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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

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It is more enjoyable to summon for bosses than doing them alone. It also makes them harder.
Solo Radahn without summoning ashes is easier than co-op Radahn.
Is there a way to farm furnace visages, or are you fucked if you use them all for crafting on your run?
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>Solitude, Black Knight, and Night's Cavalry sets are all varying shades of black
I love the aesthetics of a straight sword and shield but playing it these days feels so dry compared to all the crazy shit you can do
invasions suck today
Every host has a max level bodyguard with the same bullgoats clownsuit swift slash spam.
I don't want to have to sweat every fucking fight, sometimes I want to just fuck around using new gear against folks partying through the DLC but every fight is some CEmaxxing metanigger carrying his 700vig girlfriend through content.
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>bunch of really cool new talismans
>too attached to my four base/endgame talismans
t-thanks fromsoft
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>the redmane stand-in, with a fucked model, for Malenia's gauntlet is statistically better
>a common soldier's fucking gauntlet is better than a demigod's
it's tuesday
don't mind me just taking this cool looking sword, oh no...
Objectively wrong. Summoning Ashes do not increase boss dmg/hp.
Summoning npcs/players does however.
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The soldiers near that dead wickerman furnace can drop them according to my cunt friend who lies a lot.
Ringed City>Old hunters>Erdtree
what talismans?
>*holds L1 to block with weapon as the video starts with an intro fade*
Yo What's Up /erg/ It's
>*takes a few quick moments pause, spins around thrice*
ChaseTheBro Here And
>*moves the camera down then up, poorly edited jump cut into him running around in the smallest circle possible allowed by the game's deadzone movement*
And Welcome Back To Another Nigger execution! Today we are going to be crucifying a pole (worse than jews)
>*Whips out chainsaw and waggles around like a faggot*
So yeah that's the build. Let's get into a total pollack genocide and 1488 these pests!!!
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More people need to be talking about how Cerulean Coast wouldn't be a coast if it was part of Limgrave. This is a massive fuck up way worse than any Miquella and Radahn bullshit.
I've cheat-engined another character to prepare for the DLC
I've done 4 playthroughs so far
Str/Fai twice, Int caster (That degenerated into Int DMGS) and Str/Arc.

What's a good Dex build to try? Please give me an idea. I'll use it against Mohg as a test run.
"Git gud" is not as strong as it used to be.
Sorry anon, when I say summon, I mean summon players makes the boss harder. Not the summon ashes.
you're supposed to coop while using a name like let me attempt them or something for the terraria boss hp scaling and no back up, if the coopers can read

I got the host to chill back for let me solo her once, and they no hit malenia so im not even mad, clapped in game and in real life even.
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turns out it was just used to excuse poor design
Using Milady instead of a straight sword gives mostly the same aesthetic imo, but with a much flashier moveset
It's stronger
>don't want to eat/absorb dragon anything because I don't want my MC to turn into a magma dragon a million billion years later, even if it will never matter in game
>but I have to drink dragon juice for this one DLC npc bitch
I get withdrawal syndrome if i change my arsenal and claw talisman but I guess the other two slots i can experiment a bit with. havent found all the dlc talismans yet
The only reason I don't invade more is because there's no equivalent to purple.
Can someone count up the number of times you are ambushed by a common enemy from the right, while walking through a hall or up some stairs?
Feels like it happens at least four or five times in the DLC.
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Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this is the greatest boss Fromsoft has ever made on both a technical and artistic level, literally flawless in every way and above reproach, and that anyone with any criticism of it no matter how small is a whining shitter that needs to git gud?
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I still don't understand what's the point of doing a bleed infusion if arcane infusion exists.
You really like this picture.
>fuck up
It's deliberate, anon. It's a coast in the shadowlands but not a real coast.
You're supposed to realize this. Then you're supposed to realize how uncanny it is that giant coffin ships "washed ashore" a landlocked beach
And then you understand they are NUMEN SPACESHIPS
I did think she sounded vaguely Swedish!
your mc is too based, never gonna happen
>retard with bad fashion dies like a retard after using mimic
why exactly did you post this?
>enter boss arena
>only one thought runs through your head
>mimic-sama save me!
It's weird I met him at messmer and he died at almost half hp and we finished him. I also met let me tank him at radahn but the host died to collateral
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Alrighty I can pack it up now
I can honestly say these three bad boys are my MVP of this DLC
beautiful weapon, and it's AoW being a from the top rope lightning slam gets me fucking going without fail
>twin axes
suffer from the fact that they are twin axes, but still very serviceable and their followup AoW stacks rotten wing sword immediately
>blinkbolt AoW
People give this shit saying it's a shitty bloodhound step, but they're wrong. instant gap closer with incorporiability that instantly transitions into attacks. I've used it with cestus to pretend I'm a lightning fast boxer and with the Milady to attack ab enemy from the other side of the planet

Gods I fucking love these things SO MUCH
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Open world does not fit From software's constant need for a dead/decaying world. It's too fucking empty.
Well sure. It's not 12 years ago when DS1 came to pc and most 4chan users were desktop users held to a higher standard.
Now in 2024 the vast majority 80%+ of 4chan users are mobile phone.
Look at /v/, all these creatures do is play gacha games and seethe over games they cannot afford or are otherwise too dogshit to finish.
how come it's called liurnia of the lakes if there are no lakes and it's just one really big shallow puddle?
>Get summoned for Messmer
>Spend five minutes waiting for him to buff up and summon someone else
>He dies to the opening attack
Are all Hosts just retarded?
LOL do mimicshitters really
For weapons that don't have innate bleed on them. Also if you apply bleed to a weapon that already has bleed on it I believe it makes the bleed damage higher.
Also lower levels bleed build up is way higher than if you were to go occult.
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It's a good picture.
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>Start questline for some new loot
>Your character inevitably sells all of their agency to some higher power
A tale as old as time.
It's a very unatural coast compared to souther Limgrave
No beaches, just cliffs for its entire length. Plus the Fissure.
Global Warming
some weapons don't come naturally infused with bleed you dummy buns

for instance the Milady with wing stance attacks really fast. put bleed on it and bada bing bada boom you've got more blood than a sorority synced up
It adds bleed to weapons that don't have it by default, and they scale differently.
Occult kills the existing scaling and replaces it with arcane
Bleed adds a small amount of arcane scaling while enhancing the original scaling.

Thus pure arc tends to get more out of occult, and hybrid builds get more out of blood.
>twin axes
nah dawg these are terrible, dual wielding but you take turns striking with each hand for some reason
get shit on lmao
greatshield? equipped
sword-lance? blood infused
moores set? collected
fat? rolling
mimic tear? summoned
yup its time to beat the DLC
but it's supposed to be a fantasy game... :(
They're not the greatest but they are fun
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Belurat only.
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Are we going to bring back the Shadowlands to the mainland once we're Elden Lord?
wanted to like the dryleaf weapons but it feels like hitting with a wet noodle. no impact at all

Thos might be meaningless, bit I wish that the Frenzied Flame leaned even more into the lore/aesthetics about how there's failed champions.
The idea of trying to brute force godhood by selecting new champions that might fit the bill and then abandoning then over and over again
I know technically that's similar to grace and Godfrey and stuff but like it's interesting I think
Maybe it already is this. Does that make sense?
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drip check
blinkbolt doesn't start as quickly as bloodhound step and also it definitely does not transition to attacks immediately
Cute feet
>Aspect of the crucible: Wings is an ashe of way and not an incantation
so why did messmer build the hornocaust museum anyway
Time is convoluted, please understand.
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You are right, I should have summoned Taylew.

Nah. This was not an honorable fight, but he took a level's worth of runes from me. That's unforgivable.
I'll agree that it doesn't start immediately you do gotta time it, but yes it does (weapon depending)

a quick weapon like dryleaf arts or Milady comes out swinging
He and his men are gentlemen and scholars
God the whiplash from going between a sweatlord taunters tongue invasion with some meta arenafag sitting in a world with every mob CE'd dead, to a pair of coopers pveing with soreseals and 600 vig
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Are there any objectively beautiful men playing this game ITT?
I'm not talking about failed abbomination trannies, actual men, but good looking.
I would consider myself an 9/10, I take very good care of my hair, skin, and body, and most importantly, I'm still young.
Thats why I play FTH, but melee, with the flame art or sacred infusions.
Ugly people or ugly builds need not reply to this post, I will know if you're just coping
>they added two more crucible spells on top of this that you can't get
for what purpose

welcome to elden ring where hand of malenia has no faith and mirda's weapon has no madness
>git gud in the past
>pay attention to boss movesets to observe and take advantage their glaring weaknesses
>git gud now
>powergaming through mimic tear, scadutree blessings, bleed/rot builds, black knife/flame, and fingerprint greatshield
It's just funny comparing that to how the strongest PvE build in DS3 was just pine resin buffed sellsword twinblades + grass chest shield, or just being an INT caster with pyromancy in DS1.
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>roll 10 times or die
From software has got to step up their fucking combat in the next game
Why are death sorceries so fucking bad? Is it to balance out Prince of Death Staff being so strong? Like, I'm at 72Int/72Fth and the big giant Ancient Rancor still barely does more than like 500 damage with every projectile hitting, while a single Glintstone Pebble deals like 400.
I can get not getting centaur stomp
But are you fucking serious about not being able to get the fucking tongue.
>scattershot throw
>sometimes it shotguns a player for like 600 damage
>and sometimes it tickles for like 98
What determines this? It seems totally random whether it multihits at close range or not
Saving it for the Godwyn dlc
>sweater metafag
cringe, dont even engage, block, or brick his save
>soreseal coop-frens
blessed, please be kind to them, but make sure they die aswell, they have to learn, but in a fun way
Just tell me how bad the new death sludge shot spell is so I don't waste my time respecting
Romina's arena should have been covered with constant scarlet rot with only a few little islands you can stand on.
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Cute feet! Cute armpits! Cute hair! Cute hands! Everything is cute! Miquella is cute!
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Eh maybe. I've only used the twin axe version so idk completely but the follow up has a delay thats gotten me nicked for sure. Thats the cas for almost everything in this game and also why i use bloodhound so much. The axes are cool looking though.
I'm not sure if I'm not understanding right, but aren't the vows that Miquella talked about, and the promise Radahn was supposed to uphold independent of each other? I've seen people talk about them like they were the same and Radahn just didn't keep a child's promise, but the writing says Miquella had to complete the vow to make Radahn keep the promise, and Malenia failed to do that.

Did I get it wrong?
rancor does way more poise damage and tracks and is chargeable. kind of a crappy spell though.

you don't get any of the new death sorceries lmao they are enemy only
Stop panicrolling AWAY from the boss you fucking mongoloid.
>Final boss of a fromsoft title is an actual final boss that embraces it being the final challenge and thus specifically made to be difficult for that very reasons because it's the end
>Shitters want to nerf him
You guys actually suck at video games eh
I'm glad the wings are an Ash. The Ordovis smite should've been one as well. Crucible Knights have an awful aesthetic, and are an insult to the the Paladin trope.
This DLC really makes a very strong case for the Crucible to be the soup of life that formed around the Elden Ring after the golden star crashed on the Lands Between. Everything seems to point to the Crucible being made of gold to begin with even in its most ancient form.
You know Cannon of Haima? It aims like that.
That's where the resemblance stops, because Cannon is actually useful.
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Called this character " Carian Perfumer" but the perfumer mask looks like shit with Carian knight set, pretty happy with how the nox hood looks here
Rellana's blade are a bit disapointing
Patch 1.13
Added new critical strike attack and animation for perfume bottles
While performing a critical strike, you squat over the target and release a puff of gas directly into their face
Bleed infus also conserve a large part of its base physical scaling, while occult shift it to arcane only.
I didn't beat Yozora at Critical level 1 just to be called a shitter.
ah the twin axes are unfortunately the weakest version of the AoW
the startup spin is low and there's no hyper armor compared to the longhaft
and the standalone AoW version can get away with being fitted on something much quicker
Look, I know you're just taking the piss, but this post pisses me off to no extent.
KYS? Nothing hurts more than being born ugly, especially in todays world.
Why straight out lie? There are a few new death sorceries
his two hits into x slash is undodgeable I only beat him because his ai decided not to spam it on that particular run
>be ugly
>play pure AGI
yeah it kinda checks out for me...
It's even worse than you think. The damage is honestly respectable. But the cast time is abysmal and only the follow-up explosion ghostfire deals proper damage and it's really delayed that barely any enemies so that combined with the long cast time it's a fucking miracle if it ever hits anything.
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i larp as an albino carian that doesn't have giant limbs or twin moon sized breasts, but a tall nose instead
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ho ho ho
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I want to kiss Malenia's neck and shoulders.
sorry i might be retarded because i have seen not a single person talk about them or use them and didn't find them myself
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>just ignore the parts that overlap and don't line up and then it fits perfectly
Nanaya's torch is even more egregious
sometimes you're 20 feet away and only a single projectile barely passes you and you get hit 3 times by it and instant madness in 0.1 seconds
sometimes it shoots all around you and doesn't hit at all
but at close range it turbo shotguns and everything hits
aka not a carian
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You remind me of gnomes
Don't do that anon, you'd get rotted
She has thousands of children, you can do better then that.
this thing is carrying my ass so far in the dlc
Do you think Marika would give aggressively sloppy blowjobs, or do you think she's strictly in dommy mommy mode all the time?
Asking for a friend.
The friend is my penis
>Commander Nial
I hate this boss so much it's unreal.Anyone up for helping me coop him, it's much more fun than using a spirit ash
PC, password erg, Church of the eclipse grace
Sometimes the problem is that you never know until it's too late
I saw a 3 man squad with a mage in the back, swapped to swift slash and dove the mage... and he died in 1 hit.
I swapped off and gave the other 2 a real fight but man it's hard to shift gears when you're coming off some adderall junky in bullgoats twitching 500 times per second or an aoe gank in patches cave
bro is santamaxxing
Bro you know it says in the game that the shadow realm is in the center of the lands between, right? It's not a theory
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>one of the best weapons in the game is still one of the best weapons in the game
You don't get the spells the necromancer use. You get two new putrescence/Ghostflame spells. They're very strong but... man it's a DEEP bluebell I can get those slow white glintstone shards to catacombs necros use.
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Fuck you BITCH. I fucking love these guys.
Captcha : XD ONIONS
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cheesed him. fuck you. don't care. dreadfully designed boss.
The tower of supression is supposed to be right in the middle of the land between, i.e the Divine Towers.

If you do that the Shadow Keep would be in the hole east of Leyndell, the hinterland would be at the base of the mountain of giants and the ruins of Rauh would sit right above the forestfolk ruins.
Total cockslut, she'd literally suck you off to completion even when you don't feel like it if she was in a particularly "bad" period.
Imagine being not horny whatsoever, and she just sucks you off, all flacid, to the point where the vacuum around your cock starts pooling blood into it and you get erect against your will.
Did that answer your question?
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Sword of night and flame or the Rellana's dual sword, wich one is the best for a sage build?
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best dlc pokemon?

edgy tweens?
healbot glover?
do you have fucking shabiris on
>the Divine Towers.
Not true
>Let's discuss what the whore would do
Boring. Bring up an actual character.
They had a perfectly good dual axe moveset sitting right there in Dark Souls 3, and instead of just reusing that (which they did for so many other weapons) they decide to make the most dogshit animations imaginable while shit like paired straight swords, curved swords and katanas get fucking amazing movesets.
jolan & anna
bigmouth imp
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This DLC has soured my thoughts on Elden ring
Need a name for a priest/paladin character (still haven' decided if I'll go pure FTH, or STR/FTH).
I need something fitting in with the world, I probably will summon and be summonned a lot.
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Miquella... THE FOOL!
I-is it okay for a man to wear the Noble's Travelling Garb???
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I'm tempted to using, my current INT set up is Cold Backhand blade and a fire perfume in the other hand, but I'd like to have a two handed, bigger weapon, hesitating between your pic or the Moonlight greatsword. What's so good about it?
not seeing any sign
Then were is the ''center'' if it is not based on the Divine Towers? Any other point would be subjective.
SoNaF if you want a strong build
Twinblades if you wanna look cool and do some RP
The Twinblades are one of the coolest new weapons, but sadly they're worthless fucking meme tier
how about now
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Huh? What?
I seek bosses
Summon me
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I get it now, thanks bros!
Miquella... the SILLY!
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>almost as fast as Comet
Well, it's... something, right, FAI bros?
No, you're right
everyone is saying marika banged some random person to give birth to messmer and melina but what if she just had red hair before she made radagon? messmer and melina could be godfrey's kids too
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Miquella THE STINKY!!!
Is there a mod that makes the camera no complete dogshit?
I have a full caster build 70 FAI/80INT and I do more damage and faster with carian slicer than those weapons, they are very cool but they suck balls so much that they might get a buff.
It does a bajillion damage and it looks cool
Really wish we had a longer beard option; iirc Bloodborne had one that at least went past the collarbone.
Is the generic version of this ash that you can pick up in the dlc as good as this one?
>What's so good about it?
it deals magic damage AND physical , my char is a strong retard and im doing consistent ground flame damage
>parts that overlap
The thing is, the parts that overlap fit like puzzle pieces.
>he wants more pew pew colored projectiles
let me summon skeletons you cowards.
twin axes in ds3 were so good... bro why you remind me
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Most rapeable From Soft girl
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Can't wait for the DLC to see this for myself.
that would be the Tarnished
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The dual axe moveset was unironically too good and they realized that after buffing the winged knight axes. The L1 just being a no frills fast swipe with both axes meant you could just whiffpunish anything for a bajillion damage.
It was one dimensional but really strong.
I personally believe that Marikas children are divested parts of her, not unlike how Miquella shed his own parts on his way to godhood.

But being cursed she couldnt give birth to healty child: Messmer had a snake problem, Melina spontaneously combusted, Radahn, had gigantism and lost his legs (like albinauric), Ranni also had a foot problem, Rykard was the ultimate coomer, Morgot and Margit had horns etc.
sidegrade to giantsflame take thee
about the same damage, price, cast speed

more charged damage and direct flight path and better damage type and isn't dodged by enemie
but giantsflame hits an aoe instead of one target or splitting up its damage or missing entirely, and knocks down
>Metyr lands on the Lands between -> Golden Star lands on the Lands Between, Elden Ring comes to be -> Elden Ring becomes gold Crucible and births life -> Hornsent civ rises and creates their Spiral Tower around/on the Crucible trying to harness it -> Marika takes Elden Ring from Spiral Tower's Gate of Divinity -> Turns Crucible into the Erdtree and becomes wielder of the Elden Ring.
I think this timeline makes sense.
Lightning builds and Gravity builds probably ate the best in the dlc. They got a lot of cool shit
>Morgot and Margit
Bro, you might wanna sit down for what I'm about to tell you...
thanks a lot Mildred, piece of shit bossfight
u are gimping yourself if you arent running dragoncrest greatshield talisman, it's like a full set of light armor worth of negation
So we all agree that Radahn's first phase is perfectly fine except for the double swipe and the second phase is the most dismal shit FS's ever put out, correct?

You didn't beat the game.
I still hold the crucible already being here, independent of the elden ring.
It did. Thank you.
The trick is to spam SoNaF weapon art. It's just a short Comet Azure with less cast time and mana cost. I've yet to find a spell stronger than it.
>throwing daggers in pvp
ngl this feels like cancer. It's like lightroll shortbow kiting except with unlimited ammo. The range is obviously bad but it's just enough to comfortably outrange every real weapon which means it's enough to comfortably kite like a cancerous piece of shit.
No.. dont tell me...
>, can we all agree
No. No we can't.
>cast speed
What it has over giantsflame is the travel distance. Giantsflame cannot punish heals. This can.
I've beaten him fair and square, so now I can pretend that it was 100% fair and everyone who lost to him is just a shitter
yea that guy was practically built for co-op lol, no prob
>go back to to basegame (to make a new char for a new DLC playthru) after suffering thru the DLC for 4 days
>parrying stuff I never parried before left and right, fucking molest every boss left and right
Holy fucking shit, exact same shit with Bloodborne and its DLC too... I'm getting nostalgic
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me rn fr
>Radahn, had gigantism and lost his legs (like albinauric), Ranni also had a foot problem
The fuck are you talking about, Radahn's feet obviously rotted away because of rot while Ranni's corpse is burned to a crisp and is lacking a lot more than just her feet
>fair and square
What build did you use?
Anon, I'm just saying. These kids aint right.
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Unironically what were they thinking?
I mean giantsflame is one of the longest range spells in the entire game, it just moves too slowly in the air to hit anyone in pvp but in pve its basically an air strike you can call in
giantsflame has a significantly further range than knights lightning spear, but not in a way relevant for pvp
well I mean other than sniping unsuspecting people like you would with jar cannon
What the fuck were they thinking with Rain of Fire
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>The L1 just being a no frills fast swipe with both axes meant you could just whiffpunish anything for a bajillion damage
Well that's all the more reason to bring it back to a game where nearly anything can do a bajillion damage on a whiff punish even with an unoptimised build. The twinaxes weren't OP, they were just ahead of the curve.
>they're worthless fucking meme tier
Damn...what about staffs then, did thet add a staf that scales with both stats like the death one?
Snoaf is so cool though, even its name sounds like the name of a song
Greatshield + Rolling Sparks
I’m an RP fag so give me a reasonable justification/reasons for ng+.
quality build, two-handing a quality cleanrot knight sword
Assassin/Thief builds probably got the most cool shit to play with. Perfumes, throwing weapons, and a ton of really strong crafting items.
they are moving in slomo compared to dlc
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FINALLY got myself a crescent axe. Now I can properly start my Lightnign Axe STR/FTH build.
Will be using the death knight's axe in the DLC, but for now, this will have to do.
I love this goddamn moveset, this a build with it quite some time ago.
This is the best spot where I could farm it, just above the liftside chamber site of grace. if you do it right, you can run past the shitbird and get it caught at the stairs because it's dumb. At least I have found enough smithing stones to get it to +3
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How do I get here?
It was a fun section. Giving us a Marika's cross after clearly the first one and then a grace right after clearly the other two made it pretty smooth. Actually good anti-frustration implementations.
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Not lacking that fucking DUMPTRUCK tho holy HELL Ranni!
sekrit cave by that lake on the bottom right
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Reminder that offhand perfumes are super fucking good
They did. It let's you cast both miracles and sorceries, but you're trading in worse scaling for the convenience. For exploring it's amazing, but for bosses you kinda need to switch.
Obviously had strong legs in life.
>It was a fun section
no it wasn't
it was shit and you are shit
Oh, never mind, I've already been there. I just forgot.
bro, its a 5min long minigame
you can even use bows to distract the fuckers if you wanna speed things up
What about the new gold crucible descriptions?
>The divine bird warriors, and indeed this technique, are said to bear resemblance to the golden Crucible.
>Weapon forged of primordial gold, marked by its reddish hue and inhabited by ancient holiness. A torrent of life is engraved upon the striking face.
I'm not sure we can say there was any time where the Crucible was separated from gold. Although there is no way to tell.
how viable is taking a dex weapon and infusing it with heavy to use on a STR build in elden ring? is it bad like in ds3?
I never reply to posts like this, because they're all so generic looking, tryhard, or overly meme-y.
Chad shit, actually inspired, shame the plume is kinda unfitting but still
>Hear elden ring is good
>Try it
>It's bad
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functional and comfy
>kill phantom
>for the 30 seconds when their connection to the host is being terminated, the host turbolags and becomes invincible
I miss dark souls 2.
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Miquella is perfect.
I hope they buff radahn against the greatshield poke faggots because my summon sessions are exceptionally boring right now with every cunt using the same comatose "build"
gottem lol
A heavy infused uchigatana is almost just as good as a keen, but with less stats invested because of the 2handed STR bonus
So as long as you 2hand whatever, which you honestly should be doing regardless, you're good.
ey ese
pata r cool
cirques r cool
blood guy's bow is cool
godskin stitcher repeating thrust
>death knight longhaft
you have a ways to go, but it'll not disappoint
good luck anon
Why won't miquella just be friends with the tarnished? This seems like a silly fight to have. He can have Radahn, and I can have Trina and Ranni. Everybody's happy.
don't make me pull out the copypasta
the greatshield builds will go away after they nerf him, don't worry
Sometimes I wonder if playing the game in my autistic way with an underpowered build and refusing to use the vast majority of the game's mechanics isn't the right thing to do, and then I fight a boss that I'm mildly overleveled for, blow through it while largely ignoring its attacks and realize that this game isn't very fun at all unless you're limiting yourself.
Sword of Night is actually amazing
Its peak katana-faggotry, just embrace it and enjoy
Yeah I wish there was another option for that kind of look, but I'll take what I can get.
Depends on the weapon. Like in dark souls 3, most 'meta' dex weapons are actually optimal on a str build because the 2H bonus outpaces the efficiency lost on the suboptimal infusion, and most actual dex weapons are niche shit.
Did I beat Radahn if I resorted to parry+riposte as my primary source of damage on my level 40 +4/+10 invasion build?
>oye cabron
>I'm looking for Dracula ese
Milady when they fix the bugs on its poise/damage.
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Why is he so beautiful, Miquellabros?
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The in-game reason is the tarnished's goal is to become Elden Lord, which you can't do under Miquella since he's already decided Radahn would be his lord.
The real reason is FROM didn't want a new DLC ending.
why are gaius and radahn invincible on some of their attacks
I think that's down to the inherent holiness of gold in the setting, such that both the crucible and the elden ring are golden.
Alternatively, the elden ring is golden (a brighter and purer form) because it takes and co-opts from the crucible. Marika become a god through the crucible/gate of divinity, and then that began the age of gold and the golden elden ring we see.
So are you
>level 40
>probably played with both eyes open
he doesn't need nerfed you just need to git gud
and the greatshields need nerfed so that turbofaggots that got filtered can't sit there all day and mash attack with their literal room temp IQ
its the same contempt I had when malenia was nothing but bleed/frost katanafags
i wish boss invasion glitch was a thing in this game so i could punish these faggots
madness is in an extremely strong state right now for various reasons.

nta but I just got through that area, it most certainly isn't 5 minutes. You walk for quite awhile. And parrying them all to death takes seconds once you learn the timing. Its kind of too big for an area in which you can't use your horse. I hope there aren't more than two cookbooks because I don't know if I can stomach a retread.

They weren't
the whole miquella and radahn thing just kinda took a fat dump on the lore
Don't forget the Bone Bow. it was really useful for cheesing the shitty aoe ancient dragon. The skill only uses like 3 mp so if you use it with the new mana dew talisman you never run out of shots.
because they're shit
The secret is that bosses are fun as long as you don't kill them quickly. Because even if their damage is low, as long as you take a while to end them you must engage with enough of their moveset to outlast them.
High survivability low damage has always been the best way to enjoy souls games.
>yeah that uhhhh that gringo dracula fuckin... sucked my hoe dry, ese.
>Found her shriveled up like a dry tortilla, man.
Is it possible to dodge all of radahn phase 2 attacks perfectly?
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A headcanon RP thing I like to do when I do a "good" run, is that at the end, before ascending, the tarnished sends Boc to find Nepheli with the arsenal talisman. She protects the downtrodden and Keneth promotes working with the demi-humans. ALso, Nepheli will need a tailer after wearing rags for so long
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Ugly, bad, STINKY!
nah the boss has objectively shit design
I can adapt to a plane's autopilot trying to force me into a nosedive and it'll probably be a challenging fight but that doesn't mean the autopilot isn't badly designed
Well actually I kinda forgot that the dragons were the first civilization to brandish the Elden Ring/Gold (probably the first lifeforms too) so the whole thing has to be rethought. Dragons had to have fallen and lost their god before the Hornsent civ rose, and then came Marika.
>fit like puzzle pieces
>just completely crushes already existing landmasses and acts as if they don't exist
Yeah it fits like puzzle pieces if you're the type who uses scissors when doing a jigsaw
nah bro, those no-hit runs never happened
nah youre objectively a shit player
i look forward to your delicious tears when your shitter crutch gets ripped away from you and I will kick you while you are down you sad cripple
only if the craters agree with your roll
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>remember making a Carian knight lookalike 2 years ago, the same as the one you fight before Rennala and just invading the academy 2 years ago
>check his inventory in chest
Seems like I actually spent quite a bit of time on him. Almost feel bad about deciding to leveling him to the DLC
Seems like people don't like the lion dancer fight, how come? I thought it was pretty fun and the music made it very intense and dramatic. Lockon fags need to L2FreeAim
Sort of. There's a handful of no-hits but they make it through seeing at most maybe 2 entire crosses.
Bone bow is so fucking good, made me want to do a bow only run again.
Can I have some
me see boss me roll back SHIT FUCKING CAMERA
Anyone got that picture of Liurnia of the Lakes but it's a fantasy book cover?
>rune arc'd grace duelist hiding in a tiny room with his poiseblob clownsuit spamming fire knight GS R1s to abuse the truecombo
Faggots really rushed through this 40 dollar dlc with their mimic so they could jam the most OP thing and farm pvp. fucking wild
Miquella bulge...
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>Objective flaws in Radahn's design
1. Radahn's afterimage attacks have no hurtbox and he can do these grounded so some punishes to attacks get "eaten" by his after image strikes turning off his hurtbox frame 0 as he charges them.
2. Radahn's love of long anime combos can lead to periods of 20 or more seconds where he is only vulnerable for a tiny amount of time, removing interactivity and forcing you to play a damage avoidance minigame where the dilemma on where to push aggression is completely ignored
3.The boss has no answer to greatshield strats.
4. The boss has numerous one-shot attacks in his arsenal which can kill even with 60 Vig + 20 Skibidi + defensive talismans thanks to multi-hit protections not being properly enabled. His grounded afterimage attack can oneshot you ect.
5. The boss has attacks that are undodgable outside of elevation differences. The 1-2 slash even had challenge runners using Crucible talismans for extra i-frames because to consistently dodge it without extra iframes you need to already be in a certain position when the attack starts.
6. Visual disaster - A combination of Miquella's hair a giant bright white beams and the effect on his afterimages make parsing what goes on in the fight almost impossible.
7. Inconsistent effects - the ground crumble effect used on his stomp and pulling his weapon out of the ground are the same and usually indicate grounded attacks but you can jump the stomp while not being able to do so for the weapon pull.
8. Height jank with the uneven arena is rife which causes unintended interactions and random whiffs
9. Uneven moveset. Some moves can oneshot you and have no hurtbox while others like Miquella's Light, his grab or his tornado gravity gapcloser are easy to avoid and have gigantic punish windows which both encourages AI abuse and makes winning feel overly dependent on 'lucky patterns'. If Radahn spammed the 1-2-cross slash the fight is artificially much harder than one where he spams grabs.
>just completely crushes already existing landmasses and acts as if they don't exist
The Rauh ruins fit into that missing part of the Atlus plateau. Mt Gelmir is overlapped with Caelid but, if it's a slow elevation towards the peak it would explain it (plus there's huge chunks of it missing) and the only other place that outright overlaps is the scaduview area on top of Leydell, which Leydell itself is missing chunks of its southern half.
And all this is just trying to force a perfect 1 to 1. It doesn't need to. the fact it matches close enough is indication of the intent of the devs.
>Bull-goat set looks absolutely retarded
>Verdigris set looks like it has DS2 graphics
>Lionel set makes you look like Boogie2988
Why the fuck is every heavy armor set so damn ugly in this game? I miss Havel…
new INSANE anti-hostcel tech just dropped
reminds me of fighting the tree spirit where you can free aim and stick to its belly 90% of the time... not very engaging
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time to look uniquely badass and invade
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i don't need some retarded femboy on my shoulder if i want to murder gods
I am super disappointed the dlc didn't add new Great Runes
What's your favorite great rune/the best one? I hear people talk about Goddricks vs Radahns a lot
Best smithscript weapon?
>there's a knock on your door
>holy shit it's the one and only Miyazaki
>the Dark souls and Elden Ring guy
>he grabs you by the shoulders
>"anon, I need you for my new project"
>he whisks you away to his basement
>"look anon. it's dark souls the fighting game with Elden Ring dlc"
>"who should we have on our roster"

your answer?
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10. His grab gives you so much free time that it's arguably better to trade and get hit by it in a lot of cases as Radahn just stands there post grab and you get a full stamina refill. You should NEVER want to get hit by an attack.
11. Getting into Phase 2 with a crit doesn't teleport you to Radahn which breaks the intended flow of the fight.
12. Boss is very easy to parry cheese or Deflectcheese. The final boss shouldn't be so weak to defensive strategies, he shouldn't completely crumble the moment the player steps outside of rolling.
13. Some defensive strategies are framerate dependent, on a fight that directly attacks your FPS. Running away post gravity suck is perfect if you get a solid framerate but any dips and you die instantly.
14. Poor performance on a lot of his moves in general.
15. Very poor looking animations on a lot of his moves, specifically the spinning gravity gapcloser and Miquella's T-pose
16. Unlike good fights (Gael) Radahn has very few audio cues to denote specific combos, which would have been a great way to make up for the visual mess.
17. Not a consistent direction for Radahn's dive which is a fucking terrible way to implement an attack that kills you if it hits.
Please don't post something this reddit. I get second-hand embarrassment every time I'm reminded of this grotesque meme.
This guy is unironically cheating just to beat terrible PVE host shitters.
Wow! He's so cool, he beats bosses with nothing but the skin on his back, a bucket on his head, and two of the most overpowered powerful weapons comboed together in the game! How ever does he do it?
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I have never used a great rune
What they did with radahn is completely inexcusable and indefensible and they should be widely criticized for it. This boss is not hard, it's absurd. It makes no sense.
Giving that weapon higher poise damage will turn it into a complete nightmare
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Dis is a cewtified Weddit moment
wtf is a great rune?
probably the shield, then claws of night if you count them, then the hammer, then everything else (all trash)
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Secret unlockable character
another image for the filter
>stumble upon darkness dungeon by accident
>leads to an entirely new area
This is the most astroturfed meme of all time. You will never convince me it was organic and not set-up by Bandai Namco for a publicity stunt.
oh boy you're in for it now
You think it's meant to have less poise damage than a rapier?
Godrick at lower levels, Morgott's at higher levels.
>create really pretty looking fashion
>invade someone
>people can't see it because of the red glow
It's like a thing you unlock by beating the demigods, you can use a rune arc to gain unique abilities from them once you unlock their power by going to a divine tower. The ones in thw base game are fairly boring, 1/3 of them are just stat buffs so like I was hoping for unique DLC ones
Bosses that just flail around all worm-like are shitty - like the other anon said, similar to tree spirits in that respect.
From needs to understand that it's camera and lockon systems make certain fights just awful and needs to either improve the camera/lockon, or change the fights.
>my cope for being such an objective shitter
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reminder to T-Pose on that crybaby corhyn
Yes. Look at the fucking crouch R1 into R1. Now imagine it with higher poise damage.
concession accepted
do all smithscript weapons kinda suck? Even with smith + axe talisman the throw damage is rather pathetic
i refuse to believe that normalfags dont have an in depth knowledge of dark souls metagame and challenge run communities therefore i get angry at them thinking naked guy with a jar on his head soloing bosses is funny
>No counterarguments
Hammer has massive range with no dropoff but is slow and awkward to use
Axe is the best all around
Shield is broken but just as an L2 spam stick
Claws of Night are good and better than the daggers at doing what the daggers do
The rest are unusable and not worth mentioning.
I have a dagger infused with that stealth ash of war I'm fine

in b4 >you didnt beat the game
you guys told me about it in a previous thread for a different dungeon
very good anon now you're playing elden ring
Godrick’s until you reach the soft caps for the stars you care about and then use Radahn’s until you get to the DLC then switch to Morgott’s. NG+ and beyond stick to Morgott’s.
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From a purely lore perspective, what does this come across as when thinking about FROM's stylings of showcasing lore?
Nice cope bro, you got btfo
They have wack scaling when you infuse them with Fire or flame art, I forgot which one. Pretty strong.
The Axe specifically can be buffed with the jumping attack talisman to do jumping R2's which throw the axe. They're pretty decent weapons and fun.
I didn't know you could turn the settings down so low that it just removed all the lighting and shadows.
hello shitters
nobody cares about your worthless opinion
goodbye shitters
A few "Burn O Flame!" casts and he died on my 3rd attempt. Really boring.
What does mohg great rune even do
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Do you think the lackluster weapons from the DLC will be buffed or will the future patches be nerfs exclusively?
I have no idea what you're asking
Like what would the lore implication be of like yoy using that equipment? Like I guess like you being someone who is killing and subsuming the equipment of things outside the Golden Order like the Haligtree defenders to bring them in line/trying to attach their pattern to the erdtree is what I view it as
I have the Rellana Dual Blade, is it the pure sex I think it is or should I call back my Nightflame ex? There's no other option build-wise. It's either Nightflame or Rellana Double Penetration.
Right now results are satisfying, I think I'm lacking in the spell department but it's overall pretty good. Tell me your kinks, I'm curious.
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literally just finished the game, and what the FUCK was that ending? so is it basically

>Radahn pls be my consort
lol no
>OK big sis kill his ass so I can control him when I use Mohg's corpse

why didnt he just use Malenia as consort in the first place?

also why the FUCK was there no effort to the ending? they could've at least given us a Miquella rune to repair the ER with. his ideals actually look pretty good and having me use his rune woujld fix all his issues with the golden order
Greater Will saw you killing the Elden Beast, went "ABSOLUTELY NOT" and rolled time back to when you started out, giving everything a boost to make your journey harder. It just forgot to reset your acquired strength too.
If that kind of naming was good enough for real-life mythological tales like the Dvergatal, it's good enough for modern audiences.
People that cry about bosses that "never stop attacking" are genuinely just bad at the game and lack the ability to identify times when they can punish bosses.
Heals you when spirit ashes kill something and buffs spirit ashes when enemies get bloodless in range of them
>Like what would the lore implication be of like yoy using that equipment?
And thanks for the answer.
I just got the goldmask set, I'm gonna go masturbate and never wear anything else now.
you do get miquella's rune, it's just broken
>pretty strong
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>Don't you dare approach Miquella the Kind
ER is entirely inside a microcosm, you enter another microcosm in ng+
Any DLSS mod that works with multiplayer? If not then I'll have to refund because that ancient FXAA shimmering makes me want to poke my eyes out. Who the hell releases a AAA game with 2010 graphics technology ffs
Most of them suffer rather sever damage dropoff over distance so they only really do good damage at basically melee range. The hammer is the only one with no dropoff.

It's kind of ass because their damage dropoff is so sever that by the time they reach the range of a regular spear R1 they're already doing less damage than a spear R1.
Who is better? St. Trina, or Priscilla from DS1?
You'll still be able to roll out of the second r1 you know. It's not gonna true combo. It's just going to prevent anyone with more than 80 poise from rolling over LGS.
Is there a mod like seamless coop, except it lets me adventure all with my spirit ash bro all the time?
Some of its attacks, particularly its jump R2s are bugged and their damage level (ie ability to flinch pve mobs) is lower than intended. This isn't a pvp thing.
Yeah they suck.
I've been using the axe and the throw is pretty worthless.
Damage drop off is very severe.
The Golden Order, Greater Will, or Marika has some sort of self-repairing thing where it can send some information back to the erdtree roots/through grace to basically try and get itself 'fixed' and so any time the Elden Ring is mended/a lord Sita on the throne, information is sent back to your resurrection and you go through it all again to fix it but better this time, since the order to "stop" the time loop is mever sent since there's no contact with the Greater Will any more.
Basically Outer Wilds
no but that sounds fun
It's also a PvP thing tho, but it does affect PvE heavily too. The full r2 on a 2handed LGS does less poise damage than the r2 on a rapier on players and mobs.
Holy shit we're really going to have to endure ranged sleep meta
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>tfw you reach Malekith and Malenia and immediately start losing interest in the game

I play this game to sit back, relax and bonk some bosses while I drink a few beers. Not to perfectly memorize their every animation frame and moveset
No, but that sounds CUTE!
based truther
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>find the thing for ranni in mimic city
>she gives me a sand clock
>find the tower it's used in
do i explore the tower normally first or just use the clock right away?
you walked into wrong door in ze dungeon
ya know in terms of warfare the furnace golems are insanely effective, how could an army even defeat something like it
>you have a ways to go
He could reach Mohg early by doing Varre's quest; then it's just a case of him being gud enuff to beat Mohg at a low level.
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Do we have an image of Miquella's Great Rune besides his broken rune?
Maliketh isn't actually that big of a deal. He hits hard but is a glass cannon. Just go in with a lot of damage and you can blow him up before he gets a chance to go all anime on your ass.
they all get to double dip with pure int/fath due to magic/flame art double scaling.
I think the biggest boon (for the daggers) is that they have phenomenal jump attack speed and recovery as well as great hit amounts enabling them to benefit from a hell of a lot of offensive talisman setups.

Malekith isn't that bad. You can reaction dodge his attacks, you're overthinking it. Malenia is verified bullshit due to literally 100% of the fight devolving into not being hit by one single move with bullshit tracking that she can use in between non true hit-stun combos.
Clock advances the quest. Normal tower is a dead end with an annoying midboss and some loot.
Only item cheaters can abuse it tho.
they couldn't, they got burned and impaled
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>>people can't see it because of the red glow
i put in the host trick mirror talisman whenever i invade
go somewhere it doesn't fit
built for hardcore ryona correction
Do bows still suck against NPCs?
Pure and radiant...
you're playing the wrong game
You can take the hour glass off the pedestal afterwards to flip the tower back over, but I suppose you may as well explore it normally first.
The glitch should still work so he could always be a cheater.
i have completed my strength chad purist run of the dlc
it is now dex time. everything is on the table to fuck around with and have fun with. what weapons should i look into for dex, possibly with a dip into arcane, faith, or int? i think first on the list is milady and then going from there.
Holy shit those claws are long
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Before the final blow was struck, the Elden Beast tore open a portal in time and flung you into the not-so-distant past, where his evil was still law.
any fun AoW's to use on a dual greatswords str/fai build? I've been using flaming strike
not bad, is that Night Cavalry chestpiece?
yeah man, howl gives a damage buff
I don't know what to tell you anon. I'm landing 2k ranged attacks for free using the axe. If I use basic faith buffs I can bring it way higher.
Cavalry charge where everyone aims at their feet to poise break, then one guy hits the face.
I <3 great spears
Oathseeker chest really needed a cape.
raptor of the mists for FREE jump attacks
Alignment on the throwing dagger attacks is fucked so they will frequently miss stationary targets by just shooting from the wrong angle out of your hand. Seems like some kind of issue with the animation, the point in the motion where they release varies by a few frames so sometimes they fire out from the side. Basically the shotgun WA is the only reliable thing they have.
I have 2m runes from running around exploring and I dont know what to do with them. I dont really feel like leveling and I have tons of upgrade mats.
thats everyone on both platforms
You get the caped version from Leda.
Nah, this game is easy if you want it to be.
Malenia isn't even required to win.
699 boiled crabs of course
yea its basically like using a straight sword, plus the heavies are thrown anyway so you usually have no trouble reaching with hits

yes, shame is that almost everyone who's trying to be edgy is using it
That angle requires your character to be facing nearly completely turned around from the enemy. The throws are mostly consistent and the jump attack is the longest range jump attack out of all the thrown weapons.

If they're just being used for the weapon are the claws of night has that exact same art on higher damage. With the only tradeoff (when being used as a throwing weapon) being that their regular R2's, running, and jumping throws are significantly slower.
>Fire Perfume
>Lightning Milady
>Sword of Night
>Claws of Night
>Ansbach's Bow
>Obsidian Lamina
>Main Gauche
Those are probably the best dex weapons in the DLC.
looking good anon, how do you take full body screenshot with a backdrop like that? Character creation respec or the mirror in Roundtable?
Post you are mid roll his cross cut attack
I know, I've beaten them both before, and I always play no summons melee only. This is just the point in the game where it turns from casual fun to tryhard bullshit memory game. I'm tryhard enough to limit my options but not tryhard enough to actually enjoy these bosses
Not that kind of cape
>A Great Rune relinquished by Miquella. Broken and bereft of its bounty, it retains naught but the power to resist charms. Miquella set off for the tower enshrouded by shadow, abandoning everything—his golden flesh, his blinding strength, even his fate. All in an effort to bury the original sin. To embrace the whole of it, and be reborn as a new god.

its one of the views in status
buy 999 turtle neck meat
Was Romina meant to be some "calm before the storm" kind of boss? Cause holy shit she was weak as fuck. And I was fighting her with 11 scooby snacks.
>Every boss gets easier as you level
>Except for Maliketh because he does percent damage
Amazing boss design, really. Elden Ring truly is a 10/10 masterpiece ludokino, right guys?
>Samurai Tarnished all the way from the Land of Reeds follows the Elden Beast to the Lands Between.
Fund it
Seems to me you failed to properly address his points.
He's right to remind people so they stop pretending it's "fair" now that they've beaten it.
t. Leda
>abandons his love yet promises an age of compassion
>That angle requires your character to be facing nearly completely turned around from the enemy
No it happens pretty regularly just using the weapon. Sometimes it spawns from your hand firing at an angle and totally whiffs the target. Sometimes it flies straight but spawns to the side, up or down and so isn't aligned with the target and flies past them. It's very buggy.
I've been enjoying Backhand blades a lot on my dex/int character, infused them with frost and I have a fire perfume in my offhand to cancel the frost effect and reapply it quickly after that
the dlc can't tune for skibidi
Yeah but then it looks too baggy. I sorta get his complaint. I like how it looks much more form-fitting than the Knight armor, but I don't like how it also covers up all the waist cloth for instance, and how that cloth doesn't have a regal design like the rest of the armor. If it were just a little bit more like Knight set under the waist or maybe you could take off some of the cloth from Leda's it would perfect.
and how is that an issue?
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I spent fucking forever trying to find Prospect Town.
In my mind, there was a slight nagging to start digging around from Belurat, but the map layout made me think twice.
Feel like a complete shitter for looking that up, but hey: new Formless Mother story content.
Maliketh is honest.
>Long ago in the Lands Between, I, Elden Beast, the shapeshifting master of gold, unleashed an unspeakable order. But, a foolish samurai tarnished wielding a magic sword stepped forth to opposed me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the future where my evil is law. Now, the fool seeks to return to the past and undo the future that is the Golden Order.
>Bro why is it an issue that levels don’t matter in an ARPG?
I bet you defend the scuba tree system too.
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why yes i duplicate all boss souls, pop them and use the runes to level up, how could you tell?
the issue with Romina and with most bosses in the game is that stance damage is conceptually broken
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Alright guys, Ukraine is saved, time to stop sending those aid packages.
It wouldn't be good for him to play favorites
host trick mirror is the one that makes you look like a goldie
the furled finger trick-mirror is what you're using to look like a host
wack usually means something is really bad, like trash
Issues with Romina is that the boss made no sense and didn't need to be there when it could have been literally anything else that would have made more sense.
genuinely feel like FROM is understaffed for open world games or don't really know how to utilize them. TOTK was basically onboarding for junior game designers on staff, plenty of scrubs were assigned something like a cave and more senior members did shrines or even environmental puzzles in the regions. Obviously the quality varied but TOTK always felt like there was something to find since they had an army of guys designing mini dungeons. FROM doesn't have that and I'm really feeling it with how empty some areas are in the DLC.
it was a really funny 90 second joke that got dragged out. i treat souls games as screwball comedies and think of one shot attacks that only work on the player once as big punchlines.
Do you mean the fact that you can stunlock her because her stance thresholds are too low?
You can do the same to Putrescent Knight. Strength builds really do play this game on easymode
Hmmm. Sounds like an issue of skill on your part.
You and me both. I was dead set on it having to be accessible through the place where you fight the demihuman queen. When I finally got there and realized the areas didn’t connect properly I just looked it up.
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I recently asked why Royal K***ht's GS didn't do any damage and two fuckheads said that Quality always sucked even at level 200.
I was curious and did the testing, screenshotting the results. It is worth pointing out, putting more than minimum DEX into a heavy infused GS doesn't change anything and would be better spent elsewhere. (I did so anyways to keep things simple.)

Needless to say at 130 levels spent in offensive stats quality wins.
Yeah, yeah, no one cares, I know but I wanted concrete proof and here it is, for anyone who enjoys a sword that doesn't make you look like a moron and actually doesn't give a shit about any online ranges.

If anyone knows how to increase damage for this specific weapon aside from further leveling I'd be interested to know. For anyone else: Get back to arguing about busted online hitboxes and lag.
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Anyone else be disappointed by this guy (I guess by extension the whole Abyssal Woods)? I was expecting something spooky to jump scare me, instead what I got where some shambling dudes I just jogged past with my crepus vial, found the mansion, jogged through that while listening to him scream a few times, then Eifel Towered him with my mimic. Kinda seems like a let down especially when he was featured in the trailer.
why lightning milady?
Land Squirt's underside looking real fuckable right now
He didn’t tell Radahn to calm the fuck down and try to talk things out with me like a civilized person would. Where was the compassion when Radahn was trying to crush my skull like a grape? I’m not an ingrate anon, I’m a man who keeps getting attacked for existing.
you should have been 40-60 vig like 40% of the game ago bwo all the levels since then have just been into damage or stamina/fp.
NTA but they shitted up the entire previous thread with their mumbling
>Has no argument
>Must resort to calling me bad
Kys fromdrone.
They do matter. Do you cry about poison and rot, because they're % based as well? What about deathblight?
Who did? The people still defending Radahn.
all the bosses in the dlc have 120 poise except romina who has 80. the difference is how lengthy their attack chains are so they get to regen more poise
Yeah I think at the end of the day Elden ring is just not a well designed game and you have to force yourself to not accidentally cheese it because too many good strategies just make the game non-functional.
It's a real pain in the ass to try a strength build, find out powerstancing shits on dual wielding because of softcaps, and then figure out that powerstancing big weapons completely destroys any and all boss design.
>being this mad one boss ignores one stat
Most good ARPGs have some switch ups here and there to not make you solely rely on one thing throughout the entire game.
More like Nioh Thanks.
can you compare the skill damage on a quality skill like giant hunt?
Colossal hammer bros what big boy hammer should I use with a shield? I want to guard counter with some big fucking hammers
Exactly the same thing happened to me. Had a whole paragraph typed up about it, but didn't want to come across as an autistic sperg about it. From checking the interactive map on Fextra, I now know about the Church of Benediction, which was next on my list.
Spoiled myself on two semi-hidden areas because i r retard.
>120 poise
is the best non-cheese strategy for Radahn to just equip defensive talismans and jump heavy him until he gives up and use the recovery post crit to heal
Some of them must have Malenia's poisebug because I can summon my mimick and charged R2 Bayle's ass all fight and only get 1 stagger every dozen hits but Putrescent and Romina both stagger after 2 charged R2s, always.
Does that imply that bloodflame is the remnants of the fire of Messmer that killed this ancestor god? Does that also mean the formless mother is the dead form of a goddess the hornsent worshipped?
Levels don’t matter for Maliketh or the DLC. Maliketh’s difficulty never changes. I’m on NG+ and he’s the only boss I’ve died to more than once because my armor and stats don’t matter.
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They really, seriously need to add in an autodelete filter option for loot you pick up. Why can you even pick up duplicate spirit ashes, what kind of apes made this game
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Marika's tits you must be ungry
>respec some int/fth for the smithcript weapons
>they're all ass and just worse than using a normal weapon
>jump heavy spam
To be fair he is a bit weak if you play honest as well. Should have had like twice the HP.
Are you level 300 with maxed out scadutree or something?
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raptor is fun fun fun probably better with power stanced jumping attacks
he does too much damage in phase 2, you still will need to roll a lot
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Decided to make St Trina's sword for my Miquella cosplay. Should I make a Dryleaf seal as well given he uses incantations?
couldn't you just have checked them out with that int/fth hood before respeccing
Why are there so many posts like this all over the internet? Steam, Fextra, r*ddit, even here on fucking 4chan:
>"this was actually pretty easy for me, only took me a few tries after I summoned"
Where is the self-awareness?
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anyone know where to find big rock turtles with bells that can copy big boy souls?
i only know of the one in south limgrave and magic lake
if you swap your build to be effective on a boss in elden ring the community says you cheesed it
i wanna eld but im de-pressed
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>Ansbach's Bow
>they returned the Fan Shot from DS3, except it doesn't suck ass
He has over 50k hp, same as Bayle. Only Radahn has more.
Post build
So everyone in a weeks time?
i wouldn't admit under torture i needed mimic tear to perform elder abuse
there is absolutely no reason why i shouldn't be able to use halberds the same way you can with spears while using a shield this is BULLSHIT
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nice I’ll check it out
nah I did it with colossals, you need to roll a bit but you can l1 through a ton of his stuff
I haven't had fun with any of the bosses in the entire DLC.
overhead's R2 rapid bonk is so fucking funny against low poise bosses
>how to increase damage for this specific weapon aside from further leveling
drop 60 levels of vig and put them into faith for lightning weapon
Drinking this death juice so many times is just stupid
I like the fanart trend of Ranni's spirit face betraying her true feelings.
I really underestimated how much of a difference elements and damage types make.
Stacked Order's Blade with the Rotten Winged Sword Insignia and Backhand Blades absolutely melted the Ghostflame Dragons.
Always hated Farum Azula's elite enemies, because they were essentially mini-bosses, but I think I've just been playing the fucking game wrong.
In Dark Souls, sacred weapons were kind of a novelty, with few use-cases that didn't ever seem much better than just sticking with your standard weapon.
Ultimately I can't really blame them, I blame Miyazaki
Can I get this ash of war or is it unique to the bow?
why the fuck did he have to relinquish everything even? at the very least he could've left the "love" aspect - the ghost was right saying that it was a mortal mistake to leave it
Only if you respec into Fingerprint
bow only run made me really appreciate elemental weakness because it affects your arrow selection so much.
undead enemies in general will melt to holy dmg
you're gonna roll whether you like it or not boy
>need to drink 4+ total times to fully finish the shitty quest
>put the grace in the middle of the boss arena a room away
You spend something like 5 minutes of your life doing the entire thing and there's no reason it should be that way.
I want marika to suck my dick so hard it turns me inside out. I think that's what actually happened to the people inside the jars.
Unique to Ansbach's Longbow. Hope you have a dex build.
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it's cute
>Don't use strong AoW
>Don't summon
>Don't status
>Don't use status spells
>Don't greatshield
>Don't use physicks
>Don't stance break

you people are weird
Godfrey, its your 5 minute break from breeding Marika, please actually rest you need to kill giants later.
I wonder if you wore Shibori's Woe could you keep aggro long enough for the imp to just obliterate whatever you'r e fighting.
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Just beat bayle at skibidi lvl 4. Ironically because he's the best designed dragon boss in elden he was also not very hard, unfortunately. Or maybe he would have been much harder without Igon, idk
you don't understand, this is Kojima levels of kino that is just too esoteric for you
You used Mimic Tear and Moonveil
Way better that sitting on a chair 50 times to get a lewd picture of Rebecca in Resident Evil
nah I used DMGS
that helmet has no right to look that good
Haven't played since 2022, have they added the ability to disable CA yet or do you still need to mod it?
Probably not on the former:
>Sacred incantation of Mohg, Lord of Blood.
>Thrust arm into the body of the Formless Mother, then scatter the bloodflame to set the area ablaze.
>The mother of truth craves wounds. When Mohg stood before her, deep underground, his accursed blood erupted with fire, and besotted with the defilement that he was born into.
Seems like the Bloodflame is a Mohg innovation. Shame, that would have been a really cool link.
Genuinely how do you counter dueling shields in PvP?
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And Mimic Tear
I dunno I just used that talisman that made you silent and ran past them.
Oh, you want to know my DLC waifu?
Leda? crazy bitch.
Trina? pillow queen.
Rakshasa? I'm not interested in some court jester/whore
Miquella? No thanks, I don't like girls.
For me?
It's the Solitude armor set
The impaling thrust and the better impaling thrust ashes hit full damage through shields
maybe on NG
What happens if I assist Ansbach and Hornsent against Leda?
Is it possible for her to die before the battle royale?
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I get a chuckle everytime I see this sperg posting his gripes with the final boss fight meanwhile his videos feature him powerstancing bleed chicken legs and failing to dodge at least half of what the boss presents.
He clearly didn't get rid of his love if he was hugging and caressing Radahn during his fight.
How’s gravity thrust against bosses?
>Sometimes my jumping attack hits twice

Why does this happen? Wish I could get it consistent.
it's 6 times
>can't actually counter the points
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>tfw you realize elden ring is literally real life occulted lore
shit does like 6k damage or something its broken
Guess that would technically answer the question. I am obviously not going to since dying in 2-3 hits is bad enough for me and I wanted to play magic free.
Might do later. Not sure if the results will be worth it though.
>messing around with ce to set up new character for dlc
>Go to dlc and picksome stuff up around gravesite plain
>Suddenly unable to drink flask or add charges or increase flask strength or even allocate flasks
>Attempt to do so says no flask of crimson tears found
>Adding in flasks doesn't fix it
Is there a way to unbrick or do I just restart
>Fan shit
>Any one of those arrows hitting does more damage than the shotgun crossbow
That's just the bow? No other buffs?
>you can buff the shield throw art and do stupid damage with and cheese almost every fight

I wonder if from will address this or not

Well yea but he staggers easily and has a lot of downtime, and doesn’t jump around as much as the other spazzes.
You can whale on him for much more of the fight.
based post ruined at the last line
>beat radahn using holy fingerprint shield and my trusty glintstone icecrag
>worried on subsequent playthroughs with a different build

melee bros how the FUCK did you beat him? phase 2 seems to be no room at all to attack. not to mention i have no clue how to reliably dodge the light projection attacks (not the follow ups to his slices), hence I just blocked them :(
It's bugged so the damage is calculated as if all 8 arrows hit even if only 1 hit
I cant find a weapon I like, its over for me.
You screwed something up somewhere
Reload save and try again
That just says his blood erupted when he stood before the mother, didn't say he deliberately invented it.
>Meteoric Ore GS WA has a bugged hitbox and does fuck all in pvp
I don't really know what I expected desu
>Unironically what were they thinking?
A fuck you enemy that can be killed if you take the risk.
What do you like?
greatshield and poke with antspur rapier
Jump L1 spam with Great Stars
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>melee bros how the FUCK did you beat him?
Like this
>phase 2 seems to be no room at all to attack
There's plenty of room
He still has all of his phase 1 attacks with the exact same openings you just need to also be aware of the light beams that follow them and you get the same opening as phase 1
> i have no clue how to reliably dodge the light projection attacks
They have limited range you can run from them and then dodge the actual Radahn and punish him
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This quest missing any points of no return for NPC quests?
I want to do them all.
twin axes were my favourite in DS3, I played entire Elden ring with godskin stitcher + repeating thrust.

I've tried the martial arts weapons but something felt off, no weight to the hits.
Unfortunately you’re a basic bitch. Best armor set in the game if you don’t want to be a fatty.
It’s like saying Rivers of Blood was you weapon waifu on launch.
It takes practice but he has definite openings and everything is avoidable even if some of the light aids are pretty bullshit. There are already vids up of people no hitting the boss or doing RL1 victories, you can look at those for answers on how to avoid anything.
Thought as much
I suspect those unlock all whetblade and cookbooks commands bricked it
Will restart since quitting out and restarting the game didn't help
Autistically memorizing his attacks so you know which openings you can light attack in, which ones you can strong attack during
is there a tower where i can activate the moon lady great rune?
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>Search for Miquella on Twitter
Had to wait for a year for this but it's finally here...
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1 had Antspur and the other had perfumes, I don't regret it
what the fuck is this tracking
>Best armor set in the game if you don’t want to be a fatty.
at the very end of the game
this is technically a rot kindred build if you think about it
You only just figured out Enir-Ilim is Tower of Babel?
haven't updated for dlc yet please understand

>They have limited range you can run from them

Literally never worked for me. Always get stunlocked
Whats the lore reason for absolutely everything attacking you? In Dark Souls they went Hollow. In Bloodborne the healing blood was turning people into crazed beasts. I dont see an explanation for everyone going crazy in ER.
Sorry, did you die to Midra a few or a lot of times? Should've just used mimic tear, he's your bro. Hey don't blame me, I'm just playing the game as Miyazaki intended.
It’s at the very start of the DLC anon.
No you have the moon rune already, its effect is to respec you if your ask her nicely (and have a Larval Tear).
What do you invade on? PC?
How come I can't get good invaders like you in my world on my fingered runs?
are dryleaf arts, and I guess footwork (what even is the fucking difference) viable?

I understand that "anything is viable" people beat the game with nothing right, but are they serviceable? do good damage? or are they shit like the casting staff/Rapier combo
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freyjas sword looks so good
I altered my MLGS build a bit so I could easily use the carian dueling shield in case I meet a genuine pile of trash in the arena so I can teach them a lesson by bashing the shit out of them with a giant plank of metal.
just abuse his terrible kit balance
run away and he'll go for
1. his light nuke that lets you get several big hits in
2. his purple spinning dive that lets you get several hits in
3. lion claw that lets you get several hits in
4. relatively weak light damage nukes
6. A light afterimage attack
the first 4 are super easy to dodge and punish, you can reaction roll the 5th one and the 6th one is the only one that matters. You can also do things like do your strongest attack and trade with his grab since it's easy to dodge and getting grabbed lets you get 2 giant free hits off.
No they didn't, I used them just fine.
Did you make a new character from scratch and start cheat engining or use an existing save? What exactly did you adjust and what commands scripts did you run
literally just parry
The problem with phase 2 is that those beams cover his openings unless you finish your roll in the one spot they aren't raining down. Finding that position is pure trial and error, especially because the positions you land after a roll will vary based on the bumpy ground and whether or not you get caught on his ankles and dragged/pushed with his collision

You also straight up lose some openings on various attacks without lightroll, because a medium roll can't move far enough to evade the light wall without rolling backwards out of reach to punish.

And on top of that some windows shrink, like the punish window after is downward slam because he's replaced the jumpable ground explosion with a delayed 360 expanding light wall
What some cool FTH weapons? Not Blasphemous sword btw.
are the gargoyle weapons good? What about coded sword? epitath?
What's the reason for every character suddenly dying in ER?
Nice. Now I can play as a proper sage without using Godwyn's rotten stick
>good invaders
he's cheating
I've seen a video of them doing crazy damage, but have no idea how to get them to work. I beat elden beast with them last night and I don't think it's worth it. They're very fun but super weak.
Maybe they'd be good with bleed.
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This feels like a totally wasted and empty zone, unless I missed something there is just the island mausoleum and the fissure which is sealed up. The rest is just collecting graveworts
The only needed counterargument is that the player is bad, actually evidenced every single time in their own post with a complimentary webm.
your leg color don't match your chest color and it's setting off my entry-level autism
did you like it?
Its a mixture of you being tarnished and genuine madness
Stay mad fag
I'm gonna go make your friends cry on seamless coop
Most of them are affiliated with other factions that strive to make their own leader the Elden lord or at the very least oppose your rule. As you have been given the gift of grace you’re pretty much a walking billboard saying you’re trouble.
like pure fth?
There are a few dungeons and field bosses.
Also leads to another huge, empty area.
messmer's spear
greatsword of damnation
coded sword and cipher pata
cruicible knight weapons
honestly there's a lot
Dont forget the Dragon copy pasted from the base game anon. Cant forget the Dragon!
>melee bros how the FUCK did you beat him?
roll, roll, roll, roll, 1-3 pokes depending on the opening and repeat
and got to hug him close to avoid the lasers
but don't worry, he's 100% getting nerfed within the next week or two
What's even the point of drawing miquella porn if you can't see a bulge?
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No. I want some dungeons hidden in there or something
There's the upper area with the hippo and lamenter gaol, and the deathbird. there's the monkey guys on the beach. And there's the path to St. Trina.
So you can't counter any of the points? Interesting that the cope has gone from "Everyone who thinks the boss is bad didn't beat him" to "Okay they DID beat him but they cheated" to "Okay they DID beat him but they got hit".
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What an awful fucking boss, who designed this shit?
wtf how do you get the small version of the lion head?
What weapon would Tarnished Jack use?
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Awesome, just got to pull the model from the game and 3D print to make a quick negative mold. Might try and it make a nice gold instead of the faded bronze/gold like the game. Just want to find his full Rune. If anyone has it would appreciate it, or would his cross design fit better?
I would prefer pure FTH, but I feel like there aren't that many weapons for that (unless I just pick a generic straight sword and infuse), so I might need to reach some base STR or DEX for other weapons.
Was existing character
If it wasn't those idk but I was also messing with changing flags to try respawn NPCs and bosses to fight again and try force quest completion and stuff
I'll just do a new one
Nope, that's Charo's Hidden Grave
Yeah hes pretty cancer
Palm strike is great. I keep the dryleaf arts on a secondary slot to swap for it. Because it has a shitload of hyper armor while dealing a ton of damage and breaking poise. Anytime I knock an enemy down I just swap and charge a palm strike. The rest of the weapon is whatever. Apparently footwork has a more kick based moveset that is better, since it gets buffed by that one kick talisman and that one bird feet armor.
Is the DLC still racist against strength builds and holy damage? I just bought it.
It's not completely empty, but yeah, it really could have used more. Especially the coast itself.
I think the chick you meet before entering the DLC is starting to go insane in usual FROM fashion, she is talking about hunting those who goes agaist miquella or some shit, told her to kill the wormface guy.
i think some guy from from software designed the fight
I have done some thinking and found the solution to the Carian question.

They deserve total breeding. I’ll fix Rennala by breeding her and giving her more children to dote over. Rellana? A simple impregnation will get her mind off some weirdo with snakes in him and make her focus on motherhood. Ranni? Taken to the gates of divinity where I will restore her body and then mate with her, fucking the paranoia out of her. They all deserve this, not one Carian woman is allowed to go unbred.
I don't use shields
Anyone know if blink-bolt also breaks lock-on like miriams vanishing does
the cool thing about skibidis is that it makes it super hard to gauge how good different setups are for summoning because your skibidi score varies from 0 to 15 on any given boss
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yeah maybe
since they attack so fast

you could try the new death knight axes. I think they do better with the physical
stat but I saw a guy doing invader runs that was shredding with them

messmer spear is pretty good or
the new fire knight sword with either of the fire night infusions
also Milady with wing stance can go sacred

give them a whirl
all the respawning enemies with masks in the dlc have them as rare drops
i dont know
What's done is done, now to find whatever the tiny alien in the cave needs to she stops killing be every time I drink her pussy juice.
That motherfucker, again...
>racist against strength builds
Let's not pretend that jump attacking with colossal weapons hasn't always been one of the strongest options that just folds most of the game in half
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I agree with you. Miquella is also the top.
Unfortunately I haven't seem any good ones yet.
now this is an elden ring post
get a fucking grip
They were executed by the hornsent inquisition.
It's the best way to squeeze damage out of Milady I think. Plus it slightly ups the damage of Blinkbolt.
What the fuck was this guy's thought process?
All the other demigods have locked into a statement; so "god" revived you, one of or a descendant of Godfrey or Godfrey's men that were banished from the lands between with new found grace, to return to the lands between and clean up everyone else's mess. It's Basically Dark Souls 3 Ashen One except not everyone is a mindless hollowed zombie and instead of preserving the old world, you becoming Elden Lord means killing all the demigods and reshaping the current order.
You are a threat to everyone else's ascension
I used the great club with the charged R2; an honest playstyle.
remember when people thought those were birds
One of the best bosses
This art predicted Radahn x Miquella
>they still haven't fixed the bugged dragon in farum azula
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alright i did it, i used a mod to give myself the nox armor sets and a bunch of larval tears.
there is no going back now, i'm a cheater
Didnt know you could post people fucking dying on a blue board.
>More people need to be talking about how Cerulean Coast wouldn't be a coast if it was part of Limgrave. This is a massive fuck up way worse than any Miquella and Radahn bullshit.

People need to stop treating as if the shadow realm was in any way part of the light realm. It's clear that it's in another dimension and is even described as a drain of souls, hence all the death bird stuff.
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>solo'd everything on DLC except the Leda fight
i summoned tiche and i feel kinda dirty...the best i did solo was kill kung fu guy buy at that point im out of estus and leda/moore cucked me

i summoned tiche alone and beat it first try after that :(
Abyssal woods seems like such wasted potential. I was really eager to learn more about the origin of the frenzied flame but it just seems the aging untouchables got there and corrupted the land since Midra was a promising lord of frenzy candidate.
Dang, can't get Ansbach's set until you beat the DLC, huh?
And you have to turn on him, the coolest bro in the game, too?
I saw one but Radahn had a vagina. Was very well drawn though
The tower of oppression or whatever clearly states its in the center of the Lands Between
you're supposed to summon the story NPCs for the fight to make it a 3v5 or 3v4
Different factions.
yeah its setting off mine too but i cant really find anything better that is also good defensively
yes and no
>Guess that would technically answer the question
I mean what are you looking for? ways to buff damage without changing your stats / art of war? so just consumables / gear / talismans?
spear talisman can be a big damage increase but it ONLY affects piercing damage which will just be your art of war. and only counter hits. shard of alexander will buff that too.
two handed sword talisman if you 2H it, jellyfish shield active if you 1H it
you could also use one of the exultation talismans with a poison or bleed crossbow in the left hand for a temporary damage buff, if you can proc the status
for consumables uplifting aromatic is a damage buff, exalted flesh too but it will overwrite crab.
What was the plan and what outcome did he expect?
Those probably fucked you up
For example I could not trigger the DLC by setting Radahn and Mohg's flags to dead, I needed to actually kill them. There is probably another flag that needed to be triggered that only happens when you actually fight them. Had to reload a new save because fixing the flags didn't work.
you don't turn on him, you help him and get his set after the final boss, and you also get a blood incantation and a his weapon.
but you can get it earlier by killing him
>Turn on him
No you don't. If you do his quest he helps you in the Radahn fight and dies after giving you his gear. Even if you don't summon him for the fight he does after and gives you the gear as well inside the arena.
>muh points
nobody cares man, we see you play so we dont care about your opinion or want to engage in conversation with you. Everybody just wants you to stop posting your trite opinions.
I don't get why people are hating this guy
He's got no delayed attacks, no concerously long combos, no crazy AOEs. The worst he does is the horse combo.
He's practically the only boss in the DLC you don't even need to memorize, just dodge on reaction and you're fine.

Did he died?
Should I go Quality/Arcane or Quality /Faith? I'm level 200 btw
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>Didnt know you could post people fucking dying on a blue board.
He didn't die, the lucky bastard survived it.
Is there really no way back up from the Coast/Jagged Peak? The waterfall and Pit seem to be oneway trips
Manor servants most likely. Rounded up and raped by inquisition.
>was in any way part of the light realm
>it's in another dimension
also yes
>Not killing Ansbach
He deserves it for being a pozzed bloodshitter, take his shit and move on
Abyssal Woods girls use what's at hand.
Just met Messmer irl
>has 4 attacks total none of which provide even a slight challenge to dodge
>most of the time he runs right past you after an attack and you can't punish him for it
>phase 2 just adds two different flame attacks you jump and aren't a threat
He's just plain and easy. He could have been a DaS boss
Oh thank god, I was sure that much lightning damage would instakill. Mustve had a talisman giving him higher lightning defense.
I accept your concession. You are unable to defend any of the points and give up.
They got their penlights ready for the concert
Oh, thank goodness.
I treat NG+ as the actual playthrough, as its your character fully realized, with the armor, weapons, magic, and skills you envisioned yourself having throughout the entire game. Like my main RP character is a blood dragon mage of eochaid, a Sanguine Noble not unlike Eleonora, hailing from eochaid, who uses arcane powers of dragon communion, briar sorcery, and bloodflame in service of the Mohgwyn Dynasty. Since most of the equipment and spells I use is something you can't really get at the beginning, and more towards the late mid-end game, it fits my RP more to just consider NG+ the actual playthrough.
You reply a lot for someone who doesn't care.
What would the implication be for reviving Godwyn? Considering that you could have gone for the undead ending while already having the undead rune, I think it would be pretty meaningless if the source of undeads got revived, when the whole point of the character is that he is permanently fucked up.
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bro got hit with the rolling spark ohnonononon
No, he's fair and can actually be fought like he's a souls boss. No need to bust out the crazy shit for him.
why are people acting like Leda is a bad guy? She's right all along. She's a Miquella simp and Ansbach wants to kill Miquella. You entered the DLC with the intention of helping Miquella and now you're going up there to kill him? Why WOULDN'T she turn on your ass?
He pulls aggro once or twice and hits Bayle a few times but mechanically he doesn't do much. His big contribution is motivation for the player.
>Did blind playthrough
>Killed the lion, relanna, messmer, the scorpion woman, and am now against radahn
>Tree level 9
>Apparently this is the final boss
Did I cuck myself out of a bunch of questlines killing leda and her bros? I don't even have the full map unlocked
Well, good to know.
He and Moore are the basedest, you an fuck right off.
>People actually made fanart of the fucking statue assuming it was Godwyn
Because I'm the player character?
Because it's a big ass arena and you you can't use Torrent for whatever reason, again....Dude rides around you spamming attacks which makes the tracking go crazy, then he has that silly horse combo where the horse goes out of frame and wombo combos you while the other dude does his spin to win wombo combo
>He's got no delayed attacks,
He has at least 2.
A +25 Uchigatana because a FOOLISH SAMURAI WARRIOR needs no other weapon.
So what are the bloodfiends, are they Hornsent twisted by formless mother worship like the albinaurics at mohg's palace? Or are they just big bat-ogre hybrids?
oh my god shut the fuck up nigger
>The tower of oppression or whatever clearly states its in the center of the Lands Between

I just said that people need to stop treating as if the shadow realm is in any way part of the light realm. It's in another dimension, that's why Miquella needs Mohg's body to get there and why everyone needs to use Miquella's corpse as a gateway to get there. If it was a simple case of being a physical veil, then Miquella would have no problem getting there, plus Messma and co would be able to leave the shadow realm.
>You entered the DLC with the intention of helping Miquella
Is that what happened? I don't recall signing any contract.
In any case, the terms changed.
Why do people want a Godwyn expansion. ^># arc is wrapped up if you do Fia's quest line
You know, the Godwyn questline?
Cry me a river faggot.
>why did they recycle guy 1 instead of recycling guy 2
malenia's whisper, following radahn calmly waiting for her to prepare for their duel, shows that this was planned from the beginning. sorry bro, should've chosen a better headcanon to rely on for the past two years.
Albinauric tranny opinion, bloody finger chads won
>You entered the DLC with the intention of helping Miquella
Said who? Loretubers? Because FromSoft never fucking says that.
Godwynfags are mysterious creatures.
its literally godwyn. who the fuck else could it be, Rykard? Radagon? LMAOOO
>Did he died?
No, he lived.
Think you have to tp. The verticality in the dlc is a bit annoying in that there will be a million ways down but only 1 way up or, in your case, no way up.
Can I get the rolling spark ash without breaking miq's rune?
Leda is a paranoid schizophrenic who killed the rest of her knightly order for no real reason, she's absolutely a bad guy even if she's right about us wanting to kill Miquella.
But even Miquella's other half wants Miquella dead because she knows nothing good will come of it.
Should you?
Godwyn is super duper dead.
Only Thioller I believe. The rest of the quest lines are confined to the starting area and the shadow keep.
There are a few other NPC quests you can do unrelated to the band of the hawk that can be done even after beating Radahn.
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>Miquella wanted to revive Go-
>^># arc
The bot broke.
>some bow shotgun attack nukes my health from a mile away
What the fuck?
Moore is a simp that cant think for himself and Ansbach is a fucking moron for following an omen that got btfo.Muh oath.
Unironically too spammy for the caveman level combat ER offers, you can probably cheese the fuck out him with that one tear that makes you super slow but gives you a lot of defense.
I'm asking the question, faggot. Either answer the question or fuck off
Necrophilia, incest and mind control are bad anon. So is being gay but i realize you're gay so we can just side step that issue for now. If he wanted to be better than Marika he shouldn't have had the entire foundation of his godhood based upon those lack of principles.
I'm on phone sorry, those are the symbols where the "his" buttons are but with symbols I don't proofread
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I mean I could answer the question
I could
Yes, hug the edge of the plateau where you get it. Too far north and you break the greatrune.
Yeah, I think the timeline for the dragon era would be.
>Greater Will creates the Micorcosm
>Sends down Metyr as a prophet
>Dragons end up worshiping the Greater Will and it's emissaries, either the Elden Beast came before this or it was sent to earth as another vassal.
>Placidusax is lord consort to either the Elden Beast or it's current host.
>Bayle rebels, the Elden Beast flees, and Placidusax creates the heretical dragon communion cult
>The Greater Will get mad at the above and abandons the Elden Best and Metyr while cursing Bayle's descendants to become modern dragons
Of note is that the ancient dragons have gold skin, gold-red lightning, but gravel stone scales, and Placidusax has the same golden breath weapon as the Elden Beast. Placidusax gets a meteor hurled at him for creating the dragon communion cult and waits for his wife to come back home.
>Remaining Ancient Dragons form a splinter faction and would later war against the Erd Tree.
The reason for me thinking the Elden Beast was his wife and not just something Placidusax's lord hosted is because we're told the Dragon's god fled not that it died.
Brother have you tried using a fucking calculator?
technically speaking, if godwyn died a true death then his soul could've ended up in the land of shadow and therefore miquella could've made him his consort the same way he did for radahn
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>Miquella is the most competent and strongest of his siblings
>non-violent ability that can turn even the most hated foe into an ally
>body of a child yet one of immeasurable strength can do nothing against him but kneel
Surprised they didnt give him a potential ending
hehe consort....haha...like entailing sex...haha get it
Ansbach is literally pozzed, that's what cessblood is. Go cope somewhere else omencuck, gobble shit in the sewer next to dung eater.
>You entered the DLC with the intention of helping Miquella
I entered the DLC with the intention of beating him up and looting his boss soul.
Dodge roll the horse then dodge roll into his spin attack, rinse and repeat and then get a free hit or sippy as he slowly gets back on his horse. He is a very mobile boss and on his horse his hotbox can be a little wonky, if you have a slow weapon you might have a bad time.
Tell me what you think "a true death" means, autismbro.
Go ahead, loremaster. Cite the ghost that defines A TRUE DEATH in the first area of the game.
Go on. Do it. We know you can. Let's see it.
Really sick buff desu.
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>looking for the content in Finger Ruins of Rhia
Any Primordial Gold items in the DLC?
oh cool, well it's good to know I wasn't really losing out on much by summoning him
>It's in another dimension
Miyazaki specifically stated it isn't, it's a physical place and part of the world, not some alternate dimension or dream realm or anything like that.
The landmass lines up far too well with the missing center of the main map. The Supression Pillar as the other anon says, has the lines it does. And it's got too many places related directly to the Lands Between.
God you are fucking retarded. I'm done asking question in this general. Fucking cocksuckers would rather talk about the same shit over and over and over and over instead of actually answering questions.
literally just a massive plot of nothing aside from a talisman
and then they do it again
What matters is only the soul, his body could still be there permanently fucked up and wouldn't change TWLID situation at all.
You wouldn't even need to change anything in the base game for this either.
>Radahn is already a required kill
>Killing him gives access to the eclipse shit
>The rites of resurrection of his soul could be even done in the land of shadows since there's celestial bodies there too which I assume are the same as the ones from the lands between
>Ends up being stuffed in Mogh's body the same way
>Would actually make more sense if Miquella wanted the STRONGEST demigod of all, the literal golden child of Marika
It's not that hard man.
I'm not the anon you replied to and don't even care about Godwyn, but to say bringing him back would change anything in the base game is being disingenuous.
His soul was dead.
DEAD dead. That's the entire point of his story.
He is just a giant, soulless corpse that "Lives in Death" and spreads undeath through the roots of the Erdtree.
Hey they don't reply to my questions as well, clearly nobody fucking cares when you can look up the answer yourself. I'm done too.
Fuck your gay build, INT supremacy.
I'm doing a shield endurance build on all the past games
Can't believe you weebs tricked people into thinking these games are hard
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should i dual wield swords, axes or maces?
Radahn's soul was dead too, Miquella just plucked it and put it in Mohg's body.
Oh boy time to start this DLC
>reskinned peasant enemy
>reskinned soldiers
>reskinned knight enemy
>reskinned pot bros
>copy pasted red lightning dragon
>copy pasted bear with red fur
>copy pasted death rite bird
>reskinned catacomb statues
>like 5 notable new boss designs
T-thanks Miyazaki, youve done it again
you rike? thanks for 40 dollar gaijin
yes but the whole point of the eclipse and castle sol was hoping they could resurrect godwyn's soul so he could be killed properly
People really want normal bosses. zip zapping around the arena like a spastic is not a thing people like about bosses, and it's like half of the remembrance bosses. By the time people get to putrescent knight they're sick of it. But make no mistake, they're also sick of gaius and lion dance. They would be sick of romina and messmer if they were harder, but they're so easy that nobody cares.
>everything is a reskin if they look similar to old enemies even though they have different movesets and weapons
you're asking something that can be solved with the countless resources made for this kind of thing (READ THE FUCKING OP) or with basic math
>host with low skibidi
>my heals are practically a fraction of what they should be
>get to the boss
>host dies in a one shot from 1200 damage

Law of regression the buff away.
Jumping attacks with great weapons using the guard break talismans
Weapons that flat out bypass shields like both night weapons, a vulgar milita shotel, ailments
Not hitting the guard points.
Backhand Blades
The statue is young Radahn (Godwyn does not have wavy hair, while Radahn inherited his father's red wavy mane), the tiara is the same circlet Miquella has and that appears above the head of the tarnished once hugged
It's shitty because there's no indication of it prior to the DLC but it's not Godwyn
well duh fucking retards, but look at it in Leda's POV. She was like "oh ur here to go to miquella too huh, then welcome aboard"

true you didnt explicitly say anything, but you talked to her bros, found the crosses, helped her kill ansbach (if you did) and basically did everything she herself would've done in pursuit of miquella. ofc shes gonna think you're a bro.

you guys are illiterate
m8, come on.
Godwyn didn't die a full death, because Ranni set it up that way.
Her body died, and her soul lived. Godwyn's soul died, and his body "lived".
Neither one could be considered a true death, which would involve the dissolution of the flesh and maybe the recycling of the soul via the Erdtree.
Or maybe just a complete cessation of the entity as a whole, like when Destined Death was a part of the Elden Ring before Marika tampered with it.
>the arcane UGS WA doesn't actually combo its two hits
This has got to be the dumbest fucking oversight in the game. The first hit does 300 damage to a player, less than half an R1 yet costs 10 FP. It exists solely to set up for the damage explosion, but the damage explosion is inexplicably rollable no matter what
He doesn't zip zap across the arena though.
He does the horse attack but if you then close the distance that's it.
I really don't get the issue. I just don't. You can't honestly compare to say EB where he'd float to the opposite end of the damn arena to spam elden stars at you.
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>if you have a slow weapon you might have a bad time.
Yep, I probably could have shield bitch the fuck out of him but alas, unga autism is strong, he is pretty spastic boss, but it probably wouldn't have been such a hassle if torrent was available.
>Miquella just plucked it
Where did he even find it? Radahn got Alexander'd and Alexander's remains are in the Tarnished's inventory.
It's not about muh damage numbers, its about all the different shit I can use with those stats. Dont even answer, I'm done with these fucking people.
frenzy perfume?
nice poison bro
Damn anon, thanks, thats great
Yeah just cope and lie to yourself about the reskins bro, Miyazaki will be home to suck you off in 10 minutes.
>killed knightly order for no reason
>ansbach LITERALLY wants to kill Miquella for fucking up Mohg
>hornsent is clearly a schizo who doesn't give a shit about Miquella, only revenge

she literally has every reason
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but she looks so lonely and lovable...
>Grasping straws over some dumb hack wit ghost's dialogue
>the cinematic cut scene shows Godwyn's clear undeath
>Everyone in the Golden Order knows destined death permakills you from returning to the Erdtree
>The only thing they didn't know is what happens to someone who only gets his soul permakilled and their body sticks around, one born of a shaman no less
Thematically, he is the god of the undead, cursed to be eternally fucked up. Having his soul alive and well in another body kinda cheapens that IMO.
Bro just fight the non-remembrance bosses. Plenty of those are not spectacle fights or spazzing shizos.
Maces is cool

That is the quote you dumb nigger. That is what a true death entails.
Godwyn cannot die "a true death" because his cursed body can't be absorbed by the tree. Miquella isn't wishing for him to die and stay dead. He's using the exact phrasing established to mean entering the cycle of reincarnation central to the golden order. He wants Godwyn freed from his curse and reborn.

A true death means returning to the erdtree. Get that through your head. That's what those 3 words mean in elden ring.
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But...his braided hair...
that's also something you can find in the op or even the fucking wiki. i don't know why you can't just check those and need to sperg out in the thread but here we are.
The maps are kind of fucked up since vertical height is stretched out horizontally.
Jagged peak and the mountain tops are just far up.
So the actual scale is fucked up but there was probably an inland sea alonf Liurnia and Limgrave, Farum Azula would've been on the other side of the sea facing sheer cliffs that border the abyssal woods, also Lirunia recently underwent swampification with a lot of the county turning into one giant inland swamp sea when it used to be a bunch of low lying land and lakes.
He does zip zap around the arena, he isn't a good boss by any means but he isn't that bad if you use spirits so the agro isn't always on you, make it easier to get hits in while your meat shield is busy taking hits.
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bros someone talk me into going to 150, i can't bring myself to do it. my build feels 'complete' at 125, i feel like anything else would just be extra for the sake of it. would golden vow be worth dumping 15 points of faith alone?
They aren't part of her knightly order you retard, it's the other Needle Knights, they're all dead because of her.
She's a fucking schizo and the only reason she even associates with anyone in the DLC is because of Miquella, right up until the rune breaks and she starts becoming paranoid again.
>reskinned soldiers
>reskinned knight enemy
>reskinned pot bros
none of these guys have the same moveset as their base game counterparts (if you mean the fleshy shaman pots that is, the other pots literally aren't even reskinned, they're just the same enemy)
hes talking about Leda not Miquella moron
>A TRUE DEATH Actually means returning him to life
anon listen to yourself
I don't know how to reconcile the gameplay contrivance of killing bosses when Destined Death isn't in play with the fact that Radahn and Mohg were both killed with finality, yet their bodies and souls are a significant part of the plot.
Assuming that was even possible. The fact that the ritual doesn't seem to have succeeded would suggest that it wasn't.
Your question is as retarded as the user. To answer: its up to your playstyle and preference. What you're asking is: should I have a turkey sandwich or a ham sandwich? Should I wear my black jacket or red jacket? Should I take a shower or a bath? The answer is up to (you).
Oh thank god bros, the pots werent a reskin, they were just the same enemy copied over. DLC saved.
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>Miyazaki specifically stated it isn't, it's a physical place and part of the world, not some alternate dimension or dream realm or anything like that.

Then you better start explaining why it is so difficult to enter or leave the shadow realm.
You could dump the rest between faith and int so you can use incantation to kill undead.
Nigger come on, returning to the Erdtree doesn't mean coming back to life
how can your build feel complete at 125
my int/fth build only became complete when i finished the dlc at 210
aren't the potbros all frosty because of the cold themed gaol?
>Swift Spear
>r1 is just Spiked Spear charged heavy
huh...I thought it would be cooler...
210 isn't a build lmao
Are they? I remember using a morning star for my rp build at launch but switch midway to greater stars because the short range was infuriating.
cap, it's an int/fth build (60 for both and 60 vigor)
i don't know, it was kinda dark in the places I fought them, they looked the same to me
It's under a large concealing veil retard, just look up at the sky
The shadow realm is the huge ocean game in the lands between, the suppressing tower stone marker at the top spells it out that the shadow realm is the center of the lands between
guys i'm starting to think the lore for elden ring fucking sucks
Not him and I'm currently at shadow keep, going to fight Messmer. I'm at 125 and I also don't see how my faith build would improve much without making me a jack of all trades or going to the next faith softcap of 80, since I'm at 60
>Godwyn does not have wavey hair
Yeah but that hair doesn't look wavey
Radahn looks nothing like that, and there's no defining features that identify him. While saying it's Godwyn is equally a stretch all official depictions we have of Godwyn have him togas and such while Radahn's always in armor. Makes no sense that a statue meant to be Radahn would depict him with togas and non battle gear. It would just be silly.
If there's nothing you feel the need to level up for then don't level up
took you this long?
He braids his hair when it's battle time like Radagon as to not interfere in battle, and his encounter with the twins was way earlier than when he set up to learn magic at Selia to eventually challenge the starts, which is why he looks downright androgynous in the statue depiction
Radagon has depictions of braided hair and loosen hair in the game too
Works in my headcanon
$40 dlc btw. B&W was only $20.
Always has, the DLC was SUPPOSED to flesh it out more, but it only did so in the sense that it gave us more lore in a contained area, and hardly gave us any lore fleshing out the base game.
there's a tower that straight up says that the shadowlands are the centre of the lands between
>Why is it so hard to leave the shadowrealm but other people can access it easily
elden ring lore sucks and Miyazaki didn't think of it
I didn't even summon the spirit ashes for him though. He was that straight forward. I died maybe twice before I got the hang of the quick camera shifts of the horse attack and then it was literally just dodge on reaction.
I honestly haven't felt a boss was that fair in all of ER. He should have had more health so the fight could last a bit longer since it was actually engaging.
the only cool elden ring lore is stuff not related to the demigods
nuh uh I don't believe you
You don't need to hit cap in every stat zoomer. If you don't have to make cuts in some places you're not making a build, you're just maxing out every stat you use like some skyrim zoom kek
a e s t h e t i c
Is malenia, or any of the demigods you kill for that matter, even dead for real? Wouldn't you have to kill them with maliketh's blade for it to matter? Or at least use the rune of death in the current timeline?
they took dark souls lore and made it worse
Radahn didn't get destined deathed you stupid fucking retard
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How do I get to this place?
my stats are not all maxed, my strenght, dex and arcane are all low
it's an int/fth build, cope
And who is Leda acting on behalf of? What is the basis for all her principles? I forget because I'm so moronic and all that. Maybe you can clear up this gap in my memory.
You have to go through the ancient car park maze.
Swift Slash is obviously broken but it doesn't feel that good for invading. It deals tickle damage to poiseblobs and doesn't stagger them, so when a meta just holds their ground they can r1 mash you through it and come out on top.

In 1v1s, or when being ganked it's absolute cancer, though.
>hardly any lore related to the main game
It gave answers related to Marika’s motivations, which has always been one of the biggest questions in the base game.
Fleshed out the omen curse, fleshed out the two fingers, he’ll actually even gave Melina some actual lore.
haha penis
Parkour section right before the church of the bud boss
haha p p
210 is too high, you are a normalnigger on vacation in the 4chinz
made a new thread, use when you feel like it
Level design was pretty damn disappointing despite them making marked progress on bettering the world design in the DLC. I think the only well-designed dungeon was probably Shadow Keep (Storehouse specifically) and the Frozen Gaol. Belurat was short and linear, Ensis was short and Linear, Enir-Ilim was short and linear...
No, that is what is referred to as an Erdtree Burial.
Different concepts, entirely.
Although Lhutel's ashes do suggest that they were trying to revive Godwyn in that manner, his soul was obliterated, and there's nothing left to bring back. That's why Godwyn is what he is: his soul isn't hanging out in some reincarnation buffer somewhere, waiting for his body to catch up with the process, otherwise Miquella could have just done for him what he did for Radahn.
That reeks of bullshit but whatever, game feels different depending on how many skibidis you have and your build, so it not so far fetch that someone might find that garbage fair or even good.
Like I said in >>484404932, his encounter with the twins seems to be way earlier than when he set up to learn magic at Selia and why he looks androgynous, as it is a really young Radahn taking care of really young twins

I know it feels bad anon, but all the supporting "made up retcon" evidence from the DLC lays it out for you
What? No he didn't.
Radahn's flesh was added to Alexander's pot but that's just Alexander being is weirdo schizo self.
You're conflating a lot of concepts here. First off, the concept of souls being stuck in jars is a thing related to the Erdtree reincarnation, which is no longer happening by that time but that's not even relevant.
Secondly, that doesn't apply to demigods, who can't die at at all without being killed violently (and even then you of course need death in effect which is why the death rune being stole was a big deal).
All the demigods you kill just die and their souls go wherever the fuck. Clearly somewhere related to the crucible of Miquella needed to be at the gates of divinity to pluck Radahn's soul.
The reason he couldn't pluck Godwyn's, at least from an in universe perspective, is that Godwyn died a long time ago. You likely just couldn't bring him back. At least, that's what I assumed. Obviously from a meta standpoint they just wanted Radahn not Godwyn which is why people are pissed. You can justify anything in universe if you really try, especially in such an open ended narrative/lore such as this.
Destined death IS in play.
Death has been in play since Godwyn died.
Yes he did. Death has been in play since Godwyn died. That's the entire point of why the stealing of the rune of death or part of it, and the death of a demigod, was such a big deal. Suddenly the demigods could die again. That's the point.
Or do you think Rykard, Malenia, Morgott (especially Morgott), Mohg and every other shard bearer you kill don't die? Heck Mohg 100% did as his body was lifeless hence why Miquella could use it for his ritual.
I don't get how people miss this. We had to get Maliketh's rune, the FULL rune, because that's the only way we can kill the elden beast. By having the ACTUAL rune of death. But death as a concept was reintroduced into the larger order when the previous stolen part of the rune was used to kill Godwyn.
for me, its nanaya
come on, your "his braids is just when he's ready for fight" is a headcanon.
Anon, look up at the sky towards the scadutree
See that massive goddamn veil?
It's a LITERAL magic veil
The lands are hidden by the Erdtree's magic put in place by Marika herself.
From lord has been fucked ever since they tried to make respawning a canon mechanic. You can’t get back from that unfortunately.
Nope, I'm there to put Mohg's remains to rest. He deserves as much after being jerked around by Miquellester.
I'm basing it on Radagon's depictions in the game, which is a plausible explanation
Radahn styles his hair after Radagon and this is stated in the game
Plus Radahn is a glory seeking war monger, as shown in the game also, so it would make sense for him to do something like that as it is considered battle preparations
I actually go up to RL 166, because it still allows invasions with those who are 150. It really allows me to get some good dex onto my arc/faith caster.
can cheat engine event flags let me refight bosses?
Enjoyed messmer the most personally, kinda feel like Radahn shouldn't have needed miquella to back him up (literally) if he was as badass as the lore tried to convey. It should been have you fought miquella first then a lore accurate Radahn imo
The lack of cutscenes in this DLC is honestly sad considering how the cutscenes of Ludwig, Artorias, Gael, Friede etc. in previous DLCs were some of the most iconic moments in these games
The hexinton table lets you do it yeah, but I dont know if its been updated for the dlc
what did gravity get
>The lack of cutscenes
Anon.... Midra's cutscene is based. Messmer's are both based too. Shut up.
>Gravitational Missile
>Rock Blades
Both are fucking great. Missile is insane, especially when you realize freecasting it into a wall or floor sets off the nuke portion right away
i fucking hate throwing heft pots into walking bonfires so goddamn much
death rite bird got me to use ashes against a boss for the first time in the DLC. i simply don't want to fight these guys anymore. thank you big mouth imp.
Its to keep the frenzied flame from taking over the body after decap.
i think thats the intention. i also thought they were bird from afar then get the realization when i crept closer. wish there was more to the actual dungeon, its like a haunted house without the scares

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