade pass.
she got censored by the way
not terribly impressed with the guys, they look like action figures.
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click the tv to change the channel anon
when the game was checking resources and installing shit, I genuinely stopped to watch the commercials on the tv it's so fucking soul it's not even funny
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Anon you realise you can just use who you have the most fun with and you'll be fine right? The difference between meta gaming and not meta gaming is like a single pull a month, why would prioritise that over using someone you like?
God, I want her to cheat on me with fat, ugly bastards.
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Genshin did that too.
Seems to be a hoyo running trend.
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It's a mystery
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Wait, did they give Soukaku's unique utility to Nicole too?
Or was it never unique and Nicole had it too? Admittedly, I haven't played Nicole that much in the beta, but I don't remember her being able to do that.
So Nicole's chest is completely covered on the PS5's countdown page, is that something to be worried about...?
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pretty sure that is a debuff that only goes away when the enemy recover from daze so you can pre stack it
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Belle because I picked the one I most wish to have sex with
again, she got censored
Good to hear, thanks.
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This bitch's ass is making me so horny.
>The difference between meta gaming and not meta gaming is like a single pull a month
This has never been true in any gacha and I seriously doubt it will be true in this one. You have zero proof of this fact and history supports that it isn't even close to true.
Sony are just a bunch of euthanizable fucktards, don't worry about it.
that's an unofficial website, it's a countdown for July the 4th west coast time (PST). Mihoyo is a Chinese company so they obviously gonna follow their own timezone.
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Same, which has actively been a problem since I need to get a lot of work done before launch
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looks good, my problem is the ui is leaning way too far into mobile game territory. an example is the shiyu def ui, which looks like a trashy version of arknights.
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You wont skip her, right? You wont miss the chace of playing as a line cop fightin a bunch of monsters right?
I don’t want to look at a faggy guy for my entire time playing the game
But then again I don’t want to listen to a queer dude that takes furry cocks for the entire time I play the game just so I can look at my cute MCs ass and thighs
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>pig faction
I'm finally home
>tags: Corruption
Who is the puta of zzz?
the camera work when parrying and switching is actual art
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keked by the time zone lol
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It is true in all games ive played, metaplayers are genuinelly retarded
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Not the downgrade they already gave her months ago, she's wearing a full blackout shirt on the page, not an inch of skin is showing above her waist.
Nicole teaching Anby how to be a good girl...
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angry to wuwa fans
I don't understand how she works, I checked online and she doesn't have any teammates at all, there is no one else that shares her element or school or whatever. Who the heck am I supposed to roll for her?
>actual gameplay looks worse than wuwa and even genshin
the animations and cool art style will get boring very very fast. dunno bros...
i like the new update on snowbreak
Are you genuinely retarded? The difference between a MoC 10 clear and a MoC 12 clear in HSR (Hoyo's last game if you didn't know) is 120 jades. Meta copers are morons
I was a bagboo man, but now I'm conflicted.
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I wanna play now damnit
"Roll for who you liker and use whoever you want."
~Lady Ningguang
Nicole is her best partner for now, they're both ether. Toss in Anby for the last slot and you're set.
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that was posted a gorillion years ago, anon..
Nicole shares her element
Wow, not even trying to disguise the raid. Also death to all metacucks.
Hello ZZz
They need to use a cuter pic of her for the launcher, this is no good
What a respectable, definitely organic post!
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zzz will KNEEL in front of gakumas
Reply to the wrong post?
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Just look at genshin and its abyss, literally less than 1 roll between the rewards you can earn with metateams and memeteams
And the new complementary abyss doesn't even requires meta, just a bunch of leveled characters
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Fofo sponsored game
I like it.
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NO! No Clara sex!
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it's corin now bwo!!!!
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Should have known it would be a bunch of mihomo normalfags who never played a gacha before genshit made it socially acceptable.
Everyone should avoid enjoyment in these games and optimize the fun out of everything. Make sure you think at all times about what the best Investment is for your account. Don't use a character you like, use what the Youtubers tell you to use. Consume more content.
Will we get a loli as breedable as clara? I’m thinking that blue oni will be the one to get the plap
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The pink haired office lady completely killed my interest in Miyabi.
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Controller. I really wish you could use both so I could use mouse for menu stuff.
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People will call this and animation cancelling by swapping teammates constantly skill
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she gains bullets when she dodges ,skill,counter and tag attack so you basically bait enemies attacks for burst damage
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Just saw some leaks for some next level (for mihoyo) titcow called Lucia. Like holy shit she has some gigantic badonkers. Damn.
Pink haired OL doko
Nicole is an OL? I'd watch that anime
You faggots are missing the point, it's not about "being meta". It's about having very limited rolls and not being able to get everyone you like. F2P and low spenders have to choose wisely and doubling up on a roll they already have invested isn't a good idea if you want to have options. Stop shitting on people who are just asking questions. Not everyone played the beta and knows how team synergy even works.
Why do any of you pretend to care about gameplay? Everyone knows why people play gacha.
wrong thread bro /hsrg/ is next door
>on steam
meguca strong
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My heart belongs to one Pig only.
This. Chase the meta, roll for meta, play for meta, optimize, grind, optimize harder.
Don't invest in the characters you love, invest in the constantly shifting strongest units.
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Fofo escaped /hrsg/ containment
why is that?
Wish we got more shit like Dohna^2
Should have known it was another sub-60IQ shitposter, or just some deranged meta fag
Shame I didn't like her playstyle, it feels impractical.
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given them back your cretin
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You asked for an example and were given one, metafaggot
But you can go ahead and spend an year worth of gems to earn a week worth of it, no one's stopping your cunning genius plan
The genius thing for me in this game is that every character had a unique weapon, adds so much more variety that its insane.
my hag wives will forgive me. they know I just love numbers going up so fucking much
i was just playing that are you in my walls anon
i will be playing forin with lycaon as god intended
what's this?
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That's normal though, genshit is the exception.
>chasing meta
in every gacha I played I always rolled for who I liked and I don't intend to change that now, if I like a character I'll roll for them even if they heal the enemy
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>24 days
>echo picker
this is the first game I thought about when I see ZZZ
I'll do this if I end up getting him since I refuse to reroll, although soldier 11 or nekomiya are probably my top picks
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Pull first, team build second
darkest dungeon pimp simulator
Hm, I'm looking through Nicole's abilities on a wiki, and it doesn't seem like she should have anything that would let her trigger this >>484428464.
ZZZ prequel
it's an eroge
Fun fact in gacha the girls are also rolling for (You), you only find each other when the rolls collide
>Uhhh sorry, are you comparing [Mihoyo game] to [Mihoyo game]
You're just seething for seething's sake, I have no idea what you want at this point, enjoy having jewtubers tell you what to pull until EoS
last proper alicesoft game
this is how I play OuterPlane
Im glad Im not the only one who knows about THE REAL inspiration to ZZZ
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Odds of swimsuits?
I was just noticing that I was arguing with gacha newfags who have no knowledge of gacha outside of their mihoyo bubble.
You can't at the same time, but the FAQ says you'll be able to switch between the two "on certain screens" mid game, without having to relaunch the game.
Is it any good?
too bad cygaymes hates her pigbro
Patch 1.0
> ~190 limited wishes (welkin+bp)
> ~140 standard wishes

How are we spending our pulls fellow f2p+ bwos?
For me it’s Ellen banner just for the blue oni and then saving for Signora expy
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>zzz now
I don't know which one to drop
its alright, kinda tedious at times
just use mods
i kinda dropped wuwa and genshin. i barely have any time for open world games now so might as well
yeah it's pretty dope
I'll wait until the idol sexbot banner
why are the lolis in this game so mid
You don't need to tell me, I'm well aware.
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dropping like 20-30 on the ellen banner to try for blue oni, rolling the rest for Zhu Yuan, saving for cunny.
yea it is cool
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Belle is the canon MC. If you pick the male counterpart, you are bricking your account forever. Also remember to date all the females and leave the males on seen. This is a yuri game
Is there an oppailoli on the roster?
This is very important.
the games called midless mine mero for a reason bro
You've been playing gacha games for all these supposed years and you've never heard the phrase "think with dick"?
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ZZZero (real). I'd get nuked for posting anything from it.
through dick, unity.
>Region locked to only JP and US
Not like this...
It really isn't, Wuwa also has a set of weapons the movesets are just more elaborate.
Genshing is extra shit because it has the same weapons and also reused movesets.
in my case I'm just burned out on open worlds so hsr and zzz will be pretty comfy to me
They're physically restraining the artist because he's a max level degenerate lolicon
They can't hold him back forever
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Skipping Ellen rolling on Chinese Clorinde/Kafka
Saving for first universal support and miyabi
I don't get it honestly, it's like buying those boosters in Ubislop games to make the game go faster. There's not even PvP (yet) for whale wars, all you're getting is screenshots
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zzkeks go on without me...
I'll try to get the cop and wait for fem Vergil.
Same here, I'm long past those times where I would grind like crazy so zzz and hsr are perfect for me.
As others have explained it isn't about that. It's about not having infinite rolls and this is not a generous game so rolling frivolously on redundant characters is speed running to brick your account.
You can "follow your dick" all you want but some people would like to have at least two functioning teams.
oh i see but my dick is small how did you put a camera there
kinda unrelated but I started learning jp for real just so I could play rance x
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I still haven't finish the game, I think it was around when MC "died"
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>cow lolis
gotta just wait for the character 1 patch before 2.0 like hsr and genshin
>le gacha veteran
No one is impressed at your veteran knowledge of poorly made flash games, imagine being proud of having experienced the dark ages of this god forsaken genre
Oh, hopefully I can use it for menus. You know, to pick up dailies, select missions and that kinda stuff. Kinda used to using controller for gameplay and mouse for menuing in other games.
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>just for the blue oni
Isn't soukaku free?
dont worry bro you still have time my internet is worse and it took nearly 10 hours to download
I'm a "gacha veteran" myself and the genre improved immensely from genshin's impact
lol I thought about Akiba Strip and TWEWY.
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No she's shit
nope sorry
Zhu Yuan
I can’t jork it to gacha characters I have no context with. I need the game to come out so I can goon to all the lolis
All supports activate reactive assist on ex skill usage
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>normalfag thinks mihoyo didn't start the dark ages of gacha
you choose belle cause you are a yuricuck
i choose belle cause i wanna get knotted
we are not the same
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Incorrect I personally kneel to all gacha oldfags
I love hearing every word they say and I love them personally
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That image is awfully outdated.
I want the cop, Billy and Soukaku. Then its saving time
I hope Lucy and Piper actually show up in the 1.0 story. preferably more than a cameo
Leaning towards Wise. Its weird but with the social link thing I kind of want to self insert, even if they are kind of shallow.
Now if you can date the girls with Belle thats a whole different story.
That's kinda weird bro. A dude can get knotted too, you know.
That's kinda gay bro.
I've used male characters in all the gachas I've played so far, but I'm debating using the woman in this game. I dunno, just as a change of pace maybe. But then, I don't know if I'll regret it later because it'll make it harder to self insert or whatever.

Hm, do the characters we play as have their own personalities in ZZZ like they do in HSR? I think as long as the characters aren't just bland vehicles for self inserting I'd be fine to use the woman.
Take that back you liar.
She is underage though so you can't masturbate to her sorry it's against the law.
Unironically grabbing both Ellen and Zhu Yuan day 1 of their respective banner. Not going to roll weapons though.
>best scenes are ntr scenes
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Just 1 more day until ZZZ! Playing some games to pass the time
Is there some kind of countdown until release?
holy fuck that damage...
I prefer 100 million budget games as opposed to 100k budget flash games
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If I wanted to buy an Ellen account on Thursday morning instead of rerolling myself or topping up what do we think it'd run, $50?
Must be a new thing in CBT3, because there were no set character roles yet back in CBT2.
Damn... the grand homogenization has already started... And the game has not even come out yet.
They have personalities and I want both MCs to fuck each other very badly
Leaks here, every new x.0 will add 1 new character to existing factions + a new faction related to the new city.
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I was going to post this one too haha
>run into lycaon porn whe searching for lewds of other characters
>he has a human dick in it
here's a better look at her face
where's the hair though?
I feel like they literally have too much unreleased content in this build + languages.
Based inter-knot user.
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If I win the 50/50 on Ellen or get her early I will try for the Engine too but if I lose I will just save for Miyabi
Either way I win
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Would be my favourite if we get an option to take off the glasses.
>looks cuter up close
>oni shoulder pad
she's growing on me
Draph sex goddesses were one of the greatest things to come out of grub
Can I get a quick run down on the poverty 5*s? I like the maid in particular.
hhhhmmmmmm really makes you coom
What your favorite?
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not only they do have personalities they are voiced mcs regardless of who you choose
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Flamethrower girl looks fun
whatever makes ur dick hard because all of them are gonna be powercrept in the future
The animations are fine but the combat looks kinda boring?
The Meta vs Casual argument in gacha games sounds a lot like it does in TCGs and by that I meant it's annoying as fuck
erune > draph
The thought that there will be some banner characters you dont even interact with until later patches is hype annihilating
>mfw skipping emilie
we have the impact frames of her ult animation so I think she will be on 1.1
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Based, Avengers Endgame is my favorite movie too because it was the most expensive.
Please don't ever watch shitty movies that cost less than 100 million dollars to make there are no good ones.
>Huge tits
>Sword and Board
>Hag brat
>Named Caesar so you know she's a bitch
I NEED her and she better be fire
Its metafag vs dickpicker actually, and it’s a thing in every gacha with gameplay
HOW in the HELL does he do it?
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>Flamethrower girl looks fun
reminds me of ifrit from arknights
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ZZZs for this feel?
go ahead and use your casual fun deck while I use my full power branded fusion
lycaon - Ice Stunner
koleda - fire stunner
Grace - Lightning Reaction
Alexandria - Lightning Support
Nekomata - Physical DPS
Soldier 11 - Fire Brick
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Gonna hoarde everything, don't know when Miyabi is coming but it could be soon.
TCGs are just analog gacha.
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armor pen 20% base + 8% of her on she gives extra damage for thunder type characters
They really knew what they were doing with Ellen. Holy fuck I want her more than any other release character in any other gacha game
The pink hair girl is hot
stop posting dead games here.
Now that's just super sonico.
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Cute and funny Nicole Uoohhh
>food analogy
>dude ellen
We get it, shut the fuck up
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That's why I said option.
arknights is dead?
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The problem with being a play for fun bwo is you pull Topaz and then 6 months later people call you a metaslurper because Topaz got Aventurine and Dr Ratio and became meta.
Is she 5*?

I’m surprised how many here are rolling for Zhu Yuan, esp with the leaks
You just…know
>4% representation
Sorry anon, you're behind the times
Wish she was a washboard
Tits unironically too big and ruin it
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It's not even close to being dead.
anon I...
I wonder if she's one of the 1.1 s ranks then
what leaks?

Any cuties?
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they are not that big
How do i get over the irrational fear of shark dick around my duck?
So teams are just
Seems pretty easy to make teams out of almost anyone
barely alive zombie game that is irrelevant.
>Is she 5*?
I believe so.
Flamethrower girl probably died in favor of Lighter and the god tier brown oni loli for Piper.
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>She chooses the bear
it's over
There's also damage dealt to certain kinds of enemies.
SnyderCHADS can't stop winning.
Fuck i mean
i did a retard
based on that one expression alone I hope she's a megadork leader like Aru or Makoto from BA
why are all the males furry or a pig?
>god tier brown oni loli
No I'll keep believing until we see everyone from the sons of calydon
well you can get an armitjob instead
Much more interested in the leaked designs than any of the characters we know for sure are coming. Is the play just to grab cop hag and save for an indeterminate amount of time?
Just watch her be female Gilgamesh
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They’re going for gay men instead of women this time around
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and no Enkidu?
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i hope she gets more art
I will only pull the 50 banner and standart
>Anby powercreep already
are these also from waterkuma? Did they lock him in a basement and force him to draw non lolis?
Whoa she's pretty hot
I am not usually attracted to hebes and lolis but she looks, dare I say, attractive
If the green hair girl release with short shorts im going all out for her
Anby's skirt is too short
it's closer to saying you want to watch a movie with a budget instead of art films that cost $50 to make

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