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Previous: >>484376871

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Spino Doubleblaster" live until July 8

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
I hope we see some cargo shorts in natlan
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I like jp dub over en dub
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Hydro buddypoke
Stay with me don't let me go
Hydro buddypoke
Riding waves the currents flow
What non-genshin topic would you like to discuss?
ENkeks? How do we explain this?
furina if she had a good design
They literally had an onscreen kiss you retard.
The US presidential election.
Which ZZZ character we're excited to pull for tomorrow
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sex with alhaitham
It's up.

Ratiorine made it, Wriolette didn't.
im nearly 100% sure that is coming actually, so look forward to it. bas chars are second to none, and they know that. all it takes is different games with the same girls to have a huge hit on their hand. and, again like i predicted a genshin type game was coming many years ago, it is now the market standard (thus why i thank mihoyo for doing it). i personally cannot wait to not use emulators anymore

but ty for the luck regardless
If Alice is Madoka and Rhinedottir is Mami, who is the Homura Akemi of the Hexenzirkel?
Is Barbeloth Sayaka due to the fact that both are blue?
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
For me, it's lansan
For me, Its fischl!
For me, it's my fellow /gig/ ganyubwos
sex with alhaitham
nahida is really sex
Seems like a very passionate and high-quality performance? Now post the JP
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sex with hu tao
Isn't fandom super trash for some reason?
>hsr is the straight game
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what did the ZZZ reddit mod mean by this
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For me its a(you)
Wriobaby NOW!
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love furina for bein able to do this
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
Nahida is 500 years old
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Husisters, surely this will roll well, now that Hu Tao has been hard powercrept and will stay useless even with a god piece.
For me, it's my fellow /gig/ ganyubwos
yeah like arknights is doing? I cant wait, I have been playing BA recently and ive been enjoying the story, I am like, lvl 67 so ill be excited for when they do make that, only thing is I hope they release it globally day 1
doesnt matter. according to their own statement she is underage
He had a change of heart
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You can't compete with fujos, it's literally impossible.
I remember when Diluc/Jean was the most popular ship in Genshin, and overnight the fujos manifested Diluc/Kaeya, then Zhongli/Childe.
It's incredible how much and how fast they can just drown the competition.
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This is what you get for grinding artifacts everyday and not going for books and money at least twice a week
Really the only thing i don't like about the theater is that you can't go with a party of 2 or 3 it must be always 4
Dori has that personality in CN but not nearly as unhinged. Tomoko Kaneda is having fun with it and with her seniority in the industry she can tell the director to get fucked if he even cares to try and rope her in
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For me it's you (sometimes)
Still thinking if I should get an rog ally or a steam deck
I think the deck is better but rog ally has windows
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You DID spend 975 days ONLY raising characters to lv70, right anon? Your account isn't bricked, right?
Stop making me want to have sex with siggy
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dont most of the clones release globally at once? if they do, im sure they will follow suit. again, market standards are great, and they force investors to follow suit. sucks when things are shit, but its great when things are great
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>dominate Topaz tag and fanart on twitter
>not popular
all in flat hp
Also post the upcoming banners
I love when people act like this than go oooouuuuh new Pokemon girl and oooouuuuhhh old cartoon I used to watch
Hypocritical shitters
wtf why is childe getting spitroasted
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>doesn't know about the grimace shake incident
stop having a melty
how pokeable is your buddy?
Topaz is for Numby
YaoYao is for Yuegui
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bros I ran out of lube I have to masturbate to fischl with extra virgin olive oil
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break free from the matrix, embrace your pxdo soul
Who's having a melty right now?
well I only say that cause global BA is behind by 6 months
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where's the guy that replies to the whole thread I need my (You)!!!!
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Why did she do it?
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That's a penis
Nice thread genkeks
I havent fucked around with imaginarium yet. is it possible to get all of the cheevos now or will we need a few runs?
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Kill yourselves already
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Just put C6R5 in your post or image and or add a camera being shaken in your webm
owari da…
I'm hoping she makes a comeback for Natlan. I really haven't used her as much as I would like lately.
Imaginarium Theater is inherently unfun garbage. Being forced to use mismatched trash teams like Wanderer Cyno Clorinde Raiden because the RNG fucks you can never be fun, I got the primos on the first try and didn't bother with getting full stars.
If I had known the stars are literally worthless I wouldn't have gotten any, from now on I will refuse to get more than 0 stars on purpose to pad Mihoyo statistics showing the event is too difficult. I will also complain in the surveys and in the feedback every day from now on, fuck you Da Wei for adding this trash and forcing me to play it for primogems
based raidenbro
Hey I've read that one this morning already.
>Being forced to use mismatched trash <...> can never be fun
supreme skill issue
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>finish the 8 caches achievement
>get 8 every single game since
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omg thank you
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>You can't compete with fujos, it's literally impossible.
>It's incredible how much and how fast they can just drown the competition.
a better example is fucking Nikke, a male character in a harem gacha game you don't see until at least 10 hours into the story has like 10 doujin with (you)
This is while the MC of Nikke doesn't have a design, if he got one that number might get multiplied by 10
Wriothesley growling as he dumps his hot cum inside you
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skull issue
right but thats normal for that kind of game. if they make a genshin clone, theyre gonna do it like everyone else did it. especially because theyre chinks, but really, the investor mindset demands that this happen. the only way we dont see this happening is if they just decide to go all in with arknights instead, which is possible but... man. theres gotta be plenty of them that know how popular the ba girls are, and can see the huge miss it would be. thats why i put stock in it happening
>theater triggers clericoftech
okay I like theater now LMAO
I got everything first run. I had no idea what the fuck was going on. It's really not that hard. It seems to be designed so that people who have been playing a long ass time with a really deep roster will find it rewarding (i.e. easy) whereas newfriends will be fucked.
Now post his tag with Ratio
Ah 3 onfielders carried by a stronger onfielder who easily stars, peak kino
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>nobody is seething about neuvillette or imaginarium
>Faggot porn being spammed
I got a feeling a fujo, a yuri loser, and a pag got together and got mad neuvillette was posted with furina
Basically anyone not straight
These past few days has shown me that /gig/ is overran by newfags (and tourists).
If you have played for longer than a year you'd have more than enough characters to fill up the spots.
And don't get me started on headcanons touted as "lore", blatantly wrong takes like from these underaged trannies
when the first windblume was bennett literally trying to write a sweet letter to Barbara (and mostly out of gratefulness for all the times she heals his broken ass body)
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It throbbed
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They already have a doujin too. Something Genshin doesn't have
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HSR made it big without COVID era help wow
bro no one cares about your shitty game go back to your dead general
Oh look, another AI "artist" who can only make shitty meme songs instead of actually rubbing together his creative brain cells and write something that isn't just a random shitpost.
For SOME reason 9/10 /gig/cels seem incapable of any effort and creativity that isn't just le hecking maymays
>avenpazschizo got btfo'd on /hsrg/ so he comes here with his copeship
how much primos does this blaster event give?
this is why i hate reddit. full of fake shit
atleast on 4ch you get raw input
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It's time to migrate to ZZZ anon.
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I started in January and I can clear hard, to be fair 80% of my roster is pyro and electro I have 2 hydros, 3 cryos and 2 geos all 4 stars with low cons.
50 per stage, so should be 400 total
>Wuwa fighting for it's life
The honeymoon phase is ending, good luck lol
Yeah, it's a massive aid for world traversal.
Though i wonder if it'll be as useful in Natlan. Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma and Fontaine all have large bodies of water so her skill really comes through
gj, you triggered a lolifag with this kek
There is no fucking way people ship phoenix and edgeworth
What genshin lore tubers should I follow?
the buddypokes are so ugly and pretending to like ugly potatoes to fit in is just cringe.
what is a buddypoke
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>Something Genshin doesn't have
What do you mean? Genshin has a lot cute and canon doujins that will never be scanned because they aren't porn.
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Shippers don't care about the source material because they won't even interact with it anyway
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>at least 10 hours into the story
maybe today. Last year, it takes at least a month to reach Johan and the doujin started way before that. I want to believe these fujos got hooked and just watched the story on Youtube
I can't imagine them playing Nikke
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congratulations, you have ears
You know what really riles up the (...)? Importing epic reddit memes, discord lingo and facebook culture!
she did worse than Arlecchino who we all agreed flopped
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>June 25th
>furina rerun goes under day 9 Firefly banner in just 3 days.
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We do have it tho
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>last banner they practically shill Chev with the new character
>no Chev on banner
>make this theatre shit basically “the Chev show starring Chev”
>no Chev on banner
>not even a trial Chev to use for the Chev show where Chev would be great to use because you can only pick Chev and Chev adjacent characters in the Chev show
Is their FUCKING problem?????
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My wife
>HSR made it big without COVID era help wow
with Genshin help you mean. Genshin is the main reason HSR got big
What the fuck are thespian trick poses for?
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>Blue crashing with no survivors
>Green stayed high and crashed and is now rising
>Red stating comfortably mid
Star rail
Do we still like Katheryne?
you forgot to extrapolate
>HSR made it big
What Im suppose to see here? many games did better in Japan
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This thing is impossible TO BEAT
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OUR QUEENS and yoimiya
Arlecchino barely sold a little more than boothill in JP which sold about 1 billion yen. Firefly more than doubled that lmao
wtfff why is there another demon slayer anime where is ours
git gud lmao
Now post her usage rate
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As someone who hates IT, it's not because it's difficult. Overall, I found it easier than abyss. My problem with it is that all the restrictions force you to use very scuffed teams. One of the best feelings in this game is fighting with teams that synergise like clockwork, but IT's restrictions make that basically impossible past act 2.

Also, just because the vigor mechanic is working as intended, that doesn't necessarily mean it's fun. Maybe they should be pushing us towards using different teams not different characters.

Abyss already does this without hard restrictions, by using enemies with clear strengths and weaknesses. In this abyss, the all 4* taser team was genuinely my best option against the pyro shields in 12-1, and it was fun using that team in endgame content for the first time in a long time.
you’re supposed to befriend chevGODs so that you can recruit their chevs
There's so many new cuties lately...maybe wuwa really did cause a lot of newcuties after it failed to impress them
For taking photos with the in-game Camera feature
>furina rerun goes under day 9 Firefly banner in just 3 days.
and Firefly is not doing anything exceptional there it is just Genshin was never big in Japan
>IOS sales
Why do so many women want to get fucked by scaramouche? Anytime time I see an insanely horny comment about a genshin male it's often about him
we know how much JP contribute to the whole and it isn't much
>basically impossible past act 2.
after you. i was unaware we had theatre usage
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>The highest rev region
>Doesn't count
Let me guess you think the numbers this month on Android are legit when it using this graph for them lol.
>Genshin was never big in Japan
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>borrow C6 siggy for theatre
>does a stupid amount of damage
Whales always get to have the most fun...
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New japanese gacha game for cunnyfags
Trying as hard as they can to FOMO
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he's a cute tsundere brat that went through a lot
to put it waifufag perpsective imagine asuka
it was already jobbing to uma musume in early 2021, a few months after launch
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And is that supposed to be fun or engaging? You're just carrying a brick
>higher rev than China
What was it like being dropped on your head as a child
I forgot how I did it exactly, but from what I remember you have to stay on the move and time your dodges, which may be difficult on mobile. For the final big AoE, I think you can try to use a Burst to evade it
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1000 days of nothing but farming for old characters.
For 200 primos.
Let that sink in.
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I still can't get the mystery cache achievement. Already at my 5th replay now
>anti raiden shogun training
Inazuma is garbage
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>The highest rev region
Safe horny genshins?
not proof
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Uh oh...
“he” is going to leave us forever if “he” sees this…
Too old.
The absolute state of inazuma
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slug is 20 images away from beating clorinde, which is crazy considering her pull rate
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>Le fun
It's called a monthly CHORE get used to it and learn to plan better
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not even subtle clone kek
you can’t even back up your claims with solid evidence
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he was right
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>/gig/gers got filtered by this and Inazuma's puzzles back in the day
>still mindbroken to this day
What clone?
its not about the company its about bragging about my game i spend money in being better than your game you spend money in
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>cutting out the only girl who gives (you) the time of day
>turn based
>Battle features include the break system where using the right element allows you to wear down enemy break gauges and apply additional effects!"
it’s literally star rail but 5 niggas in a row
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>Regardless of how she claims to have been blessed by the false god, she has never demonstrated any abilities surpassing those to be expected of an ordinary mortal. Everything she has done so far amounts to nothing more than using insidious plots and base treachery to commit abhorrent crimes against the Empire and its citizens.
>The young musician came disguised as a wandering traveler, and in the tournament defeated countless heroes of great renown whose praises would be sung for generations, and at last, he was granted an audience along with the King as champion newly crowned. Ideals of harmony and glory were expounded upon, meaning to extinguish forever the fires of war and burning desire for vengeance.
>Even the wisest of musicians never anticipated that the moment his identity was revealed, all that would greet him were blades shining like lakelight. As the artificial body was cut to ribbons and his consciousness was about to return, the last thing the musician heard was her whispering as she took him into her arms
so whos full of shit here
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ill play just for kyouko
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He may not be able to, but I can
>Barely any doujin
>low number of fanart from Japanese artists
>low revenue
it is quite popular with fujos but that's it
I think he means it looks like Star Rail clone
Looks exceptional when boothill is from May 29 to June 18th. Most of the graph isn't even firefly since her banner is not even 2 weeks old. It's not 2x top up and mid month for the "monthly pass copers".

Also what JP game did better I'll add it and you'll get blown the fuck out.
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>he was right
nahitroons are hypocrites??
Rhinedottir is Homura.
She'll use the Heart of Nebarius in her big homu moment.
in the end keka players are the real ttroons...
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what in the fuck
if you say so saar
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When is the real natlan trailer dropping?!
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you better get better, kid, because you still have to face the shogun and even worse, you're going to have to farm her domain (which is even more difficult)
Nahidabros, explain?????
Madoka can solo the entire hoyoverse characters btw
the actual game is much smaller, it needs more space to unzip
True. The "beloved Keka poster" guy used to post his legs on /hsrg/. Hufags have never done anything of the sort.
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lol normies, how do i kompooter
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How long does it take you to clear a theater chamber?
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my disk space is used crucially
Will we actually see the natlan cast on Friday?
we need an overtuned off field pyro unit and some source of ir to save goat viability
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Fucking mandatory pull bullshit on male characters.
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For me, it's Iansan.
We should unless Mihomo has absolutely no confidence in Natlan's cast.
meant to reply to >>484394427
It's probably him dragging enemies to himself/himself to enemies
jannies defending their own
i have been using it since like 2003 and never found anything better haha
>"he" will finally leave /gig/
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>Ellen Joe is a shark maid with big titties
>Lucy and Piper are traditional lolis (i.e. not potatoes)
>Corin and Soukaku look at least 15/16
>nahipag tries to ban them from being sexualized on the main sub
This is pretty ironic
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about this long
Show your Redvillette funds! After a full year of femslop everyone should have plenty, right?
>Siggy doesnt look like a Melusine (infact Mihoyo worked their lazyness into a shitty storyline)
>the new abyss is worse than the regular abyss
This has to be one of the worst patches yet, atleast for me
>the saurians are all characters we have to roll for
Holy fuck.
hello any gig femcel wants to add me as friend
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How did you get Kokomi into the theatre??
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>wont even be able to enjoy genshin in the only way it can be enjoyed: its porn
>command and conquer
i mean ok, i can respect that
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>pedo coper (shes 500 bro, its cool!) seethes about underaged (17.9999999999 years old you sick fuck) tits
I swear, Nahidafags are some of the most retarded bunch in this game, you can see it in this general too.
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bwo I can't afford more storage... suffering since I went ssd-only

maybe in the future
41 seconds omg hi xis!
I feel like it will be pneumousia again, but only for puzzles (with few/no combat uses, though a grapple could be a neat way to teleport to enemies like Cchino’s NAs or Clorinde’s dash)
you can use overworld mechanisms (similar to pneumousia blocks) to turn into the green dino and grapple around, or you can roll for the green manlet and grapple around in Natlan without the overworld mechanism
>oh no I can only masturbate once a day
Is it normal to goon 24/7 over there or something
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Not a bad idea.
They should do this in India.
>shit that never passes
They tried the same in Bongistan
>dendro 5*. PERIOD.
>Hook Rope. PERIOD.
this is not that hard
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I'm NA...
First reply already said it but I assume it's just going to be a targetted dash to whichever enemy you hit with it
Not like exploration will be meaningful in Natlan since they've said they're taking a cinematic approach with the saurians. Expect more Chenyu Vale dolphins where you just automatically glide on a leisurely trip through all 26 pyro particles you need to pick up in a timed challenge
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>IT exposing these fraud end game players
>generic jarpig
I guess...
>living in spain
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I smell like this.
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nahida is just irresistible. men love her.
Erinnyes wasn't the musician
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not a good look, nahikeks..
It's funny how you get so spastically triggered over people existing who are better than you.
So you cope by deluding yourself into thinking you make them mad by shitposting.
You are the only person in the world who posts that webm, by the way. You renaming it doesn't fool anyone.
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save it on your drive?
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How the HECK do I get 8 of those random cards for the achievement? This is an RNG nightmare.
bro those are too small... at least get a large sata ssd. even better though, just stop being poor
Nahida posters cannot recover from this lmao
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>Looks exceptional
I want to say by Hoyo standard but even Genshin did much better during its peak in Inazum.
This is Uma, far from its peak but still more than double of Firefly. The same for FGO and Monster Strike. hell, even the equivalent of Firefly in Nikke did better in Japan and global She made 44m while Firefly made 32m
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is this even doable
i almost kept running out of characters choosing those stupid boons all the time
>teleport to Dragonspine for Eula's SQ
>game crash
>keeps crashing when I try to load back in
this dumb bitch just bricked my game
do high school anime girls with massive tits count as child porn?
>"HE" didnt even bother to hide the uid on the webm this time
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Man, I had to redo the IT just for the achievements related to the cards.
Imagine being this mind broken. You've literally been consumed with this "single" other "person" every single day of your life for the past 11.5 years.
Yep time to go to /ZZZ/, bye /gig/ and solarbeamkek
I will only buy her piss in a bottle
you can't post that bro ack is here
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The most annoying thing is that there's some fuckery about m.2 tribes where if you have more than 3 in your system at once (I have two) then they start taking bandwidth from the CPU bus or some bullshit like that, or can cause instability to have so many m.2 slots filled, more likely to just slow down the drives though

fuckery I tell you, I'll prob just add another 1-2 tb sata ssd when I can
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>gen 5 nvme
Who's even going to use 12 GB/s at the moment
P3 is the cheaper option with the big caveat of >QLC
they also have autists on top of random furry porn dumps and blacked posters
if you were a woman whos older than 18, what would you think? now remember that theyre also 51% of the voter base. hmm, so very very interesting
non-rare mystery caches cost nothing, so the mystery cache cheevo is easy and purely RNG
I’m surprised you didn’t get it yet
Hang on, it's all baby mode after this kino.
Your boogiman will never exist.
The fact you are this freakishly obsessed with personal grudges on 4chan just makes it obvious that this is all you have in your life.
hi me too im a lonely guy
EU btw
she mogged the musician who seems to be all but confirmed to be cassiodor and I dont think an ordinary mortal would be able to trash the golden hunter
They want you to really, truly know that you fucked up
I'm not worried about what women think I'm worried about police going through my hard drive
See >>484396056
This is the only hard part in the entire game except for abstract rock sudoku, you can do it man just practice and learn
It's nice that the other MC remains an important character, the female MC is really cute
>Posts per month instead of per banner. You are comparing a full month to 2 weeks of firefly. You realize how braindead you look? Just off that alone by the way. Looks like 2 weeks of firefly sold more on average than what uma makes in a full month lmao
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This has got to be fake
shit like this is why i hoard porn. if some bullshit like that ever passes here i have enough porn to last me a lifetime.
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>Your boogieman
>you are the only person
>it's actually funny how
>what is wrong with you
>No one other than you
>you are CONSUMED
>no matter how much
>by the same person
>your own post
>has nothing in real life
> "everyone" agrees
>repeating yourself
>refuse to ever
>will never admit
>the most mentally ill person
>instantly ban evade
>thinking you "trigger" people
>I genuinely laugh
>telling off shitposters
>safe space on 4chan
>blatantly off topic shitposting
>No one thinks you are funny
>Address address
>I always knew I was a God.
>Solar Beam
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You misunderstood. We want to fuck him, not otherwise.
How could it be Cassiodor? She was living in the wilderness and she fought Remurians who knew Cassiodo, wouldn't someone have noticed?
wanderer pov
that all depends on a lot of things, like the mobo chipset you have. but youre not wrong, it happens on the cheaper ones. its why you just go big the first time. get a nice huge fast m.2 and put it in the big boy slot

yeah but why not tho? you poor or somethin?

... are you serious right now? if the women can make the law as such, then theyre the only reason the police are going through your drive
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Need to build 3 more characters for next IT. Which of these are worth it? (not Faruzan, she's one of the opening characters)
why do people act this is somehow surprising
99% of all shipping across all media is women fantasizing about men fucking each other in the ass
Charlotte, Mika and Kaeya
>Albedo and the lolis
what did he mean by this?
Cute and canon.
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now watch this...
Charlotte and Kaeya
>not levelling everyone for the free blues over time
Just do Gaeya, Charlotte, Heizou or Qiqi
How do you explain his then
Charlotte, Kaeya
>using the most obvious money laundering scheme game as an example
Nobody with a brain would for a second think that game actually made 2-3x FGO for years with even less gameplay. Black money gets funneled in and royalties are paid out to the involved party as clean money.
Considering uma is all concentrated onto JP and on one app of iOS. Looks like firefly sold way more.
i added a few ppl but nobody talks to me…
Kaeya if C2+
Kirara rape
If I outfit a second teapot realm, do I get the sweet sweet currency for it or no?
As if you have a big SSD, lol
Women aren't a hivemind the only women I need to worry about is the judge and jury
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My Kaeya is C0 btw
farfie gimme a (you)
dishia is strong and for damaging
don't poke your buddy
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Help, how do I unbrick my account? I still can't 36* this abyss.

>inb4 roll for Furina RIGHT NOW
And use her with what?
>money laundering cope
The Yakuzer simply keep beating Firefull Flyshine
Maybe if you didn't constantly act the same way constantly people wouldn't say the same things to you.
unless you're actual friends people dont talk even if they're on your friend list.
t'was the siggy placeholder he was keeping them happy and healthy with his "potions"
And this
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I want to sleep with Siggy
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y o u
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Btw way, where is my friend Sean, also known as Anti crack-kun, also known as crack-kun by his Madokafags on /a/, also known as Henry, also known as Melori, also known as Hu Tao schizo, also known as bioengineering dropout, also known as c6r5, also known as Fregoli, also known as ac_anon_ on Twitter, also known besuretoactuallyread on tumblr, also known as anonscans on anonscans.wordpress.com, also known as anonanon8165 on Youtube, also known as gg123x on The Golden House, also known as solar beam, also known as ACK?
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roll for Furina RIGHT NOW
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No find comments under some pregnant Scaramouche art
i mean, yes they are. but even if they werent, it doesnt take a hivemind for them to want to easily reduce their competition. thats just an obvious choice

... how would you know either way? lol

sup bro
I had more fun doing Imaginarium again today than when I actually cleared it for primos. Focus supports in your initial selection and on drawing more characters early on, and you won't have to complain about being handed non-teams so much.
I’m enjoying thus little shooting mini game more than theater
It's funny how you try to pretend you're an "epic troll" but are really just a crying retard.

You LITERALLY can not stop being obsessed with the "last word" and go totally spastic shit fits when people don't give you a safe space.
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>no hoshino pic
hmm.. i'll take it.
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you have to initiate the talking and i will respond
maybe if she wore that instead of that gay suit
With literally anything.
Further proof that women were biologically built for rape
Mihoyoversesisters, americans are stealing our ideas. :(
you need to select Lumine at the start sorry but this account can't be unbricked
very c&c
wuwa > genshin
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post something cute
>get fucked
scara is the one getting fucked
Damn Bill Gates aged like milk
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We love crACKships here.
>Dendro Keka
how the fuck? he is really good even with a shit HoD
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cassiodor and erinnyes belonged to the same tribe and knew eachother the only person who can be that musician is cassiodor too since they were the only survivors
cassiodor was also sent to aremorica before the collapse to discuss peace the same way the musician was and he never came back to remuria going by scylla's dialog and aremorica was ruled by erinnyes
cassiodor's real name was also erased from history so it would explain the blocked out text from the SoDP set
>And use her with what?
Diluc plunge.
The mark of South East Asia.
Jesus Christ, you are fucking mentally ill. You are so totally alone, and this is literally all you have in your life.
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this woman is thirsty as fuck, and Mihoyo also used for the lovers day, what is her endgame
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What do Furina's feet taste like?
Furina, Cloud Retainer, Xiao, Faruzan? You got Faruzan?
get Furina and Nahida
my diabetes....
salty pennies
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thoughts on this banger?
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He's 100 years old. Real Mr. Burns are starting to being recorded in camera.
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this buddy pokes me.
stop avatarfagging you mental ill tard
returning player here,
should I finish the main story first or
level up characters and do IT?
He is white
this shit gas frfr
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we like zhongtao and blue zhongtao here
IT is end game content why would you do that first
Just do the story, IT is permanent content
>no nahida
>no Furina
Get Nahida and Furina.

Also make sure to have enough for pyro archon.
both are permanent so take your time
That you need to go to a therapist.
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I'm gonna give this thread to Waschizo, he hasn't really exploded or melted down in a big way like his opponents are trying for (could be on medication), and the posts trying to cause said meltdown have managed to sound like overall crazier people today, it's too desperate
I remember using Klee and taking damage from the burning grass she caused would insta fail you. It took a while to figure that out.
try to finish IT by the end of the month before it resets
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yeah this is not my waschizo, either on meds or we got used to it, seems tame.
Seriously, get treated for your mental disorders.
Hes still alright for basic cryo application even without the C1, he was always the best out of the 3
side 1: Clorinde, dendro MC, your offscreen level 90 C6 Fischl, Kazuha
side 2: Koko, Yelan, Alhaitham, EMbot deepwood Raiden
show your other 4*s
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If you're already using IrfanView you can use Paste Special to stack images vertically
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A little help here?!
why do they do it? it looks so bad and ugly. kills my horniness every time
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Is Loom with the right element allowed in IT?
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Childe SOON
wanderer is for getting his boypussy destroyed
You are literally never not been the problem. Not a single time ever has anyone who's told you to stop shitposting negatively effected a thread. You are ALWAYS the problem.
Imagine If you didn't need to mod the white woman to look hot
Too little and too late. By the time she was released I had already 100%'d pretty much everything with my puddle girls.
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amazing..all these years and i never knew this functionality. I kneel IrfanView GOD
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Kokomi is literally me.
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They FEAR the enkanomiya's Solar Beam.
nope because fuck MC mains, Aloy is banned in the cryo IT too
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>why are women into abuse
One of life's biggest questions.
post kokopenis
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Everyone just hates you because you're a cancer and make threads bad.
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My Mafia Wife, Navia
flops stay together
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>I like Genshin the most
>It has nothing outside of explore slop and story slop
>Events are bad, new end game is slop
>Now I need to wait an extra month for Spiral Abyss
It's over.
now that's kino
that was insane, can I add you on genshin?
at least they are upgrading the formula.
it's not 4 niggas in a row, IT'S 5 NIGGAS IN A ROW!
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How are the stella stars calculated? is it the maximum in one run or does it count if you get them in different runs?
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>show your other 4*s
I have everyone except Kaveh, with almost all the ones from the first 3 regions at C6.
I got her only at C1.
disgusting filters
Will you ever get treated for your mental disorders.
8 acts and each act (fight) has 1 stella
max in one
"Stella" already mean star in italian
Don't have it.
Yae Miko is probably unironically involuntarily celibate. With the way she acts, no human men would want to fuck her.
how good is HoD on Clorinde? i got Light of Foliar Incision but it feels meh and got a shielder on her team
I want to buy a bottle of that shit as a funny addition to my collection, it probably smells like something a dumbass little girl would wear
but can she jump?
i legit cant see lumine as sexy because of all the ridiculous memes she's in
replying still means triggered btw way
replying means I win
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The T0C0 duo
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the Hsr autoshiller... they got what I need..
But they said it was all a dream, oh baby (x2)

So I took their word, didn’t wanna waste my time,
'Cause I got other gachas and that's a fact,
Like my wuwa, my yuanshen and my bluaka.

Forget about that, let's go into the story,
About this anon having an autoshiller history,
So we started talkin' every day on /gig/ and /v/
Spendin' a lot of time in and out of general so I’d hoppin out the

Friend zone and then we could give it a whirl,
How it's gonna be when he was my e-boy
Everything was great, and that’s not just talk,
I had no idea I was in for a shock

I worked up the courage to tell him how I felt,
There was a heat in the room I felt my keyboard melt,
I told him that I liked him and the website said post sent,
A couple minutes went by, and then he finally said:

You, you got what I need, but I think we should stay friends,
I don’t want this thing to end,

i didnt know what to say I just said Please, just tell me the truth, is it really just a dream,
or Is this just because of yuanshen?

he said dream? Excuse me? And then he got banned for Off-topic.
I didn’t hear from him for a long time. (a couple hours)
a couple hours went by until I finally saw him autoshill again and I said.

I miss you so much, please can you forgive me,
I made a mistake and ruined what could be,
I said I need to talk and I gave him a (you)
But there was no answer, until 20 minutes later I saw a (!)

This time he replied, to my surprise,
Oh, snap! Right in front of my eyes,
The guy I fell in love with was actually the french sparkleposter.

I thought for a sec, and said I guess I'll play HSR now,
you got what I need,
Even though you are the french sparkleposter,
Stinko is fuckng Ei m8
are you getting filtered by the DPS checks or by the hydro application checks?
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Those type of comments are much more common (found under some random post about IT)
How the fuck does anyone delude themselves into thinking this is Yea being "thirsty". She's literally talking about a ramen eating contest.
but I wonned and you losted already
scara really is the most female male
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Imagine being this unenlightened about one of Genshin's best ships.
me on the left
>using the most obvious money laundering scheme game as an example
Genshin and HSR aren't? HSR has zero effort put into it and everything was made by AI
Genshin has been the same game for 4 years. Where did they spend all the money Genshin got?
It's funny how you'll never address what blatant coping this is. Almost like you are blocking out reality to try and make yourself feel better.
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look at this thing
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Why are women like this?
I'm looking
I have never been raped but isn't rape like, painful?
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How cute.
Both. I'm mostly good on the first half with Clorinde, but the second half fucks me. Kokomi and Ayato seem to be the best ones at dealing with the lectors, but I still can't deal enough damage.
all into atk
why do you keep posting this autistic girl? no one normal is like this
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Did you know women are more likely to orgasm during rape? Just thought that was interesting
You delude yourself into thinking "replying means baited" because you don't want to accept that you are a failed troll. And that because this is all you have in your life, you literally can't stop. Or you'll kill yourself.
its literally no different than regular sex physically. i guess if the person raping is super aggressive it can be.
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For me it's Yae Miko raping Gorou in front of Kokomi as an act of dominance
Guys MiHoYo is finally moving forward with the real passion project
lel that's the most dangerous shit I've heard in a long time.
holy shit
give it to your hyperbloom raiden as an off-piece
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For me, it's (blue) ZhongTao, YanTao and FuTao.
there are no normal people here either
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are we ever getting transmog stuff?
It's just their animal crossing anime game.
Use what 5 star weapon you got it's better. HoD is probably okay since Clorinde is an aggravate dps and one of talents only benefits up to 3k attack.
They look so cute and wholesome together.
For you it's genuine mental illness.
>Another project to siphon GI funds
Lora for this feel?
27% er is my highest. Nice
>not Honkai related
it's the animal crossing game MMO's take a long time to develop
we still don't reach psyquiatric patient level
Probably not, your body is biologically made to take some abuse, and in the event someone forcefully penetrates, you'd likely very quickly lubricate yourself whether you want to or not. Now he could not be gentle with you, but that's another thing entirely.

As for the mental repercussion, they're much worse and not pretty.
>You are comparing a full month to 2 weeks of firefly.
a full month made the equivalent of three months of HSR. Sounds like the work of a REAL exceptional banner
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God I need to impregnate Hu Tao.
the gate of Khaenri'ah will open when the Khaenri'ah chapter arrives
>and in the event someone forcefully penetrates, you'd likely very quickly lubricate yourself
not if you get raped in the butt
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I just want to worship her flat chest
*psychiatric, and yes we definitely do, and worse (there's living proof in this very thread)
It's not great, the Fontaine craftable is better even at base refine.
look at your weapon at each stage before each ascension
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> are we ever getting transmog stuff?
When you take the mod pill
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>visit grand narukami shrine
>rising fortune
>roll for furina
>lose the 50/50
>Well I wanted Dehya, so I guess I'm happy. I'll do another 10 pull.
>gold again
Took 40 rolls +50 leftover pity during this banner and it got me
>C0 Gaming to C3
Trust the Grand Narukami shrine fortunes.
>it's the animal crossing game MMO's take a long time to develop
Wasn't that revealed to be an internal game jam
porky sex
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Technically it won't open, but yeah it'll be where we enter the Khaenri'ah artifact domain
>Where did they spend all the money Genshin got?
Not in Genshin that's for sure
God I love sweaty boobs
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We don't eat pork in this general
Failed troll.
Actually I just checked and Traveler is allowed
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>best ships
>can only post the same 5 images
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Can't wait
>Firefly more than doubled that lmao
Arle made 37 million on Global Flopfly made only 32 million. only 2 Million more than Dehya after all the shilling
You know I never really looked at Zhongli in this webm but now that I looked at him. What the fuck is this pose? He looks like an unironic retard standing this way. It looks awkward as fuck
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>rape discussion
It's simply not rape if it's our husbandos, no one fantasizes with real rape
I regret not rolling for Chevreuse
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For Gayshit maybe, It's more than a third for HSR.
>you'd likely very quickly lubricate yourself whether you want to or not
Is that the same way gay dudes can get hard even if they don't want to?
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One more patch.
this, if it's chad then it's not rape
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Hu Tao's FAT THIGHS around my neck
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I also got a fuckton of Characters wtf
>Furina C1
>Gaming C3

also C6 for Amber and Fishl
pretty cool
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bro we literally have an ancient evil in the thread right now
why do tecdrones keep repeating this? what's the problem this time?
Crying, autistic, failed troll.
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They fit really well with chemistry, it's a shame muh heckin wholesomerino yuri overshadows it so much.
But it's not the first good ship to get overshadowed by something dumb in this fandom, and it won't be the last. Shipping is, for the most part, devoid of reason.
hu tao and furina had sex with me btw
oh i understand, dont worry
that's one person, I'm talking about all of us, the regular anon
Give it to me straight, is Wuthering Waves worth playing?
Say I only really care about Verina. Still worth?
Run back and forth instead of in a circle
Run less, just dash when it opens
Don't burn the grass
>post zhongtao ritualpost
>go play some dm on cs
>come back to a ton of yous
so this is the power of ACK-sama...
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Are all the Nahida posters finally asleep
Imagine getting bullied by these stacies...
Just because you call yourself "we" doesn't mean anyone thinks you're more than one person.

Also, imagine trying to pretend the "authority" of a mentally ill animal fucker means anything.
>evil twink
That's it thats why
We don't sign our posts here bro.
i went in the same way, for verina. anko ended up being pretty cute too. but i mean, its nothing really special. the game is a bit better than genshin tho
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>Genshin's best ships.
It is canon now.
>tries to lie as an "alibi" over the internet
>thinks anyone at all will actually believe him
>has been obsessively shitposting and samefagging the whole time
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if you cared about Verina AND Encore then you could try it out
I saw someone in co-op named Akemi using Sigewinne and they immediately kicked me from the game.
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For me? it's ganqing.
Only her strongest version, which doesn't even exist anymore
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Genshins for this feel?
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I don't regret pulling for Hydro Clorinde, to be honest. I used him for a good while in Sumeru patch for hyperbloom.
>gets nerfed and becomes such a turbobrick even fujos are thinking about skipping him
Ganqing is so old, I wonder what those grandmas are up to?
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>are we ever getting the thing that would cuck the weapon banner for anyone who doesn't mod
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>named Akemi using Sigewinne
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is it true?
>ackbaiter posting yaeyato to trigger a melty accidentally makes a random stray yurifag have a melty instead
Give it to me straight fellow shills, is Wuthering Waves worth playing? I mean I already play it and watch teccy religiously but I like to pretend in /gig/ that I don't. Still worth?
>reach Celestia
>walk to the nearest save point
>Kazuha is waiting
>"Hello, you two. It's been a long time."
>"Kazuha? How did you get here?!"
>"I heard you needed help, so I decided to jump and come here."
Miko outright says she doesn't care for Ayato and Ayato confirms that he believes Miko doesn't like him very much. She likes Ayaka
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>(fuck off)
So if childe pinned you to ground and forced you to deepthroat his cock you wouldn't consider that rape?
knowing bald fat man, he'll just only focus on the global/japan chart while ignoring china's revenue. bonus points if they never mention CN's revenue.
It's genuinely funny how CONSUMED you are with thinking you make other people mad.
you're a negative IQ chimpnigger if you fall for a clickbait like that
kill yourself
fuck you subhumans stop trying to ruin Genshin by turning it into unplayable MMO trash
other players always have malicious intentions and can never add anything positive
multiplayer is always worse in every way than playing alone
fuck multiplayer as a concept
Is the CONSUMED guy into vore or something? Why does he need to say people get CONSUMED so much
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we like CUTE and canon here.
Women would let chad shit in their mouth if he wanted to
Does anyone know whether the 3 "Toy Badge" thing from the imaginarium theater carry over to the next phase or are they wasted if not used? Can't find them in the inventory
Do you think the fact the mod is a mentally ill freak who wants to fuck animals is funny?
>even fujos are thinking about skipping him
because it turned out he is a shipbait with that AI-generated Raiden
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Ayato likes Chiori, not Stinko
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my pov rn
this is way too funny kek, collateral damage.
god I'm wet now
She's only pissed because he's the one man in all of inazuma that she can't manipulate nor buys into her lewd shenanigans, because he too is as sly as a fox, and that annoys her to no end when she needs him and the Yashiro commission.
They're both machiavellian tricksters who'd use any form of clandestine means to achieve their ends, and that makes them a very interesting couple.
its a crackship with zero chemistry that troons and lesbians only latched onto because they were two popular fotm waifus for straight men, once straight men stopped caring for them, they moved on as they only pretended they cared about the ship to "own" straight men
same as eimiko in inazuma and clorivia in fontaine
only sumeru did not suffer the same fate as sumeru had zero attractive waifus straight men cared about
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My sex friends.
What the fuck are you talking about he and Raiden don't even know each other and Raiden is for (you)
yuritroon seething
uh oh yurikek melty
You really are autistic
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>Forced you
That's the thing, I wouldn't be forced, I would gladly do it
Oh shit, even Co-op Guy and ZhongTao are here too, we can be a family again
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>Are you free for the next six hours, Traveler?
Encore is cute, but it's Verina who I'm interested in, for reasons that might be obvious. How does she compare? I've seen that cutscene where she gushes over the mc. But that's it?
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Hu Tao is still the sexiest character to come out of this game, and no, Furina doesn't even begin to compare
>Raiden is for (you)
not a single character in HSR is for (you). Even Firefly is your friend at best since Stelle is the canon MC
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ZhongEI, the cutest couple of teyvat!
uh bro we can see it
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hello jannies? you're slacking again are you still busy spending your monthly paycheck
I hope she dreams of Neuvillette raping her every night
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ganqing is canon cope.
You are a single person.
You're just so mad. And you don't even try to hide your mental illness and attempts to fake "flame wars".

Also, calling out animal fuckers has nothing to do with yuri.
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hkvh big love
Yeah... I too wish I could just look at two characters fuck and buy into that regardless of whether it makes sense or not, but I like to pair with matching characteristics, symbolics and circumstances that makes the pairing something that actually could exist, instead of just "here's Kaeya fucking Faruzan".
this nigga in the back is literally me
You are so genuinely mentally ill.
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not sure exactly what you want me to divulge. how do they compare to genshin girls? the story in wuwa is very small so far. verina is just a regular nice girl, encore has a sinister side. thats kinda all we know
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>anonscans is here
>co op schizo is here
>even farfie is here
holy shit this is a big BIIIIIG circus
I definitely didn't ask and the correlation you think you're observing (and mislabeling because of some mental block you have about yuri) is just character relevance over time
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so when are we getting football in genshin impact?
an actual match in co-op, not just sending slimes to a net
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where is my nigga koult
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yeah yeah yeah
I fantasized about this back in chicago
mercy mercy me that murcielago
that's me the first year that I blow
how do you say broke in spanish? me no hablo
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oh no Yuritroon melty soon
I ship it too and every popular canon heteroship which are
my beautiful grandma wife
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Cope Caeluschad is the canon MC and Firefly is the canon wife(Acheron is the side bitch)
Kaveh's war ravaged land...
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for ganyu
for yelan
for beidou
Liyue is the Lesbian Region.
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Genshin Impact?
Yikes sorry I asked, just don't CONSUME me alright?
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That would be Fischl.
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>tfw we'll never get an Itto event where he drinks all night with Aniki, turn Inazuma upside down and have the both of them get arrested by Sara at the end
It's like the Genshin writer doesn't even have any male friends.
she's certainly up there
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What makes someone screech autisticly? Is it the voices in their head?
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This post? It's bait
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It's like you WANT to promote alcholism
-1000 social score
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go to reddit or Twitter if you want to discuss this game. Nothing but troons there but they are less unhinged than the troons here
/gig/ is a public toilet
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Remember when we were the chads of /vg/?
very cute
very canon, even
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the only canon ship
>Hu Tao is still the sexiest character to come out of this game,
The bar is very low
Ittosara is a meme
Kukitto >>>>>>>>>>>>
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No, you are the one who ruins threads. Your attempts to fake flame wars and "troll" are what makes threads bad. Not people telling you to stop shitposting.
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Canon ships are not cringe
And that's why you're autistic
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>If Pirus and Crips all got along
>They'd probably gun me down by the end of this song
>Seem like the whole city go against me
>Every time I'm in the street I hear
>"Yawk! Yawk! Yawk! Yawk!"
Needed a pan down to show her pissing herself
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Genshin is kill
no need to get emotional, sister, if you find the topic uncomfortable you can hide the reply chain
You are the only person in the world who tries to fake these "flame wars".
No one else acts like you. You are totally alone.

You can stop copy/pasting posts people have said to you before.
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But Childe is for me? Yoimiya will never be seen again
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Kuki belongs to Heizou now.
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Based !Akemi speaking facts
why is my nig akemi even here kek
oh no?
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You will never be the "epic troll" you think you are.
>furry game
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cringe it's IttoPaimon or Ittohina
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>one anon offhandedly posts something about yaeyato
>entire thread erupts into shitflinging
Amazing example of chaos theory.
Kuki owns both Itto and Heizou yet Ittosara remains a meme still
god I cant wait until ZZZ takes all the furries and trannies away
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You are so obsessed with shitposting. It's unreal how you even want to live your life like this.
hu tao is sex the character
Getting raped by Yanfei!
Yaetroons are the most susceptible to cuckposting
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zhongli's shoving his HUGE DOMINUS LAPIDIS inside hu tao's tiny pussy...
all the leftovers are mine btw
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shitpost all you want, but you can never match the schizophrenia of a chinese internet user
That's just how fragile straightoids are
this chilumipag is unironically our cringest femoid
She can't keep getting away with this!
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Eimiko and Clorivia were always intended, retard. Especially the former.
I do agree that Ganqing is cope, though.
no such thing as friends in communist dictatorships, too much risk of informants ruining your shit if you go mask off
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she's based
>someone trying to bait waschizo with yaeyato caused THIS meltdown
/gig/... never change.
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that is pedophilia
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Heterosexuality is the natural order of things
loomsissies are the only good femoids in this subreddit
i would rather scroll through a dozen graphic nsfw chilumi fanfics than see a single f*jo sfw fanart
And a ching chong nip nong to you too
I refuse to believe this general is full of underage tumblrite trannies.
No grown ass man talks about shipping fictive characters like this
whos the most based then?
this but unironically
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JP Furina > EN Furina

deal with it
what an erotic image
But you posted 2 women?
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Genkeks, why do all our waifus keep flopping? I thought we liked women here...
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for me it's space ayato
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I am a god
so hurry up with my damn massage
in a fontaine ass restaurant
hurry up with my damn croissants!!!
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Remember when dbz was on sight ban?
Before /a/ and 4chan went to shit after the ban lift?
uh oh melty
stray bullets caught successfully lole
every new hoyo game is advertisement and funding for the others
Does he have a space Yae too?
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Space Yae lucky...
she literally functions identical to the aetherpag if anyone posts cheld x anyone not lumine

maybe the dilucposter i never see shitposting from them
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chilumi is cute and canon, the cringe is seeing wandererpags wanting to make him pregnant
cuckposting is the heart and soul of /gig/
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>Genshin is kill
Genshin has no waifufags anymore. ZZZ is not a threat for Genshin but HSR
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How the fuck did THIS happen....
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Sorry I called you cringe then? I didn't think it was going to hurt you so much
YWNBAW even though you have the mind of a particularly abused 14 year old slut, you cringy fucking manchildren
wtf kaeyacucks.....
I'm tired of you cuckposting yoimiya too so she's based
can you at least be funny with your comebacks
>already has a boogeyman
The ship is stupid when obviously Lumine would be the dominant one. Cheld would bend over and take the Loomcock straight up his butthole.
Based Fontaine women.
literally who else would you even post cheld with, lole
yoi? aether??
>Furina doesn't even begin to compare
but why? they are both shaped like adolescent boys
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Nothing to laugh about
Uh oh... Retard
Ship posting is not cuck posting. No character is for (you) here
my post timers don't even align with that
Imagine ruining your life over trying to "troll" on 4chan.
futafags are so gross
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Do you ever think wrio fucked them both at the same time?
next thread will be better
>chilumifag having an actual melty
guys stop cuckposting or else the chinese will kill more cats
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>Do you ever think wrio fucked them both at the same time?
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Hu Tao actually has the widest hips out of all the hebes. Furina is the one who's built like a plank.
This but unironically. I hate when they depict Loom as some meek delicate Bella Swan when she can kill Cheld with her pinky finger if she wanted to and Cheld would enjoy it even
Indeed, just like real life. You will never meet that special someone. Nobody will think you look cute with another person. You will die alone, a rotting whale carcass that your dozens of cats will feast on and shit out.
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>next thread will be better
>it never gets any better
that's the spirit, based cuckgod
more like posting your ship because another one triggered you
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Don't forget ZZZ bros. This is the first female 5* Boyfriend
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we like C&C here
not even close Kuki and Noelle are bigger
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she deserves to get called out for her petty behavior
yumepags are even grosser
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Fontainians are racist by default
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nah, I only melt over not being able to use childe on IT
You will never be more than a single person. 4chan will never be your personal army.
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you said
>if anyone posts cheld x anyone not lumine
so you obviously enjoy cuckposting yoi cuck
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cheld (Me) topped loom (You) so hard mihoyo (the police) had to come and nerf (arrest) me for literally destroying your pussy (bussy)
Saw the trailer, lmao
The DEI and Hoyo going woke rumor is real
I am going to rate every one of your ships now.
9/10 everyone loves this and it might be the only interesting dynamic Jean could have
1/10 you're just pairing tards and that's all?
10/10 mutual cute antagonism with grudging respect, it cannot get better
3/10 I guess they're in swordsluts together, there's potential but both characters are lame which hurts it
5/10 Master and subordinate and little else
7/10 I don't quite know what's going on here but Bennett deserves a break, Barbara could use someone worldly, and Fischl needs god
8/10 I think there is great room for chessmaster interaction between these two only to end up in each other's arms
5/10 Yoimiya isn't intelligent enough to understand Childe being a bad guy, so there's almost no appeal left except depictions of cute obliviousness
1/10 I just don't see even a glimpse of something interesting here, can you fill me in?
8/10 There is something to be said about a female manipulator getting her way with a man, and him being a former bad guy adds variation on the concept.
2/10 Just pairing old people nearby, both just too absorbed in their jobs to picture.
4/10 Kind of funny, standoffish Eula teaching young loser Mika has mild potential
6/10 Basis in character but it's not actually entertaining. If only it was someone who could react amusingly to Alhaitham's attitude sometimes, but Dehya's too chill
9/10 Surprisingly compelling spy vs elusive prey dynamic
2/10 Faru is cute I guess
3/10 Big Strong Man Have Many Wife, boring
5/10 it's okay
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stfu scarakek
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You're right, she's second to Kuki
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>called out
Kek are we on Twitter now? You want to cancel me sis?
>Some chad flirting with a girl
>Incels meltdown
Based Hoyo. I hope ZZZ has more of that
you are stupid they realistically would take turns
you mean here?>>484402395
only self insert seething posted...
what are you even sperging about retard
>chilumipag is the only yume that took the bait
>hate essay on scara and nahida
Oh yeah, somebody's posted that here once. Also wasn't someone from here writing one for Neuvillette and then just ran?
Nta but I think you're being an attention whore more than anything else, which is obnoxious, but being cancelled is only for people with controversial takes.
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>5/10 Master and subordinate and little else
yeah they only booked a hotel and spent that night together during a festival which inspired two doujin one of them was threesome where Yae join them
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you are the one saying I should be called out so you tell me
>No character is for (you) here
There are currently eighty three playable characters in this game. Not a single one of them is canonically in a relationship. Not a single one of them has ever canonically been in a relationship. Why is that? What are the odds of this being the case? There are dozens and dozens of NPCs that are married or have a boyfriend/girlfriend, but not a single playable character? Just a pure coincidence?
you are an esl
I mean that you are crying because you want to cuckpost yoi in peace
I don't agree with this the girls are all slightly different heights but this graph makes them out to be the same, there is a clear height difference between Sucrose and Yanfei who are very short compared with Noelle and Yomiya who are almost as tall as the manlets.
>anything from hoyoverse "is kill"
hahaha yeah I'll give you a 10/10 for the joke, mate
I think the Ganyu / Xiao ship kinda goes off how neither can relate to normal people, and both are characterized by loneliness. Both of them seem to be coming out of their shells a bit though anyhow.
>Not a single one of them is canonically in a relationship.
see >>484402008
You are so mentally ill.
non troll thread
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So nothing to say? Good
I'd feel bad for you people living your life on 4chan like this, day in, day out until it's too late and you're breathing your last, but I doubt you're likeable nice people in real life.
PJC rerun when?
>t. newcutie
Keyword is canonically and no, standing besides each other and headcanons don't count
isn't this literally every other 3d open world gacha aside from Genshit?
avatarfagging is against the rules btw
serves you right you dirty churl
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How is posting fanart avatarfagging newfag?
are you actually braindead
how did you schizos come up with that?
That's cool and all but doesn't alter their dynamic, which I rated.
That's not a bad angle, I didn't think of that. Put that way I'd change the rating to a fair bit higher.
you are a crybaby
i’m not the one having melties and taking baits

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