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Previous: >>484679542

Miquella's succulent pits edition

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
>Marika looks like that
Boner instantly killed
I'm having fun.
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Anyone else feel that pre-Shattering Lands Between would have had pic related vibes?
you copy pasted the edition from the last thread retard
Why is Elden Ring so homophobic
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>Same edition

One job
Stop wanting to fuck dragon women.
>nerfed Bloodfiend's Arm
>nerfed Lighting Bottle Perfume
these faggots obsolete everything fun.
what's a good low str/dex req melee for a faith char? Ive been using cipher pata and the halo scythe but I kinda wanna respec out of so much dex (started as prophet)

I tried Dane's Footwork but it seems absolutely awful
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Where's Miquella's succulent pits at
Club or stone club
>braindead one shots
why not just turn on CE if thats what you want
>Noo I can't do 10,000 damage per swing!
Uh oh it looks like you might have to beat the game
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How the fuck do I kill these?
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this is going to seem like a really dumb question, but is NG+ any fun? I've never gone into it in a From game before. it seems like a way to be able to use the final boss weapons. Is it too easy to get burned out?
they're not gonna fix the lore in a patch are they
Gotta parry their little grab attack and then they're vulnerable.
>Is it too easy to get burned out?
They need everything, don't bother.
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>redmane hoodie
>no legs
>riding in caelid
>tranny in the backseat

Such is the life of the carian, am i supposed to be envious of the "golden order"? Because i'm not.
>halfway across the castle

>install Elden Ring
>start playing
>half the screen is blackened with vignette
>install mod to remove the vignette
>"inappropriate activity detected"

damn that was quick
fuck Dane I wanna try Sellen/Marika/Ranni/Renalla/Rellana/Melina/Hyetta/Sellen footwork
>FKGS nerfed
there goes my invasion main, ansbach's bow here I come
>we got to meet a cool pureblood knight and redmane
>didn't get to meet a cleanrot knight
kinda lame
NG+ is almost fucking worthless because there's no changes real changes from NG, just like a tiny bit more defense. It is basically just a victory tour for you.
I can't remember the name but the holy parry is the most generous and the medium shield is the hardest to land.
they didnt fix the bow? god damnit
My character is a brute who used two giant axes, that wouldnt fit with my rp. theres no other way?
The first 70% of NG+ is extremely easy because they're not tuned for the level 125-150 you'll probably be at by the end of NG. The end of NG+ feels practically identical to a NG. It takes until like NG+4 for the early game bosses to be tuned to an endgame character, but by then, the NG+4 endgame enemies will do insane damage and two-shot you.

In summary, just do another new character and cheat in/get dropped whatever equipment you want.
sorry rotfags get a retard with a cancer build
>put Sellen twice
I understand though, hers would definitely be OP
>killed Metyr
>Ymir starts rambling about how he was going to be a mother and attacks me
What was his problem?
anon, you posted Sellen twice.....
>being Miyazakis dancing monkeys
couldn't be me.
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Lore friends, who is the Farnese of Elden Ring? Crazy religious zealot, pyromaniac, sexually depraved?
>one piece of malenia lore we get is memed into oblivion into chrisposting memes
maleniafags on suicide watch
I want to try it more than once
leda is right there
Why do scrubs love to trivialize everything and just see "you win" messages with minimum effort? There are thousands of Nintendo games for babies out there for this
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So I enjoy using picker wheel to decide what weapon type, armour set and ending I do for an all remembrance run.
For any anons who do something similar, what are your thoughts on the dlc?
With all the running around you need to do for fragments I don't know if I can be bothered to touch the dlc. You don't need many fragments to do most bosses comfortably but Radahn will be a headache.
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His artificial uterus is ready to be used for finger births.
Leda only more stab less pyro
Chicken leg is still cracked, it was only like a 14% nerf to bleed buildup.
Metyr isn't dead, she teleports away. You probably can't even kill her with any weapon do to the whole finger slaying thing.
He is a crazy person who wants to resurrect his son. That freaky finger creeper he carries around might have been his first attempt at it.
He's a fucking asshole and swung at me first after I helped him. Fuck Hornsent.
whoever made this needs to be shot
Now this is how you beat the game
Not everyone wants to spend 10 hours learning to perfect a boss fight.
Only real nerf to arm was the r2
>I dedicate effort to memorizing the swats and swoops of pajeet generated animation in meme video game for self-validation
Is blind spot now better than swift slash?
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Just pretend that you're backhanding them.
Scadutree Avatar kinda built like Ebrietas
I don't like the DLC pacing. The initial adventure field is fun because there are so many directions to go and so many dungeons to find and everything feels fairly balanced for an endgame character, but eventually you run out of stuff and have to enter the shadow keep, which leads to a bunch of short empty map corners and a bunch of tryhard remembrance bosses that are less creative than the fucking lamenter.
I'm looking to do a purist run, fellas. What would be the restrictions I have to follow?
Based on people's opinions on here I have to exclude:
- Summons
- Greatshields
- Ashes of War
- No Somber weapons
- No Ashes of War
- No spells
- No incantations

Did I miss anything?
I liked almost every major boss in the DLC but Gaius and Radahn were garbage
>You can spawn inside the geometry if you get summoned as a blue phantom in the abyssal woods
wow, holy zased
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no posting in /erg/
You know what, I actually think prime radahn is the best ER boss. One issue is some of his attacks destroy my FPS, otherwise pretty fair and challenging fight.
>He needs to memorize the pattern to win
Oh no no no scrubsisters
Was Malenia's rune buffed for the dlc?
Same. Fuck that guy.
Pre-shattering wasn't a paradise by any stretch. There was the shadow war and the war with the giants. People were getting purged left and right. Any deviation from the golden order was punishable by death or worse.
i'm not a furry but
>a guide of clear retardation for the purpose of not enjoying Elden Ring Vol. 1
You're the author of this?
this video is so fucking autistic LMAO
you don't have to kill a single remembrance boss to collect at least 41 skibidis. You can become overpowered before doing anything. But it needs a lot of horse riding
I already did a RL1 playthrough, but people on here shat on it because I used a summon. That's why I figured I might as well do something else to keep the game interesting.
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>Tfw all my favorite bosses are ones that feel like they would have been just fine in older Souls games, like Romina or yeah even the Lamenter because it's got a neat and silly gimmick.
buy an ad
did you do a rl1 dlc playthrough?
>Rolling Sparks bug fixed
well at least I had some fun getting summoned and melting bosses before they nerfed it
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All of these critique videos are shit, they might start strong with objective stuff but they usually become angrier and angrier and start letting their personal feelings take over and by the end they either have repeated themselves 20 times or gone off a stupid tangent, it's so worthless man
I like the open world. But it's undeniable that it negatively impacts other areas.
I would genuinely trade 20-40% of all open world space in the game (dlc or not) if it resulted in bigger legacy dungeons.
It's categorically among the worst, and no amount of contrarianism will save you.
>Dave's Hot Chicken leg was obviously OP as fuck
>Rolling Sparks was obviously a massive fucking bug
Kill yourself, sincerely
I like his OST.
I loved him. Guess im a contrarian. Everything was perfect.
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Not yet, because the character I used for the original run got to where he is using summons and I think that would invalidate a DLC run even if I didn't use a summon from that point onward.
>these faggots obsolete everything fun.
reduvia is still right there. it procs bleed with a single l2 just like the drumstick if you connect with the blade and projectile. it's just that people don't know this because they spam at distance.
Helping people beat this dogshit final fight with a fingerprint shield and cold antspur is probably the most fun I've had this DLC.
Respawned Radahnquilla to see what it's like with no 100% block parry tool and just my wife's sword. Gotta say, still a kino fight, although I did pump up my skibidi level from +8 to +18. It's pretty funny how much better the game runs without EAC on, although the light nuke still made my 1070ti smoke a bit. Thanks for reading my blog.
The only e-critics whose opinions I actually respect are
>Noah Caldwell-Gervais, even though I personally disagree with some of his opinions
>that one guy who made the video about gambling / slot machine design, I can't remember his name
the overwhelming majority of them are either genuine grifters or have room temperature IQ and an accent.
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Fuck these guys. They shit and vomit everywhere, they grope you and they keep trying to push you off cliffs. I'm glad they got cut up and stuffed in jars, they clearly deserved it.
It was a very cool fight until part 2 started and then it became literally the worst garbage from has ever made, aside from DaS2
I don't understand poise. I was fighting the very first crucible knight earlier.

-I parry, jump slash with my dismounter and he gets sent flying.
-I parry a second time, jump slash but now he poises through it.
-I noticed if I do 1 or 2 cinematic parry followups jump slash can send him flying again

Any idea why he doesn't get sent flying by a jump slash each time? Do enemies get some kind of knockdown immunity for a bit after getting sent flying?
>just got to the realm of shadow
>immediately calls us tarniggers
>Noah Caldwell-Gervais, even though I personally disagree with some of his opinions
NTA but this is a mindset I respect in people. Being able to disagree without making a big deal out of it. Good on you, Anon.
>stop playing differently than meeeeeee
what a fag
The more I see of the Hornsent "people" and their shitty behavior, the more I'm convinced that Marika did nothing wrong in the Land of Shadow. If anything, she didn't go far enough.
>No Somber weapons
I've never seen this one. If someone on /v/ said it then the list never ends.
why are you jump attacking instead of just taking the crit?
My damage output hasn't been an issue at any point, I've collected plenty of scoobydoos. But starting with shadow keep the DLC ain't feeling right for me. I get a strange sense of fatigue or dread knowing that I don't have any dungeons to look forward to, just increasingly demanding bossfights with nothing in between.
Elden Ring does have a pause button, though. Just open the map, then check the options for said map.
>got the smooch
Miquella cucked ranni
jump attackign let me hit him another time for a little extra damage. plus it's fun.
She should stop talking about games, and start taking dick
I think it derives from DS-veterans wanting every subsequent game to be like the older games. Nothing new can be used because it apparently "cheapens" the game.
I don't personally agree with that, but I think it's fun to give myself limitations to see if I can actually pull it off.
aside from the flashbangs in p2 and the cross slash attack i enjoyed him
Fuck. Did I fuck up? I helped the Hornsent against Leda, does that mean she won't go after Ansbach?
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Why do we fight Romina? Why can't we talk it out
him along with onze are my favorite bosses. oh, also the death knights.

kinda funny they're simple dungeon ones.
I don't understand why a pause button would be necessary, dying isn't a big deal at all.
Item description: the character.
They forgot to give the DLC enemies characters and instead gave us 3 Pontiffs and a Twin Princes
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why cant we save leda
You weren't supposed to point that out...
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Personally i believe Elden Ring is still the best overall souls game despite it's core flaws and Shadow of the Erdtree being disappointing.

thats disappointing to hear. i would have loved to use Radagons or Radahns weapons in a brand new run from the start. I really wanted to do a whole ARC/FAI build
I love that painting.
but somber weapons are just twinkling titanite weapins
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>we meet the top pureblood knight
>we meet one of radahn's handpicked elite knights
>our malenia "representative" is a nervous bug man sad about getting abandoned by her
feels bad
I don't get why she's guarding the sealing tree. Messmer placed that there to block off Enir Ilim, presumably on Marikas order, and Romina was one of the victims of Messmers crusade. Why would she be blocking the gateway of divinity when she literally became an avatar or vessel for an outer god.
>is stiff as a board
>looks a million times worse than he fought malenia and starscourge
>combo, combo, combo, combo, combo, combo and combo; the rellana problem all over again
>the shitty looking effects he gains
>can't avoid every attack unless light rolling or turn into a greatshield shitter
>you can't even beat up miquella
Aye, but get this; they're too easy to upgrade and therefore cheapen the game. I wish I was kidding, but this is what people tell me. Imagine having to upgrade 10 times instead of 25?
I prefer Bloodborne myself, but Elden Ring is a very close second. I enjoyed Dark Souls, but this world and gameplay just appeals to me more.
The only one I really couldn't get into was Sekiro.
He's great, IF
1. Your PC can handle phase 2
2. You learned to play the fucking game
3. You're able of understanding complex concepts like "rolling backwards into beams of light bad"
I always disliked Malenia because her fight is entirely based around waterfowl dance. It's the only thing she does that's truly threatening. It's so threatening that there's an entire subculture of players who will tell you to either change your build or exploit peculiarities of the game's mechanics (I'm looking at you, frostbite stagger) to deal with it. Radahn has no such move that instantly shifts the momentum of the fight if it lands, and is incredibly unintuitive to dodge without referring to resources outside of the game. The most unintuitive move he has is probably his light clone slam in phase 2, because it isn't clear that there's a limit to its range. But it doesn't deal enough damage (or heal Radahn, for that matter) to instantly shift the momentum of the fight like waterfowl dance.
I haven't seen this but I hate whenever someone wants to make a point they talk about how none of the community sided with them
solved game
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Explain to an INTlet what's wrong with the Age of Stars ending, or why there are some who disagree with it being the best
>i would have loved to use Radagons or Radahns weapons in a brand new run from the start
If you're playing on PC, just cheat engine them in. It doesn't matter, nobody cares.
It's over, you have the womb tattoo now
I've beat him on 6 different characters now and I still think the fight is dog shit.
Why did they make it look so much like a womb tattoo...
>Renalla's twin blades say "Here, and here alone, were moon and fire ever together."

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Radahn technically got TWO people related to him, Freyja and Gaius; Malenia got screwed
I like Goldmask's ending more because it fixes the issue of retarded gods ruining everything for everyone without plunging the world into a thousand years of night.
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Look at Marika's stomach. Now I know where these two got it from.
I guess that's true. They want you to use normal weapons to have a more standard weapon damage over the course of the game.

also lol reminds me you could get a max upgraded normal weapon in ds2 before the midway point quite easily because sotfs gives you a titanite slab in the first area if you have a lockstone, and you can farm chunks in a n early game area with bonfire ascetics.
Ranni's ending is the true ending. It speaks to the long con Marika did as a Numen to rule the moon and stars. Everything leads to that.
Give me your next dlc predictions.
kill all weebs
also ummmm, why does the description say Astrologers preceded the sorcerers, but the astrologer class is described as being an heir to glintstone sorcery? what the frick fromsoft that doesn't make sense
I found Malenia easier than Radahn.
Malenia is slower and has clear punish windows. Radahn feels spastic by comparison.
farnese (male)
Improve my build. Being an R1 monkey is kind of boring
I almost forgot; no Great Runes either. That kinda makes sense, though. I think it equates to what? 30 levels of stats?
TL:DW (watched yesterday, but I forgot most of it)

He said that the bosses aren't fun to fight since they designed them this way on purpose, with the clues being difficult to read, roll catches, positioning punishments, bosses moving through the entire arena if it meant to punish you healing, etc.
With the logic being that the game doesn't want the player to learn how to fight the bosses themselves (which means you don't really build any opinion on them, since you don't know what is bullshit or not), also compared it to Sekiro because there it shows posture bar, jumpable/parriable attacks etc.
He used Bayle as an example: the clue for his roar attack that knocks you down is his right leg moving (which is really hard to tell since the camera is in his head), he combos this move into lightning (which you will spam roll) and then his meele attack - all for the sake of people getting instakilled and telling others on how they once again made the hardest game ever.
He said that since it's end-game, the rewards for exploring are bad. You don't need runes since you get diminishing returns, you have plenty of upgrading materials and max weapons. So the only reward is revenant spirit ashes/skibidi fragments, which you don't get on caves/dungeons, for some reason.
Complained that the entire south section is empty, same as northwest and northeast, and that the legacy dungeons having reused open world enemies make them not special. Castle Ensis feels like a fort with a really strong enemy.
Said that this 2.5 years would've been better spent just making Elden Ring 2.
He also said some positives but I just skipped them. I think he loved Shadow Keep and Midra's Manse.
moore is one of her children
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It's the best ending. From best to worst:

>Age of Stars
New order with all the bullshit fixed and people are free from the influence of outer gods.

>True Golden Order
Same as before but the issues are fixed.

>Golden Order
Reset button

Reset button but now there are zombies and skellingtons everywhere.

>Despair ending
Everything turns to shit and we're supposed to think that's cool because everyone is equally shit.

>Frenzied Flame
Fuck everything and everyone.
this lord farquaad looking motherfucker weirded me out

he wants to BE messmer and be cradled at marika's tit. i did not hesitate to steal his soul, even if his weapon was a lame HTS.
>invade and the host is already spamming the chainsaw glitch while the summon is spamming swift slash
>they're so dogshit they both almost die twice
>second red pops in and they switch to him
>the second he pulls out the chainsaw glitch both of them get a bleed proc and die
sometimes cheaters are alright
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>Rellana and Gaius are both important people in the Lands Between with several connections to important figures from the base game
>Both of them abandon everything go to the Shittolands to be best friends with Marika's insane neglected genocidal forgotten son because ??????????

Every boss in the DLC really could've used like 3 more lines of dialogue.
this video is by far the worst offender LOL
>bosses are too hard for me
>i refuse to make it easier with summons
SoNaF is technically Stars+Flame, not Moon+Flame.
>our malenia "representative" is a nervous bug man sad about getting abandoned by her
who is that?
holy fuck, Metyr took more more tries than Messmer and Gauis combined. god damn for some reason i thought people here said she was easy
1 character at most to make them feel relevant
>cucked out of people related to her in the DLC
>cucked out of her brother
DS2 had the least retarded upgrade system for normal weapons. You can unlock unlimited small and large titanite shards fairly early, and since there are only 10 upgrade levels and it's only 6 stones per tier swapping weapons is very convenient, just 20k souls for a +6.
>radahn is a fair and balanced boss
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If you have some less anime looking pictures of Miquella's tummy feel free to share.
I don't disagree that Ranni's is probably the canon ending as it's really the only "good" end that has its own ending cinematic.
I just prefer Goldmask's approach targeting the problem with a specific fix rather than a complete reset.
>gaius is messmer's best friend and right hand man
>also radahn's senpai
>also an albinauric
Someone's OC I swear
The best ending is where you rule with Marika, other endings might as well not exist.
Fair enough.
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My Blood Fire Knight Greatsword has 180 bleed build-up and I have no idea why
he's one of her children
>still loses to Malenia
Is Messmer older than Radahn?
colossals have some of the highest status build up on infusion
its why the chicken leg is still so busted
In other news local man doesn't know how to jump.
Large weapons get more status buildup to compensate for their slower speed.
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>he loved Shadow Keep and Midra's Manse.
>Midra's Manse
Opinion discarded, boss aside it's THE most disappointing area of the game and the realization hits after the high you get from clearing it goes away
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Moore looks like Gowry under his armor, he's one of the kindred of rot
When people said the fire knight sword had a "true combo" what does that even mean?
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>send me pictures of a little boys stomach
Nigga what is wrong with you?
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What would be the best AoW for it if I'm doing ARC with a little bit of faith? trying the Gaius drill one, which is ok. I need to be able to keep the blood infusion though
what can any of them do vs him??
Yeah, he should be the oldest of Marika's children, with Melina being the 2nd. Unless From drops another one of Marika's unkown bastards in the future.
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I'm done with Elden Ring
From the DLC, Midra was the only boss I really liked. Actually a well paced fight and readable despite the madness effects everywhere. A lot of the other fights were visual diarrhea or had bad pacing. Radahn felt very anti climactic, honestly a lot of stuff had a dire lack of buildup and fanfare. I rolled my eyes when I saw Ansbach and Thiollier dead after the fight, Miyazaki is a hack one trick pony with these side quests. Legacy dungeons were like 10 minutes long. Meh. I'm finally going to uninstall this and replay Dark Souls 1 again for the hundreth time.
he was like an older brother to radahn, so presumably
any point he had about the difficulty was instantly nulled by the fact he handicaps himself and then blames the game for it
>Uses FIRESWORD on the boss with a FIRESWORD
you can see hes doing like 300 damage per swing lol
>Refuses to summon even though nobody really gives a fuck if he does
>"which is really hard to tell because the camera is in his head"
But he compares it to midir and just like midir or really most dragon fights you wanna lock off

I think this video was just clickbait, and it worked cuz his garbage ass channel got 100k views in a day.
it's always been that way. since they don't hit as often, they're given higher levels to compensate. ~200 bleed will proc on the first hit depending on resistances. ~100 bleed with two.
How are we even able to kill Metyr? Didn't Ranni and the Nox have to put in tons of work to make fingerslayer blades just to harm them? I can just whack the biggest one with a sunflower and kill it though?
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>enter his arena
>blitzes you at the speed of light
>hugs you more than a million times within the span of one nanosecond
>goes so fast he travels back in time and kisses your wife (his mom) before returning to the present to hug you again
im proud of Miquella being canonically a god and saving the lands between
You can't.
It doesn't die after it's health bar drops to zero, it just teleports away.
It teleports away.
absolutely nothing the dlc power creep is insane
A true combo is when you land the first hit, a second hit is guaranteed therefore it is a combo
If you landed an R1 with fire knight greatsword, you were guaranteed a 2nd R1 which is huge damage for a colossal sword
Kind and pure gay characters a boring. Regardless of sexual orientation, the messy the character, the more fun they are
But I have her head as a club
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>A Moon Greatsword, bestowed by a Carian queen upon her spouse to honor long-standing tradition.
why didn't rellana give messmer a sword
cool, nobody cares.
>time to play DS1 again!
>Bed of chaos, capra demon, gaping dragon, the entire second half, ceaseless discharge etc etc
6/10 ragebait
Her love was one-sided.
The biggest problem I have with is that its not really fixing the issue, its just discarding everything and hoping the new order will be better just because Ranni is giving you a sloppy toppy in the moon.
Never really thought about how much smaller than himself he actually is
Maybe she did but he was a fai spearchad and put it in his trunk and forgot about it
I think I would do that too.
Remembrances aren't the real person or thing.
You can also get Renalla's shit from it, but you don't actually kill her.
good job cutie
>run game.exe
>Easy anti cheat loading screen
>game didn't launch
>repeat until game launches
What the fuck
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is messmer gay?
how do I get to this middle part? is that someplace you explore after the finger area?
do colossal weapons break stance quicker than great swords? will two uncharged colossal R2s break it quicker than 2 GS R2s? probably a retarded questions
>Super OC Radahn that uses bloodflame and holy attacks with the help of his God boyfriend
>Unheard of Carian sister who has a super duper special double moon spell and combines flame and moon in sword form
>Gaius who's supposedly super important and everybody and their mothers knew him
>Mother of fingers who's totally cooler than the Elden Beast guise
What an embarrassing DLC, only Messmer feels organic
The fight we should have had.
The one that we got
seek cave
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>capra demon, gaping dragon
Nothing wrong with these, if you can't deal with the dogs at this point that's your problem.
>the entire second half
/v/ and reddit meme, Izalith is the only really bad area. Even then it's got double the soul of anything in Elden Rollslop. I'll be having fun, see you faggots again never.
Every time you have to ask that question the answer is always "yes".
>Explain to an INTlet what's wrong with the Age of Stars ending
There isn't really much to critique unless you make some wild interpretations about the moon being an evil outer god.

>why there are some who disagree with it being the best
It's usually just people butthurt (oftentimes Malenia and Miquellafags) that Ranni's questline had the most effort put into it and also has a pretty unprecedented (for souls games outside of DS2 anyways) happy ending where you end up with a loving dollwife. Goldmaskfags are probably the oneargue that their ending is better, but there's not a whole lot of constructive discussion to be had there given how little we actually know about the basic foundational elements of the GO/ER/TLB, especially with the new DLC lore surrounding the GW and fingers. My main gripe with his ending is probably how contrived his solution feels given how uninvolved his quest is, but you can definitely argue that that doesn't take away from the solution itself.
Jagged peak leads there. Look for the Dragon Pit.
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Doesn't look similar to me.

He hated Abyssal Woods since it's a huge area filled with useless cookbooks, rats and goats. For Mandra's Mise he found cool that you could see where you were at just a few minutes ago, same as illusory walls behind the paintings and the man screaming occasionally.
iirc He said that using spirit ashes was skipping content, since he wouldn't really learn the bosses movesets. He just complained that they aren't fun to learn.
You just slap Renalla around a bit. The thing you actually kill is just an illusion.
It's been a few hundred years since the Shattering War. No one in the Lands Between would know much about a bunch of people who left for some thankless crusade with a hated snake freak.
Rot God Malenia is still broken
That's different. You get a spell and a staff. You don't get a piece of her body.
>Finally kill the two lanterns in the Abyssal forest after an hour
>Turns out there's like 10 more of them

What a piece of fucking shit game. You cant even run past these pieces of shit. Fuck From.
Midra's Manse personally felt like a breath of fresh air regarding the level design, even if it was painfully short. It could have been an awesome legacy dungeon if the Abyssal Woods wasn't open world and was instead integrated with the manse as a single level. That said, I was not a fan of the Shadowkeep either, even if it was neat that it was basically the hub from which you access half the map.
just 6 tries and was close enough to erradicate him in one
parrying radahn makes him unironically fun as fuck. New strat going forward 100%.
You can kill them?
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Roderika actually, so named after Farnese's arranged groom Roderick. She may not have the pyromaniac streak but she has a similar storyline where she finds her place by learning a form of magic (spirit tunning), much like Farnese does in Berserk.

cool thanks thought I missed something but I haven't been to the peaks yet
The Abyssal Woods is so shit, what were they thinking?
just crouch lil bro
Didn't know Malenia rot did so much damage.
Ran out of time
Do you know where you are?
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How do I get here...
God Malenia is so based
only if you parry their stabby madness attack each time
I gotta apologize to Messmer. When I saw him in the trailers I just thought he would be a stupid character that steals focus from Miquella, but he turned out to be the best character in the DLC.
offhand dueling shield is so fun
Are there any connecting areas passed these Lantern faggots that I need to access or can I run to the madness castle and be done with this area?
I just killed Bayle with the help of Igon, very cool.
Now, I get that he hates the lizard, and I assume that Bayle is the reason why we first meet Igon on the ground contorting in "exquisite" pain, but is that all there is to his backstory?
Did I miss some pieces or did the VA actually manage to meme a character into being more than the cardboard cutout he was meant to be?
By going to shadow keep, finding a ladder down into the water near the lift leading to the storehouse. Go past an illusory wall down the river and keep going down until you find darklight catacomb.
You might want a video, it’s a massive area hidden behind a bunch of secrets.
Good. Don't come back, nobody wants your garbage wall of shitter cope-posting.
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>we didn't get a super OC cleanrot knight
>younger sister to finlay
>personally slew godrick's cousin, goddard the grafted
>has a faith katana
>has a butterfly version of the cleanrot set
we were robbed
Player messages and online help aside, the path down there actually makes environmental sense, it's something that I can believe people figured out just from observing the environment and making logical conclusions.
I thought it would be somewhere in the water area. This helps. Ty.
You are a faggot
He's the one who ripped two of Placidusax's heads off and is the reason why half the dragons are in civil war with each other.
how do I make smithscript daggers do literally any damage now? I have 20/86 str/dex and 3 damage talismans and they still hit like a wet noodle

why did they nerf them so hard
As far as I can tell he has more dialogue that anyone else, but that may be because I can't fucking find anyone ever since they left after the charm broke.
Which build is the most fun? And is it possible to do INT/FAI/ARC for a maximally magic quality build?
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DS2 > ER
>but muh graphics
not just a faggot, I'm the fagGOAT
>Enir Ilim is considered a legacy dungeon but Rauh Ruins isn't

god I hope the last place isn't bigger than Rauh, this place is fucking huge
INT/ARC has like 2 spells and zero weapons associated with it
Whats things do int/arc have?
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fai/arc gets you incant damage almost on par with 80 fai while also giving you access to occult so you still do decent melee damage, it's my personal favorite

they did add that int/fai catalyst that can cast both sorcories and incants tho so I imagine there's all kinds of degenerate combinations. never tried it and don't know if the damage sucks tho
yo why is he soijakkin
>also she has the best armor set in the DLC by far for no reason
I love her, but is she at all usuable in pvp?

who cares faggot
>plunging the world into a thousand years of night
The thousand years of night is Ranni's journey, were you not paying attention?
No lol, but PvP is for losers anyway. Its just retards running in circles for 20 minutes waiting for someone to overextend.
absolutely not lmao
Fai/Arc dragonchad build
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Why can’t I fix the Elden Ring by just fucking all of the demigods into submission? They all seem like they could use a little lovin’.
almost everything is usable in pvp, it's just that people tend to use broken things.

i use a single estoc as an invader. it works, but i'm usually ganked by swift slash nowadays. which is fine.
>capra demon
go upstairs and kill dog then easiest fight ever with capra demon
>gaping dragon
oooo boy just run around him and hit his tail run away for 5 min so fun!
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>Patch didn't fix Ansbach's incant or buff Bayle's incants
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>visions of Jurassic Park

>can't spam sparks at midras feet anymore
Uuuuh how do I beat this guy now on a faith build?
Is this AI slop?
But why does he care? Imma be honest I don't get the dragon communion lore in general.
I've been treating it as guys who look at dragons like Godric looks at limbs, so if anything Igon should be happy that dragons are all divided and unable to properly defend themselves against people who would eat them.

They all left for shadow keep aside from Thollier.
With a sword
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It's fun for invading at least.
Int/fth as a stat spread is weak outside of extremely high investment because its casting tools are all backloaded scaling-wise. However, faith builds can splash some int just to hit the casting reqs for Golden Order spells while keeping faith as their only scaling stat, and int can splash faith for Death spells in the same fashion

There are only 2 int spells that require arc and they're terrible. However, since the arc staff was buffed it's now almost as good as a dedicated int build so you can build mostly pure arc and just invest enough int to hit the reqs for low-cost spells like Pebble and Slicer. In practice this is just an int build that does slightly less damage in exchange for having a different pool of melee weapons.

Fth arc has more spell options and the DCS is in competition for best seal in the game so you're essentially equal to a pure faith build with just a different (edgier) weapon set.

Technically an arc build could splash a little faith and a little int for some basic spells from each category but I think you don't access enough variety to really make the investment worth it and it's clunky to try and use both magic types at once.
Apply black blade
Summon mimic/tiche, hornsent, and the night lady. Rot and poison him, then spam the black knife AoW and black flame incant back-to-back until he dies.
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My undefeated goddess wife...
they're working as intended.
>this super hard thingy to get from this really cool npc or boss
>it's shit
>this easy to get thingy from whatever
>it's amazing

it's been this way since demon's.
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>dude do ARC/FAI for those epic Dragon Incants

I will never use ANY of these until they give casting 100% guaranteed poise. such a fucking waste.
Rauh is part of the open world.
There won't be buffs (or positive fixes) for several weeks yet. The immediate post-release support focuses on nerfing the broken shit and fixing only the most glaring, high-impact bugs instead.
I'd bet Ansbach's spell is a known bug and the reason it was shunted to the end of the DLC. It was probably originally the reward for helping Ansbach against Leda, hence why now both options in that quest give the same rewards.
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Couple of questions
How do I know what the correct optimal distribution of stats for a specific weapon is? For exmaple, say I'm STR/FTH but I get very different efficiencies from weapons like Blasphemous Blade vs Death Knight Longhaft Axe depending on which stat is higher between STR and FTH so it feels confusing. This is particularly interesting to know for for people weapons that are infused, like say, a Sacred Claymore vs a Sacred Banished Knight.

What do I "lose" when going to NG+? Do the maidens in Roundtable keep the bell bearings or do they all reset? Do I have to reactivate the coop stakes things? Can I coop with people in NG and other NG cycles when I go on to NG+?

If I am always two handing my weapon, is there any point in going past 54 STR? That should be equal to 80 STR,wouldn't it? Also does power stancing affect weapon scaling like two handing does?
Does the deflect tear affect partial parries?
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can someone pill me on these? any reason to use them over the standard backhand blades or smithscript?
also why the fuck cant we buff em? we can buff bloodhound's fang
what are these things?
There desperately needed to be an armor set based on her, I don't care if it would make sense I just want something that matches her poleblade.
I have only fought chinese players today. I forgot all the americans are busy having bbqs
What's the lore with the black apparitions that are the new generic hollow zombie enemy?
look at the AR in a build planner and play with stats
you have to reactivate stakes, you keep bell bearings and NG+ has no impact on matchmaking
OK, so these giant stone coffins:
>"colossal stone coffins of unknown origin that seemingly drifted to this place"
>"land to where stone coffins drift"
>"putrescence is what remains of the impure lives kept within the stone coffins"
>"all tainted flesh eventually becomes putrescence"
>putrescence connected to ghostflame?
>wedged into the rock as if there was a violent impact or the land shifted around them
>found on the surface of the coast and by the dozen in a massive underground cavern, but not lining the walls of the pit that leads to the cavern
>cavern is inhabited by bloodfiends, grave birds, rock worms, those who live in death, and a misbegotten crusader
>feature bull iconography
>glovewort placed on altars atop them
>are shaped like ships on the bottom
>miquella chose to abandon his love here
They’re spoopy ghosts, nigga. You’re in the land of the dead haha, get it?
Thanks, got him to half health with just the black knife, I'll give and poison a try.
>also why the fuck cant we buff em
because you can throw them. anything in the game that can be thrown fromsoft was extremely paranoid would be broken so they suck shit and will get nerfed for eternity instead
what do you mean? she's behaving exactly how she wants to; when the charm broke she's even more devout; it was just keeping her paranoia away.
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I hate how all of those things have ZERO impact, regardless if it's in the DLC or in the base game. If you try to remove any main character of the plot in the base game it would create more questions, but if you remove them it literally doesn't change anything.
>Gaius and Rellana is no more! We won't add them in the game!
Nothing will change. Because they never did anything. Being a commander from his army or his "blade" doesn't matter. They don't add any character to Messmer or impact any enemy. (Not even the fucking mages in Castle Ensis have any new moves, like, seriously?)

Like: think of Maliketh. He's the one who defeated GEQ, the Rune of Death being sealed on him also allowed Ranni to grab a piece. (This is his "lore importance"). Him being Marika's "shadow", alongside his dialogues in-game + being the "Death of the Demigods" are all to build his character. His impact on base game enemies? Black Blade Kindreds and Vulgar Militiamen use death-infused weapons.
Now, compare it to Gaius. "He's Messmer's friend. And studied together with Radahn." (lore "importance"). He's an albinauric and loves his boar. (He's literally Latenna + Radahn, that's his "character"). His impact on enemies? - Zero. Not a single person in Messmer's army uses gravity magic.
I could go on, Radahn, Loretta, etc. But holy fuck. They dropped the ball hard.
Placidusax did really well against him.
A Cleanrot NPC could've fixed 50-60% of the DLC's storytelling issues.
Spell/Incantations balances are for next hotfix
Just use summons bro, dragon communion spells are all balanced around the enemy not paying attention to you :^)

Actually they made it so summoning pools stay activated in NG+ and beyond, and you can activate/deactivate them.
do you not know how fromsoft does patches or what
you cant throw the curseblade cirque, anon
>Actually they made it so summoning pools stay activated in NG+ and beyond, and you can activate/deactivate them.
since when
Is there somewhere I can get a list of all "one per playthrough" items, weapons, armorsets, etc. stuff ?
they're all the dead hornsent civilians.
wait how do you deactivate them
Messmer's snake curse was not public knowledge, that's the whole reason his Black Knights rebelled, they discovered his serpent nature and immediately turned on him. Marika kept it suppressed enough with the seal.
Miquella was supposed to guide all the impure misbegotten creatures of the realms to a land of safety but all he was doing was euthanizing them with eternal sleep ala St Trina. Griffith reference.
Since the patch before the DLC came out.


>New Summoning Pool features:

>Active Summoning Pools will now be carried over to NG+.
>Individual Summoning Pools can now be enabled / disabled in the newly added Map Functions Menu.
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I'll be using this thanks
You cant get everything in one playthrough because some NPCs have a choice between their weapon and their spirit ash
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I like her clothes
They have a unique WA. Use them if you want to spam their WA.
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Does the parrying dagger have the same parry window as the buckler?

I'm sick of the bucklers aesthetic and i think having a dagger would look cooler
jump throw then throw as soon as you hit the ground again
How exactly?
>They're shedding their skin like snakes
What does it mean?
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The Tarnished could have avoided the gank fight if he just fucked Leda
Commander Gay Ass.
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There should have been a route where you can convince all the NPCs to join you and have a giant 8-man summon fight against Radahn like there was in the base game. It would've been like poetry, it would've rhymed.
What makes Messmer hard for people?

I feel like I rolled him with sorcery. Knew once I got him to p2 it would be an easy kill with the huge punishment windows from the big snakes. Just took a bit of getting used to the dodge timings to get clean clears of p1 so I could see more of his moveset in p2. Think I got to p2 like 4 times and killed him on the 4th time there.

I dont understand people talking about him having infinite combos and shit. Rennalla was much harder for me. (Admittedly I was rusty on the game at that point)
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What was Nanaya's problem?
What a slut.
Now that I think about it Midra's dogshit as well
>Woooaaaahhhh there was a frenzied lord hidden all along bet you didn't see that coming xd!
It devalues what Vyke and your character (potentially) did, especially since it's some cuck old man who gets the frenzy head
What emotion is this expression meant to convey?
she likely would have attempted to kill you sooner if you advanced on her.
All ER Lore problems would've been fixed if Miquella wasn't a fucking faggot
>I think I shit myself.
>I will never use ANY of these until they give casting 100% guaranteed poise
Dragonmaw literally has infinite hyper armor.
Rellana is established to go because she's in love with him. Carian women through her and rennalas actions are shown to be lovesick weirdo moonbitches.
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>Can't alter her armor to just remove the cape and keep the coat part

That would have turned my opinion around on the boss completely, even if it's still a lore clusterfuck.
>could've explained the war and detailed their undefeated campaigns
>could've exposited about Malenia to give her more character
>could've explained the vow so it seemed less out of nowhere and illogical
>could've had interesting interactions with Leda and Freyja
>could be the Malenia viewpoint character that Freyja and Ansbach are for their lords
>could emphasize Miquella's loss of self by talking about his bond with his sister and how that's at odds with his current actions
midra is fine in that it shows frenzy has the chance to be anywhere there's suffering on immense scale. the same with rot and blood worship.

until the suffering is fixed, this things continue.
Simply fight through the pain and show her you are the superior god
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He is too fast for me to cast spells
Putrescent Mass is S tier for harassing in Redman mode. Holy shit the AoE is so big and at 60/60 INT/FAI [Godfrey+Graven] it deals 900-1100 in against players. Just lob them at full charge into PvE melees and watch the entire party shit themselves. Vortex is also good to make chasers relax or back off and I'm not even max cast speed
reject dragussy
she's a true believer. she killed all of the other needle knights out of paranoia, many she would have known quite well.

she's like those suicide bombers at the haligtree.
whats the point of straight swords
Name even 3 downsides to fucking dragons
Square off
PS straight swords has one of the best movesets in the entire game.
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DAMN Leda looks like THIS?
>There are only 2 int spells that require arc and they're terrible.
The big bubble is more than alright, it's just not worth going all the way up to 18? int if it's the literal only reason you have to raise the stat.
I definitely used it more than I did dragon breaths in my arc playthrough, that's for sure.
Top tier dual wield material.
I mean. That's because the dragon breaths are overpriced (for regular enemies) suicide buttons (for bosses).
tier list of all the bosses ive fought
>not on list = havent fought or not a main boss / not important
Midra was enough to fuck up an entire region while suppressed by the stake. He was also a normal guy and not an Elden Lord contender like you and Vyke. If you weren't there to put him down immediately he would've done way more damage.
Redpill me on the longsword.
Is there any point to keep a character at RL125 anymore or is 150 the bare minimum? What level will get more coop summons?
It's completely understandable
I become God you become my elden lord
I give you a death worthy of radagon and godfreys successor for you to agree to be my consort
Artoria is probably in my top 5 for cooming, alongside Samus, 2B and some others.
what the fuck
so i have to use the parry if im a shitter?
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no coochie
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>Artoria is probably in my top 5 for cooming, alongside Samus, 2B and some others.
>godskin duo: S
>individual godskins: C/D
I don't get it
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>tanith got more lore than the gloam eyed queen
>If only you knew how bad things really were
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Fanfiction writer anons what do you think of the dlc?
I really, really like all the dragon lore. The Marika/Messmer/Hornsent stuff is all good. Leda and the other npcs are fine.
But I'm not touching anything else involving Miquella, going to pretend the dlc stuff with him just didn't happen.

Also do we know why Miquella needed Mohg to enter the land of shadows? Or do we just have 0 context speculation?
If Fromsoft had an ounce of soul they would've made it so that you could put Midra to sleep/calm him down with either sleep or songs, which is what St. Trina was known for. It's what happened with the merchants. Shabriri, "chaos incarnate" or Melina, the biggest Frenzied Flame hater not showing up is very dumb. "You can't have base game characters (except Radahn) in the DLC."
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is it me or did dex get the most love with the new weapon types?

also, post tarnished.
S tier?

i just think they are funny or have a funny design, hence the funny tier
Mohg can teleport.
Lmao I agree, it's just that so many people like them I thought they made a decent standard to compare bubble against.
Basically it's a poor man's moon. You're not going to miss it if you don't have it, but casting it is no waste of fp. I'd put it on roughly the same level as dragon claw.
>Living Failures
Oh oops, I misread it
your dragonwife is autistic
no children
>going to pretend the dlc stuff with him just didn't happen.
very based
>Also do we know why Miquella needed Mohg to enter the land of shadows? Or do we just have 0 context speculation?
i imagine the logic is that he needs to be dead? except that if he's dead them him discarding his corpse doesn't make sense...we also aren't dead
you also find people not related to him there (red bear/devonia "It is said Devonia quested in search of the Crucible's origin, and departed from the lands of the Erdtree alone.") so idk, just make something up
Skill issue
>went to the shadow keep before I met thiollier
>dove into the fissure and met flower trina before i met thiolier
>killed leda and her fuckbois
>at radahn
>start looking around for things I can do before closing out the dlc
>thiolier was lost to me days ago and I didn't know
God damnit. I just care about fashion souls. Even if I never said hello, is his corpse laying around somewhere?
Better than gay swords
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The lore implication nobody is ready for
nice thumbnail
Tell me about the 4 arms lore. Is this why Ranni needed to dump her real body, so that all 4 arms would be hers and not half belonging to a space alien?
I believe there was cut dialogue explaining that Mohg was able to cross into the land of shadow.
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they wasted so much space with this literal nothing area. there wasnt shit here
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>your dragonwife is autistic
And thats a good thing
>no children
Not yet but she will birth a whole clutch soon
That's the best part
Just came to Marika.
nobody tell him about the coast
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>can't figure out how to get to the eastern part of the map
>try again and again, no luck
>google it
>I'd already been to the path to it
>except there's an invisible wall

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do you think elden ring will have as many DLCs as Dark Souls 3?
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are we the same person?
>same hair underneath the helm
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dark souls 3 will get a londor dlc before that happens
It's % based damage that's way higher than the rot we inflict, which is why it's taking massive chunks of Radahn's insane 46k health. Only Malenia and Maliketh stand a chance at beating the DLC bosses in gameplay because of their % mechanics, because otherwise DLC boss's stats are way way beyond anything even NG+7 in the base game.
Well he's certainly not unique in that, Ranni does it, Morgott does it and Melina does it.
Maybe it's specifically the blood magic teleportation that his connection with the Formless Mother gives him that lets him bypass the giant evergaol barrier into the land of shadows?

Yeah but *why*
I think this is it.
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They literally stated SotE is the only DLC.
Based, going for Barbarian King/beast master look. My character uses beast incants and summons wolves.
we need to kill Renna and the moon
maybe something like that, implying that they have a say over their fate now once the influence of the fingers are gone.

ranni was probably also renna, much like miquella and st.trina. this seems to happen to the demigods when they try to mentally break free from the control, but it's not enough.
The why isn’t explained, he just can. Maybe the land of shadows is where Mohg learned about the formless mother.
Suppose I wanted to use a Great Katana through as much of the base game as possible. What's the best way to cheese Mohg right out of Liurnia?
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Right so back to what I posted
>Or do we just have 0 context speculation?
Seems that way, unfortunate.
The living characters there probably arrived before Marika sealed it away, except for Miquella's followers.
He needed Mohg to kidnap him and enter the LoS. His corpse was simply the nearest suitable vessel for Radahn.
A normal Katana, he's weak to bleed.
Would any of you care for a slice of rape?
Radahn needs to be dead to access the DLC as well

Use cheat engine and spawn it at the first step
Tired of all these stupid wickermen
the lampreys have 4 sets of eyes
messmer's abyssal serpents have 4 sets of eyes
Trade with your friends
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is it rape if i say yes?
i like it
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>>feature bull iconography
Or Capricornus?

One cool thing I noticed in parts of the iconography of the cask and other parts of the coffin is that there are snakes on the bottom part of the engravings (also bird forms or shapes?), which reminded me a bit of the Tiamat Assyrian seals.

On the interior of some there are some cool protruding heads too.
>already a lame bossfight with a bugged out charge hitbox
>literal deviantart oc lore made by 14 yos where their oc MUST be connected to a significant character in lore somehow
I’ve been using the runes from greyroll and the lenne’s rise night cavalry to buy +12 for both the antspur rapier and morningstar. Infuse morning star with cold from hoarfrost stomp and antspur with posion from poison mist while collecting your seeds and tears.
Takes about 1.5 hours to get into the DLC with this method and a good route. As long as you can fight Mohg.
midra's manse is the pseudo-story GRRM wrote to contextualize the frenzied flame for miyazaki, so it could be properly implemented into the game.
first time i see one of those and it's not just type Bs in full set without helmet
reduvia (upgrade as high as you can go for how far you want to travel)

you'll still need to fight well, but it makes it far easier. you get enough runes from dragon and night's cavalry caelid and graves to level up vig and arc.
Godfreys dlc brother: Godflea
bayle is cool
Pre vs post dlc. I'd make her face pretty if I was arsed to learn elden ring's character creator
The idea of some barbarian retard finding all of this finely crafted weaponry and deciding to use it while still donning the traditional headdress of their people is really funny.
Bayle has more effort and thought put into him than all of those combined
Was thinking about that yesterday or on my playthrough where I covered the dancer. She's probably related to Tanith and they seem pretty identical judging by your sliders there.
just look up sliders to use as a base and tweak. as long as you know what humans look like and dont fuck up the proportions its easier than trying to figure out the cc
How did some red dancer from NotArabia end up in the Shadowlands? How does anyone without connections with Marika or Miquella that isn't a spook get there?
>smithscript lineup is fun to use fuck
>nuke the lineup to ground
Why would they even whack the whole smithscript lineup?
Does that golden vow item change anything? Is it easily craftable? Or should I stick with the spell/dagger AOW?
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>Bayle The Dread
>cool boss that perfectly fits into the established lore
If only all the DLC was like this
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>About to respecc into FTH/str to main Fire Knight GS and Queelaf's Skewer Stick
What should I use the spare points on?
What Seal to use?
Why did they make the dlc in the absolute endgame anyway? They practically doubled the amount of equipment, what if players do want to actually play through the game with some of these new weapons? BB and DS3 had it right in letting you enter the dlc through reasonable routes along the intended progression path extremely early. It's not like DS3 locked Ariandel behind Lothric Castle necessitating an early Dancer kill to get in.
ng+ I guess
Fuck around and find out
us pc chuds can just CE the weapons in to do playthroughs, even if you're a consoletroon you can mule them in if you have a friend
Every smithscript weapon had a bug where elemental infusions would megabuff both the int and fth scaling, resulting in basically all of the having Colossal-tier AR but only with those infusions.
They fixed that bug. That's it.
>stuck all day on consort phase 2
That's it. I'm done. I'm respeccing to Antspur + greatshield facetank rot cheese. I can't take this DLC anymore. I explored every nook and cranny only to find 3/4 the map was fucking empty. I talked to every NPC for questlines that went fucking nowhere. I put up with Messmer's Malenia-tier anime bullshit, I put up with the godawful hitboxes on Gaius, I put up with the neverending combos on Putrescent Knight, I put up with the visual vomit that was Bayle the Dread, but fuck me, this is the straw that broke the camel's back. Fuck SotE.
>I'm respeccing to Antspur + greatshield facetank rot cheese
Radahn beat you. It's okay to admit it. He's VERY strong, no wonder Miquella chose him.
Umm im Scad level 10 and im doing no damage to the Chaos fag. Is this intentional Or do I need more?
It's a shame the damage drop off is insane on these weapons and makes them not really worth using at any range outside of melee distance
finger seal i guess
After fighting all the DLC bosses bayle is my favorite, he has absurd damage and tanky as fuck but none of his attacks are complete BS and have really obvious tells.
thats the intended way to play gaijin, thank you for 40 dollar
You're gonna beat the game.
Snake helm knight, inquisitor, drake knight, and carian knight all look cool. You need to work on whatever that rogue knight is
they should have made it like caelid where there's both medium to high level areas. the only issue is that they locked it behind real mogh, who is a late game boss for all intents in base.
>int on a FTH/str build
>finger seal on 60 fth
at least troll better
how are you so tiny
I am hardcore rewritepilled. The base game set up the norse themes. Godwyn is Baldur. Miquella was supposed to be Hermod riding to Nifelheim(Shadow Lands) riding Sleipnir (Torrent), confronting Hel(Messmer) and freeing his brother. The tragedy would have been Miquella dying at the hands of his resurrected brother after we grew to love him observing his footsteps, which would be sites where he helped people of the shadow realm. From dropped the ball hard man. Why did they do it? Just to be le subversive? Whole thing reeks to me.
brb, got to beat Messmer in one try with my Moonveil
How this once proud general has stooped so low
>death knight axes have a blinkbolt attack
>the blinkbolt AOW is literally just a dash
I was at 15 and was doing chip damage. He's VERY tanky, surprisingly. Took me quite a few tries despite this general saying he was so easy. His secret is that he has no poise and attacks in threes.
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Yeah you know you're r-
>Ackshually here's my super OC dragon that hurt the original Elden Lord Placidussax because he's just THAT badass
Why are you denying Radahn and Miquella's love?
Miyazaki lost touch. Happens to us all. Elden Ring's lore was always a mess.
you will just never be as cool as them
never played type b and never will.
Him being completely fucked up from the fight and being the Moby Dick to Igon's Ahab makes him cool
Anon, none of the people in that webm have names anything like those and Elden Ring doesn't have a chat feature.
sorry bro i'm not a nerd
since you know better you could've gave an answer
>sorry bro i'm not a nerd
go back
The golem fists are so bad it feels like a legitimate joke the developers put in.
There is quite literally absolutely no fucking way they were tested
The damage falloff on the heavy attack is literally anything outside of melee range.

Writer's fetish. Miquella not being reduced to a bussy onahole would be a waste of a hole.
Wow I believe they have names like that and there’s a secret chat feature!
>farming grave crickets and brainpans
Fuck me. Anybody have an optimized strat?
newish player here
im scared of going all the way with her questline
can i save her and make her my gf?
Stop wasting your time and use cheat engine
Well, Messmer's-
>Ackchually before Rykard was a snake this OTHER DUDE was a snake and he was way more badass!
No. She was doomed from the start.
>can i save her and make her my gf?
Yes, but at what cost?
Nah it's fine I just invade nearby on my Death Hex build. Gangfucking hosts with my based Death Brid bro is fun. I just wish I could optimize it with regards to farming.
>flaccidicksacks is severely wounded, I wonder what could have done that
No GFs other than Ranni, sorry.
It's so fucking over
>Ackshually this flower is the shadow of the erdtree™ and existed before it
idk which one ps is off the top of my head
rykard is clearly meant to be more "badass" than messmer, unless you're a f*moid
what was their relationship like?
As a shitter, these are my picks:

Very Fun Tier:
- Sunflower
- Bayle
- Lion Dancer

Fun Tier:
- Messmer
- Rellana
- Metyr
- Midra
- Romina

Annoying but felt good after winning tier:
- Jori
- Putrescent Knight

Shit Tier:
- Giant Hippo (Boss, normal ones wew fun)
- Gaius

I Used Summons Tier:
- Radahn

All in all a very fun experience The map exploration was truly wonderful, probably the best experience I’ve ever had just purely exploring. A bit of a shame some of the areas turned out to be a little devoid of interactive elements, but exploring them for the first time was magical.
>fed himself to a snake
>lost all his men
>couldn't even control it fully
>only person who loves him has a vore and feederism fetish
Putrescent knight is bullshit and I still don't understand how I beat it.
>Fuck you, you homewrecking bitch
You could probably speculate about the omen/hornsent connection and throw in some outer god shenanigans on top of that.
Thoughts on this? It's shit isn't it.
The WA can combo into an R1/R2, but it's still shit, isn't it?
>20 hours into radahn parrying progression
this is almost certainly not the "easy win cheese" I had anticipated it to be
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This weapon fucking rocks bros, you should try it if you haven't
No one cares about nordcucks and their shitty reddit mythology
Miquella was always a Jesus figure
Rauh fucking sucks
we've always been racist you fucking white k***ht.
Norse god. Loved by everyone, they pledged not to kill him. Only one mistletoe plant didn't pledge. Loki (I just realized Ranni is fucking Loki) fashioned the plant into a spear to kill baldur. Everyone is big sad.
Messenger God. Swift. Good boy. Pledged to venture to the underworld to save Baldur. Not 1:1 but fits.
The Underworld. Realm of the dead.
Odin's (marika's) horse that he pledges to Hermod to guide him through the layers of the underworld. Shadow realm is basically this for the LBT
God of the dead in norse mythology. GEQ could fill this role but they had to play up the whole myahacki archetypes and velka her ass. Messmer is basically this role as the overseer of the underworld.

Myazaki thought that highschool gay romance was better than reflections on the themes played out that HE set the groundwork for in the main game.

Vow of Indomitable was made to bully golden Golden Crux spammers
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Take the Irish mythology pill bro. Mysterious arrival to the Lands Between through flying ships/coffins? People of the Goddess Marika Danu.
regular uchi with unsheathe is better, so...yeah
poopenmasken have you tried using the tooth whip
Same, I actually don’t really understand what you’re supposed to do, but I used a faith build and beat him in 3 tries. If I had less damage, I think the fight would have gone into Shit Tier unless there’s a fun solution to the fight.
no but that's on my list
does the WA combo?
There's a dev message on top of the dozens of player ones.
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roach mode.
it does
>I just killed Bayle with the help of Igon, very cool.
You didn't beat him though, that's for sure.
He's many things yes, and the game is a whole crucible(kek) of mythological/religious inspiration, but the norse themes were HEAVY in the base game. Marika is hard Odin-coded, the Erdtree, hell in a way Godwyn is also nidhog, ect. Jesus figure blended with norse mythology would have been so cool but instead we got gay incest anime drama
Given it's usually the same phrases it's easy to set up a filter to catch only him and nobody else.
Don't call attention to the mentally ill.
I spent a while staring at the sides but imagined I'd probably start seeing things so I went with the heads as obvious
Because Miyazaki is incapable of writing a story that doesn't have a dumb twist ending.
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Am I allowed to upgrade weapons on a RL1 run?
On the contrary, if you didn't summon Igon to the fight with Bayle, you did not do the fight correctly.
that's very neat actually, now i'm mad
If the highschool gay romance wasn't intended from the start, why are the Miquellan knight's swords modelled after Carian swords and why does Radahn have a Haligtree on his cloak
>I wonder what could have done that
Pretty sure everybody assumed that was done by the GO like Godfrey or Maliketh, given that Placidusax was stated to be a previous elden lord, not some completely unmentioned, unalluded to uber dragon satan.
They call them coffins but they look like ships to me. Which IRL culture does the “send the dead off in a small boat” thing?
ER having a proximity voice chat with invaders would be so fucking kino
Surviving Norse mythology is already blended with Christian mythology.
up to you
you decided to do an RL1 run, you decide whether you want to upgrade your weapons or not
The game beat you. No shame in admitting it.
Only if you're a reddit atheist
That's fair. I just wanted to try and get a sense of what's expected to avoid the whole "you didn't beat the game" memes that will surely come.
I have a lore question!!
Why can we kill Demi-Gods if the Rune Of Death isn't in the Ring anymore?
so you're upset it didn't fit your headcanon?
>no unique R2
>they didn't bother with Radahn's new swords either
You could have just said if you think it's good or not and maybe given a reason why.
is a webm not enough for you?
I’m sad that he built our hopes up with the DLC trailer dialogue. I’m fine with a “everything goes to shit” story since that’s the norm in these games, but I was mostly excited to see him do something different, and when the trailers dropped it really looked like he was going to.
he's a giant fuckin snake bro, that's cool as shit
messmer is specifically designed for w*men to obsess over him
Don't think about it
They really should have let the diegetic respawn shit go with ER
Just beat midra, lvl 5 scoobydoo after something like 25 tries. It all came together once I learned how to always dodge his phase transition. Also, in my own opinion, he deserved to suffer more
I played the game on release
was the sunflower supposed to be easy or just fought early without many skibidis
The webm is fine. I mean you can express your thoughts with your own voice instead of making up someone you disagree with and making them talk like a faggot.
They’re not dead yet, all of them keep shittalking you once they’re turned into dust. It would be cool if they didn’t do that once the RoD was released.
NTA but the other guy is correct. The Norse mythology we have documentation for was written by Christian monks. When Norway was Christened around 995 A.D. the surviving Hofs (Norse sites of worship) were torn down and/or burned and had churches built in their place. The old customs were replaced with Christian variants of the same (such as Yule originally being a celebration of Winter Solstice being replaced with Christmas celebrating the birth of baby Jesus).

The only legit sources we have for Norse mythology are the rune stones (bautas) or word of mouth passed down from other indigenous people such as the Sámí in the Northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.
>dex/fth build at NG+7
>using lightning perfume
>two shotting most basic enemies, rolling sparks still does a lot of damage at a good distance
>everything is ranged to some extent so very safe to use
Honestly perfumes are kinda nice
>deals frenzy with every attack
yep, you're getting the mimic
Nah, I wasn't super invested in the dragonlord stuff because the pre/early GO timeline was already a mess and I'm not a scaley. One more critical event crammed in there isn't gonna make or break it. I'm just saying I think there was a pretty reasonable explanation for why Placidusax was fucked up before they introduced the anti-christ in dragon form. It's neat that we know who Greyoll's mate was now, I guess.
In conclusion, Elden Ring is a truly terrible game with no redeeming qualities. Unlike games like Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail, which are known for their engaging storylines, smooth gameplay, and diverse characters, Elden Ring fails to deliver on any of these fronts. Its lack of a cohesive narrative, slow and repetitive combat, flat and unengaging characters, and technical issues all come together to create a poor gaming experience that is far from the best in the industry. Players who have played games like Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail will find that Elden Ring falls far short of their expectations, leading to disappointment and a lack of interest in continuing to play.
We don't actually kill them.
Godrick's grafted bits fuck off and he's left as a head stump being stomped on by Gostoc.
Rykard's snake head remains in his boss room being slowly eaten by his wife
Morgott is left beaten in his boss arena and only 'dies' properly once we unseal Destined Death and return
Radahn's remains are gathered up by Alexander and carried with him, until he passes them to us as the Shard of Alexander just kidding it was retconned and how he died without the rune of death because plot convenience, his soul went to the shadowlands for reasons and ended up in the crucible just so Miquella could fish it back out
Malenia blooms and is left and a flower in her boss arena, with the implication from Millicent that she will eventually return to normal
And Mohg doesn't leave a body behind because it's stolen by Miquella
So did I, but I was STR/FTH until the end. I've only started leveling INT now and it has some really cool weapons I never tried
I think it was supposed to be easy, he hangs his head right in front of you constantly to be hit.
Many cultures do that. Actually, I think you just prompted a very interesting find as I was about to link a general article on it:


>A BOAT-SHAPED COFFIN was found in Japan during the construction of the Kita Ward in Nagoya. This coffin was found to be older than any other previously found in Japan. Another boat-shaped coffin was found in the tomb of the Ohoburo Minami Kofun-gun in Northern Kyoto, dated to the latter half of the Yayoi Period (4 BC–4 AD). [dubious – discuss] The tomb contained grave goods including a cobalt blue glass bangle, an iron bangle, and several iron swords. Boat-shaped coffins called haniwa were more common during the Kofun period, and these coffins were seen in paintings along with the representation of the sun, moon, and the stars. This suggests the ritual symbols associated with boats even in Japan.

Emphasis mine, so older cultures found in Japan did practice a coffin like ship curial.
NG+ is about blasting through the game at that point. Each NG cycle gets harder up until NG7. It's actually really fun if you have a character you're fond of that you think can handle it
Does Radahn use a lion motiff because of Godfrey? Who did it first?
I wasn't expecting a madness zone
>"Listen, the Fingers speak. "The Greater Will has long renounced the demigods. Tarnished, show no mercy. Have their heads. Take all they have left."

>In Marika's own words. Hear me, Demigods. My children beloved. Make of thyselves that which ye desire. Be it a Lord. Be it a God. But should ye fail to become aught at all, ye will be forsaken. Amounting only to sacrifices...

They were allowed to be killed
it really is a shame that the moveset is so poor and you're stuck using both of them
>godfrey, first elden lord
i dunno lol
>hey should we fix some of the many outstanding bugs introduced in our dlc?
>nah lets just nerf some shit nobody really uses for a gamemode nobody really gives a shit about
Why did FS go full retard?
I don't care what the game says, the removal of rune of death only granted temporal immortality; you never die of old age, but you can still die from being killed
Godfrey did it first and Radahn looked up to Godfrey.
Miquella hangs onto Radahn in a similar pose Serosh does to Godfrey.
Interesting, I wonder if it was intended as an indication of a mass burial or a very large corpse. I’m not sure who the bull iconography is associated with in Elden Ring either.
are straight swords unviable? they seem worse than katanas in every way unless I'm missing something
>Irish Mythology flying ships/coffins (GRRMs speciality
>Japanese glying ship/coffin tradition (From love reusing ancient archaic japanese stuff)
>Hornset city is FILLED with ships that have a funeral possession on board funeral on a boat imagery
>Every boat has a coffin or body depicited upon it
>All this
Now the bull heads on the boats in Enir-Ilim hav ethe crown of horns that are sacred to the Hornset
So if NUMEN spaceship theory is correct why does their ancient enemies also have the same symbolism? Did they both come from space?
>Space migration theory
anything is viable if youre good enough
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the horror
Can we talk about beautiful Rauh is? It's down right verdant & I hope future games can take the time to give us not just epic gothic castles, but also beautiful lush landscapes that aren't twisted wastelands
Miquella is a good boyfriend
Why does Marika hate her own children?
What exactly is her endgame?
One thing I noticed is that Miquella and Ranni both went for the four armed look, I think that they're harkening back to the ancient dragons who in silhouette have four limbs(wings).
>oops all narrow corridors indoors
putrescent cleaver is so cancerous in ganks, jesus christ
Calling Christianity Mythology was wrong on my part, but all the Nordic Mythology that survives today was written down by Christian monks and thus already has Christian elements blended into it.
radahn phase 2 is stupid.
a lot of these areas are too big for their own good.
Marenia? Who you tarwking about, baka gaijin? Rook at Radahn, isn't he SO coor?! He rike Gatsu!
It might be my favorite weapon. It's just so ridiculous
abyssal woods is definitely cut content. so many useless areas that don't even have a scadoo fragment hidden
is it just me or can you really just keep chaining the aow forever on it
Now that ER is finally completed, are (you) looking forward to whatever FROM is cooking up next?
You need the max casting speed talisman
I killed him with comet and adulas blade
I hope it's not open world
what >>484738010 said and they need to tone bosses down from combo fests
I can't stand the way the character holds them. Another point for Dark Souls 2.
Ok I misinterpreted what you said. I was wrong my bad.
We're all friends here, bud. No harm, no foul.
Long as it's not open world
That's twice over they've shown they either don't have the management, skills, time, or money to close out the game.

And ideally I hope one of these days they actually playtest the shit they put in the game.
Marika is the christian god, her symbol is a cross, her Radagon/Marika nature is supposed to be similar to the trinity, God acting in 'mysterious ways' that can't be understood by regular people and seem contradictory (banishing and then calling back the tarnished, grieving Godwyn while being partially responsible for his death at the same time)
The whole erdtree religion is pretty much christianity coded, from its universality (catholic literally means universal) to the holy wars and crusades
Also the game is a lot more greek than norse inspired, the only thing I'll give you is the Erdtree as a central figure is similar to Yggdrassil
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Definitely the hardest they've ever made, at least for me. Even Isshin didn't buttfuck me this much.

Also by far one of my least favorites they've ever made, if not outright worst. Only reason I didn't summon or spirit ash or rot/bleed cheese or anything else was out of pure spite. I sincerely hope that they don't see this boss as a success.
I'd consider RL1 with upgrades, and leveling but +0 weapons the 2 baseline challenge runs.
Sure you can do RL1 +0 but that just devolves into status effect spam, unless you wanna take an hour to shave pixels off hp bars.
Then there's the whole "true RL1" thing that's just even worse, and then the logical conclusion of true RL1 +0 no status effects.
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>tired of dying infinite times to Radahn with katana dex/int build
>going full sorcerer because maybe could work
>buffed as fuck
>spam night comet and spiral shard
>surprisingly Ansbach and Thiollier helped a lot to spam spells at the mfer
STR Sekiro
I havent fought radahn in my own world, and have been practicing by being summoned by other people and he two shots me constantly at 60 vig/70% DR.
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Post the leaks about From's new magicsouls game with the lanterns.
Why is the Formless Mother so autistically obsessed with blood?
When does the Kadokawa stuff come out?
>remembered when everyone thought sekiro was bloodborne 2
>we get a +5 arc talisman
where's the +10 arc physick tear?
pls understand
Yes, but if it's a soulsborne, I really hope they put a lot more effort into all facets of multiplayer.
Woah there. Let's not get ahead of ourselves disgusting arc vermin. We're tossing you a bone, not letting you in the house.
>parry build
Is Thoillier somewhere after the fight against Leda and the group?
I think it was called spellbound or something. And with the new magic that was introduced in ER with their own sigils and shit I could see it.
heres your leak
When will a Souls game let us challenge bosses again without having to start a new game cycle?
>finally found my build
>want to test it out
>already killed every boss
holy shit I just want to fight more bosses, do i really have to do NG+ now
Unironically more egregious than greatshield abusing. The fact that you felt no shame in posting this along with your little angtsy cope blog is fucking wild lmao
Always check the scooby doo level of the host. I was co-oping there for like half an hour today, and only like 1/5 hosts were above 12. Also, stacking physical and holy damage negation is highly recommended for that fight.
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if you keep pressing the weaponart button yeah you chain slower spins
if you hit heavy attack you do the giga spin and end the chain.
so you can do the initial leap into infinite slow spins until you run out of stam or end it with the follow up
how do you see the hosts level?
has anyone been able to backstab someone while they charge up carian sovereignty?
this is the third time I've gotten locked into the backstab animation while they turn around and oneshot me
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The only time I've had fun with NG+ in any of these games was on a faith build in Dark Souls 3 because of how retarded you could get the damage of Sunlight Spear to be, but even then the novelty wore off by NG+3. I don't know how people go well beyond NG+7. For as much shit as I gave Dark Souls 2 back in the day, at least it tried to make NG+ interesting, something Miyazaki inexplicably believes isn't worth the effort.
To some extent Bloodborne with Chalice Dungeons
If Oroboro actually beats Radahn on NG+7 with Rakshasa's gear then he'll be the only person to have actually beaten it
We also lay inside stone coffins to go up and down waterfalls underground.
So there is a connection to travel and death in Elden Ring. Was it the Numens or the Hornset that used the ships, the ship models in Enir-Ilim have crucible of life imagery (horned bulls and horned people) when Numens had no horns or dod they both come from stars at different times?

If most peoples migrated to the Lands Between via their flying ships powered by death why did they travel to the LB? Was it to colonise the land? Is there a connection to these people and the Outer gods who we assume are from outer space (Or they merely Outer gods because they are from outside the area of the Greater Will which is the centre of the Lands Between).
Is the Crucible of Life an outer god, or it is it just the life energy of all life piled together via the Jars.
Do ER incantations get a buff for hitting them at point blank range like DS3 miracles?
are there any important poise breakpoints i wanna hit in pvp? preferably one i could hit by just swapping to bull goat's talisman or something
you guys are putting more thought into scene decorations than the actual developers.
Fuck off vaati.
Cause she's a bitch. She's been sucking sour grapes her whole time as a goddess because it never was what she thought it would be.
always has been
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Miquella knows you are the champion of the festival. He was watching your entire journey
Then why didn't he choose me?
I get what you're saying. Once you have figured out the boss moves and can consistently not get hit and/or parry/block attacks, then it's basically just a question of how much time you want to spend.
he saw what you did to the ranni doll
My thoughts are why didn't we get a faith katana
Your ugleh
anything higher is for gimmicks or duelfaggotry
>he watched my entire victory sex session with Blaidd
>and he still thought he could defeat me
Blaidd is not for sex.
>you can only have 10 messages
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>doing Darklight Catacombs
>giant bigmouth imp starts puking at me
>kill it with bow and arrows because fuck that
>this happens

What the fuck do I do now?
Carian CHADS win again
i'm asking because i want to avoid the situations where i get smacked and staggered by some guy's offhand weapon because i was getting dumpstered by an invader doing that with a hand axe earlier today
I don't think so, but ER also moved away from having a bajillion different variants of the same basic lightning spear miracle in favour of having just one solid projectile that can carry you through the game and made the nukes much cooler, like Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike.
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I cant beat putrescent knight even when summoning 2 people. Why am i so bad.
I like Sekiro combat and flow of it but I hate the Japanese aesthetic in any game
You used summons to kill Radahn so you didn't actually beat him
If you reload the dungeon it will respawn and whn you kill it after dropping the platform you'l get the drop
dumb frogposter
The same thing happened to me. There should be a Stake of Marika nearby, just kys yourself and do it again.
radahnquella is a shit boss because there's no third phase where mohg's soul takes over and starts doing crazy bloodflame shit
okina was there, so of course he knew. varre would have told him about godrick.
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But WHY mohg's body?
Marika has already claimed you
Just FYI


That's a lot of mats. It's not necessary to CE when you can just run this loop while using your bloody fingers.

I made a Tibia Summon do 1500+ damage to a gravebird. I bet these things are S tier punishes against big spells where normally you'd maybe run in an take a hit to fuck with smoebody who's casting Elden Stars or Rotten Butterflies or whatever.
>Oh little Ranni, my dear daughter. Weave thy night into being
>thought I missed out on alexanders gesture because I met him in caelid first before limgrave
>find him right above jarburg and help him get unstuck
>get the gesture there
>i would have loved to use Radagons or Radahns weapons in a brand new run from the start
Getting to actually use Marika's Hammer in new content where the big AoE nuke that knocks enemies down came in clutch numerous times made me realise just how annoying it is for weapons like that to be locked behind the very last boss of the game.
Man AI fags have no taste, and I say that as someone who bought a Ranni booby mousepad with obvious AI art on it from a convention last week.
Where does hornsent go after he leaves Leda? Can't find him anywhere and already beat the hippo
NTA but no. People just see "church" & "light" & don't realize other mythologies exist. Christianity is so baked into our culture & worldview that any religion that isn't deliberately weird seems like Christianity. Elden Ring is very much Celtic & Norse themed. The War with the Giants, Baylor One Eye (Fell God) Fomorians, women forged out of Gold, etc. etc.

Marika is a strong parallel of Brigid
which one?
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what got stuffed into that guy?
I assume he means Ansbach's.
the dex one, and the one I'd actually use because I have 72 dex ;-;
Roll towards & then to the right
>bleed cancer on top of everything else
Marika's gold-tinged excrement
I'm guessing you should see summons signs to either help leda or hornsent next in shadowkeep
You lost
just get a friend to drop it for you while they made a backup of their save so they can still keep it
I hope you have the stealth AOW
poopmask is unhinged and doesn't take her medication
The lead-up to that area was so great, and then all tension immediately evaporates once you see the actual spooks.
So did the patch fix the shitty performance or not
Fucking dlc runs like ass while the base game runs good (disregarding the eternal stutter)
no they just blamed it on other programs people might have on their PC
>So did the patch fix the shitty performance or not
of course not lmao
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holy shit his voice is so cute
The fucking nerve of these fucking gooks
>frenzy forest was a beta test of a stealth oriented boss for next game
Do the rats near midra’s library drop rune arcs?
>DLC came and went
>invasions are still about running after hosts in an open plain and poking them to death
Hey miyazaki,
Imagine if you designed a fuckin' boss where the player could see what the fuck was going on?
Could you do that?
Want a second milady
Name something you would trade for
i thought i was going to get raped by an invisible madness monster lmao and then i see winter lanterns and then i realize i can skip it all
Bro, your Dragom God?
Where? I got to messmer(didnt enter room yet) and havent seen either in the keep.
Yes, especially if it's Spellbound
It's dumb that they locked the DLC behind fucking Mohg. You pretty much have to play through the entire base game to get to it.
Stop giving your money to fromslopware, they don’t know how to make games
You can get to Mohg after killing a single remeberance boss via the Varre questline
I think they're next to that bridge guarded by the Fire Knight in between all the Vulgar Militia. It's connected to the hippo's grace by a staircase.
I considered that more of a platforming/obstacle course with stealth elements. Nah Im fully expecting a sneaking around boss room to activate stuff to weaken/armor break/poise break a boss.
You had a year to prepare new characters, what were you doing that whole time?
Im on PC I can use as many as I want
best area in the game tbdesu
Bro you have crusades, a city modeled after Constantinople, baptism, themes of evangelization and syncretism, mystic ascetic monks, everything about Miquella in the DLC, and a ton more things
It's pretty obvious christianity is the main inspiration
I'm excited to see how far you move the goalposts
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how to access this area?
I find the whole space theory thing far-fetched in a whacky way. I believe the Lands Between is actually located in an 'Interstice' between the physical and the otherwordly (or spiritual), which would explain why coffins would end up there. Interstice in Berserk is the place between the physical and spiritual world, a limiary place or moment where the two boundaries meet and where all sorts of supernatural or otherwordly phenomenom happens, from Guts being haunted by ghosts or when apostles manifest their otherwordly shapes and powers, to meeting legendary creatures and places that are hidden on those layers of the world.

The kanji used for both place names in Berserk and Elden Ring is actually very similar, both use 狭間 or Hazama (gap/border)

狭間の世界 - Interstice world
狭間の地 - Lands Between

Crunchy did a good job explainning the concept here too, and how it may apply to Elden Ring.

Elfhelm in Berserk, the land of the elves, is on a distant and legendary Island to the west, and Miura himself was basically mirroring traditions of legendary western Islands found across the fog, which is quite a trope in legends from the Brittish isles and Atlantic cultures (Tir na nOg or Avalon are two most known but there are many). The Lands Between in Elden Ring is falls pretty much on the same cultural and legendary trope. It's an otherwordly Island.
can you actually dodge a single thing that phase 2 radahn does? am i really just supposed to just mash jumps and heavies and pray i outdamage him and that he lets me heal?
For fucks sake, what's even the point of the spear (hurf durf it's the part at the front you poke with)? The hammer is better at dealing damage from afar and while the axe has just as much effective range as the spear, the jumping throwing attack is still pretty useful for dealing decent damage while being evasive at close to medium range.
Why'd they copy paste so many monumental monks from demons souls into belurat lol
I had multiple characters and each time i'm reminded how hard mohg actually is. He almost beat radahn.
Coffin in Shadow Keep
You can dodge most of it. You're supposed to not attack at all until an opening pops.
>killed all the fire golems
>only have Radahn, Yoda, a bear, a Samba Simba, Chief Bloodfiend, Fallingstar Beast, and the ancient dragon fucker left
What else should I use the perfumes for before updating
Does Miyazaki not like money? Why would they not make a second final DLC? They have plenty to work with like Godwyn, Gloam Eyed Queen, Badlands etc.
This. It's Christianity with influences from German and Norse culture and mythology.
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Forgot to attach the picture.
>Have a kid who can charm people, name him Messmer after his Mesmerizing nature.

>Have another kid with fire powers you send to punish those who wronged God, name him Miquella, cause he is your messenge to your enemies

Oh wait... no let's reverse that. It would make too much sense. Fromsoft is retarded & through them Marika is double retarded but what can you expect out of a dumb slut jar?
Amazon cosplay builds, duh
>Christianity with influences from German and Norse culture and mythology
That's just regular christianity
is that with the talisman?
Nothing. Fire golems are the only thing that truly deserve them.

>barbarians of the badlands
This was always fucking dumb.
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welcome back... Creighton the Wanderer
What are you genuine, unironic and completely serious "YDBTG" opinions? Summons? Overleveling? Greatshields?
That's with the Smithscript Talisman and Arrow's Reach Talisman; I only have two slots unlocked right now.
church district?
Demons souls 2 baby. Each archstone the size of shadow of the erdtree
The hammer is pretty good with the Arrow Reach talisman.
But specially after the nerfs, I think those weapons really shine on status builds.
There's no falloff on the buildup so you can throw giant hammers that deal 100+ frost or bleed.
The R2 spin, both charged and uncharged seems to also have some status buildup, it's specially noticeable when charged as it does 3 spins before throwing it.

For PVE I think the Smithscript Hammer is one of the best weapons in the game, the charged R2 is basically a greatarrow that costs nothing and knocks even big guys like the Fire Knights on their asses.
I've never finished Nepheli's questline before
if fromsoft wants to make the DLC bosses complete nonsense I'm going to use everything in the game to destroy them.
brehs... I wasn't expecting him to be so sexo... also he's kicking my ass
Nah, just go backwards from the first Storeroom bonfire
You're retarded. Do you not think other religions ever led a jihad/Crusade? They have, they just didn't always have a fancy name for it. English on the other hand is a melting pot of terms so we get the benefit to use the most apt words for any matter.

Expand your own knowledge & you'd see that Christianity isn't even close.
>You can use Blessing of the Erdtree on Field Bosses
Anything that negates the need to learn most of the bosses' moveset.
Right, you only have to sequence break and kill a boss meant for level 150 characters at level 40.

Retard, I'm talking about say, rolling a new character and wanting to do a playthrough with Dryleaf Arts or a great katana.
that would be pretty cool actually
I think the fromsoft open world works a lot better in smaller areas like sote vs the main game
Cheat engine
I'm glad that at least one person noticed that the 2H talisman boosts Roar R2s.
Mimic tear
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I love inserting my uneducated drunken musings to bait people more educated into arguing and teaching me neat things
Bugs and glitches
if it's not abusing an unintended interaction, you beat the game.
I beat him at level 1 with +0 weapons

Nut up, pussy
summons are the one thing, unless it's like a story npc for a boss or something
double bleed fists?
It would have been cooler if Miquella brought back Godwyn instead of Radahn. Radahn was already a cool fight in Caelid no need for another.
Summons of any kind, leveling over 150. Anything else I don't care. Magecucks crying about greatshields and the like obviously have selective amnesia over all the smug comet azur posting at release. Different bosses are going to be weak to different shit, it's the way it should be.
Lightning infused stone club
If they beat the last boss they beat the game, but if they decided to use the easy mode mechanics is another story. It's like a guy who decided to change the difficulty to easy when the game prompted him in DMC3 still technically beat the game if he reached the end credits, but he still only did it on easy mode.
How much vig should I have if I don't plan on wearing armor? I like the naked/caveman look, but I get the feeling I'll get 2 shot by things even with 60 vig. Is it worth pushing to 99?
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How do I know if I am getting better, or if I'm just stronger?
>leveling over 150.
Surprised how many people seem to have just abandoned this one. The amount of criminally strong characters saying the DLC wasn't "that hard" is wild to me. Like your character is level fucking 200. You have enough raw stats to chunk bosses by pressing R1 once.
Godwyn + miquella would be even more screen vomit than what we have now
>holy magic
>death magic
>ancient dragon lightning
>some more bloodflame arts
Put in by the devs, not my problem
Allowed by the devs, not my problem
>OP gear or cheesy builds
Put in by the devs, not my problem
>Glitches and exploits
Misses by the devs, not my problem
>Cheat Engine
Not created by the devs, kill yourself, YDBTG
Go play base game bosses. After beating the DLC bosses they should feel easy as fuck and slow with tons of windows.
he'll pound it next
>Is it worth pushing to 99?
60 Vigor 1900 HP
99 Vigor 2100 HP
The answer is no
>I don't plan on wearing armor
Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman, Pearldrake Talisman
And then whatever flavor of consumable item to boost your absorption against whatever content you're doing, usually crab.
You can achieve reasonable (30%+) levels of absorption even completely naked.
e.g; flame protect me staples 60% fire absorption directly onto your body.
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It's so good. I'm tempted to replace the Bull-Goat Talisman with the Charged Attack one just so it hits extra hard lmao.
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In general;
>spirit ashes
>ranged spells of any kind
>divine blessing-esque items
>blatant bug abusing (bloodfiends arm, perfume 1shots etc)
>jump attack spamming
>scarlet rot

There's others but I can honestly let those slide so I left them unmentioned. But the above are basically non-negotiable, you cheated both the game and yourself if you used any of these.
One of my only gripes about fromsoft games is when shit like Dry Leaf Arts and Perfume bottles get introduced they are locked behind walls that take time to get to properly. I know some people will speedrun that shit, but it feels wrong. Even base game weapons or armor take time to aquire, so stuff that would be perfect for a character thematically don't have a "nascent" option. Take for example DMGS. Starting out you'll want a greatsword and those are readily available. Then you might trade up for the carian troll blade, or infuse your trusty greatsword until you finally get your DMGS & it feels organic.

On the other hand. If you want something like perfume, then your gonna slog through 60%+ of the game before you ever get an option close to what you want. I feel like sometimes these DLCs (and even the base game) needs to have "starter gear" made available sometimes when new stuff is introduced
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>It's neat that we know who Greyoll's mate was now, I guess.

That size difference...
150 is a completely arbitrary cap made by PvP shitters and I have no idea why people respect it at all. The DLC gives you fuckloads of runes, what else am I going to spend them on?
“Duhh his soul is dead, he cant ever ever ever come back”
What if miquella just stole godwyn’s body and used radahn or mohg’s soul to bring him back? He’s clearly shown he’s able to put different souls in different bodies
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>stucco on an otherwise brick wall
>is a secret passage
well played FromSoft, well played.
I stop at 125 unless that character is going to go into NG+, then I go to 150 for the comfort stats. There's really no need to go further unless you're some skyrim dad. But I also don't care enough to YDNBTG post.
This guy was fkn easy
Just respect the horse, jump the flames
..I really should clean up my Talisman and put most of them in storage. Thanks for the inspiration. I dont know why I would carry the base/+1 or +2 around anymore.
150 vs 200 doesn't do nearly as much as you think. You won't have more HP, your scaling is already dwindling by that point if not maxed out already, at most you will be able to pump END to get light roll on builds that wouldn't be able to do so otherwise.
You don't have the slightest clue.
If you defeat a boss & have enough points to level up why would you place an artificial cap on yourself? Just dump it into something useless like vigor
You really felt the need to post this. Obviously you know you cheated yourself, that's okay. Everyone will forget about this tomorrow
>You have enough raw stats to chunk bosses by pressing R1 once.
You can have 80 in any core offensive stat at 150 if you dump MIND and END. Which you do.
99 gives you negligible damage from that step onward. Extra END doesn't meaningfully increase survivability, and at most you have 200 extra health.
It's not until the literal 300s when you can raw stat check bosses by quadruple 99s.

For the point you're making, your level stopped mattering once you passed 90.
>Feeling the need to defend yourself completely anonymously
It's fine, anon. You did an underhanded thing to get ahead and robbed yourself of the authentic intended experience. We all do it from time to time in life, no need to be so upset.
Anyone know if bayle’s heart can be dropped?
It can't
One per cycle.
>Is it too easy to get burned out?
Try playing the other soul series before playing this one. You realize why soulfags are so bitter about the combat.
I made the wrong choice, flame lightning sucks ass
I really dont wanna do this dlc in ng+3
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No you didn't
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It's ok sport
>putting that much effort into photoshop for a shitpost
you know I didn't and it hurts you inside.
The only clear opening to me is after his stupid horse combo. I can't read him at all because every movement looks like a telegraph. I just said fuck it and traded with him.
I know you did and it feels good outside
>mimic tear
>password summons
you didn't beat the game
>overleveled stat blob
>fingerprint shield
>normal ash summons
>spell builds
you beat the game (on easy mode)
Just give yourself the weapon with cheat engine.
>inb4 cucksole
torrent is confirmed patches-tier from now on.
The weapon art can be charged and it bypasses blocks.
Backing up saves, using cheat engine, duping items etc..
Beyond that everything is fair game, although you should hold off on using summons and co-op until you've at least tried the boss on your own first.
cause you are a ranni fag
I like 200 level invasions the builds are more flexible and I continue to invade just as much as 150

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