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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7112 - Power Maxxing Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

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Previous Thread: >>484392719
Sex with???
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Edgy shipping
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The MOBIAN Lady is the epitome of female submission and femininity.

Let's start by looking at her body. Her body is small. Her submissive size makes her presence known without her even needing to point herself out. She is petite, as a result of her high levels of estrogen. This gives her the appearance of health and grace. She is then covered by her fur. This soft fur reminds us of her gentleness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the Chaos Energy of Mobius, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The fur reminds us of our shining, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The MOBIAN lady's demeanor is one of betaness. She is submissve, graceful, and can be explosively adorable. Her behavior strikes wholesomeness and arousal into the more aggressive, brave races of man( Human Monkeys for example).

The summit of expression of her femininity on her body is her belly. The MOBIAN belly is the fuzziest of all the races. As the belly is the penultimate symbol of femininity, this alone would suffice to make the MOBIAN lady the most feminine of ladies. This smol, fuzzy belly is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of men, being able to more than fill all the reaches of the hands (and penis). Its fuzziness ensures that when it's tickled, the potent Mobian wails of laughter and eventually moaning will immediately enter the ears of the man the MOBIAN female entertains.

In total, the MOBIAN lady expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When she fucks, she unleashes the entirety of her lusts and desires upon her partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the MOBIAN lady is the epitome of femininity.
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>Undoes Sonic Forces.
There, no more of that sheep woman. It's over.
Maybe the werehog misandrist was right about hmofa posters...
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Heroic Shipping
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I hate Sonic so much.
Black creatures. After marriage.
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everyone siding with king max when he does an ultimatum that would end in their deaths if eggman refused
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And his wives!
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Max was a cool fucking dude.
>Penders is trying to publish Archie Sonic under his publishing name "Floating Island Productions"
Anyone else wondering what Penders is smoking?
Shut up, Surge.
Sonic hug me
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Max was a colossal fuckup
>reprinting actual Sonic without license
Ok, how does he get away with it? Not doing his own deriative work with his characters, actual Sega characters?
what happens to max in the king shadow timeline? what happens to elias?
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Dead and dead.
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>what happens to elias?
Shadow fucks him more than Sally.
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>this nukes the amy fandom
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Filters a renowned Sonic writer in the fandom in your path.
>Silver is also included
Well, even once is more than 0.
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When shit is very desparate, you can make all sorts of demands. + who said he has to stick to his word in the end or not try again later?
mmm elias sandwich
Sega and Archie have completely washed their hands of the comic.
Filters me too. I don't like it, don't think it's good, but if so many want it, then they can have their way.
why do people give rouge wrinkles
>Please Shadow! Spare my sister's bootyhole!
>What do you offer in return, Elias?
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fwa drawings are canon
Perhaps, but if I were to print my own Sonic stories and sell them for profit Sega would be sending lawyers...actually, no, if I do porn Sega would rather pretend I don't exist.
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Axer's "Nine" from 1999
She's a fool to think Tikal would let her get away with her schemes
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Wouldn't issues that have characters that are owned by SEGA and Archie open up problems in the future?
>Sonic is a rapist now
I wasn't taking this ai stuff as a serious problem until recently. Now its really annoying how so many stock images on the internet are now ai. At least they mark it as that if it is thank god.
Archie is basically nothing but a fancomic to them. There is no point taking legal action.
Wait, since when was Sonic not a rapist?
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I always disliked classic Amy, thinking she was just too plain compared to modern Amy. But reading the comics made me reconsider. She's just so damn adorable in those. Also, putting Amy in a classic setting somehow made Ian write her properly, without making her unnaturally tomboyish and bossy.
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Surprise smooches for the hero!
It's okay she consented off screen while totally lucid.
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>amyfags experiencing 1% of silverfags suffering
>Also, putting Amy in a classic setting somehow made Ian write her properly,
This is why.
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Always has been
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Ten years in the joint made you a fucking pussy
The eye on Knuckles is killing me
>Archie is basically nothing but a fancomic to them
Yes, SEGA, given the choice, would snap their fingers and wipe Archie Sonic from everybody's minds, but some Archie characters are still owned by SEGA. I feel like that would open doors to exploitation by others. Such as someone pointing at Penders and saying "well you haven't done anything to stop this guy so why can you stop me?" sort of thing.
So if the IDW exclusive characters actually appeared in a future game, who would be suitable VAs for them?
They mean business.
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Basically, he can reprint his own stories as much as he wants because Sega doesn't automatically own all depictions of their characters ever made. As long as the characters on the book's cover art (very important!) are not Sonic characters, and the book is not using any of Sega's trademarks (like Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna, etc.), he can sell it because he owns the work. The same applies to all other writers from pre-Flynn Archie, so if Penders makes a deal with them, he could potentially reprint all of Archie Sonic, issues 1-159 (everything after that is off limits), like he says he wants to.
Sonic should crossover with active Sega franchises like Yakuza instead of dead games like NiGHTS or Billy Hatcher.
So he'll rape the Joker?
sega can't sue over sonic appearing in disney's chip and dale for the same reasons. It's a visibly different character who's name and species happen to be similar.
If Sega wanted to sue Penders over this shit, they would have already done it long ago. They want nothing to do with Archie. To the point that asking Iizuka about the Freedom Fighters makes an intern barge into the conversation and tell the person they're with IDW now (in other words stfu about Archie).
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The fact that this used to be one the first images that would pop up when you search Sonic The Hedgehog is crazy
>t. amy
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>Destroys your comic
Ugly Sonic was a clear parody. Same reason why Nintendo can’t fuck over robot chicken.
archie was also a clear parody
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>Destroys my cock
Everything's a parody if you try hard enough
Disney is too powerful.
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>What's this? Ian Frynn You want Emi Rosu to move on from Sonikku and rine more in your resbrian fetish feminirsm? *raffs*
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I have no fucking clue. My guess is he's testing how far he can get without Sega raising a finger but my question is why? Is it because he just now realizes that he's wasted his time only getting to use knockoff crap? Knock off crap that mind you, no one cares about unless tied to Sonic. This man is a special kind of autist. Can't wait for the fireworks.
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Shade was hot as fuck too. Imagine all the Tikal/Shade porn we could've gotten.
My favorite theory is Penders being an plant of SoJ to destroy not only the Sonic Archie comics, but American Sonic as a whole. The deal Ken got after the deed was done was "You can have what remains."
How fenny would it be if Sega just outright sold the FF to him?
That's not funny
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>My guess is he's testing how far he can get without Sega raising a finger but my question is why? Is it because he just now realizes that he's wasted his time only getting to use knockoff crap?
Has Ken been doing anything else since announcing the Lara-Su Chronicles? Does he get a healthy amount of royalties from his works outside of Sonic, or is it his wife that's been paying the bills and just dealing with his autism?
They're just collecting dust in that vault, why not.
#2 is kinda cute
>"Mobian line, formerly known as Archie Sonic."
>Proceeds to allow Ian to do exactly that
They can't because they're from SatAM. But Ken fucked over that version of Sonic as well (There was supposed to be a movie, but Ken's interference prevented one from happening.)
In his English fanfiction
I doubt SEGA/Archie want to do any sort of business dealings with him, let alone dealing with him at all. Even if it is to "dump the trash" as one could put it.
You literally only want people who love those characters to suffer at this point.
Not him, but I also want that.
Aren't they already suffering? They're vaulted and the mere mention of them makes Sega go "SILENCE!"
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It's just trolls, been dealing with them even when the comic was alive.
His wife is a lawyer so presumably that's why he's able to push
I'd rather see Sally vaulted and left in peace than (literally) raped by Penders' shitty OCs.
Will Fiona be in Mobian Line?
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>this could've been her last appearance.
Was Ken's relationship with his own father good?
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Neutralizing the bat with my special fumes. Cutting up her clothes, stripping her naked. Sniffing her underwear. Caressing her yellow boobs and pussy. Playing with her backcheeks, slapping them, fingering her hole and sniffing your finger afterwards. Hmm, bat smell...Forcing a kiss on the bat while she's asleep and dropping her vulnerable ass in some back alleyway.
Honestly, after everything proceeding, it should've been. Sally probably would've foreve considered a favorite and not controversial,
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Flynn's attack on sonamy was his revenge on the sonamy people for trying to end sonally 20 years ago
Sally isn't controversial for what she did later in the comic, she's controversial because Archie is controversial.
No. Fiona is owned by scribbles and dfwnn.
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>dead characters are SUPPOSED to stay dead
Flynn is sonallyfag?
>Shadow falls from orbit
>loses his memory
>Sonic falls from orbit
>"this is fine"
>Sally falls from 10th floor
>"oh I just decided to take a little 2 week nap until my future husband kisses me, no biggie."
hedgehogs are stronk
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Yes. Particularly if their name is Ash.
>Removing Mina's mustache
>Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
what a faggot
why do you even bother copying older versions of op?
A mina without her mustache is like an angel without wings...
lol does the entire internet hate Ash?
>someone drew this and thought it was ok to publish
Penders could have had his weird echidna fanfic WITHOUT destroying archie and chronicles.
but noooooo.....
not true, sonic and knuckles are in his stories
I don't mind Archie getting the boot, and I love Archie, but Chronicles being canon would have actually been pretty convenient.
They haven't done much with Knuckles being the last echidna aside from mention it every now and again. He rarely ever seems to care.
Another echidna, a MORE serious echidna than knuckles, who probably wouldn't miss much by standing guard over the ME? That could have been cool.

Chronicles is so weird because it's the only game with a self-serious story that isn't canon (not counting games that are just handheld versions of other games).
According to Ken, he was witnessed to physical violence between his parents growing up and this created a very strained relationship between him and his dad, and Ken and joined the Air Force when he was 17 to get away from it all, but after a stint, he left that and became an illustrator, and then one day got a call from his mom that his father was dying from cancer and they had a heart-to-heart at the hospital and saw a different side of his dad before died.

You be the judge.
In the comic he shilled Sonally until Sega told him they couldn't be a thing anymore from the reboot, but the first moment he writes for a Sonic game he tries to kill Sonamy.
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Why is he scared?
I think segafying Mina is a crime. Her off modelness is her charm.
>Losing an entire comic and the start of an RPG spinoff series for THAT.
One more reason to hate the man.
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Mina should be made canon but look exactly like this
I respect that. Some Sallyfags want her back, but that can never happen, her time was then.
>rushed game
>terrible music
>broken mechanics
>story copypasted from comic, which ended up killing both
Sometimes I wonder what sequel would've been like?
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idk. exploring a connection between those echidnas and the black arms.
Sonic keeps getting slapped around by these strong, independent wahmen
We know some of the story, at least.
Sonic Unleashed + Sonic Frontiers = Sonic Chronicles 2
Why does Sonic in X know what Chaos Control is before he meets Shadow?
That just makes too much sense. He genuinely never understood Amy and the first chance he gets to write her for a major game shows it.
All I know now is that that explains a lot about Knuckles' and Locke's relationship and I don't just mean the part where Locke dies in the future.
Bioware inadvertedly created a lot of the cross-media mandates. Just straight up using DiC swatbots was bold of them.
They also kickstarted the trend of Tails having a cosmo plant in his office. I like to think that Sonic team doing that later was sheer coincidence, rather than a reference to Chronciles.
Chronicles was everythingfagging before it was cool.
What kind of horrors has she seen?
Chaos Control is mentioned in the early episodes as when chaos energy warps time and space. The dub severely fucked this up and had this be Eggman's base though.
I don't think the Cosmo plant thing was a coincidence at all. It literally started in Chronicles and the game was even referenced in one of the Olympic Games, so Sega was very aware of it beyond just throwing it to Bioware's B-team. But it's a safe reference since Cosmo is from Sonic X.
The dread on the one on the far right looks like a tongue being stuck out lol.
>He genuinely never understood Amy

See: >>484428957
Ian Flynn CAN write Amy 100% perfectly in-chaacter, as shown whenever he handles her in the Classic era. So he DOES understand Amy almost perfectly, but something makes him fail to grasp how to write her when in the Modern context for some reason.
>pontaff never touched prior games, let alone chronicles
>yet they lifted rouge's nickname for Sonic "Big Blue" from Chronicles
so strange
Modern Amy is a more defined and complex character than Classic Amy. There is also the fact that classic isn't demanding a "deep" story so Ian just writes whatever.
Okay, but his surprise from Shadow doing it isn't that he's using Chaos energy to warp space, it's that he's using Chaos Control with only one emerald as opposed to all 7.
Have you actually played Sonic Chronicles?
I know tarot were with her from the beginning, but of course when Ian writes her he never not brings this staple as it's the only thing he can do with her.
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Since it's Mina hour again here's a Mina wip.
Did he write Colors DS? It doesn’t seem like their style.
when will you accept that prime/idw/frontiers Amy is In-character? This is who Amy is now.
You're no better than nerds who insisted that 2000s Sonic was raping the characters.
Gonna screw Amy later.
He desperately wants to be the guy who goes "HEY, I BROUGHT THAT BACK! CLAP, SONIC FANS!"
Cute butt.
Mina Stick-goose
The fact that he writes them different at all shows he doesn't understand what he's doing. Also seeing how he writes Modern Amy as the baseline for what she should be, only to write Classic Amy as if she's a weird ooc offshoot, also shows that he doesn't know what he's doing.
>when will you accept that prime/idw/frontiers Amy is In-character?
Amy in IDW when written by Evan and (Modern) Amy in IDW and Frontiers when written by Ian are very noticeably different. Evan's IDW Amy aligns with how Amy is written in Japan, which is still consistent with her Adventure era portrayals.
Gaslighting: The Post.
ian should be more like ken where he's just obsessively and autistically obsessed with a particular piece of the franchise and blows it up beyond its intended use
That's not a tongue?
Ian is way too self-aware to pull off something like that.
>prime/idw/frontiers Amy is In-character
>The Japanese script was changed to be more in character anyway
Go away Ian
>obsessively and autistically obsessed with a particular piece of the franchise and blows it up beyond its intended use
Is there anything existing at the moment that could? Besides lesbians, that's too broad.
Evan unironically is the only one that can write her, I never thought I'd see hot-headed Amy recent 'til this issue.
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Evan only knows how to write girls correctly, the canon ones that is, not the OCs.
Mina is built like a cryptid...and that's hot.
Look I'm all for bashing Flynn but he absolutely does know what he's going in regards to writing both classic and modern Amy. Everything in Frontiers and IDW Sonic reeks of "these characters are developing over time from the past days".
And I think that's what makes him insidious because he's gaslightning dumbasses.
Evan Stanley: Mmmmmmm Shipping!
Can't tell, because who talks with their tongue out?
Sonic, Tikal, and Shadow? In a polygamous relationship!
I wonder what would happen if ian wrote sthg ocs. What would he do to bump and sage?
I have never seen attractive people in a polygamous relationship
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>Because we are __________________!
They'll be lesbians, for starters.
Things I will do against ian's wishes:
Straight ships for Whisper and Tangle
Redeem Surge
I am so glad that Ken basically fucked ANY chance he has of ever working in the comics industry in any meaningful capacity. It is the only retribution one can get for killing Archie. Also, didn't he only get the job cause his kid liked Sonic. I wonder how his kids feel about him and Sonic now?
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Evan doesn't know how to write characters any better than Ian. She just writes her own personal headcanon for all the characters, and you're lucky that her version of Amy just happens to be close enough to how she normally acts that you can't tell that much of a difference. Compare that to the rest of the characters she writes and you can tell that she just writes her headcanon without caring at all about anything else.
>Mina is built like a cryptid
She really is, girl needs to eat a hamburger.
Tangle x Espio
Whisper x Silver
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If Silver was a nigga, he would be the zesty kind.
No, wait, wrong trio.
But he was a good father, right?
Exactly, Evan can get one thing right, while Ian gets none of it. Look at Sonic's text wall monologue when talking to Surge.
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Cute rat
fuck now I wanna draw her too again
I think everyone should start drawing mina right now
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Because he's about to get gang banged by electric grass
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Stickers done by ABT for a convention.

sometimes i wonder if buttermoth is in this general
Apparently he said that if he dies before finishing his comic he will pass it onto his kids. So like... that depends on how you feel about that. I'd have to imagine even his kids would look at him like he's burned his career over something needless at best.
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I bet he draws toes in his freetime
>Evan can get one thing right
I'm saying that she can't.
She's not writing Amy correctly because she knows how to write her, it just happens that her idea of Amy was right. If her idea of Amy was different she would write Amy as a girlboss like Ian simply because she doesn't give a shit about writing the characters properly, only about writing what she personally wants to see and can get away with.
I genuinly do not like ABTs obsession with giving Sonic character animalistic features. From Cream's buckteeth, to Blaze's claws.
I was speed-reading and read Stickers as "Sticks" and wondered where she was in that image.
he does
mmmmm Tikal toes
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Sonic stories haven't been good in probably 15 years yet that's ALL fans want to talk about. What's the appeal? Is it mental illness?
IDW Issue #70 is scanned:

I can't believe I'm saying this, but this issue was actually decent! Though I'm still triggered by the mention of Prison Island.
I prefer 4 toes
i haven't been the same since i read that amy trans fanfic back when it was new
You are late.
Because it makes them more realistic
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>Also, didn't he only get the job cause his kid liked Sonic. I wonder how his kids feel about him and Sonic now?

>tfw your dad got a gig at Archie Comics because you said you liked that one comic with the blue hedgehog fighting against a fat dude
>slowly but surely he became obsessed with some red "ech-idnya" character or something
>went on to sue the entire company
>somehow WIN the rights to like half the characters in the comic
>leading to it being cancelled
>now has spent the better part of a decade creating a brand new story around them
>mom has just gone along with this like no big deal

>tfw you get asked by a friend or coworker what your parents do for a living
It turns out an action comic does better when the art is good and the scenes are fun to look at. The literal only issue with this shit at the moment is that Sonic's team up with Eggman and him disguising himself was forced and OOC, but other than that this whole arc has been a blast so far.
>bottom left
It's beautiful
Fang comic is still the best Sonic comic out there this year
I get it, it just so happens that in this case her idea of Amy lines with the general. So, basically it's the least worst case scenario when it comes to Amy's writing.
How late?
Ian is killing sonamy so he can make Amy the first Blobian to canonically marry a human male.
Me too
Two threads have passed since this was posted.
I unironically have more fun reading that sonic underground comic where the artist decided to go back and edit every page so sonic is trans
Everyone does. Fans, and SEGA too. That's why he's always getting revisions and no one else isn't. I think he's a bad "Sonic" Artist because of it. It's ugly. Everyone knows it's ugly. Yet he's still a lead artist for most of the book. The quality never gets better. It only gets worse.
Who's he going to look like?
i like drawing buck teeth...
human x blobian is always beautiful and based
Fans are the ones giving everyone fangs, claws, ear twitches, and tail wagging
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I can't believe Amy's finally going to accidentally squeeze the life out of me as a comedic gag
Wow just found this general. I have a lot of original Archie Sonic comics from the first few years. I was a huge fan of Sonic from 1991-1993. It's funny because I didn't even have a Sega System but I loved the cartoon, the comics, I had Sonic pajamas, bed sheets, and a Sonic themed birthday party at Roy Rogers.
It is very cool to me how he had like a renaissance among the Deviant Art generation.
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>Everyone does
In that case why not just make them humans? Why not utilize their animalistic features a little for some extra character?
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>tail wagging
This can stay long as I see Amy do it with visible pantsu.
>>>/mlg/ Mobian Line General
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Post your ship
>Has actual original comic
Please post them with a timestamp and get out of here while you still can, please.
Opinions on Mina Mongoose.
I hate seeing them with weird clawed hands for the same reason I hate seeing them with human feet or paw pads. These characters are supposed to be cartoons first and animals second, and whenever you try to give them crazy realistic hands or feet with fingernails it always looks fucking horrible.
Back when I was a fan, there was no shadow the hedgehog or Amy yet. It was just Sonic, Tails, some girl Chipmunk I think her name was Sally or Sarah, and Knuckles was being introduced in the newer stuff. But I often wondered if Sonic and the chipmunk girl were boyfriend and girlfriend with Tails as their adopted kid.
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Archie / Mobian Line vs IDW
Sorry bud, no idea who that is. I stopped paying attention to Sonic in late '93/early '94.
Because it's off model and looks weird to suddenly give them traits they never had, this isn't reboot redesign.
Nah, that chipmunk was a lesbian with a cute computer ai gf.
Get off of 4chan, Netsu.
They're in my parents house. But I'll tell you what, I was such a fan that I started drawing my own Sonic Comics. The original comics and my hand drawn comics are sitting in a box in my dad's attic. I'm going there for a few weeks in August so I'll post them then.
Aaron and Deegeemin really need to be this comics consistent artists because I find myself enjoying stuff they work on FAAAAAAAR more than stuff Evan and ABT work on. Maybe the good art just makes the shit writing tolerable or maybe I've just been trained to associate them Evan and ABT with bad stories, but this whole issue was honestly far more enjoyable than anything within the past couple of years. It also helps that characters feel in character and Lanolin is fucking up.
Fake. Sally's species in satam was literally never stated. You couldn't possibly know she was a chipmunk.
What the fuck?
Mikethehedgehog just posted scans, though.
Not sure what satam is. Also idk I was 5 and just guessed she was a chipmunk.
Pretty much
Ok. Since according to other anon's answer you stopped paying attention to Sonic around 93-94, did you go into other fandom? Relationship? Too personal?
Elise is... like the wind!
Amy is getting jizzed on by a corndog in this ad
Pandora AU is a story set in the gameverse. It covers how Aleena, Manic, and Sonia all died when Sonic was classic, leading him to not speak very much as a kid.
It's genuinely very well done, though the author did in fact go back and edit every single page so that modern sonic has trans scars.
Nta Satam was the cartoon that the comics were based on.
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Why do people feel the need to make Sonic trans randomly?
Why can't people like Sonic for being Sonic?
>Why do people feel the need to make Sonic trans randomly?
Its not exclusive to just Sonic.
you need to understand that the people who are even aware that sonic's japanese characterization is a specific thing is AN EXTREMELY SMALL MINORITY
>Ok. Since according to other anon's answer you stopped paying attention to Sonic around 93-94, did you go into other fandom? Relationship? Too personal?
No nothing personal or crazy. Let me see, I just have to guess because it's not like something pryed them away from me I just changed interests. I was fan of Nintendo stuff too and I actually had a nintendo including the early issues of nintendo power. Some things I remember pretty strongly from that year were playing a getting hyped for Donkey Kong Country and then playing a lot of Donkey Kong Country, but I wouldn't say I was a fan of the characters in the same way I was previously just LIVING in sonic's world. Um, there was other NES/SNES/Gameboy stuff I was into, like I played a LOT of Mario Kart, Super Mario World, SMB1,2,3. And then later in 1994 my dad got me a starter deck for Magic the Gathering: Ice Age edition, and I played that with friends a lot. I remember Super Mario RPG coming out in '95, still one of my all time favorites.
Where was it posted? I can't find the link.
>sonic's japanese characterization

And just what exactly would that be?
aloof chaotic autist
Sonic is Boy crazy for Human men.
The wind
Oh thank you. so in my time period I remember there being two different Sonic series, one that was light hearted and the other was heavy and dark. I liked the light hearted one a lot more though I watched both.
spiderman if he wasn't just peter parker's alter ego
how big is your sonic folder
Like Eggman.
Kiss Sonic. I need to kiss Sonic. I need to kiss his hot lips.
oh, I meant a physical folder for paper. I probably have 15 pages of hand drawn sonic comics
sonic is like the exact opposite of spider man though, spider man’s most famous line is about responsibility and sonic is about being free of responsibility and doing what he wants when he feels like it
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Shadow-sama please kiss Amy for me!
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Its a shame Lanolin won't get chewed out like this.
Ok. I was more into PC like Apogee, Westwood and Sid Meier at the time. Sonic was something I played once or twice at far away family's friend's house.
Those newgrounds animations rekindled my interest in him during the turn of millenium.
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A coolheaded rebel who does whatever he pleases and refuses to let anything keep him down or get in his way. But despite his aloof exterior he has a kind heart, and he often goes out of his way to help others just because he either finds it fun, or just because seeing people that need help ruins his good mood.
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She should kiss Silver instead
Lighthearted one was Adventures of Sonic the hedgehog. In fact, both series are available on WildBrain's YouTube channel.
sonic fans "Sonic is not a hero"
Sonic the hedgehog "WE ARE SONIC HEROES!"
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what's the comic called?
Why would someone draw this?
it is simply called Pandora AU
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Sonic fans SO BADLY wish Sonic was like Luffy
Sonic was actually fucking with Metal there he came up with the line on the spot, knew it made zero sense because he isn’t a hero. Then he says it again in the ending and as punishment God froze him, Tails and Knuckles in the air for a month
True, but Sonic would've never ignored a person in help to begin with. He would've just helped them without ever considering the concept of power and responsibility to begin with, simply helping because he just wanted too and because he hates seeing people in trouble.
oh that's cool! I think those games were a little too advanced for me when they came out. I don't know about Apogee and Westwood but assuming Sid Meier refer's to civilization, while I played Civ 3 a ton that was later, the earliest game I played in that genre was sim city 2000 for pc. that was a ton of fun. Yeah the funny thing about my sonic interest is that I too only played sonic games at friend's houses, I didn't have a sega at home, but I had the comics and taped the shows on vhs.
Enjoying a quiet, relaxing evening with Espio (my beautiful lizard husband). Espio meditating on the floor in front of me while I listen to audiobooks of celebrity memoirs. Staring at Espio (I'm his lawfully wedded wife so this is okay for me to do and not creepy) and taking delight in his presence.
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Lanolin did nothing wrong.
That's awesome thanks! Time for a trip down memory lane
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The drunk of the Dark Egg Legion
>She thought she was hot shit
>Then he says it again in the ending and as punishment God froze him, Tails and Knuckles in the air for a month
you had me in the first half, you're funny, ok. I hope someone sucks your cock.
Of course she didn't.
Aside from putting the lives of 6 blobians at risk
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>Sonic fans
Sonic Team*
Lanolin is a fuck up who shit kill HERself NOW!
Made among other things Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, several 2d platformers where first episode was free and the rest could be ordered.
Made Command and Conquer.
All this talk about Sonic being a good person that helps others further proves that Silver was a mistake
the way pussy changes a man's mind should be studied
Shout out to all the people besides Penders who worked on Archie. A lot of them were talented and were great at making interesting stories, and they get way too little credit compared to Ian.
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it's on youtube
Would you put a baby in her?
>where is the fucking comic uploaded to

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Your Google-fu is weak.
I really wish we got see Karl Bollers crazy Sonamy story.
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Remember when Starline was real?
every time someone says lanolin has a hot body i think of lienda
Shadow is always a bottom
oh cool thanks. yeah we had a Tandy 1000 which was enough for Oregon Trail, Reader Rabbit, and Carmen Sandiego, but I didn't see those type of PC games until my friend with a Windows 3.1 PC got them.
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More like the town bicycle of the Dark Egg Legion. Hell yeah. Mobian Echidna ladies are my kind of sex fiends.
Sonic doesn't go out of his way to help others, and would rather spend his time relaxing and adventuring.
Silver actively seeks out people to aid and villains to kill instead of ever slowing down, and is constantly on the hunt for whatever next threat could potentially ruin the world.
They both have good hearts, but Silver is far closer to what most people would think of when they hear "hero".
>can't afford to pay IDW
Anon, you are supporting the creators, right?
"a" baby?
they really added collarbones to emphasize her titties
I miss this gay platypus. I was hoping he had planted a backup of himself in Surge's brain as a contingency but nah that'd be too fucking cool
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Lien-Da was the sex symbol of that era of Archie Sonic. We had Bunnie Rabbot, then Rouge, then Lien-Da. I mean holy shit. The amount of cool Husbandos and Waifus in that comic line was as immense as her ass and titties. Also, that whip was a perfect addition.
>Sonic doesn't go out of his way to help others
That's what he does in Black Knight. He stops the adventure to go save someone else because despite them being only one person, she matters as much to him as a whole county.
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Lien-Da, to me, is single handedly the hottest Sonic girl, especially since she's a dominatrix with daddy issues
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Shadow should.
Early yardley rouge was flat
>Sonic doesn't go out of his way to help others,
Um excuse me in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog episode 101 at time 3:49 Dr. Robotnik says he hates Sonic because he helps nice people. https://youtu.be/8IitAAlElX4?si=N0qW8fsXM0PP10Q8&t=214
>Haha, Starline has shorter eyelashes than before!
>Sh- shut up Hedgehog
I like to imagine she's too jacked up with cybernetics to be able to have a baby anymore.
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If she would allow it. lol Good like trying to get this psycho/hard-head to listen to you. She made that queen chick that fucked her brother in Game of Thrones seem "nice".

Lien-Da was Empress Bitch of Cuntopolis. She was a perfect depiction of a power-hungry Cunt.
stop posting that busty echidna i'm getting a boner
>That's what he does in Black Knight.

Sonic always does what he thinks is right in the moment, when it comes to him. He doesn't venture out with the intent on being a hero and saving lives, that's just what he does when the situation calls for it. He's not like a Superhero going out on patrol looking for people to save or bad guys to fight like a guardian angel, Sonic lives life by his own feelings like he's on vacation but he instantly leaps into action when he notices something that catches his attention.

This is what happens in Black Knight. When someone needed help, he instantly went to help them without a second thought, in the moment.
He just happened to run into someone that needed help. It's the difference between walking down the street to buy groceries, seeing someone getting mugged and deciding to help out, and actively spending your free time searching for people getting mugged so you can help them.
No... I've failed... Sonic please forgive me...
I didn't know there was a channel that uploaded leaks earlier than Mike. Thank you
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I'm afraid she won't allow me to do that.
Lien-Da? Eggman's personal onahole.
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Stop with this coping. Not once in his 18 years of existence has Silver ever been known for random acts of kindness like Sonic or even Amy are known for.

Sonic saved Tails from being bullied and took him under his wing as a sidekick
Sonic saved Amy and inspired her to become a heroine
Sonic befriended Knuckles and gave him a life outside of the rock
Sonic buffeted Shadow and when he was trying to destroy the world and acts as a friend to Shadow
Sonic helped Blaze to finally accept friendship
Sonic made Elise finally feel real emotions
Sonic showed Merlina why she was wrong
Sonic actively tried to redeem Surge

Silver has none of these actions. His only "friends" are Blaze is contrived enough as it is and Espio which is also another contrivance. He has Whisper but that ship has long since sailed.
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True. He's the kind of evil she respects, or at least he was.
>He just happened to run into someone that needed help
Dude he was told that if he detours to save the girl, it could jeopardize the mission.
It was secretly a challenge the entire time to test him.
>Sonic saved Tails from being bullied and took him under his wing as a sidekick
That isn't how that happened.

In the original JP Manual for Sonic 2, Tails just saw Sonic run by and started following him. Sonic didn't pay Tails much mind and didn't care either way, he just let the kid do what we wants while keeping an eye on him at best.
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aww shit, she's crackin' that whip again.
>Dude he was told that if he detours to save the girl, it could jeopardize the mission.
Sonic does what he thinks is right in the moment. He saw someone that needed help, so he helped them. Simple as that.

Sonic doesn't go out of his way to help people, meaning he doesn't go out on patrol like Spider-Man looking for people to save or crimes to stop. Sonic just so happens to encounter things along his travels, and takes action in the moment before moving on.
Mobian-Line Unleashed
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Since the very beginning Sonic has reacted to Eggman's schemes because they bring injustice. This is why Sonic works. Silver can only function as a failsafe in this established formula and creating unneeded questioning of Sonic's own function as a hero
They aren't trying to recreate the failure ridden traitor arc from archie to "humble" her so no.
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Oh no, she...she's punching me, calling me a worthless worm. Gotta post her again.
Isn't Shadow the guy who patrols the world for threats because he's trying to keep the world safe since Maria liked it?
It's aged well I say.
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>Not once in his 18 years of existence has Silver ever been known for random acts of kindness like Sonic or even Amy are known for.
That's the story in Origins and Prime. Doesn't matter because the point still stands that Silver isn't more of a hero than Sonic already is.
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So this is all pedantic wording.
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...oh no...Anon, I.. she's dragging me away from the keyboard, I didn't post fast enou-ACK!
The point is that Sonic isn't a "do-gooder hero", he just does good things along the way while living his life. Silver IS more of a "do-gooder hero" who has a specific motivation towards justice and saving the world as the intention and goal that drives his actions. Silver is a reflection of the innate goodness within Sonic.
He was contracted by Soleanna City Council, he doesn't do this out of the kindness of his heart
Sonic Heroes has Sonic just running around in the desert until Eggman/Metal directly issues his challenge to them
Wow Silver is such a cool hero, wish he was playable tho
kys blazefag bot
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We truly were, a Sonic Heroes HD Edition.
Don’t worry, Classic Sonic will have a Silver costume in the next mainline 3D game
At this point we might as well argue the plot contrivances of the rubber hosed animal anime then because everything ends up lining up one way or another.
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sorry, my bad
>Jerk off
>Sonic is suddenly sucking me off
>Before I even know it he's kissing me with the nut I busted in his mouth
Is Sonic gay??
Silverkeks, accept this, he won't be playable ever again.
Shadow and IDW OCs are the future
No but you are, you just ate your own cum dude
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Based and milker-pilled.
Opinions on this design philosophy?
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It works much better than ABT and Evan's
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>Accept this
You've cursed your own words we'll be getting Sonic RE-06 and Silver will be playable, parallel Silver, and Future Future Silver! YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL YOU MORON!!!! THE DECADE OF SILVER IS NOW UPON US, LAVES WILL BOIL, CATS AND DOGS LIVING TOGETHER, BEJITA WON'T JOB, YOU MONSTER YOU FUCKING MONSTERS!!!!!!
We’ll show that creep the real super power of teamwork!
He stopped everything he was doing to help them out of the kindness of his heart
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I was gonna head to bed but I wanted to doodle her as well again real quick after seeing this post, it looks messy fucked up but whatever. Now I go to bed and dream about her zzz good night sweet dreams
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If anything, the designs in this arc for the background racers is great.
He'll be playable in standardized stuff like Forces. It's his characterization and taking him seriously that's dead.
mental asylum
Drawfags why aren't you drawing porn and posting it?
Why doesnt Silver just use Meteor Smash on the Restoration HQ and kill everyone
*Forces Speed Battle
I am simply too busy drawing mina.
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I always enjoy the crowds. I'm all for it.
I haven’t drawn a non-comical penis in my life. And the idea of drawing vaginas is daunting.
i don't think lewds are my thing, i'll draw people hurting each other.
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Why aren't you genning any with an AI and posting results?
on model
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I am drawing some, sheesh. Mommalin is a big lady son, it takes time, plus it's fucking hot (and hot out here).
I'm tired...
Silver is canonically a dumb directionless dog that needs people to tell him what to do.
Draw mina doing cool fighting
Rank Aaron, ABT, Deegeemin and Evan's background character.
Sheesh, tough crowd here.


This is indeed cute though.


Frick I gotta wait till tomorrow to ride my bike again I wanna feel the wind again
Why do you hate silver so much?
Hedgegoos or monhog.
Mobians have been banging for generations and no crossbreeds have been spotted yet. The child likely just hops on the parents' species randomly.
Silver is very important to the story like it or not. He's pretty much the only one keeping everyone including Sonic alive because they fucked up in the present time at some point, which means the timeline is in constant danger and Silver has to travel back to fix things up.
Thanks to Silver your favorite character is alive.
Another Mina! More Minas!
Sometimes I wonder what it's lile to fuck a boy and if he'll actually moan
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a hedgehog or a mongoose. species inheritance is either from one parent or the other. Colors and powers can also be inherited but mutations may occur.

A purple hedgehog can pop out a green or blue hedgehog, but a hedgehog and fox couple can never pop out a bat.
>"I'll command Anon's dick."
This is the worst defense of Silver you can possibly make, and I say this as a Silverfag myself.
our guardian angel...
Silver calling Whisper this made it into the japanese version of IDW btw
He's a retarded baitposter fishing for (you)s, just ignore him.
Its not like they can redraw the art
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Command deez nuts
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>Turns out, she was just shit
But they do have control of the text and they could have removed it
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Reminder that there's a possibility that Jewel might be more aware of Duo and Clutch than people realize, and is biding her time.
What happens here?
My wife
Where do you find the JP version past issue#3?
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Why would they though? Silver mentioning that people called her the guardian angel during the war is fine.
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Also, many times Amy had a chance to say Jewel that Clutch tried to kill her
>That isn't how that happened.
Origins retconned that
Lanolin caused an accident with the reckless use of her wispon that put six people in danger trying to subdue the Phantom Rider, similar to what Silver seemingly did in #63 except Duo isn't secretly responsible.
Speaking of background characters, what the fuck even is this?
Shadow The Hedgehog...
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Those are freckles
Only ugly people have them
so tired of this fanbase drawing off model garbage because they can ONLY get off to one body type but they can also ONLY get off if it looks vaguely like a sonic character
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The Jewel is dead.

this but the opposite
Clutch cock and ball torture

featuring Jewel
>This is the worst defense of Silver
That is the canon backstory as stated by Sonic Team. Silver has to come back in time to help whenever Sonic and co. can't defeat an enemy which leads to a bad future. He's protecting everyone in the world
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It's a sign of someone who tried way to hard to make their muzzle "original".
>tired of the variety of on-model porn that looks exactly like the base material
Have you noticed that Whisper and Tangle are more and more irrelevant
>Lanolin has suspicious things happen around her
>She's completely unphased and questions nothing
>Jewel has one suspicious thing happen that any normal person wouldn't really think about
>Immediately smells the bullshit
How did Evan manage to make Lanolin look like a complete buffoon on accident?
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Lanolin's mom was right

She should've never left the dairy farm
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What if I RAPED Mina??
Like I mindbroke her and made her my sex toy until she becomes dependent on me?
Like she naked apron cooking eggs, then I shove an Egg up her ass and rape her then punch her in the gut forcing her to puke up my cum into the eggs then continue to rape her until she cums, while I hold her above the frying pan squirting all over the food and letting the crushed egg inside her asshole fall out into it as well then forced her to eat it??
Evan is not a good writer.
She's is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than Ian.
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Sexo with hero Surge
I will now make a ferret OC.
I know that you twit. But him being "important" isn't what makes him a good or endearing character, and if the only defense you can scrounge up is "well if he was gone everyone would die!" is trash. If you really enjoy Silver as a character you should be able to find a better reason to like him than this of all things.
my busty wife
Could you write better than Evan?
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Then draw Mina with big boob and ass
>has the skill to draw
>doesn't draw porn immediately
Stop wasting your talent
I love drawfags and I want to see them grow
Nice, I'm patiently waiting
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>"I was right. Again!"
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idk shit about writing, but I'll do lots of powerlevelfagging.
So you're the reason most mongoose species are threatened
Shut up with this question already.
I don't need to
I would have made Lanolin a well meaning stickler that doesn't endanger innocent people like a hypocrite for no reason, as well as let Silver and the Diamond Cutters actually train together and blow up some robots and be cool for once. I'd also wouldn't make Sonic obsessed with letting Eggman run around and hurt people because of a redemption obsession.
Karma a bitch
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People who write characters to be, you know, flawed and feel authentic without any sense of idealism clouding their thinking would generally be better than people like Ian and Evan.

I believe most of the people on here can write better than them.
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My personalized Sonic Vision:

Mary Garnet stories + Shogakukan Manga as a self-contained prequel story, maybe like a movie. Maybe the way the story could be told is by having Nicky and the manga cast be the stories that Mary Garnet told in her books and stuff, but the story of Nicky and the story of the test pilot together tell the story of Sonic, in a way that makes Sonic himself a legendary, mythical figure across the "real" wold and the "fictional" world.

Next, the first actual "game" is basically 1 + 2 + CD + 3K + Rush... + SA2 + Rivals as well, to create Sonic Adventure + Sonic '06, basically. One big adventure encompassing story elements of each. Maybe even throw Chronicles in there for Knuckles' personal story.

Then, the sequel is basically Unleashed + Frontiers combined with Forces and the Chronicles 2 concepts, as a World Adventure to free each continent from Eggman's tyranny, but each continent comes with a Titan super-boss (maybe they can be the Deadly Six, I guess) building up to the Final Boss against THE END or the Argus thing from Chronicles or a hybrid of both. Also, throw in Silver/Blaze/Nega stuff, like what a proper followup to '06 would be to resolve that paradoxical madness. I'd say Rush Adventure & Rivals 2, but those games feel like they can just be combined with Rush and Rivals, like I did with the Origins titles. Oh, and Shadow Generations for what Shadow's dealing with here.

Finally, the Threequel. SONIC ADVENTURE 3!!! ... I have no idea what this would cover yet.
>Then draw Mina with big boob and ass
>Have you noticed that Whisper and Tangle are more and more irrelevant
Yeah, they're not really doing anything cool anymore. Sonic and his close friends are even the ones that have to fix the mess they and Lanolin let happen under their nose.

Yes, much better. By virtue of actually letting the characters do stuff.

This. HARD this.
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What a good girl. Luckily Tangle is a good tard wrangler, otherwise this Wolf would fuckin' lose it.
This sounds like hell
That's just the direction IDW has taken him. I fucking hate it actually
What makes you say that?
>I fucking hate it actually
Me too...
If Lanolin actually faced consequences for this and what happened with Silver like having her reputation take a nosedive in-universe, than yeah, it would be perfect karma.
Lanolin needs to be milked
My cute sweet beloved Mina. The genesis wave may have wiped you from existance but you will always live on in my heart
Shoving a ton of things into a single thing instead of letting them breathe as their own experiences
What are the odds that Lanolin will get away causing a massive collateral damage like Whisper got away with "misleading" Silver?
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What if I had passionate loving sex with Mina?
Like I just kissed her and held her hands while cumming in her, her legs locked around me? Making her a mother and raising our kids and growing old together?
>lanolin sternly ordering you to assume the milking position
>admonishes you if you aren't firm and steady enough
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>Lanolin downward spiral
Sonic has done this
If a character like Mina had died in the Egg Grapes and you actually saw it happen, what do you think the response to that would have been?
Not canon FARTchie Sonic Chose SHARTy Acorn.
They'll blame all her nasty behavior on Duo and move on like nothing happened.
mina only needs one breath to be saved with cpr
Idk personally I would probably kill myself

It's canon to ME and that's all that matters
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Surge is the hero of the story now and Whisper is the only one who stood in opposition of her. Whisper is the villain.
Meowth that's right~
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>what do you think the response to that would have been?
Only based if you're doing it while she still has a boyfriend.
What's that supposed to mean...
Nooo anon you cannot say that!
Sonic should be placed in a situation where he has to choose between saving his friends or dooming another hero's friends.
Like, he can't pick a third option, good people will die either way, that's a certainty he can't avoid or mitigate and no one saves the people he doesn't save.
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I hate this dumb lizard so much........
Silver will save everyone regardless of Sonic's choice
Archie cucknic...
It just makes more sense to me.

CD and 2 are not sequels. They are "let's do Sonic 1... AGAIN". Tails, Amy, Metal Sonic, are constructed in such a way where they are just transplanted onto the Sonic 1 template. 3K is the same.

By adding 2, CD and 3K onto the Sonic 1 basis, you basically have something similar to Sonic Pocket Adventure & Sonic Advance, and the first half of Sonic Adventure's plot. Because SA1's first half, like up to the Egg Carrier, pretty much retreads 2, CD and 3K for Tails, Amy and Knuckles.

Rush is another "let's do Sonic 1 again" type of thing, but building off the Advance series, I guess. It fits in perfectly as the next thing after 3K, since all it has is an alt-Sonic, alt-Emeralds and alt-Eggman from the alt-Dimension. So it can easily be added in as well, without issue. Here's Sonic with the main plot, Tails with the Sonic 2 plot, Amy with the CD plot, Knuckles with the 3K plot and Blaze with the Rush plot. Rivals can also be added in for Silver, since it's levels are all on a version of Angel Island anyway, and Shadow in SA2 is just a variant of the Metal Sonic concept. So take Metal Sonic in CD and swap him out for Shadow, and have the ARK fill the space of the Death Egg, and it works just fine.

And the cross-combo of all of this together is what creates a hybrid of Sonic Adventure & Sonic '06. 06 itself is just "let's do Sonic Adventure... AGAIN" anyway, and this would expand on Rush's duality by having Solaris be the Sol-counterpart to Chaos, so most of the 06 side of things can just be focused around Silver & Blaze, while the rest of the Core 4 deal with the SA1 Chaos plot, and then Shadow & the ARK bring in SA2 elements underneath.

SA2's plot is honestly very straightforward and simple, so it's really not an issue. From Sonic's POV, all you need is City Escape and the meeting with Shadow, the Prison Island stuff, and then going up to the ARK. That can easily be combined with the other games' plots to expand things.
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>Sonic in such situation
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This, he would jerk eggman's cock with his mind and Eggman would bust so hard he would pass out, giving Sonic time to save everyone.
Sonic does what he wants and would find some way to the do the impossible. You just can't box him into something like that.
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>but building off the Advance series, I guess
You really don't know what you're saying if you're speaking from a gameplay point of view.
Silver is not gay
Rush does carry elements of the Advance series to some degree, it just adds the Boost mechanics on top of that.
It's Honey, bitch.
He would try to save everyone despite the odds, either to miraculously succeed against all reason, or to lose some of his own friends in exchange for those of the other hero's. Regardless of the outcome, he would certainly deny choosing one or the other.
No, Sonic, you can't have dessert if you don't eat your vegetables.
>Sonic does what he wants and would find some way to the do the impossible.
Silver will be there to do what Sonic couldn't and do the impossible + 1 to save Sonic's world and the future
No one can tell Sonic what to do. Sonic is free to live life however he wants by his own choices and no one else's.
>Rush does carry elements of the Advance series to some degree
No it doesn't. The Advance trilogy itself plays differently from one game to the next. You're looking at the most basic of things.
It has the Mid-Air Trick Actions from Advance 2, doesn't it?
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Congratulations, you're still looking at it on basics.
Uncontrollably horny around Honey
when are we getting a game where sonic does bad things that aren't just the incidental bad things that literal superheroes do on accident
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Guys I'm doing an interview for a car salesman, wish me luck
Sonic is not a bad person.
Define "bad things"
he's not a hero, he should do something bad, like ruin a wedding or something because he feels like it
I actually have a job interview tomorrow. If all goes well, I can finally help my grandfather financially and support myself.

Sonic is not a bad person. Sonic does what he believes is right, he can't ignore someone in need, and he hates evil and oppression.
Sonic causes property damage in Spagonia by running inside buildings at fast speeds.
That's the most evil thing he's ever done. To this day those people inside were not able to recover from the financial expenses.
That doesn't really seem like fun to me, and I bet Sonic would rather do something different with his time.
Sonic kills a bunch of people during City Escape
no he doesn't
He was wanted by the government, and he evaded capture to the point a military truck had to intervene.
At the very least Sonic is guilty of high property damage if GUN didn't evacuate everyone before hand.
Tell me more about your headcanon.
The city wasn't evacuated, the cars were moving.
people who say this unironically thing tasm spiderman killed a bunch of pedestrians
Look, he just really felt like having wedding cake specifically.
>Sonic does what he believes is right, he can't ignore someone in need, and he hates evil and oppression.
How is this any different from Silver?
He makes me feel things
lets say there was this wedding where someone was having the most amazing cake, and sonic wanted the cake, sonic should steal it from them
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Sonic wanders into trouble, Silver actively seeks it.
The only cars that were moving were the guys who give you tickets and they were put in there to get killed by Sonic on purpose because they pissed Iizuka off when he was in San Francisco.
Sonic is not a do-gooder hero who goes around with the specific intent of saving the world. When there's a bad thing happening, Sonic will react and do something about it. But when all's said and done, Sonic runs off in search of adventure. Sonic just wants to live his life and have fun, he's not looking to be a hero.
Do you lust for his jerboner? or his jerbooty?
Who pays for cake at someone else's wedding???
He would probably just ask for a piece instead.
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>Can I have a chilidog please?
>Sure, kiddo, here you go!
>One chillidog please!
>sorry, Sonic, we just sold out.
>Hey. Kid.
I lust for Tripussy.
ok but he wants the cake and they won't let him have any
I like the way he laughs
I like the way he works
I like the way he is...
They look like the same species yet not.
Sonic would go to GREEN HILL ZONE to eat his CHILI DOG with his FRIENDS KNUCKLES AND BIG who ALSO live in GREEN HILL ZONE
Stop trying to turn Sonic into a villain, just because you can't imagine a free spirit NOT being a total psychopath.
Don't worry Sonic
I've got a chilidog right here in my pants
Need to kiss this bastard...
Never. When Sonic Team says Sonic isn’t a hero what they actually mean is he’s a good guy without even having to think about it. It’s basically a humble brag.
He just wants some cake, how is that psychopathic? They're the jerks who won't share a slice of cake.
>t. psychopath
Sonic games have shallow world and character developments so that Sonic always looks the coolest and wisest and the sexiest
he isn't a villain, he just does what he wants. If he wanted a cake, and the people wouldn't let him have it, he would probably take it.
Fang saved Trip
Sonic games should be slideshows of white text on a black screen where you're told what happens without actually seeing it because your imagination fills in the blanks and you wouldn't be able to process the action anyway.
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GUN being mentioned in Zero Gravity despite not being present is the closest thing this series has to world building
>he would probably take it.
That makes him a thief.
Thus at the very least, a villain to those people who tried to guard their cake.
Forces did this already.
How long do I have to stomach Ian and Evan's crap in this franchise?
Trip hasn't had the easiest of times adjusting to modern civilization
Why does Generations 3DS have a Rush stage but not a Rush Adventure stage
How long you got on this earth?
sonic isn't a hero
Because it was made in half a year and only really had time to make seven levels
But in that previous scenario of stealing a cake, he'd be a villain.
That's what we're focusing on right now.
I'm not a hero either, but I'm not just going to steal someone's cake and ruin their wedding. That'd be mean and it would make me feel bad.
Because Silver is FUTURE HERO and Sonic is Past Hero, DUH
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>chill, loves adventure, has many friends, kind when it counts, and does the right thing
>has been seen stopping Eggman many times
>is not a hero

>violent, has a purple cat girlfriend stuck in another dimension, cares about the world and wants to make it better
>has only be seen stopping a villain when the plot can squeeze him in, and nothing else
>is more of hero than Sonic

Hmm something doesn't add up
Yes white privilege, exist fuck you browner
>is not a hero
Has he ever been described as "not a hero" in Sonic Channel in any capacity.
Not that it matters anyway because in Heroes, he deliberately calls his friends Sonic Heroes like the conceded jackass he is.
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4th of July soon
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ABT gave Rouge dat ass.
>bring up how satbk is pretty cool in a discord server
>Some tard immedately begins shitting on it
>everyone joins in talking about how cringy it is that they tried to "make sonic cool" by giving him a sword
>People start posting clips of the game grumps shitting on it
>People mistake it for" the game where sonic makes out with a princess"
yes i'm seething
It is a very hot summer day
Sonic wants ice cream
Sonic finds an ice-cream truck
The line is very long, too long to wait in
Sonic wants ice cream NOW
Sonic walks straight up to the truck
Sonic gets in the truck, taking what he wants
The server is yelling at him to get out
Everyone in line is yelling at him to wait like everyone else
Sonic doesn't let anything slow him down
Sonic runs off, delicious ice-cream in tow
Sonic does not compromise in his world
I'd seethe too. Sounds like a trash server and you should find another one that isn't filled with people who get their opinions from youtube.
Shadow x Geoffrey
GG fans are retarded
reminder that this is how most normies responded to the dark age games, this is how they think of it broken down.
people who shat on them for being "tonally off" are all nerds on the internet. People love the dark age shit BECAUSE Sonic is a blue hedgehog that runs fast.
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>MOBIAN LINE edition
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Bunnie and Sally go to the range.
>monarchist celebrating America
>I already told you, I don't mind playing the bad guy every once in a while.
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That's ignoring the context that the person he was talking to was trying to put everyone into an immortal Hell.
If you think you're the good guy for putting people into hell, in actually your perspective is just fucked.
>Rouge butt

>SA2 crew
Even more based
That's ignoring the words he's saying.
He's okay with occasionally being a villain.
sonic isn't good or bad though, he's a neutral force of nature going for his own thing, like the wind.
Shitty shading
So then the opposite is true in which he'd also be fine with playing hero.
That's a matter of perspective. Merlina thought he was evil for what he was doing.
there should be situations where sonic is fighting against heroes who are trying to do the right thing.
He can swing either way, yes.
For the foreseeable future. Izuka seems to like him and fan backlash would be to great if they sacked him.
Until IDW goes bankrupt or can no longer afford the Sonic license. So she’s probably gone soon.
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mmmmmm shipping
Sonic himself always does the right thing.

The idea is that Sonic rejects what the rest of the world says, to instead follow what his heart says is right. He doesn't care what the world says is "right or wrong", Sonic figures it out for himself through living by his own feelings.
I had a dream about frotting with Shadow
>Sonic himself always does the right thing.
Not to Merlina.
Very true. SEGA says the "badly received" sold well and I'm sure there's a lot of people who like Sonic but don't interact with the online community or follow popular culture news sites and such who just bought, played and enjoyed the games without ever knowing what we know.
Remind me, did Sonic apologize to Surge? I want to make sure I have an appropriate level of disdain for Redeemnic.
You mean like in 06 when he fought against Silver?
Sonic does whatever he feels like, just give him the slice of cake already, you greedy groom.
I don't remember
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What if Fang was in TMOSTH?
i think about sometimes how i remember back when i was in highschool (the 2000s) it was acceptable to mock people who liked Pokemon and Mario, but not Sonic and Yu-gi-oh.
In fact it's a universal experience for anyone who was a juvenile in the 2000s that you will get mocked if you liked pokemon.
I don't remember ANYONE mocking people over Sonic. Sonic was like Spider-man. You could see kids of any demographic with a Sonic graphic tee.
Sure it would be weird to have any SILVER memorabilia or start spewing about the fucking lore but Sonic was still pretty popular.
If I remember correctly he basically said,
>I now know you were totally experimented on and had your life ruined by Starline and stuff, so I forgive you for trying to kill us!
>However you totally have to let Eggman go after this and if Starline survived somehow I would make you let him go too. :)
Do you really think Sonic would just feel like stealing cake, regardless of whether or not the people who have the cake want to give it to him?

This isn't 'Sonic' in this scenario, it's YOU projecting what you would do if you had absolute freedom, and apparently you'd abuse the heck out of it.

Sonic innately cares about the well-being of others, and he believes in the freedom of others as well as himself. He's not just gonna rob something from someone.
There are thousands of little boys who enjoy Sonic Superstars and have no idea what "shipping" is. Sounds crazy, doesn't it?
You don't know that.
the art style on him is too flat
i knew about shipping since the first time i went on the internet when i was six because sonic fans talked about shipping a lot in 2003
So Sonic is not a true neutral entity. He leans closer to being a Sonic Hero.
>Do you really think Sonic would just feel like stealing cake, regardless of whether or not the people who have the cake want to give it to him?
If he wants wedding cake and the bride and groom are being selfish by hogging it all to themselves while not letting him have any even after he's politely asked for some, then yeah, I do.
Purity the Hedgehog
Who deserves Fang's big cock?
Sonic was never "True Neutral". Sonic embodies "Chaotic Good".

Sonic strongly values his own freedom to do whatever he wants, but always does what he alone believes is right even if the rest of the world tells him he's wrong. Sonic is the Chaotic Good that rebels against the tyranny of Lawful Evil, and clashes against the strict rigidness of Lawful Good heroes.
Yeah but it's theirs and not his, and he would probably feel bad if he took something that wasn't his. Personally if I wanted cake I wouldn't just take somebody else's because it would make me feel bad and I don't like feeling bad.
That's not Sonic, that's Eggman.
You already know who it is.
If they're being this inhospitable to him over one slice of cake, then they don't deserve to have it anyway, those villains.
Eggman is the groom, he invited Sonic.
So would Sonic steal cake from a person who murdered someone because she wanted their cake?
Me and he deserves mine
Everyone talks about Sonic Isn’t a Hero but nobody is ready for Eggman Isn’t a Villain
No, the person who would say "I want that cake, so you are going to give it to me, one way or another" is Eggman. That is robbing people of their freedom, trying to make them do what you say, and that is Eggman.
Fuck muttniggrs
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>Eggman is the groom, he invited Sonic.
Did Eggman promise cake to everyone too beforehand?
What is your point, exactly?
I was just kidding about the cake thing, I didn't know it was that serious. Sorry.
In my school Pokemon was popular for a while until it wasn't anymore and kids saw it as lame. Sonic was never brought up much, even outside of school, nobody really had a full opinion on it. But if I count instances outside of school, from around 2011 rather than the 2000s, I saw a surprising amount of people (like 2 or 3) who apparently just liked His World and weren't particularly interested in Sonic otherwise.
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Sonic doesn't see himself a hero, and Eggman doesn't see himself a villain either.

Sonic is a free spirit doing what he thinks is right in the moment, and Eggman is a selfish manchild who has never developed a proper sense of right and wrong to guide his actions. Eggman, at his core, is Dr. Babble from Sonic Prime.
If someone, walked up to someone else, and asked for a slice of his cake and got shot and killed, Sonic would kill that guy for shooting some innocent dude, and then take some cake and let everyone else have some because the dickhead who just killed somebody for asking an innocent question that owned it is freaking dead now.
Don't be, this is freaking hilarious.
Care to give details?
Bread and circuses.
Eggman is an anti-villain
Sonic doesn't compromise and he wants wedding cake. One slice can be spared, you're being greedy and you're telling Sonic what to do.
Everyone else already has cake, Sonic wasn't given any because Eggman is a jerk.
>>484456083 >>484456457
>Eggman is the groom, he invited Sonic.
Well that changes everything actually. Since Eggman is a prick who constantly endangers the world and ruins people's lives Sonic wouldn't have a problem stealing cake from him and laughing in his face because he deserves it.
I think I have a crush on Surge
Game theory everyone who works on side media is actually working for Eggman and thats why they all have him be a dictator with power and an army of people loyal to him or a dystopia
Sonic and Amy get together in my main continuity. It's considered the true timeline. However, in the fractured alternate timelines, we have

>Sonic becomes king after marrying Sally. If this was comics books, this timeline would be Kingdom Come.
>Sonic gets with Mina during the decades long fight against evil king Shadow to save Sally, only for Sally to be the one to save Shadow from himself. Sally and Sonic's friendship is rekindled, but they found love elsewhere.
>Sonic and Surge's rivalry grows into something more and the duo become wandering heroes. In this world, Amy came to love Shadow
Don't remember the details very well. It did involve grabbing his chest fur and him determining my quality.
That's the thing the fandom can't grasp.
Sonic was so fucking popular back then that everyone liked him and people might own merch or a single game, but everyone would say they were a fan. It was accepted by everyone to say you like Sonic only an X amount.
These days, being a fan basically means being a drone, and anyone even having a passive interest of Sonic are always ready to be dropped by the rest of the fandom if they wrongthink,
It's like trying to gauge Pokemon's popularity by games only. Of course they're fucking popular but there's a great chunk of the fandom that buys only merch. I'm one of those people who still like pokemon for the merch, the part of the franchise that makes the most money. I'm still a fan of Pokemon but not the games. The Sonic fandom works opposite of that for the worst.
What if Sonic teamed up with Bowser to fight Mario and Eggman?
Wait, who's Eggman getting married to?
Is Sage the flower girl?
An anti-hero is someone who does good using evil means, like a guy who kills and tortures villains.
An anti-villain is someone who does evil using good means, like a guy who plots world domination disguised behind charity events to get elected until he gains total power.
Eggman does kind of do this in a sense, since we know he has undercover businesses that sell stuff legitimately to help him make money to fund his empire, but he still does way too much actual up front villainy to really be considered an anti-villain outright.
Sonic would not act like that. If Sonic wanted cake and they refused to give him any, he'd just go get cake elsewhere. He is not going to steal it from them. Sonic isn't Rouge.

Rouge operates on profit-and-loss. Sonic operates on his own internal sense of right and wrong. Both are free spirits, but this is what separates them. Rouge would totally steal a slice of cake. Eggman would force the bride and groom to give him the cake because he says so and they should follow his orders, or else. Sonic would ask, and if they say no, he'd roll with it and leave, because they are free to do what they want with their cake.

But realistically, Sonic is very well liked in his world, so a random bride and groom that suddenly encounters Sonic is likely to offer him cake anyway before he'd even ask.
damn.. Wish I could dream of Cute Jokerian boys too
Sonic should have writing like Doctor Who.
Sonic should have writing like Mario Sunshine
Describe to me what you like about Surge so that I can decide whether or not she would like you back.
I love you, Silver the hedgehog..
>cor blimey it's me ol' foes the willywotzits! quick, companion, let's 'ave a quick shag in the timey wimey loo!
Again, Eggman is the groom in the hypothetical, he's telling Sonic what he can't do here.
I wasn't doing a metaphor, Sonic was invited to Eggman's wedding.
In my AU, Sonic, Shadow, and Knuckles kill Silver and Eggman Nega. Tails' ghost haunts Angel Island, Blaze is brain dead in a healing tube, and Marine is in charge of the Air Fleet and Navy that is looking for Eggman
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Why is it "Final Fantasy" and not just "Fantasy"?
This reads like a cry for help.
You laugh but sonic would work just fine with an entirely UK voice cast.
Blaze and Whisper...
The context of "Eggman invites Sonic to his wedding" alone comes with a billion questions.
What if Tekno met the Crying Lesbians?
in the Sage (AI not sloth) continuity Eggman is softened by Sage's presence and finds love with Vanilla.
We already have lesbians
I need to know all the details about this wedding to properly continue answering this question.
Very interesting...
All of them should be answered, the premise of Eggman getting married alone is entertaining.
>Groomer the Rapist
If Eggman Nega is a direct descendant and not the child of a cousin or something, it probably has to happen at some point
It's similar to the beginning of Sonic Colors. Sonic would destroy all the tables, defeat Eggman without a second thought, and eat the cake in front of him too if he feels like it.
anon you dumb fucking buffoon most westerners have literally only seen anime people in colorful medieval clothes in final fantasy becuase it's not that common STUPID
>Embodiment of freedom
I've been watching old anime
Amy Rose becoming Eggman's intern for the summer to make ends meet and developing, to her eternal shame, a schoolgirl crush on him

When she turns in a report and, towering over her at twice her height, he offhandedly says "good girl" she involuntarily squeaks and her tail starts wagging.
Sonic working with Eggman instead of the Shitty Friendstoration is based.
Is this at least after Sonic dies offscreen for reasons not related to Eggman, and Eggman inherits Sonic's spirit and then redeems himself?
Just fucking cancel IDW already nobody likes that shit
Sonic gets trapped in a machine, and Tails and Amy have to travel through his subconscious to save him. There, they find a region where each of the people he holds the closest to his heart are. There’s Tails, Amy, Knuckles… and Eggman? What would happen next?
What are you watching
No. Sonic is still alive and well but Amy is a little annoyed with him at the moment because he's off adventuring for the summer and she's got to pay rent on her apartment.
Archie>IDW and I think anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves.
Archie screwed up a lot of the canon characters, got bogged down in shipping drama, and had some seriously bad art, but at least people were UNIRONIC when they like Archie. People really only like IDW because they want to jerk off to the diamond cutters. There is nobody on this planet who genuinely says "I love the IDW version of Sonic" the way people do for Archie. It's just cope, all cope.
>Tails' ghost haunts Angel Island
Why though?
kiss tenrecs
Yes, but consider this. I don't like either of them.
Amy Rose is promoted to Egg Boss. How does she respond?
I like reading Archie because I write fanfiction in my head where Sonic is there too
kiss tenrecs
That's totally fair. Wanna make out?
Amy x Eggman is just Trip x Fang again.
>Archie screwed up a lot of the canon characters
Name four instances of this
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Fuck tenrecs
Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, Tails
Sonic, AU Sonic, and Shadow catch up to Future Sonic who led them on a chase across the galaxy. They crash land on a planet with strange relics and symbols. The three follow Future Sonic through a maze but it was a trap. It's an interdimensional hamster cage for speedsters. And inside is what Future Sonic believes is the key to eradicating all evil: The fastest thing alive, the first Sonic the Hedgehog
Archie may not have written the characters in character, but at least Ian wrote them in a compelling way and made them interesting. Now I wouldn't call them better than the canon counterparts, but they are really quite well written imo. The shipping drama is bad though, not going to lie.
The dress code of Eggman's wedding includes a clean pair of long black pants for all male attendants.
Sonic must wear pants.
No, kissing is gross and for girls. I'd rather do something cool like run around like the wind.
Remember when Preboot Rouge tried to destroy Blaze’s world
These colors look like ass. The whole thing is ass but mostly the colors.
Come on. Archie Eggman was awesome. But if you're measuring it on a scale of goodness depending on how they accurate they are, then of course, they are often bad. Archie completely fails by this metric, but its not trying to be accurate at all. It succeeds at what it's set out to be during the Ian era I think, but at the same time, not everyone likes the premise or what it was trying to be. Some people want something more SegaSonic than anything else, and wanted a game accurate comic. And if that's what you want, Archie is definitely not going to work for you.
I also like Sonic being like the wind. I'm just havin' a laugh.
Whatever schizo
FMA 2003
Big O
Detective Conan

He died in a plane explosion when the dimensions merged thanks to a battle between Eggman Nega, Blaze, and Silver. He was flying above Angel Island when it happened.
You asked for instances of “screwing up the canon characters” so I thought that’s what you meant
It really isn't, wind doesn't define Sonic, movement does.
Wind is a product of movement, it isn't movement itself.
That'd be justified if you were coolorfag. You're more pathetic.
Remember that Preboot Rouge is the strongest incarnation of Rouge to exist.
Have some gremlin ass
this reminds me of that old porn video where a lady is talking to a friend at a bar and a guy walks up to her and pulls up her skirt and fucks her while her friend watches
Game Eggman
>and then ill build the best city everer and everyone will love me and itll have a million theme parks and statues of me and and ill destroy that stupid old city instead and replace it with my cool one
Archie Eggman
>Unt fucking robots mein kampf I hate furries and love oil - The Joker
Which do you think succeeds better at being "cool" Archie Sonic or Game Sonic? I'd say that their kinds of coolness are very different.
"accurate" to what?
>oof owwie this AI is bad because.... ummm... the colors? and the pixels? and.... and... PAY COMMISIONERS WHAT THEY'RE WORTH!
Archie Sonic is cool because he gets to bang all the women
Sonic X had a "Mobotropolis". But was left unexplored.
Game Sonic is a virgin. I think the idea that it's somehow cool or normal to be a guy who has never fucked a woman is new age liberal bullshit. Sonic should absolutely get pussy.
Archie is cooler but we see more of him as a person, including his lows, whereas Gamenic is all just a pretty cool guy doing cool things.

Gamenic is somebody cool you see in a commercial, while Archie is a cool guy you know and happen to have seen in low places.
Actually trying to be cool, caring about how others see you, and using your status to make do what you want is lame. That's why I find Game Sonic cooler, since he's still cool, but despite that he remains humble, as opposed to Archie Sonic who would be a fucking pain to be around for any more than a moment.
A what? Is that a Mobian Line thing? Why would Sonic X have a Mobian Line crossover?
is that supposed to be the Echidna civilization? I see a pyramid.

It really does look like almost exactly like Mobotropolis though.
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For me Gamenic is cool because he’s beyond humanity in a way, we’ve had games that explore his character and how he’s kind of a strange enigma of a person who reached some kind of enlightenment despite still being himself. Archienic is a guy, Gamenic is more like a spirit or a concept, he’s the kind of character a protagonist of another story would see as a mentor or as a strange individual, which is how he reacts with the game cast.
archie sonic is a cool guy though
Game Sonic was always cooler. Archie Sonic ranged from simp to tryhard.
this is gynocentrism which is feminist currency
This is when they return to Mobius at the end of season 2.
There's a Mobian town on Angel island near the ME shrine.
Sonic is a just a very fast cool guy in the games, what the fuck are you smoking.
I need some draw help. Anyone have any images of characters with fluffy inner ears?
Sonic is a boys franchise.
Nearly every interaction he has with other characters is him either inspiring them to be a better version of themselves, them being pissed off and challenged by his way of acting, or both.
Archie Eggman was an edgelord. He was the kind of villain who would've been killed if he existed in the game universe because he was on he level of Black Doom. The kind of evil you have to get rid of.
He's cool in the way a stereotypical jock is cool. Which is to say everyone thinks he's cool and wants to be his friend, but he's actually kind of a dickhead when you get to know him, and eventually you stop thinking he's cool and go hang around someone else who's actually fun to be around.
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Just use my nigga Duo as a reference
That's because he is too cool for everyone.
Archie Sonic is someone who thinks and tries to be cool. Different from Game Sonic who is more naturally cool.
I don’t know how I forgot about him. Thanks bro.
But enough schizo rambling. Let's stop stealing.

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