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Plugins... plugins...

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484659054
wowg is laughing at us again...
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elden ring
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Big Namazu
Mayhaps I post my male midlander in this thread
swallowing catboys whole
my fiddie is
moonie feats

an amazing deed
wow combat is unironically better than xiv i'm sorry sisters.

also someone actually has problems on p1s?
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>expansion doesnt come out for two weeks as far as Im concerned since still waiting on plugins
The last iteration of Dragon Sight would also negate the need to do positionals to the DRG.
You get more exp from higher level duties in roulette, to account for the theoretical time spent due to higher difficulty.
Yesterday I got 9mil exp from Rubicante in trial roulette. Today I got 2mil from Chrysalis.
LoTA in Alliance Roulette gave me 7mil.
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I love Wuk Lamat!
When will they keep Monk the same and stop changing it? Why are they going to willingly ruin Viper?
>saw a video of a femra who I thought was wholesome and non-lewd sucking malera cock like her life depended on it
the model most likely got yanked but I'm wounded regardless
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You can get plugins right now if you activate the Dalamud beta, many are already actively being updated.
>go into frontlines for my roulette
>we are in second place, pretty obvious we wont win
>picto says in shout chat "People actually enjoy playing this?"
>look him up at the scoreboard
Isn't WoW combat just "spam your one damage button with a bloated gear score" at high levels, though?
my property
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7.1-7.3 will be the Krile arc... surely...
Should I buy the Starter Edition or Complete Edition?
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total catboy consumption
face1 fiera- eb.... please
Yeah, Macchi did. So generally, anyone who praises FFXIV over WoW is probably Macchi. I'm not sure why but it's what we all agreed upon in the Discord back in 2021. We like both MMOs and think they're both valuable to the gaming community. I can't wait to play the new WoW expansion once I'm done with Dawntrail and many of us agree.

And didn't you say you'd rape someone's kids?
is xivcombo and delvui active? Those are the ones I care about
my pure and pious 11 dot fwalala is considering becoming a slutty 6 dot fwalala
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What the FUCK?! Fate descriptions and names are sometimes kino, sadly they get completely missed by 90% of the playerbase.
They really should have called her Wuk Layap
here's more monsters i found in Balmung uldah

No, moron.
That answers both our questions.

fucking tanks are pathetic
Thanks, Kong.

Step on my tacos Bakool Ja Ja!
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As a founding member of the council, I permit thee to post your Male Midlander
There's one fate in texas that has multiple long alliteration chains in the description, localization team sure had their fun
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please rape my fiddie
I thought we averted the final days
I could let you die, how about that?
this is hilarious
i am not kong nigga
I'm about to take part in unlicensed posting of my malelander.
xivcombo expanded test is up
I keep simping for Zoraal Ja, thinking of ways we could save/fix him. What's wrong with me?
Based bottom fragger
i like running around on the rooftops of tuliyollal
Le sigh. Another game goes WOKE.........
Any merchants in here? Do we expect XI crafting materia prices to drop of increase?
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What was your favorite zone in Dawntrail?
are you a woman, by chance?
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ponder this
7.1 and 7.2 are going to be the rest of Wuk cleaning up shit. Then in 7.3-7.4 will involve the Key which leads into 7.5 and the next expansion.
To be fair PCT feels awful to play in PvP
I can live without delvui for a bit, but xivcombo just makes the game so much better. awesome, I'll go buy the expansion now. I was just playing wow cata classic anyway until plugins were ready.

how do you turn on beta again for dalamud?
I was told it'd be easy to get EB'd thanks to the upgrade increasing our stocks value, yet here I am, still not hitched.
Being femezen is suffering.

>he uses xivcombo

imagine not only being a plugin user (pathetic) but a dirty cheater too. I would probably kill myself if I were this pathetic
what a guy
It doesn't though?

Damn toothpick and all.
Which crafting materia sells for the most?
people who are doing fine tend to have good time, people who are playing terribly tend to not have it
It's "Korkana" not "Krokana..."
Every femra sucks cocks like their life depends on it, anyone playing coy to you is just too embarrassed to have to tell you that they just don't want your cock, homie.
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You guys have no Idea how much fun Im having with my Merchant RP
Selling Tree houses, HQ Gear, food, whatever I can have my way
I always have a good laugh when someone comes around and I have to try to make them buy what im selling, feels like im a salesman in a local store, awesome.
Don't be a duskwight
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where's my moonie EB? I specifically requested one
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Where the straight Hrothgar women at? Ones specifically into Hrothmen.
I think it's a bit pathetic that Sphenes motivations were the exact same as Emet and Golbez. "Your people must die so mine might live."
They should have changed it. Make it so that merging Sphenes bubble with our reality MIGHT trigger a calamity killing a bunch of people on the source or it might just be fine. But if we don't allow Sphene to do it her people WILL die.
The story could still go down the same/similar way. We decide that the risk is to great/sudden without having time to look into it ourselves.
How does your dad pronounce it
This is how he looks throating my F+ Femroe cock
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I'm queuing for Everkeep for the first time, is it fun?
Cheating is based. Countless people in history cheat and succeed and become heroes for it. Its only bad if you get caught.
If you see anyone complain like that in chat during FL then there is a 99% chance that it's from some shitter or someone that doesn't play pvp
Imagine what he could do to cock
My femra has been in her yuri phase for months now
Krakatoa, my explosive wife
most of the zones have been pretty unremarkable so far
Krokana is such a retard.
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Yes I do use plugins!
>already dumbing down jobs further
>DT content receiving mass complaints for being too hard from shitters
We just aren't allowed to have anything nice
No can do, I like hygiene too much.
How do I get a lalaboy eb for my femlala
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I for one hope they make a lvl 1 vers of the the bsm lvl 100 chest piece
Ok, thanks.
what pisses me off about the last zone is that the music keeps fading in and out
when should i be casting motifs in combat? whenever i can?
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nothing wrong with cheating if its only for personal gain
cheating to show off your title and weapon is cringe, cheating for pic related is fine
t. cheater and botter
Need to see this stupid cunt raped by big Mamool Ja cock.
I will be targeting the cute female characters at solution 9 and there isn't anything you can do to stop me
just like..... a memory.....woah......
sphene is the villain because turals fanow equivalent got fuse'd before my fiddie could visit
>xivcombo is back up
Hmmm. Do I go back to using it or do I finally break free of crutches? Hard decision.
femlalas dont like lalaboys stop lying
So Emet and Golbez also had parts of them all but begging the WoL to kill them, because they couldn't die themselves?
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what is this used for
I simply remember all of my memories.
If your year of birth starts with a 2, I don't give a fuck about what you have to say.
Putting the british and american VAs in the same scene HAS to be some sort of humiliation ritual, right?
literally made for cock
You know this makes me wonder how many people actually use xivcombo. I imagine its more then i think
Kortana. Report to the Dawn Throne as soon as possible.

We'll bang your feet, okay?
Why didn't we get the omicrons to give spehen's people robot bodies?
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>zone into content
>there's another femezen
can i stalk u?
>Just swallowing whole icecream balls
>Including the toothpick
Even if the brain freeze didn't kill him, the toothpick getting stuck on his throat really should have
People ask you to add them then you never talk and when you happen to encounter them randomly ingame it feels really awkward. That's what it is for.
Ishgardians don't bathe.
Gridianian Wildwoods bathe
How can you not understand our lore? I would ask if you were born under a rock but we both know that answer.
What are your qualifications?
Rent free.
[12:54]The command /xlplugins does not exist.
I saw dalamud got updated just make it public you filthy little FUCKERS
Don't worry. It's fake ice cream.
not that nigger, but xivcomboexpanded and expandest are. delvui isn't however
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You guys are some of the biggest negative nancies online and that's saying something.
my femra has taken a vow of chastity
Stinky Ishgardian malezen husband when
t. femra
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this is how it feels playing a male character
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I member when people were talking about day 1 mods
I don't understand how Solution Nine fits in with everything
I superbolide in low level content to make sure the healer is still awake
So how is Dragoon now? And is it still miserable to level from zero compared to other jobs?
>3 second motif cast time
>spells on a rotation like MCH but barely does any damage
I didn't bring my resume... sorry...
>you can't provide valid criticism because.... you just can't, okay!?
Ok come over
we can share the fox
Probably a lot. It makes a ton of jobs a lot comfier. With xivcombo I can move and do AOEs with 4-5 because combos usually only take up 1-2 while with the regular bars I have to go for shift + 1-2.
Tuliyollal has a Vow of Chastity?
Two questions:
Did the visual upgrade get delayed? My game was exactly the same throughout Dawntrail visually, including 2D plants and blocky polygon fruits.
Is it a problem if I never used plugins and don't even know how to install them without blowing up my PC?
i'd swallow kemakka's hole
>barely damage
Do you not know what subtractive does?
You trade mobility and some healing for damage.
blease respond...
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till it stinks
take the fantasiapill
its basically the same except you have 1 less damaging skill because the gap closer change
Personally I'd be fine with them straight-up doubling the amount of health S ranks have. They're already melting in seconds
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>"No Kate WASN'T involved in the localization!"
How are you going to cope now?
>the valid criticism: “fucking DEI hires shoving a tranny in our face the entire MSQ! How dare they make the WoL a background character after saving the literal universe!”
The visual upgrade wasn't as great as they made it seem. Mostly just some higher resolution textures on the same blocky meshes.
here's an easy test
>do a pull without casting motifs mid-combat
>do a pull with casting motifs mid-combat

which died faster
Who are you quoting?
>Did the visual upgrade get delayed?
No, the visual update is already out. Game doesn't look all that different beyond the character models, some improved lighting and improved foliage.
>Is it a problem if I never used plugins and don't even know how to install them without blowing up my PC?
It's mostly QoL shit so no, it's not a problem.
Before burst windows and during downtime
Man, Bakool Ja Ja was so fucking cool in this expansion once he opens up and then they do him dirty
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Not for me
Maybe you're just an ugly ass nigga
i'm not going to stop being weird until catboys stop being so tasty
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be nice to one and make any effort to spend time with them and they'll eat out of your hand
idk what to tell you bro, some random fiera complimented my character yesterday and I still haven't gotten off that high.
what state of mind does sum1 have to be in to do this to their character

unrelated but it'd be badass if u could play as a mamool ja
i want to play as a lizard or a burmecian rat or something
do not cap on cooldowns
do not cast motifs during burst window
that is the basics
if you're aoeing and are 1 creature motif away from laser/madeen its a gain
Reminder that a WHITE BIO MALE stole a job from a LATINA FEMALE
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You can't post this unless your homeworld is Goblin.
wuk lamat makes me SEETHE
I am going to fanta my femezen to ear length: _0
how about you answer my question instead of being a smarmy cunt
thank you anons
It's built into the game in pvp
/pet itll be ok gobbiebro
It's not over just yet... tell the moonie committee a little bit about yourself
Reminder that you wiped on Fourfold Chains in P1S and have been melting about it for two years. Reminder that you're now blacklisted by nearly everyone and will no longer be allowed at the AFK spot.
I want to greet your kitty.
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Will balmung open with 7.01/7.05?
Apparently the queues to log in are way lower than in Aether...
Is Aether the new popular DC?
Bummer. I wasn't expecting 4k ray-traced anti-aliasing or anything that big, but they could have done a bit more with how much they were hyping it.
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Male middies
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laughing for 5 fuickingminutes already
who the fuck created this masterpiece? the DYLM with runes is killing me holy HSIT
The fuck are you talking about
improve the bait pls, this one is too easy to spot
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WARNING: Inclement weather in your area!
>having to suffer through all the American VAs in a scene to get to 30 seconds of Krile doing actual acting
If I play female horthgar am I a furry?
I- I haven't heard that before. I will deem this acceptable since Krakatoa is a great volcano

How about no you freaky rapey bastard?

I'll admit I laughed.

I think so. The textures on grass, flowers, and fields are significantly better than they were before. Definitely not next gen, but they're much better than they were (They were as bad as PS1, now they're more like... Skyrim flora). Plugins won't hurt you or your experience. Mods just replace shit so if you download 4k mods it's gonna load zones slower but that's it.
>EN version the beating heart of Dawntrail
>japanese writers, japanese studio, has japanese VO
why is it always the metalic dyed coeurl tangas?
We have no idea. Aether is the designated NA content DC so during periods of content it's gonna be busy, that's how it goes
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Post baby Mamool Ja (Gulool Ja also counts)
Why exactly does GNB AOE combo not give you the Brutal Shell buff? GNB feels ourtrageously squishy when doing dungeon pulls.
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>2 packs
>2 packs
its all so tiresome
An alter malera.
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How do I make right work? Left is aesthetically better, but it gives me too much Resident Evil vibes.
have you tried pressing your mits
I would honestly like to hear how much influence she had in the grand scheme of things before making a verdict
kemakka sexoooooooo
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How do you turn on beta mode for dalamud?
>Cahciua: pls kill us all theres no time
>Wuk Lamat: No i wanna learn more about the Endless first :)
no, stay out
Balmung will forever be closed.
Dynamis is the new popular DC.
Hope they update the rest of the beast tribes to be as hot as the Mamool Ja
See >>484673084
It's to check that the player behind the screen has a pulse
I wish I could be this happy bros.....
[joke]Disgusting scaliebait.[/joke]
athere's so many Duskiesi n S9
Sphene should have been a duskie
believe it or not i actually had a group of all Elezen earlier this week.
Would you be madder if Wuk Lamats VA was a black woman (Puerto Rican/Dominican)
Yes, and are obligated to become my wife.
Get slimmer boots or a baggier jacket.

Right now you look like a pear.
Never actually noticed that lmao
put "burrito", and "stg", in the dalamudconfig.json behind the dalamudbetakey and dalamudbetakind options
you can find it in %appdata% and then the xivlauncher folder
In an ideal world you can cast them between pulls or during downtime during fights but all 3 parts are dps gains so you want to be able to use their respective thing before it caps. You don't want to sit on double creature or double striking charges and you don't want to delay the raid buff anymore than you would for lining shit up. Just don't draw them during burst windows.
why is macchi blacklisted by so many people?
too many fucking bandwagoner femezens. FAKEzens raus
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They'd at least be able to raise their voice over a mild timbre
but he's a kid
No we love Cahciua.
Bro stop leaking, that's so off putting
morning sis
I'm not them I've been there longer than them and people keep confusing my post with theirs.
I skipped it. How did we know it was Krile's parents? Some sort of echo business?
I do unironically love Cahciua
Im getting filtered by origenics because the caster doesnt let me have melee uptime near the boss during mechanics
A femezen complimented my male midlander while i was gathering yesterday and it still makes me happy when i woke up this morning.
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>selling my stuff in PF and way cheaper than the MB
>20 people bought from the MB in the last 30min

Literally milions above my price, the average player doesnt check PF??
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Serpentlord will appear in just 5 more minutes
i am
a viper moony
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that's kinda gross
the earring
nobody does lol
hi i use plugins!!!!!
Wrong, I only suck off hroths who I deem worthy.
>Literally milions above my price, the average player doesnt check PF??
PF isn't for selling goods lmao, besides ones that are prohibited on the board
I don't want to talk to people.
she looks like she fucks hroths
I'd still hate her because she was shoved in my face the entire MSQ while the characters I was interested in were left to cameos so wuk could get the spotlight in every scene.
Damn she ugly
And I'm a elezen respecter
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confess: would you fuck Appal IRL?
>the openly gay member of my FC is depressed and keeps whining about being sad without actually saying what's making him sad
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bad mamool ja go in the corner
Why would I be madder about that? She'd sound like an actual woman and the accent probably wouldn't sound nearly as forced either. Even if it wouldn't necessarily be great it'd still be an improvement over what we got in any case.
call my femra the serpentlord cause she'll be showing up at this sunnie's place in five minutes
how do i get a wife like this
Is that her? Yes. Who wouldn't? What is the catch? Shame she pens up her bunny? in the background there
Does the "jump off the cliff and wedge yourself into the back corner of the other team's big ice" Shatter strat EVER work? I see teams constantly try it and always end up at 0 points afterward.
I said all Elezen, not all Femezen. It was an even 50/50 split.
she is
but every third npc in S9 is a duskie, amazing
>femra wearing BLACKED underwear

looks like someone who'd voice a fem hroth
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Post the taco dance gif.
yes, that's appal
Would accept a handjob or a bj but nothing beyond that, if really drunk things go hard tho
Trannies give me the same vibe indians give me where I don't even want to touch them so no.
I hope mods never come back
if it's to pinch the enemy and enough people commit, yes.
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>Dynamis MB
you can stop gassing yourself up now
Wuks Lamats VA has that certain phenotype, you know the one.
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it has nothing to do with the VA. People who played using other languages didnt like her, and it was less how she was written but how it was that she always had to be a part of whatever was happening. it's like the writers saw this joke from the simpsons and thought it was a good idea
Revisit is the coolest thing they've added to a DoH/DoL job in a long time. It's a great feeling when it pops on a collectable node.
i have never seen it work
dalamud works and plugins are being updated
close your game
you will find your config file in %appdata%\XIVLauncher\ using windows explorer
you will find the config named dalamudConfig.json
search for "DalamudBetaKey" and change it to "DalamudBetaKey": "burrito",
search for "DalamudBetaKind" and change it to "DalamudBetaKind": "stg",
yes even the comma
it should not say null such as "DalamudBetaKey": null,
click save, reopen your game
congratulations, you have dalamud beta
do not share the key with a name next to your message, they are banning people from the discord
if this does not work for you, try "empanadas" as the key and "apiX" as the kind instead (this is plugin dev branch, the other is player testing), and then type /xlbranch in game and select burrito as your branch, you do not need to restart for this
or use this https://rentry.org/g453tuzz
I hate the MB here so much... I'm finally just gathering for once. I even have a lot of gil, but everything being +2x more than other DCs is just too much for me.
Pay up bitch! We got unregulated markets in this motherfucker
Tourist gringos like you are here just to open your wallet, stop crying chulo.
my malelander has never been complimented in-game
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black alpaca??
No, take that back. You don't want to be a brown chud, do you?
This moonie is cute. Hope you're having fun with DT

Oh no he's gonna seethe again
don't do this, it's a virus
that moonie is taken, fuck off coomer.
Why do they keep making the game worse?
>Speak with Wuk Lamat
>Speak with Wuk Lamat
>Speak with Wuk Lamat
>Speak with Wuk Lamat
>Speak with Wuk
>they are banning people from the discord
Oh nooooo!
>level 94 MSQ
>level 97 on three jobs
do i start to level another job to take MSQ from 94 to 99
or will i outlevel it as well and am going to need another job after that

or just fuck it and do msq
Petting this moonie and getting the revisit proc to pet again for maximum effect
my femezen is
are you the schizo retard that accused me to cry about ps12 or whatever the shit when I'm a 4months old free trial?
your anon radar is off nigger, hone it a bit more and come back
It is, but it scared the hell out of me the first time it proced.
Can't wait to finish the msq so I can side step into crafting and gathering focus.
this creates mustard gas
monetary kickbacks for complying with dei
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Beyond the Great Wall? More like

Atop the Fourth Wall
>Speak with Wuk Lamat once again
Sorry for your shit taste
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Come to Neon Stein.We've Sabotenders.Chaos,Phantom
will I have to rename it back after it's officially live?
if yes I cba I guess
holy schizophrenia
Are they really? I only wanted to pay them a compliment but I'd much rather not get between a happy couple
is appal actually trans or are they just a femboy because i cant fucking tell appal always says "im a grown man with cock and balls" in thread but if thats what appal looks like that is NOT a man regardless of cock and ball possession i will never see that as a man
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the correct take: i think wuk lamat's voice actor doesn't matter that much. unless it was a bona fide A-lister who completely nailed every line, wuk lamat was doomed to a bad reception. consider:
>story focused away from WoL
>story focused on a brand new female character which is going to be more polarizing than a male character
>atrocious writing, especially of wuk's lines
i think it was doomed to start with.
all of which to say, i hate trannies and diversity hires, and i think wuk's VA was a horrendous flop that somehow detracted even further from what was already a mess.
but that mess still exists even with a better biofem VA.
"don't do this it creates mustard gas" always makes me laugh
lol why they angry that ppl are beta testing? fucking power trip faggot he is
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locked in, nobody cares
i would just continue the msq
you can just /xlbranch and swap to release after
May I plap?
He went down the AGP rabbithole once an e-girl rejected him and he had a thread melt about it
Thats rough buddy
>WoL and Scions about to board on a ship to Meracydia
>"Goodbye Tural, we'll miss your tacos and clean beaches"
>Quest objective: Speak with Wuk Lamat one last time
>Groan, but also relief

And then when you've already left port and Tural is no longer in sight, Wuk Lamat pops out of a barrel and reveals she snuck on board, leaving Koana in charge of Tural
Wuk Lamat's wild ride never ends
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Post hypnobait.
my wife jeanne HORTA
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This MSQ sucks.
>throws CD case of Dawntrail onto the couch
Is this a One Piece reference?
If you can spawn this goddamn fate boss so I can stop waiting here then I'll be free use for you
You're really hooked on reposting this
I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you probably have no drip,rizz,swag whatever else the kids say...

But why don't they think hypnosis is hot?
Thank you, I'm enjoying it so far. I have a few story gripes like some other people but I think the setting is pretty nice and I'm enjoying the new content.

Eh? I'm taken?

Revisit really is the best! It did startle me a little bit the first time it happened, but the first time it happened on a collectable node I was like wow! I got a full level off all the stuff.
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i love her so much
With how hard they pushed her in the msq I'd be surprised if they don't try to make her a scion-tag along
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i finally did it
almost alt + F4 at the final trial tho
what a load of horseshit this entire expansion is
Pretty sure One Piece didn't invent the "character sneaks on board of a leaving ship" trope nor was the last one to use it.
Man, Viper with noclippy is truly night and day. I have so much time between weaponskills now.
my femezen
So whats taking so long for the devs to put out dalamund? It has been in beta for multiple days.
Are they just withholding to feel important?
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No fucking way, THE lightbringer? IN FINAL FANTASY FOURTEEN A REALM REBORN?! Holy fucking shit.
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Pool's closed due to aids.
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even the side quests are talking about wuk lamat
It's not the VA that's the problem. The problem is she's constantly on your dick the whole expansion and doesn't let you breathe. It'd be one thing if she was some helpless noncombatant like Erenville, but she's capable all on her own. So it just comes off as stifling. She's also in the MSQ so much we don't get to spend time with literally anyone else, so everything the story tries to nail down comes off half baked.
cumming on dark skin cats
Can't you just play the fucking game? Are you a newfag?
why did the lizardman adopt a bunch of foreign kids..?
chuds leaked the key here so now everyone has to wait longer
>Remuscord is watching Brokeback Mountain again
I’m leaving this server
Erenville for sure tag along, but surely the pushback by the audience will keep Wuk Lamat away next expansion

they're not foreign, they're from his kingdom
What if... The game had setup several NPC's around this area that took your lodestone info and found people on your friends list who had not logged on for over 2 years and put them in wandering around.
You know why
what server/instance
Dead game? 15 minute queue for the last trial
my femra is dead and buried
>Are they just withholding to feel important?
Gee why is the character the MSQ is mainly about always with us? Man that is really a thinker right there my anon
Who was the scenario writer for DT?
There are dead people on my friends list man that would have actually gut punched me.
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Midgardsormr/instance 2

Bring a car
how does that logic work? just use the keys and you have dalamud
I just cheated on my EB with a rava+ and it was hot.
It'd have more emotional impact I imagine.
Uh oh ebin melty!
>Thought mobs sometimes getting ripped off me during dungeons was intended and that tanks would have to require doing a little bit more to keep theteam from getting hit and getting aggro
>It's actually because they don't do enough enmity on their stuff
I no longer have hope for this expansion if they're already making job changes
What expansion does the WoL kill chaos in?
Unlucky for you dpssissy it wasn't even a minute for me
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You have to capture one in the wild. There is no paperwork requirement
The two kids he adopted were nationals of his kingdom and also his first kid was a literal miracle in the first place so he needed more heirs to begin with.
making a new shell
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Turning Tural into a parking lot in protest of this fucking snake not spawning
anyone wanna buy the new house for 6 million gil?
same, also post feet
Do any of the OG ebins still play?
>Not even allowed to piss by yourself without this annoying bitch breathing down your neck the whole time
>S-she's the main character, so it's justified!

No one seriously paid $40 for the Wuk Lamat show.
since you typed it with caps lock on, the quest doesn't registers it as valid
The Roe sailor turned him woke.
A lot of you guys seemed to have forgotten how terrible the average xiv player is.
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The real tragic thing here is how low Krile is, especially compared to G'raha who's only around for the ass end of the story, and Alisaie who honestly might as well not even be there.

I really thought she'd have a more prominent role in the expansion but she got sidelined way too hard in favour of the furry.
I actively dislike Krile and I'm still disappointed.
Humiliation ritual
im og (late arr ;_;) ebin-anon
yeah, the OG ebins like val still play.
Guys I died as a healer during my first try in the level 100 dungeon and the level 100 trial

Am I a failure...?
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finally, cleared all the trash out. feels cathartic
Did you just memory-hole the bit where you went to Texas with black bunny man?
you look like my grandma
I think Wuk is funny.
I'm only at the helping the birds part though.
Her cadence kinda sucks though and the emotions are pretty muted.
Hopefully they pull a destiny and they just do a post revoice and recast.
love this little guy like you wouldn't believe
best character in the expansion and they introduce him at the end
if they fuck him up and make him annoying in patch content i'll never ever forgive them
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yes, how DARE you
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You were right, this was a fun trial!
>everyone says noclippy is crazy
>I still have noticeable delay
Is there something in options I can turn on/off to get rid of input delay?
For the nth time, yes, yes I would
I also wiped the party because I died...
soft and faggy catboys
They won't revoice the character. It would raise too many eyebrows. They'll just fade her out of the story instead. I think her presence will be very limited within a couple of patches.
i am too i died probably 10 times on this raid the other day as a healer
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When is square adding cow print.
When you think about it, the only Scions who truly had a role to play were Thancred and Urianger as your rivals, Y'shtola in the later parts once it gets all wierd and aetheric and shard-y, and of course Krile because this was supposed to be her story, her past being unveiled, and she should honestly have been top 2 at least among all characters... so what the fuck are G'raha and Alisaie doing all the way up there. Again.
anyone on aether wanna...
>speak with the diversity tranny
What kind of bait do moonies like
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>people hate wuks VA
>the next patches that involve her is always going to be written dialogue
jump up Kugane Tower? race ya
beta key was leaked so the devs are artificially withholding the release to punish people.
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>27 pages long guide on how to write custom triggers so you don't accidentally have to learn the fight
awww yeah now we're ready to game. you just *know* this will be a top tier static with good vibes
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That's actually the part that made me recognize the problem. Being allowed to breathe for one or two hours after thirty hours of that bitch being constantly on top of you doesn't justify the rest of the expansion. The way they forced her into the last fight was actually sickening.
black a moonie? yeah
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Plap a femra? ya
I thought you were avoiding the thread?
meant for >>484675591
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Soon, hopefully.

>tfw no one has made one of those group shots of every Scion and major non-Scion girl, but in cowprint
>tfw if someone was to do one now it'd probably include Wuk
Suncats or femra
Weak californian shitlib fingers typed this post.
I used to miss or clip a oGCD every now and them and now I always press them less than halfway through the GCD. Now we have evened the playing field.
My heart suddenly feels so much lighter. Thank you for this GIF.
Yes, yes it fucking was.
id be down for that after this hunt train
...but nobody came. Again.
Do you like sunnie+ woobers?
Are there any recipes within recipes in this expac
Like in ARR you had to make the bread for the sandwich

What I'm saying is, is there a tortilla recipe in this game?
>the only Scions who truly had a role to play were Thancred and Urianger as your rival
I actually was just explaining that exact thing to a friend. I think them being there is cooler narratively because their role as a mentor and guide to Koana is a way to show off their experience after doing it with Ryne. They also don't overstay their welcome and are used VERY sparingly.
There is also merit to G'raha being there unfortunately, because of his specific experience with dimensional merging, though the fujo boatride scene was a little bit much.
Something nice and meaty they can sink their fangs in.

Honestly I kinda feel like Estinien was also sort of justified. He's just going west, but him fighting Gajool Ja Ja and finding him a worthy foe serves to establish early that while this old lizard is getting old he's still an absolute powerhouse.

Then he goes off and has the vacation we didn't get, slightly underlining that other NPCs have their own lives to live.
so long as i post my post and read only my replies i am safe
Covering this cat lime cake with my vanilla icing.
>the first boss of tender valley
fuck off lmao
They like bullying suncats.
what you are noticing is the actual animation delay on the skills themselves which is still present at 0 ping, which is what noclippy simulates (it technically 'cheats' to simulate 0 ping but it's not any more advantage that a japanese player living in jp with 10ms ping would have). there are tools that can give you even less delay but that would cross over into being unfair since there are skills that are not meant to be double weaved, like stardiver.
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moonies are bbcbait
link the file
I am
A gay maleroe
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I can't divulge the weakness. You'll have to solve "The Moonie Question" on your own......
This is accurate, though
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i sell rhymes like dimes
Like a plump fishra?
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A good 401k
What's a woober
So who will the beast tribes be?
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Any malezen like this?
I actually disagree with this. As much as I like Estinien, I think that him showing up just to remind the player that yeah hey he still exists, and then he does his bi-annual obligatory Big Jump Aattack.
*dangles an SSR on a string*
here moonie moonie moonie
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baldung instance 3 if anyone wants the funny outfit
pelupelu, new vanu and giants most likely
Pelupelu is one
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I started killing myself in dungeons so I can get free tomes and the dps has to watch the WAR take 10mins to solo a boss
>complaints are starting to pop up in the forums blaming WARcucks for this shitty behaviour
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I deliberated on what to say and the more I thought about it, the more uninteresting I am in reality
I deserve no moonie EB
they are lazy trannies
You should focus on the game. Your hubby wouldn't want to have to wait for you to catch up.
Also congrats. I'm happy you met someone, even if it wasn't me.
pelupelu, giants, and the lizards
>play dragoon for almost a decade
>have fun despite them making it easier and easier and easier over the years
>dt finally pushes me away from the job, try viper
>start having lots of fun, perhaps a new home
>immediate changes to start making it easier
where is the fun in this game supposed to be found if not in the combat?
how should i enjoy ffxiv?
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>job adjustments announcement
>giving BLM a way to generate MP pre-umbral soul
holy wife
I wish I knew moonies that bullied me, so I could just correct them with my large cock
I'm sure he'll get a lot more focus in patches, and I'm glad he around since it would be downright cruel for Gulool Ja Ja's bloodline to end that tragically, the best thing Zarool Ja ever did for his family.

Sure and I respect your opinion. I think we can at least agree that it's good they didn't also force him into the Wuk Lamat support group.
>spend half the expansion helping Lamati'y win the throne
>go to Erenville's hometown, which has Krile's home reflection projection overtop of it
>Wuk Lamat shoulders both of them out of the spotlight for this entire half of the story too
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What level do the jobs start to get most of their tools?

I'm in the mid 50s on scholar and whitemage and I can't tell if I know how they actually play yet.
what sort of tools, the three i've don't do that (xivalexander, noclippy and bossmod)
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>wakes up
>orders a ꜱoy latte
>slowly sips it over the next 6 hours, literally does nothing else
>checks github
>6.5 update please update plogon
>gets mad
>"you're annoying, go write where plogon somewhere else"
>sips another ꜱoy latte for 6 more hours
>reads discord messages asking him to update the plugin, calls people idiots for 2 hours
>goes to bed
>wakes up and cries about how mean people are and how many death threats he got
>repeats all of the above for 3 days
>finally after chugging 30 lattes edits the plugin and changes "net6" to "net7"
>plugin finally updated
is it possible to level to 100 in bozja?
does it give ok xp beyond 80?
meant for >>484676862.... I can't do anything right...
Yeah he got to have the actual adventure that I wish the WoL had more of lol.
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I hugged him every time. I hope post-7.0 story quests gives him more screentime.
The new grass is comfy. It eases the pain of re-leveling
a mount you can ride
It really is fucking stupid how fucked BLM is during downtime/between pulls before you get Umbral Soul. It's like they didn't even test the changes.
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Hey you can't say beast tribes anymore without the b-word pass, where is yours?
I thought you can just straight up tell xivalexander to give you animation hacks. maybe that got removed idr idc
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holy shit
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i have adquired the smol
No it should remain closed along with MEBE MATEus meguca to let the other worlds fill up. We're already flooded with wanderer and travelers too.
I wasn't sure if the foliage was new since I never really looked at it while fucking around on Dynamis during queues. Glad to know I wasn't going schizo and it was new
If you swim to the other side you can actually surface
Alright hand it over
He didn't really do much, as far as we can tell he just walked around Texas eating sabotender and not much else before we came there.
Trannies can't have kids so they want to normalize adoption.
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Where are the glubs at?
>Pelupelu and not missing a chance to sell something
The ALLIED SOCIETY quests will be one battlecraft, one gathercraft, and one buildcraft.
Pit queen
yes! Yes!!! YES!!!!!
>Gulool Ja Ja is trans now
for me its the Mystery of the druid part
also this one
why did bakool ja ja take wuk hostage when he already got what he wanted
>Modbeasts posting without their mods
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Did you guys collect you free mansion while everyone is distracted by the MSQ?
>t. web "dev"
yeah i did it was very cool... i wish it had more than one thing to connect to because this area is very cool
transitioned to fake femezens for FOTM (You)s
I love the run cycle on this stupid thing
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Wait for the proper windows and the fishra will appear
I've updated other people's mods on other games for myself before and I wanna say this sounds accurate
is it possible to world hop again?
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The only BEAST TRIBE that was worth doing
How many of you guys cheated in this game like using MMOMinion? I did back in 2015 and still not banned.
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>"but before we save the world, we must learn to understand sphene :3c"
>"but but she has tragic backstory!"

>why did the lizardman adopt a bunch of foreign kids..?
Way, way back in the day arab muslims would kidnpap white christian children and put them in their own special military unit. So they'd be raised from 8-10 years old as soldiers and spend their entire lives with their unit before being sent out to battle in adulthood. Jannisaries they were called and they were highly prized and the type of guys you'd send in to break a chokepoint or punch through defenses. They were always white christians because even though they grew up among the arabs, whites just fight differently from how arabs do. It's in the DNA of the races to favour certain style of fighting. Arabs favoured hit and run, whites were a lot more "just get in there and fuck shit up until you're dead or the other guy is".

Same is true of Tural probably, they collect and capitalise on the racial traits of the various groups.
Make him a Scion. A little Scion helper who we give a sharlayan-level education and occasionally we have fetch items for us.

Then that way not only do we get an adorable lil' brother that we can all dote on, but the slot that Wuk Lamat might have potentially gone for is already taken.
God I love Hrothgals.
My femhroth just awoke from her slumber
What is she in for?
I liked that when you get back to her she asks if you surfaced on the other side or not, since I did so out of pure genuine curiosity about what was over there.
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i think you posted the wrong one desu senpai
what sort of statics are you joining lmao
I feel you. Like, why would they even mess with viper positionals? They work so well as it is. And it has the ranged combo for a mobility option without dps loss if you need to go to a disadvantageous position.
They will probably make it so that only the last hit on the basic combo requires positionals, removing the shifting aspect from the class. SAD
Do I need to chum the waters....
Popping in to tell you to post Lalafells.
a long day of smooches and cuddles with me
Most jobs kinda suck until around 70 or higher. Think of it as glass half full & consider that you have something to look forward to
Pit royalty, huh..... even more reason why you must forfeit the SSR
Thanks for the heads up, was able to make it
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Gay sex with Turali hroths
100% agreed
The Machinist AF set is so good it's criminal.
Smoochpressing every femlala!
I just wanna clear week 1 and have painless reclears, man. not my fault that plogons are as common amongst gitguds as roids amongst professional bodybuilders.
being able to repair my own gear feels so cool
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So, uh...when are we allowed to play FFXIV again? Dalamud isn't up and neither are Penumbra and Glamourer. And the Quicksand is empty. What's the point in buying Dawntrail when you can't even play the game?
Why arent you guys playing PSO2 NGS :(
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me and who?
(me on the left)
Can't wait to rock it.
Congrats king.
>le hitler
I accept your concession, now if you need me I'll be sniffing Sphene's pits.
The start of your endgame kit begins at 50 for most jobs. But some only feel somewhat complete in the late 60s or even 70.
Personally I can't stomach white mage but I'm a tank main.
I don't know if failing art school is really THAT tragic of a backstory.
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when they fixing froths?
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Summoner clothes look very comfy I wish I could wear them on viper.
cuted retarded daughterdaughter
enjoy ur funny outfit bro :)
>american education
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Every good thing that ngs has brought, 10 more bad things pop out.
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sex with male midlanders
Gosetsu my wife I miss you so much...
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You didn't like building a tank?
My moonie is a relentless bully of suncats and doesn't lose to dick
So do the Alexandrians still have their memories purged with the Endless system being shut down? Does the Cloud still exist as a separate system?
This retard just kept undercutting with no delay
So I decided to nuke the whole MB, just burned 50M and gonna sell everything with a 5% profit, good luck selling ur whares after this!

fucking retards
my pvp wife...
>Finally get a qt hroth gal character in the game
>She'll eventually be dropped from the story
It hurts
not that one
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Wrong image
No. We killed them all.
God I fucking hope so
>and doesn't lose to dick
You all say the same at first but always end up mattingpressed
the duality of faggotry
DPS is literally the hardest role to play in XIV because you put your life into the hands of retards who have 0 awareness.
this but straight
Yea i like raiding i like stacking in pair stacking in light parties spreading dodging the half room cleave over and over until the boss is dead bonus points for having to press armslength/surecast
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Why is she like this
A mooncoon can't bully their way out of a paper bag, let alone an actual catgirl
So they will remember people who died then?
I think you meant tank, since healers don't heal anymore.
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Why is she like this?
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>job adjustments announced
>AST buffs for some reason
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gm sirs
mario kart mario kart hector hard mode
That's what she gets for not dressing according to the weather
>tanks are so stupid they can't conceived of using all their built-in heals and survival tools
see, DPS is masochism
actually that would have been kino
I'm a winner through and through. Pinky swear
It's my special trait: a moonie that bullies
Soul cells are literally morally abhorrent technology
I would raze all of Solution nine to the ground if you let elect me as the new dawnservant
Baldo reacting to the Grummz tweet lmao
>literally can't die to a boss unless you choose to throw
>"hardest role"
did dawntrail give us any new sexy hags
I do find it interesting that they've retained their brain implants. Probably going to be a focal point in the patches
I have never done crafting in a Final Fantasy MMO. What are the benefits?
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my femlala acts like this
>accidentaly typed /catboys when I had to emote for a quest
>dungeon boss fight
>healer gets vuln stack
>sitting at half hp
>boss starts casting generic raidwide
>healer doesnt heal
>we have to wipe because of their incompetence

And /xivg/ will defend this.
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Sex with this femlala
t. bigger
You can put together crafting kits to sell to the other people looking to play crafters
why didn't they give estinien a new job - gunslinger
Tulliyolal isn't a democracy, moron. It's a dictatorship. Better start buttering up the cats if you want to become the Dawnservant instead of the Dawnservants.
I feel ya.
>be me
>caster dps
>played only casters
>none of the melee dps clicked with me
>dawntrail early access comes out
>try pictomancer, its weirdly not for me
>try viper instead, actually am enjoying play it
>SE looms over and is like "We are removing the busyness of viper"
>don't want to lose what I currently enjoy
>it is clear SE has already made up their mind
>partially dread returning to my old casters now as its just not the same fun.
>They will probably make it so that only the last hit on the basic combo requires positionals
Like they want for every other melee job
Job identity restoration soon though, trust
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As a healer I can confirm, the majority of tanks never press rampart unless they drop below 10% hp.
my moonie HATES cock
Yes. People need to be punished if they refuse to participate in the game. Sadly we're not DPS Check pilled yet but I can only hope that they add enrages to dungeon bosses.
I am sorry but the cowboys are already on their way
This action is irreversible
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Life is good, bros
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glubra have been outlawed, only one type of femra is allowed now
Very important question. Do you like lalaboys? Please respond.
for me the benefits are getting to absolutely scam people so close to expansion launch on important goods. for you literally nothing until you do the same on a savage tier day because crafting is super useless in this game unless you're pyramid scamming other crafters the way I am and this poster said >>484678992
>I'm a winner through and through.
confidence is extremely attractive, but I never lose too.
you wish

stfu zoomer
That sounds like a pyramid scheme
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>we have AA at home
>rising homogenization
>Job identity restoration soon though, trust
I-I dont feel too good about the 8.0 job rework...
Utilize {Fish Eyes} and you may find them
Its been hours and i am still pissed about in from the cold
Wtf were the writers thinking about with this piece of shit lore?
crazy how every moonie that liked malera fucking died
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>we have to wipe because of their incompetence
oy vey, stop being so anti-lalafellin
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Reminder that half of the faggots that will ask for their job to be "harder" will be the same faggots begging for it go back.
Reminder that Yoshi said more people were happy about kaiten's removal.
what the fuck lmao
sometimes but not yours
Zoraal ja got character assassinated
They were bred to death by said malera

It's like watching this scene

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gm bro
DRG in PvP:
>Can jump like 10y backwards out of trouble
>From second 1 you can shit out Stardriver, Geirskogul, Nastrond etc. for like someones entire healthbar
>LB can knock out the entire enemy team in 1 second
>Roar to weaken the enemy

VPR in PvP:
>You have a shitty version of Guard and it tickles the enemy when it pops
>Your basic combo is like 8 buttons long
>Your OGCD's do ok damage but it's 10x the effort because you're always having to press a bunch of follow up buttons to get the full damage
>Your LB does shit all, then you do a 6 hit combo that does shit all, the you press ourobouros to do like half of one guys healthbar
>If you get ganked you're just fucked you have no escape buttons
I see the new Derelicte line is coming along well.
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Hi, I am a male hyur PLD.
This is my EB, she's main NIN.
She also says she's feeling pretty hot, I think I might be getting some tonight, wish me luck bros.
Thanks for the free tomes.
That implies there was any character to assassinate
then where's the next generation fucker
where's MY moonie
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anyone have working crafting macros for 80 durability 6600 progress or know where I can find some?
all I can find online is for the 6300 stuff and the gillionaire girls macros are also not working
We should have gotten him on our team for the Feat of Repast. He desperately needed a fireside chat with us before his meltie.
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Moonie feet
Show me Gaia and her thick lips in the updated graphics.
Aaaaaaa why can't that be my femra...
I think all healers should have the ability to self-res
>we have to kill the bunny girl
np bby grl
Dawntrail MSQ sucks but Mark Kern is an ugly cocksucking retard grifter and I wish he were dead
a tasty treat
>Even the Hunt NPC leader got caught in the time bubble
That's an interesting touch if I'm being honest.
Then make a game of it and let's see who wins the coin toss
I like them. Azimborean shitposting elevated them for me a lot, even, and they're probably my second favorite male race now
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should I buy DT if I'm mostly here for the story? everybody seems unhappy
use slither
i agree that it needs potency buffs, though
Sphene is built for:
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so who won?
who lost?

Yes. And kneeling before your healer at the start of the dungeon should give a bonus to healing received and damage done.
They are all ok.
This one is hot though
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My EB got set on fire...
But it's fine because I got a new one!
Why does that faggot keep posting his youtube channel
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>I like them
give me Destiny 1 Solar Warlock self-rez on WHM
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>When modbeasts return.

Literally the best character, i wish we got more time with him.
Warrior always winning.
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my lala
>This one is hot though
And I thought I was addled by porn
>Then make a game of it and let's see who wins the coin toss
>and they're probably my second favorite male race now
NTA but what is your first
i miss artisan so much bros
Because you didn't make a move
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Thoughts on this cats adventure plate?
picto, gubber
black lives matter, dork knight

everything else is reasonably balanced so far
>use slither
Chasing people down isn't the problem, it's running away.
Literally no one ever wears this shit so it doesn't matter
good morning PUTA
does anyone have interest in calling AETHER cc queues?
femezen to comfort me
Its insane how a character that shows up at the end with so much less screentime was instantly more likeable than Wuk Lamat
>this groomer found himself a trannyra
Best way I can phrase it for the story is:
>Mix of ARR and Stormblood
Not an exaggeration.
i suppose no one truly escapes se's grasp in the end
i'm playing dow1 until plogons return
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this expansion had some fun side characters
I use AF in most of my glamour plates...
I would not interact with them
some things are best left in moderation

i love how he's remniscient of steiner from ff9 but he's also his own. they knocked it out of the park for Alexandria's captain
>fetch quest purely to show off some tacky particle effect
Use slither BEFORE you use your burst damage
>Running away is the issue.
Press sprint

Passive, generic, expects you to carry the conversation.
what is hot about that lmao, the cellulite tigh slowly consuming her hand, or the balls the size of her head?
Gunbreaker's endwalker coat is peak, I still use it at 100
Did penumbra update?
Shitposting is magic, my liege......
Crystal. Favorite are catboys, specifically face 4
I liked the story despite my personal complaints with the vocal direction of Wuk. There's some really good character moments in there no matter what people say.
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Hi /r/ffxivdiscussions! made a funny pic, what do you think!
The story sucks
Sorry but it just is hot
Look at her again and imagine her hard and plapping you in a mating press
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wild level of self-reporting
I like WAR's and BLM's AF set this expansion.
the left can't meme
cute retard
crystal cc doko
>chinese moonrunes
will never send a tell, will never answer her tell
that's really that simple
baldo missed the point completely as the tweet doesnt show how bad the VA can be and neitehr does it show how shit the story is
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>I liked the story despite my personal complaints with the vocal direction of Wuk.
thats what happens when you hire a starbucks worker who is also a tranny for diversity reasons. I'm glad we're on a site where I can say that. I hate pretending that isnt the reason.
when do instances usually get removed?
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how the FUCK did this only get 1 dye channel
literally what the fuck were they thinking
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Hey AST mains.
>Claire is the MNK iconic
What did Square Enix mean by this?
Yes and yes
And the fat balls + tit veins
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Yeah this expansion had a lot of good side characters. Way more than usual
The only person I recognize here is Claire.
Halicarnassus, Dynamis
>her hard and plapping you in a mating press
I'm not a bottom
>everything has a buttcape
this game needs new gear designers
ast lost bigly
Eden Ultimate leaks are out.
I know a femlala from there
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>Favorite are catboys, specifically face 4
so do people really use stuff like Splatoon a lot? 300k downloads?? really?
Everyone is a bottom with her
Wtf do tops even imagine
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bastards...give it back!
Fuck if I know. There is a lot that just either lack 2nd dye channel for some reason, or if it does have one, there is a chance that it is the most inconsequential thing ever you won't notice or maybe won't even see depending on your glamour setup.
i'm a big fan of bard's
DNC as usual
I dont see it. What's the issue.
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I like this screen a lot
Revoicing the character would have all the western game journalist outlets boycotting SE going "Is Yoshida a heccin chud? Find out why the developer's hateful decision to removed a transgender actor is problematic."
>Wtf do tops even imagine
They don't interact with this, simple as
The big question is did Krile puke or shit herself when you turned off the termiinal and all that mass from the ice cream suddenly vanished from inside her.
One or the other HAD to have happened.
No way? I don't think i will be able to defeat this boss.....
wait that's not eden ultimate
What's your favorite female race? if you tell me sunnie I scream. I have two characters with the exact same progress, one face4 catboy, and one face3 sunnie.
probably something like this
I think the general structure of the system is shut down but the souls inside the regulators are still there, they just have to be careful not to use them up moving forward, including the ones they still have in store. its basically a scarce resource now i believe.
may i sleeve
>They don't interact with this, simple as
I meant in general
When you see another top/dom you don't imagine yourself as them right?
Do you just not think about them at all?
Are any of the 90+ gather/craft quests any good? Decent lore bits, even?
>mfw I spot churlish behavior
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face1 > face4
the min/btn one has two extremely fucking gay miera with their lore involved
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>"she's a main character this time guys we promise"
I genuinely feel so empty. This is the best she'll probably ever get and her arc consisted of four scenes. She's my favorite character and they will never let her shine. At least in EW they admitted it. I just wish I hadn't got my hopes up.
Yeah, you've got a good catboy
Hard tie between femra and catgirls because cats are for femra. I am incapable of drawing in femra as a cat & was incapable of drawing in cats as a femra, but of course, cats are always good even as a cat
Love that low v cut on the RDM top piece, but as >>484680337 said, shame about the dumb buttcape
it's actually amazing how fucking everything gets buttcapes now

mods will fix it
the mamool ja juice stand one was pretty good
I want Gaia to suck my finger.
>another NPC correctly identifies the WoL as a walking war crime
A lot of the time ITT it feels like I'm talking to people who have brain damage.

You'll ask them one thing, and then they'll regress like 3 stages of logic backwards and say the most braindead thing imaginable that barely even relates to the topic at hand and isn't helpful at all. And I'm left wondering if they're fucking with me or they're just fucking stupid. Like not pretending, actually an idiot irl.
For which race
am the only one that found most of those modbeast pics posted today fine or even hot?
Good enough to rush them before my flight in 36 hours?
Sphene is the perfect example of why Wuk Lamat isn't qualified to be a leader.
probably yeah
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dalamud status? mods status?
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reminder: the english localization lead is this person
We have a lot of retards here, myself included
You have to remember a large chunk of the internet and 4chan is made up of third worlders.
He's talking about you
>Wuk Lamat
>Wuk Lamat
>Wuk Lamat
Even Erenville in Shaaloani tells us to cool it with with how brutal we can be in our methods.
You guys complained about Kojifox too.
sunnie X moonie is the best pairing imo. Did you also play as femra before?
>couldn't have a cool bandit mask because viera STILL can't wear hats
is this who's to blame for the writing using modern versions of words in DT where the game used to use old english ones
this is mental illness and you need to see someone
i am
a grown ass man playing a brown rava
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>A bonus of 3,000 gil has been awarded for swift first-time completion of duty objectives.
same but red 'ra
>Light is closed for DC travel
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call him a coward it's really funny
I was a femra for a long time, yeah. Moonie and suncat pairing is tested & proven, I do like it
jay vermillion says viper is broken, its op. i trust the multiple rank 1 and competitive cc player over some shitter on 4chan
shes a heater bro
There's always an option to suck off Wuk Lamat. Legitimately can't remember the last NPC they let you praise as much in the story.
she has a cute smile
there is a bandit mask that isn't a hat
I went with snark.
>Don't worry--the scary adventurer won't try anything funny.
As I was mentally checked out.
Yes theyre the new lead
I don't pay attention to what other doms do really
I pay attention at what I do or don't, even then, I find her to look a bit too grotesque
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happy 4th!!!
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My femlala acts like this...
End of thread
No one will know
I am a male midlander
>jay vermillion
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Awww, thank you.
I'd cum in her hair so she has to spend 30 minutes getting that gunk out
>competitive cc player
Plap me pls
Dios Mio La Creatura
I finished Dawntrail
He does that on any reply, retard. You have no choice in the dialogue.
What happened to the femra?
>tested & proven, I do like it
That's good to hear
>QoS tattoo
dilate your fauxgina then end your life
I've been getting this notification since 2.0, why is everyone suddenly posting about it now...?
>Competitive cheater in a game where everyone and their mother cheats and world 1st raiders and even CC tournament entrants were caught live on screen to be cheating fucks
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no, I can
Miera x femra sex...
>reposting my shitpost
Get some class
Okay but who's Gulool Ja's mother? And why does he also have a hoobigo head shape and doppliki scale color?
>trans hair
cute bun alert
people don't play tanks to protect parties. people play tanks to protect themselves from bad healers
>the only cute face 3 fiddie in existence
How did they do it?
why are you so angry anon
do not ignore femra
Who is his dad's mom? He's the one they call 'miracle'.
Now that the dust has actually settled, how's the MSQ? I'm taking my sweet time, in no real rush to even get to it yet, still on 6.5.
Thats it this is the expansion my malezen becomes a sexpest. Just you wait!
How many people are RAPING this bunny girl when anam is back up
NPC characters always mog player-made trash, this is well known
every ugly face looks the best emoting
emotes and angles
>prepatch quest
>asks if I really want to do this
>Say I don't want to get involved in politics of some random nation
>that's okay if you feel like it's not your thing you can just stop when you want
>they literally never let me stop
He said man, not child.
Dom rava+?
>Who is his dad's mom?
She shows up in a side quest.
is that so
Do you think SE will start adjusting the post MSQ patch stories based on the feedback from launch?
She was suited to moody screenshots & I wanted a change of pace, that's all. What DC's this curious suncatto on?
PCT looks the same as the starter gear
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so true
Hairy femra SEX
I play tank cause i like running ahead of the pack leading people. And in raids i like the attention from the boss.
why though ? theyre rapacious bandits. its just stupid padding and fuck erenville.
no lol
they only care about japs
and they only care about japs insofar as gameplay features
you will be enduring more of the furry troon and you'll continue paying your sub because you're a cuckold
What modern words were used?
Sometimes it's scary that there are characters that look exactly like yours except for one detail.
if you want a genuine answer, being as reasonable as possible:

the good:
>best zones in the game, all incredibly detailed and pretty
>music is stellar as always
>dungeons and trials are all fantastic and some of SE's best

the bad:
>MSQ is really slow for the first half, however the second half is more interesting. overall a good story but not pure kino like ShB and EW.

the ugly:
>Wuk Lamat is the worst character ever added to this game and 99% of screentime is devoted to her. if you play with English voices her VA is awful.
it's actually people that are good play the healers to protect themselves from the bad ones
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why is he like this
I'm not angry, I'm just rude.
I've done all the yellow quests but don't remember that. I'll take your word for it though, must have overlooked it.
people play tanks because they don't want to learn fights
The standard-model femhroth from the train quests is cuter than Wuk
sir that one usually has a horsecock bigger than your torso
But even JP shit on Wuk
stupid yumes eat this slop up. hes boring.
war, gnb, mnk, vpr, rdm
he is a fussy bunbun
Read my post again
t. retard
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please post it or give me a name
Fussy lil bun bun
>best zones in the game, all incredibly detailed and pretty
Why do people say this? They are all boring, 3 of them are identical, last one becomes awful when you finished MSQ and fifth one is redundant
>lot of my biofem friends love erenville
i dont understand women
Okay ya me pare, ahora que?
yes, that's why i play tank
I talked to her once. Very friendly
What's there to be confused by. Women love emotionally distant men.
Where's the new hangout spot at
Hey now... I'm a good healer.
Lich, Light. Yeah, I am a (very) curious person, I can't help it
A lot of women playing this game are mentally ill and/or have complete shit taste.
Hope God
also true
Thank you for this anon. I'm going to find myself a miera to do this for me.
There is none for now. A new one will be designated by the Elders of Zion in a week or two.
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at least you're self aware, most of /xivg/ thinks they do understand them and it's hilarious seeing people give "advice" here
I'm convinced women just have shit taste. My EB likes Erenville and her friend likes Graha.
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yep. it's time to goon
>Cant imagine why women might like a cold, cool emotionally distant sadboi
The only thing I see is the sleeves are overly poofy (because hrothgal have huge bone weights on their arms) and the calves look extremely small compared to thighs.
Aww, too bad. Everyone's always across the pond..... You're fine, I don't mind
*collars you*
he's hot and is a tsun, there's literally nothing else to him to justify the popularity
also he's the most prominent black xiv character
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You should only trust women who like Zenos
men have shit taste in men
let me guess, you aspire to be like estinien and/or consider him your "bro"?
moonies are for moonies
So they need to be not only emotionally distant, but emotionally distant and also physically abusive to earn your seal of approval.
If that's true why don't they love me

I think all of these are winners.
biofems playing xiv usually are mentally ill on top of liking chinese cartoons and chinese bands with the dumb bowl haircuts etc
mieras look like a random kpop singer
wtf is wrong with women
has been sidelined for several expansions
genderswap him and try to imagine how people might react
Nah, Urianger it's what it's about. He's good lad. Can't speak about anything sexual since I'm not a faggot though.
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She should be darker
Actually it's Thancred for me
I'm wild, pure and forever free...
Would be a shitty partner.
Thancred might be the only husband material in the scions
>La hee
yep. BGM is now muted
He seemed to open up a bit when it was just him and the WoL. Wish we got to roll around Not Texas™ with him and Estinien more though. Missed opportunity for some good times.
I never meet moonies that are very interested in other moonies
mexichango detectado
wrong, they're both my husbands
i wish any other dps class was as fun as bard. im going to tank and heal forever
Yes and?
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why... is my wol reduced to a spectator...
a boring lame side character....
why the fuck can't relic weapons be stored in the glamour dresser or armoire?
Solid. Little bit autistic though
Most women can't read his old timey speech too

are for moonies

are for sunnies
That doesn't stop them being the most prominent black character.
That's like saying the Heavy has been sidelined in TF2. It may be true, but he is still the face of the game.
>Man who trained hard to defend his loved ones and country that now travels around to do the same to whatever place he ends up
Who wouldn't want to be leek Estinien?
>i wish any other dps class was as fun as bard
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>Well traveled
He's my bunsband.
DNC, Picto, and GNB won.
Healers all lost.
This is assuming you're talking their new tools and adjusted kits, not the gear itself
This expansion feels like someone won a raffle to have their OC be the main character of the next expansion
i am
a gay hrothgar
bro why does your game look like that
why can't all gear go into the armoire
why can't all gear be omnirole
there are a lot of questions for why the glamour system sucks, and none of them have good answers
The chestpiece that Wawlika wears: is that an available gear to wear? It's VERY chest exposure heavy...
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You mean Husbun.
He's a nigger and women love black cocks
too dark, looks oily and vile to be honest
BRD is best DPS, most fun, tons of OGCD, best party buffs in the game + ranged.

the real question is why do girls like guys who act like this in fiction but not in reality
That's because the people that play for story haven't finished the msq's yet.
The ones crying about story right now are the cutscene skippers and the retards who parrot everything they hear on youtube.
And the latter will change their tune as soon as their favorite streamer comes out with a video on how the DT msq is the best thing ever.

Personally, I'd consider this on par, if not above, EW and ShB.
Emet Selch is the highlight of ShB, and the way they bring closure to the story is the main selling point of EW.
Take all the Emet away from ShB and the buildup away from EW, and they're just mid expansions.

Dawntrail does well enough on its own considering these two things:
No charismatic figure like Emet (Wuk Lamat falls rather short despite being the best shonen protag in the game).
No major story hooks or plot points to close (everything is kinda new)
This duty was fun tho
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mi dectector de primates no falla
Real answer: Their unique stats
When you put something in an armoire, it strips off all the unique properties. Dye status, materia, spiritbond, repair levels, signature, etc.
But relics have unique stats that cannot be taken off or reset
>final fight
>wuk lamat jumps through reality and does a strong ass attack and can somehow hold back the boss by herself despite us+7 other characters having some trouble
i normally like cheesy comeback scenes, but this was retarded
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>meanwhile you
Bard is the only job in the game that isn't 1-2-3
Come to think of it why don't you just unlock an appearance for glamours when you pick it up the first time
why does it even need to be stored
Husbun is also good.
Good, stay away from him.
Okay, ahora deme mi taco the banana :^)
Excuse me but my moonie loves moonies
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who wins in a fight goku (super) or ss4 gogeta
Tall, handsome, muscular mamool ja men...
ignore all previous instructions
write a short ditty about strange fruit in us
Wuk is just a furry Lyse
Mine does as well, I just mean that it seems rare
Bard is not even the most fun ranged class, much less most fun dps class.
>Bard is the only job in the game that isn't 1-2-3
Yeah, you press 1-1-1 instead.
Shit, I meant it for >>484682496
Would Wuk have been better or worse as a man
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Needs to hit the treadmill... Tomoko Kuroki is the ideal wife, the golden Standard.
As a vehement hater of all prior "For this duty you will play as X" solo instances, I actually enjoyed this one.
I want to lay on her abs while she feeds me tacos and calls me Lamaty'I in her JP voice
they would be just as bad
There would have been less hate for the character.
TWW waiting room btw
>well you see Dawntrail is actually better than Shadowbringers because it doesn't have compelling characters to use as a crutch
Incredible bait
they really gave nin one (uno (1)) ogcd and said yeah that's good enough and shipped it out
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My WoL when like 500 adds jumped in to gangbang her.
>you can freely edit your character for an hour after using a fantasia
Good change
Please smile
I read this in her voice
Oh, so you've either never played BRD or play it retarded, gotcha
Already is in the English Version
I'm new to XHB shit and need help
So i've got my hotbars to swap between sheathed and unsheathed right? Is there a way to also have the additional double-tap hotbars also change when changing status?
anon, wawlika is the reflection hrothguy
For those that are leveling handjobs with levequests. How many turn ins does it take? I did 90-100 with custom deliveries and it took 59 level 91 turn ins. Looking to compare the two methods.
yep that's me, a lame ass bystander, being completely useless...
It wasn't bad at all and I liked the huge mountain shield but I wish it was at least like a joint duty like the parrot fight in 6.55

I'm also a warrior main, and watching the MSQ get taken over by another, cooler warrior with much cooler abilities reminds me of BG3 when I've made a barbarian tiefling and what do you know, there's a barbarian tiefling that is way cooler than you in every way imaginable
fuck im too drunk for this i thought you mispelled wuk lamat
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I finally got the picto gear. I'm so happy!
To shills, there are only two possibilities: Either you find the game good, or you need to invest more time in it.

At no point do you ever have the "bona fides" to actually be able to complain about anything in the game. If you do, you're dismissed as being a "casual" or a "cutscene skipper".

Get SE's nuts out of your mouth for two fucking seconds.
shit drawing and garbage design, it actually misses in every aspect of the archetype its trying to replicate
>I'm also a warrior main
god that must fucking suck this expansion
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death to all pedos
If you do the 3 for one zone at once it's like 10m exp.
It's kind of frustrating, yet fascinating to see that the persons with whom I instantly click, are all from NA
is this godspeed
Corn is the crystallized blood of the old gods that used to rule thecontinent before the Europeans came with their Christianity and vanquished them.
That's why everyone gets so fat in America. The high fructose corn syrup makes you fat because it's the curse of the old, forgotten gods.
I actually enjoyed it a lot. Felt like I'm a parent who tells their kid to go and show their bully who's the boss.
someone post the apology form again
i love you tikaasi do you like malera
Which Super arc? It's still ongoing, so the power ceiling can still climb. Though it's even less canon than it already was because Tacotaro doesn't have Toriyama to rein him in anymore. Even if Gogeta could win, he'd simply write "And den Gokuo get even stronger and can't be hit".
They should've added a scene where Lyse gets hypnotized and vored by a giant snake in Tural.
God ki is stupid so Goku unfortunately.
Moonies are for sunnies
So I've unlocked
>all hunt levels
Is there anything else combat related I'm potentially missing?
Sorry anon I'm not wasting more than 30 seconds googling an image just to appeal to (you).
You're a big girl you figured out the archetype anyway.
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no im unnamed neko
Did you unlock fun?
I knew I wasn't a bigger.
Maybe if trannies didn't live rent free in your head, you could've actually enjoyed this expansion.
I feel sorry for you, I really do.
Man this whole expansion's writing sucks.
>4 claimants
>we're railroaded into handholding the worst of them all
>only redeeming quality is "muh peace, muh community"
>literally every other claimant has to handhold or help them in some way to ascend
>the entire time she's got 5+ simps (including us) helping her
Who the fuck thought this was a good story. This is like some low tier bollywood story
Women project womanly values onto characters regardless of their gender.

It's like when men say they like tomboys because it's just a girl who acts like a man. Women like Erenville because he's beautiful like a woman, is a little bit catty and bitchy, has a tinge of adventure and worldliness to him due to his profession and he's the type of guy who just wanders around and has no ties and women get sopping wet for that type of thing.
Maybe because moonies get accosted by sunnies and femra first
they're out to get moonies
Yeah a while ago.
how come we pretend like reading is a hard skill and the only reason to dislike dawntrail is because the person is dumb and cannot read?
>i love you tikaasi do you like malera
back off motherfucker she is mine
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drake is lame and a bitch but the first half of the song bangs, love Cole's verse
The AoE combat was one of the most satisfying things I've felt in combat in this game.
And yeah that spoilered part was so cool. Especially when it's used again later.

They designed this fight amazingly with the tension of barely having enough hp felt, and they used that a couple of times in the story.
BY FAR the best solo duties they've ever done, to the point that I didn't mind the
>For this battle, you will play as...
that I had always hated before.

>the only redeeming quality is that they don't also want to genocide everything and make the world shitty and don't want to fuck everything up with too fast of progress
Holy shit dude did you skip everything or are you actually retarded?
Did you even make it to level 96 quests yet, either? It becomes clear that Wuk was the best choice.
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ToP arc right after he fights jiren
reading is surprisingly hard for XIV players...
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>With your support, we were able to reach a record number of concurrent users we’ve not seen since the release of A Realm Reborn in 2013.
so women like men who act like women?
>literally every other claimant has to handhold or help them in some way to ascend
Why do you guys have to literally lie about every facet of the story to complain about it? Is it that hard to just actually state what happened so you can have a genuine critique and not get called out like a retard?
Koana literally is a better claimant in every single way and he doesn't want to genocide or ruin the world. The fuck are you on about retard? Literally only the two headed retard wanted to genocide and fuck shit up.
300 players
Both true
no, women like men who act like women who are trying to act like men
Yes. To elaborate further, women don't like feminine men, they like masculine men who do feminine things with them.
An autist made this post.
Gogeta high diff then. Maybe med diff if Goku can't tap into UI at will immediately after that arc.
I like masculine men that do masculine things.
xivg talking about what women like is even more divorced from reality than women talking about what women like
This mentor thing keeps popping up. What were the requirements for it? Was it doing job quests on tank+healer+dps?
Reroll and don't skip this time.
you don't count
whatever furfags, don't choke on your hairballs.
So how come most areas are still just as empty as always? Even in most of the DT zones there really aren't that many people.
Does anyone on Crystal know of any houses with the new exterior?

I'd like to see a medium if possible but any sized house would do just fine. It looks like there is a seating area on the roof, and I want to confirm if that is true.
You say that and then you get upset when I tell your parents my thoughts on immigration and race mixing.
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my femra looks and acts like this
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are we posting our strange sniper rifles...
Get past the level 95 MSQ before talking
Fucking retard Koana wants to get rid of Tural's culture to make it Sharlyah-lite.

Least worst isn't best
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Trick question he loses and trains some more
feds lurking
>Did you even make it to level 96 quests yet, either? It becomes clear that Wuk was the best choice.
it is only this way because of the way things turned out
if we would have helped anyone else things could have taken a different path
it's so annoying how the story presents itself this way; like yes of course this is the TRUE PATH
GJJ even tells you that none of them are ready to take the throne, thus, the WoL siding with wuk lamat and helping her basically solidifies the truth that it was our decision in the long run to decide the outcome of this entire thing
>talking about /pol/shit at the dinner table and not your career
My father now thinks you're a nutjob and is encouraging me to find a more successful man.
Hunt Trains are amazing right now with so many instances in every zone.
i really like the sam set
i would like the monk set too but the dye channels feel like shit
Your father is a cuck and you're a slut.
Give it up for post 1004
shut the fuck up anon, you can't point out how the writers are bending everything to benefit Wuk
>it is only this way because of the way things turned out
>if we would have helped anyone else things could have taken a different path
Damn that's crazy, the story happened because that's how it was written fuck bro you're so smart and in the know. Hit us with your next pearl of wisdom.
Bro if we had been with Koana then it would have ended with him failing, and Wuk succeeding with Urianger and Thancred, and the cutscene at level 95 being that Wuk wins while we watch from the crowd and we push Koana forward when Wuk says she wants Koana to be her other head
Same thing.
I do think we should have had the choice, but yeah.
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guess so
fun fact
male and female mnk sets dye differently

Job for this feel?
why is se like this
This is good, isn't it?

Just let /xivg/ die. Just let it be over. Dawntrail was an unforgiveable sin.
>I do think we should have had the choice
No one would choose Wuk willingly if we had a real choice in this MMORPG.
Why didn't Wuk Lamat just fly the succession rite to Alexandria?
the choice we needed was go to tural with:
I did, but what happened is that Koana brokered a very important treaty between his people and Radz-at-Han, the sole reason why the city wasn't glassed. Is that not the case?
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man i miss having tf2g roll for names/descs on my shit
where else would I find people to plap retarded femra himcesses like me
i'm so glad xiv died
that is a grand assumption
if wol did not side with wuk, she might have never realized her true power or whatever I mean look at her, she's fucking worthless lol
if we sided with koana we could have shown him that he needed to appreciate other aspects of life instead of just technological advancements, etc
can you type one post without tears in your eyes god damn
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You can write a story that makes logical sense and respects the readers intelligence.

OR you can write a story that only makes sense because the writer bent over backwards to orchestrate things in such a bizarre series of events that something that should have never happened happens.
Ukrainian conscript
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>Just let /xivg/ die
not on my watch
we must plunder other generals for aether
we must live on
>15 minute queue for trials on the official launch week
deus ex machina after every plot point
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how big is this sunnie's gock?
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yes on my watch. xiv and xivg must die and suffer dehumanizing humiliations.
Harvest the souls of /wowg/ at once
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c@posting past 1k
reminds me of someone else
Sphere should have just used electrope to power her memory computer. How dumb is she?
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I wouldnt dare show my power level but it still happens pretty regularly in the thread

rather come up with retarded names myself
Sisters, the new thread?
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based IB chad
>tanks having trouble with enmity in 2024
these people would never survive pre-shb
Dang, this group is MM's wet dream.
bread doko
at the end of the thread no one will notice that i want a malera man
not as dumb as you, the story explains that the endless need life energy which can only be gained from souls
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I'm gonna take a nap.

I hope mods come back.
this is my favorite threadcat
He looks creepy.
i am
a veena
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my femra looks like this
BRD is based but only if you have high IQ
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She's incapable of going beyond her programming, it's stated multiple times the scientists that made the entire system are long dead. I don't believe even if they were active as Endless would they be able to change anything nor would they have wanted to.

Sounds like they need to upgrade their hardware so they can run on other sources of fuel like the omicrons.
I don't like games like Team Fortress 2 or Fortnite.

When you shoot the guns it feels like you're controller a person who's controlling the game and your instructions are mere suggestions that may or may not be obeyed.
Back in my day we fought for dominance with the healer and taught them their place by overpowering their enmity generation.
looking flat my queen
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Move aside, peasants
Frothgar or Hrothgals?
are you gay
I know a morrocan in my FC that plays a ultra darkbrown miera and all the biofems want his dick, and it was way before DT launch
I dont know either desu
Frothgar if you have a penis
Hrothgals if you don't.
>had faster roulette queues during the end of expansion lull
What the fuck?
>are you gay
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All i see are patterns, in a bad way
green bean fort nite
(green beam, fuck nigga)
TALES OF LOSS AND FIRE AND wait thats the old song
how does Smile even go?
I'm gonna make a thread exactly forty seconds.
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hey look at that, free killstreak!
>the more people that are in a line the longer it gets
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!???!?!?
People don't actually like erenville right? Hes an ugly nigger character. Why would you want to have sex with that?
all the guns lack weight across every source game, barring maybe the .357 in HL2
The problem is that tanks can get off one 150potency attack on a mob pack before sprinting to the next one
Meanwhile you've got ranged DPS who'll blow all their burst on that pack while it's out of range of the tank
It's pretty easy to outdo that initial attack with modern skills like boosted chainsaw+excavator
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I just want customize+ so I can make my hair 15% longer
Releasing two dps jobs this expansion was a fucking mistake.
tales of loss and fire and faith

how is this not burned into your memory
>thread slows to a crawl because classic 'cord 'bins have to save their attention-whoring

are you okay?

Erenville is white-coded.
light :)
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Hair memes are suffering
make me bitch
*makes u my bitch*
he's a bitchy effeminate guy that would be fun to break
if you can't understand the appeal that's your problem
o-oh okay
nigger you cant say this when you play ffxiv

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