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Previous: >>484390756

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Spino Doubleblaster" live until July 8

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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This thread will be better.
Everyone got the Jean pose right?
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this thread
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Why bother? The ritualtroons will use the other one anyway.
also raiden and xiangling
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this one, fuck the shiptranny
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Thank you, anon.
those 19 seconds feel like forever. he's so mesmerizing
what a cutea
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We love c&c here
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
For me, it's my fellow /gig/ ganyubwos
Impossible, we're at peak brownoid teen girl hours. All we're getting is shipfaggotry by unlovable ugly women and "women", with the occasional brown incel meltdown.
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i hope zzz is an enormous success
maybe then we will finally get an actual furry genshin
is this the right thread?
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Childe SOON
>baizhu but actually attractive
crossing my fingers
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Incoming wriocuck melty. He still can't accept that his months of cuckposting got BTFO by 4.7
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post em
Nobody gives a shit about these leaches.
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
For me, it's lansan
For me, Its fischl!
For me, it's my fellow /gig/ ganyubwos
sex with alhaitham
nahida is really sex
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fuck you
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All males are for loom
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>Fucks your waifu
Normal sibling behaviour.
I got noelle, jean and ayato
except neuvillette, he is for shota wrio
still can't believe the abortion on the right is a real character
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Post your Furina
literally who?
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for me it's you(sometimes)
I'm trying man
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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>mt*shed jaded about gacha games
>but excited to play ZeeZeeZee

this guy is fucking retarded
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I need more toot webms. Post them
/zzz/ is a few threads down.
post more blowing genshins
sorry I meant on the left
I want to MARRY Father!
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I only have dilucs
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>t.triggered fujo
no one will ever find you attractive
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All three should fuck. Loom has plenty of holes.
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furina love
bwo genshin is a NTR/cuckoldry friendly community, in case you didn't know
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I look like that. He is literally me
No it isn't, everyone stopped making out and experimenting with their sister by high school age
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I only have jpg
>wuwushill is an incel
not surprising ngl
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>two active threads
So why do 4chan ALWAYS get colonized and overrun by the very people they troll, laugh at or hate?
>/b/ and moot chased out and bullied furfag for years since around '05
>/l/ got shut down for housing actual pedoes
>Every board rushed to /a/ to laugh at underaged Indonesian shippers when Naruto ended in '07 over the ending ships
>Libertarian /pol/ trolled stormfront and far right jockeys in 2012
>/v/ mocked and hated Tumblr and reddit
>/int/ laughed at thirdies for most of its life
>Now every single one of those groups, and many more have annexed 4chan and cut it into their own biosphere slices of the pie
>that last thread
not gonna lie I like crazy bitches, chilumianon post UID
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>literally who?
Ellen's boyfriend, the shark maid from ZZZ
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he hates gacha games but won't stop playing them
What genshin has the biggest, most unkept and unwashed bush?
mine forced me to do it until i was 17, we she only stopped after her boyfriend of 10 years finally proposed to her
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For me, it's Iansan.
Is there a site that condenses leak/announced stuff, like future banners, etc?
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Never walk outside.
He can also monetize his whole personal journey from picking up game to farming game drama to quitting
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do you have a raiden one
You have good taste and I'd wager you're attractive IRL too.
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I wish they'd create new holes in their heads
Are you into warty 150kg women on the lower end of the IQ scale?
>play freebie Arlecchino
>forget to skill cast at start of rotations
>it's over and you have to reset
Wish I had better memory than a goldfish so I could roll this character
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>*fats around the corner*
Oi, yer got a loicense fer that shitpostin?
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I didn't make a Raiden one yet
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hu tao sex
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Please stop associating Emilie with fujos. She would need an extra hundred pounds to look the part.
>still seething
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Ugghhh I want to breastfeed grown women so bad
you mean futao
>Still eating
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>I have my own hater
Literally me. I feel represented now thank you Mihoyo
if only the other gacha games were as progressive...
Why do they hold the inside of the trumpet, doesn't that fuck with the sound?
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>She would need an extra hundred pounds
this but without a hint of irony
>the tooter of Mondstadt
Why was that camera pan so erotic, what the fuck...
"cuck OP thread"
>civilized, intellectual discussion of Adam Sandler's cinematography
"non troll OP thread"
>shipspamming and calling each others incels and femcels
I'm not the chilumisis I just noticed you always seethe at her since she posted her tits
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Remember the weird trans guy from the last thread? He's apparently deciding to call out Sean now like the retarded shit he is
People like him are always the type to ruin VA reputations
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what do I do with this retard
Any breedable child in here?
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>next Imaginarium theater is a cryo shill cycle
>have to build every cryo shitter

i think this is the final nail
>Cute interaction
>incels get mad
Thank god Mihoyo filters these fags every single time
>Gullible simp doesn't know it's some random indog porn star
A simple Yandex search and you'd know like most of the thread found out.
But no, gotta simp and gotta simp hard at attention whores posting porn stars pretending to be them.
Let me guess, you're from south of the equator?
>"non troll OP thread"
tranny ops are not troll?
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as a fujo I can confirm
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this is your average yume
im losing my mind
It's a French horn
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>has a melty he starts to schizopost
kek you need help
I'm just gonna take my Easy or Normal or whatever there, I'm not going to build more Cryo bricks than I already have just for primos
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we know cum2play
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>get furina
>holy FUCK she melts my teams hp
how do I get a healer bwos, I can't keep up. I could just let her sap my team and have clorinde healing herself, but is it worth it if they can only drain 1 person?
You got (1) new message
>fujos vs yumes flame wars
damn bwos
women really are just like us
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The upward pan is very nice
It's so easy to push narratives and disinfo these days and critical thinking and curiosity died in 2010. The internet was a mistake.
would breed these hogs day in day out
fujosis your jealousy is making you schizophrenic
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>Not a single tranny in the picture
This doesn't represent the fanbase
whose pov is this
*stinky pussy explodes all over the thread*
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My obese French musketeer wife
*picks up the phone* moshi moshi
>seething this hard at the cheldyume
now I know this has to be a woman, no one hates women more than women
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>beginning farmign artefacts for character
>get 3 decent pieces first 2 weeks
>two months later not a single non trash final piece
Many such cases...
All brass instruments are trumpets to me I'm sorry, they are all just toot machines
>leveled chongyun to 90 as a newbie retard
your time has finally come shotaboy
Honkai's fallguys mode is really fucking fun
they should add something like it into genshin
funny since the only confirmed obese women on /gig/ are yumes (cheldsis and neuvisis)
Build your Barbara
Which honkai?
Your Barbara or Noelle can help you a bit better than Yaoyao
Why are you so immunized to facts and truths easily available on the internet with the click of a button, darkie?
cheldsis looked average weight and neuvsis is small just autistic, I doubt she even posts here
They did once already bwo
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I am the only thin (biological) woman on /gig/.
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futao ye
is double water insane or does that work?
would I keep Xiang for vape or use fischer and be all water + lightning?
tits or gtfo.
would that kirara
>post fat hands or hide chins
>get called obese
>post skinny wrists and lean hands
>get called a tranny
you just simply can’t win
Why are you still melting over the yume? Mad you'll never be her troon?
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Bros, she keeps mindbreaking ppl...why is she like this?
I'm not referring to aveline from reddit, there's a neuvifag landwhale with sausage fingers
and cheldsis did look fat
ew, a woman
any girls around?
having fat tits =/ being fat
is this clorinde, navia or the buddypoke?
no fujo has ever posted any part of her body, so that's just another win for yumestacies
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Based /gig/cord defending the KWEENS of the cord from evil white incels! LGBT won, chuddies! Yass slay!
How is it that anyone could take simply one look at Furina, and not immediately want to impregnate her?
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Oops wrong thread I guess
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I can't believe the amount of effort Mihoyo is putting into ZZZ compared to Genshin
Just look at this ad
Double water is nice because it buffs your team's HP by 25%, which Barbara and Furina both like
You can use whoever you want as a 4th, it shouldn't matter too much at this point
who is having a melty rn?
scarafujo posted her body parts multiple times and got called a tranny simply because she’s skinny kek
Fujotroon, the cheldsis isn't a porn actress, we found nothing on Yandex
they need to do it agian
that is literally (Me)
scarahida was a mistake...
nahicucks are always having mindbreaks....
she has short hair, right? nty
some fujo seething at yumes, the normal
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I think I might be coming around to the imaginarium theater, I was posting about how dookie it was day 1, but for the first time in a while, I kinda want to log in everyday and use my resin. I might even grab the BP for more resources.
to be fair though, isn't scarafujo a genuine enbie?
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but I like scarahida
Dude...... BELTS n shit................. so cool
Amazing. The MMO general death kneel simp drama happening in a guildless gacha game...
Who needs tripfaggotry when you just need to avatarfag?
she looks like a boy, believe it or not, the majority is still straight
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Wrong, gigaretardGOD
Forgot to add that you should try to use Barbara's burst right after Furina's
If you can make a Prototype Amber from the forge that would be a great weapon for her to keep up with the healing
he had man hands, if you are an oldfag you remember the venti twink, he got so mad at women he posted his waist and legs to compete
enbie is for zoomer foids what bisexual was for millennial foids
just a way for straight white women to larp as an oppressed minority
no one takes it seriously least of all they themselves
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uh oh you will trigger cleric
>he doesn't know
guild officer here btw.
oh right, but see... it looks like a mullet. i cant do that...
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I think Sumeru would have been better if instead of giving Scara a whole patch for his "redemption" they made it so that he hit his head too hard falling out of the robot and got brain damage
you genuinely need help
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GamingGODS how we doing?
I don't get it, where's the logic in shitting up a company product general to make people play the other company product?
All you are doing is turn people off from anything related to the company to escape lunatics like you guys
Genuinely why is he mad?
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am I supposed to like imaginarium
post boobs if you have any
is she not the kazuscara poster who claims wanderer is trans/has a pussy, admitted to self-inserting as him and is currently dating another woman?
He knows he'd be flipping burgers if he stopped playing gachas.
so you weren't there? the ventifag posted his whole body, it was a skinny twink
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he was supposed to die before femcels took over the dev team
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Winning bigly.
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Tectone status?
no, but you are supposed to stop liking 3d
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hutao gf when
Everyone knows the tranny erp faggotry you ex players in the /gig/cord do, freak.
Your homo discord group is as official as the festering wound you have.
why do you want scara to suffer so much if you ship them?
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>I'm late to the fight
Nono vote
Best femcel?
Unironically not canon anymore, she cut her hair for character development
you are thinking way too hard about it
its as simple as this
you get the need to take a shit so you go to the toilet and take a shit
/gig/ here is the toilet
The food system needs a rework. Make characters/party actually have to consume food periodically or get a debuff or something. I haven't touched anything in my inventory for years.
>people will just spam the cheapest/fastest recipe
make those fill shit so it's worth doing the more complex ones
she has never referred to herself as an enbie freak and calls herself a girl i don’t know anything else
you are proving my point by calling her a tranny
the dilucsis is automatically considered to be a female because she posted her feet but the scarafujo who did the same, posted her hands multiple times and her feminine outfits is still a male…because?
How do you know this about some anonymous poster....
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Still a cuck like the average Genkek
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She killed billions
>character development
I am here often
Holy shit kill every shitskin/slav, post 1990 kids and the entire LGBT NOW!
At least you people will be stars when the LiveLeak vids start dropping.
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>Fucks your waifu
at least he is human. My waifu is getting railed by a fucking furry
I'll forever trust only Tieba henceforth.
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I did not like how Shitmagirium forced me to use characters I am not used to and whose rotations I am not familiar with. I wanted Kazuha for all rounds
withouth timestamp
the hand doesn't look feminine at all and the nails are gross
kek. Is that you, Swanson? Still mad you got booted from the guild?
>can't add my femcel of choice
>The old team is now still on MiHoYo, working on a project for Genshin Impact
What could it be? It obviously wasn't Fontaine since that's what he says the 'new' team was working on, and based on everything we know of Natlan it can't be that either. Is the A team already working on Snezhnaya while hoping the game isn't run into the ground before we reach that point?
...of Xabalanque's sperm
>nepotism hire into his org by his friend
>friend turns out to be a rapist with a pregnancy fetish and gets kicked out
>wife cheats on him
>rest of his org barely tolerates him
lolcow tier im afraid
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>1 day later
>nobody is talking about Imaginarium Theater anymore

Great endgame.
But I'm Loom and I'm cheering for Noelle on the side!
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Fair enough, to each their own
>post 1990
Lmeow. Lots of pride for a millennial f4ggot nigger
Goofiest generation, kill yourself
Sometimes I feed them to make sure they're not hungry
>cheldsis won
all of you are just addicted to whores
BPD sparkleposter...
Endgame is and always will be a meme in gachas.
post your hands so we can see how feminine hands look like obsessed fag
they are working on genshin 2, unironically
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having two characters in an image doesn't they are shipped bwo
imaginarium gives me more anxiety than abyss and I wasn't even trying to get the stars
I'm going to whinge
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I'm sure you are
>anything new in Genshin comes out
>Thread get 3x fast
The easiest way to spot raids. These tourists don't play the game so they only come here when there is "news" to shart on then fuck off once they're done frotting together on the 'cords
>post 1990 kids
keeek we got a literal middle aged grandpa itt
post your hairline lole
I'm a man you white knight
just compare aveline's hands with the scaraabomination
>Mihoyo game
>"Muh Waifu"
unironically your fault
My mouth
Nahida's feet
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Fr fr xis! Westoid genocide when? That'll teach our gay uncle to ground us!
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>can get the last boss to about 1/4rd health, but I time out
I'm not having fun with this mode.
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post something sad
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My wife
she walks on those
Should have saved your Clorinde and Baizhu for it
me on the right
Plunge Diluc kills it bwo
Wait, this fucking thing costs resin to play?
their hands look exactly the same
I would, but I don't wanna get banned for mass replying.
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Good on you anon but I'm the type of person who won't do shit if not forced or rewarded. My main issue with Genshin's food buff system is they last fuckall. If they were 30min-1h I'd consider using them.
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>spend an entire Lantern Rite shilling Fontaine's Iridescence Tour
>get to Fontaine
>no Iridescence Tour event ever
Clorinde breaks the shield in one attack, go back and save your second Clorinde vigor by using Raiden on that level instead.
no they don't, aveline's are soft while scarafujo's looks like my nephew's
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I beat it with a random overload team, how the fuck do people struggle with this mode?
because then they'd have to put xinyan in the event
who the fucks wants to see her
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What's the point in rolling for who i like if they'll have no complete artefacts for half a fucking year...
No, I meant use resin to build my characters for next cycle, need a few more hydro and cryos to even qualify.
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No. I think he meant using resin to build his characters.
Are any genshins femcels
>he doesn’t know what filters are
go outside incel and talk with some women
sucrose comes to mind
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I won
I needed Clorinde to beat the jadeplume bird and to beat the defense level.

Not with 1/4/1 talents, he fucking doesn't.
artifacts are a spook
...the losing competition
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>playing 4 gachas at the same time
>hey look it came with a cute straw let's drink it toge-
dude youre like 35 years old lole shouldnt you be babysitting the grandkids instead of playing anime video games
what does your wife have to say about all this
>i-it's the filter
sure scaratroon with man hands
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We know.
sigfloppie flopped
Can you not beat the chicken with your Raiden? She's the first boss so she should be lower level, right?
Eula is a grown ass woman who hangs around teenagers during her free time and is still a virgin
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I play 5 and ZZZ will be my 6th
How old are you?
>invest in hydrocoin
>can't bring hydro characters
they shouldve done it again that shit was funny as fuck
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...the flopping competition
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the exact same hands yet you are so adamant on calling her a tranny
>Can you not beat the chicken with your Raiden?
You're under some weird assumption that the game gives me Raiden from the start, and that she's not a random reward from either beating levels or random events.
>left forces you to watch while she fucks other men
>right forces you to fuck other men while she watches
You must choose one. If you refuse you'll be forced to moderate /v/ forever.
Holy fucking based
The GAYNESS competition!
anon they are deformed and he even has the veins there. the nails also look gross
says the femcel
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gooning rn to the thought of this soft dainty hand of indeterminate sex jerking off my three inch hog
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Oh no
I can never win any argument against Nahida, whenever I try to talk back against her she just shoves her foot in my mouth...
>Saar my hand is white like anglo masters I am no dalit!!!
Yoimiya's boyfriend...
I would rather moderate /v/ forever aka do fuckall. tf hiroshimoot gon' do?
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Fucking millennials man
Go watch your gay ass sitcoms and post on myspace instead of polluting /gig/.
Noone, not a single soul, cares about your 90s kid mindset.
You're nostalgic about that time period because YOU NEVER GREW UP. You are a 35 year-old manchild playing an anime game and polluting online spaces with your holier-than-thou takes. Fucking kys.
Oh, right. I got mine pretty early.
>still seething over everyone saying he has manly hands
it's so easy to prove the thread wrong and to post tits with timestamp but you won't because you are a man
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...the waifu competition
Disrespecting kids up on the beat ho
>watch a woman you don't care about get fucked by other men, just like watching some porn video
>get aids/monkeypox/some other gay STD
the first one is objectively the correct choice
why don't we ever call him ajax
if its a guy like venti xq aether or lyney then im still straight plus we can spitroast her later
How old are you?
I would wager around high school age seeing all the free time you have to shitpost here every day.
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Nice X account xis!
All three of these hands belong on my dick
holy based, fuck those boomers
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Lovey dovey couple
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sold out soon bwos
willing to bet a welkin he has "the simpsons" playing in the background rn
Because in canon we don't know he is called Ajax, we only know from his profile but he has never told us his real name
Umm it's 2024 sweatie, if she says she's a woman then she is.
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Where the fuck are Natlan leaks
I'm 20. When I'm your age I won't be playing anime games or posting on 4chan anymore.
Go build a family you dumb nigger.
guess the dilucsis is a tranny too
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Wriolette lost.
Ratiorine won.
in the 4.8 stream
the rare cuckfaggot in its natural habitat
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>asynchronous javascript and xml
the dilucsis has feminine feet so it's easy to see she is a girl, not the same with you scaratranny
uh gojokeks???
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>/gig/ is discussing my hands
So 16, gotcha. Have fun at school tomorrow. Don't let the churkas rape you again.
you can’t even see his fucking feet it’s blocked by his timestamped note
Yes, mode bad. It needs a variety of changes.
Hello sir
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For me, it's these two.
More like guilty queer
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she's the same age as Amber
looks like my hands (I'm a straight white male)
/ss/ with Shenhe and Yelan
>scaratroon so mad he's calling the dilucsis "his"
you see enough
And to think fags have the gall to call incels and /pol/ for cancer when femoids and their simp army is why this thread is so off topic and shitty.
>Lashing out at dilucsis
So envious
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how come noone discussed my hand when i posted it. is it because i am a man?
you can only see his colored nails which isn’t even a feminine thing to do anymore since cucktone does it too
according to your logic he didn’t post his tits so he’s a male
what simp? It's just the scaratroon trying to defend his ugly hands
some men can lactate. diluc is one of those men
Dumb loom doesn't realize she's just an cum dumpster.
>and is still a virgin
Not after she met Mika.
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Neuvillette is the first good role model for straight men I have seen in years. He oozes power, authority and masculinity yet he is not a chud afraid of hiding his emotions. He is confident in his masculinity and he is not afraid to call women out for their bullshit. He effortlessly commands respect from everyone yet he does not abuse his power. Kino.
>cum inside loom
>she still ended up pregnant
Toilet status?
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No, this is my only post >>484412081
But go on
>the simpsons (millennialcore)
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Oh she does realize
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What do you femcels think about my hero?
dilucsis is clearly a girl by how her feet look which is why no one doubted, meanwhile everyone says the scarafag hands look manly it isn't even only me
>if i can't be female no one can
doesn't work like that
is it this week?
surprisingly amicable
no, it should be the 12th next week
Columbina is so lucky...
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Remember when /gig/ was good?
>please forgive me
>now comes the good part
>did you really just want to learn how to read?
>I never went to school
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you are a newfag and don’t even know the pic the dilucfag posted
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This thread fucking SUCKS
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wat? we already know theyre working on an mmo in the honkai universe next
Yes I know I was there when dilucyume posted, clearly female, scarafag? obvious male
Natlan will be better...
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>ever good
Kakarot you look weaker today, you don't even look like yourself at all. What happened?
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Finally 8* IT without building any characters myself (borrowed a C2R1 Raiden) except equipping anemo characters with VV
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dehya is very pretty
I want to have sex with Dehya
no you weren’t and it’s obvious by how you don’t even know he didn’t even post his feet
I hate N
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>Fontaine had 5 4-stars
>Natlan will have 4 4-stars
>Snez will have 3 4-stars
>keanriah will have 2 4-stars
>Celestia will have ONE 4-star
Why are you posting this here Alhaitham?
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>heard that you don't need full stars to get the rewards
Explain. All I see is that I need 9 stars and the hard mode gives all of them.
Your boogieman will never be real.
yes she did
>srill calling her he
you are really affected
I only do up to floor 11 of abyss. What's the equivalent here?
Cute! Can I buy this?
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Built for literally me.
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I fucking love Capitano
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embarrassing newfag
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God, I wish I could pass as a cute little twink like /gig/ homos are saying

>(The handwriting here is exquisite, to the point of seeming like some sort of printout. This doesn't look like a fortune slip...)
>To be honest, we weren't the most familiar of people in the organization Alice founded. But I find that things and people around me have changed much in the many years that followed... and now, you are amongst the few I am most acquainted with.
>I must confess that I did not initially understand what Alice saw in you. Being "interesting" was the measuring stick, said she, and being the "most interesting" was the only criterion for being invited to join. Later, I realized that I had only thought that I had understood your stories. That your acuity for the world's operating principles could perhaps sometimes surpass that of astrology. Sometimes, that is!
>I, too, have grown old, and I do not know how long I have left. So yes, I admit that I really do miss you, just a little. Not that I would actually go over to keep you company or anything, though.

Barbeloth has a similar personality to Mona (if you are concerned about Barbie, remember that this was written hundreds of years ago when the first human Hexenzirkel died)
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KEK was that you in the Chainsaw Man thread?
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>nation of hydro
>not a single hydro 4*
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How do I deal with excess Artifacts?
Do I just craft any that doesn't have a future, or do I start saving the ones that are at least semi-semi-useable even if the substats are shit, just in case of Theatre runs and whatnot?
you need to clear 8 combats to get all rewards, the stars are completely cosmetic and only show in your profile as bragging rights, as long as you clear the main challenge you'll get all the rewards
i'm unaware if getting all 8 stars at least give a cheevo, but i don't remember getting one when i finished it
embarrassing troondefender
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Mistakes happen when you have 20 tabs open...
can you stop making retarded posts
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I don't know, but she has a Twitter
Skipping Dehya is my greatest regret. I was upset at Hoyo for putting her in standard, now I'm paying for it.
please share
Here is Nicole

>(Messy handwriting. This doesn't seem much like a fortune slip...)
>In truth, I said all I wished to say to you in the end, but Alice still advised me to write a little, saying that what I cannot say aloud, I can always write, surely. That is the case, though I have spoken directly into peoples' minds for so long... that I never practiced my penmanship anyway.
>No need to worry if I've pried into any of your innermost thoughts, I've never done anything like that. If that does not reassure you, let me share one of my secrets with you. Having been suffocated by my inability to speak, I wound up being an incredibly talkative person at first. >Alice noted that those who used their real mouths to blather on with had far fewer problems than I, since I would set my head abuzz and give myself quite a headache whenever I spoke. She advised me to speak more steadily and present an air of mystery and nobility — which is how I wound up speaking the way you remember.
>I'm off, in any case. There's not much to worry about here with you — so why don't you watch over me instead?

I think it is interesting to see those powerful immortal beings and how much they cared about the human writer.
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She's just a pretty decoration for your roster, her kit is really fucking bad, and I'm saying this as someone who triple crowned her the instant I could
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You really are the most mentally ill person to ever exist.
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on the plus side if theyre a 5 star theyre guaranteed a story quest instead of being discared without even a hangout...
This game was ruined by femcels
You want a grown women to suck on your nipples? Weird.
God I wish I had a brown gf like Dehya
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Why is her name Brest
>Noelle gaming and the other one all at c6 now
>furina only c1
My man I don't even know what characters do these days before rolling for them. I'd clear Abyss with her even if it means just slapping her on one of my hyper comps. Meanwhile I've lost the 50/50 to Tighnari like 5 times since her banner and haven't built him because he looks like a geek.
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Which Genshin would you recommend to someone with a NTR/NTS fetish?
It's a port city in Bretagne (Brittany)
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Just be Alhaitham bro
with IT in the game now, which of my unbuilt characters should i build? started with rosaria since i only have diona and ganyu for cryo. is tighnari any good?
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now now that's not cool, there's worse around /gig/
I want to lazily pin her with my weight and lick her stomach like an ice cream cone
You lost both 50/50s too huh
I'd recommend you find a different game, and go shit up threads there.
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Investment check endgame is alpha

DPS meta cuck endgame is beta
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NTA but while I completely and wholeheartedly agree, I am at least glad she's getting some love in IT. By the time I reached the Coppelius fight my only DPS was Yoi, who kept getting interrupted and tossed around by his retarded slashes. I legitimately wouldn't have been able to end the fight on time if it hadn't been for Dehya's stagger resistance.
oh god, is this what new accounts look like now? what is a tigh or whatever???
You posted her
And here is the other human. She was the mayor of Snezhnaya hundreds of years ago, before the goblin Fatui

>(Neat handwriting. This does not look like a fortune-telling slip...)
>Barbie's gotten old, letting her emotions get in the way of proper writing. Not so I — as the first Mayor, I requested Alice to help me settle various trifling matters in Snezhnaya. And in exchange, she asked that I pen a passage in here.
>I do not believe in any world after death, so we must live our best while we still draw breath. As such, I do not think you will read a word I write here — I write to myself alone.
>Neither of us ever had any magic or combat training. We are simply ordinary. As such, we might be able to come to an understanding, though I believe otherwise. Alice was too xxxing good to you. Back in the day, she dragged me through waterways, blowing furnaces up, catching a cat within a Domain... The process was complicated and far from straightforward, but in any case, it was meant to protect the people around us.
>You might have wondered, is this the price of getting along with this gaggle of mad women? I doubt you would agree with that assessment, nor would I. Those were, after all, the most precious days of our time together, were they not?

She is the ancestor of that girl who appeared in the Venti event.
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Oddly no, won both, just really weird rolls on the 4*s
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Are we posting our hands now?
nope, started week 1
>what is a tigh or whatever???
do you actually... play this game?
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I need to impregnate him
What are the chances the Natlan brown bitch will be as sexy as this?
why do chinks not hate neuvillette as much as wanderer
Please go to a therapist.
what's her dialogue?
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Jesus go outside.
You look like the worms under rocks
Your husbando? He's mpregnant with my child.
Damn lucky then. I went from c0 to c2 and didn’t get all of them maxed until about 300 summons which was my second hard pity
Tighnari is good. Easy to build to just slap on wanderers and a stringless.
femoids might actually get their wrio if they looked like this. too bad in their mind, being a princess means they get to have him and 40lbs of cake too

lol no
>then why are you here
i heard theres a new mode and wanted to see if it was good. it seems as though its dog doo doo, just like the game
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what kind of water nation doesn't have a navy
gonna get her r5 key soon
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>thinks the game is dogshit
>stays on the game general and avatarfags nonstop with a character from another game
what is this mental illness? oh wait, we have similar, sparkleposters... lol
Would Amos be better if you have it?
Pregnant cuntboy harem gacha when?
I wish Arlecchino would adopt me
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kurumi hates neuv more than blunderer though
Seriously, get help.
Don't chinks like Mary Sues?
Here is my soulful f2p Furina
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I have small hands, females at my work have bigger
Potato pedos are way more mentally ill than hebe pedos
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gay thread
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Need me a man with a big ass.
Did another pull anyway and...what the fuck.
Who are they gonna use a navy to go to war with? Their largest trading partners in chenyu vale? Or maybe they can cross through miles of either desert or jungle after building the navy to try and attack sumeru and have to deal with gorilla warfare in a jungle where their navy cant assist as well.
Maybe they can try and assault mondstadt, just have to get your ships past the dragon.
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>see Hu Tao
>think about marriage and children again
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This thread looks very straight to me.
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i am eternally grateful to mihoyo for evolving the gacha market out of its dead ass crawl of the same horse shit over and over. and it may turn out, that it moves the entire gaming market out of its massive slump in due time

but i still wont play their games. not right now. theyre not good enough. also, you sound a bit hangery. here, have an omurice

Probably a bit better as a stat stick but I wouldnt worry about it.
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Food... you win.
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aren't they right next to natlan who is supposedly in a neverending civil war
why wouldn't they want to keep up defenses with a strong navy
>she is a naval officer
>she decided to quit and get another job because Fontaine isn't rebuilding their navy so there is no future for her at her current job
>the navy was destroyed in the war 500 years ago
so how did she become a naval officer in the first place
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Scara is my genshinsona
Some girls are into that
I want her to fist my hole while blowing my pipe
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neuv isnt a nip warcriminal who got off with a pardon from a god and chinks have a history of seething against nip war criminals
neuv is just a reskin of the traveler being some guy everyone sucks off for being the chosen one with a god given birthright and shit and thats about it
What Alhaitham sees every day
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Guess my husbando
>Alice was too xxxing good to you
Is this really how an old fart would write?
Countries that had no fighter planes still had pilots who could fly them, it's an insurance
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Which genshins look like this?
>Maybe they can try and assault mondstadt, just have to get your ships past the dragon.
And a young elf with "totally not for fishblasting Jumpy Dumpties" who accidentally stored bombs close to all waters of Mondstadt.
That said, I can't even see how they would get to Mondstadt by sea.
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I don't want to work

i just want to sex Ayaya all day
tons of gay boys here, cant list them all
Ironic coming from you
They'd have to keep the ships outside of Fontaine, since the entire region is surrounded by waterfalls, this could be enough to make the logistics a nightmare.
Thats Pierro
Some old people write like that.
Notice how the cum2play accusations miraculously disappeared?
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Brown boys hate brown girls, it's just a fact of life
>I want bara-type male characters in genshin, im tired of the twinks
>I want some "real" men in genshin
Reddit is that way
Neuvillette easy
Alhaithamcuck the one that seethes at kaveh and uses dehya/nilou to cope
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You like furina
For five hundred years? That would be like contemporary day countries training cavalrymen just in case.
wiriamu is too much of a chad, no genshin male can match him
Ding ding ding
Aren't you the infamous brown Alhaitham yume?
I hate n*elle so much
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the navy fleet was destroyed 500 years ago, not the task force or post
Why do people push this meme when this literally happened AFTER the cheld thing
If anything yoimiya is cheating on cheld with the traveler (that WHORE)
Didn't the Mondo weapons officer in that one recentish event say something along the lines of them having guided missiles now?
Luffy. I saw the straw hat
>won't be playable
darn it...
Where is the Sudanese Wrio yume?
Eula Lawrence
Chiori Lawrence
Sigewinne Lawrence
Yoimiya Lawrence
Klee Lawrence
Albedo Lawrence
Neuvilette Lawrence
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ah well, the other option would be cheld, feels like either neuv or cheld would be a hit there
What Wrio sees every day
Surely he will be playable right
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Well, /gig/, which one?
Jean, Succ or Lynette?
raiden noelle shianling for me
Blessed rolls, Noelle LOVES (you), go reward your maidwife with a fat load of sweets.
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1 person borrowed my character for IT
Genshin can make the most masculine man to ever exist in gacha and I'll still whore him out to multiple thick churl cocks for my amusement
I imagine Fontaine still has naval personnel because government never fucking shrinks, but that doesn't mean they have ships, so naval officers would be ceremonial positions for the most part. Though don't they have an ongoing piracy problem like Inazuma does?
It's diluc
I only have one Genshin friend and he didn't borrow my characters
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Noelle loves Mika.
>he is whoring out his characters
Even trying to maximise my chance to get a mystery cache, I can only get 4 per run. I need fucking 8. How the hell do you EVER do this?
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damn, wanst expecting the UNMATCHED
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What Wrio sees every day
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Genshins for these feet?
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Ganyubros, thoughts on pulling Emilie for burnmelt?
I love Sayu.
We know yo are mentally ill alhaithamcuck
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Yes? I love helping newcuties
>still haven't gotten her
I wish they'd let us roll for her ffs
why did brownoids love fontaine?
Why is it ok for women to be pedos?
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>read hexenhags book
>After breathing the mold spores in, her companions turned into the following respectively: A shoddy-looking ancient robot (which the little witch found really ugly and not up to snuff when compared to alchemy), a beautiful young maiden (this team member was originally male, leading the witch to initially wonder if this was some inversion of biological sequential hermaphroditism), and a pirate (she had no idea about this one).
>literal canon tranny
Sorry, that was me. Your character actually caused me to fail the run so I had to start over.
is that why railfags are into NTR? they pimp out their characters and get rewarded for it?
i mean I borrowed a level 80 sparkle with 200% crit dmg and she really fucked my level 50 qingque real good
How can you tell when that happens?
what about sexmelt?
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Is it worth it crafting refines for the pork?
Gacha crea-what?
The fuck did these leeches ever create?
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I love her so much bwos
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Okay but
Pyro shielder
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They're both the same age though
"New" Pyro archon concept art is up
They did? I think they plan on copying Fontaine's firearms.
But yeah, Klee's and Albedo's skills are probably the main weapons of Mondstadt's defense.
Alice was quite nice to Jean and Venti.
do the middle one, reset the first buff over and over until you get 4 in the first two goes, I got super lucky in a run and got 11 mystery caches, make sure to take the ones that let you reroll the shops and ones that let you reroll the mystery caches themselves
no rewards = not doing it, fuck this dogshit mode anyways, not like the characters I use can be used in this one
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>Posting this brainrot shit again
Unless she was that stacked when she was in early puberty stop posting it
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Always knew Sukuna was the superior choice
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>low effort AIslop
>low quality to top it off
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I want to pet a newcutie!
I pay money for them so
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Which genshin looks like this
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the only two good genshin chara design
everyone else gets mogged by wuthering waves
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"Heh, don't worry i will easily es- Wait! Neuvilette sama? Aieeee, tabibito save me!"
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Furina's thighs are my demise...
>canon tranny
okay now put one as playable Mihomo
Cope. She never stopped having sex with Vishaps
Release the abyss lector itto gangrape tapes
none, fuck off, faggot
That's a solid amount of bonus atk so if you have the billets (they don't exist)
hu tao is ugly
>Asking for help
Put more effort into your shitposts
>anti-ai zealot
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>good genshin chara design
>sneaking Huturd
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>not letting him finish his henshin
why is neuv such a faggot
Ngl, I thought I wouldn't care, but this feels kind of nice. Helping others clear content.
If anyone wants any help, just ask here.
That said, pyro and electro are not my strongest elements.
You're only angry because she isn't a loli in the picture.
Yes r5 is great for her
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Just tells you how much of a threat Neuvilette is that even Childe have to ask for help.
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>posts two thirteen year old boys
Yaka is sexier than them.
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He asks tabibito to get his brother out while he recovers from delusion sickness skipbro
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>calls me a faggot

sounds like you're the faggot here that doesn't like hot women kissing you
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Yes? What about it?
Magical girls are the only ones who can get away with that kind of thing
For Teucer because he loves Teucer but in a fight? he is too proud to do that
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Well, I do have quite a few.
Alright. I guess I'll wait to see the natlan crafted weapons before going for r5 though.
I lost pity on Furina banner. Why does She hate me? I hate Furina now!
The thing about Tartaglia is that he is a battletard that wants to fight people who will beat him up.
He wants to fight Zhongli, Varka, Klee, Skirk and Capitano. The only normal human he wanted to fight was Clorinde.
>just tells you much of a [Headcannon,Headcannon,Headcannon]
I want a 500yo character to be in power and openly blasé about whatever happens, tired of supposedly extremely old characters overreacting to every little thing like it's their first day on teyvat.
Completely impassive, bored even, confident that nothing can touch them or not even caring if it does.
My hope is in the Cryo archon.
Okay but
Hydro shielder
you clearly only like that image for the tumors, nice try, faggot
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but she's sitting on my face
Terrible taste cunnyfag.
Childe is literally a form change character and we still don't get either of Childe's COOL forms, what kind of bullshit is this?
Nobody is coping here but y'all
>censoring Hug
What's your problem?
Purina is an adult.
oh its the nahitroon again..
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My Zhongli

Your c6r5 Hu Tao

In the Imaginarium Theater

Okay but
Anemo shielder
Childe would never ask for help, he wants to fight the strongest beings even if he knows he would job, he even challenges zhongli
Such basic bitch taste. Let me wonder: You also like Raiden.
He gave you his vision retardbwo
I don't understand why they wouldn't just make Abyss or Theater hard. Wouldn't it get desperate shitters to buy stronger characters? Normal players could meanwhile enjoy the challenge.
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my wives
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What is she reading?
Nahida and Siggy are both hags retarf
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>Alright. I guess I'll wait to see the natlan crafted weapons before going for r5 though.
Great idea
lmao basic bitch ass taste, sasuga buddykek
How does that relate? His vision was malfunctioning so he saw it as just a broken toy, he didn't want it with him if it was useless
Thinly veiled Nahida self-inserter post
>no u
Post your abyss clear now.
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You'll never know what's behind the censoring.
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Exploring Sumeru with her has been extremely comfy. I love her design and voice.
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I would fuck all these
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Attacking a precure or meguca or sakura during a toy adv...transformation is punishable by genocide. I think it happened once in one kamen rider episode. Once. While Fat Xaio isn't rotting in a tiger chair somewhere in shandong for that transgression is beyond me
how about 5*
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My posts history on /gig/
Go to a therapist.
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Hu Tao has been my favourite since forever, but I don't understand the appeal of Furina. She's cute and that's it, can't say I'm crazy for her
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They are still figuring out how to make it work, they already had headaches with his cape, imagine the whole model
Nice headcanon, got any more in your schizobag?
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>" he" is still here
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It's Essex (keka).
>toy adv...transformation
Yes but see, cheld IS the toy, he doesn't have a toy line
Your boogieman will never exist.
does the therapist look like pic related?
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you wouldn't get it..
Why does Dori have that gremlin voice? Speaking of jap dub.
And why is it so good?
I thought you said shitting
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Literally play the quest schizokek, he never asks for help
retard skipGOD
built for vishap cock
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Rosalyne will be the first dual element and form change character
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It could've been worse. It could've been a 10 month achievement.
I prefer this one
if she was a loli it wouldn't be able to fit
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>Cheld shitting on a public toilet
>no toilet paper
>also in the last cubicle so away from the sink
>Cheld pull ups his trousers and walk away
Cheld would never ask for help
Shit taste
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Try putting them next to each other in-game. Like yeah, thighs are nice, but Hu Tao especially mogs in that department.
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one of these games is 6 weeks into a patch and another is 5 days into one
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I'm not into that but
I'd love a fresh cup of Furina's
he would use his hydro vision as a bidet
not them but that gen is exceptionally fried
So you can say it doesn't count because I used character X? My point still stands.
never watched kuroinu?
Yes he wouldn't, he just washes with his hydro control
Waiter, waiter, another one please!
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I have them both in my team.
I just love them
Genshin just got a new add-on that tests team building and understanding/abuse of elemental reactions which is the opposite of Abyss that tests DPS
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this is the part where you start seething and raging uncontrollably
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Yes, so you can be the change you want to see and no your point falters.
Would Childe want a rematch with Neuvillette?
why are you talking to yourself like that
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I decided to give GI a break and play Skyrim for the first time. Holy fuck, how is Skyrim exploration so much better even though it doesn't even have the climbing mechanics and graphics that Genshin has?
When I went back to Genshin to try the theater, it took me a while to remember I can't interact with most objects in the overworld and can't even ride a horse or get a pet rat.
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i prefer this
there are many ways to make things challenging as apposed to harder. Some people would like "hard" content like the saurian event or vagabond, but to me those are just hp inflated dogshit gimmicks.

When you here the "majority" players on social media that think everyone loves to play soulsborne games in every fucking genre ever and mald that its not turing out that way (thats the whole premise of shit like genshin devs dont listen and the "devs listened" meme). For example, theatre mode has some saying that lab warriors in 2.1 or 2.2 was a good mode, when in fact its dogshit, then the people that say SU is hsr is "so much fun". The best event that the game should use feedback from are the 2.7 event and divine ingenuity (which is in the works as a UGC).

Abyss issues lie in it being a dps check just and Theatre in it being a width/investment check (core issues from what I see are the must use 4 characters per round thing, and the amount of startup characters you get)
>shooting water up your anus
That's gay
Only a trannie compares anything by a twitch cancer.
Where's Arlecchino? She's the same as Lumine.
Shut up shut up shut up you aren’t real
its what you gotta do
there are so many sexy and fuckable hebes it's seriously excruciatingly difficult to only pick three
How is this a question? He would obviously want another round
>Random joins my world
>How are you doing today?
Random people joining to RP is always really weird, I can't help but find it cute at the same time.
bwo your mods?
it doesn't go up your butt unless you have a loose asshole. do you have something to admit, anon?
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So do I, but only because she's my wife's bestest support~
Because exploring comes with a reward and potential upgrades/cool shit.
In Genshin exploration only yields primogems.
bwo your floating paper samurai? your octopus?
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The point does not falter just because in one slot I have a character that is on the /gig/ trigger list. Anyway, have an older one using characters that hopefully don't cause you to copy paste your autism spreadsheet.
I am literally Zhongli
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>the guy that told him he sucks minutes after
Isn't this already an invitation to round two?
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can he really be telling anyone that shit? He has to make up boogeymen and drama to fight to stay relevant
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His gauntlets could be it, I guess, but yeah maybe that's the missing piece. He needs a cool belt or something and a dumb line like "Stars shining brightly in the eternity of abyssal depths! Extinguish their light, Foul Legacy!" Bro should work with Fischl on that
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Whoa, I had one borrow yesterday, and now one today. I'm popular-
if you don't like hu tao and furina you're not a normal human being, simple as
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I was letting randoms to RP with me untill one of them turned into erp, I never erped before, it was funny at first but now I'm cringing to this day when I think about it
Licking Furina's delicious feet
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>someone talking nice to you is RP
pedos arent normal human beings
kill yourself
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>how is Skyrim exploration so much better

they're not even trying anymore
>those times
Looks like you figured out how to make the abyss harder. Just keep playing off meta shit and you can pretend it's hard.
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try not to cry too hard
>hebenigger got bullied from /zzz/ again
>how to make it work
Just give him hydro infusion by default and electro infusion on skill activation, simple. Show him in Foul Legacy during each form's burst. Boom, done. There's no reason to be scared of giving 1 character Electrocharge.
cope xenomorph, go back to your planet
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>if you don't like the two meme characters that look like boys your not a normal human being
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it's so weird looking at twitter replies and seeing people talking like they're in 4chan
weird way to say you're gay
>try not to cry too hard
Right back at you.
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The only real difference between 4chan, twitter and reddit is not requiring an account to post.
Everything else is the same.
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nah that's a pedophile thread
>6 hours old
come on now, just let your thread die
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I know what she's going to say
>You can't just give a character free infusion
wrong, Ayaka happened
I'm not referring to how he would use the forms, I rather meant how they would make the activation work in a programmer manner. The devs said long ago that Childe was the character they had more issue with because his cape changes of color/design when he activates his skill
Someone with good taste in girls
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>Kamen Rider
Blade was the smartest one for having a shield

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