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Previously on /pal/: >>483629149

>Steam Page

>Palworld Twitter
>Sakurajima Update June 27
>New Pals Coming Soon
>More summer stuff:

>Latest Patch Notes (6/26/24)

>Pocketpair Youtube

>Pal Models
Blender: rentry.org/t7bth9nh
Rips: mega.nz/folder/HCATDCIQ#aoE99tdPzJDhHlyW_3C-9g

>Breeding Guides and Tools
Advanced Breeding Guide 2nd Edition: rentry.org/md8pereh
Breeding Calculators: palworld.kimpton.io



>Server Setup

>/vg/ Server
Check in thread for up-to-date ones.
NA Server #2:
are the sex mods good yet?
Lovander is fucking ugly
Indeed, Lovander always want to fuck the ugly.
It's doubtful you're a furry then
Lovander is how I know there are no furries on Palworld's team and that Katress was a complete accident, Wixen is ugly too.
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pal sphere status?
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What's it like playing on the /vg/ server? Do people ever play together or is everyone playing solo?
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I'm on what I call a near-PETA run, but it's also my main file. Should I not feel bad about considering tacking on some 'loosening' of my rules like:
>Buy Pals from Black Marketeers as long as you kill the merchants afterwards
>Catch Pals from mixed human and Pals raids (Wild still off limits)
this nigga roleplayin
A couple people have been grouping up to tackle the bosses but it's a solo endeavor for most other things. I don't think anyone has actually joined a guild together due to the limited amount of palboxes you get. The new island is on the smaller side though and you'll definitely see people running about and gunning down the meteor drops. If you're just starting fresh, you'll probably be seeing the remains of bases people have left behind from moving and only seeing the chat log about whatever someone is doing. Doubt people won't help or stop by if you ask though
Post Pal teams
I've always seen lovander as more monster than furry.

I like both, so doesn't necessarily need to be "cute".
pussy armor
Don't have a pic,

Eikthyrdeer Terra
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Yeah man, furries hate Lovander, clearly
>not wanting to fuck an unattractive thing means you're not a part of that group
What an incredibly retarded thing to say.
It's insane how gay you are
Bro is actually trying to imply furries have taste
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I just went through an entire sakurajima dungeon without seeing any pals or soldiers
Lucky you, meanwhile i got gangbanged to death by ninjas because 3x population
He's implying a whole group has his tastes alone, which is something a stupid arrogant child says
I like Katress too, but "anime girl with a cat nose and ears" is not the end-all be-all of good taste
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Still largely on my general team back from early march (started playing again this weekend). Dazemu is also friggen cute.
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I think the emissive map on the refrigerated crusher is messed up or something
I'm still pretty fresh, only level 20 on my first file, but the Chikipi is a Lucky one with a really powerful lightning skill
Mountable Pals:
Legend, Swift, Runner, Infinite Stamina

Base pals:
Artisan, Work Slave, Serious, Nocturnal

Combat Pals:
Legend, Musclehead, Ferocious, Serenity

Am I right ?
More or less, generally, though elemental passives are occasionally preferred over ferocious where applicable for extra stab damage. Diet lover and/or workaholic would also be preferred for cooling and ranch pals since work speed doesn't apply (minus the refrigerated crusher).
>was jetragon level 50 pre update? guess i gotta grind more now

Yeah, Jetragon and Frostallion were 50 before the update. Kind of a dick move by Pocketpair since I'm too burnt out on the game to bother to get them now but whatever.
Are the Jorm noodles base viable or do they still get stuck everywhere?
Is mining supposed to drain sanity faster than everything else
Even legendary heat-resistant pal metal armor gets shredded by the oil rig enemies. How am I supposed to do this when the rig itself is the only way to actually get gear to survive it? Never mind that I just lost dropped all my stuff and the enemies swim down into the water to attack you before you're even on the rig itself
/pal/ Arena Tourneys when?
I wouldn't recommend trying to use the alphas, but I have standard Jormiggers in two of my bases for cooking and smelting, and they never get stuck. One of the bases is open-walled, the other just has big ass doorways. He doesn't seem to mind if his ass is clipping through a wall while cooking.
Why do I keep crashing on the new island reeeeeee
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new update breaks everything huh
only if anyone else shows interest cause I'm not restarting on the thread server for nothing
s-she's fast!
Are a ton of ancient tech points gated behind the hard mode tower bosses?
That's why I want it
post your toast
run dungeons moron
Tech points are not ancient tech points, moron
They both drop fuckin retard
Ancient tech points drop from world boss and tower boss 1st kills. Dungeon bosses are not world bosses.
Either something changed in the way dungeons work as of this patch, or you're really fucking confused
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>an extra 10k thanks to 4x noble passives
I really need to perfect breed five pals to get both sell price increase passives, because this is ridiculous
Damn, is that really it? The new island is tiny. I was expecting something the size of the ice or desert island, with a settlement.
Sakurajima is the most noticeable part of the update, but the content is spread out beyond that in the form of meteors, oil extraction, the oil rig, the arena, etc.
Is it only the four locations for the main chest on the oil rig? I haven't done it in over half a day, but I couldn't find it in any of the supposed locations.

The main threat is the crushers, but their damage is fucking bullshit. Take lots of rockets and nuke from cover as much as possible.
Palworld? More like.... NTSCworld
Ancient tech books and tech books both drop from dungeon completion chests and have dropped from said chests since the day they were introduced. What the fuck are you on about right now?
Quick, run! Next thing you know you'll be weighed down with 5000 stone.
If I want Burly Body on a combat pal (lmao), you thinkI drop Ferocious or Serenity?
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Ancient Tech Manuals were only introduced in the same update as Bellanoir a couple months ago, and a returning player would have no knowledge of them. They definitely haven't been in dungeon chests the whole time.
So like >>484081508 said, something was changed (albeit not in this patch but the previous one)
>elemental shift pals you cannot ride (ex. Anubis)
Legend, Burly Body, Vanguard, Stronghold Strategist
>elemental shift pals you can ride
Legend, Swift, Vanguard, Stronghold Strategist
Vanguard, Stronghold Strategist, whocares, whocares
>palbox combat pals
Legend, Burly Body, Serenity, elemental boost (if you plan to give it attacks of only one type) / Musclehead (if you want versatility)
and higher
Haven't played since launch and im level 25
what should I be focusing on atm?
What is the math behind elemental boost vs raw damage boost?
>level 25
Catching Pals. More specifically, finishing the 12-catch bonus for each pal.
You can catch Pals far above your level, by either throwing tons of low tier palballs (you should have an infinite supply by placing two Vixy's on a ranch) or a few high-tier palballs you found on the ground in high-level areas.

By this point you should have access to two bases. Make one your general storage and crafting base, and the other your food production base.
Once you gain access to your third base, you should make one around a coal node. There's a plateau somewhere in the bamboo forest that is very high up which has many coal nodes.
Around level 40 or so, you want to redesign your storage/crafting base to fit all those production lines.
After level 50 you want to move your ore base to a spot that has two crude oil nodes.

You want to do every dungeon you come across for the loot and the Pals that only spawn in dungeons.
And don't forget to mine any sulfur or coal you come across inside them.

If you haven't already, start breeding passives on your pals and start condensing them.
Speed passives go on mounts, condensed farm pals produce items faster.
Oh and check your monitoring stand.
You can now assign Pals to specific spots and enable/disable work types per Pal.
>leave the oil rig
>make my way back
>red exclamation points a mile away, as soon as they enter draw distance
>soon enough, a whole fucking platoon of guys is swimming in the ocean to greet me
>they're impossible to hit, but can snipe my water mount to death in seconds
>Bushi teleporting on top of me with his "nothing personnel" slashes in the midst of all this
I see Pocketpair is still struggling with enemy AI
Bushi don't miss
What's the best breeding calculator right now?
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I'm really liking the new glass panes.
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that ain't cloth
that's leg and thigh
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240 channels, and it's all Pengullet.
Just as the imprisoned God beneath the islands intended
They do look nice
Have you been giving your flopie red bull, anon
Screw the 3% droprate on legendary schematics. I'm catching 5 pals, then save/reload with butchering until they drop.
Is it even possible to get Lord of Lighting on Relaxasaurus Lux via breeding?
I got a mod that increases the drop rate to 10%
What are those ugly crosses on the ceiling
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Metal pieces that hold the glass panes in place.
Have any of you even touched arena
I genuinely can't find a single youtube video on it
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I've seen it, but I play solo.
It does look fun, but everything's basically balanced on a honor system ala the dude trust me of the olden days.

It's really hard to find videos though. There's either a lot of people playing solo, or those with the arena are playing without recording it, or is stuck in India side of youtube.
This looks super fun actually
I just wish they'd improve the pal commanding mechanics (they never will) so fights are less watching your pal fight things while you shoot from the side
I should be able to tell my fire pal to attack a grass pal, or tell them when to use attacks even if I'm not riding them
but then again, that may make them feel like mindless robots like they do in pokemon or ark
but then again again, pals already feel like mindless robots so it wouldn't be that much of a loss
I love the laser rifle
I love you
why are enemies spawning inside of my base
i just had a prixter nest spawn directly inside my base and ruin most of my buildings
An expansion on the Command list could be interesting though (Don't attack, Focus on Same target, Attack Aggressively.
I think the guy slightly fumbles by not picking a Main Pal that has an active partner skill (those attack commands come to mind, or anyone with a mount skill), But I do think it would be interesting if we have some control over ONE pal.

>I should be able to tell my fire pal to attack a grass pal, or tell them when to use attacks even if I'm not riding them
>but then again, that may make them feel like mindless robots like they do in pokemon or ark
It's a very weird aspect of a lot of monster collectors. You either have complete control over all the cast, or you use the auto attack system and let them do the fighting instead while you support. It feels like there's very little inbetween, if any. And I know that a lot of folks aren't a fan of those games with an auto attack system. It might just be an acquired taste.
i love him more
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oh no you don't
There's a digimon mobile fangame of all things that genuinely finds the best mix I've seen of the two, digimon have one attack and one ability, they act on their own, but you have a button to tell them to basic attack or use their ability, on a cooldown. The thing is, when you order their attack it's immediate, it ignores their normal attack recovery so you can combo, or you can attack when you see your opponents digimon move into range so you don't lose damage.
The more I talk about it the less I see how you would implement anything like this in palworld though
Pals need basic attacks, it's fucking stupid when they both just stand there staring at each other.
>Max star Vixy can dig up mega and giga spheres
Fucking nice
It's pretty great, but Getting Nocturnal, Diet Lover, Dainty Eater and Swift on five of them was a pain in the ass.
I hope they add the setting that allows to increase or decrease the base radius
based base anon
>can ride Shroomer
>but not Knocklem

into the trash knockelm goes, I guess
Your 2-3 second cooldown skills bro. If Serenity works properly, you could use better ones without worrying about those longer cooldowns
Got a link or name to that Digimon Mobile fangame? I'd like to see the system myself, since it sounds interesting.
I'm not nearly autistic enough for that, one is all I need.
Meant to reply to >>484122840 guess I'm retarded
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oilbros, 3 oil nodes is enough or are you using another base to get more?
very aesthetic mining rig sis
>only one extractor per node
you can place easily place two per spot
oh I didn't know, well I don't have materials for more anyway for now
what is oil even for
No worries, we can be retarded together.
And the pain in the ass part is mostly getting all the passives together, breeding multiple correct Vixy's is just a waiting game.
When I even put another extractor in the same vicinity, it gives the "too close to a special facility" message. Not even "this thing is overlapping an object" like other structures; it's as if they went out of their way to keep you from placing them within a certain distance. How did people manage to get around it?
So if I give the new dog Pal Legend and Divine Dragon will it's passive pass it along to wild Xenogards? Or well, have a chance to?
There are certain sweet spots that allow you to ignore the limitations.
Try to place the two extractors as far apart as possible.
What level is ok to check out the new island? Is 45 enough to still have a decent chance against the new pals?
I went there at 45, it was rough but managed to catch some, I used normal shotgun and legendary balls
Has anyone noticed any significant bugs in the update? I haven't seen much myself except for one aesthetic bug.

When the ninja group is infighting, they aren't doing damage to each other. I don't know if it is intentional or not. Would be the first case of training if it is intentional.
It sounds like part of the mechanic where actors can't do friendly fire to their own "group" that they spawned with.
I'm gonna make a fast Nitewing. I can't help it, he's my favorite looking bird.
I wish it was possible to somehow upgrade mount speed and base skills on pets so you could make more of them actually usable in lategame without feeling like you're gimping yourself
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>leave pc on to download update overnight
>turn off pc in the morning
>come home after a weekend out
>game isnt updated and have to download 18GB again
>3 hour download
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how does the box sorting determine what your "favorite" pals are
I caught gold menasting and the golem at level 43 on hard mode using red and pink spheres. As long as you're in the 40s you should be able to at least explore and look around. Most things should be catchable but not easy to catch.
it's the ones you mark as favorite...
I look like this
show feet
You smoke? That's pretty gross.
Have you considered quitting?
Is it possible to move pals from your own personal server to an online sever with other people? Or would you have to start over entirely?
Not in the game yet officially. Likely what they're working on atm
that's a good thing
Okay, cool.
I don't think I could play this game without my turbo speed Jetdragon.
Your jet is outdated
Is there some non-official way to do it?
What's faster?
jet with the better stamina passive
I wonder if it's better to get the 75% stamina reduction or just the 50% stamina reduction with the 10% increased speed
Eh. I have max stamina. Not too worried about that.
You actually think your stamina affects your pal's do you?
How the hell do you approach the oil rig. Soon as I hit the stairs like 30 guards just appeared. Flying seems like a death sentence too
>Game crashes everytime I try to load my world
I don't take the stairs. I Hangyu glide into the crossbeams underneath the platforms and sneak around the edges behind the guards.
Disable mods
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there should be a mod that adds Pokemon music into the game
why do people say not to level health
Do you guys use any base range increasing mods? I wouldn't mind having 25-50% more build space
I did before the patch, but it honestly wasn't all that useful.
Just set your decay rate at 0 and build outside the range, I've seen Pals follow paths that went outside the range.
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now it's two per node
Ay, nice job anon!
what how
did they change it
I don't like how much investment it takes to start breeding
what investment?
>catch 21 moozarinas
>catch 42 chickens
>catch 1 jormuntard ignis
>catch 1 or 2 beegarde
>catch an azurobe and later breed a normal jormuntard
>make cakes out the ass
Are you guys meta-slaves or do you use Pals you like regardless of how good they are?
I'm meta-slaving, but I can still sometimes choose between Pals.
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My team is Wixen, Warsect, Elphidran Aqua (my mount), Anubis, and a free space (likely to be cinnamoth for poison cheese spam for catching)
The weapons I use are Poison Bow, Fire Bow, and Musket.
I hope they add a way to put skills on Pals without breeding, something like the Pal Condenser where you need like a hundred of Pals with the skill you want to transfer.
Breeding is boring.
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I use Pals I like, sadly I like ALOT of Pals so it's hard to choose. But I think this is gonna be my team for a while. Now to do a shit ton of breeding (only jormuntide has ideal passives).
It depends on what I'm doing. If I REALLY like a pal, I'll make a good version of it.

Therefore I made a strong chikipi
Is there a shortcut for healing, or do we just have to use potions from our inventory in the middle of a fight?
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30 min of oiling, gonna leave it overnight
It took a few tries to align it correctly but it is possible
are the 5 generators needed for something?
I have 3 pumps and 1 gen there and it works fine
I use the pals I like most out of the meta ones, I can make some sacrifices for the sake of aesthetics but if they're just going to tickle enemies and die the moment they come out of the sphere why bother bringing them along?
I breed strong versions of bad pals I like for vanity though and have an aesthetic main base where my favourite pals just hang out and don't do work.
setup that I have barely stores enough energy for the night, I didn't breed nocturnal on everyone yet
Now you have to respond to my post
Why do slab fragments count as schematics
I hate the chest sorting system so much it's unreal
High grade tech manuals count as "enhancement items", but not ancient tech manuals, which are "other consumables"
I am going insane
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ah no shit, it is a bit of work getting it aligned yeah
Do fliers ruin the game?
>NA Servers all full
>day count 30
did they wipe?

Also, do you get enough tech points to learn everything or do you have to be choosy?
I use pals I like both on my team and at my base. Sometimes I'll bring out a high work lv pal just to speed up production of a certain resource, but not for long.
You can farm tech points infinitely from tech manuals, which drop from randomized dungeons
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how to keep refrigerator cold at night ?
google it vtumor fag
Get a cooling pal with the Nocturnal passive, or Vanwyrm Cryst.
I used fliers on my first playthrough, this time I'm not and I'm having more fun exploring with land pals and grappling hooks.
My favorites are Cawgnito and Lyleen Noct. They are never in my team. My team is mostly second-favorites like Reptyro.
Vanwyrm Cryst with work-negative passives like musclehead. Work speed doesn't affect cooling power, just how fast his sanity drains. Place the food box next to the fridge and he'll never need to leave.
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I declare Sakurajima official open.
I don't feel like google search it.
Does cheat engine still work after the update?
And awesome
fenglope is better at vertical travel than non-endgame flying mounts and its super fun to run around with. You can get it early too, speed traits scale even better for it with the best double jump in the game, its actually better than necromus triple jump even.
Does pal ai just fucking die online? Half of my pals just stand there afk even on aggressive
All right boys how do I clip through walls post-patch. My base-building has been severely hindered now that I can't position structures from inside the geometry any more. Don't tell me it's just gone, is it?
ah yeah, what I do is just sleep in a bed and it becomes day again every time so I dont have to worry about night
Kinda, but at the same time there isn't really unique loot to find hidden around the map so exploration isn't very rewarding beyond finding cool looking areas.
I like that they made Direhowl as an early game mount for women to have sex with as well as Melpaca as an early game mount for men to have sex with
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>Melpaca as an early game mount
as an entire game mount*
>signature skill sucks ass and is unusable with any amount of ping
>may as well not have a jump
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God I wish all the land mount pals had some kind of double jump. It's really hard to let go of Fenglope or the other deer because double jumping in such a mountainous places in Palworld is invaluable.
Is Xenogard actually good?
Does it fly faster than Jetragon?
Does it do more damage than Frostallion?
Xenogard doesn't fly.
why does NONE of the art capture her face well?
One of the only pals in the entire game that actually uses the absurdly simple, textureless pal graphics to its advantage in making it look nice and everyone botches it by adding details or changing the shape from its blank, innocent, cute yet refined point
one of the only pals you don't have to do legwork and use your imagination for them to look good and people do it anyway
It's a space dragon thingy and it can't fly?
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Sadly nope, all he can do is jump, and not that high,
Its hands are bigger than its back fins anon if anything it should be burrowing.
Will they ever add swimming pals
do you guys think i could get a palworld gf if im nice to people with girl characters
don't you mean "diving" pals?
cute shark
>humans with fingers can climb up vertical walls
>pals with giant claws can't
stupid, why does an indie game feel so rushed out the door?
kill yourself
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Suggest it as a passive, duh
even this has too much nose but still very cute
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Is there a server setting to set wild pals to have good traits more often or am I just really lucky
I hear these guys drop dog coins bu I never get them after defeating one
Aren't they a guaranteed drop? The ones I've defeated all dropped them.
I wish I knew. They disabled underwater dismounts so I can't get underwater now either.
Where should I go at level 10 after Chillet? Everything's either level 5 or level 20, I feel like there's nothing I'm able to do
Southwest. West from the default spawn point. Look for a place with yellow grass. That area, and the red grass area north of it.
Feels like it defeats the purpose of an open world when you have a level system that makes you do 1 damage and take 3x as much from enemies who are more than 3 levels higher than you
It's open world but areas are going to be harder than others, else there wouldn't be any progression.
1. adjust the world settings
2. catch 12 of every pal (guarantee you haven't done shit if you are only level 10)
3. Make a base and start farming stuff

theres a lot of shit to do and you're just not doing it
Well crap I just realized a mod I was using has probably been messing that up... probably. I wasn't getting any ribunny bows to drop either despite killing a bunch of them.
yeah but "harder than others" generally shouldn't mean "You cannot interact with anything until you're high enougb level because you can't damage them, die in one hit, and capturing them is effectively impossible"
are burden elixars broken? I've had three of them and my carry weight has not gone up
It worked for me but it wasn't instant, I checked a few minutes later and it was there
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this nigger literally followed me all the way from the oil rig to the pal alliance tower just to teleport behind me and use iagiri for like 30 damage

the samurai spirit is truly unbreakable
Skill issue desu.Right after the update I started a new character and caught a level 41 Lullu while I was only level 12. Usually when I'm playing this game I've got a gun by level 5 or 6 and plenty capable of taking on things way above my level.

Usually not in a direct fight even WITH the gun, but when you learn to leverage all the mechanics anything up to 20 levels above you is fair game. Status effects, backballs, stealth, fall damage, etc etc. Level matters if you fight things directly and honestly but if you fight dirty it doesn't matter. Hell I just caught a level 54 Menasting Terra at level 45 by leveraging movement speed, cover, ambushes, backballs and infighting like 20 minutes ago.
>You cannot interact with anything
That's wrong, there's still chests, eggs, effigies and now scrap piles that you can collect provided you don't die.
You are meant to level up, build up your base and get better gear to be able to fully explore the areas else, once again, there wouldn't be any progression. If everything was easy from the get-go, it would be boring.
You didn't. Even minor level differences result in absurd capture percentage drops. You're just lying.
i took the second one in the drop and got the buff, at least I think they are +200 each. the first did nothing and two from a previous drop did nothing. fell fucking ripped off but at least ONE finally worked (im an attack heavy build)
>Even minor level differences result in absurd capture percentage drops
Your level doesn't matter in capturing, it's your spheres, your effigy level and the status of the Pal you're catching that matters.
member that?
>stand behind mammorest and hit it with torch
>0% capture chance turns to 90
2 minute boss capture! super easy! skill issue bro!!
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He's not lying I've been able to catch pals 10 levels above me because I got better spheres it just happens
I thought levels didn't matter bro???
Can I get legend on a Bellanoir Libero?
It's completely pointless to do that because the pal is pretty useless outside it's usability range.
Most pals in the game have a usability range of level, and any high end pal is going to be efficient around it's level, and very inefficient at lower levels without skill fruits and planning.
Not to mention the lack of pal gear for it
There is no reason I shouldn't be able to ride Rooby
There is no reason Rooby shouldn't be able to ride me
that's a child
Put a bag over her face and you can ride her all night long
Nope. I dug up a legendary ball from some rubble on Sakurajima and hit a Lullu with a drive-by backball and got lucky. Backballs ignore the first check to see if they wind up in the ball and skip straight to capture percentages.
Can't wait to go to Sacagawea and see all the new pals
>It's completely pointless to do that
Lullu makes crops grow faster so she's been active on my base since I got her. Worrying about "usability range" is pointless if you're going after the endgame pals.

The Dazemu I caught with another legendary sphere backball completely broke the first 30 levels because that new rock burst move it learns at level 40 makes seed mine look balanced. Sure, I couldn't ride it until way later, and even then I swapped it out for a carefully bred max speed one, but high stats are high stats and high attack means loads of damage. Learned moves don't go away with level sync, you can still use endgame moves.

It's the same idea as getting Lyleens as soon as you unlock the breeding farm. You're not supposed to get them until level 45, but you can have them as soon as you have a Petallia, a Mossanda, and some cake. Skips every partway farming upgrade and lets you replace Tanzee and Lifmunk with the best gardener.

Sorry you had to find out you're bad at videogames like this but unironically yes. That Mammorest was the first alpha I ever caught. How? When I hit level 15 I hopped on my Nitewing and went straight for the worldtree but got stopped, so I turned around and explored the nearby tundra and found hyper spheres.

My attacks did 1 damage, but campfires inflict burning, so I built a wall of campfires just dense enough I could pass through it safely but the Mammorest couldn't, then baited it into charging through them until the burn status wore its hp down very low. I threw my high-tier balls and caught it at level 16.

Learn to play the fucking game. You're not going to hurt a lava golem with your wooden bow. Use your head.
>kill the ninjas
>They have female death sounds
>Get a boner
Why am I like this...
My raid Pal is too cute!
Played again today. Forget the game was pretty fun. Still need to grind as I'm still in the mid-30s. Did find Kitsune and he fucking rapes. Need to find me a higher level frog.
I'm inclined to agree. All they need is some love and attention, yeah?
>25 fps
Is 16x level 50 Jormuntide Ignis with random stats and traits enough to kill Bellanoir Libero? I've got 16 of these guys level 40-45 that I grabbed off the street to kill level 30 Bellanoir. Obviously they shred the level 30 version because of the level difference, but I don't want to dump training manuals or souls into them for Libero if she's too strong for these mutts.
>Pals have different stat gains
>Nothing in the game tells you this and there's no way of seeing them other than levelling them and paying attention once someone else tells you this
Seems the snow biome is the best(?) place to get Xenogards to spawn? I got two to spawn there so far.
IVs are a bitch. But you finally unlock something to see and improve them in the endgame.
>the endgame
what's the best way of making money without glitches? I'm lvl 50
Hunt black marketeers.
You don't really need it before then. Most of the time you are better off catching a handful of pals and picking the one with the best stats (which will be comparable to each other since they'll be around the same level if you caught them in the same place).
Besides there are so many things you can do before worrying about IVs. Picking the right pal for elemental damage/resist/STAB, putting status effects on bosses, using souls to enhance your pals, basic breeding for traits and fodder for the pal condenser, using partner skills to enhance player damage...
Honestly you don't even have to bother with half that stuff because a single good weapon blueprint and a little buff food can carry you through the game unless you're playing with hard settings.
I kind of hate how absurd the pal auto aim is because the shooting is actually pretty responsive and satisfying
What’s the new best jetragon traits?
>There are people in this general who don't use the default Hard settings
Aside from egg timer what the fuck
I'm saving that for the 1.0 release
So the best base spots are ones with NO natural resources in their range so Pals dont get distracted, right?
You can just manually assign them so it’s a non isssue
You can also just pave over them with foundations to prevent them from spawning.
Beegarde kinda thicc tho
Ideally you want oil and nothing else, but only after you get access to the infinite resource generators
is selyne's passive mistranslated? dark i understand but fire is weird.
the database site also has it as increasing basic and dark damage.
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Well, got my ideal Beakon. Just one more Beakon away from fully condensing it.
Not really an issue anymore since you can toggle which jobs a pal can and can't do.
Is Serenity actually good? It feels like the pals I send out don't obey cooldowns regardless, sometimes they'll cast the same ability back to back, especially breath moves
I have everything set to 1, aside from player damage dealt and taken, that's set to 5.
Wouldn't Fit as a Fiddle be better?
So why the god damn fuck can I not seem to manually assign a cooling pal to the refrigerator or cold food box? I can assign pals to everything else.

I was hoping this would help a lot with trying to keep food from spoiling (which I've specifically bred a nocturnal pal for), but seems like this still wants to be one of the biggest cunts in the game. Just give us a bloody cooler that runs on electricity already.
>why the god damn fuck can I not seem to manually assign a cooling pal to the refrigerator or cold food box
Because cooling is already the top priority for any pal.
Is the fridge at the edge of your circle? Can they path to it and it's not blocked by other shit? I was having trouble myself with an electric stove that kept disappearing from the monitoring stand after assigning a jorm and other pals, backing out to see if they'd walk over, and then looking back at the menu. Would reset if I respawned/loaded out and back in but I ended up just moving the thing.
Didn’t they update default egg timers on Hard to only double that of normal? It isn’t for days anymore last I checked.
Legend adds 15% more movement speed. But yeah, fit as a fiddle might be better.
I'm honestly still undecided.
15% movement speed is a lot and the regen time doesn't take that long.
I figured it out.
I was using a no food decay mod because keeping meats from spoiling was a useless endeavour. The lack of a timer seemed to prevent assignment.

I didn't like using the mod, but it was just impossible otherwise. Hopefully this will remove some of the micro management and add a bit more consistency.
100% infinite stamina if you wanna go fast. Is less like a drag car now and more of an actual jet.
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Close to unlocking the oil, decided it was time for a change in scenery for my Pals.
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Found a lucky dog, I wonder if his skill would make lucky pals spawn more often?
Does the new moon pal also have a gender disproportionate spawn rate ? I got 5 females and no males, this is giving me bella flashbacks again
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>Cheesing a boss with campfires is "learning to play the game"
NTA but you're a fucking faggot
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You can get the IV spectacles as soon as you can beat base bellanoir, I think
>Only drop items on death
>Huge Egg timer 2 hours
PETAbro, what are your rules? I feel like starting a new run.
Not a PETAbro, but a lot of those challenges gimo themselves by not using pal drops, even the ones that naturally occur in the wild (wool to make cloth). A lot of armor and beds require cloth to be made, which needs wools. And while ranching is obviously not allowed, I think some leeway could be had with picking up wool you find on the ground. I mean, animals shed stuff all the time, so I'd think that would be allowed as a minimum.
Otherwise, you're stuck being nude until the Plasteel armor is available.
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>Make a new home base next to oil nodes
>Same 2 story set up as last base
>Use pillars instead of walls so Pals don't get stuck outside like before
>Double wide stairs just like before
>Grizzbolts get stuck upstairs after doing handiwork
>Jorm getting stuck upstairs and starving
>Anubis now for some reason cannot find the spas or food baskets in the middle of first floor

Fucking spent the whole weekend tearing down and re-doing everything multiple times. I love this game but holy shit I just want an update that doesn't set pathing back 3 steps.
Anyone play with a pirated copy?
I play with my friends who own legit copies of the game, but after downloading the updated game I got assigned a new guid on the server and lost all my progress.
I tried having my friend send me my save file from the server and editing the guid to match my new one with a save editor like palworld.tf and then renaming the save file appropriately, but then I just get stuck in an infinite loading screen.
I can run it at 100+, but limit the framerate to 30 to leave it idling in the background while the Pals grind shit for me. Keeps the system from running toasty for no reason.
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This guy might be my new favorite. I like his evil laugh he does sometimes.
Been looking for him. Where did you find him?
20% male, not as bad as bellanoir but still annoying considering meteorites seem to share their cooldown with supply drops.
Cemetary at night in Sakurajima
Thanks big dawg
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>Total number of Dual-Type Pals: 34
>Total number of Dual Dark types: 14
>Total number of Dual Fire types: 12
>Total number of Dark/Fire Pals: 8
What were they thinking?
You do realize that not every pal can move through 1x1 corridors, right?
Some of them need a 2x2 space to move. Placing items within that area blocks them entirely.
>What were they thinking
"furries make up 70% of our player base and want edgy bipedal wife material"
6 now, this shit is so fucking lame man, I hate this artificial scarcity bullshit, gotta wait 3 hours and even then you might just get a supply drop
nta but no that's only how it works on servers
On sp pals will pathfind over through or around anything if they don't just flat out teleport over
We can finally fuck our pals
Doesn't work that way on my end.
idk bud my base has been like this for months and i have zero issues with pathfinding.
i tried something similar on MP and it broke every pal even anubis.
the only thing pals wont do is shortcut through the center circle, they simply run around it.
Even the furnaces being in the middle of the major path between the food and farms has never been an issue.
>Got onto the Oil Rig
>Immediately got laser'd and died
>Can't get back there alive anymore to grab my stuff
Ah, perhaps pathfinding works different on natural ground vs floors?
Because I was talking strictly about constructed floors, no idea how they'd walk on natural ground.
Ride a water pal then, no lasers to deal with.
oh maybe. I haven't experienced any issues with it at my oil base that is floors either but I use orserks and its fairly open
>roll my fully starred, souled, and fruited chillet into this chillet alpha
I really hope it is worth it, not sure if I'll fruit this one yet.

are there any better defense passives now with the update or is this stack up the best?
/palw/ really live in pens like this and don't see any issue
arbeit macht frei
you mean to tell me this my little pony just sleeps and blue rocks are born from it? and a stock one is faster than a fully built jormuntide the fuck
now I have to build a pony for my base
there has to be something useful for this
>All female tamer x pal or pal x pal
What's the fastest aquatic mount? Might as well breed one now that they actually have a use
Make charcoal for carbon fiber
I assume Elphidran Aqua (his running in water doesnt trigger laser turrets) or Azurobe
Japs are obsessed with dark element, look at Yugioh
There is no reason to ever not use a mounted pal in combat, it's more consistent, more reliable, stronger, AND more fun
And they need to change that
I'm around lvl 30 again, holy fuck they made 100 QoL improvements, the ranch shit now comes all as one item, same as the tree/ores fucking love it
Charcoal for bullets, fuck purchasing ammo if I can make it, the Ore pit II makes ingots a nonissue
it doesnt even dent the stockpile
my one ass bushi makes a net positive of wood in the time it takes me to craft rockets
Bro your LL pack with female pal x male Tamer only? Bro your base pack with doggystyle for fem pal x Tamer?
Then stockpile ammo, the refined ingot chest is small and you can build a pair just for ammo
Dungeons & Nigga marketeers
Libby will rape you, she's lvl
60* fuck my retarded ass
get fucking laterd nerd
this shit does 25-30k damage per rocket to selyne lol
just had to get lucky and not die to a set of unavoidable attacks
>dude trust me of the olden days.
Fuck me, you're making want to try
>Fuck me
gross, no
Being this wrong and convinced you're right is why we have so many retards running countries nowadays
based easy server settings slug
Can't believe they haven't patched the gobfin exploit yet. That's some serious incompetence.
After playing on hard for my entire time on single player its fucking shocking how easy easy mode is, you just take no damage at all.
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how to kill Victor and shadowbeak
Wish that too, with 50 pals you can now make a full village, that 1.5 base radius mod was noice but the modder that made it seems to have fucked off
Just puch him until he dies, get 4 gobs and a chillet + the leggo ass rifle from blazamutt, alternatively get a mid pal with all the damage passives and should be enough, or just a Sweepa + 4 swees and rape him, you really don't need IVs for him
K, I'm fucking you, bent over, but my Loupmoon goes first
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>gobfin exploit
Ya bro, totally not intended, see what you make me do? I'm agreeing with the slug
Why so much DEF? Is the new boss full of homing attacks or something?
Play the game
Doing so, lvl 30 right now, after raping ultra libby on the other save
New boss has bullshit laser blast that's impossible to dodge unless you move all the way back to the zone, that or you toss your Pal to take the hit.

Actually, what do you all think of the new skills and skill fruit added to the update? Diamond rain looks pretty cool, but that cool down makes me wanna cry hard.
There is truly no more oppressed group than the straight male furry.
This is default settings retard
>bullshit laser blast
Oh, so that's why so much DEF, guess I need to prepare a beefy chillet too
>skills and skill fruit
Still getting my shit together, just got my Lyleen back and still haven't unlocked refined ingot, so haven't seen much on that regard yet, I do love the new meteorites and air drops though, so hope the new skills are high quality, that aside anyone knows if Lyleen got something new going for her? I remember reading about a new skill that leak anon posted
Define exploit.
I can use 5x chillet instead and I will have 527 attack instead of 587.
Or 5x any 4 star vanguard pal, it doesn't matter, the only thing gobfin adds is an additional 10% each pal for total 50%
Like 4 of it's attacks are impossible to avoid, and two more are impossible to avoid if you are within half of the arena of her.
Her moon blast thing if it even touches you will stun lock chillet and take half it's health away from the full length attack. It's only possible to avoid it from a distance sprint strafing and just barely.
Maybe if you breed swift on it idk
>Easy mode is easy
Play on default settings then
Did he stutter?
There is a mode called easy which is below the default, retard
95% of players play on default settings so that you choose to play on hard doesn't matter for comparing
You are being like a fucking tranny, despite being 1.3% of all population, you post 50% of all crybaby posts on Twitter
No need to be so mad, just play on the normal difficulty next time.
Just play on normal dude, quite wasting keystrokes
Ill be honest I didnt know there was an easy normal and hard I thought there was just easy and hard
the oil rig seems poorly done

here's my opinion of how it should be done
>wherever the chest spawns at, there should be a master access terminal next to it
>you are required to hack the access terminal to open the chest
>hacking the terminal destroys all security systems on the oil rig
>all guns and lasers get destroyed immediately
>enemies should not fucking respawn as you walk around the rig post defeat.
>there should be a timer or something to know when the base respawns similar to field bosses with arenas

if not this the general workflow as it sits is:
swim over on azurobe
find main loot chest
use runner pal to travel the base between gun locations
just walk through the guns to destroy the lasers only, destroy all lasers and collect all loot chests, then use flyer to leave quickly

Like the main loot isnt even that good, there should be a reason to cap it first
stop samefagging
you are functionally retarded. default is normal I am on normal with no custom settings.
using strategies built into the game is not "easy mode", it has no effect on the difficulty level
you are just coping
shut the fuck up
>you are required to hack the access terminal to open the chest
>hacking the terminal destroys all security systems on the oil rig
This looks good on paper, but an extra step to get to the real treasure (the big boost of oil) could be tedious and damages the go in guns blazing approach of raiding the oil rig.
I do like the concept of a master terminal to disable turrets and the like though, but I'd rather not it be needed to get to the chest.
So it could be possible for someone to try and find a terminal to disable for smoother clearing, or you could throw caution in the wind and just keep throwing yourself until you get the chest.
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We can all plainly see you are playing on easy mode.
And that's okay! It just means you're not playing on normal.
but the oil isnt the main loot, the loot in the chest is actually kinda shit.
the main loot is the plasteel armour (and new weapon) schematics which are in the glowchests around the base

you get like 150 oil if you clear it, but a 6 pump base makes that in what, 15-20 minutes?
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>being this mad
Anyway, time to continue playing on my custom (very easy) difficulty world.
based custom difficulty chad
cringe easy difficulty virgin
Haven't played since launch but there was some guy making lewd models of the pals and previewed a few of them. Was that abandoned or can you actually get those mods now?
Why do some work stations not show up at the monitoring stand?
palpedia finally updated with the new pals :)
I've had that happen too, I deleted the old and obsolete early game stations that I still had built and it fixed it.
How's the new pal exclusive skills looking? Would making a tanky Lyleen with the CD reduction passives be worth it? Just spamming heals and not dying to just tank whatever gets thrown her way
You aren't fooling anyone. Even your posts are easy mode where you just try to call samefag to escape your fate.
Just play on normal.
Tranny killed the project. This is why you gatekeep.
Shame, so was nothing released?
There are a few lewd model mods on nexus and sex animations on sexlab
Yeah but the ones that guy was making were completely new and not just tits added to existing models. They were like andromorphic versions of the existing pals that were more human than animal.
Are big pals like lucky or bosses just considered a novelty/complete negative then if you can't pass their size down to their kids?
They used to have a shitload more HP but eventually they made it so they have a little more max HP.
The other added benefit is melee attacks scale with their size.
Lucky pals still have the bonus of an extra random move and of course the lucky passive to breed down. Alpha/boss pals not so much. Of course if you can get your hands on a Yakumo with some passives, it might be easier to capture a lucky/alpha pal with your desired traits than trying to breed for size
Are certain lotuses only found in certain dungeons? I've been running the Sakurajima dungeon a lot, and I've been finding what feels like a lot of carrying and stamina lotuses, but next to no power lotuses.
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Imagine this: lucky humans
with this piece I am become death himself
It really shouldn't be a surprise, but even with pvp turned on and the player there to be able to fight their pals, raiding bases is nonexistent/just a shitty experience for everyone involved, it's just spamming infinite range attacks at a bunch of pals that can't fight back because they're bound by the base range and their stupid ai, and there isn't even a point to it because even with the person there you can't damage any of their structures or take any of their items, so it's just griefing them by killing their pals for 10 minutes with nothing to gain from it but the items they had on their person, which they can just put in a box and make them untouchable.
pals that they can just infinitely take out of the box and spam endless legions at you with no cooldown, in addition to having no cooldown on dying themselves
And this is why I play this game solo.
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The player is the only lucky human, everyone else is this.
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Thank god for this thing. Hamburger for everyone!
Imagine lucky melusine
God bless america
Ok, anecdotally, this seems to be the case. Running Sakurajima and the ice dungeon was only turning up yellow and purple lotuses, but as soon as I entered the fire dungeon, I started finding orange and green lotuses. No reds yet.
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Day 3 of dazemu research.

I've gotten my dazemu up to 2 stars with a runner perk(20% speed) and there is now a visible difference between running on sand and not I have discovered the following
>The paths through the map are regarded as sand. Dazemus can run top speed on paths but it's a very narrow and these pathes wind a bit.
>There is about a half second lag when when they gain the sand running speed boost.
>In the deserts the patches of grass are not regarded as sand and can slow you down for a second.
>You do not suffer fall damage from dazemu's jump
>Dazemus jump has poor air control but can steer you slightly.
I've found reds in the really low level dungeons in the first areas, the level 10-15 ones
who cares
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join the /pal/ discord. no tranny faggots
>You do not suffer fall damage from dazemu's jump
There's no fall damage when riding any pal.
most teams here have 1 or 2 useless novelty pets for the purpose of SOVL
Yes, and it's not limited to dungeon type. It seems like every individual dungeon only has one type of lotus. I ran the same tundra dungeon 3 times and got 3 carrying lotuses each time.
You wouldn't heartlessly butcher your pals would you?
I have one at 4 stars with legend/swift/runner/infinite stamina. The speed bonus is a flat 2x at 4 stars making it about as fast as Jetragon. Absolutely bonkers mount.

Important detail I'd like to add: If you summn Dazemu on sand, and mount it while it's still on sand, it won't get the speed boost until it transitions from not-sand onto sand. Easiest way to do that is to jump in place.
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Good to know, although I'm guessing those were probably the small lotuses. It looks like the desert dungeon has the big ones.
I've found purples and yellows from the same dungeon runs on multiple occasions, and orange and green from the first fire dungeon I ran. I think you got RNG'd.
why does this foxparks kiss boys
>If you summn Dazemu on sand, and mount it while it's still on sand, it won't get the speed boost until it transitions from not-sand onto sand
I ask once again, why does this indie game feel so rushed out the door? What investors are they trying to meet deadlines for with all these jank-ass clearly unfinished mechanics?
It's literally not finished, anon
They went the early access route because they ran out of money to continue developing it
Ok but they got their money, they sold the product, they sold a gorillion copies, they have the money now. There's literally no excuse for releasing half-baked shit anymore when people already think the game is worth the money, it's not like they have to pump out content to stay relevant.
This isn't even some kind of brand new game-changing mechanic that they're putting in as an experiment, it's an if/else statement that they clearly didn't test at all and will never fix because it's a filler pal and that anon is just shit out of luck that a pal no one else cares about happened to be his favorite. You really think they're gonna go back and fix that when they could just be making new pals in the hopes of making the next lamball or chillet? When they could add new raids or islands or skins that they could charge money for? You think they're going to bother with fucking Dazemu? When they didn't the first time?
>you get like 150 oil if you clear it, but a 6 pump base makes that in what, 15-20 minutes
Oh yeah, I did forget that people found ways to get multiple pumps on one spot. I'm not efficient as I only got 2 pumps, so it takes me a while longer to get to that amount (6 hours), so I saw it as more valuable for a burst amount of oil.
I generally run dungeons really fast, which is where I get those loots from (and get lots of exp as well).
I do think having a visible cool down of when the big chest returns and enemies NOT respawning is a good idea. I really don't want to be jumpscared by a syndicate with a rocket launcher who just respawned as I turned my camera away.
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They fix random shit all the time, and add things that are directly requested by the playerbase like work station management. They rolled back a particularly unpopular change, despite it being "intended," simply because it wasn't what the players wanted.
I get the sense you haven't been playing this game for long, because despite being helmed by actual amateur gamedevs, the Palworld we're playing right now is not the Palworld that appeared on Steam back in January. You are going nuts over a just-introduced mechanic in an early access game by an indie team who is, quite honestly, still in over their heads regarding their sudden overnight success, and who are still prioritizing requested features and player feedback over anything else.
And isn't that one of the reasons why they are very careful about PvP implementation? That just sounds like Ark all over again. What could be done to make it interesting yet balanced though?
An X minutes/hours timer on a new world to build up a base before player raiding begins?
A raid notification has to be sent and the base pals that are raiding the enemy are forced to use the shitty AI pathfinding to get to the other players base before they're all slaughtered?
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god damn these oil rigs take up so much electricity. I'm going to need to get some artisan electric pals aren't I?
Just build the big generators and a pylon. 4 oil rigs, 2 big generators, 1 pylon, and my four wild-caught orzerk spend a lot of time just standing around waiting for the power to drain.
Orserk support with a level 3 electric pal using the new energy generator is enough to keep 1 of those oil rigs consistently pumping.
one orserk is enough if it's been developed with good traits and condensed fully
Those dungeons will still always have that orange and green or purple and yellow, is my point. The dungeons have set lotuses.

No, they were running out of their own money. The original unfinished product was rushed out the door specifically because the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. The CEO had pre-written his apology letter explaining why he needed to close the company.

What you're seeing isn't unfinished jank, it's incompetent jank. There's this commonplace delusion among the American managerial class that "having money = produces quality" which is simply not true. Even if you are suddenly wealthy, this does not mean that skilled people suddenly spring into existence, that they want to work for you, and that they're familiar with your production process. They did not hire on new people after the influx of cash, and there's rumors that associating with Pocketpair puts you on a soft blacklist by Nintendo, Game Freak, and The Pokemon Company. Even if the pay is good, your future becomes uncertain and more difficult because you're working for Pocketpair, which reduces the number of people willing to work for them. In addition, the CEO has said he does not have the skills to manage a large company, and wants to keep the development team relatively small.

They could afford to hire extremely skilled individuals, but those individuals are already gainfully employed and don't want to risk rocking the boat. The CEO is also worried about production complications from hiring too many new people.

This is why they sent out three 18gb updates this week: They do not understand how to hotfix stuff and recompile the whole damn game every time. They're not very skilled, but they're trying their best. This is also why you shouldn't worry about Dazemu: They make up for incompetence with effort and actually listening to their fans to improve the experience. Menasting is not a popular pal, but they gave him a signature move this update.
>Menasting is not a popular pal
I think this is unfortunate for a good chunk of pals that look like they have a powerful physical attack. I'm surprised he got an exclusive skill over Argon though. It makes me wonder if most pals will have at least one skill for them alone.
Oh, I see what you're saying. So theoretically, if you find a dungeon with the lotuses you want, you could just keep entering and leaving to collect them. And if you kill the boss first, you can do so without being bothered by enemies.
>And isn't that one of the reasons why they are very careful about PvP implementation?
No, the reason is that palworld has more pokemon players than it does rust players, and the pokemon players ree and scream at the idea of pvp changing anything about the game or any dev time being spent on something they're too scared to try (while also having a condescending superiority complex toward anyone who wants to play that way because they finally have a game that caters to pve players instead of pvp)
It's not like traditional open pvp and raiding can't work, the systems literally just aren't there. you could add respawn timers when killed by players, make an "under attack" state that limits swapping pals out of the box, let people actually damage structures, etc etc, but it's just not in the game.
It seems like their design goal is to give every pal at least 1 signature move and make sure they know that move at the level range you encounter them. It's a good way to make the battles feel way more varied and make each pal way more unique.
Alright I'll go grab some more orserks I guess
nah you want 3 orserk and 1 generator for 3 oil, 5 orserk and 2 generator for 6 oil
all with good passive skills no stars just souls
>Runs fast by default
>Has a cool long reaching glide
Dazemu is quickly becoming one of my favorite mounts. I hope some of the other ground mounts get buffed to similar levels.
I'd buy a cup like that if it said "less depresso - more espresso" instead
only two orserk can be assigned to a large generator at a time, or are you just using the 3rd one to take shifts from one of the 2 working when they wanna slack off?
Ive finally, FINALLY developed my base enough to freely produce salads.
I dislike that Depresso became popular and I hope we don't get any more Japanese "humor"
based vegan poster
I hate discord
Has anyone been successful in making a custom .pak mod? I've created one but it doesn't seem to be working.
who the fuck is we and us you tulpa loving retard?
>first lucky
>its a Cattiva
I don't feel very lucky...
He pretty much mogs anything just with cat swipe because of his size for a long time.
I'll admit he do be kinda nuts with it but I still hate everything about how they look and he also doesnt fit the theme of this playthrough
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Scake, full anims with packs for various tastes, the pedos were making a pack for the loli pals, no idea if they made it, Loverslabs has the male Tamer x femal Pal pack, the "base" pack is just doggy for both MTxFP and FTxMP also PxP, a few homo anims floating around, one anon around here was trying to make a FLyleenxMTamer no idea if he made it
Ew, also shit ain't gonna work, same as that ricardo cattiva bullshit model in nexus, it looks awful
Just give him the sunglasses
Can you increase the frequency or difficulty of base raids
Low lvl ones have the red lotus, got 3 potions while leveling 15-30
the 2 oil extractor on one node is impossible man
Fucking needed this on the other save, getting souls from nigga horses was a nightmare
Must be retarded, don't engage
Foxparks one of the first pals you ever encounter attacks the floor 80% of the time but don't worry I'm sure they'll fix Dazemu
Congrats, now make it so you can mass produce dumond chowder
Im making a dedicated farm base for Salad Cake and Berry making. Whats a good ratio of Planters/Harvesters and Water Pals?
I have 2 Cows, 1 Chicken, 1 Bee and 1 Vixy in my Ranch already so i have about 15 free slots
>or are you just using the 3rd one to take shifts from one of the 2 working when they wanna slack off?
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did the direhowl fucking eachother mod ever get released?
I kneel
why are they aggressive if they're called relaxaurus
Localization error
Its Japanese name implies hunger, not calmness
Because it's "Dude, relax"-saurus, not "relaxed"-saurus. Looking forward to the ice-type "Dude, chill"-saurus to go with him and the fusion, Chillaxaurus.
Is that why every pal's name is so fucking stupid? The translators and localizers are bad?
What are the best passives for Chillet?
Last one I saw was Direhowl x FTamer x Direhowl, so I want to say yeah, just check LL
Philanthropist, Noble, Fine furs, masochist, then sell a million of them
I dunno anon have you considered the exact same 3 sets of best passives that every single pal in the entire game uses?
3-5 Lyleens and 1-2 tards, all fully breeded, star'd and soul'd of course, mind you, you'll be over producing
Are you riding on the back of every other pal for a dragon-damage boost against dark types?
Chilled is a combat mount, the best idea is Burly body, Swift, vanguard and another defense or speed trait depending what are you fighting
Consensual Chillet sex
Non-consensual Dazzi rape
bad post
By tards do you mean Jormuntide?
Also i havent messed with pal souls yet. Do they transfer over to new breeds if you condense them together? I havent finished giving them perfect passives yet but im close
Thanks for the answer bro
Shit's hard-core, seeing you're PETA you've gotta murder everything you catch tho
Non-consensual sensual time with anons
>Syndacaters actually use their guns now
I can't handle this bros I'm shaking and crying rn
Is Xenovader good? He looks cool but his passive didnt seem all that exciting
Ye Jormuntards are just tards, and tard ignis are their imbred cousins, souls are easy to get now that you can use the crusher to make them smaller/bigger you need 4 small souls, 3 medium and 3 big for the 30% work speed, they don't transfer as far as I know, I know you can use money to reset the souls, I want to think you get your souls back by doing so, but Is better to breed jackalfags(anubis) or Nigga horsies(Frostallion noct) and mass butcher them with the new pal disassembler to get souls
Hence near. I wish good food and good security for my crew and will run from every wild Pal fight except for Luckies (it's still my main file and I know how crippled my level forty-four ass is).
My cawknito hat's off to you, fag, genuine hard roleplay runs are something else to pull off
Thanks for the advice. I have not used the butcher feature yet but i will remember that. Good luck with your rng bro
Yeah dude, actually getting blitzed by some frag granadiers + flame throwers was noice, my overleved fridge noodle raped them but was nice to see
Post favourite pals
Why is Fiber such a bitch to get???
Lyleen, I'll fuck her into the ground if she was real, then anubis cuz she's useful, Fenglope, she's fast and the best dungeon mount, beakon because is the only flying mount fast enough that doesn't feel like outright cheating, and finally Galeclaw, can't really explain it but when I saw her for the first time I just felt the same as I felt back in my days playing WoW and seeing the mid level mobs, some sort of " hey I'm making progress"
>Lyleen goes Full Restore in hardmode boss tower
Honestly just get a bushi and make him your logging camp slave, then a tard and a crusher only non mind breaking way to get the thing in big quantities
>Can't use kindling or cooling pals for egg incubation
Is the og crusher better than the new one? Since i heard passives dont speed up cooling. A buffed up Jormun could process stuff faster right?
it cant
You can, but you have to use them to power heaters and coolers respectively
What do you mean?
Crusher uses Watering, but yeah, the og crusher is faster
more like
I was referring to the new crusher that runs off cooling. Sorry for the confusion
a stock frostallion is faster than a fully built jormuntide 5 star
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I'll spend a few days proper to get cool photos of an entire team yet.
those are some big girls
Real shit bro?
I started late and i was so close to catching Frostallion before the patch. I was level 49 and was not ready for prepared for the new level cap / raise
Guess i need to power level again
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<3 Wixen
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I like the sonichu pal, sue me.
Anyone tried full Elizabee team?
as far as I can tell yeah
on top of that you can grind up useless pal spheres
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Depresso forever
I like it too. I wish a lot of the early game pals had better passives that scale into late game
I dont even know whats the point of Depresso skill
Sparkits at least buff other electric pals, so in theory I could build a team of them like one build gobfins
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They might not be the hardest workers, but they're the cutest ones.
>Oh nice, I can use Rooby to boost the power of my better fire pals so I can bring it along as support
>oh Kelpsea Ignis does the same thing, is stronger, AND does Flambele's thing of producing fire organs
you'd think this game of all games would learn from its predecessors
anyone have a link to a good breeding calc thats updated
>Dev team supposedly has a gun nut
>Double barrel shotgun does grey damage past 5 meters
This bothers me more than it should
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This fucker is living in my house, sleeping in my bed and gazing out my windows.
Yeah i dont like how some share passives. They should do an update and give some pals multiple passives, maybe give us a way to swap between them
The new top armor looks godawful, layered armor system when
am i incredibly lucky or does seleyne always spawn on sakurajima? I want the damn xeno guys.
for shortest path up to 6 steps: https://palseggs.pages.dev
rent free
The desert looks so kino but its so painfully unfinished
Selyne for Sakurajima, Xenogard for the high level areas like the snowy and desert parts, and Xenovader everywhere else.
That's just everywhere other than the starting spawn zones, you'll get used to it
Lava Island has more than 3 kinds of pals and like, landmarks, at least
True the volcano is a high quality zone compared to the others, I'll give you that
well thats annoying. how do i know when the meteor is going off? Im usually hanging around my base when they drop
So can someone tell me the actual fastest / easiest way to get your 4 desired passives on pals
I've heard contradictory info
Some people say if parents have the same passives its more likely to mutate. Some say its best to match So which correct?
4/0 3/1 2/2??
2/2 gives me the most consistent results, anything else is usually awful
Lucky Arsox despawned...
Speaking from experience:
4/0 1/3 and 2/2 are all very close in performance, but 2/2 has done the best by me (sample size might be too small). If parents share passives, you get more mutations.

If you WANT mutations, like two things with ferocious mutating musclehead, overlapping passives is good. If you don't, go for 2/2.
I'm pretty sure any combination is roughly equivalent, but 4/0 with no overlap has been the most kind to me
2 votes for 2/2
Thanks bros, going to test it out now
Good to know 2 parents with same passive = mutation
according to the code, 4/0 is best but it isnt always feasible, 4/1 and 2/2 should be similar, with 4/1 being all 4 you want and 1 random other on second pal.
3/1 is low tier, but if your goal is inter-species to get one other pal, it is far faster to 3/1 it vs intra-species 3/1 to get an all 4 pal, then interspecies it with a 0 pal to get your result.

all depends on what youre doing and where you want to go with it.
You missed out on giant goat pussy
are luckies and bosses the same level of bigness?
>Wixen with Fine Furs
what did the game mean by this?
Seems to be 3 hours since the last supply/meteor drop. Not sure how it works exactly in Singleplayer but I assume it's based on actual time played so if you quit the game just remember how much time you had before the next one
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you have to actually build the base retard
it had 2 seconds to go :c
Did you lose your stuff? This is why have the keep items on death option on because i've dealt with too much bs on Ark. Screw the artificial difficulty
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Still my palfu.
Don't mind the armour, old screen.
It doesn't matter. The mutation roll is separate from the inheritance roll. Redundancy neither helps nor hurts. Breeding builds a shared pool of passives from the parents, then rolls to see how many of those are inherited, then rolls to see how many random mutations fill the space that's left.
2/2 is a myth that's been parroted since release.
She'll keep you extra warm at night
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Melpaca, Caprity close second.
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Trans coded team
These guys eliminate the reason to grind and for that I owe everything to them
I can make a team of 4 and a type change pal in like 4 hours and then get to enjoy the game and push in the shit of stuff 20 levels over me.
Without them I'd have to suffer like everyone else building a bullshit team and breeding for 20 hours wasting my fucking life
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I guess 4channel did not like that image, here, this is the guy right here.
Ok so whats the best method then?
I hope your world gets corrupted.
so I'm right then
>what's the best way
>"there isn't one. it doesn't matter"
>ok but what's the best method??
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>Trans coded team
I think the game does a roll where it chooses to pass only from one or the other pal, no? Or it's done when building the pool.
There is more to it because having multiple of the same passive in the pool must discard both
sure thing but just so you know you're cute and valid and you shouldn't be ashamed of using pals that are true to yourself
Bro, it's literally just animals.
Did they raise lucky rates? I found three of them within the first fifteen minutes of logging in
me when anything happens: "they must have fucked something up"
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>having multiple of the same passive in the pool must discard both
I don't understand what you're trying to say here. Discard both of what? It makes a list of shared traits between the parents, rolls to see how many, and then rolls from that list. Nothing needs to be discarded; you just don't add it if it's already on the list.
Are the Daedream knockoffs the only pals that will let you have more than one pal out at a time?
When each parent has the same skill, I think the game discards that skill from the pool
>implying certain pals shows that a player trans
What kind of retard are you?
You DO build your team around your favorite element like a gym leader, right anons?
Hello pedophile, groomer, and ruiner of other people's work. Please do the world a favor and kill yourself.
I've bred thousands of pals and I can tell you that's just plain wrong. Redundancy doesn't help or hurt. My usual method involves a lot of duplicate passives between the parents, as I'm generally shooting for perfect IVs as well.
Yes, and my element is sex
No i build around what makes bigger boom.
Not intentionally, but earth pals are so damn cool...
Post team
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I do the normal thing and build around which ones I want to fuck the most.
Why exactly did they remove the multiple spawn points in singleplayer with NO option to turn them back on?
Based team
Thats a princess element team not a sex element one
Everything is sex element to somebody
For me, it's dragon
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I just go with which designs i like but tried to have different elements because i thought it would be like Pokemon
I do tend to like a lot of the Dark type pals designs though so i probably would be a Dark type Gym Leader or Maybe Normal type
I wonder if that guy would say those Pengus are Straight Coded
How are you this mad
Why would i be mad? Just making a joke lol. Learn to have fun Gaymer
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I'd like to set up a general team and a specialist team of Grass, yes.
everyone replying to that is faggot coded
Just found my first (and second, and third) Mimogs
Holy shit hose guys can move
Build a box so they have nowhere to go. Also, trampling doesn't seem to make them flee.
I just threw Giga Spheres at them immediately after having to hunt down the first one again
They seem to have really easy catch rates though I'm playing with mine at the default
Is it still possible to glitch unto the waterfloor
Desert is by far the worst part of the game. It feels like they just took a yuge paintbrush and plopped down a huge blob. There are very few interesting terrain features (there are a few, though) and almost nothing feels handcrafted.
Furthermore, there're only 4 pals and one of the cave bosses is literally just a common pal from the area.
I hope the whole desert island is redone. Every single small desert is independently more interesting than the whole desert island
Taste: Absolutely based.

Sex animals

Reminder: You should always procrastinate building the base up to two seconds after death.
That way you can always say you were about to settle down but that big monster attacked you.
Anyone know whether lullu or shroomers crop growth/SAN slow skills stack? I could test it myself but I'm lazy.
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Late but posting my very own PLAP GIANTESS. Warsect, Oserk and Helzephyr Lux are my non-coomer choice.
God I wish she would dom me
>Massacring Dazzi in the desert over morning coffee
This is the life
Oh, me retard, me still lvl'ing, don't mind me
100% is the team telling him to keep it in his pants, same with the generic pump action shotgun and the generic ass rifle, heard around he wanted to model a benelli and a HK but got told no
Fucking this, someone with non-zero social skillz, can you please go and tell the dev team? Also cosmetics like a napoleonic/conquistador uniform to go with the musket, and a cowboy/girl with the single shot would be noice
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Finally got ideal passives on all my guys but Xenogard. Not sure how to get Divine Dragon/Legend on him, maybe with the new dog Pal?
please update your mod for the new armor
No chance for legend/divine dragon. Only breeds with himself and the dog doesn't work with lucky/legend. Don't think it works with divine dragon either or similar passives but I haven't tested it myself.
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i always wanted to settle here
What do you guys do to stop the early game from being the exact same boring line of starter area chillet penking over and over without breaking your whole playthrough
Well damn, so besides Musclehead/Ferocious, what should I add? Burly Body?
Realistically how horny is the Tamer if we combine all of the faggots from this general? I know that at least Lyleen and Kat are being plowed badly
>Jetragon is an alien pal
>fell from the sky like a meteor
>giant crater where he landed
>no Otherworldly Cells
Where did you learn this? Playing since the start and first time I heard about this, in my extensive experience(20 female alpha nigga horses) 1+3 is best
Nah he's an experiment, the Xenovanders were fucking on a meteorite, Jet just escaped from a space station
Post team
Shields are kinda broken ngl
Serenity and Burly Body unless you want to keep Otherworldy Cells. Burly is better for general use, Bella and tower bosses, Cells is better for Blaza.
>inb4 "muh defense" fags
JP runs Burly Body on raid pals, especially Bella who can't get Legend.
Nah, I have a "I like the most" team, a fire pal will kick my pal's asses but that's why I'm there with leggo guns, Lyleen and anubis are the only kinda "meta" that I have, thankfully Lyleen got outpaced so I can use her without being called a sweat lord, anubis is the team's pet so she's just my pocket builder rather than a combatant
Kinda fucked with me, thankfully I was already around 20 the first time I got my ass kicked, and had my bases plopped
Now breed an useless one with 0 ivs on all, like that anon with the menhera Katress
How fertile is Zoe?
>Build a box
Thankfully the wood defense walls can be plopped anywhere now, I tend to find the fuckers on slopes and rocks
Get a kingpaca to jump on you while crouching and you'll see the water, just carry an homeward thing to return to your base
I get the gun models thing if that's a licensing issue, but Shotguns having no range reminds me of the crap balance that some multiplayer games have. In a game that's mostly PvE focused shotguns shouldn't be hampered like that.
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I built a whole grass team and beat the game with it ages ago. There was no grass flyer at the time, Cinnamoth was the MVP until she wasn't, I'll likely try again vs Hard mode tower bosses but I assume the devs are no fun allowed and made them immune.

Outside of Cinnamoth, most grass types are shit. Quiv Botan has become my ace, was hitting 2.5k+ wind cutter auto attacks underleveled (only 45, stomping 55 content) and fucking monstrous seed mines. Solar Blast was only dealing 1k per tick. I have not seen it's damage at 55 with Serenity and burgers, I am likely going to rebreed for Legend, Spirit Emp, Serenity and Endless Stamina as well.
Desert and Snow need more variety, Desert sucks extraordinarily tho, they need a full remake of it, just hope we don't need a restart for that
>he names his pals
>he names his pals cringy shit
Post pal names
>Make a pal that runs faster on sand
>it's ground element
>Don't put it in the desert, the ground element area covered in sand
im experiencing this weird bug where all pals introduced in sakurajima wont drop any loot
it might be some of the mods i installed but 99% of them are just cosmetic, anyone getting this problem?
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Ask me how I know you are a fag.
Should have been a boss instead of the electric dino
the old content totally isn't abandoned btw
Why is that?
What mods? If they're all cosmetic throw a report to the devs
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find me the blue version of this npc(male).
they are labeled male soldier.
In a game where it's near impossible to get hit if you're paying attention, a regenerating block of an entire hit of damage is way too much.
Not nearly as fertile as Katress and Wixen
Imagine being Tombat and being a badass sonic Nights cartoon character with purple flames and you think you're super hardcore and you're one of the only good/original designs from the original game and your only worth is being a miner that doesn't sleep
im in the process of removing mods 1 by 1 to see what is causing the problem
Good enough, also he's ready for his dose it seems
Is more for bosses me thinks, also just to tank lower level enemies while you do your thing
I'm telling you guys, if you want a Xenogard try Pristine Snow Field. 90% of the time when a meteor drops there for me it's a Xenogard.
She's 14 - 20, so works well enough for me
Cool thanks, I havent found one yet, I'll try hanging out up there.
Is good to notify low lv players that they're about to be raped, most likely by an army of depressos, playing from the start at x3 spawns is something else, that I can tell you
The skyrim method, also fuck doing that with +300 mods, I remember spending entire weekends to fix my mod list with the OG mod organizer
After the update and when my last save point was near Jetragon a meteor stroke immediately and a Level 33 alpha Xenogard was there.
found it, it was a mod that enables pals to drop souls that was causing the problem, all pals pre sakurajima dropped souls and loot but i guess that mod fucks with sakurajima's drop table some how.
Kinda funny that the Desert with Anubis actually got the Pal, and not the desert one. I don't think the old content is abandoned, but the mid content is probably more at risk of not being touched at all.
>officials apparently wipe constantly and are full of hackers
I just want to play arena, where am I supposed to go? ; ;
play with friends
I had the same issue with the legendary blueprint drop increase except removing the mod didn't fix the problem, fortunately the mod author updated the mod. The game's entire loot drop table is under one section (pal, boss, treasure chests, ground loot, scrap piles), so the old file not having saku pal drop data made those pals not drop anything.
Desert island desperately needs to be entirely reworked
I don't have any
The fact that it's called the "dessicated desert" is unironically the biggest flag that it's just a placeholder
I doubt they'd play arena even if wasn't full of hackers and constantly wiped. Go find one of those pvp servers that has the setting for openworld pvp toggled and hope they're up for arena.
There's literally one with any players and I lag bad on it :c
Ain't that the anubis desert or I'm just confused?
Anubis Desert is the Twilight Dunes and it's in the middle, the Dessicated Desert is the island to the north.
You lag bad everywhere like any turd worlder on dialup/dsl, just embrace it
What do you mean jump exactly ? Are you talking about a friendly kingpaca or ?
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Hows the Grenade launcher going for you?
Who's the fastest bird pal? Beakon?

I love it, wonder where you get the Legendary version, if it exists.
Probably somewhere on sakurajima from a boss or dungeon run.
Just caught in my new game with musclehead and ferocious so I'm actually using it. Tombat's radar ability is surprisingly useful and I could see bringing it along while hunting for rarer pals on the sanctuary islands or in dungeons. Caught a dinossom hidden behind a cliff thanks to it soon after.
Enemy, and I mean it half joking, all jump attacks can throw you down the terrain
never remember names unless I have a base there, I should make a base on the desert at some point, wish things were like Conan, where you have different building pieces for each culture
According to multiple websites, Faleris is the fastest bird. Good hunting to you.
Bacon's the fastest that doesn't feel like cheating, but Faleris is fastest flying the new ground pal is the faster bird on land and air, Jet as usual is the faster mofo of all of them
Was going to say, with nude mods you at least get to see ass while on ground, but, at least with fenglope and frostallion you get to see everything while mounted, so is still a point to the mounts
Now that the dust has settled, we can agree the main combat music is really fucking bad, right?
It's got a jank earworm quality to it where after you hear it so much, it'll be just as offensive to the senses to remove it.
there's combat music?
Boring, but works really well in servers where pal appearance is up more than 2x
The strong pal fight music is decent, but yeah the rest of the non legendary/boss combat music is eh.
Which combat music? There are like six of them. Fur-st Contact I can take or leave, but Engraved in Myth is fucking great.
I like the part of the early game music where the palworld motiff starts playing, and where it plays in the legendary pal theme, but that's about it for memorable parts of the track. Wishing there was more that played parts of the palworld trailers.
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Sword in a campfire, gee i wonder why that looks familiar.
>the dog doesn't work with lucky/legend

Aw man this is the first I heard of it, I was really hoping.
Did the suspiciously circular boss room entrances that are in the shape of old, golden jewelry on the original island not clue you in?
Do we have any solid numbers on Serenity yet? On paper it beats Ferocious by a good margin on a pal with a couple of longer-cooldown abilities, but has anybody actually done a side-by-side and seen how much damage they put out in-game? Pal AI is a hell of a thing, I'm not convinced they're actually getting as much out of the shorter cooldowns as you'd think they would.
Some of it is great most is what you expect on a Earlyass title, but all in all is good
bro who the fuck cares you can clear everything with either
Reminder that because Lovander is a salamander she is cold and slimy.
What's a good training dummy to use for testing? Are tower boss stats always the same?
I'd consider arena with a volunteer, but don't know if it'd be controlled enough
I don't have hard numbers but with 1 high-tier skill like rock lance and 2 mid-tier ones like sneed mine and flare tornado my pal never stopped attacking.
Don't care, I use serenity because watching my pal stand still infuriates me
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So are dual legendary element traits worth having around?
they look cool on the statsheet
One of the things this game is currently lacking in is the Music department.
Short answer is that it's less efficient but more SOVL
>slop reference
Discord fags say numbers are muddled and inconsistent. Even if a skill is off cool down, it seems sometimes the Pals won't use them. Provided AI is adjusted to work as intended, Serenity will be better in the long run.
Just beat Saki, current team:
-Wixen (MVP)
-Mammorest Cryst (Lucky, this thing is so big I went out of my way to 3 stars it despite disliking retarded farm)
- Lucky Digtoise (died immediately)

The update in itself is fun but god oh god the plasteel and oil farm was bullshit.

Also for anyone saying Saki has bullshit moves, when she does her crescent moon laser, run right and keep running, you will only get hit once, for other moves use the pillars to your advantage, use ice pals for lucky freezes to reload/dps on her and fire pals for the burns.
Oh and I forgot to mention there is a pal trainer I found on the ice continent that challenged me to a battle with a lyleen noct, both one hit with a single rocket, seems to be quite rare.
And yeah the rocket launcher is incredibly broken, especially as it's now easier to produce paluminium.
Is melee damage a complete waste of a stat point like in Ark or are you expected to increase it and that's why I always feel completely anemic and worthless in fights compared to my pals
It's all damage not just melee. How viable it is greatly depends on your server setting, but generally it's not worth it. Each level increases it by 2%, and there's far more significant damage boosts available elsewhere
In endgame you're supposed to be the main dps so max out atk and learn2dodge as you'll have most of the agro
Damage is both melee and ranged. Building around damage is more of a later game thing though, so not worth worrying too much about until then.
Melee damage isn't a stat point.

Attack, on the other hand, is either the best stat or the worst stat. Earlygame, your damage is so piss it's not worth thinking about. Lategame, your damage is better than your Pal's. The base attack stat get multiplied over stuff like attack pendants and vanguard Gobfins, so after level 25 I put every single point into attack and break the game.
Carnivorous and herbivorous pals
pals who only eat a specialized food
>Every pal is just a living laser cannon/missile launcher, pals do nothing but shit out damage at each other
>You're supposed to be the main damage dealer
Why would they make it this way?
Because otherwise tower bosses get very fucking boring and too easy, since their best wincon is killing you, so by forcing you to fight the clock by maxing out dps you are also forcing agro on yourself, meaning you have to attack and dodge to win.
But without agro you're really not engaged into the gameplay, your pals do everything as you only provide safe support fire and replace dead pals.

Tldr; having the player deal more damage than pals is a good thing.
oh neat
do NOT give this man the model he is welsh
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>anon sees giant beetle creature
>names it Rokusho
patrician taste
You know who else is a living missile launcher? You, while holding a missile launcher, with the wisdom to go for headshots.
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My first Warsect was actually named Arc Beetle. I really hope we get new Medarot games in the west now that the IP is free from the squatter. I miss it so much.
I don't name my pals or get attached until I have a perfect specimen
which is to say, I never name or get attached to my pals.
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I got your lamball, right here.
Why do you guys all make rugged survivormen characters in the cute anime plushie game
Because I enjoy having a penis irl
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I didn't, I made a twink.
Gotta let the little freaks know that daddy's home and they better be doing their chores.
Because my rugged survivorman fucks cute female pals until they're quivering messes
Ky Kiske lookin-ass
How am I supposed to self-insert if the guy isn't covered in scars and jacked?
Is the endgame all guns or can you make a cool pal-powered sword that actually does damage?
Guns are significantly better but you could use the sword. If you're not on hard settings it'll work just fine
I wish we got a cool endgame sword. Plasma sword or something, but no it's all guns.
He's definitely under the sacred briars if you know what I mean.
>Takes turns plapping you both
Melee is not viable. The endgame sword is for mining and cutting trees only.
so does /pal/ not have its own server? :c
Most of us use the FA server
No, it doesn't. Sorry. We all play on official servers. Nobody here's smart enough to figure out how to set up a server.
That's why I'm a melusine
Can pals consent?
Melee is only viable in craftopia. The moment we get a single skill from craftopia it will be viable.
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I can't play palworld on gamespass tonight
It's not even showing up as installed anymore
It's over
I made a cute girl because HFOAM is my fetish
just buy it, i bought my copy with the current summer steam sale going on
its worth the $24
Yes, some even beg for it. I have had Pal ass shoved in my face when adventuring in dungeons so many times...
Will maxing out a Pals soul work speed negate the effect of the musclehead passive?
>Can't sleep at inns
Would maxing out a Mozzarina's stars make it drop more milk?
Yes, that is the only thing it does. Same with all ranch Pals.
Probably better to just make a base full of ranches and cows.
Nice, time to breed some cows, chickens and bees.

Breeding gives me something to do, and in this case I won't be looking for best passive stats, just fodder to sacrifice to the big blender
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With a proper anim set, please and thank you
I remember the old Conan movesets, pretty much same stuff as Palworld right now, read, the gathering animations, then they added a load of animations and combos for each weapon, was so fun and I wish the devs add the same stuff
I look like a rugged shitlord since I was 15, that's almost 15 years ago, I'm a engineer working under the sun now, so I unironically just making myself in game
Imagine a MoHun like system were you use pal's parts to make a elemental sword/spear/axe would be legendary, I'm making a Dazzi cloud mace that just is a far better stun baton
>spawn another seleyne meteorite accidentally at my base
sigh i really need a timer for this shit. i want a xenogard
You sound like a edgy fag
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Turns out taking an Alpha Dazzi with you was a mistake.
anyone have a link to a good breed time reduction mod? theres one on nexus but it seems to crash my game randomly
Philanthropist is a passive skill now and decreases the timer for egg production.
>When assigned to a Breeding Farm, egg production time is reduced by 100%
I don't know how it calculates egg timers with two Phil parents, but I do know that it shits out metric tons of eggs. It's wonderful for Gob, Swee and Beemaxing.
>get legendary laser rifle schematic from dungeon
>needs about 460 plasteel
>only got about 150
>oil extracter is slow as fuck as is making plasteel

but i want it nooooooooooooooooooow
The wood one works for me.
Is it intentional that you can just make your pal dodge any attack at all by recalling it and sending it back out
Yes it means you split your focus and spend less time shooting
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Just "acquired" this property. Would you bring your pals here for their vacation?
By the way it's haunted with the spirits of pals that were tortured by the previous owner.
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why does a salamander live in the desert
Lovanders are so moist that they don't need to be constantly exposed to moisture to live. Deserts are popular because they'll come across some very thirsty inhabitants that could take a drink from their wetness
Depends, sexual or non sexual torture
This + the autobutcher going to make getting souls 100 times easier
By the way is viable to make noble + fine furs + Philanthropist to sell?
>floating ghost called Hang You thats lore is that it rips people's skin off
>ground type
They'll bury what's left of ya in a soupcan!
Nice, very good anon. Hope there's room service
>It's wonderful for Gob
Wouldn't it be faster and cheaper to just run around catching them? They spawn like locusts
So Transporting pals will literally move coins one at a time
They should really do it by weight rather than by item count
Anything less than 512 is good in my book. I'm not catching 500 gobfins when I can automate part of that easily with cakes. Sure it's only Giga Spheres but I'd rather dungeon dive for schematics and lotuses.
Personally I feel like noble is fine enough from caught pals. I'm too lazy to add fine furs for just an extra 15%.
Is there a 3 arrow version of nocturnal or do you have to pay the price of efficiency with aesthetics
Mods for that one
Stronghold Strategist is REALLY strong for its niche worthless purpose
New thread?
Right here

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