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Previous: >>484438008

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Spino Doubleblaster" live until July 8

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Nahida is really sexy.
is the kuroshill melty gonna continue in this thread too?
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Nahida is for gentle lovemaking on a tree branch.
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Stop making fun with lady Ayaka...
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Holy shit! Three big flops in one picture… amazing
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Lynette's hangout is the only time she does not speak or mention or say anything about him on screen
It's kind of silly how much he exists in her head lol
Happy first anniversary to the very first Fontaine trailer! Well, now that the 4.x has reached the end, what are your thoughts overall?
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French boys
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Childe SOON
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She's going to be broken and meta.
That sounds painful, why not just spend a summer building a treehouse for her instead?
are we the third wheel all along...?
we're here
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>cucks you
Yup. That's my hero.
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Arlecchino has been the biggest disappointment I've gotten out of the game so far, by a long loooooong shot.
Otherwise it was pretty good. Not as good as Sumeru or Inazuma imo, but I really liked the overall region design. Story-wise it's one of the better Archon quests we've had. The connecting tissue was shoddy as always, but the highs were really high.
Thoma should be the one fucking Ayaka, not Aether.
She’s a walking Neuvillette advertisement. Remove Neuvillette from the game please I’m sick of every character being an advertisement for him.
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I just need to see Natlan designs before I determine whether this game is forever pozzed and I can finally put 3 years of sunk cost behind me.
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What if the Traveler was BETRAYED and TRAPPED in the teapot by Paimon?
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k-on references make me feel old
moe moe kyun and fuwa fuwa time feel like they happened in a completely different era in a different life
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I liked it overall, father was disappointing but I like the three siblings' dynamic, loved navia and furina but didn't care much for clorinde/wrio/neuv.
But please, let Childe talk to skirk
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You just know
Thoma is fucking ayaka. Aether is getting his ass filled by abyss cum
based. I will now stop posting in this thread.
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Is this a good cope on furina if i can't fish yet?
they should really update the models in this game.
they should do it when Snezhnaya drops, since Genshin by then will be 5 years old.
it was good, liked every character except wriothesley who leaves me indifferent
Typical women behavior, you see everyone wanting to fuck Wolfie too
the zzz chads are laughing at us again...
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Umm did anyone else find this more stressful than the Abyss despite being "easier"? I didnt like having such janky restrictive teams, I wish you had three vigor instead of two...
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They said they're updating the graphics for 5.0. Not too sure what that exactly entails though.
Fontaine, the land of scalies...
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Why are white Mexican Genshit cosplayers like this?
shut up paco
Navia fucked the prison warden AND wants to fuck animals and is a failure of mafia boss, how can anyone like her?
i dont read spanish what does it say
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what triggered the cuckposting tonight?
in two days
the real question is
will we get a real natlan trailer with all the characters and will the 4.8 preload give us the 5.0 banner?
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Yes, he's too damn cute
I've always disliked abyss, the last floor feels like beating your head to a wall trying to get the final stars. In IT at least I can just clear it and be done.
its literally every night, they are perpetually triggered and never get un-triggered now
I HATE Meropide.
That's honestly it.
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>punches the ground
>you are now healed and hit harder
how does he do it?
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>ack was around
>kleepedo was around
>caiblossom was around
recipe for disaster
Raidenfags and Aetherpags were seething last thread
Take your pic
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>Everything she has done so far amounts to nothing more than using insidious plots and base treachery to commit abhorrent crimes against the Empire and its citizens.
>Only those who are utterly helpless, teetering on the brink of death would choose to believe in a woman proclaiming to be able to hear the will of the gods and flock to her banner.
>Just as the exalted Harmost Euergetia said, she simply does not believe in any god at all for none with faith would commit such atrocities in the name of a god.
they really wrote french isis and never used them for anything
yeah im there too, imagine posting in this shithole lmao
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I need that Natlan trailer so I can have my Fatui hype already. Signora, Columbina, Capitano, I need to see them.
Emilie...has tighnari in her quest....no.....not the beastiality sisters....
I'm bored bro.
There's nothing to talk about.
Might as well shit on the thread before going to bed.
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H-hey, give me that
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I tried to fix my Furina. Is this good now?
you missed the nevifuritroons seething too, unless you are one of them trying to push a narrative, you wouldn't do that right anon?
An amber picture won't change who you are paglord
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>Might as well shit on the thread before going to bed.
I thought our threads were only filled with ironic Indians and not real ones.
holy fuck im sticking to the qiqi thread
this whole thing is like shitpost rejects unity lmao
And here I thought that anon was just being a schizo when he keeps bringing up Americans.
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The voices... They finally stopped
imagine what would happened if he punched you straight in the nuts
I want to see Childe and Skirk do a lil' dual cultivation
>we really have nothing to talk about
Ok gig
favorite and least favorite schizo?
Which schizo are you?
>thread celebrity shilling
nah, fuck this shite.
I'm going back to work.
can i do a Navia PLOOONGE without furina?
>Favorite Schizo
>Least Favorite
Omega Dottore, because Webtorre was too good for this world and was taken from us
for one of the early rounds of my IT run, I ended up using the trial wanderer, xianyun, faruzan and yoimiya, just because I wanted to use better teams for the last stages
personally, I thought it was pretty funny; my yoimiya became a burst bot, bless her soul
most people seem to hate having to do shit like this, though; besides the element/level restrictions, it's the most common complaint from what I've seen
they want to be able to make teams with great synergy for all 8 rounds
so what's the solution?
hope you like BENNYBOI
Fav schizo
All loregods
Least fav
The mexipag
they have melties almost everyday around this hour
it's morning in europe but I doubt the schizos are morning people, they are probably seanigs(highest rate of schizophrenia in the world)
I used to think that ACK was the worst thing that ever happened to this general, but now I'd rather have him back as a regular here.
At least he's a genuine schizo instead of just some lame baiters trying to farm (You)s with the exact same shit every thread.
>least favorite

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