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Previous thread: >>484592931

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

>Upcoming Events

>Current Events

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

Chapter 6.5 - Timekilling Time
2024.06.13 — 2024.07.11

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.06.27 — 2024.07.11
[000] T Corp. Class 3 Collection Staff Don Quixote
[00] T Corp. Class 2 Collection Staff Rodion

2024.06.27 — 2024.07.11
Target Extraction: [ Yi Sang ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Does he like being plugged in or not
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That was a lot of fun. I hope the backup mechanic sticks around, planning turns around your sinners getting killed and replaced made fighting EGO spam bearable.
Also the king's a bro
>heals your SP
>gives you clash power
>gives you damage in phase 2
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Hey Limbabs how's the new RR? I've been away for a week. I didn't even know we had RR 4 scheduled for release. Is it doable? Can I throw my good ol reliable full sinking rimeshank UT4 team in there?
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First run, went in blind. New abnos were all extremely disappointing and super easy to deal with, but at least binds looked cool. I'd say the only exciting part about this RR was dealing with the egos the sinners would throw at you with high speeds, but that got tiring real quick. This RR felt like you're rewarded with a punching bag(the boss) you can pummel on for a few turns until it dies after you clear the actual challenge which were the sinners, doesn't really feel right.
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>Ring Sang is strong without his gimmick
There is a reason why they wanted to nerf him.

I still prefer to run him alongside SOME bleed, to get the maximum potential, but you can 100% just stick him in a team where he doesn't belong what-so-ever and spam winrate, and his performance will be quite adequate.

I'm not entirely sure what they were thinking when they "printed" him.
>Can I throw my good ol reliable full sinking rimeshank UT4 team in there
Sinking is kind of middling this time around I think but it's not going to wall you out of railway or anything.
it's the easiest RR as long as you don't let bad rolls break your mental and read
>hate heathcliff
>love Ishmael
>annoyed by all the Heathcliff and Ish art because I can't jerk off to it
>despite, naturally get every single Heathcliff identity except Sunshower, with Pequod coming to me three times
>had to shard almost every Ish ID
>of the sinners' books have only read Wuthering Heights because it was the most recent new canto release
Why is this game trying to force me to be a Heathfag? Cut it out
What were your teams for the 1st and 2nd stations? Including like what 6 you started with. I'm assuming you didn't change stuff around too much.
Limbabs... all the other generals are having summer events and laughing at us...
Where are our swimsuits?
no teaser today either, wonder who will it be then this friday
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>Sinking is kind of middling
Have you actually tried it or just talking out of your ass? It's good, I used it for every stage.
Yeah, specially cause spicebush has his 30% more damage on AOE passive. If you have other characters that do AOE (Regret, Kimsault) put them in and run just Spicebush+Rodya for sinking (really the only thing you need) and just pop waves with AOE
>hate Heathcliff
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>Can I throw my good ol reliable full sinking rimeshank UT4 team in there?
... hm.

I've got bad news and good news for you.
Good news: over 50% of the enemies you'll encounter have SP.
Bad news: there's a lot of them, and they often start with, like, 30SP.

Basically, you won't always be able to stack enough sinking to activate the "+ coin value" conditionals.
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>annoyed by all the Heathcliff and Ish art because I can't jerk off to it
Wow that's the big gay
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Used the same team the entire railway, in deployment order
>regret faust
>dieci hong
>molar outis
>dieci rodya
Can't say too much about backups because I hadn't triggered it once the entire railway. WRyo and Ringsang are powerhouses, Faust is your fluid sac bot, and rest of them have really good skill cycles and tanking(rodya) which helps a lot since the battles go on for so long.
Wow shootis is actually good now that you can reach the seventh bullet
What is the strat for the sheep?
I'm waiting on the first turn of the fight right now
I just realized that I can run, like, Spicebush, Regretpaus, Maidshu, Shootis and...
... I dunno.
2 burn ids to help shootis?

I mean, technically, Philipclair has AoE, but... it's Philipclair, tho.
He's not fucking good. Especially in a sinking-heavy environment.
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can we make it bros
I got save by Garden of Thorns
I have had a 45 sp N Sinclair be useful
I'm running a sinking team without Spicebrush on purpose
Have only 1 sinner hit the machine, rest on the sheep. On the next turn make the sinner that hit the machine clash with a specific skill the sheep is gonna pull out, make another sinner hit the machine. Repeat this until it dies, there's literally nothing else.
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First turn is free.
You'll get hit, but you can do whatever you want.
Stacking whatever status effect you have OR just dumping useless S1s is the best idea, probably.

After that - just clash good, lol.
Make sure that you clash the "plug" skill with the "plug sinner".
The "plug skill" starts happening on turn 3, if I remember correctly.

You can't damage the generator she summons, but clashing against it is a good idea if you don't want to get paralyzed (good dump for S1s)
No. I'd uninstall if I were you.
Imagine Dante (me) giving Ryoshu consultation
10 minutes into the discussion she gets bored and decides to rape Dante (me)
Wouldn't that be funny if they include it as a fully animated cutscene?
No idea, I just killed it with sinking deluge before it got to do anything.
>tremor is still trash after all the toys
Can we move on from this meme status now?
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>On the next turn make the sinner that hit the machine clash with a specific skill the sheep is gonna pull out
Oh, that's how it works?
Ooooooh. I thought it was entirely random.
I see. That makes sense.
We all saying RR4 it's easy, then RR5 will be cancer incarnate as punishment for our Pride
So hit the machine every turn
Sinner A hits the machine turn 2 and clashes turn 3
Sinner B hits the machine turn 3 and clashes turn 4
pretty much, you also want to save your burst skills for when its going to get staggered from going to 3 stacks
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>tremor is still trash
Yellow one really isn't.
Hongers is genuinely carrying that status all by himself right now.

Thanks, King.
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Haha, that's pretty funny. It'd also be pretty funny if Dante told Ryoshu to get into the Maid ID as well.
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The Best
Needs work
>A Tier

Why do gachababs do this?
Oufi+Hongers on tremor superposition is pretty insane, specially if you can get Paus o everlasting after
Well you see it all changed when journos started giving dogshit games 7/10. Scoring systems and tier list are just like that everywhere, not a gacha exclusive problem.
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How does he do it?
>Tremor is still trash
Insane statement
Looking back, I find it funny that Ryoshu commited to the bit and kept on the fake mustache that Don gave her for the entire duration of the Timekilling Time case.
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That was an OK RR
The sinner fights were rather fun mostly because of very high speeds forcing you to make hard decisions and sometimes get gently fucked.
I didn't like the sinner instant replacement because it made the couple times I got gently fucked by speedranges completely safe.
I will come back without fluid succ to create artificial difficulty for myself as overall it was a bit on an easier side. RATHER GOOD presentation wise, and i got hit by SODA once so that was a highlight. But all three abno fights are boring slogs. And lacking any sort of complexity meme potential. Where the fuck is an equivalent to an ahab fight, huh?
Lets see the clear time for tremor exclusive rr4 run.
He fucking hates it, but people keep forcing it up his ass
Okay, now explain why I should be using it over sinking this RR then. Do you have an argument against how it still manages to be just a worse sinking despite going through a billion hoops?
it does feel like the fight designer took a break from this RR doesn't it
>slaps sinking deluge on butlers
>just makes you fight IDs that are nearly 1:1
Well, that was fun.
>clash power
Bwo, your speed...?
Seriously fuck the peccatula rolling like 8s and 9s for max speed rolls.
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Paus just got an id that says "make tremor good". And it does precisely that.

You still need that yellow.
It just doesn't work without the yellow, I'm sorry.

... blue is also good, but in a different way.

I don't know why, but for some reason this absolute fucking unit just gets stuff that can carry the rest of the team.

Struggling with clashing?
Hongers to the rescue: "30" with no preconditions on his S3.

Still struggling with clashing and can't just soak the damage?
Hongers gotcha covered: How about an undying tank with Aggro?

Need to make Tremor good?
Hongers snaps his dainty fingers and Tremor Burst deals damage now. You're welcome, tee-hee.
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>the only ''challenge'' are the literal copies of existing ids
>every new abno battle are easily the worst part of it
Is it safe to call this one the worst RR by far?
>Seriously fuck the peccatula rolling like 8s and 9s for max speed rolls.
dude, it's so easy to stagger them, aoe or bypass clash to stagger them before they fuck you.
Red Eyes (Open) my beloved.
No it's the best actually
74, if you're curious.

Went in blind.

Not excellent, but still - sub 75, when the goal is 100.
Why are you cucks still playing this kusoge pile of trash? Play Kenshi instead
for me it was peak sang who was easily winning all the clashes and quickly 1-shotting the mobs/mirror IDs with his 2nd/3rd skill
>section 3 finish
>55 turns
I'm cooked chat
nigger did you read what you were even quoting, how are you gonna do it before they hit you if they rolled a 8
Yeah, because time moratorium is a sinking deluge that does not need as much prep time for bursting and Regret is a tremor id and has AOE innately, Gluppo+Everlasting+TM kills sheep and KiB in 3 turns tops. Tremor is also better to use with RingSang as it stays for multiple turns instead of losing count on hit
I aint doing that but I did get a 66 turn count running mostly tremor IDs (LCCB Ish, Yuro Hongers, Both T-Corps, Regret and RingSang) and TM did the heavy lifting on abnos with RingSang there for Sunshower
I got 70 with strong ID only, no focus on status.
Soo is Burn better? You have ENTER with his aoe and Sootis with her stacking AOE, and adding burn to all enemies. What's with the wave thing? That wasn't in the previous railway
nta but I got a 73 blind and thats with making the mistake of bringing lccb ish and running dry on ammo in section 1 basically sandbagging my damage
lol, lmao even. Seriously don't even try it unless you like to torture yourself.
retard, when they target someone with lower speed so you clash with this guy and your higher speed fuck them one sided, fucking learn to play.
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>using sp gaining ego with nsinclair on the team
>all he does past the first round is steal my sinking count
>not that it matters since I'm not running spicebrush on purpose
yep, it's gaming time!
this reminds me of the good old days (season) 1 *siiiiiip*
Yeah, Der Shooty has time to setup properly and ENTER actually does get his SP back when selected second with either LCB YiSang or RingSang on bench
How about you fucking play it and find out
I think you're the one who doesn't quite know how the game works anon.
Sinking has rime shank to instantly get a bunch of potency and count on multiple enemies, burn has uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
How's Poise in RR4?
Yea it's piss easy. I wonder what kind of stats PM has on levels/ID's of the community to balance their events for. It's either their balancing was completely shit at RR2 times or is completely shit now in the opposite direction.
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>Soo is Burn better
... probably.

not sure about Enterclair, but Shootis is definately gonna be good.

"Waves" are just that.
Instead of 3 different stations, you just go through 3 different waves.
With additional enemies spawning mid-wave.

This means two things:
a) Do not use ammo-possessing ids (sorry, R-cliff)
b) "Slow" ids are way better, because you get to build up and up, and up their respective "positive statuses" as the fight goes on.

Shootis will get to 7 stacks. Guaranteed.

I haven't tested it, but this railway is sinking-heavy. My guess is that he'll really struggle to get (and maintain) his superior form.
You are a clown if you can't even understand how clash work.
Play the game.
Its good on the first 2 sections cause most of the enemies are slash fragile and BLs have time to setup, as do most other poise focused IDs. Dunno on 3 and 4 but I reckon they might do well over having setup time
with how even casuals are getting under 100 turns, what will they do to RR5 to make it a boring tedious overly difficult slog of shit
Understand the game.
RR4 values:
Speed, Good clashes without conditionals and AOE.
Poise is good since you have time to stack it on yourself and most of the time you are not stacking effects on enemies - the hardest fights have 12 sinners against you, abnos are pussies.

The N-corp fight was probably the most fun for me.
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One RR4 clear done, extra souless. No I did not read the mechanics, and when section 3(hardest one imo) started annoying me I just shoved in more broken IDs and just spammed more good EGOs until it worked. RR is just slop now and I will not treat it as anything but.
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NTA, but fucking watch me (QQcliff had to come in twice because somebody died).
Using ENTER does require dedicated support on bench, but the extra SP recovery on second deploy does make him really consistent on Wax Pinion until turn 8 or so. Good for section 2, 3 and 4 and bad for 1 because of the slog that is the portrait fight
They should have buffed their HP to least 1.5 times. N ID's just can't clash and don't survive till EGO usage.
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As a final note, I think this RR should've been sub-70.

I might try and get sub-50 later, now that I know what I'm faced with.

... station 1, wave 1 is the one that I foresee resetting the most.
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Best posted burn clear so far is 65, best posted sinking clear so far is 60.
Does not help most AOE EGOs are pierce lol
>See Ncorp
>see how pathetic most of the Ncorpers are clashing except N clair outside of Skill 1 and Ncliff
>get angry at how I uptie 4'd Ncorp
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He still need a poise ID, so there's that so save next.
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not me, someone on my friends list. 48 how?
I don't really like burn that much, I'd prefer to use sinking but I was considering which team comps to use. Since I'm still "fairly" new. Thanks for the heads up though, I'll keep it in mind. Gonna bash my head against RR now, good luck on your runs as well *smooches back*
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>Enemies are constantly outspeeding the absolute fuck out of me
>I am constantly failing my 45 SP rolls
It's still easy, but holy shit I am getting insanely fucking angry.
Maybe he just has a really good chair like the King
There's nothing wrong with burn in the current season's RR, you're not in RR1 using fucking Liugreg liuhong liumeursault and filler IDs that had burn EGOs to larp as burn units and calling it a burn team. Modern Burn IDs can clash and have AOE and have no fears of losing burn on the enemies even on multiple targets and Darkflame does consistent high damage to bosses even if it's not top tier.
Why are people praising this RR?

>Enemies outspeed you casually
>Enemies outroll you casually
>Your one fuck up in the middle of a giant marathon means resetting the entire thing
>The outspeeding enemy will ALWAYS use some ultra clashing EGO, and usually that means you can't count on anything to go against it cause everyone that can is low speed
>Infinite enemy heads rolls at negative SP
Section 4 is canceraids
What am I supposed to do exactly? I start with 20 sinking on everyone
I have to reset now and getting back is such a slog
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>Enemies outspeed you
Utter to me what you think the ideal is
In my 1st run of RR my IDs all had like 50 sinking by the time I was facing Nelly
Is there some permanent sinking per turn debuff you get from not doing the master painting correctly, or was it a glitch?
go take some xanax man
Sinking only matters if you get hit, just don't get hit.
Because for all those reasons it's a version of Limbus gameplay were resource, SP, and damage management really matter.
>have to actually manage resources and cant just clash every ability, needs to think what you want to go unopposed and who needs to go first
>"wtf why is this so dogshit"
>giant marathon means resetting the entire thing
How many backup units did you anons go through? I got through like 2 during the Section 3 Envy fights
>Portrait butler fight
Wow you have to clash and then kill one portrait. Press winrate.
Press winrate. Josephine can surprise recover from stagger but it doesn't really matter.
Press winrate
WOAH SELF DESTRUCTIVE PURGE! Can't clash for shit, dies to AOE before using any egos. They don't ego turn one so piss easy to stagger.
Press winrate
Press winrate
>Random assortment of ID's
That's a fun fight that can fuck you on speeds, you can eat some egos and might have to think a bit. Dies to AOE and your ego's tho.
>Electric sheep
Press winrate slog.
>Final set of sinking ID's
Not fun anymore since it's more of the same. No mechanics really, just pick good ID's with AOE.
>The king
Music is so good. Presentation is great. The fight is press winrate.
4/10. I have too many good ID's.
There are PVPfags ITT RIGHT NOW thinking
>holy shit RR4 is the best thing ever I can't wait for PM to add PVP so I can fight other people's teams of 12 Sinners with fully stocked EGOs
And it's disgusting
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I can do it!
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If two enemies are the same speed. What determines which ones goes first?
this RR4 is great, if the director adds pvp to this game I'm killing myself in front of him
Am I crazy or does the king have no gimmick except occasionally unclashable attacks and rolling high aoe attacks 24/7?
I see no stagger thresholds, no stagger passive, nothing. So I'm fucked for bringing the wrong damage affinities. It's just so fucking cringe.
I am winning, it got very close, but I haven't even lost a sinner. It's just boring and dissapointing, worst railway boss yet
S4 is the easiest. you got this easy anon
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Press the button in top right
The gimmick is having the IDs going to fight him all kill or be in the team that kills one of the envy peccatula on the wave before, otherwise his funny AOE kills you or something
>Enemy with + quintillion speed uses fuck you
>Nothing that matters can clash it
I sure am thinking.
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wait until you find out they can corrode
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Can someone post the observation log for the sheep, please? I'm not able to play and I haven't seen it uploaded anywhere yet
>lets enemy that has high rolling EGOs and rolls high speed go unstaggered
>dies because of it
Issue of skill
King himself gets power aganist targets with sinking and all his skills have extra weight. That's about it. Win clashes to prevent him from unleashing his deep dark fantasies.
>I'm killing myself
Oh you'll be killing 'yourself' alright when you enter the PM building and director brings out the purple copy of yourself that you have to fistfight to the death.
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>they can corrode
wait no i'm retarded, i used his defense skill which gives him an ampule next turn
Classic donposter
Easily the best railway we've had so far
However El Dirretore didn't tease any id so Limbus is shit EOS next week
I was clashing with an uncharged Leap against Nclair's skill 2. I knocked off all of his coins except the last one. We were both clashing for 16 for 8 or 9 clashes until he suddenly rolled a 17
What caused that?
>Spawns in with ultra rolling EGO ready
Yeah, I sure let them live.
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Excuse the quality. I played through the Railway on my phone since I’m away from home.
This fight was awful, but nobody died. I don’t know what his gimmick is, I don’t regret not bringing Spicebrush since I did not have enough resources for rimeshank anyway.
I know I can cut out 15 or so turns with the same start if I plan better and get better luck, but I don’t feel like it. It’s was okay at best
check passives, everything has an anti-clash cheese to counteract rodya red shoes
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Hong Lu:)
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>8 or 9 clashes
If you're remembering incorrectly, it might have been this
I think they have an anti-clash thing so Rodya's red shoes can't bleedfuck everything.
I noticed it too, he is only level 45 but suddenly rolled 21 with his skill 2. I think they must have given him a higher offence level than the skill
There is passive that at 10+ clashes on every fight, it will randomly increase/decrease clashpower to fuck over people trying to cheese with Rodya WAW Bleed Ego
>Nelly: Press winrate
I did this and the binding technique killed me
press harder
>Competitive Limbus
His gimmick is the 12 sinking sinners you fight before him, he gives them SP, healing and buffs before coming down to kick your ass.
That simply does not happen, they actually just use EGOs from turn 2 onwards
Again, Skill Issue
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Okay, I admit it, Dieci Hong Lu is fantastic and I was just lazy. Getting started is frequently quite awkward, but he is good in story and railway fights, even MDs if you can be bothered
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Why did they have to target the only good thing Rodya got in the last 6 months this hard
I recall bleed also being busted in Ruina for a while, so likely past trauma.
they probably just dont want it to be the dominant strategy for low turn counts because not everyone was able to get it even if they were around for walpipi
You're a fucking liar cause the moment 7 Outis came into the battle she used an EGO.
>Nclair in a sinking team
>those 6 ids together
Can a Limbus Professional explain to me what is going on? Isn't this comp kinda shit?
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Give me the abno stories on rr4 please.
Reinforcements can use EGO as soon as they hit the field.
is seven section good for current rr? What about blade lineage? Or Ncorp? i only have these 3 teams which are the best and my tremor team is still underleveled
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Professional winrate presser here. I was born for this.
the wave 1 and 2 is honestly a fucking pain in the ass
>boss that inflicts passive sinking even if you win
>edgar butlers followed by wuthering butlers followed by josephine followed by fucking distorted hindley who will join while josephine is alive meaning they heavily outattack you
the rest of the railway is a walk in the park by comparison
Alright then, I stand corrected
Simply eat the EGO and use the Backup mechanic lol
I got really lucky and was able to get Josephine down to a pubic hair's width to her second stagger threshold (the real one) the turn before Hindley came in so I didn't have an issue with it
Are you sure it's for rodya and not because they're throwing you clones of IDs you could get stuck clashing nearly forever on?
Yeah, even the abnos have it
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umm log?
Damn, I just realised Molar Ishmael is level 40
That explains things
No because even at 45 sanity(which the IDs don't get to be most of the time) someone's going to fuck up and lose a coin within a reasonable number of clashes.
I thought portraitman had it as well. That confirms it as anti Red Shoes and not just a way to curb stupid high clash numbers.
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Don't care about the count. First try, got less than 100, will not attempt it again.
Because they can't nerf things directly and are actually very spiteful
To be honest the W ryoshu sucks at PVP, she's way too reliant on coins and having charge for her clash power and it blows when she's starting a fight without either.
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they can't update when I'm in r-right??
No way they nerfed it
It's as easy as RR3 was
im pretty sure that update is fixing the issues with game breaking, not nerfing any of the actual fights
did they nerf it or something
It wasnt nerfs, it was bug fixes and adjustments to descriptions
Based, this game will never have any difficulty
yeah the frist fight got my burn team keep glitching so i has to switch to bleed
Rank em
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In terms of enjoyment/kino:

Sign of Roses > King in Binds > Spiral of Contempt > MFE
>game soft locks on the first encounter even though they said they fixed it
Yeah I’ll do this later
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>Flubs check for Coffee and Cranes at 45 Sanity earlier in the run
>and now this
Outis you useless fucking hag
all of them all jobber and fraud waw tier my ass when will they get hard
Um bwo? Your Ebony Queen????
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>stand up
>move the throne
>sit back down
what did he mean by this?
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I really really hope RR4 isn't a pvp beta test, that they only did it because fighting our IDs is a cool idea
pvp would unironically ruin the game for me
>In terms of how much I like the abno
>In terms of the actual fight
Honestly none of them are great in this department though. Spiral, Roses, and MFE are just puzzle fights where if you know the "solution" you've practically alredy won and king is kinda just "clash as hard as you can"-hard carried by presentation.
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RR4 is fun, King is a fun fight
Him getting up made me hyped as hell, seeing him sit down made me laugh immediately lmao
>pvp would unironically ruin the game for me
why? I actually was thinking that it would be pretty fun if you simply make it casual
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I could have got 2 turns less if enemies weren't staying alive with 1 hp
still I guess it's good for a run where I didn't read anything, paid attention to any mechanics, can't wait to see king in MD, if only for the music
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Easily the worst set of abnos in railway from a gameplay perspective, binds was especially worse because there is literally no gimmick and all you have to do is clash to win.
These things aren't going in the MD, right? .... RIGHT?
man sitting for centery his kneebone are nothing more than dustbone he might as well permernantly fuse to his chair
When are we fighting the real Ebony Queen’s Apple?
King is all presentation no bite, quite the disappointment.
Not him but I can give you an possible reason for that.
>He doesn't have enough sinking ID for the 12 sinners
>He has enough for 6
>Nclair is strong, add him to the back up
>Someone dies to ego
>Nclair enters
And now you have that team. Or maybe he just have 5 sinking ID and decided to add Nclair just because he is strong.
nclair... still the STRONGEST...
Nclair has the 6 icon on him so he should be the 6th pick
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I can't get past this part of the railway
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>His first WAW ego
>No advertisment of it
>Shared with Outis on the WAW category
>By the time it appears and we can fight him, its no longer in the login screen
>Fight is mediocre
What the FUCk happened?
Stream it (unironically)
You can tell that shit's old because it's actually using GGreg.
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>new fights are all boring and uninspiring
>the only real challenge were 1:1 copied sinner ids
Damn, you can tell this rr was quite rushed
>hit him once with one-sided blunt attack
Then you can use my second theory
>Or maybe he just have 5 sinking ID and decided to add Nclair just because he is strong.
>/lcg/ hates rr4
>/v/ loves rr4
Why is that?
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>no erlcliff to accompany this middling RR
It's over, truly.
Fellow babs, 2 questions
1) how core is tcorp don in a tremor team
2) i took 22 turns on the first section of rr4, is my run bricked?
I can't believe it's another rr flop, can't wait for the next one! For the love of god get rid of this shit already and use the time on something that's actually better.
>Enemy binds cliff throws a positive coin EGO at -33SP
>Rolls heads and outclashes the EGO i prepared to counter it
I fucking hate this.
Higher SEA population on /vg/. You can tell when they drop a paragraph of whining seethe
faggot acting like /v/ isn't run by seaniggers just as much
Nice mechanics, bossfight *99 ruptures you*
If they lower the ID speeds, the fights would be easy and very one-sided
If they keep the speeds the way they are, it'd be tedious and very reset heavy
What's the solution?
The solution would be removing rr, which hasn't worked for 4 iterations now, and actually making a fun game mode.
both at random for each ID
1. idk probably very core
2. it's slightly above average
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It's strange that we didn't get any teaser today despite Don's banner ending next week
They can't go a full week without any banner to roll on
Removing the shit combat system and replacing it with the one from Ruina where losing clashes on the first turn doesn't end you, and adopting the way mass attacks work in Ruina as well.
i use ggreg in seven section + k corp hong lu to always spam the golden apple e.g.o every turn in md
ego banner tomorrow
limbillions will corrode
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teaser tonight fella
It's limbover
They can just put a character or E.G.O. banner like they do sometimes
>they actually considered resetting clears again
I'm gonna assume the retarded director was almost at it again until someone managed to stop him this time
I hope PJ is getting good money from limbus so they can keep it going while making another stuff
Plenty of people having no issue here
If you think the speed makes it too hard, that's a (you) problem
That someone? Monzo.
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>Open the stream of that one Rie tuber
>Get completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of cringe oozing from her, with her chat being the biggest offender
When did all go wrong? How did PM become a zoomercore franchise? Why is it infested to the brim with xitter tr00ns, plebbit manchildren, and underage commies?
>lcg/ hates rr4
They were literally praising it yesterday, must be the SEA shitters who are hating it. this RR is the best one by far.
>I watch streamers
You're the gay one
still better treatment than Siltcurrent
>ryoshu also have it and its bad
>in comparison both binds are good
>final boss of the event vs inconsequential shitter
we just got content why the shuck are you posting about fucking tumors again kill yourself
The only stuff I don't like is how PM likes to cuck certain IDs and statuses randomly.
>Ishmael hitting you with that Ardor Blossom Moth EGO
>it's against a staggered ally
>she has a speed of 8
>you already used your Hokma ability
What now?
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siltcurrent is a way cooler abno and a fight than binds will ever be though
>watches vtumors
>blames PM
don't read chat
don't watch vtubers in general
Can't believe potentialman gets a buff directly from the king in the last fight
You take the hit and let the other 6 backup sinners do their job.
>watches vtumor
>has chat open
I think problem lies somewhere else
i love rr4, i just never express my opinions
YT recommends you whatever streamer plays the games you like, you just gotta watch a single Limbus Trailer before getting your feed polluted with their presence since no normal streamers play these games in the west. Nice damagecontrol, cucks.
its more likely that your autism doesn't let you
if you watch ANY streamers then you're a cuckold.

>can't have fun on your own
>need to have entertainment person to keep yourself busy
>too retarded to enjoy games without someone's fake reaction
I literally get nothing of the sorts, you sure are ok?
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The King is my favorite limbus abno
He's so cool
>just unga through rr with my sinking team, doesn't even read the enemy gimmicks
>clear it in 55 turns on my first run
It seems they are making rr easier with each new one, I guess the fad is wearing off
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he has a very cool sword
yi sang in the lower left is literally me appreciating his sword
>YT recommends you whatever streamer plays the games you like
but you're the retard that clicks on the livestreams
why are you so retarded?
>watching streamers
>caring about YT recommendations
use search button you fucking screen zombie
>"oh fuck this is so shit, such filth!"
>watches it anyway
rope yourself now, i bet your cuckass watches unedited reactions of some nobodies
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What's up limbabs! All the gachas are having summer event. Sun, sea and swimsuits!
I wonder where the sinners will be going for their hol-
What did you expect? They always win the clash
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Not much point in making it hard when everybody complains about it. Even the nerds here are complaining that Envy Peccatula that die in 2 hits being too fast is stupid. PM just sucks at finding a middle ground between piss easy and obnoxiously difficult.
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you're probably correct
what team for section 2?
You are the one clicking it, you retarded zoomie.
>All the gachas are having summer event.
leave my general you fucking bald archivist. Kys gachanigger
damn the theme of the second wave of station 1 is fucking amazing, I love when they use that motif
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I'm done. Fuck this RR. I don't think I'm ever touching it again.
cuz there’s no middle ground by design
you either clash win or one side everything before they can do anything, or they do the same to wall you
>he actually plays gachas
lmaoing at you
man, every time a new RR pops up i just don't wanna do it. did rr1, tried rr2 and hated it, didn't care about 3
>pink shoes
>played since day 1
>still no full observation
What the fuck do i do with this
>Envy Peccatula that die in 2 hits
They're copying literal shitters, it's accurate
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Observe harder
Just cleared station 1. It was pretty kino, I really liked how it was multiwave and habing Josephine and Hindley drop out of nowhere was surprising even if they're pretty easy to deal with. I wish I had another slash ID on my team because I went full pierce and literally everyone resists it. Finished it in 20 turns, is that good?
I mean even it being easy to steam roll by using AOEs there are people in this and the previous thread still struggling with it to the point of whine posting
The problem is that the previous content and new IDs conditioned the playerbase to not take risks and always clash and having clash win = game win, while sidelining shit like aggro, going unopposed and defensive skills that arent dodge. Now that the RR requires this type of management half the player base thinks its dogshit because they cant just press winrate (not even true depending on your lineup even) and the other thinks its good because it actually tries to use these ignored gameplay mechanics
Speed being meaningful and redirecting attacks to escape from EGOs makes the game ifinitely more engaging than just matching the slots on the boss until it says "Dominating" on the top of the screen
Just use outis binds/sunshower/blind obsession. The peccatula fights are just aoe ego spam
all you need is less than 25 turns per station for the sub100, which is piss easy.
Yeah, you're good. 1st section is the longest so no worries. Just make sure to not screw up at sheep.
I have to respect the gimmicks more in Star rail than in limbus now.
dramafaggot try to make pm get firebomb again or are you a tourist killyourself post haste you worthless sack of scum
Zoomers are slaves to the algorithm. Grim (seriously)
where the SHUCK is manager of the year 3
Hard mode with no rewards is the play. They won't but would be cool. Give some fights actual mechanics (and no rest stops)
Actually I don't get that even if I click on official limbus content because I don't click zoomy streams like you do.
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>sits for like 10 mins
>gets up for a second to sit back down again
>is the easiest abno fight in all railways combined
What was his deal?
> or they do the same to wall you
Which is this time compensated by backup to make it piss easy again.
However that is relevant for oldfags, a new player like me does not have a 12 UT4 45 team of good ID's to bring to the railway by the time they reach it - and it was actually somewhat hard for me.
I also lack a lot of cool EGO's as I never dispensed them. I just rolled a fluid succ yesterday that made all the content in the game that much easier. I had only Sinclair lantern to heal before that.
So why didn't they include any of the Erlking fights or distorted Heathcliff anyway
Moving his throne wore him out. Pulled some muscles. Please understand (it will happen to you)
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Managed to end at 67 on my attempt.
The king in binds fight was really cool.

Fuck enemies spamming EGO nonstop though, and landing the perfect coin when their SP is utterly fucked for what they need to roll.
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Is the king fight literally just winrate the fight? Was kinda expecting something cooler...Like the music and animation is pretty good but man, that's it?
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malbutts wide butt that’s wider than my lap
nyes, he deserve the title king of jobbers after all the hype
I'm just going to say it, the enemy IDs are rigged and roll more heads than my ones at 0 sanity.
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>stand up too quickly
>feel dizzy, have to sit back down
The king in binds is LITERALLY me.
He does not do exercise and that wore him out, please understandu
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>Couldn't make eye contact to tell Heathcliff that she loved him
>Was willing to kidnap and kill people, torture a simp and commit suicide of every version of herself for Heathcliff
Was it autism?
It's rigged but only in clash, dunno why PM do nothing about it.
>if it isn't saucyi sang
the goth girl has arrived
She's british, what were you expecting?
Anon, have you talked to a woman in your life?
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Can I avoid all 3 attacks if I use evade on Josephine? Evade dices carried over, right? There are too many attacks so pressing winrate is not an option here
Not being upfront about your feelings to someone you care about, and being engulfed in negativity is more common than you think.
Why did Hod grow up to have bigger boobs than Malkuth but not a bigger butt????
Regular female behavior
Anyone got a mirror dungeon bot/script/macro?
Is the 33% chance for ego gift thing bugged or what?
Yeah, as long as he doesnt get hit
Yes, you can use Josephine's speed to start your evade earlier.
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My dad works at PM I'm not missing those evades.
It's an animated video
Yeah so long as you dodge the leftmost and fastest attack and it doesn't lose it'll evade everything.
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You wouldn't go crazy and go on an interdimensional hunt to kill the person (yourself) who hurt the person you love and torture other people you find in the way that you consider contributed to the two of you not being together? That seems like a you problem.
She was on her period, understand...
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>do hard mode md
>have 0 starlight
>get to the end of the md
>multiple characters that were not used appear in the damage recap (regret faust and
>-653 starlight
>enemy potentialcliff corroded and killed his own teammates twice
can't make this shit up
I have and I was always a Linton
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fucking kek
Malkuth Hod yuri
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the ai sure fucking loves spamming egos
Email so we can get apolunacy
I still don't get how IDs work in universe for the sinners, does their entire personality get overwritten or is it just a costume? If it's their personality how do they prevent the IDs from just telling Dante to fuck off?
So how will they add King in Binds to MD? He's not an interesting boss or has any gimmick other than 'Big AoE clash'
god i wish i met someone like cathy to like me
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+1 to this please anon I beg you send that email and fund my next Walpipi with your tax evasion starlight run
>envy peccatula constantly rolling max speed while min rolling speed
i fucking hate it in here
This RR made me realize that Canto VI has the best battle themes by far.
Read your dante notes
His music alone makes him a worthy boss to fight. Not like half the other bosses aren't just "hit them hard lol" anyway.
Why is dogfaust so smug?
I'd rather watch the cute anime girl play than some fag pmtoober
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>How did PM become a zoomercore franchise?
exact same as spiral but tune the mirror id hp to be alot lower or only have 6 instead of 12
Wow I understand the Canto even better now
we will get Hindcliff and he will have jobber-tier clash power but a huge HP pool like human Hindley. Everytime he gets hit, he loses SP and once it gets below a certain threshold, he will DISTOOOOOOOOOORT and become the furry form and rape everyone
Isn't Nclair resistant to blunt?
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You sure you didn't have all 3 bonuses selected? I have gotten that much negative starlight thanks to that. It counts the initial buffs that cost starlight too.
This. I feel like if turn 1 sucks, you might as well reset. And you better hope the next 2 turns or so go well as well - after that it's smooth sailing but when one bad clash can instakill a sinner (or stagger), you know you're fucked.
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Just woke up.
How's RR4? Less cancerous than RR3 I hope
She's trembling. She's shy
Its incredibly fun if you arent a poorfag
It's great, pretty fun but very easy if you know how to play the game
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The one mimic sinner that made me reset like 3 times? Fucking sunshowercliff because he kept corroding into telepole
better uptie 4 sweaty
alot easier if you got uptie 4 level 45 IDs, main thing is the mirror ID fights though, apart from king the other 2 abnormality fights are kinda meh
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>random bullshit GO blind gets 65
yeah, trash
Its fun, actually makes you interact with the mechanics of the game.
I had just spent what I had to finish off my starlight buffs. So not really, I also just realized that the IDs I saw in the damage recap also happened to be the ones I used against the timer ripper event for some reason
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i only got a 104...
director has become another one of esgoo’s BITCHES
Yeah I liked in the final boss where i had to press winrate
RR3 still felt overall easier, but RR4 isn't that hard either, just annoying since you have to be able to counter envy EGO spam.
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>that fucking edit
holy shit my sides, I was expecting the usual >HAHAHAHA
WAW btw
does the king in binds have a black gem on its egg?
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Wait, I have to do 3 bosses in a row without breaks? No chance to reset the boss or pause?
I did see some lunacy in my inbox other than the 300 lunacy we always get
What happened then?
What happened now?
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>all my IDs are 35-40 UL3 because maxing them out is insanely costly
I'm fucked aren't I...
can anyone post the king in binds theme?
the ''bosses'' are all easy as fuck don't worry about it, the thing you have to worry about are the sinner waves.
It's a woman's book
IDK what else were you expecting
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ay dios mio
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I really hate that both Bound king and Portrait are just smacktown members without any real mechanics, at least portrait has a special event but Bound king has like 6 skills he spams in a loop of 4 turns
I'm gonna draw fanart that makes shipfags seethe
boxman already won this competition
He really does suck ass, he has no gimmick just nothing at all. All you have to do is clash him and he will die, and not like he had big numbers so that was an issue.
phase 1 (mirror IDS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X3BwcEUXlA
phase 2 (actual fight vs king) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAPhW0CSSLw
Silly retard, that is never how it works.
Bosses are easy, the annoying thing are the envy peccatula that love spamming egos beware of the yi sangs that will always use sunshower
Sheep was the most fun fight in the railway.

>Grab plug
>Plug it on sheep
>I knows what's coming, starts screaming in fear of being sapped dry
>Do it anyway
>Wool coat expands as it staggers
honestly the worst part of the RR for me was the fact the sheep had an unclashable AOE at it's first turn, that fucker staggered 5 of my units
evadegods dodged this btw
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No mames...
>and thats with making the mistake of bringing lccb ish and running dry on ammo in section 1 basically sandbagging my damage
Read bwo
Please stop taking things away from me
After reflecting for a bit I do think this is either the best or second best railway. But this is the worst final fight yet.
I hope they keep the 12 sinner selected concept and use it in the story
I hope they make envy peccatulas rare in the story
I would like another take on the cycles from railway 2 but make it good this time. I really liked the buffs and debuffs during the railway
I guess we finally have our own king of jobbers?
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I won a Favored clash. AMA
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Aeng-du sexo
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Won a hopeless clash. AMA
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god I love my scarecrow duty wife
Not enough guro artists. PM is supposed to have guro community just like ddlc supposed to have guro community. However both are ruined by fags and vtumors. I am hopeful that PM won't cater to their fans like ddlc did.
I actually used the Rose Gregor EGO today. WAW btw
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He's our only potentially 7 weight Slash AoE so I used him a few times in this Railway
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ruina called nigga
>the potentialman of ego
now I see....
gore is zoomercore thoughever. they just won’t put sex in it
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Hindcliff will make many distort.
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This gif reminds me that Lobocorp was pretty much gore porn for people that fapped to resident evil death scenes
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So Ryona and Male Ryona enjoyers
you lie
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200 threads is a spit in the face with how costly uptying EGOs and IDs is
why can't we get gore like this in limbuss
because lc is r15 and limbus is r18
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so how does the fandom feel about pvp now?
are you more open to the idea?
do you think the envy pecca are a test bed for pvp?
It felt like they more easily could go over the top with the simplified art style
As a gorefag, it's a little disappointing now
>spit in your faggot mouth
No that's a clerk like thought, the thing those faggots care for are lara death scenes
Hey now that's enough thread to uptie 1 Waw Ego to 4
>gore is zoomercore thoughever.
heavily depends, just don't make it gay and make it actually unnerving.
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>bruised up Smee begging for her life
this was pretty hot at least
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I'd like it if we got two PVP modes: Duel and Skirmish
Duel is a timed, real-time PVP match with another player, where each one gets 60 seconds to match each other (and you have no idea what the other player's moves are)
Skirmish is essentially the Envy Peccatulum: AI-controlled teams against your 12 sinners, Company vs Company
If they don't show a teaser on Thursday, then it's either an E.G.O banner or a banner with just some IDs that don't have too many alternate animations.
No, it would be too slow and it doesn't work since envy peccatula don't solve the fundamental problem of Limbus pvp, 1 side has to choice their skills first making it unfair. I have heard they made a LoR pvp mod, but I haven't seen it in pratice. Maybe they could do it like that?
But I don't know
god, please no. this game sucks hard enough already without a pvp mode they have to bribe you into playing because nobody would play it otherwise
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Ayy that’s my gif
I wanted to document every death animation when Lobotomy was the hot new thing on /v/ but ran out of patience and memory
If I wanted bruised up girls being inconvenienced I would just play touhou
See, now you are showing your homosexulity
I like death scenes because they are cool
Not to mention to actually care for physical violence, that shit is for women
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The way that you say that.... Sounds like you never done a realization... You must be a limbaby
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If you click the occasional PM video, you get maybe 1 recommendation for Limbus content. The algorithm will see if you watch tubers and then give you more if it finds a connection. Would you like to explain, anon?
>he doesn't want to beat women to death
i liked it a lot too, rape sex her
Branch of knowledge is such a brick not even the envy peccatula use it
Which mask for the Throne fight?
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>play pvp
>people spam tingtang hong lu and nclair to rng max your ass to death from turn 1
>or supertanks that literally just waste your team even if you win
>you can randomly face a team that resists everything you do and deals 4x damage to you
No thanks. I would rather do anything else.
Pic unrelated, just wanted to catch your attention
>Imagine if limbus had pvp
Who will win?
I chose Sorrow cuz clashing power made more sense to me.
speed then clash
>Physical trauma
That's for kids.
Grow up.
fuck everyone who says they don't want pvp. I would love casual pvp, just adjust that all people have same levels and shit so it's just pure fun
This was great but I think we should see more bruised up guys too
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The envy knows the meta
I used branch of knowledge at uptie 3 instead of my uptie 4 wailing
You guys weren't joking, this game is generous as far as gachaslop goes. I'm a returning S1 player who started again less than 2 months ago. By now I have
>full blown Sinking team bought with crates
>Kimsault from RR3
>Every new T Corp ID plus Everlasting, already allowing me to make a semi competent Tremor team
>just got Ringsang today
Now I'm mostly just missing the Wapipo and S3 sinners
I wouldn't like PvP itself, but it could invite balance updates that make unusable identities actually usable.
>He doesn't want to inflict physical trauma on others
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Clash then ego resources
No, one Sinclair used it against me
It almost fucked me over too
I chose SP after Clash because I made everyone go apeshit with EGOs for the last fight
>Using that image when he caused nuggets to die and loop so they can suffer again
I would love PVP if its against CPUs and not players, imagine PM trying to implement a peer to peer connection.
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The only physical abuse I dish out is to my own meat if you know what I mean
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the pvp won't be in real time.
it would be something like the envy pecca where the enemy would just be an AI using the team of another player.
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>Stands up
>Pulls sword out
>Sits back down
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>corrodes into telepole and hits only his allies
even as an enemy he helps you
what do you mean? I'm vegan and opposed to cruelty on animals.
Is tremor good yet?
Not because he wanted to though.
You are lucky to have all the good egos that s1 gave
it's much more hellish without them
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It definitely did feel like a testing ground for PvP, since all of the Envy battles, even the ones without mid-wave reinforcements, had 6 sinners on the front lines with another 6 giving support passives
I'm still indifferent to the idea of it. I don't think there's a single gacha where the PvP mode is something you actively participate in other than for loot you literally can't get anywhere else (looking at you, guardian tales and locking end-game gear behind PvP that no one besides whales wants to do)
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Would Sinclair heal more if it was a cuck chair instead?
Fuck no. PVP is shit in every single gacha game. Everyone is running only the most optimized metafagging units forcing you to do the same and rolling every time a new meta breaking unit comes out.
I agree the game needs some new game mods tho, something to do besides spamming MD.
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TremorGODS, I think we are here to stay, blind run results.
68 Turns, would probably been 65 if not for me forgetting 3 times what don S3 does when winrating the seemingly guarantee kill.
This was just as fun as RR2, kind of a shame that once again, turn count is the thing we have to aim for, I didnt get a single unit killed either, not really sure how much mileage we can get out of the chain reinforcements.
>Pick clash
>Envy Dieci Rodya casually rolling 24 on her S3 anyway
Its excused beacuse of how cool his sword and some attacks are.
It is unforgivable that he literally has no gimmick by himself
It still happened regardless
If PVP is added then they have more grounds to nerf and buff accordingly so you know what? I will beat up some envy peccatulas based on the AI teams of other managers.
Yes, but the argument was about "wanting" it.
It's hard to tell without seeing Faust's SP but considering it says Favored for her and it's versus Nclair then Paus should win if she doesn't have shit sanity or other debuffs.
>Ring Sang
>Dieci Hong Lu
>Ring Outis
Why are bleedcucks latching on?
>With my infinite hatred, I give you this [___]
I wasn't invested in the game enough to buy the BP at the time. So Rimeshank and Telepole were the only notable EGOs I had. I recently sharded Sac to help me out with RR3 too.
Thanks, I went damage + EGO resources

The bgm when he joins the fight is fucking kino
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I had to restart because he bound me to death
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What if it's just a casual thing, or very minor rewards? You'd fight a set up team from someone else, you can see what you'd fight, so you can counter with a unit setup of your own.
Look at dragonball legends or cookie run kingdom if you want to see the full extent of what a PVP mode could end up doing to this game.
Should I let the fridge hit me or do I clash with the fridge?
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>Enters fight with 2/3rd HP
>Doesn't elaborate
>Not wanting more modes besides MD, tuxes and story mode.
I'm so sick of MD please give PVP.
you need to have someone always hit the generator to clash 1 specific skill so he self staggers
I want a mode where your sinners go through "realizations" and you have to fight waves with teams made of only that sinner's identities.
The sheep wants you to clash with it so it staggers, if you don't it'll be worse, you can ignore it if it's aiming for N.clair and Faust is getting AoE though, since it gives him paralyze

>Hit generator
>Get a plug for whoever dealt damage
>Clash the sinner with a plug against it's first skills
>Plug 3 cables on it to stagger it
You forgot
>Clashes like an absolute retard
>Does literally nothing the whole fight but hope you lose 1 clash
I pity the newbabs who don't have Fluid Sac. I used 7/Nfaust as nothing but a Fluid Sac spammer
Who say I was arguing in the first place?
It probably lost health boosting and healing the envy pecca during the prior fight, sharing it's healing binds with them.

Why do you guys keep saying he clashes like a retard? I picked clash power at the start, and damage, and he constantly uses two skills that roll way higher than the usual S3 you have available besides certain units.
>give Faust +2 speed
>turn 1 use Fluid Sack
>hits head
>instant 25SP AoE heal
Your limresponse?
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>Dragonball Legends
oh god don't remind me. Used to be extremely invested in that game and had a healthy group of friends to play it with. All of us quit because of the ridiculous powercreep and turbo jewish rates.
Then again PVP was the only fun mode in the game and would've been amazing if the devs weren't such greedy subhumans.
He gets buffs from sinking but he also removes it from you. If you have no sinking his clashes end up at like 14 at best
PM is a ryonachad franchise.
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>Be newbab
>Game shoves a bunch of Tremor ids at me
>Doesn't give me cum Faust EGO
>Also need to save up for Regret

I'll never have the sac...
I'll give up on PM altogether if they go as low as to make a pvp mode in their gacha game
you gotta hit the fridge to get a cable so you can drain the sheep

>Uptie V requires you to fight all of said sinners Abnos using teams made from their IDs (while supplying you with the lvl 45 Uptie IVs of IDs you don't have)
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>PM has to implement a new condition that specifically targets Rodya and her EGO shenanigans
I love my special and strong wife!
bro why not buy it from the dispenser after grinding mirror dungeons?
If you don’t draw your wife, stop posting her
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>foxsang does 800+ damage on turn 1 and staggers 4 clones with spicesang passive
>does even more damage on turn 2
This is ideal.
Gore nowadays is for fags
There is nothing worse than PvP and gacha. You are an absolute fucking retard if you actually want PvP in a gacha.
I used Gregors new bygone days ego and holiday for sp gain
Stop lying to the newbabs, you don't need fluid sac
I have most things in the game but i used Kraust for her support passive only. Fluid sac is good but no need required at all
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That's what I am in the process of doing but I need to prio cum Faust since it wont be available in the next season and then horde boxes for next Walpapi
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Can someone with good memory tell me if any other abno eggs have black and white gems? I know they mostly have colors based on one of the sins but I can't remember any other black/white ones or if King in Binds is the first one to get one like that
king in binds was a kino fight
Will we get IDs ever again that are not either connected to the seasonal or an event narrative? Ie. getting a K corp ID without K corp returning in the narrative in any way.
all previous ones are only 1 color including portrait and sheep
i expect new fixer IDs after warp express as we wait into august for canto 7
Also Heath's Ya Sunyata Tad Rupam
We are getting new 7IDs for sure. They are teasing a famous 7 fixer named after the author of the murder on the oriental express which is where they got the name for the new event.
Wasn't there a datamine that had two extra sin affinities for black and white?
>Implying Agatha wasn't some near color type figure and rank 1 in the organization
We're not getting her. Also seven focuses on information gathering, and investigations, so obviously they'd have someone write a detective book. Doesn't mean we'll get more seven just yet.
I see.

That's why I was curious. It reminded me of that thing about madness and angst sins.
I hope so. There are a bunch of faction teams you could do that are cool but are utterly fucked by the utter lack of IDs. Like N corp having only Faust and Clair as decent units and the rest being dead weight. Or The Middle. Having Sault specifically target the faction with his passive but only Middle Don existing for it.
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Alright, this RR is relatively easy compared to the Ahab trio bullshittery, or, Ayin forgive me, RR2 loops.
nope, and as a day 1 tremorcoin investor i am loving it. can't wait to see how pm buffs the others
Ishmael more like is whale
Blubbery girl she is, her whole body jiggles when she does anything
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The King on the throne twists and thrashes, trying to approach... but the things that bind drags him away.

The beautiful yet cruel crimson strips of fabric. They pull mercilessly. They are...

>... Bandages.

Bandages, made to heal.

But he will bleed out as soon as these bandages are undone.

To maintain his shape... he must remain bound.

>... Chains.

Chains, made to imprison.

He will endlessly struggle against the chains to be free.

To regain his authority. To speak the words unuttered, bound by the chains.
Since they are likely investigating a mystery I wouldn't be surprised if they are there. WCorp could have called them for it since they specialize in the investigation as you said. I'm not saying we are getting her but getting 7IDs seems pretty likely just like how we got both Yuri and TCorp IDs. They don't have to be named just IDs based on randoms we meet.
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I want off the Tremor and Sinking ride please Director. Perhaps a crumb of Charge or Rupture maybe?
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Are you fighting these cool dudes in MD5?
Making fun of Hod for being short and watching her get flustered
Next event is literally on a Warp train, charge is back.
Of course they are all piss easy even without ego gifts, i'd be happy if they ever showed up to get one shot.
rupture support when
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I won't believe it til I see it.
Rodya fans seem to not understand that she’s supposed to be ugly
She attempts to hide her ugly face with makeup and does a bad job at hiding her ugly, selfish personality
GIGA W corp leader rodya inc
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King will only be difficult if you have to fight again 12 envy peccatula
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Clerk check
You did read Murder on the Orient express to prepare for the new event, right?
And you did read all her other works too since Agatha Christie is a real character in PM?
These are my current tremor units
>T Don
>Yuro Hong
>Rose Rodya
>Yuro Ryu
>bunch of other 00s like LCCB Ish and Rose Meur
>Molar Ish I guess?
can you suggest me a good team just to add some variety to my MD runs? Would a Ringsang be a decent choice?
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000 gregor/00 ishmael for the janny event
limbus is saved
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>King fight but envy peccatula copy your MD gifts
I would not recommend running tremor in md without regret faust, you're going to take billion years to clear the mob fights.
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Its fine, probably could have gotten 4-7 fewer turns ( One clone surviving with 10 hp happened like 4 times).
The abnos were kinda meh...except the king, the king is probably one of the best abnos fights so far (his music is also a banger). Also Tremor Don S3 is REALLY FUNNY against him. It was a really good Railway.
They get my shit rocks so now their Egos roll impossibly high thanks to MD buffs and I can't win.
I wish to believe that he came from a noble mind
He give us advantages, twice!
He stand up to challenge us knowing that it would hurt him
Unloke the other rr bosses, it doesn't feel like it doesn't look down on us
I truly love this abnormality
tremor shitters and their daddy ringsang
5/12 Sinners still don't have a single fucking sinking ID. Not even one for some bench passives or variety. The status is in a solid position, mainly thanks to delug+shank. But it's not like it got that many units to play with. Even for the designated S4 status it only got like 2 new units while tremor got 4 in a row plus 3 EGOs.
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>they copy bloody mist and glimpse of flames
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When’s she appearing again?
warp event will be r corp ids btw
If you want to play tremor, regret faust is too important.
Molar Outis is a decent alternative carry, and being a discard ID allows her to skip having to use most of the worst skill.
Oufi heathcliff would also help a lot in getting damage in.
Ringsang is simply one of the strongest IDs in the game that can fit in almost every single team, you can't go wrong with him, but if you want to just tremormax you should consider priorityzing the other IDs.
Possible, since W and R Corp are working together.
i watched the movie
I would love lovetown IDs even if would not make any sense.
all flatties have wide hips
No exceptions
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Envy? Log:

"Mm… It’s like looking into a mirror, but not exactly.
These ones were all covered in some kinda dark, unsettling mist.
The way that the dark mist danced over their bodies... almost felt as though I was staring at my own shadow.
Yeah, a ‘shadow’. Almost like they’re manifestations of our darker sides. I know it makes no sense, but still.
Oh, and… this one was stronger than the last. They used the same techniques that we do, but the force behind it was way stronger.
Our attacks felt ineffective, while theirs really hurt when they connected.
Haah… They know our moves, but they’re stronger than us? That’s… cheating.
Would’ve helped a lot if we had their dark mist. I really could've used that extra power.
Besides, getting killed by those things isn’t… the best feeling in the world, y’know?They just stand there quietly, like we weren’t good enough to beat ‘em. It’s extremely irritating.
Haah… Nah, I shouldn't be a downer.
Hey, let’s think about it like this. I can look into a mirror, but a mirror only shows a side of me, right~?
I’m sure there’s something that those fakes can’t copy from us. Something they lack.
>We’re real, and they’re not. There’s gotta be a way to beat those annoying Peccatula.
>What they lack is our Executive Manager’s splendiferous command. That will be the deciding factor in turning the tide of this battle.
>It is as Miss Rodya has said. We have prevailed against greater foes in the past; a path shall open for us, surely.
>Totes~ They’re nothing compared to what we…(something was written here, but it’s been erased) faced before!"
at least next rr won't have this much envy peccatula spam right?
When you say 5 who are the ones you aren't counting? Don, Ryoshu and Meursault definitely don't have them but PotentialMan and Mariachi ARE Sinking IDs whether you like them or not.
Also Sinking got 4 units this season which was enough to field a full team without base Hong Lu, Mariachi and G Outis which is good. Tremor literally had fuck all for good IDs and damage prior to this though it is lame to add mostly Tremor for this many banners in a row.
can you still not see these logs without being in battle
We going to fight tier 3 peccas.
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I want to play Nikolai already, my favourite key page in LoR. But I guess it's still too soon for sotc.
Didn't UT4 exist at the beginning of this game? Or was it added like the level increases? UT5 soon?
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Envy log:

"Eugh, ya sure this is the time to be writing a report?
I mean, the ‘Peccatula’ are supposed to be like those monstrous things, aren’t they?
Like that mass of flesh, or that toothy plant thing…
But… they’re just like us.
Not just in their appearance, too. They’re copying our moves!
Are ya sure you’re not leaving those ‘Identity Cards’ everywhere, Dante?
Phew. Okay. Now that I’m taking a closer look at ‘em… I guess they’re not ‘just like us’.
There’s this dark layer over them, and they all look a bit opaque, too.
Welp, good thing they appear to be weaker than us. They’re nothing but copycats.
Heh heh, there really wasn’t much to worry about, huh?
They’re just cheap knockoffs, right~?
It really freaked me out when they used an E.G.O, though…
Also, um, ya sure ya didn’t let some of our Identity Cards slip out of your pocket? You should check, just in case.
>I don’t know if they were ‘weaker than us’… I’d say they were about as strong as you guys. Besides, I will never just leave something important like that lying around.
>Hm… I saw you hastily digging your pockets as we left, Manager Bud. Are ya sure?
>Dante, you must never misplace your Identity Cards. Please take greater care to store them safely. Losing them will result in a consequence greater than having to write an incident report.
>... Are they really that expensive?
>They are not items that can be measured by monetary value. Please pay utmost care in storing them."
He is maybe the best ID on the game right now.
Ironically enough he was also the only one that die
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Done in last night before nerfed.

Sheep just fucked me up over becuz I didn't realised about the plugging gimmick.

The King in Binds is that best abno fight I've ever seen.
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>mirror dungeon 5 final boss fight
>instead of king you can get mirror ID instead
>n-corp team starts with bloody mist+wholeness
>BL team starts with lucky pouch, unbending old dopo robe & ragged bamboo hat
UT4 released around season 3.5 if I remember right? I'll be surprised if UT5 happens within the year.
Portrait 1:

>"This fella again. Remember? We'd always ran into it in some hallway.
Hmm… One part of this headless figure is wearing a snazzy suit, but a hideous face is attached to its lower half.
I could gather from my exchanges with this thing that it used to work as a butler of some manor…
Well, I know that’s not true. It’s an Abnormality, after all. I’m just writing down what it told me.
Carrying around the master’s portrait… asking us if we can see him…
Oh, yeah. Lemme get off-topic for a moment and talk about the old times.
The higher-ups used to make me march in the streets with portraits or pictures of the dead in my hands.
It was kinda… no, very sickening.
Parading portraits, pictures, or even mementos of the dead like that is… how should I put this?
Yeah, it's like we're taking advantage of their deaths, isn't it?
And that's just... Man, it's nothing."
Just crit for 650 on Kuro Rodion
Feels good
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So for section 2, is it better to bring in a mix of Blunt/Slash or just go primarily Slash?
But they didn't nerf it. They specifically stated they're just updating the in-game description because they don't want to have to reset scores.
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>UT4 already requires 120 thread + 50 shards
>I'd have to uprade 30+ ID's to UT5
>EGO's too and they would be even more egregious to upgrade
Go on without me... limbabs...
Portrait 2:
"Uhm… Whassit. Yeah, that wasn’t the only portrait it carried.
There were, like, a few dozen of them zooming around the battlefield, and… huh.
It suddenly asked us which one of its portraits was its master. And… boy, how the heck should I know, right?
So I just made a random guess, and… those faceless portraits suddenly all turned to look at me. I know it sounds weird, but I'm pretty sure I felt it!
Man, it really gave me the shivers.
Anyways, we learned that the fake portraits fade away with a cackle when we hit them.
But you’ll know when you’ve struck the real one. You can really feel the punch at the tip of your hand.
The fake ones don’t really hurt that much, so I’m not sure if it’s worth wasting our time and energy destroying them one by one.
>Um… so, this is just a suggestion, but… how about we go for the real one first?
>Ooh, is this our Executive Manager’s stratagem? Such a brilliant idea can only come from a genius mind such as yours.
>That is a sound plan, Dante. Let us proceed in that order and observe the consequences of that effort."
Portrait 3:
"Well, to get straight to the point… Manager Bud was right.
Trying to focus on each and every fake portrait would take forever.
Fighting the real portrait was slightly more work, but... once we took care of that one, the other ones all burnt to ashes too.
But after that...
...the Abnormality grew really hostile and went on a full offensive. It started fuming, like it was somehow pissed off.
It seemed to obsessively focus its attacks against the person who got the last hit in.
Well, that focus eventually spread out to all of us. I guess all that rage didn't help 'em keep a cool head.
It was trying to avenge the portrait or something… Man, I don’t even know if revenge is the right word to use, knowing that it has never actually worked as a butler or whatever.
…Besides… throwing your life away for revenge is… it's stupid.
The living’s gotta keep on living, right? Revenge ain’t worth a damn if it gets you killed.
Tsk, wait. Just in case this report causes a misunderstanding…
I-I wasn’t like, talking about you guys or anything, okay? Don’t go making a mountain out of a molehill.
>N-no misunderstanding here… Don’t worry about it too much.
>A flower, once bloomed with such resplendent radiance, has wilted for naught. … What you have conveyed here with your writing holds a degree of truth.
>I wasn’t really thinking about it until you mentioned it. So that’s what's been on your mind, huh? Gregor.
>This ain’t nothin’ to be ashamed about, mate. I’m right there with you. The living’s gotta keep on living so… we can remember.
>Can you gimme some time to make edits after writing these reports, Frau Faust? Man, this is… haah, oh man."
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>all flatties have [HEADCANON]
nice cope
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Sheep 1:
"Um… I thought it was a big storm cloud at first.
With the purple lightning through the wispy cloud and everything, and… Oh yeah, it was floating somewhere up high.
But I wasn’t looking at a storm cloud. I was looking at a sheep with… with very, very long legs.
I don’t know if it’s the storm clouds casting shadow over it, or if it was always dark, but its legs were so long and dark that they just blended in with the background.
But I noticed something new with every strike of lightning, with every flash…
It was almost like a dream. A four-legged cloud, illuminated in the flares of violet…
Oh, and… there was something that stood out as odd from that dreamlike sight, though.
There was a machine in there, with its cables and plugs strewn all over the place. … Maybe it was like a power generator, or something?
Manager said something like “maybe the cables are the key to dealing with this Abnormality”…
Do you think we have to plug those cables into the sheep? Ah, I see… What if that sheep is screaming so much because of the lightning in its body…?
Well… I guess that's kinda like getting perpetually electrocuted. Of course it’ll hurt.
U-um, maybe we should plug this cable into the sheep…?
I can’t just sit back and do nothing forever, you know…
>Huh, so that's what you were thinking when ya suddenly started sprinting towards that thing, kiddo? That was one weird battle cry, by the way.
>Once Sinclair comes back, I'll let him know that there's no need to overexert himself."
I used Heathcliff Binds Ego and Fluid Sac for when I needed blunt since they have so much atk weight and since peccatula stagger fast I could just kill them with whatever. Most of the peccatula fights are just AoE spams if you can afford it.
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And fat asses.
>its still not possible to run 2 different poise teams back to back
this sucks, I hate it
Gotcha. In that case, I'll bring in some stuff to support EGO resource generation. Thanks anon.
You’re the exception
Sheep 2:
"(There is some dark, ashen residue here. It’s been wiped away, but it left its mark.)
Ah… sorry, I coughed up ash onto the paper. I-it won’t cause any problems, right? I wiped it just in case.
Anyways, what happened was…
…The sheep began attacking me as soon as I grabbed the cable from the generator.
It would burst with lightning… or try to ram me with its body.
Ah…! Hey, I think plugging the cable into the sheep helped! The sparks spewing from the sheep’s gotten slightly less intense.
Now that it's no longer tortured by lightning, hopefully it’s cal (this part of the report has been burnt away, leaving the contents of this record a mystery…)
>Where is the rest of this record? He left this report unfinished.
>T.P. A boring death, totally pulverized by the ramming sheep.
>It can be determined that his cause of death was his negligence to pay attention to the battle to the end. He should not have diverted his attention to writing this record in the middle of a fight.
>I really thought it would work… Maybe the lightning wasn’t its source of pain?
>Not enough lightning was drained from its body, perchance? Mayhaps we shall impale it with the other cables first, then observe?!"
>Rodya fats are the most obnoxious fatfags
Sheep 3:
"Just as we finally got all the cables attached to the sheep, lightning struck, and purple sparks flew everywhere...
…and the sheep just collapsed on the spot. It’s probably sleeping, right? I don’t think it’s d-dead.
Oh, and... I-I know this sounds weird, but…
Mm, yeah. I don’t think this sheep’s dead. I think this electric sheep is dreaming… L-look, it just twitched!
Nothing says that Abnormalities dream of Abnormalities, right?
Maybe it's enjoying gentle dream, free from the painful strikes of lightning. Maybe it's suffering a dark nightmare because we’ve taken its spark…
Well, there’s no way for us to know now, but… I wonder if lightning actually hurts this Abnormality. Or… maybe having its electricity taken away hurt more.
>Hm? Frau Faust didn’t leave a note here. Now that’s a surprise.
>Faust does not always consider these ruminations as unnecessary. In fact, she considers this an interesting subject.
>So, can Abnormalities even dream? I’ve seen some entities among the Outskirts Monsters that'd fall catatonic like this sheep.
>Hmph, isn’t the answer obvious? They’re merely emulations of human behavior, nothing more.
>The ability to recollect may become the Abnormalities’ bridge from the waking world into the land of dreams. Yet, we know not whether what it reminisces is its past, or merely its figments. I lack sufficient evidence to speak with any more confidence."
>still coping
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So it's okay to not run any theme and just throw unga bunga big clash/aoe skills?
Only ones I have invested are charge and poise.
>abnormalities dream of abnormalities
nothing there's dreams
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What is the one trash id or EGO you won't give up on no matter what?
For me it's Kurokumo Rodion and Impending Doom for Sinclair
Ryoshu either goes full commando or hasn't changed her panties since day 1
My source? Show me a single scene or comment on the last time she mentioned her underwear
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King 1:
"We emerged into a great hall of crimson ornamentations.
Its appearance summons to mind the shape of a banquet hall.
A man wreathed in red fabric rested atop the throne of the crimson hall. He raised his hands in an endeavor of effort and gingerly gestured toward a gathering of masks manifestly made for a masquerade.
A spectrum of emotions were carved unto a spectrum of masks laid about.
There was a mask of sorrow, a mask of wrath, yet I found myself most partial to the mask of joy.
I know not the reason for which this mask embodies such expression of euphoria; yet, shan’t it be enough that it shall share the selfsame joy with others?
Two birds with one stone; solace shared, sorrow shrouded, the twain under a blanket of elation.
I wear the mask and feel my thoughts grow clear as an autumn sky.
Upon my approach, the king tensed his shoulders for a moment so brief that it was nigh unnoticed.
Perhaps it was a gesture borne not out of thought but of instinct, shaped by the cloth-suppressed will to express.
We had but a moment to regard it before those akin in appearance to us appeared.
Though their forms were opaque and their shapes half-shrouded in shadow, they held certain similitudes to our own forms.
The monarch, with certain torpidity, tipped his head to the side in a show of intent to behold our battle.
The long years spent in binds have filled the void left behind by your long-gone interests with tedium, have they not?
A terribly tragic tale. Yet we battle in hopes that our clashes may bring this king in binds the smallest revelry.
Such is all I have to say."
Yeah. If you can, you should build to support atleast 1 AoE EGO that you can spam and atleast 1 EGO that can clash above 30.
We now have a setup for Nothing There suddenly appearing in an Envy Peccatula fight.
Just IMAGINE a normal fight against Peccas somewhere in canto 12 interrupted by HeLlO
I agree Kurokomo units look absolutely amazing. Wish they got their own Kimsault counterpart making the whole team perform better.
You’re the one that’s butthurt enough to reply in the first place
Go away, FREAK
>only have like 2 aoe EGOs
Quitting in s1, then season 2 and joining midway cathy was a mistake
King 2:
"These umbral reflections of us bring to mind the ‘Identity Cards’ Dante holds.
An egoless incarnation of ‘Identities’ manifested may hold a certain resemblance to the way they appear before us.
Defeating one of them merely makes a vacancy for another to fill, for they number the same as we do.
Now that I have spent some time in observation of their operations, I have noticed a conspicuously considerable collection of similitudes between us.
I can presume that their number is most likely equivalent to our own; their techniques in parallel to ours.
Yet what those Peccatula lack is the will to make decisions of their own.
Like cards to be played with and discarded at the king’s whim.
Kings, both of eld and new it seems, enjoy plays of puppets, a musical of manikins.
Wielding men as cold tools, brandishing and flourishing them with abandon, breaking them. And upon their inevitable shattering, the king shall fill their spot with another puppet, its absence unnoticed.
Yet, this king may be quite fond of his own.
To shower his retinue with ceaseless blessings while leaving naught for the rest of us.
Mm… such is all I have to say.
>H-how many of them are there?
>If the king seeks to watch an evenly matched battle, then it can be assumed that our foes number the same as we do. If such is not the case, however, any further speculation may be a meaningless effort."
>no the rest of IDs since forever
>get shoved in favour of Jun and his no-name go.. henchman
More like cuckKUMO
What is better for sinking teams?
Molar Ishmael or Butler Ishmael?
what banner announcement do you we're gonna get tomorrow?
EGO or Season 0
>He says after replying once again
and the trifecta of cope is complete
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>2 waves, the first wave consists of a single lvl1 base ID.
>You kill it and then he ENTERS
erlking heathcliff next week

warp express week after
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King 3:
"Thus the battle came to an end with our victory.
Thus concluded it seemed the banquet, yet the King's tedium was yet to be sated; the bound monarch rose from his throne, tearing free his corpus from the bandage-chains.
The long time spent in confinement has rusted his joints, yet his imposing presence and grace have only grown to touch the formidable grandeur of his sublimity.
His resolute resolve roused awe in the hearts of those who beheld his emergence.
Yet awe was not the only sense it roused; a question arose as well.
For what did the king remain tethered to his throne, when he had the might to rise on his own?
I… know not why the king remained in sedentary silence, bound not by the threads but by his own will.
I write a few words here still, for I cannot very well put to sleep the simmering ruminations…
It appears that the king has aught to convey.
A monarch fettered to this spot, ere the hail of those who may discern his fathoms. A wraithlike state the sovereign has taken.
This somber musing heaps and heaps with every blade-clash unto a mound of sorrow as sympathy starts to sink.
Whyever does he hold one such banquet, his corpus bound to the throne, only to revel in such bizarre festivity?
It is but a pitiful tragedy, for this abyss is deep and wreathed in inexplicability.
Such is all I have to say.
>A tragedy? Bullshit.
>To be in command of others, to reign over another, is a declaration that one shall endure the responsibilities and the suffering that come with power. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my deepest gratitude to our Executive Manager, who leads us with a firm but fair, excellent hand."
Molar might be one of the best units in that entire team. It's not even close.
they're not gonna drop Erlking without a teaser, fucking RingSang got one
it's still too early for 6.5-2, August at the earliest
>warp express week after
Haha, no, with PM's schedule maybe a month at earliest. They need to pad the time between Canto 7 release. There has never been a Canto that hasn't been delayed, so expect them to "delay" it by naturally just giving more time since there's no set date.
Nikolai is the best. I can't wait for Outis to get her ID
they drop ID teasers on friday retard
Why are you all still playing this?
The sinners are the worst protagonists evar
Their development doesn’t even change them lol. Just look at ish, she acts the same way she did before her canto
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I'm talking about image teasers like pic rel you dense retard
on friday it's the trailer on tuesday or thursday whenever they feel like it they drop the teasers
Image teasers are either on Tuesday or Thursday though. ID trailers are on Fridays.

I don't think we're getting anything new next week yet, or it's gonna be EGO or season 0 ID.
>Outis interjects Yi-Sang's soliloquy to glaze Dante's clock
Truly best hag
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Oddly comfy RR this time around
Also I passed all my exams today, today's a great day
>I don't think we're getting anything new next week
impossible, TDon's banner ends on the 11th
we're at least getting an EGO or a season 0 filler unit
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People don't instantly change in actuality either. Yi sang shows the most change cause he wants to be more positive, Ish has no reason to change her tune much since she just wants to figure herself out, so she doesn't need to not be a hot head for it.
Try again.
Molar is miles better im not sure why are you asking this, the only units im not sure to switch in a sink team are between butler faust and dieci hong lu, they are both good
New Shi IDs soon, trust.
Is this the new cope for shit writing lol
It can easily just be a re-run banner.
Congrats on passing exams, anon.
>Still no Ryoshu abnormality observation log
Is she waiting for her canto to write a log???
PM doesn't do re-runs
real excited to read the letters of the alphabet, aren’t you
They don't announce aside from patch notes, but they do bring up previous units on rate up though.
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Say, has the Railway been out enough to find the proper strategy for all the parts yet? i remember hearing about how sinking is trash this time around, how true is that?
every mook enemy in this railway can corrode and spam aoe ego so what do you think
you can make the enemy corrode and hit themselves
[Sinner] Extraction banners are a different thing than reruns desu
Nearly everything you fight has sanity so Sinking is fine
What's the sheep stats, weak to Slash and ineffective Pierce?
Weak to pierce, slash is normal, ineffective to blunt.
Toad tremor is great against it since it's 2x damage from sloth.
Thanks anon.
>esgoo is a literal faggot
explains why he is so sassy, thought that was just his accent
Spam AoE ego.
No I want her to stop being a lazy fuck
realizing most of the meta units don’t have gluttony skills and most of the aoe skills need gluttony
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>Fighting envy pecca at some point in the story
>Multiple waves of them
>Final wave there's just one for some reason, not emitting any glow
>Beat it up, but it doesn't die
>Suddenly the ambiance changes, and a cutscene plays
his "girl"friend is also a tranny lol
I'll keep it mind, thanks. I don't know how much Tremor I can apply outside of just his E.G.O and his ID, but he is also pretty strong on his own so I'll probably bump him up on queue order.
so new railroad: peam or laem?
Why did the envy peccca sink team not copy spicesang, and went with Dieci sang instead?
IDK who esgoo is i just see posts about him pop up on my fucking twitter timeline along with the absolute worst limbus memes from idiots i do not follow
bit of column a bit of column b
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>Enemy RCliff starts battle with 7 Speed QS
Did we get any ID that had attained EGO?
What even are the other IDs?
Just Spicebush Yi Sang and Philip Sinclair?
That might be the reason(?)
>ambitious yet plodding and repetitive, Limbus company showcases some great potential, yet fails to live up to any of it.
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why did the sinking team have cinq sinclair and don
Shitcliff showed up in the Binds fight if he counts.
Because people would be pissed if they got deluged probably.
3/10 is awesome. that’s peak kusoge right there
didnt want him to detonate sinking stacks before the king could
No, Sunshower isn't "Effloresced" EGO
He's just wearing Lobotomy gear
People keep saying KJH is listening to him and I don’t know why
Maybe it’s just Americans and their self important attitude in general
Damn, that was a good Railway! See you next one.

>Inb4 but what about the last station
Cosmetic rewards only, so I don't care.
>but what about your run time
Cosmetics only,I don't care
>but you didn't complete the railway
I don't care
don't care
>the f
watched on youtube

>he watched it before fighting it
God damn it limbab....
If Ryoshu is truly Japanese, then how come she's not selling her used underwear in vending machines?
she doesn’t wear underwear in the first place
>Missing out on king of binds kino
PM fixed a bug that he talked about once and people hailed him as a prophet instantly
laem, all the fucking way. fourth time in a row maybe fifth time is the charm
What was the point of this post
Cowardly clerk.
should I give Ruina Tiph a fat dumpy or not?
To show how much he doesn't care
I didn't ask
being a big faggot.
get in line, sister
No, she should have a slightly perky (Aka: Pretty small but still visible) butt. I think that's the ideal size for a loli.
she should have a flat butt but with oppai.
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I somehow rewrote Ruina as Lobotomy
Nevermind that
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I want to see the autism run for this Railway. No way those fuckers aren't gonna sacrifice their team every phase.
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He's taken another one, bros...
Either a fat dumpy or a fat cock. The choice is yours.
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Does king in binds count as a "religious" abno? It feels like it's just a Damocles sword allegory, and the burden of a king.
Portrait SUCKS for this
My total count was 79, I was running Tremor and had sac'd my 00s for the first 2 sections
Erlking wishes he looked that good that nigga is UGLY
It'd probably take to long to sacrifice everyone manually
I wouldn't be surprised if the strat involves self corroding on a negative coin ID and teamwiping
Well Tremor has nothing slash aside from Oomfycliff so thats no surprise. They'd find a way to do something crazy like using LCB Meursault against the Clam or whatever it was.
If they ignored enough attacks just to get pure damage I could see sacrificing working. It's interesting that PM added this chain mechanic in the by far easiest Railway.
>want to stop using BL team for a bit
>swap to N-corp, boot up RR4
>look inside
>first 4 nodes are slash weak
Not baiting, why does everyone hate Nelly?
I know she can permanently stagger sinners, but it doesn't seem to be a real risk. I didn't struggle with her in the story or the railway even though I am a shitter. She was one of the "easier" fights last canto desu
I'm pretty sure they're talking due to what she did in the story.
i love her
Nelly did nothing wrong.
>Just win clashes bro
Because they never intended SD to be good.
"character hated because they betrayed the main cast" is a pretty common thing to be fair
literally the only reason people still remember Hopkins (I even thought his name was Hawkins for a second) was because he betrayed the main cast and people are pissed at him for it
some people are autistic enough to hate angela because of "le TRAPPED and BETRAYED in the library of ruina"
Sinking is still king, got sub 60 with it
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Nelly love.
Fightwise the only reason to hate her would be her sanity gain, evade and not reading how butler mark works. Storywise though she was a mixed bag of stupidity and reason. I don't blame her for panicking about her future but the fact she stole our shit(for no reason) and then ran off to Hermann after Heath spared her rubbed me the wrong way.
In the story she was a treacherous cunt
In her fight I got trash rng and she wiped my team two times (I lost every single clash)
In MD and in RR she is a joke.
Why would you like her?
I can't decide which team to use... It's over...
How do sinners retain their vocal quirks in writing?
I cant fucking believe we still cant just look at our enemies without being able to enter the stage they are at. I wanted to argue with someone about the sheep but i cant even see its skills or passives without going for the whole railway
Low quality image for a low quality ID. It's so fucking over.
Who dat?
I'm fighting the sheep right now. What do you need from it?
she was annoyingly tanky in the story on top of that whole section being a painfully long gauntlet
railway version was piss easy though
Damn I'm a handsome devil.
It's me.
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Me? lol?
Does the plug passive explain that you need to clash with the specific skill to plug into the sheep?
Didn't even save the image, I just pressed Send Post and that was it.
At any rate, it's time to spam MDs with this son of a bitch.
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it's 0 don.
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next week
erlking dyon
What is the gimmick of the 1st abno? Do I need to kill a specific portrait?
Kill one that guards
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Griffith Don
Rime Shank is too useful.
When is pm finally make enemies Rhime Shank proof, like Samguine Desire?
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PM saw how shitty every Meursault ID aside from Kim was and took this image to heart this Railway.
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>dante(me) chats with don 24/7 in his room
i never knew i was so based!
Genderbent Sinner IDs confirmed?
he had dogshit ids but strong egos before kimsault and fucker spams pursuance whenever he can
He didn't use any other Ego than Pursuance for me and that shit hit like a truck when it landed the one time.
he can also use regret and chains
What mask did (You) pick for Bound King?
Sad boy mask
I just realized the envy peccas could have copied Dante.
>envy pecca copies Dante and uses his time slowdown ability.
>all your sinners now have 1 speed.
damage & damage, why would I need something else?
All the Sinners I fought only used one Ego now that I think about it. Hong used DS and Nclair used 9:2. I think 7 Outis only used Ebony Stem as well.
I chose Sorrow expecting to need to clash but the sinners got wiped by Shitcliff corrosion and the King was weaker than weak.
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so is this the first content in the game where rabbit heath is absolutely garbage?
glad they're starting to make content that can't be solved by mindless quick suppression
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Everyone posting their good sub 80, but I will post my dogshit result (despite pretty good team), so some people won't feel as bad about themselves (although I might be alone at that).
Kim and Rodya was level 1 when I started and I didn't have Hong Lu, but out of them I only used Rodya in the end.

RR4 was much more fun that RR3. Didn't play on previous RRs
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>Outis freaks out over the envy pecca showing up
>Starts fearing the head will rape their assholes, because of clone rules
>Only one who freaked out like that about it
Why was she the only one to freak out over it? I would imagine that she had a run in with the head, but does this also mean she has some knowledge or messed around with cloning technology?
It's not wrong
Thankfully the prequels do live up to the same great potential 442MH
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Dont worry 90bro, we did good no matter who says what
bald flat don with skinny anemic lance isn’t canon
He's still good for phase 3 and 4 I'd say. He'll probably have some niche use as a sacrifice ID or something later on too. Whether he's sacrificed after spending all his ammo or someone else gets got to let him in idk.
She probably was the only one who saw the direct consequences of breaking that rule.
Former R corp medic/spy, please understand
Was Odysseus also a bootlicker in the books?
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so is king in binds the BEST abno fight in limbus so far?
the hype was so real when he tore of the binds and the second phase started
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She's so cute bros
Odysseus was not above trickery to get his way, and did try to get on people's good side if it benefitted him, but usually he was the one in a position of command. Also has sex with a some weird witch on an island who brainwashed his entire crew, and got saved by a potion given by the gods, and instructed to essentially threaten to kill her, and then stay his blade once she offers sex for their departure. Then spent a good few months fuckin and living there until she let them go.

It always find it funny how the god's instructions on what to do almost feel like the answer to some puzzle.
She's an ex-arbiter
might have served with some R corp members, don't really see how you average person would care or really know about the clone law
He is, but thats a title which will only last until the next new abno. Actually fighting him isnt interesting, hes just the first abno to take advantage of Limbus' higher production value introduced in canto 6
He is cool but fight is boring
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They even have the same earrings so I wouldn't be surprised if this was true.
I prefer her corroded form
I would find that hysterically impossible based on how pathetic she acts compared to Binah.
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>Oh, yeah. Lemme get off-topic for a moment and talk about the old times.
>The higher-ups used to make me march in the streets with portraits or pictures of the dead in my hands.
>It was kinda… no, very sickening.
>Parading portraits, pictures, or even mementos of the dead like that is… how should I put this?
>Yeah, it's like we're taking advantage of their deaths, isn't it?
>And that's just... Man, it's nothing."
So N.corp just has a habit of doing little parades with a portrait from someone who died? I wonder if he had to do that with his little sister's portrait.
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She's just a really good actress that's all.
this would have been g corp
Maybe she's a clone on the run and due to some Mc'Muffin she hides her clone status by rewriting herself as greek (nigger).
she's an ex-arbiter before they start to use homunculus for the job, that's why they all looks alike.
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Being hard carried by the fucktons of super technology implanted onto a person would make people cocky. She still has the attitude (even the face shadow like Binah), but now she does not have the power to even come close to how she once was. If Zena is anything to go by, they also have ear pieces on them, so they probably get relayed information on the fly.
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I hate these retards like you wouldn't believe. I just picked ONE +4 offense level mounting trial. ONE. Everything else was MaxHP-Def power-DMG reduction. How the FUCK is he lv72
She is the only one who reads the Head’s law
She has the trademark arbiter smirk as well
They gain offense levels regardless just some of them have additionals remember.
send screenshot to support.
ishmael caught slacking. always knew she was worst girl
Right, I forgot Hermann only went N.corp later. It does oddly fit into their "huaman experience" somewhat though.
Shrenne was a traitor technically but she still has fans for some reason
I won't fall for the temptation of jewess milkers.
But she doesnt act remotely like her regardless. She acts smug but looks like an idiot.
recordings are taboo in n corp. i assume photos would count
Hard dungeon increases their levels no matter what you pick. Some of them increase levels by 3 and others by 4, they'll gain power no matter what.
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>refracted Heath has Holiday equipped
Nah, I'm just antisemite. Just as Lord Ayin and Loland.
We have a very small sample size of arbiters to really know if all of them act exactly the same though. Plus maybe not all arbiters actually know what they're talking about.
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That was fun
That's just a coverup
Next Walverga? Ostias.
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>Acts like a know it all
>Face shadow
>Same earring
>Traveled a lot
>Bio states we should under no circumstances attempt to dig into her past, unlike everyone else
I think Outis has a fairly high chance of being an ex-head member indeed.
looking at the asset folder from the update. why are there portraits for base rodion and base hong lu? i don’t remember them showing up
should be in august
>ex Arbiter
>head nurse in the Smoke War
Call it
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I want to fuck Outis.
>I'm just antisemite. Just as Lord Ayin-
oh no no no he doesn't know
Some of the fights have them as support for passives for the ones doing the actual fighting.
Lord Ayin was NOT a self-hating jew
I just realised I had 4th match flame equipped for Rodion on my railway team even though I could fuel it well. That and branch of knowledge. Damn, that could have saved me 2-3 turns
Binah never got the earrings till LobCorp tho?
Some ex-war member wouldn't have a bio specifically stating not to dig into it, or else Gregor would also have a huge warning about it.
They only wear them when undercover
Ayin is gook, not kike unless he is retconned to be from G corp.
poor sheep :(
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Its okay anon, what matters is that you got a sub 100

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