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Last: >>484433175

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:

>Capcom x Hoyoverse Creator Roundtable

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
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Did you guys remember to breed today?
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24 more hours until wolf knot goes inside me...
It's finally gonna happen!
i look exactly like nicole
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THEY are coming.
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bro... i'm thinking of just rolling standard and playing corin/lycaon/soukaku. but i want ellen too..
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for me it's
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You guys DID watch the video from an actual good content creator right?
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Section 6 should have had a talking Shiba
Okay retard last thread you said you have good bait. Reply to me with it. I wont even give you a pity (you)
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He sounds Finnish.
I still don't understand this ritualpost but it's by far the best we've had
i can take the knot
Cunless Cun Cunro
I love Manager-kun
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EN Dub > JP Dub.
NTA btw
Inter-Knot is short for Interspecies Knotting.
did they ever give an explanation for why this happened?
i hope i get koleda but im not gonna bother to reroll if i dont
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I said that 10 threads ago and no one even replied to me.
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Believe in the early limited pull and it shall appear fellow Victoria bro
my NIGGA big ben
probably for the same reason ayaka's panties got censored
the desire was there but it was just TOO risque
Is there any reason as to why I should pre-download the game? I'm hoping Mihoyo might fix the download size after release...
/ss/ is already accepted by everyone, exception only being roastie hags.
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Your first five star
I would have (you)’d you if I had seen it
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watching the ads on the tv while it downloads the patch is soulful and kino
Thank you anon. I thought it was clever as well. We were born in the wrong era.
Eternal assignment slave, just like my level one C4 Diluc.
I don't want lycanroc or however hes spelled because he looks gay and lame but the bear looks like a cool guy
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>no brown cuties
honestly I'd prefer him over koleda because he's better and more flexable than the fucking bear you need to pair her with
I hope they add another tall male like him preferably a tigerCHAD, I don’t want any more fat hairy uggos I see enough of that shit outside
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its beautiful
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I don't understand how this game is 50 GB when Stellar Blade is 30.
Uh.. Nekomata? Unreleased pipehorn girl? Big Ben is literally a brown bear and is cute. What more do you even want?
Reminder whenever you spend money on this game, some very small % of that money goes towards paying Waterkuma, you're LITERALLY funding loliporn, and can not say with an honest heart that you've never contributed to the loliporn scene.
lmao based
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I would eat it all for my beloved
something like someone from a certain game about the summer
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Where are the skimpy egyptian loli brown girls?

Who would you guys choose?
The cop cat guy is not tall?
How can lolikeks compete with furGODs?
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I would unironically cum all over my monitor, post it and get a 3 day ban but it will be fucking worth it
Wtf I'm full homo now
What the fuck is this accent?
I downloaded the app and logged in. Does that count as preregistration or do I need to do something else?
>no /v/ threads
DOA tbqh
i guess you cant re roll since you need to make an account first ?
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get another one
it’s okay because I’m going to be entirely f2p
Dawei is already getting enough of my money each month
for >>484450556
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prereg is over already but it doesnt matter, everyone that plays gets the prereg rewards because we reached the milestones
anby sexo
Lycaon x Ben Bigger will be the most popular pairing in ZZZ
1 for the body definitely, 2 being mindbroken is hot though
It's Finnish bro...
You are not that brave anon
me x lycaon will be
He isn’t for that you sick fuck he’s a sweet guy that likes keeping his tail clean and protecting his meido frens
I'm getting tired of all the pedo and furry posting, when are all the normal people who like tits going to start using the general
you mean billy x lycaon
based since I WILL pick belle and fuck all the girls with my futa penis but her tail not being shown loses it soul points
I would eat around the fish and the tentacles. Some of it looks edible.
>where will the pags go
wuwa, gig and hsrg are there for you to enjoy
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Yeah Koleda is a gigafucked. With only 3 in a team, team slots are highly valued so you know the power creep is going to come from role compression. Characters that can stun and support or stun and defense. all these 1.0 characters only do one job which is already oof but then Koleda needs two team slots to do her job. Major oof,
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sup zzzlopkeks
if I find one of those in my city I'm burning it down
Bold of you to assume I have ever swiped for oyohim
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Ben Bigger looks like a walking turd, I am shipping him with Wise because he is literally me
you will need to leave your basement first
So is Lycaon S tier ? should I reroll for him if I'm planning on getting Ellen ?
Me on the right
Look at her go!
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based going to whale on the first limited cunny to fund more loliporn
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Why do they call him "Bigger"?
gn bros, tomorrow is the day
he said cutie
yeah furry is the best pick if you are going for ellen
Are you a gay furry irl? Do you go to furry conventions and cum in each others fursuits? If the answer is no why would you even ask?
I look and act like this.
Ellen knows why
literally the face of the game kek
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>no one is talking about her
>Big boobs
>Nice ass
What went wrong...
Likely because it has way more characters and therefore way more voice acting.
>metafagging on day 1
Nothing will be hard enough to require strong characters and those characters will be powercrept within 3 months, just stop.
Why are they called the Cunny Hares
He has a big brother that is called Biggest and a younger one that is just Big
lycaon love
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I love how some of the girls are just absolute retards instead of powerful girl bosses who can do everything. Sometimes a retard is ok too.
her design just doesn't speak to me honestly
She's designed for normal people and they aren't in these threads
Literally me.
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LMAO, how come all the advertising in the west is actually in SEA?
I don't care what it is if it makes my favorite character stronger
If you haven't full starred Shiyu Defense by week 1 we WILL laugh at you.
They don't shave down there
nerfed tits and design who cares
Her design is the least impressive in the entire game.
the real question is will they release more hot furries in the future
Her top got fucked up.
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Even /akg/ was never this bad.
Underwhelming design that is npc tier like the new cops. Before they messed her up she at least had some cleaveage going for her. They ruined any potential she had for being appealing to most people.
Censored, I don't talk about censored characters on principal.
nah akg is still worse.
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How will the mod scene be, like genshin or hsr? For hsr being supposedly bigger than genshin, their mod scene is pretty bare bones in comparison.
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Yooo this new character looks sick
Skip furry team roll for sex cop
Honestly based.
>on principal
Hello Phuk, aren't you supposed to be in class today?
Grim, I hope you fail and don't get anyone you want.
does arknights have furries too?
It's just us PCbros that brought this on, because we'd upload high-resolution pantyshot after pantyshot after pantyshot onto the interwebs arguably giving miHoYo a raunchy image, whereas mobilepeons couldn't see anything of that sort on their shit devices, as was the intention by mihomo

We now live in shorts era and they will never slip again
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>won't talk about anby
They don't have enough players to have shitposters KWAB
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>MFW what happen to this general during the game launch next day.
They had that one orange dog and a hyena I’m pretty sure
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She needs correction badly
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the personality variety is a major strong point here really
Based, you are filled with love for your favorite character
>open stream
>inmediatly hit with a 1:30 minutes ad
>singing in english, voice in english
bros the en dub is great you guys fucking lied to me
Why is everyone spamming Bangboo
I would have nothing to talk about even if I did. I don't know anything about her she looks generic as fuck can't believe she is the face on the game.
I want to hug the cat lady she is so cute
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I'm not right now but this game put the thought in my head
read the pinned message
>He still not using twitch adblock script
bangboos or bangbros?
We all want to rail Boo, who is a future character to be released
>she looks generic as fuck
Leave me alone.
nekomata rape
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Brainless metachurls deserve nothing.
>Bangboo spam
Why are seaniggers like this?
anon you don't have to post bad bait twice...
I like the en voices
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I will forever laugh at any and all metacucks.
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bangboo enjoyers are my bangbros
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Why are these threads moving so fast when the game isn't even out?
How am I supposed to tell (You) how much I love (You) if the thread is this fast?
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They have 6 but they don't get skins that often outside of Mountain (giant tiger man)
Is nekomata loli? I can't get hard if she is over 15.
ive been to a furry con before
it's not bait wtf, you guys told me they were all trannies
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Me and my wife
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>Less than 24 hours remain
Post your main team you're planning to use
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Should I play this game if furshit disgusts me
Will everything else it has to offer make up for it
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Jesus christ
I was playing Dota 2 earlier today and a had this party on my team. The one guy kept spamming We love black men. He went offlane as Dazzle with a Centaur named Nigga something I forget. I was seething the whole match because they were shit and we lost. It reminded me of you guys.
Doesn't Mihoyo know that zzz is the snoring sound, which means the game is boring
For me, it's Rina.
>Koleda Belabog
am I going to regret downloading this?
this, but unironically
So all i need to do is wishlist it on the PS5 store to get the pre-register rewards?
At least when the game comes out all this furfag bait posting will slow down and people will actually discuss the game.
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it depends how much you like cunny
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>Belobog Heavy Industries
>Belobog, Jarilo VI
Don't know about mihomo games but in wuwa it was very hard for me during union level 30. Everything hits like a truck and 2 shot me while my 3 star weapons do piss all damage. If zzz is anything similar then I'd argue metafagging is even more necessary in the first month
honestly mid compared to ellen
yeah im hopping on zzz alright
Rina, Anton, Grace
Lycaon should have been the male mc
This game is gonna be a giant flopturd
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>no tectone
Who is the Mirana of ZZZ?
Oh right. Arknights is the game with a furry girl named "Waai fu."
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Grace Rina Anton
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Maybe. But you definitely shouldn't browse the threads then
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her EN va kind of sucks bros...
>grace shilling
stream muted and tabed out
OMG like I was thinking the same exact thing!

Lycaon is daddy yaaaaassss
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>Use the Bara bear or else
In zzz you can literally dodge parry everything, so if you cant clear without metafagging its 100% a skull issue.
Guys Grace looks way cooler in her cutscenes and game model than her icon. I actually kinda like her.
>Six star
Aak- who is wonky to use and hated
Lee- wonky to use barely even counts as furry
Mountain- decent to use but nothing amazing
>Five star
Hung- Trash to use with better options
Waaifu - Trash to use with better options
>Three star
Spot- Okay to use without much investment but easily replaced

The rest of the furries are 2 star trash and are already worthless the start of the game. The game hasn't released any more furries beyond this. I will give ZZZ a year and they will probably beat Arknights out on the furry department.
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Me zooming in on Lycaon's ass any chance I get just like in Star Rail with Yanqing
Grace sounds like Himeko.
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duke in the corner kills me every time I see this
Wow chinese fans are vocal about the 110 gb download and they are not happy
I'm actually honestly more surprised that this is the first gacha that goes for a modern urban aesthetic rather than the indistinct fantasy blender slop or indistinct Sci fi blender slop that every Chinese gacha seems to default to.
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>Changing game audio to JP before the game releases
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Putting a child inside Grace
>had the thread open in another tab
>woman moaning
>t-that Child *moan*
Is there any chance of the story being interesting or should I skip everything just like I do in Arknights?
>Literally has both their names in the kit
I yield... my name will never be in Koleda's kit...
Noelle>>>>your maid
>caring about PC
Anon china is literally all phone + internet cafes.
I hope you have mechanized sperm or she will end up tossing it straight into the garbage once it's born.
beta players, how required is the bear for koleda?
story is largely going to be silly kino stuff
This game has a western cartoon art aesthetic. You fucked up.
They sure like the word child
90% of the time any loli in english dub is trash.
If i don't get a 4 digit UID tomorrow i will rope
rina x ellen just got hinted at btw
How long until servers are live?
I would bet both of my nuts that the story will be more digestible than Arknights
How big is the download? I have a 128 GB tablet.
child = childe
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>In elden ring you can literally dodge parry everything, so if you cant clear without shieldfagging its 100% a skull issue.
Yeah sure, I don't see a problem with that at all.
delete this
>Should I play this game if furshit disgusts me
Just do what I do, play for fun and when you inevitably roll the faggot furry one day you delete the game and move on.
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The people that do play on PC are actually complaining on bilibili though
Why does her bra have a zipper
>western cartoon art aesthetic
On android? About 18GB.
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>over 4k viewers.
>ZZZ 24 hours waiting room twitch stream got more viewers than wuwa 1.0 twitch livestream
How long until Waterkuma makes another burner NSFW account so he can draw Nicole getting hard fucked like he did for Blue Archive characters? https://files.catbox.moe/be7jqw.jpeg
She did nothing wrong
What if I want the bear but don't want the koleda.
SHOW RINA (again)
>genshin has fatxiao who has inverted history + gnosticism + kabbalah + 50k word minimum per patch
Haven't played HSR but its probably as bad as genshin and I imagine ZZZ writer is on Chinese amphetamines too
a bit over 23 hours
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Aak takes brainpower to use which retards hate you need to throw down a healer before you use his skill to hyperbuff an attack otherwise he'll just instakill them
Lee is a great funneler for mass spammed enemies that would overwhelm your defenders and breach your defenses
Mountain is the same but he can beat shit up at high velocity

Hung is just a standard defender nothing crazy
Waai Fu is... well I don't use her at all but she's there

Spot is a budget defender who can stop attacking to heal units around him

Overall they're great but they're not as meta as other units, they're certainly not as powercrept as other stuff though

I just stopped playing the game because limited pity being 300 pulls was just way too much and it wasn't fun being f2p and saving for 6 months to grab an old unit. Meanwhile the new game modes they introduced needed the new OP broken units so it was just slop designed to make you drop money. I dropped the game instead.
Fuck that bitch Typhon
If only she looked like that in game I would roll for her.
how many viewers did it get?
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phonechads stay winning
To take it off?
Wow, Anby EN voice suck.
fuck off shitposter
stay shitposter
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It's a common type of sports bra.
I like her lisp but she's forcing the voice too much.
Neko love
Aak and Hung might as well be removed from the game since they are separate in old content banner. So we technically have now even less furries. I don't really see ZZZ making any of the furries a power house but maybe at least useable to some degree.
Now bring over cunny archive's nipple zippers
Zenless Zone Zero?
So what's supposed to happen in this 24 hours of stream?
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Mobile players be like yoooo shit fire
Not released for another 23 hours bwo
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this is what they took from you
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>wuwa, nikke,and snowbreak shows CCP never care about game showing big breasts, side boobs, ass or panties
>which mean Hoyo censored themselves

Imagine playing a game made by dev who made it big because of coomers but think they're above them.
If that's not a cuck behaviour, i don't know what that is.
How do you try hard in the hoyo animal crossing game? Can you even win?
I will never understand the mindset of a metacuck that does it for the rewards, even if the difference between meta and non meta was 10 rolls per patch it wouldnt compensate for the amount of rolls getting characters and weapons you dont want costs.
Game is western bro
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3.5k on Twitch, 39k on youtube, and it dropped slowly to 31k because they kept yapping for two hours about eating cake and stuff, while the actual 1.0 content was only worth less than 20 minutes.
It wasn't a devs live stream but more like of e-celebs talking as if it was a podcast.
which javs have this outfit? I just know this is too sexy for the japanese to not make porn with it
playing anything other than a turn based game on a phone sucks cock I don't know how chinks do it
Yes we were talking about how many furries will ZZZ compared to Arknights.
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23 more hours bwos
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Wait so how do you move the character on mobile now?
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>chat is just people spamming "Bangboo" in hopes of getting a gift card instead of discussing the stream
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Who's the strongest cunny meta wise?
You literally
>brown thighband pantyhose
Diamonds, absolutely diamonds
Still western, even if it's made in nippon
I'm advancing my pc 23 hours, see ya losers ill be enjoying my single digit uid hahahahahahahahahhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Yes, because PC culture is so fucking dead most people either have shit prebuilts mostly for email or 0.1% with the most high end rigs r/battlestation has ever seen.
My point still stands
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Not even out yet.
Post one first and i'll tell you.
I have a hard time believing PC culture is dead when like half of all chinks play League of Legends and not the mobile version.
we fucking won bros
but didnt we only get 20k viewers on youtube?
Robin turned herself into a gun?
Your point is in the toilet, like you, shitposter.
oh no anby isn't a slut anymore
People watch gacha stream? I like gacha but its boring to watch
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Wuwafaggots lost
Billy demo with the bulllet was kino
Your countdown is wrong then
How do you know this is waterkuma
Her JP voice is terrible though.
Read my original post
>internet cafes
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fuck off femcel
Waterkuma is literally sick in the head, jesus
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I love billy bros
Billy is a fun character i cant wait to see the interactions
fuck off femcel
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>don't like koleda
>nekomata is kinda meh
this fucking sucks
how long until the gyaru or op pic?
a-at least they arent black this time
So why are people half animal? Any reason in the lore or just because? The shark tails really stupid looking on otherwise good design.
I want billy, lycaon and big ben to take turns fucking me in the ass.
Can I enjoy the game without playing a single dude?
The zzz stream is more diveres compare to SR and genshin.
I forgot how many genshin was but it was over around 100k more or less.
SR was around 40K
ZZZ also got Twitter stream that weirdly higher than twitch and youtube, maybe because normie subscribe to ZZZ twitter on their phone.
Twitter 30k+
Youtube 27k
Twitch 17k.
JP youtube also over 15k but its not fair to count this when I dunno what JP number for others.
Holy fukk! someone get the tiktok hours quick!
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me too i hope he's good
>So why are people half animal?
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Any youtubers worth watching for ZZZ or are they all cringe?
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A mihoyo arena battler with only girls? Boy do I have a game for you
>bro didn't watch the special program
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wait you guys like billy because you want to fuck him? i like billy because he's a goofy cowboy robot
You cant endure
he's so fun how can you dislike him
What if I wanted to play a good game.
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>the gyaru
Nicole? She's one of your starter characters. And Lucy(OP) will be in at release.
will they play Nicole’s song
It tells me it's over a day but nvm I guess it's just a timezone? How the fuck does time even work
I find Billy cool because of his jacket and guns
>yuritranny characters
>yuritranny fanbase
Yep, I'd rather have the occasional literally (Me) male
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Does the ZZZ Community have a problem?
This particular song should be banned from reality.
It's already my main game, actually
it gives the artists an entire new layer of creativity to work with to make their characters standout as opposed to just overdesigning their clothing to the point it looks ai generated like they do in Genshin Impact.
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that's my reasoning too he's just a really fun character I would like to hang out with
Use this or the stream
Yeah the problem is called Tectone.
This changes everything.
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Are these ZZZ version of golden throttle?
Yeah the problem is slop like nicole and ellen
Based thank you
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>The new game from the extremely popular company with extremely hot characters, extremely appealing aesthetics and extremely good animations will flop because it just will OK?
Hearing this for 2 years straight on every fucking general was so fucking cringe.
That's a nice nice way to say "I am here"
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weird, it's the right time for me
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I hope this guy being ironic.
I's the Cunny Hares the main characters?
>finally having cunny that aren't potatoes
What black magic is this.
My pet on stream
why did they call it inter knot
Yes, you have no choice but to love them
>tfw you were one of the original zzz general posters
Stock-up bros...early GODS...We Won
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Nekomata's song is cute and sensual
The only acceptable e-celeb in /zzz/ is Dr. Disrespect.
On the first chapter yes
(You) assist different factions, the cunning hares are one of them
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>paid for tranny sex
Fuck off tectone. Do everyone a favor and get a hair transplant and stop making videos for a month.
I think Nekomata and Piper's EN VAs alone are enough to get me to use EN. Billy sounds cool. The side characters have been good too. Koleda sounds a little busted, but she's a construction manager so it kinda fits.
if your uid is longer than four digits, you’re exiled from the /zzz/ guild
Good news, more cunny is coming soon.
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I like the Koleda voice
The game will be up in 23 hours from now
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his name is waterkuma
Is it true this game will have a REAL skip button?
I think Anby will be important to the overall story but no.
Since our mc doesn't do the fighting, who's going to acquire/evolve different elements like in genshin?
Grace's EN VA is good and so is Rina's.
I actually don't mind it too much. It's growing on me.
Japanese version is Rope Net which is just a spinoff of Web, the slang for internet
They just localized it to rope Knots and called it Inter Knot as another rope pun
Nobody draws like he does, his art style is very distinct and his art has a certain dynamism that other artists don't have.
Is that not a good enough answer?
Don't get all angy bro, calm your booba
They’re already rerunning episodes…this tv show sucks
Hiring an actual good artist instead of AI.
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I heard they reduced TV but how much they reduce it since cbt3? I just checked archive and many anons are complaining about it on previous cbt thread even with tv double speed update
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not sure why the fuck I said gyaru, but I meant chinatsu
>Lucy(OP) will be in at release
nice, I hope I get her
I don't think they reduced it from the cbt3, but they plan to literally remove it in the future.
by like half
saving this to reply whenever someone posts him here
I have never heard or seen gameplay of this. What even do you do?
I like Kyostinv
>trannylation ends up referencing furry sex
Would be funny, but I don't trust LA niggers to have not done it intentionally to pander to their ilk.
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>Top download worldwide
>Still can't play the game
Who are these idiots?
>they plan to literally remove it in the future
sorry misread. They didn't change it since cbt3
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zzz shows more skin post censorship, wuwa only got decensored because the censoring was ridiculous looking considering how tame the ogs where, their loli is still censored
not chinese
only good example but they also censored between beta and release, they removed blood and fenny had smaller panties, probably for licencing issues.
We will know if it was a licencing issue for zzz too once they release the future s ranks with massive knockers who are stilll not censored according to datamines
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>decide to watch the video out of morbid curiosity
>:uhh I dunno why they'd expect a community pandering to LOLICONS to be sane I think my viewerbase will be the only sane part of the fanbase"
this guy needs to be put down lmao
How do we convince MENA of giving ZZZ a chance, zisters?
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it’s him
>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
>plan to literally remove it in the future.
Jello Impact put together a channel for the game, he's meta oriented and he likes it a lot
It's the roguelite aspect of the game, you navigate around TVs using a Bangboo and solve puzzles to get buffs, look it up on youtube, it's really well made.
should i try playing the game in japanese
would it be too hard to a humble n3-kun like me
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>their loli is still censored
verina having that dress covering her tummy is a crime against humanity
Yeah Chinatsu is a fair ways off.
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Why the fuck is this game so popular? It was supposed to be more niche than star rail.
kek someone got hit
More blacks.
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>game isn't even out yet and I've already blown loads to Anby
Why is she so fappable?
Delete this
The 1.0 Stream
Ashikai for lore
I just like this ^ design of Nicole more than the OG one. The micro shorts looked ridiculous, I find the tits have a more tasteful size while still being absolutely massive, and I found the straight-up tubetop looked somewhat trailer park. With the black sports bra or shirt under it, it looks better.
im gonna cum
extremely gropeable
Russians see the letter Z and coom.
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soon bro trust in waterkuma
You would probably need to look up a lot of words and it may take time to get through text but if you're committed you could do it.
That might be a child
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>this is who they're going to cater to
It's over. It hasn't even begun and it's already over.
I agree with everything but they should've kept the breast size.
The twittertrannies are here.
Can't blame you, she's pretty cute.
yes, that increases her sex appeal immensely
Does this game have any black men?
People talk about it like it's terrible, but I think I might like it...
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>simple action game in an era of open world slop fatigue
Come on.
It has a brown bear.
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This nigga is still defending the human rights of pixels
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My cute sister
yeah the bra honestly makes her design look a lot cleaner
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i wanna play
Will they ever add overflow stamina like HSR? That would be a very nice QoL update.
yeah there's a black anon here who plays
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Here, for Anbybwos
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No anon... just, no.
wow she's flat flat, bordering on hebe
>no comments
>no retweets
stop posting screenshots of literal whos
That nigga's ZESTY
Do it in my mouth
very good but barefoot would be perfect
I always find it funny in anime communities about underage anime girls. I remember hearing about when the official sky striker manga came out and they confirmed raye was 16. The sky striker discord had a meltdown and banned all the porn. Like they went years gooning to raye and now its morally wrong. Like didnt sky striker come out in 2018? That was five straight years of jerking off and a single line in a manga that came out in 2023 caused a massive meltdown. People needing confirmation to like fiction is weird.
The original tweet where he got clowned on has 22k+ views
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stfu retard
Thats so fucking hot, the xitter post just makes it even hotter desu.
Midnight release?
the true love interest
>an Aharen-san Discord server having issues with people announcing when they are going to blow their load to Aharen-san
twittertrannies out
it's coming in like 22.5 hrs from now
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her face in the model looks longer and older compared to the art

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I get more likes and replies by literally just tweeting the word "cunny".
>You can't have both
Bro has never seen teens before. When I was in high school 20 years ago, the girls were mostly C-D cups, and no; this isn't because americans are fat. They were just unusually stacked to the point that it was the norm. Same when I was in college. Dude calling himself a sensei needs to get educated.
HSR general is down the hall to the left
she could be in her final year of high school and had her birthday in January
What's their goal in the story?
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you're playing with the jp dub, right oniichan?
I like her more than S11 desu
RWBY lookin ass, there i said it
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>"Mr Wei, ZZZ trend is dropping"
>"Release the countdown livestream."
>trying to support his point by posting the improved design of her
Has your retard handler let you on the kiddie tablet so you can watch your finger counting YouTube videos?
>unironically going "SHE'S 17 YEARS AND 363 DAYS OLD YOU PEDO"
It stops being funny when it stops being an exaggeration that I know no one will say seriously. What the fuck is wrong with zoomers?
Weiss when?
Same but I'm from Brazil and girls here are just built different.
Sauce on this artist?
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getting married
If Twitter likes were still visible I guarantee he's reposted some anime girl under 18 while "pretending" not to know about her real age
Stop giving a shit. They don't matter. They wouldn't even if they were Japs, but they are not even that, so they can't affect/shitten up anything.
Really wish they hadn't, its just gonna make snagging a small UID even harder.
That guy isn't a zoomer. He's a 40 year old brit living in Japan.
is there really a countdown livestream though? checked on twitch and youtube and it ain't there
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I will play your game
That's right Rin!
His music is shit
my point wasnt that she stopped being hot, it just wasnt an improvement and you should stfu faggot
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Stop lying you wuwa nigger.
Many thanks
Delicious what little view and comment count he has, this means you can harass/downvote him and he'll see it.
the song he made for zzz sounds like generic riotslop
Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina Rina
Nope. I found out I love most of the English voices. Corin, Piper, Nekomata and many of the others are pure kino to listen to. I've heard anime for years and it just goes in one ear and out the other because I read the subs and the voices just become noise to me. I feel like a connoisseur of fine wine listening to English while being in this community. The flavors are much more varied and unique.
I prefer Grace
oh my bad i adhd glanced it
okay yes i'm watching
He is also completely mogged by the chink rapper who sung the ZZZ theme
So is there any good sunny cex in this game?
How about you give the retard-proofed tablet back to your nanny if the opinions of random people on the internet give you one of your mini-melties?
why is the zzz music good but they completely flopped in the promo department?
Yeah much more similar to blacks due to mestizo and black admixture in your genes. Black women are pure bliss if you love big ol booty.
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Is good when they don't just use rap.
Unfortunately he's not into Hoyo stuff, I'll have to wait for Healthyman for my ZZZ cunny.
Trying too hard in the promos.
They really want those neetbux.
not watching doomposter who join wuwa hype train
What's good about having a small UID? Is that like having a small cock?
he recently did some wuwa stuff so we can hope that works as a gateway into zzz
should of done it like Infinite Wealth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hu21GkA9J0
>best server is Europe
Excuse me?
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>Is that like having a small cock?
Just accept it. You've been chosen.
they keep dumping money on semi-big names like tiesto to try to build hype that just phone it in instead of focusing on production quality
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Shut the fuck up holy shit
More like they think
urban setting = dude rap lmao
So the 24 hour stream is just the same couple of trailers repeating and the countdown timer? If so I'm surprised they don't have more trailers in their lineup.
This game will EoS
God Damn Nekomata rap is a BOP
Nicole looks like a gigantic whore that takes many different cocks in for money daily.

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They will probably release a launch trailer.
mods will heal her
Instead of that rap tiesto shit, they should have hired this faggot. Would have been hype.
all live service games will EoS someday
sex with men
ZZZ hired Monster Cat for their music, so they are pretty based.
We will share nicole around this general like the slut she is
honestly if all they were aiming for was good electronic they could reach out to justice, they even released a new album pretty recently
Man, I liked monster cat but some of their shit is completely hit or miss.
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Who are (You) choosing for the s-rank selector at 300 pulls?
I hope that /zzz/ does not suffer the fate of some generals but I am not hopeful. Regardless, I will drop in from time-to-time to announce the True Meta. The wise will do well to take heed.
yeah monstercat is a total gamble between good and generic slop
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which one bros?
Titty maid if I don't have her, Grace otherwise
Either of the two on the far left, haven't decided yet.
Is the newbie 40 pull for a ssr a selector? if not then either nekomata or rina
Rina, Grace or Soldier 11, depends who I get in the first 50 pulls.
Depending on who I get along the way, my priority is Lycaon > Nekomata > Rina > Koleda > Grace > Soldier 11. Don't care about the meta, I just want the two characters I like the most so far.
The dream would have been hiring Venjent and getting him sample some of the character and ingame sounds to make something.

Rina, or Grace if I already have Rina
Nekomata or the maido.
>metafag commenting on thread quality
friend you are the problem
>Soukaku is A rank
Based, I'll get her and Shark
All in on Rina, all copies possible. I will not relent. That lady does something to me.
any website with updated 1.0 kits?
>wise having an off-model yume face
opening this image was like a fucking jumpscare
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Lycaon if I somehow don't have him at that point but otherwise whoever I'm missing I would think you'd get 1 of all of them by 300 since the pool is smaller than Star Rail's
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Why yes I will choose Wise and have incestuous intercourse with Belle.
I only recognize Hiraku and Kouichi, but even then I don't remember what they sounded like.
I recognize Shuna because her show is currently airing. I'm playing the brother so I can have notShuna talking to me.
>Monster Cat
zamn this shit was relevant like what? 10+ years ago?
What are your pre-rolling rituals going to be bros? For me it's getting a highscore in the snake minigame everytime I wanna pull
Tierlist doko?
Tiesto is the best it's hoyo's direction that is shit
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>Almost two hires and the countdown livestream still getting hire across 3 regions
>Global stream full of SEApags spamming BANGBOOO
>JP and CH stream full of people discussing the game.
Wise because the va voices my boy
>will only get it 1 year later like HSR
does it matter? They'll be powercrept by then, and they're all DPS so unlike Bronya there's no reason to get them after we already have limited characters.
I will fuck my sister.
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Saving my jems for the sexo squad
ENfag audience please understand
I also posted Bangboo desu, it was a KINO moment in my day.
I haven't seen a single anime except jojo from the bottom person. Is she this what an A list seiyuu is nowadays?
So You want them to hire Swift or Kendrick instead?
i was spamming character limit Bangboo emojis, keep seething weeaboo
belle va has way more established rolls, i'd still have picked her anyways.
Ain't no way they got the scratch to nab T-Swizzle
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>the absolute STATE of ironic weebs
I'm making squid and fish pancakes with blueberries before rolling, turning off the lights and lighting candles in a pentagram around my pc to make sure I get Rina.
Same don't know if keep it on Europe or change it to America they could at least let us see the ping
What are the protagonist's names?
They just gonna used the Fusion Reactor money for 30 seconds guest star reveal.
haru and kikuri were both in massive fotm shit how do you not know of them at least
>deranged siscon
>not voiced by RRRgi
what's the fucking point?
Wise just looks fucking awful, It'd be their worst male design yet if Aether didn't exist
I will also fuck your sister. Thank you.
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They're 13
Did someone try using a decensor program for this or something? I'm so used to pixels i cant fap unless its there desu.
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Taking down Wuwa is easy. The real question is if ZZZ is gonna put a dent to GOD EMPEROR DFO
furry faggot sex
Zolgar and Dendringle
>he doesn't know
>Haru - Beastars
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I'm picking Lycaon if I don't have him yet
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out of 10
the artist just did a blur censor instead of pixels I think
Rin and Akira
Hexmanic vibes
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Stark and Fern
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she legit looks 14. i think you're just a pedophile
Sterk and Rorona
Wise(M) and Belle(F) in English.
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I implore you people to go out and breed.
>>484460440 Rina is a hybrid DPS/Support that do off field damage a give damage PEN%
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nah I do but modern verina is a lot hotter imo, like her design genuinely mogs the fuck out of everyone else in that game
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oh yeah Lycaon has the same va as legosi
nta, but the coper is back
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Not a coincidence. They'll be canon.
He looks weird as shit dude, you seriously think he looks good? Caelus is the best looking male mc they've done this guy looks like he's trying to look like a twink and a man at the same time and it just looks weird, maybe women might like it
>he says about a character that clearly dresses in sexy manner, hinting she's almost certainly not a child
I think you should just take your moralfagging and fuck off.
? Your first 50 pulls towards your beginner 5 star counts towards the 300 and you're getting another 180 from the entire patch, 100 from just logging in through events and 80 from exploring, and that's just predictions based off the beta. It could be even more not counting character ascension pulls.
Kanye, actually
why am i supposed to hate wuwa again
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Look like Nahida knock off
I think anko is better because her outfit is nice, her eyes are cool and her hair isn't as weird as verina, but I like verina's color scheme
>Three of his previous major roles are wolves/wolf-guys.
is there any point in this? by the time you get there you'll have gotten every copy of the pool multiple times
That can't be right, you're telling me ZZZ has a smaller roster AND is more generous than HSR? What's the catch? The 300 selector also disappears after you get it once?
Aethlus and Stellumine
kanye would be pretty based if we're talking rap stuff
You are replying to a man who Failed to Heed the True Meta. Bronya has been the weakest Standard Character for quite a long time, and Welt the strongest. These are people who rolled for only Harmony characters and fail every MoC and PF that comes around, while protesting profusely over "shilling" of certain characters. They had Warnings...They chose to ignore them for the rantings and ravings of Youtube and Calc-troons.
>typecasted as "the furry dog guy"
Damn. Is there any worse a fate?
Furryumes creaming their panties right now
He literally looks fine.
>delay based character is worse than advance based character in a mode with limited turns
uhhh bro?
Known only for being a Tsundere VA
>iroha comes back for sex in 3d
HSRfags, qrd on this wannabe meta schizo?
I want that raygun and her bangboo pants...skirt? Whatever she's wearing.
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>me everytime zzz starts talking about seiyu
this shit is like celebrity worship in the west
He looks like a fuckin NPC
Caelus is way cooler
Hell, even Aether looks better
>maid, dog, grace
acc saved

>neko, koleda, soldier 11
acc bricked
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>me everytime someone posts fofo
>Great Red Siberian
Bro's got experience putting the knot in small girls.
>2 electros
>when electro is by far the weakest element
what the fuck is this ranking by
>Hell, even Aether looks better
nta but that's just blame wrong
He is akshually pretty consistently right, you can look up AWSA and probably find his posts in the archive. It did turn out much better than a lot of the teams people were talking about, and he was right about not needing E2 on Acheron too. Haven't seen him much since then
I have been working through my backlog.
Using the word ironic is stupidity as there is no audience watching us anon. You don't know how to correctly use that word.
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We like fofo here, other hsr troons can fuck off.
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Holy shit I've spent YEARS looking for these specific Waterkuma BA fanarts, thanks a bunch Anon.
There's no need to be shy. It's literally is. They'll talk shit about a character, design and gameplay, until they find out who voices them and then immediately plan to drop cash on them.
great more ell*n spam incoming
>Just as much literal whos as the EN voice cast
I'm still not used to crappy EN VA singing.
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Look like an ikemen from a yume game to me. Girls love those faces it seems.
Reminder she is a high school student.
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when u see it u'll shit bricks
>electro is by far the weakest
>4 high school girls
WTF BWO they are highschool girl nyoooooooooooo
>tfw need to watch all the ZZZ videos before release tomorrow
>tfw need to read all the lore bits too
It's going to be a long one...
I like the style for this one. The trailers that were the best were the ones that really fit with the theme. Wolf man and Ghost Maid's kind of sucked because it was just a Genshin trailer. This one and Soldier 11's were good. So was Nicole's.
Ew... too old.
She's not breedable.
Get over it and masturbate to your seiyu shit some more.
Are these girls going to be future units?
These cutscenes are trailer only or its part of story mode?
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Do not lust over 17 year olds.
>Thick shark tail
>Aloof attitude
How'd they managed to put so much sexo into a single character?
Where is Teri? Where is Kiana? I don't even know who those whores are they aren't honkai.
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Predict her tiktok hours
Anyone else notice they added the puffy nipple art at the end? Still 100% puffy. No nerf. Looking promising.
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When they eventually get exposed for pedophilia, will Mihoyo re-record their song?
uh getting massive bocchi vibes from her dynamic with her friends
like girl kissing vibes
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So Ellen is just Kazusa but a shark instead of cat?
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are 13 year olds okay
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ZZZ is a yuri game after all
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Trailers only. Hoyo usually does two trailers for S ranks (5 stars in Genshin and Honkai Star Rail). One in more of a manga style and another game play trailer. New A ranks will get a gameplay trailer. These usually come a few days before their banner.
They do relate to the character's story though
If I was a newfaggot I wouldn't be tired of faggots like you using the word ironic. There is no such thing as ironic web just a weeb. They can be closeted weebs but it's not ironic just eye rolling.
dandy isn't a lolicon this is slander
Are they unironically women? Do women really ruin everything?
Peak Yuri, I'm afraid to say
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Unless you are calling Japanese men women then no... many people are sadly capable of celebrity worship no matter the sex.
So because some of them do stupid shit the whole EN VA realm is cursed forevermore? That sounds pretty petty.
So I'm guessing Ellen/Lycoan/Soukaku is going to be the best team on 1.0?
Thanks i will watch all trailers now
chinks say ice is a brick element so no
Who will be the Raiden Bosenmori Mei of ZZZ?
This but without a single shred of irony. I shitposted Zhu Yuan being censored until I learned she shares the same voice as Yoko. I am now rolling for her.
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>Good cunny design
>Gameplay focus

After years of WORDSLOP, we are back
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Any cowbros...
>high school girl has high school peers and friends
>it's yuri bros
damn, life must be tough as a female when having friends automatically makes you a lesbian
invest in rina NOW
Seems so because full ice team is broken for 1.0
Still funny how a jk mindbroke the ENkeks
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remember to use your shark for extra luck while rolling
Yes not only does the enemy freeze in place and take more damage Ellen is the best DPS on launch
Probably, but then expect a bunch of ice-resistant enemies in 1.1 or 1.2
must be convenient to have a walking sandpaper
god you could smell the sexual tension between ellen and her blonde friend, yurisisters won bigly
Are you a female and if not have you ever had your T levels checked? I literally can't imagine anyone but a female doing this kind of behavior.
Yeah I let friends just hug and rub my tailbone, its what bros do.
Real question
Is there any romance in the social links? Will I get Yuri if I pick Belle?
They're nothing alike.
I don't see yuri at all.
I wasn't being ironic either. I've seen entire generals do 180s from leaks to the moment the voice is revealed.
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I have a hard time believing this is even real, but if it is it looks AMAZING.
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Try looking better
>could've pandered to straights
>instead show ellen being cute with her girlfriends
>hets will still say she's straight
YWNBAS (or a woman)
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Mihoyo EN VAs are often under fire for not supporting Palestine or tweeting controversial opinions. They are at risk for cancelation by the fanbase anytime. Giving them more credibility also allows them to spew stupid shit in the name of canon. Not sure why Mihoyo would be willing to take that risk when using normal instrumental music would've suffice.
Japanese bros this guy says you are females.
Looking forward to this game too desu
Both male and female weebs can be into seiyuufagging. But for me, it just so happens that the VAs I like ended up voicing/typecasted into characters I like.
>high school boy has high school peers and friends
>it's yaoi bros
damn, life must be tough as a male when having friends automatically makes you a homo

Ignore the mentally ill.
The "180 pulls" people may be mistakenly lumping normal Gacha and boopons together. They are all Gacha pulls technically, but boopons are only for the non-cash Bangboo Gacha.
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pls no
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cute yuri
I know this is weird to you since you've never been outside or had contact with females, but they literally hug each other 24/7.
my gaydar is going off the charts
these bitches gay
good for them
Uhhh i remember reading the guy that did these died of cancer. Thats why there werent any more
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literally me
how is everything relating to this game so fucking stylish
I'd rather gay bara furries than yuritroons any day
Are yurishitters just people who don't know what having friends is like
can you actually get 300 rolls during the banner
You guys realized the more you respond to yuri shitposting the more they gonna post it right?
>People complaining about yuri

did you never play OG honkers?
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if you watched jks on tiktok youd know theyre just like that
Too many good options desu
I will choose whoever feels best to play
They all look kinda weird to me wuwa bro. Like they kept changing her design because it didn't look quite right?
He got the most enticing butthole in the game
>angry tsundere x bubbly gal
Literally nobody gives a shit about your dead as fuck game, higtranny
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There seems to be a cow on the police
they'll probably just show up in town
Isn't that with all shitposting?
isn't she a rat
Not supporting political agendas is based and intelligent as a VA so that's a plus. Also if Mihoyo told that VA in your image that Paimon is agender then she's just repeating what Mihoyo said and not giving her own opinion. What's the bad part here?
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There is literally no way Ellen is comfortably lying down like this with the existence of her tail
Shark teeth
Why are you watching JK on TikTok? (I do the same)
“He” is coming
it is inevitable
pray and worship
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Glad I came here since I was going to waste my jims on the cat.
I don't like the robot tho.
Only the girl we are getting for 1.0 looks good.
Gay bara furries are less obnoxious, but that doesn't make them much better.
None that we've seen so far. The examples have been very platonic.
no one mentioned how ellen blushed when her friend had her hands on her tail
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Me neither, the mihoyo fandom is something else.
I'm picking belle just in case also since her design is better of the two anyways
>yuribait character
And drop. I will wait for Project Mugen instead
yuribros we are back
ether > electric > physical > fire > ice
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Needing to self insert into media is the behavior of brown genetic sludge from south of the canal.
i tried out wuthering waves and i got bored and closed it. i feel like i should like it but im so unmotived playing it. i dont feel any soul in the game.
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>these are the promised 100 pulls
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"He" hasn't shown up on these threads yet, got scared off by the furries
>see girls hug each other
>it's yuri!
man pretend to be woman
anon she is rat....
This nigga is demented
The bad part is she's lying, and the fact that giving EN VAs more influence means they'll eventually slip up and get canceled by the entire fanbase they were supposed to pander to. It's a high risk low return move.
top cute
How the fuck did this happen?
they really have abandoned Honkai 3rd for this game, haven't they?
it’s Madoka Magica Magia Exedra
I can't help myself. I am sorry. I see them type and my reaction just flows like water. I will try to collect myself.
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we won so fucking hard it's unbelievable
what is encrypted master tape? is that for the limited banner?
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>19 filtered post
let me guess, based on the new trailer its the Y shitposter?
I'll pick Belle and I'm gonna date Ellen!
So Ellen hates men, loves spending time with her girls, and subtly flirts with them and you expect me to think she's not a gay queen?
Dont forget your wuwa dailies tomorrow...
China absolutely MOGGING Japan and the West in the sovl department lately, and pretty brutally too

What'd been your guys' reaction 10 years ago to this?
>Immediately thinks of selfinserters
Holy fucking mindbroken troon
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her face when she sees dick
>enticing butthole in the game
Stop this
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I hate her face so fucking much if she becomes S rank and not the android cunny I'm going to stab dawei
Please make a yuri OP for the next thread
damn, 20 pulls is fucking nothing.
>Giant gardening shears
I'll admit, I honestly thought she just had a really stupid looking spear. The fact it's actually giant shears with multiple forms is neat. Still a bland character though.
To get mad at anime girls kissing means you are either gay, or a brown harem watching retard who gets triggered at the thought of characters not being attracted to (you). Many such cases. Only a self inserter would associate them with trooning out.
Why do you not like notYelan? Also that's basically guaranteed, if not the riot shield homo.
>characters have mostly same shade of outfit
>give 3 of them same shade of hair with minor differences
>mostly boring silhouettes
Rookie mistake in character design.
whatever homo
the enticing butthole post was so fucking funny
Polychrome works for either banner.
MHY is trying really hard to shill asian artists, huh? I actually appreciate it desu senpai
>The bad part is she's lying
What is the data backing up that statement?
Leak chads, how long do we have to wait for robot cunny?
Is that shitposter a genshin or honkai poster.
CBT3 prediction got 120 standard and 150+ limited but the game will expand more during 1.0, new events, quest and area.
some said its 300+ pulls total.
Her history of making all sorts of shit about Genshin in the past.
I haven't logged in since before 1.1 launched and I wasted like half my daily pass corals by not logging in to collect them. I think I have like 100 USD worth of pulls left in the account too.
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its good japanese practice, them being cute is a bonus
ellen reminds me of seele
I now expect her to get powercrept to hell in a few months
i saw people get really angry at this video and call it cringe because it was too animated
Why did that man bend over?
personally, i love the overanimated look.
Andy and Ashley

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