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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous >>484378797
where is the corn minion from
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reminder if your first thoughts aren't moo or milk they aren't big enough
Viper is the main character job
Every femlala owes me sex
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Pet a FemHroth!
Scratch a FemHroth under the chin!
Touch a FemHroth's jelly beans!
Boop a FemHroth!
Get a full body tongue bath from a FemHroth!
wish gothra were real
i think middies and fiddies should
gay sex with catboys
role quests I think
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I think Dawntrail fucking SUCKS
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I didn't expect to smell like that
Getting knotted by a femhroth....
What if I'm also a femhroth?
After being a tank for two expansions, the WoL finally had enough
Yellow quests in town with the cornservant. Each area has one.
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it feels illegal to go through shaaloani without having a mch jobstone equipped
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Why don't people in expert dungeons use their AOEs
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Black Mage is not fun
Summonerbros how are we feeling?
Masser's gonna be pissed...
We take turns...
Femhroths don't have knots, they do however have barbs
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unironically funny
Kill wuk lamat. Behead wuk lamat. Roundhouse kick wuk lamat into the concrete. Slam dunk wuk lamat baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy wuk lamat. Defecate in wuk lamat food. Launch wuk lamat into the sun. Stir fry wuk lamat in a wok. Toss wuk lamat into active volcanoes. Urinate into wuk lamat gas tank. Judo throw wuk lamat into a wood chipper. Twist wuk lamat heads off. Report wuk lamat to the IRS. Karate chop wuk lamat in half. Curb stomp pregnant wuk lamat. Trap wuk lamat in quicksand. Crush wuk lamat in the trash compactor. Liquefy wuk lamat in a vat of acid. Eat wuk lamat. Dissect wuk lamat. Exterminate wuk lamat in the gas chamber. Stomp wuk lamat skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate wuk lamat in the oven. Lobotomize wuk lamat. Mandatory abortions for wuk lamat. Grind wuk lamat fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown wuk lamat in fried chicken grease. Vaporize wuk lamat with a ray gun. Kick old wuk lamat down the stairs. Feed wuk lamat to alligators. Slice wuk lamat with a katana.
Weird how many ERPers here are EU.
Crystal has a fuckton more roleplayers, but xivg NA doesn't seem to have many and xivg EU has a lot.

You will not get banned for mentioning that you use aoe buttons on 3+ targets.
what the fuck he told me I smelt of grass or nature, something along those lines, instead
should I fanta to a femra?
I like hroths but I miss all the femroes…
>Femhroths don't have knots
mine does
femhroth is the new "forced cute" tranny race isnt it?
like how troons on twitter call themselves beans or catgirls
He was the only thing that made me crack a smile so far
humorous post order
My femhroth has no kind of penis at all...
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gay sex with Kemakka
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>few days go by
>pajeets are nowhere to be seen and the thread is usable again
hilarious, same in /tv/
How goth is too goth?
Japanese humor, but good this time.
how ugly is too ugly
yeah I think they should too
It's amazing how Viera can wear glam this bad, and still look fuckable.
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100% a ugly fat hairy male IRL
Goth enough to stomp on my balls with platform shoes
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>forced cute
>tranny race
you may be onto something here
I think femhroths are actually cute, but I understand they're not for everyone's tastes
I will continue enjoying femhroths, you can enjoy any other one of the races, they're all cute in their own right and for different reasons
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>Not a single one to easily unsync
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>noooo why is this violent tyrant I'm dating acting like a violent tyrant!!!!!!!
Why are women like this? This is the same logic when women date violent niggers.......
Any femoids mind chiming in......?
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wonder where they all went...
he told me I smelled like grass lol
as opposed to?
i'll have you know i laughed audibly
>xivg NA doesn't seem to have many
There's a lot, but people are less obvious about it lately.
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Might be racial dialogue, DT is brimming with those thankfully.
>Erenville and Koana ask me to accompany them on a trip to Shaaloani
>dress nicely in my Frontier dress
>meet them at the gate in Tuliyollal
>both say I (femra btw) look very pretty, like a real high society lady
>we venture to Shaaloani
>Erenville suggests we get off the road a bit to go see some sights we missed on our last visit
>agree and follow them behind some rocks
>Erenville pushes me to the ground
>Koana forces his pistol to my mouth and threatens me to stay quiet and still or he'll pull the trigger
>calls me a dumb cunt
>they rip off my clothes and start spitroasting me
>after they both unload inside me, Koana forces me on the ground again
>they make me lick their boots clean
>they burn my clothes and force me to crawl the rest of the trip on all fours
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I cooka da meatball
i think it depends on what role you have equipped at the time
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To anyone playing on Steam. Did you have the Dawntrail Collector's Edition code already? I still haven't got shit. Or at least, I can't find it
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Cats with big 2-handers are the best kind
Anyone got the plogon beta key?
Yeah I guess so. I meet a good deal of them in game, but I guess a schizo targets them if NA ERPers post in the thread.
>racial dialogue
Au Ra reporting in
> depends on what role you have equipped at the time
Reaper. Damn, I guess I never stopped cutting grass with the scythe
Important poll time
>"surely it's all just doomsissies and WoWcucks making shit up or using excessive hyperbole"
>P2 of the final trial happens
Yeah no, this is rancid dogshit on the level of Stormblood.
I think NAnons are more interested in screenshots, but it might also be they are less open as you said.
I can only think of two EU anons being open about ERP on the blue board, one is me (if not posting my character alongside it means can be considered being open)
>people reposting my meme images
I feel honored in the millions column.
my pictomoonie has a custom hitachi paintbrush
I'd be less hostile to wuk if she wasn't an ugly furry
seeeeeeex sexo con kemakkaaaaaaaa
But can you handle my 2hander.
if you know what I mean
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or maybe it depends of your starting city, which would be a first
I got the code and the items already.
The fucking respawn sound every time the Alexandrians come back to life is laughable. It makes these godawful scenes feel almost comical.
Who's the other one?
>no spoiler tag
>revealing how much this is ruined by her hideous hair
Any news on the SoS glowy weapons? Will they be released soon (tm)?
That might make sense, I started in Gridania
towa, h'ana and romani are the three gooners that i know post here
where did you get the code? I just checked under Manage -> CD keys, and there's nothing there. There's only the Dawntrail preorder code
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I don't want to sound like a heartless bastard, but when it's revealed
that the mamool ja ja are trying to create more 2 headed ja jas, is it really that horrible? they talked about it like they lay eggs that just never hatch. doesn't seem like some horrible nightmare. maybe i'm just not a reptile? isn't that just kind of how it works for egg laying animals? some of them just never hatch?
I wish we could have a hair like this one without the stupid side braids
am a grown man
who likes to be called "wife" by another grown man
Maybe, if you can handle mine.
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This is why the dalamud dudes melt over us sharing the beta details here
because they want to ban anyone who leaks them, but none of us use discord so they have no power.
I bet the feeling of hot breeding sex will re-awaken her primal desire and change her mind
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It took forty fates in Elpis for the fountain for my island, but it was worth it
I will now take a well deserved nap
I got my greenmangaming key a bit earlier today
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If they don't Lyse 2.0 her and leave her to be forgotten someone at SE has to get fired
You're not goth, poser.
None of them ERP
>none of us use discord
90% of you faggots use discord just like 90% of you use reddit and pretend not to in both cases
i think it depends on your grand company
i started in gridania but got the leather smell like op, and my gc is in uldah.
Won't namedrop but she's a sunnie+
I don't think any of those three talk about plaps in the thread, and does Romani even still post?
It was there yesterday....it's not there for me anymore either which is weird, try checking it again tomorrow.
I erp'd with towa once but he writes in 1st person so I didn't want to after that.
my wife
funny screencap lol
You're forgetting what they mean to the Mamool Ja. The fact that only one in one hundred survive birth adds to the weight of the situation. They are desperately trying to elevate themselves above their hardships, but it's as if the world itself is holding them down.
That looks fantastic, anon.
Plus you got some exp and gemstones. It's worth it.
why does everyone use face 3 for hrothgals?
he probably told like 9 of his friends about it since he's a sexpest freak who cannot go 5 seconds without going on about his fetishes and what erp he did
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I am still a femroe, unfortunately...
domain expansion
ghost of chemos past

>never get any comms anymore
did they even add anything new to islands?
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*sips monster* yep, aint nothing like an honest day workin down the mines
Depends on when they die, but reptiles and eggs are basically fully formed infants if they are already ready to hatch, just like there's a cutoff between a mass of developing cells and a person at some time inside a mammalian womb
The other faces are too small and sad looking. Much more difficult to make a good look with.
Also most people playing hrothgar have a cock, and face3 is mostly ones with cocks.
old catboy with experience sexing me
which one
>he writes in 1st person
is that a problem?
t. noob
island sanctuary never existed
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Thank you! I think it's starting to come together
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femroe reporting in im still doing msq
That one EU femra ERPs too altho I've only seen her post about it a few times
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(You) will be judged anon. Have an amazing expansion!

>I erp'd with towa once but he writes in 1st person
Now I'd like to be done by his catgirl even more
Out of curiosity, what were the both of you playing?
just go to https://kamori.goats.dev/Dalamud/Release/Meta and get the branch/key info the same way dalamud verifies it
Using it right now.
Discord faggots can seethe if they see this.
I have it all up and working.
It's easy as fuck but the "devs" are pretending it takes weeks of "hacking" and "codebreaking" to get it working.
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...Why cant they just take aether from cows and make farms for sustenance
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can you show the rest? it looks really nice
t. islandlet
another catgirl spamming the same 3-5 images every thread, how original!
high octane cringe
Yeah idk I didn't really get the big deal either. Sure it's grim, but the story treated a bunch of stillbirths with more gravitas than I felt was necessary, it would have felt more appropriate if it was something like they were killing the kids after they were born because the 99/100 failures came out all fucked up or something like that. Furthermore the way the story presents it, it kind of inadvertently demonizes any red+blue lizard couple who'd ever try to conceive a child.
Why can't they just kill few bugs and buy food from the fucking marketboard
t. unknower
This is unironically the most mood killing thing ever. I would probably just ditch someone if they started first personing at me.

At least let me see you first jeez.
>entering the final zone
>Krile scans the earring
>lizard boy has to do it :^)
They really just can't let her have anything, huh?
Im kkoalaafied to drive
what did tikaasi mean by this
>everyone turns into minotaurs
anon, they have to use HUMAN souls or they'll start turning into beasts. You literally fight a boss that uses this to power up.
are the allegations true that you listen to lana del ray
every viper I've come across is doing half the aoe dps of the healers, I'm not sure they even know they have aoe skills
aren't those all bad erpers and more just gposers?
>is that a problem?
to some people.
>Warrior of light listens to question on the linkpearl
>Nods to answer
I laughed at how retarded the warrior of light is at this point.
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Please queue for Everkeep
I made it bros
uhhh it's telling me that my dawntrail code is invalid
WoL confirmed to be italian
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....Just make test-tube babies from all their fancy machines
sorry i already used it
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are they even considered stillbirths? is that even the right term for what's happening?

like you said, they present the situation like they are killing the children themselves. and we don't even know if it's every child from 2 different tribes is 1/100 or if it's 1/00 of small percentage of mixed tribe children. they really didn't explain enough for me to get upset as I think the writers wanted me to get.
tiny sosig mogs you in pvp.
what did you get out of it?
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100 bust moo
It doesn't say already activated, which it does if I try my preorder key agan.
It says invalid.
I’ve always just switched between 1st and 3rd depending on what the other person seems to prefer. I usually start in 3rd but will go to 1st if they react like that in the first few messages
anything good? anything worth selling?
I honestly don't mind Wuk as a character. I think the pacing of her growth has been a bit quick.
it gives framer kits for each zone
oh damn that's pretty nice
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Of course! Here's the best shot I could manage to get most of it. I think it also really comes together nicely at night when all the lamps turn on
So what is Wuk Lamat's policy as a leader?
i think i recognize this sun cow!!

i believe you did something with an outfit that was red and black...
>Krile finds out she's an alien
>probably the most astonishing information she has ever received
>it happens offscreen so we don't get to see her reaction
hack writing on levels I never imagined
being boring
If bakool ja ja has million fans i am one of them. if bakool ja ja has ten fans i am one of them. if bakool ja ja have only one fan and that is me. if bakool ja ja has no fans, that means i am dead. if world is against bakool ja ja, i am against the world.
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No! I will everkeep you waiting!
My pictomoonie paints with her feet
This shouldn't anyways because their world doesn't have a lifestream (can't generate new souls), they literally have to work as parasites off other worlds.
It's also a paradox since sphene would be sacrificing her own people to keep loving her people.
white stone blacked
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Nothing new from the zones, but this is the solution 9 vendor
Cuddlesex with femhroths.
FYI: If you guys want to keep the bandito thing going, Call of Juarez is free on GOG through Prime.
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Speak with Wuk Lamat.
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You guys won't believe me, but this is the best boss in the expansion.
smoochpressing every femlala I see
Ahh for the look of a picture someone posted? If so yeah that's me.
Strengthening diplomatic ties and solving conflicts through understanding
defer responsibilities to Koana and do adventurer shit instead
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I love my EB so much! I have so many new pictures now from our journey through the MSQ together! I'll cherish them forever! I love him so much, he truly is the best ever!
But its a nothingburger. You guys didnt complain when Gaia showed up to break out Ryne. You probably even pogfaced.
Could you please screenshot the purchase pages of zones with furnishings? What's the reward for finishing every zone?
yes! that was a great recreation :3
I like second person the most, which makes switching pretty easy.
In my experience, people who write first person write the worst, but if they're good writer then it's just as good.

Nevermind. Their site is just unbelievably bad and you enter the expac key in a different place than the preorder bonus key. Holy fuck.

These are better rewards and I like it. We're going to get almost as many rewards as ShB+EW combined it looks like.

>doesn't post the pictures
whats her tax policy?
Could you show me what the vendors at Urqopacha, Kozamuka, and Living Memory at rank 4 sell?
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And the Tuli vendor
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Good morning/afternoon, gamers.
>is that even the right term for what's happening?
I have no idea I'm not a lizard doctor, I'm afraid.
99% taxes for cis people to fund free HRT and surgeries
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Have sex with Wuk Lamat.
Not funny.
Hot topic tier? Easy
Test me
No. She had one song I liked but not enough to remember the name. I never really liked her voice
'Koana what the fuck are taxes?'
I remember this part
Damn if only another leader in thousands of years of history tried that approach
>Call of Juarez
based, I'll forgive your degenerate coomer behaviour this time
this and for gulool ja
but i'm topping
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this would've been a cool playable section
>Anons cant comprehend that forcing a race of people to rape each other to create superhumans and 99% of them dying at birth might be a bit tragic
But I'm not a degenerate coomer
What can I use to track timed nodes right now while Gatherbuddy is down?
You don't even have black lipstick on, you aren't goth enough
Gaia wasn't shown again and again and again to be utterly incompetent.
What sexpest can I reach out to once mods are back so that I can quickly get BLACKED, HORSED, and broken in by the BEASTMEN? I need to earn my spade, hoof, and paw tats back ASAP
Reuniting with my femlala thread crush in Living Memory and finally telling her everything I left unsaid...
this femlala
listening to eminems new song
and finally punching in her DT pre order key
i was really hoping we'd fight on top of the train like with babil
but devs hate fun i guess
it's cool that nothing can ever happen in ff14's story again because estinian and/or a dragon will just one shot the threat
They should have made a lower caste of humans to be farmed like cattle for souls.
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Yall never asked this about any of the other city states
>WoL meets a blind viera
>gives her the short wave
I actually laughed out out
does it drop anything?
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Sorry anon! Those pictures are for me and my EB's eyes only! They're precious pictures for the two of us to cherish!
your posts on the aco thread say otherwise
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Oh yeah Call of Juarez Bound by Blood and Hitman Absolution will be available tomorrow.
i don't fucking CARE about taxes, george
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Hopefully none, taxation is theft.

totally forgot that this came from ff9 man
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I finally reached piss-city
It's a shame that the expac absolutely fails to reach the same high notes as the previous one.

Does it get better?
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Alright, I'm not sharing my pictures of me committing spousal rape on my EB either, then.
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>healing this
>slime spawns
>everyone thinks it's just a stack marker so we just chill and take it
>it also places a puddle that applies a heavy bleed on everyone
>he repeats the stack mechanic 2 more times
I never got this destroyed by being caught off guard in a dungeon, it's cool.
i didn't play it
wasn't that literally part of the plot of the Uldah coup d'état?
Dont devalue the document.
>never played ff9
State your business, town dweller.
nobody tell him
I don't post in aco. I literally only post in vg, I haven't browsed 4chan outside of this general in almost a year.
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Kozama'uka Day Theme
>amass the most technologically advanced army ever seen in the setting
>Estinien and Vrtra effortlessly blow all your shit up
motherfucker didn't know about dragons lmao
>kingdom hearts
>vtubers to watch
>now dawntrail
too many games to play
Not in any great detail. It was just "Dont tax our citizens more just to pay for refugees"
>whark lamar doesn't even win the competition
>everyone else just quits

woah, what an amazing character. thank god we spend 99% of the game with this winner.
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>tfw i'm the only one left
File deleted.
I don't like how lipstick looked in general pre update, I'll take another look sometime this week maybe. Even for gothra I think I had to use anamenemnsis to set a custom dark color or photoshop it
oh i get it anon
i unironically wish i wouldn't have to work etc.
too many games to play atm
too many shows to watch
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>gray ravaboys
>brown ravaboys
>black ravaboys
Fortunately my femra has three holes
This is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen in my entire life.
>>everyone else just quits
stop skipping cutscenes
>Dawnservant has 3 kids
>2 adopted player race children
>1 bloodborn non player race character
>makes the beast man the villain
what did SE mean by this?
>everyone else just quits
Literally only one out of the four flat out quit.
And you still haven't found a new glam to wear after all these years
>real kid is the villain
This is such a common trope like holy fuck.
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Rewards from all the zones
Which one has the biggest +?
they only ks at the end too
the rando npcs were already winning
Don't forget
>dawnservant seems like a good guy
>seems like a good dad, too
where did the villain even fucking adopt his mentality?
I saw him as more of an antihero.
Just manual inject. I've been using my plogons since saturday, dude.
I don't know the loot table, but I only got an earring.
I didn't expect the arrows either. Cool fight.
Story skippers always lose
I know, but why would they restrict access to the beta like that in the first place?
Gonna manually inject this bratty poster
I wish I skipped the story. I could have used that time farming hunts....
Falke should be able to point you in the right direction if not fluffing up the horse cock himself
You didn't join enough discords
Oh shits wrong pic
I hate Wuk but now you're just reaching to complain
>devs ask for a closed beta
>retard leaks the password
>retards get upset plugins aernt updated yet
>no real feed back is given
>wonder why the plugins are taking so long
Yes but you'll click on it instinctively anytime this catbox link pops up now.
because they don't want to get flooded with requests for help on getting the beta to work from people who don't care about beta testing and just want to have dalamud back (that's why 99% of "beta testers" are signed up btw), since it requires editing the dalamud config file
so they keep pretending it's a very serious beta testing period instead of just letting people switch to the beta and telling them in the welcome screen you get on first launch that it's an unstable build and things might break
what do you think her clothes smell like
because its a le hecking secret club only for the ELITES, dawg. plebs just need to be quiet while we exploit our botting plugins and autocrafters for the first week of launch or so, then you'll get your turn. fucking pleb.
it's not really too out of leftfield that the kid that spent most of his time training his martial and warfare skills would think people who want war needs to be taught a lesson by making the biggest war, he is also obviously a very closed off person that probably didnt talk much
No they won bigly this time
I feel like the Endless should have been the central discussion/theme of this expansion bros. It could have been interesting to explore the line between dead/living considering how they sustain themselves.
Where is that? Why are the leaves blue?
Stop skipping the fucking cutscenes, it's obvious Zarool was always pressured to surpass his father the moment he was born despite him not being a blessed sibling, despite reaching the apex of what his body could achieve he could not surpass his father and that broke him, leading him down the path of ruin.
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I really wish his motives had been better developed. This line caught me off guard.
How do you get your reshade/gshade to work? Mine looks all weird and fucked up after Dawntrail.
based speedreader
Where was his dad during all this, ensuring him that being a leader was more than just raw strength?
Dawntrail zone 3 part 2.
Well moonies rarely bathe so I'm sure it's caked in lots of moonie musk
Because they're a secret cabal and want to control you.
No it's because they don't have the patience for when dalamud is down so everybody and their mom rush the beta test when they actually just want plugins early, and complain when said plugins don't work correctly lmao.

exit only, buster brown.
will never, EVER be my catboy
i am
a viper moony
was the rest accurate tho?
That is really not a good enough motivation for becoming a genocidal warmonger, thoughever
It is pretty fucked up how NG+ doesn't work until like a year later, and you miss out on easily making 200mil gil the first week if you don't skip.
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So I'm confused.
These Tron people aren't actually living and are just AI sucking off souls of the living and are from another shard that the Ascians fucked over? Am I understanding all of this correctly?
is the last zone orchestrion roll not in the game
Uh, it's still kind of busted for things like glasses but https://x.com/ipsusu/status/1806621994919526808
Do you need to do the role quests like in ShB for a reward?
>Call out a clear contradiction, out of character decision or plot hole
>Get called a skipper
Its EW all over again
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does this mean i can't let acceleration overcap now, even if I have two procs?
》 Price Insight updated to v2.9.0.0.
》 Sonar updated to v0.6.4.3.
》 Submarine Tracker updated to v1.9.2.0.
》 NoClippy updated to v0.5.0.15.
》 AutoRetainer updated to v4.3.0.8.
》 Blue Mage Helper updated to v3.0.2.0.
》 Chat Bubbles updated to v2.1.6.0.
》 Honorific updated to v1.5.0.0.
》 GatherBuddy updated to v3.4.0.1.
I don't know what you're referring to
Who had sex with zoraal ja though?
Last zone has a scroll >>484393284
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I am
a male midlander
The ones in S9 are real people. The ones in Living Memory are basically AI ghosts.
This confuses me because at the same time that teach us that race-mixing is bad because of blessed two-headed children too right?

Is the lesson no race-mixing but adoption is ok I guess?
you didn't watch the cutscenes in ew either?
Well, name the plothole.
have you tried not skipping cutscenes and reading the textboxes on your screen then?
Hey man I come here to goon to femlalas, can you not spoil the story?
>Still can't buy the damn expansion
>Store page always 404s on me when I try to log in to buy
Why in the god damn do they STILL have these issues?
The thing is ready to go. They're intentionally delaying the full release so they can personally benefit from plugins to control the markets.
Zarool is an extremely closed person to his family, Gulool Ja Ja might've been a great ruler but he's not omniscient, he can't read Zarool's mind.
He spent his entire life working to be Gulool Ja Ja's successor and failed, Zarool had plenty of motivation
ghosts in the machine if you will
I don't mind losing out on gil if I at least enjoy some parts of the story. The only part I felt was somewhat fun was Cowboy Land.
nothing is but here we are
Was meant to quote >>484393883
The only thing I'm really confused about is where the last zone actually is.

Is it on the Shard? Didn't it rejoin? Is it fused somewhere else? We go somewhere physical through the stargate so...
I’d love a cute and proper moonie to fluff up my stallion for me…
I love Otis, I'm sure nothing bad will happen!

lol fuck you faggots. Delay it till next expansion and drown in discord drama, I'll have my noclippy one way or another
there is no such thing as a proper moonie
they're fucking animals
But don't we kill all the ones/they die during the ending of the game? Or were those all from the memory AI place?
did you not see this >>484384360
>he skipped what he thought was the 'end' of a cutscene and missed the second part featuring zoraal ja or bakool ja kino
NTA but why does Zoraal Ja repeatedly murder people to collect their souls? Isn't that just wasting more than you're getting back? Why not just whack them once and take their regulator?
>he didn't preorder
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What did we say?
I never trusted this bitch for a second
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>petting every hrothgal I come across as a hrothgar
>got ignored and ?'d twice in a row
If you ordered from GMG, I just got my code in the mail.
one day Ill have a moonie to entwine tails with
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man I love f3mra
my femra demands tribute
Are plugins up yet?
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It's Zoraal
eating an unmitigated tankbuster as a tank should give a vuln stack
I tried. I've had this issue for months now.
hey… is the cock flared?
Where do I even go to get mods for the game, I thought they were all bannable?
Id love the rotation assistant and where to stand so I can play this like I do WoW
Cute young girl doing the fingertips-together hand gesture talking about people's feelings? We've been there before...
>as a hrothgar
found the problem
>gatherbuddy updated
>no new world gatherables yet
ah well, back to the gathering log
I'm not sure what you mean. Are you asking why people are still alive in S9 at the end?
every moonie in the thread has had a gallon of cum shot into them minimum
Because the writing isn't very good this expansion thoughverbeit
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how?? dalamud is still not online
they're just confused that there are straight hrothguys
have you tried another browser, sometimes it really is that stupid
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Hey buns.
You're right sorry I'm a bigot with these lizard ass names.
Is there a cornservant of Mamook? Can't find the little shit, when does he spawn
Just finished the MSQ. It had its moments, but this is going to come down to how you feel about Wuk. I don't think any of the past xpacs have made one single character (other than the WoL) so constantly essential and present at all times. She's a far bigger presence than Ryne or even SB's Lyse.
Yes, I have tried ungoogled chromium, chrome, firefox, and even fucking edge. I also tried clearing cache, logging in prior to buying it. Everything people suggested when I looked up the issue.
Hrothgals do not like malehroth, they are failed men.
Just stick to the gay ones.
>he is unaware
search "empanadas" in the archive for the post describing how to get it working by editing DalamudConfig
Why does Sphene help you in the first place?
I didn't think much of Ryne or Lyse but it made me wish they were there instead around the time I hit 93
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no job won more bigly in dawntrail than the disciples of the land
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It's a stallion anon, of course it's flared that's like how they always are.
how are they failed men we see a happy couple in the msq voiced even
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dalamud works and plugins are being updated
close your game
you will find your config file in %appdata%\XIVLauncher\ using windows explorer
you will find the config named dalamudConfig.json
search for "DalamudBetaKey" and change it to "DalamudBetaKey": "burrito",
search for "DalamudBetaKind" and change it to "DalamudBetaKind": "stg",
yes even the comma
it should not say null such as "DalamudBetaKey": null,
click save, reopen your game
congratulations, you have dalamud beta
do not share the key with a name next to your message, they are banning people from the discord
if this does not work for you, try "empanadas" as the key and "apiX" as the kind instead (this is plugin dev branch, the other is player testing), and then type /xlbranch in game and select burrito as your branch, you do not need to restart for this
or use this https://rentry.org/g453tuzz
Wow ZeplaHQ you look amazing for being almost 40!

I guess I should clarify if I don't get the 404 upon login I just get walled when no payment info entry shows up when on checkout.
I fucking hate Sqeenix and their god damn shitty store. I had this same issue with every expansion and it just EVENTUALLY works.
how do you think a human lives without a soul
they can also just say lmao can't harvest alive people
Just like how femra don't like malera? Or how catgirls don't like catboys? I'm noticing a pattern
forcing you to open your mouth and eyes WIDE wheile I cum all over your face
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Added a little contribution
stop skipping cutscenes
So are we as characters not gonna acknowledge how fucked up it is that potentially hundreds of natives got scooped up into the time bubble and spent 30 years effectively being mind raped into liking Sphene and being happy perfect citizens? Or am I just completely misreading things, nobody seems really bothered in the early part of the zone in Heritage Found.
Serious question. These are not the same writers than previous expansions right? The scions feel incredibly dumb at times it's unreal.
need a girl to ride my catboy and steal his purity
not having your issue but when I sign into my acct, and when I tried to pay for a character name change via visa, it just error'd out and said i needed to contact support
so i used the through steam option because i have it on steam and the payment worked just fine
their shit is fucked for some reason
even with injector most plugins aren't updated
Built to be a stable-slut to my stallion in rut, guzzling gallons of his cum as his flair runs your throat raw
So when are we apologizing to Fujokawa?
my sunnie will keep company to the knotty hrothmen
Nah man they were all "surprised" at first and it "took some adjusting" but eventually they mostly all loved to wear the mind hacking device
No there isn't.
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first gernolt, now this? this is too cruel
>nobody seems really bothered in the early part of the zone in Heritage Found.
that's intentional, it's a function of the regulators
woah nice dark alley
(i cannot percieve +'s)
Yeah, none of my friends who have it through steam have the problem. I unfortunately just have the base PC version.
I don't really like that answer.
Thank god for visual studio or finding that shit wouldve been ass
I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Yeah I hate how this goes completely unaddressed. Nobody besides Erenville's mom had someone on the outside they wanted to see?
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excuse me he survived why are we pretending he's dead
1 disqualified
1 quit to help
1 gave up because power of friendship
Post story spoilers Anyone saying that the post patch quests should restore Living memory have fucking brain damage. Having Living Memory for and be an empty husk now is the best thing they've done. Actually give some weight to the story and its consequences
bro your ctrl+f

So we could easily have prevented countless of the deaths that happened buy we didn't do it because...?
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/xivg/ rate my Left-Leaning trans-nigger friends character; they're also ex-4channer from back from 18' but they only went to /co/
Oh no, I didn't lmfao
I mean I have lived through that many of times. My bag isn't gucci though!
We're so back
I saw someone say penumbra got updated but it's still not working
If you couldnt perceive them then you wouldnt know when you should mention it..muh immersion
My fiera is no longer chinless...
I meant we the scions not being bothered.
What’s the equivalent to Italy in the ffxiv world?
they should have replaced yshtola's VA
Why did you type this?
you're asking why does zoraal ja kill people
I answered that by killing them, he does the same thing as taking their souls by grabbing their regulator. same way tulliyoal niggas got their souls sucked even without regulators. it's not that deep.
I need visually appealling ui for my brainrot zoomer brain, and .jsons automatically open using vs
>1 gave up because power of friendship
moonies all fuck animals
akemi "dirty" sanchez is a biohole?
wonder how many people i'd piss off by using tts models to clone voices already in the game and use them for unvoiced scenes with the texttotalk plugin
The Thirteenth
Because I don't like them or that they're playing FFXIV
>the one time the game should actually respect the consequences of an action is when it makes an entire zone barren and dull
They turned Ultima Thule into a joke and they didn't even have a good reason to do so.
pretty unique and cool
Forcing fiddies to wear regulators
o-okay .. where do I report to.... ;_;
Corvos or the first reflection's kingdom before the fall
Which ebin loses to anal
>Stop skipping the cutscenes
>Makes up some headcanon theory
ffxiv players are schizo retards
>Hot topic tier? Easy

So you'll do it?
i don't think i could bear opening such a heavy application for a text file instead of just associating json with NPP

H-hey, quit that! This is a totally wholesome blue board anon.

I'm in Shaaloani and I'm pretty confident nothing interesting is going to happen for a while. Skipping cutscenes for now, and I think I'm going to be happier for it.
Hey you fucking asshole it's because of people like you that we can't get feedback to update the plugins faster, just have some fucking patience and stop undermining people working their asses off trying to update plugins that you use for free.
I meant thirteenth*
honestly hate this reflection stuff
Show sunnie
Let me be clear, I wish they had done a similar thing to Ultima Thule. The fact the dead species all stayed is so fucking dumb. The zone should be dead now. That's why I appreciate this one
Giving up because you have no chance IS losing. You cant just autistically treat this like a literal race. One straight up lost. The other realized he would never catch up or win by following the rules. And one did some self reflection and realized she would be better.
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>1 gave up because power of friendship
Bakool Ja Ja got his ass whooped by Wuk Lamat and ran off like a little bitch to cry
im keeping my writing dawntrail tier is all
My moonie hates cocks
Probably Corvos. Hope we get to go to Ilsabard next and see the fallout of it all.
Following up on this to say something positive about the area. I love the music.
Sis no thats when the happening happens. Plus in general its one of the better story arcs.
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story rn be like :
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old pic but still
His face turn was fucking retarded.
>kill someone
>they revive, expending a soul
>kill them again
>repeat until they actually die
>harvest their (one) soul from their body after forcing their regulator to expend multiple souls reviving them
Do they hate female cocks?
all femras
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You HAVE started farming for your crafted sets when they come out already right anon?
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is that the motherfucking Schwarzwelt
That's okay because cocks hate moonies.
>Service Eternal
What did Sphene mean by tattooing this on her back?
this is true
You're right its agony. Also I hate notepad+
>get to endsinger for the first time
>panic and use my LB too early
>it only wipes 4 of us and the other 4 barely get touched

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Alisaie is my lucky charm
oh you're talking about that, I thought it was very obvious he's just mad and chimping out. guess not.
yeah bro
How do I stop being gay
Men don't like me
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time to plap some bitches
this, but unironically
what do you think of my femlala

pic related
post her
femra+ hands free plapping
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This is really all there is to viper, huh.. Feels kind of unfinished, idk. It's missing some short cooldown abilities and long cooldown abilities, some kind of flavourful mitigation, I dunno... it plays like a level 80 job
BASED but dont spoil since i just got to the trolley gang in dt
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Did they FUCK?
I think if you only like femlalas if you are pedo
Sorry but I really hated Yak T'el and am running out of patience.
Damn bro. I guess Fez 2 is cancelled.
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>trying to be immortal is LE CRINGE
I preffered Fontaine's storyline
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Nuh uh
Does anyone know if Balance and Spear stack?
Because if so what's stopping us from putting both cards on a single person.
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Ahh... my combos... theyre back
all effects in this game work like a ripple where they apply one at a time so the 4 people who lived got the lb last and had their effect last like .5 seconds longer which was just enough time to mitigate for them
astral and umbral draw being 60 seconds apart?
I'm so glad the writer's didn't pussy out at the end
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I don't blame you. I feel like that was one of the biggest low points in the story. It only is okay at the very end of the zone. It's impressive how boring it is
Where do you think his son came from? Sphene clearly has sexbots with functioning wombs.
Gonna plap you, bitch
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how do I switch sides
for me it's sunnie+ (plapper) X moonie+ (plapped)
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Haven't played since the MSQ for EW. How is Dawntrail so far?
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Have + hrothgals saved the game yet?
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What do with poetics, im capped
the beginning part of Shaaloani sucks ass, train part is kino
bed breaking, metal bending, soul expending sex
Male Midlander here

I like femlalas and minheight femras (romantically, for EB purposes)

I like catgirls as well (only sexually, I could never actually love one)
Do you have full 660?
buy old pieces of gear to glam them dummy
all cards stack now
>what's stopping us from putting both cards on a single person
nothing its just 3% better to put it on a melee and ranged rather than 1 melee
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>Anamnesis not fixed yet
I can't last much longer.
Does anyone have an image of the Riversbreagh VPR weapons
I wanna know if they're worth grinding for.
I would keep impregnating her and forcing her to have abortions to keep generating souls.
So corvos or werlyt. Thinking of in lore appropriate family names using the wop naming conventions
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Is it me or this guy in the JP dub is voiced by the guy who also voices Deku from MHA
Rather be immortal than deal with the consequences of death to be honest
No, but - hrothgals have
It's the same ones that Zoraal Ja use.
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>I like catgirls as well (only sexually, I could never actually love one)
Oh, damn you're pretty hot. You really like hroths?
they used my femlala to try and make Blessed....... hundreds of times.....
Do NOT skip the train cutscene or you'll regret it
I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.
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I skipped it, that went 0-100
Oh. That should've been obvious...
Thanks bro.
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why would they want a mamool ja with a lalafell head
i liked the msq, the only part i didnt like as much was when i had to speak with wuk lamat
Yeah dont skip the train cutscene, Wuk Lamat gets motion sickness again and it's HILARIOUS
yup! if they're hot themselves and the knot is a requirement
dora stop attention whoring
Destroy the femlala Pictomancer
So she can NEVER paint death again…
why is materia 12 already so cheap on EU? it's 30k everywhere else I checked
What is this a reference to
>"why did the villain choose self-sabotage over his stated objective of gorging on as many souls as possible?"
>"he was really mad, you just don't get it"
It's very mixed and I think depends entirely on if you like Wuk Lamat or not. I grew to really like her, and enjoyed the story a lot. It definitely has problems, but overall, I liked that we played a mentor role more so rather than being the most special guy in the universe.
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I am
a balmung femlala
who needs a SIMP at solution 9 asap
destroying bigger hips
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Although I'll bitch about Wuk and some of the writing, there were things about DT I liked. Notably the music (mostly). I also liked the style of Solution Nine, though I really wish they hadn't made it so wide open and spaced out, which really causes it to seem empty and sparse whereas it is supposed to be a thriving modern/futuristic metropolis feel so there should be crowds around.
No offense but I don't see your kind as anything but sex objects. Maybe that's just how most of your race present themselves? I don't know. But I couldn't see myself EBing one.
I'm awake now
Can I hornypost about mommydom yet?
I want the greeting emote so bad
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I just binged through ShB's base MSQ and wow. What an amazing expansion. Easily my favorite so far! <3
It was such an engaging story from beginning to end. The way they do the ending is absolutely fantastic too.
Now time to for the post MSQ :3
that anon is retarded but he beat that guy to death to take his regulator, wasting a couple souls doesn't make much difference when he's about to eat at least hundreds
you pocket one for 60s, so you play card > draw > play 2nd card.
NTA but my interpretation of that scene was He was not thinking about gorging on souls at that moment, he was vulnerable without a regulator and NEEDED to get one back on his head asap
gonna paint a picture of her being pregnant
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The last person who kissed me is in a hospital right now. Tread carefully
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Heritage Found onward is basically this and I love it.
oh... sorry i have a penis
>Scions arrive
>fuck yeah we're gonna do this together like the old days
>"I'll join you!" - Wuk
can i kiss your feet
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>Get Viper to level 100
>No shields or self heals
Uhm what the sigma?
who wins the raw plap numbers contest?
office productivity femra
Show me a pic of you
it's a risk I am more than willing to take
You deserve to be tied in the center of the stable so all the horses can have their way with you until your legs give out
>Get Viper to level 100
found the problem
Post-shb is usually regarded as even better than the base MSQ.

Have fun!
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About that... actually using a mix WHM AFs right now. EW AF looks really good full white.
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sorry but this looks so weird, its literally just a child body copypasted onto a slightly smaller version of the adult body
Why does Dalamud need 'testing' of this level, DT is just one BIG update patch, what is so different?
i'm not interested then but i'll give you a /pet if i ever see you
Does the MSQ give coffers for the leather mad max gear?
It's called being a teenager
testers want to play the fucking game too, retard
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But every other melee dps has shields or a self heal
im creatively bankrupt so i've been wearing the same black dyed gothic dress since 2.0
true, I always end up leveling a healer even though I say I won't so I might as well do that
>Krile uses her quarterly three minutes of screentime to call in Y'shtola and G'raha do they can explain things instead of her
I'm seething
all game mod devs are attention whores, they want attention and underage discord users to groom
Enjoy your job diversity bro :^)
doing the plaping, futas
getting plapped, catboys
amount of plaps seen from a distance, malera
No that's gross
A fools conquest...
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does this have any variation or is it always the same? cool description though
Bro your second wind?
So people really do use market bots huh?
>Update prices for the leveling gear I didnt want
>4 items bought in literally 1 second
So uh.. Is there a reason why my dawntrail code is invalid when I try entering it in the mogstation?
viper is the retard class. go press your glowy buttons vipertard.
yeah bro DRG uses life surge to heal
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There is no room in clannish or tribal society for pairing with inferior outsiders, but the influx of inferiors can otherwise be interesting to taste.
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I can't wait to ERP as a Pelupelu.
my marketboard stuff is being instantly undercut again are plugins back
gay retard
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I had fun. Dungeons and trials were sick.
Interesting how they decided to use a random dungeon weapon to represent skill icons instead of AF weapon, like they usually do with other jobs
Is it basically impossible to overcap Heat Gauge now with the MCH?
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That doesn't count since that's an all job skill.
where's the mod to give alisaie a big ass
Why would anyone level a melee for any reason other than must-have-all-jobs-at-max-level autism?
a good catboy blows out more backs in a week than a futa does in a month easily
Hmm, I screenshotted this but I'm not home right now to see what it said. I'll report back in an hour or so when I get home.
the music in the last zone of dt makes me wanna cry
>amount of plaps seen from a distance, malera
I swear for me the plapmaxxers in this game are malera, my vision is probably skewed by having seen them targetted by cute catgirls , and them looking high up in their eyes; when I first tried the game a LONG time ago
There's something very wrong with the writing when you wanna kill one important female NPC and bully the other one until she kills herself.
>Play the game for the story, characters, and music
>All of the above are shit in the new expac

Is it over?
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Gosh dang. Cold as ice.
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Cleanup on isle 4.
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Thank you! I am completely blown away by how good that was :D
I can't wait!
People who say the music is shit need to acquire taste.
speaking of voidlist

What are your guys instant filter words for the improved blacklist?
Do you think women would like you instead? Dubious.
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>quest says the big boss fight trial is going to take place in an exotic location
>look inside
>isolated floating square platform
chances are that they planned on making the AF weapons something like that, but it also looks more distinct than regular swords
> bully the other one until she kills herself
Krile? I thought she was fine. Wuk yeah she got irritating. I really think she should have become a less conspicuous character after the competition. Still around here and there but not omnipresent like she had been before that.
Anon they dont have taste all they listen to are anime OPs and video game OSTs and claim that's the sickest shit ever
They upped the prices for teleports again? Im rather well off so its not terrible but I feel bad for sprouts. It costs me 700 to go from weebland to Limsa and its half price.
I already was pretty much.
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Chat, is this true?
>Krile's entire journey is wrapped up in the middle of a drawn out padding section most people have started skipping through hours ago
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It costs zero dollars to act like a child
desu the only song that really genuinely sucks this expansion is the credits one
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Cleanup on isle 5.
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I disabled the first part of the last zone but i am too sleepy to go on
i will finish this existential dread of a zone tomorrow...
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I only see it get triggered in hunt trains
have you ever seen one of those in real life? seems pretty exotic
Just unlocked picto and have no idea which buttons to press. Any tips?
She's like a blacker more tomboy version of me
Smack this cats butt gently, with paper plates.
The beginning is the worst it has ever been. Worse than SB, ARR, EW and all. But it gets better around level 93. And the boss mechanics are pretty good.
>The Scions sitting down in a table calculating how much screentime can each of them manage to squeeze in and whether it will be enough to get Krile's whole character background explained, before Wuk Lamat enters the room, kicks their calculus sheets and sets the table on fire.
>Getting this mad over a leak
Wow whoever said that mod devs are attention whores was right
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So how long before they pull the ripcord and bring him back?
do the quest
that's what really kills me, the plot literally talks about how Krile is very connected to the golden city you'd think she'd have agency, and for fucks sake Y'sthola should've been wanting to join you because it's potentially what she's after, but no, fucking Wuk Lamat has to butt in and take the spotlight again despite having had it on her for more than half the MSQ, god thats the biggest blunder with this MSQ.
Why is the Dev gatekeeping Dalamud when it's ready?
is there any word that would easily filter goldsellers?
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>the fiddie waving at you
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Does really nobody want to join me over at /ERP/?

Get over it, people are testing your shit for free. The real value for you is keeping people out and feeling powerful. Even if it's temporary. That's why the discord drama takes all of you every time without fail.
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First half of the MSQ should have been about Wuk. Second half should have been about Krile. I'm kind of pissed honestly.
Heavensward relic weapon. You need like 8000 of them. Also mandervillian weapons.
We have the same question every 20 posts
Alphinaud and Alisaie should have been on that first train heading north.
Alisaie should have been a part of the resistance, a fully grown elezen woman, when she speaks of Alphinaud however she speaks as if he's a stranger.
When you meet Alphinaud, he's controlling the screen robot.
It's revealed that Alphinaud died at some point and Alisaie's mind got wiped, the only reason she knows him because he was able to get in contact with her again with the remote controlled robot.
When you finally get to Living Memory, you meet the older Alphinaud who is clearly a changed man from the boy you knew.
As you progress through Living Memory, he slowly starts to warm up becoming just like his old self.
Final area has him regress to his Heavensward design for a sendoff to your best friend, creating stronger emotional attachment for the player..
>discord avatar
Every time.
Please don't give Yoshida an idea and pull a Yakuza and bring back dead characters left and right
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I have fchat open I'm good but thanks for the goon material
idk I haven't seen a goldseller in months even without plugins
ignore the shitposts and go crush,some pussy, catbro
The pitslut, anon. Krile is fine despite the first half of her character arc being a copypaste of Eureka.
What's an animal gleaner?
I think actual normal looking places that we just happen to be using as a battleground can be counted on one hand
Even when I thought we were going to fight on the literal moon Golbez says NUH UH and creates a giant square for us to fight on in the sky
>back when OJ was still a pompadour memelala
man time flies.
giving this rava a stomach pancake
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what board is that even on?
god damn i need more ryne...
only if you give sloppy head
What's fchat?
what is he now?
Anyone know of a preset that isn't an over-saturated, vibrant mess
I don't understand why they're upset.
>Y'sthola should've been wanting to join you because it's potentially what she's after
Yeah Y'shtola would have made it a lot more tolerable actually having some non-furshit female energy around. But everyone knows she's the patch queen who is fashionably late in the MSQ
not every time, sometimes they're trannies...
>aging up the twins
fuck off
Losing a duel in the no-man's lands of Shaaloani and being left for dead only to be found and rescued by a native tribe catboy who nurses me back to health and teaches me to make arrowheads and hunt buffalo in exchange for me showing him how to suck a peepee
>le kill the main cast for emotional impact
I'm not so sure about this one man.
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>stomach pancake
What in the world does this even mean
Don't ask why you were mysteriously ejected 'for no reason' lol
Anyone got plugins working via dalamud? My launcher has updated dalamud but I still can't use it yet
oh no no no no no the hacker called 4chan strikes again
faggot club chat, a club faggots
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Was it kino or forced?
A level 99 goonmaster modbeastafell. But at least he got rid of that stupid pompadour.
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Well I'm quite happy with it! These scimitars have been my favourite since I saw them in the benchmark, such a good model
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>half the setup of the pre-patch was Krile's motivation on going to the new world to discover what happened to her grandfather
>her story arc resolution and character origin twist is literally a foot note on the way to the actual plot
>Alphinaud and Alisaie should have been on that first train heading north.
>Alisaie should have been a part of the resistance, a fully grown elezen woman, when she speaks of Alphinaud however she speaks as if he's a stranger.
>sidequest where you meet some kid that was in the train
>at the end he changes to his true form like namikka did
>he's an old man
Never trust japanese to add 30 years to any character without making them decrepit and one step away from dying, after all everyone past 20 might as well be dead.
My old custom preset was fucking perfect but the update ruined it.
>does this have any variation
That was not me but I will now leak the future codes.
it was peak
gerudo pilled
I thank the twelve every day that none of you "superior 4chan writers" have any power of this game. This is fucking garbage
How do I get into this game?
I reached heavensward and am doing msq but I am really bored with the game
All I do is play dress up in glamourer and change my race in that for every hour or so of content
>Be Alexandrian
>Have to live inside a small bubble lost in time/space because people decided to have a lightning arms race
>Random guy appears
>Makes an unknown deal with your Queen to become King alongside her for something in return
>Your bubble of reality appears somewhere else with new people and in a new environment
>New King spends 30 years building up your military to the expense of everything else
>He's a massive dick
>After 30 years he invades the world outside the bubble and causes mass destruction and murder
>A few days later
>His invasion fails
>He goes off on one and starts killing your fellow countrymen using the military that he spent the past 30 years building up
>Some people finally come and kill him
>His Son gets named as he replacement
>Fuck you that's why, deal with it.

I'd be pretty pissed if I was an Alexandrian
We should've made Erenville give us blowjobs during the adventure
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OK, time to see what happens.
Half and half. His character is kino and we need more Don Quixote style valorous knights but he also sacrificed himself for someone who literally cannot die when he could've just helped us fight.
Is that like the other version of a cleaveland steamer or something?
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I am
A femroe
Taking a break from cat babysitting
The chat client for f-list
get this woman an hourglass so she can rewind when she fucks up her platforming
I don't like wuk lamat because her mouth is ugly and I think everything else about her was fine
Pot the fat one
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based sower of chaos
>Trial Roulette
>Get Asura
>Both healers die with no one to res at like 65%
>PCT walls thinking we're going to reset
>Myself and the other tank are both WAR
>Kill Asura while also keeping the two VPR and the DNC alive
>died "protecting" someone that could just swap bodies whenever they wanted
f-list's chat. Where fellow goonmaxxed pumpchads go to find typesex rather than dredging through the quicksands.
I always have a soft spot for the heroic knight trope but the moment he mentioned that he will die if his vessel gets destroyed it was obvious he wont make it
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together we are!
the scions of the seventh dawn!
Is he really Don Quixote style if his credentials are legit?
>kill of two long-running characters for dramatic effect in the middle of the most unserious expansion since ARR
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if you're a miqo'te and don't meow or nya what's the point?
Wuk lamet is fine, besides her voice fucking sucks. It sounds uncanny valley I wouldn't be suprised if the VA was an ai
This might be my favorite femroe I've seen. Very pretty.
Give me your immediate reaction when it's done.
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Stfu about Dalamud already and discuss Final Fantasy XIV
Did he know she couldn't die? I think he's also shielding us from some of the damage too.
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coooooouuunntry rooooooads, take meeee hoooooooomeeee
fine bait my friend
not even remotely, that thread sucks ass but tell owain i said hi
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Why can't my level 30 alt get the free fanta? The NPC isn't here?
7.0 graphics really fried this one
cutenoses now just look fucking terrible and disjointed against the rest of the face
You assholes make it so much harder to give out a good service to the FFXIV community… all we try to do is make it so people don’t have an interruption filled experience with the new expansion and you have to just throw all the effort we take to categorize issues away instantly.

Be better next time Maru, I’m aware it was you.
i need plugins to come back so i can see more giant moonies
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Thinking of coming back. How is Pictomancer / Viper?
Some Avengers tier dogwater is what's gonna happen
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Other than her atrocious hair, I liked her
>after all everyone past 20 might as well be dead
This but unironically.
>t. 30
it was the only way he could die fulfilled, since he wasn't able to protect the real sphene when she died. it may have been objectively pointless but he got to die following his knightly oath
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Why is there one anon that makes gay erenville posts every thread
nta but its basically them coating your tummy with cum
yeah her VA sucks, a lot of the American VAs suck, probably because they're really cheap and probably nonunion, but you get the issue of Wuk is in nearly every spoken cutscene so you hear her a lot, and a lot of the time the script just repeate the same shit she has said before, it just gets grating
who's the pitslut?
he's based
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Have you done your MSQ?
dunesfolk femlalas belong to plainsfolk lalaboys
literally if underage users just get the sekrit code online then he can't discord groom them. game mod devs are all the same
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HW is claimed to be hosted but in reality the first half is shit
The second half is the highest the game reaches, but you have to somehow care for the world
The gameplay can be shit. Best find a friend to experience it with
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You might be terminally retarded.
Ngl Wuk fucking nailed the "Be quiet Bakool Ja Ja, no one cares about what you think" line
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sis your hands are clipping
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hey i also just got there
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He's just a little husky, not fat!
>But trust me dude, killing main characters in the vacation expansion right after the ending makes se-
Your opinion is invalidated even more so than the fact it’s on 4chan
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It bothers me that Alisaie is really the only one saying what I'm thinking right now.
Let me guess, you clapped when Y'shtola was pulled from the aetherstream again?
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>That forehead
>'With so much ahead'
>no way to tell who it was
>pick a random beta tester
>getting rid of beta testers when you only have like 3 actual testers because everyone else just uses the plugins
What is your game?
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>she's gone
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I thought I did how else would I gotten to 30? Thanks anon i'll go check what MSQ part I'm at.
they are pretending it takes work and time to milk more cash from patreons
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My son
My ebf has a toon in a primal server, how long do I have to wait to be able to create a toon there?
You would too
franz is such a manchild lmfao
is that what the one gpose modder does too
>plogonfags shitting their pants because they don't have hax day 1
go play tf2 or something
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He did it in third person with me on the cloud dc...
It fits her character arc. She's arguably the Scion with the most experience on souls due to her work curing primal tempering and elemental imbalance in living beings.
if he really was your ebf he'd reroll on dynamis with you
Post your bun
That is clearly an elezen retard.
>my personality is calling others 'retard'
The summer high school youth on these threads.
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its a modded fiddie
Well my moonie LOVES cocks
I hope the Yoshi adds anti-cheat next expansion so nobody can use your dogshit gatekeeping shovel ware again in my life. You're a whiny faggot that stands on a rotting soap box. Go back to your discord call bubble and cry to your yes-men about it.
form babby
thank you brother Clayton. white power
tfw no 18 year old EB
Yeah, true
End of thread
no one will know
femlalas are cute
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Thanks for the advice
Its not that I dislike the game, I really want to love it but it has this issue where right when its getting good, you are forced to go on another fetch quest or whatever
I just want to do dungeons with a guild or something in a casual way and do crafting jobs so I can sell bigly on the open market
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Don't give me anxiety, he's already in the last expansion and I'm tentatively wanting to try out ffxiv
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People actually give money to the mod devs?
I find it so amazing that it is ALWAYS the flamers and badmouthers that are the worse, A L W A Y S
happens even irl, in any single fucking game, always the fucking same lmao
fucking subhuman
Which body mod for this? curious
I know you are but what am I?
what's this
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Would the goddesses intervene in the important matters of mortals?
is anamnesis still a thing?
and you have aids
Yeah? Come suck mine then
The gods are gone.
you got it
Well, let's just say if so they sure as hell aren't anymore
did you win?
It's canon that WoL found the Sphene sexbot stash in Solution Nine and handed one out to every Scion except Alphinaud, right?
I played femroe through shb and had to stay the fuck away from ligma because fags would walk up like OMG HONEY HEY HEY WHERE U GOIN HEY
gl femroebros
It’s been dead for months, use Brio from the Sea of Stars repository instead.
I pray you don’t reproduce.
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Omg same
>team part in yak'tel
>oh cool maybe there will be a funny team up with zoraal ja
>nope it's koana again even though it just happened earlier
Do you know if it has a time limit or will he always be there?
take off the helmet
lol no
they even told us this to our faces
You dont have a cock right? if not then hey..
Why are you reacting like this
When will daganis stop talking about romanis horse cock and wanting to be HORSED?
>keep hearing how Wuk sucks off Sphene the moment you enter the Heritage found
>she actually chooses to work with the rebel faction because taking Sphene at her word would be stupid, since she still allied with Zoraal Ja

Hello? Doomposters? Explain yourselves.
Might be me, but people are way more interested in chatting when I play my fem miqo, as I said, could be me tho
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holy shit
Anon, don't be silly! Of course I have a cock. A big one!
dunno but I like this kind of goth gg

unrelated: somebody tell wuk-chan there's NO FUCKING "I" IN "TEAM"
>i did this
>i also did this
>i wish i couldve done this
bitch you had 3-7 people carrying you through all of it
>ESL who can barely keep his grammar together calling anyone else subhuman
calm down hektor
>xe thinks people here actually read through the MSQ
People wouldn't lie on the internet would they?
No then everyone will know who I am
I will install this cat into my wall as a personal cumdump for everytime my Sunnie+ wakes up and feels the need to have a nice warm sleeve
pov: youre a faggot and write bad fanfic
She switches back to trusting her later. Wuk Lmao wants to believe in the better side of her.
there's a tranny as a VA so that will always attract /pol/tards like shit attracts flies to make totally good faith "arguments" about the expansion in general
I don't want kids, I'm a whore.
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they skip cutscenes and just repeat their head canon over and over again
Purrhaps, if your Sunnie is actually cute...
Just don't be surprised if I escape eventually.
Do you think we can buy Sphenes dress at some point? Looks fancy ah
ok you're wrong
sorry bro the japanese players don't like your pet troon either
NTA but you resisting to be topped is hot. I want to gape you so hard
Don’t worry, my Sunnie+ will leave you nice and full. I’ll even get a bunboy to lick up the mess you leave underneath yourself after mommy is done breeding the little kitten.
i can't believe wuk lamat LITERALLY sucked off vorporlor despite them never having met before and despite vorporlor being openly hostile
why would she do that? is she stupid???
nice looking femroe!
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>the armpit of the Japanese internet's take is good bro trust
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Why are you such freaks? Don't you have any shame?
You got a problem pendejo
what if wuk lamat was named woke lamat and she had to become the pronounservant and collect the hrtstones and find the white-and-pink-and-blue city
i love this natsoc femra
Well, I'm not bored anymore.
damn like two years ago she was even fuckable
Pfft, I guess you two can try your luck. I'm not some paper tiger though...

Nah, I'm just chilling and doin' MSQ and hanging out. Though maybe I'm not quite familiar with the puritanical etiquette of /vg/...
What gear do I need to enter EX?
She actually went back and trusted her for no reason like 20 minutes later. Turns out you're the cutscene skippers. :)
>after mommy is done breeding the little kitten
are the viera poster from earlier?
I just wanna fuck you stupid
AF gear is good enough. The enrage timers are really lax.
I'm still making my way through the MSQ thoughbeit :^)
Most of the thread are coomers, there are some absolute autistic nutcases that hate coomers, and there are some absolute autistic coomers that hate coomers that have different fetishes than them
Lala faces were never meant to be realistic. The graphics overhaul could only ever make them look worse because of the uncanny valley effect it evokes. They're creepy now. Soulless eyes and issues like the nose mark there looking like playdoh or something stuck to his face instead of an actual part of it.
yea, im thinkin it's kino
>call anyone a cutscene skipper if they talk about something you yourself haven't even seen yet
she wanted to experience big yok huy cock
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I'm still in the MSQ :^)
What if you all stopped talking and sucked my futa cock
>not some paper tiger
Half the fun is when they fight back dear. I’ve found little brats like yourself become much more willing to give in once I’m pushed between your legs
>I guess you two can try your luck
I need to team up with that other s+ then~
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I literally commented on a cutscene I'm watching though you stupid nigger.
Is it small and cute?
I liked the final zone and wild west the most. wuk lamat is suffocating and she doesn't give any room for other characters to have screen time so she could have her arc about gaining confidence or showing people how nice she is.

I think dawntrail would've been better if we went to tural for krile and then viewed the rite of succession as an outsider rather than a personal bodyguard. have each zone focusing on a different claimant and then coming together during the 2nd half.
i NEED to rape sphene
>smugly complain about cutscene skippers when you haven't even seen the fucking thing they're talking about
Retarded shitstains.
For real, it's like everyone is afraid of admitting that probably 50% of the reason to play this game is just to be a coomer...

That's what I'm sayin'!

Mhmm, mhmm. All talk, too afraid to show yourselves as the relentless pervs you are. Guess you might have a sneak attack advantage if you stay hidden though.
I'll still call you a cutscene skipper even after I get to that part :^) I'll have the screenshots ready too
I've been skipping cutscenes since 2.4 :)
therein lies the key realization to success
a good catboy reaches out first, takes initiative, where fem characters exist and get it. they're not equal, and that's perfectly fine.
more plapping than you could ever think to do with is out there, you must simply reach out and close your first around the scruff of its neck, my friend.
this. I thought I failed or some shit, then it's like 'wat'
post hroth
Can you macro pictomancer motifs so you cast all 3 on 1 button press?
I cant out myself like that...
Malera posters literally just disappeared. Will they ever be found again?
if you're not a man enough to let the board know you want to knot a sunnie then i do not need you..
my wife
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>doing 99 trial on warrior with DS bots to see if they're still gud
>phone call
>"I need blahblahblah bring it outside and I'll pick it up"
>holmgang+run down stairs
>they're not there
>walk around yelling to see if they're around front
>go back inside, it's been like three minutes
>char still alive with 3 vul stacks
>finish trial np
>yshtola best ai healer and catmommy confirmed
>feels good man
When mods are up, I’m plapping you
i need xivcombo

please update faster thank you
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what should I use the tomestones on now if manderville weapons are obsolute?
they're still BIS for unreals.
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In reality, clear parties will slap you with a ilv690 restriction which will force you to farm tomestones

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