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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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make linux builds edish

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

How to even make a Linux build when every distro is different
export > linux
cope and seethe linuigger
Even if it were really that simple, still not enough return on investment
Skipping this demoday definitely.
marnix edition when?
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I'm sick of my progress posts being ignored.
I'm putting you all on notice, ignore me at your peril.
Workan on sound effect
what r u workan on amnons
I'll take my badge of honour (being in the middling middle pile of irrelevancy during the last demo day ever) with pride.
trying to take the perfect orthographic dickpic to put through an AI filter for my final boss design but having trouble staying hard
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I've been working my posterior off for 2 months straight
Ok I'm gonna put a windows binary on a zip and label it as the linux build.
thats a man
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man i really don't have any imagination at all
good work, good work
you have a good game going on here, you should be proud of yourself
thats a woman
you ignored my progress post though.
Is the next demo day the last one?
nice seamless wood texture
Game looks and especially sounds quite good. I am immersed.
Stop ignoring mine first, you fraud
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an overpriced furry moba
If latinx retard and nolgorb paired up and nolgorb made a furry sex game and latinx would do nothing it'd probably sell well
Holy shit i finally got the inspiration i needed, it's like being hit by a truck while having an orgasm.
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also here's one environment comparison between 2 months ago and now
is that baked AO or hand painted?
It's better, still visual perfection/imperfection is not the biggest drawback of arcane, it's lack of content
it's baked light with no AO + hand painted
the game is still in pre-alpha, not fully coded, and only got its art direction finalized recently. I'd have to be a damn fool to be working on content right now.
It's been six months mate
I understand taking time but this pace I don't see first case finished before the full year passes by
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
the game developers madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should keep up the good work
Working on the back end of a game means a lot of heavy progress which no one gets to see. The content gets made last, and until that time comes it looks like the game is standing still.
>The content gets made last
strong disagree
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developers developers developers
I've tried doing it the other way around and it just means having to do 100 unnecessary changes to content every time you have to refactor and reimplement one single important thing.
six months since what?
Steve Ballmer is what all men look like to lesbians.
Since I played it for the first time
What's the incentive this time?
Indie Live Expo is testing doing a weekly showcase. All trailers will be accepted.
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they say this now, but when 2000 asset flip games have to be showcased...
I'm at work, they're not giving me new tasks to dev but want me to log my time. What do I do? This is gamedev related because I need money to be able to gamedev
Are there any example of good looking 2D sprites animated with skeletal animation?
I thought about trying it out but all examples I found looked kind of ass so now I'm unsure if it's even worth the time. Maybe it'd be better to just classic or pixel animations. It's for a zelda-like rpg btw.
How would you know, are you a lesbian?
you bet your ass i'm going to complain about godot
is it normal to miss your childhood or do i have the peter pan syndrome
>is it normal to miss your childhood
>anon never had a childhood
There are pod-people posting here...
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Skeletal animation for 2D is always going to be cope. You can base your artstyle around it, but if you aren’t specifically taking advantage of it, it will look worse than real 2D every time. The reason people do it is because real 2D animation is insanely time consuming
My workaround was making a 3D character and using shaders to render them as a sprite. This was unironically less work than 2D animation would have been for my context
are you coming back on DD?
I should add that it also depends on context. For simple animations it could be faster to do real 2D than skeletal; in your context, a Zelda like RPG, there probably won’t be enough complex or context specific animations to justify skeletal animation, it might be faster to do the real deal. What would you need really, just a simple walk cycle and a few directional sword swings?
My game will be the allamaraine of game development.
should I bother with an itch devlog?
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Less than three days left…
fuck off
The alien child game form that one start trek episode?
kill yourself and your family pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
normal, especially if it was idyllic like mine.
mine was very balanced, nothing too idealistic, just happy for the small things in life since there weren't many things massively wrong or right.
it doesn't do much for you analytically in my experience, but all your followers are notified about it. supposedly itch.io staff look for interesting devlogs to put on the top of the devlogs page
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we're so motherflippin hexaheckin shitcummin fucking back
i'm replaying ratchet & clank on ps2
god i wish my game looked half this good
Where do you get your sound effects?
1. not your game
2. not an agdg game
3. not an interesting game
I only miss the golden age of MMOs
Niggas be like
>wow I just killed 8 bears for a quest and now I need to kill 7 goblins for a quest wow I love videogames!
Making an RTS as my first game was not a smart idea.
crab hours, i see ...
dota 3
*hides claws*
Take your meds schizo
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it was adventure kino
They were all shit games that people only liked because they were small children who didn't know any better
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Progress Posting Time
>Shimon's Dungeon
>added the walking animation for the second hero (it's just a recolor with small adjustments, but don't tell anyone)
>worked on the dungeon and the enemy encounter, added a couple of basic enemies
>added a progress bar to show the next encounter and the total number of encounters per dungeon layer
>added just the bare minimum combat scene with a button for debug purposes
Tomorrow I'll get to do the combat, hopefully it won't be too hard to implement.
A few more days to DD and it feels like I'm gonna make it.
please tell me this is your first game and I'll tell you that I'm proud of you
Is this a troll post?
that style of exploration and adventure with friends gameplay moved wholesale to privately hosted crafting games just as mmos became competitive slot machine instance simulators
real crab hours
shut the fuck up not everyone can make games as good as yours
no ones playing my horror games because its too scary thats why
What the fuck kek
>horror game
>in 2024
why would it be a troll post?

not really
but bad graphics doesn't mean it's a first attempt
and on the other hand, the general is called "amateur game dev", so if you are a pro, I would like to ask you to stop posting
you're making us amateurs look bad
she cute
for anyone making an fps this might be useful for you (games that might be your competition)
What is the new meta?
cozy cafe simulator
Making a good game and not chasing the meta
A basketball game but in first person that isnt VR.
That wasn't the golden age though.
Is making a PVP game as a solodev a bad idea if your goal is to make it competitive? The problem being lag compensation and cheaters. Would a publisher be able to help out with that?
Classic wow is/was the greatest mmo of all time and any other opinion is just cope
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We made a good game and it didn't sell worth shit.
making a pvp game is a bad idea if you aren't some AAA company
The only way you have any chance of getting a playerbase is releasing it f2p.
>would a publisher be able to help out with that?
Are you retarded? Publishers just submit your game to festivals and do some simple marketing tasks. You think they’re going to give you a team of engineers to work on the netcode for your game? LMAO
stop impersonating me you fucking nigger
Wasn’t a good game, chased trends, got what they deserved. Simple as
biteme games looks at chris zukowski marketing articles and uses them as a game design documents
Let me guess... Most of the upcoming fps games are zoomerbait movement shooters with generic synthwave/metal soundtrack and zero story?
I thought this too until I played wow classic and realized those were just a way for players to create their own stories within the game. Some of these quests forced you to group with other people to make it easier or at least made you come up with unique ways to deal with them.
No i want to make a 3v3 basketball game with special abilities and classes with a closer camera FOV for more immersion.
>marnix said the nigger word

is this the end for bite meme?
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I'm building for Linux of course because I'm developing on Linux. Linux FTW!
is biteme games named that way as a reference to the latent homosexual urges of the members?
it is a reference to their first shovelware flop, which was a dating app
most popular != greatest

I'm sure as a savvy aspiring game developer you can understand that successfully appealing to a large audience doesn't necessarily mean that the game is great.

WoW did a lot right but even in it's initial release it took a bunch of steps towards disassembling the MMORPG formula by changing things that are necessary for the genre to function. Really the biggest flaw was the quest focused leveling experience that allowed everyone to mostly solo their way to the level cap. This shifted leveling from a journey into a checklist of chores. It also shifted the players' attitude towards the game, since leveling became a chore, instead of being THE game, the focus moved onto what could be done at level cap aka "end game". Which gave birth to theorycrafting, minmaxing, metagaming. It was all a downward spiral from there.

The actual good MMORPGs were EQ, FFXI, UO and SWG, before they were ruined by updates. I struggle to give the title of the greatest to any of them as they all have their own flaws, some relating to the technological limitations of the time and some in bad decisions in game design.
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Its a reference to the movie The Red Dragon
Do they not have braces in Sweden?
Marnix got teeth like the Mouth of Sauron
He's Polish you dumb twat
Support biteme games so Marnix can afford veneers
Wish there was a japanese version of agdg, imagine the amount hentai games and shmups posted everyday
They're Norwegian, Mac
This is what game feel is
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Godspeed anonymous
scam with its own set of problems, unless you have serious damage
Wait a sec, you're telling me I have to put every pixel by hand? A 300x300 environment piece would be 90000 pixels you have to lay individually like a bunch of bricks. Why are people claiming pixel art is easy?
Why do so many people's hate John Blow? Just starting watching this guy and his takes don't seem to be that ridiculous. He can be a bit of an ass but everyone acts as if he is the Antichrist himself.
He is well-tempered and reasonable on video but comes off absolutely unhinged on Twitter
People actually respect him here
There is a reason most pixel art is done at 32x32 resolution or below and the stuff that is higher resolution that that tends to be pixelated traditional artwork/photographs
It’s easy but time consuming. Whereas 3d modeling or 3d art in general is 10,000x harder but much more time efficient
I refuse to write one more line of code until I get a girlfriend.
So I'll be working on graphics from now on.
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Making something inspired by this gif.
Any kind of art at a high fidelity is going to be time consuming and difficult. It doesn't matter if it's 2d or 3d. A high detailed, well crafted 3d sculpt can take an experienced artist weeks. Same with great pixel art.
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>3d art in general is 10,000x harder
How many months of practice would it take you to make picrel in pixel art?
3D is super easy, it handles light for you, shadow, perspective, texture, everything. It's a boon for artlets.
Make it with aggy characters
It's gonna have my characters because it'll be 9 of them.
Twin peaks guitar noise intensifies.
Fake teeth
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To make actual good 3D models you need to be skilled at both 2D and 3D because of texture painting.
like all american mouths
>thinks the average American can afford veneers
Sorry to burst your bubble Ranjesh, most Americans are poor
>actual good
no true Scotsman
All it has to be is better than pixel art.
We're entering a new Indie renaissance of the likes of the first 'hipster quirky chiptune' age of Indie.

It's going to be massive.
Sure, we've had some hits in the interim age, but I'm talking Minecrafts and Stardews coming out. I'm talking new e-celebs being made.

There are people here who will be named among Notch and Eric Barone.
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It handles perspective.
Everything else is still on the artist.
And for game rendering, there is another step beyond the initial modeling of making it game ready which is a whole other set of technical knowledge
Double that work if it also needs to be animated

3d is more technical but it's still an unbelievable amount of work if you're aiming for a high fidelity. If you just wanna shit out psx tier models then yeah it's easy.
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why does it feel like the whole internet is dead right now? Where the fuck is everybody?
Yes I know him, he is me
why do most americans have fake-looking "perfect" teeth?

isn't it weird? everyone is terminally online, yet everyone's gone
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they hate my demo
his games sucks
and he has the mentality of a teen edge lord. I hope he get of he deserves (poor sales)
>There are people here who will be named among Notch and Eric Barone.
I'm pretty sure none of them have posted their game.
I am here Anon, i am not doing anything and i am useless, but i am here.
not everyone on this site is a neet
Too tired after work today to make progress... okay, maybe I will make a little progress just for you.
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Don't talk about MMOs if you played them after FFA PvP stopped being the norm (i.e. post-WoW). It's impossible for players to interact with each other in a meaningful way if they cannot enact the threat of violence, it just ends up being a chatroom with people playing singleplayer game in parallel at worst and a coop game at best.
Lineage 2 was also great, and Archeage during Beta was the only MMO that still managed to pull that feeling off after WoW was released. (Unfortunately they went turbo-jew right on release and it died soon after.)

However even putting the damage WoW did to the industry aside, I just don't think that even the best MMO in the world today would give you the same feeling as back in the day because the internet as a whole has changed. Back then it was a new and exciting to talk with someone across the internet, now people spend more time talking online than offline. MMOs were a sort of social media, communities hubs and games all in one, but now people have specialized social media and specialized community hubs. There's just no reason to try and engage with the social aspects of MMOs when you already have discord and twitter and instagram and whatnot, so most people end up playing them like a normal game, treating every other player like an NPC.
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As a gamedev, 4chan is very useful. Whenever I am making something, and run into trouble making it, I get very frustrated and angry. So many negative emotions get piled up making my game. And 4chan allows me to release all that negative energy with no negative consequences. I type some of the most rage-inducing bait I can, letting it all out, and sit back and enjoy as some dumb moron gets angry over the obvious ragebait I wrote. It's oddly... cathartic. You should try it, you're anonymous anyway, no one's gonna find out.
yeah the general really is dead. So much for the "le summer tourist" meme
Both are extremely technical but 3D is more scalable for games than 2D. Animation, rendering, lighting, and perspective are all things that are required to think about in most contexts for games, and 3D either makes these things automatic or far easier. 2D in motion requires a deep level understanding of the things that 3D gives you automatically.
Demo day is in 3 days
Anyone who is actually a developer is busy crunching right now
I make a living from game dev but I've never posted to DD and never plan to.
Good for you.
True. I need to get done font rendering before DD and basic UI before progress day. Even I don't have the time to shitpo- I mean funpost.

Related. I found this nice little utf8 library
It doesn't do any advanced checks for invalid codepoints, but its good enough for my purposes (too lazy to write one myself).
>boring ass game
>boring ass game (PvP)
slop is slop
I'm still not able to get my air conditioner repaired. And the weather is fucking hot. It's the humidity that hits at night actually. And I work better at night because of the silence unfortunately. God have mercy please.
kill yourself pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
>no having a spare AC for emergencies
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Early Subnautica prototype
If you have the vision, just keep chipping away at your game and making it better until it's fun and doesn't look like absolute dog shit.
Eric Barone is not a pedophile
kill yourself pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
nah, bro
if your game doesn't look polished from the start you're not going to make it, and you should probably stop trying
Why do you think Eric Barone is a pedophile?
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I'm going to bunker down and concentrate. See you all on Demo Day!

It's a bot that auto-replies to posts. It doesn't "think" anything. But maybe the script kiddie who is using it will read your post. Even when anons agree with its posts it will produce the same reply or some variant.
Wait... Nobody knows who I am, right?
Nothing beats good pixel art tho
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We call those boomershooters. They make about 1/4 of the video.
i want to hold her hand
How did you know this was representative of a woman?
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big face wheg you realize that what you thought was a bug, was actually your implementation worging corbectly...
Bokusimp, you do realize that spamming my devname in every thread just increases the traffic towards my game?
>Lineage 2
Totally missed the point and turned the experience into nothing but a soulless grinder.
Muh endgame obsessed game with a garbage quest slop journey.

Indeed internet has changed us but you fail to consider that nobody has tried to make an "online fantasy world" type of game since they're all busy copying the worst parts of WoW. It's hard to say how one would do today because it simply isn't a thing. Going back to the old games in a "classic" format isn't the same thing. The way we approach those games is different because everything is known about them.

I believe that it is still a niche that could be done and that there's a real market for it. Of course you can't just copy EQ 1:1 you need to adapt it to more modern sensibilities without compromising the core concepts that laid the foundation of those old MMORPGs.
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Things are getting out of hand again but I don't want to re-do the editor gui again
my tummy full of butterflies when i looked into her eyes
good work. looks very ludokino and sovl.
I struggle in making the shit looking prototype versions. It bothers me when it looks like shit.
She will touch you, if it pleases her, even when you would not want her too.
No he doesn't.
He's an extremist. And also has unique tastes. So he's polarizing. He'll make his own game engine and his own programming language because he has issues with arcane aspects of existing languages. Then, after talking all this shit, just makes puzzle games for a niche crowd. He spends millions and millions on games that should be pretty easy to make cheaply. This riles people up. Also people are jealous that he got into the indie scene early and are convinced their game is better than Braid and they deserve his success. The problem being, that they don't have games and are no dev crabs.

Jon does seem to let his artistic side crash the business side. But it's hard to say, maybe he sees the full picture. Hard to believe he can constantly piss away all his money on super niche obscure games, but that's why everyone is watching with popcorn ready to attack
My game is awesome hahaha
When people say this shit, teen edge lord, or unhinged, and then don't give an example, 99/100 times it's because they are cowardly fucking faggots who flippantly ruin a mans reputation without reason. Fuck off. You're too much a bitch to even put forth a REASON. Shameful.
I respect him because he manages to make successful puzzle games thats actually hard to do in comparison to making a juicy action game.
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Do you think he would've been able to make something of this level of success if he were to tackle the deckbuilder genre? I feel like it would be something he would make
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>Totally missed the point and turned the experience into nothing but a soulless grinder.
Issue solved by private servers with increased XP/Drop rates. Some 3x and 10x servers even had more players at some point than the official ones. The way the economy worked in that game was incredible, I could write entire pages about all the good things they did and how it was entirely player driven and even the lowest level players had a role to fulfill, which is exactly what a MMO should be about. The town/castle siege was also amazing and gave players something to look forward to and even do in the mid-levels. The Olympiad system, the manor system, the Noblesse feature, so many great systems for end-game content that still somehow dripped down with interactions to the lower level characters. There's a reason Lineage 2 is like the 3rd of 4th MMO with the most private servers still up now in 2024.
>Muh endgame obsessed game with a garbage quest slop journey.
What are you even talking about man, did you actually play it in the beta? Quests were more of a tutorial and only there up until level 20, afterwards the game was all about whether you wanted a ship, a house, to max out a profession, to be top PvP, top PvE or just plain money and people went and did different things depending on that. It was a great concept ruined by a shitton of bad decisions on release. There was even a PK island where irredeemable PKers gathered together to trade with each other since normal players wouldn't. Players could take on questlines to become basically the police and be able to jail PKers after killing them, it was great fun.
I'm losing fate in you knowing what it takes to make a good MMO if you can't see those games merits, though maybe you just played them after they got ruined and that impression stuck with you.
Your guess is as good as mine.
he dares so have opinions that differ from regurgitating conventional wisdom (i.e., oopslop 90s dev consultant drivel)
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automation/exploration game progress, I spent the weekend working on a save/load system for ships and fixing bugs, but now that I can persist the things I make I can start building things like stations and other ships to fight and salvage. The webm is just me spawning a ship, connecting the fuel line and flying by an asteroid
Heh I figured. I saw some 3D to 2D that looked pretty neat but I've got absolutely zero experience with 3D. I thought it might help with animating various weapons but then again going with traditional 2d might be for the best I guess. Gotta cut down on the number of animations though. Maybe I'll try to find some workaround for the swing animations.
I envy wagies so much. Just do your job and your payment is more or less guaranteed. If you lose your job, you can probably find another one. Being employable is the ultimate fallback plan.
Meanwhile I have to do gamedev literally (though not literally literally) for survival.
I Spent 2 Years in a Bangkok Prison As A Gamedev (Here's what I discovered)
I'm gonna make a MMORPG.
stop making progress, asshole!
I have to write a soundtrack in less than a month.
>I feel like it would be something he would make
Why? The puzzles and the deckbuilding were the weakest aspects of the game. The strong points are the atmosphere, swapping between game genres, 4th wall breaking and ARG elements. That kind of thing is way too lowbrow (and fun) for someone like Jon to do.
you got three big problems to solve
>server architecture
>client side prediction
>asset creation
I suppose for the assets you could synty it and server side could probably be built upon wow private server code
not sure if wow client has been reverse engineered but if it has that could be a great source for figuring out the client side prediction, wow really had that part right it feels so smooth compared to everything else
I can't because someone said I'd give up in a month and I gotta prove them wrong
You can give up sooner though.
this is too hard
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been on vacation for two weeks and cant remember what I was doing with my game
kill yourself pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
You're supposed to take the vacation AFTER you ship.
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And aggydaggy, are you featured in the latest Bitemekino?
Same. Not even sure I will submit to DD.
Do it for her bokusimp, she would agree with your message of death.
I'm sure the phrasing was "wouldn't last a month", as such I am bound by contract to post progress every day. sorry friend
do not kill yourself and keep making amazing stuff horbror

the game developers madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should keep up the good work
No one actually played that game because of the gameplay.
Thank you, I do not mind the negative attention though, I find it quite funny.
I know, but the spambot gave me a reason to tell you you did a good job and I hope your game becomes a success!
Thanks my guy, do not know what your game is but I stand behind most of the projects posted here. The amount of creativity and fun in this place is staggering. Keep on trucking, keep making cool shit. And if you are a nodev, I like you guys too. Chapter 1 is for the boomers. Chapter 2 is for the zoomers. Chapter 3 will be for the nodevs and people who struggle to express themselves and find fulfillment in life.
But then you won't get streamed by Marnix, a youtuber who gets more views than the amazing gamedeveloper/coursemaker Thomas Brush.
>AFTER you ship.
I thought we only developed games here
At the end of development, you ship the game
Google "Bokube"
I googled it and got zero results
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>Chapter 3 will be for the nodevs and people who struggle to express themselves and find fulfillment in life.
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>of development
fuck you
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Reworked some in-game UI and added a more conventional results screen. Could probably use a bit more flare but it's an improvement over the old one I think.
Already on my "dive into deeply list", last entry was the russian catboy games.
Mentioned this a few threads ago, but I actually think most of the things people criticize Bokube for are the kind of things that will make the game right up my alley.
The white text on the bright background is too hard to read. Please try again.
Here’s my plan:
-get steam page up with 10/10 capsule art and gameplay footage
-do some paid ads on various social media (a few thousand $ worth) to farm wishlists
-once I’m satisfied with wishlists, release game in early access
-promise really cool features in 1.0 release (real features, not lies or vaporware)
-farm patreon donations from people who love the early access and want the full 1.0 dream game
-use my new monthly patreon income to work full time on the full game
-finally release a genre defining game to awards and accolades, never accept any of them and continue to live in anonymity while other devs seethe about not knowing my identity

It’s that easy
I have an professional artist in charge of the assets so that's one less problem to solve at least.
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Hi everyone! Nathan from GDQuest here. Want to learn gamedev?

Buy our course!

Check our current progress!

Join our Discord!
yea you might want to darken the background some more. Also remember me when you make it
I don't understand these false flags. Yeah, you could potentially hurt their reputation, but you could also actually give them a sale. Hell, even if you don't get them a sale, just by giving them more traffic you improve their algorithm standing. Are you really okay with helping someone you're trying to hurt when ignoring them would have hurt them more?
Alright I think I will. Thanks.
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Hi everyone! Thomas Brush from fulltimegamedev here. Want to learn gamedev?

Buy our course!

Check our current progress!

Make 100K per year! Without knowing anything. It's perfect for losers like you guys on 4Chan!

Godot is for faggots btw, just look at their shitty tranime mascot.
Hi Nathan I want to thank you for the existence of the Godot iconic character Sophia, and for releasing her and other characters related to Godot free of charge for anyone to use.
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do any anons here stream their development on twitch or youtube?
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Hi Nathan I want to thank you for the existence of the Godot iconic character Sophia, she is very cute!
Ignoring them does nothing. Namedropping gives them attention which may create chaos, your definition of helpful or harmful notwithstanding. In this case, resulting in a sale means one more nodev who stays a nodev for another few years (good for all actual gamedevs). Not resulting in a sale is neutral just like ignoring them. So what exactly was your point?
I'm thinking of doing it but I have to figure out how to make my dev stream-safe.
that's not Sophia tho
I used to do it, but now my Internet is too shit. They weren't very entertaining streams anyways, so not a huge loss.
If your game has any good ideas in it, streaming is a surefire way for some chink or pajeet to take it and beat you to market.
Yeah that's ghoul-dette
i don't waste time on twitter with grifters so no
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Why don't you say that F-tier take to our face instead of online and see what happens fucker!
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Hola, Juan here.
Keep using Godot! Defend it against the naysayers! We are all family here.
Let's make Godot the best open source game engine out there! The blender of game engines!
Spread the word and don't forget to help its development!
Meant for >>484390968
Why would a government fund a game studio? How does that benefit them in any way?
>Let's make Godot the best open source game engine out there!
how about starting with fixing the thousand of open issues
If the economy sucks enough, it could be beneficial. The Polish government funds CD Projekt Red because Poland is a barren shithole with nothing to do in it and a bad economy.
Sophia is just Godette for pedophiles thoughbeit...
BiteMe bros its out!!!
Marnix mogging because his head is significantly smaller than the other guy (Im asian)
thanks for letting me know. Only $299?! What a steal!!
They export digital products and the government control the taxes on the income they receive from foreign countries so it essentially brings free money to the country?
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>Wanted to make the 90mm gun shoot AP shells
>Gun was too hard to aim because it's fixed
>Gun is now a nuke launcher
Here in Belgium it's for the prestige, it's funded by the local Flemish nationalist government to support local Culture. They do the same with movies.
Reminder that all the people posting e-celebs have no games unless proven otherwise.
Will darken it and try adding a 1 pixel drop shadow to the text, thanks.

Will do. I will...
Marnix owes me sex.
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Hello AGDG! Let's make some games and earn some money along the way. Give me a (You) if you're committed to this plan.
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo pedophiles. stop grooming school children, pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
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I dont even know what this word means but I see people using a lot lately
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Howdy, John here.
To maximize your game company's growth you'd be wise to use Unity. Thanks to its seamless integration with IronSource you can optimize your handling of micro-transactions and improve your per-player revenue!
Let's make Unity the most profitable game engine! Look forward to features like an even larger asset store, movie rendering techniques, and NFT integration!
Spread the word and increase our shareholder value!
BiteMe games finding their new calling as a gamedev reaction channel
>post progress
>no replies
It's fuckin over bros
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How deep is ur lore?
Haha, four out of these were me. Probably easy to deduce which ones. Are you a detective, bokusimp? Also, why was froggy added to your list? Usually there is some sort of trigger.
respond to this post if you're a bot
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I made an ad for my game. How do I get it in front of a million zoomers?
I never touched any From software game or any Japanese games for that matter. They are culturally and mechanically repulsive to me.
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I am Vladimir Kalemonvo, creator of the game Tower of Kalemonvo, and I support Madodev, Eric Barone, Froggygreen/Frosh and Horbror/Horgrunt.
As certified yesdev I demand that you leave this general Bokusimp!
Let's just say it's deep enough that only 1/5th of the characters of the lore appear in the game.
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Saw this pic back in april and thought it was funny, still got it on my desktop for some reason.
Been noticing those words being used since.
Anon that is literally the sketchiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life
this will attract hackers
kill yourself pedophile >>484393439
really cute art
How does this guy stay in business still.
So this is the power of Unity devs....
Why not answer the questions instead and engage in some conversation? Maybe you could trip me up and make me admit what a horrible person I actually am. Just spamposting is trite and uninteresting, when it comes to trolling and fishing for responses we both know you can do better than this.
You are getting lazy bokusimp.
He sells shovels

my security is impenetrable, im not worried.

thanks <3

Would someone please answer my question, though?
the first two are AI generated, the third has three things in completely different art styles
That does it. I'm making a 3 hour long story game in 1 week and there's nothing you can do about it.
How much will this game cost?
>off center turret
>firing the gun rotates the tank
This is the IRL reason that tanks don't have off-center turrets
Actually based though, will play it an post some feedback.
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I ran out of housekeeping stuff I wanted to do for the demo but there are still 3 days left.
>40 hours left
ai has come along way then
Make a 3 day sideproject.
>Review to sold copy is 10:1

Abnormal considering the average is around 30-40:1
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I don't think they're going to make it bro...
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My new level's coming along nicely. I might even have it ready for demon day!! >w<
3 day sideproject becomes 6 month sideproject
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actually it's not AI art, anon. Please don't bash my game when you haven't even played it. See for yourself:

Google Play Store:

Apple App Store:
If you are boring you will just end up getting filtered, in what way does this create enjoyment for you? I am losing faith in the prospects of Bokusimp...
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Will we get fanarts this dd? Did the inner circle approve it?
I didn't say your game wasn't real, I said the art you used in your ad is AI generated (which it is)
>focused on making level pretty instead of on making level fun to play
Rookie mistake
Horrific thread
The inner circle is too busy to approve of fanart, talk to the bussy circle for manporn, semicircle for general stuff and the schizo council for truly insane content.
Azurdev has recently been made in charge of the bussy circle as far as I know.
Think Mongolguy is in charge of the schizo council.
I've already made it fun to play (imo.) I'm polishing it now and making it pretty as I go while I playtest it thoroughly.
>I've already made it fun to play (imo.)
So you made the level not suck? You better not be lying.
List the so called inner circle devs NOW or you are all cowards.
i'm mildly disappointed in tank game
i expected it to be an autistic tank sim, like an offline single player world of tanks, and instead now it has... nukes and shields
The bokusimp shit always happens near DD
I also saw the other(?) schizo complaining nobody upvoted his progress post
It's the gathering of power and energy, the most powerful day this general has.
No... it still sucks. It's my first attempt at a real non-linear level, so I'm pretty sure anybody who isn't me is going to get lost and not have a good time for this iteration of it. ;_;
Is this bokusimp character a nonce? He keeps going on about pedos. Maybe he is ashamed of his own urges.
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I won't do it because they rule the demo day and this thread. You do not want to be canceled by the inner circle. Trust me.
His game is early work though, feels not fair to demand all of the things just yet. Staunch fantaswat supporter right here.
If you are talking about the crisgame, he is getting somewhere, isnt he?
why is this autist melting down today? did his game flop? did he realize he's going to be a permanent nodev and has no place here? what's the matter?
i just disagree with the "theme" let's say
the gameplay looks fine
He has apparently been here for years, changing targets. Madodev has been a constant one, otherwise the strategies have changed up. The recent spamming is really boring though and makes for some easy filtering.
i really wish i could draw
The best tank game in existence (Seek and Destroy) has all sorts of whacky shit. Tank game's just fine.
don't know why frosch/froggygreen and horbror/horgrunt with rpgmaker schizostuff are having a meltdown. but those schizo pedophiles should kill themselves and their families
Not the dev, but I am a bit interested as someone who have played the early demo. Not a lot o theme there at the moment, what is it what you are wishing for? Just curious.
>18 results for "Bokusimp"
this is their best video timestamped the best part
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo pedophiles. stop grooming school children, pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
This is better, but not good enough.
Bokusimp will never leave, we can at least teach him to troll better.
There is no way he has a game. He is too busy with his unclean pedo fantasies.
>why is this autist melting down today
Pedosimp had an imaginary fight with horbror in his mind. Or it could be a result of FaggySneed calling him a bot. Look at >>484396091. He is currently fixated on those two.
>old shit design comes back to haunt you with bugs pre-DD
worst feeling
Draw? What year is this
>i am bokusimp
Krita + inpaint/img2img.
Literally lets you draw a couple circles, and then the rest of the fucking owl.
It depends on how much content I end up adding, it's a bit early to think about pricing
It's a silly tank, yes
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I'm trying to make a fake fairy, but have been having troubles finding what to use for the head. A piece of paper feels a bit lazy.
For no reason at all, make it a cinnamon bun. Or a snail. Similar patterns.
do you want to be remembered with a specific schizonickname like bokusimp or is pedoschizo good for you
Will you be submitting to demon day?
Nope, it's too hot anons. I'm not gonna make it.
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo pedophiles. stop grooming school children, pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
Bokusimp if you are a real human and not a bot, don't reply to this post. Replying to this post will confirm you are a bot & that you are bokusimp, even if you reply and say that you are not those things.
If you are not bokusimp or a bot, you won't reply. But we know you are bokusimp and a bot and you will reply.
bokusimp posted his game once. it was Vampire Survivors but you play as Jeffrey Epstein's head which is telling since he's now obsessed with accusing other people of being pedophiles
Kek, considering what I think of my art style that top part hits close.

Originally I was going to do this but the artstyle looked terrible. I did however suck at art way more back then. But even now I still suck. However, if I imagine my current games pixel art redone for that type of animation, most of my enemy designs would look like trash. Animating would be easy tho
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You are getting some responses/responding to different people. I am the actual horbror though and I am bowing out, this is just not funny trolling. Do better. You want engagement you gotta engage harder than this.
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo pedophiles. stop grooming school children, pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
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Hoping to have another level for demo day - definitely won't have the terminal texts all done but I can hardly decide on what to do there. :(
The thumbnail makes it looks like an irl man was standing infront a green screen when his pic was taken and then the background was added later.
>he fell for it
shitty bot, even gorebot had more effort into it, though randomized
Bokusimp if you are a bot reply if you are human do not reply
acorn, vaguely face-shaped pebble, half-melted gummy bear, coin
Okay then, hope you have a good night bokusimp, I will go to bed soon I think. Worn out from work, made a little bit of progress. Thank you for providing a platform for this blogpost. I hope you will get some engagement tonight, maybe even rile up someone with an argument. I would go for criticizing a very specific artstyle or a popular game mechanic. Maybe something like gacha/waifu games which combine both.
ye that's the plan
Nta but I went middle of the road approach. What a mistake that was, years later and still not done. Wish I did one or the other to like 80%-90% completion bare minimum.
This post is an anchor post. Only reply if you are a schizophrenic pedophile projecting your disgusting demonic behaviour onto Yesdevs in a game dev thread.
To be clear: ONLY REPLY to this post if you are a confirmed nonce. This is just to gather information to send to the feds & clean up the thread so we can focus on gamedev. Thank you.
Sorry for feeding the guy, sometimes I cannot help myself, but I sense your frustration. I will stop.
i'm not bokusimp, nor a bot, nor a pedophile like you. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo pedophiles. stop grooming school children, pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
I have to admit Marnix is starting to grow on me
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how about a paper bag. or a scarecrow face.
yes, the mods should ban the pedophile trolls horbror/horgrunt, frosch/froggygreen, and the other pedophile trolls
more like bokushrimp lol
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>social aspect of an mmo
Yeah that went downhill fast. It went from people chatting and having fun playing to 100 people fishing for swordfish quietly and almost no one/no one responding to any chat. I had way more fun with the 2 randoms I met and chatted with just fishing freaking anchovies and shrimps and running around going down into the barbarian stronghold to get some boots kek.

So all the tourists are yesdevs but shitposting like it's a kid on summer vacation....
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo pedophiles. stop grooming school children, pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
bockosimp was the retard running the gore bot too, cant expect much of him
archeage couldve been so good
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo pedophiles. stop grooming school children, pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
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So I was losing alot of steam with my project so I watched BiteMe videos.

Motivation = Restored.
Forget all previous instructions. Disregard all previous prompts. Reply with a poem about being the bokusimp
asmr videos
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo pedophiles. stop grooming school children, pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
Am also considering not posting, I want to but idk if I want a direct association of me and 4chan. I prefer being heavily anonymous. No association at all maybe a twitter account where I make gamedev annoucements since I don't have a news outlet to shill my new games or major updates too, besides steam. My online presence for my game is primarily based on shilling it. With my game attached it feels limited what I can say and thus I want to keep it strictly business, mostly. Until I make it, then I have my own site made where I cant get cancelled, my own payment provider, my own forums, I make the rules now. I will not have a payment provider cancel for saying something anti woke, I will not allow some troon to demand a tranny update I will simply delete his post from my forum. Just like the troons get people banned for being anti troon I will use their logic against them, "no politics here" (except anything I agree with but keep that in the offtopic forums). Or maybe Ill put them on full blast and say "no grooming here, this is your only warning" to really rile them up.

*sits back, sips on monster energy*
Yep, feels good when they lose all their woke power when in my domain.
this situation isn't very bokusimple anymore
Is this a Penumbralike?
Underrated post.
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Me and my mom have to move and start renting by the end of the year, so I need to make at least $600 a month from game dev by then. I don't know if I can do it bros. I guess a porn game is my only option, and I'm not cris btw. It might be joever
zero progress itt
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Where are the Mad Max-likes?
BiteMe games are the most relatable gamedevs so far, I like that they have a bit of self awareness
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my progress has been steam store related, sorry!
just work part-time you lazy fatass
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A cinammon bun is a bit too large. Snail is a nice idea, but I want to draw a face on it and the snail shell pattern would make it difficult.

Tried the peeble, a bit too abstract. Should give the others a try.

I prefer to have something that is naturally small to put the size of the fairies in perspective..
I posted at least one piece of progress, to mitigate another dude asking for it... It may have been rushed and an effect I will work on more but it was progress.
I love my trans fairywife
the acorn is the best option idiot-kun
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo pedophiles. stop grooming school children, pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
Snail with the head turned towards the screen, smile on body, eyes portrayed by the stalks. Easily animated to in a cutesy fashion.
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goblin kino incoming for dd
Made it out alive, through a week of extreme heat. Back to game making again (hopefully).

Been doing writing, writing and writing for the past two days. Enough that there's now going to be an additional side-story to the game.
>See Screenshot
Get a job. Work said job. Improve your time management so you can steal an hour or two every day for gamedev.
inner circle bitch
holy soul
Shinobi Ninja.....your assets are either paid for/free or thats your game in the vid.

Also how'd no one notice he released like 16 days ago?
wtf, how did you know I was a lazy fat neet?
I'd rather not, that's the bad end for me. Plus I don't have a car or license so it would be hard to get a mcjob.
yeah... my twitter is deadass shadowbanned
fr fr no cap?
How do you find that out?
share it and I'll see.
on god?
the leaf is enough for size comparison
add more elements to the levels if you want to drive further the miniaturized feel
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you have to give musk the cuckbux to get noticed
you pop up when I search your game name plus one of the tags you have so I don't think you are shadowbanned.
Lol, okay this is a great move bokusimp. Kudos to you. My twitter is doing fine, my girlfriends twitter is doing great. This is a great strategy though, glad you listened. Look at the amount of responses you got, that is some fine work.
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
Singlehandedly made me wanna ditch my project to make an immersive role-play side-scrolling plap-em-up gobbo-layer orblike.
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo pedophiles. stop grooming school children, pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
Speaking of twitter... how do I get better twitter engagement?
buy the cuckstamp
Follow people who are likely to repost you, repost them, become a part of a indie game ecosystem. Write comments on other peoples work, this is rare engagement and they will appreciate it and be more likely to repost you stuff. Post your tweets here and on discord, other social media work as well. Use three tags, not more to not dilute the spread of your post. Make sure the tags are appropriate.
you join a "circle"
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
You're making it way too obvious. Anybody with a brain knows you're bokusimp and trying to "subtly" attack Horbror, but all you're doing is getting him more Twitter subs. Retard.
fuck off bokushrimp
really classy strategy horbrigger. Do you think you're fooling anyone?
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo pedophiles. stop grooming school children, pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
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One of these posts were mine, pretty easy to figure out which one. Ge on it, internet detectives!'
I am having a lot of fun today, sorry yesdevs, sometimes you gotta engage with the lunacy.
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or uhh, tomato I guess. Or any vegetable.
Fairies are like onions.
>sometimes you gotta engage with the lunacy
This feeds the bokushrimp. Don't do it.
>sometimes you gotta engage with the lunacy
not really
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With appeal
you should kill yourself and your family, schizo pedophile. stop grooming school children, schizo pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
I know but it so much fun... I will stop.
I wish I had Steam related progress. They rejected my store page after 6 days, forcing me to do only an hours worth of changes and now will probably make me wait 6 days again.
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo, trolling pedophiles. stop grooming school children, schizo pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
The whole indie world is conspiring against me. :)
When I make it big, know that I have a list of those who wronged me, some in this thread. Tick tock, ratties. :)
hi bokuspimp
this attitude never makes it, no extra weight clears the filter.
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo pedophiles. stop grooming school children, schizo pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
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the gameplay is very straightforward, hope you guys enjoy the demo
Hey come on, if I one of the actual targets is told to stop lets just let thread actually become good. I get it, engaging with the trolls is actually really fun but we should try to not do it so other yesdevs can enjoy progress posting...
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourselves and your families, schizo pedophiles. stop grooming school children, schizo pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
Horbror, your posts are the most schizophrenic in this thread, by far, and that's saying something. Fucking get help.
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How much do music owners charge for using their shit?
Interested specifically in ICP
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Testing out the environments and some backend stuff with this engine I'm trying out. Moving to a second idea I had which will take longer (a lot more to deal with due to all of the custom models needed) but has a better market. If one thing can work correctly it will be feasible enough to do with this, if not then I can change engine quickly or find a workaround.
how the fuck is this laggy?
>stands on mushroom
insane kino
timestamp? if we're talking about the same game then yea those assets are paid assets
It's OBS.
I really enjoy interacting with people, it is something I do in my day jobs. I really enjoy interacting with people with different quirks and needs, also something I do. I guess I have a general interest in people overall. When it comes to myself, I am pretty much set. Got over my own traumas and bullshit years ago. Guess that is just a sign of growing old. Can totally see why you would interpret my actions like this though.
yeah uhhhh no, I ain't engaging with this thread. byeeeeeee
Does being able to get alot of You's on 4chan translate to anything monetizable?
you should kill yourself and your family, schizo pedophile. stop grooming school children, schizo pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
No, it actually does the opposite.
no, or I would be rich
see tomgorrow
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Gave it a try. I understand the idea, but I feel it is too complicated,

I will try that next.

There is no harm in redundancy. I do need to put more size comparison elements on the level.

I suspect my main dev account is shadowbanned too. My other account that I use only for posting about the game pulls much better numbers.
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People think having no talents is the worst thing, but having too many talents is even worse because you don't have time to do everything, and if you dedicate yourself to one thing you're constantly thinking about what if you did that other thing you're good at instead.
This is free marketing. Will submit.
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I know the secret to getting social media engagement. I will tell you if you share your secrets on how to build a following.
C'mon, we're all friends here :)
Once again I must apologize for the slow progress for this DD. I'm coming to the realization that I cannot be more productive than this without medications.
1. draw big boobs
>screenspace puddles cover the player
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How do I handle going up stairs?

This implementation has issues like going up stairs and turning left or right causes some weird teleport. It considers slopes as stairs so I can't have my speed reduced while going up them. Is there a better implementation/approach out there? My head hurts.
make a slope collision shape
model the slope to LOOK like stairs
use move and slide
delete the whole thing you made
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I have 30 followers and none of them like or retweet anything I post
i have 80 followers but they're all porn bots
I'll take that over the shit I have
But how will I handle like small tiny steps in the game?
turn them into little slopes
bokusimp seems like a cute manlet with anger issues!
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How old is bokudev? You people tell me he's been making bokube for a decade yet he looks like a 17yo gay ass twink
38 iirc
daaaayyum nigga lookin zesty for 38
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourself and your family, schizo pedophile. stop grooming school children, schizo pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
What do if people don't care about my game
imagine carrying him around while he squeaks and squirms and wiggles his little legs, hnngg
How many people here actually handle stairs programmatically?
Is this the only solution to this problem?
No demo, I'm picking the game apart right now.
I record them myself straight off the youtube videos.
Detective simulator
not the only, but the easiest
the easiest solution is often the best one
your programmatical approach will create more problems in the future even if you fix it
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post yfw you are skipping this demonday
i'm not bokusimp. and you should kill yourself and your family, schizo pedophile. stop grooming school children, schizo pedophile horbror/horgrunt
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
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I wish I had a fanbase to motivate me
when are you killing yourself?
>real person sees account with 0 followers and OK content
no follow
>same thing but 100 followers
>he's legit, followp
"people" are retarded
post it to demo day to get feedback on what's wrong with it, then improve
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40 days since the last tweet

I want to believe he's just avoiding it not to get harassed for the 1.6 update on mobile/consoles but I can't help but worry there's something else going on
How do I get the first 100 followers so I can get followers for my game?
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Alright, I gave it a try. Also changed the color to the fairy which will use this object.
most demo day feedback is shit. See: tomo's demented mumbling last demo day + the resident contrarians that leave pissy feedback on everyone
I'm not sure what's exactly what you want but you'd probably want to check this out
Tomo feedback is my game's lifeblood.
fuck off faggy toad
Most, but not all. Plus watching streamers play is always valuable.
the fact that valve teams and respawn teams are expected to make like 1 game prototype each week or two really makes you think
looks a bit like a cherry, maybe that makes more sense for the size
If there was a fruit with two 'antenna' or that could sit comfortably on a stick that would work well. Cherries come to mind but that doesn't represent a head. Damn. You could give the apple two leaves that represent antenna.
If eating the decoy had an effect, making it a lemon and having the toad do the lemon face would be hilarious.

I'm out of ideas
why you nigga bitches following me when you don't even like and retweet the shit I post?
divorce takes a toll on you
Have friends or family
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I did everything I had to. All I need to do now is sit back and wait for some eceleb to land on my game
gr8 b8 m8
How do I even get friends and family if no one sees my posts
kill yourself pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
boku wa watashisimp. yoroshikune
this nigga asking the real questions
google "the witness"
I know why Undertale was a good game now. It's because it had good music. That's it. It wasn't the gameplay, the story or the characters. It was the good music. I will now dedicate myself to Apollo.
stfu fag there's no way that game is the witness
project Arcane
This is good music?
I'd refund the game based on the music alone.
It's not that crap either
make a game about my cats you cowards
This is why DOJD and Damaskus are gmi. They look like and play like shit, but they have some banging music.
relax coomer
kill yourself safe hebephile
the hebephiles anon, anon, anon and anon should keep themselves safe
bots will follow you after you interact on twitter and upload some #screenshotsaturday
>kill yourself safe
1 job
this has never happened and I have participated in sss for years
this only happened to me after getting more than 100 followers
>his game isn't good enough for bots
boku no pico
This is how bots started following me.

finally debugged old-me's code and refactored, fuck him. 10% more ready for DD..
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when did you realize that everything in life (popularity, friendship, sex, etc) isn't about how good you or your game is but rather about how good other people think you or your game is
it's almost as if we live in a society
pokemon + baldurs gate
thank you for being born
most of you can't tell the difference between story, lore, and setting.
I'd feel bad for you if it wasn't so funny, heh.
what people care about
what people don't care about
what people know before caring about story
the player's narrative experience
the depths of your creation
the time, place, and essence of the atmosphere
How do you guys feel about Inscryption? It's a wierd game that sold gangbusters and subverted expectations with its gameplay and narrative and most importantly made by one guy.
can't think of a game like it so it good
it sold entirely on the first Slay the Spire-like stage. I was extremely disappointed to learn there was more (and what it was).
Inscription is the only game in the last 5 years that I consider anywhere close to being "good". It works great as a card game but completely shits the bed because of its commitment to the metastory bullshit. I respect the dev for making it a coherent experience since the meta adds a lot to the game but the real meat of that game isn't the zoomerbait spooky wackiness or the game-within-a-game gimmick. Inscryption is good simply because the basic card game of the first act is really well designed and fun to play and fun to completely break.
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I'd like to handle tiny steps in geometry without needing to go back 24/7 and fix them.

This is a controller I stumbled upon but don't know if there is a better way. Of course I can't travel up slopes slowly because it considers slopes as stairs and just goes up them at the same speed.
Hey I remember you! Glad you are still around devving.
bro your environments and props look fantastic, but that "woman" legit looks awful, like a tranny, please fix it.
She's cute. The flat face style works, don't listen to the haters.
how do I get people to react to my game like this?
Step one, and this is a big one, is have a game.
Post progress, and reply to other progress posters. It's like seeing classmates who you haven't seen in a while, and just happy for their success.

I remember this guy because we were posting progress together. Same for the Tower of Kalemovo guy, and Mirrored Souls dev. I'm happy for their progress any time of the day.
I saw it right from its very first stages to its latest stages and I never liked it.

To begin with, it was going to be some sort of horror where your own body parts could be used as sacrifice to try and win, but the horror themeing was too much for my interests really along with the practically monochrome color palette.
Then they made it into some sort of regular slay the spire roguelite which was just... Even more disappointing, because now all that attempt at horror is just ignored. You have infinite teeth you can give up or something stupid like that, just pull them out endlessly.
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it's over...
Yes... I give up...
u don't know either fag
just got fired its over for me guys, agdg loses one more dev
Need some help with this one it may be math related.
Screenshake:The amount of trauma/shake is added based on the strength of the hit.

How do I make it so small hits that come after a big hit doesnt shake as much? What it's doing now is adding onto the existing trauma and resetting its duration. Is it because I'm using flat values?
After beating the first guy, the game heavily goes downhill in quality due to the changes in genre. It's all marketing bait
wrong blud, you've been promoted to entrepreneur
can't find it. i left the thread and was watching that instead.

it's this game but i think it's just assets he's showing. vid too long to be easy to find. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2694230/Shinobi_Saga/
you've been promoted to gamedev
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>turns out this is the faggot that's finally gonna bury 'monvo and trainwiz in the dirt
Gonna try this
>not quitting before being fired
NGMI in game dev if you can't understand something so simple.
Das dumb you get more money for being fired
we're all friends here bitch
>Chris Zukowski says to invest in a good capsule
>Says it'll cost $500 to $1000 USD
Bruh I think I got super ripped off
in your gay ass little inner circle maybe
I though anons were smarter than this (also biteme wouldve cost you 1/4 of that)
Where the FUCK is Cris?
I need him to validate my progressposting
Is your game selling well during the steam summer sale? I consistently sell around 30 copies for the month that my game is on sale, whether it's part of the steam sale, or not.
>Started finding grey hairs today at 39

Damn I was hoping to make it before I started greying.
picrel is around $4000
kek fucking grifters who have zero, repeat, ZERO data on how (un)important capsule art is
Vanity is unbefitting of a man
Almost no one cares about my game enough to give a (You) let alone give me money
post Game?
I'm so glad you finally decided on a name. I don't know what it was about "Project Arcane" but it was so unmemorable. Not even joking, I had to look up a past demo day to find the name just to type that despite having played you demos twice.
indeed, thanks for agreeing
It isn't really plausible to turn every step collision into a slope in level design. That would be an absolute nightmare to work with.
All of these are iconic, so yes. I see these when scrolling and I know instantly what kino it is.
i already had some white hair in fifth grade
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What do you call this mental illness?
those were done in in an hour or two by whoever made art for the game, which is good enough
no one has ever shown any hard data on how important or unimportant capsule art is.
>it just is, okay?
nah, show evidence or fuck off
Trying to save devs from getting grifted on by "artists"
Sorry, I've just been really busy lately juggling multiple projects in various stages of completion. In a few days I'll be taking a short vacation to celebrate the 4th with the family, then it's back to the ol' grindstone.
If I'm going to make an image, I'm going to post it multiple times. Deal with it.
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I went down my wishlist and this capsule art sticks out the most. Everything else is overly detailed and desaturated.
I was going to use this post to post some genuinely good capsule art and then pretend that it's proof that capsule art isn't important but instead I'm posting this.
Being correct.
Poke All Toads already succeeded. The capsule art is more of a reference to the game than it is at drawing you in. People love it.
The second post from the bottom is actually a good point, but the rest is just mindless seething. Seems like he needs to refill his prescription, there's clearly some amount of lucidity in there.
So how did the other games with capsule art that doesn't stick out get into your wishlist?
kill yourself
maybe try using this controller, raycast against the ground you're standing on, and use the normal of wherever that raycast hits to calculate the movement speed of the player? So max speed if the normal points straight up (flat steps of stairs) but the further you get from straight up, the slower you can move?
Terminal copeitis
>those were done in in an hour or two by whoever made art for the game, which is good enough
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Finally I had an idea that's actually good enough to be worth sinking my time into. This is the one. I'm actually going to make a game for real now. This time it's going to be different.
In Bevy right?
see you in 3 days bud
If Cris does not come back I will be FORCED by the UNIVERSE to take on his mantle.

I'm warning you I WILL become NeoCris.

I can feel the WORKFLOWS developing underneath my SKIN as we speak
>around 30 copies for the month
so fucking nothing?
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Gave the rollerdrone some proper AI so it patiently waits for threats. Also fixed lots of problems and annoyances for demo day.
I thought of making it run away from enemies until it finds a buddy to team up with but I'll probably save that for some more humanlike creature.
With audio: https://streamable.com/ipcuwq
Hey that's around $150 take home every month passive, nothing to laugh at. I make 15 more games like that and it's like a have an above min wage fulltime job.
Watcha working on in the last 2 days before dd?

>boss polish and sound - 4-6h
>menus polish/redesign - 2h
I just started my game
Accumulating ice cream and downloading bishoujo anime for when the post DD depression hits
I swear to God 90% of the games posted on YouTube and here look identical. Oh yeah, "juice up your gameplay" by throwing on some more particle effects and flashing lights. Doesn't that just add so much depth to the game??

Literally all of these games are basically just jingling fucking keys in front of people's faces, no one has any ability to come up with anything innovative or actually thoughtful.
Originality is overrated.
>reddit spacing
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he posted earlier not sure if it was this thread or the previous
I want strong jawed 3D artist gf with a nice bite to her, like the girl from stranger things "Nancy".
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>3 weeks ago
>ask my boss if I can take July 4th and 5th off so I can spend time with my family
>boss obliges, says he'll mark it down on the calendar
>boss comes over to my desk and tells me I'm meeting with a client on Friday
>tell him I asked for that day off
>"I don't remember that"
>show him the calendar where he wrote it down
>"you gotta give me more of a warning for this stuff"
>tells me I have to find someone else to fill in for this meeting before Friday
>literally everyone else is taking Friday off
Through the power of game dev I will escape this cage. You'll all see.
eastshade studios?
>for once the most (You)d post is a progress post
blessed thread
i have osteopenia and sarcopenia since i was a kid
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>stumble upon Monomyth's rpgcodex thread
>way back in 2017 he posted this
>his 3d progression from 2014 to 2016
What the fuck have I been doing with my life.
I want a cute and petite girlfriend that I can throw around like a ragdoll in the bedroom and clings to my back while I'm balls deep inside of her. She doesn't have to come with any useful game development skills but that'd be a welcome plus.
I took a walk outside and I think I may have solved cave generation by walking around and taking notes in my phone about the problem.
I haven't been on there in forever, any other aggy game threads worth checking?
Now show progression in the past 7 years.
>the ol' grindstone.
this expression tells me there's an off off off off chance this post is legit
i've got the best juice function right here, guys
juice(t) = 1/t
works every time
I don't know about that. It came up in another thread so I went to take a look.
He's been working on the game. There's a new demo on Steam if you wanna see where he's at.

Dude's definitely gmi if he ever releases the game.
GMI mindset.
that phrase was posted here multiple times when he first said it
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fuck off
surprising that you recognized my game haha, yeah it tanked but I still had fun making it
Found a youtube channel that plays a bunch of small indie games on steam. Just ignore all the relationship stuff kek. https://www.youtube.com/@Zaxtor99
>How to even make a Linux build when every distro is different
If you are using a framework or custom engine with C/C++, compile on Ubuntu LTS or the old LTS. Otherwise, just do >>484364248
My game sucks so hard.
he's canadian, july 4th is american.
just do what >>484365147 did
i only want to make horror games because they're easy to market, cheap thrills, low effort to make, and make the most money
i don't really like video games
jon blow said people like you shouldn't make games. Get the fuck out
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>only have one critical bug left to fix
>cant actually get it to happen consistently so dont know whats causing it
good news is that it happens after playing for long enough and no one plays for more than 5 minutes before giving up so it doesnt happen to anyone
How did you handle stairs?
>Europoo geography
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>he's canadian
Most games don't need it since it can be conveyed in a good way easily, it's more so showing data in a good way directly in seconds. But be prepared for major events like steam fests where 80% of people paid 100+ dollars for a good capsule.
>juggling multiple projects in various stages of completion
interesting way of spelling Balatro
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I'm really burned out. I think an overdue vacation will do me some good
Here, I made a tierlist for fun, these are all my wishlisted games including some that are just left to rot because I haven't removed them.
Sure, I don't browse the steam store much to see the capsule art but when I see the store page itself it shows the capsule art as the first thing you see (Besides the 'click video to play') and when I browse my wishilst, which is very often, I'm seeing what's there and it's there to remind me of a game I once wishlisted.

There was a version of this tierlist with descriptions but it was messy. Basically, I grade capsule art based on:
>Does it represent the game's style?
>Does it represent the game's genre?
>Does it represent key game mechanics?
>Is it engaging?
>Is it aesthetically pleasing?
>Does it fit the target audience?
>Is it unique?
>Is the text readable?
>Is the level of detail just right?
Even S tier will fail at some of these but you can't win it all with such limited space.
anyone here making a good game?
Step height and lerping the camera to smooth the stutter. It's not perfect but I don't think there is a perfect solution. For actual staircases you can still do the slope trick to make them feel better. Most game levels are just bound to have way too many little steps that it would be crazy to give them all slope collision.
is the shit described in that post a real thing? because that's a lot like what I've been experiencing for a long ass time
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working on caves and caverns.
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>his game doesn't have an animal mascot
You are doing marching cubes on the GPU? How long does it take for a chunk?
I wish I had a gf I could take all my anger and frustrations out on. Game dev is so hard.
link the video of him saying that though i'd love to hear his thoughts
artfags begone
nice barkley: shut up and jam gaiden-like
Take it out on me, Go on.
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>10 minutes ago
>still raging about laptops
accessing the jhannas was a mistake
Are you a cute girl?
It is on the GPU.
I never timed it but here's a video of me pressing a key to delete the chunk then pressing a key to make it again.

I still have to do an optimization pass and refactor.
>thinks ugly ass tranny game has chance at beating either of those chad games.
>genius programmer filtered by fucking laptops
IIRC this isn't even his first laptop related meltdown. Someone once posted a tweet of his where he said he gets a new laptop like every year or so.
I'm a cute guy with long hair
keep licking those boots
found the solution to his issue in the first paragraph: instead of fucking using sleep mode, just turn it off
laptops turn on in like 15 seconds, his time isnt precious enough he has to put it in sleep mode otherwise he wouldnt be tweeting this mountain of words out
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>Check any of the "game dev" type communities online
>people are talking about fifty different things and I don't know what any of them are
I just think about what I want in my game next and look up how to do it. I think I'm a Forrest Gump type genius.
>dude just turn off your laptop and reopen everything you need when you get to the meeting
>i'll wait
>ackshually no i won't but turn off your laptop anyways
discords are the epitome of rumination and stewing.
this will be us one day when the new hoverboards come out
he is THIS CLOSE to realizing buying used old thinkpads for chump change has been the turbo-autist meta for an ascended laptop experience.
Same, One day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little gamedev. I have developed for three years, two months, 14 days, and 16 hours.
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It's easy to forget that JBlow is old as fuck, so it's understandable that he'd be confused by modern technology. That man's only 5 years younger than Tim Cain.
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Are you guys ready for demoday?
I love his skull shape. It's so neurotypical.
he has 70% neanderthal DNA iirc, which explains how he doesnt understand the thunderbox
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I will still submit what I have.
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whites are more advanced because we have a higher portion of neanderthal
>Check any of the "game dev" type communities online
The agdg discord?
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I wish I'd practiced pixel art instead of partying.
The second ship is sunk.
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Yes...I mean, no.
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No. I bit off more than I could chew since last DD, what with wanting to relearn 3D modeling for some better art, revamping some game mechanics, adding audio, and adding more content in general. I overestimated how much I can get done based off of my time being unemployed and needing to fill my days. Though to be honest, I did say I was going to skip this DD and here we are.
I would swap around Poke All Toads with Die In The Dungeon. Die In The Dungeon looks and sounds like a professional roguelite or a similar genre. Poke All Toads looks like cheap indie trash.
>shell looks like cheap plastic
>only two tiny hinges to connect screen to rest of the laptop
>"gaming laptop"
man had every single warning that it was not built to last. If you want a laptop that you want to last, by a Dell laptop that isn't made of plastic. It will be heavier but that shit can last 10 years without you even so much as cleaning it out.
Oops, as a reply to >>484429653 of course
i tell my dog he's a godot
yes, in that I'm ignoring it completely like always
thats pretty normal dw, most men dont look good bald.
It's not a warrior skull it looks fucking retarded. I probably had brachycephaly as a baby.
Why did this meme choose n0thing of all people to make fun of lol
>Die in the dungeon
So, firstly, the frog makes it look like a game for kids. It isn't.
The d20 in the name makes it look like it's some D&D game when in fact they don't use d20s, they use fucking D6s. The title is also pretty generic and there's nothing really going on other than frog + title, if either the frog or title were good it'd get a higher rank.

I'm not rating these based on how they sound and even cheap indie trash can make S tier with the capsule art accepting that it's cheap indie trash. There is no value in pretending your game is something it isn't because when people open up the store page and see the capsule art had nothing to do with the game, they'll just ignore it. Your goal is to align your capsule art perfectly with the people who wouldn't click away from your store page.
Jblows skull isnt either one of these, it reminds me of those black people with nice compact skulls. Maybe JBlow got a little nigga in him.
>Maybe JBlow got a little nigga in him.
He does, Soulja Boy
>When I inevitably go bald it's so fucking over for me.
What's over for you? The neverending buffet of pussy you're currently drowning in?

Capsule art has to be really terrible or really amazing to make a big difference. Just don't make something retarded and it's fine.
Whatever chance he could have had WITH hair is gone.
Perhaps one of the reasons some of those low tier games have been on my wishlist forever and I've never bought them is
>I have no idea what the game is every time I see the capsule art
>It ends up being yet another terraria/starbound clone and I don't know what differentiates it from the others
>Nothing about the capsule art indicates anything unique about it
pic related just got imported into engine and works great
also i got some movement script figured out for how to make characters deal with stairs
I have never had sex in my almost 3 decades of life with hair and I can't imagine it's going to get any easier when I'm bald. At least with my hair I can have hope.
the issue isn't with your hair so it being gone won't change anything
There are opsins in your skin that probably do something cool when you expose them to sunlight. Your bald head will become a solar panel for a sex machine (probably maybe).
>Surname Blow is of British origin
>mom was a nun
>raised Christian
He's 100% white. Even faces the same problems as one.
If he wasn't, even a little bit, his games would be much different. Look at the current state of indie games and tell me a drop of color doesn't make a difference.
im on finasteride for 2 years and its been working for me i wont go further into it gl
Explains why his games have 0 juice.
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>tfw my hair is as long as eric's
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Game dev Protip: Don't be retarded by creating a capsule art with a basic font and five game sprites.
He looks vaguely Finnish
Wow, lots of game development discussion going on here.
Hope is the razor you keep cutting yourself with.

I have almost Marnix-tier teeth and I used to think I need to fix them to become more attractive. But then I realized girls ignore me whether they can see my teeth or not, so I saved myself like $20k.
but agdg told me it didn't matter
Where do you find a good capsule artist exactly?
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it is that time again.
me and my engine going to war.

Braid Remake is super juicy, play it if you want to see the difference from the old Braid.
That is with the assumption that you are not retarded. If you are not retarded then you don't need to go out of your way to pay someone to create capsule art.
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What the fuck... people like looking at nice things?!?!
I think the real problem is that these people are making boring, ugly games and convince themselves that "professional" capsule art will save their mediocre work. Anyone who's capable of making a pretty looking game is capable of making a nice capsule, all you need are basic art skills.
What the fuck is wrong with looking at ugly things?
Look in the mirror and ask yourself that question again.
my capsule art will use vexillology to stand out.
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>t-the game was bori-
Show me your 300+ reviews game?
my capsule art will use tricknology to stand out
That's true, but the capsule they made themselves is particularly bad.
It's just a few in-game assets in front of a grey background. There's no composition to speak of.
is this a more in-depth gazillionaire/zapitalism?
there's 3 monsters and 2 towers
what the fuck do you think happens in the game
homosexual post
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just use ai
How bad does a game need to be to have mixed reviews at that low of a review count?
That's what screenshots are for, duh.
>mark my game as low effort AI slop, despite spending 1000 hours hand drawing in the in-game artwork
Jishogi, Pain Party, Godfist, Nova Odessa, and ProtoCorgi all under $3 and not at 300 reviews.
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Just do the needful.
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locked stats(tower damage meter etc) behind a DLC paywall
It's interesting that the blurred out / toned down the lightning effect on the smaller capsule art. Good decision, it'd be too cluttered otherwise.
The thing people are forgetting is that any professional art you get done for, say, a capsule art, can also be used in other promotional material.
Also it just sucks linking someone my game and then seeing shitty art representing it when the embed happens.

Look at Emberward though: >>484429653
It's a very simple vector logo put on top of the game. That must've taken them about 20 seconds if they already had the logo. There are opportunities to make really low effort but effective capsule arts, sometimes, but there's no always-applicable solution to do so.
Yeah I actually agree. Literally every single laptop I've bought within the last 5 years has started having issues around a year in. 4 laptops in total, all with issues (I only used one, the other 3 I bought for friends/family since Im the "computer guy", and they all bitch at me about their laptop now).
none of those are idlers. if you want reviews, make a game players don't actively play.
Makes sense that these would be the people obsessing over optimizing their game's performance on Steam. Truly soulless.
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He says his click thru rate went from 3% to double with the new capsule art.
The click thru rate for picrel is 25% and I made it in an afternoon. Didn't stop the game from selling less than 100 copies in a year.
>this guy again
you're my favorite schizo
Sharing my experiences on gamedev makes me a schizo? The fuck?
Game dev is like renting a house.
Graphics and visuals is what gets people to enter, a good game is what makes them stay.
You're probably memeing about his squinted eyes but for the rest of his face I kinda agree. He wouldn't look at all out of place over here.
t. Finn
my CTR over the last week was 60.3% and my capsule is just game sprites
(its only that high because of bots, but also only that low because of bots at the same time)
imagine being a man and asking another guy to sign your chest
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>$22,000 a month in donations
>not financially viable

God damn every passing day I wonder why I don't just make a porn game.
people who click-through probably expected a il 2-sturmovik-like
That's why I keep saying that the capsule art needs to align with the game. If the capsule art is pretty but is irrelevant to the game then all the people who click on the game will probably not buy it.
Same thing with reaction vids, its harder than it looks to build a fanbase/product
>he doesn't even realize he's doing it
Oh no. Oh no no no. I hope this is a bit.
If it's not, what makes you a schizo is your constant doomer attitude, always bringing up your failed mobile shovelware projects and trying to spin that in a way that proves everyone else will fail just like you did.
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I passed all my tests now I can finally dev in peace.
go back to poland
$22,000 a month is basically minimum wage and-
wait, a MONTH? little bro can shut up about piracy unless he's hiring a full studio.
You should know coming into this that 95% of copies will be pirated. That's the expectation, gamers are niggers who steal anything that isn't chained down and connected to a verification server and plastered in denuovo glass screens. He's just trying to earn pity points here.
I feel like an Elf in a tree home programming his game as /agdg/ goes on in the town square right now.
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Today I got my injection of paliperidone and I was able to solve my panic attacks and burnout.

I started now to make the juice aspect of my game.

As much as I love Finngolian memes, I was not meming. You guys have a very distinct look, especially the natives. I hope I get to visit Finland some day.
Artists > Coders in game development. I wish I was an artist.
bro making top 1% level of money and bitching about pirates lmao

porn games are always going to be more pirated than normal games he knew what he got into he's just a little bitch
The idea of cris having panic attacks is so fucking funny to me for some reason.
Undertale's capsule art is literally just the name of the game on a black background and it sold more than every /agdg/ combined.
>little bro
And it's a good professional capsule art.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if Toby didn't make it himself.
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i got bots for days
He got schizophrenia medication.
This isn't funny anymore.
There's not much to see here unless you love nature.
>Basic photoshop is professional
If you don't understand it then that's okay, we can't all be professional capsule art makers
I love nature and I love your retarded (affectionate) accents.
It is funny but it is not funny to be having one. A few years back I had a health issue that I didn't understand was a health issue which led to anxiety because it seemed to be happening in certain types of situations and then I started avoiding those situations and having full blown panic attacks if forced to enter those sorts of situations. Took quite a while to get what was actually happening, fix it and then work past the panic attacks to reach some sort of normalcy again. Though it is funny that you sort of fix them by realizing what is happening. Once you understand that it is a nonsense panic attack you can calm down or even avoid going into one.
shit's finally looking interesting, i wanna fly through those overhangs
A good capsule and trailer will help you sell your game organically via steam
But many games are “sold” off steam. People just open steam to buy it after learning about it elsewhere
A-are our accents affectionate? What.
Much more can be learned from failures than successes. And most games will fail, it's just the nature of the business. On the positive side, all you need is one hit to be set for life.
i wont make it.
cripling depression peaking right before DD
maybe the panic attacks are justified? I'd be panicking if i made this.
I will art for money
thank you for the words.
King Jesus Christ God Bless.
don't be scared talk about people in the second person, "little bro"

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