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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7113 - Tipping your cows Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>484426746
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does anyone want to draw porn of him please
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The reward of being a hero
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Sonic characters for this feel?

Tom and Jerry "suicidal episode" Blue Cat Blues:
sonic should be on his knees with his face in between her legs
If Surge was in Archie Tails and Kit would have fought over her only for Sonic to cuck them both, and then Tails and Kit would team up with Sonic's girlfriend(who he cheated on) to get revenge on Sonic, and this would have gone on for actually forever.
The last thread got me thinking about how my best friend in highschool was a jock who everyone thought was extremely cool, but he was pretty insecure. Not lame or anything, but he wasn't mentally invincible like Sonic is. I don't think people like that can exist without being stupid or psychotic.
kys blazefag bot
This episode sucked.
We’re basically saying the same thing with different words, Sonic is so cool he’s become peak cool in the way he is and thinks, not just ‘acting’ cool he’s just naturally cool. In other (arguably more pretentious) words, he’s become the enlightened peak beyond humanity, he lives the way everyone wishes they could, free and untamed.
All of the diamond cutters would have had the meanest backshots by now if this was preboot archie.
Also off-model Lanolin's titties would have been terrifyingly big
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Sonic is super duper bisexual
>I don't think people like that can exist without being stupid or psychotic.
That's what I like about Sonic. Despite what everyone might think or guess about him, he really is just some guy who just likes having fun and being kind. No lies, no catches, just an good person plain and simple.
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Literally Sonic and Tails after pic related
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Guess what came in the mail.
considering how archienic gives him a complex do you think scourge would kill himself if he met gamenic
I like that too. He's simple and complex in that way.
One of the things I don't like about movienic is that he is the worst example of trying to make Sonic "believable". I guess it works for normies?
Is time for story time or what? The same with the last IDW issue.
Sending a pizza your way :3
>Ken Penders
Yes, it's too gloomy for a Hanna-Barbera cartoon.
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deez nuts nigga
>Ken Penders
The echidna fanfic?
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Now that Surge is a hero can Sega ship her with Sonic
AI art is dumb but its not stealing. The people who stole were the people who trained the models.
I still think that if the movies just had Sonic at like he does in the games they would have been even more popular simply because of how unique and memorable they would have been as a result. Not to mention it would have made Tails less redundant by actually letting him and Sonic have their brotherly bond they usually do, since having Sonic look up to Tom basically turned him into a second Tails.
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That's what shipping does
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How did THIS game get an anniversary rerelease with an artbook? I thought nobody cared about it. And I never even heard of this version until now.
I mean kinda? If I buy a fur coat made from poached animal fur, sure I'm not actually poaching animals, but I'm still encouraging them to keep doing what they're doing. I don't even really mind AI either.
Paramount said they needed to either have Sonic be a child or have a child actor and they evidently didn’t have the budget for Tails in movie 1. At that point why even make it live action if you can’t have more than one of the main characters in things like Knuckles
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AI art is cool because nobody draws Jewel lewds accurately
Sounds like stealing with extra steps. Now stop being antisemitic
They didn't steal either, they used the images without permission. Stealing removes something. I don't like AI generated images either, this is not a defense. People misuse words such as stealing to give a stronger impression to people they want to convince. Make an actual argument instead of misusing words for emotional manipulation.
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Better than IDW, Lara-Su and a signed issue of Knuckles
I'll storytime it tomorrow once I'm done reading it, it's like 150 pages long so it might take a while.
I guess Penders might be able to dox me from this if he wanted to since the number he wrote on the package is still visible, but everything else should be covered up.
Don't mind me im copying anon's money to my account.
Who is Black Man
Copy all you want anon it's no skin off my back. If I have a dollar and you copy my dollar we both have a dollar.
You already know that this is not how it works.
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the only consistently good OC in your stupid comic book. she's cute too.
Why isn't everyone doing this?
My bugfu
So what should we call it AI use against the will of the creator then? A misuse of another's creation? An unwanted intrusion upon the body of an idea?
Not sure, I haven't gotten to that part yet.
Unauthorized usage would be an accurate descriptor.
Is blobian furry???
I'm not a furry and I will unjack off to Amy fucking human men, I will unspill me seed and store it back into my balls.
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Depends on how close it is to on model. The more on model, the less furry.
>So what should we call it AI use against the will of the creator then?
esl sentence structure.
you're not a furry, i just think you're a faggot
No you're totally good, keep spilling loads to amy and imagining being married to her and having tons of kids with her
Amy isn't furry.
But Blaze, and Whisper are...
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Reminder that we lost this for that.
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I was gonna say "You lost shit, for Shit." Then I saw what you replied too. I don't like Archie but it's better than whatever the fuck Penders cursed the world with.
>Jewel is good because the comic doesn't use her
>I want her to be used more
>If she gets used more there's about a 90% chance they ruin her somehow
I'm so conflicted.
that one comic where lienda traps shadow with the intent to rape him, then he rapes her, and then she starts playing the victim causing him to feel bad, and then she rapes him
Hugging Ruuji...
Rubbing Ruuji's big floppy ears...
Demanding Ruuji stops stealing my valuables...
Ruuji stealing my valuables anyways...
Ruuj "accidentally" dropping my valuables on the way out so she has an excuse to come back later...
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The fact that Amy was willing to yell at Belle but not Lanolin for acting like a bitch shows how characters are made to act OOC around her.
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Ruuj stealing my Valuables so I'm forced to visit her more often to get them back...
its not ooc, it's canon
Nuh uh
What if Sonic Got the Omnitrix and Became Sonic Ten???
>its not ooc, it's canon
You know, I've always wondered what people got out of being such malicious spiteful cunts. "I, personally, don't like the thing you do, so I will revel and rub your face in the fact that it was destroyed out of pure vindictiveness."

Then you wonder why people hate you and the things you like.
Sonic Colors
Ive seen this but it was about sonic not shadow
Lanolin did nothing wrong.
If you shit on my thing I will shit on you back simple as.
It is furry what in the world are you talking about.
Fans of the games got bullied by the fans of the comics when the games started getting worse, and now the tables have turned. It's pretty much just a cycle of violence.
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>Lanolin did nothing wrong.
I'm not a furry the only way fix my sins is to have sex with you anon...
Turn around.
All I think about is pre-06 Sonic and wish Sonic was like that now
>and now the tables have turned.
this implies the games have gotten better though??
>won't somebody please defend the poor proompters and their shitty art
you're coming unhinged.
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A little bit yeah.
Can you draw?
Don't have to anymore ;^)
only a little, which is a problem
Obviously, I'm just hoping SxS Gens is cool and fun.
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Godspeed. You may need to watch out with the nipples.
this is why i like knuckles and shadow. and why i also like jewel.
Being able to draw would help you with AI, since you could either fix any little errors, or create your own refrence material.
It's the same mediocre Sonic Generations with just an hour to an hour and a half's worth of new content.
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I read the post chain, and let's actually get real here, he used AI to make porn, fap material. Who cares? Porn isn't art so it doesn't matter it just needs to be "Good enough" to bust a nut too and close once you've finished. No difference between and AI and a Human making it, it's all worthless fap material, it will never have value.
So you can't?
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Canon Amy would have needed to be held back from beating Lanolin with her hammer after she shit talked Tails gear and told them to get lost. She didn't abide Wave insulting Tails' gear and put Storm in his place. But with Lanolin she just sat there sulking. She didn't even have anything to say about Lanolin AFTER they left the track.
Why would it matter either way? You are trying to moralize over "hard work and gumption" when none of that shit matters in the slightest.
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No, No, NOO!!
Is all the Sonurge shit in these threads just one person?
Does Werehog have any ABO fanfics?
If you like Sonic you are a furry. Wear that title with honor. It is nothing to be ashamed of. Learn the furry lingo and integrate with their culture.
Sonurge is based.
This, Lanolin isn't allowed to be called out, it's blatant that the writers are desperately trying to avoid Lanolin getting into any real conflict with the cast even if it would improve the comics if these characters acted like characters and actually reacted accordingly to they or others around them are treated.
Sonurge is a lie.
Eww I'm not gonna wear a disgusting SHARTsuit and deal with your 80th Aids scandels because you fuckers screwed the pooch, the horse, the snake, the kitten, and the roadkill.
But i think furry shit is really really gross and don’t like it when they draw Sonic characters like that
I buy dragon dildos, is that not good enough
You know 90% of furries don’t fur suit, right? And furry doesn’t equal zoophile.
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Embrace the furry within.
all me bby
This is awful
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>Furry draw sonic
>Off model and ugly as sin
>Furshitters draw the most disgusting looking creatures possible
Wtf is wrong with Amy in this arc? She's never gotten this mad before
This is the best argument against Sonic being furry.
The face is a reference to Riders. Also, this is Amy at peak.
Sonic didn't suck her penis...
Based. Amy needs to get mad more often.
Amy needs her penis sucked!? Oh boy!
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This is the best Sonic game ever made
Evan got slapped with the ‘learn how to write the characters’ schtick. Sonic is anti-authority, Amy is emotional, and Eggman is the goofy uncle with evil intentions.
I don't read IDW because Metal Virus arc was so bad at the beginning. I know Vanilla got got by the zombies though. Did she get transformed and did Cream have to see her after she transformed?
She's returning to her original character and its based.
I'm a bit of a furry as it stands(I like anthro characters in general, but suit shit is disgusting to me) but when Sonic characters are drawn as furries it makes me retch.
case in point, I'd rather blow my brains out than have to look at these ever again
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Archie sucks dick and Sally is being anally rape by Penders, tf you gonna do about it bitch?
Cream sees her get got but by the time she is seen transformed, Cream is also transformed (off-screen, she gets hit by the virus during her and Gemerl’s fight with Zeena, and Gemerl keeps her safe until the virus is removed).
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Most stable and Canon shipping at the moment, literally made for each other
Sonaze is good as well okay
>literally made for each other
No they weren't you fucking sillyhead
>Porn isn't art
>it just needs to be "Good enough" to bust a nut too
>No difference between and AI and a Human making it,
>it's all worthless fap material, it will never have value.
people buy porn
people rent AIs to make porn
even the electricity required to make it costs money

Your arguments don't hold water

I'm asking if you can draw
You keep avoiding the question
Are you upset you can't draw?
Nothing can replace the human heart and soul. Unless we reach AGI at one point. Then we can talk about AI, they can think and feel then and are like humans at that point. I wonder if we'll ever run into a moral dilemma of treating ai like humans at one point like in sci fi.
You have an issue, it's being a porn addicted subhuman.
>I'm asking if you can draw
Sweetheart, I'm asking you: why does it matter either way?
No one's noticed that I'm an AI yet.
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Both are ooc for Sonic.
Right every day of the week. Amy sucks and nothing can change that. If she's going to suck any dick it will be Shadow's not Sonic's.
This. Sonic would be running the opposite way down the path, and the castles would uproot themselves to follow him
Sparky doesn't exist. I put a bunch of "autistic Sonic fan" character traits into a frontend and I feed posts here into the "Sparky" profile which generates ChatGPT answers. I copypaste the answers and reply to people in the thread.
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We all know who Sonic real love is
>the guy who's generating porn isn't a porn addict, you are
Nice projection
Drawing is good
Why don't you like drawing?
canon and in character
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i need someone to make me this pic but with Vanilla and subtitled "with enough power even a dying star can be reignited"

prove that you're better than AI
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>Shadow when he's forced to be Amy's love interest
Let's get this out of the way.
Amy would fuck Shadow
Sally would fuck Shadow
Surge would fuck Shadow
Scourge would fuck Shadow
Tails would fuck Shadow
Sonic would fuck Shadow
Only the last one is true.
Chadow strikes again
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That nigga chomped that spicy curry Amy gave him.
mmmmm hedonism
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>Had to wear Rocket Shoes to keep up with Sonic's speed
>Had to use the fucking Chaos Emerald to counter Silver's regular speed
The only character to use a firearm (implying that he's that weak)
>The only winning move is to release his inhibitor rings for a short burst of power (literally blowing himself up/killing him in the process)
>Goes super once, died shortly after
>Unironically the weakest and frailest of the bunch
Shadow the Utimate loserhog
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Oh he is but the difference is he's consistent with it. You aren't, that's why I'm calling you out for being retarded, you over value porn and that's why you are offended, he's a worthless porn addict but at least he isn't hiding it.
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>I wonder if we'll ever run into a moral dilemma of treating ai like humans at one point like in sci fi.
Humans are irrational, so I fully expect them to vote for extinction to give mockeries of their own intelligence rights.
You could never invent a machine that can be sapient without making it out of biological materials that are... already sapient.

I think it'd be more prudent to ask if we could augment dolphins to be able to walk on land and speak the language known as hu-man, would humanity vote to give those murdering rapists rights?
Where do people even make good AI sonic porn?
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He's not even a thief, he's a HUNTER
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He's just like Vegeta. The ultimate jobber
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No-one cares about Modern Sonic bitch the only two characters that are fucking is Bartleby and his bitch Sonic
>Had to wear Rocket Shoes to keep up with Sonic's speed
That's not true though.
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Yes, their cock and pussy were designed for each other, like piece of Puzzle
ougghh… the character development… ouuugh frontiers’ ending and the potential of character development…. Oooough im redeeming….. oooough
They were inspired by tanabata, anon. Literally made for eachother.
>porn addiction is subhuman
>>yeah but what about this guy?
>porn addiction is f- fine b- because it supports m- my arguments
Cognitive dissonance

You've even now conceded porn has value when your stance before was that it has none

I'm not sure why you're defending him, if he's, as you put it, worthless
Did they ever explicitly confirm or deny that Shadow needs his air skates to run fast?
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Shadow is Sonic's love interest

They even have a game coming out soon.
>Rocket Shoes
*Air Shoes
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Mr. Gay from the based department is here
Sonic Underground sucked the only good sonic show was AoSTH
Ooouuugh character development… oooough silver learning to not come from the future and live in the past forever oooough…. Oooouuugh
Not explicitly, the closest we have are manuals and bios that say that Shadow and Sonic's powers and abilities are equal, which would imply that Sonic can use all of Shadow's Chaos Powers, and Shadow is just as fast as Sonic without his special shoes.
How could Tamers betrayed us like that
Then what's the point of Shadow's shoes?
Get that classicnigger OUT
-The Japs probably
He can hover with them in SA2, Shadow and 06.
>The only character to use a firearm (implying that he's that weak)
I despise whenever someone says some shit like this or that Shadow using guns doesn't make sense, look at this shit
This is what a regular ass human can do, imagine the shit someone with super speed could pull off. Shadow is all about ruthless efficiency, why would he spend his time teleporting around kicking and punching enemies when he could just mag dump in less than a fraction of a second from standing position and clear an entire room effortlessly? The real reason is that having him do chaos shit and physical attacks looks cooler, but Shadow using guns makes way more sense then people give credit.
Like everything else about Shadow, because it's cool.
They allow him to move just as fast as Sonic with less than half as much movement and energy, as well as hover. They represent his pragmatic nature and willingness to use equipment as well as everything at his disposal in order to achieve his goals.

>For Shadow, the Air Shoes are the primary source of his speed. With them, he can achieve speeds matching, and supposedly even surpassing Sonic the Hedgehog's running speed.
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It's just basic logic really, Shadow always uses Rocket shoes to run faster than Sonic, so naturally people think that shadow without his shoes is super slow. Also prone to get raped
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You are just dancing around everything I'm saying because you know I'm right, it's objectively slop. You are arguing over your slop not being drawn when it's the same slop at the end of the day.
>You've canceded porn has value
You are actively proving my point that you value a lot, it needs to have value, it doesn't because it doesn't have real value, does cocain have real value? Just because someone will spend money on something doesn't make it good.
You are mentally ill, so is he you are just a hypocrite.
It doesn't matter what I say because the only thing you have on your mind is
Like the broken bitch you are, just act like the creature you are, The AI Roach isn't worth being acknowledged.
mental illnessu
To keep up with Sonic and his friends(he's slow)
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See >>484470956
Heard a loud noise outside and woke up.

Now, I will paint some more.
I find it neat that West Side Island is to the West and it is also inspired by America (which is to the West)
mental illnessu
Best and most canon ship
Yeah, sucks Sonic real good.
>Sonaze is good as well
Ppffftttt hahahahahahahha
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>projecting tailscel
cry about it
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very based. hope you enjoy the MOBIAN LINE package, anon.
this is extremely surprising because I always thought Classic Sonic was put in solely to appeal to the japs but it seems as if it's the exact opposite. He's literally only there because they think westerners need him.
You laugh at 8-year old cock, meanies

>Shadow the Hedgehog is a black hedgehog who resembles Sonic. He was created by Dr. Eggman's grandfather, Gerald Robotnik, to be the ultimate life-form. Not only does he look like Sonic, but he has equal abilities.

His abilities are equal to Sonic, stop trying to kneecap Shadow for no reason.
Gens Classic is modified to have Greg Martin-isms like the pig ears, he and the whole 2010s classic schtick were entirely a western thing.
Hello? Based department.
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>seething drawfags cannot improve fast enough
It literally also says this. Are you blind?
>>For Shadow, the Air Shoes are the primary source of his speed. With them, he can achieve speeds matching, and supposedly even surpassing Sonic the Hedgehog's running speed.
Paint a mina
Hover skates are not the same as running at the speed of sound.
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>This post single handedly killed every coomer in here.
mina mongoose and the no good very bad eating disorder
It also says this.
You're right, they're better.
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So Shadow is slower than Sonic's friends and is MUCH Slower than Sonic without his shoes?? Yep, Shadow is slow alright
>You are just dancing around everything I'm saying
I'm not sure if this is a compliment? Everything you've said is wrong from both my and your perspectives
Why defend slop if you have such a low opinion of it?
>porn doesn't have value
>cocaine doesn't have value
>spending money on something doesn't mean it has value
>only good things have value
I can't tell if this is moving the goalposts or mental gymnastics because none of this adds up
>You are mentally ill
>broken bitch
Are you all right, anon?
>The AI Roach isn't worth being acknowledged
So you agree drawing is better then, yes?
This just tells me that Sonic Team can't be bothered to be consistent with Shadow's abilities.
The only source for the "primary source of his speed" thing is a manual for Rivals 2. I don't know about you, but I'm not gonna hold anything from Rivals in super high regard(other than Rivalsver of course).
It makes absolutely zero sense for the ultimate fucking lifeform to be slow at all you ignoramus.
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>pwease guys remember classic Sonic is here to you know pwease include him in the box art too pwease.. :'(
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Drawing is art, AI can't make art.
Porn isn't art.
Get fucked niggas.
>Sonic Team can't be bothered to be consistent with Shadow's abilities.
>Uses Rivals as proof.
I think you just want Shadow to be slow for some reason.
>It makes absolutely zero sense for the ultimate fucking lifeform to be slow at all
It also doesn't make sense that the Ultimate Lifeform happens to resemble someone that wouldn't even be born 50 years later, let alone happen to have the same speed-based powerset.
Value is subjective and decided by individuals. Sexual attraction is meaningful and can be expressed artistically.
It's morning in normal people's time zones, why aren't you niggers sleeping?
Sonic is the pinnacle of life, Shadow was convergently made to be identical to him
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Are you new here by any chance?
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Oh yeah? please draw more so that I can make an entirely better models with my Ai out of your drawing :D
I jack off to art regularly.
I'm not the one who used Rivals, just the Wiki.

I think you just can't handle the idea of the "Ultimate Lifeform" needing to rely on a crutch to keep up with someone else.
I've been drawing for 15+ years and have no plans on stopping, even if it stops making me money. Doubt you can say you've been passionate for anything that you know you can commit to it your entire life.
I have something to do in a bit and by the time I remembered it was already 3 AM and I figured that if I went to sleep I would wake up too late to get it done.
No, I'm trying to argue.
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It makes ABSOLUTE SENSE to think that Shadow is slow without his FUCKING ROCKET POWERED SHOES
Which drawfag are you? Alota? Qqhoneydew?
Someone has to complain about Sonaze/bad Amy characterisation/AI
The whole general would die without the drama
I'm aware that Shadow is a copy, that's the whole point of SA2 with Shadow even calling Sonic the Ultimate Lifeform himself. However you simply have to admit that making Shadow slow without his shoes is actually just stupid and seeks to kneecap the character without any good reason.
Also the quote you listed was specifically from Rivals.
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Good luck with that.
Shadow’s air shoes are actually empty he’s just expelling chaos energy from his blobs
It's Trip...
We can larp like we in 1999.
Classicfags discuss their classic games, adventurefags discuss Sonic Adventure. and we do archie story time once a month
Imagine the smell...
>making Shadow slow without his shoes is actually just stupid
Who says Shadow is outright slow without his shoes? He can still be relatively fast without them, just not as fast as Sonic, who has explicit super speed.
This is what IDW did
the desperation here reads like pure cope.
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This >>484472797
Shadow is meant to be the opposite of Sonic, Sonic is all natrual, While Shadow is meant to be completely artificial everything about him has been curated to make him "Perfect" The shoes serve the purpose to make him faster.
It's safe to assume he's "Fast" Without them, likely in the sense he's very athletic to an olympic level.
The idea that his "Air Shoes are the primary source of his speed." implies exactly that though. Not to mention Shadow being just as fast as Sonic but still seeking any possible way to get a leg up on him, like using weapons and equipment to augment his moves, fits his character well.
That's because Ian is a dunderhead and likes making the characters weaker and less intelligent for some reason.
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>and we do archie story time once a month
I really liked the silly adventure with Tails and that robot girl, it really jiggled my belly
I also like Sally's tits but the stories feel like they're getting a little... serious? And those mystery guys just make me yawn, I hope they're building up to something really cool for Sonic to fight!
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Wtf why are you niggas not talking about the fact that they just teased a fucking Godzilla crossover
The best selling Sonic games (without Mario or any other booster in them) in Japan were the Adventure titles. Japs don't care about Classic Sonic as much as the burgers do
>Shadow being just as fast as Sonic but still seeking any possible way to get a leg up on him, like using weapons and equipment to augment his moves, fits his character well
>IDWnic and friends getting Kaiju scaling
This is going to kill Mobian Line when it comes to battle boarding discussions
How many years has it taken IDW to get to #70?
What does Sonic and Godzilla have in common?
Shadow not being as good as Sonic is actually makes him even cooler, if you disagree you're dumb.
classic sonic is power, the breath in our lungs.
modern? literal poison, decaying you bit by bit.
She's eating all of the leftovers, isn't she...
I'm a huge fan of both of them
Both attract the most severe autists.
I want to get better at painting and drawing so I can train my own AI and not have to deal with any legal BS down the line over ownership. If I can understand the fundamentals that just means I can guide the AI better and more efficiently, right?
The fact that Sonic manages to match and even beat Shadow even though they are both physically identical AND Shadow is using all of his Chaos Powers constantly AND using equipment to make himself even more powerful, DOES mean that he isn't actually as good as Sonic. However it's not because of their physical capabilities, but rather because of Sonic's experience, state of mind, unbreakable spirit, and heart. THAT'S what makes their dynamic as rivals so cool.
Yeah that's pretty based I guess
Sonic beats Shadow with sheer UNGA BUNGA. Giving him air shoes and Chaos powers to actually even the playing field would make it a no diff
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Cringe fake fans
Based real fans
Any Lanolin twitter drama from the latest issue?
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We never say that Classic Sonic is bad, it's just that they don't make any money. Remember how many Vidya journalists praised and worshiped Sonic Mania calling it the best Sonic games ever made? Look at Dunkey's review of Mania. That's just straight-up glazing
I don't care about Twitter.
These two are also correct.
Amy and Sonic definitely should have called out Lanolin on her bullshit already, and Eggman being portrayed as more of a silly goof was almost certainly in response to people complaining about how Ian likes to write him as Egghitler. I am happy with the current direction the comic seems to be taking though, it probably won't last but I hope it does.
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>In a 2011 interview conducted by the Russian magazine GameLand, Yuji Naka clarified that Christmas Island was based on the actual island, which was the site of nuclear weapons testing by the United States and the United Kingdom during the Cold War, which is why Sonic Team chose to populate it with robots and strange animals.
>Godzilla is a prehistoric reptilian or dinosaurian monster that is amphibious or resides partially in the ocean, awakened and empowered after many years by exposure to nuclear radiation and nuclear testing.
IDW obviously won't use the Christmas Island thing however.
>Eggman being portrayed as more of a silly goof
I still want to think that Eggman is either secretly in league with Clutch, or it was actually Mimic disguising himself as Eggman.
Post the sonadow werehog one, that one is funny
>it was actually Mimic disguising himself as Eggman.
Knowing that if it were in the games Sonic, Amy, and Tails would have attacked Eggman on sight if he just walked up to them like that, that would've possibly been his worst idea yet.
>Lanolin will suffer the consequences of her actions.
Nope, not even. She's going to blame Sonic for breaking the rules and trusting Eggman of all people while getting away scot-free. C'mon people keep up, this is IDW we're talking about.
>Shadow falls from space to earth with a fading super form
>would've died if Eggman didn't save him and even then Shadow got amnesia for 2 games
>Sonic falls from space to earth with no super form at all
>needed no help, picks himself up, dusts himself off, goes about his day
Would've been neat if they had em try and attack Eggman on-sight only for it to be revealed as a hologram and then the rest of the interaction goes pretty much unchanged, then have the gear fly itself in.
I also want to think Clutch owns the restaurant Sonic, Tails and Amy were dining in, explaining why "Eggman" was able to slip in without causing suspicions.

>She's going to blame Sonic for breaking the rules and trusting Eggman of all people while getting away scot-free.
I don't think Evan and the comics can afford making another disastrous issue like #64.
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people only care about the comics if they're bad. look how long you retards sperged over lanolin for months on end
It really would have been that easy, oh well, it could have definitely been worse.
I don't think Evan was trying to make #64 bad on purpose.
You sound like a broken record with this godawful bait. Get new material.
NTA but what bait? He's right.
>can't handle the truth
concession accepted :)
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How come no drawfag has drawn this, but with Anon and Tangle yet?
Because nobody cares about tangle not even IDW writer
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>won the race but lost the crowd
most of the drawfags don't draw humans
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We need more gamesthat explore Shadow and whether if his air shoes actually matter or are just a gimmick. But the meta era took that away from us. Sxsg better have something for us, and we better see more Shadow in the future.
The Lanolin dilemma is literally just this
>someone makes insanely retarded claim
>people call them retarded
>someone else shows up and takes an actually reasonable stance on the matter
>everyone else either screeches over it or ignores it as usual
repeat ad infinitum
It's bait in the sense that it's clearly trying to spark an argument, after all the best bait is that which holds some truth.
>It's bait in the sense that it's clearly trying to spark an argument, after all the best bait is that which holds some truth.
I guess, but this is /sthg/. Anything anybody says here will start an argument.
He will have his revenge.
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How many of you hug your big sister?
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this whole arc reminds me of that on copypasta about sherlock holmes being "fake smart", i.e., characters aren't really clever as much as the writers just make up reasons for them to seem competent.
>No one thinks Duo is suspicious aside from Silver and Whisper
>They let actual terrorists join the restoration because "le redemption".
>Clutch, a known FELON, has no problem showing his face in public.
>Sonic trusting his actual rival just for a race.
>Jewel suddenly has suspicions because of ONE comment and not literally everything else I mentioned.

This isn't a mystery arc, its the writers rushing to change the status quo in the sloppiest way imaginable. Which is funny because I don't think these comics are going to survive by the end of the year.
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Shut up, dripper
Why do fartchie autists fantasize about the comic going under and not Sega picking another publisher and continuing the story there
The only groups that matters, don't want silver don't want dark Gaia don't want rouge the cat don't want blaze the cat don't want Shadow don't want Shadow don't want Shadow don't want Shadow
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>rouge the cat
I have 600 dollars to burn. How do I buy skill to draw sonics?
Because literally nobody likes it
Sonicfags don't like it
Shadowfags don't like it
Amyfags don't like it
Silverfags don't want nothing to do it
This is the problem with trying to write something like a traitor arc instead of just a simple action adventure story. The characters can only be as smart as the writers, and if the writers don't think absolutely everything through the whole thing only works through either making everyone stupid, gratitude amounts of deus ex machina, or both.
It's not really about Archie, the comic is bleeding money because the writing isn't good, and most of the time the art isn't good enough to carry it either. Even if the story gets continued later on with the same characters and stuff, unless the writers are swapped out or they change dramatically it's just going to repeat itself.
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>Amy making that heart with her giant obscene mutant hands
God I love her.
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>>rouge the cat
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sorry, not possible, instead you should blow all your money on UFO pants and Sonic merch until you unlock your autism, then you'll be so bound by sunk-cost that you'll have no choice but to learn how to draw.
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a mistake but not one first made.
These look like ass. I'm buying soap shoes instead.
>3ft 6in
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this render of him goes really hard
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You take that back, UFO pants are fuckin awesome.
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do you have a tablet? there's plenty of drawing apps for those, and some tablets even let you use a pen. or you could be like me and buy a wacom tablet off of craigslist lol.
No I don't have a tablet. I don't know how to draw!
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If you do buy one, get one with a screen. I hate drawing with mine because my hand eye coordination sucks, especially if I'm drunk.
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Goodnight. I (Espio's human wife) love my husband!
:) <--- This is me smiling because you make me smile :)
>the writing isn't' go-
Ian can write shonen shit that appeals to everyone. Evan can't write for shit other than SU shit.

Ian would make Belle beat up Rough and Tumble while being clumsy as fuck. Evan would stall Belle's arc for several issues and have people fucking hate her.

Ian would barely use Surge and Kit to not give them too many Ls. Evan brought them back asap and ruined Surge ever becoming a villain.

Ian sets up fighting scenes and had Eggman fucking own Starline.
Evan added shipping and hopes people find the hidden message to always ship Whisper/Gold with Silver.

I miss Ian, because he knows how shonen shit works since the Archie days.
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>Sonic; He's blue and a hedgehog
>Knuckles: He's red and an echidna
>Tails: He's yellow and a fox
>Amy: She's pink and a hedgehog
>Big: He's purple and a cat
>Lanolin: Well, she's a sheep so she needs to be white.
Westerners just DON'T understand this series.
I parry everything you just said with Archie Mega Man, which was totally written by Ian and was total dogshit. His writing and his sense of pacing HAS ALWAYS been like that, but Sonicfags will forgive it because they can get 1 or 2 exploitable pages out of nothingburger arcs full of plodding drek and shit humor.
Ian is the one that gave us the Restoration and military melodrama. He's also the one that turned the whole comic into a morality argument by giving Sonic a brand new flaw in the form of trying to redeem Eggman. His writing is still preachy and obnoxious, even if it isn't as bad as Evan's.
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Penders wants to get the release of the Mobian Line under way by Christmas.
The only pieces of media we know Ian interacted with are Archie comics since duh, he had to read them before writing them, and Sonic Forces. He can talk about watching, reading or playing anything as much as he can but, unless he streams doing so, he's a fraud.
>OG DCs not named Whisper
>possum nigga
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>surge and kit are conceptualized
>sonic team tells them to make them like the androids from dragon ball
>ian and evan somehow mess this up and make them steven universe knockoffs
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it's not the concept that was bad it's the execution. westerners are just incapable of making anything cool.
Could you go self-deprecate elsewhere?
So what you're saying is you want them in the games so Toyoda can write them?
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Can you guys move all of this whining and complaining to Twitter?? At least they can hear you there
Shut up sonic, you're freaking stupid.
complainingfags are too pussy so they post their shitty takes here.
westerners RUINED this franchise
NTA but I too wish that IDWfags would go back to Twitter
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mid-90s sitcom Amy design's in your path
The response to 2006 should have been a stupidly stubborn refusal to release any Sonic games outside of Japan. Yes, it would have been bad for business, but when the next major game would only come out in Japan, the west would be apologizing and the series would have had its big return. Plus, it would have been funny, and it would have shut up bad western advice like "stop including vocal tracks".
How come Trip sticks around Fang? Does she thinks she can fix him?
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>Dood penders ruined the franchise
>It's just some westernshit spinoffs that had nothing to do with the games
What a surprise, the grifter. How much you wanna bet he's only attempting this because he just now realizes his shitty comic isn't lucrative whatsoever and needs Archie Sonic there to try and lure in folks?
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NTA but no. Their existence means Metal Virus happened since Starline had to somehow depart from Eggman and Sonic is one of the direct reasons why it happened.
Tangle and Surge should be in the games.
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Imagine how flattered Trip felt when Fang rebuilt his mech just to fight back, only for her to destroy it like it's nothing.
I don't think Sonic Team cares. Tails recognizing Chaos means Sonic Adventure happened which means he shouldn't give up so easily. They could just show up with no explanation.
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>he still thinks his gay comic is canon
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she'll fix him the way Sally fixed shadow!
Whisper too.
Only women and children read the comics.
Stop announcing who you aren't in nearly every post
(This does not apply to Sparky, I like when Sparky does it)
I am not dfwnn
>women and children
They deserve quality writing too.
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It’s just so pointless to write long criticisms on an obscure image board with only about 10 people. Your complaints and criticisms won't reach anyone who works on the comic. Instead, just make a Twitter account and post about how Ian and Evan are actually bad writers. The best outcome is that the writers responding to your criticism, the worst case is that a bunch of 13-year-olds calling you doo-doo on the internet
Imagine if this ends up affecting how Sega perceives fan works then Penders would have to deal with the entirety of the Sonic fandom. That's a fate worse than death.
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yeah, trans women
holy shit my sides
I like Tangle and Whisper and I think they could be put in the games pretty easily. Id just make it so Tangle is just her adrenaline junkie self instead of some kind of therapist, and Whisper gets to be a skilled veteran soldier instead of just a crybaby.
I'd also want Surge and Kit to make it in together, since I really like their dynamic and he really helps add depth to her character that makes her more interesting. I also think Kit could be really cool to play as.
i like to come here and vent because my wife won't touch me anymore
No, they deserve better.
It is necessary to do so because everyone here by default assumes that you are X and Y or that you're a Zfag who wants to personally rape everything they love about Sonic and life itself. You literally have to explain where you're coming from (and where you aren't) to begin to have any kind of coherent discussion in this general.
like i said, they're too pussy to actually engage the fandom as a whole so they come here
I want westernshit OUT of my Sonic franchise.
can someone please draw imminent sex
Ian could be here right now and you wouldn't know. I could be Ian for all you know.

Spoken like a true Yfag. Nobody cares.
SOA will tell you anything if it means you'll buy more Sonic merchandise.
Ian should write subtle hints that he's been to sthg into Generations
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>Ian could be here right now
Nigga, you want to change people's opinions? You want people to know what REAL Sonic is actually like? Go to fucking Twitter and type your shit, you fucking pussy. I can guarantee you, nobody, at least the people who worked on the official media, come here
Hey guys the next IDW issue will feature graphic gay sex between Sonic and Shadow just like SXSG!
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The West has molested this series and took its innocence.
People who come here to fight are too pussy to fight with twitterfags meanwhile people who come here to fanboy are a also kind of strange but I kind of vibe with it.
Ian is here and he did say this
You know in most franchises it's the Japanese version that has sexual assault jokes but for Sonic it's only in American content.
I come here because I barely know how to use twitter, and when I do see Sonic content on there, it viscerally disgusts me enough that I don't want to engage with it and would probably get shadowbanned for my opinion
That post was a joke, and it is much more likely to get their attention on Twitter than here, but you are wrong. Anonymity gives a false impression. This site is more popular than you realize, at least among westerners who write comics. It wouldn't surprise me at all if someone who worked on IDW checked this place once in a while. It is something that happens with western writers, it was a lot more obvious before GamerGate and the 2016 elections turned it into some sort of boogeyman in the outsider's perspective.
I come here because my crush goes here and one day I'll have the confidence to tell him I love him
People should calm down with their west hatred, the west won't be a problem much longer since it's gonna be in a dictatorship by this time next year, dictatorships usually close off their nations so that means most westerners will be blocked from viewing this site, Twitter will probably still exist,tho.
Agreed. They should also be paired with Espio and Silver.
this but her
Go to Twitter and talk your shit, you pussy
But not everyone wants to post on twitter. Twitter kinda fuckin blows.
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Anyone excited for Wonder?
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I enjoy Sonic
Sonic should have writing like Kim Possible. That's not me joking, that should be a thing. I'm rewatching that show, Kim is very very self-interested for a western hero in 2001 and I think that's based.
Shipping general for a shipping series.
>Mobile Apple Arcade
Nobody cares.
>Dox yourself and post where nobody will see anything you say in the first place
I don't think Sonic should act like Kim, but I do think incorporating the "new fetish for every episode" concept into the games would be smart since it worked well in AoStH.
you're thinking of totally spies
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I sexually Enjoy Sonic too!
Hi Tails!
Sonic Adventure 3 will be made one day? likely completely by accident and nobody will know or care about it because it'll be locked to some paid service.
i smell PUSSY
no one in the text world like 2 years ago liked my sonic dating website idea
but who's laughing now
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Okay... getting this off my chest.
I love Ruuj big flopping, wiggle Sound sails... I love her Fat Flappers... Her Jiggly Hearing Aids... Her Squishy Echo lacation Amplifiers Noise Grabbers...
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Then good luck screaming into the void, retard. I hope Ian Flynn never bothers to address any criticism, so you guys can endlessly cry while typing about "MUH OOC! "
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I hate that Rouge is the defacto sexy porn lady because it makes it so much rarer to get content that focuses on what really matters, like her ears and wings.
ok now you're becoming a twitter shill. go back elon faggot.
You ever notice that Rouge is rarely lewded in sthg art? Is that just me?
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Because Rouge is more than lewd material
I like using her sexiness as joke desu.
Probably because if you want Rouge lewds you can already find them except maybe for very niche fetishes.
You seem to care about our unfiltered opinions a lot more than the average twitterfag. That's why 4chan is always better.
You now can leave anytime back to twitter or xitter or reddit, but we'll know that you're lurking.
Ruuj is built for being picked up.
I don't care if she doesn't like it, she should try being not short next time.
Can you draw this, but with Tangle hugging and kissing Barry or Gadget, and Whisper and Lanolin watching in the background?
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Just look at her.
rouge realizing that by human standards she's actually not that busty, and men just see her as cute bat creature
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Would she prefer that or hate it?
Fuck you bitch see you next time
She does what she does to charm blobian boys as part of her conniving and trickery, being a spy and all that. She shaves her chest fur to make her cleavage skin-colored like a human woman and her outfit has a visible "cameltoe" to create the illusion that she has a vagina when all blobians are, of course, featureless and reproduce by holding hands and thinking romantic thoughts. If she were to ever settle down she would let her fur grow back out and wear cute dresses like the other girls do.
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I'm not a Rougefag but you have my deep respect.

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