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Previous: >>484489989

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:

>Capcom x Hoyoverse Creator Roundtable

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
Post teams with Ellen that don't require Lycaon.
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How old are Anby/Soldier 11? Considering they are probably vat baby clones they could be less than a year old.
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Prydwen has spoken
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Get me some salmon, I invited Ellen for dinner today
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pubsex with cat boy
How do we get Hoyo to overthrow the CCP?
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Only a few more hours to go!
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Ellen is UNPLAYABLE without Von Lycaon. Mr Pokke said that Lycaon is a T0 stun and stunning is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL. He said that the ice team is the absolute highest BEST team you can get right now. He explicitly said to try and get Lycaon. What more proof do you need that Lycaon is a must roll?
Knotgods won. Zhu Yuan's womb will be offered up to the council of bestiality next.
how accurate is this?
replace Lycaon with Rina or Anby/Koleda
Soukaku is a must
buy an ad faggot
havent been keeping up with the news for this game
will there be any cute barefoot girls at all?
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She's so breedable and erotic.
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Anby borders on hebe in art but looks a bit older in game
who else gonna main bear zigger?
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Need Anby.
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[ ] Put it in
[ ] Rape the maid
[ ] Genuflect
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we're all ziggers here
We hate pedos here.
Don't care, will still playing a Billy/Anby/Nicole team 1 year from now.
Prydwen put Bennet and Pela in bottom tier on release.
If I get Koleda, I will.
Yeah I don’t fucking care, I’m not playin go a furry.
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That's a hag.
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Its up
Billybros not like this...
Pokke doesn't know shit. I'll only listen to Genshin theorycrafters
what about zeroes
what if I don't play meta?
Ok bro I'm just playing the characters I like who cares about the meta
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I’m so glad this is a cunny game bros
fucking ellen's 17 yo pussy!
>Germaboo hebes
>loli idol squad

I hope they got more in the tank and aren't baiting us with the best girls first.
>tier lists

Bwos... Is Ellen GAY????
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>newfags doesn't know about my onsen mist and sun beam
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Gonna roll until soft pity on Ellen's banner just for more starter stuff, hoping to lose the 50/50 on the way.
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>CN thinks
Yes (as in happy)
>no lucy and piper
incompetent niggers
small girls x bara furrys
>Can still clear all content with a bunch of other non-5* teams.
I remember reading this same shit about Diluc and Seele... Hmm...
Then roll with your penis retard, what kind of question is that?
Why do people care what the fuck CN has to say?
They're likely as retarded if not more retarded than global players.
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Guess I know what team I'm using
Saving my premium currency for leaked hags!
we barely know their kits and have no numbers, how would you be able to rank them for anything else than bedchamber potential
what are you guys doing until launch
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toppest kek
I trust waterkuma
now post the in-game model
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>Meta tier list
>Before the game is even out
>Months before players will even reach any sort of challenge
>Bennet, Xingqiu, Sucrose all E tier
When will you retards learn
i will be the first to get all the fofo (forma de zzz) dupes!
>the usual suspects are doing the usual and sperging that if you pick the girl MC you are a tranny etc
>male MC is literally taking the red rocket from a bara wolf boy
>this is what the schizos are trying to self insert into
Yeah, I’m just picking the girl with the thighs and cute face. You queers enjoy that.
Unfortunately you're gutting yourself hard if you aren't using teams with characters in the same faction.
i cant read chinese
watching animated loli rating:explicit
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no lucy
It's Prydwen so not at all.
Bennet was at the very bottom on genshins release and they still put Pela in HSR below SW when she's clearly better.
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What dub are you going with? EN seems decent.
she's lesbian yeah
no fucking way corrin is billy tier
Nekomata's faction suck ass so that was a sacrifice I was already ready to make
>fire - big burst damage + DoT
>physical - big burst damage + big stun buildup
>ice - freezes enemies, big burst damage + increased damage when hitting frozen enemies
>electricity - increased electricity damage
>ether - increased ether damage
This seems kind of unbalanced on a fundamental level.
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>Mr.Pokke said that:
>Prydwen's tier list suggests that:
>Chinese theorycrafters calced that:
Yes her friends use her tail as a dildo.
You can fix her.
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wuwa pandering to hagfags makes me want to drop it
but do you trust mihomo
All women are straight if you pick Akira
All women are lesbians if you pick Belle
As shrimple as that
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>no piper

> bedchamber potential
that's the only one that matters. but also just wait for the game to come out before doing the autismo list
what faction has the most cunny?
But I'm gonna play as Belle...
if you're a meta fag you're stupid just build teams with your penis and thats it
>furry on top
Oh no no metakeks, your response??
>caring about meta
>In 1.0
>where you probably won't even have enough account level to max characters till 1.1
you guys cannot be serious, right?
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I designed a wallpaper, enjoy /zzz/
This means I'll be some kind of God Gamer when I clear content with Ellen without the furry, thanks
i wonder how the 4 stars stack up at M6
Unbalanced elements in a mihoyo game?
No fucking way, how did this happen.
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Game is not out yet and 1.0 will be very different to cbt3. How did they come out with these tiers already?
sons of Calydon is 100% hebecunny right now but good luck getting them since they have no rate-up
thanks bwopipi
Going by the shit they’ve let him get away with so far I’m not very worried honwstly
>bear on the stun list when he's specialty is a defender
is this site retarded
Theyre very fuckin serious.
Lucy will probably heavily impact soldier 11 performance.
does any character use a spear?
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Belle enjoys the knot, too you know!
>All the males in the game are shit
>Furry faggot only good because he has to suck Ellen's dick

Well at least they know nobody is gonna roll for that trash.
What are you on about, bwo? Nobody is safe from the knot.
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Fap vigorously to Satou Kuuki im@s doujins then sleep.
Not going to happen. If anything it will be the CCP and Russia overthrowing Israel since they own most of the gold and world assets.
1.2 onwards will have freeze-inmune enemies btw
prydwen is a psyop
they make absurd claims so that CCs can pretend to be outaged and shit on prydwen for views. they glow in the fucking dark
shitposting in this thread
cop automaton loli uses a staff but she is not out yet
Since they’ll get each other the faction bonus and are both supports I wonder how S11 + piper + lucy will be
I mean, it has to be based 100% on CBT3. They need traffic on their sites/videoswhatever and game release is when there's the most activity so putting out a shitty tierlist is better for them than nothing.
Anyone using anby/billy/nicole will be kicked from the /zzz/ guild
So Nekochads will win
What year is this?
That shit looks more like an oversize nunchuks.
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>>Furry faggot only good because he has to suck Ellen's dick
You got that backwards!
Any fist combat characters?
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Why don't we have a g in our general's name?
If the CCP ends Israel that instantly undoes everything bad they’ve done
hoyo will obviously buff up the rest of the characters in future patches. the ice team is whale bait to pad the launch numbers
>bestiality on girls
hottest shit
>bestiality on men
mondo fag, can’t get gayer
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tier lists are fucking stupid and doesn't matter unless you're a whale wanting to speedrun content, corin with a few dupes outdamaged lycaon and ellen by orders of magnitude when i played during the 2nd beta test
the rates are fucking terrible and 5* without their dupes isnt going to get you any significant advantage, you'll be able to do all the content that'll give you resources with ease with just basic shit
they are basing this list on cbt3 without considering what will be nerfed or buffed before live. i saw some leaks and some characters got buffed
nta but i am using a fucking 3080 and i am using it at 1080p i know its overkill but its just the res i got used to i dont get the 4k meme
>he says while picking up a furry game
Genkeks are really something else
So should I be rerolling? If so, what should I be aiming for?
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resting my old man hands for the absolute raping of them tomorrow
>not posting futa Ellen
Not my qqposter
Its ogre...
What does Attribute Mastery do?
I have a nice sleep next to her on the bed.
How big do you want it?
>Furfag is a cuck

Not shocked
Should I reroll i hear miihoyo makes rerolling really hard
>game about to release
>suddenly crossthread shitposters disappear after people spotted them without even using images looking at wuwakeks
>also, mysteriously, cuckposters spawn in
i'm starting to notice... (((patterns)))...
You have two statistics
One that increases the damage done by the Attribute, the other how quickly it builds up
Because we're still pissing and shitting on /wuwag/ and /wwg/ discorder cucks that btw LOST AND SUCKED IT CLEAN.
ellen is bi and cheats on mc?
You have to make a new account every time instead of using guest accounts
>t. butthurt corinfag
fuck off with this autistic shit out of here
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I'm thankful you aren't shitting up /gig/ anymore
And attribute mastery affects both?
Can we reroll easily?
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Lycaon got buffed....
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I will be buying the inter-knot membership and officially become an inter-knotter
No, it's one of the two, can't remember their names. Sounds like the damage to me from the name
How do you feel about spending at least 30 minutes per reroll
>german QQ cuck is also here
No suprise since this game features furry characters
It just looks better like this imo
You must be seriously mind broken if you read the word knot and tie to it a furry's penis
that spike is 1.1?
None of the furries or males will make any real money. Cunny is the real money maker.
we love red rockets here.
They said can skip more text compared to CBT3 so it should be faster
it's wuwapaggies shitposting, just filter out the word "knot" and see how they disappear
No ones shitting up gig, that game is dead
Corin is just underrated, the amount of assault damage she pulls off is absurd.
Since /gig/ users get called /gig/gers, and /bag/ /bag/gots, I will call you guys knotters as our meme word.
I can't believe Koleda did not get any fucking buffs
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shitposters right now
Cunnyfags are kinda obnoxious ngl. The Blue Archive general must suck.
I wont accept friend requests of ziggers who skip story content
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Will M6 Soukaku be T0?
what spike???
>from yuri (hi3) to yaoi (genshin) and now furry (zzz)
What is next on hoyo train?
I fucking wish it was, the threads would be nice
It's low-hanging shitposting fruit when paired with Lycaon
Always EN. JP is the same as EN but weebs have cognitive dissonance when they hear EN because they've never heard actual JP acting.
It's crazy to think that hundreds of millions of people across the planet think that Japanese people actually sound like anime characters.
It's like thinking that Americans sound like Simpsons and Bob's Burgers characters.
>i pretend i do not see it
Are there any homo 5*s on the standard or beginner banner(s) in this game, if that even is a thing? Anyways if I get a homo 5* from the beginner/standard/coinflip/etc. I'm uninstalling this kusoge
I mean if you don't like anyone besides for meta, safest pick is ellen I guess since she is limited,
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LOLIgods and FURgods own this thread.
>ENschizo is here
the USA will never be a respected society, btw
you have a 1 in 6 chance bwo good luck
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I can't satisfy my cunny predator fetish if I pick Belle... Male MC it is I guess
Do we have numbers for everyone in 1.0 or how do you know nothing was changed from CBT3? HSR had some big changes IIRC (Arlan nerf for example).
Do we just call our version of monthly pass "the knot" or something
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the heck anon?
They buffed Ben which buffs Koleda
no, we are already zzziggers. we do not recognize the borderland as a separate state.
the bear will be our divegrass goalkeeper.
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it's hotter than the art if you ask me
/zzz/ is like a meeting of all the shitters from every gacha thread on the site. Everyones coming together to play ZZZ and it’s causing the threads to be a slurry of shitposting. I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it.
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>metafags have to cope with underage characters
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hopefully wuwafags will leave tonight since their game is getting an new game mode and all right?
Just make a new reddit account, vanillasushi
bro? but the male MC is a siscon and the female MC is a brocon?
bad bait
Why are people saying you need emails to reroll? Can't you just make an account and not link an email to it until later? I did that for Genshin and have like 25 accounts with no email on them.
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Don't forget MiHoYo is a yuri company and ZZZ is a yuri game
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It is fun to watch the mental gymnastics that people have to resort to play a furry game
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I can't pollute Ellen's caviar with semen if I pick Rin...
Male MC it is and JP voiceovers it is I guess.
it's no longer possible
weeb game gets weeb voices, simple as
>Can't you just make an account and not link an email to it until later?
lol if you get the furry just sell the account. He's even the most popular 5 star in the standard banner so I bet you can make some decent bux from it
clearly is debatable, Pela got more valuable over time as characters that get a lot out of her like Acheron released while SW got less valuable over time as people developed more elemental coverage
>Billy: No fixed number changes
Do not notice saar
ziggers, it’s that easy. Rolls off the tongue too.
new game mode?
Can I use accounts I've already made or will it just lock me out of logging in unless I link an email?
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There's furfag and everyone's favorite
Pick a furry, since all lolis belong to bara furry males
they're still in this thread after almost 2 days of shitposting the word "knot" and that uggo new red hair woman they're getting so no
wuwapags don't actually play the game, they're suicidal SEA travestites who are still alive because their egos inflate with shitposting
I've watched plenty of live action shit from Japan spanning 60+ years. No one talks like an anime character.
>They'll tell you you're wrong but they'll never call you a liar.
only ironic weebs think anime is real life in japan
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And a cunny company
Anon EN voice actors are literal e-celebs, twitch streamers and other rejects, if they hired actual professionals and theater actors it might be good but come on.
They have a literal V-tumor voicing a character, how fucking sad is that.
I'm doing JP but it's mostly because of a couple EN voices I find annoying like koleda, I can totally understand people going for the EN dub instead since it's really high quality by anime dubbing standards
If I pick Belle does Anton, Ben, Billy and Lycaon run a train on me?
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Mihyo newfag here, how often do they release new characters?
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OldCore: When Lycaon completes charging of a Basic Attack, the attack deals 80% increased Daze.

NewCore: When Lycaon charges his Basic Attack to completion, the attack deals 80% increased Daze.When EX Special Attack or Assist Follow-Up hits an enemy, the target's Ice DMG RES decreases by 25% for 30s.
they saw what you did and got upset so they changed it so no one can ever do that again and they made emulators illegal
what did you fucking do?
Every 6 weeks.
>It wasn't supposed to end this way... Yibambe...
You have like 4 regions for every account you have loads of chance. And it’s not like friends matter anyways in games like this.
Noone talks like cartoons either
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>b-bro it's a furry game!!!
I am a straight male furry
Male MC and all in on Ellen and Soukaku, then save for the next monster girl that isn't boring kemonomimi
There already are furry anthro female NPCs so I know they'll make them playable, hoyo will deliver
>Look at genshin
Yeah, I don't think so. Sure it has yuri but it is minority compared to yaoi
Don't be a blacked nigger poster, furry edition. This is why no one likes you
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What game will you drop to make time for ZZZ?
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>Pick Wise
>used JP sound
>Go to TV mode
>Pause the mode and switch character to control my Imouto body
>Suck my own cock while calling saying onii-chan daisuki~ to myself.
it's been a yaoi company since 2021
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this and also 30 pulls for free at the same time zzz gets released
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hi bros
don't forget that she gets fucked by Belle too QQ
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Can't wait to roll for my Daddys!
I recognize people from 4 gacha generals here its absurd. Game is going to be successful if its attracting this many people. I thought it was going to flop after CBT 1 and 2 response.
I genuinely think less of you as a person if you pick the EN dub in a weeb game
bwo that's gay
So is the game coming out in 12 hours or 13
ZZZ/Genshin is the patrician combo
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but you ARE lying
english is an inferior language and all native english speakers should have their vocal chords ripped off without sedatives
Skullface did nothing wrong
Japanese. I can understand 40-50% of it by now.
I think it'd be kino if this general were called /interknot/ because the ingame inter-knot is basically 4chan, but I know people here wouldn't like it because some still have a melty about the word knot
actual JP acting is fucking cringe it's not even "different" or "real" it's just awkward as fuck
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but we could play co-op together anon
solo leveling arise.
none. I can play this and hsr comfortably
it would be based but schizos hate it so it'll never be used at all
>No one talks like an anime character
No fucking shit and nobody is claiming that you retarded schizo.
The EN voice actors also do not talk like normal people what is your point.
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/gig/ger detected
the correct answer is every 3 weeks >>484502042
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I'm going to pick Belle because I like her design more and imagine her grooming the children regardless
What are Cores?
13 but chances are it'll release half an hour early to spook you
Sure bro. Don't come complaining once the furry start hogging up all your lolis
I’d rather not share my identity in any Hoyoverse general desu
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>seen her taking the knot
>seen her taking futa cock
Does she have no vanilla lewds?
Genshin if Natlan designs suck
It's the same garbage as JP so what does it matter who they hire to do some retarded screechy voice?
People don't talk like that.
Way to get the point while entirely missing it.
If you watch a movie or TV series you get a bunch of people who talk like people. If you watch Anime/Cartoons you get a bunch of people doing stupid voices. Simple as.
AFK journey maybe, unless the new phoenix lady kits really good.
Fucking dumb shit game doing brick meta male back to back
If you were in charge of making the ZZZ anime,what song would you pick for the OP?
you do know that the game has co-op right?
none if i don't do the dailies in all hoyogames i won't be able to sleep at night
I dunno man but rerolling in Genshin was hell. It took 26 before I got my first five star(diluc) and I just stopped there because the process took forever. Guess it works out nicely because I have a bunch of accounts I can reroll with now.
>/akg/ attracted by decent furry/kemono
>HI3, GI, HSR posters are here because it's a hoyo game
>/bag/gots attracted by cunny
>/wuwa/ posters attracted by action combat and the weird hoyo rivalry thing
who am I missing
Male mc really sucks for any sort of lewd hijink so no.
I play HSR/genshin already, I'll play ZZZ too. I don't really do endgame stuff though or keep up with meta, I play the games casually for fun. So its not a big time sink for me.
>caring about what others thinks in no janny land
It's awkward because you've never heard a jap speak outside of anime or vtubers.
That is how actual people speak in Japan>>484502334
if ZZZ dailies are super fast none
WW was close to be dropped but I like Jinhsi too much I'll keep playing for a while
ZZZ characters are designed by an actual human, need to navigate 3D space with extensive bugtesting, have unique skeletons instead of recycling bodytypes and are not glorified autobattle animation dispensers
There's no way they can consistently shit out a character every 3 weeks like HSR
It will be 2 characters per patch for the first 4-5 patches then slow down till anniversary
maybe for the first few updates but since character model is unique I don't think they keep up that pace for long
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>He still didn't drop Wormshin Shortiespact
I don't know but Lycaon was buffed to the moon. He is the strongest character in the game now.


OldCore: When Lycaon completes charging of a Basic Attack, the attack deals 80% increased Daze.

NewCore: When Lycaon charges his Basic Attack to completion, the attack deals 80% increased Daze.When EX Special Attack or Assist Follow-Up hits an enemy, the target's Ice DMG RES decreases by 25% for 30s.
OldT1: When Lycaon charges his Special Attack or EX Special Attack to completion, the attack will deal 15% increased Daze. Can trigger once every 8s.

New: When Lycaon charges his Special Attack or EX Special Attack to completion, the attack will deal 12% increased Daze. Can trigger once every 8s.

OldT4: If attacked while charging or during a charged attack, Lycaon will immediately gain a Shield effect equal to 5% of his max HP, lasting for 5s. His Anti-Interrupt is increased for the Shield's duration. This effect can trigger once every 15s.

New: If attacked while charging or during a charged attack, Lycaon will immediately gain a Shield effect equal to 7.5% of his max HP, lasting for 5s. His Anti-Interrupt is increased for the Shield's duration. This effect can trigger once every 15s.
/akg/ isn't a furry general and this misconception needs to die.
I already dropped HI3.
wuwa. The game fucking sucks and I can stop pretending it doesn't now.
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There are some unironic grubbers here I have no fucking clue what go them out of /gbfg/
As delusional as yurishippers. Well, sure I can wait and see. Glad for you that you want and think thats gonna be a thing, keep hoping
Not Bronya tier yet. Screenshot this post because he's gonna be powercrept.
A literal EN V-tuber is voicing a character here, the only way you can go lower than that is hiring a tranny.
Imagine spending this much time rerolling for diluc lololol this is why you don't reroll btw.
I'd rather not read every retarded line while listening to gibberish is my point.
It saves me time and I get the same shit acting with less effort.
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I didn't intend to drop it since the gameplay is fairly good but seeing the lineup of bland hags compared to the soulful cunny here makes me want to dump wuwa
Theres a reason english voice actors are the butt of the joke in video games nowadays. The quality of voice acting has seriously declined in the last few decades. And even then, weebshit get’s the bottom of the barrel of THOSE shitty VAs
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Holy, fucking /a/'s boomer is here too.
yeah whenever I visit I just see exu and lapland posting
How valuable is the co-op in the game anyways? Is it like Genshin where I can just ignore it unless I ran out of certain materials to farm so I can just go to a friend’s world or is it actually important?
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>OldCore: When Zhu Yuan is under Suppressive Mode, using Enhanced Shotshells to attack increases her DMG by 20%. When attacking Stunned enemies, this DMG boost is further increased by 40%.

>NewCore: When Zhu Yuan is under Suppressive Mode, using Enhanced Shotshells increases her DMG by 40%. When attacking Stunned enemies, this DMG buff is increased by an additional 40%. When Zhu Yuan enters the battlefield, she immediately gains 6 Enhanced Shotshells

>Zhu Yuan got buffed
This but for the ED
cute kodela
only fgog can touch grubber
but grub already beat them
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>Copy the blue door but make it red
Do kurokeks really
their team is over 20 times larger than it was at cbt1 and their budget is effectively infinite so who fucking knows at this point
bro u r gay
press 1 to accept
i love this character too but im too bored to play the game
ZZZ will KNOT itself
DOA trash for pedos, incels, furries and freaks
If you want union actors expect to pay $300+ for 80 rolls.
If you want someone famous expect $1000+ for 80 rolls.
Do you not understand how expensive hiring someone like Billy West is?
Weird, you'd think they'd be more into fantasy stuff like GI and HSR
bro every song posted here is basically the r/a/dio playlist
You hit diminishing returns with more people and money very quickly, you're limited by communication
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you will literally fuck this if you had the chance, arknek.
Grubbers will touch everything to get out of the hellscape that is modern grub.
but they still won’t fucking leave it.
impressive how disgusting english "voice actors" are when they get mogged by regular actors
i recently played shadow of the erdtree and the nigga called Igon has the best voice acting in any fromsoft game, and he's apparently just an extra in british soap operas
meanwhile you have vtubers and "comedians" (biggest chunk of english VAs) having meltdowns because a white guy voiced a black guy in a game 20 years ago
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I'm still waiting for this slut and that evil slut, that's pretty much it
Not a boomer friend, it's just that ZZZ is cassetepunk and therefore goes well with old anime OP's
holy shit kino I'm going to listen to their discography now
/akg/ is controlled by NTRfags, futafags, and feetfags.
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Nowadays? Not sure, but that game used to pander super hard with lolis before the homo angels got popular and fujos drove them out.
/nikg/s cat spammer and doroposter are here, but that means that schizo that’s in every gacha thread crying about NTR/Censorship is also here.
Is it just me or is Ellen's demo ost sounds like shit compared to hsr and genshin demo ost? The instrumental is fine but that vocal ruins it.
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heartopia waiting room
Any account pre-registers on a site we need to worry about, or do we all get the goodies ingame with the code and in the mail?

AKA do we need to make reroll zombie accounts in advance?
what do you dislike?
I dropped it because they somehow made an equipment system worse than farming for fucking relics.
spics are THIS based?
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she's my favorite
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These guys looks like my uncle and grandpa.
Everyone gets the preregistration rewards, you don't need to prereg your accounts in advance
>AKA do we need to make reroll zombie accounts in advance?
No but you should do it for convenience
There, I can create a billion hoyo accounts from the same email
on cbt3 it was mainly used for boss fights but it seems it was expanded a bit in the live game, also pvp snake with the bros
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I juggle like 6+ different gacha games, im pretty sure I can play ZZZ too without dropping anything im not gonna be properly playing ZZZ day 1 though, only logging in and nabbing the ZZZfree code since limbus railway 4 comes out at the same time
>A literal EN V-tuber is voicing a character here
you need to stop taking shitposts as facts retard
Who are the unpowercreepable supports at launch?
Wuwa feels too similar to genshin
And if people got bored of Genshin, they'll get bored of Wuwa for the same reason
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Yeah, the furry is big no for me. See you never, furfuckers
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For me the final nail was the MHA collab
I didn't want that shit in my account. Then I just never logged in again.
+ doesn't work anymore.
They already used ecelebs in HSR and Genshin so I wouldn't be surprised if it happened again
also wuwa is very unoptimized that's why i dropped it
The furfag wolf, unironically
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Do you think her nipples are inverted bros?
>Cop Girl uses Shotgun weaponry
This is a warcrime.
Gotcha, thanks!

+1 styled salting doesn't work from what I heard
but c.unnygod@gmail.com and c.u.nnygod@gmail.com would
I don't see the bottom text on the character page
kek i never ever roll for collabshit
most retarded thing
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I shall sometimes make a furry op and share to other generals to know we are the furry general even if cunny and hags are spammed most of the time.
Calling him an extra is a bit harsh, he’s a good few levels above that.
Legit actors, even those that primarily play secondary characters absolutely mog English anime “voice actors” though.
big puffy and inverted, yes.
she's also mid compared to ellen
The furry is literally just Waver from FGO. He's only gonna be good for a short while then the real limited Stuns will come out.
It's possible. They look kinda fat
Where are the buffs being posted?
not after I'm done sucking them
The furry is beyond T0 he ascended to the realms of T-1. They released Ganyu early.
>said the knife ears

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can't be a warcrime if you don't sign any treaties
>Ellen teaser
the music is good. reminds me of Polyphia
but the vocals are shit
I don't give a shit how expensive it is, i'm not going to tolerate people beign shit at the job because boohoo good people are expensive. I also had to google who the fuck Billy West is because i'm not obsessed with brand recognition.
Hire theater actors, hire people who use their voice to act professionally, as a career, instead of literal whos who only do this as a fucking gig because it's funny or an 'adventure' instead of an actual job.
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Verina belongs in a better game honestly
yeah I'm looking forward to them too but I'm not sure how well I can chug through the absolute nothingburger that is the 1.2 banners
>farm overworld for echo
>input exp to get it up to 5/10
>wait for animation
>enter other tab
>input tuners to check subs
>wait for another animation
>get def and hp%
my view of the game dropped 2 full points out of 10 minimum after spending 10 minutes on it
I've found the moment to moment exploration and action combat more fun but it has a lot of the same openworldsloppa trappings yes
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Uhhh zzzistrers this isnt going to happen with this game right?
Eh I got dissatisfied with Genshin because the girls now are all censored dykes. Wuwa so far is putting out nothing but hot girls. The exploration elements were never an issue.
open world gacha is a meme
>islam is the fastest growing religion
>they are all cunnyconnoisseurs
zzz is an islamic approved general
Based, furryCHAD
Nah, collab in GBF is always free. I just hates MHA
Could've been worse. I was a zoiposter.
i love xingqiu
this doesn't exist
what the fuck is cassettepunk
same bwo.
Ellen is a limited so ofcourse.
that guitar riff is fantastic
In GBF you don't roll for collab characters, you just get them from playing whatever event is going on. Collabs used to be the thing that kept me playing because I was a collectionist, but then they added characters even I didn't want.
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Any new released furry I will post to make it seem more legit.
Waver is still good 5 years later.
Waver was top tier for years.
>hoyo stuff stays the same over the years and nobody complains
the mental gymnastics people go to criticize kuro, lmao, enjoy seeing all of your waifus getting knOtt3d you cuck
Despite all this Wuwa still manages to look jank as fuck even compared to Genshin
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based lycanGOD
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based email choice lmao
the people that think Jetset radio is the best game ever made
>a 2020 game vs a 2024 who had said 2020 game for reference to improve on

i think ZZZ will do its own hing anon and its not even open world like wuwa or genshin its literally just a corridor/hub battle arena
i'm pretty sure the guy on the left erased his name

the devs already said every model is unique in zzz go look for another shitpost
The only /gbfg/ posters I remember are brat, zetaschizo and the fujos. Sorry
anyone kno if you can tone down all the flashing effects? blindingly annoying shit
Uh oh, kusoslurper melty
>the mental gymnastics people go to criticize kuro
well yeah, it's cool to shit on the chinks i don't like, why are you asking?
This is true
I gave wuwa a fair chance and it's jank heaven, it plays and looks like shit
is it gawr gura?
17 + inverted...
Holy shit, Wanderer was based on real person?
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So choosing the male MC is ideal in this game right? Since Belle will actually talk and call you onii-chan.
the characters don't even share base models so that first point is impossible, you'd already know that if you weren't just baitposting though
anon this game isnt 50 gb for nothing
zzz's direct competitors are hi3 and pgr, and they're both dead.
it's very Polyphia-like.
still not gonna play your shit game, wuwapag
what time is reset going to be?
Looking at the currently released characters it has a 0% chance of happening
I feel bad for the animators in Kuro because they wasted their talent for that game
Will this game also have bland copy pasted characters with one simple role stickied on their foreheads?
"Look, she likes eating food!!! haha thats funny right?"
"Look, she is an actress that only does actress things. Thats amazing right?!"
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>my proficiency in action games will most likely render this game into a snoozefest even though it checks all the boxes of things I like
is there hope for some depth?
It just came to me after watching her trailer, but Ellen's breasts are pretty big.
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What generals are here right now?
Obviously all the hoyo ones /gig/ /hsrg/ /hig/
I see /nikg/ here too with the rampant doro posting.
Also /wuwa
Haven't seen any kots though. So I'd like to know what other generals are here.
>zhu yuan
any relation to jing yuan?
both mcs talk the same amount regardless of who you pick. the mc you choose won't magically become mute
The pseudo hangout shit is optional so you can skip certain characters if you're afraid of running into gay stuff.
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Do the chracters have unique skeletons? It looks like you have 3 female models: cunny, shortstack and hag. All characters withing their category look like the same height to me.
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she's the cutest
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>genshin has all these cheap ways to cut corners and saves time
>releases an average of 1 character per patch
what the fuck is happening over there? Is it just that players got stockholmed into wanting constant reruns to save rolls or whatever the fuck
I prefer the enjo kousai look for her, 100%

both are chinks
>My nigga Anderson got keked by Dave the Diver
Yeah no thanks I'm not touching Nikke no more!
maybe, but for now, most of the designs are unique
from the upcoming characters, the pink haired girl and the cow ears girl look very generic
you'll play the soul team, right?
you'll play anby/nicole/billy, right?
Why are there so many Wuthering Waves players obsessed with shitposting about this game and Genshin?
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Why are you lying on the internet? I just made this account right now
Yeah . works as well.
Would check your game if 99% of the characters didn't have chink names
its action gacha #204. what do you think

>A bunch of normies 1st gacha
>Sunk cost fallacy
I'm not using any homos
you forgot about the /bag/posters attracted by cunny
jingliu raped jing yuan and he gave birth to her (he was the one who got impregnated)
I will bench Billy for Corin since chainsaws with hitstop are my fetish
Don't compare the Dragon of Dojima to that little bitch ever again
their shitty copy paste game flopped miserably so they are here to pick on a smaller game
I can confirm.
The movement and animation is completely different, not a single one of them used similar weapon or fighting style like in genshin
Star Rail basically just static image TBS and they still lazying with extra model because it each characters need exploration animation.
pls respond
Yes, genshin players would rather have less characters and less rolls than more characters and more rolls.
Genshin has already finished writing its last region
They're busy developing Genshin 2
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what a slut
why are all space chinks like this
the devs mentioned wanting to design around a high skill ceiling and slowly turning the heat up on players as they add more content in the SF discussion table thing they did but who knows how they'll follow through on it
The best thing about Zzz is that each characters is actually unique.
So, is this game yuri, fujo, shipping or yume? I know about the furry part but what else is there?
So, what's next for Hoyo?
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>he autistically looks up comps and will reload endlessly to get the "right" meta characters
>is going to roll on the furry dogknot because "he's essential to my meta ice comp"
>first mechanical enemy he comes across he will do 0 damage
Not even once
omnipandering game
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Reminder none of the money made is going to the game and going directly to Honkai. Hope you like crumbs for updates.
>overdesigned is a good thing now
>HSR releases double the characters
>doesn't give double the pulls
could be worse
Sure you can guys love to discuss character
But what about engines and bangboos?
>"Look, she likes eating food!!! haha thats funny right?"
literally Soukaku
Why should I play ZZZ?
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base models are unique so skeletons are unique too. I think you're just seeking patterns and having some confirmation bias, soukaku is notably lankier than the other hebe type characters for example
Daily resets are at 5am server time so the same as in genshin/hsr
if you have to say this, then play another game
Animal crossing clone next year, Honkai mmo in 3 years
Cunny and furries
>not even posting ZZZ anymore
why are wuwapaggies like this? /gig/ is down the hall
Do we even get bangboos trailer?
why should I play wuwa?
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>character design
>character model
>voice work
These are the CORE of any gacha character product.
Everything else (meme trailer music, meme story quests, meme numbers) is fluff dressing.
Like it or hate it, truth is this "wuthering" game set the new standard for 3D gachas.
Can ZZZ match this standard? Looking at trailers it already LOST in the character model department.
Animal Crossing clone and Genshin 2 or whatever they will call their new client after they finish the snezhnaya arc
so is the game realizing at 5am today?
same as genshin, all the male characters are gay for eachother and all the female characters are lesbian for eachother
wuggers tongue my paycheck
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As a former GBF player, yes
Too many characters means there's less focus on them each, and less chances that your favorite gets dev love and content.
Of course if you roll too few characters then there's nothing to roll for. Gotta strike a balance.
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Dragalia... Lost...
money laundering, unironically
Animal Crossing
Card game
If Hoyo makes an MMO that BTFO's World of Warcraft once and for all i'll be extremely happy.
Listen to me.

I don't reroll. *crowd gasps*

Listen. I don't roll for meta *people fainting in the crowd*

I'm not done. I only play with characters that have appeared so far in the story. *women and children audibly crying*

And just so you know, yes my wife is Ellen. And no, I won't roll for her because I want her to be an NPC in the game only .*people in the stands combusting while browsing /r/gachagaming*
4am for me
nah, just wait for ZZZ which starts tonight.
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I unironically prefer HSR's banner system, having 2 limiteds + 2 reruns every patch keeps things hype and makes roll planning way more interesting since you have to make actual choices on who you need sooner
>bonuses for using characters of the same element
>bonuses for using characters from the same faction
Is this the worst game for using who you like ever?
Animal crossing clone next year
They're hiring people for an Unreal Engine, open world game that asks for experience with Genshin, so probably Part 2 in two or three years
>all the male characters are gay for eachother and all the female characters are lesbian for eachother
i blame unicorns for this absolute shite situation
technically genshin WAS a prototype honkai 4th but along the way it just became its own thing
I wish they go the Genshin design rather than whatever the fuck they have right now. If they want to copy Genshin, might as well do it well.
Do you like wuxia/xianxia slop?
Tectone's dicksucking wuwa shills are a plague
17 is when women are the hottest and they made that illegal
the only crime was making that law
*if you create
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it's really sad seeing wuwakeks keep trying to show how they're better than genshin, a 4 year old game and the first of it's kind in mobile
even mihoyo isn't so obsessed with genshin, their biggest hit, they've quickly went and develop star rail and zzz lmao but some people haven't moved on from genshin still
You'd be extremely happy with whatever mihoyo shits out.
lion general owes me sex
you are lucky i think i'll just play it tomorrow so im well rested and play it all day
ZZZ will join the club of 3D gachas that mogs Genshin animations, of course.
>Bbeenneett and songling.
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Do not roll for bangboos I repeat do not roll for bangboos until you know which one you want to pick.
>Lolifags will seethe they get a furry
>Furries will seethe they get a loli
>Any hag/homo will be stuck with some shit they hate

Seems about right.
>I enjoy skipping characters I like
Posts like these can only come from Elation
its genshin for people who were put to sleep by its combat, though it's not really that deep it's definitely an improvement with the forte system. Aside from that it's literally genshin impact.
is this post bait
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If wuwa is so great why aren't you playing it rn?
I don't even know what Bangboos do
bangboos are cute but i hate the name.
What makes ZZZ stand out that will allow it to succeed and thrive?
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Not really, couldn't give a shit about animal crossing and card games disgust me. Go back.
hoyo animal crossing game will be an interesting thing to witness
wonder if nintendo will get up their lazy butts and finally update the half assed mess called new horizons, most likely not
i am expecting years of silence and then a new animal crossing game reveal, which is a typical nintendo thing they do
i really hope they do tap into the monster collection genre though
pokemon is ruining the monster collection genre on its own, and a serious competitor will get shitfreak and tpci to actually put effort instead of shitting out cashgrabs every holiday season
unoptimized game vs optimized game hmm
Where? Who? I literally don't know any characters from this game other than Nicole, Ellen and Miyabi.
not powercreeping them is a choice
true and based
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It feels like I'm getting double the pulls. Maybe it's just because they're easily attainable.
Can you share the models? I’ve been wanting to pose the squad myself. I’m assuming they’re just rigged in blender?
You WILL play every game mihoyo releases and you WILL like them.
DOA bros, how are we feeling?
>retarded bait
is there a better combination
a lot of wuwa designs hurt to look at meanwhile genshin designs are just simple and that is alright for my book. but some people would disagree. i just dont like designs so loaded with bullshit
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I think weapon mechanic in Genshin is a fucking mistake, now most character are stuck with similar weapon with no unique one like Hammer or actual gun wielding character and most unique animations moves are locked by character that used Catalyst, sometime you got weird shit like Dori that used her Djinn to attacks.
but for some reason Wuwa need to copy this shitty mechanic, what a fucking retarded company.
I want mihoyo to get around to the srpg genre
GF2 killed itself
At least I have code bakery right now
Let me get my vocabulary straight.
Boopons = Primogems
Signal search = Wish
Bangboos = ???
??? = Weapons
??? = Relics
Mihoyo is making an animal crossing clone because the real thing is banned in China anyways. So nintendo isn't competing with them on the largest market regardless.
ma'am, this is the zenless zone zero general.
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Bangboos have skills dependent on the characters on your team. There is proably an optimal bangboo for your favorite character.
I havent had any problems with it. But then again im not a Paggot
The butler looks rather dapper.
Wuwa combat feels heavy and impactful despite the fact you're basically just spamming clicks, also that's the most braindead character in the game.
>hyped up for a chink furry game
Imagine what your ancestors must be thinking, especially the ones that made china go through century of humiliation
What a fucking damage sponge, that's part of the reason why I quit.
Waver was one of easiest people to farm with for years.
Nah, ZZZ has way more unique characters and combat styles.
Wuwa has great animations but it loses hard in variety because everything is chinawank.
I think they have to add a new weapon type or element by the time Snezhnaya starts. The combat is going to get too repetitive, clorinde for example was just a keqing/cyno sidegrade.
>Mihoyo is making an animal crossing clone because the real thing is banned in China anyways
really? why is that? such a strange thing to do
Will this game be coop focus or just another single player like their other games?
>he Nintendo Switch's current best-selling game has been removed from Chinese online stores after activists used it to criticise the state. Animal Crossing: New Horizons lets players customise their own island and invite others to visit. Some players in Hong Kong have used the platform to stage protests

Lmao this country
fr tho they be making fire RPGs recently
my pc is from 2015 and when i tried it it was very laggy unlike genshin
Why did they ban animal crossing? Or is Nintendo as a whole banned?
this is why you lose to china, once they have captured their own market which is fuck huge they have the scale and money for the global market and will immediately destroy any foreign competition
Add WUWA on ps5 and I’ll give it a try. It looks like SHIT on mobile/ipad
I'm not into animal crossing games but Nintendo should have put out a mobile live service version a decade ago and the fact they haven't is baffling to me. Its literally free money. Billions of dollars. Just put out an animal crossing game on mobile without shitty gimmicks.
nta but even good computers / phones are struggling to run the game and 1.1 did nothing but make matters worse ive heard its basically just a mixed bag when it comes to optimization. you either run it better tahn before or it runs worse than before. the game just has really dogshit optimization
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Genshin is literally the most disgusting and gay looking gacha on the market. We can only thank heavens that Dawei didn't push it too far and started developing games with non-burkad+non-flat females.
Genshin holds a fucking RECORD for the amount censorship done post-release and the "enjoyers" of that game still pretend its fine by saying "watch porn" to cover for their sexual impotency.
The retards who still play that trash deserve to be milked. Genshin/Arknights as a first gacha automatically makes you a subhuman retard and therefore its fine if they take advantage of your sunk cost mentality.
That's the tutorial first boss. You can button mash your way to beat him.
does this game have a lock on feature?
it's the west's turn for century of humiliation hahahaha
I wanted to try wwuwa's "dark souls" combat and a friend lent me her light spender account, then I looked up rotations online
Apparently "technical sweaty gameplay" is spamming echo pokemon skills and staring at a monkey's fat ass for 50% of the time as it clips all over the place trying to do attacks and makes the camera go apeshit while the shitty target lock has a breakdown
I'm really not seeing it
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unironically yes. I skipped kafka's LC to conserve rolls and picked it up on her rerun and that felt gratifying, I skipped topaz despite wanting her and grabbed her after rolling aventurine to form IPC follow-up kino, I skipped boothill and will grab him on rerun if his niche is different enough from yunli. Having 2 rerun banners per patch means it won't take horribly long to pick up characters you want but don't particularly need and roll planning is a massive chunk of the fun in gacha that whales could not understand (in which case whales like more banners since it means more characters they like releasing faster anyways)
Why did CCP ban Animal Crossing? I thought it was like the most inoffensive thing ever.
This game is not going to do that well and that is a good thing
i agree that's one of the reasons it made me quit
I don't know, I mean there is plenty of lolis and more to come pretty soon. I think they are more proud than anything
Waterkuma knows the degenerates playing this game and knows how to make character designs for them
anon its a battle arena.. connect the dots..
too much freedom in the game not controlled by CCP unironically
based actually
the chinese know how to shut down the jews
i kneel
there is pocket camp, which is a gacha, but it is shit
funny how tendies always seethe about gacha but they never point their fingers to their own company's gacha games
It promote gay marriage.
Making gacha mainstream is China’s revenge for the Opium Wars.
Just post your feet already, fucking slut
Yeah wuwa combat is not great, retards think it is because it's flashy. You basically just spam buttons and your character teleports everywhere, and children find that entertaining
Is the shader in zzz notably worse than star rail and genshin? I noticed the cell shading at times looks off. Almost like they aren't cell shaded at all and look strangely clay like at times.
Is it because it's not the typical hoyo slop artstyle?
>most unique animations moves are locked by character that used Catalyst
that's a choice. they can make characters like Clorinde whenever they want
I want the butler solely because he's funny
Tell me WHY are they censoring ZZZ if it is a 16+ game. Make use of the age rating MIHOMO
Corrinchads and Billygods rise the fuck up.
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but arknights was my first gacha...
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>I skipped Topaz yet rolled Aventurine
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let's be real
some of our ancestors probably fucked a cow or sheep once
The moment I saw Genshin's reused animations between characters I knew the game would be trash.
The shading looked better in the beta test ngl.
>One of the rare features from Animal Crossing games that are added to this game is Marriage. In New Leaf 2, players have the ability to get married. When marrying special villagers, there are 24 marriage candidates available, 12 for each gender, same-sex marriage IS an option.
>same-sex marriage IS an option.
Don’t care. Still using Nicole
Why does sparkle have such a hate boner for genshin
we all know where freedom™ and (((democracy))) eventually lead any country to
There is no official age rating in china it's all done by companies getting together to set a standard outside of the government
It's embarrassing seeing these gacha retards try to compare their game to real games like dark souls.
wuwa combat is honestly pretty good but the targeting makes me want to kill myself
Please define what you mean by "censoring"
imagine thinking china has a problem with homosexuality while posting in the general for a chinese game where all the characters are gay
I don't know I've been googling info about this but no results yet. It's a mandatory feature for action games imo.
Boopons are bangboob coupons.
Idk like weapon enhancement materials. Something you only get from playing or like the relics in the simulated universe in HSR.
bangboobs are like a second artifact set that add a marginal amount of damage.
W-engines = weapons
CD cases looking things = relics.
I want Nina and Grace unironically.
Glad you agree with me captcha
I'll be using Anby and prydwen can't stop me.
The list doesn't even have Zhu Yuan on it and at least in 1.0 she's by far her best teammate.
thirst for (You)s and gigger cum
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And now they are even starting to force you to roll signatures if you actually want the right weapon type like with Arle's scythe.
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arknights is sexual in ways someone as unrefined as you would never understand
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and hoyo knows that
nope, this is a hetchad furry game. nice try yurifag. your girls WILL be knotted.
Ok furry. Now leave.
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Its been 4 fucking years and we got zero character that wield hammer and gun user is a cope E skill that change normal attack.
Even both character that specialized in kicking(Heizou) and punching(Wroth) are cataylst user.
>wuwa dark souls combat
what? who the fuck says that? thats so fucking retarded the combat its just flashy bullshit so people think its good
A face that sucked big Kazuya dick.
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I had enough rolls to guarantee both and her banner was up right next. Also aventurine is a fun character be honest with yourself
That's untrue which is obvious if you just go to one of the bilibili trailers, usually they go for 12+ or 16+ rating. ZZZ is 16+
Is this Gacha PSO2?
>You basically just spam buttons and your character teleports everywhere, and children find that entertaining
this is why i quit
>the combat its just flashy bullshit so people think its good
so it's actually the elden ring of gacha
thats a good thing though, the scythe looks cool
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So, any good porn of lolis taking the red rocket
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i feel at home in /zzz/ as a furry albeit
What do they even do? I know they're helpers, but are they also tiered, or can I just pick the one I like the look of and not feel like I made a mistake?
I got 4k 60fps in WuWa but holding left-click to kill everything killed the game for me.
only the west sees gayness everywhere
the fact that they don't do it doesn't mean that they can't. having set weapon types isn't the problem here. there are also a lot of characters that include alt-weapon attacks in their base attack combo
>while posting in the general for a chinese game where all the characters are gay
Where? you mean bait shit?
China doesn't care about that shit, they also got porn and lewd games about gay and lesbo.
But if you want to make casual game for mainstream media and add gay marriage in them, then good luck.
I always knew hanabifags were based.
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Dumb bitch
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waterkuma (cunny)
>wuwa shilling genshin doomposters are now squatting in /zzz/
Comfy times are over now that these schizos are here
I've definitely seen it in the wuwa threads. You have to realize that these "people" don't actually play games.
I just modded my homa and it looks indistinguishable, it even has the dynamic spear/scythe change animation
I don't care about flexing to others, client side is enough
that is not official rating, they're labels by company themselves
at the end of the day it doesn't matter what you rate yourself the CCP has the final say
it's fine for a game like tower of fantasy where players can customize their characters, but the system is awful in genshin
glad star rail and zzz moved away from that archaic system
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Please don't attach pictures of my wife to your disgusting degenerate posts
you're welcome here bro, don't let him dissuade you
Yet you're in a constant search for a better gacha aka being /here/ and in /hsrg/ curieoueous!
>the fact that they don't do it doesn't mean that they can't
They can if they removed that shit since the beginning, you leterally posting in Mihoyo game without that bullshit implemented.
Each characters got each own unique weapons and movement style.
That's true everywhere in the world, hence why Sony still censors shit specifically for PS5 despite it getting a rating from ESRB etc. and not being censored on Nintendo.
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Place your bets. Where will ZZZ rank among the big 4?
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>playing one game is bad
>playing multiple games is bad
take your fucking meds
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They go wherever they think they can shill the best. Always tell them to fuck off, don't let them feel welcome
they just can't now
they should have thought ahead and have any character wield any weapon at least, but now it's 4 years too late
did you mean to imply that hsrg is one of the best gachas on the market (true) or are you bad at baiting I can't tell
>dottore's and tighnari's used good
My condolences
no one is defending genshin. its a horrible game and im not pretending it is any better than wuwa. but wuwa is also kinda dogshit
Bangboos are like CUB:s in PGR or ELF:s in HI3 (pets) except less impactful and they just do their own thing on the side. I don't think they matter much.
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Delete this
policebwos remember to roll for policeboo
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what stops them from making them use another weapon? nothing
will it be coherent with the beginning of the game? no, but they can do it
>tfw money laundering front makes more money than whatever illegal shit you had planned
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Dottore... i require more advanced punishment... your current beatings, cuckings and anus ravagings just aren’t putting the fear into me like they used to, the fear of a true harbinger next to his lowly orphan... Dottore... the punishment must be more severe... please Dottore... i need you to junko furata me... i need you to rip my nipples off with wire cutters, I need firecrackers jammed up my ass... Dottore please, you don’t want my presumptuous flirty ass getting all cocky again, embarrassing you infront of the tsaritsa again... so i need it... i need the punishment... i need my vagina sliced open with a scalpel and my ovaries skewered by a glowing red hot iron rod... i need my anus stretched, stretched so bad Dottore, stretched beyond reality, beyond reason, i need the most painful horrible gape ever Dottore!! the kind only your cock or a rolling pin can provide... i want to be shitting in diapers for good Dottore, i want you to make me shit in diapers forever, Collei wants to shit in diapers, incontinent, shit in diapers forever and ever and ever Dottore, for you, because of you, i need to remember every time i involuntarily soil myself that it’s because of you, Dottore, because of what you did to me. i need my vagina sewed shut and won’t rest until i get it... Dottore... i need my womanhood, agency and sanity stripped as punishment for the crime of my low class birth... i need to be a genderless amorphous stump in constant confused agony because it’s what i deserve Dottore and only you can give me it... i need to be your hideous crime against nature and the Heavenly Principles Dottore, i need it so bad, i need you to unceremoniously dump my mutilated brain damaged body infront of the other rangers, i need to see them cry and scream, i need them to know Dottore did this to me before he fucks every member of the rangers- Tighnari, Amber and Nahida, in front of their ruined diaper shitting vegetable puppet... Dottore...
>post didn't even defend genshin
>still sperg out
>the fact that they don't do it doesn't mean that they can't.
They can't just undo their entire combat system mid game bro, wait for the new client in two years
>wuwa out of nowhere
Tectone is right here, it will be number 4.
Why? Because this style and genre is simply not super popular, that's literally it.

If ZZZ has really big, great moments throughout, THEN it'll pick up and push past some other titles from word of mouth and streamer reactions.
Didn’t this retard cause a man to kill himself?
Why does Xi love Snowbreak so much more than other games?
ZZZ will do its own thing the fact that its not open world will probably filter some normalfags
I've only ever rolled weapons in genshin for fashion. Thankfully that won't happen here.
i fucking hate the echo system
you have characters that attack with other weapons in the game right now
Ancestors? We call that a regular Tuesday here.
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hello, where am I?
the fact that those new weapons will add to the pool of gacha banners
the chinese will flip out if that ever happens since i am pretty sure there is a law about in gacha games
there is no ESRB in china and it's china ESRB equivalent is sure to be part of CCP and there is nothing there
I just hope ZZZ releases more characters than genshit does.
The game is mostly about the characters anyway.
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>muh "bait"
You don't even know what this word means. Why do tourists like you always use buzzwords without thinking?
This is some retarded western brainwashing that made them believe "le variety" = "le GOOD"
No. Variety is not good. QUALITY is good. Every female gacha product has the same anime face. What fucking variety? Lmao
This is where Character Design comes in. It's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more important to have 3 white hair girls with stellar designs than 1 red hair girl, 1 blue hair girl, and 1 green hair girl that are ALL PURE BORING SHIT.
Jesus so many redditors in here.
You must be a based frogposter too.
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>did you mean to imply that hsrg is one of the best gachas on the market
Yep. Genshit is an embarrassment for fujoshits meanwhile. Notice how Genturds always go on the defensive when you proclaim that using m*les is a faggot behavior.
They all have level Bennet, Zhongcuck, Cuckzuha and XQ. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!
>out of nowhere
step up your shitposting game wuwapagbro
What is it with grifters and big red arrows
rent free
Its still restricted shit, now instead having 5 we got 6, instead of one for each characters.
For now weapons are just useless stat stick, Like Furina for example, She's literally just a summoner and buffer.
Her sword doesn't give him any meaning beside as a stat stick, if she was a catalyst user she will be broken as fuck.
whos invading whos thread anon?
I meant that they can give a character a bow weapon type and make them attack with a dagger instead
>create new unarmed category
>new weapon type for fists, you can roll for them
>retroactively make Heizou and Wrio fist characters
>the people that rolled limited catalysts for them have a fit
>meltdown on fansites, possible lawsuits
Now imagine making a gun category for Clorinde and Chevy, axes, crossbows and whatever the fuck
They already sold weapons meant for characters, they can't undo it
at first you're like "oh I can overworld grind for relics cool". Then you experience substat checking and would rather kill yourself than keep doing it indefinitely
morax sama... have mercy on gachagaming...
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you clear instance stages so maybe, depends on how tight the responses are for the character movements. The cool thing about PSO2's combat is how snappy it is, like you have control of your character 100% of the time and that just feels great.
Why do hoyosisters fight amongst each other
Dawei won
I'm entirely okay with furries because I know for a fact most of them are also just self husbando/waifu fags of the furry variety.
Yuri fags will continue to be the worst posters in every gacha thread.
>calling people redditors
lol lmao even
Shutup Malaysian bot.
I would way rather the hsr release schedule than the genshin one, convinced everyone who prefers the latter has some fucked up gacha version of stockholm syndrome
web always works, clients truncate + specifically to fuck with rerollers. wuwa did the same thing check via the client.
no competition
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Is Dottore black? Garbage post if no.
I'm glad someone saved my MSpaint...
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how do you make time go faster
Genshin is already using weapons as minimally appearing stat sticks and using unique animations
Kirara has only one (1) animation that shows her equipped sword, the first slash of her normal attack string
Clorinde doesn't use her weapon either, Arle was a massive scam where they gave her unique animations that you have to pay for
the problem comes from Xi doesn't give a fuck about video games, this is why there are so many outdated regulations, inconsistency, corruption and conspiracy
I blame hi3 for starting this war
there's absolutely 0 way ZZZ can top https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tc8ygpAXYBs
Are zoomers capable of forming their own opinion without a sociopathic grifter on YouTube telling them what to think?
I would prefer it too if they aren't stingy with the free pulls
HSR is squeezing you dry every patch
that's what I'm saying
I visit my hyperbolic time chamber and 10 hours pass in no time
bright colors for their brainlet viewerbase
just sleep anon or do some other bullshit
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I don't fight with my hoyosisters
Some outsiders just try to stir up drama like they did with /gig/ vs /hsrg/. It's all completely artificial.
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You can't even tell if this is gig, wuwa or hsrg without looking at the tab
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Game releasing tomorrow feels surreal

Around 1.5 years ago my gacha journey start with Genshin and I am glad. While I was browsing Hoyo site back in that days I was amazed about ZZZ. There was not much news or screenshots or content for it, but it had like 80-90 urban feeling on it which made me immiedatly fall in love.

Times gone, a lot of new content and event and many thing released and at last tmorrow is the actual real rlease date and it feels awesome. Tmorrow after I get back to home from work, I am going to have such a good time with the game. And this weekend I will indulge myself with ZZZ, I am just so excited I cant contain it to myself so I had to share it here
This game really goes downhill after that moment, now I'm just zoning out on every story and do 5 minutes daily everyday hoping the game come back to actual space scifi instead of philosophical yapping.
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>Big 4
>Outside of China Genshin is losing to a fucking Love in Deepspace.
Its big 3 and without Shitshin. That crap is outdated and a nothingburger for poorturds with sunk cost fallacy. A literal FGO but 3D.
NO genshit. NEVER again Genshit. NEVER will be relevant again EVER.
calling him a sociopath implies he's mentally capable and not a retarded ape that lucked into being an eceleb
It seems they want the weapons to be visible since a big part of what makes people roll Genshin weapons is the /fa/shion, so they can't make them stat sticks outright
Even as early as Childe and Itto who had unique animations for 90% of their field time, they still had their equipped weapon visible
SEAchads, do you play on america or EU server?
Sparkle...please have mercy on this small furry general.....
Really wish Harmony awakening was this cool instead of "yo check out this hat"
Sunday's finale was still kino
Genshin, Star Rail, ZZZ and FGO?
>nta but even good computers / phones are struggling to run the game
Lmao nice cope, my 4070ti run Wuwa like butter, fucking poser
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I accept your concessions.
Now stay STILL.
We all lost because Xi got us shilling for one of two chink game companies.
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12 hours (a little less) until live right?
You are mentally ill. Go back to shitting up /gig/ or /hsrg/ no one wants you here.
Beating up the weak kids gets boring so you have to brawl with your mates sometimes.
can we get another avatarfaggot please, this schtick got lame fast
Where paimon?
I mean if we're including every game in Chinkland then the Big 3 would be DFO, KANGZ, and Naruto Mobile.
Yuo see..... it was back when genshin released that hi3sisters kept starting shit, so genshinsisters punched back and the war expanded since then
Yeah, because the stone frog is any better
Kill them both
Who are the "big 4"? The games that Westerners are willing to acknowledge because they don't tickle their sensibilities? So Genshin, HSR and wuwa?
yuritroons, not even once
hovering above them (off frame)
flightlets could never
>no paimon
Gensisters.....why does rest of the hoyo family hate us so much.....
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indeed sir
that would make for an epic drama video
Chapter 2 finale was pretty good even if it's not quite on that level. I hope Chapter 2.5 and 3 deliver.
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Based, genshitters BTFO
no i will never do as much testing as they do
It's much more than apathy, he actively dislikes them. Only reason why they are allowed to exist is because of the money they generate.
They should've put the hat in the sequence after Acheron, instead of giving it so early and anti-climactically.
just because you got your gpu with tranny funds doesnt mean everyone can run the game like you anon. the optimization issues in wuwa are widespread and arent a matter of just having a old phone or computer. the game RUNS like shit and trying to pretend it doesnt its stupid
Their Yaoi game doesn't even make it to official art.
Tears of Penis?
There are no black characters in genshin
Based, HanabiCHAD. Death to genshit
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Yep. That's why China statistic is irrelevant since ANY trash will be successful on a such big market.
Meanwhile Genshit OUTDATpacTURD is getting shat on everywhere by HSR!!
ZZZ putting the last nail in that fujotrash boys on shorts simulator is a good thing for ALL but sunk cost cucks.
Jarillo VI is the benchmark for all other Gcaha
>just because you got your gpu with tranny funds doesnt mean everyone can run the game like you anon
Aww, did it hurt i called you out on your bullshit?
If you poor just say it, don't act like you know shit lmao
how many stellar jades does a wish cost in this game?
That belly button is longer than most anon's cocks.
What happened to him saying Wuwa was going to beat Genshin? If anything Wuwa will just be completely forgotten in a month.

Like nobody is playing wuwa at all with ZZZ releasing tomorrow
160 like everywhere else
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Uh oh burgers are catching onto the fact that Chinese games are the only ones willing to satisfy straight male instinct.

Will the West course correct and drop woke shit?
same as usual
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Go pick a fight with something like Fortnite then. Both played by autistic zoomers too.
Reporting for avatarfagging does literally nothing, there's another general I occasionally lurk where literally half the posts are just one guy avatarfagging and nothing has ever been done
Based, genshin is trash.
160 pyroxene
My 2080ti ran cyberpunk at launch and stutters in wuwa. There's really no good excuse for that.
just get sharkboo (for ellen) and butler (second team)
the rest are whatever for now
chat, is this real?
The war was started by honkeks. They couldn't stand Genshin's success. Then they latched onto star rail since their shit game was not making any money. Now they are hoping to use zzz against genshin too.
yes I am poor for not blowing 1k on a computer. but if you actually did your research you'd know the optimization for wuwa IS really terrible and as i said before its not a matter of handing obsolete hardware
this isn't a real article btw
and a terrible edit too
Do you get pre registration rewards?
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1,1 broke shit even more.
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1) Is there a beginner banner like HSRs? 50 to guaranteed 5 star?
2) Is weapon banner pity like Genshin or HSR?
3) How many free pulls can we expect at launch?
The game works fine on my old computer but was bricked for the first week on my brand new flagship phone. Optimization is all over the place.
Works on my AMD
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>he doesn't know
I have the same gpu as him and experience stuttering, it's very occasional but anyone who acts like optimization isn't an evident issue is retarded
he is forced to change now the old way worked because people was dirt poor nobody has time and money for video games, now that people has better life they will demand for better entertainment
gamers will unironically rise up
I hope they ban it, they'll be doing the world a favor.
The big 3...
>1) Is there a beginner banner like HSRs? 50 to guaranteed 5 star?
Yes but this time it's included in the standard banner ( so it counts towards the 300 standard picker)
I think it was around 180 in total
censorship ritual spammer literally got banned after couple days, He's spamming his shit in plebbit now, you just need to mass report non-stop
gigsisters... what happened...
expect a remixed HSR experience for all of those
now post the CN numbers (the only numbers that matter)
Nice bitcoin GPU bro
All of a sudden it make sense why Russia is making developing their own game console and market a top priority.
>coping with the broken "global" revenue
tell me you're tech illiterate without saying you're tech illiterate
He literally removed term limits so that he wouldn't be forced to change. If gamers actually rose up, he would just start a war with taiwan and send them to the meat grinder.
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Miyabi banner when?
You g et them in game retard bwo
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What censorship ritualpost? This is the only one I know.
>wuggers in shamble
bro, your general got less than 2 posts/minute
If a 3080 can run WuWa 4k@60fps I can only imagine how awful a computer that struggles to run it at 1440 or 1080 is.
I think my decade old Titan Black setup could run it at 1080@60.
the best wuwa ever ran for me was release day and im on a 1060. I never had any of the stuttering issues others were having.
>bitcoin gpu
Uh oh melty
Why you hiding the Chinese numbers anon?
Relax son, expect 8/10 game.
Imagine getting so triggered over facts you have to spam reports.
>ran cyberpunk fine which is a rather heavy game
>but wuwa a fucking mobile game stutters

why do people even defend this game? kuro spaghetti chink coding its so ridiculous but people are dick riding and even invading other threads
It being poorly optimized means that it can run like shit for no reason. It working on your machine (and mine) doesn't change that.
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there is a beginner banner and it adds to the roll count towards 300 unlike hsr
weapon banner is actually most generous so far, pity at ~70 rather than ~80 and 75/25 like genshin but hard pity also goes down to 50 or so alongside giving a guarantee if you miss it iirc
there's around 130 grays, around 160 golds, around 180 boopons for the bangboo gacha. Gold count may be higher since those estimations are based on CBT content
>thread discussion goes downhill
>suddenly people who defending wuwa showed up one by one
can't wait for the completely organic and not at all paid by hoyo ZZZ VA'S PLAY AMONG US
is it bad that I like this char solely for the combat?
martial arts chars are always cool
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Total hoyo domination
Post discord sister
>hyped up for red rocket
>ziggers raid other generals 24/7
>kick and scream when others do the same
this is the next toilet of /vg/, better get used to it
Profits don't matter. What matters is online discussion, relevancy and influence on future games.
reap what you sow
oh i forgot you're brown who can't afford gpu
one of these is not like the others
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I don't know if you're just memeing or serious
there is literally no way china will start a war with taiwan, china is benefitting from the status quo, they trade all over the world and it's the US that pays to maintain it
gaming industry is also needed to move on from their low level manufacturing economy I'm sure you agree Xi doesn't hate money
fuck I said genshin instead of hsr disregard that
this cant be happening gigsisters I spent so much money to c6 all the meta characters and I've been playing since launch since this was supposed to be the best game forever I invested so hard I can't believe this no no no no no no
I know, its hard being popular.
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Aw poor guy
Oh well i will just have to do it for him then
AK is a honorary hoyo game
co-workers? hanging out? surely you jest!

Go outside
where have we raided?
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and total hebe domination
I used to think that. I also used to think that Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine.
If you do that without banning feminism then you'll just create the next Hitler. You can't escape male instinct.
heh, I know right? Imagine getting annoyed by someone spamming the same shit everyone already knows over and over, what softies
>Said the pag that bought a fucked up 4090
Kek did you spent all your salaries for it too bro? Poor retard
NTA but ZZZ shills are literally in every gacha thread, of course theres a bunch of eyes in here
>may be higher since those estimations are based on CBT
oh no no no no... bruh they're known for nerfing cbt rewards and giving even less rolls when it goes live
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Censored Zone Zero
russia is totally different from china, I'm also not saying there will not be a war between china and taiwan it depends on how they provoke Xi, shit might happen and then it just starts nobody knows
iirc the calculations didn't include any of the cbt freebie shit. In other words don't be a doomfaggot
Zero Zero Zero players refuse to post any gameplay lemeow
Genshin, Star Rail, Fate, and Uma musume?
I remember people saying HSR would flop too
Where the devs are too proud to let us sweep stages?
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can you try to make it less obvious you were bullied in school, please...

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