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Kislevite Royalty edition

1d6chan - https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts - https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/
Patch 5.1 Notes: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/blogs/23
Karanak FLC Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2NDDhUp8kI
What's Next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fix3FvsmplA

>Total War: Pharaoh
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1937780/
Pharaoh New Combat Mechanics: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/24
Pharaoh New Factions: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/21
Lethality Q&A July 2: https://x.com/totalwar/status/1805618703720919522

>Older Titles
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/TotalWar-Official/

Previous thread: >>484311840
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You cucked me! It was I who was to make the next thread, me!
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I know, and I'm feeling extra smug about it
now go be a good person
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That's fine I forgive you... but I won't next time
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Playing the Old World beta.
I can no longer play the regular map. All the relevant part of the world is properly fleshed out.
CA fucking sucks.
Be a good person
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that guy looking directly at the camera always kills me
luv kots
simple as
How are the turn times?
I have a NVME and they take about 30 secs, but that is with almost 500 factions. It is slowly going up a sec or so and I am down to 320 or so factions on turn 39 takes about 40 secs.
Am I blind or is there no way to disable my own unit icons during battle?
NTA but long enough for me to switch to doing something else in between turns which I actually like, being able to do something else between turns is nice, I switch to my work laptop, work on my projects, then do another turn of Total War. Somehow it actually made me MORE productive
Kangbros, what are the chances our boy makes it in?
>that guy looking directly at the camera
He knows.
uhh boner alert!
how does the chaos realms work in dat?
no idea atm. I can see them, but I don't know how to go over yet.
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These manlets are pretty good
the blussies never disappoint
A FILTHY vampire offered me, Settra, king of kings, a peace treaty after taking (back) MY settlement which I had RIGHTFULLY conquered (from it)
I was SO incensed by the offer that I ACCEPTED it and then IMMEDIATELY broke the peace treaty the next turn
Now all of my neighbors complain at me, barking like DOGS that I was "immoral" and am "untrustworthy"

Is that a reshade mod or are you using an HDR monitor?
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>Razor Standard on a single entity unit
nigga WHAT
NTA but in this case it is the correct placement. Better to have the blunderbussies shooting than melee-ing.
Do not mock me slave, my wrath will be more terrible than you can envision
Assuming TKs actually get a DLC, not good, but never 0. Ramenhotep is more likely with Scrab skelly as the hero.
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Who are the first and second girls? Most importantly the second
>Euro Hours
you'll have frozen landing and that's it.
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You best get used to it, Lustrian
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Thanquol never, friends
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It's fine, I'm adding +1 NA corruption due to drinking far too many bugmens
How is Eshin campaign in wh3? Is genociding chinks fun or boring with armour piercing rats?
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pls bros...
Not specific characters, the elf is a generic High Elf Archmage I think and the human is just a rando in a Greatsword hat

Neither of those are established characters. One's a High Elven Archmage and the other's a Greatsword lady.
I will now play empire
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luv gato
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I'm jumping into some Dwarf warfare, here is the plan:

>most fun turtle race, basic bread and butter setup:
>melee dwarfs in front to hold the line
>shooty dwarfs in the back to tear apart the enemy
>arty to blast the enemy from afar, so they have to come to me

What I usually struggle with is keeping the enemy away from my ranged units. I think I just need a better ratio between melee holders and ranged shooters. Lord and heroes also help keep advancing units at bay. So instead of 4 shields 12 guns, it's better to go 6 shields 6 guns.

Then there are the formations to keep in mind. We got the grid and the chevron. Either way it's important to keep the shooter sight lines free so they can dish out the damage. Managing your melee units so they are positioned correctly takes some practice.

Anything I am missing here, or can we agree this is a solid plan for some proper dwarfing?
can som1 give me some pro tips for playing skaven in early game
build ratmen
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About to finish my Ostankya campaign, which race should I target with the Malediction?
hex the chinese and bring them misfortune
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Unfortunately it has to be a race that spreads corruption

^ virus link do not click
spam slingers, always try to ambush, build wide in your province rather than tall
>Spend first few turns collecting food
>Take a capital and occupy it at lvl 3
>Recruit some ratling guns
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Warcraft's orcs are derived from Warhammer's,. In Tolkien's lore, orcs are black-skinned corrupted elves.
In Warhammer and Warcraft, orcs are green-skinned aliens from another world, same as goblins who are just smaller Orcs. However, trolls in Warcraft differ significantly from their Warhammer counterparts. In Warhammer, trolls are depicted as large and dumb creatures. In Warcraft, trolls are portrayed as smaller, agile, clever, and their cultures are inspired by Cuba, Jamaica or Africa.
>In Warcraft, trolls are portrayed as smaller, agile, clever, and have a distinct Cuban-inspired culture.
different kinds of trolls exist in warcraft
Differing creative vision on what trolls are and should be.
Didn't you ask this exact same question before?
>Warcraft's orcs are derived from Warhammer's
Is there anything Warhammer Fantasy has that isn't derived from something else either, besides orcs?
Why the fuck does Ungrim keep respawning without a cooldown? I keep killing him over and over bitch you're a slayer just die
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yes, but no one answered :(

In Warhammer trolls are similar to LOTR trolls in a sense that both are giant and dumb.

In Warcraft trolls are elves of of the horde in a sense that both are agile, masters at ranged and great with magic
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Warhammer's orcs are quite unique and very different from Tolkien's.
gunpowder in fantasy setting.
being set in planet other than earth (LOTR is set on earth 6000 years ago on earth)
Skaven and Lizardmen are unique-ish.
he probably killed vlad at some point
tahts just jungle trolls, forest trolls were big bastards
You'd be better off looking through one of the Warcraft design documents or seeing if you can get in touch with one of their old devs for why their trolls are designed like that if you want a clear answer.
Because any answer we can give her besides that is what I said in my previous post, differing creative vision.
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Ah yes the classic turn 84 Daniel doomstack, dogs and blue horrors
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I guess they thought that classic trolls are redundant as ogres take the same role.
I wonder why they didn't just call Trolls something else considering how different they are
Why are marauder champions armor so high but they're practically naked?
How (and when) will Vampire Counts be fixed?
add all the bloodlines, im sick of pretenders

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