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>General Info on Final Fantasy

>What version should I play?

>Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster

>Final Fantasy XVI

>Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

>Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
>Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: War of the Visions

>Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

>Final Fantasy XI

Previous thread: >>484147707
XVI killed Final Fantasy.
* 7 Rebirth
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>final dungeon in 5.0 shadowbringers: relive the final moments of a dying world
>final dungeon in 6.0 endwalker: relive the final moments of a dying world
>final dungeon in 7.0 dawntrail: relive the final moments of a dying world
Today we will be taking rydia to Disney world
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First for rinoa
There was an attempt
Uncontested. Unanswered. Undefeated. Unbreakable.

BONUS: the nier one >>483743120 (Cross-bread)
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afraid it was
you ended by using terms you don't understand again.
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I can pet Torgal whenever I want.
>not linking the other posts replying to them
Nuh uh was all you kept replying with and I quoted such in the replies.
>a bunch of purposeful misrepresentations of what the posts in question actually said
>this is mean to hand wave and diffuse the situation
>a bunch of purposeful misrepresentations
>"quoting directly from the posts I linked doesn't count because I look retarded now..."
ha ha ha concession accepted.
contested. answered, defeated, mindbroken.
that wasn't even an attempt
>still forgetting everything else
>still going "no u"
Anyways, next! Ironic that he also just doesn't counter what they were actually about anyways.
Sure did get nice and peaceful all of a sudden.
This general needs to die.
like FF after XVI
They only way that'll happen is if the majority of the regulars, besides the obsessive shitposter who're here anyway, leave. There's absolutely no reason to come here beside shitposting.
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deuce is desperate
>Re-added the outdated and inaccurate pastebin and removed the useful link
not based
40 results if you ctrlF "deleted R".
>general shitposting that have nothing to do with XVI or yoshida.
>had to use the rest of the thread because the original link he provided only had 3 deleted posts relating to XVI
>majority of the posts that you did highlight were all made within 2 hours of each other, not the 10 hours you kept repeating to yourself
nice self own
You just earned yourself a report. Stop shitting up this general.
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You are correct. That is very strange. Any idea why that happened?
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Page 2 shows more of the OO/XVI whine spam getting deleted.
>>had to use the rest of the thread because the original link he provided only had 3 deleted posts relating to XVI
The archives link I provided was to the deleted posts in the relevant thread, most of which are his. If you chose to pretend that you don't understand that archives links can have multiple pages, that's on (You) for pretending to be retarded.
All of those posts look so low quality.
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My wife Eiko is super cute!
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Brace yourselves.
It truly was the final fantasy, bravo yoshi-p
Don't climb up the ladder by the kupo nuts collector. NEVER.
Poor girl died a virgin.
She died without feeling the pleasure of being sodomized at 1 AM after someone sneaks in her room.
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Time to uninstall...
a sensation of which you are very well acquainted with
Hope you had fun
If only.
I mean, NO! My girlfriend only pegs me consensually.
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Don't mess with us FFXVI fans, we don't even play our own game! XVI is a 10/10!!
I bet Deuce can play a dick as well as she can play a flute.
I was about to replay that game. It probably has no chance of happening at this point, but I still hope it gets a sequel someday. Its turn based combat with the stack gimmick was pure kino.
Fun game, unlike XVI.
WoFF was second only to FFX-2 when it comes to having the best combat system in a Final Fantasy game.
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FFXVI was the 10/10 Ultimate Final Fantasy.
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FFX-2 was the 10/10 Ultimate Final Fantasy.
Nah it was kind of mid.
Reviews at the time it was released reflect that. Sure the combat is decent but the story is trash.
I tell you now, I had 10x more fun with X-2 than I ever did with XVI
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Gameplay-wise, I agree
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I love how X-2 with all its flaws and faults is still a better game than XVI.
>dawntrail mixed reviews
>"all the game content is amazing, but, um akshully the story, um, uh"
So it's really good then.
Gameplay > the rest
>dawntrail mixed reviews
Is it really over?
I'm sure some people pounded the MSQ on day 1 and did nothing else.
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>stormblood's content is generally regarded as amazing
>but the expansion is still regarded as dogshit because the 4.0 MSQ and Lyse were shit
Even Yoshida himself has stated that the story is still the main focus of the entire game, so don't be surprised when people throw the whole thing out because the story is bad. Dawntrail is right there alongside Stormblood.
He can say that, but it's demonstrably not. All that really means is that they care deeply if the story is good, but it's a still a gameplay focused genre.
>from the critically panned expansion, Final Fantasy XIV
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Critically panned is right.
>game ignores your character
>but also the content and playing your character is amazing
This is next level cognitive dissonance.
Story > All
That's why X-2 flopped
I saw the continued melty of the fags above you.
X-2 was always going to be a "flop" relative to X, but it was still a great game. So was Dirge of Cerebus.
That would also explain why XVI flopped.
It's a video game not a book
Content maybe, but playing your character certainly isn't because the current job design is atrocious. Job dehomogonization isn't even gonna be coming until the expansion after this one.
I'll never understand how a game can have good content but bad character gameplay. The character gameplay defines how good the content is. It's how you interact with the content.
He's really stumbling tonight.
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>bravely default 2
Why did they
Do this
But FFXVI's story and gameplay were both 10/10
The only non-shitposter criticisms of the game were its lack of exploration like XII had yet shitposters excuse XIII's much more egregious lack of meaningful exploration
XVI's story = 3/10
XVI's gameplay = 6/10
>he thinks Job dehomogenization will ever come
wuk lmao
maybe another job gauge to clutter your screen, if you're lucky
said no one ever
>check /ffg/
>they're shitposting Yoshida again
lol....lmao even
Femhroth suck because no MUZZLE
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What went wrong?
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Its actually continued to decrease with more reviews.
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Only *slightly* higher than flopspoken btw
Final Fantasy?
XIV isn't FF.

Why is she flaunting her armpits?
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why do people say she has a "cute butt"?
Can't see shit bro
I've never heard anyone say that. Plus, anyone who lusts after Alisaie is just closet gay, because she literally looks exactly the same as Alphi.
tifa's face here lmao
That's a man, isn't it?
Can't find it right now, but I do know that official art had Alisaie's ass on full display recently.
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>she literally looks exactly the same as Alphi.

no anymore
she has nicer lips now
Cute boys made for anal.
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relmbros we won
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Owari da...
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