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Previous: >>484645580

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
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Did I beat the game if I start using Scadutree Fragments? I don't know if it's fair to have Miquella's fallen scabs.
i dont know
Godwyn is now the Nameless King 2.0, waiting for a sequel to appear as a boss.
Malina(GEQ) is now Velka 2.0, who will never return no matter how many sequels ER gets.
it's now the biggest piece of dogshit
literally unusable
actual trash
might as well not exist
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Does constantly invading people turn your eyes red?
>boss beats me
dishonest broken piece of shit. simple as that
>Did I beat the game if I start using Scadutree Fragments?
seek meds
>Smithscript weapons get "fixed"
>They're back to being trash again
>The only one that actually needed the fix was the cirque which was the only one I didn't use
This feels shit. My favorite weapons went from average to completely shit
It's from advancing Varre's quest. You can turn it off in the roundtable mirror, or overwrite it with something else like dragon or frenzy eyes.
is there any difference between flame art and sacred infusions other than just being fire and holy? they seem to scale exactly the same and do exactly the same amount of damage
perfumer bros how bad is lightning bottle after the nerf? rolling sparks actually gave that niche weapon some viability, itd be a shame to just chuck the whole weapon category into the trash with half the other weapons and have perfume bottle just be just another gimmick weapon that gimps your character.
>other than just being fire and holy? they seem to scale exactly the same and do exactly the same amount of damage
Seems like you answered that yourself.
finding bayle and seeing that he's a broken dragon of cataclysmic rage just like igon was kino
If From knew the optimal difficulty for a boss with the Scadu fragments, why didn't they just make the boss be that difficult without the Scadu shit?
>or overwrite it with something else like dragon or frenzy eyes
I think the dragon eyes are superseded by the pureblood eyes even if you try to get them after doing Varre's quest, but the frenzy eyes supersede both.
What's so shit about them
The scaling was busted, I'd rather they fix the distance damage dropoff instead of keeping retarded numbers exclusively for elemental infusions.
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thank you SIR
If you used ANYTHING other than
>light/heavy attack
Then you did NOT beat the game. Yes, that INCLUDES lock-on and moving your character/camera.
scaling issues or maybe
>why didn't they just make the boss be that difficult without the Scadu shit?
Because they were scared people would take their level 300+ character with mimic tear and shit all over the boss and call their game easy.
Spirit summons are probably the reason why Radahn is the way he is
took me way too long to notice the host up there
Vigor 55
Mind 28
Endurance 30
Strength 37
Dexterity 57
Intelligence 19
Faith 40
Arcane 20

Good endgame and NG+ build that lets me switch to whatever weapons and incantations I want and have them be viable for damage?
true, lock on is just a copied easymode from ocarina of time
>some viability
>viability is hitting a boss for 50k
They were completely fucking broken. Now they've done a complete 180 and now they seem shit lmao.
Honestly I haven't tested them enough, but someone did land a rolling sparks on me before and after patch, before patch I got 1 shot, after patch I got hit for maybe 300 damage, not sure how much of the rolling sparks hit me.

The scaling was busted on them, but without that scaling they're actually just shit weapons with a shitty gimmick of being able to throw them. You're better off using pretty much every single other weapon in that weapon type than using a smithscript weapon.
Even with the busted scaling the only one of them that was actually really strong was the Cirque which I never used because backhand blades are gay.
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I AM anime
just make 4mb webms
>Because they were scared people would take their level 300+ character with mimic tear and shit all over the boss and call their game easy
this is why I hate the leveling system in FROM games. Just gate power boosts at major bosses/dungeons so the players can distribute stats there each time. Grinding is just another accessibility option but it's impossible to balance
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I hate that the blood club and the skelly cleaver are forcing me to switch from pure STR to STR+Arc.
Assuming 54 STR, what's the least amount of Arc I can put in to use those weapons so they're still good? 30? 40?
I haven't downloaded webm for retards on my new computer yet
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arcane increases discovery so its the best stat in the game
>drain town
>go down and explore
>aggro Ulcerated Tree Spirit
>get summoned for Coop
>load back into my world
>Tree Spirit spawns 3ft above ground
>dies in one hit to fall damage
i beat the game
>First boss is raised spirits puppeting a religiously significant horned lion
>Last boss is a rezzing the great horned lion general for Miquellas new Age
It's like poetry, it rhymes
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>Vigor 55
Some naked guy with a stone club can still one shot you.
>Why are they so mentally ill why is the PvP in this game so fucking unfulfilling and trashy
Anyone who takes souls PvP seriously instead of treating it as a fun diversion is mentally ill.
ER PvP is shit, which discourages normal players from engaging in it so you're left playing with the most maladjusted parts of the community.
>godfrey gets the rock stomp
>cruible knight gets the rock stomp
>fucking messmer soldiers get the rock stomp
>still no rock stomp ash of war
Please post lots of Marika lewds, im so close, ive been touching my penis for the last 3 threads, but I cant fucking take it anymore and just ask straight up, PLEASE
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catshitbox is so slow i dont care to wait, can i get a tldr
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Why do Soulsdrones have such a hard-on with arbitrary limitations deciding who beat the game or who didn't? You don't see this in any other fandom. This doesn't even have any basis from the devs who encourage you to use every tool at your disposal.

I don't get hit and finish most fights in fewer hits by boosting all combat stats
I don't see using my brain on that list, so brb I'll go quickly lobotomize myself so I can finally beat the game fair and square, just like you anon
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>I don't get hit ever I'm a hard challenge runner BRO
its just ego thing why worry
Who gives a fuck if some loser takes a lvl 300 character into the dlc? This has never been an issue before so why do we suddenly care now? The DURR YDBTG YDBTG YDBTG MUH PVP METARANGE faggots are losing their minds. The skibidi system is braindead zoomershit "RPG" mechanics for retards because apparently leveling your character means ydbtg now.
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>getting mogged by CHADahn
I don't think I'm good enough to beat this guy. He's so fast and hits hard.
I was having so much fun up to this point.
t. shitter
go outside and learn to speak like a human
Because it makes me a better person than you.
It gets incredibly irritating when I try to talk about aspects of a boss and people who used mimic tears will chime in like they understand what I'm talking about when they just circumvented the entire issue I am bringing up.
I downloaded the new patch today and suddenly my game doesn't work anymore. Any time I try to start it up it brings up the anti cheat like normal and then the screen just goes white and shows my cursor on it and stays like that indefinitely. I was just playing this game with no issues yesterday so it has to have been the patch that did this.
>light greatswords not fixed
It's fucking over longsword knight bros
back to goddamn straight sword powerstance...
this is cute, is there more?
Why is the GW's daughter a giant finger anyways? Why is its son a giant glowing ameba?
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Is it odd that I just really want to murder Leda? Not in a "I hate her" sort of way since she's one of my favorite NPCs, but just seeing her and hearing her voice fills me with an intense desire to strangle her to death in the most intimate of ways.
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Unironically, no.
All these fucking scalings, and talismans with all kinds of busted effects, getting 40+ levels for free from equipment, etc etc etc
No, you did not actually beat the game, unless you did it RL1 and without abusing all kinds of fucking statboosting talismans, or talismans with unfair effects like ritual shield which is just a get-out-of-jail-free card.
You ARE allowed to upgrade your weapon of choice tho, so long as it isnt a status-inflicting one, because weapon upgrades are the only thing that it seems like the game is actually balanced around, in terms of upgrades available.
>actually taking these retards who are 99% baiting and 1% retarded seriously
YDNBTT (You did not beat the thread)
>Who gives a fuck if some loser takes a lvl 300 character into the dlc?
FROM, obviously.
rest of the artist's stuff is porn or porn-adjacent
i just want to fuck her in the ass
Because From is shit at balancing and there's way too much shit that trivializes the game, /v/edditor
>the entire issue I am bringing up
not an issue when using mimic tho, so what's the problem?
Scadu is a clever way to increase DLC difficulty without dumping runes on players and letting them trivialize the base game by out leveling the content.
>golden shell
What? Did I miss something?
Which volume is it? I'm at volume 3. If it's the official manga.
Unfuck your dopamine receptors and stop circlejerking how LE HARD these games are supposed to be, faggot.
cute and lore accurate
Just abuse the rolling sparks ash of war on perfumes bro
Oh wait, no
That got patched out earlier today AHAHAHAHAHAHA
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>Messmer's soldiers have a Godfrey stomp
>Radahn does Godfrey's stomp
>still no Godfrey stomp AoW
>which means there probably never will be
Nah, they were just struggling to decide what Metyr would be given and called the horns you blow into "golden" because retard.
Exactly, I'm glad you understand. It's a totally different experience.
For playing with big slow weapons and guarding + guard countering, what's the best bet to deal with attack time recovery? Do I just keep rolling to animation cancel attack recovery and only block when I'm in the clear to just guard counter?
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Lmao speaking of mimics. I never used it before, but I actually used it once for the first time on my latest playthrough, man that shit is fucking busted. I found out they actually use consumables on your bar so I stuck meat dumplings and the divine blessing and the fucker is just spamming heals.
The base game is over by the time you even access the dlc because they expect you to be RL150 and sitting in front of Godfrey before entering it, all that gets "trivialized" is NG+ which is silly fuck around mode anyway. There's no argument regarding "muh balance" for the skibidis that holds up to even a second of scrutiny.
or reach both hands inside her ass, and pull in opposite directions, gaping her as much as possible, and then going even a bit further until she starts to tear?
Did Radahn consent or was he mind raped, real answers please
i wonder if you put that tholiers concoction on bars if he will drink it
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>Bayle phase 2
Feels like I'm in a ufotable show with the amount of particles on the screen and the boss spazing all over the place
you seriously need to stop browsing 4chan. If your degeneration continues you might not be able to re-enter society
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Radahn consented. Turns out he's a warmongering dick.
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Did pic related get patched?
if you think that's bad...
I looked up the boss's combo enders after a few tries and only guard countered after them or got past them mid-combo and Lion's Clawed into them as they continue their moves in the wrong direction.
Perfume at the end? Yes.
That bow weaponart?
No mention of it so probably not.
>Only trusts you when the rune is broken
>Respectful towards you during her boss battle
>Calls you a worthy lord if she kills you
In some alternate world, there is an Elden Ring where you and Leda kill Miquella together...
That applies to half the remembrance bosses in the DLC, good luck my man
wish that orb had at least some hyperarmor
I'm so glad the DLC redeemed Marika.
I don't care how you play the game but I think that if you're playing in a way that allows you to ignore a boss's movesets and mechanics you're just doing yourself a disservice and you're ruining your enjoyment of the game.
The only thing that annoys me is when someone posts his strategy to deal with a boss and includes Mimic Tear. Nigger, if I wanted to use mimic tear I wouldn't need a strategy in the first place.
LMAO I'll give that a shot later.
I'd like to see the variations on her dialogue because if I remember correctly she said she was sorry she though of me as a compatriot or some rude shit like
What the fuck would be the incentive for people go explore the barren openworld then? Cocksucker's Cookbook one through twenty?
things are either a cancer or a gimped gimmick. there is a reason why you see every phantom use the blasphemous blade and everyone use the mimic tear.
lightning bottle was at least something different, without the high damage of rolling sparks its just a worse source of lightning damage compared to spamming lighting miracles at range.
I think that making builds capable of ignoring boss mechanics by just completelt BTFOing them is part of the fun of RPGs
I think the tracking on the new bosses is what bothers me the most.
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Marika was honestly redeemed in the basegame already.
Everyone crying about how she treated her cursed children, are dysgenic, ugly freaks IRL aswell. Have some fucking pride and hope for a better future?
Giving her an actual trauma-based motivation to do so just makes her even more perfect.
Ugly people need not reply to this post btw, you will be ignored. You know who you are.
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I've been looking at so much Miquella porn that I made a grindr to find twinks. How over is it for me?
holy sloppa
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Even with scadu fragments the open world is so fucking boring for the most part, Rauh and both Finger ruins are insanely bad areas
>Good endgame and NG+ build that lets me switch to whatever weapons and incantations I want and have them be viable for damage?

Vigor 50
Dexterity 40-50
Radagon Icon.
Lightning infusion.

Add whatever INT/FTH/ARC you want.
Metyr was Placidussax's god who fled, but the comic is still cute.
How tf did they not nerf shield poking...
Oh, right, I remember now. They made that non-canon JoJo manga where Kakyoin lays an egg.
Is it your build btfoing the boss, or is it your mimic tear taking agro
>but I think that if you're playing in a way that allows you to ignore a boss's movesets and mechanics you're just doing yourself a disservice
Does that include shield "strategies"
and the only non freak one was turned into a freak by one of the other freaks
>rolls nigh instantly after the spin jump attack
did he get hit by something or does that actually just have no fucking recovery frames
How bad was the Fire Knight Greatssord nerf?
Is it useless now?
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it was a bug fix, not a nerf
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Did the DLC add any decent Int/Fth weapons or do you still just use Clayman's Harpoon and Erdsteel Dagger
Also there should be a talisman that gives you the deflecting hardtear effect forever, or at least a nerfed version of it, it's a fun mechanic but you only get to use it in 5 minute intervals from the one thing that you can't actually replenish outside of graces
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Could be both. I'm not one to summon, but summoning a distraction so you can use the 50 billion hyperarmor-less abilities to kill a boss is completely fine, imo.
>Is it useless now?
still has good damage but you won't be stunlocking anyone with it unless theyre wearing light or no armor
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Marika's tits!
i dont have thoughts
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I want to ravage Miquella's body so fucking bad
You aren't.
Imagine the noise those make while they slap her belly bouncing up and down!
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Extremely over
>summoning a distraction so you can use the 50 billion hyperarmor-less abilities to kill a boss is completely fine, imo.
Not every ash or spell can be used in a boss and that's fine.
He shed all his feelings, he can't even feel lust or pleasure anymore
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Didn't bother including the most blatantly reused assets or NPC "bosses."
anyone tried Main-gauche/Milady combo?
dumb nigger
Marika is built like Angel Wicky.
Uhhh her tits are too distracting, i can't see your post.
genius aryan
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I NEED Miquella's boipussy on my cock
I miss rolling sparks...
>Radahn above Gaius
>Radahn not in bottom tier
Please kill yourself. I know for a fact you did not fight Radahn in a legitimate way, and you did not beat the game. No one likes that boss
theres 2 death knights?
Nothing wrong with it aside from being a little cheap.
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>longest odachi
>coolest looking one
>with the best moveset (still retains the R2 slash if you do a feint, has a claymore poke to add in a collection of other assorted pokes)
>with a great WA against braindead retard hosts
Use me
yeah but it looks like it's only you having issues, so why aren't you playing the game in a way where the issues you're having don't exist?
I would say yes for greatshield + poke but no for deflecting hardtear + guard-counter as you still have to learn movesets
people tend to forget, that sex with Miquella would involve anus.
A mans ass
No matter how pretty he is, you'll be shoving your cock in a mans shitter.
Do you seriously think Miquella doesn't shave? That he's just naturally hairless because "hurr durr divinity"?
No, he has a hairy mans ass just like everyone else, except he spends so much time dolling himself up
But whats gonna happen when you're in a longterm relationship, huh?
Ever been in one of those anon? No ofcourse not
Anyways, standards starts to slip as people get comfortable with eachother.
Miquella is gonna get hairier, and smellier, and despite being a divine being, wont be assed to take care of himself anymore, because you're too much of a bitch to tell him so, and actually demand something from your significant other.
Pride month is over
Stop posting this man.
hey weebs you didn't beat deez nuts from entering your mothers mouth
If From is going to give me a cool ability, I WILL use it in some way
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Why did Micky need to be mohglested to go to the Shadow Realm
Putting Radahn above Gaius is how you just KNOW someone is either trolling, is it just braindamaged beyond belief. Holy fuck.
he's retarded
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Alright after putting every single one of these retards against nearly every single boss.
This is my favorite spirt ash, the one I shall fucking CHEAT into NG+0 playthroughs
>is it goo-
Shit poise too.
No stagger resistance either.

But fuck me man I like how it looks.
whose dick do i gotta suck to get more fights like the midra one
>lesson from margit in base game was to go explore the open world if the boss is too hard
>retards forgot this
the point of the scooby doos is that if you are getting dabbed on by a boss you go explore and find more in the process and then go beat the boss
Sorry, he's a married man.
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>Parries your nuts
Now what?
Radahn should've been a gimmick boss of some kind.
I mean he kinda is but you know what I mean
who the fuck cares anymore, it's all bullshit anyway
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please stop your slander anon
The good thing about the bonfire placement at Radahn is that you can immediately jump off the bridge and relive that high of dieing if you can't wait for the boss to kill you again.
Cheating in a way to not beat the game. I've seen it all.
>heavy armor with a total of 96 poise
>one handing claymore
it's gaming time
Gaius was too easy and that's why he is so low. Radahn was an actual challenge. Cope and seethe faggot.
>Int/Fth weapons
Rellana's Twinblades seemed good but I haven't gotten around to testing them.
There's a staff that can cast both incants and sorceries, seems cool
All the Smithscript stuff have int and faith scalings pretty cool but they aren't great damage wise and I think their element scalings just got whacked.
They should've just done Gael again and make an easy boss where the difficulty comes from endurance.
Putrescent knight isn't shit, but he isn't awesome. Calling him shit just because you got mad at his funny divecombo with his horse is not ok.
Romina was fantastic, a very bland, non-oppresive fight with well designed moves, only a shame shes so late into the DLC that shes a cakewalk with all the scadus most 1st time players collect up til that point. Put her in "Awesome" honestly, or atleast hi-tier good.
Onze rubbed me the wrong way, it was just stupid, and when he did the judgement cut, I audibly groaned from the cringe. Not a bad boss, but not good, meh.
Otherwise a nice list, despite lists and listmaking being FUCKING GAY
Will fakeleakfags ever recover
>There's a staff that can cast both incants and sorceries
true but it has worse scaling than either of the standard int/fth sorcery or incant only seals
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>Whaaat? "Insert boss here" isn't hard at all, I beat it on the 3rd try with summons to keep aggro off me the entire time
what's wrong with Putrescent Knight? It was a great romp
Damn, Mohg looks like THAT?
He obviously consented on the condition that he be bested in a fight. It's why Malenia fought him in the first place, it's why she's got the valkyrie imagery, it's why Miquella thanks her and us as the champion of the festival for killing Radahn allowing his soul to be used in the ritual. Hell at this point I'm inclined to believe Radahn conquered the stars just for the sake of putting fate on hold until he was able to be bested as a way to guarantee his condition be filled before the vow was upheld.
Look man. I did your Radahn solo with no shields, rot, or ashes. Let me fucking have this.
They should have given Radahn a third phase where the turns into some sort of hornsent abomination with all of Mohg's horns growing back and out of control
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but i need my nuclear explosions
All I wanted was dex Greatsword with the Mirrah GS moveset, was that too much to ask From? Especially when the Mirrah GS is a fucking dex GS?
Ah yes the boss' "mechanics" of tanking my FPS whenever he casts magic or the "moveset" of doing a 30 hit combo that leaves me with 1 opportunity for a rolling R1. ER bossfights can suck my cock. I'm having more fun bypassing those mechanics and brute forcing the fight than I am suffering through them. Notice how this thread seethed and moaned about Rellana for like 2 straight days. That's how long it took them to rollslop through her. Me? It took me 20 minutes. Just long enough to realize how retarded her fight is, decided I didn't want to put up with it, and slap her ass with my mimic. I continued having fun in Messmer's castle while everyone else was crying. I won.
Also, it's fucking funny how many bosses steal one or more of Pontiff's moves, ie the quintessential DS3 rollslop boss that everyone complained about, and how they're universally the most well-telegraphed and fair attacks in their whole arsenal. ER bosses are a retarded crayon drawing of the design archetypes this franchise was built around.
Planned fire knight's greatsword build next, is it shit now or what? Don't care about pvp or poise damage.
Is Radahn better or worse than Bed of Chaos, /erg/?
I feel like the ultimate war-god should not be defeatable in direct combat.
But no, you just pick up a large enough shield and stab him a bunch with your gay baby rapier as he flails around. how fucking gay is that
They clearly can be used, anon. You're just arbitrarily limiting yourself in such a way that they become useless. Which is fine, but don't try to pretend otherwise.
I beat Radahn on my 50th try over the span of 2 days using Milady on a qualitybuild at RL150, solo obviously.
I don't think he's that hard, especially now that I understand how he works, I was just "bad", or stuck in old routines from previous bosses.
Your response?
>is it shit now or what?
its still good becasuse its a fast colossal weapon with hyperarmor
pvp or not it still fucks and has inherent fire damage
>Romina was fantastic, a very bland, non-oppresive fight with well designed moves, only a shame shes so late into the DLC that shes a cakewalk with all the scadus most 1st time players collect up til that point. Put her in "Awesome" honestly, or atleast hi-tier good.
For real Romina is one of the best bosses in the entire DLC. Because she's an honest, no bullshit boss fight. A true rarity.
Were people here complaining about Isshin too when Sekiro came out?
Putresence Knight and Romina are so low because they were so easy. They each only took me two attempts to beat.
Isshin is actually fun to fight
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>all those Fingerprint shields running around
souls community is so hardcore you guise like woaah...super hardcore gaymers.
sekiro isn't a souls game
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Well why don't you make a fucking game then. I'm sure everyone would love that. A final boss that you can't beat.
What a genius fucking decision.
Not only do I think Consort Radahn is one of the best bosses Fromsoft ever made but I wish it was longer. It's the first time I've started putting down my summon sign for others so I can fight it more.
I've beat Messmer, what now?
No no, it was never hardcore, normaldraugrs just belive whatever media, even gamingmedia, tells them.
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probably the most evil thing in the DLC
Wasn't Miquella imbedded in the Haligtree, actively in the process of turning into something else when he got abducted by Mohg? Was that also part of his 50-step plan to attaining godhood, or was that just a coincidence?
I beat Isshin in less than 10 tries but just gave up on Radahn 2 after few hours and summoned some retard with rot rapier and greatshield to do it for me
is it really okay to finger the Empyrean's mouth like that?
Said literally no one ever. Even in DS1 you had Haveltards.
>For real Romina is one of the best bosses in the entire DLC. Because she's an honest, no bullshit boss fight. A true rarity.
She's easy as fuck, and weird. And she does her super moves too much.
my response is that nothing you said has anything to do with my post
Those are the kind of people who screech and stomp the ground when you tell them you didn't beat the game but simultaneously say the game was easy as fuck and brag about beating the bosses in 1 try
probably better for PVE now that they fixed the fire infusion stuff, only PVP shitters are crying because they can't R1 spam to win now
Why would the big ass dragon mountain go over Caelid, especially the dragonbarrow when the beast church architecture looks more like it was connected at one time to Farum Azula rather than anything in the DLC.
I know the Suppression Tower or whatever its called says it was at the exact center of the Lands Between but I don't think the DLC map actually fits very well in there no matter how you place it.
qrd on the new patch? what's buffed, what's nerfed?
this goddess can beat Elden Ring using a dance pad, yet I can't even get through the first boss with my Xbox Elite controller???
Now you go find all the fucking tunnels and hidden paths that lead thru to 95% of the optional DLC areas.
Single-handedly ruins the game.
>Boss does a 10 hit combo
>Deflect every attack, you're still effectively doing damage to the boss
>Elden Ring
>Boss does a 10 hit combo
>Roll roll roll roll roll, your time is wasted
Somewhere along the line they forgot that it's fun when you engage with the boss and not fun when you are forced to sit on your thumbs and wait for the boss AI to give you permission to do things.
She felt completely out of place design wise as a result. Such an odd fight. It almost felt like she and the first Divine Lion were meant to be swapped.
>Said literally no one ever.
b..but what happened to LE GIT GUD?
can you read
Nobody called it hardcore except for the "REE NO CO-OP" subhumans that have latched onto this franchise like a plague.
It was either intentional, or Miquella is just so fucking strong he was able to use his powers while physically dead and completely control Mohg (a demigod with power from an outer god)
mine, now get to work
double perfume is good though and they are a good offhand so i have no idea what are you shitters crying about
Radahn is the only boss I hate fighting, and I usually take 10-20 attempts on any difficult boss.
But anon, you denied yourself the feeling of accomplishment of getting better and finally beating a boss after 200 deaths.
>equip great katana
>the scabbard clips with my cloak
>and it clips with the ground
>and it clips with my feet
>and the lighting on it is off half the time
>unequip great katana

It looks like absolute shit who the fuck greenlighted this
that would have single-handedly saved bed of chaos from being absolute dogwater and im glad they put checkpoints this time around
thirdworlder reading comprehension
>level 1 invading
>phantom leaves as I come in
>host is where you first come out into limgrave
>double RoB
>first step grace isn't even touched yet
I really don't get it
THIS RADAHN SHIT IS GAY (not homosexual gay but lame gay)
>Nooo you can't just fight the boss! You have to use the mcguffin and seal him!
Make a game. Everyone would love that.
It also scales with DEX, the best attribute in the game. This is likely the most fun weapon in the game right now, until they decide to ruin it because of some crybabies.
>The enemy you saw earlier but 10 times bigger
Brova Miyazaki
I'm amazed Miyazaki is fine with all the required rolling just from an aesthetics perspective, it looks goofy. Bring back the bloodborne side step if nothing else so your character doesn't look like a retard flopping around
Radahn blows, man. You've barely got any time to do more than a single attack during his windows of vulnerability and in between you're waiting for upwards of 12 seconds at a time while he does his lame anime attacks which aren't even cool as a visual spectacle because they're largely the same kind of dumb anime shit he already did in the festival fight that you saw like 100 hours earlier. Big gravity magic explosion, throws boulders at you, does a psycho crusher, the only new stuff is the Miquella light magic show. Meanwhile he's tanking your FPS and you barely get to actually play the game.

I agree with the rest of the list except for Romina because I killed her too quickly to get to see what she can really do.
Defense is offense in Sekiro
When Isshin is flailing around like a retard every single deflect is progress.
When Radahn does his combo that lasts literally 11 fucking seconds you do literally fucking nothing to him.
these are fine if they remove 80% of the bonfires. each legacy dungeon should only have one bonfire. completely negates unlcoking shortcuts if you can teleport at anytime faster.
Pvp nonsense. I think these are the most important ones:
Smithscripts all got their infusions nerfed into the ground
Perfume glitch got fixed
Thrusting Shield glitch got fixed
Fallout soon fellow tarnished.
>post about summons
>response with post not about summons
>y-you just can't read!
you're desperate for attention
>Make a game. Everyone would love that.
Well yeah, sadly kikes are keeping genius creatives like me down and emboldening retarded slaves like you. I need Resources.
Genuinely confused why all of these can't just be more graces
>I really don't get it
retarded children? they don't care about difficulty or whatever, just look cool like Naruto
nerfed into the fucking ground
they should have just patched the hitbox to do less damage when spammed at the ground since it exploded 20x in a fraction of a second dealing instakill damage now it fizzles out when hitting the ground
>Waaaaahhh why don't people play the game the way i like it????
kindly KYS
They forgot to copy paste the tilted scabbards that Longswords in Monster Hunter have.
Personally I'm in favor of removing all scabbards, they just never look good.
would people prefer a return of gimmick bosses over the increasingly anime type bosses in DS3 and ER?
How many levels of irony, cognitive dissonance, and contrarianism do you have to be on to say Radahn is a good boss.
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But it has two hands tho?
I use it just for the heavy pokes. Having a strong poke, light poke, and crouch poke is too much fun to pass up.
in sekiro you have tools for everything a boss throws at you, every move has a counter where you can get in damage, even if a boss like ishin starts spamming ranged attacks you can deflects his lighting right back at him.
the dark souls/elden ring don't have this, you have to wait for the boss to finish their combo before attacking. your options for this are just tanking the combo with fingerprint shield or dodge rolling the combo that always has delayed attacks to to catch dodge rollers. you're not activley fighting during the boss combo unlike sekiro which leads to boring boss encounters when these DLC bosses have 10 minute long combos.
I did not get filtered by a tree, I get summoned there all the time and can't kill it quicker than host kicks a bucket due it having a bajillion HP in co-op so I'm asking for co-op efficient ways of killing it.
They're trolling. No one can fight that shit and say it's good.
pvp tryhards are the most cringe mfers in the entire "community"
pvp really was a mistake
>MORE graces
dear lord
remove all stakes and like half the graces from legacy dungeons
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I did it. My mimic was there as well but died sadly
My point is that I also think its not hard, despite different circumstances, but for different reasons.
>except for Romina because I killed her too quickly to get to see what she can really do
That's why I think she's so shit. What was the point of sticking such a weak boss at the end of the penultimate area of the DLC?
About the level of someone who hasn't played the game.
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You can of course choose to not uae extra bonfires.

Dunno why you're doing the whole tryhard meme lmao
really depends on the gimmick desu, phalanx and rykard were pretty ok setpieces for instance. helps to break up teh straight-up action-oriented encounters too
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how do I get to this shack?
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Who did it better?
I understand why people might enjoy invasions but duelfags? they are just pathetic.
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Terrible joke
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based posters
gimmick bosses should be the standard for the most part
its ok to have anime bosses here and there or as special encounters but when every boss has never ending combos that they can chain together it gets old fast especially when this game doesn't play like sekiro where you can spam parry/deflect over and over
>can actually attack the twink on his back
Dark Souls 3.
always have been
Ambushing hosties through their bodyguards will never, ever, get old.
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>realized that I've never actually played a souls game that wasn't 60 fps
>finally have a ps5, can try bloodborne
>playing it straight after elden ring

>the frame rate is actually really unpleasant on the eyes, distracts from literally everything else
Console peasants really gaslit people about this shit for a fucking decade
In Sekiro you have one sword and some special prosthesis moves you cannot abuse too much.

In Elden Ring you have hundreds of combinationa of spells, shields, consumables and defensive options

>Waaaa waaaa Sekiro's combat is more focused
No shit, retard
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perfumes are still good right?
It's obvious that the not-bloodborne-sequel would be about fucked up cosmic shit, where the hell it is miyahacki?
anyone else think that Margit was the best boss fight and it was all downhill from there. that's the only one I remember actually being fun and not just tedious or boring on first blind playthrough
The only time invasions are fun for me anymore is when I get the host to myself and get to rape and humiliate him.
Big super bosses usually either have
>Big moves with lots of downtime (Placidusax)
>Low poise (Malenia)
These allow the player to either get big hits in after a certain attack or put in damage by being more aggressive. Consort Radahn has almost no downtime for any of his attacks, so it just makes him boring to fight outside of builds that can bypass his ten second long combos (i.e. shield poke builds or stufd with REALLY high posture damage)
good morning erg!!
I liked Elemer
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It could have been so much better
Midra would have been better as just a Mist Noble type weak joke "boss". Lord of Frenzied Flame could have been its own thing somewhere else in the area.
I'm trying to do radahn with a golden greatshield, it's the best with my stats. How much does fingerprint change the fight?
They get better and better at the storm king/yhorm/rykard boss concept with every game. That kind of gimmick is fun. Gimmick bosses like Dragon God or Bed of Chaos become pure timewasters on repeat playthroughs and could use some refinement.
There are too many graces, for sure. It completely removes the hostile feeling of the world. But the stakes are bizarre because they function like graces except you have to suicide to get your shit back. Why even have them?
I think we've waited long enough for a sci-fi Souslbourne, reuse Armored Core assets idgaf
>When Radahn does his combo that lasts literally 11 fucking seconds you do literally fucking nothing to him.
You can parry him to halt the combo and create windows for yourself to attack.
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>spawn in hosts world
>delete them with blood bolts from spread xbow
>spawn in hosts world disguised as a gold
>backstab them for 100% damage with lightning miseriecorde
it tends to be like this in niche competitive games/gamemodes
Spirit spring north of there.
How many levels of pseudo-intellectualism do you have to be on to use a word like cognitive dissonance in that post despite it not being applicable?
That aside, its a good fight, I enjoyed it. Its such a fucking spectacle, and despite what you panic-rolling (panic-rolling AWAY from the boss even, I reckon) faggots say, its completely doable no-hit, and extremely rewarding once you git gud and start styling on the boss instead of just surviving against it.
You have to go to /fsg/ to talk about other souls games.
This is the elden ring general (/erg/)
I unironically liked ancient wyvern
hello snek
I feel the same but the delivery of "Enough, I have endured, enough" is great, on par with Igon. It would be a shame to lose it.
bro it took you 50 times to beat a boss and you pretend it wasn't hard
Which bosses should be in the "Worst Fromsoft Bosses" poll?
>smithscript daggers range increased
holy hell i am poised and well set to be truly unstoppable now aren't i
i will now at last bring down dread Bayle by 999,999 individual daggerings from a safe distance
>putrescent knight
>below ghostflame dragon
>let alone gaius
holy retard
Are Dryleaf Arts better off being Poison Infused on a 60/45 str/arc spread? Or occult infused with 70 arc?

The ash is gonna be the poison kick, but I figure if my weapons aren't poison infused I can still get by with Scarlet Aeonia and pots/knives
What's te rest of the series
better than open world dragons at least
A game where it's only hard if you deliberately avoid half of the mechanics is not truly hard.
I kinda hate that the DLC is lategame content. A lot of the weapon it adds would be fun to play through the base game with.
Base Radahn is a better spectacle than Consort Radahn, what the fuck are you talking about
So the Carian Sorcery Sword is now the best catalyst for 40 int and below?
wow you're so cool bro, bet you're not a virgin too. amirite?
>the delivery of "Enough, I have endured, enough" is great
True, the VA acted the fuck out of that one.
bed of chaos
do we need other options?
Twin Princes, it's a kino fight and ofc From has to put it in again and 1) fail to recapture the magic 2) fail to understand why it was so good in the first place
He doesn't play the game is what he's saying
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I just found out after all this time, that I could use any weapon(Sword) I want as long as I meet the requirements but I can change the affinity to match my highest stat. Gosh I can't believe I've been playing on shitter mode this entire time. So many of my fights could've been easier especially pre-nerf Malenia and Radahn.


At least I can try out Milady and maybe some Katanas. But fuck, I wish I understood this better like a year ago. Fuck.
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Is this look achievable natty in game?
>faggots say, its completely doable no-hit
Some of the moves can only be dodged correctly at 60fps. Which is hard for me since those moves are the exact ones which tank my frames (the afterimage moves)
I'm sorry. I'm usually a FROM dicksucker, but I can't do it with this one because I can't even see what the boss is doing to learn it..
Despite reading the torch description and acknowledging the clothing on the corpse, for some reason I was expecting Midra's room to open into the back section of the woods, which would act as an arena for Nanaya. That dungeon was way too short for three fucking graces AND multiple shortcuts.
that is the game's way of begging you to do a ng+ cycle
have you not played any souls games before?
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>do we need other options?
What are some strong but not broken weapons/weapon arts for the Radahn fight?
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The depth of your FOOLISHNESS!!!
>*Bloodborne-tier theme starts blaring, with a callback to the Merchants Underground song mixed into it*
Hippo. I genuinely can't think of a single redeeming factor to him
alberich or rogier hat
thiollier chest
messmer legs
preceptor gloves
nta but
>you have hundreds of combinationa of spells
I'll have to manually do a tally for the rest of them, but of spells the following aren't usable against Radahn without eating shit.
>all breaths
>Greyoll's roar
>fire rain
>Crucible Thorns and Bloom
>Elden Stars
>land of shadow
>light of Miquella
>Roar of Rugalea
>electro Charge
>Bayles Tyrant and Flame Lightning
>Rotten Butterflies
>MIdra's Flame of Frenzy
>Divine Bird Feathers (is usable but it does literally fucking nothing)
>Messmer's Orb
>Lansseak's Glaive
>Bloodflame Talons (lmao)
>Burn, O Flame!
>Fire's Deadly Sin
>Fortissax's Lightning Spear
>Placidusax's Ruin
Technically Scarlet Aeonia. You'll get it off but there is no opening he has except literally frame perfect right after stagger from an attack with travel time where you'll get this off and not trade damage lmao.
>Its such a fucking spectacle
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I can't tell how sarcastic she's being when she compliments you or apologizes, or if she's just being polite, she does it to Hornsent and Ansbach too
Elden Ring is my first. But I've been playing Armored Core since The PlayStation days.
better fight than radahn
what did you do before that?
both drop axes
Gay couples can be spectacular to some
Is Scadu 17 enough for Radahn?
Radahn (forma de homo) has made me reconsider the Covetous Demon. At least that one is over quickly.
I'm salty there are no good witch hats
There's lots of possible nominees but as >>484667723
said, BoC easily clears them all so there's no real point to a poll.
Alberich's hat with the fire knight set looks pretty good
It wasn't, I was simply bad, or rather, I was stuck in the wrong way of engaging the boss. Conditioned by the other bossfights.
Radahn is actually "easy" once you realize you have to be aggressive.
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>She's easy as fuck
It's crazy that she staggers after only a single parry. It feels like bullying if you bait out her weapon attacks
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>best seal in the game below 50 faith
>no frenzied weapon
>no frenzy lord sun head helm
>shit incantation instead of any of the attacks he does in the fight
Absolutely cucked rewards.
I don't like the head wrap
They could do it by making NG+ interesting.
I just slapped bleed on everything even though I never invested into Arc. I saw Bleed Build up and though = good. Mind you this was my Carian knight build, which looking at it now, needs a complete redo before I go into the DLC.
>hyperarmor-less abilities
Just use endure before casting
It dethroned the godslayer seal?
what greatswords slap the hardest when power stanced together?
Kinda wish From would stop taking themselves so seriously and let the players have some fun again.
Why don't you say what you really mean by """fun""".
They didn't finish the game.
How jaded do you have to be to NOT think the over-the-top high-speed combos with explosions and lightpillars out the fucking ass isn't atleast cool to look at?
Heres a (You) for (You) two.
My rig sucks, I'm lucky if I ever get above 40FPS. Completely doable, so long as you're used to having performance issues lol
so they nerfed all the fun builds
whats a fun build now
>frenzy lord sun head helm
Good. Fuck you, fuck retards who would wear that and fuck all games that offer gaudy headgear like that.
>27FTH: Dryleaf 212 / Godslayer's 181
>35FTH: Dryleaf 232 / Godslayer's 207
>40FTH: Dryleaf 244 / Godslayer's 224
>50FTH: Dryleaf 259 / Godslayer's 257
>60FTH: Dryleaf 274 / Godslayer's 291
>70FTH: Dryleaf 289 / Erdtree 313
>80FTH: Dryleaf 304 / Erdtree 353
Full bullgoats with 2 nagakibas and 99 of every consumable
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What did Miyazaki mean by this?
>he never played and 100% this fromsoft game

you didn't beat elden ring
They'll continue to fuck everything over. Because God forbid anything is as good as ps lances or nagis.
backhands blades damage is still absurb and it still has blindspot
It's too busy. Remember: when this boss leaked shittons of people were convinced it was a mod because

>Twin princes ripoff
>uses holy+gravity+bloodflame
>off model swords

It's the kind of shit modders would make. It's fucking cancer.
but it isn't his dead body
Did we even get any gank fights in DLC? We haven't had a good one since The Ringed City
Radahn is a fool for not simply saying no
>"Get it XD, because fromsoft is le hardcore dev and they made this mascot game lol"
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>just a few more nerfs and all the normgroids will fuck off again
Former INTbro here, gonna try a FTH build for my NG+ run of the DLC. I have all the DLC weapons.
Any special builds I should try? Any tips?
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>lol this was so easy bro you had problems with this?
Lil bro is really upset we don't like his shitty boss
>200 hours into the game
>finished all the souls games before
>finished sekiro
>still don't know what powerstancing is
>still haven't interacted with the ash of war sytem beyond just using whatever is on my weapon every once in a blue moon
>still haven't used magic even once
>still don't even know the difference between spells and incantations
and I'm never gonna change
Twin Princes is way better. I don't even particularly like Dark Souls 3 but there's really no contest.
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I think she's being sincere. She's generally pretty honest with you.
low to mid level invading with double explosion physick
its like 1700 flat damage that can't be resisted
Never trust a psycho twink who mind controls everyone into liking him.
I bet Miquella actually had a really shit personality and just brainwashed anyone who disagreed with him.
I want a girlfriend like Leda
>B-but Anon she...
Did I fucking stutter?
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>tp to area
>get ash of war as soon as I load in
Black Steel Greathammer + medium shield if you've never fucked around with a guard-counter build, most fun I've had in Elden Ring, truly an underutilized mechanic imo. And any infusable, faster-hitting weapon for when the clunky heavy weapon moveset doesnt feel good against certain bosses.
its not a shitty boss though
Can we just all agree that Radahn is a shitty enough boss that it's ok to use OP shit against him, and that those players did beat the game?
I mean come on, the point of ydbtg is that beating it solo is supposed to be more fun.
But Radahn isn't even fun.
If the whole game is going to be anime bosses then they need to design from a completely different foundation.
As long as the foundation is Dark Souls 1 style attacks and dodges then there's a hard limit on how crazy you can make your encounters even when you tack on shit like weapon skills and spirit summons. Imagine playing Sekiro with dodge rolls, a straight sword, and a medium shield instead of the game's actual mechanics. Even Bloodborne gave you a way faster dodge with more active frames and less recovery, a way to heal as you attacked, and drastically reduced stamina costs for all actions.
When they tank my DPS and just look like basic light pillars, they don't really impress me. The basic Fire Knights have cooler follow up attacks than Consort Radahn.
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>armor optimizer
why the fuck would this stupid tool push something that reduces your HP by 9%?
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>If you have killed Placidusax in the base game, Dragon Communion Priestess will be silent when you talk to her at night
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he looks better
that little blond slut knew what he was doing, putting the soul of his consort in THAT body
who wouldn't
fucking timetravelers man
I forgot which one drops it but either ghostflame dragon or deathbird fell through the floor and died
>come across gank squad
>spend 20 minutes kiting them around the map
>snipe the yellow homo
>host pulls the cord

What build did you beat Radahn with?
How do I get to this area? Is it through the Bonny Gaol or is that just a boss cave?

Also, should I do the area in my screen cap or the hinterlands first? I also have the otherside of shadow keep which I assume to the way through the DLC so i'd want to do that last
just wear cool shit you dumbass
this is a souls game
>She starts stabbing you with needles during sex
I killed the 1st one of those cockroach friendlies that give you cookbooks, how fucked am i?
That part isn't true. Placidusax was dead and his spell equipped and she still talked to him
Somebody claiming this must have already exhausted the dialogue and revisited her on a separate night.
He just needed a bigger dungeon. The Manse should've been a proper legacy dungeon in size.
Did you just reply to me in the fucking future what the fuck
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Like what she is to the tarnished or like what she is to Miquella?
the correct term is "not retarded"
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Romina would be in great if she had more heath, Rellana would be in great if she had less.
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>being a min/maxing meta faggot
>this is a souls game
I don't see souls anywhere in the title.
Stack all fire boosters and go for a mix of giant spells and messmer spells. Also have light of miquella
Why do npcs call you "Graceless Tarnished" when you are the only one who can see the guidance of grace? Makes no sense desu
looks like the death bird... heh heh... became the dead bird...
>what she is to Miquella?
Worth it.
Miquella isn't a "twink", he is a child.
Its trough a hidden passage in Shadow keep in the same general area where you invade a NPC of your choice.
No because surprisingly the ELDEN RING GENERAL wasn't around when Sekiro came out.
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>>armor optimizer
if you use shit like this you are unironically, and I mean this genuinely, a soulless NPC. there is no help for you, because you lack the mental capacity to look inwards on this. sad
I just started a new character and cheated them in. Not gonna waste dozens of hours just to get to the shit I actually want to play while invalidating the rest of the game by doing so.
>worldsperm greatsword
ultra cringe
They refer to your full bullgoat set with powerstanced blood giant crushers.
anyone who would have complained about Isshin gave up at the ogre
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Same with Rellana and Castle Ensis
not him but it's the best boss in ER + DLC
I prefer the former. Very trusting of you until she realizes you're out to murder her lord. IMAGINE the hate sex and angry kissing after another attempt to kill you.
I just realized the spiral incantations are described as sorceries wielded as incantations. What does that even mean?
One man's "she needs a psych ward" is another man's "she's everything I ever wanted."
>over-the-top high-speed combos with explosions
Several other bosses already do that so it stops being a spectacle by the time you get to the final encounter.
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What does this image mean
But enough about Ranni!
I don't think they know you can see it, so they just say that as a common insult.
>"Oh, you're tarnished? I bet you don't have grace though, bitch"
Milady basic-ass melee gameplay with a fuckton of endurance for comfort.
You sound so upset about the whole ordeal, and I'm not saying that as a "HAH, GOTCHU", I seriously hope you give the boss another or another dozen attempts with the intention of enjoying it, instead of focusing on how it hurt your pride the first tenfold attempts.
The sword really should have a madness effect.
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>From nerfs everything fun in latest patch for being too fun
>I turn off auto update
I will now go continue to have fun with the video game, nice try fromsoft
The circlet is a physical representation of Miquella's mindrape as confirmed in the expansion.
but what exactly is Grace?
3/10 bait
NTA, but it's just ass to fight. It feels like the epitome of the "When is it my turn to attack?" meme people have with Elden Ring bosses as a whole. You're just endlessly rolling towards him and occasionally hit him with an R1.
When I say "fun" I mean "DeS' soulsuck".
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>went frenzied flame ending because I stumbled upon it and decided to just go with the flow
>now feel forced to do fire damage build because of some kind of brain damage
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I love this artist. I hope she draws more Mohg's soon.
Sorceries are more or less physical/real phenomena that you manifest trough your high IQ and the power of imagination, while incantation are vision/manifestation of power from a higher being/deity/ideal trough your faith in it.

So while the spiral thing is a natural phenomenon(the one trough which things are birthed I believe) they manifest it by their faith in the ''Spiral''/divine gate
Are there any big weapons that pair well with magic? Like colossal weapons, great axes and so on. Something you can combo with or something i dunno, I used to run black knight greataxe as a pyromancer in ds3
so how are the smithscript daggers now? do they actually have a reach?
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>B-B-B-B-But the final boss is supposed to be over-the-top animesque and cinematic!!
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I bet you were one of the pvplets screaming about how unhealthy the game is now for being too fun
Poisefaggotry was a mistake
Why can't it be like Bloodborne where it doesn't exist
Damn I got close to beating Foot Slave Radahn with dragon incantation spells only in dragon form
Why does he have so much HP and resistance holy shit. Yes I'm maxed out on Scooby Doo fragments
more like smellden beast
Why are there no grace trails until you kill Messmer then they suddenly all appear?
>jak poster
downgraded to 1/10 bait, apply yourself
Misha deserved better
If your positioning is on point (read: fucking walk around him and keep attacking when he does his big scary combos) you'll be amazed at how fluid you can keep the fight. Especially if you know your weapons moveset and how it affects your own Y-axis of hitboxes vs Radahns swords. Most people don't know how to dodge attacks simply by crouching or doing attacks that puts you in a crouched position (without actually crouching that is).
I never had the chance to abuse any of the status/bleed builds from base game. Haven't kept up with buffs/nerfs for a year, anything obscenely strong besides mohg's spear
>inappropriate activity bullshit still

fuck off

Blue Dew talisman actually makes healing spells worth using in pve when you run out of flasks.
>staff of the great beyond
>can cast both sorceries and incantations
It's shit, isn't it?
I think it's genuinely because DaS1boomers think poise is a good mechanic. Remember how badly they whined when they found out it was taken out in DaS3
How did you know?
>obscenely strong besides mohg's spear
that got nerfed too lmao
>when you run out of flasks
I didn't know this was possible
They're regular attack is about the length of a jumping attack pre patch. They're jumping attack is a bit longer then that.
The scaling double dip has REALLY fucking hurt their viability.

They do half as much damage as they used to for INT/FTH, Can't break 390ish with full STR/DEX and the highest AR a quality build at 80-80 can push them is barely over 400.
They are obscenely shit. And due to the encounter design philosophy of the DLC, every single attack a boss (or most enemies, let's be real) makes will immediately be melee ranged.

The usual hyper stacking we've been using to make bow builds work at light equip load, full health, with the smithing talisman STILL don't fucking rescue it. They are impossibly bad now
Even the Frenzy Flame torch hits harder.
>For real Romina is one of the best bosses in the entire DLC
worthless catacombs tier speedbump boss
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>waited since before SOTE was even announced for the expansion before going into NG+ with any of my characters because I didn't want to miss out on free ng cycle loot
>still have 9 characters waiting at Cocoon of the Empyrean for their turn at the DLC
>mfw I have to get all the scooby shards on every single one of them
a-at least the ng+ runs will be fun
There is one from the grace after the lion fight pointing towards Messmer
DS3 did PvP the best. Why did they make it worse again?
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>pop taunter's tongue
>get a big boy from Mexico or something
>kept switching weapons, nothing worked
>I had to chase him for 10 minutes
come on now
the point is utility
wouldn't make sense to make it preferable over nearly every seal AND staff
>It's shit, isn't it?
Visually, yeah
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Why are blues like this?
It sucks for PvP imo but getting staggered by hollows throwing pebbles at you is lame
Seals weigh next to nothing though.
DaS3 hyper armor was legitimately awful.
9/10 blues are shit at the game and even shittier at PVP and only serve as a flask charge
In my opinion? The reason why it feels so much worse in ER is because there's too much ranged shit.
Unless there are genuinely good sorcery+incant combos, this utility is achieved by soft swapping your glintstone staff to a sacred seal by pressing a single button.
Kind of a tall order but:
Does anyone have a map that shows all the entrances to the optional areas of the DLC? Like, can we just make a quick and easy PNG with some indicators on where the fuck to go to get to the abbysal woods or the jagged peaks? I already forgot all this shit and its making me dread a 2nd playthru.
>pic not related, fucking unreadable garbage
imagine feeling miquella's cock on your back
*while wearing heavy armor
wow thanks for the in-depth dive anon

now don't mind me I was actually making the bleed so that I could use them as a quick ranged blood poke on my occult character
Other characters used circlets/crowns too. And the item description doesn't mention anything related to charm or mind control
Blue Dew Talisman is honestly the best thing to happen to this game. Just wish it regened a lil bit more per tick.
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Did the patch change deflecting tear? Just the thrusting shield stam right?
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She should at least have had a cutscene or something. Such an odd choice.
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What is this and what am I supposed to do with it?

>followed invisible overland path
>arrive at platform
>has nothing on it but this
>messages don't make sense
Am I supposed to hit it with a specific ash of war?
They are also quite good at getting headshots trough their jumping attack.
Why are you on reddit?
I regularly encounter fully twinned out blues at levels 1-30. Most of the time they lack any skill nonetheless, but this says a lot about society.
Ackshually it's because weapons have less shorter stagger due to the removal of R1-R1 combo. No more getting retards into greatsword R1 chains, you either nuke them with L2 stick or it takes forever. It was far easier to go for various combos overall
It was the best system they have ever done.
Poise affects hyper armor, but only enough so that you can poise through heavier stuff.
Furnace golem sucks
>dude slap my ankles 1 billion times while I do the same sequence of 3 stomps over and over again
I get the fucking point, holy shit, why do you have so much HP?
Bro this is le ebin fantasy game where everyone goes thee thou thine
Chicken Wing still king btw
Radagon was better than her in everyday & was objectively correct
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Cute and Canon
I really liked the fakeout with the "draconic" slit pupil Messmer had, which was actually just Marika's seal all along.
google Stone Sheathed Sword and click the first eldenringwiki-esque link you find
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>Seeing more and more people actually complain about various aspects of the DLC now that the honeymoon phase is over
Are people ready to admit From isn't perfect and they're overhyped because the standards are incredibly low?
Equip the stone sheath sword
any builds where i can play it like an FPS using mouse and keys? is ranged viable
The DLC is really good besides Radahn 2.
i can easily understand the map, you're just retarded
I mean one R1 from a GS in this game does as much as an R1-R1 combo in DaS3.
I don't know how somebody could reasonably accept that From's balance is absolutely terrible and still claim that the fights somehow are fucking immaculate.
people have been bitching and moaning since day one, if anything it's died down now that it's shown there is absolutely no excuse for their skill issues
I wont deny that, but I'm still asking for help to make an easier to understand one :(
I guess you could make an Headshot build with the albinauric talisman.
Promised consort radahn is the worst boss from has ever created
Genuinely what the fuck were they thinking
>is ranged viable
magic or bows
bows have shit damage and require farming or cheating for arrows/bolts
magic is gay

Does the occcoult enchant work on the R2 of bloodfiend arm?

Like, if a weapon already has innate bleed, occoult enchant makes it better, so I was thinking of a similar interaction
yeah but once you land it it's harder to keep up pressure and finish the job
>only complaints about the dlc is it's difficulty
There's less complaints now though lol.
The only thing that remains consistent is people saying Radahn is a shitty boss with bad lore followed by a bad ending.
Demons Souls - Monk when the invader is using a scrape spear build
Playing this game gets so much better once you realize you can still use weapons that aren't as efficient for your build, if you have enough stats you'll do fine either way.
Like, I'm running Arc/Dex, and I can just slap Blood/Occult affinities on anything and I'll be fine.
I can even use unique Dex weapons, since I have almost 50 dex.
And if I'm really struggling, I can just switch back to Eleonora's Poleblade. The rest of the time I can have fun trying out stuff.
on an arcane build its
Occult=more damage/less bleed
Bleed=more bloodloss/less on hit damage
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>your message was appraised
Thanks. Are they even worth using?
>check patch notes
>they nerfed all the broken shit in pvp
fuck, i was having so much fun
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I'm so tired bros, when do the shitters stop complaining about Radahn?
How long was it before people stopped crying about Malenia in these threads when the game first dropped? I avoided the threads to avoid spoilers, so I have no reference point.
What's the most optimal way to earn runes without farming them fast? I would like to enjoy the game, but everything that is out there can kill me in a couple of strikes :(
It's a combination of these two but there's basically a total lack of fundamentals in 90% of fights because of how many retarded ashes of war there are. Why would you bother hitting someone with your weapon when you could backpedal and spam laser beams at them?
The talisman also regens the cost of Blessings Boon and Bestial Vitality before they run out essentially meaning infinite regen.
>when do the shitters stop complaining about Radahn?
When does the new FOTMslop come out?
>throwing weapons are now bugged to have abnormal scaling
Verify your files you mongoloid. They've said to do that several times
Twin Princes was more novel and a better execution of the concept, the resurrection in the second phase really sells the idea that they share a bond together. Radahn barely seems to react to the fact that Miquella is even there, he just keeps doing what he was doing and then more light pop up afterwards
Light stone sword boosts all holy damage by 20% for a minute or two. Even if you swap it out after using the ash.
cooping areas/bosses
the best part is when you die in their world you don't lose any souls
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had to replay the game on pc since my saves were on console but i've finally finished the base game and all of the side bosses again, i'm gonna assume the npc that showed up after I killed mohg is the DLC entrance so i'll wait before talking to him, but man avoiding spoilers was hard. All I know so far is that miquella is a big part of the DLC and that marika had another kid (with red hair so with radagon I guess)
>they didn't touch Imprenetrable Thorns
Fuckin' told you faggots. It's merely "very very strong".
It will never stop until they nerf him.
Unlike Malenia, Radahn is an actual shit boss with tons of particle dogshit spam and stupid attacks that makes him easy to hate.
Never forget that people that it was a fucking pajeet mod at first
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stone sheathe is good others are ass
Radahn sucks, you're just in your contrarianism phase where it's become generally accepted that the fight is ass so now you say the opposite thing reflexively. When you get older than 18 this problem will fix itself.
Put Flame art on the throwing axe and hammer :^)
Naaaaaah, or well, it is a straightsword, and straightswords are always a good time, but they're nothing fantastic.
Doesnt FFXVI drop soon?
Oh yeah From the scions of meticulous spell and weapon balance made the educated and thoroughly researched decision to not touch that and sleep shotgun.
They didn't touch any incantations/sorceries
I bet those are for a later patch
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>faggot is clearly losing the fight
>tries to spam swift slash
someone didn't read the patch notes ;^)
>Praise the Radahn fight
>Get (You)s
Is this the new meta?
Still havent touched the dlc
thanks for beta testing suckers
he posts clips on reddit too, and there is a talisman that buffs this playstyle now
So for PvP at least it can work.
Making a frenzied twink to wear their armor since it matches the flame of frenzy perfectly then headcanoning that he's stuck getting his balls constantly drained and unable to resume his frenzied flame quest.
>the resurrection in the second phase really sells the idea that they share a bond together
yeah because Miquella and Radahn don't have such bond. Miquella is a freak who put his souls into Mohg meat puppet
There's no need to touch it. Don't wanna get nuked? Don't stand still at clow range or fight against it in hallways. It's not even that dangerous if you get hit by 2/6 hitboxes.

They also didn't fix Spirit Sword and Spirit Glaive which are offensively weak... I think most of how things are was intentional.
Justify the flashbang spam in that fight to me. Malenia was an actual difficult boss that you can learn the moveset of without days of autistic analysis. Radahn is the definition of artificial difficulty, the hard part of his fight is seeing what he's doing behind a solid wall of light
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How can you usher an Age of Compassion without your own capacity for love? Is Miquella stupid?
Abyssal woods just feels weird and unfinished, it's massive despite being almost entirely empty and the Manse, while a good-looking and atmospheric level, is also very short with not much to discover or get lost in. It needed something more, Midra wasn't hard enough or interesting enough to justify all the time it took to get to him.
Hell, if you just made the Manse bigger and put an Old Monk-style player boss halfway through, that would have been something, but instead it just leaves you going "That's it?" Something more to do with Nanaya would have been good to, they just barely hint at the story of her driving him to seek the frenzied flame but then do nothing with it
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She's a Nox so the skintone is wrong. She's also cuter & my wife (Anna is my wife too)
Can you fuck off with your projection already?
>u r contrarian!
>u r 18!
My fucking god bro, it's like being back on /pol/ or /fit/ all over again
I feel like there's probably a better chest piece for a Raubahn cosplay.
I hope so. I want the rain of fire thing to be good.
When will shitters stop trying to justify a shit boss?
shut up retard
beast talisman was actually BiS if you put in enough stats for sorcery+incants
He's a gay psychopath what's so hard to understand?
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The cutest!
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>mash roll
>get hit
How was bloodfiend arm nerfed? I’m still trucking with it.
They should have named him Bayle the Invincible because you cant actually hit him
I will miss the 2 hit combos from the Fight Knight GS, but I just came across my first perfume user and rolling sparks did basically nothing to me so I guess it was a worthy sacrifice.
not deal way too much bleed
can you not fucking read
The "flashbang" was a bit annoying after my 5th death, but once you realize its literally a telltale sign from Myazaki that your positioning is off, you'll look back on it and laugh.
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Arcane scaling went down a bit, but you'll still bleed almost everything with a few heavy attacks
I think they reduced the blood spatter status but like 40 or 50 points or something. It's still fucking good.
All last night I was raping people with rolling sparks knowing it was going to get nerfed. Good things never last forever...
only neets that pirate the game write about how the game is not akin to their impossible standards.
>its literally a telltale sign from Myazaki that your positioning is off
You mean the guy that cheeses every boss? That Miyazaki?
No need for thanks, Tarnished-dono. Us protagonists are in this together.
anyone tried the bloodfiend arm with war cry? iirc charged war cry R2s do something like triple the status build up
>Your positioning is bad because the entire screen gets filled with particles that the boss spams
Even if you roll towards him, you'll still get the light pillars filling your screen half the time
Bloodfiend arm still procs bleed in 1 attack if you charge it
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this weapon FUCKING STINKS
Did anything about the fire knight greatsword get changed in pve? Its damage is fucking insane so I'm assuming it wasn't just the true combo that got removed and they changed the scaling too
why did marika piss herself over messmers snake, it seemed well behaved
...I've beaten him 6 times, no summons.
When does it get funny?
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>Only slop eaters who actually paid for the game and especially the preorder piggies refuse to admit the game has faults
You're still going to use it.
>Unironic Radahn defenders ITT
I thought this would be impossible
Polearm of the DUDE
Stop being so petulant, you know what I meant
No, your entire screen gets filled with particles because your positioning is off.
When you rediscover your childlike sense of wonder!
>Its damage is fucking insane
its ok people are overhyping it
>get trapped in a corner like a retard
Now I agree and dislike a lot of these bosses, but you're a fucking retard.
just stop locking on?
It used to get greater benefits from holy infusions than flame art despite the flavor text saying otherwise. It apparently got fixed, but I haven't tested.
They removed the two hit combo? Fucking gay, the AR is too underwhelming for it to measure up to other UGS without it
She is literally deathly afraid of any and all sources of fire.

They've been here since the start. You learn to live with them.
thank you anon!
My positioning of right in front of Radahn, where his pillars of FPS rape can't hit me?
She panicrolled away from it and cried about it being bullshit, she's an oldschool Darksouls gamer, and hasn't adapted since.
you rike? enjoy the ending
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I can't get into colossal builds. Sure, you do fat damage per strike, but the gameplay is so passive. You just roll and roll until the enemy throws out a window you can actually punish. The only attacks you do are jump attacks since they give you the safest bang for your buck. Meanwhile, a faster weapon, even a greatsword, can punish the enemy inside their combo in a way that colossal can never do.
Didn't we get something similar to this relationship with a pair of jellyfish?
Why did the sea jellies get a happy ending, but the humanoids get a horrible one?
>completely kill inoffensive smithscripts
>do nothing to nerf fagdahn
can they fire the nigger who made this patch and put the one who did 1.05 or whatever was that patch which buffed everything back in charge?
yea it's bad
It has the special ability to get buffed even further when buffed with fire or something. Not sure how it works.
Plus it has a top tier moveset and looks fucking amazing. I'm still using after the "nerf"fix
>Right in front
Do you want me to teach you how to fight him properly? Or do you wanna go back and try to learn him yourself?
>You just roll and roll until the enemy throws out a window you can actually punish.
Buddy that's all builds right now
>2 years later and I still need to manually turn my lantern back on after dying or fast travelling
Just like the boss it comes from.
The snakes on the outside are fine, they're even helping. The scary one is the big snake deep inside his body (no homo).
I'm happy From nerfed all those new weapons, it shows they are listening to their fanbase.
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Why is the Tarnished such a slut?
If the average player plays like this no wonder they say its to hard lmao
did they made it so that once you die to an enemy that only spawns at night you don't have to set it back to nighttime and rest in the grace again?
Becasue they sided witha troon and deserved a horrible death
same should happen IRL - total troon death and eternal suffering to anyone who ever supported them
It's unironically because of the Cirque and Swiftslash. You could easily land 1k+ damage each Swift Slash with a Flameart Smithscript Cirque. And now because of that faggot weapon and faggot ash, my 2 favorite weapons have been """fixed""" into oblivion.
Metafags get the rope
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What are some weapons that don't get shit Faith scaling when infused? Looking to run a purer Faith build but a lot of the "dedicated" faith weapons seem quite shit
Enlighten me on the better position. I can avoid almost all of his attacks by rolling into him or sidestepping his stupid anime moves.
Radahn's negative IQ fanbase of insects has been around since release unfortunately.
I hope the next game doesn't cut to black when shit like Messmer pulling his eye out or Midra pulling his head off happens, raise the rating if needed but I want to full effect of what's going on
Reject infusions. Embrace lighting weapon buffs.
Bros... my save wont load... just gets stuck at 100%... verifying the game files didnt do shit
Elden Ring is a harem romance game
>fix broken weapons and ashes
go back to /v/ you retarded fucking nigger.
Colossals have it the worse though. Like say a boss does a huge sweep or AOE attack. With a fast weapon, I can jump over the attack and smack the boss, then dodge or block the next attack. With a colossal, if I do that, the boss will hit me during the recovery. Since most bosses will kill you in 2-3 hits, or have comboes that can stunlock you to death, this is not a worthy trade at all in the majority of situations.
How hard does Electrify armament actually go with a decent faith level and seal?
You don't need to show the entire thing. But their solution was terrible. Even a pan to some iconic imagery with a distorted silhouette happening in the background is perrferable to hardcut fades to black.
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>install the 15MB patch in 2 seconds
>broke my game to the point where everything is inviisible aside from enemies and some props
>even if i make a new character there is the same problem
What the actual fuck, From
are throwing daggers still shit?
>ctrl-f "Radahn"
>30 of the 58 matches is someone bitching
Could be worse I guess
just stick to mortal combat like the other 12 year olds
So what's the point of the Miquella Rune dropped by the Scadutree Avatar?
Pretty hard. Not as hard as an infusion until deep. Mine buffs the weapon for 230 but an infusion could get you like 300. But I still get my full dex scaling so it ended up being better by the end of the dlc.
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There was only a few things that should have been fixed, the rest are just fixing weapons that were shit to make them fucking worthless.
Smithscript weapons (cirque not included) were shit weapons with a fun gimmick.
Now they're completely trash weapons with a substantially less fun gimmick because that gimmick hits like a wet noodle.
Swift Slash needed a nerf, Fire Knight GS needed the fix, Perfume needed the fix.
The Golem Fists though? They were fucking dogshit with the broken scaling and are even worse off without the broken scaling.
>he hasn't memorized the entire game world
>he needs visible terrain to beat the game
It breaks the sissy hypno.
Don't sorceries have way more combo potential than incantations?
Because grace is only guiding you to the divine tower and the sealing tree you need to burn to get there.
LMAO they're even worse than before anon.
If you want to use throwing daggers you're better off just using the Claws of Night.
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watch me swooce right in
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I miss him bros...
What sorceries are good for Bayle?
>still can't infuse torchpole or give it ashes of war
He's a complete joke now because of Torrent
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here's your rolling sparks damage vs x2 soreseal
I've got a confession to make.
I've never beaten the game. I get all the way to Radagon, push his shit end, and quit.
I feel like I should break my streak and finally beat the game.
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That's interesting, anon. I didn't know it went that far. I'll have a look at it!
Strafe left when you arent doing anything else and all the flashbangs (except the ARENA COVERING ONES after his long-ass combo, or pillar of light) will just drift off camera naturally. If you know how to roll into him you're already better off than 90% of the people crying about him, so thats good. Final thing is just to sprint more, even sprint to strafe at times, instead of rolling, give that a try next time.
shard spiral
Any sacred/flame Art weapons
Especially fire/black knight weapons
Good ol' FROM and nerfing things to the point of uselessness, tale as old as time.
My only complaint is that the final boss sucks. 10/10 DLC otherwise.
Malenia all over again I have played every souls since DeS and I was still among those crying about her. now i get it but i still seethed at radahn quietly for awhile
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good taste
>Already do all of that
>Still fucking hate him
Also, do people just not strafe bosses usually? I always walk to the left or right of a boss when I'm not doing anything.
what AOW provides the most stance damage the fastest/safest for PVE? So far I noticed that the great katana's overhead does a shitload of stance damage.
all fth builds do is run at you spamming catch flame and dog sling
Its called "Grrrr, I hate Radahn and will cry about it in /erg/!". It only plays when you die using the same strategy 10+ times in a row vs Radahn without trying to adapt in any way.
Swift slash spam is still strong, all they did was lower the damage and hitstun. It's still unreactable, unpunishable, can be delayed to mix, recovers fast as fuck, travels far as fuck, etc.
I think it's another version of Messmer's theme
Why'd they give the Guts guy a sword that doesn't look like Guts's
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Does the insanity make Leda hotter?
Generic orchestral trailer music n°109
Pretty sure its an early rendition of relanna's theme
>do people just not strafe bosses usually?
You'd be surprised...
But are you really having trouble with "flashbangs" despite doing all of that?
Radahn solo with the dueling shield is fucking ROUGH after the patch man.
Have to stamina manage within an inch of my life, keep that shield grease and dragonbolt of florissax rolling with 100% uptime, and even still I'll just sometimes hold a guard break due to a few more bolts touching me than I'm used to.

I'll get used to the cadence and the weapons DID need that nerf. But it's fucking rough man.
Scabbydoo tree coop is actually really annoying.

Because when the boss tries to target multiple people those windows for whacking his head get a lot smaller and sometimes he just turns around and you cant.
What's happening in this image?
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>Steal /erg/ OC and use your shitty low test voiceover + voice acting from the game
>500k+ views
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Yes, but it's also how she completely trusts us despite being a paranoid wreck towards anyone else. It makes the betrayal sweeter.
Why is that whore on dlc cover when she's a literal who?
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insanity and being generally poorly adjusted always makes women hotter
>jewsoft blaming frame drops on third party apps on your pc
Holy kek the nerve of these gooks
I'm so glad I refunded this shit and just pirated it, at least when it stutters I get reminded I didn't pay for it and don't get mad.
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Who cares, low effort memes get what they deserve
>b-but it wasn't a low effort meme
It was a trace of a pre-existing meme
>linking it so we can give it even more views
buy an ad
They still feel really good to use otherwise.
They are my go to for deleting those Hornsent ninja.

I wonder if the shield talisman helps the stamina management ?
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Nothing decent.
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It gets worse
>links to a reddit post he stole it from that stole it from here
a homosexual even gayer than the average viglet anon buckbroken by Radahn(again)
I'm on a pirated copy with the initial dlc patch
Is it worth updating for these weapons buffs and nerfs? Patching manually is quite a pain
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Was bored, so i did this.
All data based on the EIP build calculator and Fextralife wiki. I only did FTH scaling seals and didnt include Giant and Gravel because whogivesfuck. Dont cry if that's not good enough for you.
Seems like the Erdtree seal reigns supreme in higher levels except for Mesmer incants while Fingerslayer keeps its position if not for the dryleaf in mid-to-high areas.
Also kinda cool how Mesmer's seal overtakes everyone slowly but steadily.
Yeah, they still get in the way of my screen. Doesn't help that he loves doing other super bright attacks that start flashing the screen for a good five seconds.
Maybe I just have sensitive eyes.
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keep in mind omens have like 33% holy resist
Dont even bother looking it up, they gave Miquella fat DD tits
Like what the fuck
AR is great depending on the infusion.
explains why some parts of the worlx just seem ripped out
was dragonbarrow part of jagged peak?
This is right outside the lion boss arena, right?
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Leda thinking about Miquella a bit too much and breaking her stoic demeanor, kicking her feet and giggling like a schoolgirl. Covered in blood sitting on a pile of corpses.
Sort of. Stamina regeneration ends up mattering a lot more. I use both on top of the Peral talisman for stacking more layers of mitigations.

If I didn't mind farming the mats for the new stamina item I'd use that. With that you can break even on his attacks (but only with carian's shield). Still have to roll some strings. But reupping 3 buffs just isn't realistic compared to 2. Even 2's pretty hard to fit in. But it's either that or die to holy chip.
>mash face against Radahn for a couple hours as faith build with Milady (Milady is not a good Sacred weapon don't do this)
>think it would be cruel irony to drive Radahn mad with Scarlet Aeonia (again)
>put on 80 poise armor and all the phys/holy negation stuff, cast Aeonia on him after the initial gravity dive, then once more after baiting the holy nuke
>homofags finally died
I feel slightly bad for kneeling to status effects, but I'd rather spend my 4th of July off work doing something else than being annoyed by that 2nd phase.
I should go try Sekiro again, I had the most fun this DLC against Messmer deflecting and GCing everything with the hardtear. It feels much better than having to time I-frames early so you recover to dodge the 2nd swing in time, in a game where roll is on button release instead of on press like it's still 2011.
>a video dubbing a comic from Reddit which was from 4chan which was adaptation of another OC based on a song that's based on a book
That's life
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>Dont even bother looking it up, they gave Miquella fat DD tits
Wouldn't that just be Miquella?
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is 50 vig and +13 weapon really not enough to beat fia's necro dragon?
Permission to stroke my penis while looking at your characters butt?
Learning how to fight Radahn is a clown car shitshow where you spend multiple hours being blinded until you figure out (through brute force because you can't see) how to even avoid the flashbangs, let alone to learn how to avoid the attacks the flashbangs were obscuring. There's no universe where this is an enjoyable boss fight to learn.
It's the artist's character, not Miquella.
>Wouldn't that just be Miquella?
Gah, meant to say Marika. Marika is literally what Miquella would look like with tits.
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>having problems with fartissux
holy skill issue
Shut the fuck up heteros, I bet you kiss girls!
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My top 5 fav weapons
>5: Cross naginata
>4: Misericorde
>3: Sword of Night and Flame
>2: Golem's Greatbow
>1: Bastard's Stars

What is yours?
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Can you do anything to these things?
Leda feeling conflicted over Miquella and the Tarnished
hug it
Marika doesn't look gay as fuck
no you can only deal with their existence
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Rellana's Twin Moons
no but if you use mimic veil they won't see u
>5: Cross naginata
>4: Misericorde
>3: Great Stars (sue me)
>2: Estoc
>1: Milady
In this scenario, what is the 3rd explosion after both moons drop?
I've come to the sullen realization that I don't remember any music from the game besides the main menu music.
Messmer is so lucky
>Marika doesn't look gay as fuck
Isn't Marika a bislut?
>watching a video of a dude breaking down messmer's theme
>he mentions the leitmotif being similar to another track in the base game but he can't remember which
>start paying attention
>it's the Radagon theme leitmotif
from likes to put story telling in their boss themes too, so I think it's I'm kind of leaning to messmer being his kid from before marika cast him off to become a god
it fits the whole messmer being called specifically "son of marika" (with the queen left out hinting he was there before it all), and fits him being a cursed kid born of a single entity (hinting at the other theory we were discussing a couple days ago about marika being a snake and the cursed kids being results of virgin births)
really interesting stuff
Going to play DLC again using my old pure INT character, after playing first time going full Faith. Any ideas for a INT or INT/DEX build/weapon set?
her penis
keep at it, specially if thollier is there
That's the dark side of the twin moons.
>>viability is hitting a boss for 50k
That's only if you were using it in that specific way. They nerfed the weapon type across the board, including legitimate usage, with this patch and that feels like shit.
even radagon doesn't look gay
miquella is peak fruity homosexual faggot gaylord
Your Godrick the Grafted?
Your Godskin Apostles?
Your Morgott the Omen King?
Your Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy?
Your Mohg, Lord of Blood?
Your Divine Beast Dancing Lion?
Your Midra, Lord of Frenzy?
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i liked the ambient shit
godricks theme
rellanas theme
radahn's theme
lion dancer theme
the various trailer themes, miquellas theme
and the main theme
Why do people keep saying she's insane?
She rightfully suspects the Hornigger because he's a crazed avenger and she rightfully suspects Ansbach because he is a former knight, and probably closest confidante, of Mohg and she blindly trusts (You). Is she a little overzealous? Maybe. Insane? I don't think so.
Marika is the straightest woman in the lands between.
>without dumping runes on players and letting them trivialize the base game by out leveling the content
They did that anyway. The rune items contain higher amounts of runes and enemies drop way more.
nerfing two specific perfumes doing something wrong is not "nerfing the whole type across the board"
Nope, do not remember any of their themes, I assume they feature orchestral instruments and random chanting?
Bastards Stars :)
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Female knights are sexy.
Damn that's a good catch. I think my favorite thing like this in the DLC is how during Midra's theme the song the Merchants play tries to come out, but it's shortly overpowered.
elden ring 2 better retire arrows and mana
bows should come with 10 regenerating arrows and magic casting should use stamina
Dueling Shields
Dancing Blade of Ranah
Golem Fist
Anvil Hammer
Carian Sorcery Sword
It's all generic orchestral shit to me. All sounds the same.
Also the sluttiest
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I got worried that they nerfed the scaling on this, but the damage seems exactly the same on a Faith build for flame art.
Did they mean heavy and keen? Also I was using it in invasions, and when buffed it still hits very hard. Harder than any other Colossal Sword for this build.
Imagine being a zoomer so brain fried that everything that's not nigger mumbling or guitars wailing immediately shorts out your singular nerve center
>make a single hybrid catalyst weapon
>its a boring as fuck rapier
>level 241
jesus christ anon
Did anything change if you haven't killed Malenia and Radagon?
I stayed off killing them but I really want the farm sword, I thought I could get away with level 140 but the new bossess drop surprisingly low souls.
This. They need to stop making massive open worlds if they can't find interesting things to fill them with. I'll take a world half of the size if it means the content is more densely packed. Exploring was fun for a while and I got that constant sense of "woah, what's that over there," for a time, but then you start to realize that your efforts are largely just rewarded with crafting materials and consumables. The Finger Ruins had no need to be so empty.
They've got great visual design principles, but this is a video game, so you need to actually put rewarding things in your world that make the experience worthwhile.
2. Twinblades
3. Dragon halberd (the cold lightning one)
4. Greatbows in general
5. Claymore my beloved
>guitars wailing
Zoomers hate guitars, that's why rock and country are essentially dead right now.
>romina's theme references malenia's
>shaman village plays the calm part of the intro theme
i love this shit
According to the wiki and the flavor text, it was supposed to be extra buffed by flame like from flaming strike for example. But the bonus was being applied to holy buffs and holy damage instead. Dunno if that was true or whether it was fixed.
>nothing but gay porn for miquella
I'm almost certain thats marikas theme
Any ideas for weapons, or you mean just using Moonlight GS?
Funny thing, I used that weapon in said playthrought in Vanilla, and will use it while I find a better weapon (or outright switch)
Rapiers have a great moveset
The only downside it has is that due to not having an R2 you can't do the unique backstep.
I love rapiers.
The scaling on that weapon wasn't bugged. The only thing wrong with it was that it would true combo people with r1s and they couldn't roll out.
fuck you miyazaki, you will not take my fun away.
It's the same thing
>Zoomers hate guitars
then why do they fellate any shit that consists of electric guitar spam
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I spend at least an hour stuck on every boss
they did a lot of use of the boss themes as additional story telling medium for this DLC too so it's also why i'm leaning into this pretty much confirming messmer's father
romina has the same thing with the malenia theme showing up on her second phase too
it's just that the messmer one was cleverly hidden and only if you pay really good attention to it you can notice
Country was dead long before zoomers, anon
>muh trucks
>muh whiskey
>muh dixie
>muh nascar
>muh dad's gun
yawn, just hollow pop music for hicks instead of art hoes
Why are you projecting? ER soundtrack is just generic. It sounds very reserved like they were afraid to go for strong melodies. It works but it isn't memorable.
>that's "fun" in the mind of the shitter
I'm glad I will never understand.
Because I want to find ways to cope with those aspects of a fight using my own cultivated skills. As well, issues don't stop being issues just because there are a select few ways to circumvent them. Decision mistakes are still mistakes even if there are ways to cheese your way around them.
Very well explained, this exact same problem is also present in the base game but people here are still calling this DLC a 10/10 because this is the only half decent game released in like 10 years
Post it.
i beat most bosses on first try because i always summon
now i'm stuck at fortnite sax dragon because i'm not allowed to summon
Sometimes you need a character that isn't at meta level. Only doing Meta invasions will kill you in this game.
Oh, it's an ash of war in the DLC. Does ~90 posture damage with a full cast.
Not to mention the three people she suspects do end up turning on Miquella. The only one she's wrong about is Thollier.
yeah man i forgot the shaman village too
holy fuck maybe i should go back and listen carefully to other area themes too to see if they have any other nods that might explain lore stuff
this stuff really is so good
Get on your horse
Bait an attack
Abuse it while it's now stuck forever in the slowly walking towards you loop.
No, rock is just too "toxic masculine" for zoomers and country is too right-wing for them.
roll towards him, bakka. He has openings, you just need to be near him to exploit them.
I'm not a fan of poking weapons, they're just kinda boring even though they're good
acquire taste
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That's why she's the best.
The only ones who do that are older zoomers who are so close to millenials they're basically 90's kids, so they grew up with a lot of 90's punk and grunge music. The younger zoomers are the ones obsessed with shitty mumble rap. It's kinda funny actually, you'd think they'd love like bling era hip hop from the early-mid 2000's since that's what they grew up with.
Yeah I'm gonna have to relisten to it.
Hey anon you know what......you're right. Unfortunately. As far as I'm concerned it died with Johnny Cash. But when I say dead I mean listener wise. I think that's the main reason country hip hop is kind of rising in popularity, Nashville's pushing it in a vain attempt to remain relevant. Also because they don't country being viewed as music for racist people. It's pathetic.
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I think my biggest gripe in the game has always been not have a spell set save.
like i usually have a set of spells i bring when exploring and a set of spells against bosses and shit so i wish there was a way to save the order so they can auto equip. would make my removing all my spells and puting them back in order much eaiser.
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Is 150 or 200 better for invasions right now? As in which has more people and variety? I don't care what the meta in 2 months is gonna be, and I'll probably savescum my character anyway, but I wanna know if I'm missing out.
It is to me and many others
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>no follow up attack
What the fuck were they thinking?
least they could do is let us "favorite" equipment in the bags and those would always be at the top of the list
that cant be a real human
The DLC has some really nice things in it, but fuck me if it doesn't contain all of the worst mistakes of the base game as well. It has nicer level/world design than the Lands Between overall, but it could definitely have been improved. Enemy design is also really hit-or-miss and the enemy variety is kind of fucked in some places.
Let's not talk about all of the literal repeats or repeats with a slightly different coat of paint from the base game.
It isn't, it's a 3D model.
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200 catches the most normies and ng+ers playing the dlc
>using horse
goddamnit why didn't i try that, cheers
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what is mommy doing?
Fuck off back to /u/ with your mental illness, yuritranny.
Sesbian lex
>admits the dlc is slop
oh no no no sisters damage control damage control
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Why are there so many of these faces? Are they all supposed to be Godwyn? Did he have like 5 faces?
i dont know
0:50 to 1:21 they used it broken down
1:05 to 1:40
once you notice you will notice every time they reuse it during it
>Igon is literally called Ahab in the files
This for equipment also. I have a character leveled to be able to use different sets so it's annoying.
>putting down finger
>host keeps having ultra low blessing level

I get they don't want ultra carries but would it kill them to make summons at least half the difference + 1?
and where is this exactly

>Did he have like 5 faces?
he's got faces on even the crabs in the capital, dude's nuts.
Shit like this is fucking cringe. I dont think its satire even though its pretending to be. Like this idiot took the time to draw and color. Thats not a joke w all time wasted
Not even Miyazaki knows considering how half-baked the lore is.
new thread
It's not shiny enough. What a let down
>Slapping Malenia out of her Waterfowl Dance jump with the Wing Stance heavy attack.
>Dumping Wing Stance light attacks on her as she attempts to recover

Oh this is fun.
stop having fun pls
It's based on a real human and the girl does look like that. Epicinternetgf is the girl the modeler based it from.
It's great with Milady by the way.
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Go back to your generals ADHD gacha retards
Jesus Christ....
How would the threesome between Rennala, Radagon, and Marika go down?
Stay mad tourist.
Is there a better elden ring wiki than fucking fextralife?
The meme percent is waiting.
Godwyn's Shaman blood from Marika is making him infuse into the root system of the Lands Between, which is causing him to multiply uncontrollably as the roots keep spreading.
What I don't get is why his elite knights are trying to find these root clones, since they are firmly in Fia's faction.
Marika and Radagon take turns getting Rennala off until she's comatose
i want to have passionate and romantic lesbian sex with queen marika the eternal
Here is the pic the modeler based the model from
Stay. Mad. Tourist.
can you use this defensively to teleport behind bosses and enemies? maybe with unlocking?
I just want a carian style armor with a starlight cloak bros...
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fucking based cant wait for binibon's leda

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