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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previously on /xivg/: >>484670654
>Felt like I'm a parent
I think this is a bizarre design choice. It's clearly designed for WoL to be the mentor role that babysits Wuk until she can stand on her own but... most people don't enjoy being a mentor. Most people don't even enjoy being a parent, and that's with the kid being your progeny rather than a badly written retard.
And for all the babysitting you don't even get a satisfying character cat for Wuk. She's a loser, and then one day believes in herself (muh dynamis) and is suddenly a powerful warrior and a capable leader with pretty much zero setup.
But hey, whatever, she got the throne and finally let us be. And then she's back 30 minutes later, and the story is somehow even more centered on her. JFC.
bros I'm playing a moonie hitting unspoiled nodes
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post you are endgame population
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Even he is pissed at dawntrial
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Now you faggots have to wait to post your picture after being called out for saving it to maximize the attention you get. Lmfao must suck to live for this threads validation
I chugged a fanta and don't know what to switch to
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Why did they do it?
>People don't actually like erenville right? Hes an ugly nigger character. Why would you want to have sex with that?
I'm a white man.

Sissyfying non-white males is the ultimate expression of dominance over a defeated people.
I am
A male elezen
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what do I do between unspoiled nodes?
then don't switch
Every femlala owes me sex
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Post buns! Veena or Rava, soft and faggy or tough and straight, post buns of all kinds!
doomers were right
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My femlala no longer needs to go to balmung to get treated badly by evil men to feel loved. My FC members came back!
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Sex with Kemakka.
>legacy mods
no thanks
except women want to suck his black bun cock
Nah that's just your headcanon of shit parenting.
The wol is a silent protag that just joins and smiles sometimes
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>tfw the dimensional gateway key your parents left you for adoption doesn't even work for you
>some lizard kid has to use it instead
poor krile
she got fucked over hard
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If you wanted femra ass all you had to do was ask
this is not true
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Erenville should have been ruler.
my fiddie is
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>enter S9 to turn in collectables
>dark as fuck
>that annoying 20 second beeping music loop starts
>enthusiasm for game drops
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i love him so much
he must be working overtime
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Not cool...
Now readying the Pit!
Actually fix your monitor if you think that.
erenville is built for femezen
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>My 4080 Super GPU and 7800x3D CPU combo still experiences frame drops down into the 90's range at 1440p when I'm in Tuliyollal

Someone explain how the FUCK that's possible because I sure as shit dont get it
To some people actually go for male lalas? That's crazy.

t. plainsfolk lala
is your wol a squirter or are they on the cream team
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Fiddies are...EVIL!?
you fell for the meme
should had gone with intel
sexpest the bots
soft viera
Turn off the frame rate limit. It tanks a massive shit if there's a lot of models for me while the limit is on.
I don't know why it does it either.
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Erenville has reignited my need for a husbun.
>his face when he has to give another nigga the viper haircut
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femhroths won btw
Tullyollal is the worst city they've ever made
>they do the trick of "Wouldn't it be neat if there was a battle here? Hahaha get cutscene'd!"
Getting real sick of this trick.
holy hell
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>Pre Zenos dying
>No one claims they're the strongest around
>After Zenos dies
>Suddenly a bunch of people come out of the woodwork claiming their the strongest

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Maybe I should get some more modernslop futuristic stuff
actually falls under the outlined "tough and straight" category, but I can see how you might have gotten that mixed up
how long does it take to do the last 14 or so quests
it's getting harder and harder to not just drop the game for the day, but i want to get started on expert dungeons
Cute cat
Framerate Limit is off, I never turn that shit on.

Literally EVERYONE I looked to, both in person and online said the 7800x3D was the best thing for gaming CPU wise and the way to go
I don't know how.
>no boobs
>no chin
>no ass
>To some people
not giving your shitty channel a view
final fantasy fourteen dawntrail???
you are blind if you don't think it's darker than Tull and the other cities, it has that dumb purple lighting

I can help you with this.

If you think something along those lines again, stop. There are no more solo duties. FFXIV is a VNMMO
sure unless you want to play FFXIV
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Erenville is my bro and the cowboy roadtrip was probably my favorite part of Dawntrail, although I liked the whole thing so it's tough to choose.
they have big soft muscles
You'd probably be better off dropping it for now, like half of the last few quests are attached to 30 minutes of cutscenes
my wife
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>I hate europe
That's not cool at all, like the catgirl said. Please consider the feelings of others before posting such things.
are the role quests good, thinking about skipping them
Bros, what was the Dawntrail main theme called again.
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left or right?
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I like your miera's eyebrows, no homo
very good saar
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Bros, I don't think extremes are for me any more.

I've never had a good FC and trying to prog them with randoms is suffering.
Even just having to watch 20 min videos for tactics is seeming like a chore nowadays.
Name one city in nu-texas RIGHT NOW.
No cheating.

Let's pretend I was roleplaying a speech impediment or something.
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No one cares about Euro-trash feelings
Heterosexual lalaboys are strangely assertive and fun to hang out with. Plus you can make really cute poses with them, and sex animations work well with them.
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You WILL remember this cat.

why the bunny ear tassels?
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she gushes like a fire hydrant
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An Ul'dah free from Travelers and Wanderers, they should keep it to where people can't travel to Balmung

Sheshehwawnnwianwhshe Springs
Wuk Lamat won.
Sena Bryer won.
Total Chud Death.
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I feel bad for him now
which one
>strangely assertive
You mean creeps? The only ones I’ve ever had the displeasure of talking to were HUGE creeps.
post xiv related catbox links
the sexier the better
>no more solo duties

If someone murders you will Sphene help me forget you?
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Forget Wukkie for a moment
How the fuck did they write the most boring villain for FFXIV?
*walks into scene*
*stands there silent*
*glares at people*
*fails the rite*
*walks away*
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Please update sol 2.0...
Thank you, anon. Slapping thick caterpillars on my forehead is a mainstay of all my characters in RPGs so I'm glad FF14 let me do it too.
The shetona is a weaboo
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Posted in the wrong thread but Going to do Leveling+MSQ+Frontlines on Crystal, would anyone like to join for any of them?
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Another day, another shadowbab ragequitting the game
He's the Jiren of XIV.
Minus the risk.
i'm right there with you. i watched a hector strat video earlier for ex1 and about 7 minutes in i zoned out and proceeded to forget all of it. the extremes and raids are just too mechanic heavy for me to care anymore. i miss fights being about playing your job correctly and managing resources, not this dance routine
I’m pretty submissive and i like being ordered around.
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STOP! bolice :DDDD
The most underdeveloped antagonist in FFXIV so far.
Don't post cute Hrothgasl, Femra, Middies, Catgirls, Highlanders, or Elezen unless you wanna get sexpested.
what about gay lalaboys?
You're one of my favorites.
I really just hate Lightcord.

5 perfect collectables into revisit 5 perfect collectables
im gonna bust...
absolute unit, how tall is the brown a lass
>they finally add a normal chest wrap
>its BSM only
can't make this shit up, who the fuck thought this was a good idea
too big
>log in
>play game
>don't have fun
>log out
oh fug :-DDD
Made to be sleeved by bigger men
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I need TBSE back, this is a little TOO jacked..
im livid
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>2 packs
>2 packs
Please tell me the expert dungeons aren't this bad. I thought SE said they wanted to make the content harder.
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I miss Amon already
does injecting dalamud work like it used to? how long do we have to wait?
Are the treasure map portals coming in 7.05? I really need that hairstyle
bad news sailor
modbeast viera tall
>letting retards pull a shit ton of mobs and then not use any mit is somehow making content "harder"
nah, im ok with walls
I'll tell you that the expert dungeons aren't also 2, 2, 2, but I have to let you know that I'll be lying when I do so.
shut the fuck up you dungeon warrior
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Gay sex with Turali hroths
Well obviously I'm going to want to fuck any hot hrothgals posted.
remember when they gave DoL/H AF glamour gear to koreans and just nobody else for some reason? I do. It's been almost 10 years.
>I really just hate lightcord
All is forgiven. Please hate Europe as much as you want to.
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Shoebill Corp on Halicarnassus are now the proud owners of a mansion.

(please note that joker on balmung does not have a mansion)
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>the border wall is actually canon
holy shit
I modbeasted my sunnie to be over 2 meters tall, it's actually so fucking fun, I miss the most actually, that chatbubbles and yesalready
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So you want criterion (Normal) dungeon design?
>avatarfagging with pre-update toons
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A moment alone never granted
Reply to this post with your character if you've had sex with a tranny irl
Hildibrand and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
People give a shit about trash packs?
His personality is son of goolum ja
what was his deal anyway? says might is right and then gets his ass beat and says "ermm it's cause I didn't train enough but I'm still right" he tried to solo gulool ja ja shade and got his ego checked and never recovered and was seething for 30 years over it.
is leveling msq as white mage schizo? or should I play through with DPS?
>the trash is boring.

The bosses were all pretty entertaining till I hit 99 and everyone got welfare 690 ilvl gear. You probably already missed the window for healer kino because you were too big of a coward to queue blind day one.
Which race are the orcs of XIV? There are elves and there are dwarves but I don't think roegadyn fit orcs that well.
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What chestpiece is this.
Yes, pulling everything in mt glub and bardam’s is fun as fuck
He has been seething since his childhood that he cannot be stronger than his dad
it's just bad writing
they realized they were incapable of expanding on his background and giving him a sound reason for being an antagonist, so they wrote him as a strong silent type
it's so fucking terrible, I hate it
>is leveling msq as white mage schizo?
it really bothers me that doh/dol gear is still restricted to those jobs
i understand that some of the appearances are kinda job-specific but most of them are just regular ass clothes
just fucking give them to me already
Why not? You won't have queue times as a healer.
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>is leveling msq as white mage schizo?
the complete opposite my son
HW Blacksmith artifact armor
how are roe not the orcs
good way to get aether tickets?
Sis? You didn't get 7 from a single node?...
bolis in dulliolal??? :--DDDDDD o fug
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he's just like me
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Why are the japanese complaining about viper's dps being too low when it does the most dps out of every job in the game?
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>(please note that joker on balmung does not have a mansion)
this is beyond being a woman
this is even beyond being a woman(male)
The expert trash packs are fun. The pull before the last boss with the Calca and Brina minibosses with an actual soft enrage was not something I was expecting.
Well, pirates don't seem that orcy, specially with those wierd ass gaelic names.
Is it possible to hide my character? I just got the Capybara mount and I want to pretend I'm playing an oversized guinea pig while I'm on my mount.
My moonie just woke up
F+ Rava desu
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They'll probably show up in the Vana'diel alliance stuff
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He is unironically a victim of diversity. If his dad didn't adopt the other two kids, he would have been just fine.
what is it called exactly and where do I get it
may i plap
>is leveling msq as white mage schizo? or should I play through with DPS?

I just did it and it felt fine. The 5% of the time you need to kill 2 mobs between cutscenes afe so far apart you can just drop your glare 4s and assize delete them. Instant queues on all dungeons too, but if you suck at healing your gonna have a bad time.
you are not allowed to have this opinion
im calling the thought police
this is just me, a free trial cuck that do not care about the combat or glamouir or anything and just do msq and chat with my friends
Im the physical manifestation of the chad meme
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Bonus Femra
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>they'll never do a /taco emote becauese it would be used for lewd
Trash is trash as usual. The bosses are hard as fuck tho. I had to prog it for a solid 45m on first try
NTA but I want it to just let me pull the packs into the boss room.
disingenuous limsan streetcat wrote this post
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They should've added Lyse to the expansion and she gets hypnotized by a giant snake.
>because you were too big of a coward to queue blind day one.
nta but i wish i had the opportunity to do things blind, but people are just too fast. they finish the msq in two days and get bis before the week is over by rushing to do hunt trains
meanwhile i'm still on the third area doing sidequests and junk because i like reading all the little lore tidbits before moving on

if something is only fun when it's blind then it's not good design
what? how
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Happy 4th of July, I love upskirts
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no one said that retard. the complaint was that it's unfun and requires too much button mashing.
even his dad had a band of adventurers and was part of why tural even became united. don't know why he ignored that part entirely.
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I played ARR as a Dragoon and bits of EW as a Paladin but aside of that I've always done MSQ with a WHM. Sure it would be efficient to use the quest experience for DPS but I think it's too much effort to juggle two jobs during the MSQ and those healer queue times are incredibly sweet.
nta but yes
criterion trash is fucking fun
you have an entire plugin just because you don't want to click "yes"???
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>I just got the Capybara mount
I've been here for 14 hours and both other instances have had it spawn.
>on Halicarnassus
Who we thinking the allied societies for 7.X are going to be?
I'm thinking the Mamool Ja, Yok Huy, and the time displaced people in S9, with focus on the living Alexandrians.
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drugging and raping this cat bill cosby style
mine is lv1, how does blu get them?
> Anon munches on a taco.
>everyone bursts out laughing at him because that's slang for eating pussy
i have no materia :(
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Does anyone else use the phone app? I've noticed this weird problem where I can send one of my retainers on ventures just fine, but trying it with the other gives me a server error. It's weird because I can view both their inventories just fine
> I had to prog it for a solid 45m on first try
Weird to find game journos on xivg
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Come to Neon Stein. It's cozy.Chaos, Phantom
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rate my malezen
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>tfw Square will never let me eat pussy in front of all my friends
Don't worry they changed it up.
Sometimes you have to kill the first pack to open the door to the next one.
Jenova, Aether
Forgekeep's Set
You can get it at Idyllshire for white scrips
bring back vocaroo posting
may i please pest your catman's chest

>Outskirt alexandrians
Unironically would be the most fun had since the babysitting began
DC and EB status??????
Blue mage and ARR, HW and StB elite marks.
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The cloud and light effects with the new graphics engine are so nice.
> the complaint was that it's unfun and requires too much button mashing.
The majority of people haven’t even hit 100, much less on vpr
nice of shitters to fuck up a job before most even played ot
Sis, your FATE discord?
Just play on crystal, they suck ass even when not blind
Sorry I'm in Elden Ring...
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>tfw actually have dedicated glam plates for every crafter
craftchads are eating good this expac...

would've been real cool to have some stuff be all-class, too... but we've finally gotten a proper sarashi at least
good mooning
I dunno I like playing the tanks in DT
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weird how the black ui theme is working on the title screen but not in game
Im a raidlet and was curious about how content difficulty has scaled over time. Considering the normal mode of the final trial, is that comparable in difficulty to an ex/savage in like HW/SB/SHB?
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God I wish a fiddie would hunt my middie
Miqo'te?Sure.I love cats!
>first half of the succession contest
do it as VPR
>second half
do it as PCT
>shaaloani arc
do it as MCH
>sphene arc to finish
do it as PLD
yea im sure you like playing the most coddled and protected role that has to actively try to kill itself to fail
I love and hate face2 cats
>rava fiera
eb status?
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I just had a whm that did nothing but spam regen on me. Crazy world we live in
he looks like he posts on incel forums
Not even close
I unironically do though as a pvp main.
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Is that the mk ultra cat
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I just use 15 for BLM and the other 5 for w/e else
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present your 15 blm glams
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>I hate Europe
Not cool bro
are you going to eat that
sister, chaos is a dead server. everyone's on light...
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im fine
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>misread it as "I want to be your kitty." the first time
>instant disappointment when it wasn't what it said
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economy in shambles
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boutta wreck every single stall at xbalyav ty'e
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I can't I just logged off..
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Lalaboys in lalagirl clothes!
Wow the scene before Everkeep fucking sucked ass
Animu scene where each Scion solos a contingent of cyborgs who barely shoot back, followed by Zoraal Ja throwing a manchild tantrum and killing a messenger twice for zero reasons
All the while Woke Lecat, who went to all that trouble to destroy his regulator ro kill him, stares threateningly at him until he manages to find another regulator
Why does this all have to happen? Why are these people acting like this?
I'll gladly move as soon as this
>indie company
figures out how to transfer housing plots along with characters.But while this remains beyond the ken of the Bugman, here I shall remain.
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>accidentally queue for Binding Coil Turn 1 for a second instead of setting unsync
>duty finder status 4/4 DPS
that shit was always worthless
My favorite pump slut
Imagine spending years of your life mastering a tradecraft only to get called a twinklecraft.

Good news everyone!
all of the gil youve made from doing this cost about $10
I like him, he looks like he's done with everything in every scene, I think it's funny.
it's a diamond
>light ears
Will we ever get an MMORPG where we get to make real choices and we're not just railroaded into what the writer wants?
where's the fun in that?
At first I wasn't interested in viper and when I first tried it the rotation seemed like a mess but now it's starting to grow on me.
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better than crinklecraft
do femra really?
Gotta lead her back to the boat with a trail of tacos leading right to one of those cat carriers.

By the time she figures it out we'll already be at the vet... I mean at the destination.
I'm stuck on cerberus because I have no friends to move for. I don't have a house, only a half empty apartment with a small sauna room
Sowwy sis I'm about to do a solo duty and then a dungeon (I'm this guy >>484689695)
If I don't kill myself due to how much this expansion is rotting my brain I'll visit another night
No. Play a normal rpg for that.
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>see this post
no shot i did this IRL
mouth covered in cheese powder...
We languish together, then.
Yeah, I was kind of upset when I saw the replica boxes from Ishgard thinking they did something smart like making them job agnostic. Was just another way to get the items without scrips lmao.
Why would it be? DPS queues are hell now that everyone's gotten pct and vpr above 90. As long as you've got a basic idea of what you're doing and don't get too obsessed on doing dps queueing as WHM is fine. Just keep an eye out for unmarked tankbusters in some mob packs.
Now post them from the front.
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g-gwak away???
I'm sad that I missed the opportunity to clear Amon (Extreme) in the Syrcus Tower.
is queuing for Eden Savage a thing?
for sure those black ravas make my gwock feel funy
FFXIV's strong point was the story
so if the story sucks....... what uh... what else is there?
That's not front.
thighlander thursday? on the fourth of july?
Cahciua was 10x worse than wuk lamit and an actual diversity hire. Why hire a nigger bitch with a lisp as a VA? While time I’m wondering “why does Erenville and his mom have different accents?”
>was the story
? FFXIV entire draw was the (e)rp community and social aspect.
Hello me
I NEED plogons back asap so I can save more plates
I dunno I find most of the game fun. Helps to be social
why did you dress your lalafell like a euphoric frank sinatra redditor
your sister does so much better than you, you gotta step it up, granny
>alexandria 3 days in a row in expert and 2 of those days aren't with new people
>why hire a nigger bitch with a lisp as a va
Because black women with a lisp are sexy and I want to have sex with them
>Casters get a pair of short skirts to wear from Worqor
>Think healers will get the same thing
>They get a pair of long baggy pants instead
The one time they decide to not make them have the same thing but recolored and it's for that
she is literally black and from america
are you stupid
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played cc for the first time and had an aneurysm
They really should've added more to the weight of expectations he felt to live up to his dad.
She is a euphoric frank sinatra character.
My femlala acts like this
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>job change macro
catboy cowboys keep cunningly conniving to claim my cute kitten
I guess we do. Pretty much all my acquaintances on chaos quit the game as well so I actually don't talk to anyone anymore
>that sloppy ass
Just manually queue for it?
Everyone does. Even Europeans hate Europe.
>Game went from vacation new world expansion to futuristic cyberpunk slop
My friends are already at the point where the only thing they have left to do is grind extreme and do hunt trains
Putting Wuk Lamat besides any other female NPC is such a fucking humiliation ritual for the VA
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what does that even mean
please understand, this game takes place in the late 1500s
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I like to pretend they aren't like that...
I am a
soft faggy
meena paintler
Forcing Tia boys to eat me out before I go to the Nunh
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i'm 18 quests into the msq and i'm kinda bored bros, i just want to play a videogame
>trannyfell throwing strong, black womyn under the bus to make 4chuds forget about woke lamat
>Not making them do it after
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Thoughts on RNG in job design?
There's plenty of things I excel at than she does, thank you very much
And she's older than me bitch
paintler isn't a fucking word, moron
Skip most of it until you hit ~94/95. You legitimately will not miss much really. The entire first 2 zones are literally just fetch and grab quests.
I think it's soul for a job about cards and that optimizationniggers should find a rope
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msq andies don’t actually believe this right? This is an mmo you stupid nigger the appeal is raiding and the social aspect.
good mornyan
Do you like femra?
I'm starting to like this cat
Absolute based when it was in BRD
i liked original AST
only miserable people play ffxiv for the gameplay
you could be playing wow right now if you actually wanted mmo gameplay
it was never a vacation and the story of dawntrail was a lore dump about the significance of a taco and bartering a rock to buy a diamond. that's fine and all but a society about using souls as currency was more interesting to me.
>why does Erenville and his mom have different accents?
He went to Sharlayan and put so much effort into blending in that he forgot his old accent and now speaks like a true Eorzean viera.
Good mornyanning!! Do you wanna cuddle in a bit like old times?
it's the 4th and i'm just getting drunk and playing l4d2 on expert
I did and found no one there
thots on the new extremes? did you have fun playing healer?
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>playing ff14 for the gameplay
time to finish this expansion. Wish me luck bois and girls
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Whatever you say msq andy
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Daily reminder to do your Frontlines for BP.
Yeah, they can be cute
wrong bread,sis
>come in
>it's empty
>Talk to Wuk Lamat
>Talk to Wuk Lamat
>Talk to Wuk Lamat again
>Talk to Wuk Lamat
>Talk to Wuk Lamat one more time
GL if you need a hand in queue let us know what DC
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what the actual fuck is that vapid, over produced clap clap stomp yaaas queen tripe passing as music during the turning the train into a bomb montage
this expac has been genuinely hilariously bad right down to the music it seems, I actually almost started laughing during that cutscene for just how dog shit it was, it's like a bad joke that they keep insisting is real
My problem with Viper is that it feels like you have to press buttons much faster than other jobs just to keep up. I'm familiar with weaves and even double weaves, but as a Viper you have to do two consecutive double weaves every 40 seconds on average
>this is an mmo
>the appeal is raiding
dc and race preference?
It means I'm an art school reject...
good luck.
you have a grey parse in social skills since everyone thinks you're an annoying pest
thats what makes viper based
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I wasn't convinced this game was set in America until the quest to fix some elite's air conditioning
>rapelander got an EB
>I'm still EBless
How is this fair?
kong is unironically the coolest person ive talked to from xivg you stupid nigger. kill yourself
These expert dungeons are too hard. Like I can do them but its not the kind of thing most of the playerbase wanna slog through daily.
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Wrong shards probably? Literally here rn
start spamming the thread, talking like an absolute moronic fucking schizo few times a day and you will get there
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so what's the point of role quests? just lore?
to who? whoever they are they have my condolences
black woman with a lisp can actually deliver emotional voicework
wukkie cannot
this is very simple
Pretty much
and it just so happens he's the only one you talk to, Kong
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Kongnamul “praises XIV gameplay and immediately turns around and asks for something that plays the game for him” Gukbap with a bad take? Unheard of, I was told Kong is such a good guy and fun to be around!!!
I am the coolest zivgger
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Viper feels more like a chore than actual fun.
you can dye af gear after them
Completing it allows you to dye job gear and you also some fun solo duties.
How's your vision wearing this? How easy is it to turn your head?
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when are you leading the rest of the meena to glory on the western front?
Some literal who lalaboy.

no one ages in this game, main characters, at least.
Sphene pits...
cat chest sexo
gross nvm
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Absolutely not! WHM is fun :3
I'm at Shadowbringer right now but I've been doing my MSQ as WHM since I started :p
Do you like malezen?
anyone up for a stomach pancake real quick, any DC
>And she's older than me bitch
damn then youre really letting yourself go
AF gear undyeable until you do them like before, besides that, yeah. Just lore for tribes you'll never meet or only see in passing. Would have liked something related to BLU instead but alas.
brother, i just press buttons
Yeah but not yours.
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What you mean lol
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took this dumbass all expansion to take off his dumbass backpack
Upon speaking with Wuk Lamat, several cutscenes will play in sequence.
It is recommended that you set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety.
how does a man end a cc match with less than 100k damage on pictomancer
literally just spam comet
what the hell is a stomach pancake
t.White Mage main
I did my first DT role quest but where are the rest? I'm 97 and I thought another would appear every 2 levels but it's not
>This place shall be your tomb!
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>Release the best inn room in forever
>Can't vibe there with people
>Can't fully recreate the vibe in actual housing
you could at least make it a little more subtle, kong
is there an autocraft plugin thats updated?
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You’re everything wrong with current job design.
If he didn't schizo people then he'd be a cool dude but unfortunately that is not the case
As bad as you'd imagine wearing any other type of full coverage mask. You get accustomed by it, but the field of vision is severely restricted and you get NO peripheral whatsoever
>turn head
Fairly easy, it sits on top of your head and it's usually custom fitted so it's like wearing a motorcycle helmet more or less
t. furfag
only in pictures, like femezens
you made this post as me but our reactions are one and the same
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I am sorry Heavensward
as a shadowbab, I thought you were a mid expansion
but now that I have tasted what true mid is like, I see that you were always good
so all melee jobs that aren't ninja or dragoon (which are both just pseudo ranged) are still worthless in CC?

PCT and BLM still completely broken?
WHM still the only viable green class?
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nta but apparently it's a sex thing
ffxiv was never a deep game, shit urself
it can be pretty fun
Post main job.
so fucking based
I wanna get in a bath with him and shave his pubes for him and then blow him
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I hope we have less Wuk in the post patch
leveling tanks and healers is so nice and quick I'm gonna cry when I have do the DPS classes.
I hate to admit it, but femhroths won
All of the claimants are meant to represent weight of legacy. Wuk is openly accepting of legacy, Koana is building upon it in his own way. Bakool Ja Ja is being trapped by his culture, forced to submit to it and desperate to answer to his people. And Zarool Ja is the bitter rejection of legacy outright, wanting to be anything other than "his father's Resilient Son." His father championed peace, and so he'll champion war. Destroying his father's legacy is the only way he can fathom not being compared to it. You could say his obsession with becoming his own person made him solitary, he never let himself have allies because he craved becoming his own too much to let them muddy the water.

I do think they kind of dropped the ball on giving this dynamic more screentime, it's there in whispers if you do a little analysis but the story does not do anything to really show you that Zarool Ja struggled this way. That his ultimate form is a shade of his father's image, his own son functioning as a mouthpiece for Zarool Ja's feelings he could never say, they definitely had the pieces there for the ending but it didn't really get enough setup prior.
>didn't even think of checking other instances
Nvm I'm too retarded to have friends...
thats so me
idk why this comeback made me fuckin laugh so hard
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I finally finished the MSQ just now. Thoroughly enjoyed myself from start to end. I have mild complaints about a few scenes with Wuk Lamat but nothing that detracted from my enjoyment of the MSQ as a whole. The dungeons and trials are so much fun to do, especially the last trial. Now for crafting, shared fates and hunts
Oh right
>Can't sex there
I hate that you can't bring friends into inns and the glamour box is stuck in the inn. Stupid!!!
I hope we have no Woke Lamer in post patch.
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Except they don't speak like that in Sharlayan either
The MSQ would've been cooler if they let you kill Zoraal Ja ten times back to back before his regulator breaks and he runs back to the Everkeep
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The last Thighlander alive posting
>Just lore for tribes you'll never meet or only see in passing.
>tfw still no lore for abalathia hellsguards
it hurts..
>"Wuk's voice actor did a great job!"
>the job Wuk's voice actor did:
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I hope we have even more Wuk Lamat in the patches!
Is it even possible for a bun to look "tough"?
>that gondola scene
what fujo wrote this msq i am livid
Non-Turali viera speak like that, no matter the region. Turali viera sound American, all of the rest sound vaguely Scandinavian.
They still look good but got downgraded imo, I liked the old face better
fieras took the #1 spot for since DT
best scene in the msq ong
so was kong really permabanned, saying that he's leaving the thread and is now back to posting 4 hours later?
hahaha, funny fandub you posted anon. now post the REAL Wuk Lamat EN voice
t.Free Trial player
please step on me
Who gives a fuck?
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People would do that? Just lie on the internet?Post main job, nigger.
No, but I do have a couple for dancer alone.
Graha didn't act like fujobait once this entire expansion and anyone still calling him that is just parroting old memes without thinking for themselves. He was actually useful, acted like the exarch, and didn't fellate the WoL constantly.
>haven't done any extremes yet because gearing doh/dol
Sounds about right
>Zarool Ja is the bitter rejection of legacy outright
Most is good until you get to anything dealing with this. Zoraal Ja isn't the rejection of legacy, Zoraal Ja is what happens when your predecessor leaves shoes that you think you need to fill.
If anything, he's what happens when too much of a legacy is left for the offspring, which is why the "You could have just been there" line was so big, was because Zoraal Ja was completely convinced he HAD to surpass his father to be worth living. Bakool Ja Ja on the other hand was under similar duress except instead of imagined shoes to fill like Zoraal Ja, Bakool Ja Ja actually had these expectations reinforced and outright said to him time and time again then was straight up called a disgrace to his people which broke him.
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That's gore of my comfort character...
It's so sad that fat and ugly people think trooning out will make them not fat and ugly.
buy my materia
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My main job is Viper it was the first class I got to 100.
back to sniffing or still playing cc, sis?
Here's some freshly squeezed data for (You) anon!
>Most common starting expansions: ARR and ShB
>Most common sex: female, by far
>Average play time at around 1 year non-stop
>Most common race: Miqo'te, by far
>Revisit doesn't keep your buffs too
Miau Miau! Miau Miau! It's Miau Miau!
Yeah he's ZT tier now
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This general sucks youre supposed to report the offtopic shit retard
Why is that dumb redheaded bitch annie back and why was she invited to the mediatour when she shit talk our game?
I'm glad to hear some people are having fun, I'm still a ways off from Dawntrail and the dooming worried me.

Cute roe too I want to cover her face in wet paint and then make her headbutt a peice of paper with the imprint of her flat forehead and nose and hang it up on my wall as a token of friendship.
Tia catboys being forced to lick clean a Nuhn's cock after he is done impregnating the entire village.
The first and last scene with Krile's parents was really nice but everything between was pretty bad. That scene at the table with the ice cream was a blunder and felt like they couldn't decide on what tone to make of it.
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>plugins still not working
day-old data to be honest
>picto +1% autism rotation already being patched out
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>coomer middie doesnt understand the awkward scene is meant to be awkward
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it has as much APM as a ninja
it seems fine to me honestly
Sisters… My dysphoria is flaring up…
i'm not posting it again bro
Pretty sure this was taken from nip twitter but I am calling this cat in my office and will spill my whiteout all over her face and glasses and then bend her over my desk and put her on maternity leave.
Bun's aren't safe either. Pining this bun down and pressing her face into those pillows in the background and giving her a health dose of my msq spoilers until the key to interdemisional travel isn't the only thing she is leaving Tural with.
This Roe is pretty. Will not sexpest out of respect.
Sending my flagship from Tural to reverse colonize this euro cat and contribute to the foreign born population crisis.
Grabbing this Elezen from behind and putting my cat's eye on her rear guard and showing her that Hrothgar meat is superior to dragon.
Giving this Hrothgal a taste of my objectively superior naming convention until she never forgets it in the form of a brown cub that will arrive in around 9 months or so.
Giving this White Mage a taste of my Benediction to inner release my White Mana right in her baby box.
Climbing in through that window and showing you the delight of male companionship and motherhood.
Having a steamy, Arabian night with this funbun til she charms my trouser snake to spit it's potent venom right in her kitten cooker. (Yes, I did look it up. Baby rabbits are called kittens.)

If you didn't get sexpested you have the rest of the thread to be cuter.
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im still going because i want the mount butt i can do both
do you know how broken that would be anon if it kept your buffs while also refreshing GP and integrity
>American city
>immediate mass shooting happens in it
What the fuck did the japs mean by this
It was ignored last night so I had to re-post it
can my moony join in?
yes that's the point
it has like a 1% proc rate dont act like it would be gamebreaking
I've only done bird extreme, and it's pretty engaging as healer. People have been saying it's the easiest extreme, and I can believe that if you're nyot playing a healer on it.


meow meow
why are suncatboys like this?
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get fucked in the ass undercutters
Anon, I just got home and don't know what you're talking about, I haven't played any video games in like 5 days and only know that the goddamn plugins are still not goddamn working...
male character bros... we fucking lost
>tfw nin
>tfw lala
>tfw male
glamour is still suffering
you lost like 8 million gil
Vanilla femezen pits
You heard me. You + I + cuddle !
I actually really like the idea that Sphene is just a hyper advanced machine that isn't actually sentient.
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Need plug-ins back so I can give him a cock
>1 cocobolo lumber from schematic unlock
>2 days till the subs get back
This meowder is built for sweaty hot mating press with multiple inseminations.
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Ninja Number one, as always. We stay winning.
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dammit okay
actually i see it got reposted last thread too so >>484674350
tldr dalamud beta is up just gotta jiggle the config a bit
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This is truly the Destiny 2: Lightfall of FFXIV expansions
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lets go gambling
no I gathered and crafted for like 2 hours and bought a few random EW mats for 50k gil, I gained 5.65 million gil.
the dawntrail quests rewarded me with the most low res dress for my black mage
i thought they wanted the game to look good now
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So no ones gonna ask why that guy has at least 151 images of large trans women on his PC?
Seems a bit like a fetish to me
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Is there any reason to keep these
Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on with Solution Nine
anon that cat is dead
delete that gif
Holy fuck I don't want to say either of these
Only if you're a collector. Just desynthesize
Tell me again the power-levelling strats for crafters and gatherers is? I want to get 5 of them from 90 to 93 today and from there to 100 by tomorrow evening.
the alexandria story seemed pretty cool
shame it was shoved into the last three levels and the vast majority of the msq was boring shit
You WILL support Wuk Lamat, you stinking BIGOT.
leves/wachuwachu deliveries
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gl anon
His arc as a villain feels xenophobic

>Bakooljaja ends up a joke character for a while and is the closest to a main villian for the half of the game where we're actually doing Tural stuff in Toral
>We can't actually have the not!South American lizard really be the threat so he goes off to another fantasyland to bring back advanced future tech completely unrelated to anything else
>Is just a stepping stone to the real final villain, some white woman
He's resting
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>They are basically going to rework Viper the whole job
lmao this line was probably the most egregious of the cheerleader!WoL dialogues
I got my chocopocur from consooming twitch streams
tempted to start throwing matches just so they're over quicker and i get my rewards quicker
leves. that's the entire strat.
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Nice glam! I've made something similar myself ever since I saw those viper scimitars in the benchmark
Hopefully we can get some more fantasy middle eastern glams with this expac..
dang I play both and nin felt slower in comparison, I didn't think they had the same.
wat good reward is there
blue freakizoid..
It is the easiest DPS job out there. Did people complain that fast?
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Au ra limbal rings became LED lights with the graphics upgrad
Just log in and melt the world away. Very healthy coping mechanism trust me sis.
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90/95 collectables
remember leves give double xp for hq items
>shave his pubes
it's more fun to succ if they have pubes
We'll start off by getting rid of the f*male characters
how would that even work i dont get it
There have been five deleted posts in the last five threads combined. Have we been well-behaved? Or is this general not moderated anymore?
i don't know why they didn't have you decide between going north and south at the start of the msq, i thought for sure we were going to get introduced to solution 9 as early as we did eulmore and radz-at-han
cute lala
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Can we have ONE melee DPS thats actually difficult to play
Considering someone is spamming troons, I'd say the latter.
what game is the music that plays whenever sphene's on screen from
You're the best moonie. I like other moonies but you're the best one.
welcome to amaurot
does this cat do lewds?
viper isn't difficult to play though
Shaving someone else is intimate
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uhhh guys i thought they said they tuned the msq exp so that there wouldn't be any level roadblocks
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I've only had Gulool Ja for a week but if anything bad happened to him I would exterminate all of Tural then kill myself
yeah ninja has been in the game for years now
hmmm... nyo!
he's adorable and i hope we get to see him again in patches
bro? your DR- uhh...
bro? your MN- uhh...
yeah its cooked bro sorry
That's what I thought. I guessed right in cleaning out the leves stock just now.
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I love my bunny
Status of Hunt Buddy?
groping, getting a good feel
they're probably just gonna remove the positionals on hunters coil and swiftskins coil
VPR is one of the easiest DP to learn and play too.
Just fuck around with a Dummy and you will get the rotation and opener going in like 1 hours.
People complain about how homogenized the gameplay is but when the are met with a little bit of difficulty on learning a job its suddenly suddenly hard and needs to be eased.
>people disagree with kong
>sudden spam of tranny pictures
and people thought it was elk
Really felt like they did not feel confident in the Dawnservant shit being able to fill 10 levels and shoved in an unrelated story at the end.
Are plugins updated yet?

No I won't cheat and install the cheat key
You cannot write shit that fucking lewd in here man, I'm here to laugh not to be aroused like crazy
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realized something as i was buying techwear for da cyberpunk segment
what the fuck was the point of making 2 different sets for the PVP armor that only dye one channel when they were making dual dyes a reality in the literal next patch
all this does is cause unnecessary clutter in the glamour dresser
in that case no they're not, franz
I wanna give him a /pet
I'd say so, at least when one's face is pressed against a bun's cock.
Wuk just thinks you haven't praised her with enough sincerity so she has decided you don't get to continue playing.
>Hard to play
Is the Machinist tomestone weapon one of the best MCH models in the game yet other than the ShB relic?
Are they cleaning toilets yet?
>THREE people on my team who can barely press recuperate
fuckin fridge physique on this ugly bitch
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>This job isn't easy enough yet!
>Literally the easiest job this game has ever seen
they're stupid or different team that didn't know maybe
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It's kind of both, though I think it's ignoring how much of the character is built to be everything Gulool Ja Ja isn't. It's not a coincidence that he is in direct opposition to his father in almost every regard. War and expansionism would go directly against everything Gulool Ja Ja built, I'm pretty sure they state this as part of why the cast consider him a "let him become the successor under no circumstance" option. He's "terse, serious, and alone" to Gulool Ja ja's "verbose, jovial, and surrounded by allies." I don't entirely agree on this being a matter of "too much" or else it would have been explored across the entire family.

IMO, and o make a silly analogy of it, Wuk and Koana are Mario and Luigi. Bakool and Zarool are Wario and Waluigi. The positive impacts of legacy, following after and forging your own path. The negative impacts of legacy, being trapped by and rejecting it. You could probably draw parallels between Wuk and Bakool Ja Ja (following their legacy) and Koana and Zoraal Ja (forging their own path) in some sort of way, especially when the latter two both kind of explore the similar theme of legacy not inherently being "something to surpass."
>do not share the key with a name next to your message, they are banning people from the discord
Good thing I'm not part of any fucking discords, but aren't they just going to ban that specific key and it will stop working?
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>i hope we get to see him again in patches
the monkeys paw curls
mm and effy are tied for me
just like every race in the game without mods?
why are you retards obsessed with jobs being """deep"" and """"hard to play""""
nigger the jobs are supposed to be simple, it's the content you partake in where the challenge comes from.
Positionals are the worst part about VPR
Farm expensive mats. I've made millions in rhe past few days.
Guys, guys, good news. You can finally be free of Wuk Lumat. The new Path of Exile teaser just dropped
The expansion is infinitely better if you use French voice over
99% of The content can only ever be as challenging as your rotation allows.
they don't do content, they just parse dummies
I know right? Given that they talked about it in the live letters, I figured we'd be shown Solution 9 relatively early. I purposely avoided watching most of the news but some of the stuff it literally IMPOSSIBLE to avoid for months until release. I made the personal choice to consume as little content as I possibly could ever since getting spoiled on the last dungeon in the EW trailer, because I wanted to go into Dawntrail with as little info to locations as possible. And they still fucking managed to put a late game location into early pre release teasers. I am actually so fucking pissed that they keep insisting on spoiling everyone on stuff that happens way later since there is LITERALLY no avoiding it unless you deliberately cut yourself out of any social platform for MONTHS. It's fucking stupid.
>no 'just get on with it already' response
i was thinking of leveling MNK next, how dogshit is it this expansion?
>I do think they kind of dropped the ball on giving this dynamic more screentime
you can say this about everything in Dawntrail that isn't Wuk, she hog basically all of it
>Positionals are the worst part about playing melee
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It's already braindead easy
Is shifting position or using True North really that hard
this is why dungeons will forever stay baby content btw
if the rotations were hard, dungeons could have stayed hard as well
but now every dungeon is "don't step in the orange" and every raid is "jump on one leg and solve a rubik's cube while playing hot potato with it"

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nobody thinks its me there are just some thread schizos who push the idea because they hate me
seethe more hrothtranny
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lole haha
after the backlash about how milquetoast and predictable DT was, hopefully they fix things and kill that little turd ASAP in the patch msq and let us move on to something actually interesting
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how is that sex
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>leading up to DT SE kept saying they wanted to make the game harder even in normal content
>DT finally here
>it's not hard at all at any point, no more than any previous expansion
>even the extreme is easily beat
Did we get baited?
>because they hate me
cannt blame them, I do too
>but now every dungeon is "don't step in the orange" and every raid is "jump on one leg and solve a rubik's cube while playing hot potato with it"
That's literally been the game since day 1 retard
>why are you retards obsessed with jobs being """deep"" and """"hard to play""""
because they got no other worthwhile skills beyond being decent at an MMO, this is also why they obsess over numbers on fflogs
Is astrologian the hardest job to play?
XI bros...are we going up?
Hot take

Remove positionals
>no i won't cheat for my cheats
fucking LMAO
Miau Miau... but HROTH???
PUP soon bro
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thoughts on koana
i play a femra though
No I heard meowing
i just did the wild west expert dungeon and we wiped 3 times on the first boss 0times on the 2. and 4 times on the last
only made it through because i was red mage and didnt die to mechanics all the time
its very hard for the casual andy
for real, the way they were so open about it just left me constantly waiting for it to fucking finally show up and kinda worsened my overall experience of the expansion because i was constantly anticipating it.
absolute dogshit devs lmao
>>dark as fuck
>blinding neon light
Hot take:
Everyone can learn how to give blowjobs
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95 dungeon is filtering every group I get. Multiple wipes, even more than the Trial bosses leading up to DT.
i just wanna see the little king again..
>not blue skin
>Miau Miau
are you retarded?
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oh yeah coils were really jumprope just like the current raids
especially turn 3 and 4 the mechanics were crazy
aie, my 20 potency!
>walls himself because tank spun the boss 3 degrees too hard
Im trying to think of what good shit is left in xi they can port over that is manageable.

Obviously my dream would be make jobs more FF like and move away from 8 man raiding content in exchange but I feel like yoshdia is too much of a raidfag for that
yes teehee
uh oh seamonkey melty
seethe more pornsick freak
...how? Which boss is walling people?
>cheats at all content in the game
>claims to be good at the game
>but he got perma banned
Reminder astrologian is the chad class
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Bros, what is JamJam cooking?
as soon as his sharlyautism was cured there was no purpose to wuk lamat anymore
he's clearly a superior leader in every way, including in combat since they only lost while lamat was in charge and he one shots the enemy army instead
there's literally no point to wuk lamat at any point of the story
!! URGENT - Moonie council meeting will be starting in 30 minutes for emergency matters - URGENT !!
Last one
Whoever develops astro must play it alot because that critique/feedback is fucking on point
fine, i guess i can rub my penis on him too
So is everyone on this other reflections star DEAD? And I mean at the end.
cute sprout
just move on from all the extreme and savage quests and continue MSQing
I will be there no matter what
dude combs the internet for images to be mad about and saves them, manually typing in a new number for each one he obsessively collects. the absolute state of parsefags
buddy even omega raids weren't that complicated mechanically
For the first half of the game I was wondering what his deal was, and assumed that he'd have some kind of good reasoning for his philosophy, being some kind of hardcore warrior culture thing. And then he apparently attacked an elector for no fucking reason, and then stabbed his most devoted subject in the back for literally no reason. and I realised that no, he's just straight up retarded.
They could have made a better explanation of just why he hated what was a pretty loving family, but his entire angle is "I think my father doesn't really love me, billions must die". Wasted potential
Watching him cut down the image of his son in the trial was kino tho
My trick attack keeps drifting, bros...
bro has never heard of batch downloads or archive files
None of the people complaining even play at a level where they can call it easy.
WAIT WHAT hold on please i won't be able to make it by then
I think he might have finally lost it. Don't forget he lost Venat for this.
I never played XI, anything you guys want that is not in XIV?
... why are you getting progressively more naked as you insist upon this lie?
calm down elk
dt normal content is 100% way above the difficulty of ew's normal content
How is Dawntrail overall? This is the first XIV expansion I've not played on launch, busy with other games and the theme didn't really interest me.

I haven't been in touch in a long time with the game, but I'm hearing they fucked BLM this expansion?
there could be other people alive since we only visit one place, but functionally, yes they're all basically dead
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I am ignoring moonies
Is there an xp difference between doing leveling roulette and getting a current dungeon, or just queuing for a current dungeon?
Also to add on to this, something more with his son: rejecting his son as his own is meant to be, in a sort of twisted way, an act of compassion. To someone who fought tooth and nail to be something other than "his father's miracle," cutting his son free of any ties to himself is a blessing. He wants to leave nothing behind to him short of what he physically earned. No assumptions, no legacy, just the freedom to be his own man.
link to your trannies #1-9999 zip folder?
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Bros I want to fuck Sphene so bad
where's the janny when you fucking need him?
Wuk Lamat everywhere mod when? Just minding my own business in Kugane when "LAMATY'I!!"
Yeah this is very rational behavior that should be rationalized and not a schizoid freakout.
idk man
WHM is cheat mode. It's infinitely easier than leveling with a dps.
MSQ is less over-the-top hype anime shit than ShB and EW ones and some people are mad about that
BLM got fucked on a gimmick rotation involving Transpose it had in EW, job plays exactly the same if you weren't doing that
Most people find the story a bit mid but the gameplay changes, dungeons, and art is fucking great.
Making Lightspeed more available is the perfect change and will make it more fun too.
Right. I dont mean the endless at all

But the city was basically a husk even disregarding electrope glamour, plus no more lightning?
Leave Loghriff alone!!!!!
the first time you do levelling roulette in a day is higher exp than the highest dungeon. any subsequent time would be less
too much time spent on the first 2/3 where you're so fucking tired of wuk lama 1/8 of the way in
not enough time spent on the last 1/3 where wuk lamat is still around for some reason and even shows up to beat the final boss for you because you weren't strong enough (I AM NOT JOKING)
MSQ hinges completely on if you like Wuk Lamat or not, the second half gets better with it.
the dungeons and trials are great, the graphics update is great, great music and great looking zones that are a bit big.
overall good but the MSQ is nowhere near as strong as ShB or EW
first half of DT - Boring
2nd half - Cool as fuck
Rest? Literally the same formula as every other expansion
you do your leveling roulette once daily then queue for the highest level dungeon you can do. the meat of the leveling roulette exp comes from the daily bonus
Thanks, gamers
Please sexpest me in the next thread, anon...
!! URGENT - Maliddie council meeting will be starting in 30 minutes for emergency matters - URGENT !!
Extreme 2 sucks
This wind mechanic is bullshit
Im thinking it knocks you in a directional line but its like Hot Tail or some shit
maybe but only if youre a lady, I don't like boys
He should illegitimately impregnate my femlala, more than once.
So lightspeed is getting a second charge and a 60s recast?
retarded nerd, inferior to his sister
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It's not a lie!
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hi herbert
Oigen do your fucking job already
haha, funny
Enjoy your 2m CD
Eiki Shiki watches Nanky Meek HORSE Gar Galon at least twice a week.
Where's mods?
Tourist Bunns
If you're a femra who likes miera I will
Wuk Lamat ruined Dawntrail.
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I am ignoring middies
roes aren't quite it, but the closest thing we have. big, burly, green skin, and if they're limsan they can be pretty belligerent
Dawntrail's underlying theme just "clicked" with me and I understand why the first half is such a toil and slog.
Since the world map is modeled to be a rough equal of Earth, you see, Eorzea is the equivalent of Africa.
We were taken from Africa, to America, to be Wuk Lamat's slave.
So does he bot those posts or manually post on cooldown?
WOKE Lamat!!!!!!!!!!
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>this dude's desire to be a tour guide was enough to keep him around
honestly very based
well that was a long argument over nothing
wuk lamat is one of the best characters in the game
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>We were taken from Africa, to America, to be Wuk Lamat's slave.
fucking hell good post anon
happy burger day /xivg/
Did you not run a single leveling roulette?
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You can Blame this guy for your local schizo
probably one of the better quests written
(it was probably ishikawa's considering she probably also wrote the canal ride)
>Being the slave of a giant cat woman
So Zoraal Ja didn't even do anything special to get absolute authority over Alexandria?
Like he waltzed in alone and Sphene told him, sure buddy you can be king, you can override my orders over our whole army, whatever you say?
Vipers have two blades. See? It's a lie.
Yeah it was 100% and it's not because it was well written (it wasn't)
RDM is gonna go up in value as casual content gets harder
this entire picture is perfection
Because he opened the gate to Alexandria and promised to help her harvest the source for souls.
nice word filters
would be a shame if I

My fwee company is wooking fow nyew membews as pawt of ouw wecwuitment dwive
All the little sidequests in Living Memory were nice honestly. Quality over quantity.
did they say who wrote specific quests? i assumed it was all done by one person per expac
cant believe people actually listen to this retard lmao
who knows
bro probably just walked in there and said hey i'm the chosen one i have the macguffin look and he showed them the macguffin and they made him king
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Asmon Status?
don't forget to do your daily frontlines for an eb
He had the doohickey
Living Memory had plenty of sidequests, they were just mandatory and stapled onto the MSQ because of the nature of the zone.
It's why it dragged on so horribly.
BRO, posting this won't make you a woman, MAN
actually having melties over his stream being forcibly partnered since he was just costing Twitch money
I already have an eb and she makes me do frontlines for the mount. I hate frontlines but I still do it anyway
https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/364a2350c5e/ first thing BTN can harvest in Dawntrail by the way
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blew up my linkshell when revelations came out read a book
I love lamaty'i
they seem nice but i know full damn well i'm not gonna do the yellow ones unless i get real bored, but we'll see depending on how the rest of the msq is
Sisters the new thread?
they've implemented double dye channels in the worst ways possible
it's only ever going to look good on new gear, but most older gear is just fucked
Still hasn't realized yet that he is responsible for his mother's death
I would never EB a sloplines players.
nigga which macguffin do you think i was referring to
stop caring this much about a story that is made by the B-squad lol
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You won't get past my popotoartist filter. I've put in thousands of variations of that phrase on it.
>nobody ever says any of this to my femhroth
He opened the locked gate to Alexandria using the Dimensional Fusion device, you stupid son of a bitch.
ha, i used to drag my eb into fl as well...
he didnt open it, he summoned alexandria to the backwater village
we opened the stargate later on
I get it bro you want to suck his penis but he's objectively a failure and that's why he's nothing but a twitoid now
Ew. I think I'll pass on this weird offer of yours.
Hildy was good when it wasn't fucking mandatory.
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Catpypo owe me reparations.
That one was just a key, not something that should have made him automatically king
Well okay maybe it is that thing, idk i'm just doing the Everkeep, maybe Krile's parents will explain it better
even on some new gear it's stupid, the cybergear from vanguard for vpr as example. it has two dye channels but there's still the bright blue trim that cannot be dyed.
it was never mandatory fucknuts
okay, that has nothing to do with you defending loony troon writing and characters
You retard, how do you think he spent 30 years preparing if he didn't physically go to the other shard before fusing dimensions
Wait, so...FFXIV is the best MMO, right? AND it lets you play other games? Holy shit, so is FFXIV basically the best game of all time?
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femra owe me 784 gil
Why is Elk melting?
such as?
Just saw one of you coomer modbeasts in the wild and you look like shit without your mods on lol.
Shut up, nerd. No one cares.
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it's kong, he has manchild tantrums like this all the time
i need my femra to be taken advantage of by a tribe of female veena
It would be a real fitting end to FFXIV if the WOL hooks up with Wuk and stays by her side to the end and they start a new MMO
She's great if you're using the JP dub
>Made my first 1bil gil (made 500m alone this week)
Crafting chads.... at last i finally see.
No I don't. I look cool.
>cant believe people actually listen to this retard lmao >>484696490
/me deftly removes 1286 gil from your pockets while you weren't paying attention.
she's great no matter what, because she's the same character
I've been leveling my crafters...
Please spare a clue or two as to how to do it...
She's shit tier if she's being voiced by a man
Not really, no. A voice is an important part of you and certainly can make people perceive you differently.
you don't need to own the game to write a review
steam is the best barometer we have
metashittic is astroturfed
I personally find it weird they want you to call her this weird pet name (lamatiy or w/e)when Graha Tia, who is basically our best bro we would do anything with and has loads of fanservice, does not get the same treatment with his pet name (raha)
giga cringe
yes, that guy is a retard and objectively a failure
what the problem with speaking the truth? why are you homos so scared of it?
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>healer barbie complains about groups damage in new dungeon
so why did they make wuk a furry instead of a cute girl?
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I am HMOFA-pilled
Yoshida is pro-trans btw. He's going to go cry on stream because of the steam review bombing.
What will Krile learn?
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We should make the vip lounge behind the S9 arcade the new hangout spot.
let me guess they just stood there not using their aoe attack while spamming cure 2
Took you how long to realize "Oh, I can sell the shit that I was just buying for profit"?
Is non pentamelded 100 gear better than pentamelded 90 gear
>what the problem with speaking the truth?
Like that Woke Leman is a loony troon woke character?
Yes, it is strange why you homos are so scared of this truth that Grummz has presented you.
I mean he has to be, that's not saying much.
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>this trash pack is taking forever
>noticed that the reaper didn't arcane circle at all
>or enshroud after a while
>no mark of death or whatever
>went the entire dungeon without enshroud
>ask them why they didn't enshroud
>"didn't unlock it yet"
They were level 100 btw
...You were saying?

Let me guess, you're a cutscene skipper like all the other shit-talkers?
burgerland patch, burgerland aspects
>degenerates (previous falls into that bracket)
>crossbreed mutts
>lack of widespread infrastructure
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why do i need to listen to that divorced nigga perchance
probably the same way the rest of the source inhabitants of alexandria, e.g. erenville's mom, had been there for 30 years, and the same way erenville's village was in a state of ruin
I've been playing FFXIV for almost 10 years now and in that time I've heard an uncountable number of disgusting nerd honks during raids
if weird and ugly voices bothered me i wouldn't still be here
collectable ones?
No one said you had to listen to a particular person, but you can however start listening to the facts, loony troon
I just realised Wuk Lemat is Leman Russ
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It's dumb they force job skills behind job quests. The average casual player won't waste their time doing those quests.
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death to pedos though
>Bunch of very high and mighty reviews from people with main character symdrome...
Well, yes? I'm the warrior of light? I've crushed a stupid universe ending bird with my best friend?!
>thread slowed down again because attention whores waiting for new thread to spam.
We're the fucking Buffalo Soldier...
>otis was in a body fashioned after a mamool ja
>uses an elezen title
>he's actually a highlander

??? i get that it's a different reflection but that's like two layers of mix
>if a filter to only the opinions I like, that represents the population
nice try loony troony
i was also doing scholar dungeons with half my skills still locked, no one died tho and i kept spamming my 2 damage buttons
what's woke about her? and what does that retarded failure think he knows about it?
sage but didnt see much aoeing from them, definitely a heal turret and healer mean judging by their levelled classes. clearly more time spent on shitty glam and plate than playing well
>"guys we need more dmg :') we kill things so slow"
actually had to stop myself saying something that would get me a ban or a visit from a GM.
>new expac, new dungeon
>not realizing people arent geared to the tits yet
>heal turret complaining
Would fuck.

Whats your server, doll?
>Recommended for research on Peru
>Nothing about gameplay or other things
Zoraal Ja turning out to be the real bad guy is probably the most laughable part of this expansion
I can't wait for mods to come back so I can play my shota
Come back when you've finished the story.
woke expansion, bad writing, centre of attention in an MMO where you're meant to be the main character, voiced by a troon for EN

Need I go on?
Do you like face 1 femras?
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Yeah most my dungeon runs took like 25minutes+ but that's only because like you said not everyone is "endgame" geared yet.
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is the story really about wuk lamat? i skipped the entirety of the first half of the story, and all of wuk's dialogue in the 2nd half. from what i could tell, the story was about sphene and the alexandrians.
It's the best .0 MSQ imo.
The way it plays feels better than previous expacs. There's no annoying solo duties like EW had, and instead you get the most fun solo story duties they've ever made.
The dungeons and trials are by far the best.
The big negative is that it's way too long. If you're not cutscene skipping, I swear it's almost twice as long as the other MSQs. Part of that may be how many trials and dungeons have had wipes and taken 2-3 attempts despite having reasonably competent players cause of new mechs, but still.
And yeah, Wuk has too many lines and screen time.

Highest level dungeon gives more exp if you have rested, but it uses more rested exp. Though I'm not 100% sure below level 90 because they changed a lot of exp values this expac without giving numbers and I haven't seen anyone thoroughly test it yet.
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mi nuh ah buffalo soldier mi jus ah bongo mon ahuu waah tuh grow im collie
>this one guy is a warmongering asshole and mustn't win
>whaaaaat the warmongering asshole is a v-v-villain now?!
go to bed, kronii
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healer main*
yeah, same for mine and as slow as it feels I know that's the norm, we've been spoiled with people being endgame geared or at least geared to the max for normal content so it's a breeze usually. but for a heal main barbie to complain to the party about damage like we can change that inspired some very deep seated rage
>getting my rotations out like a sweat lord right down to movement
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I'll allow this
>There's no annoying solo duties like EW had
There's literally multiple of them in the first half of DT
you should actually start in the first place, you haven't given a single example of why it's "woke" other than the VA which is easily fixed in game
you knew he was the main bad guy from the moment he spared bakool ja ja
They are fun solo duties.
for me; it's rava+
daring today aren't we
is 24 too late to get a hag eb
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For you it's an early grave.
returners are the worst players in the game
for me it's ravamen
new thread
For me, it's rava men.
kill yourself
t. rava-
for me; it's veena@#$%^&*
adventurer in need should have a poetics reward.
Just have a read, no need to rehash what has already been said
calm the fuck down tikaasi dont force me to become violent with words
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Just ignore the heal main barbie bro he has sub IQ.
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>people to retarded to do positionals and double weave
What fucking business is there? You spam the same two base combos while keeping dreadwinder on cooldown and spam Reawaken until Serpents Iredrops below 40s for the 2min burst.
>imblying I give a fuck about english "VAs"
>he hasn't played it
>he has no opinions of his own
unsurprising of someone desperate to polish the cock of a failed game dev gone twitter troon
I shall, I shall
nigga you skip until 98. everything before heritage found is asstrash
>japanese women look like this
>birthrate decline
The fuck are their men doing???
giving up
would be a shame if I blacklisted your ass
Post her next thread and then report to the Iq Br'aak repopulation station for wifification and impregnation.

You got a monitor issue or your shaders are ass.

Place is bright af.

Cuter, and handlebars for fucking and bondage.
he's literally who Wuk Lamat recruited you to stop in the first place.

Bakool Ja Ja was never on the radar as a threat.
Very cute lala.

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