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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
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What do we think about pic related after the buffs?
ok they nerfed all the broken shit, now buff all the nonfunctional shit
Marika was honestly redeemed in the basegame already.
Everyone crying about how she treated her cursed children, are dysgenic, ugly freaks IRL aswell. Have some fucking pride and hope for a better future?
Giving her an actual trauma-based motivation to do so just makes her even more perfect.
Ugly people need not reply to this post btw, you will be ignored. You know who you are.
Did From know what they were doing when they made not one, but TWO characters with rapiers depicted as wearing le funny fatsuits?
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You guys think Marika has ever gotten it on with anything nonhuman? Like, horses or dogs or smth?
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>I abandon here, my estrogen drugs
still shit
bring back the pick
Matriarchy is for giga-cucks.
your tarnished
not blue flame/10
There’s an artist on Twitter who made a video of her fucking a dog. Look up Bonkge_3D
is anyone else getting a
>inappropriate behavior detected
message when trying to coop after the patch? i did verify the game files and it's still happening.
Still awful, won't use.
Damn, the patch was supposed to fix that error. Thanks, Michael Zaki
You ever wonder why, exactly, she dressed up Maliketh like a stripper?
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What a way to give you the heebie-jeebies.
>sign down for Radahn
>1/5 hosts have >12 skibidi
I don't know who MARVEL_ANIME_TRANSGENDER_RESPECTOR_69420 is or how someone could fit that in Elden Ring's name slot, but the furled finger in your webm is Third.
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>Ancient Dragon-Man
saturday morning cartoon sounding mf
Why the fuck is there snake skin in Bonny village and why have I seen no one talk about it?
i want the dsg trannies to go fucking back to their containment already
Marika going out of her way to cause pointless in-fighting and culling impeccable genes like Godwyn or Radahn is quite literally dysgenic.
So far the way I've found to deal with faggy, spammy and spastic bosses has been to not stop attacking, specially if they don't flinch, which makes you think, if they wanted you to use all the toys and be really aggressive why did they insist on having this outdated dodge rollslop combat system?
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Kill the Hornsent
Kill my Children
Kill my Husbands
Kill the Elden Beast
Become Elden Lord
Why do you bully shitters anon? look at that poor retard with his one hit damage negation bubble, you don't feel bad?
It's about selecting for the absolute strongest.
Also Radahn's gay, he's a lesser being.
You just know she did. She'd be bored after fucking hundreds of men in the lands between.
All bosses have arena wide delayed aoes and roll catching moves. No rollslop allowed, only gay shield poke cuckoldry
Since Marika can just turn to Radagon anytime "shattering" her """elden ring""" is the only way to go
>It's about selecting for the absolute strongest.
Destroying the entire world for the sake of a dick-measuring contest is retarded. If individual strength is what mattered then a "war" doesn't even make sense.
>Also Radahn's gay, he's a lesser being.
At least he isn't Ranni who can be a dyke.
Yeah ok.
>At least he isn't Ranni who can be a dyke.
spoken like a true fag
No if you run around them, hit them until you break their stance and jump when the floor is lava.
>game about being the Elden LORD
>playing a type B character
You will never be canon
You will never be a woman
How can I make the tree sentinel shield counter more powerful?
Male homosexuality/bisexuality has always been preferable to l*sbians, you spiritual bonobo simp.
Why are you attacking me when I agree with you, retard?
by playing a build of the game before they patched machinegun shield
Whatever you say, fag.
Unironically, you're a bigger fag than me because you want to be cucked and emasculated by women of all people.
>faggot is delusional
every fucking time
I don't see any reason not to do any of that.
Yes my queen, let’s make more demented children for the next tarnished to kill
lol okay fag.
They really nerfed it...The can't do anything but nerf shit, no fun allowed.
There's something to be said about blatantly broken shit being the most 'fun' in these games.
There are no delusions here, homosexuality in men exists as a sort of natural genetic winnowing in highly polygynous societies where women are viewed as property in contrast to lesbianism which exists as a result of giving women rights. Note that I still prefer heterosexual leaning overall, but I have observed various primate species such as Silverback Gorillas to come to my conclusions rather than making blase appeal to emotions like LGBT+ tards.
Slit your throat in Minecraft.
Alright. I'm removing that spot from my list. No more fucking flower.
I'm so fucking sick of carrying people through that shitty fucking flower.
>that smithing golem sitting and petting the lava slime
What other shield can send a projectile back after a counter?
Why so defensive, fag? Tell us more about how sucking dick is a time honored tradition among gorillas you fruit.
why all you chuds crying that DLC is too hard when this chick on Twitch about to beat Messmer using a dance pad controller? sad lil bitches all of you

i dont know
blind spot is actually really good, not matter how many times you use it on someone they keep going for the R1 and keep getting hit in the back
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>FTH builds get 3 new erdsteel daggers, this time with fire dmg
>Also got some really good mostly FTH-scaling unique weapons
>INT builds get no new clayman's harpoons
>everything else is just an INT tax
Fromsoft really fucking ahtes int builds, huh?
streamers and especially simps are subhuman doe
Being able to beat a boss doesn't mean its a good fight.
better than you
Is Zullie The Witch a cute trans girl? If it's some ugly fat guy I'm not watching those Elden Ring videos.
>snipe and kill the lava slime from a mile away
>golem still just sits there petting air
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yeah yeah excuses and complaining all i hear from Soulsborne chuds. crying til things get nerfed than actin like hardcore leet gamers when you finally cheese out the bosses LMAO
Carian Knight weapons should be infusable with ashes of war
Shadow Keep is fucking massive. I thought you guys were exaggerating but I keep finding new areas inside.
MissMikkaa is a goddess
best area in the dlc altho it kinda cheats for there being 2 entrances and you cant get to the other side if you go through the main gate
is it final boss time after I burn the shadow tree's roots? i have a lot to do today and i'm not giving my 4th of july weekend to radahn
I don't really play these games for the difficulty, that's just all that's left of what made them so great.
there is small castle adventure before you get to the last boss
Can fromsoft figure out how to do npc fights without giving them infinite stamina, I wanna attack too
not really
Look they weren't made for intelligence okay
Is the other thread usable yet? Some tranny starting dumping xis nigger porn and gore folder
>What porn addiction does to a mf
Another lost soul consumed by the most lethal jewish weapon unleashed on Western society.
>struggling against NPC fights
Just hit them, dude. They're the easiest fights in these games except for that one dude in Bloodborne fuckin hell.
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Don't care
Still gooning to Mommy Marika
am i retarded or is there no way to get back to the shadow keep fourth floor grace manually if you moved the statues with the lever?
>the only complaints about the dlc is the difficulty

yes that's all it is you stupid nigger
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>erdsteel daggers
fire knight shortsword fucking wishes it could be an erdsteel dagger
it's literally better in every way.
She pleases tarnished men (of the dark skinned variety, of course)
>I will never be Marika's personal sex slave.
>100 ar less
>looks like ass
fucking lmao
I want her to step on my cock with those heels
/dsg/trooncord is here
mmmmmmmmm slutty dressed doggy boy mmmmmmmmmmmmm
I might have to summon the NPCs to help me at the Leda fight
this shit feels impossible solo with my fucking broadsword build
no just fucking teleport
>play dlc about faith
My dragonman husband, I enjoy being summoned just to spam inescapable frenzy at him. With his large dragon-form maw, it looks like he is practically swallowing my face<3<3<3
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You got Messmer Soldier's Spear, the best Waves of Darkness carrier in the game
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I just want a carian style armor with a starry cloak bros
Use Beast champion set.
>invade enir ilim
>host and buddies shit their pants when I pop out while they're fighting divine lion knight

It's so good bros I'm not leaving this place
it's potentially fun but it needs better animation cancels. Right now the speed of going from an attack into a spell or a spell into an attack isn't much faster than left hand staff casting.

With better cancel timings or better animation blending it might be fun to dedicate a playthrough to it.
She isn’t real and you’re pathetic.
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>see someone with white mask
>put on stalwart horn charm and eclipse greatshield to completely deny him his extra damage
>cast spell
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>delays in your face
Does anyone have the Spanish Elden Ring power tier list?
>le jews
>le society
>le soul
>le adiction
or rather
>>>/out/ and touch some grass
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Whats up with this attention whore tranny? Oh wait tranny website pfff
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Hows status effects in the DLC? I've seen bleed do some work on Radahn, but I'm not about to make a full blown dedicated bleed build, just entertained the thought of an arcane build with some poison and rot to test out the new ashes of war, and maybe get a tiny bit of bleed out of it as a bonus.
Anyone have any experience?
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Why do people want to fuck Leda so bad;y?
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Bayle is making me pop a blood vessel. Half the time, he's covering the screen and the player can't see what's going on. The other half, he's flying away, the player can't see where he is, and then they get hit because they can't see what's see what's going on. And his hitboxes cover almost his entire body. And locking on is terrible because the camera will shift to Bayle's head and force the player into his attacks. I only lock on to see where he is when he jumps away.

Increase the FOV, FromSoft. Jesus Christ. They give these bosses AOE attack after AOE attack with effects that cover the entire screen.
>watch some youtuber play shadow of the erdtree briefly
>going on about how colonialism bad and that messmer's forces shouldn't have fucked with the hornsent
weren't the hornsent literally genociding the shamans?
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When is it my turn to attack during Messmer's second phase?
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>white mask
>jumpattack armor
>dual bleed twinswords
my god bro
should've said from first to fourth floor my bad. appreciate the clip tho
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This complain is only valid with Fagdahn
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Wing Stance would be a billion times better if you could execute skills immediately, it's by far the worst thing about Milady.
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Yeah, but it's not explicitly stated unless you read item descriptions. The most in your face stuff would be Leda saying they weren't saints.
when you git gud and stop being passive agressive about it on a mongolian basketweaving forum
using it to farm Radahn and figuring out how to properly exploit his A.I.
It's pretty consistent now
I wonder how the fight with Miguellã would have been like.
this, so much this!
Almost any of his snake combos are a free punish at the end, and his spinning lunge attack is a punish if you dodge backwards from him, because you end your dodge at about just his end position. Also he retains the punish window on I think all of his phase 1 attacks
Nah the worst part is how the stance heavy is functionally a worse piercing fang. It should do 40 poise damage same as square off.
yeah if you don't take the 4th but push the lever you have to do reverse Shadow Keep from the church district
I understand they have to make these games difficult, but this is so retarded, are people even having fun playing? I'm not.
>inb4 you're bad
I am, most of the fanbase isn't as good, so is this supposed to be enjoyed by like the 10% of players?
Theres no AI to exploit when you spam jumpattacks with bleed, unless you're running 0 scadufragments
Holy shit no wonder these threads are filled with nothing but crying about bosses
After he does his snake bullshit and leaves himself wide open? You can hit him before he transforms back.
Does Rellana's Icon work with square off?
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>he palms flame from a distance to grab
>it's delayed so long you can take a drink and still dodge it
generally after dives but you have to discern if it's the variant that has the floor spears. lots of his sweeps can be jumped over. big openings after snake attacks because the transformation is hard on his body
No, you can pretty consistently bait out certain attacks at specific points in the fight to get openings.
why were so many people complaining about gaius? i think he took me like 6 tries
charge is made to punish rollsloppers
I would still use it if there was no fucking lag to the Stance. It feels awful. The weapon is million times better with Sword Dance or Blinkbolt.
i just used barricade shield to punish most of his shit with a guard counter
Maybe I'm misremembering but he only does the floor spears if he does the mid air thrusts first
I just put cragblade onto milady and called it a day
>gaius set is just a worse and heavier veteran
fuck you too miyahacki
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Posted my scooby 11 Moonveil kill earlier today and now I managed to do it without a shield (even if it was just a medium shield for the holy explosion). These claws are pretty good for this fight. You can just about squeeze in a weapon art consistently and you can do both hits on some of the bigger windows. It also only bled twice during the fight so it doesn't feel too cheese-ish.
All of them are very good. Unlike the base game there are fewer stretches of you just fighting enemies immune to your stuff.
But as per usual you need an occult beat stick you're confident with to deal with those immune to your shit.

There's a new cash out ability in the spirit of Poison Moth Flight. But it works on both Rot and Poison and the attack is actually good. The new boss weapon is horrifically shit. But it's so beautiful that I use it anyways.
In short, the cash out move elevates the entirety of an ailment builds.
There's also a fake ass death's poker ash of war you can pick up now and put on any weapon. Seems to be bugged because the lingering flames are proccing ailments.

All in all, probably a better ailment experience now.
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She took it.
The lore is shit too.
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Wait, are throwing knives + scatter shot actually goated? How do these do infused on an 80 FTH/INT build? Holy shit these could be awesome! (no, not doing another bleed build).
I thought it was just scattershot carrying everything, but then i felt the power of just staying closer than I would witha ranged weapon and even thwe heavy attacks hit well
So I'm in Raya Luceria academy and some rogue char nuked me with a volley of explosive bolts

Does the player variant of that attack do that much damage?
>Maybe I'm misremembering but he only does the floor spears if he does the mid air thrusts first
That's correct. I also think the rapid thrusts into floor spears dive is only done if he starts a combo that goes into dive. Raw dive at a distance is the super safe one if I remember his moveset properly
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>They didn't nerf the thorns
No. Nowhere nearly as much.
you use sleep on players instead
Thr worst part is how one of the r1 animations ends in the same pose BUT you can't seamlessly go from it into the stance, it always awkwardly starts returning to neutral then snaps into stace fuuuuck
i need ELEGANT, FLOWING animations
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Should've been like the perfume bottles where you can change the weapon art but not infuse it, since they didn't give it a unique Ash anyway. Impaling Thrust is fine, but variety is always better.
Don't worry they are getting gutted soon enough.
oh that's how you avoid the softlock. cool thanks
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Thoughts on the Dragon Transformations?
about as usable as i expected
Why the fuck is the taunters tongue the only way to get invaded solo? I wouldn't mind the occasional invasion to spice things up but it gives you one every fucking couple minutes
>you can only get either spirit ash or gear
fucking hate miyahacki
>getting spirit ash ever
Does anyone know what the mind breakpoints for incant buffs are?
Dragoncult is good because the spells are good
Dragon Communion is bad because the spells are bad
The priestess club on a ARC'd out dragon communion build will generally do more damage than any invocation.

While the 20% buff is multiplicative and stacks with flask, talismans, etc allowing you to do absolutely ridiculous fucking damage with ancient dragon's Lightning Strike and Knights Lighting Spear.
>not getting spirit ash
dragon waifu is for me
invasion areas? covenants?
you WILL fight ze co-opers
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Nobody yet understands just how broken i am combined with Lulling Branches...
For PVE are the repeating crossbow or spread crossbow any better than pulley?
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>I am, most of the fanbase isn't as good, so is this supposed to be enjoyed by like the 10% of players?
Yes, fuck off. People like you already ruined Radahn and Malenia in the basegame. If the game isn't fun, find another game that is fun, instead of forcing your idea of fun onto the game, to the detriment of the people who actually enjoy(ed) it the way it is (was).
Rock Heart is awesome. Hopefully they learn to make these transformations cooler as things go on
>Why the fuck is the taunters tongue the only way to get invaded solo?
Because the Timbos of the world cracked the shits after getting invaded one too many times and From acquiesced to their demands, but ironically enough they almost always summon their friends anyway so they're still eligible to be invaded, so they STILL complain.
>I am, most of the fanbase isn't as good
evidently not considering you're bitching about the difficulty
for pve you don't touch crossbows ever because they do no fucking damage
crossbow is a pvp weapon
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>Abyssal Woods
>use the taunter's tongue
That wasnt my point, jumpattacking bleedfriend
I'm saying, you'll just fucking dumpster him without a challenge unless your IQ is in the doubledigits, with a build like that.
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Do I have to wait another month for the next major balancing patch? I'm itching to play again but I don't wanna waste that energy on the state the DLC is currently in. Not saying it's in a terrible state, but I'd rather play again when there's major differences implemented
I wish crossbows didn't have two sets of bolts so you could actually use your weapon art when offhanding one.
Loretubers have been awfully quiet recently...
I just couldn't manage moongrum so I had him jump to his death
Because MP subhumans belong in their furcalling ghettos, away from the general single player population
I ran into some gankers who were tounging there. Reminded me how fun invasions with two invaders could be, even though they were spamming all sorts of degenerate shit at us.
>they actually reused my boy

NOOOOOOOOOOO, what the fuck fromsoft why couldn't you just leave him be
Is the beast spell stuff any good?
On my first playthrough and just got intro'd to it. Genuinely don't think I've ever heard it talked about online
absolutely fucking devilish.
Anybody got a list of hanging pots with material bell bearings?
it's so frustrating, I just want the occasional asshole to pop up for a surprise fight, once every 10 minutes or something would be fun.
what the fuck did he even try to achieve
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whats a good melee weapon for a mage, im a level 41 astrologer using meteorite staff, but im still using a +0 short sword

also can I put a skill on my staff?
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>can use tholier's suicide concoction as a blue to instantly give flasks to the red
big rock knocks stuff off ledges as well as does OK poise damage, little rocks are good for keeping poise from resetting like daggers but cooler. I never used either much as a 80 STR retard because I'd always 2-hand my weapon and 1-handing to cast at opportune times is too much for my 7 int brain
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I was solo trying to reach Manse Hall. One fucker used shattershard arrows in order to lure the lanterns towards me, absolutely devilish.
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So are these worth investing it at all or should I just use two greatswords if I wanna larp as Rellana?
Banished knight halberd, the answer is always banished knight halberd until you hit DLC and can farm messmer soldier spear.
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So I'm trying to play Death Kniht as much as I can. What all would thematically fit?

>obviously the set and axes
>knights lightning spear
>death lightning
>dungeater's bairn
>rancor pot
Anything else?
Needs a better ash of war or the ability to change it. It's alright.
Anything ancient dragon
Death Knights, like Godwyn, were Dragon Cultists
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>Elden Ring made over two billion dollars
>fill the DLC with recycled enemies and even bosses
is the stone sheathe sword worth using as is? it has about 50ish less AR than my broadsword 2 handed
What ash of war would you put on it? Glintblade Phalanx?
Look at bloodborne. Fromsoft is unlearning how to make cool transformations gameplay-wise. Hell ds1,2,3 all had dragon stones so you could use fire breaths, shockwave, and shitty giant dragon arms. They've watered it down again somehow.
>The spectral graves turn into real graves as soon as you enter Cerulean Coast
What does it mean?
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Did it work? I should crafts some if so.
it's strike damage and has way more poise damage
>Look at bloodborne. Fromsoft is unlearning how to make cool transformations gameplay-wise. Hell ds1,2,3 all had dragon stones so you could use fire breaths, shockwave, and shitty giant dragon arms. They've watered it down again somehow.
Those have been replaced by Dragon communion incantations
Based on item description lore, it means the graves there are more recent.
Who the fuck is Charo?
>marika and messer stuff
>and uhhhhhhhh
was that it? i dont remember any other big lore other than random lines and questlines unrelated to the plot
been wanting to roll a carian spellsword kind of character but putting it off because I'm not sure exactly how to build it. Have you guys rolled one? What was your stat spread, what were your primary spells? Gear?
Can someone explain the shadow niggas in the DLC?
I thought they were Hornsent at first because Messmer's whole deal is his mom sent him to RIP AND TEAR (AND BURN) all the Hornsent to achieve Total Hornsent Death. But the shadow guys don't have horns, and also we meet actual Hornsent enemies in the game.
Then I thought maybe they're fucked-up low-level Golden Order troops under Messmer but these guys are at Belurat fighting with the Hornsent too.
Actually they're fucking everywhere. Fighting for everyone. Wtf is their deal?
Hornless Servants
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ANYONE? Any opinions on these swords?
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So aside from Miquella, are there any slutty demigods? Marika was one of their parents, after all.
For PVE the new carian sword thing that rapes mobs and bosses.
For PVP bloodhound step because BHS and rapiers are good.
>Fromsoft is unlearning how to make cool transformations gameplay-wise
Bugs the piss out of me
>DaS1 Dragon had a unique unarmed moveset, a fucking headbut, and 400 static AR
>DaS2 Dragon was functionally great armor with 0 poise (a big downside but ADP could be used to remove the sting)
>DaS3 was a clown transformation
BB had a functionally great transformation. Two of them.
Beast's Embrace being the better one because it was essentially infinite beastblood pellets.

Functionally speaking they were the highest effort transformations from ever did.
Literally just an INT build with enough stats to use whatever melee weapon you want
Carian thrusting shield, Milady, new carian spell rapier all fit
Phalanx, Grandeur, any of the magic-themed ones. I'd just enjoy the variety of being able to swap them out as-needed.
Miquella is not a slut!
>phase one is difficult, but also fair and engaging
>phase two is spastic sperg fest
why do they keep doing it?
Sovereignty is best used on a Greatsword like Claymore for extra hyper armor
Not everyone has horns. Horns are just RNG rolled on you by the Crucible. Hornsent culture glorified them which means hornless were most likely servants or slaves.
they are lovely, my favorite weapon in the whole game, the ash of war is really useful in almost all situations and the r1 combo is really good too.
i don't know if it's meta since i don't care about that but i didn't have trouble in pve, just don't expect it to stagger ennemies it won't
Since you can reach the Scadu Atlus without beating Rellana, can you skip her entirely.
Messmer and Romina are the only 'required' bosses to get to Enir Elim. Maybe the hippo in shadow keep, but I think you can get to the main part of the castle via the flooded church back door.
Malenia wasn't nerfed, retard
>Shield throw got fixed
Disappointed, but not surprised. PVPers ruining my fun like always.
Is just 2handing a great shield any fun for co-oping? Seems like it would be good for the generally retarded host.
What AoW are we using from the DLC, Flame Art bros?
Dogshit scaling
Meme ash of war
Should have been separate weapons
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But why would you wanna skip her? I beat her at skibidi lvl2 with rot breath and bleed curve swords. Shit was easy and fun. I don't get all the crying.
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>press y to view ramblings
>not even a teleporter to the scadu tree
>divine gate is just standing there like miquella's egg at mohg
Bravo Michael
flame skewer
Then the only truly obligatory bosses are Messmer, Romina and Radahn
You can yes but it's the back parts of the Storehouse. I think it won't let you get to Messmer
>Dogshit scaling
>Meme ash of war
I already knew that was the answer I would get after seeing the split scaling. I hope there's a second light GS somewhere for my larp fantasies.
oh they work
I killed Messmer before I killed the hippo, hell, I killed Scadu avatar before messmer and hippo. You can get to him from the chapel entrance.
There are 3 LGS in the DLC, two of which are Somber
We're not talking about greatswords, we're talking about the casting rapier that was buffed. I'll just dupe the ash of war and hard swap to a greatsword if I need it the hyper armor.
I don't, was just wondering.
Why is he groping her ass like that?
>two of which are Somber
Oh..oh well.
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>invader starts chugging
I will point down after I kill you.
>level 176
>feeling overleveled for the DLC already
>over 2 million runes just sitting there unused
What do I even spend them on?
kek. Thanks for the tip.

Biggest homewrecking whore in the Lands Between


Marital Love



Doesn't Know He's Hot
Hm. How can you get to the main storehouse from the back side?
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level all the weapons
good luck I'm behind 3 divine lion knights
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>First regular weapon you find is best in class
Why this so common? 99% of somber weapons are dogshit
>nooooo you HAVE(!) to summon to progress the quest aaaahhhhh marika help meere
If you want a duel, go to the arena.
I already did. Well, the ones I've found so far that I can imagine using, anyway. Already had a giant heap of upgrade materials, so that didn't cost much.
*points down*
More demigods for a new age
I miss the Dark Souls days when healing was in poor taste. Now they hit you with crazy ass ashes of war or whatnot & chug constantly
I think all the quest-progressing summons are in boss fogs, so just get the boss down to 1% and then summon
Song about the final boss

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Tauntcels be like
>Great Oracular Bubble
>Gavel of Haima
>Cannon of Haima
>Carian Slicer

How can incantations compete?
What's the best level for coop/pvp? I thought it was around 150 before but it seems like people are going higher after the DLC.
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So for subsequent playthoughs what are your plans for the dlc?

Fragments are one thing but I refuse to grind Radahn for hours when I'm doing runs without a shield. So many bosses/enemies drop literally nothing and the runes they drop are not proportional to the effort spent.
Maybe all remembrances + Leda and skip Radahn?
You can skip ALL of Shadow Keep via the church entrance way.
I wouldn't go much higher. I keep leveling til about 200 and now I can't find people nearly as fast. Personally, 160-165 can match with 150, and it gives you a bit more to spend your souls on. That's what I'd go to.
If the Shadow Realm really is the center of the Lands Between and the sea is an illusion, what does that say for the meteor impact crater theory?
>invade taunted host
>2nd invader appears behind me and like a nigger betrays me
>kill him
>host and phantom drop down to fight omens
>wipe the phantom with a freehand fire pot
>host runs and hides and tries to golden rock to heal
>throw volcano pot on him
>he runs out and gets shotgunned to death with xbow
>patch released
>Rellana's sword not buffed
it's so fucking over
it's beyond over
Question for the class.

How can Frenzied Flame burn the thorns of the Erdtree, but not the thorns in the DLC?
175 to match with 150 and 200
>reat transformation. Two of them.
>Beast's Embrace being the better one because it was essentially infinite beastblood pellets.
>Functionally speaking
by being much better
Fuck anime magic weapons
Is the magic jar cannon in the dlc worth it?
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Pfff those coom 3D models look like absolute dogshit, don't tell me you actually fap to this crap lmao
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>Dark Souls was released in Japan for the PlayStation 3 on September 22, 2011
been a while
cringe big club user
why should it get buffed
Ok beat Messier rl130ish no scadutree fragments or ashes. Took about 2 hrs. Initially after first couple of attempts didn’t get the big deal. Got his second phase on 2nd attempt. But after that his second phase kept fucking me up. Eventually got him.
I went to 166 as it matches with 150 to 200.
because it's garbage with garbage scaling
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How much did they fuck it?
I was enjoying using this.
welcome to souls
It's basically the same as the Godslayer greatsword now except better damage
dudes got the npc build
125 for dool niggering
150 for fun
168 for more fun
anything beyond that you may as well be max level
>boss somber weapon with quad scaling
Doomed to be shit forever
True combo is gone now. Not sure if they modified the pve hitstun too but if they did some enemies may be able to hyperarmor through r1s now when they used to get stunlocked.
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If you summon, you consent to invasion. This is not up for debate
I think there's an elevator or something once you drain the water? I don't quite recall, but the hippo was the last boss in that keep to die other than Gaius, I know that much.
it still has good damage and mogs gsgs for ar and scaling
why are all boss weapons so shit?
why does miyazaki always make the shittiest most ugly and retarded looking weapon the meta?
Casual invasions need to come back
Several of the shadow guys do in fact have horns
works on my machine
Hosts can't consent to anything, they're too mentally deficient. It'd be like fucking terry schaivo or something. I watched a host see the invasion message and walk in and aggro the boss anyway. The other phantom was standing next to me looking at the fucking phantom and just went to go help with the boss.
Name 10 good somber weapons
Still shit because it has a worthless ash you can't change.
That part gets you to the storehouse backroom site of grace. I mean from there, how to get onto the "main path"'
>new carian spell rapier
Does anyone know if the spell scaling on this is acceptable now? Should I go for 60 int if I'm using this or whole hog to 80?
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>two desperate niggers trying to get a kill
>connection error
based host lmao
scaling is OK considering its also a weapon
still less than a maxed out carian scepter or even lusat's
its like 1400 charged spell damage
1900 for carian
2100 for lusats
That's not Great Stars
>chad host living rent free in the redcels minds
Dangerously based
Does CE already have support for the new DLC shit, I almost want to be a triple nigger with giant rot pots
>alt f4 because you're afraid of total strangers while you have literally nothing to lose
>"b-based lmaooo"
Hostoids are so insecure it's genuinely embarrassing to look at kek
Define main path. Getting to Messmer? You get to the storehouse proper from a tall ladder or something, right? It's not exactly fresh in my mind.
>Alt + f4's like a little bitch
>yooo based he's just like me
yikes Hostcels
not gonna update hahaha
How do you get through the main gate to messmer? When I first went there it was locked. I just went the back entrance. Didn’t even know the hippo existed
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pure love
How did More Got beat Rada?
Missed it entirely I suppose. I'll be on the lookout in the next cycle.
uh it was a redmane soldier
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smithscript daggers weren't even good with magic/flame art infusion when they were "bugged"

I've been robbed of over 100 AR with this already extremely low AR weapon. It's completely unusable no matter how you build it now. Why did they even bother putting it in the game if they wanted it to be this shit? Why show it at events and hype it up? Why waste my time? Why? If they didn't want people to use them so badly, they could have just patched them out of the game entirely.

Do they even playtest anything they make?
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no horsieworsie.
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why do they do this
>radahn beach
>malenia area
>jagged peak
>room right before morgott
>corridor right before radagon
Why can you even invade these areas? There's no fucking mobs and 90% of the time you get sent back to your world the moment you spawn in. I'm convinced they hate invaders.
Seems the shaman in Shaman Village and in the description of the Greatjar are different in Japanese: 巫子 vs 祈祷師
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>*pulls the plug*
how is rennala taller than radagon/marika
How do you get to the northern most area?
magic i think
>Do they even playtest anything they make?
Lol no
Otherwise the carian sorcery sword would have never launched in it's state.
It's mind boggling the quantity of new weapons, spells, and ashes the DLC provided that aren't just phenomenally dogshit.
Morgott is The Strongest
guys i just beat the hippo i summon freyja and hornsent and some messmer soldiers :D
Slapping him with that BOC
Rellana 3 moon combo is just streamer bait
good job cutie
He was distracted.
Do we think marika was a hypnorapist like her son miquella? He had to have gotten it from somewhere
The Frenzied Flame didn't burn the erdtree. The giantsflame did. The Frenzied Flame made it so we could properly channel the fire.
>invaded a chinese gank squad in Abyssal Woods
>They have killed all the dangerous mobs
>Block them on steam and just hide AFK.
>40 min in and they still haven't alt+f4d
Sacrificing today's session for my fellow reds. Also they are spamming the shackle item everywhere. Is this some new gank tool to detect me? The combat music starts when they do I think.
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it triggers stamina drain when running so it acts like you're in combat at all times when you spam it
you can use it as an invader to slow them down if they're running away or to deactivate/activate flame pillars to melt them mid hallway
Ok thanks I’ll check again
This motherfucker is a swindler that shit doesn't work
Jesus christ that is autistic. These gankers.
They just went through a boss room now. I assumed there was a wall blocking them from entering the manse, but I guess not. I guess abyssal woods + manse is treated as one dungeon.
Area right before Putrescent Knight too.
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Fucking autistic chinamen man I wish they isolated them already
there's so many of them I fucking hate it
You pay for the versatility :^)
>Do they even playtest anything they make?
when have they ever?
just ruined my afternoon by invading
Anything that makes redcels seethe is a win in my book
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>Anything that makes redcels seethe is a win in my bo-ACK
>stabbed him right in the gut as a finisher
Kinda brutal.
you know there are videos on youtube with people using those arrows right? they work on most enemies
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the golden rule of cool
morgott is cool, radahn is not cool, morgott wins
Name their child. Also red hair or blond?
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>All it does is remove the debuff stack that you get from grabs and that requires two grabs to actually kill you despite the grab being the easiest attack to dodge in the entire fight and usually only happens 3-4 times in a fight anyway

What a fucking waste
looks like his puke
Is the pvp matchmaking worth it now? I've seen skipping this game since release because people said the matchmaking is worse than DS3, and I hated the pvp matchmaking in DS3 because the only place where we could pvp consistently was the Boreal Valley. Is there any matchmaking at all in the different areas of Elden Ring or are we still match locked to the same location over and over?
Not these guys evidently
Post a video of it working or eat shit
Yeah they don't work on the lanterns sadly. Have to bait them in the old fashion way I guess.
You can invade everywhere you've been to from any location now. There is still weapon/level matchmaking, look up a guide on that.
Is there a trick to dodging Waterfowl Dance?
Yeah, just don't get hit
Ngl, I'm not a red but it kinda makes me upset a bit too, especially for the ones where there's a run for the host before the fight is activated so we're stuck outside when co-oping.
I know how it works. And can I call invaders to my location? Or invade invaders like with the blue orb. If I'm ever buying Elden Ring it will be *exclusively* for the pvp, I need to know if it's worth it because I only see people fighting in that arena and never in the open world.
Do you even have time to use it in the fight? That faggot teleported all across the arena every time I tried to do something that wasn't walking, what a fucking terrible fight
well now what game do i play
You can lure invaders into your world when solo with an item called the taunter's tongue. There is no blue orb mechanic.
>Heh, you're plug pulling when I invade you? That's a win in my book, by the time you restart the game in I'm onto my next invasion, it's just a loading screen.
which is it? :^)
>No proper Miquella's Great Rune
>No Ranni's Lunar Great Rune
What a waste
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Throw a freezing pot
This is my state right now. Can't see myself playing Elden Ring but it's the only thing I've been playing for a long time now
you don't want to dodge the grab btw
Run away first, dodge into second, run towards last
i tried it once and got punished hard
Shield of ***ht
Nioh 2, if it clicks
Beware it's going to turn your mind into goo and takes like week or two to enjoy others games when you are done with it
bloodhound step, swift slash, blinkbolt.
Otherwise some complicated jump that the trannies came up with while trooning out.
i have 500h and have never seen this skill before lmao
>rolling spark nerfed before I could use them
>chicken wing nerfed before I could use it
Is there an actual connection between the Nox and Ghostflame?
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I wonder if this is even worth trying. The entire reason to use this weapon is the ash of war so maximizing its damage should be a priority. Fire part in particular is Stormhawk tiers of retarded for invasions.
Also i'm quite pleased about the Staff of Great Beyond. That's just 30 spell buff behind Carian Regal while giving you a huge flexibility. You can even use Miriam's Vanishing to set up some stylish looking combos.
i dont know
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>Needle Piercer is a bunch of Miquella's needles
>Motherfucker couldn't make a new one for his sister because he couldn't, okay?
smithscript weapons are kinda weak
I'm sad as to how quickly I went through balurat my second time thru even though I searched every nook and tranny
I just tried the arrows on the lantern next to the ''Abyssal woods'' site of grace and it works, they rush towards the noise.
It's so much easier to farm rune arcs by invading compared to co-op. The average host is just so fucking retarded in PVE.
Thanks. Is there a reason why people always seem to pvp in the arena instead of the open world?
Frost pot, barricade shield, block the first flurry and then roll the next two, or run from the first and roll the next two.
It’s actually pretty solid, the thing with it is it rewards aggression so you have to force the opening to really get it to shine. For pve you should be using its heavy more than the light for anything beyond mobs. For PvP it combos well either going from a running heavy into wing stance light into wing stance heavy or another running heavy. It’s damn near a guaranteed chain provided whatever you’re swinging at doesn’t crutch on hyper armor to get you to fuck off.
Climbing down from Enir Ilim into the shadowy part of Belurat was my favorite part of the DLC exploration, and its a shame how obscure it is. One of the few areas in all of Elden Ring that felt like a proper Fromsoft dungeon.
Hit max level range and a single host or a phantom goes upwards to 300k runes.
It's too small
>block the first flurry and then roll the next two, or run from the first and roll the next two.
sign of a broken boss lmao
just cheese her instead of doing this bullshit
Were you invading? I did it on the same lantern and it did nothing as a red.
>Is there a reason why people always seem to pvp in the arena instead of the open world?
invasions are opt in only via summoning a human gold or using taunters tongue
most taunters I've seen are either gankers or afk farmers glitching themselves into nearly inaccessible locations for a handful of souls when hunters and reds die or sever
Well i will give it another go.
Open world doesn't lend itself to engaging PVP interactions, usually. Mostly just running in an incredibly spacious open field devoid of enemies or environmental features. The legacy dungeons make for better PVP encounters, but in Elden Ring there's usually a site of grace three inches from the boss fog door, so people just summon their buddies right at the door and walk in, leaving no opportunity to invade.

So people just duel because its more efficient.
Sorry you can't just mindlessly roll everything like it's DS3.
Is Euporia any good or is it as gimmicky as it sounds
you don't have to mindlessly roll bayle, rellana or midra either but they also don't need run, jump and run in perfect sequence to deal with a boss
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It's gimmicky as fuck, but also very satisfying to use, one of the most unique weapons they ever did.
Unlock camera, run under and through her to dodge the first flurry.
Turn and roll into her to dodge the second flurry.
Roll away from the third flurry, almost impossible to get hit by this one if you've not been hit so far.
Do this if you're near Malenia when she starts it, if you're far away just sprint 180 away from her. If you're at medium range then you're kinda fucked lmao.
Dung Eater carried my RL22 ass into the DLC, he's a real dependable fellow.
how did you beat mogh at 22, I had to jump off the map before they patched it
Do we know the process to make the exact needle for Malenia? Maybe that needle was made from material, these other needles didn't have, unique compared to all others, and work of art. Also, the needle wasn't a cure, it only slowed the effects of the rot.
do the scadutree fragments effect pvp matchmaking?
Well then it's basically Dark Souls 3 where you have many different areas you could pvp at but you're "softlocked" to a single area. All I wanted was a Souls game with automatic level scaling (like coop) and being able to see the people who to pvp in different parts of the map and just click their icon to join them. :(
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This place is cool, reminds me of the research hall in bb
I can't get to the game right now, can someone actually explain what they did to the Fire Knight Greatsword's scaling? The patch notes say they fixed the scaling, which I assumed meant they fixed it scaling better on Sacred than on Fire/Flame Art, which seems like it could only be a good thing. But then everyone is saying it's been nerfed into the ground, and not just because the truecombo is gone. What did they actually do?
No, your fragment lvl is adjusted to the host's.
>the absolute state of this board
Not him but i've beaten him at 7
Bleed antspur with poison mist
Unsheathe uchigatana
That's all you need
they just made it so you can't stun combo people with the R1
The thought of my sperm spearing Romina's diseased ovum turns me on so much
not at all
just like spirit ash upgrades none of that shit flags anything
only levels and weapon uprades effect matchmaking
It doesn't do broken disgusting damage on the fastest colossal swing speed anymore so it's more in line with the rest of them. Especially in PVP the light doesn't combo in to itself anymore so you can't 2 shot 9/10 players.
jannies won't clean it up
The entirety of Specimen Storage reminded me of Research Hall, except instead of elevators you have a two entrance gimmick
Certainly one of the best DLC locations and one of the best legacy dungeons they ever did. Super fun to invade too.
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Go be gay somewhere else
If I side with the Hornsent against Leda, do I lose Ansbach? Or can I side with him against Leda too?
What is with your captions
The damage is the same, it just doesn't have its R1-R1 true combo anymore. Only relevant for PVPtards
>blocking and rolling twice is too much for the average rollslopper to comprehend
sad stuff
It's a faith build so I cast regen on the dung dawg, procced rot and poison and spammed ADLS on Mohg in phase 1 and then tossed lightning spears from safe distance for phase 2. I almost got it without rot and poison but I got hit like a retard by the drill attack when Mohg was a couple hits away from defeat.
He's been doing this shit practically since the game came out. Just filter and block.
doing god's work :3
you can't block melania she heals off that.
She's an unfair boss and deserves nothing but prelates charge with mimics or some other cheese
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>J-Just filter the chud invader xister he won't hurt you anymore
That's some epic political humor.
Who are you replying to?
how do you get this at level 7, you have to deal with alecto who is difficult to fight and you basically have to finish rannis quest

post your build please, at level 22 you barely have enough mind to cast anything
anyone wanna get a fight club going? eurofuck btw
Alecto can be cheesed. You jam him up against a rock and the ledge and his AI breaks and lets you just wail on him.
Can confirm damage is the same on a flame art infusion. The notes specifically say they fixed the affinity of certain attacks so maybe the infusion scaling wasn't being applied correctly to some attacks.
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So now that rolling sparks are nerfed is it ok to use perfumes?
I kinda avoided them because of the damage output rolling sparks does so i was holding off till the bug got patches. Are they still good weapons or was the only thing going for them was Rolling sparks?
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Do I need to dodge forward into the beam?
Run in a circle, wait til she jump attack move, go in and run again
they are not good
You dodged way too early.
Perfumes are EXTREMELY fucking weak now I think they did some extra nerf to their damage they became literally unusable garbage
they are still viable they nerfed it so that when u use the ash of war on the ground it only hits once
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>are they still good weapons
They were always extremely shit, especially without a ton of buffs.
>Oh no, she healed 5% of her HP! Whatever shall I do? Help me, Niggerman!
Retard. It's clear you aren't going to be no-hitting her anyways. A little extra healing isn't the end of the world.
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Twinking is pretty boring now because you're already sick of the base game and twinking usually means using the dlc weapons in stormveil or lyendel and that's BORING, everyone knows every inch of those castles
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nice pussy
Holy shit eternal sleep just ASS FUCKS godskin duo. Makes them a complete joke.
What causes this?
>oops we actually meant to make the weapon terrible but we made it good by accident
literally who even holds their hands behind themselves like this? what a joke of a man, no wonder he fell for Mohg's faggolatry
We could have had it all...
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>make a dex/int build, also some decent strength
>max upgrade bloodhound fang
>buff it with scholar's armament
this will obliterate all DLC, except Radahn (still i haven't tested it against him, but he resists slash and magic)
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Weapons are +3/1, started as prophet. I have Marika's Soreseal on and the prefector's hat gives me 3 extra mind.
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First one gets me because I have no idea what the radius is.
So I should just roll through the death beam?
why are there 2 400post+ threads
You will never have sex with a cartoon.
>t. jew
why did fromsoft add a boss rush mode to sekiro just to turn around and not add one to their other games
they are complete dogshit now
not the first time, nor the last time, such is the true power of our /eroge/
Because even normies would realize how shit the ER bosses are if they fought them back to back.
are the smithscript weapons any good
The other OP is disgusting
I immediately skip any post with a Miquella image they're usually gooner homosexual garbage
This attack is retardedly designed. What actually hits you in the first part is the flames that come toward you, you need to dodge into them.
How so?
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the power of
>spend 10 seconds dodging frantically
>for an opening to hit the boss for 1-2 seconds
This is boring. It's not difficult, just boring. Every single boss is the same too.
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It's so difficult to figure out how I want to play
>I have 999 of materials so I could do consumables and pair that with perfumes for a perfumer run
>the martial arts are awesome and I'd like to use three fists at once
>milady is amazing and I want to focus on deflect with it
Anyone done these runs? How's it gone for you?nxmbf
the first beam almost always misses and then you have to roll the ground effect
the second beam you roll the beam and then you roll the ground effect (I usually roll left)
3 rolls in total worked for me most of the time
We should probably split between base elden ring and dlc discussion to avoid new players being spoiled when you think about it
dark souls was always this, what is the problem? stop expecting to stagger anything and everything
What build do you guys use to Beat Bosses quickly as a Ghost helper?
I feel like the damage is trash even though I completed the DLC.
The fuck, I thought I was going crazy when I looked and couldn't recognize any posts
Turns out it's just two threads
Is there no way to upgrade my spirit ashes if I didn't bother to do Roderika's quest this time around?
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that would be amusing
it's way too late for that let's be real, the basegame thread would be dead as fuck all the time
It's been almost two weeks since the DLC release, there's no such thing. Would've made more sense at the start of June
>I feel like the damage is trash even though I completed the DLC.

It's dependent on the host's scadu levels, so if they've been slackin' you'll be shit too.
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Why do they keep making these things where you need to talk to an NPC to get another instead of it just being a single-use reusable that refreshes every time you sit at a grace?
you procced rot and poison with dragon breath?
You have to use percentage damage because otherwise you don't do any damage, are you using black fire?
Why didn't you get 31 vigor?
I guess 20 vigor works for you otherwise you'd have no mind
Miquella is straight and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
>they removed the mohg easy kill glitch

FUCK, that fucks with my plans to make a 28/+3 cooper for Stormveil.
I really dont want to kill Mohg at a low level. Honestly its not the low level thats the real problem its the weapons doing no fucking damage.

I dont know why they decided now to patch it when its been in the game since release ?
>tfw beat the game at level 19 scadutree and not level 20
the rest of you got carried HARD
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just damage maximize and kill the boss before it kills you
Making builds, Tinkering with gear, getting set bonuses, smithing and getting smithing texts

You can ignore all that stuff on new game but that's the stuff which makes people hit those triple digit hours played

Oh yeah the combat is good too
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>jar cannon in the abyssal woods
I am evilmaxxing so hard rn
Use a cold infused bleed weapon since procs are the only way to deal damage at low skibidi
Dark Souls was
>boss winds up an attack
>you have a second or two to react to it by dodging or squeezing in another attack if you're well positioned
>you have a second or two to attack

Elden Ring bosses are
>spam dodge for 10-15 seconds because the boss never fucking stops spamming obnoxious attacks
>hope for an opening to get one or two attacks in
the balancing is done by the same people who nerf things
Putting Wild Swing on a claymore is the best idea I've ever had. I just hyperarnor through everything
summon /erg/
Axes get a secret 10 or 15% damage buff while using wild strikes and I think have the same amount of hyperarmor
Breaths are inefficient, I used rot pots and poison cloud. ADLS and lightning spear do decent damage because my physik has +10 FTH and I'm using the gravel seal, dung eater's bleed procs did the rest. I don't have vigor because it's a co-op character, I heal myself with blessing's boon.
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>DLC has been out for weeks now
>Still no webm of Poopa using the giant shit pot on somebody
It's so over it's not even funny
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what other greatspear should i powerstance the serpent hunter with
Another serpent hunter
There have been like three separate Mohg cheeses since launch. I'd assume this one just wasn't the preferred method until the others got removed, so the devs didn't have it as a high priority until now.
Yeah it sucks, bro summons you at Final Boss and you see lvl 7 Skibidi...

Are you using this? Any build up with a screen or video?
powerstance spears is DEAD
As useless and worthless as usual, 4 of these game and they've never been able to make it work because they simply suck at balancing anything.
Then how do you explain the extremely large giga dick in his ass? Ripping fissures open to the point of no return?

Hes going to have to wear a colostomy bag after the abusive GAPEing he gets from radahn jumps in to free flight to land the dick straight down on his ass, impaling his guts.

Yeah hes a fag
So the honeymoon period is over now, right? It's safe now to say that Elden Ring sucks?
miquella tops
why do you wanna go back to stormveil, aren't you tired of it? aren't you tired of limgrave?

this doesn't work, I tried it and I also tried it for the dancer in ds3 if you guys remember it was just before release and we tried to kill her for hours at the low level

are there any more mogh cheeses?
miquella tops
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Behold the Tardwrangler 5000
Lord's Divine Protection + blessing of the erdtree for spells, along with catch flame for a quick frost reset. Shabibo's woe. You can also run Rotten Duelist helm but I wanna see my tarnished's face.
>Moon and Fire Stance
>basically zero delay between the stance activation and ability to use skills
>Wing Stance
>FUCK HUGE delay before you're able to use it
INVASION TIP!!! u can alternate between the fingers for faster invasions :) it only search when u first use it and then in 30 second intervals, so its way faster to just spam between the bloody and recusant fingy
This is cope. miq is a literal fleshlight for the loin
>Get Horned Warrior Ash
>Think this thing is going to absolutely fuck because of how AIDS those enemies are
>Upgrade it
>Use it against one of the red bear bosses
>It does literally fuck all damage, hitting for 600
>Dies before the boss is even at 80%
Summon blessing level?
See this is why you don't really need high vigor. Bayle just deleted you even with your high vig. You could ha e put those stats somewhere else
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I just HPmaxx and poisemaxx and wear Shabriri's Woe, then I let the host and other phantom deal with doing actual damage.
am i the only one getting a white screen error after this latest patch
you're coping, it's like looking at marika and godfrey and thinking that godfrey is the top
Verify your files mang.
Whats the dung eater puppet of the dlc?
Feels sad to use dung eater when there might be a better one.
I tried the magic demihuman but hes weak.
What about black k***ht andreas?
>those big ol' bears I immediately noped away from were actually bosses
>found a collapsed guy screaming in pain close to the Pillar Path Waypoint, so I decided to put him out of his misery
>he used some Dragon Roar but didn't move, and died really quickly
got a new greatbow at least
The DLC is pretty cool but I don't think a lot of these bosses are fun. Gaius, Bayle, and Consort Radahn in particular are just unpleasant to face. Igon made Bayle fun but the other two fights are nigh unbearable.
Way to rob yourself of WHITE WHALE HOLY GRAILkino
>free extra damage to dragon incantations
Why is it bad again?
>summoned at least 100 times to help people beat bosses
>not once have I seen any melee sorcery like carian piercer, hamia's gavel, etc cast
are those spells shit or do int players that summon other players allergic to melee range?
What builds work on Radahn well other than Impenetrable Thorns and shieldpoking? I need something that can do big damage in a small time window
they're crap for pve
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you DO realize that the nipponese always append a vowel to their nouns, right?

so: scad~u is scad, given their god awful localizations most likely means scat.

you guys are literally eating crusty shit flakes...
>first and last panel aren't in
>not loud enough
what's the point
It's a bit of both. Normal people who play mages want to stay at range and pewpew, but the melee spells are also a bit shit against anything that isn't another player.
Since you're gonna get banned anyway, what about the Nessmer art by I thunk the same person? I think that one comes censored
i don't like miquella x radahn i think it reminds me too much of griffith/guts so i think it's boring, atleast mohg was different
feels like medium shields are kind of trash in this game
most of the time blocking with it gets you fucked up even with a +25 brass shield
feels like you are way better off either using a greatshield or power stancing two weapons instead
>miquella canonically tops radahn
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>Miquella tops
Miquella gave himself childbearing hips to be able to bring a new generation of demigods (and survived Radahn's cock)
Don't come with the stupid "uuuh it's to give strenght to properly pound Radahn's ass". Bullshit cope of the highest degree, (you) only want to get dicked by a femboy. However, Miyazaki likes his femboys barefoot and breedable.
Did you infuse the brass shield with an element?
Nta but the reason I like miqrad(their name in the game files) is because it reminds of of griffith x guts. I love that ship so much its unreal i wish griffith raped guts during the eclipse and casca was made to watch it wouldve been better storytelling
>Ansbach and Thiollier just drop dead after Radahn
No seriously From hire better writers, characters just dying at the end of their route is getting really old
You shitting me, right?
Brass shield is fine
Medium shields as a whole are dogshit.
They're virtually balancing guard and stamina damage completely around greatshields.
no, and I removed the skill on it so I can use flaming strike or square off with my broadsword
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Invading with a full stack of Lulling Branches is so comfy bros...
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miquella just got rid of his curse, it's not his fault everyone in his family has a fat ass
With them it's understandable, canonically you summoned them and they died mid fight.
No, you want to run perpendicular to him and double dodge when the beam comes.
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>full stack
>of something crafted with a material there's only 6 of in the entire game
Absolutely haram.
discount starlight shards?
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>passive agressive about it
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>marika will never walk barefoot on your mangled remains
nta but
>With them it's understandable, canonically you summoned them and they died mid fight.
Crazy to think that From of nearly two decades ago were able to have NPC's who had dialogue for dying and also dialogue for surviving their fights at the end of their quests
How far we've degraded.
you can farm all of them
maybe I should +25 my fingerprint shield
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>he doesn't fucking know
And I absolutely refuse to believe you've farmed up a full stack of them.
>you will never be forced to clean marika or living ranni's feet with your tongue
Bros....we were robbed...
Piercer's great but people don't know about it.
They are stronger than starlight shards and also trigger a harmless sleep that procs saint trina's smile.
nta but it takes 5 seconds to clear the area of the animals that drop them and they're LITERALLY next to the grace.
Every piece of ingredient related to their craft can be speed farmed and the horns or w/e you get from beasts are virtually guaranteed drops from pigs who also conveniently are right next to a grace

It takes nearly no time to farm an insane surplus of them. This isn't miranda powder.
deprived yourself from one of the best characters in the game
It heals more fp than starlight shards actually. Completely invalidates them.
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With how consistently bad of an idea it is to kill NPCs in Elden Ring, I wonder if they'll ever bring back the trope of the sneaky character who does bad things if you leave them alive.

I really thought Leda was going to be that way, but nope, if you just ignore her you can make it to the final battle royale with everyone participating.
Leda is another take on Yurt if you think about it.
Closer to Mephistopheles
So, when IS it my turn with some of these bosses?
in terms of stagger and hitbox is flamesling the same as black flame? I kind of just want something cheap that I can throw out and stagger with
What's the best mental stats for a frenzied flame caster?
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I want to play a spellblade.
Is this stat split for 150 a decent goal to aim towards? STR and DEX are so I can use the weapons I want to.
No, more of a Mephitesticles or a Yuria. Yurt kills things on his own if you leave him alone, Leda doesn't.
Marika's tits
I'm baffled people are making such a fuss about Gaius. It's bizarre.
I beat him first try without encountering that much difficulty using a greatsword of solitude melee character. I did not use torrent either. He played out pretty much exactly like any other mounted fight in the game with a few new flashy magic attacks and charges that were similarly easy to evade through.
They even reused the standard super-generic mounted enemy music theme, as if to emphasise his inconsequentiality.

Incidentally, I was as surprised at Gaius's relative insignificance as I was at the complexity of Romina's moveset. I saw someone suggest that she would have been better suited to Dark Souls 1 or 2, which is interesting to consider. She'd probably be the fastest and flashiest boss in either game. I should add that I also did not find her overly taxing, but I was very surprised at how much she had going on after hearing about her supposed retrograded design from everyone else.
NTA, but what's the full set of item discovery gear? I might as well farm some up since I don't take blue flasks into invasions. Anything else besides the Silver Tear Helm and Silver Scarab?
It is always your turn if you use endure or something like lion's claw or prayerful strike.
Either just base stats to cast all this shit, relying on madness procs, or a proper 80FAI with erdtree seal + frenzied flame seal.
does shield strike have a guard point?
Gaius just has a lot of really odd jank.
If I side with Hornsent, can I still side with Leda against Ansbach to get the other talisman?
On my mouth
hol up, are the gargoyles just copy pasted gargoyles from the profane capital in ds3??
For the thrusting shield. Otherwise it's just the shields regular r1.
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Yeah lemme just endure the whole 20 hit combo with my 250 vigor
>fujos finally taking a liking to radahn x miquella
>it's all josou seme with miquella fucking radahns ass or a mindbroken radahn being controlled by miquella who's a power bottom
Is this what radahn is going to be remembered for? Being the rape victim of a shota/femboy?
If I were designing that type of NPC I would go sadism mode and have them kill your level up lady and lock you out of that feature, then make you go on a quest for revenge to revive your girl and get back the ability to level up
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None of their attacks are the same, but I think they use the same model as a base.
mainly because its a high activity area
and the invaders there are WILD

stormveil is also just a great level as whole

but trying to keep a host alive is like choosing to play an underwater escort mission on european extreme difficulty, its very fun
Fighting ulcerated tree spirits used to feel like such a pain in the ass, they feel like complete trash mobs now after the DLC
im retarded
how do i control the direction of the blind spot attack with backhand blade?
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Yes. Radahn's "legacy" is gone.
providing me breast milk
>are the twelve-feet tall gargoyles with 4 completely different weapon movesets the same as this
So is Metyr basically the main antagonist of the game?
They felt like trash mobs in the base game too. They're only threatening attack is the explosion if your just mindlessly wailing at it's side and not paying attention
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what the fuck do i do if the guy spams blindspot, how do i beat that
This is all but confirmed as canon. https://files.catbox.moe/m5yrl2.jpg
Radahn is miquella's onahole
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Jobdahn never had a legacy
Looks good
take 4 points each out of mind and end and put those in int, then go to 152 and spend the last 2 points to get int to 80 because the catalyst adjust difference between 70 and 80 is pretty big

152 is the last level in range of 137 so you miss literally nothing by leveling 2 points. 26 end is still a good stopping point for stamina and I guarantee you can use whatever weapon it is you're planning on and still hit a good 30%+ damage reduction
Is it gay if I'd let Miquella fuck me in the ass sometimes?
Do it back.
Getting summoned so many times for romina and the sunflower makes me wish i could disable certain summoning pools
No they're not hard i'm just bored how easy they are ffs just solo kill it 5min
Atleast the mausoleum bosses die in a minute but i'm starting to get fed up with those too
take 6 endurance and put it into vigor. You really don't need much endurance at all in this game
Can't you do that? Wasn't that added in just before the DLC?
>makes me wish i could disable certain summoning pools
You can.
And I did.
to be fair morgott is a naked murderhobo with a stick which we all know is the most powerful souls build
>Try out some new DLC ashes
>Completely dogshit, do barely any damage at all and die easily
>Try Mimic Tear
>Trucks and tanky as fuck
Bro, I want to inform you that this is the funniest post I've ever read on this imageboard.
It was a mixture of the realization that we've been eating POO, with the delivery of that final sentence, "you guys are literally eating crusty shit flakes...". Like, holy shit bro, LOL!
I'm also very grateful for the way you formatted it, those extra spaces between the sentences makes it so much more comfortable to read.
i think only the twohanded thrusting shield has guard points. the one handed is just normal attacks.
I'll grab all those pictures and edit Radahn's out. I really don't care about him.
why the hell do people say these games play better on a joystick? KBM absolutely destroys joysticks especially with free look, it's a massive advantage against gankers and gives a lot more precision to attack
Well fuck i'll be disabling those then just gotta check out how
Thanks for the info
>lost to morgott
>raped by miquella
>tried to escape
>his fujo sister hunted him down
>lost to her
>killed by tarnished
>raped by miquella some more
>killed by tarnished again
It's so fucking over for radahn he's just a jobber and personal sextoy for a fag
why the guard so ugly goddamn
same thing with Milady, can't they make proper sword design anymore?
it's called a "controller" anon
Alright, thanks, will consider these.
Also thinking of dropping 3 points from somewhere and putting them in dex so I can also try out Milady, I see people say they love it and I just checked its requirements.
Unironically the only one worth using. And even he fails in comparison to mimic tier as do they all. But he's at least usable.
Marikas dicks!
I think the X guard looks cool and unique
it's called "shit" anon
what the fuck is up with radahns quick two hit move starting with his left hand? you literally can't dodge both of them and it does so much damage that i have to heal every time. i try staying close and dodging behind him but it doesn't work. i try staying far and it still doesn't work. its not possible to beat this boss without cheese because i just keep spending the whole fight looping between getting hit by this move and healing and this retard has like only three real openings
Given their wildly chaotic appearance and gargantuan form, it's honestly miraculous how well telegraphed and easily dealt with they are.
I suspect it hasn't dawned upon many that you can simply turn off lock-on and point the camera down to easily spot where the AOE explosions will catch you.
Why From felt the need to put them everyfuckingwhere, I do not know, but I do believe there is a measure of pride that they must feel in how the abomination turned out, especially given its history as a cut asset from DS3.
I'd answer but I don't use dex weapons because they're gay.
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Being Miquella's plaything isn't so bad
Wost part about Milady and LGS in general is the nonexistent poise damage.
I went and fought Malenia, she feels so much slower now
What's a good ash to take advantage of the Pierce damage it has?
yes, you are
Umm they are called LIGHT Greatswords for something no?
By non-existent I mean it literally has less poise damage than rapiers and straight swords.
yeah, not flinching messmer's flame fucks with an R2 is pretty damn annoying
Most porn still top Radahn.
After fujofren finishes her bet drawing I'll see if she's up to a power bottom (or topping from the bottom) Miquella commission
It's like when you listen to a mid-tempo track after a 200bpm playlist.
Cleanrot knights are so unfun to play against bros
You literally get 1-2 second opening to punish them between their 10sec long anime combos, while they're shitting out particle effects that flashbangs you. How could they design a final boss this bad?
I want to fuck and impregnate Marika. I want to cum in Marika. I want to inseminate Marika. I want to fertilize Marika. I want to creampie Marika. I want to make babies with Marika. I want to create offspring with Marika. I want to put a baby in Marika. I want to knock Marika up. I want to make Marika pregnant. I want Marika to bear my children. I want Marika to give birth to my progeny.
in what sense? i always considered her a methodical fight with bursts of action when she starts a combo but the fight always slows down when she resets to neutral.
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>cucked twincest shippers
>cuck mohg shippers
>cucked radahnfags eternally
>reduced malenia to his blade
>reduced mohg to his mindbroken bull prepper
>reduced radahn to his barely living sextoy
>can steal tarnished's heart cucking either marika, ranni, or the frenzy flame
Miquella is the NTR antagonist of elden ring. He fucking won.
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>Miquella is the NTR antagonist of elden ring
Miyazaki is the NTR antagonist of elden ring
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There's no fucking way they don't expect us to look shit up, right? Almost 30% of the DLC is locked behind a fake wall, this is unfathomably retarded.
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>elden ring womb tattoo
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Is there even a point to dual greatsword builds now that the two handed talisman exists?
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I want Marika to fuck ME!
Marika gf with biggie milky and penis my god I need this I want this in my life so fucking bad I would kill for it I can imagine the feeling of her THRUSTING INSIDE ME AS I SUCKY MILKY!!!
Miquella and patches are miyazaki's self inserts.
Marika tits! You must be horny.
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>New playthrough
>Any time I find a Miquella's Lily / Trina's Lily / Nascent Butterfly, I get sad
I don't hate at all how Miquella's story turned out, but I wish we could go back to the time of not knowing what was in store for them
i spent hours searching for abyssal woods and then just gave up...

I want them all to take turns raping me
stance damage trivializes most bosses
That's what player messages are for, anon
Wish I could restart the DLC as a fresh experience and never level the sacdibi blessings. Makes the game too easy.
carian sorcery sword seems to deal about 20% less than my regal sceptre at 80 int but with the added benefit of getting to power stance rapiers and not needing to be a fag with a walking stick. Actually not bad
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I hate it.
Its actually usable now
>done everything I care to do
>don't want to do ng+ and lose progress
>don't want to start a new playthrough
>just kinda want to wander about
Give me some lore bullshit to investigate
>Trina is just a flower standing in a room telling you to do something you were going to do anyway

DLC's story and most characters were a big letdown for me.
Low-hanging fruit, but been to shaman village yet?
>beat radahn with star fist charged heavies first playthrough in NG
>beat radahn with claymore charged heavies in NG+
>doing way more damage than the star fist heavies and actually have range
And I thought star fists heavies hit hard.
Jesus who in the fuck could possibly defend that remake
I'm powerstancing it with a cold antspur, cold and rot builds up quick and I can whip out a spell at any time. Bretty fun / 10
Spoonfeed me an ash of war for my claymore
now do an actually damaging weapon
I foresaw this in advance and haven't leveled my scadutree level above 5. Pretty sure the only big bosses left for me are lord of frenzy and radahn
Bleh... go investigate the nox coffin spaceships on the coast I guess
The value of star fists is that their charged heavies are faster than some bigger weapon's R1s while retaining great damage and stagger.
Like what?
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Why couldn't we side with him? Even if not as elden lord, we could've been the shield to match his blade. We could've protected him. We could've made him happy...
Wish I could restart the DLC as a fresh experience and never start in Limgrave again.
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>does 100 damage in your path
Dualwield bleed-infused twinblades with seppuku and spam jump-attacks
what the fuck were they thinking with some (most) of these DLC spells?
Rolling Sparks bros, how we feeling?
i never used a rune arc
Most spells in the base game pre patches were garbage too. They'll be buffed
Apparently it's said that Messmer is an empyrean here, but I don't know japanese to actually confirm it...
God, I pulled this shit out while I was figuring out the Scadutree Avatar, and I laughed out loud when the "damage" started ticking in.
Ok, I'll see if I spot anything noteworthy
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You know, playing through this dog ass DLC and it's ADHD bosses just made me miss DS3. I'm going to go play that instead, I think.
first FROM game?
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yeah do that>>484711153
>i suck tier list
>Fighting the fire knights with milady

Why the fuck does this weapon have no poise damage? I flinch enemies more one handing a backhand blade ffs.
You'd think at some point during development they'd realize that a spell that does nothing but terrible damage would not be very strong and need to be made stronger.
I'm currently level 200. I rarely co-op, and if I want to co-op with a friend we can just password matchmake no matter the level difference right?
I don't care about matchmaking for pvp, at least not on this character.
It should be fine if I continue leveling to 250 or 300 right? Just to fuck around with even more wacky builds.
Only trolls defend Radumb.
Interesting. I've been thinking about a literal cancer build with Antspur, rot incants and pest threads.
>Cheat engine in 99 Marika's Runes for easy RL150
>Cheat Engine in 999 of each crafting material
>Cheat Engine in my build
>Cheat engine in all of the medalions
>Cheat engine in lord of blood's teleport
>Go to Altus
>Kill Radahn
>Teleport to Mohg
>Kill Mohg
>Enter the DLC within 30 minutes
It's DLCing time.
If you're on PC just download seamless co-op and save yourself the trouble
have you considered that you just aren't good enough to enjoy him?
hard truths
>enemy casts it
>15 mile range and melts your character in seconds
>you cast it
>warm drizzle and whiffs at point blank
Fucking BASED, I kneel!
Give it to me straight, doc. How's the Smithscript Great Hammer after patch?
I'm playing STRINT and want to use a hammer, desperately trying to not switch to Moonlight GS.
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Both games are shit
Flaming strike for faith
Lion Claw for strength
Carian Sovereignty for intelligence
What's the skill tech to avoid my fps dropping to 15 during phase 2, troglodyte?
Not, it justs mentioned that Messmer is sitting on the same type of throne the other demigods sat in Morgott's flashback/arena
it's called not being poor and having a decent GPU
not being poor and using a bad pc
wait that's cheating
>cheat engine fagdahn dead
I beat the game.
did they add this to the dlc?
>le troll
I have a 3080. So in other words, this is my last (You).
Why is there a grace and summoning pool here when there's also one right down the passage and across the bridge with no enemies inbetween?
(Tree-Worship Passage)
since they didn't touch impenetrable thorns does that mean it's working as intended? i guess i'll have to make a build for it now
it's super secret tech buy 4090 and turn resolution down
performance is fucking dogshit and the fight is dogshit too, maybe the 5090 will finally be able to run it properly at 4K max RT
works on my machine
shouldn't have gotten your gpu from a crypto miner
work on my 3090 poorfag
does frostbite have the same diminishing buildup thing as bleed?
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>Objective flaws in Radahn's design
1. Radahn's afterimage attacks have no hurtbox and he can do these grounded so some punishes to attacks get "eaten" by his after image strikes turning off his hurtbox frame 0 as he charges them.
2. Radahn's love of long anime combos can lead to periods of 20 or more seconds where he is only vulnerable for a tiny amount of time, removing interactivity and forcing you to play a damage avoidance minigame where the dilemma on where to push aggression is completely ignored
3.The boss has no answer to greatshield strats.
4. The boss has numerous one-shot attacks in his arsenal which can kill even with 60 Vig + 20 Skibidi + defensive talismans thanks to multi-hit protections not being properly enabled. His grounded afterimage attack can oneshot you ect.
5. The boss has attacks that are undodgable outside of elevation differences or hyperspecific setups. His cross slash has challenge runners either take extra iframe talismans or spend the entire fight strafing hard just to have a chance at avoiding it.
6. Visual disaster - A combination of Miquella's hair, giant bright white beams and the effect on his afterimages make parsing what goes on in the fight almost impossible.
7. Inconsistent effects - the ground crumble effect used on his stomp and pulling his weapon out of the ground are the same and usually indicate grounded attacks but you can jump the stomp while not being able to do so for the weapon pull.
8. Height jank with the uneven arena is rife which causes unintended interactions and random whiffs
9. Uneven moveset. Some moves can oneshot you and have no hurtbox while others like Miquella's Light, his grab or his tornado gravity gapcloser are easy to avoid and have gigantic punish windows which both encourages AI abuse and makes winning feel overly dependent on 'lucky patterns'. If Radahn spammed the 1-2-cross slash the fight is artificially much harder than one where he spams grabs.
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Forgot the picture. I blame age.
>look ma I posted my shitter cope again!
>take me seriously this time!
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how can you guys cheat if EAC is there monitoring and giving you warnings even when not cheating lol
fuck cheats i absolutely don't wannna being banned
(i've cheated in other games thou)
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In my headcanon, we would beat Miquella back into senses, put him and St. Trina back together and have him lead the way when us and Ranni leave for space. It would fit well, considering that the only two places left are Stormveil (with Nepheli, who doesn't like war) and the Haligtree.
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Objective flaws with your post
1. you have repeated it past its welcome
2. ure gay AND bad at videogames
3. ure gay
4. (You)

10. His grab gives you so much free time that it's arguably better to trade and get hit by it in a lot of cases as Radahn just stands there post grab and you get a full stamina refill. You should NEVER want to get hit by an attack.
11. Getting into Phase 2 with a crit doesn't teleport you to Radahn which breaks the intended flow of the fight.
12. Boss is very easy to parry cheese or Deflectcheese. The final boss shouldn't be so weak to defensive strategies, he shouldn't completely crumble the moment the player steps outside of rolling.
13. Some defensive strategies are framerate dependent, on a fight that directly attacks your FPS. Running away post gravity suck is perfect if you get a solid framerate but any dips and you die instantly.
14. Poor performance on a lot of his moves in general.
15. Very poor looking animations on a lot of his moves, specifically the spinning gravity gapcloser and Miquella's T-pose
16. Unlike good fights (Gael) Radahn has very few audio cues to denote specific combos, which would have been a great way to make up for the visual mess.
17. Not a consistent direction for Radahn's dive which is a fucking terrible way to implement an attack that kills you if it hits.
no you can't do a shoryuken
I've never gotten oneshot in all my attempts w/ dcrest greatshield, marika braid and pearldrake. Everything else is true.
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Is this the ultimate STR/FAI weapon? It has the highest AR, but is the moveset dogshit?
same reason why theres a ton of pointless grace sites one besides the other. fucking retard devs
Is the new table out yet /erg/ hasn't spoonfed me
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the level of mindbreaking that radahn causes for the newfag tourist is incredible
hopefully they will never buy a from game again
>Radahn defenders STILL have no answers
Pathetic, to be quite honest.
The posting WILL continue every time you rats try and defend that travesty of a fight, because I know you've got no answers because you're all pathetic dicksuckers
>He sits around copypasting his gay little cope, hoping for (You)'s, both agreeing with him, and disagreeing/arguing with him, to feed his fried dopamine receptors
>buffed curved swords
>poise blobs
just like my ds1
>guy with morning star and catch flame points me down for having a fire longsword and catch flame
What did he want me to defend the host with, ruin fragments?
whatever helps you sleep at night shitter
glad you got filtered
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it has boring colossal moveset funny smashy ash of war.. its just ok
>radahn is mentioned
>melty in the thread
what causes this reaction
It's big shape can obscure the enemy a bit which makes it awkward

Notice how the Radahn defenders still don't have an answer and just quietly seethe in impotence.
They don't even know a third of the points are about how his moveset is lacking and weak in places.
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>EAC doing anything
Crazy how this game genre has exploded over the years. Congrats, the developers deserved it.
However 90% of you fags will never remember the ultimate kino memories of the DS1 and microsoft live days
they don't playtest, that's why a large part of the weapons and magic suck. but like the other anon said, there's gonna be a buff patch at some point.
This is legitimately the lamest fight from has ever made from a mechanical perspective. If you told me I had to sit in a room for an hour doing the same fight over and over again win or lose, I'd rather spend it killing bed of chaos over and over again. That's how not fun it is.
0/10 dlc miyazaki is a hack
ds2 is better anyway
lol, but believe me i could use CE or cheat tables but i have tremendous fear of being banned or mess things around and corrupt my game
It'd work. The poisoned hand can be carried in your off hand for a bit of a boost given that it scales it's physical like occult but has poison that reaches as high as something insane like 150
The throwing daggers poison infused with scatter shot poison quickly and reliably.

The poison perfume I've used (with alot hp regen running of course) to poison myself for shit immune to poison to get my 43% damage boost for 20 seconds. I also use that dogshit boss glaive. It's absolutely terrible. But damn it, it's pretty.
Poison Flower Blooms twice is pretty compulsory though. For arcane in general. It scales exclusively with arcane regardless of what you put it on. Absolutely ridiculous.
Is the new jar cannon any good?
kek pvp tryhards are so embarrasing wasting their time on these games just to beat up poor little hosts and inflate their ego
she doesn't look like a generic shitty anime bitch>>484702623
posted by an ugly faggot, filthier than a smash player
kys, dogdiddler reak
>look mommy i posted it again!
This unironically.

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