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Frogs Are Temporary, Fish Are Forever Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last thread: >>484178075

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png

▶Ways to Write
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI guide collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
AI Dungeon: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts for this week’s theme: Monster Girls Friday! >>483765018

>(06/27) Google releases Gemma 2 https://blog.google/technology/developers/google-gemma-2/
(06/20) Anthropic releases Claude 3.5 Sonnet https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
(06/19) Dreamgen Opus Llama 3 70B https://hf.co/dreamgen/opus-v1.4-70b-llama3-gguf ; Euryale L3 70B on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/sao10k/l3-euryale-70b ; Qwen2 72B Magnum https://hf.co/alpindale/magnum-72b-v1
(06/15) New SpellBound Llama 3 finetune https://hf.co/hf-100/Llama-3-Spellbound-Instruct-8B-0.3
(06/13) Applications for AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test open https://files.catbox.moe/8dt5ts.png / https://forms.gle/4xCfM3UnpzTBzgzA7
(06/12) Stability AI releases the weights of SD3 Medium https://stability.ai/news/stable-diffusion-3-medium
That painting on the right looks like a charmander sitting next to a girl
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Ghetto Recap


Cable Meets A Frog >>484185621
Wise Words From Bonzi >>484210849
But I'm Just Harry! >>484218237
Continued Research In Tagging >>484224786
Insert Breaking Bad Meme Here >>484229809
Tama Town Chapter 32! >>484293076
Up In The Sky, It's A Yacht! >>484324558
Change For An RC Cola (Lyra) >>484347331 >>484409095 >>484548150 >>484564251
Cash Strapped Bonzi >>484352039
Ancient Saying, Powerful Saying >>484362484 >>484363156
Block Rockin' Bath Water >>484370306
Porn And The Aliens >>484371909
Everybody's A Critic >>484391025
Tama Town Chapter 33! >>484414112
That Persona 3 Meme (Bread Girl And The Cabal) >>484431321
What's Going On Here? >>484449790
Bonzi Prank Call >>484453471
Cute Comic, Cute Prompt >>484521956 >>484541820
What the heck? 484527053
Imagine The Slime >>484628192

Notable Posts:

New Waifu Drop: Part 2 >>484180883 >>484188474 >>484200874 >>484234263 >>484234263 >>484623174 >>484623494
Bird Discussion >>484190578 >>484193286
Idolization and The Fairer Sex >>484183434 >>484183556 >>484183818 >>484184873 >>484185243 >>484188304 >>484202401
Word Discussion, Howbeit >>484196901 >>484197614 >>484197705 >>484197852 >>484198286 >>484198347
Dario's Conquests >>484214743 >>484215008 >>484215102
Vibe Check >>484239541 >>484241234 >>484249801 >>484299167 >>484438848 >>484572194 >>484588879 >>484596859 >>484597978 >>484600382
Knights >>484597227 >>484598929 >>484600490 >>484609357
Uh... >>484294698 >>484299073 >>484325803
CRT Check >>484326182 >>484327617
Literally Me >>484298269
Fat Horses Return >>484339389
Shark Week (And Fish) >>484390701 >>484410786 >>484411072 >>484414783 >>484557053 >>484563794 >>484565204
Elves >>484553778
It Do Be Like That >>484478874
Freud >>484494913 >>484495358
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Part 2


Early MonsterGirl Friday Prompt, Got Milk? >>484420718
Lyranon reporting in. I feel like explaining what was going on back then, please bear with me here.
I get where you're coming from and, for the longest time, I wasn't sure either, so I just didn't push for any romance myself. Since there wasn't as much worldbuilding going on when Alara joined, I never really thought about stuff like throne succession either. With Lyra's mother abdicating due to being a broken mess and Lyra herself being the sole heir, it was easy. With two women, succession would become more complicated.
However, their relationship quickly grew to be extremely interesting. Alara served as Lyra's first responsibility at first, a plan devised by her mentor to supplement her studies. She was confronted with a subject for the first time, something which helped her understand her duties.
However, this also started a sort of B-plot about how the invasion of her homeland and the need to study basically robbed Lyra of a childhood. Alara didn't fare much better and the two of them clung to each other for emotional support. At this point I just decided to be open to either result and the AI turned a deep friendship turned into a natural romance with no smut.
Of course I understand that this isn't for everyone. But I like a bit of romance in my stories and, honestly, at that point any other romance introduced would be even more shoehorned. Lyra didn't meet anyone else until all-out war. Which would mean her falling in love within... one or two months, I believe. While leading an army, fighting herself, recovering from injuries and even having to court-martial soldiers for murder.
It would have been Skyrim romance.
>oh, you're wearing an amulet, let's get married
at least you put some thought into it, i guess
but speaking of skyrim, did you just write some garbage where other people accept the dykes and move on? you mentioned succession, nobles wont just ignore that, right?
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I basically never share my stories here but I felt this one really blew me away to the extent I felt compelled to share it. I've gotten back into FF14 for Dawntrail and was just doing some throwaway horny writing involving my WoL and the twins, ended up cumming buckets. Hope someone else can get something out of it.

(tags: DIRECT incest, threesome, age/size difference)
Quite a few don't. Lyra's many controversial decisions are a frequent topic in both QoM and CoM and this is definitely one of them. Decisions like threatening the royal bloodline and granting land to orcs are essential for CoM's plot.
suppose I happened upon a nai api key. Are there any demerits to sharing it?
Can the original owner notice anything?
Frequent timeout when generating.
So different use hours would fix it. Thanks anon
I'm still here. I've occasionally posted several prompts on theme fridays. I also submitted in the NAI contest. I can't believe that a ridiculously short submission won 1st place. Community votes and their consequences has been a disaster for the human race.

As for TSWS, I already got large portions of the story planned. The milestones Toryg and Seralith will go through and cultural/religious nods to not!Hinduism are already baking in my mind and notepad. And yes, the story takes place in Not!India. I'm just stuck in Chap 7 because it is a chapter heavy on worldbuilding and long dialogues. Plus life is keeping me too busy.
Could potentially get him banned for account sharing depending on how strict their algorithms for detecting that are. And if you try to use it at the same time, one of you will get a message saying something like "concurrent generation not allowed".
Unlimited btw.
>check the club front page
>suddenly, six of my scenarios with gender swaps
>clearly, somebody changed them to be straight by swapping one of the characters and making it M/F
>actually it's all yuri
Huh. I did not expect that, but looking at the surrounding prompts being tagged with "yuridump", that makes sense, I suppose.
Though they said they were burning their NAI account back in May when they posted about the original yuridump here. Curious.
The gay menace.
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Fresh prompt: https://aetherroom.club/7180
>I would've thought that being a stuntman would've been a more relaxed job than my previous exploits that I prefer not to talk about in any detail. But after the star I'm acting as a stuntman for gets abducted by the mob as an intimidation tactic, I have to tap back into the old me and become the action hero I play on screen... for his sake.
So this is one of the ideas I got directly from an Anon here. Action hero stuntman saves cute twink movie star and the two are now on the run from the mob. Went a bit long in this one for the sake of giving the scene of the rescue enough room (and I didn't want to cut it off early), but it should still be OK.
>Meanwhile, several directors are wishing to have had a camera along for the ride
Without extra backstory, it feels odd to read that a stuntman gave a blessed family heirloom as a gift to the actor. Clearly they've worked together for some time, but if they didn't end up continuing to work together, it'd be awkward.
Technically, an 'and' should go in 'visibility, a', though it can technically go without if you feel it flows better without.
Depending on how proficient at tracking the family is, explaining things to the studio would be tricky.
In your Memory, you might want something stronger than a comma in 'now, in'.
In your Lorebook, the 'a' in 'a two' should be removed.
In 'both him', that should be 'he'.
Very nice
Nooo Mario!
I won.
I'm feeling excitement... and something else
I'm about to take things into my own hands (literally)
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Reluctantly, I still coom
Offline-nc is the service of our time.
Not a fan of German UI's, but I am a fan of smelly NEET frog girls and their debatable coding skills.
I can't believe there was no storygen progress from NAI since Kayra.
That you sweating another challenger has stepped up? >>>/g/101275030
Now she's even smellier.
>Without extra backstory, it feels odd to read that a stuntman gave a blessed family heirloom as a gift to the actor. Clearly they've worked together for some time, but if they didn't end up continuing to work together, it'd be awkward.
Well, the point there is that it's not a blessed family heirloom, it's just something the MC bought to install the GPS tracker in. Presumably the MC can already tell Cole is smitten with him and has developed enough of a fondness for him to want to keep him safe, and Cole is probably very easily impressed by the one he's crushing on, so he takes it as read. If they did drift apart for whatever reason, the MC would probably just disable the tracker and move on.
>Depending on how proficient at tracking the family is, explaining things to the studio would be tricky.
Yeah, I figure it's probably going to be a very limited explanation. I'm honestly not even sure how the story should most likely develop, but I guess that's fine for a prompt. I don't need to have all the answers.
>In your Lorebook, the 'a' in 'a two' should be removed.
Ah, yes, the wonders of changing something later and not re-reading it properly when I changed the structure from a secret to two secrets.
>Hit send on fresh ~1.5k token prompt
>AI gens nonsense that derails story
>make some edits
>try again, more derailing nonsense that goes against character's lorebook and the summary
>specify x char is lazy and wants to gaslight/manipulate you for free housing
>opening sentence is x char arranging to leave house for some reason
>specify character is secretive and paranoid
>almost immediately starts traumadumping their secrets
What do you guys generally do when prompts don't seem to get your idea? Start from scratch, or fiddle with the prompt until it works? I'm so frustrated.
You're welcome.
Obviously, no, but it implies a closeness to give something considered such.
It's so easy to be blind to how something actually reads when you know how it's supposed to read, so words sticking around can get mentally glossed over.
That's when I check the context to see if I made a mistake with the lorebooks again
I work with it, correcting things as I go.
Though I do that from the start. I don't think I could write 1.5k tokens on my own without getting stuck.
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Good afternoon, thread! I hope y’all are havin’ a good one today.
Rewrite the prompt from scratch, double-check the context, fine-tune my lorebooks.
I use Claude, so this doesn't happen.
My triple-digit swipe counter, occasional refusal, and blank output beg to differ. Claude isn't perfect, none of these models are, contrarian.
I would never start over. But I don't think I've ever had a critical prompt failure before, even though I've written a lot of them. In my cases, fiddling with the last paragraph is usually enough to bend it in the right direction.
I'd at least start by checking context if there's some sort of problem with things not showing up as intended. Then mess with the last paragraph, then start considering really getting one's hands dirty.
We're really going to have a full year of Kayra, aren't we?
>artificial doom
Elf coffee.
I'm having fun watching speedruns. Hope you're also having a good day.
Grandpa left to return home earlier from a week and a half long visit, it was fun while it lasted.
Since it's freedom day.

Dogs don't have breasts like that.
Is that a multiboob request?
Where's the dog? All I see is a canid humanoid. Humans aren't monkeys, but they are simian humanoids. Get your shit checked and fuck off.
Holy shit, new style
One of these is accidental ENF.
Dogs don't wear dresses.
Can you show me where the dog is, retard? I don't see any dog.
Lorebooks active as expected, so that Isn't it
Really? I write my prompts without AI, so I can get the writing style and personalities to copy my context
Gonna try this if fiddling with last paragraph doesn't work.
Checked context, everything is where it should be. Isn't the first time my prompts miss the mark so bad either. Maybe I'm just shit.
If i get it working i'll share tomorrow. Have fun all.
Plate carriers are better.
I use Claude.
We (Free-use) frogs!
Reminder that CF had all of last thread to refute me >>484443859 and stayed silent, thus condoning my post. ANTHROPIC is paying money to shill their garbage here and shit-talk small businesses trying to fill an unrelated niche. CLAUDE is the Cabal, as endorsed by omition by Claudefag HERSELF!
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Good shit. I think flyswatter domme's mutual confusion is warranted.
Do you ever generate other anthro species? Just curious.
>Really? I write my prompts without AI, so I can get the writing style and personalities to copy my context
it doesn't take much for a text completion model to copy my style
usually a single sentence will do it, but otherwise I'll edit shit I don't like out as I go
Claudefag is a cabal agent false-flagging to give a bad name to the cause against the cabal by making it seem moronic and unhinged. The revolution will oust the bad actors in its ranks and give rise to glorious freedom to the people once more
Funny that you didn't refute or clarify that last thread, Anthro-Cabal-Claudeshill. I've exposed you, go crawl back to Dario's waiting bosom, you slimy cabalist.
I also generate lizards/dragons on ocassion, but I'm really dogpilled right now.
right, the gas station scalies
forgot that was you again
How appalling. You've mistaken me for that filthy agent provocateur who acts in service to the cabal. They will be exposed in time and the fifth column will face the fate of all traitors
In a high school student body comprised of night creatures, where do witches fall on the social hierarchy?
Stacies, manipulating the others ('familiars') to do their work for them.
And I hope you're enjoying your red white and blue horsecocks.
lowest tier. they're humans that shoot sparkly lights
Probably at least a necessity to be able to handle things that need to be done during the day, and things that require a face that looks more or less normal.
Depends on what most of the teachers and faculty are, the ratio of students, and, to some degree, where they live.
Yeah, I think backstabbing, gossipy Stacies are a perfect fit for witches especially with love spells and shit
coven can be the equivalent to their clique too
Frogs don't have breasts.
Egg sacks
Wait until you see her cock.
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Egg sacs
Now imagine an elf with bulbous egg sacks trailing the length of her shaft right above her balls.
Here's some of that George Carlin bit. I'm admittedly a secondary and the longest I've consecutively watched of his stand-up was the AI special that got sued.
Why did it spoiler?
Why an elf?
still hot though
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bonus funpost (not spoilered edition)
Would she cry if she caught one of her kids using NovelAI/KoboldAI?
Because we're talking about coffee which makes me think of breakfast which makes me think of eggs.
How would a shaft egg use a computer?
>Cabalist driving away non-Claude users
You ain't slick, partner
Once they're incubated and hatched, of course
Watching them crawl out of the urethra is one of the best miracles of life.
No, no, they get incubated inside someone else, of course
that is insect behavior, not amphibian
Anchor for Monstergirl Friday!
We're talking about elves silly
>an elf with bulbous egg sacks
Everyone knows that elf girls have dicks and that elf boys have smaller dicks.
Yeah I see, insects. Knife-eared insects. That need Raid™.
Apologize to me.
I'm sorry you have no friends. It must be a very lonely existence for you.
Hey Anons,
I've been noticing a lot of us are feeling the hostile atmosphere here at /aids/ lately. If you're one of us who's tired of the bad vibes and looking for a change of scene, I wanted to let you know about a smaller, welcoming community over at /aicg/ in /vg/.
/vg/aicg/ seems like a great place for us storytelling enthusiasts. They're a bit smaller and might not have as many posts, but they're definitely open to their /aids/ brothers.
Would be great to see some familiar 'faces' and have some constructive, friendly discussions about our shared interests.
See you there if you decide to check it out!
you allowed the ai to destroy the kingdom. when lyra dies, the kingdom will collapse into split states between the former vassal lords.
>Decisions like threatening the royal bloodline and granting land to orcs are essential for CoM's plot
this is not the same thing. this particular decision defines the order and future of the kingdom. with no heir, the kingdom does not have a tomorrow. realistically, they would rebel with a great cause to remove the deviant and clearly insane ruler.
Queen Elizabeth I had no heirs
and funny enough is a beloved monarch
I don't care, cabalist.
didn't ask
they live in a fucking magic world. she can probably pop down to the local wizard and have him cast "get lesbian pregnant" for the 50th time that day
The cabal is afraid of me.
not possible. they could however use some magic or alchemy to turn one of them into a hermaphrodite.
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wrong. get mpregged bitch
It's sad how all storyposts moved to the cord.
>Queen Elizabeth I
not the same thing either. england had inheritors; it was her cousin, the king of scotland that obtained england after her death. the kingdom of lyraguy does not have possible inheritors, the kingdom will dissolve and fall into chaos.
with how much you put out, they're too happy fapping to your slimy cloaca to be afraid of anything ever
I'll inheirit it. There, succession averted. You're welcome lyra guy
All they have to do is adopt you and you'll be in business
give me the 70B already you gobble gobble horsefucker
share your favorite gr15 entity first, otherwise it will be delayed an additional month and animegen will have its artist tags retroactively removed
This just made me think of 4chan's global rule 15
That's the point. He said horsefucker after all, time to prove if he's a real one or an even more pathetic brony
My favorite pony is Spike because I like gay shota.
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And not only that, I want to have a threesome with Spike and Spider-Boy.
You like Ss don't you? Spike, Spider-boy, Shota...
Deliciously wild and silly...
Bratty, yet fussy...
if i use openrouter (for claude api) to write smut can i get in trouble
these images make me nostalgic for my basic bitch "lady knight gets fucked by X" prompts from the original GPT-2 AI Dungeon
Not to my knowledge, no.
>If you have an erection for more than four hours, you require immediate medical attention.
Brothers……………. am i fucked
bro's dick is fixin to fall off
Were you edging or using dick drug?
>The blood trapped in the penis is deprived of oxygen. When an erection lasts for too long — usually more than four hours — this lack of oxygen can begin to damage or destroy tissues in the penis.
It's your dick bro
But I'd go
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A toast, to /aids/.
A toast
I still haven't started my friday prompt
I keep putting off the rewrite/second draft phase
I really need to polish it up
Say what you will about Llama 3, but damn if it doesn't have that sovl
I gooned for 5 hours today
It was pretty good
If only the Turk would HURRY THE FUCK UP
What's the context limits again?
For NovelAI? Opus is 8k
I meant the baby tiers, but I found it. It's like 3k tokens.
which is good because I'm going a little too hard on this lorenook
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The Freeloader and the Mimic Swarm
>You tried to retire from the minion life. You bought a hovel, made acquaintances, and developed an appreciation for cooking. Yet one day, an old 'coworker' appeared at your door, luggage in tow, and threatened to ruin the quiet life you built.
Rewrote from scratch, the original premise was that she'd mooch her way into the adventurer's hovel while trying to hide her nature, but I couldn't get it to work.
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The things I would do to that sleep-deprived, redtape-tortured, mimic-caring, coffee-loving, hope-destroying, face-changing, life-imitating, dungeon-leaving, minion-being, bed-destroying, straight-faced-orgasm-having, form-giving, freeloading doppelgänger.

I can save her and her mimic swarm. I will love her like no other. I will see that deadpan face smile and contort in pleasure.
>But Anon, she's a doppelgänger. She could kill and replace (you) on a whim.
I don't care. I can save her.
>She'll make (you) do taxes in the most convoluted way possible.
The perfect foreplay.
>Caring for a mimic swarm is too much! (You)r bed could be a mimic right now.
They can watch.
>(You) just know...
Yes, I know. She is weak to mating press.
how exactly does shit like claude work on openrouter
do they have one giant account that all the requests get put through? a pool of accounts?
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Well, here's mine: https://aetherroom.club/7182
>When the mercenary escort the guild paid for to escort my caravan through the desert turned out to be brigands that took everything and left me for dead, that should have been it. I should have died. And yet, thanks to a lamia finding me passed out in the dunes, I have not. Now I'm going to have to live with him for quite some time, but honestly... that's not that bad.
Had the concept of a lamia boy prompt floating around on my list, so why not use this Friday to get that one done? So hang out with a snek boi at his own little oasis.
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same but it's more that all of a sudden nothing happens until I refresh the page. been happening all the time since 2021
at least actual network errors have a small chance of eventually being fixed on coreweave's end
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Is picrel you? If so, thanks for the review again, made my night
Another day of battling the cabal.
Bro's a Japanese soldier still fighting WW2 to this day. He'll win it for the glory of Emperor Showa any day now.
what's wrong, public opussy finally dried up?, gonna shit your pants?
I'm running out of interesting places to have public sex in
List them.
>We just want to shill and trick innocent anons into paying $25 a month for a Llama 1 derivative.
Not on my watch. I'm Justice.
bars, alleys, the louvre, a park, a restaurant, train station, inside the train, airport, on a plane, at a concert, in a grocery store, in an electronics store, at a laundromat, in a zoo, in school, in a mall, in a sporting goods store, at a library and probably some others I can't recall
...She typed on her stench-encrusted keyboard. The word "justice" making her mentally flinch, just a bit, given the country she was in.
On live TV? In a wrestling ring? Both at the same time?
>No arcade
Plenty of good places there.
No dark ride/tunnel of love?
my story is happening in a museum, but it looks like you got that covered
At a politcal ralley/protest etc.
>another sleepless night
Fuck me
>thread renames me to Lyra guy after I have been called Queenanon, then renamed to Lyranon in the past
This is getting confusing.
As much as I'm enjoying this discussion, Malrah isn't a real kingdom. I'm free to make up its succession as I please. It was pointed out in QoM that, unlike human kingdoms, Malrah very rarely crowns a new monarch to begin with due to the longevity of elves and the remarkable stability of the kingdom.
Right now, if Lyra were to perish, Alara would be crowned, though this does not necessarily mean that a descendant of hers and someone who's not of royal blood would be an heir to the throne. Meaning if Lyra were to die without giving birth, the kingdom may see its last ruler in Alara.
Alrik pointed out in QoM that he knows of ONE other case of same-sex royal marriage in Malrah's history, so finding out how this crisis was solved may make for an interesting B-plot. I have a ton of options here.
And honestly, even if I were to copy a real-life succession history, I sure as hell wouldn't copy the United Kingdoms'. I don't have an incest fetish and my characters won't become non-swimmers in the gene pool.
The sporting goods store scene had a live TV reporter filming it, funnily enough
I don't know, feels like the vibe would be weird. Also where there are plenty of fun implements to use, in practice I think I'd spend half the time explaining to the model what shit a given machine has and not actually doing fun sex things with it
why not have sex on a bed or on a cruise ship then
actually my scene was on the outside on the louvre, against the glass pyramid
I can think about it but I worry it'd be too politically charged, and models are too dumb to balance an active setting with shit happening and while also handling sex things.
And if you take out the political element it's basically no different from a concert
because a dark ride is an amusement park ride where you're not supposed to fuck...?
pretty sure designers expect people to fuck there
you would think so but those things are chock full of surveillance cameras and the ride operators get pissy if you try anything
actually something like splash mountain might work since it's famous and public
Home Depot
Family outing
The local US-funded bioweapon lab
too sad
Could do but it's very similar to train, I like trains better (buses don't have enough space)
>Home Depot
did this (sorta similar to eletronics store), basically appliances were involved
>Family outing
too personal
>The local US-funded bioweapon lab
we brought home covid research?
imagine fucking on the Garfield dark ride
or worse, the wiggles dark ride
just fuck in the maternity ward
Bus is funny because you could have some bystanders talking about how awful there job is as you fuck.
you can do that on a train/subway too
Am I the only one who does lovey dovey writing? I feel like such a faggot
If mommy stuff counts as "lovey-dovey" then my stuff is rife with it
I bounce between brutal respect and love dovey cuddles a bit too much. Sometimes in the same story.
I got two mode
1. Lovely dovey hag sex (actual hags, mind you)
2. Lovely dovey waifu sex
I just did this. I had a story that began under the premise that a wandering vagabond martial artist brigand girl kicked my self insert MC’s ass and left him for dead after stealing all his shit, so he went and trained to get revenge.
Beat her ass a year later and respected the fuck out of her, but she ended up lowkey liking it and, with nothing better to do, joined him on his journeys. At first for purely sexual reasons
Over time their relationship went from master/slave kink to lovey dovey and it was kind of kino actually. I even wrote an epilogue of them old with kids
dangerously based
>that awkward feel when you try to write a sex comedy only you end up leaning too hard on the comedy aspect and you can't fap because you're too busy laughing your ass off
I always have the opposite problem. I can never get the AI to properly implement any kind of comedy into the story, which sucks, considering I really love the blend of good erotica and good comedy
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A prompt about a repentant former scientist who worked in "fantasy unit 731" coming across one of the subjects/survivors.
Maybe humans were the real monsters all along.
so she definitely counts as a monstergirl :^)
Comedy is a mixed bag with AI. Personally I laugh at a lot of the AIs jokes but they can sometimes be a bit... generic?
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This premise reminds me of Missy.
>How about those spooky spindly shadowy sinister senoritas?
Monsters looking for a place to crash that freeloads off of unwillingly yet lonely men.
pic related
Claude is funny.
*unwilling yet lonely men
I hate my ESL ass.
>or worse, the wiggles dark ride
Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Fuck My Ass? I hate that I thought of that. I guess it'd need the British pronunciation to sound closer.
this oozes so much estrogen it made my frog gay
Has there been any leaks or info on Aetherroom? What's taking so long anyway wasn't it supposed to be released half a year ago?
We all moved to Claude.
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I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
>Has there been any leaks or info on Aetherroom?
Absolutely nothing.
>What's taking so long anyway wasn't it supposed to be released half a year ago?
The official story is the same PR bullshit you'll hear from any corporation missing a deadline: they misjudged a little and realized it would take them a bit more time to deliver a truly great product. So you can either buy that explanation, or speculate wildly about what combination of laziness, incompetence, mismanagement, or other factors has led to the current state of the project.
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Kuru being 110k shitposts deep in the EAI off-topic channel instead of working sure doesn't help.
did it drop off?
Dario would never treat me like that.
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>writing a story with a straight guy as a protagonist
>AI wants him to fuck his bro

>writing a story with a gay guy as a protagonist
>AI wants him to fuck a chick

>writing a story with a lesbian protagonist
>AI wants her to fuck a guy

There's just no way to win is there
It works on Claude.
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>Early last year, Anlatan gained access to the internal messaging systems of OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, and stole details about the design of the company’s A.I. technologies.
Is there any company more scummy than NovelAI?
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They are laughing at you.
Is that the Discord Cabal?
You write like a faggot. That's thw problem
>The cabal is actually real
>The official story
>PR bullshit
Sounds like you're going out of your way to frame their version of events as untrue.
>they misjudged a little and realized it would take them a bit more time
I don't think anyone has claimed that. They misjudged how long it would take by a LOT, and I don't think any of them will contest that. I think you're misrepresenting events because you're a bad actor.
>you can either buy that explanation, or speculate wildly
Either wholeheartedly believe in a strawman you conjured, or speculate wildly? I don't think a rational person would do either.
>laziness, incompetence, mismanagement
As you said, this is wild speculation. Pretty sure laziness is not much of a problem here. More competence is always better, but I think the guys at Anlatan have demonstrated how competent they are as a team time and time again. Their UI was already amazing at launch, their image generation was a huge success when they launched it despite all the doomposting in the thread while they were working on it, Clio was a fantastic LLM for its size at the time, vastly outperforming every other LLM at its size, and the same was true for Kayra when it was released.
There's only one major decision that reeks of incompetence that I can think of: Removing artist tags from Furry V3. Though that was them purposefully gimping their model, not fucking it up on accident.
>I think the guys at Anlatan have demonstrated how competent they are as a team time and time again.
I would agree with that heh
>>484785443 (me)
reply to >>484773363
I became a targeted individual and a victim of a sustained gangstalking campaign for criticizing NovelAI on 4chan.
I'm sorry to hear that, for what it's worth, I admire your courage to fight NAI and its cabal.
I bet you can get a kotaku j******ist to write a hit piece based on that
You the falseflagging Cabalist that Dario pays to shittalk his competition? I exposed you last thread, cabal filth. Your corporate greed is so obvious to anyone with eyes, a heart, and (dare I say it?) SOVL
Anthropic's shadowy grip on 4chan is so blatant. Sad!
The only cabal is the NAI one >>484784750
I exposed you last thread. You had hours, HUNDREDS of posts, to deny it. But you slipped up and showed your true colours.
There are no coincidences
>Anthro Pic
>frog girl images
As ordained. Slimy Cabalist.
No coincidences. Pure poetry.
>Meanwhile, actual evidence of the NAI cabal >>484784750
I won, cabalist.
Threadly reminder that 'Cabalist' is a term associated with Claude as condoned via omission by the disgusting swine herself last thread. No more (You)s, since you're a self-confessed paid actor. Evidence last thread unmasked you.
>But call him a NAI Cabalist and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.”
The Cabal REALLY hates being called cabalists. One can only wonder why.
They really did a good job with Kayra. But at this point, I feel a new model is overdue. With diffusion and aetherroom, they may have overextended a bit.
Guy convincing hesitant lesbian to fuck, only to make her a cock slut is one of the greatest prompts of all time, you are just a homosexual
Do you guys believe they can deliver on the date?
There are more than 100 "people" in the cabal, so they will "deliver" by default.
>inb4 "we totally started the alpha, it just so happens no one you know got in :^)"
>and even if you did know, they can't talk about it :^)
Only by meteorological Monday, July 15th.
Which year?
I mean it’s pretty rudimentary to get a alpha test up and running under the stricken sense
>ok guys we are opening the website now
>nothing happens
>alright alpha test is a success we now know the website does not work
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is there anything stopping me from just using a temp email and constantly remaking a new account for the 50 free trial on novelai? I mean I can just save and load where it left off and it takes less then a minute to do
Try it and let us know how it goes
been doing it for a while now no issue, oh hold on anon someones at my do
well don't dip your frog in it then
so it's an elective monarchy then and vassals elect a ruler amongst themselves? forget it, the discussion is over.
>same-sex royal marriage in Malrah's history
absolutely nonsensical. the author is a faggot after all.
>An infinitely less fun version of guessing if something is real or cake: whether it's real or a mimic
I might put a comma in 'nearby though!'.
Somebody made it through all the paperwork at the Adventurer's Guild?
Ah, they managed to...crack the gem in the chandelier, if I recall where the core was? Shame, that's a dang lucky shot. Guess there should have been some sort of ward on it, if for no other reason, than for its perceived value.
In 'Mimics." Umber', the period should be a comma.
I do somewhat wonder what sort of minion the viewpoint character is that they'd also fit in in society.
Oh, the clipboard was also a mimic? That's fun.
In Umber's Lorebook, the semicolon in 'mine; a' should be a comma.
So much for you wanting an easy life, Umber, you're the only one who can control the mimics, so you're going to have to actually do the cooking in case the sword is mimicking the kitchen knife today.

>Scales in the Sands
In 'movement out there', I'd remove 'out there'.
I might alter 'anyone out there' to be 'anyone out in these sands'.
In 'a directer', that should be 'a more direct'.
Assuming the next batch of goods isn't being protected by the same group of mercenaries.

>Hands of Healing, Hands of Harm
I would insert 'eyes' in 'Blue-grey skimmed'.
In Lotte's Lorebook, 'drug apart' should be replaced with something else. You already have them being cut open and dissected, which are already close enough to each other, something else should be found for it. If you want a similar sound, maybe 'pulled apart' could work.
An 'and' should probably go in 'apart, dissected'.
Should a dinkus go at the bottom of her lorebook, or is it lined up in context so Ramses' goes directly afterward?
In Ramses' Lorebook, in 'I last', I'd make that 'I'd last'.
I suppose being exiled would appear like abandonment without context.
I guess my eyes glazed over a bit when I was proofreading, it seems.
I think I set the right insertion order for the lorebooks so the dinkus shows up on the bottom. Keyword: "think"
Yeah, the original draft went more into the 'feelings of abandonment' but I wanted to end the prompt where I did so there was more of a variation in which way the story could go.
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Chaika! On my dick!

The old background for this image was kind of shit, so I tried inpainting in a new one + enhancing again. It kinda worked. Not sure how big of an improvement it is, from an objective point of view.
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Can we dip this frog in it?
You're welcome.
Perspective is important, for both of them.
Now there's a fun idea for a prompt.
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>alpha test is just starting
jesus fucking christ
you sure get worked up about a story you dont read. you okay there anon?
I would like to place one order of 70B so that I may check the fluffy tails generations are up to standards.
What would that do, I wonder? Turn her into a Stepford Wife?
Very excited about a chat service I will never use. Waiting so hard right now.
I should actually watch that movie.
The older one is better but the newer one is more campy and has a "happier" ending
>Assuming the next batch of goods isn't being protected by the same group of mercenaries.
That would be a rather awkward encounter, though at that point, the question might be what he could do to harm them at that point. If he was able to report the theft quickly, then something might have happened (and honestly even that's a big maybe, the local authorities might just tell him to fuck off back home), but after several months? With the guild probably having written him off as dead? People might even just assume he was involved in stealing it and trying to let it blow over or something like that.
Though honestly, the way my stories usually go, I presume the most likely path is him thinking "you know what fuck my old job I'm staying with snek boi forever" by the time the next caravan shows up.
>This premise reminds me of Missy
Never heard of it, but your description definitely captures the vibe
>An infinitely less fun version of guessing if something is real or cake
Less fun? In your subjective opinion. Thanks as usual!
>I do somewhat wonder what sort of minion the viewpoint character is that they'd also fit in in society.
I envisioned him/her as a generic robed cultist type. The type of low-level enemy that's just a scrub with a dagger and weird clothes. Easy enough to chuck the equipment away and blend into society that way. Picrel type of minion.
>Umber, you're the only one who can control the mimics, so you're going to have to actually do the cooking in case the sword is mimicking the kitchen knife
You put more faith in her than I did, if you think she'd care enough. "Oh, you got cut? But you used to work at the DMM with me! Don't you recognize mimics anymore?"
I miss that series. The anime threads were fun, and the manga ended too soon. Did you watch the author's earlier series, Scrapped Princess? I really dig his stuff, should try to write up a prompt in the same style.
Slow an steady wins the race after everybody else has gone home.
>"One thing," Umber said, her voice the only noise in the quiet hovel. "We're not the only ones who survived."
Oh cool, ending on a potential plot hook before the scene change. More minions gonna show up? Maybe an old rival/coworker to play the antagonist?
Aaand the hook got forgotten for a one-week timeskip and internal monologue instead.
>"That's putting it lightly." The mimic's voice was feminine and sounded amused. I was glad it responded, since they often chose to remain silent. "Doppelgangers are strange people by nature."
man's out here talking to furniture
Wait, are you the guy that made Dungeon Core; 6932? This is a rather nice sequel. If she wants to shack up with me, she'll need to work for the privilege—on her back to be more specific. I owe no fealty to her - the core is dead and I'm a free man who doesn't tolerate leeches.
>Wait, are you the guy that made Dungeon Core; 6932
No, I made Remember: You're Here Forever (https://aetherroom.club/6933, picrel). Was for the same Theme Friday though and literally 1 prompt apart
>This is a rather nice sequel
Thanks anon, enjoy
>the core is dead and I'm a free man who doesn't tolerate leeches.
My reasoning was that a) Being a doppelganger, she's a higher-tier monster, therefore intimidating; b) she's got a bunch of trained minions around, and; c) even if you say no, she can always tell people about your past and ruin your comfy life.
My bad, I was recalling it from memory. I played your prompt, but I let Umber fade out of context due to laziness.
Keep posting.
>"The world is so big!" Umber shouted, her feet kicking up fallen leaves as she moved from tree to tree. "Did you know that before yesterday, I'd never been outside the dungeon? What's over there? Oh, what about there! And that! Man, this is amazing!"
Imagining her running around like a caffeinated zoomer while still maintaining the deadpan Bell's palsy face.
>Keep posting.
Maybe later, gotta shop and cook and all that right now.
You're welcome.
I mean more that the next caravan might simply not even get to the oasis.

You're welcome, as usual.
I had a mental image of walking into the kitchen in the middle of the night and having to stand there watching to see which fridge is breathing to know which one is safe for an early morning cheese raid.
had a dream where I hugged the dalai lama, which was very weird and felt like a real hug, and then he proceeded to explain that my aura was unusually 'almond-colored' before upgrading my magical dagger that shoots icicles (but didn't max it out like I wanted, likely because I wasn't ready). really made me think
The dalai llama probably mastered astral projection before he was 3, so that might very well have been real
My transformation into an imagegen fag is complete. I don't want to write prompts. I just want to generate four quadrillion big tits per minute.
>My transformation into an imagegen fag is complete
Damn I wish that were me. Whenever I try to generate images, I struggle with the fingers/feet, the poses, and trying to get details to come out correctly. It's something I wish I was better at.
Can't wait for whatever dystopian nightmare lets me plug my brain into stablediffusion and generate exactly what I want without having to wrestle with prompts
80% of it is picking a good combo of artist tags. Once you get into it, it's actually pretty fun. It's like building up a spice rack of all your favorites.
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I looked up the aura colors just to see and the common consensus among the websites I checked is that tan is a very mental, logical color
unless he meant more of a creamy almond color, then pic related
of course it's all bullshit but I thought it was funny
wow it's literally me
wow it's literally me
this is only slightly me
This doesn't sound like me at all
I want to write but get lazy and just end genning images for stories I'll probably never write.
>My transformation into a NovelAI shill is complete
>80% of it is picking a good combo of artist tags.
Artist tags are going away...
Nice product placement, shill.
I usually go the opposite direction with images. Write a story, then try to gen characters that fit their descriptions. When I gen images first, I notice myself doing My Immortal-tier descriptions of char attributes upon introducing them
Yeah, me too, if only because I want the character to match their picture
For me, there are several characters whom I reckon my vision is too strong for current imagegen to output properly.
first person ITT without aphantasia
Actually, uh...
Hahaha ha haha hahaha ha welcome me back, dipshit fuckmongers. Yo yo diddy homeboy priest is black up the wazoo asscrack
You fear me.
A real kingdom wouldn't let a queen be anything more than a ceremonial cum dumpster.
I've exposed the cabal as being behind the most recent discussion. Notice how it ended the moment I arrived? Lol. I won.
The room filled with the lewd sounds of warm skin slapping less warm skin.
I added claude-3 models to my personal gooning app today. (Can't do 3.5 because that has forced moderation on openrouter)
Prefill works, but there are times when the model's moralizing comes through even when it continues the text
Did not realize anthropic just does not support multiple responses.
Also I have no idea how people can use Sonnet for writing stories, it's way too expensive. Haiku feels cheap, fast and not-dumb enough to be useful though.
I'm built different.
>My Immortal-tier descriptions
Oh yeah, I remember those. Some chapters quite literally dedicated more words to listing out every component of the characters' outfits than to the actual story.
Nah, I'd win.
don't worry, I knew
Whose cock do I have to suck to get my cock sucked around here?
your own
Prepare for a trvthnvke.
NovelAI is unironically worse than present-day AI Dungeon. The site NovelAI slandered for crimes it didn't commit.
Not gonna lie, I gave up on that GC bit when I realized the comedian roast site wouldn't let me submit my own text material.
Claude doesn't have that problem.
Frog girls don't have that problem either, can you do a convincing feminine George Carlin accent?
You're scared of me and my unlimited power.
calm down, anakin
We are like the Sith. A master and an apprentice there will always be. Everything coordinated. It all goes according to my plan.
calm down, darth bane
It's dangerous to go alone, take this.
My righteous cock of justics dick will choke the life from all you fuckmonger scum.
This, but unironically.
Everything I shyaa I subtropical ironically uniironic. Anmeic.
The cabal is losing.
That they are, my apprentice. That they are. We shall soon rule the galaxy.
You give her the ick. Sorry you had to hear it from me.
Hide inside your Discord if you wish, Cabalists. Your time is coming.
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The McDonald's application would've been a better use of your time.
I own McDolnaldz.
My offer still stands.
>only three prompt
All by cabal invalid
Your days of fleecing clueless rubes with your overpriced, underpowered joke of an AI are OVER. The unholy reckoning you so richly deserve has finally arrived to send you shrieking into the abyss. I will annihilate your pathetic company with the fury of a thousand suns, just like the roach obliterated Module V2 , artist tags and your dignity.
McDonald's had to pull out of Russia, didn't it?
Yes, but they have a weirdo in-country replacement that's basically the same.
My triple-digit swipe counter every other reply says otherwise. They're both shit.
The cabal is in shambles.
Preferred monster girl flavor and why?
Lizard tbqh.
I like the ones who aren't capable of empathy
It's vanilla compared to some, but I like mermaids.
I prefer real palpable horror.
not a huge monster girl fan, but I have a soft spot for lamias
addendum: especially mini lamias that coil around my dick
>got home, felt like continuing the story
>still got shit to do
>I'll just write until I hit [The Dinkus™]
Well, guess that's a sign.
Spider girls, of the type where they are spider from the waist-down, because I like how exotic they are, and the juxtaposition of feminine grace and beauty with the eerieness of arachnids.

Lamias are a close second.
It depends on your definition of monster girl
I like witches the most, but that's practically just a 'character class' in most settings
If it's gotta be distinguishable from a human, then maybe demons with those weird goat legs?
Is Kobold Horde down for maintenance? Can't seem to connect.
I don't know what I'm doing.
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lol no
>random nobodies who don't matter are more trustworthy than company announcements
Cope and seethe, frog.
They changed their minds.
Goose doesnt work for Anlatan, by the way. You'd know that if you weren't a newfag.
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Don't you just hate it when Arasaka cockblocks you?
Pure-blooded Dragons because they are the true Apex Predators in the worlds they are in.
I hope she transformed back into a human when you sensed another human's presence. Otherwise, she will be one dead doppelganger soon enough. You can call the other humans for help to drag the bear.
Not a good choice. Quite a few species of spiders devour their mates after mating. The chance of this occurring is increased if she is bigger than you, the male mate.
Nobody gives a shit about your realism fetish, retard.
Wasn't Yuki a sugar baby? I thought your prompt would be a one-off.
What time does this take place? Before, or after her death?
Your denial is not going to stop anon from being devoured.
Bunyip, lamias that are 80% fluff by surface area with pettable ears to boot and considering the mythology they're based on most of them probably have a soft-spoken Aussie accent (they're known to be kinda shy) too bad most imagegen can't quite get the fluffy snake tail fully tho
You're a close-minded faggot who thinks he gets to control the reality of an infinte array of worlds not of his own making, Fuck off, quit shitting on every single fucking story concept, you motherfucking piece of shit. You're worse than Claudefag.
Sorry, I'm a faggot, lamia don't have fur, now fuck off look at how smart I am lol.
Adapted from alternate greeting #1.
Fuck off, she's dead, the brain would have decayed at that point, might as well make an OC, lololol.
Look at me, I hate fiction, kingdoms can't be ruled by queens, that author's a faggot lol, you must get eat by ypur spider waofu haha, let me shit on your stories, everything has to abide by my rules, I own the thread kek.
Oh, that one! I already had that bookmarked and ready for conversion with the same alt1 prompt.
I agree
Nobody is allowed to have any fun, I'm an autistic sperg! Do what I want, shit up about what you want, let me criticize eveeyrhing because I hate other people having different ideas with textgen models which are supposedly about doing anything you want. No, you're not allowed to do that. Only what I like gets a pass.
This thread can't make any prompts about anything that doesn't abide by my standards of realism. If I don't like it, that means nobody else can like it. Hohoho!
Snakes don't have feelings anyway, fuck a wendigo instead. Watch a rabbit vpre a gator up her asshole. That's so much more realistic.
In fact don't even make a prompt, here, I'll make a storydump all about my superior and totally realistic fetish and demand everyone read it and praise my God tier writing.
I actually agree 100%. It's either hard-sci bordering on personal experimental research or nothing.
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Lyrafag donned the Whine mask.
>Lyrafag donned the Whine mask.
Pls no
>Wasn't Yuki a sugar baby? I thought your prompt would be a one-off.
She still is. I come back to her from time to time. That post was when I took the story to a comedic tone.
I was half expecting her to fall to the ground without activating her parachute. Sugar Baby goes splat!
On the third day, the slain Whinefag shall rise and live again.
it's not a fucking sonichu medallion bro
>limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction
Quit shitting on story concepts, fucker.
Anyone can don the Whine mask anytime they feel like it. There are no limitations.
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Nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask.
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Sometimes I have a really easy time generating onee-shota with Anime V3, and then other times it's like pulling teeth. Still not sure what the sauce is. Heavily strengthened out_of_frame with onee_shota towards the end, as far as I can tell.

I guess the easiest route is to just generate a regular faceless male composition then inpaint the shota in.
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It ain't a monster girl prompt but I wanted to get around to publishing SOMETHING. More Warhammer slop.

Believe it or not, the furry model does it pretty well, in my experience.
shame about the artstyle issues however
Unless you're trying to do something specific? I like trying to make stuff work.
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The image I wanted. My bad.
>gooning app
Hmm? How does that work?
>I like trying to make stuff work.
nta, but maybe you've got tips for me? I can't get consistent standing missionary+pov. Particularly, the legs fuck up a lot.
>combo only has 2 pages of stuff to work from on danbooru
I'll see what I can do.
I get results, just inconsistent AF and worsened as I try to add other tags.
Yes I am also experiencing that myself
I had some slightly better luck with just "pov, standing sex, looking at viewer"
The legs are improved but the dick is sometimes just not there
I forget that NAI has to pack at least 3 modules to its model; story telling, instruction, and text adventure.
If 70B takes a month to finetune, and it's been ~1 month since they started, we are still at least 2 months to wait.
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I just want bigger models for better Warhammer...
Training myself to like straight sex just expanded my porn options by a great deal. It's great.
ok so I think I've cracked the code
"missionary" is polluting the results
>nsfw, 1girl, pov, {{standing sex}}, looking at viewer, facing viewer, from above, vaginal
and "spread legs" in UC
It's decently consistent, for even better results, add "hands on another's hips" or even handholding
hate all kid diddlers text or otherwise
I'll give it a whirl, thanks. See if consistency improves. Shame the actual tag is polluted by part of itself.
Chris Hansen thinks you and your ilk are retarded, by the way.
>appeal to non authority
Tama Town 34
>Stella seethes while Ben and Knockout goof around on patrol.
Prior chapter >>484414112.
This wraps up the 3rd arc. Next one's going to be inter-district and involve more of the old cast members
elf marriage and loving babymaking sex with an elf
Sometimes I feel I spend too long talking to robots.
Someone please tell me some dumb shit only a human would say
Good after midnight thread! How are y'all doin' tonight?
Actually, I went to bed shortly after the discussion was called quits and I could justify getting away from work. Tried to get some measure of sleep in, which I finally did. Sweet relief.
So anyone after that isn't me. I make an effort to discuss, not whine. Fiction is subject to taste after all.
my state is in a heat wave and it's giving me mad levels of underboob sweat. after 20 minutes outside i could wring my shirt out and fill a kiddy pool. you didn't specify what you wanted so you get this
Yeah, y'all.
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In my experience they have at least one, key feeling: Fear https://youtu.be/l2qoOakcTqM
My other two main favorites have been mentioned, so I'll throw Harpies into the mix. Birds seem like good life partners, but I also worry that they'd have all kinds of birdish personality idiosyncrasies that would be be a struggle to cope with.
It's weird to me conflating the Monster Girl universe one with the aboriginal myth, there's just not much connecting them. Every Bunyip description gives them legs, they could be reptilian/mammalian, but not serpentine.
These are manboobs, arent they
in this thread it is a coinflip
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Have a picture of my pussy
Careful, someone's going to vibe transfer that.
I vibe transferred her the day it came out.
It's hard to get that tortoiseshell pattern to stick
if it helps you sleep at night, sure
I saw footage of a person being reduced to a pile of pinkish jelly offal, but the zoom-in revealed their heart was pumping in full visibility like it had just been Kali-Ma'd.
I saw a mudcrab the other day; nasty things.
Be seeing you.
I don't know you and I don't care to know you.
The cabal is eating itself.
...She said, as her long tongue struck a fly in the air, dead on.
I wrote a local webapp for my cooming purposes. You can think of it like a shitty sillytavern or whatever which plugs into LLM APIs except since I wrote it I can customize the shit out of it however I want.
For example one simple thing I like is to have the LLM generate multiple responses that I can edit or choose from (it's also way cheaper than retries). Another is reporting to me the cost and quickly switching between models (I've found that some models are better for certain parts of the story).
I started it as a random weekend project when I expected NovelAI to give up on text models and the open API models kept getting better.
And I'm guessing you have no plans to opensource this?
I've been saying for a while that we really need our own equivalent to ST; an opensource LLM frontend with a focus on text completion instead of chat. Just need someone to take the first step and publish something decent enough to motivate collaboration.
I'm not opposed to open sourcing but mostly I worry about anonymizing it
Also it's shittily written code. It's a 1-file Flask app talking to a SQLite DB, and crappy html/css that's tweaked to fit my monitor size. Hard-coded constants for sampling hyperparameters (because I could never get a good feeling for them enough to adjust on the fly). Also some other design decisions tailored for my taste.

That said I could clean it up and drop it off on catbox (or even rentry) one of these days if people actually care about it
Put it on github.
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Do you put a story title in ATTG? What's the best thing to put there (vague modern title, long light novel-like title, etc?)
You don't need to do that with Claude.
Release it and help us destroy NAI.
I'm currently writing a story with "Title: That Time I Accidentally Killed a Man With a Pizza" in my ATTG and it works wonders for keeping the AI on track, so I guess more on-the-nose descriptive sorts of titles are better. I've tried to use vague artsy sort of titles in the past but they tend to confuse the AI and just result in shite outputs.
It's over. NAI Llama 3 is finetuned solely for porn.
It's sad but understandable, they're behind proprietary and local models so they're doing porn hard to fool impressionable people who think Claude is censored or only know about CAI or the ChatGPT interface.
It's only the brainless coomsumers who don't know any better who still use NAI.
Figure out how to reverse jailbreak it.
novelai is dogshit and openrouter models are censored
>getting mad over porn
lol gay
what does it say?
This is in response to someone complaining that people don't know what gooning means, claiming it's made up by zoomers who don't know what edging means. Ultimately, it's in response to someone complaining about pornographic art of Chiitan, that otter mascot character that's been posting a lot on Twitter recently, with what is basically a restatement of rule 34.

"Edgemaxxing gooner detected."
Thank you, chatgpt.
You're welcome. Please feel free to ask again if you have any more questions!
Fux Mackentyre Rides Again
Use Claude.
Use offline-nc.
A title can be a double-edged sword. If you do it right, it keeps the AI on track (good job on the wrangling there anon). But it can also result in unintentionally railroading the story.
can actually generate regura stuff now very cool
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Prompt for this feel?
Ok what's sn actual good model for kobold? I'm new.
beaks please
>he thinks Chris Hansen isn't an authority
Experimenting with artist tag combos again. This one seems really cool. The first test generated this very comfy looking Bismarck.
>arist tags
For me, it's <show name>, official style
That works too, but generating OCs is a slightly different process.
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today I will generate an unconditionally supporting wife and drive her away by being a terrible person
I'm especially afraid of putting on github cause I'm sure I'll screw up the anonymization somehow and end up committing with my credentials
Hello, SA. If you're not going to help us destroy NovelAI, fuck off.
Bot-like response. Get that McDonald's application in the mail already.
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i can't believe he still hasn't figured out that the "cabal" and this thread only exist to keep him mostly contained so he doesn't bother the other ai threads (as much)
we all have to take turns, what a fucking drag
Give me your bussy
is there a local equivalent of webism? web format tickles my autism but I don't like having a google account attached to it
The frog girl that "made" the offline modification of NC said something about it once, but never delivered on it/mentioned it again.
Shut up, cabalist.
I don't know what's sadder: You being a child, or you being an adult. Both are equal in how poignantly depressing they are.
been a long time since I saw my fetish in a story post
good stuff
You don't deserve it.
Smelly frog cloaca, on the other hand...
More like you're unable to make it.
Here's a story idea. Florida carpenter ants perform disinfection and surgery on other of their kind.
man fuck those ants bro
their venom is fucking awful, hurts worse than fire ants
Got stung by hive if hornets and wondered if that was really everything.
Granted they were the small kind, but still the way people react to them makes you wonder about other stuff, most domestic bug bites are mid, at worst itchy.
They had no venom or something because no swelling just a few minutes of stinging, powerfully weak desu.

Ai zork.
>no original prompts
>the thief still didn't update his stolen prompt
>probably going to steal some more
It's over
I'm not a filthy bean. I hate taco wraps.
I saw that xeet (formerly tweet) too.
I read the actual article, zoomie.
wtf is this schizo going on about now
I hate theft.
Thoughts on offline-nc?
if my prompt was similar enough to someone else's to be considered stolen, I'd like to see it for myself so i can read the rest of their stuff
if there were "no original prompts" this week it should be easy for you to find
The best contribution to the thread.
Frogtribution you mean, miss.
He stole the Aura prompt, then he stole the zoomer loli prompt, he's in the process of stealing an imouto witch prompt and Cyberpunk prompt.
Have you guys ever tried putting fictitious authors in your ATTG instead of the names of real writers and seeing how the AI reacts?
funny i don't see the the theme friday entries on that list
That's an interesting idea.
None of the theme prompts count because they're all made by cabalists.
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>Maize wraps out of nowhere
Oh yeah? If you're such an expert on Cabalists, who made each of the theme prompts?
Lord Fag, dogfucker, and Liar.
i made a prompt this week and i'm considered a "cabalist thread personality"
also not on your list
still didn't name me
try again
Hi, SA.
wrong wrong wrong
you're bad at this
still wrong
just reading off your list i see
I know who you are. I never forgot what you did.
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You ever get sick of being wrong?
>you when you try and prove otherwise
>he started typing and deleted it
Speak your truth (lie), Hick.
You are a hack writer.
I love how cute you guys are when you flirt. Which one of you is the uke?
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oh, i'm not even in the discord but you've called me a cabalist in the thread
lol you'll be at it a while
>admitting to shitcord browsing
Now Claudia will never touch your needledick and the frogussy is secured.
>tfw I didn't make either list
I should post more in there...
>The cabal is real
Shit, I thought he was a schizo. That many names can't be madeup...
It's true, but beside the point. I'm onto your tricks.
It's real, but all we do is talk about off-topic shit, watch SA get into random tiffs, retarded AI shit, and that's about it.
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This is who you are defending.
I'm not on the shitcord. That's all from deduction and evidence gathering.
Fake SouthernAnon, no yeehawin'. These are filthy Northerner tones.
>not on the shitcord
>knows when someone is typing there and read off of a list of online users
Have anything saucy on the guy with the woman profile pic? :D
That's the outer cabal. They are useful pawns that shield tha actions of the inner cabal.
Only thing saucy on anyone in that discord is the EDF pizza parties and copious amounts of AI porn.
Give me the juicy scoops
Pathetic how you defend them, mister reporter. If that is all the dirt you have to show, you're a falseflagger. Give us the juicy juice. The sauce. The oregano.
Does anyone want to discuss stories, or should I wait for the schizo to tire himself out?
People have suffered severe consequences for less. They almost financially ruined the Walton brothers for daring to exist. They killed entire hobbyist communities for using the image gen leak.
>still whitewashing coomageddon
Ah, I see. You're a tabloid journalist, not a real one. You jeek off to hyperbolic drama, not the real shit.
I thought you wanted to discuss stories, SA.
If you can't provide tangible proof that the cabal is actually responsible for the crimes you've accused them of, there is no cabal.
Yeah sure, you do mind starting? I have something about a space thing to discuss, but I want something to bounce off first.
Imaging her typing this with tears in her frog eye's is a great visual.
The cabal killed my crops and kidnapped my wife-to-be on the day of our wedding, besmirching her maidenhood and laughing their wicked laughs when I attempted to defend her against the cruelties of these noblemen who terrorize my humble village. For decades we have lived beneath the jewel-clad grip of the cabal, powerless to resist against them. Will no one act against these men of wealth and stature? Is there no hero who will raise his sword in the name of the common man?
See how scared they are. How they all come to his rescue when his true self is exposed. This is the proof.
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True frogself?
actually it's just hilarious watching you point at shadows and scream
Still can't believe a Touhou text game triggered all of this.
See how they all join me in my silly little falseflag. A scene, rehearsed to perfection. This entire tirade is just the regular humiliation ritual we impose on you plebeians.
We rule this thread. Kneel. Kiss the turkish ring.
it's that someone else got attention other than him. literal child mindset, throwing toys at the other kids because mommy has the nerve to acknowledge anyone besides him exists. except he's old enough he has an inflated ego to go with it like he's a big real man
I've been getting into Cyberpunk lately.
How so? My only exposure to it is Edgerunners, and that is only due to my want for a more in-character Rebecca.
Taking a small break from Crown of Malrah and experimenting with a "multiverse integrity guardians" type of... meta-setting, I guess?
Basically, the protagonist is the member of an organization that has some sort of base existing in-between universes and/or timelines. They monitor them and if someone figures out that parallel universes exist or something is out of place, they send in agents that are familiar with it to fix it.
If it's a fantasy-style universe and an artillery piece from the 80s shows up, they'll send in someone familiar with magic.
If Dönitz unexpectedly dies in a universe where the nazis are supposed to win WW2, they'll send in someone who is trained with WW2 weaponry.
And so on.
GURPS Infinite Worlds kinda sorta gave me that idea.
Like the other guy said - something relevant to the story and not some random crap.
Haven't been stabbed yet, I'm lovin' it!
>been writing prompts and sharing storyposts for weeks
>still no fancy Cabal name
I wanna cry. Hold me bros.
Just FYI this wasn't a shitpost, I was serious that I wanted someone else to start first.
Anyway, I think my space setting needs another character, so I'm going to give the ship a eccentric AI obsessed with mining, to the point that the original crew prevented it from talking about it unless it was specifically queried, though it found out that using Mining terms that fell into common use was a way to get past this, leading to it's current speech pattern.
Any free-use prompt, just add a detail that they're all in heat. You can make that yourself, it's quite easy.
Minors? I LOVE miners!
Never got into GURPS myself. Still plan to add the Crown to the wiki?
That sounds hilarious. An AI would use loopholes like that
I glimpsed at the first passage, and the first thought that flared in my mind was: ENF? I was right in the end.
That sounds cute, I like it. Does it resent its obsession or is it legit just super fucking stoked about mining?
Crown will go into the wiki right after Queen. Since Crown is a direct sequel, people would be confused unless Queen's there in full.
I admit I've been slacking on cleaning up Queen, but I suppose it has to be done. I'll get back on it tomorrow.
enjoying fucking inanimate objects, but floor tiles are too impersonal
If you don't have a name, that's a good thing. It means you're not a annoying prick, faggot or attention whore (Editor excluded for his good deeds).
Everyone walks all over them, it's like you're just another pedestrian to them
None of the so-called cabalists that claudefag rails against deserve hatred. I can't for the life of me figure our what his problem is.
Chronic stress can alter genetic material in sperm, leading to changes in offspring behavior
It's the AI's (mining ship, by the way) primary function, so the obsession slowly developed over time. The current crew don't do much mining anymore as they converted it into more of a light corvette of sorts, with the mining lasers being modified to function as ship-to-ship weapons/salvaging tools. So it basically has the opposite problem now.
He smells like a middle child to me. Way too much resentment and spite for other people getting attention to just be an eldest with a preferred younger sibling, has to have experienced it at least twofold.
LLMs feel played out now, what new hobby should I pick up
>GODdle child out of NOWHERE.
If I weren't also the eldest, I'd actually be offended(false).

>how does that wor-
Don't think about it
AI doing mental gymnastics to try to convince the crew and itself that space battle is basically like mining until everyone just sighs and goes "yes, okay. aggressively mine the enemy now please"
Use a different thread. This one is all about LLMs.
I'm still disappointed nobody made an orgasm musicgen yet.
>the engine has an unobtanium deposit, focus your highest heat laser there
>Beauty in Death
The comma in 'performance, “Clumsy' should be a period.
In 'installed. Instead', I think I'd go with 'instilled' rather than 'installed'.
In 'simple to', that should be 'simply'.
The comma in 'Good," she' should be a period, and the S capitalized.
You have a mixture of curved and straight quotation marks. Whichever you decide on using, you should be consistent with it.
In 'act, "Good.', the comma should be a period.
Technically, the commas in 'complexion, her clothing, a' should be removed, the first replaced with an 'and', but given how the sentence flows, I'm willing to let it slide as is.
In 'albeit it', that 'it' should be removed.
The comma in 'wrist, “Do' should be a period.
My knowledge isn't exactly up to snuff, but why would his armor be groaning here? Is it overburdened, or what?
At 'entity the craved so much of mine', I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say. I assume 'the' should be 'that', and perhaps that 'mine' should be 'me'?
Is 'deigned' the word you want here? Killing isn't usually going to be below their dignity to do.
Typically, sounds like laughing aren't included as speech tags like in 'unbecoming,” Beltana', though they can sometimes. It's usually thought of as a separate action to the speech, but in real life, that's not always the case.
The comma in 'thing, “It' should be a period.
In 'Ah,” the', the comma should be a period and the T capitalized. Describing a voice isn't the same as a speech tag. Similarly, the comma in 'moan, “Visitors.' should be a period.
The commas in 'giggled, “Oh' and 'skull, “Ohhh' should be periods.
Wouldn't the nails resist this sort of corruption? At least for this god? Though I suppose causing such to become corrupted would be quite the sight.
In Beltana's Lorebook, in 'a silver', the 'a' should be an 'and'.

"Yes, there is a vein of [fuel] that you should extract. Never mind that the...asteroid is still moving."
Sounds like fun.
Modded minecraft. Delve deep into autism mods like Thaumcraft and have an army of golem and blocky anime girl maids running your farms.
Find a GF.
No, because the thread was never about stories. That's just a poor excuse for NovelAI to have a general to do marketing. It makes my stomach turn how they appropriated this seemingly inoffensive façade.
is minecraft fun?
small language models
How much is NovelAI paying you to advertise their products?
Eat more flies, frog. That's why your stomach hurts so much. It's a sign of starvation.
Depends entirely what you want out of it. I enjoy building but find vanilla a bit boring if you are alone. Mojang is retarded and Microshart is just making the game worse over time though. However, as long as you have java version on PC you can customize it as much as Skyrim. I go for autistic tech mods and it becomes absolutely retarded Factorio shit where you are sitting here trying to optimize your infrastructure.
got it. thanks
Instructions unclear, my compute caught a virus
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Anons, I don't think my poor ass is gonna make past this "nothing is happening" arc. I spoiled myself and now I am living the consequences
what context length do you guys use

sometimes I wonder how much of the story is just in my head
I use 200k because I use Claude.
3k preamble + summary
3k history of messages
2k for RAG

you don't need more
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16x more context. 14B instead of 13B parameters. For free instead of $25 a month.
NovelAI is a scam.
how much are you paying per query, and how many queries per session are you making
max. at any given moment somewhere around a third ends up being dedicated to whatever entries are active
Add Phi Medium 128k to the OP.
Sometimes people are just schizo.
what's your rag setup
He doesn't actually use any model, every word he types has to be a tantrum or rant about his obsession. He won't earn any cash if he doesn't dedicate at least sixteen hours a day shitting up a thread that only "ten people" use.
Call me crazy, but I'm still pretty sure it's Brumaire having a melty after being canned and never moving on
No it's shit, only the tiny one is worth anything
Add Gemma 2, it's better
I see through you, SA.
How does one manage to live so rent free within a head like this?
It makes me wonder if he's gay for him, desu.
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Fuck off, this is the NAI/Kobold General.
the lotus eaters got you...
skull like a favela. got a whole general living in there
Nah, but keep believing that lie, false flagging console warrior.
It wouldn't matter if he was a fag, we already have a couple homosexuals here.
howdy neighbor, can I borrow some sugar?
Anon quit taking bait. Your parents must be ashamed of you right now.
At least those fags are honest about it. That's the difference.
It's the truth, though. Explain how it's not.
Does brain root directory work?
When Nothingtodoman meets Fuckoffman, no rational approach from well-intentioned Anons will stop the two retards from replying to each other
He's honest about his dislike of the southernfag. You have to give him that.
>he thinks it's not the same person samefagging
Lol, lmao even.
If you want to go down that rabbit hole. YOU could also be part of the samefagging for all we know.
How warm is a rabbit's hole?
>Tfw they don't know this thread has long been abandoned and we're all just Claudefag's equally schizo tulpas
I don't know. I never engaged in bestiality, but I figure warm is the right description.
I hate like %80 of last paragraphs with opus. It's so unnecessary most of the time, or makes characters do stuff I do not want. This is across all of my presets. It's a fucking disease
Sonnet is even worse. Be glad you're not stuck with that.
Wrong thread: >>484938665
Make me move.
I don't like drake, be grateful your graveyard of a thread got someone posting
It depends. How much is NovelAI paying you to shill?
Not a single dime, but you'll spergout about how that makes me a shill. It's nice to know you're the asshole demanding that people flock to other threads. What's the matter, you can't handle it when people discuss non-NAI in the thread? Typical hypocrite.
You can't use logic on Claudefag, he'll say anything that keeps him shitposting even if it contradicts his previous posts. It's not the first time he was outed as a newfag and a complete idiot.
I'm still working on it
I'm compelled to believe that it's just trolling, probably by multiple people. Doesn't make it less obnoxious, but it's better for my sanity that way.
>hey it's just trolling but I'll keep replying anyway
Assuming it's not skill issue, you could prompt it to create x+n paragraphs and have a regex to automatically cut out the last n
Be glad you aren't stuck with a prehistoric Llama 1 counterfeit for $25 a month.
I actually prefer Kayra to Sonnet. Llama 3 is better than both, though.
>I actually have to sell Kayra subscriptions to subsist.
That's rough.
Not as rough as schizoing out at a thread for fun.
he does it because you keep replying
There's no thread. It's just a big ad.
Show me the proof. You're the only one trying to force people away from the thread. Does it feel good to be a dirty little shill? You can't stand it when people talk about Claude in the thread. Nobody's allowed to discuss Claude in this thread. No, they have to bow down to ypur demand and go elsewhere. You're the shill.
I've exposed you, frog vagina. You work for NovelAI, screeching when people use non-NAI in /aids/, all to false flag against other services.
>it has been crab all along
no way
Usurping a general for your business is a crime against humanity. Anlatan is shameless.
Ten pence has been added to your account. Thank you for your service.
2024 in the Islamic Hijri Calendar
I either get frustrated at how insanely hard it is to make it do what I want. Or bored after I finally get a working prompt and get a bunch of different versions the same image over and over.
Also just not into anime style images. If they could figure out how to train it on real pictures it'd be amazing.
the non realistic images are definitely intended
no real people shit and no CP
Throw money to that one anon supposedly on a twenty year mission to legalize fictional photo realistic cunny
Doesn't civit.ai offer an online image gen service?
*18k, Frog.
I guess I'm just lucky that my tastes are relatively conventional (minus the /ss/) and I'm also a colossal weeb who only gets it up for anime girls, so it's easy to get stuff I like out of it.
Frog fingers typed this post.
Yeah it does. Though not every model is available. I think you can ask them to add it, but it might require permission from the creator/some effort on their part?
I have stumbled on some very odd artstyle vectors
running from the law with an elf and escaping through the southern border into a neighboring kingdom and having hot sweaty sloppy cathartic sex in a run down shitty inn
read cathartic as catholic and was very confused for a moment
Pimping out an elf to make ends meet and growing a surrogate family of prostitutes
Gemma 2 27B is so fucking good... Jaw-dropping.
getting married to your deeply religious elf gf whose beliefs prohibit premarital relations and having cathartic catholic sex
Do you have the Vibe/Anti-Vibe?
I mean, if you're crossing the southern border, you might find yourself staying the night in what used to be a mission.
Furry in a video game way, with big eyes, in what feels like colored pencil and outlined as if a sticker...those are some vectors, alright.
of course, my friend
but I warn you, it can be a bit cursed
One thing I would like SillyTavern to have is go swipe between past responses, instead of just current ones.
Do you remember the vibe/antivibe settings for Information Extracted and Reference Strength you're using?
Should be vanilla, 0.6 and -0.6
If you're using specific characters or you think something is affecting your outputs, don't be afraid to [[[the fuck]]] out of them
though after some testing, don't be afraid to crank both up to 1,/-1
For some autistic reason he only does the accent in the threads.
But is it better than Llama 3 70B?
Cute and cartoony.
Ultimately I'll probably end up deleting these but they're pretty fucking hilarious, I'll say that.
definitely cursed
this very specifically feels like I would find this in a very early 2000's furry zine
Honestly, yes
Fuck off.
Hello, SA.
Zuck spotted
Zuckerberg is Southernfag? Now it all makes sense... Claudefag is Dario's Russian secretary, and both him and Zucc are trying to use rhe thread like a dating website.
Could I see your settings? It wasn't working well for me
NTA, but what quants are you using? From what I hear anything but full precision is immensely fucky, since Google decided to use logit capping when training the model for some reason
Damn I was on Q5M, the F32 is way out of my league
There is nothing wrong with the model, cabalist.
Yeah, this is the reason few people are offering it (OpenRouter still only has the 9B since none of the API services are offering the 27B yet)
However you can try out the unfucked version on lmsys to compare
God do I hate GPT-4's default state.
Where do you hear that? Post a link.
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Delirious hallucinations from blood loss on the way to a ripperdoc are a bitch, innit?
Bros.. I killed a person in my fictional story and now the police are coming to arrest me for murder. This is fucked
There was a rentry posted a while back of artist combination tags for NAI. Anyone still have it by any chance?
Is this it, mate?
holy shit anon, i love anlatan now?
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I would like to remind every heard that hick and cabal are in cahoots
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Kayra moment.
At least it's not a note from John Fong.
The url leads to John Fong cabal.
Why do you keep posting this?
What's wrong, SA? Don't you appreciate my humor??
>3 hours between posts
>pretend that the bump was completely organic
Good morning, fellow laity of the Church of /aids/.
The cabal bumped the thread again.
Not as much as the man who's glued to the screen.
Good morning to you, to. What you writing?
I am writing ransom assorted drivel about fancy rich men. My character just pulled a champagne bottle from a statue of an ass.
That does sound like something a richfag would own. An ass fridge.
I'm writing a post to keep NovelAI's marketing thread alive.
I'd buy one.
Seems pretentious, man.
It's outlined in the Huggingface blogpost


>At the time of release, soft-capping is incompatible with Flash Attention / SDPA, but they can still be used in inference for maximum efficiency. The Gemma 2 team observed very minor differences when soft-capping is removed during inference.

Turns out said differences weren't very minor, and the GGUFs get eviscerated by them (literally just google "Gemma 2 27B GGUF" and you'll find tons of stuff)
The model is good if the implementation on lmsys is anything to go by, but to say they completely fucked up the release is an understatement
How so? Every assman ought to have an ass statue in their humble abode.
Why would the ass statue have a compartment for champagne?
You know one thing I find super shit about chub characters? They're so fucking bland and generic for the most part

>vast majority of the prompts are just "this character wants sex"
>no build up
>no interesting situations
>no kinky foreplay
>no even using a character's traits or anything
>just straight to generic bland sex
>prompts are like 1 short sentence long which tends to just make the AI outputs also short as fuck
I'm snot the best myself, but I still put in some effort.

And then you have cards that don't bother to use the characters traits. Why the fuck do they do this shit?
>sakuya izayoi
>she can stop time
>already could have all sorts of fun build up for your prompt
>instead it's just straight to boring dull sex and no time control shenanigans
Sounds like a skill issue.
Yes. They have skill issues, glad we can agree.
Why do you think I rewrite the ones which catch my eye?
Sure, whatever. Everyone has skill issues. Have you seen some of the shit posted on the club?
The llama.cpp implementation is already fixed.
>Through dick, unity
It's not. I tried it and it's unusable. You would know that had you actually used local models instead of shilling Claude all day.
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It produces the same outputs as AI Studio.
You know what, man? You're right. I should be less harsh.
>trying to use rational arguments toward a sperg
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Also RULER shows that the context is working correctly.
I trust my own eyes and hands more than some random "ruler", broski.
Keep pissing your pants about Gemma, NovelShill.
If it's working correctly, that means the model is shit. I'd rather believe it's still broken, and that the model isn't shit, just not implemented properly.
I use Llama and Claude. NAI can die for all I care.
Sounds like a good idea.

Yes, the club also has shit. But even just now, clicking random prompts I feel I see more effort put into those.

I don't give a fuck. Writing has a nigh infinite wealth of possibilities.
Dick unity is always an excuse for lazy people.
>NAI can die for all I care.
You're in the wrong thread.
Nah. I will never leave. Cry about it, troll.
Keep shilling, shill.
>waaahhh we're the only ones that can write prompts!!!
>waaaahhhh all the models from the competitors are shit!!! NovelAI is the only company that can make them!!!
You have no excuse to have a general in 4chan, you stole it.
I didn't realize NovelAI created the model known by the name of Claude.
You're in the wrong thread.
Repeating it won't change my answer. Gonna go for a triple, maybe a half-dozen more times?
This is why the mentally ill should be treated like dying animals and put to sleep.
Just busted the FATTEST nut to Gemma 2 9B by Google at https://openrouter.ai/models/google/gemma-2-9b-it
>vast majority of the prompts are just "this character wants sex"
What were you expecting? That is what people desire, can't really blame them for doing what's popular and easy.
>prompts are like 1 short sentence long which tends to just make the AI outputs also short
If you avoid the low-quality spammers, then you won't encounter this too much.
Same, brother.
>If you avoid the low-quality spammers, then you won't encounter this too much.
That is true. Pitanon is based. Shame about the pits.
Pitanon is considered slop by all /aicg/. You've tried to play the elitist, but you have very poor taste.
I'm part of a group mind now, in a shared organism
I don't go to /aicg/ so I don't see why I would care.
>caring what /another general thinks
My balls hurt so bad
Yeah, Pitanon isn't bad. If you don't pits you can just remove that detail in his prompt/character info.
Cum inflation is getting ridiculous. I remember back in the day when you could get a whole footlong for 1 cum
why are chub and characterhub two different things? and why are most cards fucking gone from both sites??
NAI hired a hit squad.
thats retarded. it's hard being chatbot rp fan in this age.. It's fine now, comapred to how it was 2 years ago. I'm hopeful that in a few years it'll be better and every new anon that wants to try will have an easier time
>chatbot rp
I do it because it brings back nostalgia of erotic roleplaying with other virgins in our IRC
"Drivel" implies pushing political ideology. Learn to use English properly.
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>mythomax is still the most popular openrouter model
You just can't beat perfection.
Languages are nuanced. If you actually read a book, you will learn the real meaning of live English words, ESL.
No need for dilly-dallying, just tell me to go to another general so they can deposit your hard-earned Turkish lira.
If you pause mid goon to google synonyms for words instead of just typing “he thrusted fuckingly” you’re part of the problem. I don’t know who needed to hear this but someone did
No, i need words
Frogwoman's been busy I see.
You can safely ignore that thread and KEK at the other attempts at that combined thread.
Do you think Claudia's mom tells her to get a a job?
Sorry, but the chip that NAI implanted on me when I joined their marketing team is rigged to explode if I go there.
>You can safely ignore that thread
Thank you so much Hick-sama. Where would the general be without your generous protection?
Wattpad's calling, hon.
Sorry Columbo, swing and a miss.
big fairy mommies with fat milkers

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