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Last: >>484449291

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA (JP)

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:

>Capcom x Hoyoverse Creator Roundtable

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
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When ZZZ releases WuWa will distribute 30 rolls
can someone explain why i should play this instead of HSR and WUWA?
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>Ellen is a lesbian
This convinced me, I will now whale for your character and weapon
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touch the cow
Sharkchads winning bigly
>another Miyaby thread
Our first limited is yuribait
Big News bwos.
>collab in October with Metaphor characters
But I'll be unistalling it 1 hour before ZZZ opens...
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ive never played a hoyoverse game before
what am i in for?
*herta schizo thread
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Can you change the MC later, or once it's done is it a done deal like Lumine/Aether with Genshin
>Cold turkey personality
>Bland design among many god tier designs
>Tail looks tacked on last minute
>Tail isn't even connected to her body properly
>Goofy ass name
Ellen Joe's only saving grace is the fact she's the only polearm user. Well, sort of, but her weapon's unique at least.
Tons of homo pandering. Yaoi and yuri.
Copious amounts of schizo in one thread
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Miyabi, my beloved.
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19 hours and 35 minutes
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nice, easy save banner
MHY is trying really hard to shill asian artists. I actually appreciate it desu senpai
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reminder to do your dumb stinky fox raid so you can maximize your ZZZ time
More Cunny than WuWa and HSR combined
how? were you a normie before and your life went horribly wrong?
>waterkuma's pixiv followings
great background check mhy https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/1077075/following
don't forget NOTendgame is also on the same day
Her blonde friend is so much cuter
what's with Mihoyo gacha threads and low quality posters? I blame the g game for this eternal problem
i dont play gacha games?
Cow > Glasses >Blonde > Shark

>10pm EST
>I actually need to be up early the next day
Fuck this shitty release schedule.
something about her facial proportions puts me into fucking fight or flight I cannot explain why
is she eating the fucking plant..?
Maximum gaming KINO desu
I simply must admit that we stan a gay icon like Ellen
Brazil... forgotten again
it's all honkai players
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I wanna fuck this highschooler
You can swap genders at any time
we uninstalled that junk for zipping space
hoyo won with their power move
>Using the tip of her tail to do a scratch-off
Why does Hoyo hate Europe so much?
cute shork
Fuck off secondary tourist, Hoyogames are for loyal chads only. If this isn't your third Hoyo game, you don't belong here.
>I blame the g game for this eternal problem
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Eternal Equipment farming with hideous substat RNG will feel like shit, your rolling plans will be decided by how your 50/50s are going and you'll curse Dawei when it doesn't go your way.
What's up with this fucking autist? It's clear cosplayers don't just want to touch random dudes, and since they are hired cosplayers they probably were even instructed to not do so.

It's cringey seeing the cosplayers having to come up with ways how to deal with it while still saying in character
>>Ellen is a lesbian
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wuwa having fairly good cunny day one only to immediately pivot to hagfag pandering has soured me to it so hard
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I'm NOT rolling for the shark.
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This is it boys.
Holy shit she is, cute autistic lesbian shark!
what was your favorite ellen yuri scene
They don't spend money in gachas.
>all those blammed accounts
He's probably on a watchlist already.
Pull her now
Never trust a bitch with two first names, they're either BPD or gay and Ellen might actually be both
For me it's her dick head. I couldn't even tell who you two were talking about at first.
Oh, I don't know anything about that so I guess I'm out for this discussion. Does she voice someone in ZZZ or something?
I'm tired boss...
>literally zero new cunny leaks
>all future character are male and hags
Drop that shit faster than my new born son.
so was Seele though
so why does herta schizo have the best taste in characters to simp for?
IDK why y’all are acting excited for this slop when none of you guys even play Honkai part 2.
I see the yuri-shitposters are here
GI tourist thinks he has the right to gatekeep, funny.
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Literal soul vs soulless.
Chinks really don't have any creativity for shit.
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>candy as bait
I got this done
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much higher production values than you would anticipate from gacha, extremely irritating rng based gear grinding. Do you know how the pity system works?
i have no idea what the dogshit on the left is
Part 2 was trash
Ellen and Lycaon posters are easily the worst ones in the thread.
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Even her friend is wearing spats...
some dead flash game
Sisters, why is she reading a mag about boys?
left is for losers while right is for the gays
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Damn... we had a good run but they're here now.
I fucking hate you Mihoyo.
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Turned off the trailer vid ehen the vocals kicked in
No. I'm just using her as an example of why giving EN VAs more influence over the characters they voice was a bad idea. EN VAs are very prone to controversies and unlike CN/JP/KR ones, they cannot keep to themselves and would spew their stupid opinions for clout.
both 1.2 is homos btw
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This arena battler will be different
i for one will be waiting for all of the dates and texts to determine if she's anythingbait
>posting slop from the astroturfed cunny game
1000 won have been deposited in your bank account, oppa
why are you trying to falseflag a thread war with bag now
For me it was just timing. Somehow I got roped into Wuwa's launch. I think a streamer I watch tried it or something and I decided to check it out of curiosity. Then I quit Wuwa and got addicted to HSR. Now I'm on the HSR daily grind, 5 minutes a day with nothing else to do and I'm feeling bored of it. That's when ZZZ came into view. I called it shit a few times and eventually decided to actually check it out. It looked pretty fun so here I am.
Animation continues to be ZZZ's secret sauce.
Fuck off falseflagger
>honkaishizos seething at blue archive again
this is gonna be fun.
lesbianism is simply a teenage girl phase.
Holy shit they won the triple poop prize on the scratch card!
well she is boycoded after all
her blonde friend probably wants to help her with her transition
they are done with wuwa, and ready to move to their 4niggas knock off
Same. The ads playing at every gaming announcement thing for a while was pissing me off, but here I am. Maybe this one will be good
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>My favorite artist draws her
can't wait to see lots of fanart of her being dicked by niggers
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HI3 is fucking slop dude. It's easily the most jank and miserable gacha I've played gameplay wise and I was into them back when they were glorified flash games with a lotto attached
rape then stole her spats kamoshida style
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>forced animation
Is that Hornwood?
Spatschads, we are eating good with this game
I'll be honest, I want to listen to top tier EN VAs but I'm not going to follow them on x or listen to any of their opinions. I don't care about anything they say or do other than what their voice sounds like in game. That's just me though. I'm hardboiled like that.
>Still not top trending in Japan
Well shit, the last time a character trailer was trending as #1 in Japan was the Siggewine character trailer.
We need the Idols banner soon if we want those pedo country crowd.
look at ellen's hand, if she was straight she'd be trying to push her friend off but she's got that thang locked in
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I have no idea about this game except I want her.
they tried
>Ellen Theme
Probably my favorite so far, and I've enjoyed the other cringe female wraps. Honestly makes up for how underwhelming that Tiesto collab was after all the hype.
you may not believe it, but every ZZZ launch day player will become african.
>Pairing her with males would make shipping schizos go off
>Pairing her with females makes mentally ill people think she is a lesbian

Hoyoverse can't win huh?
when she pinned down and molested the blonde one
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>play this shit day one
>got the longhair homo swordsman and the homo gunner
fuck wuwa
Imagine the amount of tailhugging pronebone porn of Ellen holy fuck
>lost of flashy movement and animations
>very simple, but serviceable gameplay
>heavily implied yuri
>very good designs until they reach the point where they have a "not-china" focus and everyone ends up being kind of samey
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Now that ellen has been officially revealed to be yuri-coded, who are we rolling for?
Most definitely was paid art, artist i follow on X who mostly draw BA girls suddenly posts ZZZ chars
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Yes it's Hornwood, /akg/ was complaining that their fanartists were abandoning them.
So why did she ate that potted plant
I hope so. I don't think anything else is coming after this for a long time and I need my escapism games.
homogunner is also pink cunny's boyfriend lol
>girls being friends
wait, is this what caused people to label her as gay? LMAO
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She's on the spectrum
>elleniggers shit up the thread for days acting superior and putting down every other character
>ellen revealed to be gay
You get what you fucking deserve
ellen is basically ZZZ seele
expect her to get powercrept by better dps in a few months
Holy cope.
JKs are for fat old men this anon >>484465703 understands
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true, i watched bocchi thinking it was gonna be a lesbian show and bocchi seemed straight to me, i think mentally ill people are overthinking normal women behaviour the same way that they overthink tomboys to call them trans
Spats have become basically almost as fetishized as panties in Nipland at this point, Chyna is following
She owes everyone ITT a rimjob
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Yes, he's already drawn her several times, just waiting for his fanbox to update
I need the cringe kino scenes.
Is the game up yet?
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Anal gay sex with Von Lycaon
them going all in on that generic sword hag was already a red flag and seeing the banner leak where it's a random dude and who knows what killed it for me. I'll stick with it for a bit since I like the gameplay but I doubt I have more than a month left in me.
isn't it one homo one uncomfirmed (generic chink hag best case scenario)
homogunner is one of the best written characters unironically, the bar is that low.
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Wait... Mc dont fight?
>Lets just ignore that they paid indogs to graffiti their walls to promote the game
>Come to thread to see thoughts on Ellen trailer and music
>Just a bunch of fuckers screaming about her being a lesbian because a highschool girl hugged her friend
Holy fuck generals suck
I love spats. Splatoon was my cope game. The requirement is that they need to be skin tight and the shading has to be good. It needs to emphasise the ass. Thigh squeeze is a huge plus. If that shit is just painted on with no forethought it makes me angy.
cute lesbians
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>4 JK in a row
btr really disappointed me honestly, the animation fuckery is fun but the plot is bog standard
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>110 gb required
Nigga what
Wtf shark niggas explain this weak vegan shit? Crocogods would never
We gays use candy in our everyday life
>he missed launch
does tamagoro still drawing doujin ? i miss it
I don't know if Japan is going to like this game. I feel like China and Taiwan especially might love it. Taiwan loves shit like this. The West seems receptive, but we'll see.
Do leaks go all the way to notChina? I'm hoping the modern setting can alleviate the design slop.
I can see the potential for zzz to get more Doujin than all other Mihoyo games
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nope, MC just fucks the girls and his sister when they come back from missions
he went official, his manga is about a gyaru and a depressed salaryman
It doesn't need that much on the disk, it just needs that much for unzipping and doing everything. After the install it's only a lithe 57GB.
It's just lousy Chink programming
unoptimized on purpose to make you uninstall wuwa
>hanging out with same sex friends is Yuri shit now
When I hang out with my bros is it yaoishit.
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I thought episode 8 and the build up to it was pretty good but maybe I'm just a sucker for title drops. The songs are great tho, I like it more than current season's GBC
I thought it was great. The music was nice, the fight scene was really fucking good and the slice of life stuff was cute.
>t. dude that doesn't even care about the character
why would she push her best friend and classmate off? that makes no sense. girls are always clingy around each other.
Don't pretend as if you didn't watch the video
Umm bros? How am I (the MC of this shit story) involved in this scene?
>Don't pretend
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Yes. Cue the voiceline that mindbroke /gig/ for one full week.
funny you say that, because BA artists were paid to post fanart in the past (and probably still are). They had to delete it on a few occasions since they were posted before the designs were officially revealed. It's always interesting to see
>ellen is always snippy with men
>soft and lovable around her girls
She's so gaycoded
well normal people don't play gacha games although i do wish people wouldn't be so fucking annoying about how retarded they are about characters in these games. Ellen is pretty normal
Didnt liked the song i think the vocals suck and distracts too much from the actual music
Yeah I watched it and can confidently say she's lesbian, what's the problem
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>have genshin
>have star rail
>pre download just finished
Anything else i need to do or any extra bullshit online reward shit?
Also do i really need to make an account? I dont have to right? Iirc i did some account sign shit with star rail even after when i already have genhsin.
I would rather have most of the characters paired off or not interested and maybe one or two (you)sexuals than harem protag shit.
Helps with digestion when you eat crabs and other hard-shelled shit every other day.
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>Mihoyo pays artists to draw their characters being raped by ugly bastards
Wtf, I love mihoyo now
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stop replying to bait retard
>what's the problem
your mental illness
I do not give permission to anyone to ship me with my bros.
Nice, /zzz/ is becoming the containment thread for the delusional transbians. /hsrg/ thread quality about to go way up.
We have a not-Japan faction (Oni girl, kitsune girl, archer guy, the other one) but do not have a not-China faction. Our only Chinese named character so far is in the Police faction.
I still don't understand who was against who during this shitpost war
>he didn't stock up
yurifags and fujos belong to the same tribe
its summer what do you expect?
I don't care if it was paid, I want my cunny doujins.
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either make her of age or nerf her tits you CAN'T HAVE BOTH.
she just wants to get manhandled and corrected by men
you just log in with your hoyoverse account, only extra thing to do is https://act.hoyoverse.com/zzz/event/e20240510predraw-ko7gnx/index.html
for a couple boopons, a relic, and an A-rank weapon.
It's a literally one anon trying to start shit.
gniggers arent sending their best
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Stock what up?
Didn't really give a fuck about this game, in the beta or even yesterday. Just saw the 180 pulls and downloaded it.
in fujos eyes yes.
yurifags are just male fujo equivalent. both rotten.
Bwos? Our demonym will become "fuzzies" because we are constantly being ridiculed as furries by the other gachas...
>mihoyo paid artists to draw cunny sex
ZZZ will be fine, SR was bad because there was SR vs genshin agenda by anti-hoyo crowd.
SR pre-launch day was 100 times worst than this, meanwhile we got zero "could never" shit posted ever.
>the furry posting, and censorship posting both vanished.
looks like that anon was right about hsrg shitposters.
Pro-homo vs anti-homo obviously
embrace it
zzz is the arknights killer.
Remember to swiftly ignore and hide any posts mentioning the "canon MC"
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You have plenty of time
There's a stock-up web event for the game, you still have a chance to get some of the stuff today I think. Nothing super valuable however (weapon + some rolls iirc.) Check hoyolab on the ZZZ tab.
maybe the japs were right and highschool really is the best years of your life?
>Game finally got skip button confirmed by Da wei
>No one comparing it with genshin and star rail
Launch thread will be comfy kino, hoyo bros.
Let's test this.
I will know if you samefag
this thread has been extremely comfy compared to hsrg before and even a few months out from launch
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10 hours wasted yday trying to fix the failed unzipping
today works from the first time
why? because i am from mexico? fuckin' carajo
>sexualising someone still in high school
Did we learn nothing from Dr disrespect?
/yuri/i boards: vg
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Because genshinfags thought of HSR as "competition" for Genshin.
Now they think of ZZZ as a way to one up Wuwa, so they're having a hard time deciding if they should shit on ZZZ or try to prop it up as the Wuwa killer.
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ellen confirmed an omnipotent lesbian!
I want to grind my throbbing dick on Anby's soft spats-covered vagina...
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get your boopons, engine and your card thingy. you're almost out of time. start stocking start stocking!!!!
dayum another one gone first ohtomo takuji now tamagoro well at least both found a stable career maybe
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>Have to worry about furries
>Have to worry about males in every single faction
>Now have to worry about characters being gay
ZZZ is cooked im afraid
nice try wuwanigger.
I like yuri but I don't like to bait with the whole "canon lesbian you cannot want to have sex with her" thing since it's bullshit. Also ellen rimming old men for money posting is funny
sexualizing girls should start at 10 year old desu
gotta get them early to teach them how to be a good wife
There's something magical about school-life. It's a symbol of purity, freedom from adult responsibilities, naivety, and aspiration.
You have till the 18th
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Miyabi waiting room
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we love JKs and JCs here.
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people falling for that bait for half a fucking year in hsrg was miserable
I know for a fact you can't say that about a child
I also like yuri, but hate both the schizos, and newfaggots who associate it with troons because they are 2016 and later swarthy crusty lipped apes.
recently a favorite artist of mine also went official
Muchakai (Mucha) but yeah its good that they can find stable careers
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Yes, high school, not like elementary school
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back in the day they were married off long before their first ripened bleed, high school is far too late a start.
always liked herta
always liked miyabi
Wouldn't the best bet for Stockup be maxing out Boopons? I figure that'd be the most limited resource.
holy disingenuous bullshit

How fast will it take for ZZZ to run out of content like WuWa and then be put on life support? 2 weeks?
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i haven't kept up with the game at all, what's the meta? i'm gonna reroll for Lycaon, is he any good?
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was the Ellen gulping noise at the end really necessary?
ForsenCP Clap
I give it one week. Three days for the showerlets.
Bro, Brasília time is like, +1 est, not like gacha games cares that much about South America, most people be playing free fire or any other shooter slop
Now all we need to do is ignore all the "coded" or "yuri/lesbian/gay shipping" bait and we are good.
You also have to inventory Tetris. So 3x Boopons and the A-rank weapon is optimal.
If Hoyo knows what's up, they would pay the Doc to stream ZZZ.
Wait till you see the 6 upcoming characters after the cophag...
4 days, this is corridorslop, not open world. Content wont last.
>Dr disrespect
That dude was a CoD advance Warfare map designer, qdr?
Dokutah from Arknights?
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I want to grind my throbbing dick between Lucy's fat pillowy thighs
Meta is you pick whatever are the characters that give you a chub and beat the game with them
>ellen yuri art already being worked on
It's so peak
i like yuri but people need to learn how to keep that stuff to themselves a lot of the time, not everything has to be yuri. even fujos are generally really quiter (though in like the last 6-7 years they have become increasingly yurifag tier annoying)
it's associated with troons because every troon likes yuri, not that every yurifag is a troon.
t=y, y=/=t
it's cause every troon is just an AGP "transbian"
Last month was so quiet, now zzz is everywhere, marketing is fucking crazy
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Or you could just focus on the cunny like a normal human being
Yuri is fine, any of Ellen and I's daughters can be gay if they want
Damn, cunnychads look like THAT?
it caps you at three boopons, they run out of stock in the exchange even if you get all three by luck alone
he made suggestive remarks towards a 17.9 year old high school girl
the cunny will be gay, look at that color palette
however old she is thats how old i am
>now zzz is everywhere
Where? In Indonesia?
I'm gonna be real here, game looks like shit
election tourists are genuinely one of the worst things to happen to 4chan
>1 day out
>Thread completely goes to shit

Secondaries are the fucking worst. This state won't heal until another 3 weeks.
twitch lolibaited him but after investigation he didn't actually say anything incriminating. twitch still smeared him and now everyone says he's a pedo because they operate on the basis of guilty before proven innocent.
I'm gonna be real here, so do you
literally no one i know has ever heard of zzz lol
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I feel like its still be relatively quiet compared to HSR and obviously Genshin. I honestly thought they weren't even going to do a live stream up until they announced it.
>game isn't an auto battler or pick up sticks slop
>anon seethes
Looks I'm gonna have to install this on mobile unironically. I'm not raping my SSD to install this
People think two girls need to make out to be gay
Being gay is about the little things and Ellen had so many moments with her friends
so is rocketboo the meta or something?
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ok nigga and?
hoyoverse threads never heals
friendlet anon...
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>This state won't heal until another 3 weeks.
>he thinks it'll heal
Oh bro...
Yeah, until they meet me
>normal human being
>focus on the cunny
do the same for anything with UID in it, because in a few hours from now when launch happens you're going to see more of it than you ever expected...
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I am going to be playing:

- Wuthering Waves
- Genshin Impact
- Honkai Star Rail
- Zenless Zone Zero

At the same time.
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looks like no one ever listened to peak 2008 katy perry
girls can kiss each other without being gay yknow
I'm a tourist and I'm proud
out of 10!
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This is the most stylish gacha I’ve ever seen what are you talking about
/hsrg/ is honestly a pretty good general other than the occasional yurikek melty
>/u/ here

Absolute faggots. What are two girls gonna do, rub the pussy together.
Absolute brainlets.

Excuse me while I go play the game.
bwos what if i get spooked by furshit
This. This is the first hoyo game I'm playing and I'm fucking scared they'll only pander to yuritroons, fujos or furries knowing how we MAP people are opressed these days....
lol lmao even
At times like this I miss old underground internet forums with 30 members at max that you had to go to Google's fifth page to find.
>hurr durr the more colours the better
i dropped genshin in inazuma, character designs were fucking shit
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you pull for ellen obviously
Everyone is. I told you /v/, this is the next stage of gaming.
i just watched the ellen trailer and now all i want is a shark wife.
I've been shilling ZZZ and unironically everyone I know declined me. It's actually horrible.
I dropped HSR cause it was boring, and I only go back to Genshit every 3 months to play story. Hopefully ZZZ will be more fun and have cute girls consistently unlike homo slop games.
nice falseflag incelbro
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Yes sir.
Do we know if the idol group will be soon or later. Want to save up for them.
i don't roll for yurishit
I used to think they weren't too bad, but now that I've experienced more of it you're right.
>hurr durr muh washed out "realistic" grayslop
Report and ignore.
>Ignores the horde of upcoming female children characters
You're probably the one they're actually pandering to and it sucks
how old is lucy
im currently jacking off to that pic the anon posted
I was on the fence about rolling for ellen but if she's a lesbian I'm doing it
After the flood of ZZZ ads and ZZZ art and ZZZ doujins they will eventually give in. Be thankful you get to be an early adopter.
>3 weeks
Try 3 years lmfao
we don't know
hopefully soon
wait, are they actually wasting banners on lolishit? i guess i wont be playing this after a week or two
Damn son. That's so much China you're consuming that you probably shit Bao.
The robo girl and black hair girl are bullseyes for me to the point I'm willing to gimp my early progress to save for them.
did they translate "Moe Moe Kyun" in EN?
Absolutely based, I hope zzz flops and mihomo panics so they start giving more free pulls too
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thread went to shit like a week ago
pre-release chaos is mind numbingly COMFY
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Don't wuwakeks have genshin to kill, it has been a month now, get to work bwos
Reroll for Lycaon and you can gaurantee Ellen with the free rolls.
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Unda da SEA
I would rather that than the character tied at the hip to even worse furshit honestly
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Outside of release content, most of those games only release 1-2 hours of actual gameplay content every month, and doing all the dailies for them should take you like 30 minutes a day at worst.
im not a gacha player but this game looks fun, for the people that played the beta is it fun, i heard it was a roguelite.
Gotta love how every modern yuri fan is just a troon (man) wanting to rape lesbians.
Porn addiction is something else.
anyone got a standard tier list?
i watched in jp, so idk.
>imagine listening to en dubs
is the gameplay fun? i have no opinion on the coomer bait art
just go to wuwa if you're a hagfag, this is a cunny game
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Genshin is closer to 4-6 hours for updates without new areas. Far higher than that if a new area is introduced, let alone a whole region. Events aren't too bad lately, but Story quests take fucking ages.
Hey don't be like that... some of them are just cucks and like the idea of 2 girls going at it while they stare from the closet
I can't wait for the cope when all the shark rollers find out they have to use a gay bondage furry on her team.
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Yes, today's society is so fucked that any contact beyond a handshake means you want to have sex with the other person
We need more ZZZ rabis
Ellen might be one of the most meh first banner characters I've seen in a while. Guess she isn't as bad as Seele but where the fuck are big breasted hags?
They are all good on something
best one currently wolf, gace and maid
but could change a lot with new agents
we respect the strength of Dr disrespect
Will miyabi powercreep ellen joe?
Imagine still being assed to defend a grifting retard stupid enough to get himself caught texting anyone younger than him while already having a wife and kid because he physically couldn’t hold back from thinking with his dick, this is why foids are right and you all deserve to die alone in your own filth with no one to check up on you
That's...how yuri is supposed to be consumed. You enjoy seeing two girls because you want to fuck them both. Are you literally one of those
>le walled garden
cucks? That's embarrassing.
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I shall main Ben Bigger.
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as of now all we have is that they put art of them up in the livestream. That confirms that the designs are finalized and they will make it into the game but we can't make any good guesses on the banner timing
robocunny is pristine and the black hair girl being so smug and condescending in those expressions in the sketches of her makes her perfect it's insane
it's the consequence of having to share a thread with g-NIGGERs. What the fuck are these people doing here? They are not welcome in every single thread outside their schizophrenic community of geriatric catladies and beyond women. The worst part is that they will never fuck off. Might as well turn on your filters and let them scream to the void.
Ellen is unique design wise. Name all the shark maids you know.
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Be honest, how many of you anons have /zzz/ as your first Hoyoverse general?
it’s not going to get better.
i liked yuri cause i like mentally ill fucked up manga and yuri has a lot of that
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>that sick guitar riff
>guy slapped his bass like his life depend on it
Fine fine, I will play your arena button masher
no, it will replace the wolf as a stun agent
Good I hope wuwa does well so mihoyo drops the excuse to not make the weapon guaranteed, I fucking hate that
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Reminder that Nekomata has secret high execution tech that can make her broken if the player is willing to put in the work.
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>Lycaon is T0
Some people just won't like action combat games like this unfortunately. There's a massive audience for them, but it's either hit or miss with most people.
You don't need to transition to fuck women bro.
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>where the fuck are big breasted hags?
On the standard banner
FWIW, Soldier-11 and Koleda, the bottom two on that list, are great together if you happen to get both of them.
10 or 5 years we'd have shat katanas while it made a YOOOOOOOOOOOO sound. It's just that Japan has become completely irrelevant making anime games
What was the last one that had cute girls in it, Atelier Ryza? And before that Xenoblade 2? One game every 2-3 years is no pace.
sexiest zzzigger
is she our keqing?
It's not far away from selfinserting for them either. Because they really want to be women, they percieve themselves being in a "yuri relationship" as well. trannies have to turn everything into sexual relationships and no something about the joys of a normal friendship.
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who the fuck is this? where's zajef? where's grimro?
Sisters what's the yaoi ship in this game?
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lmfao, you have brainrot
Miyabi is attack though. She's a direct powercreep to Ellen. They have the same element + specialty.
you may as well try it for yourself unless the download size is too much, going by hsr it should be pretty easy to get by without spending anything
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cum in your sister
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I can't wait to main Seth
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Funny how none of these shitposters try to Y-ify the idols faction, just shows these retards are only recent wuwanigger trying to shitpost on launch day.
how old is lucy
im about to bust to that pic the anon posted
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I want Zhu Yan
I love sexy mommy police officers who will arrest and detain me
Good thing I played MVC3 so plink dashing is ez pz for me. I also like her bleed style mechanic so I hope I get her.
how much do packs cost? same as genshin?
It's not explicitly yuri but GBC and last year's MyGo had a cast of assholes trying to bond and understand each other and I've honestly never seen that kind of dynamic before in anime so it was a breath of fresh air
>electric + DEFENSE
I'm so sorry
is she limited or standard?
I want to stick my finger up his pink hole.
>if I call you troon first I win
I accept your concession.
They should have made her wear grey shorts instead of that broken up skirt like she has now
>day 0 tier list
We’ll get a definitive meta one month from now everyone knows this.
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>Soldier-11 and Koleda
>are great together
>if you happen to get
> both of them
i'll do that then, i really like the artstyle and thats usually enough for me to try a game.
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sexiness of Kek queen, metaness and 2.0 releaseness of Ayaka
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I don't understand the hoyo vs hoyo wars.
At least make it make sense and shit on Wuwa or Project Mugen.
They are too busy doomposting
He is /our guy/ /our zigga/ Jakazin
god I love the butlerboo
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who is working on the ost for this game? it's unironically pretty good
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She is the second limited 5* of 1.0.
>none of these shitposters try to Y-ify the idols faction
i legitimately have no fucking idea what this means.
>Smear frames
Thanks Asta
How are we feeling about Miyabi powercreeping Ellen pretty soon already?
charlie I unsubbed to you years ago it's over bro
nice, i'm saving, she looks way hotter than the shark girl
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It's lonely at the top, so friendly fire is the only worthy pastime.
I've been shitting on fateslop ever since Demon Slayer released, what's so hard to get?
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I want to star rail Asta
having company loyalty across gacha games is even more mentally ill.
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>Trying to make me say the Y word.
Fuck off wugger.
Don’t worry bwo. They’re going to use ZZZ as the beating stick for Azur Promilia. Azur Promilia to Project Mugen after that.
Of course, same goes for when furry suddenly gets spammed.
The threads from days ago were extremely peaceful with people genuinely interested in the game and no mental illness.
Yeah /gig/ /hsr/ and /zzz/ we are all sisters
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she's already my favorite Standard unit anyway for.... reasons
Is baseball girl dps?
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>people itt think this game will pander to hag lovers and not cunnychads
>people itt think the leaked villain lady won't be another cocolia
zajef don't like lolis
Does this game do the weapon banner jewing as well or just characters
Her direct powercreep is already in the game. She is that blue shota from HSR, dead in a month.
nobody likes jenßĥin players. I'd rather let those people post here than the subhumans posting on /ğığ/
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Seele was unironically worse than Diluc. The only good first banner character was Venti. HSR only got a good character in 1.2 with DHIL and Jingliu.
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These days even rage bait shitpost are just the same spam message, not even an attempt to be funny
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Do we expect hsr/hi3-tier powercreep in this game
gachazoomers brains are rotted past the point of hope for comprehending
diluc was good for fucking ever
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This game is unironically turning me into a cunny lover.
Small girls are fucking hot.
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For me it's Anton
It was over before it even began for me...
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I remember I cried when I saw this trailer for the first time. I was so elated seeing Seele and Bronya team up again in a new game. It made feel so many emotions of eagerness, joy and warmth. I haven’t felt the same yet for ZZZ. I’ll try the game because I quite like Ellen Joe. Hopefully I’ll stick around for the long run. I’m not too keen on the furry characters however I can look past it if the gameplay is enjoyable.
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You should be looking the bosses VERY suspiciously. They are the size of buildings and stand there not moving. Tailor made for Ellen. The abyss heralds will appear soon and they will teleport all over the map making Ellen obsolete.
Damn you should’ve seen how people are at each other’s throats during the Smash days. Especially towards the FE niggas.
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busy playing the superior game
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What's the point having the game shortcut installed when it also open the hoyo launcher?
The trailer reminds me of Persona
it's only going to get worse from hereon out
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l*lis is offensive
hsr fags are utterly mindbroken by the g game and they bring their obsession wherever they go
the wuwa general was a total shitshow and it was hilarious how /hsrg/ would regularly die during those weeks while /gig/ was mostly unaffected
which zenless will become my sugar mama?
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sadly that was just the pic as-is
there's a weapon banner but it's the least jewey hoyo has done thus far
>queue zajef seething and raging over seeing someone type loli in his chat
we know, vanillasushi
Nope. Fire Support.
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Yet another miracle at the hands of waterkuma
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I really like bangboos for some reason, I think I'm one of the few here like this.
>marketing shill tier list
lmao, BUY THE ELLEN GOYIM, SHE'S T0 TILL 2.0!!!!!?!??!!
Ok but when are they making Ellens wife playable?
We have a schizo opening for Nekomata. Nobody has claimed her yet.
don't ask me you're the one doing it
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Also, making a new shortcut that open the game exe directly also far more convenient because it bypassed the game launcher.
is asta fire break meta now because of harmony caelus
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fucking hell, that pic.
that's not the point. the point is lesbian sex. some guys are so obsessed with lesbians that they can't stand having sex with a woman as a guy so they troon out
might as well bring koleda down to bottom tier too since she refuses to get good without daddy ben's presence
they're really fun honestly, far and away hoyo's best go at a mascot character sort of thing
bangboos are hated?
>schizos gave up shitposting the hags because no one cares about them
love it, more for me
The video is obviously staged and they went along with it you dumb fat faggot. I bet you're the same type of faggot that gets mad when he's reminded a loli vtuber isn't a real child.
ZZZ literally place a new shortcut in my desktop after installation finished, despite I already got hoyo launcher exist for weeks.
Nekomatachads are all mentally sane, bro. She is sex, and I will sex her. It's as simple as that
The hags are the ugliest I've ever seen in a gacha game. If there's no good hags by 1.1, I'm out.
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one does not simply "claim" a feisty pussycat
>dohna dohna
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No I just don't see people talking about them
Why'd they make this another omnipandering game
I thought hsr and gi were for that
the boopons were the right choice
I’m way more a cunny guy but I find rina pretty cute, mostly for the ghost theming
jesus christ
Yeah. There are some structural and aesthetic similarities even though the gameplay is totally different.
My bangbros…….
Desperate genshitters realizing mihoyo is abandoning their game for something new. They're afraid genshit will end up like Tower of Fantasy, which it will.
all gachas forever are going to "omnipander", it's time to use the rope friend :)
unironically you might want to look into wuwa for a hag pandering game with similar gameplay, this is leaning hard into cunny and such
post more zzz cunny girls
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Are they ever gonna top Ellen's character design
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Is that what I think it is?
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>Freebies at the bottom
Not falling for this PSYOP. Maining Billy.
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eloquently stated
Main DPS?
lizard girl with an even FATTER tail
Her electromagnetic "floating" is so fucking cool, I'm upset she doesn't have any special mechanics and is just a buttonmasher.
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She has a cameltoe too, very based
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Just seeing her animations making me coom
Does ZZZ have twink fujo bait characters? That's the only way I'll play the game.
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It's a man's game now that they gave us a female love interest. You might argue that playing as stelle makes it yuri but yurifags were mostly men to begin with
>this is leaning hard into cunny
Source? This is killing my hype for the game if that's true.
barefoot character when
stun but she might be one of the limiteds in 1.1, should play well with Zhu Yuan if you're interested in her
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The engrish really ruins the song just like every Persona 5 song
UHUM yuri
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it's growing on me bigly tbdesu
I was gonna roll for her anyways. I liked her the most in the beta.
>don't care for shark maid
>love police girl

Phase 2 needed to be first desu.
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ZZZ will never top her sex levels
imagine the smell. stinky smelly sweaty delinquent pussy
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The lead designer is a massive lolicon that’s drawn very little besides cunny for years before getting picked up by hoyo and 6/17 of the current roster is cunny. If that doesn’t convince you I don’t know what will
>Great design
>Off-field majority of the time
I hate this
>saying this
>when every incomplete faction will have a +1 hag
>+2 for Sons of Calydon even
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Is she a hag? Pretty sexy desu.
I love the silly look in their eyes, mascot characters that don't talk are the best
Yes but not yet. Catboy and notjapan archer boy are coming.
you vill share your safe space with yurifags and furrygods and you vill be happy
But I like last surprise
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There's no fujobait characters (yet) but at least ZZZ does have masculine guys unlike genshit.
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All of the po-lice is fuckable (besides the maleoid)
has her blonde gf
>Zhu Yuan
has Qingyi
why'd they start the game off with 2 lesbians?
>he doesn’t know
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>Dohna dohna literally just ZZZ aesthetic but with porn
Imagine the collab with Alicesoft.
It's so fucking over. Fuck hoyoverse.
Why the fuck are they copying /bag/ when barely anyone even plays that game and it's been steadily dying?
>yuriniggers are groomers
who'd've thunk?
Can I play this game on my Nintendo DS
muh dik
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Okay but the mental image of Zhu Yuan molesting Qingyi makes me aroused
Dude just look at the characters. Have you not seen Rina, the cop, Ellen, Grace, etc? Rina looks better than anything in Wuwa imo.
w-why does ellen have a disgusted expression everytime she looks at me...
Isn't blue archive killing it in fanart?
My most wanted too, and thankfully she's free! Free use!
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>The lead designer is a massive lolicon that’s drawn very little besides cunny for years

holy shit im picking this fucking game up
I'd kneel to my chinkoid overlords
I remember her plate number spelling 817CH or am I crazy?
I will stuff my face in Ben and Grace's tits.
Stop being a drama queen, he apparently just designed the first batch of characters, the rest will be by someone different, besides, there are several titty monsters and quasi-hebes like Anby that show their commitment to the non-cunny cause
They want the fanarts.
Good luck with that when BA even killed vtubers.
ESPECIALLY the maleoid
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You’re right, it got censored
>the rest will be by someone different
BIG if true
i would suck his dick for 20 bucks desu (no homo)
In the bottom middle of your pic Zhu Yuan is hugging her from behind, maybe someone here has the full thing
New leaks is out in d*sc*rd, its 2 new cunny.
We eating good chunnychad.
She has actual knockers. Good.
She's actually one of the hottest designs, I will pull for her
You aren't a woman
Ellen rimming my enticing butthole
>he apparently just designed the first batch of characters
Dude that was bait, he’s still employed as lead on characters. The real pro is that he designed good older characters like Zhu Yuan, Rina, and Ellen
>60% of the roster is cunny
man, waterkuma is something else
This is literally pedophilia
Because she's a lesbian
the dudes design is such a let down, literally looks like a beyblade protagonist
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Which way, gweilo?
The trailer just made me miss my high school days where I still had friends to hang out with instead of everyone drifting away...
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You guys ready for more cunny?
it's probably yamaha's decision
azur lane rarely cares about ccp video game rules
this looks like my faction (minus the goblin on the left)
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rent free anti-genshinfags are my favorite posters
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Well Wuwa fucked up their mobile launch so...
Post the pics or fake
In what world is this cunny
That's a tall as fuck woman
I honestly stopped hearing shit about WuW a week after it came out. What happened to it?
He's right though
She a shark they have been known to swallow anything to see if it's edible.
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Zenless Zone Zero Lead Character Designer
anyone dislike the fact that you can't swap to any characters you want during combat only the next character in line
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Holy FUCK we won so hard
>Western pool
WW will win, global trend for this game mostly in Japan and China.
WW got tectone and western anti-hoyo crowd backing it up.
delet this and do not speak about this
imagine if wuwufags pull a sonic and start botting the votes, I don't think they're above that
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>Is she a hag?
Post them??
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erm I think you posted the wrong links
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>wuwafags trying to pit ourselves against eachother
The only quarrel us hoyosisters should ever have is from divegrass. Hoyobros look out for eachother.
We love /hi3/ here. We love /gig/ here. We love /hsrg/ here.
We love fofo. We love herta. We love paimon. We love bweh.
somalians are so lucky...
Why does obesetone hate hoyo so much
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imagine calling anyone else desperate when kuroshills cycle hoyo threads desperately, begging anyone to play their game
That's a child that need to breed.
No pic yet, just datamine character info
>14 years old, tentacle hair.
I uninstalled HSR instead, never had WuWa. Smooth move Mihoyo.
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If Hoyoverse wants to make money then the shitty child characters must be 4*s while the hags and hebes are 5* limiteds.
It's literally that simple.
Wuwa is a soulless clone of genshin which itself is a soulless BOTW clone in a soulless industry from a soulless country.
>killed vtubers
Thank god
kek this fucking guy, honestly hope that he'll filter the worst kind of normalfags out when they found out about him
>We love /hi3/ here. We love /gig/ here. We love /hsrg/ here.
>We love fofo. We love herta. We love paimon. We love bweh.
No we don't, go back
This is a hebe, and skin tight combat suit are my fetish. I will have her.
shhh.. wait a couple weeks bro
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That ellen demo looked really great but does anyone else think they're sabotaging themselves with the music choices? This applies to most of the character trailers too they just sound horrible.
This is just ookami mio.
surely this will change when the game comes out tomorrow, right?
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I'm sorry /zzz/ I know we're allies but last time they gave us a free 5* for winning this so we're not gonna miss out the opportunity
no it's actually pretty good marketing music
Okay mint picker
Not having the soft feminine fag boy characters on launch will cost them big
China owns you btw
S-Rank cunny coming in 1.1 sorry bwo
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Ellen and Me
Checked 4chan stats.
>bag xiv gig and zzz are the most active threads
wuwa disappeared, so like hsrg, pick your poison, for me is hsrg.
>/gig/'s main export is hags
>/hsrg/'s main export is hebes
looks like we're gonna need to provide the cunny huh
hoyo was his mask-off moment, and anyone who's not a complete slurper stopped following him.
I'll just wait for the instrumental version
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Go listen to the Hutao rap. Nothing stops mihoyo hype trains no matter how ass
huaren have more soul than all westerners. they even have an extradimensional supercomputer made from the souls of their ancestors.
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Star Rail already has its award. Let the newborns fight.
I honestly can't see any loli or furry making any real money unless maybe they are super meta. Every time I see it happen in gatcha games they just do okay at best.
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Bwo japanese artists side porn doesn't matter, if it did half of FGO or pretty much every mangaka would be cancelled already (unless you venture into actual CP like the ruroni kenshin guy did)
uh oh echopicker melty
Me on left
I haven’t seen her art in forever
They’re pivoting towards the BA audience, lolicons spend big when they know they’re being catered to
>cunny characters
I want the willy characters
Can i save free pulls for samurai and glasses pink girl
Is the big bear a 5*? He looks cool.
these dumbshit awards are rigged so they're most likely not gonna put wuwa simply because it might get them in trouble with hoyo due to how shameless of a copy it is, and because hoyo showers them with money every year to show ads of games
also wuwa was dogshit broken at launch
I can't imagine them taking much from the BA audience with all those males and furries.
Can someone pull up Arknights furry sales so we can settle once and for all if furfags actually shell out on gacha games or only on their fursuits? I've never heard of Arknights having record breaking sales so that's already grim.
nope, but it's free
Yes. You'll receive ”tapes" as an item. They're used for the pulls
definitely all of those black men are represented by ben in this game. if you are not a ben main then you are not a real zzziger.
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>waterkuma the lead designer
Yeah I'm beyond sold.
Seriously speaking, how many of you are just here for your action battle arena fix and are gonna drop the game pretty soon?
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Based Japanese artists, I hope this will filter out the Xtroons
>hoyo won
make it more subtle next time or you'll be fired
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>all the best girls are free
>meta teams are all free
Why would I ever need to roll lmao
Ironic pedos like cunny, unironic pedos like willy
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It’s not going to tear into the BA audience as much as people who’ve said “I wish BA had actual gameplay”, I see it going well, especially with nipbait like the idols
based shark
>lolicons spend big
No they don't. They're all third world degenerates living in slums.
Wealthy western men want sexy meta hags.
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big bear is a free 4* (A rank)

free characters in 1.0:
>pink haired gyaru slut (nicole)
>white haired chuuni kuudere (anby)
>loser robot comic relief cowboy (billy)
>fofo maid form (corin)
>the bear
>blue oni cunny (soukaku)
>biker cunny girl

although my source could be wrong
Arknights is full of metafags, one of the most controversial character (a swimsuit alter of a character) sold well cause she's fucking busted and just recently they created the most broken operator and made a shitton out of it
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>Ellen is a lesbian
For me it was the prior and the overwhelming cunny and bleeding style has convinced me to stay. When I was downloading the pre-launch patch earlier I just watched the tv on the title screen, in genuine awe of how uncharacteristically soulful it was for gachaslop
probably wuwa will win since there will be split votes for genshin hsr and zzz. overall zzz will be more popular but anti hoyo shills will spam vote.
Dudes if someone as big as Mihomo throws a couple bones to hagfuckers, a few to roricons, and a few more to furfags they'll be swimming in cash. As long as they respect each of these group's BOUNDRIES and pace themselves on those releases they have an infinite source of income and engagement.
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This place smells like SHIT.
OH cool. Hope him being free doesn't kill his usefulness. Be disappointing if he's Herta tier.
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FGO got no problem with males and furry, now imagine if Mihoyo make their first FGO.
im here because i'm mainly interested in the setting and the characters
they're so full of personality
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what did she meant by that?
all those are true except lucy as we don't have confirmation yet
she MIGHT be the 1.0 main event freebie
Is it gay to want to hug Ben bigger? He just seems very huggable.
I ate beans for breakfast
All the males in this game are dog shit useless. Sorry its a cunnygame retard.
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I don't like open world slop, is this game instance based?
Bwos sorry to shatter your dreams but ZZZ won't be a cunny game, on account of cunnies not fitting very well with the urban casettepunk aesthetic they are going for
Sure, there will be an above average rate, but I'd be very surprised if the cunny ratio breaks 20% among females
You also have to consider characters like >>484470168, which are 3 girls who are all not cunnies
Rumor is she'll be a Twitch Drop
Sorry we just can't get rid of wuwers
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>he doesn’t know
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I'm the target audience
>Wealthy western man
they never spend, only JP and CN Weeb carry gachagame sales, the rest of the country only contributes 20%
Just select Koleda with your free 5 star if you wanna max out the bear. They're made to be run together. Mainly him buffing the fuck out of her but still
Any angry tomboy?
She's smug because this is the first time the condom didn't break
>what am i in for?
Cuckbait, Homos and Ship faggotry in Their game
Cuckposters, Trannies, Women (Male) and fags in their threads here
The worst fanbase. Just pray zzz does something that filters 99% of them
will prydwen be doing a zzz tier list? if not, do we know of any other website doing something similar?
that's be huge for viewers, kek
didn't the main girl cuck (You) with a lion?
cope, whiteoid.
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Don't give the azdeha faggot anymore (You)s.
He post in wuwa 24/7
No it's a respectable desire
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Based fellow child pussy enjoyer.
>not cunny
Yeah, it's roguelike instance based, no "pick up trash" simulator
Yes, and it still make money with little to no effort.
This is incest game anyway.
Cunny sucks. Maid model is the best. Give me more high-schoolers.
Yes the owner is pedo afterall
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind
half of the experience is ogling at the cool trailers, at least in HSR
also lots of reading (though thankfully ZZZ has skip button)
>grr i hate males i wish males as a concept didnt exist
this is what you sound like
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Yes, prepare for kino when the game launches
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So will the general implode if they announce a new furry like Arknights?
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just don't forget to say no homo and you're cool
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This nigga eats BEANS
Sounds like a skill issue
Thankfully no
Yep. DMC-inspired action rougelite
>Give me more high-schoolers.
Those are child.
Shark girl but she's not that much of a tomboy.
also based
Bwos... where are our dataminers...
she's so perfect
Someone explain how this makes any sense
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4* he's closely tied to the punky redhead. They have a special synergy only with each other. Pic related.
Based, hopefully this will spread far and wide including Twitter.
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Check out her chest
>Implying I'm not gonna self inserting as Big Daddy and then fuck every cunny in this game with my 3 foot long twirly penis.
What study? lol
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i don't know who that is or what that means but thanks for the heads up morax
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Holy fuck cunnygods won so unspeakably hard
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FGO is a miracle that is impossible to replicate in today's gacha market. Let them milk their sunk cost slaves while they can.
Seek help
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The only way you could accuse someone of this is if YOU were in wuwa 24/7
Care to explain yourself?
This seems like a very impractical outfit for an assault officer.
Why can't the women in this game dress proper?
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Just report the pedos
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cool, thanks
I wouldn’t have guessed cunnytards are more annoying than homofujos and furfaggots
This guy listens to Mötorhead and snorts cocain.
the aristocratic beauty of the small breast woman
Heh, she's always sweating for some reason, imagine sitting her in a room and turning up the thermostat by 1 degree. I'm soo evil
Kill yourself troon
t. Fat Ojisan
>surely this will change when the game comes out tomorrow, right?
nope Wuwa broke Hoyo trannies. It won't stop here unless ZZZ flops hard so they go back to /gig/ and maybe /hsrg/
Nyoooo why would the fanartist use her new model
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Look at her model, it’s a vest
/vg/ and /v/ are infested with BAfags so this isn't news to me
Is this game more fun than wuwa?
Not to mention the Fate brand is still huge. I legitimately believe if they make a high budget gacha they be a big competitor. But I guess they just make more money by using table scrap budget and barely any marketing.
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There isn't a single fanart with her old one
my boywife....
>and maybe /hsrg/
We love Wuwa more than Gayshin there
We have to wait until tomorrow to see
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They always were like this. Fag and furfags can still be annoying but its rare. I somehow I always find them invading generals whining the game isn't like BA or something.
the sad irony of this post, your life is tied to 4chan lol
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Android. So it's okay.
Are mihoyos server recommendations actually reliable? I'm in the US but they suggested the Europe server when I loaded the game.
>Cunny is unironically filtering /gig/gers
CunnyGAWDS I kneel…
>these people that are attracted to little girls are less pedophilic than people attracted to little boys
she is automaton anon
They're unironically the worst posters in every gacha thread. Only posters that are worse are homofujos.
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Its up
they can't handle it when their cunny doesn't look like a potato
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I wish the game actually make less and less popular than other hoyo games and wuwa so Waterkuma can freely unleash his powerlevel.
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What the FUCK does this mean?
This shit didn't even have a beta?
Sorry but our content creator isn't gonna be a you-know-what
Fuck off
>Is this game more fun than wuwa?
depends on what you like. ZZZ will live and die by how fun the battle system is since this is all you do in the game. No open world to explore
I actually prefer mobile games like HSR Nikke and ZZZ to Genshin and Wuwa. the latter are too demanding for a mediocre mobile game
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>anticunnyshitters in the cunny general
Goodnight bros
Based kafkafag
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have you ever even been to /gig/?
It doesn't have the cancerous echo system so yes.
No, not at all. I'm in SA and it recommended EU too when it gave me NA in their previous titles.
Why is a non open world game 50GB?
Quick bro let me just pull out my time machine
>wuwaniggers failed to stir shit between us and other hoyo games
>now they try to falseflag as hags poster.
Bro, your 1.1 update content?
I welcome /bag/GODS in this thread. Please keep filtering g-ggoids until they fuck off for good
Hopefully we get some shota too.
What makes me bitter is that for the inevitable next Fate gacha, they will almost certainly have a new master MC and drop Gudako, so there won't be any more new official art and cute outfit concepts for her
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please stop fighting...
or at least wait until we go live
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we're not breaking any rules!
>This shit didn't even have a beta?
it has and it was universally hated. Mihoyo claimed they fixed all the complaints so less than 24h to know if that claim is true
This is someone's son...
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The p*dos are literally from gig you fucking retard. KYS.
Grown ass women pretending to be lolis is cringe as fuck
>1 day out from release
>Suddenly, same shills from /wuwa/'s launch
>suddenly, same shills from hsr's launch
>suddenly, links to various sites
>suddenly, cunny posters
>suddenly, people start posting unknown youtubers

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umm, i'll wait to see what other people have to say.
Fate would be the perfect franchise for a genshin-type game.
Closed betas. Go watch some influencers if you want their opinion.
Me on right
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anti cunny fags infest every cunny general to complain and call everyone a pedo despite lolis being cartoons, and the norm in anime for decades
why are normies always infesting anime games and then whining about loli stuff

fuck off. you are not welcome
>filtering /gig/gers
I fucking wish but I see that dicksucker posts here
finally just realized she's got a tow hook on the end there
What’s wrong with cunny bro
>Ugh, these problematic heterosexuals are liking this game with a larga ratio of little girls
>they are so heckin' annoying
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What kind of shit fuck want to breed this? that's a child.
That's the problem with sequels, they will inevitably piss off a portion of the playerbase. Especially if you can't transfer your old characters to the new game.
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Fuck yeah shotabro. Cunny is so last year.
schizoid behavior
>next Fate gacha
lmao not any time soon. I really believe they’re using less than $100k for the dev budget and still make tens of millions.
someone please make a new thread. i don't know how because i am retarded.
nature of being a HOYO game. They think it's by and for them compared to other gacha games meant for heckin incels and coomers
>why are normies always infesting anime games
Mihoyo invited them
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>2 hours
>can't even break 20k
Yup, this kusoge is dead in nipland.
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(You) Also cock Mashu with random mob so fifty fifty
>what overwhelming hype.
I wonder if they'll even be able to pay back their outsourced animation studios.
Oh I see, so cunnytards are just pagpags.
>anyone that finds me annoying is just a tranny
Same energy.
>A nigger
No thank you.
cunnyfags (true) were here already but cunnyfags (falseflaggers) are going full force
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>I like genshin
>I like wuwa
>I like hsr
and I will like zzz, learn to just consume like me.
Coding staff for fgo are literal underpaid teenage interns. There was a japanese article about Lasengle a year or so back
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truly unfathomable
This tends to happen for when that are not released
please link
>starts screaming pag out of nowhere
Dumb /gig/ger literally couldn’t help themself fucking kek
>can’t collect the Engine because the L shap can’t be flipped to fit and the storage expander suggest the tiles that wont let you place the L inside if you didnt know beforehand
I am going to burn down mihomos HQ for this
the game lasts until the 18th just wait til you got it
I don't even know what you're saying, at least type your melty in english.
>dumb wuwanigger still responding to his own post in dead thread.
>one of the most controversial character (a swimsuit alter of a character)
i just bust to a vid of nicole prostituting herself for money.

I am ready.
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I tried out a bunch of mobile games after I finally couldn't stand FGO's dogshit gameplay any more, but nothing comes close when it comes to the writing. Chinkslop is particularly bad when it comes to story. HSR got close to something decent with peacony, but even that fell apart.
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40gb of textures. A bunch of very detailed environments with very high res textures. The hub zone is actually multiple large hub zones for example. And there is four time of day so some objects may have multiple texture sets for day vs. night.
Madoka Ayukawa
Post some sweet and sexy lolis so that we can build our folders for posting.
Why should I play Cencored Chink Crap

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