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Medieval 1 edition

1d6chan - https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts - https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/
Patch 5.1 Notes: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/blogs/23
Karanak FLC Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2NDDhUp8kI
What's Next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fix3FvsmplA&t=599s&ab_channel=TotalWar

>Total War: Pharaoh
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1937780/
Pharaoh New Combat Mechanics: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/24
Pharaoh New Factions: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/21
Lethality Q&A July 2: https://x.com/totalwar/status/1805618703720919522

>Older Titles
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/TotalWar-Official/

Previous thread: >>484117234
be a neutral person
Be a person
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Thanquol soon, friends!
Be a lawful neutral person.
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Make a list with respect to Total War.
List of good total war players
Isn't it funny that Imrik is an FLC lord but has more content than many DLC lords?
is three kingdoms worth picking up? Wanna try one of these for the first time and China seems like a cool setting. Or should I pick up Shogun 2 instead?
He just has recycled Norscan hunts with reskinned and upscaled dragons. He only stands out because high elves are the most boring faction of all three games, with no mechanics whatsoever, both as a faction and the individual LLs by themselves save for Eltharion's half baked jail thing.
Golgfag Maneater
Blood Vulture

Gorbad Ironclaw
Colossal Squig

U'zhul Skulltaker
No, it is full of bugs and it is abandonware.
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I love that Anatolian nigga like you wouldn't believe
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we'll never get the big stick
Wood Elves:

High Elves:

Dark Elves:
>Wood Elves:
Sex with Bretonnians
>High Elves:
Sex with Bretonnians
>Dark Elves:
Sex with Bretonnians
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High Elves are for Imperials
Azazel loves us!
Should a newfag start with Warhammer 2 or 3?
3, there's really no reason to go back to 2 anymore unless there's a specific mod that hasn't been updated for 3 yet.
>Brettonia be natural counter to dark elves
>So far away from any dark elves they're unlikely to ever meet
Unless you play rakarth I guess
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>having good campaign
>1 bad battle
>rage quit
Every time.
Understood, any races I should avoid as a newfag or should I just pick whoever looks cool?
Demons of Chaos, Tzeentch and Slaanesh are the least noob friendly I think
I found both the human factions, Khorne and Nurgle to be more forgiving
They’re not really that far away. Once you unite Bretonnia, you have the empire in the east, wood elves in the south, and an ocean to your west with high elves that you can ally with. After that, you either expand south into badlands, or you go north and fight chaos/eventually delfs. It’s not that far away
I can see them implemented pretty easy
>essentially warp-grinders, mid entity count melee weapon teams
>shitty melee stats but an absurd BvL to the point that 1 hit equals a dead cav model
I'd recommend Cathay as your starter faction, they have a pretty simple faction mechanic for the most part and will pretty effectively teach you combined warfare with every unit type. Empire is still a little too difficult with all the shit attacking it at once.
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God this turns into a slog by the end with fucking Wissenland in Estalia, not to mention half your late game armies are stuck in shitty maraudermanii mode due to it taking 40 turns to get chosen
I got the achievement through Valkia in Realms of Chaos and it had a cool final battle.
Anon, you’re supposed to play empire as Karl Franz, the main character of power rangers. He wields the coveted Warhammer 40k™®©and is seeking the infinity stones to shoot a blue laser into the sky.
>having good campaign
>the one faggot near me that is already at war with someone else declares war as soon as my armies are on the opposite side of my land, which he shouldnt be able to see through fog
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Thanks for the input Anons. I'll be back to shit up the place once I've dumped some time in <3
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Bro WoC is the easiest race in the game.
I said it was a slog, not hard
No. Warriors of Chaos (Red)((Likes heads))(((Daemon-inclusive))) is the easiest race in the game.
Vampire counts - melee only and relies on knowing what to do with your heroes and lords
Norsca - The most outdated faction
Tomb kings anyone but Arkhan - Restrictive army counts, everyone hates you, unit caps and more complex than average mechanics and techs
Tzeentch Kairos - He becomes a raidboss but he is the weakest lord at lvl 1 and starts in the most difficult map position in the game
Slaanesh - You don't have any replenishment or armor which means you can't autoresolve, because you have to fight all your battles it's not ideal for someone new
Daemons of chaos - Possibly the hardest campaign in the game
Ogres - They're half baked and have an update incoming
Nurgle - Difficult faction to play as due to unique cycling buildings, even the new dlc lord has a hard start with his initial forced war
yes i know it's about the chinese but how's the game
Creative Assembly will never surpass the launch of Three Kingdoms.
That was Total War at its peak.
khorne is weirdly both the easiest and hardest race.
Any reason why the helves are literally fine with going to war with each other? I never seen a dawi declare war on a fellow dawi.
I disagree with Tomb Kangz being avoided since their economy makes them easy to play, not having to pay for units is great
Also they have a good mix of melee, ranged, cavalry, chariots and monsters which gives anon lots of stuff to try out and they snowball hard once they start getting their better units, which happens much sooner now
And they start with 2 armies instead of 1
The donut ain't big enough for all of them.
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another underdog battle for my gobbo doggo boys
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Belegar Ironhammer is the anvil and hammer of Total War.
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That's arkhan I said arkhan is fine because he starts in the easiest location on the map and with 2 armies
>gyrocopters (brimstone)
>tier 2 (two)
Why is this allowed?
Arkhan starts next to Repansu
I think Settra's start is easier
He has 2 armies he can just roll repanse over
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and then everyone died again
Two armies of tier 1 skelemanii which are slow to recruit even with global recruitment
Shrug you fight repanse 30v15 even on vh the game even thinks its a valiant defeat
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at least the magma cannon got off the field before they killed it.
my gobbos take the win once again. the ultimate underdogs.
Killing SEMs with this would be so satisfying
They used to be too high tier and then people quit before dwarves get a single thing they wanted to use. Pre dlc dwarves weren't great
Big Stabba should do 1k AP dmg to large units, but it's an ability that has a 30 second cooldown. Also it should have 5 defence and very small hp pool.
Donut only endures N'kari+Morathi if it is united under Tyrion or Alarielle and even then there is a 60% chance Morathi steamrolls it regardless.
its either you get it and run rivers of blood everywhere or you scratch your head and complain about the """""""khorne economy"""""" while never razing anything
list of weghs:
there is a green man there that makes your """""underdogs"""""" into chosen
The units holding the stabba should also dance like they're in a conga line.
they’re not that good, but yeah they’re bretty gud. They’re also cheap. I’m having fun with them
What's with these random shit events for norsca that gives your entire faction -10 armor or -25% speed? Isn't it enough that they're already an NPC-tier faction?
that's part of why he's so much stronger, you can farm her trait
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I wish they would spend a patch unironically adding like a dozen more events to each faction.
I've more than once thought of taking it on myself to do it for the factions I play, but I know I'm not good for balancing them.
Especially Daniel, holy shit his are terrible.
I like that mod, but she should be hotter at full meter. She's still kinda haggy looking.
random event: fuck you
-30 armor to all units factionwide
-you suck
-attrition for all units factionwide
- -50% ammunition for all units factionwide
-fuck you
- +50% upkeep for all units factionwide
-get fucked
-shut the fuck up
(10 turns)
she's a DARK elf so she can say that it's her word
I can almost do this to others as kugath
how are you supposed to expand and grow your army if everything outside your first province rapes you
Who are you playing as this shouldn't happen with anyone besides godslayer, ku'gath pre tow and khalida
You rape them back
the purple demon guy that starts next to the french people (he's the one that raped me)
N'kari explodes to missiles and when you're playing with you have to ultra instrinct through ranged to make it fail you just have no good missiles. I think slaanesh vs frogs is probably a bad matchup, get some allied welf archers so you can nuke their heroes/lords
This happens in all my tomb kings campaigns, are they supposed to have more bad events than everyone else?
Magic is also really good against slaanesh because most things have low health and armour. Multiple times fucked up armies of exalted deamonettes with a basic tzeentch army and a cultist who can cast burning head.
You get life damsels as frogs and they get their mount at rank 5 so after that they're harder to bully, I mean they'll help yeah but they won't solo
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not that purple demon the other one, the secret 4th demon guy
>the malakai air ship has a literal 1 hit kill button
Are you serious?
It's honestly the same thing except belakor can recruit stronger armies and fly. Frogs are heavy cav faction which means they'll eat ass against heavy melee infantry factions that counter your troops
>can also completely annihilate blobs with bombs during sieges
Tell me how dwarfs aren't completely OP? This is ridiculous
Dlc creep. Their biggest weakness was their military buildings being bad until tier 3 but they don't even have that problem anymore and grudge units ensure they have endgame units turn 15
>Played Elspeth, Franz, Malakai or Thorek
You didn't beat the game.
>playing the game
you didn’t beat the game
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Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, /erg/'s two blocks down
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Man, I really like this MOD
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The Empire endures
Has Pharao become worth buying yet?
Always was. I completely don't get the hate spiral around Pharaoh at all.
it was viewed as troy dlc pretty much. Doesn't seem bad but I'll probably wait like another year and pick it up at a bigger discount
Rome 2 is unplayable without it.
rare femcoomer mod
If you like Troy and the bronze age setting wait until the update then it'll be maybe worth it
If you don't like Troy or the setting then no and it never will be
It wasn't worth buying at its initial price. At all.
Most of the other reason people give for hating the game are just wanting it to be something it isn't along with it having released back when CA's shittery was at an all time high, between Hyenas, Shadows of Change 1.0 and Pharaoh itself blatantly being a saga title sold at an exorbitant price with tons of dumb dlc like fucking skins and excessively priced editions that attempted to sell themselves on vague promises of future content.
Combine that with e-celeb cocksuckers and social media denizens who all just parrot whatever they hear on their platform of choice, and you have yourself a hate spiral.
Currently, I'd say the game might be worth its current price once the update is out. If it's good, of course. I like the sound of what they've stated they're implementing, but they can always fuck up the execution.
Pharaoh doesn't play like Troy at all. That's the biggest lie repeated about it.
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Players abandoned it for Rome 2.

The devs abandoned it to make Warhammer DLC.

It's the lowest played Total War game ever because it's fucking garbage.
>103 speed pistoliers with strider still getting cought by fucking 95 speed direwolves.
Fuck l*gendoftotalhairloss for making me waste my time. Never recruting those garbage units again.
speed has an animation cap, you can only go as fast as the animations allow
we proved this with weapons teams having like 100 speed when ikit launched, and they dont much that much faster
skill issue
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Just started a new SFO Campaign with the boys. Anybody got any tips for Tretch?
Took my starting province and didn't really feel like fighting Drazoath so I tried to make him happy by joining the war with his starting enemy.
Moved south and in the process of taking out Karak Azul
>looking at stats ever
What's SFO?
skaven in sfo are kind of annoying with armies costing more food. I know there's a building that gives you food but it lowers control so that has it's own problems
It's an overhaul mod. Adds in new units and changes up things a bit for every faction.
For Tretch, I have access to special Clan Rictus Stormvermin, and I have a second legendary lord that buffs Tretch when he is with him
are you taking into account any fatigue issues
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OP again here. Image for reference
Units get a speed bonus while charging. also
>he fell for the pistoliers meme
lol. lmao even.
welcome to Total War: Charge
everything about success in this game is leveraging invisible charge bonuses, visible charge bonuses, mass, and impact damage
it's actually just a really clunky battlebots game with projectiles
stay the fuck away from dogmanii and greenskin dogcav or else they turn on the troll physics magnet
They were not on force march. I guess thats the problem>>484345468
They are really shitty units. 3 pistoliers cant even shot and kill 1 direwolf. Absolute dogshit aim and damage. They all just aiming to 1 fucking dog while rest of them charge and kill them.
I'm just going to spam shielded spearmen and mortars. Empire maps are fucking awful for guns and what you fight early are all bullet sponges like gobbos and zombies anyways.
Looks interesting enough. What about >>484345764 though? I could never play radious due to all the retard-OP units given to every single faction
>Empire maps are fucking awful for guns
skill issue
oh nononono
straight from the pistoliers meme right into the mortars meme. anon…I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but mortars…they suck ass anon. They’re garbage. They suck hyper ultra mega dick
is it me or SFO makes every unit crumble like fucking croutons ? My spear elves quickly desintegrate
The other anon is right about mortars, not even worth recruiting. Free company militia can get good value against vamps although dogs can completely fuck them on the charge.
I do agree it's a lot of text, but I wouldn't call it bloat. It's maybe a couple units for each faction.
In my experience, nothing has been crazy broken.
I am aware mortars' garbage aim and AI dodging. My plan is to manually aim and bomb them when the lines crash.
>Starting hellstorm is only usefull in sieges
>guns are shit against literal bullet sponges
>Death magic is useless in the early game
>Awful maps
elspeth campaign is suffering early game.
depends who they're fighting, elite infantry will actually just melt chaff
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>nothing has been crazy broken
>he has his fire on the move units actually firing on the move
he doesn't know about how the game is retarded so fire on the move units all shoot one guy and waste 95% of their shots
Unit bloat isn't a problem I'm with SFO, they don't really add new units. Each faction maybe gets 1-3
I mean where they anything less than Fresh because if they're less than Fresh they have speed penalties among others that don't get reflected on their stat card because haha
anon, I’m sorry to say, but much like the mortars, you suck ass. Hellstorms are great in field battles if you have some single entities to tank, guns do really well against vamps, and spirit leech is always good
>muh maps
I spammed handgunners and kicked vlad’s ass. I also play on the highest difficulty settings. acquire proficiency
Wow... I change my mind I'm not gonna get the mod now
Elven units like Waywatchers and Corsairs doesnt have that problem tho. Even Shadow warriors aim better that those p*stoliers.
I think those are the Ironfist slayers. It's a legendary unit. Like RoR's you only get one of it for your entire faction.
isn't that from the other bloat mod
Yes they were fresh. I vanguard deployed my p*stoliers to draw some of them early. But direwolves just fucking charged and cought 2 of them instantly while i was moving away from them.
did you get cucked by the 5 seconds it takes for a model to turn around before it starts running
No. I always deploy them towards my lines. Problem is that hidden charge shit. I just didnt think it would compensate over 8 points of speed difference (with strider). They are just shit units.

Okanon give me an early elspeth army comp pls.
no shut the fuck up venris simp
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this is what I used, and as you can see, it was very effective.
I'll keep saying it at much as I need to, stop listening to legend, elspeth was made for gunlines, acquire handgunners. pistolierfags, fcmfags, mortarfags, all need to shut up and sit down
as you can see, I eliminated vlad and festus by turn 21, and drycha shortly after that. I am better than you people, I know what I'm talking about.
That first two battles are sieges. That much gun spam would eaily get overrun by vcounts in an open field battle.
how do you get anything done by turn 20
in my games i have to spend 15 turns waiting for my armies to heal
not true
>nooo stop using strategy to fight in an advantageous way, you’re supposed to fight in a way that gives the enemy the advantage!
nothing is forcing you to fight in the field. It’s really easy to sneak up on them in ambush and catch them in cities, which is exactly what I did.
Also it’s been a while, but I fought them in the field too. You have to get better with your heroes at luring the enemy around and splitting them up
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play your battles better and you wont have to wait for replenishment
>trategy to fight in an advantageous way
Lmao. If there were any real strategy in thsi game, that many overwhelming units would just sally out and shit on your gun spam.
Call it what it is. CHEESE.
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>noooo stop playing well you're cheesing noooo
just because you suck at field battles doesn't mean I'm cheesing. all my armies were gunlines all campaign and I never had issues
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pew pew pew
Idc how you play your game. You are jusy wrong on 2 things.
>That many gun spam would get you killed in the field. Even with corner camping.
>Shooting braindead AI in a siege because you know they will just sit there and die when they could just easily rush out and kill you is cheesing.
>That many gun spam would get you killed in the field
git gud
>playing a siege well is cheesing
you're just mad I played the game better than you
>try to run down skirmishers with my cav
>cav crashes into them
>Instead of getting into melee and grounf up skirmishers just keep running away like nothing happened
>my cav's AI just shits itself and stands in place while the skirmishers shoot them to shit
>Half the time cav/lord/hero just refuses to charge even if I spamclick them
Wtf is this shit, cav was already bad now I have to babysit them because the unit AI can't handle skirmish mode?
Turn off guard mode
Is that really what fucks with their AI? I usually only turn on guard mode for gunlines and artilerry, maybe I had it on for them.
>not using infantry front line as empire
You. Didn't. Beat. The. Game.
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Malakai's slayers sneakily ambushed me
I had some infantry in the early game, I just phased them out because they’re worthless just like you and also your face is ugly and you’re fat!
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Can confirm this anon is fat and also I fucked his mom.
>small unit size
>3 purple tanks and a bote
>not a helstorm micropenis battery in sight
It's been a long time since I've seen a honest to goodness pneumatic posting in this general, I'm getting chills
I’m on ultra scale, those units just have low model counts
Yeah, if you have guard mode on, the second a unit they are chasing routs or skirmish modes, they'll stop chasing
I replaced her with the LIG skin at max youth, but with the new textures so her loincloth matched, it works decently
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had to throw everything at the wall beating this modded khorne army, constant horn of khorne, getting ridiculous buff for being 1 second in melee
all my flaggelants except for 1 died, gotrek fucking exploded trying to kill that daemon but thank god the elector of wissenland stayed safe and did his thing
>Khatep campaign
Suffering from success? More like suffering from suffering. Is this what launch Pharaoh was like?
Norsca Real 1s experience
Southie posers need not apply
That's not SFO, why are you fags so deceitful?
>gotrek fucking exploded trying to kill that daemon

Glorious death. Thanks umgi, truly best ally
dwarf vs chaos dwarf are the most bat shit insane battles no matter which you play
all that dlc shit and so much is arty and ranged
they don't need tw ww1 anymore
>50 units a side
wtf how? For me the AI can never muster 2 stacks, let alone 2 and a half.
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This is for you Throgg my brotha
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its a custom battle, just wanna see how busted the units are
here's some classic dwarf vs elves
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dwarfen legends charging at the pointy ears
based gatekeeper, keep lying to keep the SFO kings elite
>paying for DLC
Well duh I wanna co-op.
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>I wanna co-op.
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its a perty gud overhaul mod that does a good job of keeping neglected factions up to date, qol and some fun balancing changes.
It does none of those things.
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When will they learn?
It does all of those things.
Where's your tall hat conehead?
Do you think we'll get a bugfix patch today? I heard vassal tribute was bugged. And something with Chorfs as well.
And maybe black ark movement fix as well, after 1.5 years later.
wait vassal tribute isn't meant to give you peanuts in cash?
First time I eliminated festus+vlad by 25 second time by 21 this was before nerf so how is this an accomplishment
>How do you get anything done
Bro elspeth can literally warp right next to her problems the same thing will always take franz longer. Map movement is the strongest ability in total war and this has been proven over and over
Is it really suffering? I know he's a terrible lord until hyper late game where he can field the most armies in the game, other than orion. I thought Khalida had it worse
I have two campaigns right now, chorfs and france in med2
both have difficult battles I am stuck at, which one should I do twg?
>difficult battle
I usually start a new campaign whenever my logistics fail to provide me an autoresolve win.
Been playing Total War games for like 2 decades now and I've got no taste for 40 unit battles anymore, just tedious.
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LL for this feel?
Your lightning strike?
I think you are an asshole.
I don't get lightning strike on every army that'd be boring.
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as chorfs you pretty much can, bull centaur renders are fucking crazy. Its all the other armies that might get into trouble.
I don‘t like you because you don‘t like big battles anymore, that‘s what Total War is made for.
Bull centaurs can duo dwarven lategame infantry which to me is fucking wild but these were buffed by astragoth so I think the regular lords aren't going to do that
As in 1 astragoth bull centaur vs 2 lategame dwarf infantry = all three of these die
does this include cycle charging? or straight melee?
Pretty sure they cycle charge but dwarves can't do anything against getting cycle charged other than hold
>total war is made for big 40+ battles
Did you even play previous TotalWar games?
also I have to ask was this test done in MP or campaign? if campaign what hell forge upgrades were applied? Techs researched?
No this was just on regular campaign vs ai, so idk how many forge upgrades he dumoed on them, and unsupported by ranged from either side
>Beastmen in Co-op.
Bad idea, they aren't fun to fight and they aren't fun to play as, in multiplayer specifically because there are no stakes, the factions at the very top can only lose intentionally.
Any Chaos LL worth playing these days? Using SFO if it means anything
none of the WoC lords
everyone else but ku'gath
Are the Empire units from The Hunter and the Beast worth getting?
Kislev is BORING.
Cathay is BORING.
Empire is ALRIGHT.
Bretonnia is ALRIGHT.
War wagons are really fun
Archers are cheap tier 0
Huntsmen are meh
War Wagons are bad (last time I used them, anyway)
Huntsmarshal generals are severely outclassed by master engineers
Sounds a lot of fun to fight Greenskins in multiplayer campaigns when six armies appear at turn 20.
I don't give a shit abour your tierlist.
I once got autoresolved in a head-to-head campaign because my opponent did not want to fight my stack. Since then, manual battles are the default.
Huntsmen are worse than Elf archers and inferior to Handgunners and Ironsides for what Empire wants to do.
Archers are alright, they're T0 but Militia are better while only being T1.
War Wagons are fun as FUCK.
Huntsmarshals were always the worst Empire leaders, nothing has changed, they are lord snipers in a game where lords are invincible deathballs with 20 million regen and 400% ward save.
Not mine, it was made by some MPfags from Total Tavern, while they are faggots, I trust their opinions when it comes to multiplayer as that is what they play.
This list is retarded skarbrand can raze the world sub turn 10 and they think its b for multiplayer, hilarious
Beastmen can do the same so they aren't mp viable head to head
Dead game, dead general.
How do I uncover skaven cities in my settlements?
Beastmen are really far too powerful for coop.
The list the guy supplied is fair for mp unviable but add skarbrand and ostankya to it, unless you aren't allowed to use campaign hexes on players then ostankya is fine. The factions there are either too hard to win against or can hide indefinitely.
Disregard the rest of the tiers in the list because they're wrong in general
Defense line, torch buildings.
No way to do it with heroes?
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So what's next for TWW ?
New devs interview end of summer and DLC release not before December ? That all ?
Every hero have 10% chance to reveal. stack 10 heroes in a region to reveal.
Unfortunately no. Parasite cities might reveal themself if they are unlucky, but your best bet is a occupied slot building.
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>overcasts spirit leech on point blank unit
>tells others to git gud
2/10 too many heroes.
You think people can read?
They said they will release patches with reworks before dlc.
You are supposed to hero spam as Empire because it is a horrible made faction.
>the posterboy of combined arms
>hero spam
The posterboy of epic ranged spam army screenshots and autoresolve campaigns as Volkmar.
>Combined arms
>Doesn't include melee troops or cav because they're all far too awful
They lied to you its heroes, ranged and artillery
I count ranged cav as ranged btw
Cavalry is good but only if the campaign is played past turn 40.
You can have 1-2 cav units to either run down fleeing enemies or lure away a portion of the approaching enemy army
>Melee troops
Just get some ironbreakers from your dawi allies
Ok but why is there no chaos crisis in the game about chaos invading the world?
They probably want to do something special, judging by skaven and chaos dwarfs crisis events.
Boomers become mental when they see ET happening again.
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>fight the book army but don't have the movement range to finish him off
>next turn he just adds 8 ogres from the local camp to fill his losses
fuck's sake
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This manlet controls all this territory but is only fielding 2 armies comprised almost entirely of gobbo slaves and instead of helping me at the front he keeps sacking 2 kislevite minor settlements and taking 50% casualties every time
What the fuck is his problem?
In fact every chaos north of me is just sitting there doing literally nothing watching me do all the work
Expected allies = lobotomites due to lowered expected faction strength
Evil factions are useless punching bags except for Greenskins and Kairos.
This is RoC only.
SFO beastmen are pure kino, your units arent shit and you raid for 1k+ straight out of the gate making the human player seethe completely.
chorf AI is useless because it doesn't know how to work its unit caps like an exaggerated version of the tomb kings AI problems
at least tomb kings can eventually unlock unit caps through its random building, chorfs need to actively select what to build in their minors to be able to afford all of their toys which is miles above what the AI is capable of
What's wrong with Ku'gath? As in, what's worse about him compared to the Khorne, Slaanesh and Tzeentch base LLs?
Dealers in deaf.
drugs are gay
Be'lakor! Be'lakor! Be'lakor!
It's mainly that his faction is hard countered by all the lords around him and that his surrounding climates are all bad which leads to people having severe issues expanding. Pre tow nurgle had a 33% reduction to their overall economy due to how cycle buildings worked, and their tech tree was worse, so it was an altogether pile of bad. It's probably better now but I haven't played him since
I need news... I need it. Just a drop, a tease, a hint, a reveal... a leak.
>another delay
wtf is going on in Bulgaria???
How many DLCs do you people think TWWH3 has left in it?
Slaanesh/High Elves/Cathay
Dogs of War
End Times
About 5 more DLCs.
none lmao check twitch viewers dead fucking game
>twitch viewers
go back
I don't want Dogs of war.
I don't want Total War: Warhammer 40k. Beggars can't be choosers.
Too bad, ER has beaten CA into submission yet again.
absolutely nothing obviously
How many more FLC lords?
>too powerful for coop
Literally doesn't make sense.
I think an outbreak of the black death counts as something
lineup lacked hard hitters until the dlc
until then it was a faction designed around slow grinding in a game that does its best to discourage slow grinding with your first enemy being fucking lizardmen of all things
your main options were spamming magic and exalted heroes because you would have to wait about as long as any other faction to reach your T4/5 units but then you would only get a couple at a time until the things had to cycle around again
trolls and plague ogres now give you decent early damage options until you get to rot knights
Isn't 4 like the max you can recruit ?
It's 1. At least for the player.
I just hope the dark elves get one more.
it's not 1666 anymore, wake up vampire
Overview of the future of Total War: Warhammer 3:
Gorbad Ironclaw (Greenskins) + Golgfag Maneater (Ogre Kingdoms) + U'zhul Skulltaker (Khorne) + FLC lord (Khorne) are the upcoming lords
Blood Vultures + Thundertusk + Colossal Squig + Slaughterbrute are some of the upcoming units
Vampire Counts are getting a DLC
Tzeentch is getting a little something
Lizardmen are getting a rework
Norsca is getting a rework
Empire are getting a DLC
Dogs of War are all but confirmed
Legacy races (Warhammer 1 and 2 races) are going to be getting reworks in between DLC releases
The game director spoke about Halflings
Tzeentch is getting something but we don't know what
CA Sofia is now officially working on Warhammer 3 and will start with U'zhul and the Khorne FLC lord
We are getting another talk with the boys before the end of summer

Any thoughts?
Is that like the yellow peril?
As in head to head you're trying to beat the other guy yeah as in the guy is helping you just play whatever, beastmen are pretty good at helping others sorry mistake in terminology
Ai cheats and mixed factions like this can exist on them
Do you like lists and fun facts that relate to Total War?
vampires aren't real
list the female characters' cup sizes next
>Factions still missing an obvious significant portion of content
Vampire count
>Factions hinted at being included as full race dlc
Dogs of war

Any other requests are stupid to me like greenskins just getting more shit right now
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I am somewhat fond of this series, yes.
Based fondler
"They pivoted"
Here my prediction;
>Slaanesh + DEs + HEs DLC, FLC Slaanesh. fewer units but more legendary and generic heroes. Reworks cults, Malekith, Morathi, Allarielle (or maybe Tyrion but his campaign is always fun) and Teclis.
Now assuming Khorne and Slaanesh dlcs are both good successes;
>4 way Vampire counts dlc. 1 lord for all missing bloodlines. Neferata (silver pinnacle), A Necrach in either Cathay or in Lustria, Strigoi in Marchess of Madness, A Blood Knight (Probably Red Duke) in Bretonnia or somewhere in northern chaos wastes. 4th one probably is the FLC (again, probably Red Duke)
>Empire(Ulric) vs Kislev(Ursun) vs Norsca DLC. Another Norsca LL as FLC. This one would sell like hot cakes. Both Empire and Kislev are popular factions. People also want a Norsca dlc and it would be thematic. FLC Norsca probably will start in Skeggi.
>Monke Kang (Hybrid Ind/Khuresh/Cathay. Huge subfaction dlc. Plays basically like his own faction) vs Li Dao (Cathay). This dlc will rework THE GODSLAYER(TM) as well and set up the faction system for Nagash as well. Yin-Yin FLC.
>Dogs of War DLC. Huge rework to mercanary and allied recruits. No FLC LL but some free mercanry units.
>End Times bullshit dlc. Nagash + Thanquol + a suprise Chaos shitter. I think they will want to end wh3 with a chaos focus suprise.
Melee+Gunline formations require 8 melee but you can only get 4 allied so its still bad
Dogs of War needs to be a full fledged Mediterranean culture pack. It has to be distinct from the Empire and Bretonnia to sell. However I doubt CA will have the balls to go full on post Reconquista Spanish Empire, Estalia.

Any parallel to rats or beastmen or orcs to muslims would be considered taboo. Yet that is Estalia's identity. Tilea is easy enough, clockwork renaissance Italians mixed with pseudo Romans existing side by side. Border Princes have nothing unique going for them except a human equivalent of Az'hag with the vampire lord that hates other monsters.

If they actually had the balls to lean into the historical tropes these factions are based off and lifted Catholic depictions of med's and swapped them out for Myrmidia's faithful...
The 10/10 change would be to retroactively swap Aranessa out to and also give them a bunch of sailor/marines style units. Spanish Marine Corp, is the oldest in the world and has an impressive record.

I have no hopes it will do well at all.
There will be no slaanesh vs he vs de
The dlcs are going to be:
Slaanesh, Norsca, Count
Dogs of war
End times
Then we move on to the next game
never played nurgle before, which lord should i try? ku'gath seems a bit boring
Even l*gend would not believe your bullshit prediction.
Epidemius if you want to get your shit kicked in although malus nerf just removed half of your problems
Tamurkhan if you want to be strong, he's probably the strongest duelist on foot now that malus is out, and his faction mechanics are stronger than the other two
Kugath if you want to experience true suffering
why the fuck are greenskins getting even more content?
If you have the dlc, Tamurkhan, if not Ku'gath. He is not boring btw. Just slow start like all NUrgle.
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green is best
It's still a mystery, maybe it's only so they could kek all content creator predictions because not a single one would be able to guess more shit for greenskins of all things when there's so many things on the backlog that need work
they're great yeah i just dont understand how they're a priority when norsca, brettonnia and vamp counts exist. even tomb kings are more in need of new content
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>Move on

To what? 40k game will be as different from Total War as Alien Isolation is. Med 3 is never ever due to politics and the disastrous shitshow that has been history games last 10 years. Sure, CA is responsible for it but that wont stop suits refusing to greenlight Med 3 as a result. At best we will get a neutered shit like Britannia.

I do not think people realise the level of drought we are entering for Total War. Warhammer 1 was revealed 2 years after Rome 2 released. Arguably, compared to WH2 it was a glorified tech demo, which was the full release. Med 3 or Empire 2 NEEDS a new engine. If for nothing else so their programmers can drop the spaghetti code rubbish tip that is Warscape. If ANYTHING was coming out the next 2 years, we would have a teaser of some sort. Hyena's really did cripple the studio and might be the stroke that sends the company into a death spiral.
They didnt want to rework 3 whole races for a single dlc this time i guess. Only Ogres needs a whole rework. They will adjust the waagh and call it a day.
Also Greenskins are very popular especially with casuals. And a lot of units to fill the dlc with.
How was Malus nerfed?
Suits won't approve more hist, they won't approve oc after hyenas. So yes move on to more fantasy or scifi
went with tamurkhan, the chieftains seem cool
His ward save was changed into phys def which all daemonic factions have 0 problem bypassing so malus is a nonfactor now
the problem with norsca is that its a mistake at its core
His diff peaks when fighting kholek so in the first 10 turns prepare anus
gameplay wise or lore-wise? they do seem kinda boring compared to actual chaos warriors for sure
Like? Warhammer is not just 'fantasy'. It is uniquely suited since it is primarily a table top game that has decades worth of content. It is literally Total War battles without a computer.

Warcraft wont work, even if they got the license they will run out of units and characters before they even eclipse WH1.
LOTR wont work because WB refuses to share the license or drop it.
Star Wars? Same issue as LOTR+40k+warcraft is its scale and the fact without EU it is puddle deep for content.
Everything else is too obscure to match Warhammer numbers to justify it.
Oof. Oh well I hate delves.
1 Hung LL (starting at Skeggi) + 1 Kurgan LL (starting between cathay and ogres) and thematic units for both would make Norsca a 10/10 faction.
Also add more mosnter hunts.
if CA was really worried about having so many full chaos warrior factions up north they could just have them be a handicapped subfaction
not that chaos streaming down from the north has been a worry for almost two whole games now
Total War will not survive without Games Workshop.
Total War is better off without Games Workshop.
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I just realised Nurgle's symbol is literally the Star of Remphan...
I thought jews were disciples of Tzeentch and Slaanesh??
Wow, you even got Troy and Pharaoh, you must REALLY like TW
No, they have nowhere to go. Can't do more hist and the hyenas drain is very difficult to recover from
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They need less rework.
>less time spend on Greenskins racial mecahnics mean more time for Ogres racial mecahnics
Isn't Tamurkhan really fucking annoying with both big dick WoC LLs nearby?
Also what's the most fun Greenskin LL on WH3 with SFO?
Your favorite pornstar shoots a scene with Beastmen. Who is she and what unit(s) she shoots with and what happens in the scene?
>Elspeth gets to ride a dragon
>Karl Franz, the only man to ever ride the Imperial Dragon of the Altdorf Zoo, gets nothing
Make it make sense
lara croft animated ra rooing
you know the plot
Is Empire still "guns or don't bother: the faction"?
Archaon doesn't dislike you and war with him is easily avoided your path is kholek into grimgor and grimgor isn't a problem as long as you're speccing into lightning strike which as a non caster you have no problem doing
>Archaon doesn't dislike you and war with him is easily avoided your path
Qrd? He declared war almost instantly after seeing me
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>this unit/faction doesn't actually fit into warhammer!
Get a mod to turn off player bias for AI. Or play easy mode where all your enemies weaken and die trying to beeline for you and do not bother fighting their immediate threats.
Also while we're speaking of Tamurkhan, how the hell do the military "buildings" work in Nurgle? How should I build them?
He can do it but you can also just give him a gift and avoid it you don't want to be fighting north of you that'll give you a pointless front, just ally with archaon
thanks for the new meme
>if CA was really worried about having so many full chaos warrior factions up north
I think the problem was more that at the time of Norsca release WoC was still a one and only faction race, adding more characters would have mean more character under Archaon faction (like old Sigvald and Kholek)
What stage of coomrot is this?
You just build them on every province including minor settlements.
Your minor settlements should look like:
Special resource or Infection rate gain
Your majors you should have as prio:
Special resource
Advanced military
>You just build them on every province including minor settlements.
But like, there are three types yeah? Which should I get?
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>1 Hung LL (starting at Skeggi)
Not 1 Hung LL (starting in Morathi bedroom)
Doesn't really matter just get one and then the other one in other settlements, just alternate, if you have a preference for one of the unit types do a 66/33 split or a 75/25 split, if you don't do 50/50
Well that's easy
>Gianna Michaels
>she's been captured by the herd
>scene starts with a bunch of Ungors
>she's insatiable and the goats have no idea what they're dealing with, hours later a whole unit of ungors lies defeated
>escalates to several Gors which meet the same fate, then a Gorebull
>it's an intense struggle but after its 8th nut the gorebull taps out
>Gianna Michaels stands triumphantly over the herd, covered in semen, cackling her crazy bitch laugh and instantly ascends to a demon prince of Slaanesh
Gianna Michael's can take it, everything up to Minotaurs.
Lords that most of (You) could beat in a 1v1 (no magic, weapons or armour):
Heinreich Kemmler
Helman Ghorst
Tretch Craventail
What does this have to do with Total War?
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Sorry if i'm really really slow but i just realised that the official end of RoC campaign support mean there is no more valid reason to not get a DoW DLC.
Before that i would have said "DoW are great but you also have to put them in RoC map and Tilea is not in the map".
Now you can totally sell a DoW DLC with factions in Tilea, Estalia and Lustria
Alarielle has Martial Prowess and Tretch is still a very big rat.
Morathi is an experienced wrestler and Tehenhauin is very muscular for a Skink. You are much more powerful than I.
Add Grimgor, Nakai and Throgg, too.
Realistic one is just Ghorst(no magic)
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I'm pretty sure CA wanted Norsca to be it's own thing since the very beginning. Before Norsca dlc release, they were like Bretonnia, an unfinished faction.
Your mom
Choke on equine meat
She is still a female elf (large for a human).
Stormvermin are only about 5ft5 and Tretch is NOT a stormvermin.

You could prob fuck every single skaven LL if they have no weapons, magic or armour. Unless you are a weak piece of shit and a wimp.
Does AI being allied to you lose their cheats like they do in warhammer 2?
Queek is a freak of nature and would snap your neck.
One finger in her bum and the fight is over.
Tehen might give me some trouble, but I can grapple him and close his throat in an armbar, I win.
I've heard conflicting reports
No. Only evil AI lost their fog of war cheats in WH2 to begin with.
What is it with the AI throwing themselves at Garrisons and losing to auto resolve? I swear this never happened in TWW2, and I mean the ai should know it's going to lose right, even if that would technically be cheating. Yet it keeps happening, like this Kislev guys keeps respawning, getting a almost full army then walking up to my walled settlement and dying to autoresolve.
forced gameplay
AI calls you a bitch for not playing battles.
It's got rat teeth and 150 pounds of rat muscle, easily. They can also flex their bodies and squeeze through any grip you try to get on them. A cornered rat will fight with berserking chimp strength, fighting one with no weapons is delusional.
For a skaven, sure. Rats are not durable creatures and a scaled up one with long limbs is still weaker than an ape in stature. Men, and I mean real men, have grappled with lions and wolves and won.

He is not a tiger or a bear, he is not even leopard tier. He is a roided pitbull with some extra height.
I'm happy to fight battles, but if Rasputin von bearfooken is happy to spend all his time dying to a random settlement I'm not going to fight him every single time.
Do we apply Fantasy logic of Queek having extremely quick reflexes here?
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You just described Malekith's childhood trauma.
I would lose by default if pitted against a female lord. Not even Skarbrand would hit a woman.
Rats are pretty strong for their size, and Queek is like 6'5''.
Auto resolve is the biggest cheat in the game, unironically
I would win by default if pitted against a female lord. Not even Louen would care if I hit a woman.
I hate siege battles so much.
No, autoresolve is heavily in the opponents favor even in vh
Unless you play Norsca, Vampire Counts and some other factions with no high armour/ammunition units, but the thing about obliterating armies without them being able to retreat is stupid, true.
Automatically resolving battles does not allow your single entities to benefit from regeneration.
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Man all of a sudden I really need a piss.
Playing as Nurgle, what is the best anti Kairos army build I can make for a generic LL to go to war with them?
19 rot knights
Realistically tzeentch will dab all over you especially if they have their bugged shrine. Really depends on their comp because if they have stuff like changebringers and chariots you don't have much that can fight against it
Other than rotknights?
Some knights/rot knights and heroes. Nurgle can have lots of heroes.
19 toad dragons
Mounted Chaos Knights of Nurgle (sword&shield).
Just dont bother bringing any daemon units. They will die instantly. Pestigors + Ogres should also do fine.
Am I better off going daemon heavy or human heavy? Is heavy armour better than whatever daemons have? Rotknights are not possible to stack. I will have to go agent heavy and compensate with them buffing/healing my infantry blob.
I can only think of 19 exalted great ones if they have heavy flier comp
The Chaos Warshrine of Tzeentch will be getting nerfed before the end of the week.
Farewell, unlimited winds of magic reserves.
Hitomi Tanaka as Miao Miao, lots of punching, choking, and stabbing, culminating in a decapitation resulting in a backwards blojob and cumming on the lifeless body.

Unless you mean an actual porn scene, in which case, just a normal gangbang done with a mix of ethnicities. In either case, no raceplay.
What do their armies look like? I usually see them being horror heavy with some fliers, nurglings, toads and furies with lords/heroes being your heavy hitters for something cheap.
Otherwise just chaos knights and shielded chaos inf. Maybe plague drones with death heads and rancid visitation for killing the shrine or lords.
since you're fighting kairos who has a faction of nothing but magic attacks the phys resist of daemons is completely useless to you so going for warriors, chosen, and knights is probably the way to go so you'll probably want to use a chaos lord since he gives them extra buffs
Which faction is the most based?
Which is the most cringe?
I am on the old world beta map and Kairos is down the road from me, I just took out Sayl the Faithless who is a tzeentch aligned norscan. I expect a war to my south soon. No idea what the armies look like but Tamurkhan is busy in the north and to the west I have a large greenskin faction to deal with, I have a couple of most things chaos warrior tier or below available to make a stack but heavy cav is not an option and wont be for a long time.
I have not recruited any ogres yet though, Everyone seems to be talking about either fast moving, high armour and shields or SEM spam.

Might just make use of shielded gors and then have my heavy infantry with shields close the gap with hero's in support and leading from the front. I made a caster lord of lore of Nurgle to lead the vanguard force.

I will make sure his army always has vanguard as well via diseases.
>Which faction is the most based?
>Which is the most cringe?
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>>Which faction is the most based?
Eastern Roman Empire
Which is the most cringe?
Holy Roman Empire

dont @ me.
Is Rome 2 as bad as people say? I'd play Attila but it runs really poorly for me
Luthor Harkon
Harkon Luthor
Rome 2 is excellent, you can just boot up vanilla R2 and have a great time
Sir, Rome 2 is about 10 years old but is consistently the 3rd most played Total War.
Do you like Romans and Greeks?
>Which faction is the most based?
>Which is the most cringe?
@ you greekoid
crumbling fucking greek kingdom, Roman my arse
Weird, everytime I saw Rome 2 being talked about here, it was people shitting on it
its vigorously mediocre but it stands at the crossroads between most of the older games which for all their sovl are jank and are relatively dry mechanically and the newer games which range greatly in game quality despite the advantages of being able to make use of modern technology and what should in theory be decades of experience making these games
Negative people are louder than positive people.
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>listening to Voloundtrannies
there's your problem son
its shit but its manageably shit
I think opinions have softened on it after people have taken into account the absolute shitpiles we've been served afterwards
t. started with R2 and S2
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1000 years. ONE THOUSAND YEARS!.
If it was crumbling it sure took longer than anyone else and the whole world to bring it down.

cope and seethe.
>9th img
One of the commenters has two swastiskas in their name.
Rome 2 is a mediocre game that was saved by a MOD
Yeah, that coast modder comes here.
Pretty sure he's a luthor poster, I don't pay enough attention to really know or care.
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An excellent mod
its the one that spams the drawn pic of luthor, because its same pic on the ship
many such cases desu
Why do the Helves have those ugly heart shaped gems?
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"Eastern Roman Empire".

This is very difficult to say while keeping a straight face. I wonder who can, because indeed it is hard.

"Eastern", you say, while grinning. "Eastern", yes it is in the name. Almost as if by own admission they recognize they are not part of Western Civilization, but Eastern. You think about all the bizarre Caesaropapism, the gaudy iconography, the complete and utter hatred of Latin language and Roman traditions.

But then, the funniest is coming: "Roman". Yes, now, you cannot contain your laughter. "Roman", it is called despite the fact that this "Roman" body is standing on Greece, a land of weaklings and servile scum that the Legions of Rome barely had set foot on it, it had already surrendered. A hellenistic and effeminate pederastic people which never once controlled the city of Rome, yes, but still calling themselves "Roman".

And now, here is the end of the fun: "Empire". Now you fell on the ground, laughing so hard that you cannot breathe. An "Empire", an ever shrinking body, retreating and losing on all fronts, a body which for most of its existence barely held territory outside Constantinople and a few coastal towns and outposts as Bulgarians, Normans, Venetians and Turkish nomads controlled most of the Balkans, Agean and Anatolia. An "Empire" consisting of a city and a few other minor locations, paying tribute to and considering submitting to the Ottoman Sultan, while the Latin Christians of Europe will form nations which will eventually rule most of the world.

"Eastern" "Roman" "Empire"
wow! thanks for sharing!
It is just the Roman Empire. Eastern and Western became superfluous after the Western Empire fell.
Constantinople is not a successor, it is the survivor.
Not if I have anything to say about it.
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After all was lost due to Islam's violence I have no idea why western politics are defending that garbage and condemning stuff like the crusades. If the crusades didn't happened there would be no western culture since there would be no deterrent to the islamic wave. Their golden age was financed due to the plunder and destruction of the western world.
Crusades did nothing to "islamic wave". Ottomans constantly shat on crusaders.
It has been about two years and I still think about the stats of the Chaos Lord of Khorne. Who thought it was a good idea to give him Deathblow, Heroic Killing Blow and Deadly Onslaught?
Ottomans were fags so the Crusaders win automatically
I have:
Chaos Lord of Tzeentch (on Disc)
Exalted Hero of Tzeentch (on Disc)
Cultist of Tzeentch (on Warshrine)
How does the AI ever defeat me?
The crusades bought precious time and chipped away islamic military power
Lmao. Tell that to Byzantines, Hungarians and the French.
*Lmao. Tell that to Romans, Huns and the Gauls.
The Ottomans were a bad joke by the 18th century.
*towards the end of the 18th century.
And thats like 400 years after the crusades. Good job i guess?
High Elves used to rule every corner of the world
Dwarfs once had an empire that stretched from Kraka Drak to the Grey Mountains.
The Empire of Nehekara held sway over a third of the entire world.
All of those empires eventually fell. Nothing lasts forever.
Its funny you say that...my erection seems to be lasting forever. Fucked a pro, sent her home and I am still hard 3 hours later.
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I just lost all my +rep and watched threads on simpcity in the 3month rollback.

What LL do I play for this feel.
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Spread formation
Crusades helped Reconquista (even if Reconqusita started before and ended crusaes era).
Tho it's outweighed by crusades in the east who are basically european killing fellows european because they don't pray the dead jew on the stick.
>The Empire of Nehekara held sway over a third of the entire world.
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1 week until news!
Are you a lord vs lord kind of Anon?
Or are you a lord vs lord vs lord kind of Anon?
Is there a plague on Bongland?
Setra sissies??? WHO is this Alcadisaar??
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Lord VS Lord (twins)
I believe that this post references CA Sofia. They are Bulgarian (Northern Turkish).
Dont post my wife and her calm sister.
Yeah I'm lordvslordvslord because I mainly play sisters
They look like they fuck bretonnian men
Byzantium had more in common with Ottomans than Europe desu, it was a natural transition to islam.
It's a catch 22 because:
>early game - you lose a battle badly the campaign is pretty much over, will snowball and either take forever to fix or the writing is on the wall
>Mid game - more easy to bounce back
>Late game - how do you lose a late game battle

What the fuck is simpcity and rollback.
Don't put you dick in TEMPESTUOUS.
Well canonically one is probably a virgin while the other fuck everything with 2 or 3 legs in all Athel Loren and Quenelle.
is the coof finally hitting the Tsardom of Bulgaria?
excellent documentary
thanks /his/
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I don't know what this means, but given 'simpcity' is a word in that sentence, I suspect I don't want to know.
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Is there much magic in Warhammer that sacrifices minions to refuel the caster?
dark elf magic has a spell for that
I think Skaven have a spell that sacrifice weak units to do an AoE, but I don't recall anything like Dark Ritual.
Chorf thunderbussies slaps
Power of Darkness. HP from your unit to gain WoM reserve and charge speed. I think you cant cast on yourself.
One of the best spells in the game.
You can cast it on yourself. I only discovered it rather recently that you can cast it on others, thanks to Life Tap brainrot from a decade of WoW.
Why did CA homogenise all the starting armies? Morathi used to have a starting Hydra, nope just regular t2 stuff now. Khatep had a Hierotitan, nope it's gone. Settra had a warsphinx, of course it's bloody gone. Eltharion had an Arcane Phoenix, removed. TCA, please give back the soul to the game and add in cool starting units in quantity of 1 (one).
That is what the Hydra is for. I remember Malekith and Morathi being amazing Power of Darkness casters.
my guess is you probably has some shitter on reddit complaining that they got trounced in an early game fight and it was totally the fault of the single mid to high tier unit and not their general incompetence
I've been playing a bit of Norsca after buying the TW1 stuff (legit can't believe you can buy TW3 and only have like 3 playable factions) and I like the ranged cavalry units that can fire while moving. Are there any factions/lord that specialize in those kind of units?
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>High Elves used to rule every corner of the world
>The Empire of Nehekara held sway over a third of the entire world.
Who do you think was secretly behind their rule and instigated their downfall
>Dwarfs once had an empire that stretched from Kraka Drak to the Grey Mountains
And who do you think made sure to end it?
I haven't played Skaven in warhammer 3 yet but wasn't there some mechanic to make it so that you insta create tier 5 settlement early on in the game? Is that still a thing?
Coolest colossal unit?
yes and its probably easier now that you can just abandon and resettle instead of having to wait for a rebellion
t. Count Noctilus
How many units do we even have that the game calls colossal? Dread Saurians, Toad Dragons... are there more?
Sisters of twilight faction fielding ariel is the one true expert of ranged skirmishers in ground and on the sky
Oxyotl has special ultra skirmishers but he only gets 4 of those with his poisons
Is Elspeth the lamest of the new DLC or is that just me?
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Dread Saurian. Run over those niggers
I like the units it gives so no the lamest is tamurkhan because the game ends the moment kholek dies
What units does it give anyway
is the moulder clan campaign fun?
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Is the Morathi x Tyrion pairing part of End Times well written?
I see. Good thing the DLC is on sale, is Throt the Stinky fun? Since he comes with the sisters.
yes because you can fleshcraft yourself ridiculously statted units if you roll the dice well enough
might be a pain in the ass now with all the order shit around you now though
Internal Asur polling seems to indicate that Bel-Shanaar is losing by wide margins in swing states such as Nagarythe and even Avelorn.
Should Bel-Shanaar stand down and allow for a younger Asur candidate to take his place?
Allarielle start is pretty hard. DEs just refuses to leave the gate. I tried ambushing, ambush kinda failed? It attacked the settlement but just backed off and forced marched back to the gate.
They have 2 armies just parked in and around the gate wtf am i supposed to do?
>Allarielle start is pretty hard.
....if your IQ is below 50
Wait what happens if you have to fight dwarfs with a faction with poor missiles like corn?
Rush and kill? Standart corn stuff.
Hm, I fear that you left the assault too late and have made it far more difficult. If you do restart, recruit a second lord to help in the assault. Princes are very tanky.
Khorne units are so incredible that you really can go toe-to-toe with Dwarfs and crush them. Try to flank around with some Bloodletters and kill their Quarrelers and Grudge Throwers if that is possible.
Not a single race in this game can statcheck better than Khorne.
Sorry, i don't know; i only read "Morathi" and "Sulephet" tagged stories.
In my experience they bring a lot of bombers and gyros with brimstone now, that sucks for melee armies and blobs
Just 1 lord wont help. I was going to attack in turn 3 with allarielle's starting + 4 archer + 3 more archers from global from the lord i recruited turn 1.
Problem is, There is now 2 armies with 8 units + 11 units from the garrison and they are fucking refusing to leave.
Yeah that is awkward. Win the campaign by turn 20 and everything will be ok.
Otherwise, pray that U'zhul brings some ranged units with him.

Shoot gyros with Hellcannons, attack Thunderbarge with Bloodthirsters. If you can't do either, wipe out their ground units
you said the same thing last time. it was a panic click, the point of the webm is to show how resilient gunlines can be
you’re right I should replace them with infantry so that my guns struggle to shoot the enemy and my infantry get like 12 kills before dying, great idea
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>pray that U'zhul brings some ranged units with him
Daemons (red) shouldn't have ranged. It's bullshit the have the skullcannon when Daemons (purple) have no ranged outside magic. I expect some sort of flier instead.
Mechanic is way more interesting than what the Sisters had, in fact it sparked some drama about how skaven gets all the cool stuff
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dunno if it's colossal but it's the coolest
Pre dlc dwarves got eaten alive by Khorne idk if much has changed if they have 0 gyros. If you don't have enough fliers to contest gyros if you're skarbrand in specific you can still go under the gyros and activate rampage which will drag the gyros to the ground.
If they have thunderbarges you can't contest you autolose just ar although this should never happen as your campaign should end before they get to t3
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good choice
Cold blooded killers.
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alright lads ive done 2 short victories in immortal empires as a newfag to the game
1st was easy mode khazrak one eye, second was normal valkia
who should i go try out for a hard campaign? i enjoyed the khazrak gameplay more than valkia
>noooo you can’t just spam handgunners you’ll get overwhelmed!
>nooo you can’t just spam handgunners and win, that’s cheese!
loving every laugh, /twg/. pew pew pew :p
You should play your campaign for longer than short victory since you didn’t beat the game. Do you have the achievement for winning? No you don’t, because that only comes with long and above. Apply yourself
who are you quoting?
Anon, I am referencing posts that were made earlier in this very thread. You should study the lore before commenting further, we’ve been arguing about early game empire compositions for months. see me after class
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oh i was wrong i do apologise
I should have mentioned i have the VCO cheat and achieved the method 1 for victory with valkia so i do have the achievements (khazrak was a long one and i have the cheevo for that too)
Read carefully:
You. Didn’t. Beat. The. Game,
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I cant believe i trusted legend and volound, they have made a mockery out of hisbros, not one "leak" was correct, do they think this is a joke?
vco achievements in some cases are too easy honestly. Definitely more interesting though, CA should just buy the mod off the guy
I think handgunners are underpowered.
I wasn't very impressed when I saw the vco for wood elves, they only take into account stuff locally which has no value to you. Like why would you bother eliminating morathi, or alberic or juan bo or markus? I fight juan and markus for their traits and then sign piece with them because you can do that but conquering factions is not valuable to we, you want distant forests and heartlands exclusively
had the same problem with be’lekor. His victory conditions involve beating N’kari for some reason, which is pointless because there are no dark fortresses in ulthuan
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do Bretonnian knights ever use anything besides sword and lance? Like hammers, maces, axes, flails, etc.
I think you suck
Yes of course. Swords and lances are just the standardized weapons.
some are definitely better than others.
Alright, it's on sale. is warhammer 3 good? should i get it?
Massively overrated unit, unlocks at T3 needing 2 buildings, slow, dies to anything. If you're gonna be a pain in the ass to recruit, at least be an outrider.
I think so
I wouldn't say it's my favourite but I had my fun with it
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looks like somebody hasn't played empire in a while and doesn't know what they're talking about.
As you can see, handgunners are now a tier II unit and unlock from the tier II building. Elspeth starts with the shooting range so you can start recruiting handgunners in the first few turns. considering the buffs you get for them from the imperial gunnery school, they are much better than they used to be and there's no reason not to spam them early as elspeth, since she and her engineer can spread the enemy out and allow you to shoot them a few units at a time. all you need is a good formation to make them work, clearly you're too shit for that. I understand, it's a common problem with units that filter scrubs.
buy pharaoh
have you played other total war games? if you liked them i think you'll like warhammer
>Legend had a kid to distract the community from his shit leaks
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this is called my "fuck you" formation
Aalready have it. Waiting for the map updates to get more into it.
All of them. Finished campaigns with lizardmen and sylvania mainly.
don't use protection so that your coital rhythm will unlock access to all of the dlc
>using terrain to your advantage
doesn't count
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i didn't have to play this battle, the autoresolve was an easy win.
I just like watching the artillery blow up orcs.
Yuan Bo defeat trait reduces army Winds of Magic cost by 20%
Ariel reduces army Winds of Magic cost by 10%
Coeddil reduces army Winds of Magic cost by 10%
-40% Winds of Magic cost for Wood Elves.
Somehow make friends with kairos and steal blue scribes is something I want to try eventually
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Is there much art of them with non-sword weapons? I've found one with a hammer but it seems most art of them depicts them with swords or lances
That's a great idea.
teclis is actually supremely chadly in close combat, he's just crippled (for an elf)
ghorst without magic just instadies to his blue rose affliction
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Warcraft's orcs are derived from Warhammer's,. In Tolkien's lore, orcs are black-skinned corrupted elves.
In Warhammer and Warcraft, orcs are green-skinned aliens from another world, same as goblins who are just smaller Orcs. However, trolls in Warcraft differ significantly from their Warhammer counterparts. In Warhammer, trolls are depicted as large and dumb creatures. In Warcraft, trolls are portrayed as smaller, agile, clever, and have a distinct Cuban-inspired culture.
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>In Warcraft, trolls are portrayed as smaller, agile, clever, and have a distinct Cuban-inspired culture.
different kinds of trolls exist in warcraft
>Warcraft's orcs are derived from Warhammer's
Is there anything Warhammer Fantasy has that isn't derived from something else either, besides orcs?
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i have chosen
I'm just curious, cause the orcs seem the most unique

although I guess Skaven are kind of unique
Carl France is my favorite Pokémon, good luck!
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As far as I know gunpowder in fantasy setting is unique? Tolkien lore is set in the far past or our planet, earth. Warhammer is set in planetos earthos.
Lizardmen,Skaven and Tomb Kings are unique-ish.
>There are people who fap while playing
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Most fantasy settings did shy away from gunpowder. I think D&D might've had some explosives but I don't recall if they are gunpowder based and they certainly didn't have guns earlier on.

I think the Fimir, while based off a picture from a book of Irish folk and fairy tales, are quite distinct from their mythological counterparts.
IQ test (medium):
Warshrine of Tzeentch
I am Prince and Emperor
skrag declared war on me and ripped me a new anus immediately
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Damned Carthaginians attacking from multiple sides with multiples armies and a fleet at the same time
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I just took the settlement and already had several loses from previous battles and the lack of plebs hindering my replenishment
>I am cringe and redditor
I am not touching this franchise again until they come up with a decent Medieval 3: Total War.
fuck off retard
i like playing the empire because i get to watch thousands of men suffer (like what i do)
You're not playing again then
Hey the tranny Malekith fan is back
>Crusades are politically incorrect
They trooned out into some fantasy nonsense, and they sold out to SEGA, which was the deathknell for the franchise.
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my gobbo doggo boys did it again! no quest battle is too much for my underdogs™
I'd just like to say that my tactics with this army are inspired by late roman cavalry tactics of the 9th century and onward. The professional troops that won the battle were the cavalry, and if they did their job well, the infantry never did anything. the infantry were mostly militia conscripts outside of rare cases like varagian guard. The roman strategy was to have the infantry guard the camp with a box formation and provide a safe base for the cavalry to operate out of. I sort of simulate that by having my infantry/magma cannon form a defensive box in the back of the map while I micro with my cav. the infantry usually mops up whatever is left after the cav have done most of the work. The only difference here is that the roles are reversed, the infantry are the professionals and the cav are the expendable ones. I still think it's cool that a historical strategy works in the game.
thank you for reading my blog
i get liking empire since they're the default human faction, but i don't get how people can play like 50 franz campaigns.
They are probably some old people afraid to try new things
I wonder if according to burger liberals northern crusades were bad? Or Charlagnes war against Saxons? Or War of Roses?
Huge amounts of amateurish Bloat that makes CA seem like Rockstar. Also for the TWWH games hugely fucking unloreful. Like them and the old world retards have one of the worst grasps of warhammer lore possible. If you just literally read the 8th edition rulebook and codex's you would know more than their entire team.
if you play bretonnia you need to end your life
For the "left", it's whatever they are allowed to get away with at any given time.
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narrative! fun! see all the stuff you miss out while playing I.E. aka Incredibly Easy mode?
is this about radious' slayers again
a meme that will never die it seems
>the old world
What about TOW is causing this level of retard seethe? Barring the map being kind of boring and flat there's nothing wrong with it.
I thought that was archaon for a second, that dawi is a certified lanklet.
stormvermin are six foot u liar
liar liar pants on fire
also regular skaven become stormvermin by just dying their fur, being a stormvermin is a meme, theres nothing actually different about them aside from fur color and upbringing
"fur color and upbringing". One of these is unimportant. One of these is very important.
Then yeah you should get it, if it was a year ago it would be different but right now 3 is better than 2 and 1 in every way unless you want to play their exclusive campaigns
anon, that used to be a hard start but now with elspeth, Malakai, and Ostinky on the map, you have a lot more help against your enemies. I know you’re new so I don’t mean to be rude, but skill issue
>try to fight skrolk
>vomit uncontrollably
but that’s not me
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Why did they delay the Slaanesh DLC? It was her turn.
I'm European social democrat, and I find burger indenterians so bizarre.
Potential large entity legendary lords:
Ghark Ironskin
Yin Yin
Li Dao
Monkey King
Tiger Queen
That's because it's a complete shitshow right now with the general population being shilled on 24/7 by a bunch of idiots.
I was reading old Warhammer books and I found out something weird and unexpected.
Similiar to Aekold Helbrass, Arbaal the Undefeated always had this rule:
>he may NOT be a general and lead an army.

It's rather baffling.
If they were to follow the books closely, he should be a Legendary Hero
Probability of certain races getting a new legendary lord:
Khorne: 100%
Ogre Kingdoms: 100%
Greenskins: 100%
Norsca: 49%
High Elves: 75%
Slaanesh: 99%
Vampire Counts: 99%
Empire: 95%
Dwarfs: 30%
Dark Elves: 25%
Kislev: 50%
Cathay: 90%
Lizardmen: 5%
Skaven: 60%
Bretonnia: 10%
I think that Total War has broken this rule many times. Snikch is supposed to be a hero and I think that Ariel is supposed to be a lord.
I suppose its fitting for my Skarbrand campaign to get side tracked into undead extermination mission. All those "stolen" skulls and blood thief Manfred. When in all honesty I just cant stand vampiric corruption Arkhan and manny are shitting all over the territory.
If a character doesn’t have a model they can’t be in the game
>Norsca: 49%
>High Elves: 75%
>Dark Elves: 25%
>Bretonnia: 10%
>Skaven: 60%
All this stuff doesn't make sense in one way or another.
Although technically you could have Lords not leading armies, and you could have Heroes leading armies, while Arbaal has an explicit rule forbidding him to ever lead armies
Rules are made to be broken! I don't know who the FLC lord will be if not Arbaal.
cylostrabros eating good
CA didn't reveal a roadmap because they themselves don't have a plan.
Oh? Are you a believer in Bretonnia but a doubter of the High Elves?
Except for Taurox, Kholek Suneater, Lord Mazdamundi, Helman Ghorst, N'Kari, Ku'Gath, Zhatan the Black, Count Noctilus, Alberic De Bordeleaux and a few others of course
this is the plan:
Legendary Hero:
wegh (1/1) (wegh)
400/400 HP
Melee attack 11
Melee defense 4
Weapon Strength 10
Special Ability: “wegh” +2 melee attack for 12 seconds
Then Warhammer 3 will be abandoned and we’re moving on to Star Wars
The fanbase does not desire Star Wars. We want Age of Sigmar.
your opinion has been noted, and ignored. you’ll get Jedi waifus and you’ll like it. we want the female audience now
>Empire 95%
Explain your logic why would empire get yet another dlc
Empire is the main character
They chose elspeth for empire and then were forced to choose tamurkhan
It was actually confirmed by CA in a recent Q&A.
does the AI ever use the sea lanes? They should
Marienburg was once intended as a DLC faction.
no lol
this was part of my strategy playing ku'gath back when the economy sucked, I'd send a guy through the river lane to sack the north while they impotently seethe miles away from my settlements
need elspeth gf
Because CA outright confirmed they are?
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>High Elves: 75%
High Elves aren't getting anything unless its the LL-LH-only DLC pack, and even then Lizardmen have a higher chance getting Tetto'eko & Chakax than any other Knife-Ears
I feel like I’m always struggling for labor as chorfs. I want to play tall and invest in my main provinces, but I need labor to keep the economy going, which requires more conquest, which then gives me even more settlements that need labor, and now I need even more war, which gets me even more settlements, and the problem escalates.
How do you tackle this issue?
Fucking retarded, Beastmen are some of the best for co-op because they don't need to hold their own territory
Isn't this tier-list for head-to-head comp multiplayer campaign?
Idk labor is mainly manually fighting battles or trading armaments. Zhatan has more caravan so he'll have more labor
It's head to head. Skarbrand and Stanky need to go to unviable but all the other tiers are dumb to me. Also idk if head to head also means playing a neighbor or if it doesn't matter
Last 5 FLC lords:
Next 5 FLC lords (guess):
Arbaal the Undefeated
The Masque
Li Dao
Boris Todbringer
The Red Duke
Drycha was an addition to the old Realm of the Wood Elves DLC, not really FLC.
Even Thorek is debatable because he was an addition to game 2 that required you to purchase game 1.

The rest on your list are available for all who buy the base game (true FLC)
I guess you just have to keep conquering and expanding to cope, kind of like regular dwarfs actually
Yeah which is why it's even more retarded for anon to be posting it in response to someone asking about co-op.
He has some of the best co-op factions in the entire game in "not viable".
Beastmen, Wood Elves, Warriors of Chaos, Changeling, and Oxyotl are all great in co-op because they can either teleport across the map and/or they don't hold territory like normal. I'd also add Vampire Coast and to a lesser extent Skaven and Khorne to that list for the same reasons.

Except that the anon said he's playing co-op in >>484360607
Wait, since the next 3 LLs are confirmed, which puts us at 99 LLs, doesn't that mean the mystery Khorne FLC LL is the special 100th?
Best coop factions are all the warpers and all the unviable for head to head this is obvious
Most likely. I doubt that we are getting two FLC lords.
I mean I don't think that factions like Wood Elves or Warriors of Chaos would be unviable for head to head.
nagashbros... it's so fucking over...
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>le special 100th LL
That fell apart after SoC when they had to make Epidemius a LL instead of the originally planned LH.
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The Khorne LL will be Thanquol because of that time he summoned Skarbrand in canon.
This way Thanquol can also be the 100th LL.
How do I do commander view like in the old games in the new games where it looks like I’m fps myself in the battle.
I never assign labor to new settlements and keep it consolidated to my core provinces until the area is secure or the core provinces are ridiculously overfull
thats how you're generally supposed to play chorfs I think, having a lot of outlying lands that you leave barely developed until you get the provinces you care about built up because all your resource buildings become more efficient as you upgrade them so spreading out is sort of wasteful and rather expensive before the gears get churning
There is a button near the unit face in the corner.
Also, you just reminded me of the Rome 2 gameplay reveal.
It's a combination of buttons like how Crtl A selects all your units
In this case it's Alt F4
>panic click
>panicking because gunlines are fragile as fuck and you thought they were about to get creamed
Insert key?
when do you loot and occupy? never used it, i dont get the purpose
when you think the enemy might be able to take it back swiftly, so you loot and occupy and leave to make them fight for it
but doesn't just sacking give significantly more rewards?
they dont have to fight to retake ruins, you could sit in ambush for when they do attack the settlement to get em from behind during the siege
It's a very niche use, useful when it can be useful.
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>I played the game better than you

>half the army is heroes
>several ranged troops doing nothing
>ordering direct fire gunpowder troops to shoot into their allies
>overcast spirit leech on an enemy elspeth is in melee with
>thinking you even need to do that when rear-charging the enemy with a terror causing monster
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harkon is a ratfag btw i have photo proof
Sacking and then occupying is 2 turns vs 1
The only wood elf in unviable is orion since he literally doesnt have to pay for his armies
Belakor is in unviable for head to head because he can instantly warp to southern wastes and empire plus he can warp anywhere so winning against him is virtually impossible
>half the army is heroes
yes, your point?
>several ranged troops doing nothing
it's called a formation. the battle was over, didn't need to mess with the formation
>ordering direct fire gunpowder troops to shoot into their allies
literally no losses
>muh overcast spirit leech
literally panic click, said it several times before. the point of the webm was to show the resilience of gunlines, so i showed a rare instance where a unit caught me off guard and it didn't matter.
>thinking you even need to do that
the combination of all the different damage sources routed them before they caused any damage to my ironsides.
keep nitpicking, stay mad, you're bad, etc.
but you don't want to sack a settlement you're gonna keep
you are ugly
sometimes the sack income is so good that it's worth it even on top of repairs and building the settlement up again
>yes, your point?
waste of heroes/overcost
>it's called a formation
if you've more or less won the battle you should break formation to maximize enemy casualties in order to get more xp for your troops
>literally no losses
not the point, your troops can't shoot if their line of sight is blocked which it was for the unit you order to shoot in the video
>literally panic click
not an excuse and you deserve mockery for this
>the combination of all the different damage sources
spirit leech targets a single model at a time and would barely contribute to this at all, literally wasted WoM

if you're going to post a vid bragging about what a good player you are try not to make constant mistakes in it
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Battleposter decisive defeat.

Shitposter heroic victory.
what if instead of Ku'gath Plaguefaher he was Ku'gath Freakfather and instead of brewing things he sat on you
>Heroic victory
>Against Skaven
More like skaven ai are heroic failures they have no idea how to play the faction if they don't have ikit claw, doomrockets or ruin casters
>waste of heroes/overcost
it's fun to have the crew together in your LL army, you have no soul.
>if you've more or less won the battle you should break formation to maximize enemy casualties in order to get more xp for your troops
I was so rich and powerful in that campaign that there was no need. I was barely paying attention at the time, which is why the mistake I intentionally posted led to a display of my unit's resilience.
>line of sight is blocked
you can clearly see some of the units shooting in the webm, it was good enough. All the damage sources routed them before it did any damage, all-in-all a good reaction to a mistake with no losses.
>not an excuse and you deserve mockery for this
it's literally the only thing you can cling to in your desperate need to compensate for the fact that your early game empire was not as optimal as mine and you're mad af about it. me accidentally double casting a spell is not a big deal, but you want it to be, because you have to cope for the fact that I've displayed a superior army composition to whatever crap you use and you're mad about it, crying about "muh cheese" and all this pathetic cope.
>spirit leech targets a single model at a time and would barely contribute to this at all, literally wasted WoM
which might matter if the campaign wasn't basically already over and my late game army had any chance of losing whatsoever. it was better than nothing, better than casting a spell that could damage my own units.
>constant mistakes
literally just the overcast thing, all of your other criticisms are wrong.
I'm brave enough to intentionally post a mistake, you're just a coward. how long did it take you to beat vlad, anon? festus? was it in 21 turns? tell me more about how good you are. do you even play on the hardest settings?
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Schematics from Nan Gau.
Why is it Tigermen Village and not Tigermen City? Also, where are the Tigerwomen?
And the Tigerchildren too!
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you're stupid enough to post a series of mistakes and brag about it
and you're stupid enough to have your mistakes be pointed out to you and still yell
throt getting throttled by some norse dwarfs and tractors
I overcasted spirit leech when I shouldn’t have, it’s not a big deal, keep coping. I couldn’t help but notice that you didn’t report your superior campaign progress to me, so I’m left thinking that perhaps your campaign was not as optimal as mine.
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Think about all of the Spirit Leeches that Elspeth could cast. Single entities fear the goth woman.
Plus the dragon's breath being basically a laser beam. Elspeth is really good at killing people with magic.
Elspeth spirit leeches my nether regions if you know what I'm saying.
They are!
There should be more laser beam attacks. I think tomb king mecha has laser attacks too ?
You get drycha too even if you only own the twisted and the twilight without the main wood elf dlc, she's a "flc" but you need access to wood elves first
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They are moving the special 100th LL to the 101th, after the whole SoC fiasco
This is ugly, why is it so high up on the workshop?
Rotgut and Kazador are good candidates for FLC.
Yes, they are! I believe that Kazador Dragonslayer already has a unique trait. No idea about Gorfang Rorgut.
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After so many years of new LLs introduced to the Total War: Warhammer series, have you guys finally settled on a Warhammer Fantasy Waifu? If so, who? Mine is pic related.
I wish you'll get some ugly, sassy black female jedi as postergirl, leading armies of raging obese lesbians soldiers with blue/violet undercut.
There are still 5 more women left to add.
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festering stooges
Gorfang only has unique head, which doesn't look like his miniature. I still think they will do lords-only pack in the future.
Watch it not be 40kTW, WW1 TW, M3 total war, or star wars total war or even sigmar total war
Watch it be civilization total war
A DLC that includes just legendary lords and heroes could be interesting. I remember when some streamers were hinting at it when Thrones of Decay released.
She supposed to look beautiful but in-game she is a bloodthirsty meth addict that probably steals crack from her breathing crew.
Not the worst idea that Creative Assembly would ever have.
Naestra and Arahan
In my opinion, they should do Legendary lords packs with generic lords supplements. Some factions could use more options and people could buy pack for new lords options.
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Which 5?
I like her in-game appearance. Her face has a very natural look to it compared to other fantasy genre characters, but isn't the type of overly-exaggerated ugly you see in many modern western games. Couple that with being a tomboy and a badass and I just sort of click with her.
Based taste. I would be into them, but I can't handle twins. I'm monogamous.
Lucrezzia Belladonna
Yin Yin
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I wasn't aware of the first two's existence. I look forward to Ind in general. I'm super interested in Neferata. I just hope they don't give her a goofy, fuck-off massive hat. I know it's commonplace in Warhammer Fantasy art, but it just kills the attractiveness of characters. It's the same reason I don't like Morathi. Her hair is too fucking ridiculous. If it was shorter and smoother, it'd work.
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I have this cheat that gives morathi less obnoxious hair
lazy's morathi stage 1, I understand the other stages may be pornographic so I stick to stage 1
Geez just fap already
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Honestly? Way better. I can appreciate that second look, even if it isn't up my alley. Props to the modder.
I'm not trying to beat my meat over here, just admiring the female characters and their models within TW:W3. CA really knocked it out of the park with most of them.
Morathi's hair is kino, people who install mods to change it are subhuman. Same with people who remove Elspeth's makeup.
I installed a cheat to remove Elspeth's hood but I like to keep the makeup
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It doesn't just look excessively long, but it also looks like she has never bathed or cut her hair before. I could imagine rats living in it.
>The Tzarina will never humiliate me and spit in my face
Expanding in SFO and having major public order problems.
Are you supposed to play much slower and tall in SFO on the campaign map?
shame that this artist doesn't do more, haven't seen a new one in ages.
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Very sad. I love his style. At least we have this dude.
Stop collecting income from your settlements
Lords that are strong but not overpowered:
Belegar Ironhammer
Tzarina Katarin
Grom the Paunch
Lokhir Fellheart

Do you enjoy playing as moderately strong lords?
begger nohammer has a slogging campaign, but the rest are fun
Is it really that simple? Just stop making money?
Thatll just give you like a +4 or so
It will take away the collecting income penalty but in SFO it will also give you a buff to public order and will give you a big boost to growth as well.
So iirc it's more like a +10 to PO and +25 growth per settlement.
Look at what's causing the majority of your public order issues and try to fix it. Make sure to build public order buildings. If you're greenskins, rebellion farming is actually great.
The only good thing they could add for Greenskins is Da Big Stabba, everything else will just be reskins or a resized Squig. At least theyll finally get Black Orcs with gold shields
Gold shields? I thought it was just a myth.
Sigvald and Belegar get gold shields.
That's actually a pretty good trade off. Thanks for the head's up
big stabba, in order to not be super tarded, should be a 1 and done thing like bloated corpses. make it able to kill pretty much any large target that isn't a lord or hero in 1 shot as well as any others that are behind it for like 10 meters. then they drop the spear and run off the battlefield
they'll get bronze shields they can upgrade to silver shields if you spend scrap on it
So big stabba is going to be an on the slow side wep team with low range but high ap? I can't imagine it just being a sem of 2 dudes throwing a spear
4/5 of the release Warhammer 1 races have got or are about to get Warhammer 3 DLC.
How many Warhammer 2 release races have been granted Warhammer 3 DLC?
Warhammer 1 races that have DLC in Warhammer 3:
Warriors of Chaos

Warhammer 2 races that have DLC in Warhammer 3:
which WH2 and 3 dlcs are in wh1
necrosphinx, mutalith,elemental bear are all pretty big
I think the terracotta giant for cathay is also pretty big but i dont even get to them usually in a campaign
The blood pack.
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truly, you are a legend of total war...
I think they are gonna implement weapon swap for Black Orcs. Troy has this tech.
WH2 races got way more and way better content than WH1 races
Can units in Troy truly change weapons? Maybe CA Sofia will implement it into Warhammer 3.
Sisters of Twilight and Bolt Throwers can change their ammunition type but I suppose that isn't the same thing.
Well, Trojan heavy spearmen can two-hand their spears or pull out their shield, one-hand spear in a click of a button. This is the example I remember, animations and stats change of course.
As which fac? Whatever the public order building is, you're gonna want that everywhere. Other than that each theater of war should have a general and half-stack sitting around as a mobile garrison, that'll keep a province climbing or at least 0, and he can shuffle as needed or allow and crush a rebellion.

Some facs can go tall, greenskins are pretty good at it.
That sounds cool. Maybe some Dogs of War units will be able to swap weapons.
I love this guys videos.
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fine, but you must lewd yourself.
and your sister.
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I like lokhir, but druchii need some rework.
Playing Elspeth. Naturally, 80% of the Empire is dead by fucking turn 15 so I'm just getting fucked by the Imperial Authority negatives. I've already confederated Karl because he went and fucking lost to Kazrak
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Delves and Helves both. Very stale these days. I'm thinking they'll get a DLC late next year though that addresses the issues. I don't know who the Delf LL(s) and units could be though. Welves on the other hand... could use a tweaking methinks.
how fucking smug do you think these fags were when they got the role for beautiful ageless graceful elf?
So what's the most fun gun lines and artillery faction in WH right now?
it's a smug life for those born with elfin features
dorf, ignoring the super busted unit because it literally would make any faction s tier immediately due to how oppressive just one is)=CD>empire>skaven>vamp coast>ogres
the rest have decent to bad arty but I'm not compelled to just stare at it go off instead of issuing orders
I don't know if any of them are really fun anymore since they're all so busted strong now
Valkia my Khornate tradewife
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Who the fuck is that?
Is....is that supposed to be Valkia?
slaanesh got to her
I was told tradwife. This is what a traditional wife looks like.
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>this is khorne's hecking chungus wife
>of course khorne would have a wife, it's not like he is a being of pure rage or anything
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I thought Sneedbrand was supposed to make Settra's start hard?
vh/vh btw, Sneedbrand force marched directly to me by turn 3 but I'd been building up my armies with global recruitment for the last 2 turns and I kicked his ass
skellingtons are his secret weakness
>I'm mad therefore Valkia isn't canon
Based and bloodpilled you should go decapitate her for Khorne
A Khornate tradewife is a warrior woman dumbass
I should do that
Tbh the savage orcs are what makes it hard to me. They way outclass skeletons and Sorcs can field entire stacks of them at turn 1. Settra doesn't start with the tools to deal with them either. You kinda gotta hope the sorcs don't attack.
>Settra doesn't start with the tools to deal with them either

Bro, your chariots?
I've never seen him be this lvl of retarded. Personally never found him an issue you can drown him in armies you have more recruit power than him by the time he usually attacks you or by the time you go attack him. Ai doesn't know how to mass raze as skarbrand or it would be a real issue for players
My chariots always disintegrate idk how to make them worth it
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>wades into moshpit
heh, nuthin personell thrall
the underwaying they do is fucking gay though
are women really like this?
I hate kangz chariots :(
For the chariot faction they sure have a lot of low tier chariots. I feel like they can't deal with sorcs very well.
Just get the liche priest shadows book?
Don't you need a book of nagash for that?
Yes but shadow magic is a hard counter to sOrcs
aren't chariots the worst unit type in this whole game
settra has all this gold but hes dead, his armies don't have a use for it and he cares more about land
does he ever trade with anyone?
Don't ask about how trading works because it doesn't make any sense the second you do.
there was a time that chariots were the strongest but that was due to a bug allowing them to overlap, specifically it made razorgor chariots FUCK and hit the same target all at the same time
now the best chariots are big single entities
Didn't they buffed chariots this patch ?
Shem's burning gaze is pretty good now, can get decent value just spamming that against savage orcs. Also get a casket of souls asap.
Settra wants special resources for ritualistic purposes so he would normally trade
yesterday I tried to have like 12 slaneesh chariots in my army and they all got caught on two infantry units and I lost the battle
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Love these lads
those chariots are great on maps with slopes
avoid flat maps like the plague
so i should only have guys that use horses go down hill
makes sense
they get the job done.
you can pretend its still med 2 when the enemy all die from fall damage even though charges still feel like a wet noodle
Chariots and cavalry in general sucks not because of the charges feeling weak but because you can't disengage and charge again properly since that 1 guy gets stuck in the blob
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Then Grab-Take!
I'm sorry to say this - really - but...
exterminate all rats. Immediately.
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skellies vs rats
>Cheats vs. Rats
bread will be baked in 300 seconds from now

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