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Previously on /pal/: >>484055356

>Steam Page

>Palworld Twitter
>Sakurajima Update June 27
>New Pals Coming Soon
>More summer stuff:

>Latest Patch Notes (6/26/24)

>Pocketpair Youtube

>Pal Models
Blender: rentry.org/t7bth9nh
Rips: mega.nz/folder/HCATDCIQ#aoE99tdPzJDhHlyW_3C-9g

>Breeding Guides and Tools
Advanced Breeding Guide 2nd Edition: rentry.org/md8pereh
Breeding Calculators: palworld.kimpton.io



>Server Setup

>/vg/ Server
Check in thread for up-to-date ones.
NA Server #2:
cringe ahh names edition
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it begins
I like how that team tries to focus on a cool grass team and just says fuck it let jetragon do everything at the very end
Fuck Lyleens, Impregnate Lyleens, raise your kids with your Lyleen wife, get old with your Lyleen, die with your Lyleen, spend eternity next to your Lyleen
What do you put on your glider pal? Vanguard, Stronghold Strategist, Noble, and what's the 4th?
started playing the game 2 days ago and my friend and I are going to play for a bit tonight. He's played for a few hours prior awhile ago but quit cuz the people he played with sucked and didnt grasp the concept of teamwork and working together and just kept going off doing solo hero shit and didnt build their base as a team. so we're playing and working as a team and exploring and a bunch of stuff. need much better pals tho and so tonight is gonna be some pal capture grinding to get some more to train. So far its been great and I went out earlier and solo explored a bunch of the land to try and get more fast travel waypoints to hit up. fun af game especially with a friend. no mods atm either we're play vanilla til we get bored or beat it
The only mod that was useful was the "more bases" mod, but that is kinda pointless now that you can have 10.
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did we win?
Nice, try not to get spoiled too much here.
>10 bases
I haven't been able to play because my PC is fucked but I've still been active in these threads, what the fuck? I thought the leaks said they increased the base cap to 4, not 10.
Depends on the server, unofficials/solo can increase the max to 10. That's what me and my friends did on our private server.
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This but Lyleen noct
Damn, that makes things so much easier. I hadn't even started on Bella stuff because I didnt want to fuck up my bases, guess I was right to wait. Can't wait to have my PC fixed so I can play again.
Your wife is old and forgotten. No exclusive skill why the OG gets one in the update
So I noticed when I create a new world raids are disabled and cannot be enabled
What exactly does this mean?
Are these the base raids?
The gigapal raids?
Also are actual boss summon pals now managable solo or is playing solo the ultimate cock and ball torture?
10 bases 50 pals per base, your small country has 500 inhabitants and enough gdp to fight the moon, palpagos is just fucking Monaco if they were a militarized industrial complex country instead of a tourist trap of biblical levels
Does regular Lyleen get a signature move or something now?
Or did they change the heal?
The raid pals have a shit ton of health and require a base of 20 somewhat optimized pals to complete
nice blog
Haven't fought the Mutt yet, Gothtard ultra is doable with enough Nigga horses, now that you can have 50 of them just sit back relax and see the donkey show
So its still a case of gigafuckery
I guess I shouldnt be surprised, no bellanoir for me
Lyleen Noct has such a nice desing, but the fact that Lyleen got the new skill just cemented her as the favorite, Quivern Botan is stronger but I fear that the next expansion will make the farm gal stronger than the weird plant dragon
I don't care if my wife isn't meta, I will never betray her
Bellanoir is very doable solo, libero would either require cheese or many days worth of breeding autism
Wait you can't do raids on singleplayer??
The fuck is the endgame supposed to be then???
She got another support skill
Lyleen gets a new exclusive move that she learns at level 55 that's a self-heal. Noct doesn't get the same move sadly. Has a CT of 240 so that's a long ass cool-down, not sure how much it actually heals since I don't got one to use
Of course you can, why wouldn't you be able to?
>Using a move slot on a self-heal
>240 CT
I appreciate their attempt to add more variety in the move pool but that sounds absolutely awful
That option on the settings is really confusing
I genuinely cant figure out what they mean with it
then what is this post >>484461868 talking about
It’s talking about the random raids like the pal genetics, lovanders etc. boss raids are summoned from a table not a random event
why'd they turn that off??? I remember being attacked by the toucans before, why would they give you LESS things to do?
Pretty sure is about the faggots that come every two odd days to get a anally probed by your base pals, guess they like it to come back so often, the only bad base for this is a breeding base, since the breeders are usually level 1, and the breeding ranches are flamable
No clue, they only trigger while youre within your base anyway, so its not like your home gets destroyed while you're out
No idea what that anon is talking about, I have been getting raid like mad lately, then 3 merchants back to back, then finally the rapetile raid AKA free experience for my low level ass
What are the best passives for a combat Pal like Chillet or Suzaku? Certain pals give you an element boost when riding
Hey, it could be useful. If it's a full heal you could build one to be tanky and use the new cooldown passives to reduce the wait. Probably not enough to make it work though and that's assuming it's a full heal.
Meant to say Combat Mount not Combat Pal. Fug
Swift + Burly body + Vanguard then either stronghold, more defense or more speed, the new boss needs full defense I'm told
The better question is why you're asking such a simple question a second time a few days later
I was the first guy who asked that question the first time, and I did not ask it this time
You were an uppity shithead for nothing
Thank you. Breeding rng seems to be a pain in this game
1st time asking this though? Im kind of new to the game
Anybody here have experience with the Pal editor mod? Can i use it on my world that i play with a friend or will it break stuff?
We want to skip the slow breeding process
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>Dark Ball
>Megaton Implode
>Poison Fog
Going through the moves and these are the only normal pal moves that don't have a skill fruit but can be inherited. I could of swore Bee Quiet was also able to pass down but it doesn't seem like the case
>Dark Whisp
Boss move that can be inherited if you had Victor before the fix. There are other boss moves as well, two with skill fruits that you can find but otherwise unavailable: Blast Cannon and Diamond Rain. Pic related, some other boss moves but these new ones seem to be only on the hard version. GYM_ThunderDragonMan (Axel) doesn't have it but GYM_ThunderDragonMan_2 has All Range Thunder. I haven't unlocked the hard versions so I haven't seen the new moves in action to say if I want them or not. Thoughts?
it completely depends on what you are doing.
if you just want a tower boss pal and want to use it only for the type change, then just build full defense, masochist, burly, legend, vanguard.

imo building pals that are well rounded is stupid.
this game rewards going all in.
either you go all in on attack, all in on defense, all in on player support, ect.
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are you a top 0.1% player?
Very useful information, I was thinking of running cinnamoth just for that poison partner skill but this changes everything. Thanks anon
Random raids on your base, not raid bosses you summon
Which pal editor? None are updated for the Sakura update
Oh idk. I never used them before. I was just wondering if they bug out or something if you play on a co-op world with someone. Like maybe i can only edit skills if im playing solo?
There’s probably instructions on how to add it to the server. Should work though
Use the creative menu mod, works perfectly.
Thank you, i will check that out
I dont mind breeding a bunch to make eggs for fusing but the passive skill rng is aids
>You can set big egg timers to be an hour or 0 with no in between
what is a decimal
Just do 0. Life is too short for all that waiting and breeding
T. used to play Ark on Official servers
Also does anyone know if you can move multiple pals at the same time in your palbox? Its a pain organizing
>not setting it to a short timer while you're progressing then changing it to 0 when you're doing nothing but grinding eggs
>does anyone know if you can move multiple pals at the same time
Yes actually.
You can shift click them all into an empty viewing cage, then switch to the box you want them in, then shift click them back to that box.
I was never aware that a viewing cage was a thing in this game. Must have missed it lol
Thanks for the tip
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In order to do that I have to play the game.

Tell me how to do it when I'm away from home for 12 out of 14 days every two weeks.

Other than that yes.

That is why you stay with classic palfus who never had the chance to be OU or Uber but never let you down romantically.
It's an hour for huge eggs, the minigame is alt tabbing to look at breeding chains to determine how you can get the desires traits and IVs from the smaller eggs initially and then into the huge ones.
Dinossom sex
Pals pass IVs? I thought they were random generated every time
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if we don't get noodle spindash as an actual move at some point I'm going to fucking riot
Mammorest actually looks really nice here, I want to see every pal and how badly they were butchered by bad 3d modelers and texturers
And also, how badly poketards will accuse them of AI if they release a development artbook.
There being concept art at all kinda disproves the AI art accusations, especially when these prototypes look so similar to each other. The most that could be said against them is that maybe the original concepts were created by a prompt and then PP just used them for basic reference to create the end designs, which would still be a fine way to use AI.
ha, pp
>reach endgame
>will to play drops
They do, sometimes. There's no way to guarantee it like in pokemon but they will often pass on their IVs
The first trailer for the game came out before stable diffusion. They made the models before AI was capable of anything like concept art.
How do I get meteors to fall?
You wait until the game tells you one is falling, they always fall near you.
It's been days since one fell in my world, how long do I have to wait?
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Hi I just started pirated palworld and I'm looking for tldr for base defenses. Are mounted machine gun/ missile turret good? Do I have to build walls within the blue line?

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