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Previous: >>484420857

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Spino Doubleblaster" live until July 8

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Posting HIM approved pairing
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.sexy really is Nahida
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>ZZZ gets actual lolis
>we don't
it's unfair
>kleepedo vs ACK
you love to see it
alhaitham c6r5 solar beam one shots hu tao
I came
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verticalbros... how are we coping?
did you change your plans?
selling ourselves to the chews and become horizontalcucks or keep verticalling at the cost of some primos?
Cute, heterosexual friends :3
>didn't link to the previous thread
Holy fucking petty
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Grrrr...I'm having a melty rn.
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The goddess of flower is back
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Leave Raiden Shogun to me
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but she got high sp def and she can survive with 1 hp as passive
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my favorite move was earthquake
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Would you sleep with Nahida? (Non-sexually)
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Nahida is really sexy.
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Cute and canon
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hu tao my beloved
love feets
>mentally ill freak is having a total mental break down
You are the only person who acts this way.
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If Nahida walked into my room wearing my sweater while naked it would be instant mating press and impregnation
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I am the only person that acts this way.
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For me, it's Iansan.
wtf zzz has unlocked frame rate
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>jobbed to a vishap
go back to shooting farmers and caterpillar you fucking failure
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Everybody please just relacks
You really are. God damn, I don't know how you live like this. It's so pathetic.
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you'd be doing exactly what she wanted you to do
congrats you're now going to end up married to her
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is there anything more embarrassing than flopping hard on your first rerun as an ARCHON
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For me, it's Arlefuri
>neuvillette cuckshit in the form of an otter
Kill. Yourself.
I wonder how well you'd do against a pitbull as a kid
>cute Furina art
>hidden cuckshit
Every fucking time
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Which characters would NOT job to a vishap if they were a 5 year old child at the time?
please post feet
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Raiden Shogun
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I will will not coom until Hoyo shows the Natlan teaser. I will then coom to the very first (non-Iansan) Natlantean female shown.
...that's it for me
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>any other character's birthday letter
>Ei's birthday letter
Clorinde is not a virgin
Klee is a loli
anon she was fucking 5, AND she beat that thing a week later
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You know it to be true.
That's not true, we talked about Xiao's incredibly for (You) birthday letter that came with a Dream Solvent.
Klee is a tuber.
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How do you know this information, did you take it?
Well yeah, that was explicitly (You) pandering at its finest.
Ei's birthday letter was barely even discussed outside of the schizo in the last thread typing a book report about it.
was nahida's letter for (You)
no i am the otter
>Furina X otter
>Clorinde X vishap
>Navia X dog
wtf is going on with Fontaine
Xiao is just autistic. It's not "for (you)" shit.
>they all manifested as adults when born
get the fuck outta here

Fair point
Pags are just desperate for Ei to give aether attention.
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he's autistically for (You)
>furina cuckposter
>eistinko OP
>both mobile twitter filenames
i'm noooooticing...
You can be delusional about your canon husband but it doesn't do anything
stop noticing.........
The cheldsis uses those too...
Could it be...
Did Ei ignoring him during 4.6 tick them off this badly? Seems like it did.
No other archon would ignore the Traveler, too.
I'm so tired bros...
No, not really.
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Klee can solo a Primo Geovishap without even TRYING to fight, and she's like 10. I think she'd be fine at 5.
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>niggas ITT actually thinking they are being cucked by a fucking otter
I mean she is definitely pulling on wormilette sleeve here:
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Uh oh
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Xiao isn't for me, I agree. He's for Aether and Loom.
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I look like this
no he's only for aether
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>a FUCKING otter
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Considering they got a billboard while Xiaolumi didn't, I can agree.
He's for whoever (You) picked at the start of the game, majority actually picked Lumine!
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I flopped
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>Hmm time to do my Genshin dailies
>Open Hoyo Launcher (which was forced on me btw)
>Pic related
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also these are the less hated Genshins say something nice about them
Is that bear actually playable or is he an npc
Wormvillette flopped.
>2022: Ei's birthday produced a ton of art
>2023: Ei's birthday produced a ton of art
>2024: Ei's birthday got less art than fucking Yoimiya's
What happened?
yes, the bear is playable.
What does 5 years old translate to in vishaps year
raidenfags moved to ACKeron
Wormvillette killed the fucking game.
predict his sales
>2022: yuribait
>2023: yuribat
>2024: hetbait
doesn't help that most of it is AI
pandering to waifupags destroyed her character
the Vishap was a Hatchling, as in, they literally found the egg(?) and hatched it
Everything has dropped because of Shitvillette ruining the game.
why japan loves Cyno? is because of YGO autism? VA? jokes?
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Total yoimiyer victory
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If you have been playing Genshin for at least 2 years, how do you not have enough 4 stars built to make imaginarium theater a joke? Do you seriously grind the same artifact domain for months on end to get your crit damage from 190% to 200%? I've been building characters out of sheer boredom.
It's true that most of it is AI, but most of the non-AI art is still mostly Eimiko as usual. Waifupags abandoned Ei a long time ago outside of the most desperate ones who still think they have a chance for some reason.
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Space raiden mogged the fuck out of her
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>Triggered external audience support
>1 time(s)
What the fuck? I didn't use anyone else's characters. I literally can't, I don't have anyone on my friend's list.
I miss playing this game, and using Cheld, to be more specific
>110 gb
i fucking hate modern games
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how nice is sigewinne
is she the good kind of nurse
or the kind of nurse that makes you hate the doctor's office
You don't get it, you don't fucking get it. I spent TIME and EFFORT on my fucking Hydro characters because I was told it was the strongest and I needed nothing else. I spent 240-300 resin on MH domain every day, had to focus on saving only and only for Hydro characters and constellations, and had to fucking start rolling for weapons like Eternal Flow too because they were meta and you’re telling me my shit is fucking useless now? That I should touch shit Electro, shit Pyro and eventually every element to do every new content now? Fuck that.
Acheron is an infinitely more appealing character.
It helps that she's a 100% independent character who doesn't need her gay fried to define her life.
And the next time Nahida appears in a event but in a separate cutscene and maybe she ends up being with wanderer, that shit will cause a Chernobyl style meltdown.
Doesn't count
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you're welcome
i think audience supports refer to those little mini events where if you buy a boon a random character in your roster pops in saying "[Character] helped give you 20 flowers back!"
Just as I was prepared to reach a checkpoint and log out, shit hit the fan.
Tanit Camps has a card autist with no care for the signs of a massacre at his feet, and the card autist here doesn't mind a bit of imminent calamity.
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>16 posts including official art
>2 pages+2 posts

idk why I even bothered checking, but why are you lying? lmao
she roofies you
rapes you
then knocks you out takes your organs and leave you open in a bath tub missing most of your insides
you fags think about blunderer more than chinks do
zzz will get 1 portion of loli for every 10 of gay furry
pagrina and her homofujo fans kill the game
Sounds like you should hate your outdated system and it's low storage.
I'd rape it to teach it who the master in this relationship is. Always works.
Try their birthday tags on Twitter.
>Liyue's Chenyu Vale flopped despite being a beautiful, high-effort area
>The flagship events keep on getting shorter
>The empty Sumeru area happened
>Mondstadt's Imaginarium Theater flopped
>No one cares about fan favorites like Raiden Shogun anymore
It truly is over. Floptaine's virus is seeping into the other regions now.
no, you do that and prove your claim to us
Are you Canadian by any chance?
I didn't
How did I post that nahida picture
I don't remember picking it
Is she mocking me
its more my dogshit internet than storage
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What's the current best dps qiqi build? Gonna start building her for next month's theater.
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How long do I have until she drains all of my life from me?
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I just found out HSR characters have unique voicelines for when being placed on your active team if there is a certain character they know already on the team. Why does genshin have this?
Does she canonically drug you?
I think you're mixing up memes with canon
>Gay furfag is a thirdie
Many such cases. And to think it was Germans who once crowned the top. Now it's Russians, Brazilians and Malaysians
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Anon, more than half of the Raiden posts aren't even birthday art. These two in specific weren't even from this year.
She is too disgusted by you to get anywhere close enough to you to do that.
>2024 and the GOAT still has the most art
How does she do it?
he said he has bad internet so most likely he's american
>birthday art
>art posted on her birthday
doesn't really matter though when the guy hasn't proven his own claim
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Everyone at the Fortress of Meropide loves her, she's the good kind of nurse. However if she finds you to be uncooperative, she's not above spiking your food or giving you a surprise injection.
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You don't need to defend modern gaming having ridiculous file bloat or the hard drive manufacturers having a stranglehold on the prices that are no longer competitive.
Probably 4pc Clam Atk/Phys/Crit with either Aquila or Rancour
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She's cute, nice and strokes your ego but 5 years into marriage she'll stop caring and reveal she's just a whore trying to steal your money and house.

At least you might have popped out 3-4 babies so you have genetic legacy.
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The rest of your natural lifespan.
Okay, so that's how you spend your first year. But once you've got like 8 big pp hydro units built, what next? You've still got 180 resin coming in every day. You're still getting shit tons of 4 star units from all your banners. You clearly should have a C6 Sucrose, Fischl, and Xiangling at this point. You just gonna... leave them there? You gonna keep trying to build the unit you already built so you can do a little more damage? What's the point?

She's a sweetie pie who I wish I could be around more often. I want to cuddle and seggs the melusine. That said, even with a good doctor, you usually don't want to be in the doctor's office. I'd rather take her on a coffee date when we're both feeling well.
>They didn't release a developer's discussion 22 minutes ago
Holy fuck, Genshin is dead...
Aetherpags have some serious issues.
Being a straight man is an issue to whores like you, yeah.
Why is she pointing a gun at me
What's it loaded with
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ZZZ will kill our game
Medicine and kindness
I was making a dog years joke related to Neuvillette being a dragon
>he doesnt want to play as a big fat bear in a shitty anime action game
yes but will that finally release genshin from living rent free in your head?
>another game that /gig/ doomposted before will be another nail to this dying game's coffin
how is Kurumi taking Furina's great flop right now?
I'm going to sleep so I can get away from all this waifu talk
None of your waifus can touch me in my dreams anyways
captcha: SKANX
I snuck back into the fortress via searchlight while it was being flooded.
Here is the result, before being swiftly teleported out again.
She's happy about it
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>None of your waifus can touch me in my dreams anyways
Yeah, about that...
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Only retarded neuvtroons would think that she'd feel bad about her flopping
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She became a doomSTACY.
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if i dated a guy and found out he picked aether i'd dump him.
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good night
sleep well
enjoy your comfy nahida dream
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>What's it loaded with
I hope you still have your penis. You're worthless otherwise.
I can't even 9* floor 12
What doomposting?
I finished the Rumeria story quest. I don't have anything left to do
who's your favorite genshin with a hat and why?
So this is what happens when a single game that angered you in some way becomes your sole obsession, encouraged by simps?
Hu Tao
Cutest hat
is a c1 gorou even worth building for c6 noelle, or will he be mogged by other support options? i don't have chiori or any good geo supports aside from zhongli.
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where the fuck is natlan?
where are the fucking roster leaks?
why the fuck do we not have anything?
we're in the second half of 4.7 and we still have no actual fucking leaks
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Why are White Mexican Genshit cosplayers like this?
>what doomposting
come on, anon.
/gig/ doomposted ZZZ ever since they censored Nicole more than a year ago.
Shitvillette flopped btw I hope you know that
the larp includes being a failure
He's an okay battery for her
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She's got a bubble gun and a tranquilizer gun. Sigewinne follows the hypocratic oath's requirement to "first do no harm". But strictly speaking, it is not harmful to suck your dick while you're under sedation
She will never love you bro.
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wasn't this domain nerfed?
or was if for 5.0 onward?
It's true I'm still doomposting
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Mona is probably the closest this game will come to having an actual wizard.
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natlan is a psyop and doesnt exist
there is no 5.0
there wont be a sneznhaya
4.8 will be the last patch we ever get and the traveler will be killed by the end of the event and the game will just turn into a screen of paimon crying over your body
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We all miss scarakino
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You don't get it, you don't fucking get it.

I spent TIME and EFFORT on my fucking Hydro characters because I was told it was the strongest and I needed nothing else. I spent 240-300 resin on MH domain every day, had to focus on saving only and only for Hydro characters and constellations, and had to fucking start rolling for weapons like Eternal Flow too because they were meta and you’re telling me my shit is fucking useless now? That I should touch shit Electro, shit Pyro and eventually every element to do every new content now? Fuck that.
Yes, we
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Mine never came in the mail so I was born without it.
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why does siggy have a big butt
tits or GTFO
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what makes Neuvillette such a universally beloved character?
Wormderer ruined Sumeru.
Ya know, I've asked this a few times and nobody ever answers me.
bro your klee???
your alice???
Fontaine ruined the entirety of Genshin.
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She is built for anal sex.
different target audience so doesnt affect genshin much
is doing ok but not enough to be considered a threat
probably affect genshin a little bit. I can see some people who finished the game moving on to zzz after being sick of lack of content.
>current event is 6 days long
>it's also a recycled mechanic from Veluriyam Mirage
what happened to this game...
Finally get to try out Chevy C6 in the event. Everything dies so quickly that i cant even tell if it matters.
with the natlan release

it's not even an annoying domain nowadays, just run literally any 4 built pyro units
i have released way too much semen to exactly this idea
So she can bounce on my dick
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The real question is - why is she the only melusine that wears pants? There is no indication that she was given any new clothes at all in her story quest.
maintenence mode
no other pair can compete
I still remember as if it was yesterday when /gig/, was hopeful and claimed Fontaine would save Genshin. How things turn out..m
You weren't playing in bottleland?
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Witches are not wizards.
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i've seen this screenshot a few times, what is this actually from? is it an event i missed, or an upcoming one?
>fontaine will be the waifu region and save genshin!
homeru killed this game...
neither are whores, yet you consider mona one
Upcoming summer event
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I also remember people claiming Siggy and Furina's rerun will break sales records and will utterly btfo the Fireflyfags.
Shitzuma killed this game
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they never came in the mail either...
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Hopefully I can cultivate my way into extending that lifespan to a few thousand years
Literally everyones saving for the new Neuv creep in the nation of WAR

>4.8 Genshin collabs

Genshin x Duolingo (Klee)

Genshin x Mega Coffee Korea (Wanderer)
flat chest or GTFO
Failstadt flopped and killed this game
A reminder that Siggy canonically drugs your food
She can be brainwashing you into being her sex slave and you'd never know
Liyue's wordslop killed the hype
I have a question regarding the Imaginarium Theatre's star challenge. In the first run I did on the final boss event I missed out on the final star, does this mean to get full stars I can simply obtain the star on the boss event or do I need to get all stars including the missing final star?
Still not really sure how the new challenge thing works.
Wormvillette flushed all of floptaine's revenue down the fontoilet after he got done wiping his worms ridden ass with it
I wonder how Ei and Nahida will feel seeing Aether struggle to stack kinder blocks.
>male with a snek lover
I kneel to the straightest Genshin...
I remember when honktards said for months firefly would be the highest selling banner in gacha history
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and to follow up, the devs thought ahead and put a giant no-go zone over this whole area that extends well below the map, so going into Meropide from underneath is also impossible.
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___ __ _ ___ _____!
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We have had this exact same event several times before with maybe minor variations. Just shoot the targets and collect your primos, nerd.
How's it feel to be based? Now if only we could get some more art... maybe we can get 3DIMM Animations to make a Sigewinne video....
Feels good having my C1 Sigewinne. She may not be much, but she's more than most players have.
But slugs shit from their mouth
>absolutely zero lolifags left playing the game
maybe this is actually why we're dead
lol, one is a radical feminist whore and the other two are cuckshit
it doesnt save your best result for each stage like abyss
you must get everything in a single run
>Why does genshin have this?
i didn't know we did
Fontaine sisters....
>not a single Fontaine character
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Chiori is also cuckshit.
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The point of that puzzle is the find the jigsaw pieces that are sent away from the location rather than solving the jigsaw itself
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Her design looks like one.
Cheld sis posted tits when asked. I knew kokos were stingy.
>if there is a certain character they know already on the team
People on /hsrg/ use that to cuckpost btw
This will filter 95% of players
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It's insane how such a simple change in the text box and adding a portrait instantly makes the game feel higher quality
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okay but furina is waifu
Okay, cool. Thanks, senpai. I'm redoing it now but paying more attention to the process since I kind of skipped through the first time, thinking it was a tutorial before the challenge proper.
>broken kit and interesting SQ
>barely beats literal whos with dogshit writing and a recycled kit
not the win you think it is unless its against the siggyfags (singular)
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>chiori goes on a date with (You)
>Siggy and Clorinde have dedicated waifufags posting itt right fucking now
they're waifubait...
Yanqing is so lucky...
Floptaine truly flopped
>opens with wormney
>followed by wormilette
>the females are cuckshit, obnoxious and covered from head to toe
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Lyney should've looked like this
I think Clorinde's SQ was nice but I just couldn't find myself to care about the characters other than Furina
>nips love homos
tell me something i don't know
now also make the text box speed as skippable as it was before patch 2.0
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Yeah, but she's not enough for all tastes.
>cute Furina art
>hidden cuckshit
Every fucking time
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what keep you going?
Damn, I forgot Kirara gave you a shield, might as well use her instead of Collei. Also, wtf is that damage on her burst?
Pootaine did a stinky
Makes it look more like your average shitty low effort visual novel
unless you go full monogeo and have c6 gorou, don't bother

just throw her on field with benny+furina+zhong for stupid numbers

I am still huffing coping to eventually see a symphogear collab

>>484459786 >>484460050
you now manually remember the complete shitshow that the uber-eats event was, with both normalfags and autistic giggers crying about how "impossible" a fucking running simulator event was
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seriously, what went wrong?
you don't even know what radical feminism is
>and Baizhu's banner was during Seele's banner too
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>different target audience so doesnt affect genshin much
It's just pure coincidence all our girls started getting less art and revenue began plummeting
Ei is more defined by her twin sister and shogunbot, Yae is just a simp.
that's wormvilete's hand...
Metaslave site used by metaslaves
do you really want sex with siggy
We need the Neuvwrio lad to save us from the cuckposting again
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Oh well. It adds soul to the game if shipfags use it to trigger pagpags that's just a bonus.
The stage music is so good.
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People say ZZZ is a furfag game but it only has two, it's actually a cunny game. HSR too, having four models helps with variety. Bailu, Clara, Huohuo, Yunli etc. just gives more options.
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Inazuma was the peak of Genshin. Hype and player retention was at an all time high. It's not wonder why Wormeru and Shitstaine made it all come crashing down
>Ei is more defined by her twin sister and shogunbot
during 2.x, maybe
Now, she's just that woman who's obsessed with dango milk and orbits around Yae.
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That's fucking Arlecchino you mindbroken retard
inazumatroon melty
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genshin is still doing fine...
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>Inazuma was the peak of Genshin. Hype and player retention was at an all time high. It's not wonder why Wormeru and Shitstaine made it all come crashing down
>raiden image.png
Why did fontaine ships flop?
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>Dehya didn't make the list
The most BELOVED genshin.
inazuma did irreparable damage to this game
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The portraits were great and should be official 5* skins. I'd even roll for Lyney if he had a Marechausee Hunter skin
Kirara should've been a 5 star.
No one asked for Wormzhu.
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Amy is a big whore?

Not a slug. Melusines are based on a French folk tale. Funny enough, the original Melusine was a serpent from the waist down, but only on Saturdays. When her husband broke his promise, she sprouted wings and flew away. Before that happened though, she gave him like 10 kids.
>wriolette (most popular fujo ship)
>neuvifuri (most popular straight ship)
>inazuma rode year 1's mondstadt and liyue's popularity hype
>inazuma killed the hype so much within their last few months that it almost killed the game
I don't know. People will shitpost but sales are down across the board for both males and females. It could just be that more and more combat roles are being filled with no innovation, Neuv directly power creeps Ayato, so people are just getting bored of content and quitting. The story is also not engaging, it's been years and for me it still feels that we're no closer to reaching the end of our journey.
Genshit floptaine wormed bigly
It should have been Yaoyao.
>mental gymnastics
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>Fontaine music flopped
>Fontaine exploration flopped
>Fontaine characters flopped
>Fontaine lore flopped
>Fontaine story flopped
>Fontaine ships flopped
>Fontaine demos flopped
>Fontaine events flopped

My, my...
>wriolette (most popular fujo ship)
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their entire navy got destroyed fighting this little shit
then they never rebuilt them because the new leadership sucks dragon cock
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It overtook Haikaveh on AO3 this year, it's officially the most popular fujo ship
don't get that retard started. strap in
>the only non doomposting in these threads is the pedophiles spamming
Couldn't recover after jobbing to Chadlynas
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We didn't know how good we had it.
>after nearly 1 year furina's Sakura thought ghost comes back
Clorinde's SQ is already 10/10 and it's barely started
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stop blaming inazuma
Fontaine flopped all banners goddamn flopped
It'd be nice if you appear in some kind of event, just like Raiden. Won't ever happen though, your mere presence makes women mad. So you'll never show up again.
your life flopped
Genshin Impact flopped
lol, wopags on twitter love nahida
ZZZ will bring interest back to Genshin.
>Neuvillette/Wriothesley (Genshin Impact) (4849)
>Alhaitham/Kaveh (Genshin Impact) (11586)
that uber event did not have enough time in the oven. if they rerelease it today EXACTLY the same as they did before, it would still be shit
there is only 1 pedo poster here
No revenue no bilibili views~
why do you retards care so much which char sold more and which chars sold less? do you work in their sales dept?
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wtf her wings are blue
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>paimon.moe image or Pagden image
>some variation of Raiden's sales, Fontaine flopping, the year of homos, shitting on Nahida and/or Furina, etc.
>repeat every thread every day
This thing flopped

Only the rare yume that self-inserts as the loli for some reason. Otherwise they seethe at the existence of all lolis and want them eradicated from the game.
Not that I care but how many works this year for either?
Look at all that interest Inazuma killed...
>the rare yume that self-inserts as the loli for some reason
that doesn't exist
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Post sexo
anon will now post the chart showing only fics written in 2024 and claim they're winning
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What went wrong with Fontaine OST? Only like 4 or 5 tracks are memorable

Is it because Yu-Peng not longer composing Genshit?

Sumeru has the best music


Wormrina flopped
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Bros!!! i just resurrected one my old gaming pcs by finding a ancient usb that allows windows to actually boot WE ARE BACK BABY
genshin impact
+10000 goodboi points and infinite respect anyone gets the song reference
i don't fucking remember this
what the fuck
Fontaine made flesh...
Poorina flopped
What's causing the Shitzumatroon melty this time?
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I meant overtook in the yearly ranking
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Genshin's decline is due to mihoyo only doing the bare minimum to maintain the status quo. Before imaginarium theater I think the last truly new permanent content they added to genshin was the tea pot way back in 1.5. other than that they have just been maintaining the status quo of events, abyss rotations and new areas. Imagine what genshin could be if mihoyo weren't sandbagging so hard.
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Zoomers are far gone into their heads
dont want to play a dying game. i am what they called bandwagoner
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Nahida/scara proves that immensely wrong, it's not men drawing this shit and a good chunk of it isn't even SFW.
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post something cute
>Getting upset at a simple side event
>All caps and dozens of question marks
Yeah, your mind is clearly at ones level
almost every single 4.x patch trailer OST flopped
almost every single 4.x chara demo OST flopped
okay, those are not yumes
words have meanings
that anon didn't show the most liked because wrio is #1 from my recollection
the only legitimate issues were when random weather events spoiled the food, which was fucking hilarious
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I regret getting Furina. No one warned me that she was completely flat chested
You're just a fucking retarded woman so that's incredibly ironic because words do NOT have meanings when it comes to you. You try to redefine them at every opportunity to fit your own worldview.

kys woman, death is the only true definition in the world and you deserve it.
>still pushing the yume self insert as characters other than the mc
wormvillette damage to gig is inconcevable
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That's the best part!
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it's every day

that poor village
lamo what a fucking sperg
that's what makes her so sexy. she's such a flat brat.
salesposting is /gig/core
get on with the times, gramps.
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We're blooming!
how would you revive the hype if you had total control?
She's made for Neuvillette who's already a confirmed pedo so a flat chest is a given.
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>being gay
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You think they'll tease the Bina in natlan?
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Daily Reminder that Furina is for you and that any Xiao shipping to Aether is gay and China would never approve of it.
fake weeb
Is neuvillette a virgin
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>renowned perfumer
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If you wish hard enough, it might grow a few inches! LOL
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fuck off cuckfag you lost
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Just one more patch and we are free from shitstain.
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I want to feel Furina's heart doki doki near my heart
He lost his virginity to Furina.
Holy shit Yoko Hikasa does fit Emilie lol
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Uh huh.
>ZZZ tomorrow
>Official 4.8 stuff the day after
Man, I really want to file a double leave so I can shitpost here all day on Thursday and Friday.
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crazy, right?
Kick all women out of developer decisions. That's literally it. The fandom and playerbase doesn't matter, just put straight men in charge of the pandering.

Straight men will rationally observe and see the demand from female players and give it to them. Female developers will henpeck, lie, gaslight everyone else because they also want to destroy the things that straight men like. It's just in their genes.

Do not let women in charge of anything with a final stamp of approval or you end up with garbage like Emilie or whatever the else fuck has happened in the last year.
>read boar princess because I remembered one of the hexenbitches wrote it and it seem very related to the IT
>That ending
I think the hexenbitches should be hunted down and burned on the stake.
all genshins are canonically virgins, it's hoyo policy
why haven't you unlocked the quests? you don't have to "start" them after unlocking anymore, you know
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Official art disagrees
It's a coincidence that Clorinde gets shat on during this time too
If I was in charge of mihoyo? I'd implement a skin design department and aim to have four skins each patch two drop in the first half of the patch the other two in the second half. And there would be zero stupid limitations like "characters can't get a second skin before everyone else has gotten one", "newer characters can't get one before older ones", "there has to be a free four star character skin for every five star character skin" or anything stupid like that. Then I'd use the money the skins make to add more permanent content.
lazy-ass robochomp
fuck off cuckfag you lost
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Lumine is so lucky...
This is GAY. Why isn't there a loom version
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Paggy is mad
Troonderer flopped
Remember how the "anti-Raiden" copypastas and the "whose PoV is this?" baiting with Raiden images died down during Clorinde's beta? Yeah.
Same bro.
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fuck off cuckfag you lost Sigewinne quest confirmed womvillette is taking in the ass
We are contractually obliged to work 16 hours a day posting this or tencent will demolish our village, saar
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Is there any reason why both the Spiral Abyss and Theater results need to be visible at all times in the top-right corner of your map?
why would she?
she's in the abyss with her lector boy toys.
Dinducchino flopped
keep screaming pag
stop noticing...
None of the dark and grimy stuff will make it into the main plot, and the hexensexens will be dindued into oblivion
HIVilette flopped
Um, xisters? Why did all the shitposting against wuwa dry up over the last couple of days?
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Is he gay or european?
fuck off cuckfag you lost
Nobody's shitting on Clorinde you mentally ill freak
Day 1 fags have enough 4 stars in their roster to continue doing vertical investments. If you were smart and leveled everyone to at least 70 and gave them leftover artifacts even just 2pc/2pc sets goes a long way towards making them usable.
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>first raidenpags have a melty
>now aetherpags are having a melty
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I've been on discord before, that is same as asking if someone is gay or gay
Is it just me or does Emilie's in game model look way better than her art?
This thread is infested with pags again. Someone get the antipagspray again.
Did they ever unfuck her burst animation's scuffed finish?
Venti is both, Xinqiu is gay, so he's likely just European.
clearly I won if the creators of the game support me
They did.

Hikasa Yoko voicing a hebe-hag, hmm...
Pagvillette spamming cuckshit again
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Shits too easy and I've leveled every single four star I have to 70 just to get the three standard wishes. I will keep rolling for cons.
You can just say straight men
What is the best sex position and why is it cowgirl?
Based cucksaars! This is just like my fiance and the family dog when I'm out working!
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>play sigewinne story quest
fujos won
Anyone able to tell me what the max quantity is for leveling mats? Wiki's useless.
Sitting at 99 equity scrolls with no one to use them on and I'm wondering if it's just coincidence or if I'm maxed out.
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yeah its these hours already
it's going to be a 4 way tug-of-war for artists between genshin hsr zzz and wuwa...
They don't. They don't have any lore that has any affectionate undertones, unlike Furina with Traveler.
Based Nips and Gooks
The chinks are really seething now...
more what? that is tame for the miazi guy?
Can you recall a point in the game's history when this general was worse than it is now?
But who do the monkeys represent? Russians and Indonesians?
Please, I just want a double crit geo goblet
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slug fucking
We had persons posting actual scat and animal abuse back then.
The general now has it easy.
>everything is cuckshit because im such a pathetic male i can't self insert that doesn't look like a clone of myself
lmao even
tfw churlpilled, tfw vishap pilled, tfw treasure hunter pilled, it just keeps cumming
>they have to showcase Emilie even before the stream
Damn this is a dire state
It was worse during 4.0 to 4.2
Now it's just one or two people spamming while the general is mostly dead
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what are your honest thoughts on Firefly?
i want to cum on aethers tummy
genshin impact 1.3
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She looks better from behind but overall she still looks like a lazy 4* piece of shit. Even Siggy has better and more unique animations. And she comes out of almost nowhere, why should anyone care about her?
Melussy doesn't exist
Yeah, this is the first time this happened. I think they're trying to get your interest through her VA, Hikasa Yoko. She usually voices mature women.
a aethermain wrote this post
and this post
I just want everyone to be aware that this is the only place that doesn't accept that Neuvillette is a good character and one of the best parts of Fontaine. Could it be everyone else that is wrong or is this general just mad about a strong male character with a presence in the story?
That's fucking nice
straight men of /gig/...
I'm sorry you're so brown and under evolved a literal brown lizard is something you feel possible to relate as, Fernandez.
Let me guess, you also jerk off from the cuck chair as the wifey gets pounded by the pitbull you borrowed from a friend?
bland ahh bitch
give me acheron, give me sparkle, or give me death
We had a dude posting murders, executions, and gore just because one day the Jannies did nothing for three threads
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I find that vastly preferable to the state of gig poster Homeru
She's likely to be metabait
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hey /gig/ check this out
*takes a fat fucking shit on the floor*
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I didn't like her at first, but then I saw a picture of her pissing herself and I started to like her.
everyday around this hour there are 2-3 shitvilette yumes spamming the same furina art over and over and in response, 1-2 aetherfags keep responding with their own ship
the entire thread devolves into this shipwarzone with the same exact words same narrative same pictures and same people and its been going on for months
and then they both want to argue whos the bad guy between them when they are both mentally ill. it takes a special type of schizophrenia to do the same thing over and over again
bro really took a fontaine in public
fucking savage animal I bet his parents are even worse
Hu Troon Shitzuma era was objectively worse
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>wow, she's so sexy
>I want to jerk off seeing ugly monsters, blacks and animals bang her in a row
>Wtf what makes you think I'm into being cucked???
Russoids works on a different logic than humans do
Did you guys know that if you pick 9999 mint you get a freak c6r5 limited 5 star character?
Aether exits to take cock and it's canon
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MHY has been doing that for the last 1-2 years yeah, we need to keep spraying ourselves in the face by driving straight men out of the game so we only have ourselves left playing.

We'll get our perfect fujo fantasy but at the cost of EoS.
kaedehara kazuha.........
She's popular and beloved for a reason, Honkai Star Rail is a game for straight men
Meanwhile characters like Neuvillette and Furina are popular because this game is for yumes and fujos
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um she's meta? she's meta for natlan bro? your meta? you can't be skipping she's meta bro
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My wife
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>Emilie is pic-related
Welp. Time to roll.
Everyone is wrong except for me. It's that simple.
Is that just called a shower?
I think maybe you're trying to strawman and gaslighting Russians here. Are you insecure over the Ukraine ware because you're a communist?
what did they win
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>Retarded underaged shitskin doesn't even recognize common English boomer lingo
Fuck off back to your own chan and come back when you're over 18. Then you can lurk for 10 years before posting again. Fucking chimp IQ Hassans
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>over 4 years later
>still beloved by everyone
What does Venti have that others lack?
>characters like Neuvillette and Furina are popular
a popular character wouldnt drop like a brick on their first rerun they are just fotm shitters riding off of metafags and their titles as regional """archons"""
Ugly and boring just like paghida
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gay AND european
She's cute and SAM is super cool, but I still prefer Acheron.
Explain why dvach, the russoid hive is FULL of blacked spam to the cheers of anons without going whatabout.
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I had a headache and felt tired and weak the whole day but then I closed my eyes for a bit and my brain automatically imagined wriothesley grabbing me by the neck and slamming me on the floor like that npc from his quest and it made me feel alot better
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Seeing this in context after playing wuwa 1.1 makes Changli even MORE attractive holy shit.
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is a child
a popular character would outsell neuvillette's first banner
>uses the term wifey, a literal normalfag term that capeshitters and shounenbabs use
>literally Kotaku popularized it
>not using the proper term "waifu"
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Here you go
They get like 5 within 1.0 alone lol
Meanwhile genshit...
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Out of 10!
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>rolling for meta after theatre playground made abyss twice as irrelevant as before
do anons really ..?
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Keep digging, Hassan. Consider it practice for the digging your own grave when the racial cleansing of the world begins.
>Zhongli, Venti, Raiden and Nahida's hands
yeah furina did
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Aren't you just hurting yumesisters? These aren't even our most prefered waifus.
...but not firefly though
why is still funny even a year after
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damn this guy is really just posting from 3 devices right now
general really is dead
straight men love Venti.
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Who doesn't?
me on the right. /gig/ in the back
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Remember when we were the Chads of /vg/ instead of the toilet?
>Nahida not preferred
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You can easily look for them yourself. We have Pixiv and the boorus.>>484465012
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nahitroons are funny ngl
Total aetherpag death
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What do you think she smells like?
>hidden cuckshit
Fuck off trollfaggot
Even the chibi looks bad, looks worsebafter watching the zzz shark demo
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>cucks both the aetherfags and the yumefats
Its just one anon.
cunny for me but not for thee is the embodiment of twitter moralfags priests and jews
no yume cares about pongli lol get real
Happy first anniversary to the very first Fontaine trailer!
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we were never destined to beat /xivg/
Furina smells like baby powder and diapers with a faint piss scent.
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I was so hyped for Arle before she got dindued
those days are long past us
we love Furina here
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you will NOW play ZZZ~
“I will play ZZZ on launch. I will play ZZZ on launch”
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Just finished the new theater mode first try with full 8 stars.

Unironically probably the worst Hoyoslop that has ever been produced. Are giggers here actually defending this shitty game mode?
>cute Furina art
>hidden cuckshit
Every fucking time
That's Bweeeeehrina.
It's the same type of glass Neuvillette drinks from in his idle animation.
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Best region
but what
accurate representation of a STUPID BITCH
have you considered that people don't draw Aether because his design is dogshit?
Lmao 4.8 stream + Emilie
K-On Cast
wtf that guy in the background looks EXACTLY me
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It's definitely more than one
may we have a speedy recovery from whatever the fuck this shit region was
Wow aether looks more fuckable than astolfo
I already downloaded it this morning.
Which server will /gig/ play in so we can finally coop?
I'm in the Asia server in Genshin so I can't play with you NA bros.
I know right. God I love being a cuck! I always see two people somewhere in the same room and immediately fantasize about them fucking behind my back!
>loli is flopping
remember when that retard said that lolis had more demand
where is that faggot now?
mihoyo needs to make a potato shota now
Is clorinde's vishap crystal tornado?
It's one of the few that seem to be ok with people...
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They made abyss harder while also making you have to build more characters. It's literally nothing but a difficulty spike. If you're a launch player like me it's not a problem to clear, but the intention is obvious. Zero passion, only greed. Greed to make you roll for characters you care nothing about just so you can clear content. That only drives me away from developers.

I don't want to play meta, I want to build a bunch of meme teams or solo clear with my C6 characters like I did for years straight because it's what I liked to do.
he's now a mod on the zzz subreddit
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>forced to play as Wanderer, Chino, Yoimiya and Clorinde multiple times in sequence
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Holy fucking mind broken unironic seek help lol
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Just that? But what if that glass is common for the aristocracy/nobles/elites of Fontaine? Fontaine is so small I can bet most of them get their cups and plates from the same guy.
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I knew that they would have to use a decent va to try and sell emilie
>we have yui
>we have azunyan
>now we have mio
Are they trying to appeal old K On fans?
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>cuck artist
>cute Furina art
>hidden cuckshit
Every fucking time
keep posting
Is not even the same glass, Neuvillette have a stylized glass Furina is using a common wine glass
Now that Genshin is officially DEAD, what can we do for ourselves?
it's even funnier when you factor in that potatokeks were banking on the Nips on saving her banner, only for Clorinde to end up selling more lol
whomever is a cuckold?
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China has been beating Japan at making cute boys for years.
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They did the same with Chiori too kek
We'll know if they get Rin. And they form a band.
And the first song is Fuwa Fuwa Time.
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wait so we get NOTHING for 9 stars?
are you NIGGING me?
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oh wow... this is a japanese poll too
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dont wrio and clorinde both supposedly have good VAs and they both flopped
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installed and ready to buy welkin just to get Ellen Joe
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Where?? I even double checked before and don't see him
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Neuvillette unironically broke some of y'all if you think it's cucking when the only thing about him in an image that centers around Furina is a FUCKING OTTER.
Monsieur Toilet MINDRAPED YOU
astolfo looks too much like a girl
As an Aetherbro I approve of Mona/Wanderer anyway. I prefer sword hebes.
Man I think ZZZ will kill this game because Mihoyo clearly doesn’t give a shit about Genshin anymore
Not gonna lie, former Neuvillette fan here.This is fucking hilarious watching Neuvillette crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the other authorities.
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Think about it
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Sigewinne is a bara sister???
/dbs/ has permanently ruined this entire site.
they're not fucking her
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Remember Focalors?
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>sword hebes
None of them are for (You) paggy
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Aether's tummy <3
Neuvillette is just your isekai protagonist, except he doesn’t look like a cuck. If Neuvillette looked like Aether, the seethe would be massive in the community
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Sorry, but they are for me Loompag.
You can have Cheld.
potatokeks just keep getting Ls, lol.
>literally less relevant than a random faceless author NPC in fontaine
there isnt anything to forget or remember about that thing
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Imaginarium Theatre just sucks
Can't believe we get this shit as a permanent endgame mode after 4 years
There are multiple events that are better than this
In fact that recent boss rush event I would prefer as a permanent endgame over this
What a letdown
Yaka is for Thoma
Watch that orange woman from ww and the cop from zzz get better demos then Emilie
>28% rollers is an l
About Us: Our Story Together
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 6
UI Quest "The Little Oceanid"
>My story has already come to an end, and so the next act shall be about OUR story... In which case, we should probably start charging double for public appearances... Oh, I'm so happy!
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yaka is for the dumpster divers
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>1. (especially of a person's body) thin, supple, and graceful
The exact opposite actually
This. I am literally ayaka
I get that this general goes back to cuckposting during dead patches, but is the new game mode so bad that we are already back on it one day after its release?
wanderer is the worst fucking trash i've been forced to use
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But Thoma is for gayshipping with Ayato. Ayato even bought Thoma weird drinks.
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Is that... a plush sex doll?

It's fun and relatively easy. I like it.
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Ellens’ tail is bigger than your husband, /gig/

There ya go
My boi Thoma deserves better.
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you know i was thinking, for the amount of discussion people do when talking about ships or self inserting, i haven't seen a single person kiss or even hug aside from the traveler and paimon ingame
my only problem with it is that it's short as fuck, like why would I spend time building a gazillion characters for 5 minutes a month of the same gameplay as the rest of the game
Why doesn't /gig/ hate Thoma? Doesn't he have analworms?
the new gamemode is artifact runs but you cant use condensed resin and have to play randomly generated teams made of 3 random elements
its fucking dogshit
We don't have that default animation
if our resident retards would stop replying to stale bait it'd probably happen less
Why did the Imaginarium Theatre not live up to the hype and flop? I’m worried about the future of this game.
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You call it an L.
I call it being part of an elite club.
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I’ll kiss you, anon.
>has a shark rammed up her ass
>the shark has "shark" written on it
peak design bwo
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Your Aether and Lumine?
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Lynette's hang out is the only time furina is on screen and does not say or mention him
he's a cuck so /gig/ identifies with him
Imaginarium Theater is inherently unfun garbage. Being forced to use mismatched trash teams like Wanderer Cyno Clorinde Raiden because the RNG fucks you can never be fun, I got the primos on the first try and didn't bother with getting full stars.
If I had known the stars are literally worthless I wouldn't have gotten any, from now on I will refuse to get more than 0 stars on purpose to pad Mihoyo statistics showing the event is too difficult. I will also complain in the surveys and in the feedback every day from now on, fuck you Da Wei for adding this trash and forcing me to play it for primogems
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he cute so we love him
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Because the Japanese are really seething.
old finch definitely railed that oceanid and said oceanid literally invades his dreams to this day
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>first loli potato in years
>low rolls
i fucking knew it!
lolis didn't actually sell and nahida only did because she's dendro, a support, and the archon
there is no excuse for them to not have a playable potato shota
there is some faggot dev with too much power keeping us from playing as a potato boy
the cutest
Furina SQ2 won’t mention him either because it likely isn’t taking place in Fontaine.
Manlet Xiao is cute
He's a respectable, trustworthy man and your bro
Same reason why gig likes some males but dislikes others
nah you can get in without Fontaine AQ but teleport(and chest?) are hidden to prevent early waypoint unlock
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It's over, Genshit is dead, time to play The First Descendant and ZZZ
hugging and kissing paimon
>but is the new game mode so bad
Yes it is.
Yumepags and Fujoshits like him and they're the loudest faggots in /gig/.
hebes have the highest flop rate in the shotapedo. strange you didn't mention furina flopping on her 1st rerun
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you should have just made a Genshin version of SU
I don't like it when I can only use my faves (who passes the elemental check btw) two times.
the pyro archon will have two pyronados spinning with 100% uptime on her E and you will apologise to Siggybros
Why did they abandon Genshin Impact? What did we do to deserve this treatment?
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I love little girls.
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He is my husband so yes to both
Gomen oomf Chan! Our devs only know exploration content and archon quests!
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>furina SQ 2
Feminism and weak men willing to give up their power for a bit of pussy in secret.
>that one time where he, a humble human, just straight up threw a spear straight at his God just to save our asses
The GOAT of Inazuma.
I would lick this guys tummy desu
Everyone flopped after 4.2 lmfao. Hags, hebes, rerun of Neuvi and Furina
I heard somewhere here that Kuro is a bunch of ex-mihoyo devs is that true?
>What did we do to deserve this treatment?
Leaving doomposting aside, have you seen this general lately? You faggots deserve everything bad that happened to you and more.
If you have access to the character models and can move them in any way you want, why make it so under-acted? Hell the Giorno's pose doesn't even make sense because it's specifically supposed to be pulling his clothes
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>Furina SQ2
Not that easy to do since the game isn't a hallway.
Fuck off Ortiz
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Is UNMATCHED still the most liked male on gig after 4 years?
complaining != seething bro
you guys reduced the actual meaning of a good word to "anyone that says something negative must be seething"
same way a good meme word like pag got reduced to have no meaning cause everyone spams it on anything that they dont like
It already exists and was leaked way back, they pushed it back for Siggy SQ2 because it wasn’t that important
>What did we do to deserve this treatment?
That's what you fags get for hijacking our threads way back in 2020.
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I think CEO might be tied.
his character archetype is the kind of guy that would hook you up with his sister (just that instead of sister in this case is ayaka) and then he just becomes your bro for life. then you hook him up with another girl, probably your sister.
forced doomposting
too many people liked it so some anons are working hard to make it seem like everyone hates it
nobody knows who you are
Why are mutt hours always so shit?
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No but they must somehow understand who really pays the bills if they were willing to cut half the story and fire the lead writer just because incels in the beta got mad.
What did mihoyo do to upset you now? I'm enjoying genshin lately, IT is good so far
But "pag" doesn't mean anything. It isn't "fag", right?
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I see the rational gender having a meltdown over a male employee being within 100m vicinity of a female boss again. Such logic, such sanity! As expected of the "superior" male.
it's shit
Restrictions are ass
I'd rather have an entire floor full of consecrated cancers in the Abyss than whatever we have in IT.
A bunch of employees got kicked out of mihoyo back in the GGZ days and they were so butthurt they made a copycat company.
How can GENSHIN recover from the colossal failure that was FONTAINE
Google pagpag.
>furina SQ 2
i wish he actually sucked the popsicle instead of retardedly looking at it
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And an exceptional one at that, grats
They didn't send me a prostitute dressed up as Kurumi. That's literal straight male genocide.
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Childe SOON
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congrats bro, thats a great one
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>furina sq2
your first 5 star looks like she deserves rape
They release Cyno's THIRD (3RD) SQ where Kaveh and Alhaitham gets married while the Traveler wishes them luck
hOw cAn gEnShIn ReCoVeR fRoM [insert latest thing]
Newcutie... "X are really seething" is a /gig/ pasta
Sounds like you're lying through your teeth since I've been playing since early HI3 days and this is the first I've heard.

Post your source.
This but with Furina and Neuvillette
Unironically rerun when
for me its Furina SQ, keep laughing while im laughing at you
Why are we cucking Thoma again?
I am the true Cheld. Everyone else is just imitating. I don't even need to post a Cheld image.
Makes me want to play Star Rail.
I know kuro devs personally and fuck their wives behind their backs
It won't. Genshin got mogged by WuWa during an archon rerun. There is no coming back from this.
don't forget to recycle
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Natlan, he'll be there to cheer Capitano on
Not until Snezhnaya.
Pretty sure every famous char will get a SQ2 at one point
I'm gonna straight up cackle if it's revealed to be GODvillette's 2nd SQ that's being developed
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it doesn't have to recover from shit its just a bunch of coping doomkeks who can't let it free from living rent free in their head
nobody wants to use your ugly thread.
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Shit taste and bad for early game too
I only got her because I already rolled for all the characters I actually liked and she was meta for my characters, same reason why I got Kazuha
Hopefully they add more over time
Guess I'll have a lot of time to save, I don't think there are a lot of 5* that I really want
yeah but will anyone be around to care
...and emilie
congrats im the true fischlfag but everyone still thinks its my perufriend, unlike you i (we/them) have lore
sorry for saying all those things about xinqui being better (he is tho) way back in like 1.2-2.8 but the mald was too damn funny, nothing personal cheld one of my faves, i do my faves dirty too
why would i care about furina flopping?
i only care about shotas
i don't give a fuck about sales
i just find i funny whenever some sales nigger tries to claim that lolis sell when they in fact don't
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what a blast from the past
This one
i wish emilie was mid
It's really bad.
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now go build your noelle
because you're retardedly pretending there isn't a bigger flop body type for your analworm narrative. but gachas don't pander to you anywhere so you gotta find victory somewhere
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