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Previous: >>484419361

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Countdown Campaign
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-04 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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>slow threads right before anni

So who we blame for the state of /alter/ general in 2024?
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So, what are you picking anons?
The Melu one
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Which one we are rolling in few days? Berserker 2 for me.
which grailed servants indicate low test?
I'm picking Extra 5, hopefully I'll walk away with a Gogh copy, but the rest of the selection isn't bad at all.
The pedokeks. It's always the pedokeks fault.
welp, time to call it a night, see you around bros.
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Musashi Miyamoto
bets on who anni servant will be
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good morning bros
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Servant for this feel?
Will you roll for her?
Which one are we choosing?
Post supports
Post grails
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It's arcueid, dumbass.
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Kama Love!
arcueid deez nuts in your mouth
It's not. It would be much worse if it was
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Yang Guifei love!
Assassin 2 for me
>amazon fucks up pre-order of tsukihime, push deliver date back to july 11th (two weeks after release)
>gave up hope on getting the official translation of turkeyhandle part one before anni
>amazon finally unfucks the order and I'll have it by tomorrow
thank goodness they fixed it but this shit has been out for a week now. I'll be able to roll for arceuid as planned and get through her route before her anniversary rateup hits. I won't be pre-ordering anything through amazon in the future after that bullshit.
Good morning lipbro
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Servant for this feel?
Call me crazy but I think we're only one or two years away from having a Summer servant in the anniversary.
Whose inquiry art thou addressing?
anything off the clock
The softest
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i bless you and everyone else in the thread with good arc luck
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Will you roll for her?

>we're only one or two years away from having a Summer servant in the anniversary.
Do u rike Lasana for this new cool idea to release extra summer servant for anni?
none. i am going to save that $15 towards a blowjob
I've seen a lot of fuckery going on with Amazon and turkeyhandle, probably best to just not buy games from them.
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These days, there really isn't much point coming to /alter/ outside of main story chapter releases. I'll swing by /alter/ once in a while to see if I missed anything interesting and it's the same old spergs.
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Which one are we choosing?
No but I bet she’ll have a summer alt on JP.
Thanks, bro!
I want a neco-arc instead.
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Post supports

228 slots open btw
Those dogs must be busy if cuckstance is busy spamming atm instead of watching from the corner.
Amazon already won the online delivery monopoly, so now they're at the stage where they stopped giving a fuck and can move to the fuck with consumers openly part knowing people can't fight back.
Thank you, friend. Good gacha luck to you as well!
>Will you roll for her?
Nope. Even though I think Arc is a tera-cutie, I need to save enough to roll for the equivalent of NP13 next year.
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Post grails

>tfw stopped giving a shit about grail casting for 3 months now
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Me? I choose rimjob + creampie to (you)r shiki.
You? You choose 480p camrip of dogfucking/
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you're meant to insult me
Isn't Spishtar basically Musashi and Kuku rolled into one?
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Lip love!
Boring thread tonight
Who do you need NP13 of?
ummmm retardkeks? care to explain?
5 Tonelico
2 Draco
2 Tiamat
I also want 5 copies of Summer Bob and 2 copies of Kriemhild, which I eyeballed to be roughly the same as NP4 for a SSR.
Yo Wtf my female servants got penises instead
I'm going for Oberon and if I get Douman I'm deleting my account.
Give me the loli.
Looks like a win win scenario to me
>less than a week after tsukihime remake came out in English
>literally zero discussion
Is it joever?
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A cute
What is there to discuss. Isn’t it literally the same story minus all the sex and rape. So like worse.
That's a guy
I want extra 5 for gogh, but I wouldn't mind a dupe for summer abby, voyager, or kingprotea. summer abby in particular NEEDS an np level, that np1 she's at now just ain't it. yang would also be fun since she'd be new. I want faker and luvia dupes in the 4* pool, I already have MHXX np5 but more servant coins for her would put her in the running for 120 + appends. overall a fun pool, looking forward to this gssr.
Like half the people playing it haven't read tsuki before I guarantee
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>expecting fgo gachacoomers to read
kek & lol, /tmg/retardcuck
Most people here are in two camps
Either they already read the OG and don't have much to blog about or they were never going to read it in the first place
Either way you get no discussion.
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>Liz love!
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Oh it's out already? Does anyone know how it stacks up against the fan translation?
If it's anything like Mahoyo it'll be full of typos.
Brunette Kirschtaria...
How is Koyama good drawing everything, but faces?
Anyone who picks berserker 2 needs to hand over their soul
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already read it bro..
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but that's gudao in a kimono
Servant for this feel?
Will you roll for her next month?
Which summer girl are we choosing?
Post themed supports.
Post your first grailed 5 star servant.
This is the /fgoalter/ general, not /vn/ or /tmg/
kiara in all
>Which summer girl are we choosing?
The green one.
I only have 7 paid quartz and don't want to buy another pack.
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>>Liz love!
considering our anniversary servant is arceuid, there's tsukihime plastered all over the game when you log in, and there's a campaign for tsukihime in-game, it's 100% fate/grand order related.
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le Finno-Japanese AI has arrived
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Imma be real with ya, the best bits of Tsuki, as far as Arc and Ciel routes are concerned, are focusing more on Shiki's madness. Rewriting Ciel and Arc does nothing for me. Adding some new DA does nothing to me. Also, Nero Chaos is still the cooler antagonist. The hotel scene is peak slasher/survival horror shit.
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Morning, bro.
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>seventy gorillion dollars for an unfinished half of an unfinished VN
>no PC port
>no red garden in the foreseeable future because Nasu is gonna be too busy stuffing his fat face while doing ebin dork souls gayming for the rest of the year (at the very least)
Nasu can shove his remake up his ass, I'll just read the OG and KT again.
>Nero Chaos is still the cooler antagonist
Yeah. I don't know what they were thinking with that fire and ice faggot, especially since Akiha's power is basically hot/cold.
Choose for me, /alter/. I'm too lazy to think...
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>July 22, 2020
20 days until it's 4 year anniversery of Extra Record's trailer!!!!
OK, I think you should choose to stop spending money on gacha
It's too expensive for me right now since I still need to save up my money for P3Reload. Fuck it why does video game is so expensive nowadays.
Oh yeah? Well Girls Work was announced in 2008 as a vn and all there is to show for it is a servant in fgo.
Any of the red ones
P3Reload is always on sale bro...
Rider 2, you have the best odds for a green circle
on ps4? not on my region.
Not gonna buy the GSSR after getting fucked by two males in a row. I know how gay that sentence sounds but fuck it
>playing FGO
This is not GI, AK or GFL anon
Can Nrvnqsr Chaos defeat a servant
He can defeat 666 servants.
>no vitch or oberon
maybe consider the last extra class, depending on what you have against molay and douman it could be worth the risk.
You should do the original instead. Walter White isn't actually in the game.
PS5 in the US for me, it was at $40 for a while
She's dreamy.
My lovely wife on the right!
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Who the hell opened the gate
When are the movies coming out?
I don't know bro, it was literally never explained. Higashide is just a hack for not answering this plot hole.
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The only good routes are the far side routes
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I always thought Ciel was supposed to be super strong. Like blows Kotomine out of the water, can even fight Arc strong. I wouldn’t even think Akiha stood a chance. Am I misremembering.
The gate opened as a conceptual weakness representing that Kriemhild deeps down wants to be breached by Seigfried.
>Am I misremembering
No. I don't think Akiha would have a chance even with a sneak attack.
It was a miracle!
Or someone who jobbed.
The gate opened because I stole dhr handle that time
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Ooku is actually pretty fun when you aren't time restricted.
This is mobage trash, we're always time restricted.
I wish I could be 3 inches tall and stuck in Akiha's panties giving her orgasms in public all day while she's helpless to do anything about it
>seventy gorillion dollars
50 dollars for a 60 hour VN is pretty fair? Especially a VN with far above average production values like Tsukihime
/alter/, scream if you love gay sex
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I like the flavor texts for the nodes.
I didn't have a problem with it the first time really, but the second time was rough. I don't think having more time really matters, it's just really rote tedium for most of it either way when the descriptions stop being a novetly.
I thought it was fun the two times I did it. Probably because I was still NEETing it up.
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Gray has a powermod against Bob why would they want to hang out
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Post servants in the gym. Which is where I am now.
Only if it's girl gay
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Good morning, bros.
one of those quick plot bandaids to keep things rolling along
maybe it was a bigger deal during an old draft or something
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>game was announced 4 years ago
>0 news this year
Morning bro.
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Who even knows at this point, considering Ufotable is doing everything except Mahoyo.
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Cernunnos GG
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Good night, bros.
Nasu is just working extra hard on writing and making sure it turns out the way he wants it to, right..?
Why would servants even need to go to the gym?
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You are now breathing manually bros
Gray is a very nice girl and is so uggu kawaii even cynical schemers like Reines likes being around her and even smug hyena like Luvia is being nice with her.
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Bros, I NEED to marry Jalter and have four kids with her
Nasu's self-insert.
ywnba anaerobic crest worm
>3 inches
low test
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To entice me, obviously.
Be sure to get a big house by the sea.
you say this to every, and I do mean every, female character in Nasuverse
To get my attention while I’m there.
those shorts are absurd
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No? For example no other female character in Mahoyo is a Nasu self-insert.
The Nasu self-insert in FSN is Rin.
IDK about Tsukihime since I haven't read that one.
YHWH did
Average female track and field shorts are shorter (they ride them up as far as possible for attention)
It's Kohaku since she was raped, super fucked up mentally from all that rape and even got choked out by Shiki (aka Takeuchi's self insert) who jacked off to her comatose body.
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Nasu's self insert
I hate this so much, how could they have not explained this in the story?
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Nasu's self-insert
Gates are meant to be opened, therefore it opened
It was Lobo wasn't it? He can be invisible.
I am the floor, therefore I am the Ooku.
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Alter and Horchata are so cute
Days until content?
John Cena opened the gate.
>ass cheek peak
Is there a name for this?
There's this one disgusting race who is factually opened the gates that makes Islam able to conquer parts of Europe.
>who is factually opened
Your still hear, hrm?
God I love abusing /alter/. *SMACK* Stupid bitch!
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I could take like 5 more Shinjukus.
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Why didn't they just get Mehmed to breach the gate?
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She's a bad influence
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>mfw I am theoretically opened the gates instead of factually
Can someone AI Medusa gymware in this style of art?
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Stop being stingy and pay 15 bucks like everyone else
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The master race?
>everyone else
gonna have pankakes for dinner
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>everyone else

All me btw
>expect this hunting quest to give embers like the others
>it gives qp
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Yeah bro, we're all paying for AIslop here.
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Ok now I want Charles the Great forma de padre de europa
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Concert started. Found two guys to talk to pre-show. Both are fate fans. One is cosplaying Archer at AX. Both work in my hometown.

Go to events. You'll make friends.
In the middle of some video skit downtime.


Thanks, bro
Your paying them with (you)’s like the gullible peasants you are. Those (you)’s could have bought you a nice burger with a larger basket of fries and a milkshake.
Bro you're not going to attract the Okitabros this way at all.

Glad you're having fun, shame it's across the country from me.
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post fc
I'll go to AX next year if I'm actually making good money by then.
>concert just started
>already doxxed himself in all caps
I'm calling for a selfie and/or dickpics before the end of the thread.
I had been here for forever.
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Can't wait to get a LOT of pure prisms again!
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Good morning, bros.
(You)s are free and worth even less than Zimbabwean dollar or the German mark.
Attentionwhores can't stop attentionwhoring? No way!
Watch as he'll suddenly flips out because someone grabbed his ass from behind
I don't know who's my bro anymore bros...
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You can have a lower 1/4 pic.
Red lighting. Im pale as fuck
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let her cook
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I wish we have things like this in my country.
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I'm gonna be there. I dunno how I'm gonna stay awake for the FGO pannel.
What's your shoe size bro
Why did I zoom that...
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Then I will have a chance to read Mahoyo this Christmas nice.
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Roll for Brad ass
To check if it was a girl or a boy.
>it's time
>bunny artoria and summer carmilla, gonna drop 600 quartz
>get zero of each but 7 different 4* servants
what the fuck, almost feels like i drew on story summon or something
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>rolling on cold period

If you were having fun you wouldn't need to come here for the dopamine right now.
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Answer the fucking phone you lazy bitch
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The issue is that those events are for cringe people to meet other cringe people, since I am not cringe I cannot go there.
Leave. My wife isn’t there.
Kill the ugly bitch in the middle, impregnante the rats
Why is she like this?
Imagine the smell.
Then why did your post make me cringe, bro...
you dress like a geezer lmao
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>2 more days before kiara's banner
I already have all of them and i'm f2p haha suck it fags
I can't describe my anger at people who still have the dog event CEs up during the hunting quests...
Damn, I how that artist is okay after OC2. He was pretty much exclusively drawing Gudao×Jeanne Alter.
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you are welcome :)
Some people in my FL still have last summer's CEs...
Ew no fate fans are disgusting
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motherfucker, shit like that doesn't happen where I live. shut up the fuck up.
no one who matters is seriously doing hunting quests. go ahead and delete me
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>shut up the fuck up.
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>no one who matters




That's me
Wow, Liz is so inspiring...
Okay. Post FC, coward.
I learned to love Liz with this one simple trick
My wife on the right
My wife on the left
My wife!
>shut up the fuck up.
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I'm going to hurt you
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That's me. I'm still haunted by Tametomo's absence.
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I prefer my beast with more fur
Being retarded? That’s every liz lover’s trick
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You have already lost
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bro, your 7 footprints?
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Good night, bros.
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Wtf is up with this lelouch looking dumbass? He's so uninteresting in this chapter that's filled with human characters.
Nasu thinks people should only experience his masterpiece in a home cinema so I can't buy it.
Damn this bitch THICK
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Goodnight bro
Night lipbro
>they keep bringing back that one CG of him on the chair
>and zooming on his lips
gay as fuck desu, why do they zoom in on his lips so aggressively like that
the game
Blame Takeuchi
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he's the most evil man in Chaldea
>Nintendo switch
>Home cinema
>If they don't have dog CEs then they didn't do the last event
>If they do have dog CEs then they didn't play ball for the hunting quest teapot frenzy
>If they temporarily go to normal/event then I can't tell them from a shitter who won't separate the two
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10.5 or 11 I think
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Nasu's autism caused him to make another retarded decision.

>Takeuchi: As I already mentioned before, I was personally planning to release the game for the PC until a few years ago. But a lot changed when Nasu said “Nowadays games are only taken seriously when they’re played on consoles.”
>Nasu: In the past decade, smartphones kept getting more and more hi-tech, we’ve been getting a lot more people who don’t play anything outside of mobile games. On the other hand, we’re also getting more hardcore gamers who can’t get enough with just the mobile and build their gaming PCs. In this world of constant change, your choice of platform is something you must put pride in. With that being said, I believe nothing compares to the experience of playing a classic visual novel on a console. I put a lot of my soul into that text, with beautiful visuals and songs to match, so I want you to play it connected preferably to a large TV screen. I know that’s the creator’s ego talking, but I wanted you to play under the best conditions possible on your first experience with TsukiR. So I asked Takeuchi for a console release.
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are you winning, son?
And why the fuck would I want to befriend people like that?
Weebs, gamers and other “le ebin geek culture” subhumans are the most unhinged, degenerate and insufferable people on earth, there is a reason people used to bully anyone openly acting autistically.
If I like this hobbies is precisely because I can enjoy them on my own.
Got her on the last of 5 11-rolls. Guess she wasn't a fan of me only doing singles. With this, my Artoria collection is complete.
I got her in 4 tickets, it was unexpected
so arc in 23 hours + maintenance?
Nice. I had a string of similar luck for most of 2023, but that seems to have left me. I don't even like Titoria, so I'm glad the cost of satisfying my autism wasn't too great. Here's hoping summer and the anni don't hurt me too bad.
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after 7 years…
Morning of the 7th
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Good night, bro.
Didn't Yu visit you on the new hunting quest to tell you how many days are left?
In going to bed bros, but before that I want to let you know I love Jalter
wtf these set of hunting quests only drop QP? I was hoping to complete the weekly mission for exp cards on it today...
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Tsuna NP5 is helping my F2P ass
I never read Tsuki in the first place and just don't think I will like it.
I didn't read her dialoge
Why wouldn't you it's all the same wank as Fate? Tsuki fags delude themselves into thinking oh it's more mature and deep but it's just more Chuuni bullshit like all of Nasu's work
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It's more horror/mystery and I like that vibe more, it's not that complicated. Nasu chuuni will always be fun, KnK to Tsuki to Fate to Mahoyo no exception
good morning, bros....
Dude, the MC is a psycho rapist! That means it's super deep and mature!
Good morning. Goood morning! It’s great to stay up late! Good morning good morning to you
The whole concept is EVEN MORE chuuni sounding and there's not really a cool throughline like "heroes of the past" to also be interesting to me atop that.
See you in 3 days
Ewwww imagine having Morgan's fat sweaty boob sticking on your stomach
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Enjoy your literal hag.

>"When the Dame forces Morgan to remove her clothes, a demon takes them to the top of the tower. Morgan is shamed: her nakedness reveals physical decrepitude, her sagging breasts and the skin of her belly drooping to the ground. When the dame expresses surprise that Morgan has been successful in bedding handsome knights, she admits that her apparent beauty is maintained by anointing with magical unguents." - King Arthur's Enchantress (referencing the poem "Prophéties de Merlin")
Tsuki is more of a monster slasher /survival horror deal (Chaos) plus psychological horror (Shiki backstory, Roa, Tohno/ Nanaya backstory). The chu2 fights actually don't matter as much.
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based retardcuck
nope, this is you
>no one rolling on Titoria Ruler
dead general...
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>bad gameplay
>boring personality
>mid design

Why would anyone roll for her?
I love Ishtar
I wish I didn't but I do
Two what?
while Rider Carmilla makes my pp hard, I want a chance at Summer Kiara and Illya summer np3+
read the thread?
Having a findom fetish must be hard.
True, except I'm not bald... yet
Why is Gudako so deranged?
She's the horsecock poster but I think she's banned right now
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Only natural to!
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Great concert.
Shame the encore was fucking demon slayer op. Gay as fuck. Rest of the show was okay.

Love you /alter. Wish you were here. We could a home for hotpot and drinks afterwards and talked about the gssr and posted a picture of our phones side by side but y'all gotta be fuckin introvert losers with h shit music taste and no money.speaking of gssr I wanna do beni enema but every time I roll in a gssr with void shiki on it I get her. Can y'all pray for me so I get the bunny bird chef? Tyvm. See u at AX in 2-6 days.
This is what having to deal with all those Servants day in and day out does to a girl, huh
Has every bronze servant been featured in the story now?
for a guy who is supposedly having fun he sure is desperate for approval from /alter/, the so called losers
on ibukis first rateup i blew through like 400sq and got this guy then burned immediately cause i thought he was 4*
now ill never get those rank/interlude free sq
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Koyan's face here kills me every time.
I don't think Eric Bloodaxe has ever done anything.
He also doesn't know some of us actually did meet up, just without him.
Ocean singularity with Drake
Has Chen Gong been in the story? I know he's been in events. He might of been in the China lostbelt but that was pretty forgettable
I don't think so.
>Verification not required.
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Her red eyes are very pretty.
>be outside doing stuff
>still have to report back on the internet
Peak Zoomer mentality
She has beautiful lips. We need more servants with nice lips.
I mean you could also have a Tsundere Correction fetish. Like Brat Correction but a different niche.
It's Rin-Extra's entire thing in CCC.
I wish I could go for hotpot right now...
who stole her nose?
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>beni enema
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Bro, I work and I live in a different country...
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Angry Quetz-sama and her shark teeth make my pp hard, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing
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>beautiful lip
>We need more lip
Lostbelt 3.
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Kind of weird that CCC's core story is literally mindbreaking a series of women.
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That's cool. I wasn't talking to you. You stupid lipper.
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Tsunderes don't need to be corrected, they need to be loved and cherished like the wonders of universe that they are
CCC pretty much is Girl Correction Simulator
Though I believe I will take the stance that Rani did nothing wrong.
would you believe
they put a man on the moon man on the moon
She isn't exactly angry with that face. I don't think it has ever been used during a moment of her being angry. It's more like she is being playfully excited even if it is when Jaggaman has done something stupid.
Is this Ishtar appreciation time?..
Tsundere is the worst archetype. There's nothing cute about being prideful and dishonest and then getting mad when people don't do as you say because you're not being honest with what you actually want.
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Rani forcing girls to go nopan was hot.
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Considering her personality, the overall vibe is still there
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Yeah, it's more an archetype
Fighter types get like aroused and devilishly excited when a real opponent presents themself.
If you believed they put a Mom on the moon
Mom on the moon
It's not cute when they're tsun 100% of the time, the cuteness comes from the gap between them acting tsun and the times when they open up and show their sweet, caring side.
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Small Tardmamo...
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I love me some Tsunderes and am very much a doormat type, BUT... Tsunderes are also pretty much made to be corrected.
Hell, the Instant Lost 2koma archetype was probably generated from some image of a Tsundere.

Tsunderes are fun for everyone!
Doormats can enjoy getting bullied, teased, slapped around.
And guys who have enough of that shit can enjoy forcing them to do a 180 by giving them the D.
Tsundere is literally the best type.
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You reminded me of the sanest Ishtar fans who were literally worshiping her over at /x/.
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>Fighter types get like aroused and devilishly excited when a real opponent presents themself.
goon time
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I agree. Tsunderes are shit and appeal to masochists who like it when a girl abuses them when they're nice to her.
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Most tsunderes use the aggression as a defense mechanism. That kind of violence and irrationality will filter most men. It takes a confident man who sees through the facade to break through that shell, and they're usually not prepared for that kind of devotion, which is why they steam and hide from your persistent approach. They're at a complete loss as to how to move forward because they've been aggro their whole life so exploring that new vulnerable territory is the best.
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Ah I had the guy, but the same effect really.
Bossy intelligent girl forcing you to be a nudist while she makes all your decisions.
Rani was probably the 2nd biggest winner of CCC in terms of character, since she was so bland in Extra.
Liz, of course, is the #1 of CCC.
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>which is why they steam
S-steamed tsuns?
You call flustered girls steamed tsuns?
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I love this assassin guy so much bros
>my brain immediately elected to manifest a scene of Superintendent Goredolf yelling at GUDAAA!
Shounen protag assassin is the best
said the quickshot
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Por favor, my name is Quetzalcoatl
I’m a millennium old lucha libre otaku (wrestling fan for you non hombres). I practice lucha moves in my garage and spend my days working out and watching superior mehican luchadores (el santo, blue demon, espectro I)

I train with my plancha every day, this superior crossbody block can smack through dame dame goddesses because it is folded over a thousand guacamoles and is vastly superior to any other technique. I earned my lucha license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak mehican fluently, both Nahuatl and Espanol and I know everything about lucha libres and their máscaras which I follow 100%. I also have a collection of mascaras, some of them I won in Luchas de Apuestas against Island Mask (you should see the face on Amakusa, guano was so bueno when jaguarman woman went all Caballete on his ass).

When I get my shovel, I am digging under the wall to illegally crossover to prestigious mehico to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become the next Masked Marvel

Wish me luck in mehico!
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You've seen how they do it in anime where they turn bright red and steam comes out of their ears and they lose all their nerve for a few seconds
and you call them steamed tsuns despite the fact they are obviously grilled
>a lostbelt?
>at this time of the year, at this part of the plot, in this part of the world and localized entirely inside your pants?
>may I prune it?
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Huge ass abi
Ahh I get your joke.
Steamed tsuns like steamed buns
I like it.
Are your buns in need of steaming, sis?
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>Egads, my lostbelt is ruined!
its a regional dialect
>ehh what region
upstate gotterdammerung
Wait why is Quetz doing this face?
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And just like that.
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Tsunderes are girls who are out of touch and can't understand their own feelings. They respond to their feelings of attraction to MC-kun with confusion and then aggression. In other words they're a massive pain in the ass and designed to appeal to otaku who like to fantasize that the girls who treated them like shit at school secretly had crushes on them.
Rinbros, our response to this?
Still not rolling for musashit
Still using jets
Skadi 2 Arctic boogaloo is only like 2 weeks away.
Musashit old and busted, 5th place arts looper though I can't blame you for using AMERICA TIDDIES over le monstrare de raita
More like BOOOOOOOsashi lmfao
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>out of touch
youre out of time
A Jets user? I was sure they were extinct.
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ladies, gentlemen and they/thems...
prepare to be stunned for this Summer...
Can a based AI bro throw this in as a prompt for a non-doodle version?

I also agree that this is very uncharacteristic of Quetz to make this face. I must see more art of it...for science...
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Bro, it's not the right day of the week
I think you're the one who's out of time.

I'm not extinct, I just have ADHD (real) and can only remember to post her when I give up on something else in my life since I can't multitask for shit.
You may not know the name but others here do.
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There's a lot of remixed FSN OSTs playing in this singularity. And some from others too. I remember the Camelot map OST playing when there was a dialogue earlier
>I also agree that this is very uncharacteristic of Quetz to make this face.
Yeah, and it's really... intriguing because of how uncharacterstic it is.
I heard it's finally KP's time for a swimsuit!
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Yes, it's a regional dialect
its tuesday close enough
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I'll sure be.
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I got absolutely fucked tyring to NP5 Carmilla... 40 tickets, and 300-ish quartz down the drain, no Carmilla whatsoever. Got 4 spooks including a Tamamo coming on the same roll as Bunny Lartoria. Literal first two tickets were SR's, including a gold rider, but it was Dobrynya... then later on the last few tickets for this came another gold rider, Anne and Mary (NP5 so RP at this point)... I didn't see a single SR when rolling the 300-ish quartz, so I pretty much give in and gonna move on to Summer.

Thanks 50% SR rate up...
Why is her throat ovulating?
I would prefer a Quetz that looks more like a hag and less like a loli pls

great start tho!
actual tsunderes only exist in elemtary school. no girl past that will do the "uhhh it's not like I like you, idiot"
>six fingers
i dropped 800+60tickets on barg just to barely get np5
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I still use Jets from time to time. He will be amazing with summer Skadi.
We’re talking about anime girls not real ones
Seven vaginas.
Regura's Quetz is a peak sex
Exactly. Tsunderes have the emotional maturity of small children, which is probably what makes them appeal to otaku. The fact that the default tsundere hairstyle is twintails, something normally only used by little girls, is also quite telling.
It sucks but that's life.
It took me 800+ sq for np1 of Martha and ashwattama each. The Lord given and the Lord taketh away. I hope next time around goes better for you.
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>It took me 800+ sq for np1 of Martha
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>Dark Souls based Servant
>Elden Ring based Servant
>Bloodborne based Servant
King's Field Servant when?
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That's hot.
Never. Go talk about it in a Souls general.
I wish he drew more often
Right after the Shadow Tower servant.
>this is her last rate-up
I threw tickets at the bunny, and I did get 1 SSR and 1 SR, but it was Xiang Yu and Carmilla.
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SR rates fucking suck ass. I'm really sorry bro. I had to spend 3x that to get Saber Mebber NP5.
It's okay I ended up with np 3. More than enough to beat you till your skin matches your cloak and hair.
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Raikou is an Xbox chad
>Otogi: Myth of Demons[2], is a 2002 action video game developed by FromSoftware and published by Sega. It was released for the Xbox in Japan in December 2002, by Sega in North America in August 2003, and Europe in September 2003. Otogi follows former executioner Raikoh Minamoto as he attempts to purge the demons that have overrun Japan and restore the Great Seal that kept them at bay. It received positive reviews and was followed by a sequel, Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors, in 2003.
regura servant doko
i would roll for bb if she looked like tjis
¡Mucho mucho!
the way the clothing hangs off of her perky tits is just too good
Was it on the last rate up at the dog event? She hasn't had single rate ups until then I think.

Yeah... thanks, Summer Carmilla NP5 is more of a sidequest for me, but I was hoping I could get that done. I was planning to maybe run some 300 quartz more but I got no extra copy with all I already spent to motivate me further, 3 spooks is pretty much a sign to not delve further I feel.

I'm positive she will get one more eventually, but it sucks because it will take a pretty long time, assuming no exclusive NA rate ups for her.
BB would win.
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>Regura's Carmilla
I feared this would happen to me eventually with SR's. Well, I won't go for them again until we get the SR rate up update, which thankfully should be by next new years.
on her first, havent tried again since then
>then i fucked up and didnt redeem the free SR ticket in time
And a lot of anime girls are literally retarded and designed to act like a dog that you can fuck instead of a human.
Yeah I've got a similarly nightmarish journey coming up in 4 months here. In the middle of October there is a rate up with Jeanne alter as the SSR and Lancelot as the sole Sr. I'm looking for 10 copies to Max append him, been saving since last year, but I ain't getting my hopes up. Same 3 copies of Jeanne to Max append her, and again, I can really only count on the one guaranteed from pity. Gacha is a hellish life.
can you try Carmilla butcha-u?
date with Quetz-ane...
Fashionable and pretty. I like it.
>reguras Tiamat
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>NP3 failed whale
do Regura Musashi
kinda okay. I think the AI sucks making the artist's faces then again the faces he makes varies from time to time
>at work
>phone almost dead
NP4 is failed. NP2 and 3 has always been regarded as fine.
yeahI feel like it mixes faces and makes them derpy
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>NP2 and 3 has always been regarded as fine.
lmao cope

idk maybe hags are probably good to use when using him. Musashi in butcha-u?
im going to c
Quetz looks so cute here.
all I know Melt is based on Bayonetta, along TOHSAKA, Kiara, and possibly Violet
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>NP shaming
>in 2024
some of us can't afford SQ in BB's America....
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>Lots of [+]
>It's probably about NP shaming
I assume cucksucker from Siberia with NP4 Shiki knows the way of the void stance. Don't forget to feed the dogs, mongoloid.
big sister's pits...
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Kiara reminds name of a female Sensui but where she doesn't have as much gamer moments
>heh NP shaming is bad
>proceeds to NP shame
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>weekly missions done
>limited missions done
Time to hibernate till summer
I love big Da Vinky and I'm ashamed to admit that it took me a long time to notice just how damn pretty she is.
Don't worry mongoloid, your Shiki is ready for another round.
doesn't look that half bad
forgotten since day 1...
Servants for this feel?
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Servants for this feel?
can you try Iori kissing Gudako?
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me after drinking one cup of raw milk
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Sasaki Kojirou
Why bother? I'll most likely get her from Mothman's banner.
rider 2, have a lack of riders.
Servants for this feel?
So is the anniversary on the 6th or 7th?
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Archer Heracles
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based retardcuck who can't read
Koyan, NO.
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So who we blame for the state of this thread?
i am quck
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Servants for this feel?
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The overall state? at least partially me.
The recent state? idk i was driving home for the last half hour.
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i am bust
didn't that guy actually end up moving to japan and marrying a yamato nadeshiko and living in a traditional japanese home with tatami mats and everything?
too new for NAI
do maleHakuno kissing Gudako
No, he's just a regular guy who happened to take a photo of himself wearing a kimono and then the internet turned him into a meme. That's all. He's not a weeb.
Looks like male Guda kissing female Guda and it's fucking hot
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wait a minute that’s not Hakuno
AI refuses to do anything but selfcest here
Based AI
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>The character who is literally a digital lifeform doesn't have enough data to be used by the AI to gen art of it
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it managed to do femHakuno before
Hassan of the Fathomless Rift
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Clae with megane looks pretty ugly bros
how dare you insult Shamhat that way
what if Gilgamesh, but zoomer?
yeah it refuses to do hakuno
AI is heavily bias towards female characters when in pairs
so that works and I assume it will be selfcest hakuno if I we got teh other way
Selfcest of Gudao with Gudako with impregnation
>now it refused to show male master's face
That's because nobody plays as male Hakuno
Nice, thanks
so will we be getting destiny summon or not?
isn't that 8 anni feature
Albert will give us our own exclusive Destiny Summon for only 49.99
I dont think we know if its supposed to be an anni 8 exclusive, or a new general anni gssr until jp has anni 9 with or without it

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How much money do artists make on selling doujinshi again? If they don't make like $1000 plus per doujin shouldn't it be more efficient to just try growing on social media doing random fan art here and then and make money via fanbox/patreon instead of spending so much time on 50 pages doujin
Mamma mia!
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he has like 400 hits on danbooru which would normally be plenty considering sub-100 shitters can even get it now.
Gudao just has 12k so he completely overpowers him the moment the AI catches his name and pulls his data in.
>Cape covering her ass
Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.
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this gave me an idea
I don't like where this is going but please continue
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you just know
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This is fucking retarded, funny and kino at the same time. I fucking love this chapter
>Kadussy is jealous, AGAIN
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they've been making more money from specific products once they realized dlsite etc and exposure is the way to go for that type of media
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Swimsuit Kriem and Casino Sumanai with more Kadoc gagging in the background this summer, trust
>Kadoc gagging in the background
from choking on Gudako's cock?
where are you bros...
did you need something?
can someone please explain this bro meme to me?
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Playing Dominions 6.
In the office, bro... only 9% battery left, bro...
It's the death rattle of a dying general, crying out as it slowly dwindles down in activity and regular members.
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Thanks for not answering. These posts happen all hours of the day.
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Really tempted to try to get three more copies but I just don't have the quartz to spare since I'm going for Summer and anni.
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How many tickets we get this anni?
Not my fault you didn't like the answer. It's just like how someone calls out to their family or closed one in times of danger, an instinct.
>These posts happen all hours of the day.
You're a fucking retard. Have a shitty night bro.

if you bro, you bro
you might need to step out of your gachcoomer bubble to see what an actually dying general looks like
it can't be explained, it can only be felt
use your heart to understand it, bro
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>Didn't put the girth straps though the saddle pad straps
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Anyone have Oberon with Teatime/Bella Lisa?
Let's be friends 226,060,452
>horsefag posting in fgo thread
Is bestiality legal in japan
yeah. its actually acceptable to do it in public alleyways, as long as its not within immediate site of the street.
no, there's a reason why they would nuke Pokemon/digimon doujins, until t became impossible and its now in the "not real whatever" area

but I believe you're right
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no that was just standard IP shenanigans and artist cold feet
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>mfw combine 3dpd and armpits
hot. is there an image set?
Some people are born with defects and if existence has a purpose, it means some people are born purely to serve as a caution, a warning,
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haha could you imagine...
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real female women are disgusting
you're absolutely right, male women are the best
Real people are disgusting
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FGO peaked here.

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