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Previous Thread: >>484530242

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Kanna (Swimsuit) (3*)
Fubuki (Swimsuit) (3*)
Kirino (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Say-Bing! - 6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Total Assault: Binah (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/3 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Escort) - 7/10 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/17 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 6/27 (Thu) 11:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 7/3 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 7/10 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/17 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 7/6 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 7/17 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hare (Camp) (3*)
Kotama (Camp) (3*)

Cyber New Year March - 6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hovercraft (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/2 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Shooting) - 7/9 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/15 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/1 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Commissions - 7/8 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/15 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 7/15 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/19 (Fri) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards - 7/19 (Fri) 19:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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hina is extremely overrated. Hoshino has shown multiple times that she is top tier while hina has done fuck all besides shoot some mimesis which just means she has a nice gun
if i ever see another, "hmmm nyo" from this general again i will personally EoS the game myself
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Nah, I'd win
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lust provoking image
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Hello, level 81 Anon with the tMari profile and final episode banner? Are you high? Why are you using Himari/Kotama in PvP? We're similar level. You don't have ANY better special? You even have sHanako for fuck's sake.
>he doesn't already have nyoposter filtered
This is why sensei prefers superior mature rational women with big tits that employ a maid to periodically milk him
Nagisa is not sexy
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My wife saori
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hmmm nyo
Holy shit Nagisa is so sexy bros
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Now that the /a/ threads are officially dead and there's been some time to look at the anime as a whole

What in the absolute fuck went oh so wrong with the adaptation and were they thinking with this mess?
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why does /bag/ want me to fap so badly
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Post cats.
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Nagisa's vagina...
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Perfect team
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hmmmm n*o
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>What in the absolute fuck went oh so wrong with the adaptation
>and were they thinking with this mess?
>kissing distance
is seia also a gosling student
someone post parfaits for shunny
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What will be the excuse of Hoshinofags' excuse once she's shown kneeling?
Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
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Hey everyone, its the Hare poster.
I ended up condensing everything down into a single image. Its still a work in progress, but at the least this makes it easier to share, so even if it doesn't get fixed during this event, we still have a single record to show off that the translators suck.
If you have any other suggestions I can add them. I need to add Hare's "Mid" line to this as well. And I guess I can use a translator to figure out what it says in Korean.
I'm also happy to see people are trying to start this for Yoshimi as well. Hers has been around for longer, so I really hope hers gets fixed too. Not enough love for Yoshimi fags.
Anyway, here's the link
Thanks to all who have reported.
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The people behind this shitfest legitimately didn't understand the soul of BA and wanted to make it something that it's not, also anime Sensei is the fucking worst interpretation of the character both design and character wise
1. Yostar incompetence
b. Kadokawa blackmailing
>Sensei is the fucking worst interpretation of the character both design and character wise
it's extra bad when you realize DoReMi was the one behind the sensei design we ended up getting. how does he fuck up that much
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Her halo is also fried
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I like Saki a lot
They spent their A team to work on ranger rejects and let BA anime tank
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making fun of nagisa's innie pussy
more like their A team went to work on arkn0ts, B team ranger reject, C team all other non-BA projects they have in the pipeline, and the absolute bottom-barrel detritus to work on the BA anime.
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What's Yoshimi's? I don't remember, but I'm willing to report it too.
i want to breathe in Hina's aura
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Goodnight /bag/
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I can probably wait until bluefes to see if she spooks me.
what is this song
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Good night Iboogie
Darude - Sandstorm
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Nagisser rerun when?
how much do i pay mika to get her to sit on my face
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Anybody without plat will be removed from the group. We will be checking Sunday night.
I'm pretty sure it isn't and if you're lying to me it's not gonna be OK
>four day weekend for fourth of july
God I love freedumbs
She does it for free, like our jannies.
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I don't have a copy of the translation on hand, but her lobby lines say something along the lines of wanting to grow up and be seen as a lover when out and about with Sensei, and not as a small girl. It was translated into being something about wanting to be seen as an adult.
>no fuck off bush consuming her bikini
what happened to yuuka
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sounds like a super mario sunshine song
Yuuka believe in SCIENCE. Science says men (Sensei) are attracted to shaved pussies.
mika is such a kind girl...
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anyone got a upcoming banner schedule?
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Wrong. Real men (non-faggot senseis) like full dense forests as nature intended.
Yuuka is not American and will never be American.
i now want to mock yuuka and make fun of her about her shaved pussy to her face
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Good night bag
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>this post was made from a high end personal computer in a climate controlled room
nature schmature
get this cat out of my bed
Hina and minihina
Hina is minihina
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Tomorrow you can't smooch me any more, ahahahaha!!!
Ako is only useful for a quick titfuck.
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does anyone else lust after aru?
Goodnight brokona
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good night, sex
too low IQ for me
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Interesting. When reporting this, would I categorize this under gameplay, suggestion, or other?
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Got loud megaphone girl
Is she sexo
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her name is kokona. three kana, six letters.
ko - ko - na.
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>Why can't I hold all these welfares
She's alright.
coconut. has small boobs it seems
She's a dirty communist. Better dead than red.
yes, s - e - x
her name is sex. three syllables, three letters.
se - ku - su


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Did I miss the group masturbation session?
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Aris is a slut. SLUT!
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what does mika smell like
40mp should've never been in charge of the music, dude is stuck in the 2000s
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This is a sex toy.
/bag/got's commision has been uploaded to sadpanda and it will forever be an out-of-character shameful doujin because in it Nagisa calls Hifumi "Ajitani-san"
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I just need my princess Mika
she's the only one I need
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Your princess is with someone else...
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feet archive
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i like the name ajitani tho. its kinda cool
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Who will win between Mini Hina and Mika Sheep?
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Suzumi alt when
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>top NA torment team uses fubuki/eimi/hifumi
Kayoko and Tsukuyo absolutely btfo!
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Is Mutuski worth pulling?
she good
mocking her for her childish panties
I cried...
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Mika wins
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Hopefully never.
Meru's momo status message is still broken lol
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Based VeritasGODS fighting for the truth. Don't let other studentwives fall victim to this. Keep fighting the good fight. Nerds together Strong
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Was twink sensei a good choice or not?
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If you can afford it, sure. A 2-cost AoE is always nice to have
yes, nyMutsuki is good for a lot of blue content and pvp
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that's hardly the worst part of it... it's utter dogshit I wouldn't believe a /bag/got actually requested that shit except I actually remember the post where the nagisafag talked about it
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Pretty good cost-efficient Mystic AoE but nowadays S.Hanako is used over her in JP.
Furthermore you will be risking a lot with the incoming anniversary
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Suggestion usually goes over the best.
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VERY SOON Suzumibro! Trust the Vigilante plan! Valkyrie Summer isn't the only surprise this year!
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>Looks like a teenager on a suit even though the whole shtick is that he's an adult
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Minori is secretly for (You) and wants to have all of sensei's affection but holds herself back in the name of her morals, she's well disciplined.
he was about as bland of a sensei as you could imagine, except that they put in THAT scene
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Red Winter supremacy.
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cute nagichan
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My JOJO wife Mika
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odds I will stretch my gems for mutsuki
evens I will be smart
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damn... tinny took a fat shit on everyone
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this nagi picture broke my brain
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His design is fine, maybe a bit softer than I'd like since there's no contrast with the rest of the cast but it's fine.Though the grey suit isn't great if I'm being honest.

They probably should have had him forgo the jacket. He's very casual and sloppy as a person, and is (in the anime) working in Abydos, which is a fucking desert. The jacket is a bit at odds with all of that.
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>dead thread rans out of images
>spam comes to the main thread
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don't get smart
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Happy birthday, Nagisa!
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Sensei cried
skip the limited banners and roll on something cooler, like dAru and dKayoko
mica tongued my anus.
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Students for this feel?
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Sensei was voiced by a girl?
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is a limited banner
This happens whenever a yellow raids comes to global, mikafags get railed up and decide to fight against the schizo again
It's gonna last a few days
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I paid this lizard to stare at you.
/bag/ told me fubuki/hifumi/eimi would never be meta.
/bag/ also told me not to roll for meru/chare. hmm what happened? why is there a bunch of liars here?
You're thinking of NY Aru
>2 mikas
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>limited banner
just a twink
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Got a nice present for her
I was actually thinking of D.Ako
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say sike right now
tonguing princess mika's anus
lmao 2mika
as much as i dont like when it happens, females voicing male characters is not all that uncommon in anime. although, that is actually a dude there
So how big is sxe?
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Universe has spoken. My gem stash is safe for now.
Yeah I'm rolling her
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Mika isn't an actual princess, you know.
Second tribute to Nagisa. Not many students get double load for their birthday. Last was Yuuka I think.
/bag/ is full of poors that never roll
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She's schizo enough
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You're missing a few posts up above, monkey.
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Ask her why it tastes like bird
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>anyone who directly engages with him is considered a newfag or a retard.
Which one is the one itt?
You're thinking of Nagisa. Mika is just hopelessly naive and BSOD'd when things didn't go her way
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Totally not sexy
New alt: Ako (Pregnant)
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End approaches
No, Nagisa is paranoid, Mika is the schizo.
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Why are Asian people like this?
I thought so, this guy comes and goes but he isn't new.
no, I agree with the anon above nagisa is schizo and mika is women squared
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god Marina is the most beautiful girl in the game
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Not all asians are like that, but it's strange that when we see an asian cosplayer we have to ask if it's a man or not.
Same mang, Konka's Nagi is peak goslingcore, literally [chair clattering] for me
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the happy end?
That's a cute Muchuki.
The VA is an actual crossdressing faggot
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Paranoia and schizophrenia go hand in hand.
why are marina's tits so god damn big?
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Would make the perfect housewife. Hard working, hygienic, and a dork.
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They go hand in hand but not the same
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Doesn't make my post wrong.
To feed the motherland.
Sorry for what, you being a pathetic retard who can't even do his own shtick right? lmao, you're genuinely pathetic
what is the happy ending
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Toki, milk Sensei.
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Dog milkers
God this week's /bag/ threads sucked
I have to say scatmonkey, you continually surprise me with how much of a worthless brown subhuman you could possibly be. It's not even like you're checking in to shitpost once in a while, you are actually just sitting there waiting for the thread to update to reply to a Mika post as soon as you possibly can. It's crazy how little you value your time.
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Do you guys think we'll get a new student for half anniversary or an alt? They kinda broke the pattern with D. Hina.
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Time spent with Seia
Can't wait for dMutsuki...
Not really. Nagisa is the one that hits all the checks on schizophrenic behavior suspecting everyone around her including a friend like Hifumi and then attacking all candidates when she couldn’t single out the culprit
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They're so confusing
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Jesus Christ.
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are you lost?
>Don't worry /bag/, the Princess has been secured and is ready to continue the summer events! The Dark Knight is really, REALLY good! I gotta get Kazusa to dress up as the Joker for Halloween. Natsu would make a great Scarecrow, wouldn't she? Sensei is Jim Gordon for sure!
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god doujin I wish we had more translated seia doujins
He even camps out in previous threads. Genuinely have never seen a sadder loser than him in my life browsing 4chinz
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Only Mandalorian is good of NU-Wars. The fuck are you doing watching Acolyte?
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Please tell me that's a girl
I hope it's going to be an entirely new student because I'm not looking forward to young Hoshino being the bluefest student
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Please tell me that's a guy
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It would be funny if Nexon did like Minecraft and had the community vote on new additions to the game

>Hey these are the sprites and the general personality of 3 new girls, the one you choose will get implemented and the other will never exist

Or if they did it with the NPCs
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coming to blue archive in 2027
We can cope that the Foxes weren't made playable immediately after being put in the game.
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>Mutsuki fanart
>She has le' smug face

Hosh already has an anni alt no way she gets 2
ejaculation on seia
I want Rabufes
but I'll also accept Ariusfes or my wife getting a fes alt
Why aren't the stickers dropping anymore? Are they dripfeeding those too??
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Banished to the Beatrice dimension. And in a year they all escape and face you.
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analingus with princess mika
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Eimi sex
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having sex with Mika's butt-hole
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Mika sex
Why does the dogshit Fuuka face shitposter always change the md5 of his images, it's almost the same as the scatnigger
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170 pulls and never mind hare. Not a single 3*
I'm going to fucking quit
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True, but I just don't like how they've been spacing the episodes out and then release the (presumably) showdown exactly before bluefest
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Around pinks
He's said he only uses fuukaface for (you)s obviously he's gonna make sure you can't autofilter.
>rolling without spark
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He thought it said The Akolyte.
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truly a mystery
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no nuWars is good.
no, they're all garbage.
All the pinks are in the last 30 pulls, keep going you're almost there
I am the motherland.
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sis... your meds...
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naturally I always believed!
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Ako lite
Mika should die
That just means you're gonna get dAko and Makoto with your free pulls.
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Only if her fans go down with her, otherwise I don't wanna crit mald yellow.
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that's actually not how probability works

hopes this helps
Sensei will carry the vg team I believe in the happy ending
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>mating press
it does not
t. cHare sparker
Everyone knows 90% of gacha players quit rolling right before they get a lucky roll.
sometimes it happens, it sucks but you can recover from it
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big toki
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Alice is my light.
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will we never get deep placements ever again after the manager incident
but who do I blame for it?
buy pakeji sensei
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Cheating on "your lightx with an old cat hag? For shame.
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Why is Plana so erotic?
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Panties Archive
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I need the other one where he does the gently mating press
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>monkey can't tell who's mika if only ass/different clothes are shown
I read that as Palestine Archive.
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Fuck off Hifumi
God wrote in the book of job that if a girl wears striped panties, you are obligated to eat her out
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Well, well, well. How the cookie crumbles. How the tables have turned. How the ball bounces. How the floor is mopped. Them's the breaks.
What's this image from?
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oh it's fine I used the GA ticket to finish my spark out. Perfectly calculated to be able to roll on the bunnies and campers if I needed to spark both (I needed to spark both)

I'm up to 4k now though I should be fine for the next banner I want (dKayoko or mSaibas or sKanna)
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Sorry, taken
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with the way concept art works there were probably 10-20 versions of sensei with that one being picked by the higher ups
still shouldve been this one
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how long until i hit the exponential increase in rank requirements which i know there is
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god i just want her to sit on my face
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Will next thread be better or worse?
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you start feeling it in the late 60's
80 is the half way point
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seia is sex
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thats where triple crafting every time basically becomes a requirement, right? ive been doing that already anyways but it feels like im draining all of my resources.
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Anyone got a link to a clear that uses this team?
Why does Sumire hate the outdoors?
Modern indoor gym babby
I plap these
>it feels like im draining all of my resources.
that feeling never goes away, don't think about it too deeply
I have found a new appreciation for IEM's.
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This is a weird crossover
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Is it going to take 1 year to go from 80 to 100
imagine the smell
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If you are still around, don't forget to pat your students
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>1 year
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no seia = no pat
I'm waiting for my studentwife
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the wider the better
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I wasn't asking. Go pat your students NOW
She likes to min-max her workouts
churro... forgotten...
Do Ichika and Mashiro have different shades of black from Hasumi and Tsurugi?
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>80 is the half way point
Are you Renge or Kikyou?
This makes me realise I've never actually done Hieronymus as a raid, only when I was clearing the story. Looking forward to the extra pyros.
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I'm not sure. As a f2p I hit 80 in April this year and just hit 87 right before the start of July, if that helps you at all.
Looks like it. One is black, the other is slightly darker black
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Good post.
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When will nexon let me hug my students?
I was late playing after reset so they are not ready to be patted again yet.
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After Hina, Hiero becomes the cunny raid. (sHosh, dHina, Kokuunny and Azoos)
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donatsu taberu?
Don't forget to pat them once it's time
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Nexon will introduce a way to quickly reach bond 100 bibd in a year or 2 & all of your affectionwank will be for nothing.
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Imagine going to Costco with Tsurugi to get a hot dog and they say they're out of ketchup and then you'd let some of her halo sauce drip on your 'dog as a substitute haha
fuck the exponential scaling they implemented for leveling it up
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Hikari is my light!
i wonder what it tastes like and if shed be embarrassed to watch you eat it
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good I'll be able to get seia alt to 100 easily
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Long white haired child
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You're coping because you can't commit to just one girl
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digging my tongue deep in the butthole of the princess
Post the other one
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Doesn't Siu use AI now?
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Oh yeah? Post your highest affection student.
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What if Peroro, but fried.
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24-07-21 soon, trust the plan
fuck I hate how catchy this song is
Hey, Joe, where you going with that gun in your hand?
Hey, Joe, I said, where you going with that gun in your hand?

I'm going down to shoot my old lady
You know, I caught her messing around with another man
I'm going down to shoot my old lady
You know, I caught her messing around with another man
And that ain't too cool

Hey, Joe, I heard you shot your woman down
You shot her down, now
Hey, Joe, I heard you shot your old lady down
You shot her down to the ground

Yes I did, I shot her
You know, I caught her messing around, messing around town
Yes I did, I shot her
You know, I caught my old lady messing around town
And I gave her the gun, I shot her!

Hey, Joe, alright
Shoot her one more time, baby

Hey, Joe, where you going to run to now?
Where you going to run to?
Hey, Joe, I said, where you going to run to now?
Where you, where you going to go?
Well, dig it

I'm going way down south
Way down to Mexico way, alright
I'm going way down south
Way down where I can be free
There's no one going to find me

Ain't no hangman going to
He ain't gonna put a rope around me
You better believe it right now, I got to go now

Hey, Joe, you better run on down
Goodbye everybody, ow!
Hey, Joe, run on down
I hate this image. She looks too smug.
Really? Looks just the same to me.
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Toki's FAT thighs? Absolutely 100% canon.
Otogi. What is it.
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spats erotic
You now remember Kurumi
slathering toki's thighs in baby oil and thigh jobbing to climax
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>le fourchan girl
Kurumi's Kurumis...
sexy momoi
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also known as momoi
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Hi /bag/ did you know that a lot of those permacold places people live in have these dishes of just raw meat shavings and it's because they kill the animals at freezer-like temps already and the meat gets frozen to boot so there's really never any time where bacteria can develop
I think that's cool, they live in a big freezer
Excellent post, oustanding really
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Plapping Tsurugi
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Two for one
Are those... nipples?
Are those
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wait what the FUCK
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My wife
nah, I'd win
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Je revois la ville en fête et en délire
Suffoquant sous le soleil et sous la joie
Et j'entends dans la musique les cris, les rires
Qui éclatent et rebondissent autour de moi
Et perdue parmi ces gens qui me bousculent
Étourdie, désemparée, je reste là
Quand soudain, je me retourne, il se recule
Et la foule vient me jeter entre ses bras
Emportés par la foule qui nous traîne
Nous entraîne, écrasés l'un contre l'autre
Nous ne formons qu'un seul corps
Et le flot sans effort nous pousse, enchaînés l'un et l'autre
Et nous laisse tous deux épanouis, enivrés et heureux
Entraînés par la foule qui s'élance
Et qui danse une folle farandole
Nos deux mains restent soudées
Et parfois soulevés, nos deux corps enlacés s'envolent
Et retombent tous deux épanouis, enivrés et heureux
Et la joie éclaboussée par son sourire
Me transperce et rejaillit au fond de moi
Mais soudain je pousse un cri parmi les rires
Quand la foule vient l'arracher d'entre mes bras
Emportés par la foule qui nous traîne
Nous entraîne, nous éloigne l'un de l'autre
Je lutte et je me débats
Mais le son de ma voix s'étouffe dans les rires des autres
Et je crie de douleur, de fureur et de rage et je pleure
Et traînée par la foule qui s'élance
Et qui danse une folle farandole
Je suis emportée au loin
Et je crispe mes poings, maudissant la foule qui me vole
L'homme qu'elle m'avait donné et que je n'ai jamais retrouvé
sexy momoi...
Nobody tell him.
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She is also cute.
yummy momoi
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Bro your KFC (Kivotos Fried Chicken)?
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>Sexy Momoi
Or you can just say Midori
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I love Planafeet
nom nom
midorikeks getting jealous again
Which student has the softest vulva?
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it's not real, our anniversary passed we don't have any sort of "scamfes" coming up that I will be missing out on
>Sexiest student in Kivotos
Or you can just say Seia
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Meh. Could be better.
you like flat feet?
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Wow, is it just me or does Plana kind of dress like a school shooter
Momoi is our daughter
My 2 favorite things in one image
i want to lick mika's armpits
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>sexy momoi
>thread immediately improves
Momoi is my wife, not daughter.
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Can I get some advice for raid lineup? I keep experimenting with things, and even without borrowing I can clear Extreme with 3 teams, but I want to cut that down to to a nice, clean 2T.

C.Kotama is doing fantastic in the first team, because she can tell Wakamo to sit down on command. I don't even need any other CC. The problem I'm having is figuring out the right configuration to make the DPS work out in both groups.
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correct seia is indeed sexy
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Fried shrimp is meh, grilled shrimp is where it's at
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It improved because the mikaspammer gave up but sexy momoi helps
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I love my grumpy wife
Je revois la ville en fête et en délire
Suffoquant sous le soleil et sous la joie
Et j'entends dans la musique les cris, les rires
Qui éclatent et rebondissent autour de moi
Et perdue parmi ces gens qui me bousculent
Étourdie, désemparée, je reste là
Quand soudain, je me retourne, il se recule
Et la foule vient me jeter entre ses bras
Emportés par la foule qui nous traîne
Nous entraîne, écrasés l'un contre l'autre
Nous ne formons qu'un seul corps
Et le flot sans effort nous pousse, enchaînés l'un et l'autre
Et nous laisse tous deux épanouis, enivrés et heureux
Entraînés par la foule qui s'élance
Et qui danse une folle farandole
Nos deux mains restent soudées
Et parfois soulevés, nos deux corps enlacés s'envolent
Et retombent tous deux épanouis, enivrés et heureux
Et la joie éclaboussée par son sourire
Me transperce et rejaillit au fond de moi
Mais soudain je pousse un cri parmi les rires
Quand la foule vient l'arracher d'entre mes bras
Emportés par la foule qui nous traîne
Nous entraîne, nous éloigne l'un de l'autre
Je lutte et je me débats
Mais le son de ma voix s'étouffe dans les rires des autres
Et je crie de douleur, de fureur et de rage et je pleure
Et traînée par la foule qui s'élance
Et qui danse une folle farandole
Je suis emportée au loin
Et je crispe mes poings, maudissant la foule qui me vole
L'homme qu'elle m'avait donné et que je n'ai jamais retrouvé
Yeah, you're right lmao
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if seia is the sexist why doesn't she have
a voice
a short series
at least 5 asmrs
a swimsuit alt
a newyear alt
a wedding alt
i can't kill myself until i have all of these.
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stop making me want to fuck fatties
just redeem her bro... the ligmas you get from her spook are more valuable than the elephs you lose.
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i want her to sit on my face
Who would Sensei even be out drinking with..?
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She doesn't
black suit obviously.
Bro? Your bro Phrenapates?
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Whos this Neru cosplayer?
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Bro your bros?
Both are god tier desu
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Miyu is honorary Trinity
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she simply doesn't need all of that
seia is sexy from the get-go, every other thing is an extra
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It's prawns.
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Eh toi, dis-moi que tu m'aimes
Même si c'est un mensonge
Et qu'on n'a pas une chance
La vie est si triste
Dis-moi que tu m'aimes
Tous les jours sont les mêmes
J'ai besoin de romance

Un peu de beauté plastique
Pour effacer nos cernes
De plaisir chimique
Pour nos cerveaux trop ternes
Que nos vies aient l'air
D'un film parfait

Eh toi, dis-moi que tu m'aimes
Même si c'est un mensonge
Puisque je sais que tu mens
La vie est si triste
Dis-moi que tu m'aimes
Oublions tout nous-mêmes
Ce que nous sommes vraiment

Amoureux solitaires
Dans une ville morte
Amoureux imaginaires
Après tout qu'importe
Que nos vies aient l'air
D'un film parfait
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No, those you boil
If Seia is so sexy, then why is she not wearing spats?
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Posting again for any Chihirofags here who are curious as to why her popularity is so low. Gonna try and see if I can get ch 2 done later tonight.
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The French are invading.
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Who the FUCK let the frogs in?
French is such a god forsaken ugly language holy shit
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I am rioting against your list until you put seia back in
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Thanks again for the corrections fellow JP baggots. Your contributions towards clearing my wife's name will not be forgotten. I'll have Utaha make you guys a portable translator powered by salty tears.
F tier special
Shrimps > [infinite power gap] > Frogs > Snails
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Nagi-chan is sexy?
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I bet Natsu's vagina smells really good.
I like Western Chihiro. She feels more tough love, which makes sense considering her kids are fucking criminals, stalkers, and a boy.
does she wear pink panties?
Wait whats the optimal crafting strat for gifts?
She wears pure white panties.
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Let me ask you a question foxbro, do you think spats make a student sexier?
Upgrade your Utaha, getting her bond gear will help you a lot.
i am now a hare fag. she's cute as fuck. what the shit
It probably smells like sweets. Because, you know, she doesn't wash her hands before touching herself.
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Nagisa speaks french
>smokes weed
Mid taste.
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With all of the processed sugars & carbs she's eating? Doubt it
>wakamo in SS
I thought you guys said she's like a 1 trick pony?
Nagisa speaks Bri'ish
>Kayoko has actually beaten Aru on Danbooru.
Man, talk about a slow but steady uptick. I remember when she was a distant third behind Aru and Mutsuki.
>always tier 3
Man i really hate Taiwan all of a sudden
Are you okay?
no. mika is not sitting on my face
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Because she is sitting on Saori's
I don't think Aru is really that popular anymore
Omelette du Fromage
Easy torment
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Anime girls don't process food
They straight up convert it to sex appeal, including a good aroma
Could be? I don't know, she's still my favorite.
this life is unfair...

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>try S.Kanna
>Binah fucking blows up into stagger hold straight away and I nearly reach full phase skip in the first try
My God. I knew her debuff was higher than Akane but what the hell?
This fatfuck of a cop is too strong!
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Why yes. Yes they do. Spats accentuate student's curvatures making, me Sensei appreciate their bodies in much finer detail. Bike Shorts are also acceptable.
Are they gonna kiss or not? They both look angry
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Explain this then.
>Backhanded insult
It's not even that different when you think about it though?
Your student:
Your favorite Super Mario Bros Z fight:
imagine the smell
I just don't see much fanart of her anymore. Even when the dress alts came out, everyone was tripping over themselves to draw Kayoko but no one really cared about Aru. I'm pretty sure I've seen a lot more art of Suit Mutsuki and Haruka too
Mutsuki plateaud hard. Completely different to Asuna.
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she had 100% usage rate in goz and GA blue hiero torment recently
they probably bumped her up because of that
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>Shits me up a sweet cake
That only proves my point
92 isn’t the affection halfway point?
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then does that mean that if otogi's alt was one without spats it would make otogi less sexy?
Imagine if there was pieces of sweet corn in it.
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Horns > Animal ears
>Shadow appearing at the last second and beating the shit out of Mecha Sonic in that weird classic level
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Yeah. I've been meaning to, it just never ends up being a super high priority compared to other students I need to work on. I spend some of my PVP coins on it every day that I'm not using them for drinks. I can probably get her bond up to at least 15 tomorrow if I want.
didn't ask
That's one of my sex appeals
No that's 77.6% of the way
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There is a big difference in portrayal of personality. Chihiro doesn't insult anyone in the JP text. She's very chill and almost always just lightly nags the kids. It's yet another reason people think she's a boring nag rather than the chill anime mom vibes she gives off.
Could be? I do feel Kayoko's dress was easily the most popular.

I would love to see a very different take on Aru, frankly. I'm surprised they haven't used the time travel plot or the cunny juice to actually do something with Young Aru.
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>video game time is over /bag/. you have to do your homework now
How do you respond to this?
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L'amour est un oiseau rebelle, que nul ne peut apprivoiser, et c'est bien en vain qu'on l'appelle, s'il lui convient de refuser.

Rien n'y fait, menace ou prière, L'un parle bien, l'autre se tait, et c'est l'autre que je préfère, il n'a rien dit, mais il me plaît.

L'amour! l'amour! l'amour! l'amour!
File deleted.
mom i finished school 15 years ago
also grow your hair out. youre not gonna find another guy looking like that
Where is this from and did anybody actually try it?
You need her at 20, her skill is upgraded and spawns 3 turrets instead of 1, which is very important.
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coom in doom
good night /bag/
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It's cuz affection caps at 100 not 99. Sorry m8 but Guilenor is the other way
when i die i want to be reborn as kazusa's vibrator
B-but I graduated high school 5 years ago...
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Correct. Those are the rules.
when i die, i want to be reborn as mika's panties
When I die, I want to be reborn as ichika's socks that are just below the knee
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You want to be reborn as seia?
I forgot where it's from, but it's something official I guess
But I follow a Japanese guy who tried it and he said it tastes great, it also looks actually better than that pic how not too much difference
There's also a Reisa one and the Reisa one tastes awful according to him
But she would still be sexy would she not?
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Oh wow, I can't believe I'm actually back on highschool and I'm not a wageslaving adult
Your panties?
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Korea has a promotion with some food/cake company, the cakes had stickers in it
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>Pink haired Serbian fox
Could have told me that a few hours ago when I was playing age of Wonders 4...

It honestly just looks like a brownie. So, yeah, I figure it probably tastes fine.

You have a photo of the Reisa one?
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>3rd anniversary venue
What was the bunny area for?
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Ron Damon
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Posting comfy wife before image EoS
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Of course the Reisa one tastes awful
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they found the /bag/
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More like 30 years ago lmao
It's Bingo, my dude. It even says it again in English at the bottom of the gateway sign.
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I'll join you
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season 2 will have pantyshot
Why is Natsu always drinking milk?
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>Pink hair
when i see nonomi i start to
Momoiposters own that faggot
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For me it's Marina.
Spaniard spotted
surely that can't have just been it.
it's bingo. what do they think we are, 70+ years old?
Bros. Students safe onto something with all of that sensex.
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I was just thinking about marinasex
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I love students like Miyako the most.
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You... you aren't...?
This but Ibuki
>120, maybe 200 pyros at most for Sensex in Kivotos
Never beating the cheap manslut allegations
Ibuki doesn't wear panties.
I want you to look at the image and take note of how everyone in the crowd is looking down. Because they're looking at their bingo cards.
I hate Miyako so much!
no you don't
Yes I do!
So a lot of milk comes out when I squeeze her
stop being tsun
>(You)r studentwife
>Where on Kivotos would (You) take her for a date
wife claim
>2 degenerated fascists
They have no place in my liberal Kivotos.
7 inches
Pound Town
imagine the absolute cuties you could find in a starbucks in kivotos
My bedroom
My bed
Mutsuki 5'3"
>Your student
>What weapon she would turn into if she was in Soul Eater
>your student
>if you think she has pubes or not
>police state = fascism
Back to r/politics with you.
the kokonahole was very tight
I'm 30 years old.
Imagine the absolute cuties you could find in a kindergarten in kivotos
she has an absurd amount of pubic hair
I love this track so much https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHY0jdCrI8w post good tracks from the game
Donut shop
Probably a generic bloody scythe
Yes. Messy feathery pubes.
wtf we are out of images
Kaya is a right-wing dictator
>hahaha Saori remember that time you put a hole in me, it's almost like a donut
wtf i love kaya now?!
I made this post
Director was a yurinigger it was by Nexon that we even had a fucking sensei to begin with. This shit made the cuck MCsøyface so mad he purposely fucked up the anime to have the last laugh.
Stealth archer
Oh... now I get it
>your student
>your IP address
Fuck Twitter's god awful navigation
I can't seem to find the picture of the cake itself but here's how it looks from the outside
heh… you already know it n00b
For me, it's this one.
I piss at every address I go to
>Check /bag/ after work
>Ctrl+F Farfie
>>more than 0 results
Until next thread slash bag

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