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Previous: >>484722448

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
>using greatshields
intended mechanic, you beat the game
>using deflect tear and guard counters
intended mechanic, you beat the game
>using parrying
intended mechanic, you beat the game
>using ash of war spam
intended mechanic, you beat the game
discouraged playstyle, you did not beat the game
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As long as you didn't literally open Cheat Engine to /kill the boss, and you had fun playing, you DID beat the game.
I don't get the "intended experience" argument people make at all.
>You didn't spend hours learning how to perfectly roll through a boss's attacks, you must be miserable!
But I had a lot of fun nuking the boss with lightning while my Mimic Tear was getting his ass kicked
That is the intended experience. Taking hours to rollslop bosses is not the intended experience.
you'll be happy to know they both suck dick
>swift slash is still stupid good
Besides outright nuking it I don't think it can ever be truly fixed, like even if you kill spamming it (which is the main problem), it will still be an insane AOW.
>Midra theme has bass drops
If you can admit to yourself and others that you've decided to play the game on baby mode, in my eye's your absolved of the sins of your playstyle. However, if you do something like get to a hard(objectively) boss like consort radahn and you deal like 5x more damage than the average build(or something of similar caliber) and then are braindead enough to call the bosses easy you deserve to get your head stomped in.
they're failed "gamers" who have latched onto the souls series and are impossible to scrape off. Too shit to speedrun or do any real competitive genre.
Ignore them.
>still haven't bought the expansion
The opinions vary so much, I can't tell anymore what to believe.
The only thing I didn't like in the DLC were the NPCs & quests for them. Think they dropped the ball there.
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>enter general for the first time
>First 3 posts are about wether or not you beat the game
I thought it was just shitposting but wow people actually care and even get upset about this subject.
the balance are shit, some maps are empty, the bosses range from reasonable to garbage (fire golems), the story sucks, and nearly every single boss weapon is literally unusably bad.
If Elden Ring is your favorite in the souls genre, buy it. If it's not, then wait for a sale.
If you like these games you are an absolute retard for not playing this one. The fact that you'd let this place sway your opinion on anything, ever, at all, demonstrates you don't have the proper mental fortitude to be browsing here.
Even with week one rolling sparks? I used it on hippo, gaius and midra. They were too annoying for my patience.
>some asswipe put a message over Igon's summon sign
I curse you to hell, bastard
>Hippo and Gaius
Perfectly reasonable
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I don't know if I don't like the boss design or I am just burnt out by soul combat.
The only fight I enjoy so far is Bayle.
So if dlc is supposed to take place before endgame then gideon looks like a retard when he says we cant kill a god
Does anyone gere fuck around with mods? I want to replay the game but revamp it to keep it feeling fresh.
I already installed some shader mods to make the game have punchier colors because i always felt it looked washed out. What else should i add?
did people really struggle on hippo?
I mean you only cheated yourself. Should have taken your time and learned to git gud instead of this cheap and hollow "victory"
I have other games to play too. In fact more of base ER to enjoy before getting to the expansion. Will likely buy during the Christmas sale, even if it is not discounted by then. Just trying to get some feeling for it. It is either the best ever or the worst and that's from alleged FS veterans.
It's undoubtedly one of the best "games" to release this year. I think people who are malding at elden ring's design choices forget what the rest of the games industry looks like.
final boss is total shit. other than that, its a 9/10 base game feels incomplete without it.
Guys I think I bugged the heros grave
i destroyed the chariots but i didnt get the tree sentinel armor

i alt+F4'd and reloaded and now chariots aren't spanwing and i STILL dont have the armor
I'm convinced it tales place after the main game
Hippo has some bad hitboxes and a really cramped arena. Lots of videos I've seen usually have the camera clipping through the wall for 50% of the duration.
It looks like an action game but it's definitely something else. I thought this game was fast paced like you dodge the attack, then counter-attack, repeat, but boss fights are simply 20 different animations 19 of which you'll get hit if you counter attack, so you wait for that 1 animation where you can safely hit, repeat until it's dead. How is this supposed to be fun?
the balance are there, the vistas are beautiful, the bosses range from unreasonable to garbage (gaius), the story sucks, and nearly every single boss weapon is literally mid to good.
If Elden Ring is in the souls genre, buy it. If you can't afford it, then wait for a sale.
>git gud
>victory is still hollow because the boss fight is such a slog
What now?
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Aww how cute. Anon gets an actual sense of accomplishment from such an easy genre.
fake fun
>in my eyes
going to be real with you, who the FUCK are you? fucking FromSoft dev team over here Kishinigger Yappazaki fucking who the fuck cares what you think. How did you even come to this conclusion? That your vomit of words was worth regurgitating?

the parasites are slowly drilling a hole through my brain. soon there won't be a speck of matter left. or some say, let's jUST say. HAHAHAHAHAH didn't beat it didn't beat it (I bneat it I DID)
It definitely takes place post-game, or at least very close to. People already consider us the Lord of the Erdtree
I agree that rollslop victories are hollow, Why didn't you git gud and adapt your strategy?
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why do people take this game so fucking seriously?

40 min rant videos on this shit like holy fuck its not that deep can we please go back to the funny hard game not this picaso shit where miyazaki makes 1 mistake and people cry about "the game sucks" or i dont want elden ring 2

i laugh and have fun every time i play elden ring cuz i dont care when i die and im just happy to be playing such a amazing game, why cant more people be like that?
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It's funny how Miquella gets so much femboy art when he has a strong jawline like this. If he was able to grow up, he'd be buff and manly as shit.
bot post
I am just a bit old school, don't like buying things on release. Only played ER for the first time more than a year after release. If the expansion is actually not so good, I would prefer not ruining my overall experience of the game with.
Stop consuming youtube slop. Discussing what you like or don't like is normal but you have to realize these niggers say whatever it takes to get clicks.
ya i guess thats true

i think too many youtubers get lost in the sauce. there is no such thing as a perfect game but elden ring is very close and well its okay for a game to have flaws i think they over blow the issues alot
I disagree. I think the ability to bumrush the stuff you want to use on your build is what makes ER so replayable and is the best part about the game being open world. Thinking about what build you want to try and planning out in your head the route you're gonna take to get the equipment you need is some of the most fun I have with Elden Ring. Pic related, I got the three Smithscript weapons I wanted to use, the Beast Claws, Ralva's pelt and the Messmer's soldier armour & shield within around 10 hours of playtime. I had actually already made this character but I found he gets a better stat distribution with Vagabond, because of course it'd be Vagabond, so I remade him. Of course this dude would have the "nascent" options you described if I wanted to play more "normally" when compared to a character who wanted to use the perfumes, what with all the greathammers, axes and fist weapons, but I wanted to play as much as the game as I can with this new equipment.
the light greatswords twin blades are ALMOST Good. the Ash of war and the moveset are fun-fucking-tastic..
It's just.. Why is it fucking STR/DEX/INT/FTH scaling at the same time?!
my beautiful little oasis in the desert of modern vidya is slowly becoming a self-parody and undermining the core tenants of design that made it an oasis in the first place

if you liked the base game there's very little chance you won't like the dlc, the complaining is from autists like me
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>Miquellas curse is to forever look like a little underage boy
>most sexualised character by homosexuals
The cool thing is that my own opinion is the only one that matters to me and no amount of you sperging over your keyboard will ever effect me as anything more than a passing thought
>psychotic break because people are playing a videogame differently than you
post physique.
>elden ring
>dodging simulator
Dark Souls 4: L2 edition
the LGBTQIAYDBTG mafia is NOT gonna like this post
That part isn't so bad. There's always going to be NG+2 weapons in any souls game. That just happens to be this one.

If they ever go back to the DaS2 philosophy of making NG cycles matter, weapons like this are a great thing. As is you don't get to have full fun with the weapon for a long while.
It's by straights who call themselves "gigachads" actually
So if I parried Radahn to death did I really beat the game?
What level were you?
Okay the YDBTG meme has gone completely stale and I'm pretty sure 90% of the discussion is just shitposting at this point.

I'll ask a new question: do you LIKE Radahn 2.0 as a boss? If not, can you give some specifics as to why? Or if you do happen to like him, what is it that you enjoy most about the fight? I know sentiment is usually more negative as far as actually enjoying it goes but I am curious to see what people think.
I believe Elden Ring is a complete dumpster fire balance wise and shouldn't be a benchmark for player skill at all. Only much tighter action games with less power building options out of combat, but more skill expression possible in combat, are truly worthwhile for bragging rights and such. Sekiro and character action games come to mind.
I mean even a level 200 build for fun, maybe a bit of casual pvp isn't enough
so going 150 with that is literally no way

which is a shame
>difficulty difficulty difficulty
>he thinks videogames are hard
here's a real challenge for you, clean your fucking room (SL1, 0 scooby snacks, no shields or buffs)
Secret Lore Bossfight: wash your dishes.
You're not a shitter, are you?
the only person's opinion that matters is the man in the mirror
What is the used of Rakshasa for PVE?
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ah oh well, sorry that you don't like it.

i see alot of ppl compare it to dark souls but this is elden ring, i get that its the same DNA but they would've just called it dark souls 4 if they wanted it to be that.

im a fan of both series though, i like dark souls 1 the most out of the 3 but im fine with the fast paced combat of elden ring and the slow and methodical of dark souls 1

maybe eventually u can learn to enjoy elden ring!
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I sexualize Miquella and I'm not a homosexual.
got news for you buddy
I just clean my bathroom this morning.
>Way too little downtime for most of the fight
>Some attacks are just unreasonable to dodge, worse than Waterfowl
>Phase 2 is an eyesore
>Lacks the presentation to make up for its downsides
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I mean, it's kind of hard to excuse stuff like this. Like a mix of being a total tier whore sweatlord who exclusively plays the meta, while also being an extreme casual.
i'm scadu level 15 and i haven't even touched rellana yet haha. i'd rate most of the side stuff as a 7 or 8 out of 10. the catacombs are better designed, especially compared to late game catacombs/caves. the empty areas do bug me a bit though
Glass Cannon builds most likely
Yes, you're just a pedo sadist.
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So, all the descriptions in the DLC hint that Marika had a favorite, that it was Godwyn, that a lot of the bullshit which happened is because the others were envious of him, that Ranni killed him out of spite before killing herself and that the Shattering was Marika throwing a tantrum over it.
>Hippo has some bad hitboxes and a really cramped arena. Lots of videos I've seen usually have the camera clipping through the wall for 50% of the duration.
That's actually what made me go get the perfume bottle. It made me so angry because its basically a dark souls boss and I couldn't beat it. I felt like I was going crazy.
He was tanky as fuck. I beat Romina, Metyr, and Putrescent Knight no problem, but him I did chip damage to. Probably because I was using a fire weapon. I could get him down to half and he would kill me pretty quickly. The madness buildup was annoying and I couldn't time his big ball attack correctly. I just gave up. Honestly rolling sparksing him was a pain itself since he's not that big and he moves around a bunch. I'll fight him like a man in my next playthrough.
Not really. Props for parrying but the constant barrage of attacks and the intensity of it all is a huge part of what makes p2 so tough. Parrying slows him down dramatically to a point where it really isnt the same boss.
Glass canon? Is that why I was taking a lot of damage?
I don't care if you typed "kill" into a text box and hit enter. You still beat the game
What constitutes average dmg
Pederasty and homosexuality are inextricably linked; you can't have one without the other.
>all the descriptions in the DLC
*base game
Stay like mid distance from him the entire fight. He has an attack where he slams his weapon in front of him twice and runs past you, dodge the second hit with a backwards dodge and you can punish that. He'll do a delay attack combo, if you stay close to him while dodging he'll do two downward slams at the end, the second one is slightly delayed. You can punish that too. When he does his spinning move, you can punish that by dodging backwards away from his attack which will position you to punish. Those are the easy windows I can remember off the top of my head
I've had my fun, but it's clear to me that any "sword and magic" type games that From releases from here on out probably won't be for me. I'll still probably play the shit out of AC6.5 and whatever one-off stuff they release
You always say "traps aren't gay" though
Where is this screenshot from? That looks like the in-game model that was used in the fight?
She's gonna get my primeval current
Yes, but I think he's skewed along with rennalla for a lot of people's opinions. I found myself at him in the first hours or so of playing having not touched the game in over a year. He was overwhelming, when I came back later I stomped him after I remembered how to play.
>sick of the YDBTG shit on /v/ by retards that fell for the le difficulty prepare to le die meme when i just want to talk about other aspects of the game
>Try the general
The story of the dlc made me so salty I quit playing. I like the game too. It was that bad.
It is growing on me weirdly. Holy damage feels maybe a bit too oppressive in phase 2 and I don't think the light beams should stagger you but overall it's not as difficult as I convinced myself the first time around
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Go read the descriptions for the black knights and death knights and everything relating to them. Marika fucking LOVED Godwyn above all others and showered him with everything she had while neglecting everyone else, or at least that seems to be implied.
Why did miquella choose radahn over morgott?
Radahn had a juicier cock
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>don't even finish the DLC
>just doing coop and playing the game like it's monster hunter for the past week
Why do I do this
Because all Omens should be destroyed
I hate him but like the base game bosses I'll probably start liking them after playing through the game a few times.
Why choose Mohg over Morgott?
Took me a while to get used to the idea of it being Radahn. Lorewise, I think a lot of people are just mad they didn't get what they wanted/expected. It was fun to learn Miquella was a piece of shit, on his way to becoming Marika 2.0, his theme was badass and it was fun to learn his patterns.

Using Sekiro mode and mimic tear, lmao
>why am I doing things that I find fun?
"Traps aren't gay" is a meme made by men stricken with unnatural affections trying to wrestle with the inherent shame of being a homosexual. It's no coincidence that a desired aspect of "traps" is that they look young.
Average damage I would say means not doing something like 1/10 of the hp of the boss every hit. If you only need to get a couple openings against a boss to send them straight to phase two. It seems obvious to me that none of the bosses were designed for you to only fight against the first phase for 20 seconds unless your literally no hitting it and maximally getting every punish
Didn't the Tarnished Archeaologist postulate that Ranni was betrothed to Godwyn?
I Play the game as intended, Game is easy for me
You do autistic challenge run where you limit yourself to 1% of your arsenal (that's valid too sister!)
And somehow it's my fault the game is too hard for you? Have you tried getting good?
The double slash attack that Radahn does and his gravity pull in phase two are absolute shite. Other than that, I really enjoyed it. Never felt so good after beating a boss. Took me 10-12 hours to learn without summons, buffs etc.
That guy is a genuine schizo, he's funny but don't take him seriously.
>the gank boss battle royale boss fight
>the npcs acknowledging eachother
>the ost
At least it ended on a high note
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After completing the DLC, going on through a NG+7 cycle and then completing it again with as little skibidi fragments as I could find whilst checkmarking every notable dungeon and landmark, this is my honest thoughts. Also post your ranks as well.
He's proposed a lot of really dumb shit. Some genius things, but submerged in a sea of shit.
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>First phase is just middling, only problematic attack is the double slash into cross slash that's actually horseshit and should be adjusted.
>Second phase is just the first phase but with a laser lightshow and afterimages, quite possibly the most creatively bankrupt Fromsoft has ever been.
>Lore surrounding the fight is a complete mess, because as usual for Fromsoft shit went through a ton of rewrites from concept to finished product.
>Doesn't provide fulfilling fan service for Radahn fans; he doesn't use a bow, his horse is absent, and he's just overall a lot less interesting and dynamic compared to his rot-mad version.
>Doesn't provide fulfilling fan service for Miquella fans except causing a resurgence of porn, he's just a backpack and all his machinations were solely to bring popular character back for a rematch. Never even get to talk to him, you just get a vague flashback and that's it.
>After facing such varied threats as a Lord of Frenzied Flame, Bloodborne-escapee finger alien, and a pyromancer with evil serpent powers, ending things off on "guy with two swords that you already fought before" is pretty fucking lame.
>inherent shame of being a homosexual.

And they pin all of that shame on the bottom, making them actively humiliate and degrade themselves.
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>Marika loves Godwyn above all else
>even has him fight a war for her against her mad first born
>neglects other children
>it's clear Godwyn is her chosen heir and the rest can eat shit
>Ranni kills him out of spite then kills herself
>Marika goes "If you want my love so much then fight for it" and fucks up the Elden Ring
>Radagon aspect doesn't care and just wants things to go back to how they were and move on from Godwyn's death but Marika is too much of a crybaby bitch

Makes sense.
post the template link and I'll make one
>then it makes no sense melina doesn't have a single word to say while we're there among other stuff besides her
enjoy my $40 i guess miyazaki
It has very low defenses for its weight.
Mostly agree. Except for Gaius being above the hippo and tree avatar
I know this has become stale to say but Miquella with Radahn would've been better
How does Messmer cope over me fucking his mom?
Too true the only reason to enjoy this dlc as Miquella fanboy is the new porn. Also the other cute art.
I agree with everything except put Messmer in C
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can confirm, i am straight and a gigachad and miquella is top 3 hottest characters in the game
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Damn agreed with everything here except I'd bump Midra up to S. Otherwise good taste.
Miquella with Godwyn would've been better than Miquella with Radahn*
Fucked that post up.
>It is either the best ever or the worst and that's from alleged FS veterans.
It's neither. It is very flawed, but still a lot of fun, especially if you enjoy challenging bosses.
>Too true the only reason to enjoy this dlc as Miquella fanboy is the new porn.

Because that's all he was reduced to as a character. Wow, turns out the degenerate fetishbait character predictably only amounts to degenerate fetish shit.
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My wives
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Fuck me I really thought I was about to die to wildlife for a second there.
I fucking hate that torrents legs are apparently made out of cheap chopsticks
I think that tolerance of homosexuals is way too high nowadays
What if you are glass Cannon and can only survive 2 hits + are around average level for the boss?
>all the smithscript weapons are meh to shit tier
Remember the invadefags screaming about the no FP costs
You’re brown, your opinion doesn’t matter
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The iris of occultation will give her weapon, right?
I don't but it was an interesting theory, a reason why someone would actually want to kill Godwyn.

His video about the fingers and the schism in the Catholic church was legit good.
Yep, it’s shit tho
I thought rellana was shit tier
Mechanically boring sword spam long combo boss fight straight out of DS3 base game. It's basically "what if bosses could r1 spam too". Absolute slop.
She has nothing going for her that's unique or interesting.
Oh but she makes her swords light up in phase 2!
She fucking wishes she was Dancer of the boreal valley.
>Inb4 some retard thinks this is about difficulty
She loved Godwyn cause he was the only non-monstrous heir she had of the Golden Lineage. Every child she had was cursed, & there sat Radagon with his own cursed red hair sitting in Raya Lucaria with his perfect children, who's deeds are piling up rivaling her. Radagon couldn't even just slay that Carian witch! He had to marry her! The whole of their power sheathed like a sword in reserve instead of broken & conquered beneath her feet! Damn that Godfrey & his thrice damned barbarian blood. Sure I needed him at first, his strength laid the foundations of Leyndell, but we are royalty & gold. He had to be leashed to Serosh just to survive polite company & not embarrass with his savage manners. Radagon! With his cheerful life while Queen Marika must sit in court day in & day out listening to nobles & functionaries drone on about frivalities! Best to call him back. Queen Marika's champion has been too long afield. Does he think to escape amongst the sorcerers? Yes, call Radagon back & become one. Perhaps Radagon will provide an heir truly worthy. Godfrey must be sent away though. Far away
The only bosses I really hated are the ones in F tier, fucking awful fights.
Grace=ashes and occultation=weapon
I didn't beat elden ring for 2 years because of this.
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>Get fucking ROCKET FISTS
>Shit range, shit damage
Fuck you Fromsoft
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What about the deep lore implications that he enjoys piggyback rides? Fromsoft suprised us again.
What about his feet, anon? All that shit about kindness, fuck that. Get subverted. Didn't expect that, did ya?
>he says, posting a boss that is easily beaten by r1 spam itself
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I gave the dumb bitch grace because I felt bad for her. But I remember seeing her along with her sister as in a single ash. How do you get that?
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>It's another "Kind NPC dies horribly for pathos" storyline
This shit is so tired
It's the only thing any fromsoft character beyond patches and salaries are reduced to because they're the only decent ones fanboys just watch a prepare to cry and overhype the shitty npcs
Especially since farming those golems are annoying too. Hopefully in next update they finetune the smithscripts to balance power and range
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Miqy's Crown
Night set

Looks pretty good. Was using Goldmask's Goldmask before lol
Once you reach the Shaman Village, you can drop onto the very top floor of Rabbath's Rise. You find Anna's puppet there, and can combine it with Jolan's ashes.
>giving two ratfucks what vaxxcattle think of you
NTA but I sensed something was off about Miquella from the first time I played the game. I was on Mohg's side from the beginning, I knew my boy was innocent.
She wasn't kind. She was a woman kept in complete darkness to be a weapon. She fights you. You're the reason she dies.
for souls it was one thing but it doesn't really make sense with the themes of elden ring
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Reminder that
Miyazaki himself has said that two of his favorite demigods were radahn and rykard, in other interviews he's said his favorite characters were ranni and rennala. The reason the dlc brought back radahn for the end not godwyn or malenia and the reason rellana was added is simply because miyazaki is obsessed with the carians they're his favorite characters.
Any good mods ?
based, the carians are easily the coolest part of the game
Damn miyazaki has good taste
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I still don't get what the fuck the end of that questline was. Ymir gives us a map to the last finger ruin, clearly because he wants us to find it like the other two. But if you go down there he uses the Anna puppet to try and stop you? And then killing Metyr, who he wanted to replace anyway, is wronging him somehow? I would have been fine just letting him pop out finger babies in peace, he helped me get some good loot.
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Every time after Siegmeyer the troupe hasn't worked for me
I'd still probably say that you're playing a much easier version of the game than what was intended. When you only need a few lucky hits, and can tank an attack or two. You only really need to get a little lucky with the boss stringing together some of it's easiest moves to beat it. I've seen a video of a streamer(maybe? It was a while ago) essentially just suicide against a boss until they had one run where they just easily beat it. Rather than playing a game, it's more like pulling a lever on a slot machine absentmindedly until you hit a jackpot
Yes, it's very obvious that it's a writer's pet thing.
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This shit spooked me. Wish we had more things like this.
The DLC finger stuff came close, shame it was mostly barren
Pls tells me how you make such high quality webms
Please Fromsoft please give us options to remove hair from some of these helmets & the bra off of Rellana's armor
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Fixing Leda through hours of correction
Theres also a bell bearing if you drop down that lets you buy magic greatbolts
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I am bad at the game and can therefore not have fun.
I find it funny that Malenia being the base game's super boss was designed in a way that punishes brainless shield poking, but the DLC bosses despite their anime movesets are completely vulnerable to it.

It's like From didn't want to anger the Chinks who love this kind of setup.
im in the same boat, shit made no sense to me
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>carians are his favorite
Fuck those spellbound rumors really might be true then
The Monster Hunter FU experience
Alexander deciding to fight you was particuarly random.
radahn is gay?
He wants to show you the Motherfinger cause he thinks he's special & knows more than anyone else (he doesn't, he's actually just crazy) so after you murder the Motherfinger he pops up to be like "bro look at all my fingerbabies!" But by that time he's lost it & just wants you dead
He was raped and brain washed
>invade at level 30 for varres quest
>host with phantom standing at the grace both with full dlc armour
All hosts deserve the chainsaw
One of the only bullshit things about midra I found was that it's absolutely retarded that he's allowed to do an instant, immediate follow up to his frenzy explosion move. He can just shoot his long range frenzy laser beam even before the the explosion has even disappeared, as if it was a combo string
It's almost like from is telling you to change your playstyle, to get out of your comfort zone by shitting larval tears at you.
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Why the fuck is Torrent so fragile in the DLC

Even with maxed out revered spirit ashes, pretty much everything kills him in 1-2 hits anyway
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>do dlc stuff before main game
>end up doing malenia solo on my first try
>still can't do radahn
what the fuck
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? There's nothing to correct, she's right and Miquella's right.
Yeah we know. It's also why ranni's quest has THE fromsoft weapon behind it, why she opened trailers, and why her quest was the only one not majorly cut while others were. I'd like to add that martin loves writing about his op shutins/cripples, his post tragic romanced depressed obsessive women, his warlike heroes driven to doom by their battle last, and the descent of once decent nobles into madness AND he has a shocking habit of writing in vore or hiveminds. That ring a bell? I suspect the carians themselves are also Martin's pets
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>midra can attack you while you are suffering from madness
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If Miquella was right, he wouldn't be dead.
As such, Leda still needs to be corrected.
torrent isnt fragile, the DLC is batshit insane
Our notions of gay and straight don't apply to beings who can govern the laws of nature.
what are the chances gravitational missile gets nerfed?
I got so high that I realized I am literally Radahn. That’s me. I’m him.
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>exploring the shadow keep
>somehow reach Messmer's backyard after climbing through the attic
>the moment you step outside this retard bumrushes you
>fight and kill him, no cutscene, not a single line of dialogue
>remembrance description says this dude was the commander of Messmer's forces
>this random sperg, who was just sitting all alone out here, who you probably found after killing Messmer himself and everyone else in the shadow keep
>never mind that out in front of the keep, where he probably should have been, was instead a furnace golem that was actively destroying the military encampment
>his other items state that he was a friend of Radahn and Messmer, despite this never being mentioned anywhere else
>the albinauric behind his arena drops boots, who's description say he was also an albinauric
>that was probably his wife and dog you just killed

You can't expect anyone to care about the lore with shit like this. This convoluted vague-ass sillybilly storytelling worked well enough in Dark Souls, but it's been a total detriment for Elden Ring.
No, we don't know of he sent anna.
Jolan is his puppet, Anna is another sorcerers puppet (rabbath), Rabbath could've sent her to kill you for his own reasons, he could be a cut character or intentionally kept to unknown in classic fromsoft.
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I beat him twice, once with parries (skibidi +8) and once with a two-handed DMGS with the deflect tear (skibidi +18). I think it's a great, but flawed fight. If Radahn was two feet shorter, lost the cape, got Miquella a haircut, and the left-right-cross slash combo was more consistent to deal with beyond just blocking/parrying the first slash, I think 75% of valid complaints about the unfairness would go away. Some other basic issues like performance and the unevenness of the boss arena have a negative impact on the fight (turning off EAC and playing offline made the fight much less stuttery for me). I don't have a huge problem with most of his phase 2 moveset aside from a couple new combos that I just never learned because of the difficulty to identify what they were on start-up. I also agree with some of the complaints about him becoming invulnerable during the start-up of some moves for no apparent reason, but that's usually not a huge deal.

As for what I like about the fight, the intro cutscene is complete fanservice, but it's also cool as fuck. I really like the flow of phase 1 and it fits perfectly with the music (getting a riposte as the vocals swell makes me coom every time). Most of his moves are satisfying to deal with, although I wouldn't mind bigger periods to capitalize on after they finish.In Phase 2, I like how he kept a bunch of the same move with the added wrinkle of the shockwaves punishing you if you roll a certain way. All of the showstopper attacks are visually cool and not too difficult to deal with, performance aside. It wasn't necessary and I oftentimes ate shit for trying it, but successfully using Miriam's Vanishing to dodge some of his bigger hitboxes also made me coom every time. I can't really think of anything else, but, although I don't have a huge issue with it, I think the fight would have been better received if it didn't largely come out of nowhere and also if the ending was more satisfying.
Ranni is still the worst ending because Dungeater exists.
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The femboy should've been a loli
then we would'nt have these degenerates with awful takes and shit memes
>moved gaius way back so he doesnt slam you against the wall and rape yo butt
>"fixed" perfume bottles (you all knee it was too good to be true)
>adjusted the carian sorcery sword (you know it's still shit)
>"fixed" the carian thrusting shield
>"fixed" the chicken wing
>"fixed" a bug that caused Smith script weapons to actually have decent scaling
just kill him
Very based I am obsessed with Carians too
I mean yeah but the point of the skibidi blessings is to balance it out and give you more defenses to deal with the extra damage. Spirit ashes are seemingly supposed to do the same thing for Torrent, but just don't.
why is this so good in the DLC when it utterly sucks in the main game?
The femboy is one of the only things keeping this DLC above 5/10
Ok Miyazaki
No, I'm saying Dungeater's ending is better.
Someone commissioned this didn't they.
No I’m not Chinese
total Carian victory, you just know there is concept art and portraits of Ranni's original body but Miyazaki keeps them for himself
Thematically it's a cool fight and I would accept the argument that the first phase is a fair, if tough, fight but that all goes out the window as soon as the second phase hits.
There would literally be no difference
How about you talk about the game instead of making vapid meta observations then?
>Turns everyone into omen/hornsent
He was clearly guarding the tree stump with like 5-6 fragments. Why? No idea, and yeah these connections these new npcs and bosses have to main game ones feels really contrived. If Messmer was a reliable older brother to Radahn couldnt he use a gravity attack at least once. Like when he jumps into the air and then drops dfown on top of you, make that a gravity attack so we have a themetic connection.
you know i was thinking if fighting radahn in smaller window resolution would solve the fight.

because whenever I look at recordings of the fight, it's not as bad sometimes unless the positioning of the player is shit.
it's how dmg calcs and scadu interact.
I'd honestly take lolifags over homosexuals at this point
How do I get a Miquella of my own fellas
Webm for Lazys. I always set the resolution to 960x540 and the max size to 4mbs and they always seem to come out fine.
>fucks everyone over because it's funny
Yeah his ending is the best.
Martin also likes writing tragic romance. Stories where:
One partner is cucked go the inth degree
One partner turns into a metaphorical or literal monster
One partner is obsessive over the other seeking to control them
Both partners end up together but they're isolated or have everyone else around them die

Not just asoiaf but thousand worlds and his other work is filled with these tropes. The exact ones we see echod within the carians.
yes it was me
t. me
Because he didn't fucking go learn Gravity magic with Ogha, Gaea, Gaius and Radahn

>He should have attacks based on his friends
What a fucking pseud
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There is a very suspicious bottomless pit in Hinterlands. Can I go down there?
you can take an express ticket to hell
why wont people give parrying a try on radahn? it made his fight a lot easier than rellana for me.
Miquella couldn't mind control anyone on the other side of the gate after breaking his rune. And it's the Lord who must usher the entrance of a new god. The cutscene for the second phase, the moment Radahn's red aura shines, the gate activates and Miquella returns. He willingly activated the Divinity Gate bringing Miquella back.
Even if he didn't wanted to be Miquella's consort, he had to fulfill the damn vow.
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I am very obsessed with Ranni
This tells me nothing.
Do we have any idea who Gaea was or are operating under the assumption that it was a typo for Ogha
>Because he didn't fucking go learn Gravity magic
Okay but we have no sign in game he has anny connection to Radahn beyond a quote saying they had that connection. Theres no clue in his fortress that he and his main commander are besties with Radahn.
my reflexes ain't what they used to be
>Do we have any idea who Gaea was or are operating under the assumption that it was a typo for Ogha
No we don't have any idea and the theory it was Ogha is FULL retard because Gaius' sister would be fucking Albinauric like he was and Ogha ain't.
>Okay but we have no sign in game he has anny connection to Radahn beyond a quote saying they had that connection.
Yes and only one item in the entire Dark Souls trilogy clearly states that Light = Time.
Unironically doing the fight offline without EAC on makes for a much better experience. If your framerate chugs while he's starting up the hover nuke, often times you can't get out of it just by running (Miriam's saved me a couple times there too). That webm is online, but I did lower my resolution to 1080p. Performance is an issue with several bosses, such as the Dancing Lion and Rellana. Hopefully they kick EAC to the curb someday.
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They datamined Igon and found his original name was going to be Ahab. He was based on Captain Ahab from Moby Dick who had a vendetta against the whale Moby Dick and wanted to kill the whale, and you can hear it in all of Igon's lines against Bayle. It also explains the "Dragon Harpoons".

Compare Igon's lines and voice to Ahab's at around 3 minutes and 16 seconds of this video and you'll see he likely was even inspired by the movie from the 50's.
That's it, bros, I got filtered. I'll stop playing for the time being, I'll wait for performance and balancement patches, and until I'm in the mood for getting assraped repeatedly. I got to Radahn but I still have a good chunk of content and a lot of skibidis to look for.

I'm doing a DEX/INT build, Moonveil with Night Comet as ranged and Rennala's full moon to apply a debuff. This is doable for the endgame, right? I don't wanto to switch to beat one or two bosses when I go back to it.
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Fujofren paid her part of our bet. But i wasn't expecting this end result
>Dark Souls trilogy clearly states that Light = Time.
I don't know what is is in reference to or what the implication is. Like the light is fire which bought disparity and therefor time?
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Anon, everybody knew this already with basic MEDIA LITERACY.

Then Zullie poisted the face data and it was double confirmed. You're offensively uncultuired and I hope you kill yourself.
What stat spread do I go for rellana's twin blades if I'm level 200?
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Just the major bosses. I'll probably respawn Bayle and try him without Igon, but my experience was just alternating between facetanking a bunch of random bullshit and then melting him when Igon had aggro. Scooby doo level 8 btw.
>"The smithscript weapons can't do too much damage it wouldn't be balanced to have free projectles!"
>meanwhile they add the Blessed Blue Dew Talisman and Lulling Branches, making FP even more of an abundant resource for you to spam long-range, high damage bullshit and making mind even more of a dump stat
He has the same mounted meteor charge
Basically. Time is light and light is time and the fire fading is destroying the fabric of space/time. It takes the idea of Dark Souls cycle as a struggle against entropy and lays it bare. In one item.

The DLC did it again with paintings and rot and shit but... yeah.
Furnace should be moved to F. Honestly what a piece of shit that enemy is.
>He chose the meta from the main game
>The dlc made all the characters faster and hit harder so now the beta is defense based builds

Adapt to survive or get good. There's people beating radahn as level 1 wretch, anything is doable. But if you're going to use a meta from the main game which requires throwing a bit of skill out, you might as well switch to the meta from this game. Or say fuck it and do an unga bunga build like a true Chad.
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Dude is quite literally the ubermensch child of herself and the first and best man of her entire life. She sees herself and Godfrey in him and nobody else. Then you got Radagon and his "red hair? go fuck yourself" attitude despite being pro status quo, thus only giving fucking Miquella some favor and the time of day while ignoring his own kids out of self loathing. It is a miracle that Radahn has such big "notice me senpai" feelings to Godfrey even though it is implied he was originally doing it for parental affection.

At this point it is all but spelled out that if Marika could redo her life over again she would make a beeline for Godfrey in his youth and basically return to monke as an unga bunga barbarian cave woman waifu to Hoarah Loux. Slauttering anything with horns, of course.
Almost makes me like the pairing, but I know it truth it's really just tranny rape shit.
Lol no. She hated Godfrey & he gave her two monster babies. Radagon loved his kids, any distance he has is because he's not really a person but a Mimic Tear/Artificial Person that Marika controls
You're not wrong, but I'm not in the mood of beating my head against a wall until I beat these bosses, honestly I got a little overwhelmed, every boss was a wall that stalled me for a hour or two, with Mesmer taking 3 hours.
How do I get to this area?
It's no different than any other golem boss really. Get too far and it'll attack you, too close and it'll use shockwaves with stomp. Attack it's legs then hit it in the face. People just think it's annoying because it has more health but it only takes a critical or so to finish.

Any ones that are armored are basically just use your horse to escape and throw a pot in its furnace. They're basically just loot pinatas that force you to explore and collect pots and blessings to not spend hours fighting.
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She didn't beat the game
Hidden path opened by a gesture in the room before Commander Gaius
Secret door next to the grace right before Gaius. You have to gesture at the mommy Marika statue.
reminder that ranni canonically does not give a fuck about the tarnished at all whatsoever and her goals are entirely self serving
O' Mother Gesture to the statue in the room before the Gauis boss room.
The gesture is at Bonney village by a tree
To be fair, I don't think you can really pull off a messia jesus archtype in the Lands Between. I don't think Miquella needs to be a all loving saviour even if he does a little evil he would still be better than any of the other insane or selfish demigods.
Probably also better than our current leaders.
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Is it dumb to max out catalysts? It looks like I'll barely get a stat increase out of +25ing the Maternal Staff.
>People still seething about Ranni loving you
What causes this?
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NTA but how the people discover this shit
in your headcanon
There's a stone tablet on the floor that tells you.
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hes a drawing bwo
There was a message in that room that if you've played fromsoft games before you'd know means there's likely an item or gesture to unlock it. With millions of people playing Elden Ring (don't fact check that number idk) at least SOMEBODY was gonna find it eventually and tell other people, who'd tell other people or post it themselves.
is it even better than albinauric staff?
Nah, he reminds me of that CS Lewis quote about moral busybodies being worse rulers than robber barons.
the same way you know about it right now.
Some folks figure it out and tell you.
I didn't have that staff regardless, but I bet its a sidegrade.
Then whyd she fall in love with me stupid?
Is the throwing hammer any good?
You should look up how to find the Pickaxe in DS2, this gesture door is nothing in comparison.
I regret rolling dex/int build, the shit is too easy. Gonna start from scratch on dex/fth reapers enjoyer. I have already tested them, unfortunately they feel like shit, but the fantasy itself is way too comfy for me, can't help thinking about it.
Imo yes and the best of the smithscript weapons
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haven't fought hippo since the changes so it might be E-tier
I think it lost a lot of damage in yesterdays patch but maybe it's still good
people talk shit about From's netcode but 99% of issues boil down to EAC every time
it wasn't until I played AC6 on pc and console that I realized how much it fucks with the game
Die, isekai into a pretty/handsome body then use your cheat skill to impress the local Miquella. There is no other way anon.

That could be the case. Depends on how his kindness worked.
Pre dlc Miquella and pre rewrite might have entirely different views. Honestly we just don't know enough to really judge this shit. Everything is too vague. So there isn't any reason to have a deep opinion because most of it is headcannon.
Why isn't Leda on these lists?
It was great then they nuked it
Now its just average
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Remember to laugh at these lorelets.
Does smithing talisman work with golem fist?
I feel like the "dude with sword as the last boss of the dlc" peaked with Gael, and Radahn was a step down from that, and fighting someone you already defeated before was a mistake in every way.

I was really hoping for something truly bizarre, maybe Marika would take over Miquella body, and you would fight her at the gate of divinity, Metyr could pop later to mirror Elden beast, Marika, Goddess of the Golden order+Metyr, mothers of fingers would be a nice counterpoint to Radagon, Elden lord+Elden beast, avatar of the Golden order.

Honestly, the mechanics of the fight don't matter to me, I just can't accept that the last boss of the dlc is....one of the guys I need to kill to even access the damn dlc, are you fucking kidding me. Insane that the gank squad fight against Leda made me feel far more happy and excited than the last boss fight ever did.

So many cool stuff to use, Marika, God of rot, The blood Star behind thorn magic, Formless mother, Saint Trina, some new Godlike Astel that dropped on the world after Radahn stopped holding back the stars. Fuck man, I like Radahn as a character, and I feel bad because I can't enjoy his second fight, but just ...no. For all the bitching people had, Radagon and Elden beast presentation made me feel like I was gazing on something truly fantastical, that was peak fantasy. Radahn 2.0 on the other hand, feels mundane, just some dude you already met before, in a better fight.
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I don't like asking for directions, but I'm genuinely at lost. How do I get to this area? I can see that the part with a castle is connected to the rest via a natural cliff staircase.
Use Rune Scythe, it looks cool and the WA hits hard at range and jukes out animation dodging enemies.
game is clearly unfinished if the final boss remembrance being reskinned radhan swords didn't tip you off
you're welcome
Any chance we will get a second DLC or is this it?
Access the storehouse via the church district and you should eventually find your way there.
>carian phalanx + twin moons
Dishonest as fuck.
Putting down Radahn at his peak is different than putting him down at his lowest and the bookend of it being another mercy kill is narratively satisfying. Its the lackluster final cutscene that sours it for me, everything else clicks thematically.
That place again? Alright.
in the area before you fight the first fire knight you can jump down, theres secret room behind a water fall in in that room network is a hidden wall that leds to a coffin that brings you to that area
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Go on without me... Melania and shadow erdtree Radahn are too much for me. Maybe if I was willing to cheese it with a dumb build but I just want to do it right and haven't been able to yet.
You used a weapon other than sword of night and flame? You did not beat the game with sword of night and flame
Wasn't on the template. Also hard to grade because of how much the experience varies depending on who you fight and summon.
Can someone tell me exactly what the royal remains set effect does?
Why do I keep seeing/hearing people call Malenia "Melania"? Where did this meme come from?
It's just typical Japs and their writer's pet favoritism and degenerate fetishes
What's the best staff & seal to use if I want to be a Int/Fth Caster? Is it better to stack arcane & dip into Int/Fth for spells?
I used the Sekiro Physick on Midra. Holy fuck, that was the first time in the DLC where I felt like I did not beat the boss.
I made your Isekai title.

the story on I married a shota and accidently saved the world by killing an ugly bastard and accuired the Elden Ring™

Wasn't talking about Godwyn purely Miquella's personality which I think definitely was changed
by Fromsoft and the DLC.
Also you do know they have "writer" they can make up anything and come up with a "amazing" explanation
casting is a meme and bosses will destroy you if you try it
you want a fast high damage weapon with good reach
This is cope. Casting is the game's easy mode.
Actually ignore me. Listen to >>484751824. I got it mixed up with one of the other branching paths out of the shadowkeep.
probably thinking about the scadutree avatar route
it's an obvious consequence of having so many characters with similar names
It should for anything that "throws" as a heavy. If it doesn't it will likely be corrected later.
Mohg is a better choice, he's always been a good guy.
Do not trust witches. Ranni is a witch, she cannot be trusted
Remember the part with the burning boats?
Going back to the base game on a new playthrough makes me feel overleveled for everything despite being underleveled and all the bosses feel like DS1 bosses.
>boss sprays jizz all over the floor
>hosts stand in it and die
The Staff of the Great Beyond is pretty solid with 300 spellbuff at 43/43.
It's also the only catalyst that can use both sorceries and incantations so it makes that kind of build a lot more fun and less janky.
I'm probably going to try a build like this soon because I've seen some pretty neat stuff in the Arena from people using it.
cheeked up tarnished...
I played a 100% Caster build of each int, fth, & arc. I don't know why you'd think bosses would be a problem but it sounds like you've got a skill issue. I'm just trying to mix it up a bit here
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>Invade as part of the stupid Varre questline, unironically at level 1.
>Get sent to Stormveil Castle, because why not?
>Two dipshits try to intimidate me.. One ends up rolling off the map and dying.
>Host immediately legs it back to the nearest grace and re-summons.
>I kill him again.
>He runs yet again to re-summon.
>He manages to get a summon AND a stupid Hunter.
>They still fail to kill me.
Why are people so ass? I am literally level 1. You can't kill a level 1? Uninstall the game.
why do medium shields feel useless. if I block anything my whole stamina bar gets nuked. should I just 2-hand my fucking broadsword? or perhaps start using a greatshield, but that doesn't feel very sword and boardy.
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>Godfrey's offsprings are all fun and fair bossfights
true chad
Know when to block and when to roll
Don't know if it's just my playstyle, but I first tried it with Solitary greatsword and deflect tear. Just deflect the combo then counter for 3k dmg, riposte then repeat.
It is stupid how strong that sword is for the deflect playstyle, I had to force myself to not use it by re-speccing.
>walk up from behind to 10k+ hp Messmer knight
>Charged heavy into charged heavy
>ash of war on get up
>jump attack
>riposte again
Yup easy game
This was the dipshit that couldn't kill a level 1.
Blocking should be reserved for stupid moves you don't want to learn how to dodge. I didn't use a medium shield but blocking on a colossal has similar guard boost, and that's how I used it. Otherwise just grab a greatshield.
That's tempting. I'm trying g to decide the best spells for each side. It's kind of unfair that Faith gets so many more options than Int. Hell you can fth cast glintstone breath even if you need Magic damage.
Is their any character design thats more High fantasy than Godfrey. I remember seeing this pic beofre Elden ring released and thinking 'how the fuck is this design going to fit in this game, whats with the fucking ghost lion king?'
But it all works so well. Glorious design, platonic ideal of fantasy king
>why do medium shields feel useless.
game punish you hard for trying to be an all-arounder.

it's either you use small shields for parry or the big shields.
This is what a troll in the Mountaintop of Giants should do when he sees a Type B: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGS7elLOEZw
same anon. Play it a lot like Putric Tree Spirit, stick to it's flanks but not it's backside.
What's with his tiny sword
>it's either you use small shields for parry
There's not even any point in that when the parry ashes of war gives you more leeway even on a medium shield.
How the fuck am I suppose to replay Elden Ring again when Milady is more fun than over 95% of the game's movesets?
Welp, I traded my Faith Build for a Bleed build. Faith is cool but I need to murder things more efficiently.
When sword & casting do you guys carry a staff/seal in your left or right hand?
except medium shields are just as good for parrying as small shields now
medium shields are for parrying, guard counter, and blocking specific moves you don't want to dodge
there's no reason to carry a small shield unless you can't afford the weight
Godfrey is a Quality chad and not a coping bitch STRanny.
I can't wait to kungfu this bitch in NG+
That's for opening packages.
i wonder if this can be consistently abused?
What projectiles? As it was with damage falloff, they had barely any more usabilities than spears!
now they increased the range on two and use it to justify merging their damage.
I just had the idea for a scatterthrow dagger build that wasn't cheesing it with status ailments.
>or perhaps start using a greatshield, but that doesn't feel very sword and boardy.

What about the Thrusting Shields?
Not many people talked about it, but the Carian Thrusting Shield has pretty high boost when compared to the Brass Shield(76 vs 69 when fully upgraded on the Standard Infusion)
It's pretty much Greatshield-Tier and you can use Barricade on top of that.
>last light was my favorite of the three
Do people use thrusting shields in main hand or offhand?
Giant musclebound warrior men carrying a single gladius is more aesthetic than some loser LARPing as Guts that needs to wield a giant slab of metal to hurt the big bad monsters.
He just uses it for golden vow. Godfrey is STR all day. Quality is for closeted faggots.
I prefer 140cm lolis with giant slabs of metal.
If I put Bleed on Danes kicking arts, what level should my Arc be at? I have 60 right now
I want smithscript daggers to do damage. This fucking sucks...

What should I even use for my last talisman slot? Right now I have smithing, soaring sting and favor. I was thinking either retalitatory crossed-tree, clawmark or alexander shard.
Any good strategies for a mage to kill Bayle? It feels like all my spells just tickle him
45 arc, rest of damage investment goes into str/dex
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Yeah exactly. Giant weapons are for spindly little girls. This is peak masculinity.
get more skibidi fragments
shard spiral and that's about it
Pull out the magic zweihander.
The greathammer is still alright for taking out enemies from a distance and has a niche use for stealth; enemies will investigate and bunch up around wherever it lands from a surprising distance away, allowing you to sneak up and burst them down with AoE, and the axe has shitty range but it's jumping throw is a good evasive attack that I've used to great effect in both PvE and PvP. The spear is total garbage, haven't tried the rest.
Summon igon
i have flame art affinity on mine and i am still really enjoying using them post-nerf, in co-op they're quite ideal for dealing a constant steady damage to bosses and for quickly pulling enemies off the host
Brock looks like he skips leg day.
>Putting down Radahn at his peak is different than putting him down at his lowest and the bookend of it being another mercy kill is narratively satisfying.

Honestly, this just does not work for me. All the build up behind festival Radahn, with multiple champions gathering together to defeat him makes that version of Radahn feel far more powerful and fantastical than DLC Radahn. Yeah you can fight him alone, but in the "lore", everyone was fighting together to defeat this supposedly weakened version of Radahn that lost himself to scarlet rot. Dude needed the strongest warriors around to band together in order to grant him a warrior's death.

Meanwhile DLC Radahn has God Miquella on his side, and both the game and the lore make no effort to hide that you slapped both of them to death by yourself.

Even worse, if Radahn was aware and joining Miquella of his own free will, then Freyja was right and he is just a blood crazed warlord wanting to larp as Godfrey, uncaring that the lands between already had enough of war for generations. The entire festival is undone because Radahn is just another bloodthirsty asshole. And Miquella is an even bigger asshole, he could have healed his sister by transferring her soul to Mohg body, instantly curing her of her Scarlet rot std, but no, he wanted Radahn.

Radahn being mind controlled by Miquella is just as bad, because everything about DLC Radahn is a step down from base game Radahn, the lore, the fight itself, the gates of divinity being half the size they were in the trailer, the arena being tiny while Gael had such a huge area for his fight, feels like From rushed everything at the end.
If only they couldn't just disconnect. It'd be a chance to study the MP subhuman species.
has she shown you that with actions or is she just saying it
Tree Sentinels and their derivatives get absolutely bullied by the hammer toss; a fully charged heavy will make them stumble every single time.
Maybe I should give a fai setup with them another try. I could always use a scorpion charm and last rites. I lost like 130 AR though. It was a brutal nerf and even before then the damage wasn't amazing or anything outside of AoW spam.
>strongest warriors around
I mean, that's not saying much. Alexander got taken out in a single hit, and I have no doubt that other than the literal unkillable shadow he was the strongest of the lot
Wut's a nigga apposed tuh do when losing is inevitable?
>activated frenzied flame ending
>want to lean more into it
>every item sucks
>every spell sucks
At least I can wear the Fingerprint stuff I guess
>disliking laser eyes and pissyellow eyepuke
those spells are the most fun, maybe you are unfun
Is there not a coop statue thing outside of Renalla's boss? I cant find it and I want to help people coop her.
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Is this the Crucible?
Just beat Rennala for the first time. Loved learning her moveset.
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You want The Crucible?
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it's fun tho
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Welcome to Elden Ring.
Fuck you George why do they sound so similar
I meant Rellana
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Flame of Frenzy and Frenzied Burst are cheese-tier on PVE, and Flame is decent in PVP if freeaimed.
Frenzied Burst can hit enemies from a range that their AI's weren't even programmed to react to.
dancing lion is the worst boss with the worst sound track in the whole game. change my mind. which boss soundtrack is more obnoxious? seriously.
>dancing lion ost
Shit taste
im convinced its the other way around. malenia phase 2, godskin, morgott, those are good sounds. not this chinese wannabe crap
Anon, that's Irina's corpse being piloted by a spirit of madness trying to lure you to the Three Fingers.
The boss you fight is the easiest version of him. Try fighting him out in the wild where he spews deathblight instead of regular storm bullshit. That's way worse.
That one drops this: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Divine+Beast+Tornado
He's a real asshole. Luckily you can cheese him from the top of a nearby ledge using ranged attacks.
you need to upgrade the shield for it not to take all your stamina.
Why did fromsoft create this massive sandbox of different weapons and equip for me to use but then only make 10% of it actually useful and then nerf that 10% into the ground?
Have they made Shaxx gay yet?
>Midra's Manse was obviously designed with oldschool fromsoft philosophy
>there are two shortcuts that open back to the main entrance hall where the first grace is
>but then someone placed two additional graces right next to those shortcuts
>you can literally walk or climb to the other 2 graces within 10 seconds
I blame "modern audiences" for this.
I hate how many fukken graces there are in Limgrave and the SOTET overworld has so few it feels good, but then this kind of dungeon shows up and it makes me loose faith.
okay I'm truly stumped
I've studied various wikis and articles trying to figure it out

what are the actual conditions to do Ansbach's quest and fight with Leda in the storehouse
literally all I want from this DLC right now is to try a bow build with a good bow (before it gets nerfed)
I even have multiple characters ready to roll with no DLC started yet
I cannot figure it out
I tried doing the quests of Leda, Ansbach and Hornswaggle in their proper orders. I got to Ansbach and gave him the scroll and he noped the fuck out of the storehouse with no summon sign left where he was, Leda is stuck at the cross back in Altus saying she needs more time. I have a feeling if I kill Messmer/burn the tree they will teleport to the final boss

so how the fuck do I even achieve this
do I seriously need to use cheat engine to get items even though I'm reading guides and trying to decipher how the fuck miyazaki's braindead moronic fucking bullshit idiotic mindboggling profoundly stupid quest system works?
If cheese shit is the only shit you consider "useful" the problem is you. Acquire skill.
>click on ER icon to start the game
>EAC screen comes up
>do anything, click on another window
>game just doesn't start at all
You really have to just sit there and wait for it to start, or this shitty rootkit thinks you're cheating.
I don't know, FromSoft has dungeon brain rot. LotF 2023 had better dungeon design, somehow.
Post your build and video evidence of you defeating radahn with skill
>get summoned to Putrescent Knight
>fall down the 10 second drop right onto his swing
Never cooping this fucker again, what a cunty intro.
I was really happy when I saw the swift spear and thought it would be cool for an affliction build, but
>onyl R1s changed
>R2s just as slow as regular spears
>swiping attac in R1 chain comes really late and not good to fight off crowds
>not enough to stagger big enemies either
>rolling R1 unaffected and slow
They should have made the R1 open up witht he slash. Would have been like a quick version of the partizan, my beloved.
still cool look though and what is there ahs nice animation work done.
how do I give myself a weapon/item with CE without getting banned
>Slowly replenishes HP when HP is reduced. Which is 2 HP per second (per piece, for a total of 8) while under 18% HP.

its actually not bad when noob or just exploring around low on flasks, or when stacking the feather talismans or HP regen. It heals enough you wont die from regular poison. Its not amazing though
Point out where I said I had any skill. Weird ass deflection nigga.
Ahh, rate my setup y'all:

Fire knight helm
Solitude Chest
Solitude Gloves
Solitude Pants
Bullgoat talisman
Strength 54+
Two handed talisman
Erdtree Talisman
Hotswap talisman to whatever I need

Man I'm so good at this game y'all.
I used a cheat/mod ONCE ina fromsoft game in Darksouls 3 when I locked myself out of a weapon, I think. I dont know anything but I do remember that I bought it from a merchant that sold literally every item (for a price) that this method spawned in. Maybe that's the key that there's a transaction (not actually added to your character).
Sorry I cant be a better help.
dont add directly. you need to pick it up
I was very confused as well. Also big hippo grace.
I dont think two-handed talisman works on unarmed builds
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Wait, the shaman are Marika's people? They're the numen? Why the fuck were they butchered and stuffed into jars then?
because the hornsent are cunts
what the fuck did they mean by this???
Strange fucked up hornsent religious practice that they do for Reasons
Last longer in jar
that one can be explained with their rule of " a grace after every boss"
I mean, look at fukken stormwind castle
>tunnel Grace before Margit
>Margit Grace
>Castle gate Grace right after Margit
Shit fashion
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And the Hornsent think Marika's the asshole? What the fuck is wrong with those retards? And no wonder the omen are hated if they're associated with the hornsent.
A genocide for a genocide leaves the whole world blind
I am confused because I was told that the jars were originally walking vessels to bring the dead of the battlefields to the minor erdtrees for rebirth, which is why there are so many jars around the minor erdtrees, but then the jars became sentient and that's also why so many of them are warriors: cause they're stuffed full of warriors.
The DLC seems to undo or rewrite so goddamn much establsihed lore. Then again, msot lore is just fan theories in Fromsoft games
just use the merchant mod and buy the items
Nah, you just gotta finish the job once.
Not yet, but you just know he's next
Hornsent will never let you forget the 6 million impaled during Messmer's crusade. Nevermind the fact that Messmer only had 15 workshops that produced one spear per hour.
No, fuck that. The hornsent started it and now they're whining because they had the same thing done to them. Fuck them and fuck everyone like them.

I think the jars in the shadow realm aren't the same as in the lands between.
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>need rune arcs to burn on more radahn on attempts
>nobody summoning anymore despite me being level 150
I'm so fucking done with this shit
Okay, someone tell me whether this theory makes sense, I developped it by myself, absically:
>the crucible is a "mass2 of raw natural life force that wants to break free
>ancient dynastic remains people channelled that energy into the shoots depicted in their statues
>and apparently also the hornsent, apparently, who became vessles
>marika gets rid of hornsent as revenge
>marries Godfrey and his Crucible knights
>subdues the crucibel by planting the erdtree and its minor shoots that then feed off the energy of the crucible
>raw nature demands to keep pushing through
>instead manifests as horns and tails and feathers
>this affects humans born (omen), humans already alive (misbegotten) and even dragons (ancient dragons turn into wyverns)
>nature will not be denied
does this sound right?
>level 150
>he fell for the "everyone's sticking to 150!!!" meme
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Unironically viable? This is a str+fth build, but I was just playing around with this, it's kinda fun. Mighty shots with the stormwing arrows hit pretty hard, especially if you throw on golden vow/flame grant me strength/both. Once the enemy is aggrod, and they are able to dodge arrows, you can quickly follow up with the frenzy railgun if needed.
>But I need rune arcs!!!
Just level up lmao.
First of all, just back up your save retard. Second of all:
>despite me being level 150
Because we all leveled to 200 you fucking idiot. Nobody stayed at 150. The only ones pushing for staying at 150 are retards at 138 who are terrified they're going to lose their bracket (they have).
>Pulley Bow
It annoys me that this bow is still objectively superior to the INT and FTH scaling bows (Horn Bow and Erdtree Bow respectively) even for those sort of builds.
well I can't do that now, that would make the last 40-50 attempts feel like a waste of time
Im lvl160 but I dont know what else to level since I'm doing a quality build
>>nobody summoning anymore despite me being level 150
What are you talking about? You should still get plenty of summons for Fire Giant/Farum Azula/Haligtree.
Quality builds quite literally need more levels than any other build, alongside INT/FTH (aka magic quality)
That faggot who got onto the writing team and immediately made Saint-14 and Osiris gay is probably the most egregious example of terrible, shoehorned writing I have ever seen.
500 more HP ain't gonna save you dawg, learn them patterns
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Those things are so fucking goofy looking and serve no purpose whatsoever and I love them.
>60 VIG
>As much END as you need to carry your shit, or 30 END if you're a stamina fiend
>Enough Mind to get a "free" use of your favorite ash (ashes can be used at at least 50% FP, so if an ash costs 20 FP for example, 18 MND or 110 FP is enough to cast it 6 times)
>Rest into STR/DEX evenly until they hit 80 each or you don't want to level anymore or 54 STR/80 DEX if you're two-handing
I'm only doing dex/str
>46 hours noobie
>level 91
>40 vigor
>str and dex both in the 30s
I failed to choose just one. Still don't know what I want.
They're just chillin out.
No, see, Morgott loses his horns upon death and Mohg is horn free when used for Radahn's return which reveals that Morgot and Mohg were genuinely cursed by something that would only end when they die.
I think they're for farming ash summon upgrades
You need 60 VIG, 80 STR/DEX, decent END investment and MAYBE Mind if you even want to approach a respectable Quality build.
All this Two Fingers lore got me wondering, does the Japanese language distinguish between fingers and toes? In case you don't understand what I mean, not every language considers them distinct. For example, this distinction doesn't exist in Russian, so there are "hand fingers" and "foot fingers". If you ask a Russian child how many fingers he has, he might jokingly say 20.
>80 str/dex
I don't respect stat blobs at all
>impaling thrust
you need...more?
Obviously you can do 54 STR/80 DEX instead. The point is though, it's silly to ask "What else do I need to level?" when you're running Quality.
what the fuck is it with 4chan and getting filtered by an incredibly simple program with clear instructions
Okay how the FUCK do you deal with those spinny flippy ringblade motherfuckers? They have endless poise and combo for days and if they do that combo that hits you in the back it's just over.
explain why you replied to me or apologize
I don't know how anyone plays any builds without some level of either INT or FTH. Having zero spells is so fucking boring, they add so much to gameplay when you mix them in with melee. On that I also don't understand how anyone plays INT or FTH without any melee, that'd be even worse. Only hybrid builds are enjoyable.
>>484756503 needs to learn how to read
>>484757141 needs to learn how to read as well
>>484756690 is completely incorrect

surprisingly, stay extremely close to them
Why doesn't Milady have Wing Stance by default? Did someone at From Software laugh at the idea of some idiot scrambling around the whole DLC looking for the Ash of War that actually lets one of their premiere weapons flourish when it's only a short walk away?
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I press L2 lol
what level/scadutree blessing do you guys think is appropriate for the end of the dlc? all i have left is abyssal woods and then whatever is west of shadow keep. i'm lvl ~170 (forgot exact lvl) and blessing 15, but i've since stopped levelling and upgrading because i don't want to overlevel. when i fought the putrescent knight i could already feel myself being a a bit too strong for him, but i felt an appropriate level for bayle. should i just keep leveling? or am i at a good spot for everything else
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I just started the DLC. People got filtered by this guy??? I killed him first try.
>i'm lvl ~170
>but i've since stopped levelling and upgrading because i don't want to overlevel.
You should level to 175. It's the last level before you're barred from being summoned by 150s.
I rape them.
>blud didn't explore
uh oh...

12-15 imo. i was 200 15B, but any stats i invested after 150 went into FAI for quality of life or END because i wanted to try more DLC armor without worrying about weight. i guess the extra stamina probably helped.
>paired heavy weapon jump L1 spam
>''i killed him''
should we tell him...
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Is this enough vigor for the DLC bros?
Funny to imagine someone killing Mohg only to get frustrated over an enemy NPC boss with overtuned damage values two shotting them lmfao.
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You can tell who's a nooblet who was dragged through the game by phantoms, came back for the DLC and used a guide to sequence break their way to the DLC area at level 40 by looking at who gets filtered by this fat retard.
Fake, Ser Gregor doesn't use a shield.
him and rellana are how you turn good fights into shitty ones

sillyman and twin princes are both far better than them
Retards got filtered by him yes. I also beat him first try, difference between you and I though is that I didn't spam jump attacks.
>that stamina bar
>that HP bar
you need more levels and more scoobies
Depending on what you want to do, just get at least 54 STR and enough DEX to wield any weapon then use the Heavy infusion.
Midra tips?
Sorcery build, I can open with 7k from double rannis consistently now without getting hit, but it's rough learning his combos when I'm getting two shot further on the fight
It's the WA spam that makes him hard, that's literally it. Guy's a cakewalk otherwise
In the books he does.
>Twin Princes
Boring reaction roll fest like the rest of DS3.
>midra has to be parried 3 times in a row for one riposte
why do they have parrying so much
it's like they saw people use it to beat gwyn and never recovered
The people who fuck around the most cry the loudest when they're made to find out.
No idea, all their moves look the same to me and they also block while attacking sometimes? I do charged heavies and jumping heavies because it usually staggers them.
i don’t do online stuff so i don’t really care about summons and whatnot
There's a difference between using jump attacks and doing nothing but jump attacks. Thanks for confirming you did the latter though.
The fact that so many bosses are parriable at all is surprising considering how DS3 was.
They didn't kill Mohg. They summoned a sorcerer who kamehameha's Mohg for them.
I had a little trouble with him because I hadn't played the game in 2 years when I fought him
>tries to brag
>gets defensive when called out
you can play your game however you want gamer
That was probly me
I am that wizard
Maybe because it's so easy to parry in this game
some people decide not to turn on easy mode using heavy weapons
I have not found it in 2 playthroughs and didn't even know it was a thing until like a day ago when I saw someone else using it.
This, true chads use bleed katana and moonveil instead.
Keen Uchigatana with Unsheathe is honest.
I would like to present the notion that rahdahn's attack after he sucks you in with gravity in phase 2 is the worst attack in the entire series
If you're getting caught by the gravity suck, you've already lost.
or i can be talking about a lordsworn straight sword you disingenuous faggot
>hit him once or twice
>hit him once or twice
>charge attack / L2 while he's getting up
i see to fail the problem, parrying still completely fucks up bosses' momentum and lets you counterattack them without handing you riposte -> charge attack on a plate ad infinitum.

if anything elden ring is the most parry-friendly game when it comes to bosses.
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Radahn is kicking my ass. So this is what everyone was talking about.
sorry, >>484759141 meant for >>484759064
All of his combos except the one where he slides away from you leaving frenzy puddles leaves enough time to punish with melee, though on rare occasions he'll do his short range nearly no windup frenzy shotgun. I don't really play sorcery so that's about as much of a tip as I can give
do you not know how to dodge it
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Hey buddy I think you got the wrong post. The shitposter is three posts down
If you use weapons, you didn't beat the game.
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If you didn't go through the entire game with your bare hands until reaching the DLC to unlock the Dryleaf Arts you're a fake Monkchad.
Yeah, the 2nd phase feels like they just said fuck it, souls games are supposed to be le hard, so just throw a bunch of bullshit in there.
It's a shame because the first phase is perfectly fine and actually pretty fun, if you ignore how retarded it is that you're fighting Radahn again.
Bitch I always forget you exist until I reach this point of the game.
Has anyone done a regen build?
>blessed dew for 2hp/s
>icon shield for 3hp/s
>erdtree blessing for 12hp/s
>crimsonburt tear for 7hp/s
>great stars for 1% hp regain per hit
>prayerful strike for 30% hp regain
>or just wild strikes to hit faster
>ritual shield talisman so each hit leaves little to regen back to max
I think I'm missing something, how are you supposed to kill the furnace golem between Bonny Village and the cathedral of Manus Metyr? When I go up on the cliff where you're obviously supposed to throw furnace pots at its basket, it just endlessly spams waves of homing fireballs, there's zero opening to run up and throw.
you can dual wield both butcher knives for even more regen on hit
there's a weapon art where you drag the weapon weapon along the ground which does a bunch of ticks, good for great stars
update in case anyone has been as befuddled as me

I pinned down at least one of the triggers for the quest
in order to reach the ansbach invasion in storehouse, you must first kill messmer, but you can't go all the way through elir enim yet. Its only in that really small slice. And ansbach can already have disappeared before leda will say she's going after him, and you've already cleared storehouse at this point guaranteed since you killed messmer

holy shit the quests in this game are fucking atrocious.
I just killed messmer with 4 skibidis to make this happen
Are there basegame omen in the DLC? Didn't see any
How do you all feel about the theory that, similar to the outer goddess of the rot existing below the lake while malenia is able to be an essential avatar goddess of the rot that rennala is the avatar goddess of the outer god of the full moon hence why ranni is also an empyrean chosen by the dark moon.
Man I wish we got more options for armor customization instead of the disappointment we ended up with. That chestpiece would be perfect if I could remove the disc on the chest and maybe change the color of the cloth.
the bitching and moaning about radahn is out of control

was he difficult? yes, because he demands that the player keep their shit together for 3-4 minutes. was he "dishonest" or "bullshit"? lmao, no. by the time you reach him, you should have realized that the DLC is full of moves that are designed to be dodged by jumping, sprint jumping, or plain ol' running away. he has exactly two moves that are actually confusing (the cross slash combo, and the ghost slam after he fires rocks in phase 2), but everything else can be intuitively understood based on prior bosses' attacks. neither of these attacks is especially strong, either.
the more i read people's complaints, the more i think that people just failed to learn the lessons that the DLC tries to teach them - just like a lot of people failed to learn the lessons that Margit was designed to teach the player in the base game.

i've done 3 varying permutations. the issue is that regeneration does not scale well, so its efficiency peaks at lower levels. but it's fun.

you have the right idea, you're just getting bad luck. it should approach the ledge and do jumping attacks that leave it vulnerable.
Frenzy warming stones is 35hp/s, so just sitting around one would make you extremely difficult to kill. A thrusting weapon with Blood Tax might be better, since that is also HP regen, but thrusting weapons can be turtled behind the shield unlike the great stars/butcher knife.
Why the fuck would you do that when Great Stars does the same thing and is 500 times better?
>parry midra 18 times in a row
>he flies into the air and belly flops me
>probably am going to die to that move 3~ times before I learn the timing for it
if I ever do another playthrough I'm minmaxing and leveling to cap
I think Misbegotten are a pre-Erdtree race and not mutated humans.
Drakes are revelaed to be the spawn of Bayle and a seperate sub species from the Ancient dragons (who also set up the dragon (drake) communion). They are not devolved ancient dragons
The correlation between Outer Gods and celestial bodies/space makes it seem highly likely that the dark moon is one or the envoy of one.
No, fuck off. I can do any boss in this game in 1-5 tries, including Malenia and EVERY DLC boss besides Radahn. That cunt took me 57 attempts and I had to swap to a +20 skibidi cheese build just to get that win because I was tired of trying to do it "honestly" when that fight is anything but "honest". It's shit, trash, and the first fight in the history of Souls I genuinely believe needs a nerf.
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How can I make this better? I don't know what talismans i should use.
As a str player I respect dex builds just not katana and rapier users. Been playing these games for over a decade and I can confidently say I'm racist towards katanas and rapier users and want them put in death camps
Fuck off trannox
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no. someone ITT claimed that the omen curse in the lands between is actually a curse originating from the shadow realm, rather than something originating with the crucible. the omen have horns all over their body and cursed, yellow-black blood, whereas the hornsent are only represented with horns on their heads most of the time. morgott and mohg are exceptions, but morgott's horns disappear completely when he's defeated. who knows how it really works.

literally just run away, it's free
Honestly I think the whole "outer gods are kami and not lovecraftian gods like in bloodborne" is somewhat reinforced by the dlc, especially if you take ymir's schizoramblings as truth. I've always believed it was a mix of the two, there are the outergods which act like kami, then there's acolytes of them who act as their voices and seek to bring about their domination, like shabiri. I could see rennala and ranni acting as that for the full and darkmoon respectively.
i'm sorry to hear you got filtered. i beat it in about 30 attempts at 15 skibidi with a 2H medium roll build because i simply applied the lessons i'd learned from other bosses.

rellana's twin moon attack is more bullshit than anything radahn does, because it's basically impossible to predict how it works the first time you see it 70% of the way through her fight. from that point forward, it's trivial to dodge, but it's a one-shot knowledge check without precedent. that's what bullshit is; not you failing to figure out how to beat a boss who has simple counters to nearly everything he does.
Why do people lose their grace?
anybody else for advice?
Why did Messmer' crusade burn Romina's church? From what I can tell she only turned to the Scarlet Rot afterward so I don't really see the reason.
Yeah I refuse to believe the half-baked garment-altering system we got was even halfway completed, especially when there's a seamster NPC that we interact with who can also alter your garments (which doesn't actually have any effect on his questline whatsoever iirc, even though Melina has unique dialogue just for this one NPC encouraging you to let him do so).
I have one more question.
Against Leda and her allies, I was able to summon Noble Sanguine Nathan or something to help me. Why? Wouldn't he be on Miquellas side since Mohg was all about Miquella?
Miquella steals it. Theres natural grace then theres marika given grace. For maikra's grace each grace has a bit of marikas power and the power of the elden ring. It allows for things like leveling up and resurrecting even through things like destined death. Miquella steals it from people to siphon off of her power embibing himself with it and alongside going through the gate of divinity, becoming a god, not needing the elden ring to ascend but still needing a consort. This is also why his hips become freakishly wide. He essentially becomes a hermaphrodite from stealing much of marikas powers, capable of giving birth aiming to be impregnated by radahn.
summoning tiche so i can plap her
So is there anyone to report back to after you beat the dlc? I guess not, if Ofnir is dead.
Is it honestly even worth finishing the DLC final boss[es]? I just don't see the point. It's just roll slop for the entire fight with AOE spam. Even if I could do it hit-less, I don't think I'd care. It's just boring at this point, I have no fun doing this kind of stupid "challenge".
There's nothing simple about countering Radahn unless you're playing a shieldpoke build or using the sekiro tear. I guarantee you're either bull shitting, doing the former, or used perfume/chicken wing cheese before the nerf.
Mohg was controlled by Miquella, his followers are right to be pissed about it. It's supposed to be Ansbach that you summon but I guess you didn't do his quest, so you get the sanguine noble instead.
Have you considered playing the game without a blindfold on and earplugs in?
Hers was a hornsent church. People were being put into jars under the teaching of Her and her forebearers, im shocked Messmer wasn't more thorough in exterminating her
This game desperately needs a dye system, and I wonder if they knew that but couldn't make it work.
Doesn't the one great rune give you bloodborne-like HP regen from attacking? From Malenia I think.
Church of the bud doesn't sound very Golden Order to me and they were very much interested in wiping out other religions to establish dominance.
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>add a jump button
>Devs suddenly think they can make Parkour sections work
No, no you can't
It's Malenia's rune yeah, but it's fucking dogshit and not worth using at all.
Tarnisheds, I know it would be gay, but someone has to rape correct Miquella... He can't keep getting away with it...
Probably dogshit since literally every attack in the game can stun-lock you; even the literal weakest hits in the game go through your poise. And since you never really have "gray life" of any kind in ER
Can the demi humans really be civilized or is Kenneth being an idiot
They absolutely could have, but chose not to. If art direction was such a concern they could have allowed the player to chose from a list of grounded preset colours so you don't have dickheads running around with neon green robes.
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>that cutscene after beating radahn
>test some DLC incantations
>the golden arc ones are kind of decent
>notice that a boss dropped a great spear related to them, a FTH holy spear with some bleed
>neat, let's try it out
They're going to buff this, right?
This is so garbage I'm honestly impressed.
It looks so cool too, why does the sword get to be OP as shit but the spear is garbage.
Well Boc seems alright.
Malenia's rune only heals you if you JUST took damage, and the health you get back is horrid. Also it makes your flasks worse.
Well we never seem them living alongside humans peacefully. ALthought their queens were taught magic at Raya Lucaria.
Actually no we see them working alongside those battlewizards so they can work besides humans. So can misbeggotten since in the capital theres a bunch of them alongside perfurmers just fine
Whatever is meta to 2hand, so currently great katanas and cleanrot sword (with bloodhound step of course)
Fashion is meaningless, this is the best armor set up in the game thus it is the best for me. :)
Alright /erg/ lore wise, why are the female characters feet so clean? Namely marika and rennala. Look at the story trailer for the dlc, marika barefoot walks through gore but her feet are spotless and rennala despite seemingly never wearing shoes has pristine clean feet. HOW explain this. It's been upsetting me for a while.
You guys know how some times flasking is interchangeable with healing and some items or talismans trigger for either? Do you guys think the talisman that increases poise after flasking works with any healing? If so I thought of a good use for it, the Prayerful Strike on a Giant Crusher +25 hammer for trading more blows while healing.
Well the fact the Demihumans didn't try to kill Kenneth Haight (from what we can tell) shows that they're at least somewhat aware of forming friendships that extend past the tribe.
FROM has been trying to do parkour platforming shit since fucking Armored Core on the PS1. They sucked at it then and they suck at it now.
>this is the best armor set up in the game
Solitude set is not the best armor in the game.
>Try controller
>All handlings feel unnatural as shit
>Use keyboard+mouse
>All inputs feel like they have a few seconds of delay, particularly mouse inputs
Am I retarded?
The barbed spear?
Isn't that like the highest AR spear for pure Fth builds?
I'd test it but I don't have any friends
So did the Beastman of Farum Azula you find in that cave in Limgrave singlehandedly slaughter an entire platoon of Godrick soldiers entirely by his lonesome?
as much as anyone in tlb seemingly, just more primitive technologically.
>A gift once given to the demi-humans to foster peace
so diplomatic relations with them were apparently not just kenneth's crackpot theory
I'm still 138.
he's very simple, all you need to do is pay attention to his attacks and adapt. and not roll away from him, especially in phase 2. everything he does has an answer.
>opening gravity spin
massive opening, you can hit him with a fully charged R2
>right slash, left slash left slash, overhead, shockwave combo
small opening after the two slashes to the left, massive opening between the the overhead and shockwave if you roll to either side
>right slash, left slash, right slash (starts from the same move as above)
small opening after the 2nd right slash
>upward right slash, double left slash
medium opening after the double left slash
>bloodflame attack
sprint strafe to the left or roll to the left for a big opening
>lion's claw
just do fucking whatever, this move sucks
>gravity meteors
roll the initial part and then sprint away before sprint jumping to the side. sprint jumping to your right lets you strafe the ghost slam and roll the final hit.
>5-hit twirly combo where he swings both swords
there's small openings between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th attacks. literally just roll into him.

every single thing radahn does has an easy to execute response to. he doesn't have a waterfowl dance equivalent. i beat him with about as honest a build as i could have at a reasonable level and blessing level (15). stay filtered and keep rolling away.
You might be. K&M works fine on my machine.
>>Use keyboard+mouse
>>All inputs feel like they have a few seconds of delay, particularly mouse inputs
Are you playing on console? PS4 has software m+kb support and is strongly delayed because of it. PS5 has hardware m+kb support like a PC though. Dunno about xbox.
Here are things from the leaks people posted about as shitposts that turned out to be true:
>the game justifies genocide which people didn't believe
>godwyn is implied to have fucked(or more) a dragon
>malenia was in on making radahn miquella's consort
>leda was a murderous yandere
>st trina wants miquella dead
>midra was one of the failed frenzy lords as mentioned in the base game
Am I missing anything?
PC is the weird thing.

Likely, maybe the game just runs bad on my potato and that's about it.
Damn you old nigga
Of course he did, he's a zombie werewolf with a big axe against the weakest enemies in the game.
Are they wireless? I'm using wired ones and never experienced any delay
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If radahn's first phase was a separate option I'd put it higher up
We need to ask the important lore questions, like just how much bush Ranni had pre doll
>dual tree sentinels felled with no mimic tear or deaths
yeah, i don't think i'll need summons for base anymore
Wired, as said it might be that the game just runs badly on my PC and the general delays translate to the game feeling sluggish/delayed in inputs.
No one can explain why their feet are so clean. It's illogical.
Who was the disembodied old woman who called to the dancing lion anyway?
I'm happy for you, truly. The point of From DLCs is to get gamebreaking shit.
sex with rakshasa
good job cutie
Is that cutscene really the end? I looked around and it seemed like literally every npc remaining alive dropped dead after beaing Miquella. There wasn't anyone left alive to give you a slap on the ass for beating him, you're just expected to go back and finish the main quest like nothing ever happened.
I understand it's the journey and not the destination but it does feel kind of odd.
This is why she was able to catch fire so easily and burn so thoroughly. She had an untamed bush. It would have created a bulge in her pants if she wore any. A forest of red hair down there. With her height you'd probably get lost in it.
Funny how older content always ends up feeling much easier once you've played their latest releases
we always were
now try malenia, it's insane how much easier she is compared to DLC bosses
There's a spirit there that makes it seem like things were ok until the bloody slash knight chimped out and killed the queen.
>The demi-humans wax wroth, now their mother's been taken... Where are you, Lord Kenneth? The knight...bedeviled by blood.
first off, well done
Not even close.
It's a great spear and has 100 less AR than a Sacred Messmer Soldier Spear, almost 200 if you count Sacred Blade's buff.
The Messmer Spear also has the much better Tresspear R2.
The ash of war also seems borderline unusable.
This is the real reason messmer didn't fuck rellana. The carian women never shave down there and all have more public hair growth that normal.
Invade in Abyssal Woods for free rune arcs.
Why does Morgott block the tree from Radahn? Radahn is Marika and Radagons son, a diehard fanboy of Godfrey so probably a Golden Order fanboy too and he is strong as hell which is a prerequisite for Elden Lord.
>The impenetrable thorns
Just burn the tree down and bring it back as Elden Lord, or is the giants forge not common knowledge?
That's so fucking hot
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the only harsh base nerf i recall is radahn, but i also recall they sorta reverted it.
it's my 2nd playthrough, so it isn't as impressive

thanks though
i remember breaking my controller and damn near my hands on that boss, even mimic tear didn't help much.

kinda scared to see how easy she is my 2nd time around.
the lady you meet in the storeroom
Did anon hesitate?
>midra's twirl can be ducked
>his air swim swing can be jumped
fuck this makes me feel cool
I wish that elden ring had mikiri counters. the funnest shit in this game is probably using unique counters for different attacks
weaving between parrying, jumping attacks, ducking and rolling is so damn fun
>one of his snakes got tangled in her pubes and he freaked out
>mfw flails
Kek who are these for?
I did the DLC and then went back to base game and absolutely skullfucked Maliketh, Godfrey, and Radagon. It's absurd how much harder the DLC is.
Because Morgott is the rightful heir and does not want other people to have the tree. He calls all of the other demi-golds 'pillagers' and proclaims himself as king.
>Killed him too quick to figure out all these cool interactions
These games really need an option to just re-fight bosses when you go to their arena. Theres no point to going back to 99% of them after you kill the boss anyway
congratulations on learning how the game works

i don't mean that sarcastically, people just cannot figure this shit out for some reason
We need a Sekiro-like boss rush mode
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miss these lil guys every day
I just bought Elden ring a week ago and I went straight to the DLC instead of doing the main game, and I did malenia first try today.
Built for white girldick
>is the giants forge not common knowledge?
something something cardinal sin
>they are not devolved ancient dragons

They have feathers and horns, they fit the bill too perfectly.
It all just fits so goddamn well and even in SOTE it says that an influence is causing beasts to grow extra horns
I've been doing it all game. godrick is pretty much designed to get you to start thinking about it
it'd be nice if enemie's attacks didn't have vertical tracking. some attacks look like they can be ducked or jumped but end up being inconsistent because of how tracking behaves
honestly tree sentinels felt so pathetic in hinterlands that I didn't take a single hit, DLC difficulty is so off the charts by comparison
leyndell ones are pretty easy if you lure them through the door so you fight one by one instead of both, but after DLC I feel like I should just fight 1v2 and I'd still win
The attacks that you can dodge via jumping or other movements is definitely not as intuitive as it was in Sekiro, making people rely on good ol' fashion rolling more often.

There are a ton of attacks that start high and end low, or leave elemental trails 15 feet into the air, but can be jumped over because they only actually have a hitbox on the floor. And then there's attacks that are extremely telegraphed knee-level horizontal sweeps that cannot be jumped because they will perfectly track you straight upwards every time.

I honestly wouldn't have minded a Sekiro-style "hey jump this attack" icon system.
That's silly though he's never shown any desire for the throne and Morgott knows more than anyone that an Omen cannot be king. He does call himself one before our fight though but that's because there is no one else to crown.
The moment I step into the arena, they fly up and do an instantdeathexplosionslamattack like Im a dog owner coming home after a long day of work and my dog missed me very much, except Im a baby and my dog is a pitbull.
Jesus fucking Christ. It's so fucking annoying. Why cant more of them be like Mohg and walk slowly towards me or at least like Rennala and Radhan and isntead dry to snipe me?
>cartridge tilt warp still exists to farum azula
>zip glitch still exists
>chainsaw glitch still exists
>hotfix aimed at DLC items
>miquellas helm and dryleaf seal still give +10/15 damage to miquella incantations instead of +10%/+15%

I miss mikiri counters like you wouldn't believe
it fucking sucks that NORMAL ENEMIES in the dlc are harder than main game bosses, and they'll move forward with it as the standard
>Just burn the tree down and bring it back as Elden Lord, or is the giants forge not common knowledge?
It isn't common knowledge, and not just ANY kindling works. It has to be melina or messmer. Melina just uh... she's fucking weird. And Messmer is in the land of shadows.
yeah this is true, but it doesn't hurt (enough to kill you) to try jumping things every once in a while. i don't really know how they could make it more clear that jumping basically deletes your lower body without directly telling you.

it's a free opening to attack, honestly.
Yeah the Red Knights are so fucking bad to fight, it's terrible
Morgott is the acting king of Lendyll when we start the game. His identity as an omen is secret, which is why Gideon calls him "the veiled monarch" when first describing him. He also tells you that he tried to get into the Erdtree but was repelled by the thorns. So he does want the throne, he just cannot have it for various reasons, but that doesn't mean he wants to give it up to someone else, either.
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i'm not trans tho. I made it better I think, someone pls spoonfeed me tips. pls
have you fought the golden bird/divine beast swordsmen in the final area yet?
Red Knights are fucking simple.
The main issue are those golden bird faggots.
Especially that one mini boss variant before the actual last boss.
As a magic build, I refuse to fight them normally. I just hit them with Ranni's Dark Moon 3 times
RP fags I got a couple of questions.
1. How do you justify your character getting the knowledge learned from item descriptions? Like you pick up the Scorpion's Stinger and somehow know that it was crafted from a sealed outer god.
2. What exactly are spells? Like scrolls? For example when you pick up a spell from a chest do you pick up a scroll. If so, how do they differ from actual scrolls/prayerbooks you give to NPCs?
I think the divine blizzard swordsman faggot is worse as a melee character. You cannot get anywhere near him for 20-30 seconds or you just die.
If you go to the left around the big staircase leading up to the gates you can sneak up behind the Sentinels, which will cause the one closest to you to start walking down the stairs while the other stays at the top, letting you fight them one at a time.
it's like 6-8 seconds dude
>Like scrolls?
each spell has some sort of paper background so im guessing they're scrolls yea... unless they're in prayerbooks where all things can be conjoined
maybe I just got unlucky and he recast it immediately
>divine blizzard swordsman
fucking who? The lion headed warriors?
i don't know if he recasts it, to be honest. i suppose i was lucky to try grinding the one in midra's manse for his sword for 30 minutes before learning that they don't drop it, it's a set drop from the final one. accidentally prepped myself for the buffed versions.
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Messmer is the best demigod. Morgott is a close second. They are so alike but Messmer would hate morgott for being similar to the hornsent and morgott would agree like "yep omens fucking suck."
they wear this and have similar movesets to the horned warriors but are on steroids and have elemental powers that affect an area around them
being self-hating is not cool
its not that good anyway desu
morgott is still (literally) the king, imo
because they needed to bloat numbers of new X
RL 150 or 200 for the dlc and pvp lads?
I respect that opinion. I put messmer above cause I love the fire and serpent aesthetic but morgott still a top tier demigod imo.
150 for base game invasions, 200 for dlc
make characters for both levels
anywhere between 150-200 is a good level
So before Abyssal Woods got all fucked up, it had one mansion and one church on its opposite side. There are no ruins of any other structures anywhere. And it's at the bottom of a deep canyon, behind a crypt, completely inaccessible to normal people.
What the fuck?
short on time prease undustandu
best thing is they dont reward you ANYTHING ever
its completely pointless to fight them
just run
>beat game
>decide to respec from ARC to DEX
>gather a bunch of cool weapons and max them out
>realise the only way to use them is to just coop babysit retard hosts or bite the bullet and go ng+

bro was trying to bring the frenzy flame what do you think he'd be doing his sacriligious shit out in the open
b r u h
use CE to copy your save to another slot so you can have one slot stay NG for invasions/co-op and one go NG+ whenever you're feeling it
Midra liked some privacy.
But yeah, there should have been some broken staircase or some shit signaling that the hornsent eventually forbid people from going down there.
This except my best option is to just spam Glintstone Kris AoW against bosses. I only get to use new shit against invaders.
Can't believe Tricky Miqcky left Malenia out to dry like that
>dematerializes you
>breaks lock on
>lets you start casting while dematerialized
what's not to like
it's another shitty pvp gimmick
sounds like someone's estate. woodlands and a manor (and a church that was likely open to everyone).
venom fang or serpentbone?
it's bloodhound step on a spell
not with those startup frames and janky controls
>some attacks look like they can be ducked or jumped but end up being inconsistent because of how tracking behaves
The most egregious example is Rellana's Carian Sovereignty; the sweep looks totally jumpable, but it just... isn't for some reason.
Do we really want to give FTH's tactical nuke two damage bonuses?
why is hornset guarding the rot place?
You can jump over Godfrey's ground stomp earthshatter attacks, but not Radahn's, for some reason.

Dane goes there, so I don't think he's guarding it so much as like he's just using that place as an opportunity to ambush you, I think he like finally ends up deciding that as someone a part of the Golden order/a Tarnished that like he's gonna attack you now
If I have one wish for the next from game, is that's they somehow make bows feels more natural to use during boss fights, and not like a thing you're supposed to just bust out for specific situations in pve. I have a quality build with almost no investment into fth/int/arc, and I was fighting radahn. I thought it would be a good idea to at least put basic poison on him using my bow, but it seriously takes at least 12 shots to even apply it, and all the while you have to run away and narrowly get shots off for piddling damage while waiting for it to proc. It was causing me to lose so many attempts that I just abandoned using a bow entirely and focused on rolling and poking with my katana, which eventually worked after an obscenely long time. I know I was signing up for mediocrity opting for pure quality in elden ring, but there has to be some way to make it feel like it's not actively hindering yourself.
i hope the next game is Elden Ring TWO
Bedding loli Malenia is worth the rot.
Where is the interview he mentions Rennala?
use a poison rock clump
swapping from 1H/2H could do with being near instant. stance swapping regularly mid fight would make me feel sick
Oh yeah, and it doesn't help that the weapon switching system is clunky as fuck; if you want to have a bow in one hand and 2 hand a weapon in the other, good fucking luck switching between the two fluidly during a boss fight like that.
I just wanted to have sex with ANY of the female NPCs but I didn't get any... Man, even the ol' Hornsent Grandam would have been fine by me...
Yeah I'm in the Abyssal Woods right now and this place sucks. Great atmosphere and it looks cool but I am so fucking lost and not having fun
What are the lore implications of Radagon being good at sewing?
>Great atmosphere and it looks cool but I am so fucking lost and not having fun
How the fuck do you get lost in the abyssal woods? Braindead retard. Its essentially just one giant corridor
I'd much rather use my FP for L2s instead of underpowered spells/incants because i didn't invest 50+ points into INT/FAI. Hybrids are pointless when AoW's compete for the same resource. There's even ranged AoW's too..
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>In a FROM game
They haven't changed the combat system since DeS besides a jump and a "cool" button.

If you want Bow gameplay go play Dragon's Dogma 2 or MH Rise.
As an Archerfag MH Rise is the best a Bow ever was and likely ever will be in a video game. You can't get any better, and don't expect FROM to ever match it.
Bows needing to be 2-handed unlike scepters or seals is basically the primary reason why a bow-blade build doesn't work or feel good. You can't quickly react to opportunities for a ranged attack the same way you can with spells, so you're either stuck using the bow exclusively (lol) or you just put it away for the duration of the fight. Don't even get me started on the headshot mechanic, something that's basically only relevant in stealth.
Dude I cannot get it out of my head how Messmer's Eyeball socket in that midfight cutscene looks EXACTLY like the Dark Sign WHAT DOES IT MEAN
it's pretty much just rp fags, elden ring was begging you to invest in casting but some people think it's cool to make do without
>he isn't roleplaying
>in a roleplaying game
What are you talking about? Almost all of his moves are easily dodge rolled without anything unique. The only ones that are a bit different are the run away AoEs or the jump to dodge the meteor rocks.
This, he's full of openings. You can get fully charged heavies with a claymore in on a load of his moves, on a fully charged R2 and a light. Then there are the ones with smaller windows which you can still get uncharged R2s into.
There are very few moves that he does where you can't attack during recovery.
If you have a faster weapon you can also exploit openings in him mid combo because of some long delays
its literally snakes wriggling around inside of him retard
yeah bows are pretty much most useful for
status cheese or just pulling enemies

i dont even know if i want them to make them better since the balance is a nightmare as it is
I hate leveling mind and save my ash of war for the boss
i think you forgot about someone
>Rot bitch killed me after I killed her
I think it's funny that Radahn still has a cheeky Mohg attack to remind you he's in there somewhere.
I dont use any spells and I have no investment in mind, I just swap ashes of war as I need them
Oh yeah I forgot that MOHG BEAT HIS ALLEGATIONS!
Cool ass blood cult.
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but i just want to bonk stuff and not think
LotF is a genuinwly great game with some of the best level designs in a Souls like
>guidance of grace disappeared for the rest of the game
>only showed up for you to burn the scadu tree
what is Marika planning?
>It's not my fault I fucked my younger half-brother, he seduced me!
Would it hold up in court?
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why is half of Leyndell just water?
sealing tree*
Godwyn's pool.
there was supposed to be underwater areas and enemies and stuff and a giant water boss but it got cut
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i don't think there's anything wrong with my monitor's settings or calibration, but i dislike how muted elden ring looks despite its amazing art direction. people will be like
>just buy an 1,000 nit HDR monitor :^)
but you don't need HDR to emulate decent dynamic range. it just looks washed-out a lot of the time, like it's afraid to have any area of the screen actually approach true black even at night or in dark catacombs. i understand that this is for playability, but still. this is a game where 90% of the stuff that matters is glowing white on the ground, anyway.

>ABYSSal serpent
why not? a big lake is better than buildings clusterfuck, a market or a slum
marika piss
how else do you water the big tree?
>Try to roleplay as holy caster
>There's like 2 useful spells per type max, if that
>All the holy light spells require INT
>But all the INT/FTH weapons are Deathshit or Carian stuff

Melee-only is easy mode since you can start the game with like a dozen HP flasks... This was an issue in DS3 as well
Marika's piss you must be thirsty
It's an action-adventure game with light roleplaying elements at most, but I still cannot get invested unless I'm playing as an actual character I thought up instead of just a "build".
no matter what you will always be the ashen one who must link the flame
it means than miyahacki is a hack and that soulsperms were a mistake
Im tired as fuck and this made me laugh like crazy
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word. it has its flaws (specifically enemy variety and a lack of consistency in moveset design), but it's a very underappreciated experience.

i had this thought while playing the DLC: i think the graphical fidelity gap between From's games and other Soulslikes is going to become more apparent with everyone and their mother making one now. a few years ago, all From was competing with was the original LotF and Nioh, which both looked like shit. but Summers Games Fest alone showed off 2 different Soulslikes that looked very visually impressive. of course, From will always have their art direction, but i'd love to see them make the jump to either a truly next generation game or maybe a more robust engine.
then again, they're no good at optimization, so that might be a mistake.
It’s so funny to me that’s Radahn is in mogh’s body and to show this they give him approximately 1 single blood flame attack and some horns on his gauntlet. That’s it
that's a defensive barrier.
Miquella tried and it worked like shit
Did you miss on the DLC adding 10+ offensive Holy incantations that are all pure FTH?
Wait for the model showcase.
MOHG should of been the promised consort, that would of been +100000 more Kino (not 10000x more kino because currently it's 0 kino so xing it would make it 0 still)
Remember on Elden Ring release, everyone thought the big Bloodborne type mix up was going to space/finding spaceship/fighting aliens.
First time I hear it, where did you get that from?
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good morning, erg
nta i tried couple and they were so shit
aliens are definitely a theme in elden ring. no one can be blamed for latching onto how much they pushed that astel scene
we are fighting aliens though
he didnt have enough
There is leftover files of it and there are some of the underwater enemies placed a lot like the lobsters, crabs and octopi
I have 1 empty character slot remaining

int/fth or dex/fth?
what's a good build
Speaking of messmer eye socket. Anyone have an enhanced light up pic of inside. Couldn’t see shit.
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God dammit, I've already been here, but I didn't find the secret path the first time.
good build = mine
bad build = yours
this cocoon and arm meant nothing in the fucking dlc, what the hell miyazaki.
it depends
hmm can't see much either
do you really want to see that?
Jesus why are the enemies still deal a lot of damage at scadutree 18+?
I also liked a lot of gameplay elements, like being able to smoothly switch from 1H to 2H mid combo. Obviously lacked a lot of polish, but I enjoyed it quite a bit.
shut up Khorne
I see thee, little tarnished.
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TWO Spiral Incants
TWO Messmer Incants
And NONE of it matches up aesthetically I don't want to shoot evil dark flames then go to golden rings of light.
I would've been happy with either Mohg or Godwyn desu, at least with the latter we'd get some cool Prince of Death stuff

Vig/End heavy armor with status
Smouldering with thy meagre flame.
Because that's how characters pronounce it in game. They don't call her mah-len-i-a they call her meh-lay-ni-a. She herself pronounces her name the latter way.
>Go through Madness area
>Story/Lore is suddenly 10x better
If they do make a second DLC, it needs to be Frenzied Flame related because that's the good shit.
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Doing a level 1 run and am trying to get the Lion's Claw ashes of war. This fucker is 100% doing input reading 100% of the time. I have never seen anything more blatant than this. Try shooting an arrow at it and he PERFECTLY dodges every single fucking time.
I don't care if it's technically "animation reacting" or whatever else. It's input reading with extra steps and it's terrible design. That's all.
(Before you start memeing, I OF COURSE killed the fucker, but that doesn't make it any less bullshit.)
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S TIER: Miquella x Malenia, Miquella x Mohg
F TIER: Miquella x Radahn
??? TIER: Miquella x Godwyn
I just realized radahn uses the bloodflames as propulsion for some of his attacks like a rocket
it would be cool if it wasnt such a clusterfuck
is this a copypasta?
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its 100% input reading it sucks
Multilayered Ring of Light, Light of Miquella and Land of Shadow are not bad at all.
Giant Golden Arc is stupid in PVP with how fast it comes out uncharged.
I haven't tried Spira, Divine Feathers and Wrath From Afar yet.
The Crucible one sadly seems to be terrible, at least the Ash looks pretty cool.
Leave Godwyn out of this.
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I wish it was. I have seen so much bullshit in this game that I forgot about as I didn't play the game for a while. Now that I'm back for the DLC I have to experience the bullshit again and it's frustrating.
Actual tierlist
>S tier
Miquella x My sword in his skull
>degenerate garbage
Miquella x anything else
I never even picked up on that.
He's ??? TIER because we know very little about him. It could of been the best ship, or the worst, but it doesn't seem like we will get any more godwyn lore other than the weird and esoteric stuff already in game like the faces and the fish-godwyn.
Do all weapons in the same category do the same poise damage, assuming you give them the same AoW?
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Consort Radahn is bullshit and I hate him.
BASED canon Tarnished
new thread
I've seen some very blatant webms of enemies being manipulated to literally just dodge back and forth, so yeah it is pretty silly. If the AI's gonna be that simplistic then it should've been a % chance for them dodge. What I hate though is how bosses will throw out followup attacks directly as you input. It ultimately just encourages cheesing the AI.
Mohg lost. Malenia lost.
Probably this, right? How can anyone watch this and claim that it's not lol..
What exactly do you suggest otherwise? A clause that would only make the enemy try to dodge if you're locked onto them?
NTA but here's an idea, maybe make an AI that doesn't just abuse the piss out of input reading.
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Imagine doing a first playthrough knowing nothing about the game and someone invades you with a fucking lightsabre in Stormveil.
I am asking for concrete suggestions, input reading isn't inherently bad unless you suggest that enemies shouldn't respond to the player's actions at all. Which would be retarded.
frenzy nigga be rich fr fr
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fuck off newfag
Yeah ok dude, because there's such a difference between poking him behind a shield and jump attack spam with dual blood or blod/cold katanas. lol suck my dongle

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