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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>484365549

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Countdown Campaign
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-04 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Here's funny.
gonna post based in next thread
ha ha ha
kill yourself
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Kama Love!
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Yuyu love!
What da dog doin?
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>In 1998, Lippa was commissioned by the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver to create an anthem for a concert celebrating Israel's 50th birthday, to be sung by 350 singers and conducted by Sergiu Comissiona of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra.
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Nero likes hummus.
Who the fuck is Kirashan? They guy Myst keep tallking about
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>/alter/ can't play Arcueid newly release source material
Comfy mom , comfy nap
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Wow, man, you are so funny
which servant would still love me despite my shirou dick?
Show the part of the box that says playing this game might cause cancer and erectile troubles.
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My personal onahole
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Have you told your Jalter you love her today
Any of the Sakurafaces and Rinfaces
goobye alter

Does punching her womb with my penis count as telling her that I love her?
So Lip haters are confirmed for literal scum of the earth.
Melt because she will feel the same be it shirou tier or horse tier.
Lip because it won't hurt
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Would you like to sniff Gudao's bulge?
Is this safe for work?
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How dangerous is it to roll hoping for Summer Medb and not get NP4 Jeanne d'Ardc?
Look behind you…
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Only if you cum inside
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Nobody cares.
Who are some bros?
This little prankster>>484420979
stupid meme
I am a bro
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>jeanne arc banner before arc
Albert kino schedule.
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Here are some fellas
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>reproductive harm
This game makes you UNAPPEALING to women
You WILL NOT be able to reproduce after purchasing! They can smell it on you
Europoors how do we cope?
God I want Akiha to completely control my life holy fuck
Would you pull for Ciel if she ever gets added to FGO?
I own melt penguin and jeanne whales.
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Only if she has the old hair and tattoos
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cute girls
>melt penguin
A what?
This isn't on my japanese copy so I won't worry about it.
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why is Melt the only Sakura with A10 eyes?
a melt Leviathan, sorry
No. The only clapbait I would consider is Rani and Hakuno.
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you forgot a fella, bro...
with what eyes?
Imagine if you put Melt and Akiha in the same room.
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based mombro
would be better with a pregnant belly
This little critter will never be sexy
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blue eyes
based, my favorite from them
What about green eyes?
>named herself after a deranged act where white masters would molest their slaves
wtf is her problem
>wtf is her problem
Her fans
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NP5 120 on release.
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Nezha is made for anal
>gallery not found
I bet it was something really fucked up....
There’s a tornado watch in my area bros.
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>standing in line
>FGO on my phone
>girl behind me says "oh Fate"
>awkwardly look back at her and fake a smile
>face forward rest of the time
>speedwalk to my car
I want to die.
How many new Jeanne d'Arc were obtained?
bro that was me I wanted to suck you dick
Stay safe bro!
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>this is the basis for both Shi Huangdi and Xiang Yu's bodies
Interesting. I wonder if the Nezha they received was the full on fuck you Berserker with multiple limbs and heads.
hello nebraska/kansas area anon
>Didn't ask who her favorite servant was
you could be fucking that girl right now
Yuyu looks like an A40.
>playing FGO in public
What were you thinking
>Waver has this thing basically in love with him
>too busy being gay for his two week gay lover as a teenager that he's still chasing
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>DUDE pushed waver to fuck teen taiga, nowayfag'd her
>nowayfags Reines
>nowayfags Gray
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nigga fumbled the bag
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Can you make Liz in the Kodomo no Jikan artist?
Rin has taught Illya well. The apprentice has surpassed the master.
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Waver out here with Protection from Our-hoes EX with all these bitches he dodgin'
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Post your support to decide whether that was a good or bad decision.
sure give me a min
How do I unsubscribe?
My eyes are blue with yellow striations that make them seem green from afar. Where do I stand?
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Can you do one of these with Erice?
post penis or butthole
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anon is build like a ps3, no game whatsoever
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That was your chance bro...
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I would kill myself if this happened to me
fuck I feel angry and sad now...
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Guy behind her needs to be way fatter.
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This is the babe that anon brushed off.
That Chillindude face is always funny
The fact that my face isn't buried in those tits is a fucking crime
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This but she was a cosplayer and we spent some time together at anime con and then we banged like 10 times and then after one month we've never talked again.
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I wish I could spend some time with an attractive woman at some point in my life.
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My bro Shinji is free so I'm sitting with him. We'll molest his sister and Rin once they fall asleep
You should've asked her "Want to see my support?"
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Me, Gil and Kirei in the back, bullying Bazett
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I'm aggressively holy so I'll sit beside Zouken and just do a quick Kyrie Elesion to free up the seat. If anyone asks I'll just point to the Priest in the seats in front of me.
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let her cook
#3 is objectively the best because you get to sit next to Gil. Second-best is 7 because then you get to sit next to Salter and she's super hot.
jannies here dont like fat guys on pics, im not kidding
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I may be too autistic to talk to women, but at least I can generate infinite AI porn.
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7 and 6 are surrounded by 4 different babes, why would you pick anything else
4 would be a little cramped but otherwise it's the chillest seat to be in.
You'd have to sit next to Sakura and she has worms.
7 so salter can give me a handjob
She removed them.
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>your first 120 servant
>your phone
>your favorite story chapter
>favorite video game
This brings back too many painful memories.
>Shirou and Redman bickering behind you
>Rin and Sakura bickering in front of you
>Salter chewing her food loudly with her mouth open like a savage
This is possibly the WORST seat for one to pick
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I thought u guys were gonna make me feel better...
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>Your favorite Altera image
>Your Altera's NP level
>Would you hug Altera y/n?
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Thankfully this will never have happened to me because I'm ugly as hell
I don't get the reactions.
It's nothing special, I've soft-rejected more women that way than I could ever care to count.
Supreme latelet here
I started 2 months ago and am almost caught up to the end of the current content, my strongest servant is probably NP1 zerkerlot and I have been carried hard from singularity camelot to lostbelt camelot by some whales Morgan.
Since I might get an actual DPS worthy of the frontline spot Morgan takes with this GSSR I just wanna know how much change does multiple NP actually have? If I roll my own Morgan will her NP just be like half damage of whale NP5 still capable of obliterating non-boss fights or is it weak to the point of black grail being required to be on par with my stellaman?
LIZ forbidden LOVE!
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>your Grails
>favorite Chapter
>family name
>your city
>political ideology
>how many guns do you have in your house
>your grails
>your phone model
>your FC
>your last transaction codes
>tfw met the perfect tomboy at work but she's taken
I keep telling myself I'm too old to be getting crushes on girls but she's just perfect. Dumb as a rock, too.
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NP1, and sure
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this thread stinks
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Would you kill your surrogate mother for the greater good?
That's actually an accurate description...
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Every missed opportunity of my childhood is flashing before my eyes right now.
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>Favorite servant
>Gender identity
>Discord ID
>List of fetishes
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I'd destroy the world if it made my mum happy.
>>your phone
You seem like a trustworthy man, let me check that real quick!
Hey bros. Anyone else going to Anime Expo?
The FGO / Typemoon panel is Saturday the 6th at 10:30am
The Typemoon cosplay meet is on Saturday July 6th at 3pm
>Typemoon is now only a medium size cosplay gathering
If you wanna go to either with me drop a line! I'll be at both.

On a similar but unrelated note. I'm going to the Man with a Mission concert at the Palladium tonight. If anyone from here is going we can jam together!
I think 3 is the best just for the pure potential entertainment value.
But why?
Do you feel like you have to respond to every lousy come on you receive, or what?
Yeah probably. It depends on the context though. If it's the Taiga situation then no, but if she's a pro-active evil blight on the world then fuck yeah.
People on here are a bit delusional that if you have a meet cute moment you will automatically end up in a happy life with a beautiful girl. Unfortunately real life relationships are a bitch and a half where breakups can happen over the silliest of reasons. I have had exes who are gamers and/or nerds but things simply didn't work out.
No I'm a very selfish person so I only care about the happiness of myself and people I like.
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would you let yourself get stopped by a female police officer?
8 so i can kick on Saber Alter's seat the entire flight
No. I'm making the news
>female police officer
Not a thing. A female police officer is a suggestion at best.
I'd have to. Sooner or later they'll send the men otherwise.
Is this la migra?
no shit, was that supposed to be a groundbreaking answer?
That's a prostitute cosplaying as a policewoman though.
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this general is fr filled with sad horny losers like don't worry niggas even if you did manage to somehow get laid tonight you'd still be a loser tomorrow when you wake up
pussy doesn't solve problems
I think she's pretty ugly honestly
/alter/ just has low standards
Proportionately the biggest increase is from NP1 to NP2.
NP1 Morgan deals 300% damage to all enemies, NP5 deals 500% which is 66.6% more than NP1. NP1 to NP2 is a 33,3% damage increase. In comparison, NP2 to NP5 is only a 25% increase.
Of course, you still have to consider the whale NP5 will have an easier time getting to 120 which means more base attack, but you can still manage to do it with NP2, just not while also getting the second append.
american hours alter is mean, bro...
Damage increase per NP level has diminishing returns. NP1>NP2 is the biggest bang for your buck.
Now your own servant will obviously deal less damage than a NP5 level 120 2000/2000 Morgan, which is something you can partially fix with supports.
You'll eventually upgrade your Morgan enough to catch up, just take your time.
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all fun and games until you accidently piss of the 4'11 chick on a power trip who has a gun on her
"american hours" stfu
she's not the cream of the crop sure, but the entire "would." bit is used for something outlandish which she isn't
if you wanted cocksuck you should've just used the sad lipper image or something.
Good thing I don't live in Brazil.
Nah, she'd miss.
Ati is speaking from experience here, she lost her penis after making a rude comment to a female police officer. Ever since that day she has been a Quick fan.
My horny ass could not be work in Chaldea with Jack the Ripper around
I empathize with you, bro.
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>pussy doesn't solve problems.
Indeed. Which is why we should choose cocks!
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Hmmm.. yes.. I see, I see in anon's future... I see..... a girlfriend, a beautiful girlfriend.
And and a BIX NOOD to you, too!
Does she live in Hungary?
You must be looking at a parallel universe Liz...
That's an upgrade
I'm more scared of gunless pittmoms
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>No capitalized letters
>No punctuation
>Not randomized filename
>It's 2AM in Eurokekland
>No countdown post in this thread
Ati is sleeping, it's a falseflag.
QPU Liz ...
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>the 4'11 chick on a power trip who has a gun on her
not gonna lie, that sounds like marriage material to me
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Not an Okitabro boyfriend...?
there is no woman who would love me....
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the plot twist is that she's an AI
Can't top with a dick that small, sis
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Okay and? That's a free gun. Hell, take her keys off her and that's a free case of guns from the boot.
I just pretend every skadi post is Ati, in this instance the truth is irrelevant to my amusement.
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Shrek must be wearing Ati's skin again.
>everyone who posts skadi is ati
I wish I could kill all avatarfags
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Anon I'm 32 years old, kissless, hugless, virgin and have never had anything resembling a romantic experience, I'm unattractive and live with my mother.

It's not happening.
Wholeheartedly agree. Womanlets that that takes charge in spite of their size are top of the pyramid.
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your post will soon be deleted
7 so I can Piss on them instead of getting up to go to the bathroom
>a free case of guns
How many guns do American police forces usually stash in a patrol cruiser? There's the officer's sidearm and I can imagine maybe a shotgun in the trunk?
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8.5 inches
Oops I meant 8.5 cm
Why would you want your kids to be manlets?
>he doesn't know
I've done just fine so far. You watch too much porn.
Oops I meant 8.5 ft
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I'm already a manlet and my whole familly is short. I must continue my dwarven bloodline like the Moradin intended
I don't know what you're implying, a single officer can only use one gun at a time, at MOST you could justify carrying maybe three guns on a patrol (a pistol, a rifle, a shotgun). Maybe on top of that you could count a riot gas launcher and a taser, but those aren't really proper guns.
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I don't know, I've never had sex before
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that means you're a bottom
That's their problem not mine. They can become a Twink bottom or get all muscular, whatever. They'll have to adapt and be strong in one way or another to find their place in the world. I don't care. I just want to love their mother.
1.5 inches soft, 5 inches hard
What the fuck do you think
How come by just saying "Bros..." everyone replies to see how you are?
>t. coping dicklet
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No one
3 inches
Bottom of the barrel
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You okay bro?
Yeah bro
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It's the brotiquette.
Now take all that and double it because even if a cruiser is out by themselves, the car itself is still stocked for two officers.
That's from pretty sweet loop drops for a level 1 encounter with a woman.
i don't even know what that really means besides being submissive or something
Solid 0/10, wow
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Nice try, but I know it's never going to happen. I'm an unlovable piece of garbage. No woman nor man is going to ever love me, no matter how much I try.
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she probably has a very sweet personality
submissive and breedable
Who's this qtp2t
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you're just like me, bro.
meant for >>484429162
Great Neko-Arc
i think this is the closest to that old school bulma I can get
Yeah, ILIKE.
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bb in the house
*trips and spills alcohol everywhere*
Which way?
I think the Okita image you posted is pretty cool.
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based and same. can't wait to die alone and having my half decomposed corpse discovered by the neighbors, once the smell of my rotten remains become too unbearable for them to ignore
I have to really wonder about this. Who is just going around measuring all these dicks? I feel like you would hear about it
I really got to go to these expos one day
I don't remember her @ sorry try reverse search the img
You won't get invited to the cool afterparties
I went with anti-extra because that's an append that's so-far been exclusive to her.
Nope. Only the mandatory one for when you enter the movie theater without a date
The second archive
Are you getting jealous, bro?>>484419361
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The fanged ones crushed like insects
The royal bloodline tainted
I did extra attack boost.
I can’t think of any time I would be desperate to open up with Mash’s NP. But I can think of times when she’s ended up finishing boss fights for me. Also, it’s more useful for Grail Fronts when I want to put her in an “extra slot” to have a servant with 0 cost.
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Baobhan Sith
4 cm flaccid / 11 cm erect
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Morgan...I love you..
NP charge for Mash, at least Part 1 Mash, wouldn't be very useful. Unlike DPS NPs, there's no incentive to rush Camelot out turn 1, and her NP-gain-up from her third skill is really good, you can charge up to full NP gauge with just that.
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I know he was the first black president but why does it look like he's Ball Clinton with the way he's got his hand out making it look like he's dribbling?
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time to sleep
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>Hurricane is called Beryl gut
>is gonna hit my place Golden sea of trees, Nahui Mictlan
>most likely on the anniversary eve
That Fate Zero used Bill Clinton to remind the audience what time period it took place in?
meant for >>484430639
Has AI gone too far?
Anti-Extra seems good for the LB7 spoilerino battle
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Stay strong Gulf bro.
An extra 20% damage for Mash is never going to make or break a fight.
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That's Kuroha.
I meant it for Morgan, cause it's a cute Morgan pic.
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Good night bros and sis.
RIP hermano
Note how he's wearing a ring, but that it's on the wrong hand for a wedding ring. That's right, it's a masonic ring.
Nasu is noided.
It's so hot. I can't take it anymore.
Stay strong my south of the border amigo
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None of them will make or break anything but it'll save you a few turns of wailing on ORT so I'd go with it
He just hates Hillary
>mash gets mindbreaked and mind controlled by a fae forest of memory erasure
>picked up and enslaved by goblins
>sold to a dogman and KNOTTED
Holy SHIT was there any sort of backlash from this? Did the Mashsisters commit mass suicide? There are things in stories that can be inferred even contrary to canonical evidence for example FGO is a PG13 story of jap highschool protag morality prevailing therefore mash being gangbanged by goblins cannot possibly be depicted. However it also works in reverse, I tell you now that mash was gangbanged by gobbos and any evidence contrary is simply a cautionary measure to maintain its PG13 rating
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Beni Rabu!
guess I better give them all of my attention and money
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In practice I would think extra attack would at least sometimes mean you're getting her NP charge back to 100 a turn earlier, but I have no idea how worthwhile that figure would actually be
turn of the ac
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I was about to complain about having to use ortinax Mash but then I remember that she gets a buff with LB7, a star bomb that should allow her to crit reliably.
Literally me.
Sleep well bro!
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Thx bros, ill try my best to survive or die trying to stop him
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Speaking of knotting, the very first shadow dog I killed in the ER DLC dropped knot resin and I just about lost my mind laughing.
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this post made me laugh
>"women won't pay attention to me so I like to put down simps and women for wanting to get attention"
The fact that you went through and clicked so many posts is extra sad
I don't remember anyone speaking of any of these things.
Mash instinctively threw Boggart out a window when he tried to get intimate with her, she would've done the same to the goblins too.
>I just about lost my mind cumming.
Imagine smacking that belly like a bongo
>defending simps
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kuroha armpits lick lick lick
>created my 200th blue apple
exhilarating gameplay
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guys, controversial opinion here but, I think fat women are ugly and gross.
What would you even say in this situation
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you're so brave for saying this
I'm sure you'll never use those. Why aren't you just quitting this kusoge already?
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She was never a saint, she just happened to be on the losing side of a war.
This but fat men too
"oh you know fate?" *proceeds to have a normal conversation about it*
>want to fate stay/night at my place, babe?
Don't be mean to /alter/sisters...
I would be closer to 200 if I kept remembering to log in
I'm at 160
Just showing her my support list would make her so wet we'd be having sex within minutes, no need for talking.
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This but with twinks and boys in dresses
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What's a normal conversation?
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I've realized... Without kindly /alter/'s influence, I can be quite... mistrustful of others.
Kuroha if you are reading this please wait for me.
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LEAGUES better than the morgan cosplay
Fat people are ugly and gross. Gender is irrelevant in this scenario.
>this is comically obese in Japan
Lol she gets ran through daily by a circle of cosplayer jocks
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>yeah, do you play?
who asked?
I asked
I care
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I need to go to Japan and find a clearly obese Japanese lady if that's what they think is obese.
>No, I don't like eroges.
It's when you use a wrench to whack the head of someone, rendering them unconscious. Then you grab them by the hair, and take them to your basement.
It's like what you do on /alter/, but you say the word bro less
>what kind of support?
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Hail to the queen.
Talking to sisters 101 /alter/ course when?
no you don't, because you don't matter
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>Shame more escargot for me
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>but you say the word bro less
speak for yourself, i use bro all the time
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>cuck boss' son trooned out
my incel age is working
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>Y-you too!
>spaghetti falls out if my fanny pack
>try to clean it up with my sock
>start to cry
>get embarrassed and fart watery diarrhea over my manskirt
>smear shit all over the place and ask her to marry me
>mfw she says no
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I've been plodding though the dlc slowly and haven't been reading online stuff but was curious about something, what triggers Miquella's rune to break? It happened for me while I was just wandering around, shortly after reaching the not-Altus plateu. I had already went down to the pit so I went back there as soon as the message popped up, the skeleton guy killed me but I'll try again.
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>Do you play FGO as well?
>How did you know about the game?
>Where are you at right now in the story?
>Who did you grail and why?
>Arts Buster or Quick?
Just gauge her interest as you go.
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Getting too close to shadow keep, apparently
There are a few areas that entering triggers it. Near the shadow keep, mainly. Also bonny village and rauh.
>Also bonny village
I think I was just leaving that area.
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>>Arts Buster or Quick?
ya blew autist
>>Arts Buster or Quick?
>Who's your husbando babe? I could dress up as him for you...
That's a shame bro. It looked like a good conversation.
Yeah, the north/far side that heads up the back way to the keep and the manus church is specifically where it happens.
If someone is serious enough about FGO to reach LB6 they are looping and building comps according to a card type.
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>Arts Buster or Quick?
15 cm
Would you recommend I keep fighting the skeleton or should I just ignore him and go to the snake man's castle?
Cute Vritra!
She would add you for your 10/10/10 Oberon bro....
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Whatever interests you. The Shadowkeep is the main story path. Most things in the dlc are optional. Miquella's rune breaking is pretty much the only trigger to worry about for progression of npc stuff.
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you should have built off the servants she's grailing you dense mother fucker. After you get her to tell you her favorites you ask if she has skadi/castoria/vitch to support them. The goal is to get her to prattle and trick her into thinking you actually give a shit how she plays.
L rizz fr lmaooooo skull this nigga retarded
Is sex and marriage with Touko the only reliable route to eternal youth in the Fate setting?
I wonder if pretender Liz will save halloween like Rider Liz did last year
Picking up swords stuck in rocks works better
just befriend Mothman and he will give you an immortality potion for free
I was considering that option but then a strange gay man warned me not to.
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That's actually assuming she is using Servants she grails like people here and not just leaving them as trophy like most other people do. But fair point. Maybe that plus talking about hard fights and how she solved them would lock you into the better route and ending.
Men can't have breasts like that
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Do you think Touko's puppet body can even have kids?
fake a smile? you weren't happy or excited that someone had interest in one of your interests?
It's described as an absolutely perfect vessel, so yes it can.
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never gonna happen. she'll never even know who you are.
"Oh yeah, you play fgo?"
She will most likely say she
"Used to play" and tell you how she started or something
Then you ask if she has seen the Strange fake anime or played Samurai remnant.
Then you go from there and ask for her discord or something if she wants to talk about nerd stuff some other day.
And then get ghosted.
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Touko's magecraft puppets are more magic then the actual magic.
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She's so talented...
this is horrible advice, as it will end as they say - getting ghosted.

Instead of asking if she's seen or played something specific, you should ask which Fate animes she has watched. If you come out the gate as some avid niche nerd, you're going to nosedive the conversation.
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how do you even counter this?
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at Gameboy games
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found the lipper
Damn she's cute when animated.
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she's always cute
Mom Love!
>When animated
>She literally doesn't move
ugly HAG
Touko mindbreaking Cornelius was kino
Is Xufu available from FP summon?
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She will be after her initial rate-up ends, yeah
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>2nd day of detoxing from caffeine
>only feel pretty bad instead of half-dead
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I fucking love caffeine.
I can barely get myself out of bed without coffee
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reach for the sky, /alter/!
>take caffeine
>just want to masturbate and play videogames
I don't live a unique life...
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>shunning the drink that founded the peak of Western culture
You are no bro of mine.
>haha casual normalized drug addiction
Coffeefags are so pathetic
chimp behavior
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This. Now excuse gonna go goon for a few hours.
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Is there a record of the LB6 timeline in its different states?
Trying to watch the story on youtube but none of the videos show how it evolves and I can only find the complete one online.
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Which servants would get their own sauces in a mcdonalds collab?
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This is most definitely on-topic and related to Fate/Grand Order
Bro, I've seen your contributions to western culture. You should stop drinking caffeine you jumped up skeetslurper.
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She is the official Fate/Grand Order cosplayer for Morgan and Jeanne Alter so it's as on topic as posting VAs if not more.
maybe you could find something like it on the Atlas page
Which servant from Fate/Grand Order is this?
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If i want to post something, it's FGO related. Fuck Janny gon do?
>Garbage day
It's been 20 years since I last thought of this.
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>shunning the drink that founded the peak of Western culture
Coffee is a literal nigger beverage. It spread from Ethiopia...
Just drink occasionally. Instill discipline on yourself. A cup of coffee every other day isn't gonna do you any harm.
Cute. I wish she was used more.
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>She's the official Fate/Grand Order cosplayer
Show us a statement from Type Moon, or whoever is in charge of the F/GO IP, that says so.
I need this girl.
Vive la France!
meant for >>484439250
Which Hassan is this
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You are like little babby. I'm not Arizona or Texas either.
I wish Miyuki Sawashiro voiced more servants
Say something nice about your girlfriends.
she says official cosplayer, why would she lie
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Let's trade.
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Bob is delivering raw milk.
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/alter/! It's been a while!
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>on her own website
And I'm the official Eric Bloodaxe cosplayer because I said so.
The FOURth Hassan.
she's at their official booths and on stage at conventions regularly retard
Which Type Moon character is this?
So what, you pathetic cuck?
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oftopic chan, nasu used to troll the official TM forums with her image just to get back at annoying fans.
you don't tell people meds when they btfo you newbro
I wish
Her natural hair is so cute.
Does anyone pay for her high tier subscription on Fantia?
Not a F/GO character.
You don't 'btfo' someone just by writing some schizo projection, dumb faggot.
wrong milktrucksis
Obviously summer tomoe
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>10 filters in such a short time
>i literally have one filter active for this place
wow, impressive how the thread quality degraded this fast in such a short time
stfu shrek
No, im Akex
oh and you don't know what the term projection means either? you're quite the character!
I was gonna post about the mentally ill simp but I realized there is no getting through to him nor is it worth a modicum of effort so I will just put up filters like a normal person.
It is called "Pinterest," because you "pin" your "interests."
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Now I get it
Now that's GOLDEN
imgur is pronounced imager because it's an image hosting website
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let her kuk
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Which Hassan is this
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Is it pronounced 4chimagen because it's an imageboard?
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I do not believe for a second "Oops! All Berries!" was an accident.
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Is that supposed to be your comeback? lol
no it's pronounced fortune like a fortune cookie someone on some shitty reality show said it
What is this image meant to convey?
Of a cat
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its called /alter/ because we are the /alter/ or ''sister'' of /fgog/
>copium overdose
Many such cases. Sad!
So is this considered spamming/flooding?
There was nothing redemptful of this character aside from showing how old people are far superior
>ask for proof she's an official cosplayer
>she says herself she's an official cosplayer
>say it doesn't count because i didn't bother to find something on a fate website or social media that says that (which is almost never a fucking thing for other games with official cosplayers, are you retarded?)
>spergs out and starts slinging buzzwords incorrectly
you're unironically retarded
I thought he was kinda funny in a pathetic sort of way
i've always pronounced it [im] as in him and [gur] like grr
zoomers btfo
yeah that makes you dumb sorry
it is but imagine a janny doing their job properly
You have yet to convince me. But keep simping for a single mother who sells her nudes to the highest bidder on the internet while I do the needful.
wake me up when the anniversary starts
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We have our forebearers to thank for giving us a cool name like fgoalter instead of just fgona
>while I do the needful.
So you support the server by purchasing big packs, we thank you for funding my continued fund to buying better headphones to listen to Kiara's voicelines to.
Nothing just forced spam
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I'm going to convert to Lizlam.
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>me on the right
How does one commit Lizhad in Lizlam?
liz more like shit
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What ever happened to Albert 2
Archimedes when?
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MAOH LOVE!!!!!!!
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Was absorbed by Albert 1 to stop the balding debuff.
This is that overrated Class Prez from Persona 3
How many more days til Archetype Earth broskis...
saturday after maint
When should we post supports?
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My wife
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>KuBoi TightAssPussy
>saint seiya shit
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She pales in comparison to the other heroines in every aspect, I don't know why people go bananas for her
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Yes, and?
Post swimsuit
Best girl of P3
Rise in P4
Sumire in P5
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Mom juice
She's more of an acquired taste, really.
>None of Us can Lose to Smelly Horse Balls!
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The king of the Vikings who wields a bloody axe.
This is Eric Bloodaxe, called "Bloodaxe King."
I suppose if your acquired taste is bland, unhappy women
I finally see, and wish I didn't
Breast Cancer Survivor Meb is so Brave and Strong
Remember in LB5.2 when you get exhausted after loading a command spell into the Black Barrel and you fall asleep? Wouldn’t it have been crazy if when Musashi entered your room the morning after, she locked the door and started breastfeeding you so you could get your strength back? Hahaha, that would be unbelievable.
We aren't talking about Fuuka though
>All the cosplay spam gets deleted when Shrek post got deleted
but I’d lose all my bodily fluids from cumming inside her so much
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Imagine my shock.
I mean, it was obvious, who else is this autistic
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Fuuka early enjoys Anal, automatic Yoshitune tier Wife
If you want Bleach Maou you can just ask
also have to love-ru maou
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You've got really silly ideas anon... Your mind is very much perverted honestly! Have you no shame at al!? This is /ourgirl/ we're talking about, you know!!
What a nice, peaceful thread.
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Reminder that, due to Ranmaru's unique nature as a servant, he will very likely be able to follow you after the conclusion of Fate/Grand Order.
Do you have even the SLIGHTEST idea how weak to anal Mitsuru is
If it's the penis one I'll have him give a CS boosted sudoku ritual
+ tip
I love him.
I've already started preparing for that.
Mods he’s ban evading
Cordelia, Yunaka, Mitsuru, Baobhan Sith.
>woman's body and tits
you guys are the worst
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He's literally me
He's always liked cosplay sluts so I don't know why anyone would be surprised that he likes a slut that cosplays morgan.
Godspeed anon
You’re still exhausted and half asleep when she’s breastfeeding you so you don’t remember if it was a dream or not. All you’re sure of is you drank something she gave you that helped you get back up on your feet.
She doesn’t say anything about it when you’re all eating at the table with everyone in the morning when the twins bring your breakfast, though. All she says is that the food in Olympus is really good and asks if you think so too.
You get nervous for some reason when she asks you but you agree and she gives a quick knowing smile. After everyone’s done eating she says you look like you’re back in top shape and gives you a quick side hug.
“That food was something else, wasn’t it?” She’s talking about breakfast, obviously but she’s hinting at something else too. You think you remember but you just say it was incredible and she smiles slyly again. She tells you if you need her help again she’d be happy to give a hand. Wait… help? Again?
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Bros, I am feeling like shit, they killed the cute evil loli in Chainsaw Man...
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Aren't just Devils on a timed respawn anyway
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We love ice cream here, r-right bros?
would it make you feel better if i were to post that one image of abby
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>573K bond to farm before annie
>hurricane hits on friday so possible power outage
>already ate most of my blue apples
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Herself = Nagiko-san/Atashi-chan
Master = Chan-Mas
Murasaki = Kaorucchi
Douman = Manbo-chan
Kama = Kama-cho
Mandricardo = Ricacchi
Goredolf = Gof-kun
Kintoki = Kin
Raikou = Riko-pin
Tomoe = Moemoe
Her brother = Mune-nii
Blackbeard = Kurohi
Suzuka = Suzuka-paisen
Summer Okita = JJ
Summer Nobu = Nobu
Medb = Medbcchi
Achilles = Akki
Anastasia = Siacchi
Caenis = Caenyan/Caemyon
Corday = Corrin
Loli Vinci = Daviko
Okita Alter = Altercchi
Erice = Ericchi
Gareth = Gare-pippi
Lady Avalon = Levanon
Babbage = Babbayan
Bloodaxe = Eiyan
EMIYA = Emiyan
Himiko = Mikonyan
Kiichi Hogen = Kii-chan
Kijyo Koyo = Yo-san
Jane = Jenjen
Mephisto = Mephy
MHX Alter = Esk
Odysseus = Odessan
Osakabehime = Kabe
Parvati = Parurun
Semiramis = Semirin
Yan Qing = Shishin-san

Chikagi = Chikacchi
Hibiki = Hibikichi
Waver = Mello-sen
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What's the hurry
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Yes and Little Kama Cream as well...
Yeah, my favorite is chocomint. I bet Van Gogh (my favorite) would like coffee flavored ice cream a lot.
Why does she do it? Jap figures already have a shitload of surnames and nicknames, she's making everything even more confusing.
Sorry who?
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Sei is golden
cheer up bro
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I look like this?!
Invest in Powercoin
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Based! Thanks, bro!
The cutest page from Planet Ranmaru!
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Good taste.
99% chance it's not her
Even if it is, she won't stay dead
>B-b-b-b-but he wrote Fire Punch
Fire Punch pulled the same shit
>B-b-b-b-but he killed major characters in Part 1
At the end
Cunny vamp fund scratching its umu who is still at 500k, already got 3 servants ready to usea as bond SQ bombs for annie
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Ok grandpas
>Cunny vamp
wat, she's not loli
I didn't get what this ended meant, what was unprovable?
Mods why is this off topic ok?
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cunny originally meant Cute and funny before being a cheese pizza signal
Rum raisin
Why does she wear the ribbons while bathing?
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Yeah. Had some great soft serve today.
Yeah prolly get some today
store bought ice cream doesn't feel as good as ice cream you buy from a parlor, but parlor ice cream is too expensive.
I know but I wouldn't use those words to describe Arc.
No though this is actually completely backwards
ask her if she loops too
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She's so cute bros
She is a twitter hoe from ancient japan, she has to be quirky.
Not now Kaoruko
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It was originally just another word for vagina before it fell out of vernacular and was picked up by pedos
Go watch old Clint Eastwood westerns and he says it all the time
Home made ice cream is the best.
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eat shit, paladins of charlemange
****** gave up everything to open the gate for us...
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I heard someone stole Durendal today as well.
that's literally what the posted image says
anon what
made some more with different styles
Not him, but she's cute and she's a funny vamp
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It was a copy.
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Suzy love
So what mats for SSkadi and Bibuki
Skadi needs 5 of every class mat like any ruler + eggs and mirrors.
I'll worry about it when I get them.
If she's a cute and funny vamp she should, by definition, be a cunny vamp, no?
nice abis, I made the uncensored manga volume
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>don't even like titoria
>rape ticketed both lancers
>want to roll for ruler to have every artoria
Well, if I was smart or had impulse control, I would have quit this game long ago.
She's not.
I’m stupid
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Assassin with a class advantage reversal that makes him anti-caster.
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Say no more bro
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It's alright bro you just had a MOment...
Hassan of the Magecraft Shattering
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who has the more affordable rates?
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This particular voice line does weird things to my lower stomach for some reason...
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Is this anime or manga. Trying to figure out who died. Is chainsaw man still going after the death of Makima? I dropped it awhile ago.
Why the d'arc mood?
/alter/ is dead… and you killed it…
who? you didnt reply to anyone
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Nothing personnel, kid
What a fucking eyeroll
There's no loli before Makima dies and I'm pretty sure the anime didn't get anywhere near that point anyway.
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Especially you eslkun
why he look like a elden ring rivers of blood build?
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where'd you did that one up from? holy shit
I only speak english you retard
If Fate created their version of Elden Ring, who would be the final boss?
ESL fight!
>morgan giving her any attention
Pretty OOC
>where'd you did that
What did he mean by this?
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So how long until Arc comes out?
Some Japanese guy.
Someone post THAT
where'd you DIG that one up, jfc
That's Chaldea Morgan.
Why are you like this?
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>I only speak english you retard
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An***us here. You could be here with me but no you're home alone posting on 4chan
and I'm alone at a concert posting on 4chan ToT

Keeping this post at least partially on topic, who has been your favorite
>My work here is done
Cameo these hunting quests?
skipped the rest lol who else was there?
Dick wizard always a welcomed appearance imo.
Oh, maaan...
I learned today that Bob appears on the new JP event's PV, together with Morgan and Gray.
That's the best combination possible, so I'm excited to see if they'll do anything meaningful.
Don't accidentally dox yourself
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What? The one with recycled idoru sluts?
Don't think so.
okitabro meet me in the bathrooms. im in the handicapped stall...
You named him
I'm gonna draw her really fucking fat now
make a couple typos and all the autists get a chip on their shoulder
then its all asterisks and >implying

you may resume simping for morgan's tummy or lolis, you shitters
I'll hope anyway.
Lan Ling was my MVP since I did his one the most, I suppose. Report back to /alter/ on how the Emiya vs Gilgamesh thing is.
you're may*
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Nah. Grey does have an event bonus there, but neither Bob nor Morgan do.
you're gay*
Haven't been here in ages but I want to post jack's ass
Why is the thread so slow anyway?
your gay*
It's okay, I choose not to let that bother.
Based, people usually stop posting near the end of a thread for some reason
It is what it is...
This one's very good.
Do you have more?
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Idk man 2-3 more drinks and I might selfie in thread, but when a beer is fucking $18 I doubt I'll hit that point before the actual concert starts.
Amazed the Palladium isn't range banned tho. I guess most concert goes arent loser 4chan posters.
maybe I'll be the one to cause it's ban x)
Elden Ring's DLC, no content yet on NA
$18 bucks for a beer?!
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Yeah but I'm not dumping it
I meant more of the thread lasting 6 hours, feels unusual
It could be worse, check onichan's thread.
Oh idk I only started coming here again now and then about a month ago
/vmg/ had a thread last for months btw
Resident autists spamming the thread causing people to not engage and jannies deleting over a hundred posts of a thread
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Commiefornia sucks dude. Also concerts always upcharge a fuckton. When I saw coheed and Cambria 2 years ago at UCLA it was $17. Could be over $20 by now since the retarded inflation last/this year. Idk I'll check once I escape the merch line. It was for one of those neato fill-from-the-bottom cups tho. I'm sure they arbitrarily price it higher when that tech is involved.
Second is the best.
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Oh it's been like that huh...
clowns and local faggots are getting their ritual posts ready or waiting to be the first to create a new thread
I need to congratulate this place on being a bigger rip off I concessions then cowboys stadium. I never thought I'd see something dumber then 20 buck Jerryritas but damn if 18 dollar beer doesn't have it beat

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