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Dance edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

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We are so back!

Oppa gamedev style!!!
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
the list keeps getting bigger
My hypothesis worked. This is a huge breakthrough in finetuning different parts of the chunk in a more granular way. Basically, way more fine tuned caverns. Density functions piecewise in the chunk.

Praise be to the King Jesus Christ.
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I've spent 60 years on this capsule for the itch demo.
Anyone else notice how these posts are always made within minutes of eachother?
Im starting my first ever game what words of wisdom does /agdg/ have for me for a solo dev about to start following a youtube guide on unity today
Nothing, you're on the right track.
Stop and find something better.
You see that video thinking that everything will be so easy but you are not seeing all the things you must to learn to actually make a good game.
>but you are not seeing all the things you must to learn to actually make a good game.
I might as well learn if I sink or swim at game design. Theres nothing wrong with failing horribly at something, at least you tried.
Crabs need to get out. I can't believe the previous two posters almost let you pick up Unity. Unity is dead in the water. We do not use it here. We don't condone it. Godot would be a better choice. In the future, Bevy when it gets to a better state. Right now, Godot is the best, second to Unreal.
that means that daggerfalldwarffortresslikedev is based
Is there resources out there that don't require going through tutorials?
Don't listen to the Godot shills that spend all their time shilling it online when the best it has held up for games is Cruelty Squad.
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>no redhead 3d artist gf that's covered in freckles and has a thick french accent
Documentation, books
If you don't have prior experience with programming look up some programming 101 course online and go through it, doing exercises on the way to learn the basics before you dive into Unity. A bunch of universities have their classes for free online so it shouldn't be hard to find one. Bonus if that course is in c# so you learn its syntax at the same time.

>Crabs need to get out.
>proceeds to crab
Reading source code.
have you tried just like making game
hey boomer sorry to break it to you but it's not the 1990s anymore
nobody's reading or writing whole ass books anymore.
your first game will suck and not be market viable
but start working on your dream game anyway
unless it's a 2d platformer or a [insert retro game here]-like or any sort of -like
writing and reading a thousand broken up reply chains in a chatroom isn't better either zoomer
Was away for a long weekend, back on my dev bullshit. The face painting progress. Really pleased with the first finalized face, although I'll probably make some small changes in a later pass.
Whats with the ginger girl obsession lately?
I feel you bro, I want the same exact thing ( not so much freckles though tbqh). But she also has to say "Thoughever", "Thoughbeit" , and "Thougheverbeit".
very nice sir many blessings from Bengaluru
For Unity you can learn a lot just reading the manual and trying that stuff in the engine. I don't know if other engines have as good resources to do that.
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Asterigos, but better.
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I'm sorry to the bald anons I apparently offended, I promise there's nothing wrong with losing your hair. I'm sure you're still very handsome.
There's a gamedev youtuber who's a super cute ginger girl with freckles. Probably why.
mentally ill shitposters obsessed with some imaginary woman that they will never have
video games are all about imaginary things moron, do you play video games for realism or some shit
I wish ginger girls were real bros...
anon we can't hear the voices in you're head that you're talking to
Project Arcane looks like that?!
a lot of anons here need to get on those meds that cris got

fucking lmao probably our resident janny is bald and got mad

bitch how about you moderate the thread for once instead of issuing warnings for nothing?
to talk about fish with
YIIK actually has a good art style. Like the only reason people hate it is the gameplay and writing right? So I can take this art style for my game just fine?
anon your "gf" wasn't real
i feel like a retard. if i'd spend all day reading books instead of trying to find video tutorials i'd probably already be a pro. you are what you eat (read)
>not just programming
the art style is okay the designs are the worst kind of sjoimale trash
Not all of the characters are drawn great and the entire battles with their animations should be scratched, but, sure. That could work if you have the art skills.
Even when the game first came out and was being relentlessly mocked everywhere on the internet, most people claimed to like the art.
I used facebuilder with some actress reference photos to get the very base face on, then edited it to change the eyes, lips, add freckles, blush, and so on. Then used a bunch of reference photos for the hair and skin details and all to draw as a stencil, and a lot of smearing to blend everything together then stenciling over it again lining up the strands of hair and details. Took forever to find the proper workflow, but I finally ended up taking inspiration from Max Payne 2's models.

Tomorrow we start the other playable character's face.
Oh that's pretty cool. I gotta try facebuilder.
I tried just drawing raw onto a blank head base mesh I had for a while, but without getting the geometry kinda right it never looked how I wanted. Facebuilder is kino for sure.
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Are these good capsules? Do you think these games did well?
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Got some ammo types in the inventory, and linked up the ammo in the inventory, to the ammo on the right hand side, with the ammo box that you were drawing the bullets from. From 20, to 10 after reloading, and to the ammo box disappearing in the inventory after theres no more bullets to reload.

With that said, I wont be making demo day since I took too long with the inventory and not long enough with actual content.
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Always love your progress anon. I think that inventory splitting the screen open thing is so cool every time I see it. If you juice that up well that's gonna be iconic.
I like the aesthetic and the physics. Very impressive.
>vagina government the game
it's a video game, not a program
all of them except for the two on the edges of the middle row are fine.
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>Too depressed to work as hard as i can on project.

How can i stop being such a MASSIVE faggot bros?
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You are remembering to work on that enemy AI, aren't you anon?
this is vintage meme
You've gotten off easy. I had gotten banned for three days because I was feeling pretty bad thinking of kms. Previous day people were very supportive, the next day I made a follow up post but got banned. I don't have family and friends already, so this is the only place I participate in on the internet. Thought at least people have an idea of what each other are going through during the dev process. Can't have that either apparently.
Meanwhile, gore, eric, runa spammers keep spamming.
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nta but just practicing capsule art using his game.
Rushed the font, those can take hours to find the right one.
How the fuck do you guys create capsule art so fast? I know I'm an artlet, but you fuckers are beasts of nature.
Games literally used to be like this. And it was fun.
*free to play isn't intentional
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It's good to remember the past now and then.
prolly gonna work on sfx until DD starts, since i have practically zero rn.
lol, lorne is marnixbro slop
They all look good to me. I would play all of these games. Why can't my capsule arts look this good?
well that was probably faster than average to paint since it's 90% clouds/explosions(which are just angry clouds) I have painted a lot of clouds in my time.
what is it that makes capsule art so homogenized
this looks like a parody of 90% of the capsule arts you see on steam
DAZ porn game, it's shit
>mile high taxi
decent, perhaps, can't tell if it reflects gameplay
>beacon of bellrock
the characters and the building and the background contrast in a way that might get it mistaken for AI
generic but decent
>final profit
she's BALD bro

I can't look at this I've got work to do. Hire a fucking JP porn artist or something seriously the yen isn't very strong against the dollar
>main characters to the side looking into the camera
>white text(stands out to be faiiiirrr)
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>Dance edition
I remember this
>bad AI? it's a feature!
Needs some work but it's a pretty solid base I'd say. The main issue is what it was used to convey, the character designs kinda sucked and the environments where uninteresting.
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I solved my panic attack after getting my meds, by telling myself I don't need to be better than AAA teams, and only be better than kaliina, and that I only need to finish fast and quick and dirty, without worrying about getting it perfect, and that I only need to start releasing games that are 1% and just make 100 games more.

Excellence comes from practice and practice comes from quantity.
Because those are all created by the same person. Check the text.
>takes meds
>still posts the same
How do I know if they're working and he's progressing, agdg?
oh fuck nvm gotta fix the crash bug i just found
your first 5 games should be extremely small but relatively well polished
think of a tiny polished stone
not a gigantic boulder
your first game must be a polished pebble at most
keep it small
you will get good eventually
just don't waste your time making big games before you know how to make games at all
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i agree with most things jon blow says
i disagree with nearly everything /agdg/ says
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>westhalla 0
>juna 4
>final profit 254
>mile high taxi 63 (mixed)
>bubble shot 7
>uber destruction 17
>the legend of chibi ninja 17 (free)
>cyber lounge tycoon 10
>tokyo rogue 14
>outrace 1
>galaxy survivors 19
>void blitzing 2
>core devourer 65
>rerun 7
>infindustry 36
>perish song 4
>tor eternum 50
Rest weren't on Steam or hadn't released yet. I don't think capsule art matters that much. Depending on what this guy charges most of these guys probably lost money getting it done.
Kek this image makes me crack up ever time I see it for the first time in a thread (I think I dont remember too well), mobile turned pc dev anon. I dub thee MyDoomedGameDev

Nta but it's not like he has many games to share his experience with so it's easy to fallback on and share the same game over and over.
Is the bottom made by you? Roll the plane sideways a bit so that you can see the plane silhouette of the wings to make it immediately obvious that it is a plane.
How do you feel about orblikes?
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lol how is this legal
he is correct
diablo has always been an obfuscated gacha game
except instead of spending money on spins, you spend your time on dungeon runs
capsule art =/= game
Here's the terrifying reality; we've never actually seen him when he's not taking his meds.
why would it be illegal?
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how many jhannas have you accessed today?
This is literally how games from the 80s and 90s looked on the cover and you knew the game was 8/16 bit.
Start with a rock paper scissors game. It has the most basic logic and art. This way you can teach yourself how to do the basic game loop. Game starts, runs, ends, saves, restarts, loads etc.
>lol how is this legal
vagueness and sidetracking is jon's mastery.
>instead of buying your way through the game
>you spend your time on gameplay
This is literally how all games work.
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I changed the color of pretty much everything and also made a hub world to select levels and display scores. I'm really happy with how this is turning out.
Now I just need to write some music and add some sounds and I'll have something for Demo Day.
you don't know what gacha games are
you don't know how they work
you don't know how popular they are
you don't know why people play them
you don't know how fundamentally similar they are to orblikes
Why can't I be this good at art? This looks like pure soul.
Excuse me, all games that aren't cash shop or gacha slop.
sounds like you're describing jordan peterson
This was discussed before. The guy takes a break and goes on a vacation. After months of nonstop work, finally his, body, brain relaxes for a while. And he treats it as a revolutionary experience. No Jon, you just had a vacation and got some rest.
No, not for the price he charges. Nor most of the artists I've typically found. They all have some rather high prices for the quality they offer. Ranging from $300 on something so simple that you'll probably trash it and make it yourself later to as much as $2000+ but you'll probably be highly critical on the quality for the price.

>Hire a fucking JP porn artist or something seriously the yen isn't very strong against the dollar
Nta but where do I find them. The only steam capsule artists I'm finding are North/South Americans with rip off prices to quality ratios. One artist was like $300 but the capsule is so underwhelming that I'd rather save that money. Another was charging like $2k+ but with quality not high enough to warrant the price, maybe if it was $500 max. Then there's that guy whose art you saw above, his prices are also too high for what he brings to the table.
I don't get how paying money to roll gacha relates to grinding loot in a loot grinding game. Gacha isn't gameplay. Yeah I don't know why people play them because I don't understand how an individual can be so fucking lobotomized to fall for that scam.
This looks great
I'd agree with the side tracking but just a little bit. When people put videos of him, they sometimes put clickbait or unrelated titles. Meanwhile it's just a moment taken from his hour long speech, where he doesn't specifically talk about the subject of video's title, just touches the subject for a while.
But no he is not vague at all. Being precise is his thing. He chooses his words, sentences very carefully.
What's hard to understand about it? The game limits your progress by the gacha system. You could use the same character/armor/weapon you got from the beginning, but you won't be able to pass a certain point in the story. The only way is to roll the gacha which requires money except not really because the game will pay you to play by gifting you free roll of the gacha which is mind control, but it works because players think they outsmart the system by playing for free or without paying.
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My game I made in two weeks got frontpaged on Newgrounds
What the fuck are these capsules? You're telling me these are the featured games on newgrounds?
He might be harmless but remember, even a third world country considers him to be unsalvagably braindamaged.
When I first heard the term gacha game I thought people were making fun of hose types of game. As in gacha -> gotcha -> got you -> tricked you.
Dumb zoomer
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Now what.
I'm currently working with a certain JP porn artist but I've had to navigate the JP version of patreon and talk to them in Japanese
also, the secret is they only draw porn anyway good luck to get them doing capsule art

skeb is a really nice idea in concept if you wanted art like that, its like a higher quality fiverrr, except
>no commercial works
>absolutely zero communication or fixes allowed
so you know what? I'd like to know how you're supposed to get in touch, too, because clearly monster girl quest and other collaboration games had to organise somehow. Unironically, I think they may be meeting up at comiket and forming circles there and communicating over LINE or e-mail.
yeah, I just grabbed the plane from one of his screenshots, trying to make the capsule art match the game orientation. rolling would look good, perhaps lighting the plane up a bit from below from a search-light could help too.
if your life sucks then it's not depression, that's your brain being rational
>no user reviews
that's what happens when your capsule art doesn't match your game
people click expecting a high quality and when they get this, they immediately leave.
>but it's a reference for how old game covers are!
reference old game covers by only selling your game as physical copies in store, let's see how that works out for you.
Dealing with artists is so exhausting. Why do they ask be paid by hour? I'd much rather pay set prices for things I commission. I'm not paying an artist $600 because apparently it took them two gazillion hours to draw a rectangle. Musicians are bros, though.
it's like a book cover-art. sets the mood etc.
Who is the Frazetta of capsule art?
Being paid by hour is the most fair form of payment, what are you talking about? Your assumptions are what's bad here. You know you don't have to pay if they don't deliver what you want right? That's what the contract binding is for.
no bald, no kpop, no pity, only progressposts and tranime
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$6 million and counting for two unrealbros fresh out of high school.
>Being paid by hour is the most fair form of payment, what are you talking about?
Not him but it is objectively not. There is no incentive to finish work when you are hourly. In any job where there are deliverables payment by delivery is infinitely better. It means the obligation is on the creator to be fast, efficient and effective instead of wanking off for 0.9hr and doing a piece in 0.1hr then charging for an hour.
>You know you don't have to pay if they don't deliver what you want right?
That implies, granted if they deliver the exact thing agreed upon, they can stretch the delivery time past the actual completion for as long as they feel like (and I'll be the asshole).
Nice anon! Much to improve with the game though. I'm honestly surprised it got almost 4 stars. Everything I want to say has probably already been said in the reviews you got.
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is this a cave story-like?
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Except just about all diablolikes are completeable with the loot you find along the way. You're not forced to grind to progress unless it's garbage like modern PoE and even then it only applies to very late game optional tryhard modes.

Also finding loot is core to the games. Gachashit could have gacha torn out and what they have remaining is the same shit game. Take loot away from Diablo and you turn it into some different game.
kek i didn't read it but thought it said "MY DOOMED GAME"

kek that image is ontopic though. not the first on topic image i saw getting a ban. the other one, in a different general, was extremely on topic, it was literally a character from the game. nope 3 day ban

That's effectively what they are but the term comes from some japshit.
far superior capsule art
>kek i didn't read it but thought it said "MY DOOMED GAME"
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This didn't come out like I drew it out. But I made a quick model for a tomboy idea. Probably should make a new version.
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lol how is this legal
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Over 9000 hours in paint.
I wish I had a game designer to come up with ideas for my game
It's like Skyrim and Minecraft, but together.
isn't that just minecraft
Minecraft doesn't have waifu thoughbeit?
Same problem as the first capsule art, doesn't represent the game well. also AI slop is a turn off for many, using AI limits your audience
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The stupid hack, workaround and bad idea is using a pre-made engine instead of becoming an enginedev.
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is this a good header capsule composition? it feels fairly balanced but I'm not sure if it's too simple or not.
being paid by the hour when you have no idea when they're even working is literally a scam
Not really I've never played that game but it doesn't matter I already shelved it in my abandoned folder.
based, glad to see my constant shitposting about "CAPSULE ART SHOULD REPRESENT THE GAME" is leeching in
delicious thighs
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i still remember seeing pokemon green. did i switch timelines or something? it's not like i had a pc back then but i certainly saw pokemon green. here in the usa.

you sure?
and somehow gorefag gets through
I'll work on my game, in a bit.
I can't figure out stairs. Is there just a good stairs handler out there for godot?
It's shit and I'm not refactoring that much code this far into development.
ramps, sir. ramps.
worked for pseudoregalia
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Capsule art often doesn't visually represent the gameplay and it doesn't matter.
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I need the stair stepping stuff to work so I can sleep. I tried out this guys implementation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb-R3l0SQdc and it just breaks whenever I try going horizontal on stairs or slopes. Works fine in his own project though.
what do you think about the Kenney "drama"?
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maybe try more dynamic?
if any of the assets used by the copycat was original and not for public use by Kenney then it's valid
otherwise, it's just a bit rude.
in luftrausers case, it was popular before it ever got capsule art. plus being published by DD doesn't hurt.
maybe yeah, the title feels a little off in your sketch but it's definitely more visually interesting. thanks for the artmogging anon!
*and made by Vlambeer
i look like i will never be a game developer
Can't wait to submit my game to DD (Devolver Digital)
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Yeah I'm going to have to add a lot more polygons and figure out better face textures.
Why do many of them have this "look" that feels idk like they're similar to each other? It's not just this guy, I'm seeing others do the same exact styling.
it doesn't have to represent the gameplay, but not being misleading is a plus.
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>install the chrome extension that adds the estimated net revenue on steam game pages
>see that even really shitty games make at least about 1k

I'm gonna make it.
Why he shoot?
Why is that "anon..." worthy
watch some "my steam launch made HOW MUCH!?!?!?!" videos on youtube and you'll see the estimate always overshoots for small games
they seem to avoid giving f-tier to any game that appears on their review list even when it clearly deserves it. they seem to put too many in c tier or better when most of those will flop. so many of the games appearing on their tier lists seem lower quality than what i see here and if i think most of you are ngmi, unfortunate reality even if the game looks good, then why is he handing out C's like its nothing? i hope he is at least harsh with the games that appear in demo day. idk if he'll be doing a tier list or simply playing them.

i've seen him in the marnix youtube before, his capsule is okay but feels a bit lack on the right half
Hacktic's game uses none of Kenney assets
>rpgmaker "devs" who only post art get 20 replies
>actual gameplay gifs get ignored
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tell me more
tik tok/instagram ad. but the ad looks sketchy considering you're giving away money, not to mention i'm sure most people are aware of hackers usually being at the top of leaderboards and will thus simply ignore your offer even if they believe it is true and you will give that reward out.
post prove
Same. Since Marnix isn't even much of a gamedev he might end up becoming one of those people that passes by here every now and then. Or even lurking/posting here for years. I mean we already have at least one who's admitted it and assuming they're not all the same guy it might be several iirc.

On that note, I wonder just how many people who browse this general on a weekly or more frequent basis over months or even years, are simply people curious about us and our games or maybe just find the atmosphere fun.
is it possible to be consistent and doing the same thing every day? or do i need to spend some days eating well, learning, improving and then spend some days wasting time, eating pizza, having fun and then go back to being productive again?
i feel like i always strife to be consistent yet a consistent life feels so boring and i outright get angry at times about it and feel like destroying something.
maybe i need to embrace ups and downs more and stop caring about consistency.
actually i also notice my motivation and creativity gradually going down the longer i'm consistent.
Post game.
Anyone...? Can't seem to find a better implementation.
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no problem. I like your character
anon....he's in Zimbabwe, $1000 USD will make him King of Zimbabwe
go hiking.
NTA but good job
symbolism that indicates what the genre is, the actual characters involved or the art style, stuff like that also works
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Should kaliina be a measure of developer skill here?
are you the age of brass guy
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>talking in my normal voice?
>that'll cost you, tee hee
you pay for someones time, not for their skills. everybody can cook spaghetti, that doesn't mean you should do it for free for others
Why not ask your mom then?
i wouldn't give you free (You)'s either
that'll cost you writing a good post
at least we're not locked in a world where you can only buy corporate recorded voices, you should be glad
My powerlevel is 32 Kalinas
>you should be glad
bootlicking faggot.
in an ideal world, all software and hardware would be free and open source
copyright would be removed
video games would be able to prop themselves up so much better if we didn't waste time on trivial non-sense
creativity is limited and we are under a spell that is unbreakable
swallowed the hook with the bait lol
i work for you for free at your every whim, you gaslight me into thinking you're my friend
But anon, we are friends!

Now go finish that enemy artwork.
I will now play your game.
can you do 3d models? I will actually be your friend. I'll even invite you to my wedding to Lente
"noo don't make me a stay at home mom :)" energy.
version 2
lol, that emotional intonation is abysmal
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I don't know whether to be happy that some kind soul is making such awesome art of my dude or to be upset that I'm getting publicly humiliated like this. picrel is my attempt at replicating your perspective but with the main scythe weapon
>I like your character
thanks, your rendition of him is cooler than what he actually looks like lol. do you mind if I end up using your concept for the capsule?
AGDG every single day.
The power of art references. This already looks much better
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>tfw no cute mentally ill abuse victim schizo artist gf
They asked me to censor my game. I'm now going to reconsider my partnership with them.
What did they want to censor?
Prompt for this one? This is a good voice.
nana-chan on elevenlabs
All the dialogues and a character
I think your sketches are better that you are giving yourself credit for.
scythe version is nice too.
>do you mind if I end up using your concept for the capsule?
I'm happy for you to use the idea
unpopular opinion, but this is the best thread on 4chan. it's just fun to be in here. i don't depend on inspiration or motivation from others, so i could care less about progress posting.
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brogress, i should have been more mindful of the UV, with low res textures the seams are more noticeable when the orientation is different
post your game idea whats it supposed to look like
what do you prefer then?
Holy moly, she's cute. What game is this for?
A Hat in Time
>is it possible to be consistent and doing the same thing every day?
>or do i need to spend some days eating well, learning, improving and then spend some days wasting time, eating pizza, having fun and then go back to being productive again?
"Pedophile Honeypot 2"
i tried to make a game but got stuck trying to make assets, so i decided to take some time learning blender, right now i just have a vague idea for the game
what do you think crunch is? it's totally possible.
>2 days
I can start tomorrow.
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>so i decided to take some time learning blender
You are doing great then, I hope to see the models being used for a project in the future. Good luck.
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should i just become a wagie dev bros
thanks anoncito
i just like cute things, no, i am not a homosexual
>normal voice
>nothing special
>4.9 rating
>try to check her prices
>fiverr blocks me because it wants me to turn off adblock

Because she's the character portrait artist.
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>she's the character portrait artist
wait until you find that music albums exist...
nta but that's insidious because you genuinely do make me think we are friends, after all we're aggy daggy bros.

>devil spire dev trying to improve his 3d art
be honest did you really sleep with her? how was it
do daz morphs work in unreal
Did you follow any tutorials? Looking to learn Blender as I just can't fucking take Maya anymore.
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yeah, i'm in the same situation. probably gonna try getting a job some time later this month or in August. however i have no intent of focusing on moving up the job ladder. it's so i don't have that overwhelming sense of dread of failure for my game along with not being a leech, oh and to get a gf too. doubt telling them i'm a neet at this age will fly all that well. i still intend to work on my game and can probably release by my new deadline but i sure hope it releases sooner.

aww anon don't ruin anon's literal mommy artist by posting such a degen pic. i'm not actually him i was just pretending to be him
we're all gonna make it
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in my game you play as a little mouse guy :)
should I stop being a wagie dev bros

i have a lot of savings
I thought he would think it was funny. Oh well, since you're not him anyway. No harm, no foul
>... and that's why you should use AI in your game!
The social pressure to not be a neet even if you have money and are working on something full time is depressingly huge. I have 500k + 60k passive income and still get endlessly attacked for working in gaming instead of having a "real job", even my partner does a bit.
what is daz for then
years ago i tried to follow those blender tutorial but it was boring and i didn't felt like wasting 10 hours making a donut, this time i tried to make something on my own and google what i thought i needed
Post game idea?
do you have savings or do you have passive income from investments?
>500k + 60k passive income
hope this guy is an engine dev
do this:
I finished my first rough draft of my demon day level. It's a little uneven right now and probably will still be for demon day, but that's okay.
Thanks for reading my plog (my progress blog.)
you're welcome
i did find it funny but it might cross a line. what if his mom is browsing? doesn't that mean there's now 4 anonettes?

i wonder how much that donut tutorial even helps towards gamedev. i know 3d art requires a lot of weird stuff i don't understand
>weight painting
>other stuff
hollow knight except it's redwall
Rigify makes rigging easy
Weight painting is intuitive, just tedious.
Normals are intuitive.
Other stuff is pretty hard though.

Blender can do a lot of cool things. Just get to work on something you care about, you'll figure out how as you go.
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I need the song "Not Gonna Get Us" but with the lyrics "We're All Gonna Make It" because we will totally make it you guys!
I will comb through this. I pray this will either provide me the solution or insight I need to solve my issue and if so I will jump with joy.
Just today I tried the method in the video you linked and it didn't work for me. Then I tried the one in that github issue comment and it worked GREAT.
If you want, I can post my specific imolementation of it tomorrow, but it's basically just copy-pasted right from that comment.
Good luck anon.
>Weight painting is intuitive, just tedious.
luckily blender auto weights are pretty good if your rig is done right and your topology is good
I am going to make it.
>If you want, I can post my specific implementation of it tomorrow
Please do! I'll continue digesting this infor before trying an implementation. Again, thank you for you help.
I AM going to make it.
less shitposting more work if you wanna make it
>doesn't that mean there's now 4 anonettes?
I don't lurk here every day so I'm out of the loop. What anonettes?
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This is a joke of course, there are no games in this thread.
literally me
the best way to yesdev is brap gooning
only if it's nightcore with an anime girl as the image
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>polished game
>1 review
it's over for us all
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it's over
how do i get 60k passive income
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ya im thinking of using my prototype of my game to apply for some dev job maybe but it all feels so clownlike, goodluck neetdev bro
deserved it
Tomo, Damaskus, Horbror and Cris are all trans women - i.e. anonettes. :)
What makes that game "polished" in your opinion
yeah, I'm not gonna make it.
i give up.
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>some zoomer on /v/ calls your game "sovl"
how was the /v/ games showcase anyway,. was there some kinos
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There's still so much left for my demo, looks like I will have to crunch like crazy tomorrow.
just don't participate
I DON'T GET IT! Every now and then I browse some game's and end up finding out that dev of this or that game goes from 1 game that looks like it was only made by 1 guy to a game that looks like it was multiperson team. How do all their skills improve by such drastic amounts in under 5 years? What am I doing wrong! Why are they gaining exp much faster!
Is this the new meta? Claim that games that released 5 minutes ago have flopped?
you can do it bocchidev!
Don't worry anon, I will shit on this game and then you will feel hope again.

The first few seconds of the trailer are actually pretty cool. But then the screen starts shaking like crazy, and already I'm not a fan, as I can't imagine looking at a shaking screen like that for longer than 5 seconds.

Then we get to see the actual gameplay. The UI looks terrible. The upscaled sprites on the right look out of place. So do the sprites themselves. They look like stock rpgmaker sprites. The UI looks very gray and boring, and I'm intimidating with the amount of information on screen.

But then, the final nail in the coffin, the logo appears out of nowhere, with a very shitty voice over saying the title. And yes the voice is purposely made low quality, but that only works if the initial recording did sounds good. Also the logo does not match the art style of the game at all.

This game should be happy it got that one review, though it's probably their friend or something.
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I was looking at this because an anon posted it previously critiquing the capsule art, and I was wondering how anons feel about a steam page without a video? I was thinking of holding off until I had enough content to make a good video before creating a steam page.

That aside, I recognise most of the assets used in the Beacon of the Bellrock. It looks like a full on Unreal asset flip.
Stop posting on 4chan.
nigga's having a schizo meltdown again
>some short stack doters calls my (yes mine, not yours) game cute
I'd be in utter shock and quickly asking her to be my gf.

Too busy lately, not going to submit my game in this one.
5 years is a lot of time.
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gamefeelbros... did we just not juice it enough?
Forgot the link:
....that's my game tho.........
Well then you're retarded
Visually your game is one big nothing
godot stop making RESET animations godot stop making RESET animations godot stop making RESET animations
oh phew nvm was looking at the wrong post bro. almost thought my aggy bro was shitting on my game like the only toilet in mumbai with a 10 mile line of westerners trying to use it
>don't need to be better than trash
you DO need to be better than trash
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just in case nothing else gets my game traction (cause traction is all I need. The game is good enough to virally spread itself), I have a contingency measure that's 100% guaranteed to get me a big burst of attention
what exactly is "game dev".
programming is programming
modelling is modelling
animation is animation
drawing is drawing
music is music
but what exactly is gamedev? the decision part?
if so, do you guys study gamedev theory?
If you have to ask
gamedev is the ability to juggle 10 different things that no nigga in his right mind would be trying to do all at once
Yes. A game is all about design. You could have a game be a single screen that you play by looking at it. Not even any buttons or controls. You look at it and do something with it in your mind.
>the one review is from the fall for you negative review guy
>everyone here can do it
explain this
it's all of that
>what exactly is "carpentry".
>sawing is sawing
>hammering is hammering
>sanding is sanding
>drilling is drilling
>planing is planing
>but what exactly is carpentry? the decision part?
>if so, do you guys study carpentry theory?
Carpentry is functional. A set piece that crafted from other materials.
reddit is basically 4chan, but with more moderation and more overconfident dunning kruger people who all think they are the most intelligent people on earth. but the actual content is the same quality. 4chan is at least a bit funnier. thats why i come here.
reddit might have less shitposts and trolling, but also no quality content.
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Not everyone here can do it WELL
more like tutorial heaven lmao
How come the Chinese are able to make games so fast and so successfully? Is it really all about IQ?
i used to think a video was whatever cuz i usually look at screenshots to see if i like the game, but i think not having a video is a big mistake, you for sure want a trailer of all the best parts of your game
gamedev is what those game design youtubers whove never made a game talk about and just shill their patreon
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just use metahuman lol
that's so penisy
Probably trial by fire, most people in China are really poor and desperate
Damn another idea stolen from me
Give me one more superchat, give me one more superchance
Okay but that dude walking on his hands is pretty cool
Lmao for real, but I have no idea what they do
How do I do this?
Is shooting cum globs really that novel of an idea?
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managed decline burger cope
So this is the power of /agdg/ devs...
finally, Toothpase no Monogatari
how do i get over the feeling that i have to sit on my pc endlessly until i finished my game? i need to take a walk, have friendships, have a life. but i feel like as long as i don't finish something and earn money i'm not supposed to have a life. but that bites me in the back because it causes depression.
not him but looks like metaballs
Depression isn’t real. You don’t need all that boring stuff either. Just make game.
how do i make a creator where you can modify their skeleton at runtime
>don't worry about getting it perfect
>make my next game better than kaliina
>need to finish fast quick and dirty
you are so close, and yet so far. quick and dirty is how you end up making more kaliinas.
put more effort into your prototype
make it reach its fullest potential
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>demoday in >2 days
i sleep
>demoday in <=2 days
real shit?
sftu, i'm homeless, what are you talking about
90's pop music superstar amateur game dev

>Damn another idea stolen from me
What was your idea? Cum simulation?
>How do I do this?
Everything is basically a sphere
Physics: Just loop through all the liquids/projectiles, move them, and check for collisions with solids
Rendering: I generate a signed distance field on the GPU using a compute shader and raymarch through it in a fragment shader. An octree is used to speed up the SDF generation. The scene in the webm runs at a stable 240fps throughout, but I have decent hardware, so I think there is room for improvement.
Lmfao don't try to pin those those spook memes onto me just because I mentioned China is a shithole.
levelbros, we just need more assets
Chinese being high IQ is a scam. I think it's mostly their culture. They're used to working like slaves living in roach-like conditions. Their national identity stuff also makes them support Chinese games fanatically.
// Get the camera's forward vector
Vector3 forward = Vector3Subtract(ViewCam.target, ViewCam.position);
// Make sure we only consider the horizontal component
forward.y = 0;
// Normalize the forward vector
forward = Vector3Normalize(forward);

// Get the parent's Y-axis rotation if the character is a child
if (gameEntities[characterIndex].isChild) {
float parentRotationY = gameEntities[gameEntities[characterIndex].parentEntityIndex].rotation.y;
// Create a rotation matrix for the parent's Y rotation
Matrix parentYRotationMatrix = MatrixRotateY(DEG2RAD * parentRotationY);
// Transform the forward vector by the parent's Y rotation
forward = Vector3Transform(forward, parentYRotationMatrix);
// Calculate the right vector based on the adjusted forward vector
Vector3 right = { -forward.z, 0.0f, forward.x };

//Update moveVector based on key input
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_W)) moveVector = Vector3Add(moveVector, forward);
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_S)) moveVector = Vector3Subtract(moveVector, forward);
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_A)) moveVector = Vector3Subtract(moveVector, right);
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_D)) moveVector = Vector3Add(moveVector, right);

Does anyone have any idea why when my gameEntity is a child, the forward movement vector is all wrong?
Just ask chatgpt bro
Chatgpt is kinda retarded, it will give a solution, and when you tell it the solution didn't work, it will give a 2nd solution. When you tell it the 2nd solution didn't work, it will regurgitate the 1st solution again.
I have this exact same issue but in terms of getting rich. Its not 24/7 but is detrimental
What is exactly "cooking"?
Peeling is peeling
Chopping is chopping
grilling is grilling
marinating is marinating
braising is braising
but what is exactly cooking? The yelling part?
if so, do you guys study ramseyology?

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