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Best Nikke Mom

>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Active Codes

>Additional Links


>Update: July 4th

>Developer's Note: May 2024

>Current Events
CLAY, MORE! - June 20 ~ July 3

>Upcoming Events
BEAUTY FULL SHOT - July 4 ~ July 25
Dave the Diver Minigame Collab - July 4 ~ July 25

>Current Special Recruit
Clay - June 20 ~ July 3

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Sakura: Bloom in Summer - July 4 ~ July 25
[Rerun] Mary: Bay Goddess - July 4 ~ July 25
[Rerun] Neon: Blue Ocean - July 4 ~ July 25
Rosanna: Chic Ocean - July 11 ~ July 25

>Current Costume Passes
Maiden: Under The Sun [Mission Pass] - July 1 ~ July 31

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Viper: Shine of Love [Costume Gacha] - July 4 ~ July 25
Guilty: Wave of Disbelief [Event Pass] - July 4 ~ July 25
Mast: Mast the Diver [Event Pass] - July 4 ~ July 25
Anchor: Anchor the Diver [Minigame Reward] - July 4 ~ July 25

>Stream Codes

Previous: >>484373498
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I love my wife Rapi.
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Breeding Brid!
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I hate Rapi.
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Nikkes can't get pregnant. Playing pretend is playing pretend.
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Last year's summer
>2 events
>4 alts
>6 bikini skins
>covers a nice variety of Nikke from different manufacturers

This year's summer
>1 event and 1 advert for another tencent game
>2 alts that are both tetraslop that have already appeared multiple times in events
>2 bikini skins and 2 skins that are an advert for tencent's other game

Why did they put so little effort into this year?
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>Full Burst Weekend
>Grave Digger
Easy days coming boys

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*sucks pacifier villainously*
Ritual posting is killing nikg.
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Today i shall remind them what we lost
>hit max limit break on 5 nikkes months ago
>nothing is 200 yet so it doesn't matter
I'm my own wall and it's fucking insurmountable
You ok little man?
I want to fuck Centi.
what are those levels anon
Redesign the camel Pilgrim
Ritual posting is saving nikg.
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I'll redesign you in a minute
when I don't have enough materials on hand for the levelling daily I just throw some peanuts at a random nikke instead of cracking open a material box.
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I love her
if D is my wife, who is our daughter?
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I hope Guilty has lots of cute moments in the event!
you know that there are other dailies you can do right?
what do you think the veteran players that can only level once a week do?
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I'm cooooooooming
This picture is literally me.
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Fat Rapi > Rapi
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I hope Guilty crushes my dick into a fine paste with the sheer tightness of her pussy
You've been shitposting like this for 7 months?
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le :/ faec
so how many skillbooks am I going to have to waste this month?
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I love Anis
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Yes Plapi?
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Need to breed.
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>burger hours
is that Beatrice from Umineko?
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Global NIKG (4893) is recruiting 3 strong /nikg/ SKKs for the next Union Raid that can hit shortly after UR starts
The lower your level the earlier we need you to hit
Let me know if you apply!
Some girl she kidnaps for the mission
I want to tit fuck Guilty.
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I hope it's soline or admi
right now my pattern looks like:
>log in
>send friend points
>buy something from shop
>claim defense rewards (x1)
>collect outpost reward
>send outpost nikkes out
>quick advise x3
>tribe tower x1
>train x1, quick clear x2
>defense rewards (x2)
>level nikke
>level gear
>event quest (x5)
>log off
it kinda has to be that way or I'm short points. not sure what else there is to do that doesn't involve shitty lost sectors, sim room, arena, or touching the campaign.
>3 strong /nikg/ SKKs
it's so over...
What are you doing ? I started in April and I'm sync 219 (didn't spend a single buck)
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fuck off to the cuckland hosted image board of your preference
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>or touching the campaign
you don't need to beat a stage, entering one and instantly going out counts
>skipping sim room and arena
Brick amd mortar
how strong do you need to be to not need to play babysitter with your team so they don't clip that second wing?
did you run ai on the sketch?
>not doing sim room
you're giving up 18 blue chests a day?
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>skipping sim room
how do you level your skills nikka?
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Does it really matter who I make a part of my perma 200 squad? I have Blanc, Drake, Polly, and D wife locked in, and my last candidate is Rem. Is it a good idea to make a collab unit I can never power up further a perma 200, or does it really matter?
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mmmmmmmmmm dyev nyotes?
Holy based I kneel!
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No, I reverse image search the picture and i found the AI one here: https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=gov&no=1316765
Extra requirement:
>being able to breed bridposters
the benefits of leveling skills is so small it literally doesn't matter
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Yes. They are the nikkes that will come to you at night to drain your balls.
union and id?
Is Dorothy a good pilgrim for a new account?
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>the benefits of leveling skills is so small it literally doesn't matter
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>the benefits of leveling skills is so small it literally doesn't matter
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If I forget to pick up my points, do they get collected automatically at the end of the season?
Just applied
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>the benefits of leveling skills is so small it literally doesn't matter
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>Polly draining my balls every night
Yes please!
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yeah but it gives you eye cancer with the lights
yes if you've done at least 1 battle this season
Dorothy is an evil pilgrim for a new account
doesnt matter
ideally if youre rerolling for pilgrims you want one of the dps ones but you could do worse
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Second post? Time to teach you a lesson you won't forget.
kys kuna!
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who did it
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Yes. You only lose on the arena shop tickets if you overcap
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put me in the screencap
why do you hate rapi
Well, it's time for the 4:00 PM ritual post.
Shut the fuck up Mary I am not brown
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I don't do the content that requires maxed skills so I leave them at 5-6. it's not like I'm lacking materials.
not him but she's really boring, and we basically traded red hood for her
>all this hoarding
I thought you only had to hoard red chests.
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>ti..time for my.. da..daily sim
>sorry lionbro
>unplugs machine
Damn bro that's like two Belortas and a Mica
But sim room takes like 1 minute
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>we basically traded red hood for her
And that's a good thing!
i guess rapi haters don't like kuudere type characters
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Not quite as good but it's better than i've ever had it!
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120k credits for a red chest is a good deal right?
The simulation room feels rather stuffy... I'd love to head outside.
Credits for a chest is good, yes. This applies with the bunnies too
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Is it just me or do you always get just enough dispatch parts to get a full box? This is the third time in a row, it's never cucked me by being 190/200 or been above 200.
i've been buying them whenever they show up its not enough to make you broke and coredust is something you'll never have enough of
Kick ass
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Give me your luck. You won't be needing it anymore.
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>lionbro and nevefag dead
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At least he tries to keep her relevant in the threads.
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Luck? bro it takes me like a week and a half to get a full box.
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Lion bro dead we will bury him next to Cocoa
Lionbro is in the hospital so unfortunately there's a non zero chance of that being true......
he was in the hospital or someshit yesterday. I really hope he's okay.
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R.I.P. Lionbro...
He will be missed.
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hes just been discharged right
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I think it's time to pray for Lionbro bros...
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Welcome to Eden https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66405802/#66405802
Doing my simulation today for lionbro
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Today is the day, guys! Noah for sure!
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Casual NA union LUCKLETS (ID 4063) has a couple open spots available that we are currently backfilling.

Want to dieselwave, shitpost, and get your union chips in a chill, supporting, discord free environment? Then join LUCKLETS (ID 4063) today! Both veterans and newcuties are welcome, just need to be an active player.

Put NIKG in your profile when applying so we know you're cool and have lots of sex.
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i don't know if it's intentional but the text really makes it look like she has very busy eyebrows and a goatee
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Thoughts and prayers to lionbro
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I believe in you, but if it were me i'd want a crown body or a RH body. but if you want Noah I pray you receive your Noah.
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That's the best part
I still haven't got a full box since the day they added it I am at 140 or 190 / 200
I'm going to give doro eye cancet by making her wear goggles filled with semen
well, time for my dailACK-
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SSR Rapi will save Lionbro.
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*turns combat effects to moderate*
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Yes, you should keep the account and start playing
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Lionbwo didn't make it. Take care of his daughter.
Rei sucks. Like, really bad. Fucking twerp.
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hello friends, can i get some blessings to finally not be a nagaless nikger anymore?
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I havent played arena in months (and im talking like december 2023 or so) and i still get 1200-1600 jims every once in a while. How does that shit even work?
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Striped toot
I'm gonna say the N word.
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when's the update that simplifies skill descriptions? i don't get any of this yhgioh bullshit
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looks like I'll be just in time to take her to the beach
FEH skill descriptions soon
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>when's the update that simplifies skill descriptions? i don't get any of this yhgioh bullshit
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bro if you can read endymion you can read this
>>484412162 meant for
Mustang comes over to you with an offer. Syuen put through the nikke process under Tetra or being the next CEO of Tetra. What do you pic?

yugioh got more and more complicated as the game went on, it used to be so simple.
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I have colitis. Good news is, the antibiotics are working well and I'm gradually getting better. The bad news, I'll still be here another 2 days at least to make sure I stay getting better. Well, time for my daily simulation.
i wanna fucking kill myself.

i would've taking a belorta.
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I prepared for Summer, I hope the units are worth pulling for more than collection purposes.
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I am going to have sex with Einkk.
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it's bayonet and claymore mine
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pepper is good though
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Thank god, just in time for summer.
Glad you’re getting better bwo
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Syuen has no useful skills to be part of Tetra
>caused by Crohn disease
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kys ungrateful faggot


fuck. :'(
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thank goodness
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I was worried you fucking nikker holy fuck. Get well soon lionbwo, at least you know now you're off the hook.
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Thank you

Noah's the only Pilgrim I'm missing
She can be an onahole.
who the FUCK are you talking to?
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My own personal head canon is Einkk does lewd stuff with commander in his mind while the Nikkes are fighting in sim room
>crow disease
might as well be dead
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Fuck off I still don't have Pepper
I want the Nikkes to stop LOLing at me...
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... there is no god.

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Tetra isn't into the onahole business.
Missiles though...
>Rank 2
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i don't like this, it looks like the hands are about to snap her neck.
She did want to be a bunny girl, too.
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>3 rocks
What does rank 1 give you?
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make sure you don't neglect your heath senpai
Can't wait to finally pop all of my regular vouchers and molds tomorrow. Hope I can get enough copies so I can continue advising my remaining girls to Bond 30.
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Take care of yourself lionbwo!
Oh my gosh!!!1
The nikke of your choice comes to your house and plays Chess with you.
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I will not forget this
Couls Cocoa cook a steak?
Memes aside, top 3 gives the same reward (3k gems).
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What the fuck did you retards do to eyera? Give me a qrd NOW
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>with me?
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Pink haired girls are weak to anal
This but only the tetra mold because I couldn't get any of the new bunnies + Clay
maybe you should ask him what he did
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why is everyone so mean to Soline?
Mmmm hello anon today I got 1 rock and I will make rupee suck dicks!
because Soline is... poop
she's a big fuckup who never does anything right
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i will turn it back to high......
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That's because you keep pulling down your pants Anon.
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Why is EYERA such a secret nikgceleb now? Nobody says what he did to get kicked out, nobody says what he has done to be namedropped. What is he, a discord attention whore troon like Jalatina and his ilk?
if you kill the bad guys you lose
Anne killed Trony.
Always has been.
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give me your ideas for new Elysion nikkers?
AHHHHHHH 10th fucking box in a row with no pilgrim gear.
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Is Belorta porn illegal? Asking for a friend.
She asked for the spicy dish.
Apparently he was just tired of shitposting and getting his name thrown everywhere by NIKG. Ironic really after they kick him.
hag with big butt
I cannot tell why sometimes Emilia crits this hard.
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She is a canadian and a ukrainian at the same time.
I love her little cat ear buns
Who was top supposed to be?
Also her ass is wild, she's like 70% ass
Is Einkk corporeal or is she still digital?
No, just bad taste. No one likes a fatty.
Someone already pointed out the reason two threads ago >>484354883
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Bibli, other member of the teacher squad
She hasn't been replaced with anything yet but who knows if she'll ever be released
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She's so fucking cute. Would never leave her behind even if her legs give on her.
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purple mold!
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we lost alot o7
This is fake, and nothing to do with why we removed him.
nu-Moran is better
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you're fucking late
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Sharks glow in the dark, run over them with love
would knock up this dummy too

do her bond cummander.
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Enjoy your government-issue shark wife.
these belong to Brown Dust 2(duo) only, chaps.
Why you ask?
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From what I heard he wanted to go casual but the secret leader of nikg said no. They got into an altercation in the chat so he was kicked unfairly. Pretty messed up ngl
That's Sixo now btw
It was his drunk rants wasnt it?
What if Sixo is in Moran's core and Moran was just pretending to be retarded the whole time
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How would sex with Elegg and Trony go?
footjobs and navel penetration
Was the drunken rants that bad? I mean, it's not like he's typing nigger a hundred times in union chat. How bad could it be?
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Do people really buy those cash shop pop ups for manufacturer molds? Those things never give shit.
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Hello Commanders! With plenty of newer players and not so many open slots in the existing NA unions, I’ve taken it upon myself to develop a newcutie/new player friendly casual union. We've got 1 slots left open we're looking to fill, so don't miss out!

>Tired of being listed as Not in a Union?
>Starting out and want an edge over your PVP shard rivals with upgraded cubes?
>Stuck at lvl 160 and need something to grind for or are looking to break the wall with a Liberation nikke?
>Want a change of pace while still participating in union activities or are looking to get a fresh start?
>Are you fond of the Replace squad?

If any of the above apply to you, you’re at least sync level 80, and you’re consistent with dailies/friendpoints, then I invite you to join RIKKERZ. We’re a new growing English language NA server union with the ultimate goal of onboarding dedicated newer players looking to participate in a union and its activities for an overall fun casual experience. We are not looking to do frame checks, force team comps, etc. We just ask that you do your best and have fun. We are also discord free, teamspeak free, zoom free, teams free, slack free, skype free, telegram free, and AOL messenger free. The focus is on newer players, but veteran players and old-timers alike are also warmly welcomed to join.

To join up, send a join request to the union (Name: RIKKERZ ID: 25835) and please either have /nikg/ in your self-introduction or an R nikke profile pic so I know it’s one of you looking to join in. You don't have to keep it that way once you're in and are free switch back if you wish. Here’s to a summer of fun and new opportunities!
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Here, I fixed the molds. The player decides how many molds he wants to open, chance is on an exponential curve. 50 molds remain at 60% to get a SSR, but you can decide to spend less or even more.
Emma but even bigger boobs
>We are also discord free, teamspeak free, zoom free, teams free, slack free, skype free, telegram free, and AOL messenger free.
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I wasn't awake for that! Big if true!
Also I'm assuming he was the faggot forcing PREFECT pretending to be nikg all this time, makes sense.
>unbearable drunken rants about who knows what
>shitposting nonstop in global hours, probably a cuckshit enabler in the nikkuny discord along with YOON the TROON and JALATINA

Trony would get really clingy and wants to keep hugging a little longer after getting her creampie
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japanese doro... so lewd
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Anon... I...
>>Also I'm assuming he was the faggot forcing PREFECT pretending to be nikg all this time
wtf does this mean
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Delta but with bigger boobs
But she keeps the plate carrier
And she has tighter shorts
And she goes commando but I will settle with a tactical g-string
So DOROTHT killed EYERA while STEVEN was a nikkunny spy?
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gold mold!

just in time for summer as well
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mmmmmmmm nyes
If Neon is just pretending to be retarded I will never forgive her.
She ruined my 1st anniversary cake.
The concept was good but new art has much better quality
Is NIKG over just like that? Where do we go from here?
Nah. New look is ai sloppa tier.
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>tighter shorts
How? Fused into her skin with gamma radiation or something?
Diego was the one that executed EYERA
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How long until Rosanna numbers? In doros and pinnes if possible
Sorry, IRCchads only
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Her face is fucked in the shooting sprites
That he's the faggot that's been force memeing prefect in the general a long time ago along with that faggot troon CUTEYAN, made even worse because of Yoon's alt being in there later to monitor groomable idiots for his troon circlejerk and shit up the general even more.

Always has been. Reminder there are screencaps of STEVEN sucking YOON's dilation off in their discord.
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what does doro smell like?
dorothy 2
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He told Diego he couldn't make this UR because of a family emergency and Diego flipped out and started ranting at him for 4 hours straight before kicking him.
>Gravedigger just flies off the screen and never comes back

Uhhh bro? New boss tech?
the baby is black btw
maybe 5 doros from now, or 11
those are both the usual update times, add a doro if they have multiple other announcements since they stagger them
restart or you'll get shitty rewards
Why is she shaking a formula bottle? With mammaries that large you'd think she has enough to feed the baby herself.
>doro backwards is odor
Pic unrelated btw
Shes a robot you tourist...
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>tetradev already seething
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toot it
That's her milk
Nikkes can neither get pregnant nor lactate. She is holding an Ark citizen's child hostage and feeding it baby formula flavored Splendamin.
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DIEGO is heartless wtf.
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s toot
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you can pump beforehand anon
I've just rerolled my account tree times and gotten a pilgrim every single time. Now I have one with Julia and Dorothy, one with only snow white and one with Modernia and 2 Clays. On the last account actually got all three characters from the first 10 pulls so I still have all the starting vouchers and 1500 hundred gems. I also have an account with Rapunzel and three other SSRs. I guess the one with Modernia is the obvious choice, right?
I love you ******
could they lactate if they request their bodies to do so? Nevermind the reason
Modernia will carry you the most ya
yep, Modernia is the best one for pve
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Good job bros
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>he ranted for 4 hours at a no show instead of doing his shitty hits
Diego didnt even hit in the last UR and Doroshit is the planner...
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Alright alright my bad for not being up to date on the lore of the latest gambling simulator "game" on this gacha board
Then you wouldn't need to shake it
their bodies seem capable of some biological functions so I could see it happening, provided a manufacturer added to the design
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The Hood approves
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I read a fanfic where SKK and Elegg made a bet related to BOOM and SKK lost so he had to follow any one request of Elegg's so she played bratty/teasing and kept making him do sexual acts of increasing intensity while not letting him actually get properly satisfied and every time they were done she would say "I mean you did that one thing but did I actually ASK you to do it? That wasn't my request." Eventually it escalated to SKK unknowingly fucking Trony while she was hidden under the covers and they transitioned to SKK and Trony roleplaying as the Black Ark Ranger correcting a villain while Elegg provided support. They also did anal. So if SKK had sex with Elegg and Trony I think it would go like that
>first 5 secs tell you they are borgs
Post account
Nice thanks, I can finally start playing this fucking game lol
Those headcanons about NIKG members are sure wild. Now, you should stop, that guy is gone for good and nobody cares.
>a courier squad where one member is actually a bitch that works for Sixo and the other one has really big boobs
>a mining squad where one member wields a giant hammer and the other one has drills attached to her back
>D should finally get a squadmate so she's not all alone
>also this failed terror cell leader who's suspiciously close friends with Ingrid and her name is literally Elysion
Seriously, Elysion has plenty of unreleased nikkes, they don't even to come up with new ones, just finally release the ones we've already seen
I was there you coward.
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I don't play gacha "games" you retard lmfao. I clicked for big 2D tits.
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just don't let them take your vapaus, SKK
>I dont even have this installed
Got it tourist. Fuck off now
Lol retard
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So how will we cope tomorrow when they datamine the next banner after the summer event already like they did with Clay and it's just some random other Nikker for a two-week long event and there's no summer 2?
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is there going to be a terrorist in one of these
Gacha gambler literacy and intelligence on full display lmao
hey anon, I had colitis myself, just make sure you stay on your meds, whatever they prescribe. as soon something appears abnormal, tell your docs IMMEDIATELY. It's totally possible to live with it and put it in remission. stay strong bro
We laugh at the sales and tetradevs eventual suicide.
Just report the shitposter dont reply to it.
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Was Helm built to please old men?
I don't know, I got a hero from mine
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>how will we cope tomorrow
We won't, we'll just accept the misery
kys ****
i celebrate the arrival of rouge
this being sixo would be kino
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/nikg/ sure is weird, I swear you faggots were praising Rosanna's existence up and down for months and now suddenly she's the devil incarnate
yeah me
Needs to be transparent
Hey, dere-girl? Just say you wanna fuck SKK.
Tetra fatigue is real, I can only get so hard when I remeber my Elysion tower is near a halt and tetra has as many nikkes as both missilis and elysion combined
damn, that's some unfortunate anatomy /10
if by old man you mean me then yes
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rapist instead
There's always been a couple really vocal Rosanna haters. The recent bout of Tetraspam gives them more reason to be extra-vocal.
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lmfao. you fucking lost
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well, about that berlota
You are in kunnyhub lmao
>Playing mahjong while fucking Helm as she thanks me for the donation
Old men (me) can't lose
>1500 hundred gems
Holy shit just roll you fucking hoarder
Is there a swimsuit version?
>praising Rosanna's existence up and down for months
That was one fag. Most people don't like her because she acts like a man. Just look how badly she did in the popularity polls.
Was Papillon Elysion too or was she Tetra?
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Please, bless me with the luck.
getting my buttwife D anal pregnant
Didn't have as bad a time with this one as I did 26-17, but it still was annoying
Just had to have RH use her burst 2nd and then it was just a matter of keeping everyone alive to burst the boss
I don't have the best time dodging the suicide raptures, but I made do
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Who do I believe?
qrd on this EYERA guy? Was she the cuckposter?
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Doro Domination.
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You're going to get a shotgun R doll for Viper
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Bros... I might have to retire from Nikke
Breasts too large
Nice, finally Diego Martinez Gaming did something good by kicking that fag
Unknown, she could be anything.
She hangs out with Triangle and they're a cross-manufacturer squad so that doesn't help either.
Maybe she'll actually team up with Doro and become a Pilgrim
like semen in an anus
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>Diego Martinez Gaming
She's wearing pads
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I still love you ****** even if you're mean and gay (bc pride month is over)
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Pilots with giant boobs popping out of their bomber Jackets.
Multiple Nikkes based on different military pin up art.
Delta in a Bikini.
SMG purple
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>Wake up
>See this
we'll get the air force squad right after summer, trust me...
D the mission's been over for a week why the fuck do you have that
>new elysion after summer
More like Liveryn and Fragile, or K
Somebody post that character sheet where all the girls get increasingly naked from that old top down shooter where you control a plane and
why does shit up refuse to give us an elysion carry
>anti-rosanna schizo hours
>bing bing wahoo tranyformers
>There's always been a couple really vocal Rosanna haters.
Didn't they have to change a few dialogue lines because it implied she's used goods? Is that where the hate comes from?
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We should have fucking got a string bikini for Drilley for Summer instead of this gay tetraslop.
weird choice to intentionally include the color banding on the stockings
Soline exists you know
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good going bwo
26-25 is no picnic but 26-17 is easily the worst stage in normal campaign
have fun racking up those outpost levels in the snoozefest that is chapter 27
Underworld Queens just aren't a particularly appealing archetype and tetradev overusing them events and girlbossing it up in the campaign certainly didn't help.
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underworld queens is RETARDED. ohh uhhh i run the underworld. but i actually run it for the sake of the ark.
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>racking up those outpost levels
I hope I'm not being messed with, because I really want that
Really want to up my dust product
this pic is always funny because it's porn
We love SRosanna here, gonna MLB her
Maybe this will make them like UQ more.
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I still love you bro 8)
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She got the alt over Moran. Sakura is fine though.
This shit is so fucking hot, thanks for sharing
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Haha no. This is Rean.
which one is real
lot of FAKERS around here
Finally u are mine
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dorothy 2 has 2 buttholes
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is this.... AI Slop?
Did they say when they were planning on announcing the next collab?
Is it? With the lens flare, bloom, and chromatic aberration it seems to me that the theme the artist was going for was an in universe digital photograph rather than a more 'pure' depiction of SBS.
Wait during summer 2
No, artist is Wujack2211 who quite enjoys drawing futas with huge thick megacocks
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yea next collab is marble blast ultra
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Nikkes are highly compatible with cumflation
Guys please help me.
How do I beat Nihilister?
yea thats not an effect that occurs when photographing it shows in image editing when scaling down fine details or when your graphics card is from 2010 and cant render the whole transition of colors
Imagine the crabs.
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Nier Automata banners rerun and new story involving Kaine soon to be announced in the 2nd week of summer part 2
thank you anon
to beat the cyberdragon, shoot at her repeatedly
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Keep Dorothy, Modernia is filler tier in Union Raid
Crown Liter Redhood Alice Naga
i dont know why you retards are so worried about being called a faggot when you all jerk off to people with horsecocks.
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>Cumflated Doro
brb, training the AI
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>there has been as many collab Nikkes as Elysion Nikkes added since launch
break the legs ASAP and she'll take 2x damage afterwards
bring a healer
use cover to avoid her DoTs
I would've taken that, perfect CP boost for Liter.
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shoot her until she is dead
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The edge is insane
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Nikke: Collab of Victory
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YES and thats a good thing!
This is the best I have. Is it over for me?
I do have crown but then I lose my dps and heals.
>tfw 1250
I'll be there soon...eventually
Excuse me, I only jerk off to GIRLS with horsecocks. Just as God intended.
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2nd one is me, I'm on my way home. I'll prove it in the chat.
You only need Liter for cover repair, just hit those turrets hard and healing wont matter, and learn to take cover on the nikke getting shot by gatling
eagerly awaiting take 2
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I'm retarded. Forgot pic
Idk if its because I saw them unrestrained in the swimsuit or not but I swear base Guilty's tits look way huger than I remember than being
theyre not, she put her arms inside her jacket
>2 healers
are you trying to bore Nihilister to death
mentally ill schizo, i dont even know the guy
Her hands aren't in front retard
Should I replace Marciana with Crown?
balice is heals though? swapping crown in for marciana seems like a good idea (crown heals too btw)
I should stop doing the discounted daily pull after breaking the wall right?
How much longer are you niggers going to namefag like anyone here gives a shit.
Keep it in your discords, losers
yea, because theyre in her jacket
Why are you so obssesed with him all of the sudden
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>yea, because theyre in her jacket
not necessarily, wishlist is still good and half off is half off
you might even get pilgrims still
yes unless
>you still have some units in your wishlist that you really want
>you are fishing for a pilgrim (more rolls = more pilgrim chances)
>you need silver tickets for treasure dupes
sure thing EYERA
I've never heard of this nigger until you faggots started posting its name in every thread
Kill yourself please, no one gives a shit about your gay little club drama
its just you losers namedropping nikkers that dont even follow the thread anymore, its pathetic
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Baby mode server getting uppity again on NA hours
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>No bunnysuit
>No swimsuit
I think Admi will get a costume before Yulha does
Don't you mean Privaty's 2nd alt and first costume for her maid outfit?
bwo? your force anonymize?
STEVEN is such a stalking faggot, wouldnt be surprised if he's a spy
No one knows me.
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I know you
No the cuckposter is JALATINA. Get your lore right.
Globalfags are insufferable.
funny you don't have an issue with STEVEN or ORLEEN but suddenly you want to pretend EYERA doesn't exist
Notice how it is always the same troons from GLOBAL doing this
>MLB BAlice
>Doesn't even have Liter

Lol, lmao even.
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Globalfags are irresistible.
They're annoying and shitting up the thread during all hours with the SEANIGGERS
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>Reminder there are screencaps of STEVEN sucking YOON's dilation off in their discord.
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Take your meds, I want them all dead.
Troonleen doesn't even namedrop himself anymore it's you disgusting creatures who spread the good word like good little cucks.
Genuinely just kill yourself you rope sucking nigger
Just give up like I have. They don't care at all about development and sustaining long term players. This game is designed to consume a never-ending conveyor belt of suckers and extract the initial enthusiasm out of them.
Laplace has gotta be one of the worst toons of all time
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Just filter them. These attention whores have been here since the start of the threads and they thrive on name dropping/inciting stupid drama. Just filter all of them, and if they're avatarfagging like that bocchifag just report and move on. Engaging with these retards is the last thing you should be doing.
Laplace has gotta be one of the best toons of all time
I've gotten more SSRs from the 150 jims daily pull than I have from 400+ pulls on event banners, so I'll keep doing the daily discount pull even if I break the wall.
>Defending ORLEEN
lmao STEVEN you are such a cuck
BAlice's burst on lobby was worth it.
explode (your heart from cholesterol levels normal by your country's standards but wildly abnormal by everyone else's)
I can't decide what is more retarded; that you thought ORLEEN came in here and talked in 3rd person at any point, or that you think he stopped.
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>tfw nobody ever name drops me
shut the fuck up donovan
Source anon please
I did not play this event but I did enjoy the big tits on Mast and Frima
The bad toon store called. They said they want Laplace back.
this event proved frima best girl. also i find it very interesting that frima's butthole does not smell
it's in the archives and comfy, go check it out
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>CHINKLEEN mentioned

all this drama and I knew a name was missing
shut the fuck up NIKKER
It's fun, also has one of the best event lobby screens IMO.
I guess you're right, still annoying that they suddenly decide to ramp it up to 11 where I'll see their BS at any time of the day.
Global was a mistake
>opened a gold mold and a purple mold without asking for toots
>noir dupe (core01) and guillotine dupe (core01)
friendship ended with /nikg/
blue dot is my new best friend
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santa drawing is from my kid
link for dot?
uhh what does your kid think of massive bazongas next to their innocent drawing
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That drawing is kinda ugly
blue dot is at least twice as effective as toots, that's scientifically proven
Theta8, does your wife say anything about the anus poster? Based dad and nikker
>has kids
>sits on 4chan
Funny because Global players are not even European
>anis poster is inside a frame
>own child's drawing is simply taped to a wall
Global making these NAkeks endlessly seethe and mald with our ecelebs is actually the best part.
I'm desperate to break the 160 wall anon.
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I have no feelings for her besides her ass is so jiggly, but is she actually good/viable? Her abilities seem kinda useful
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So, I've already played Red Ash and Dorozone and still have 4 rolls left.
Should I start playing the archives in chronological release order, or are there any other lore-heavy events I should focus on first?
how did you get michael moore to sign your anis poster? every time i try he just calls security
on some stages where you need to burst RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.
LOL. LMAO even
I have kids too, I spend lots of time with them and post here. I'm not like majority of the NEETfags that sit their fat asses here all day
That's how they came btw, I'm not him or got one. I've seen pictures of them
>NA wakes up
>"global" "drama" begins
Every thread
miracle snow is a 2 parter with event field
but just go with your favorites or check lobby bg rewards, release order doesn't matter and archive order doesn't even follow release order
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>content soon™
best anal in game
Miracle snow is a Snow White event or what?
>NA wakes up
It's almost 6 and I'm going home, quit being obsessed with NAGODS
Miracle Snow. Then my personal picks would be Bunny x 777, License to Kill, and Cherry Blossom.
Alternatively, you can preview the lobby screen reward and just go for the ones you like the look of.
yeah, your butt, Snow White.
Any EVROPEAN union recruiting? Missing out on cube upgrades with my current gold union
What a collection
Part and parcel of playing in Globohomo server
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Hello friends!! I just got home, I hope you are having a great day!

I wish, but it's good nevertheless
Snow White's butt probably reeks from all the sweat, dirt and food.
I'm going to rape your anus, red hood style

>>484428323 this true?
You can burst against bosses right away if she's on the team
On regular stages you get burst when the target appears
>Helm Aquamarine means he's been playing for at least a year.
>Not even lv200 yet

Man what the fuck have you been doing.
id slurp boba out of her ass
I wonder what happened to THAT cunny white poster.
rupee and anne (n102). just go play it, it is a strong contender for best event
Just cum like I have. Heroes don't care at all about development and sustaining long term sex. This move is designed to consume a never-ending conveyor belt of semen and extract the initial cum out of (you).
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Tenderly kissing Eunhwa's pussy lips(with my mouth)
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Snow White is beautiful, pure and smells like the most prettiest of flowers, don't be dumb


I'm not sure who he is but if he was a snowfriend I hope he is happy
I broke it down for you, consider the specific points to your argument that "big spenders are arena players not solo raid players" (word-for-word quote):
Arena victory or loss is primarily driven by Synchro, which is utilized for campaign pushing (for yet more synchro) and Union Raid.
Union Raid is historically the primary driver for increasing synchro.
Whales have duped units like the ones you listed because you get them incidentally from C7'ing other units.
A dev letter a month after arena reshuffles were implemented literally acknowledged the core audience for NIKKE doesn't play it for PvP and to backtrack on PvP focus.Most unit releases are not PvP focused.
I've managed 3 Poseidon Unions in NA for 16 URs now, am considered an authority in the theorycrafting and hybrid CN+NA solo raid community, and so I have a strong basis for saying these things.
I have access to the communities I am talking about If I am talking about a community I am a part of and even lead, that still deserves healthy scrutiny, but an outright dismissal borders is hilariously unreasonable

PvP in this game is not taken seriously by most whales
Most competitive whales are interested in: Solo Raid Ranking, Union Raid Ranking, Co-Op Ranking, High Deficit Campaign Pushing- in order of prestige
NIKKE is primarily a competitive PvE ranking game not a PvP focused game at the top level
Sexually harass your anus and you will enjoy it
So when am I supposed to use silver mileage tickets after I already have five MLB?
Who is your kid's favorite nikke?
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>the benefits of leveling skills is so small it literally doesn't matter
You buy dupes for Alice!
shut up KIRI
you can buy for any character you like (that's on the store) or save them for future treasure nikkes
I want Alice in a summer event so she overheats and dies
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Anon, that's nothing.
he's probably just trying to get enough combat power.
Whatever you want. Fill out your burst lobby collection. Go for core max on (You)r wife if she's in the shop rotation. Get LB2 on the treasure units.
You're free.

I'll play Miracle Snow and then whatever event has the coomiest lobby screen.
Thanks fellow cummanders.
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japs squeeeeeeeing on xitter after beating train for the first time are adorable
they don't seem to notice
no, she doesn't mind
don't forget, you're here forever
half the wall is covered in their drawings
They are probably playing on phone so it might be a bit more of a challenge. But yeah, jap posters on western platforms are pretty great usually.
how many bond stories or outpost events have you willingly gone back to reread?
b.soda's bond 10 has probably gotten me the most
you bleach your asshole, is that why call you Snow White
ask your wife to cosplay your nikke waifu. if she doesn't, look for a divorce lawyer
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Bro what? Skill level 1 to 10 on Scarlet is a difference of 28% damage essentially and that is make or break, her burst is 530% at level 1 whereas level 10 is 849%.
>She doesn't mind
Based! A keeper and having your own bloodline. Most fags here will never have this
I knew it.
>Recruit 3 nikkes as rehabilitation task 3 days in a row.
>Can't fucking save social points for a 10-pull.

Fuck you Quency
i hear ya anon, I'll put in a good word for 2x wipe out to replace them instead
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it's time bros
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No, It's a reference to children fairy tales, all the Goddesses are the same... But I think you knew the answer and are just messing with me...

Good luck!!
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It's your lovely wife, Isabel
I thought our lastest meme was that Orleen is french? Can't you keep your memes straight? Fucking amateurs...
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I found this guy in my arena
>active day 1 player who doesn't even use the synchro device
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My knees
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Wish I could care as little as this guy
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There is an outpost event for Sakura, I think it was in the clothing shop, that one for me is Peak Nikke
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Exia's because of the cute ending and funny dialogue
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>Day 1
>Low spender, not even a dolphin
>Leveling up nikkes individually
>Zero fucks given

This is what a man who enjoys life looks like.
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Jesus Christ....
cute and funny eh?
>in my server shard
>uid has the same first 2 real digits
this is a surreal feeling
FUCK IT, just give me a goddamn t9m selector package and fuck my wallet up for a hundred i'm just so fucking done.
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I swear, you people either do this on purpose you you nigs are dumb as fuck.
>But I think you knew the answer and are just messing with me...
Yeah. So why DO you bleach your asshole?
Which nikkes are into faceshitting? Besides Anis and Yuni I mean.
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Not what I mean
Cute Eunwher
What a funny typo to make, Anon, haha
yeah it was bait but nobody will believe me if I say it now
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I take PvP very seriously
Pvp can be very competitive though, not to mention Champion arena releasing on September
Snow White, Noir, Crow, Trony, Soda
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okay but seriously as a newbie how does this make any tangible difference, it's literally 0.08%. Is the final upgrade a much bigger increase?
He's gone. Im sorry
doubt it
Doro biting her lip is kinda cute.
I believe you
You don't need to worry too much about Modernia's burst but maxing it does make a difference for clearing stages when you're way way under powered with how fast it hits.
imagine blanc disappearing inside noir's giant brown cheeks
The scaling of skills is all over the place, some get much stronger every level while others are almost meaningless. That's why there are guides to prioritizing skill upgrades, it's not intuitive.
Ummm union and id, sir?
Uuuuuuh eeeeerm yeah
Burst levels provide a pretty big chunk of pow, even if the actual effect is not so massive. Babu's burst is one of the ones you don't level because its improvement is so minor, but I did it anyways because I love her.
I mean its Canada, could be a Pajeet larping as french.
Hes chinese/french
Such a big ass yet she has zero jiggle

Smartassbros? Our response?
Thanks guys. I mean it.
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Thank you single regular ticket.

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