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Previous Thread: >>484513604

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Kanna (Swimsuit) (3*)
Fubuki (Swimsuit) (3*)
Kirino (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Say-Bing! - 6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Total Assault: Binah (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/3 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Escort) - 7/10 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/17 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 6/27 (Thu) 11:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 7/3 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 7/10 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/17 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 7/6 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 7/17 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hare (Camp) (3*)
Kotama (Camp) (3*)

Cyber New Year March - 6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hovercraft (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/2 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Shooting) - 7/9 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/15 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/1 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Commissions - 7/8 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/15 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 7/15 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/19 (Fri) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards - 7/19 (Fri) 19:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Mika should die
oh ok. then today should be chicken
>July 1st
>old Wild Hunt halo
Oh shit
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miss hanako, i am formally requesting that you sit on my face
How do we take Hoshino back from Farfie aka Bryce and the futafags?
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____ ______ ____?
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My wife saori
Costco should die
Oh fuck, I'm sorry Umika. I'm retarded. Don't let me live this one down, /bag/.
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cumming inside nagisa so hard her toes start to twitch
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Let today be okay (T_T)
When did hiroy join the ninja research club?
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It's too late.
Laying under the tea party table to receive Nagi footjobs
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(눈‸눈 )
fine with me. i dont shop for groceries at publicly traded companies
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Let today be Fuuka.
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Bros? Are your Neru's built for the raid? You DID invest in Neru, right?
I will never forgive mx2j
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What the fuck is her problem?
This is an Aldi general now
Wtf Farfie is based now?
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>breast perkiness = 100
Incompatible with panties, she just can't help it
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which student would be good at investing?
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What is the problem?
Giving me a boner?
That's no problem bro
i already had that chat with serika. now that she buys bitcoin only, shes a great investor
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Fuck, so close
See the seminar group story where she made millions on rare metals
Boy haircut
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What did she mean by this?
>playing by jewish rules
lol faggot, just get Himari to hack an exchange or something
I thought that was a bad investment nowadays
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How does she do it?
>Don't worry /bag/, the Princess has been secured and is ready to continue the summer events! The Princess wanted to watch one of her favourite movies while we eat, so we're watching The Dark Knight! It's a pretty badass movie not gonna lie...aww c'mon Chief Kanna, the world's greatest vigilante says it, why can't..! Ugh FINE....Fubuki would've let me say it...
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She won
Nodoka if she wasnt homeless
how does it feel to put your dick inside a student?
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I would only eat meals cooked by rumi.
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lots of spit, before the precum builds up
right before its next bull run? i think not. makes sense that that would be the sentiment just prior, though. buy it now, you wont regret it
why im black
I prefer cock and futa hours than this
ask your mother
so are the toxic motherfuckers in these threads all just butthurt gender worshipers?
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For me it's Stacytaha
Blue Archive?
What's the problem?
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>the Princess
Sensei only acknowledged one girl as his princess.
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Sorry sensei has to at least take some responsibility and not do anything too dangerous like that, which might jeopardize their future
Sucking their feet, fucking their feet, sucking their nipples, fucking their breasts, various forms of outercourse, fingering, these things are fine. No harm done.

Pregnancy and potential pregnancy is irresponsible though, sensei has to draw the line somewhere.
Wait until they graduate first
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Seia did too
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Blue archive
weird way to come out as gay

i did this
t. buckbroken
Blue ACK
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my wife Mika
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She has serviced over 100 middle aged men
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Her wife Mika
All me.
mmm erotic pregnant student.
we talking about your mother?
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Can I get a hug, man?
t. farfire sloorper
She's not a 2hu though
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No we're talking about your GRAND MOTHER
I feel like any bodily contact with the stoat would lead to sex
Niya, Asuna
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hanako is highly fertile. one drop of precum = triplets
No. But keep posting that dox bwo surely it'll get that retard out of here
that's me btw.
Where is everyone
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>punched kei
My tongue inside Kokona's 11 year old child pussy
I'm not falling for your tricks coomie slut
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hagfucker farfie...
I wish children were real
ibuki doesn't do it for me
but kokona does
what does this mean?
im right here, what do you mean

she seems displeased to be showing me her armpits

god... never
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does hifumi need investment to be a petalbot in torment? mine is 3*
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Delicious Kokona pits.
>not insane
>not a complete fucking failure
>can cook
>operates a successful business
She's too good to be from Kivotos, honestly.
calm down bud, im sorry your mom is a whore sucking off 100 middle aged men a day and my condolences, but maybe you should go get help instead of shitting up these threads
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I cummed
Nufag here, how am I supposed to figure out what the hell all these materials are for and how to track them?
It only serves to make farfie more of a celebrity especially since he looks better than 3/4 of /bag/
She’s gonna fatten you up so you can’t run…
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No one remembers it anyway, so it doesn't count
you got the wrong person. i am Farfie supremacist
wtf i love maki now
His haters are so fucking retarded like they won't stop singing farfie 24/7 the moment he's here
Do you think they'll ever talk about what drove Wakamo to such extreme behaviors?
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hanakute sex
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Saving the world from Faust.
Why is there a time limit in MOCK
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much obliged
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Can we go back to posting sexy Nagisas
I spilled my milk inside Natsu by accident
why wouldn't there be a time limit?
that is a butt and a half good lord
Said the one who watches SoL CGDCT
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Here you go
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Good idea
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>Trinity: the tea party tries to seduce me
>Gehenna: the Pandemonium Society tries to seduce me
>Millennium: too autistic to try to seduce me
I'm thinking science rules.
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the lack of pantyshots killed BA anime
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Can we go back to posting sexy Momoi
>she wears pink panties
>writes this down in my journal
that makes you gay these days? man priorities have shifted, huh. hey wait a second... ba has tons of that content
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Protect faust
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Bro your c&c momos?
>sexy Momoi
So Midori?
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Love Mika
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Based Seia bird
Fuck that retarded chicken and its enablers
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If you find Maki cute, then that means (You)'re cute as well
Kaitenger fucking won by the way
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Where is the American flag print bikini Nagisa art at
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Who would be the funniest maganer for /bag/? I can only imagine how unhinged someone like an akofag would be.
No more hugs, stoat.
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Midori has successfully seduced me
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Another day, another 1/5
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>russian propaganda in my japanese animu
Chise, what the fuck are you talking about?
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If you could /bag/, please think about Sakurako at least once per day.
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No, it doesn't have, it has a male main character and all character interactions are towards him. Go watch your garbage yurislops, yuritranny apologist.
But I constantly do, knowing that global will have Set soon, and my Wappi is not prepared at all...
3-6-9, damn, she fine (Yay, yay)
I'm hopin' she can sock it to me one more time
And roll, get low (Get low)
Get low (Get low), get low (Get low, yay, yay)
To the window (To the window)
To the wall (To the wall)
'Til sweat drop down my balls (My balls)
'Til all these bitches crawl (Crawl)
'Til all skeet-skeet, motherfucker (Motherfucker)
'Til all skeet-skeet, goddamn (A-goddamn)
'Til all skeet-skeet, motherfucker (Motherfucker)
'Til all skeet-skeet, goddamn (A-goddamn)
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I want to plap the awkward nun
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the stoat only gets bedbreaking hug sex
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I do everyday, naked in fact.
Man how much does it hurt you to see people talking about other students?
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Butt Even.
>singatroon melty
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seia wife
happy life
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Hina cheeks
Do turn down for what now
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Hmmm yes I'll take one order of Hinass
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shoulda joined my dojo...
I still hate the faggot localisers for trying to censor this line.
now soundpost it
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I'm so close
What bodythrow teams can I even do
Just b urself
JP is the translation no the original script
Real Big next
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How about something different?
Hina pajamas
God Hoshino is so fucking ugly, at least pick an attractive student to avatarfag with
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Consider Izumi, sIzuna, Nonomi, Django, the gamers, sAyane
Who tf is that kid?
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This is a really nice ass
If you need more post your roster
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What academies are your top 5 students from? My friend loves a ton of Trinity girls but my favorites are all from different schools, so I'm curious if others have strong school biases or not. The only slight bias I have is that my favorite clubs are Millennium clubs, even if the individuals aren't in my top favorites.
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Your boys send it off to Japan and then the Koreans change the "original" script to be more Japanese. Are you implying it doesn't say princess in Korean?
>good artist
every fucking time, worse than cucks
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Aint joining a groomer twice my age
But enough about Pina.
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Based Gigastacy enjoyer. My wife's best friend is pretty cool. You'll love her cameo in Valk Summer
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Why would Hina need a Sensei plushie that's so thick on the backside?
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i wish i was the pettanko brat
BOOM loli goz
twice?? how old is this fag
>he doesn't miss his childhood
pffft... sniff hoshibutt
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>missing childhood means you want to be a child when having sex
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Because she's horny
No it's good that he's using the worst student
Nothing of value is lost that way
You’re 40+ and fat, go start a family or walk around the block
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Miyako status?
married and impregnated
wtf is a Stacy?
hina pube status?
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>all-star schizo hours
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I'm gonna post one Nagisa to celebrate her birthday.
I hope she can get a new chair and table as a gift.
Yes, I love size difference and innocence
My sexual awakening days were the best
>loli goz
A loli Goz is called a Gozling bro
light and soft
The original wife
no wait stop!
lol same... except the girls are the innocent ones, anon
Like Chad but for women
prime for cunnilingus
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stoat hugs?
/bag/ culture is finally breaking the stagnation
This needs to be a alt for Shiroko
How do I kill a few hours?
I hope Mika yuriposter DIES!
First girls always win right?
Only gonna get worse approaching anni
discord hours huh
Don't forget Farfie.
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Kill all mikaposters and let it be over
its just a mock hoe
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This creature has no brain cells
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barebacking hanako
Have you tried playing video games?
>bgm: Usagi Flap
Bro just throw units at it, surely you have enough students to do this. Don't be such a baby broski.
Get a job
>medieval schizo posting
We have to keep going even further
thats probably really good advice for him, desu. im acutely aware of how poor everyone here is
Have you tried not being terminally online yourself?
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YES I can do torment.
But holy fuck first team is rng because I HAVE to run Kayoko and tsukuyo with eimi need to survive in last section for my U40 mika to bring wakamo down.
Serina my beloved
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coom in doom
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looking up hanako's skirt
This gave me kek
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inb4 nyooooo bag was supposed to shit on farfie
is there a lore reason as to why Hare sounds so retarded?
Farfie's been here for a while
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serina's tight body
kek this is an obvious false flag btw
farfie would never try to make himself hated here
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hello seia
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>700+ rank
Neru carried at the end. I'm still mad that I had to waste resources on her.
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Fuuka should have went for the knife immediately after she saw Sensei imposter at my home.
I'm posting ogogee for myself you faggot
kill yourself
Very nice
she looks so girly here. downloaded
I think Seia is adorable
im sorry, bro. but she belongs to me as well, now

is it really a waste, then?

that artist basically draws the best nagisas
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Her body is usually filled with extreme quantities of sugar and caffeine.
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Full team C&C event when?
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What's your favorite video game, /bag/?
Mine is Noita.
POV: Fuuka caught you cheating on her with Haruna
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I too have more monster juice than blood flowing through my veins yet I don't sound like that
Is there a student you don't hate?
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Should I read Nagisa's momotalks for her birthday? Is she cute? Does she mention Hifumi in them?
Red Alert 2, but that's nostalgia speaking.
of all time, or now? i wouldnt say i have a favorite game right now, that i actually play. but wow is the game i played the most of in my life
Yeah but she's been deprived of those and may be suffering from withdrawal symptoms.
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Fuuka. Hina, Chihiro, and Nagisa are also alright.
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halo infinite
Blue Archive
your hifoom?
Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
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damn that sounds serious...we're gonna need to give poor Hare more attention from now on
Hey man, I saw the collab you are doing with WuWa. How do you rate that game?
4* not to mention I'm out of trinity books and CDs.
I'm latelet.
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I love my gourmet terrorist.
I’m both
i will mock her for her butt size
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how to clear wakaboat without neru?
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Chihirofag here, back with corrections to my Prologue scene findings. Thanks for keeping me honest fellow JP baggots. I'm not yet at N2 level, but I'll get there soon. I'm just mad that Chihiro's comfy personality is being written this way since you can clearly see her short casual phrases in the JP text.
All pure garbage. Congratulations on having shit taste.
but i was shitting up /gig/ yesterday
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I hate your gourmet terrorist, I will bring Kirino just for her
>shit opinions
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please go back
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if hanako was my cheerleader, i'd never lose
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I'll be working on the rest of the camp trip over the next few days, but it'll be slow. To those who care, thanks for the backup.
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How embarrassed would she be if you asked her to dress up like this
That's the falseflagger
Our Fuukafag is also a Jurifag
your son
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farfie responded to me....
It's so over....
I assume you're not him but there's another Chihirofag that posts around here that claims global kind of ruins her personality because she speaks politely/formally with some people but more casually with Sensei or something like that.
I play Genshin Impact
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Oh wow ok fine
I will build my Neru for next time
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I want to do this with Nagisa.
Me too, man. Mine instagibbed an autist attacking me three times in a row.
She doesn't need to do much damage, really. Just survive and do a lot of hits with her EX+auto. She's only there to soften the boss up for Mika's EX.
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Didn't global get new translators? Why is it still shit?
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Go home!
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Rate this official WakaMerch from China.
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>no one comes close
yeah gold looks better anyway
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yeah oh no, how will you ever recover...
thread has never been worse than this
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She is currently lv35 and I want to have mats to lv90 all my UE30+ after the fes, so I have to hoard the reports and credits
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There's always room for ERP and wojaks.
Babuza > Bazoos > Citroos
The fuck is Makoto even used for?
Satan, you know what to do!
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You can try bringing S.Nonomi, if you're feeling adventurous.
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Ultimate intellect and the solitude it brings...

I'm the one... Who'll teach you about love!
Wait for after next Anni lol
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>Neru deals SIXTY (60) hits with her EX making her useful for Wakaboat
>BNeru also deals a ton of hits with her EX making her useful for drills
I'm glad she has her niche, I hope if she ever gets another alt it continues this trend of dealing a ton of hits with her EX.
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Chised? She seems tailor made for it, seeing how she does the more damage the more there are targets.
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t. newfag
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>hina vs hoshino coming soon in jp
>hinaversary coming soon in global
there's a long line of students that want to teach me about love.........
where as rio, you're still hiding in your basement or something.
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Does toki really have 24 hits on EX? I never noticed during kaiten when borrowing.
I'll pray to the tomboy gods that we'll get purple sNeru (and a C&C event to save the game again)
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sexy reset
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reset ako59
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Yo, Sensei. Wanna smoke the devil's lettuce?
at least there's no bellybusting
Oh I thought the pic was a list of how often students were used in wakacraft
>Bweeeeeeh fagfie is having fun again and he's not affected by my bitching bweeeeeeh
/bag/ has been on decline long before that
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Extra Perfect


Pounding the heck out of that cunny
literally the truest thing ive ever read
/bag/ used to be GOOD
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why is the dog so mean?
I'm finally free again, /bag/
Expect doujin translations to resume soon
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/bag/ used to be DOOG
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Rio's big soft boobers.
Scatposting was the good shit
/bag/ used to be θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ θ ω θ
Yes, it's merch from the CN server.
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It's that easy
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you dropped the ears
⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨ ⪩ ⪨
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>suddenly Mika images are nowhere to be seen
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hard for me to choose my absolute #1 but my tops are:
Outer Wilds
Metroid Zero Mission
Doom 2016
Mario 3D World
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That's me, I'm one of /bag/s 3 Chihirofags. I'm always complaining because it doesn't take someone fluent in Japanese to tell that the Japanese she uses is short and casual, rather than wordy and professional. She only talks like that with her work clients. She's really chill and I'm upset my wife is being slandered like this
Farfie don't like it, so I agree with you
gratis alicebro, I'll do my best to catch up
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/bag/ will thrive again
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We will
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give seia now
Ah I see. I guess EN localisers have trouble translating polite/casual language in a way that doesn't sound robotic. Sounds like a skill issue on their part but still it explains why the general consensus of globals is that she's kind of rigid.
literally admitting he wasnt there for it
fucking dark times, man
It already is thriving
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For the bluefes 100 pull:
Will they only be available for the first banner group (D. Ako, Eroha and Makoto) or will they carry over to Hina and Hoshino?
What would you do in this situation?

Farfie just flew over my house
Only first.
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>he's back to flaseflagging and his ‘If you stop posting her I win’
Impregnating Saki’s fat sweaty tomboy tits
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Someone give me the energy to do the challenge quests
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team for hovercraft?
Hi guys it's me
Reisa you're cringe
You probably shouldn't. Challenge 3 and EX are absolute ASS.
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>scatfag posts
>guys let's ignore him
>farfie posts
>let's make this a farfie general and actively seethe about him
I have no fucking idea why they do this.
instantly cum and shit my pants and 360 moonwalk out the room
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This creature seriously makes my dick twitch
>scatfag posts
>guys let's ignore him
What guys are you talking about?
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hey hey students
steal serika's chaos emeralds
The fact that people generally ignore him minus a few meme images here and there and anyone who directly engages with him is considered a newfag or a retard.
Sechi here
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What would sex with her be like?
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Who the fuck are you?
hwat in tarnation
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um bros?
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Hey /bag/ post THAT image
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I've seen that one before during Wakamo schizo hours. He's truly pathetic >>483156215
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No seriously
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That's what I'm trying to bring attention to. Chihiro, along with others like Utaha and Natsu, is characterised by her speech pattern and how she speaks to Sensei. Utaha and Natsu get really good localisers for their lines, and so Utaha's aloof personality and Natsu's philosophocal ramblings are intact and translated pretty well. Chihiro though, doesn't do the professional-casual speech switch, so she comes off as stiff and robotic 100% of the time, rather than someone who is a professional in her field but can and also come home and speak just as casually as everyone else.
Another big thing is that Sensei often THANKS Chihiro for her work like the gigachad husband he is, rather than apologising to his wife like a beta cuck. This is why a lot of her JP/KR art shows her being thanked by (you) and her blushing over it, because a comfy wife loves when her man notices her work.
Did our divegrass manager cutie return?
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>we will get a CG of Hoshino/Hina kneeling to the other
The threads will be a total shitstorm.
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Stop leeching off other memes
we need more thick ass students
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I started this meme, you cant tell me what to do.
the only thing ako is good for is paizuri
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Nice. Hopefully it ends up on panda.
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Fucking Kazoos in front of Reisa
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The audacity to falseflag as the god of this meme (Me) in his precious
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Yeah sure thing buddy
You only like Ako for meta and gookako
Make sure you lock your doors before you go to sleep tonight...
You only hate Ako for meta and gookako
nobody listened to me when i said seia is dangerous. now the consequences comes with a price
ako is a worthless student.
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I hate students like you the most
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What's her name?
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If I rub my dick on the Shittim Chest, will Arona and Plana feel it?
I will shut Ako's mouth with my dick
Fake Seia can't talk
ako is useful for making my dick limp
Morgan Freeman
introducing mari to nicotine
gookako is useful for working for free
raaaaaaaaaaannnnnkkkkk ooooooonnneeeeee
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>new seia edits
alright which one of you replied with the cringe reaction images to seianon fess up now
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>111,134 pyrox
anyone got a banner schedule? wanna roll for chare but I forgot if there's any upcoming students I want
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My Seia looks weird
Why is Mari always angry?
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looks normal to me
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Big Seia
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omg it's pollo mecha mecha
I would fug this Seia
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my faithful tea party wives
What does he look like?
mika pubic hair status?
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Faithful to them
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No, I did
I'm the best looking anon in these halls
>111,134 pyrox
You don't actually roll for students, you don't even love your students enough to be poor for them
Mr. Popo, why do you look skinny?
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>finish TOR
>worst score in my region
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Tail hair status
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I don't think we are gonna have a single good thread today
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Stop being Korean
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Huh, I didn't expect Meru to end up doing this much. I should upgrade Neru's skills from 2444 so her angry brrrrring contributes more...
hair too long
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You can't fug this Seia
what is tor
i want to fuck asashio
Don't put your dick on android girls, their gears would crush it
Is it possible to do insane if you have no red armor tanks? my tanks die instantly.
The fuck is this retard doing?
do I need to dump ligmaballs on my Neru to make her viable against Wakamo?
m*ri is cringe
bro your eimi?????
also you can try the hifumi strat
im gonna post students i hate from now on
>sherbert pussy
unfathomably based
Tomorrows threads won't be good either
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It was a meme or something like that last year
FOX 1 status?
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Tips for extreme hovercraft? Aaa I don't want to think
what else seia? what else do you foresee?
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>no image
angry mari avatarfagging accounts for 90% of mariposting
>korean game
>japanese and chinese schools and no korean
nom nom
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millenium is gook
the proofs is rio
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>bro your eimi?????
I don't have hifumi.
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Lizard sex
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How about I shut your mouth, nigga
What's the meme?
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oh yeah, it's pelvis breaking time
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What's the point of censoring your score if you're going to show your clear time?
it's over...
based ninty percenter
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broke ass nigga
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Is my rank safe?
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Suzumi alt when
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Yukino shimapan
nta but computing for the score is a hassle + you don't know how long he took for phase 1
What would a korean school even look like? Starcraft?
You'll get JNCO Suzumi and you'll like it.
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imagine walking in on this scene and they drag you in and refuse to let you leave. imagine the smells...
Nobody loves your stinky fox ass
Kill yourself like you intended
Korea has no culture or personality
no, you need at least a 2t
Draw character A pretending to be asleep and then make it do whatever when character B isn't looking
If those insane korean manga are to be believed they're shitholes with hyper mega bullies that make the entire school system kneel to them
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Milking Sensei
moody doomer + shimapan is pretty kino
Monica Saibeno
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what does it say about a girl if she wears striped panties?
/bag/, you're going to the BA expo in LA tomorrow, right?
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Follow your own advice, faggot.
It's 2 troupe clear, you'll never find out what's first team's time is.
lol no
That shes extremely erotic
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What if Junkos were real?
File deleted.
I achieved the worst torment score. This raid drained me dry of so many resources. I should have just begged for a Meru borrow.
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VERY SOON Suzumibro! Trust the Vigilante plan! Valkyrie Summer isn't the only surprise this year!
even better
impregnating all of them and creating junkos.
this nigga clowning
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It seems my superiority has caused some controversy.
Now back to the first question
What the hell is that retard doing?
I'm only going to the day with the keynote thing
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Behold the worst torment clear. This raid drained me dry of so many resources. I should have just begged for a Meru borrow.
>noooo I’m not consenting stop raping meeee
>also sensei
>calls any random student the p-word
I forgot to use one PVP ticket.
*kills you myself*
School of plastic surgery
Is gold only possible on extreme and above, or can you get to the bottom of gold with hardcore?
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Wakamo is fucking my ass, just barely made it to plat but I know I'm dropping soon enough
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Bricked beyond belief
myuzu spotted
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my cafe looks like a homeless encampment
Remember to not leave anything in your car, roll down the windows, and disassemble it completely.
I forgot to use 3
Miyako calm down
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You're the best Sensei.
Imagine driving during a holiday weekend through dtla
Couldn't be me
this is why you should have pulled for nyFuuka
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anyone got a banner schedule?
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What are /bag/'s thoughts on Nonomi?
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
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Unfortunately, Jumbles isn't real.
Eyezuri slave
shes got big fat tits
i could not sit straight if i were seated next to her on a bus. i would be squirming like a motherfucker until i jump out of the window
Hiyori has been reading porn while leaning against my bookshelf for days now
If only I had a time machine to go back and start playing blue archive earlier.
dude weed lmao
one of the most boring students for simple coomers
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Why do you guys torment yourselves like this (pun intended)? Just take it easy and enjoy comfy Gold.
She is a not for (you) character so you decide
she must smell nice
*kills you*
gold is trash, nin nin
she smells like vanilla
She's boring and bad in game. Also I don't like her massive eyes.
You should read them regardless as it's your student but they're pretty shit
I was told this is the easiest torment.
All fine as long as you remember to cook curry 3 times every day. Surely nobody has been missing out on 50 free pyros every day, right?
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sexy seia
There's way too many people at the gym and it smells awful
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>New JOP still doesn't realize that you can't translate 1:1 between languages
>He has to mention that fact to everyone
>Most likely needs to use translation software himself
>Can't understand the concept of context

Everytime with JOPs
>No no you guys you are missing SO MUCH by not playing in Japanese like me
I really, REALLY, need to drink Kanna's milk
凸 convex
first non cringe fuukapost
i want to thank kanna for not shaving
completely wrong fuuka post as always
great job keeping up the streak guys
That’s what he looks like
welcome back false fuuka
What happened to hare smoking weed tl? Did it get fixed?
>Typing in English
Keeping up the retard streak I see falseflagtard.
>Nagi birthday
i should post this again
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They tend to fix translations with updates so we'd have to wait until next patch to find out.
It was still there when I read the event in the weekend.
Completely and utterly wasted potential.
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Based on my consumption of gook pornhwas
>hyper competitive in everything
>caste is strictly enforced
>bros play League of Legends
>your childhood friend has a crush on your bully
>but after the MC goes to military service he becomes an ultra gigachad
>fucks the school queen bee
>fucks his childhood friend
>fucks the bully's sister
>fucks the bully's mother
>later revealed to inherit a Chaebol or be a longtime investor of some random shit, so he's now rich too
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Zoomer garbage
>Sensei if I get a good score next test my parents will buy me my 34th plastic surgery!!!
Students who would benefit from breast implants
how much can i pay mika to sit on my face
whtas the point of an RPG if you do not grow your account to challenge the next brickwall of artificially difficult content
then id finally get some student sex
I’m not a masochist but this Nagi face gets me really aroused
the only gook comics I follow are the weird fantasy aristocratic ones and The Breaker (I will not read part 3)

Sure is a lot of child abuse in those things though.
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you will roll ze dog
no one asked you farfie
up to which difficulty can i just mika the hovercraft?
i've fapped to koharu's l2d because of that face
they asked everyone...
could always just borrow her
Your students wouldn’t touch you with a 10 foot pole, you fat, old, niece-diddling bastard
Maybe extreme
of course? she's striker Kanna. I was planning on taking her to UE50 even if she wasn't useful.
what strategy after that?
what's a good replacement for new york fuuka/ako?
Works on extreme on my machine
>60 rolls for C.Hare
>also spooked by S.Wakamo, C.Saya and got 2x Minori dupes
damn my luck is good
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>try torment Binah
>because of level increases and non-meme environments the rotation I used doesn't work anymore
>placement of cover also makes my Mika stand in the lava
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I was lazy yesterday and tried to power through EX with the INS phase 1 team but it timed out since I had no multi-hit attacks.
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Eating Nagisa's roll
July is already better than basically all of June for my crafting luck.
Trinity memes
People misuse it a lot like fujoshit
The one intended for the raid
Newfag here. How often is the story updated?
you mean borrow
ui, but that means sacrificing a striker slot
uhh... xmas serina
no optimal replacements for either
I curse you with 200 rolls and no new spooks for DHina
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Nah, fuck off. I'm gonna skip that ugly bitch. Actually I'm already doing that, lmao.
and that would be?
Binah Torment 2T (with a non-meme colour)
Two mikas
I've got like 4 sparks, probably 5 if I get around to doing my momotalks.
I don't even like Hina anyway
Stop shitposting with Fuuka, please.
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Both for her
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My hot work wives
The big brown tomboy is ridiculously underrated
binahbros we're back to being a laughing stock again...
Man... I don't think I will have enough funds to roll for kanna, guess it's gold for me in EU when she comes.
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mg mg
today i am not going to masturbate
People misusing it are probably ESLs
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That's cringe.
Obscene body. Everything she eats must go to her boobs.
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rape is not masturbation
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Why does nobody like Akari? Even the fat pig is more popular than her.
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But I'm not shitposting. I skipped C.Hare and other shit characters that I don't like. I mean, why should I waste my money rolling for a student I don't like? Especially when I can still get plat by doing Torment once in the last day of Raid.
Students that can cum just from nipple stimulation?
i want to peel her panties off of her and wear them on my face
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Look how cool she is
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after anniversary there is going to be something
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Thoughts on Meru's voice actress?
Lorefags must be in pain, haha...
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glass cannon
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Kuroko should have been one of the collab characters.
Mika has an entire doujin about that
judgement desu no/10
her inflection on certain words when speaking as Meru is weird, but erotic.
Iroha. You can tell she goes braless.
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Are Hina and Hoshino actually going to fight in the story? or were they just baiting
I also heard he cums if you just lick his ears a bit
And his fat ass too
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>it's gonna be 97 degrees this week
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They are gonna wank sensei
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Do not
theyll fight. but likely, sensei will stop them before anything serious happens
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Wtf that is almost the boiling point of water!
It's a bait for the spics. Sensei will stop their fight.
Hina is probably sensitive as fuck since she's so pure
She could even cum from sensei whispering to her ear
I heard sensei just loves rimjobs and he cries tears of joy whenever Atsuko gives him one
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Be honest, /bag/. Do you really think Hina has a chance to beat Hoshino in a 1v1?
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That's me, I'm nobody.
Nonomi (Gehenna) memes aside I think it's just because she's never given a whole lot to do. Even in Vol F her big moment is something a lot of other characters could've done. She'd be a real piece of shit to deal with as the antagonist of an event or something.
You can't just expose me like that, Hime.
she's the only one that can bring her back desu
I think Hina could win, but only with prep time
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Posting comfy wife before images EoS
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I see her
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I love the Fuukers
I pray for their mutual annihilation
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who said it will be 1v1
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Hello, I love Ako
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But she can
hoshino is extremely overrated. Hina has shown multiple times that she is top tier while hoshino has done fuck all besides block binahs laser which just means she has a nice shield.
rimjobs genuinely feel really good
rimjobs are gay
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Rimjobs are fucking disgusting. What's wrong with you freaks?
I don’t want anyone going near my ass
>*Teleports behind u* fast
>Zero difficulty'd the rest of Abydos
>Took helicopter missiles dead on without flinching or her shield
>Literally grabbed and swung a whole helicopter like a bat
>Still has yet to get even slightly serious
Hoshino is finally living up to her hype with V1C3.
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>1v1 but Hina has the Sensei buff
Hina can win. Abydos will probably jump Hoshino as well so it is more favorable for her. Strictly 1v1 though? Dunno but based on fears, narrative and title scaling Hoshino should take Hina high-extreme diff
I posted how I did it here >>484526723 not sure if it helps
based plus I'd never want to demean a partner like that
Of the previous 8 TA seasons, 2 needed extreme, Chesed and Binah. Wakaboat HC was fine for gold last time, but who knows...
on NA*
I'm going to have sex. With Mika.
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Hoshino looks like THIS?!
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Should ligma deez up to 5* one day.
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