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Previous Thread: >>484490979

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Kanna (Swimsuit) (3*)
Fubuki (Swimsuit) (3*)
Kirino (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Say-Bing! - 6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Total Assault: Binah (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/3 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Escort) - 7/10 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/17 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 6/27 (Thu) 11:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 7/3 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 7/10 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/17 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 7/6 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 7/17 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hare (Camp) (3*)
Kotama (Camp) (3*)

Cyber New Year March - 6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hovercraft (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/2 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Shooting) - 7/9 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/15 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/1 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Commissions - 7/8 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/15 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 7/15 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/19 (Fri) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards - 7/19 (Fri) 19:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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This one
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have sex with your students
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Birthday thread
Kill yourself faggot who the fuck cares about Nagisa
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This one
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so am i supposed to actually roll chare? what all does she get used in
>share the same birthday as nagisa
this is the one
fuck retards racing to make threads
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kill yourself
Happy birthday to you too
More importantly share the same birthday as THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH
No you can skip
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Happy birthday sensei
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going boom boom boom with my cock in nagisa's vagina like a firework in celebration of 4th of july
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If you reply to this you're gay
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I've made some changes since last time based on your inputs.
>Hasumi gets her own tier
>Wakamo, Hinata and Shun move up to Love Tier
>Kokuriko removed from Love Tier and relegated to Interested In tier due to not being playable
>Saki, Kayoko and Ichika move up to Like Like Tier
>Yuuka moved up to Really Like Tier
>Hare added to Like Tier
>Interested In Tier has been rearranged with the unplayable students at the bottom

Any other changes you guys think would be good? Any students you would recommend? Also rate my taste
>burger birthday
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Cute girls
I wanted to make this thread 2 posts before bump limit, but for some fucking reason 4chan didn't let me make a new thread and had to wait like 5 minutes
July 2nd is the USA's birthday retard
I think you should spend your time crafting gifts instead of making tier lists
what does nagisa smell like
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HBD, hope it’s a good one.
hmm... am i being bamboozled...?
but nagisa tried to bomb me
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My Sensei is familiar with the proper usage and handling of common explosive devices thrown by hand in Kivotos.
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Do you forgive?
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Need filthy casul Nagisa.
>no bush on dog
not my kanner
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my lovely studentWife Noa
She also tried to expel innocent students because she's a schizo who went on a powertrip.
thats a pretty fantastic dragon. cumless version?
Lewd & inappropriate acts with Kirifuji Nagisa
ur mum is aislop
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freshly brewed black tea, suggestions of green grass from gardening, an aroma of bread from preparing the afternoon tea, and a hint of vanilla
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Renge should marry me
Your fault
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A Trinity thread is still a Yuhtori thread
Mika's fluids
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>patting lap
her thighs are not thick enough compared to the thighs of milady
Mika should die
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Conniving thread
Shut up you annoying ass gremlin
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I'm crafting as fast as I can. My Hasumi just hit 22 so I'm pretty happy about that.
It's over, 4 teams and out of healers. Why does no one have a maxed Meru?
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Love thread
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hanako smells like strawberries
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Nagi's pantyhose...
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Get in line muchacho
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Thank you Atsuko
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I think Kaede is a wonderful lady
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>words words words words words
Just don't pull the pin unless you're ready to throw it.
Does Nagisa shave?
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enjoy your lady's then
i'm enjoying me wife's right here
nagi tea (pantyhose)
I cleared it with 3 teams
Skill issue.

Although admittedly, if you don't have either oNodoka or Kokona you're pretty fucked for phase 2. I had a 4th Koharu team last Wakaraid, and the timing to keep her alive was fucking crazy (though admittedly stable)
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>junkoanon can't post images
>seafag can post whatever he wants
How fair
Pantyhose not erotic
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I bet you used NYFuuka
Hifumi and Mika does
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Tea goes well with milk, after all.
her hair is too long
Do you regret skipping?
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Still great taste. Why isn't Rio relegated to Interested In like the rest of the unplayables. I noticed you moved Saori, my wife, down a few spots. Why? You should also move Ako down or remove her from the list completely. Why did you add Hare?
i didn't skip though
I didn't skip her.
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What the hell does she plan we do?
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Pantyhose Kei
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I wasn't given Ritalin, instead doctor opted out for Bupropion. Actually, I can't be given Ritalin yet because of the history of amphetamine abuse and only being clean for 4 months.
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Can Nagisa fly?
She's just as fiery as a geese.
Her name should've been Nageesa.
I sparked Cheese and Izuner
Your lifespan is too long faggot
Happy birthday! I wish you the best
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Hello everyone, nice to feet you
I'm more mad /bag/ made newfag me not finish the spark.
She's going to break your hips.
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If I tried to pull for her I wouldn't have enough for bluefes
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Why do you like Nagisa bag?
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Happy birthday, raped sensei
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Your fault, sensei
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>Saori, my wife
I think you mean my wife
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>halo is still there
Konoka sxe and tea crept Nagisa
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Artillery is cool.
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Also Happy birthday to you fellow Sensei
but she came out after shoshino?
Blonde pantyhose ojou with trust issues, I can fix her
The amount of times I've used her kinda justifies me rolling for her outside of Chisex reasons, so I'm happy she's useful
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Kinky nun~
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A whole continent-sized city and thousands upon thousands of students depend on you
You should be more prepared for emergencies and have first aid kits ready around Schale and on your vehicle of choice

I had to skip the recent JP banner
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We can share.
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>wife has a few doujins
>slow but steady flow of art
>has a godly artist attached to her so always guaranteed to get something good
>can't fap to any of them

do you kow this feel /bag/?
There's nothing to fix, though?
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I came here to wish Nagi-chan a happy birthday.

Happy birthday, Nagi-chan. Goodbye, /bag/.
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It's so painful being a Nagilet
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where halo?
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I haven't had schizophrenic delusions about Nagisa in a long long time...
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>at least two baggots were born on the 4th of july
More like Mari-slut!
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I did
You mirin?
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I don't fap to my wife because I don't feel worthy enough yet
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That wasn't your hips...
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hanako sex
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commission is soulless IMO
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/bag/ is an all American thread
I haven't fapped to any student in weeks and rather fapped to non BA stuff (non any game stuff)
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Nagisa's birthday gift
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Casual Nagi
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someone post THAT nagisa picture
same, I have been fapping almost exclusively to umas for the past month.
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Gyarus aren't pure, sensei.
It was your mother's hips
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Mika broke your mother's hips?
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I hate summer so much.
Waging makes me so tired I can't even jerk it off.
Just release Kirara already John Nexon.
what will make you feel worthy anon?
Student with the largest areola?
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Not really. I fap to Mika at least once a week. Are Himari's doujins just not very erotic to you, or something? Or do you feel like you shouldn't fap to your wife?
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Nah scatty, I railed your momma so hard that her hips shattered to a thousand tiny pieces
Nagisa would be a blushing flustered mess during sex and that’s hot
It's not the same, Mika gets so much futa and ntr content compared to other students.
Aumann specializes in that fetish.
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She has enough story that I feel comfortable placing her. I also love her personality and design.
I'm surprised you noticed that because I didn't. That's a mistake. Like Like Tier is supposed to be ordered Saki > Kayoko > Ichika > Saori > Kikyou > Tsubaki.
I like her.
I got C.Hare during the event and realized how cute she is and I relate to the energy drink addiction.
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Thank you Wakamo
ain't no booty like a fox girl booty
We call them halos here
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I want to slurp the tea from Nagisa's tights! while she is wearing them
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For me it’s Nagisa pantyhose footjob
It's Wakaboat.
Sensei canonically abuses Wakamo
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speaking of umas
>like a certain uma very much
>found out she also does a student in BA
>that student does nothing for me


the himari doujins just isn't my cup of tea.
they either focus too much on feet (fuck you feetdev) or the go the ryona route.
I can only tolerate light ryona so almost everything she has is out of my comfort zone.
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>Your student
>Your class
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Rio has a lot of personality
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no i dont
Why is she like this?
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Not uma, but I found my beloved from another series is a fucking NIGGER in Blue Archive.
nose deep in her bush
Himari shits herself
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Roll for Hinature next month
you can't just say shit like this without dropping a name, or at least a hint
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I'm so lonely
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I think Wakamo is very pretty. Could we continue posting pictures of her?
Kurohagane is a good artist but he went too far with that Himari doujin, yeah. Plus she was way too ribby.
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Should've installed parental control on all her devices
sena and toki double teaming me in sexual service making me orgasm until i pass out and until i wake up again without even showing the slightest hint of lust towards me or the sexual torture they're imparting upon my body
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update on the divegrass manager please, is he dead ?
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you killed him
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Alright, last one. I like Neru's a lot.
>Kurohagane is a good artist but he went too far with that Himari doujin
eh, I have been keeping tabs on that guy since his im@s days and he's always into stuffs like that tho
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Oh, my dick
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Her anime is shit though and Muv Luv is dead
you bullied him too hard
now we will never get a medal placing ever again
>Saki defeating the black hair fetish
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Deserved for bullying Kuroko
How do you make this pvp season less cancerous? Last season you could do flank strats to not have it be down to pure rng but you can't flank and even running tsurugi doesn't save my backline from haha the enemy used their aoe instantly you lose.
His Fuuka and Alice doujins were rough but still pretty tame compared to the Himari doujin
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Why not?
He was probably the schizo's friend since he hated Mika so I hope he's dead
she killed billions
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>you bullied him
i slept on the last game bitch, how am i gonna bully him ?
Name my band, /bag/.
Please increase my dose, doctor
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haven't follow muv luv since forever but I thought people liked that recent-ish anime.
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Reading Nagisa's momos
First one indirect kiss
Second one Boston tea party
Third one boiled seaweed as tea followed by rape
Fourth one standing Nagisa
I'm quite happy.
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>How do you make this pvp season less cancerous?
trinity mobs rape...
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Post more Migga
hbd bro
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This. I've never seen any vote for our divegrass players. Faggot most likely posted it during peak burger hours.
Guess it's better to go back to sleep then
I don't like this image
I kind of gave up on ML but this was the one with the Germans.
And I guess if you know nothing about the LN/VN it's based on I can see how one could enjoy it. Otherwise it takes some pretty retarded liberties, to the point of oversimplifying and butchering some characters.
Help her up
Babylon Zoo
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I don't know what this is about, but you're cool in my book. Tell me, why do (You) like Hare?
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
So it really is just smash your head against the enemy until you get lucky? no tricks?
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In an allout war between Gehenna and Trinity who will win? Hina is the strongest sure, but Trinity has lots of top tiers (Ichika, Shimiko, Sakurako, Tsurugi, Mine and Migga) while Hina is the only decent fighter in Gehenna. Iori, supposedly the 2nd best fighter in the Prefect team, jobbed hard to Ichika....
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Why does Trinity have so many students with gorilla strength?
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For me it's petite woman with long black hair and red eyes
Are you ill? Last season vs Mutsuki/nyHaruna was completely fucking aids compared to this season. There is an answer to every meta comp. I can only imagine this season sucking for you if you're a newfag and never had to raise Iori. Even then, I find myself never using Iori in 9/10 matches at this point as she is far too inconsistent.
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Trinity wins
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I went through a VN phrase during my teenage years and I finished ML but remembered very little of it.
did they ever found a satisfying solution to stop the ten trillion gajillion aliens tearing them apart.
make a comment that if you were to crop out her pits and post it somewhere you might get banned uniroinically
speaking from experience
blue archive
Why do you ask this same question every week?
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Their love makes them stronger
Dose increased...
Should I use my ligma, the rarest resource in the game, to get my Tsukuyo to 5* and clear torment, or redeem Hifumi?
Do a 420 and weave away
your midori pic?
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Iori coinflip
Haruna coinflip
Quad tank to counter Haruna (Atsuko is mandatory)
just be yourself
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Why is she doing that pose on her own when there are no hands holding her legs or arms and forcing her to be in that position? I'd pick her up and then dust her off and comfort her a bit and send her and her goons their merry way.
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Spark Nagi
Spank Nagi
Trinity feels a lot more dysfunctional than Gehenna, it would probably self destruct.
You can do it with 3* Tsukuyo bro, maybe stop being noob
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take your meds or die
Hifumi strat is easier, the Tsukuyo strat is trying to clear the phase before Wakamo inevitably kills everyone. Assuming you mean torment.
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>rarest resource in the game
just pull more
how do you use ligma to redeem hifumi
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i will smell hanako's feet
Are you gonna start powerlevel talks this early?
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i'm allergic to shrimp
I want to die sorry....
please find rope spic
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I actually accidentally ue50 Nagi.
Taking my smelling salts directly
I'll dir if I take any more
how many shrimps do you have to eat
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Neru can never be honest with her feelings, it would ruin her cool image. She's also very dense when it comes to romance. I love her Valentine's Momo.
Last season I was a lot more consistent in both offense and defense once I started using flank strategies. aoes would only kill one of the two dps and the dps would usually have a 1v1 with one of theirs on top of it too, if you specifically built to win those then you had a very high chance of winning against a normal defense.

But this season there's no workaround. You face aoe team, they use their aoe first you lose, you use your aoe first you win.
I don't save pictures.
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I'm a newfag in the process of figuring out which girls I like. The top five tiers should be pretty obvious, it's a mix of girls that I like for one reason or another. The Interested In Tier is full of characters that I don't have yet and want to see more of their story / personality because I'm on the fence about them. Hare wasn't on my radar at all, but I got C.Hare during the event and started raising her affection to see her stuff. She's really cute and I relate to the energy drink addiction. I want to sit next to her by the campfire to share food and conversation.
Did you read Gehenna summer event?
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hanakute (and an annoying flattie)
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Evil is sexy
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I don't understand chinese but 死刑 is the same in japanese
Why is she big
Trinity would win in quantity. If the Prefect team is about as strong as the JTF, then Gehenna doesn’t have much. Meanwhile Trinity still had the Vigilante Crew, Mika and Mine.
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I'm new and have only read the events and story that have happened since I started playing, so I don't think so. I also play global so if it's JP then I didn't read it.
Did justin163 finally gave up on his planner? It hasn't been updated since the bAss event
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Let's say I'm trying to find unfiltered reading material, but I cleared my cookies and now a certain animal guard blocks me. I forgot what spell I'm supposed to cast to be allowed in.
Also, are there any regions in burgerstan that shouldn't view the panda's wares?
This is blue archive related for I did indeed blue my archive. But I want to see the blue archive to blue my archive to.
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Is SChise fine at 3-stars for Wakaboat? I haven't invested in her yet but I don't want to commit the resources because I can't afford to bring her to UE40 if that's necessary. But if 3-stars is fine then I can build her skills since she seems to be useful in raids more often now.
Bros? Your cheer kotori?
On the main screen bottom-right you have event list. It shows all the past events which are available to read permanently. It will be there. Hina is really really cute there, I recommend reading it before her anniversary event.
>Did justin163 finally gave up
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I wish I have her.
Satsuki should be raped
I only know that Seia is the sexiest
I think the only thing that matters is the bond gear and her necklace.
>But this season there's no workaround. You face aoe team, they use their aoe first you lose, you use your aoe first you win.
There is only one viable aoe student, ignoring Iroha, and that student does not deal mystic damage. The innate issue of last season (and pvp as a whole) was dealing with fucking nyMutsuki while there is ONE viable yellow armor tank in the game who won't fold to her EX or normal. Any yellow armor tank not named Yuuka is trash, by virtue of useless skills in pvp, by using a bag with poor innate evasion, or both. nyHaruna is not an issue because blue tanks + Yuuka will fuck her, and she will 99/100 be paired with Shun, so there is essentially no way to die to the enemy. Things only get tricky with Iroha on the defense as well as Haruna.
Red eyes are optional for me, but still nice. Hair > personality > voice > boobs > eyes
seia's hair is too long
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(this button)
You will have like 10 events to read there at your own leisure with many of them giving out free students.
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Why even live?
>all those welfare students in a row on jp
Damn not even any time to save up some energy.
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What am I doing wrong?
Do I really need multiple 5-stars to get through extreme? Or am I really missing some crucial students?
Bronze looks better anyways arujidono
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that look that says you're overdue for a blowjob
sexualizing your teacher is wrong
This but also Seialet
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>No Neru
Your mistake started there
Trinity by far has stronger people and more strong people. Tsurugi, Mika, Shimiko, Mine, there are dozens of gorillas in trinity. Gehenna literally only has hina

However Trinity's strength is fragile as we've seen, they're a very orderly society. All it takes is to throw a wrench in that order and they start working against each other

Gehenna is much weaker in power, but their entire society is chaos. You cannot do anything to fuck them up as a society that'll actually impact them. They're already a chaotic retard zone with no rules

Trinity in a direct fight is stronger but if Gehenna can fight smart maybe they can get trinity to war with itself
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The pantyhose stay on during sex.
rules are meant to be broken
You should be using two teams first of all. Both phases need really different skills and you're trying to combine it into a frankenstein monster
mika tsubaki ojisan flex(probably iori or a buffer)/himari ako (ny fuuka for you) will get the job done on my end
how geared are your students

also level your ako
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Nagisa is very patriotic
Imagine Gehenna being united.
The Thunder Emperor sure was one hell of a leader.
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Who assed?
>The pantyhose stay on during sex.
not enough art does the
>pantyhose stretchs out as she's spreading her leg
nagisa is doing the greatest service to nature and to nature's God
Thank you anon. I'll do this and read it for some Hina context and maybe she'll crack into my Like Tier.
are you using tsubaki to help with the cc bar?
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>Gehenna takes special precaution to take out the JTF
>But they don't realize Trinity has more than one police force, they forgot about the vigilantes
>Reisa and Suzumi easily defeat the Pandemonium society on their own
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I'm struggling against Wakamo Hardcore. How do I speed up the first part? I tried aligning mika right after the CC burst but it's not really helping much. Am I supposed to DPS burst while she's stunned or right after?
Where is your nmgk
You like? Next up is S.Miyu, then half-anni welfare, then S.Koharu
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Fuck England
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Are you ready?
hmm sex with nagisa
I would like to get raped by these two students in particular
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>Things only get tricky with Iroha on the defense as well as Haruna.
It literally does not matter. Even if haruna goes first like in this example. kotori will almost always get her ex off and kill haruna/shun before iroha comes out and uses aoe skill. Worse case you end up with just tanks left on both sides and mine is yellow with heals from nagisa vs only blue damage. just max your fat slut kotori and haruna won't be an issue.
Right after Wakamo has been stunned by filling up her meter once
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Just hit harder
is bag going to play ZZZ?
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What? Sleep?
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Her continuing to hold her tea cup and sitting in the chair while getting fucked would be a funny bit.
after, but she shouldn't be the one tanking so try changing her position
Do annis always come with welfare? Also it's annoying because as far as I know all the units plus the ones you mentioned are definitely worth farming.
sounds like sleeping which I already do
I think them being chaotic retards is their greatest strength in battle. Trinity is united, which is why they lose their heads when none of the tea party members can tell them what to do in volume 3. Trinity needs order and leadership to function, they were even going to break Mika out of prison.

Gehenna are all chaotic retards but there's nothing you can do to mess up their strategies or planning. There's no leadership, it's all just chaos, so no amount of chaos you introduce to their society will affect much. None of them are on the same page, there's no leadership, but that in itself could also be a strength.
hidden public sex is the shit
>male characters
>chink names
fuck off
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Is there a cope pick to replace Tsukuyo? I can't seem to get through phase 1 without a replacement for her, I tried Tsubaki but she just dies without healing, on another attempt i tried running with Koharu since i don't have kokona but everyone just dies earlier
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wet busty jks are the best
Yes I will be sleeping with sexy momoi. Thanks for asking.
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Laughing at poorfags with Nagisa.
Your answer is literally in the image you posted, that's Eimi. Otherwise you do the Hifumi strategy
momoi isn't sexy.
I did it with Koharu, git gud
This isn't working. I'm just ogling Ako's tits.
It's Kosaka "Hovercraft" Wakamo
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/bag/ is a /hag/sag/ MilleniumCHAD General
Don't forget it
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>Sexy Momoi
Or you can just say Midori
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where is your son
ZZZ more like CCP. It's censored chinese dog shit plus it's Mihomo meaning they're going to yuribait and ship characters together. I don't want to roll for someone else's girlfriend and I've never understood who would want to.
Two sparks is enough for anni
Eimi/Hifumi/Nmgk strat
Mahiro as Sensei
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I love the Neru check raid.
If you don't have a cost reducer (NYFuuka or Ui) you can't do it in 1T
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What's the appeal of JKs?
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She won't come to me because I'm a poor South American.
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To be perfectly clear, right after while she can't move or attack?
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Happy students
Just invade the falklands
I keep seeing more things wrong the longer I stare at this post
I've seen 1T clears and that's what's been recommended to me last weekend so I thought I'm set...
>how geared are your students
T8 on all 5-stars + Tsubaki, Cherino, s.Hoshino and Serika, T5-T6 on almost everyone else
>also level your ako
I have like 4m cash, impossible right now
Absolutely, Tsubaki + Hifumi are enough to get fuel the meter
She was too lazy to spook me
too busy graffiting racial slurs on walls
So would swapping borrowed Mika for my own Iori and replacing Utaha with Fuuka or Meru with Ui suffice?
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erotic and willing
First part CC is just to interrupt her strongest attacks and it shouldn’t impact in the damage. Survive and DPS burst regardless.
Second part however hitcounts increase the damage inflicted
I have Eimi at UE50
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I'm tired of hearing about this shit, I'm politely asking you to hang yourself.
No, after she wakes up from the stun and knocks back everyone. You can see her debuffs on the top of the screen. A defense debuff will appear there.
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I don't want to invest on Neru.
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my wife Mika and happy birthday Nagisa!
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I first read this as Mikulet and wanted to agree but what the hell. How are you missing Mika?
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I rolled for Kriemhild in FGO and I've already fapped to her 5 times as a random NTR nigger using Koikatsu....I have also rolled for Tomoe and Yu. Both of them have a considerable amount of Gudao doujins so it is even easier to imagine netori scenarios...
No appeal, you need to work on your standards
>how are you missing an anni limited
gee i wonder
If I was in Kivotos I’d take up permanent residence under Nagi’s table
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Mika is giving her a happy birthday
you would get to see what different panties she wears every day
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Huh. Not bad. I'm impressed you have held onto that for that long. Thank you archivist-sensei
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I think you're cool.
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does she? or does she not? will we ever know?
Bro, males exist in real life
Does this mean you're getting cucked every second of your entire life?
Why not just ask him yourself? Also he's probably lazy because he's not getting paid for that and probably too busy playing Genshit and some other shit.
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Nagisa is now American.
>miyakofag likes NTR
this day can't get any worse
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I'm going to play ZZZ right now
Goodnight /bag/
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>south Americans itt
I guess there's a niche appeal for your fetish but for me I'm not sadistic enough to be into netori plus I like actual romance but if she's willing to cheat she's for the streets.
Kinkyfuji Nagisex
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I was able to mock 3T INS, now I am going to try the real one, wish me luck.
>caring about 3DPD
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Good luck
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Sounds like you're asking for it
What would sex with Nagisa be like
gn anon
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Send friend id maxed global Meru onegai.
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She's getting fatter...
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Good night chiset
Nagisa looks like she's bad at it but cums really, really easy
>nexon pushed out the first descendant to test the waters
blue archive 2 is inevitable at this point, ako will be on the poster. you heard it here first from yours truly
I have a maxed meru
I won't share though
>the first descendant
I played the beta. it's pretty bad
Yes his wife to be is getting railed by trones this moment.
No you don't.
Meru or Mika for phase 2?
Show your ID as proof
Try using another team first to help you then use the one you are using now. Something like
S.Hosh/Marina/Iori/Cherino/ Yoshimi/Ako
The answer is yes.
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I get hard at the drama and conflicting emotions. Same reason Noa is probably BA girl I fapped to the most because she's gomening Yuuka 9 times out of 10 even though she's not even my studentwife...
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stop nagging me, i'm a february latelet, it's not my fault...
The worst part about getting a successful insane mock clear is that now you have to play insane for real
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where are the free zingers?
Here's an idea you coombrain fatenigger faggot retard worthless garbage: I don't want to hear about your fetish from your game in this general, you can kindly go back to /alter/ and jerk it off with those faggots there.
What is it with you fateniggers and bringing all the baggage from that shithole to other generals?
Except for Ichika. Ichika is a pretty lady
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What if I gave Nagisa a gallon of sweet tea from Bojangles
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1st part done, she at 15M. Now I just need the second team to leave her around 2M and the last team can clean it up.
It's that easy
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Why would you tell us that. Get outta here, homo.
meru more like marriage lol
>Gehenna chapter
>Hina is crippled In her battle with Hoshino, and finally has an excuse to quit her job
>Gehenna scrambles to fill her place
>A new demon called satanya fills the void left by Hina
>find out im indian
how the fuck will i face my studentwife...
what if i gave yuuka a gallon of sweet tea from bojangles
>there are Americans in this thread right now pretending to love Nagisa despite throwing her tea in the sea
You made her cry you know.
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Give her the hard stuff instead.

With a noose around your neck
God I really wish it was better, I’ve still got like 7 in the fridge
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coom in doom
>Long black hair and huge tits
>The cutest (Miyako and Yuuka) and huge tits without black hair
>Cute characters
>Characters you don't have

Explain each character in the Like Like tier.
This one doesn't work at all, the CC is too slow and Marina died instantly
Guess Tsubaki/Hifumi is mandatory for the first phase
In other words?
>Somehow we're bad for flavoring the ocean
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Why do you hate Junko bag?
How do you "find out"?
...Did you redeem a genealogy test?
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She keep coming to my cafe only to mock me. Why is she so cruel to poor Senseis?
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i didn't know what she looked like. if i knew brits were that cute, i would have fucked her instead
Meru isn't my wife
I'm not some whore
Damn this was really good
she punched me and is never around when I want payback by punching her womb with the tip of my penis
Have you tried not being poor?
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>1 tea bag is enough for 1 cup
>1 tea bag is also enough for 1 pot
does this mean 1 tea bag is also enough for 1 ocean?
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Don't forget.
the more damage ticks she takes the more -res debuff she stacks. So it's either multi-attack or high attack speed.
that's why Meru/Miyu, Utaha and Neru are solid choices.
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Just look at her
Have you tried not being rich?
Try drinking sea water
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Damn my bad g
Still bricked though
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>miyuckoniggers are NTRcucks
Holy hell miyucko hours cannot get worse. Next time you shit on Vigilantes remember who saves you from this cringe
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Just don't be poor
I thought it was a Pina pic for a moment, now I'm disappointed
You can't save me from cringe with more cringe
>no palm-up peace sign and gyaru smile
really? maybe yuuka can survive, or try tanking with hoshino
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bodythrow unless you're dead set on getting 1T
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Oh that's unfortunate.
Like what >>484523165 said, just give her sweet tea and convert her into a Southerner.
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Don't forget to do your raid binah today
Just be around the middle class level, fool.
He's not even a miyako fan if he's mostly jerking it to Noa doujins. He's not a Noa fan either considering he's just into the NTR aspect.
Happy birthday, wish you good rolls on anni Sensei
Show her your collection of AI generated porn dedicated to her
heh, topical
It's an obvious falseflag retardbro, he mentioned Noa too, he's just a worthless gacha hopping brainrotted moron
>Don't worry /bag/, the Princess has been secured and is ready to continue the summer events! The Valkyrie girls arrived at the perfect time! My Vigilante Ribs of Truth are done, the veggies are nice and grilled, and the desserts just finished baking! It's chow time guys!!
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I raid it everyday iykwim desu senpai
*snips the plug*
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Yes, but is the government who makes me poor. It's not my fault!
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Let's fucking go, upgrading Utaha was really the only thing I needed.
Leisa is cringe and I'm glad all my spooks so far haven't been her
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How do you raid it?
What artist are you talking about? Himari might be my studentwife but I'm not sure yet
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good job
I hope you get spook by her during the free roll.
Mega Based
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Here is her reward
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I lube it first. Load some Mika tags on pixiv and then...
Who is your studentwife?
That was a great doujin and I'm not even a ryona guy, the burping in all his shit is a bit weird though
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sex with my meds
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>the burping in all his shit is a bit weird though
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Sounds like a straight up skill issue to be quite honest with you famiglia.
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I just ordered a fastfood meal for 3 and ate it all by myself
Stop lumping Suzumi with your cringe will ya?
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If you invested in Kayoko you wouldn't be having so much trouble in this raid
Nice. Neru absolutely sped up the second part
Are you pregnant by any chance?
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Congrats anon
unfathomably based american
I don't invest in whores
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Did you know they can use saliva for that?
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I am going to feed you veggies to death
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>North Carolinians itt
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where's the dSuzumi rabi
naisu shot
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There are still /bag/gots that hate Nagisa.
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Or maybe just use Fubuki + Hifumi.
I ain't gonna mald with that 30/60% chance.
You mean to health*
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south carolinians where we at?
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No one hates Nagisa
She's evil. It's not hard to hate her.
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Oyakodon? You are a pervert sensei!~
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Nagisex alt when?
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Reverse ntr is also ntr
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They are wives
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Probably in South Carolina
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I've visited Charleston a lot does that count?
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This is the first time I've done this
I think I'm depressed or stressed as shit
I'll change my schedule and go to gym later, I don't want to be fat
Blue Archive™
What's the skill order for the first team?
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Teams for Wakamo?
Not limited, of course*
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yes. charleston is a nice city
someone correct chise
Ibuki was a mistake
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thank you anon
Imagine the Muri-Muri sounds behind closed doors...
Chise is so fucking sex
When don't fags lewd her at all?
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I hope you're fasting for the rest of the day
that or bulking up
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>mihomo erp with scatc/u/ck
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>go to gym
that's so comedy
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Suzumi rabi is a thing but not dSuzumi rabi yet. We'll see "suzumifans" come out once her sexo design comes out
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Can I use Seia for this raid?
Replace Chise with Niya
It takes a shit ton of work to exercise off calories it's just way more efficient to eat less if you can resist.
Let's hope your willpower holds up because it's not looking good.
If you are talking about the footfag I'm pretty sure that's the same one that says
>bark for me
Or something
He started it. I dindu
just had it clarified by my mother after some curiosity while looking at myself in the mirror and wondering about why i was so different, but not in the depressed faggot cant-fit-in sense. both of my parents are born and raised in jamaica and i spent a lot of my first 4 years of life back and forth between there and florida. there is a notable population of chinese and indian folks there from the times it was a british colony, whether there as a slave or to provide cheap labor. ive always known my mother's father was chinese, and i remember being told so, as i never got to meet him (my grandfather, not my dad), that my father's father was indian, but i wasnt sure if they meant native american or actual india, and had my mom clarify. so mom is black/chinese, dad is black/indian
More like, Niyuck.
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Based Niyagod
I went to the gym and now my whole body hurts, my arms feel like they were torn apart, my feet were flattened my thighs poisone and my ass hurts just to sit
ya but
what did you buy
Sumire samefagging again to turn /bag/ into /fit/
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blue archive?
Ako>Himari>Mika>SChise>Ako>Himari>Mika>Koharu>SChise>Ako>Himari>Mika, at this point it should be around 2 min, so Wakamo is going to start running, Tsukuyo had 4 stacks by now.
So you can either SChise right now, or save it for after she stops running. In my case I cc her at the moment and then start running, you should have enough cost for Ako>Himari>Mika after running, then Koharu, and a final Ako>Himari>Mika.
>my ass hurts just to sit
what's his name bro
I went on a hike and now my whole body hurts, my arms feel like they were torn apart, my feet were flattened my thighs poisone and my ass hurts just to sit
as long as they keep the coom
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be /fit/ for your studentwife, /bag/
I went to ex-hentai and now my whole body hurts, my arms feel like they were torn apart, my feet were flattened my thighs poisone and my ass hurts just to sit
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I don't hate her, but me and my Abydos buddies will kidnap her.
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She has one
They never do though
Pakeet chink mutt lol
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Would you lift for her?
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Kaya redemption arc when
My wife likes fat bald men like me
recently got her and the l2d holy shit she's so hot in it.
literally had to cum and fapped immediately to it
yes. with my hard dick inside her pussy
I don't eat much in general, that's why this is surprising even to myself in the first place
A bad sign and must be prevented before it snowballs, not doing that shit again
Why does this Neru have saggers tho
Where's she going?
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Who is your wife?
What do you mean? He only updates based on global, not JP. Hell, he's actually faster this time around since the trinity christmas event is already up and ready.
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>Neru cosplayer has best tits out of the cosplayers
Cute Nagisa! Cute!
Oh who cares. Do you at least know how to cook for your studentwife?
Cause if you don't despite having all of that genes, then it's a shamefur dispray.
Improved Neru
Your mother
Kaya cunnilingus
Sumire please, you can quit samefagging now
Where's your free maki?
Here's my 2T clear >>484477454 at 69.
Not sure it'll help you but I'd replace Utaha with Ako since Mika is probably "your" strongest char and could use as many buffs as possible. Remove Hifumi for someone with multi hits for phase 2. Start phase1 with Tsubaki's ex if level 3 or 4, then Ako Himari Mika Tsubaki before she gets instagibbed. Then just cycle to Ako Himaki Mika and let Tsubaki die since she 'd use too much cost to interrupt the 2nd petal. Phase 1 should die before the 2nd flower blooms... if you had maki dropping her debuf... but it might still work since you're higher leveled than me. Keep that team for phase 2, without forfeiting, till timeout and bodythrow the remaining HP. Dont forget to bring multihits (Utaha) for the debuff.
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>neru has the biggest saggers in the entire C&C cosplay group
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lmao you dumb cuck, you walked right into that one
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He hasn't added any new characters. I was mainly using it to see what to farm/save
These cosplayers always make me appreciate how naturally ugly my girlfriend is
im starting to want mika and nagisa to sit on my face
I love evil girls, especially the incompetent ones.
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Mika and Saori
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yes, but only during the first half, the second half you want to use students with tons of hits instead
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You forgot to type a retarded comment to go with your fuuka face.
Neru from Blue Archive
one can sit on my face the other on my dick
no idea, i got it from here in the first place
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Almost this whole thread is a retarded comment
No need to, this entire thread did it for me
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>Karin flat as shit
>Neru has the biggest saggers.
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Shitposters aren't one of my fellow /bag/gots
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Did you say happy birthday to nagisa yet?
all me
Where Ogogee wave
Ah I fucked up the skill order, I wrote it from memory, here is a webm for the first part:
That’s AI
but I really did think it was brain melting hot and its just a coincidence the fatty ate fastfood.
>Fuuka without retarded comment
Finally, a good fuuka post
Ah, I see. Maybe he's taking a break or something.
I'm saving it for a good thread
yeah. I just found it
>has massive saggers
>cosplays the flattest one
This is just like that officially hired Ayane cosplayer
I would but I'm poor
Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
You can pay in "tribute" hehe ;)
People always want what they can't have
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You don't need money to wish your wife a happy birthday
she's so bulliable
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Do not start this
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I guess that worked.
My frontline got instantly nuked on Wakamo's first skill on Insane, so I'm sticking to Extreme until the end of the year I guess. UE20 or bust.
>he thinks cosplaying whores care about who they cosplay as
Neither them nor the nigger who pimps them know who the fuck those characters are
You don't like that. I'll use ~ next time sorry
Why not, thread is pretty bad already
for some reason this image always reminds me of iCarly
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/BAG/ I need your help this is very important

In which EXACTLY episode of Volume 4 Chapter 2 it is revealed that Kaya did the coup because of breast envy?
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Should I get In-N-Out or Portillo's?
Blue Archive
Just pray that you get mika on the hina banner
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Indeed, Mika love
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Yes, love
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Sorry we don't play the game or read the story here
You should go ask /v/
It's the chapter where you read the story

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