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Previous: >>484721798

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Countdown Campaign
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-04 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Yuyu love!
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Open to requests of servants with American Bikini Flag
(still finishing the requests from the last thread)

I can make another Erice if this one looks "too adult" due to the big breasts
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24 hours. What are we rolling?
nob love
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Kama Love!
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No more games, Albert.
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i dont really want anyone im just spending 15 sq to jack off to the rainbow effect
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Yuyu love!
Summer Yuyu this year?!
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>my request got ignored because I deleted the quote by mistake
Oh well. Reposting relevant something you did that I liked a lot. Musashi's second ascension is truly the best swimsuit.
That's an option too. I have friends in trades that make more than me but they literally work 14 hour days and sleep at job sites while I slack off working from home.
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Need more cunny...
Penth, Nobu, Maou, Jing Ke
Nothing because maintenance will be longer than that.
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Do Carenussy
Bros... I can't log in
Dangerously sexy JC kouhai.
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Tonelico would never. That’s why Castoria’s best girl and Kouhai.
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That's Tenochtitlan, but I do hope we'll finally get summer Yuyu.
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let her cook
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ibaraki betraying her race for america please
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Boudica enjoying the 4th of july as well!
Wait what? I thought it was just maintenance. What do you mean 24 hours?
Is it just me or have there been way too many emergency maints lately
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If it's not too late, I'd like a Chloe.
>Maintenance is in progress
Wait what
That makes sense but doing so feels like it will stall the story momentum I have.
i have already given him a Grail and got his attack buff to Lv9. I have heard of his special essence but do I need to max his skills or just his bond level.
Are their any worthwhile low rarity sabers because that's the biggest gap in my coverage.
dumb latelet
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A miyu would be nice if she hasn't been requested already
also holy 14 year old tits
If I saw pic drowning I wouldn't help him
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Already preordered, so cute.
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So the anniversary can start after the Anime Expo stream.
Don't bully latelets, we need them to populate /alter/
We're speeding up
>another bob
They are milking LB6 so hard.
why wouldnt you?
Roll the friend points gatcha and see if you get lucky. Or pay $15 to roll on the guaranteed GSSR coming up. Just pick the banner with sabers.
>but do I need to max his skills or just his bond level.
For his craft essence you need bond 10 and nothing else. Try to always keep him on your team regardless if you're using him or not, just so he gets to bond 10 faster. Once he does, he'll get 3 times unremovable guts, which makes him able to solo a big chunk of content. Also try doing his strengthening quests if you haven't already, it improves his guts skills to trigger buster up when activated.
Weird, looks like Bob. Like a Cinderella Bob.
nemugaki tlaloc....
I'm out
>>another bob
Good. I need more Bob.
>>another bob
It’s just her 2nd anniversary ce though.
I don’t see the same comments when kama or scathachs get ces every year for some reason.
Bob is a character no one likes though?
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We will get next maints tomorrow too bros
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>Let's see how things are going
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What the fuck is a TBD?
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I beg to differ though.
That thing Okita has
to be decided
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There it is
So what the fuck did they break that they needed to start immediate maintenance?
EoS in Spanish
When they feel like it.
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Can you post your request or link the post again?
I'm sorry if I missed it (also I'm not highres anon)

I was testing Columbus but for some reason the AI doesn't quite "get him"
His beard doesn't look like the proper one and he looks quite buff and muscular as well
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This Broken Device! Fucking stupid game!
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I was thinking about sitting while eating a burger to increase her american points.
Yeah, you would beg, wouldn't you?
Extra 6 probably. I'd be happy to get Koyanskaya, Bazett, or another Oberon. Maybe 3 but not as likely.
SSR Columbus...
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>* Contents
>Problems being investigated:
>- Issues causing difficulty connecting to the game server

That's all the notification says on their website. Still TBD too.
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Tiny butt data
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anniversary starts... today?
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The AI doesn't exactly "get" men in general. I'm pretty sure they over-focused on the female characters when teaching it. Understandable though, at least they know their audience.
I got a few already like Fergus and Caesar, I also got a Jason which I hear people like a lot although he is a 1 star. Also I tried reading about those banners and I though you were only allowed to choose 1 and I heard that Caster Artoria was like the best Hero in the game.
Got it, after doing all the main story content up to the first Lostbelt with him at my side and the extra quests up to Babylon he is at bond level 8 right now so it should just take a bit more. For the sounds of it I lucked out on getting a really good hero for my first summon.
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Sex with Sono-G while the witches and the birb watch
Hunger games doko?
Seems like a really odd time for maintenance. What the fuck did they break?
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I've taken the AI pill.
I do
they decided to remove your waifu
What’s the key of Bob’s insane success?
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I'm torn between Extra 4 and Extra 5. I don't need anything else and they've got an equal share of wins and whammies.

also it's actually 48 hours
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TBD means Kiara wife love.
Tiny Baby Dick
I wish bodyswapping was real...
It's not too late to vomit it back up and/or kill yourself
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My ap...
my bond efficiency...
SPH event....
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Her aesthetics
Can you PLEASE post your Illya folder, my mom really love that character
Pick a better waifu, learn your lesson.
Archer 1. After give years I'll finally have a 5* Archer
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stfu eslkun
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>the best Hero
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>mfw there's no Illya folder
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Shiki can't handle himself when he sees a white woman
You don't pick your waifu.
>tiny butt
Does not compute.
Wait 5 minutes, I am burning your servants.
take the koikatsupill. it's even more sandbox-y and no 6 fingers stuff
sorry bro, i poopied in the server room so they had to close it down
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Post Servants in American bikinis we only have an hour left.
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Thats sad
I hope you meet an untimely end
That's the fake one...
That's illegal in Russia, you know
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Kamtent...where is the Kamtent...
Looking up this artist just to check if that's an anal prolapse
I mean, I feel like i would have urges if I saw a girl thag beautiful irl too. Not to murder her but
Illya is just fodder
>bottom right
whose ass is that? the uniform looks like something out of that nezuko anime
The maintenance is slowly turning into content
>Date & Time
2024-07-06 07:00 - 07-06 12:00 PDT (GMT -7)
* Please note that the maintenance period is only an approximation and may conclude slightly before or after the scheduled time.

1. Improvement of translation.

Early maintenance, pog.
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>post loli stuff
>immediately get a response from /alter/pedo cucks

TOI ferme ta gueule, je parle plus de langues que toi, mange-boules.
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>zigger is a pedo
and to nobody's surprise.
>1. Improvement of translation
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Drink water
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if you are not okay with sexualised lolis then Fate is NOT for (You)
(You) are not welcome in it's community
(You) will never be catered to
(You) are the reason why gatekeeping is getting it's redemption arc
(You) need to stop interacting with Fate media
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>1. Improvement of translation

Worth 15$
Bro... that's Beni 3rd ascension.
And that somehow makes you better than me? an hero
don't even get me started on the french...
Eff you.
>Emergency maintenance due to translation issues
Who did they call a nigger?
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>thumbnail in the illya folder is her fucking a dog
the dog fucking shiki while he watches in the corner meme is real
Let's write a letter to Albert using one word per post. I'll start:
What weird times
they needed to fix this even though it's not available anymore
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Voyager Best Girl!
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stay mad shitter
>improvement of translation
I would just about bet money that Nasu has thrown another hissy fit over something retarded like Artoria/Altria again.
Maintenance is probably so people stop trying to login all at the same time and break the servers. There isn't really anything to add or fix.
White woman asks for help.
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1 saint quartz as compensation incoming
kama kama kamala kameon
How many minutes left is that in non-burgers
3. ...Genuflect.
How can I help her?
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Eat your gold apple and choke on it.
an hour and 10m
literally 10 minutes from now
>1. Improvement of translation.
i hope you're ready to meet this anniversary's SSR: Alkoidu
Does anyone have the image of that model that Takeuchi based Arc off of. Can you post it please?
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/alter/ status?
Goon morning
Based detective sis
Americans very very rarely interact with 24 hour clocks, we call it military time, so I'll do a breakdown
>23:20 pacfic daylignt
>11:20 pac time
>my time is 2 hours ahead so 1:20 am
>current time 1:12 am
8 minutes from now apparently
Why she lookin at me like that
Caren fucks boars
game is down for maintenance, thread is full of bilingual pedos who think they're worthy to breathe

status - same as any other day
Can I watch?
only if you bought Mahoyo on Steam
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It's began.
top kek
404 not found, rat
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game is down for maintenance, thread is full of bilingual pedos worthy to breed
status - same as any other day
ohnonono bros how are we gonna cope with this
How do I learn to be comfortable with my savings being in investments? I've always lived paycheck to paycheck so I'm not used to a 1% swing meaning a gain or loss of $100+
more like worthy to bleed
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the reason for the emergency update is because they localized the term "人間以下の" arcueid uses to refer to humans as "niggers" this is because albert is a white supremacist and views blacks as not human.
just b urself
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>4 (you)s so far

Not bad.
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Source on this info?
they're not old enough to bleed yet
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>freaking out about a $10k memefolio
You put into portfolios rated for risk averse investors. Those portfolios will consist of typically boringly stable big companies in generally stable industries. You won't be making big bucks, but you you leave it there for decades and you get a decent amount for retirement. Don't try and play wolf of wall street hollywood shit and invest in meme stocks and the likes.
Done properly, even if stock price falls, you can still make money back in dividends and so on.
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its so over
>Are you ready to waste your SQ on a weaker Cu
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the truth is, all cunny posters are real life lolis and all antis are dirty, smelly, fat ojisans
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>no arc rate-up
>0 apology gifts
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I'm in.
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>Kama, Ishtar and Heroine XX together, looking at you
Sorry, this one took a while since the Ishtar for some reason refused to wear the american flag
>deleted already
Yeah we can expect the announcement during the panel
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42 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
I love this artist so much, he just understands the eroticism of low angle and panty shots.
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> Maintenance is in progress from 07-04 21:28 hours until TBD.

Offline version soon bros!
It's already back up you faggot
But he is brown.
>no anniversary
wtf !
>No apologems
Jesus Christ Alberto
that's what he wants you to think
uh bros?? where's arc
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Anyone AX meetup?
She's fucking 12.
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>While the name bears a resemblance to "Alucard", a common name in vampire stories created by reversing Dracula's name, "Arcueid" is actually just a name they had planned to give to a different character in a different story.
>They used a model when creating her design. During college, Takeuchi Takashi saw a foreign model in a fashion magazine who left an impression on him.
>He wished to work her into one of his characters no matter how much trial and error even with only the one vague image

This is the only known image of her, and it's generated billions of dollars for Type-Moon. We don't even know her name. Do you think she has the slightest idea?
Will Takeuchi ever meet her? Will they unite together in their own happy ending after all these years..?
your brain is brown
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>And touko
damn Takeuchi saw xqc?
stop lying the game hasn't been up for 5 years
she is fictional anon, she can be as old as i want her to be
I hope someone seriously hurts you
Yeah, out of 10.
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Post em'
I wish I could slowly back my car over your wind pipe
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out of 10!
my throat is made out of Nokia phones, feel free to waste your gasoline on this endeavour
I don't think he does
Ok? But he is still brown.
>Ishtar refused
Obviously, Rin wants to go to LONDON not stinky America.
Get gud. Learn that money is not real and just a bunch of numbers on a computer. It's all just a game. When you go through your first experience of - 30% in 6 months and then +45% after another 6 months, you know its just a cycle. I see swings of +/- $1-5K a day now and don't bat a eye anymore. But I still refuse to whale, it's disgusting.
I want to slowly plug her tailpipe
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OK and?
Did you not read the schedule when they started?
She looks like my cousin
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I'm in
Nah, they're fine. Erice was always secretly a boob monster.
12/10 indeed.
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Does your cousin sometimes inexplicably grows cat ears at weird times?
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if you started with ufotable slop your opinion doesn't matter
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This. So much this.
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If you're still taking requests i can ask for Eresh? frontal shot, preferably embarrassed/blushing
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Therefore neither yours. Didn't ask, don't care.
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Hello Mr. Skeletal
bros bros bros bros brod
That's right and I'm ready to BONE
What if your browse /tg/
time to do some hunting quests for bones bros
I like Arc cause she make the funny faces hahahaha
Is /tg/ fun ?
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I’m thinking based.
Cute grandma lenses.
>tfw you spend all the money on euro 2024
Arc's pussy loose as hell
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>Can you do both Tiamommies
Larva Tiamat

Sure, I will be here for several hours, I'm just finishing and posting the requests from the last thread
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Wow, I can't wait for anni maintenance to be over bros, I hope I get Gilgamesh (Archer) from the GSSR!
Gareth absolutely mogged by those well-fed dogs.
>Sure, I will be here for several hours, I'm just flooding this thread with slop with the requests from the last thread
thank you, very based
poor little gareth about to get spitroasted
burned np5 jane?
Touko would not dress like this
Now what to do alter?
bros, what the fuck?
Herro contento desu?
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It was up till like 2018, hell it was a creative dynamo not only for /here/ for the online tabletop community as a whole. That is until the herding into Generals and Quest split happened.
Now its just the same 8 or so recycled thread concepts and everyone is either burned out and bitter at the state of the hobby or has become so isolated from the social side of things that their opinion doesn't matter.

Hell the biggest thing of note recently is that one of the D&D generals tried to assert their culture as the primary board culture when it comes to how to run games which was just a clusterfuck.
2 ahoges because she's dumb as fuck
Alright fine I'll read Tsukihime
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>1 interlude until 10sq

>Sherlock Holmes
Which ones, sisters?
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Bros watch out!
It's the Putrescent Knight!!
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I activate order's blade and smash him with my hammer three times
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Imagine the sex
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>No Arc AI

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Adult Tiamat
Growing up sucks...
because Arc is worse than Morgan
It really does.
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>because Arc is worse than Morgan

Arcsissies? Morgancucks laugh at you...
It must suck, Gareth has no erotictism, I go soft when I see her so it wouldn't even work out. Her swimsuit was supposed to save her but it just made her look worse.
I don't need to imagine. I just know.
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>started with ufotable slop
KnK movies were sovl though
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Would Gawain really approve of this type of training?
What is the endgame of illyashitter?
Seeing how ugly Ciel is, I'm glad they made her into Blue Mash. Of course Mash is ugly too but still better than that
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>GSSR giveaway

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Ignore that guy, Anni will actually be here in 49 hours and 15 minutes.
my first enter for type moon was melty blood though
Gaslight everyone into thinking Illyaposts are just memes and then post EoS when it's actually real.
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>new card chain system

what's her xitter
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But illyaposter actually won once with the Oberon rate up
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>Kiichi Hougen, drinking a beer
subhuman language
Hey if your still doing it and its not too much trouble by the time u get here.

Francis Drake Please
Where the fuck is the content???
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would appreciate it a ton if you did saika, last anon who did some really good prompts with her was ages ago
Touko a cute.
true american patriot
thank you
yeah, after saying oberon's rate up was today every day...
one flat and one with MASSIVE breasts
>guaranteed new servant or np upgrade for melusine
>apart from oberon every other character is new and i'd be happier getting them with 15 paid SQ than possibly rolling 200+ SQ if they get another rateup
Who are you quoting?
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>Do Illya

I like Saika a lot actually, but I suspected she didn't worked with Novel since she was too new and had very few results, I will try in a bit once I finish the other requests

Man i wanna fuck Illya so bad...
Call me crazy but it might be Wu
Is /alter/ now a pro-AI general?
We literally have nothing left. It's over...
Does wu have pointy ears?
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Anastasia with enormous tits
Obviously bob
Illya Pussy
Have you done Bob yet?
coomers will stoop to any low and these are coomer hours me boy...
Fuck this place and fuck this game, I'm going back to ZZZ
I don't like Bob
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Also I'm not ignoring the other requests I'm just doing the cups as combo
I don't know, she has that face though
Well...just as a broken clock...
If you keep this up you are going to get banished from /alter/, proceed on caution.
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Wassup niggas
Of course Miyu's throating the ice cream
I can just watch the tsukihime anime instead right? I don't feel like reading through several routes
Have a good sleep!
I'd like to say the same but I remember that tiny crown in another of baobhan ascention.
How did the Arc rolls go bros?
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Cups done

Not yet, nobody requested her yet, I will do her as well
Ya know when you think about it Mash is responsible for maintaining all the summons so her being a Madame that pimps out the others, works pretty well.
>gets swimsuit
>gets considerable amount of fan art daily
>takes part in events
>one of the most discussed characters outside of 4ch
>discussed on /alter/ nearly every day
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I got Jinako'd
do Olga as well as Xu Fu in a micro bikini
Being part of LB6 so she gets shilled like no other servant
Drake please bro!
>gets swimsuit
Not a sign of popularity
>gets considerable amount of fan art daily
Not true
>takes part in events
Not a sign of popularity
>one of the most discussed characters outside of 4ch
>discussed on /alter/ nearly every day
Cancer posters who spam her are not a sign of popularity
nice miyu, thanks
>>discussed on /alter/ nearly every day
the only "discussion" i see is "bobfag posting again" and "bob is a whore? what did they mean by this"
Siegfried please
Bob is the worst fairy
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Stay delusional, king. It never fails to make me smile.
>iphone Bobfag
>having the gall to call anyone delusional
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>Kagetora and Boudica

Glad you liked it

Sure, drinking or doing something in particular?
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False. If that were true, Habetrot and Gareth would be shilled too but they aren't. Bob just has a very good design and backstory that makes you want to love her forever.
Yes, what’s wrong?
How is being a whore a good backstory?
We're having maintenance today so that we don't have to have it on Saturday night.
Albert told me this in an email, no I can't show you though he made me promise to keep it a secret.
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>Bob just has a very good backstory
only mouthbreathing retards can't tell Bob won, bigly even
My motivation to play is at an all-time low
Have him lie on the beach
is she single?
I have like 10 interludes I've been meaning to do for 6 months or so
you don't think it's kino to like a female that was a prostitute? not very 2024 of you anon
No, but she's up to mingle
think you read a different lb6, one where they spent the time to give her some characterization like the rest of the cast
log in blue apples log out
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You know how they have the hooker with a heart of gold trope? Bob is the hooker with a heart of shit
good thing you can craft blue apples bro to stockpile for later
Why does alter post horse penises
Based and true
>maintenance over
>nothing new
I didn't pay attention, when does the anni start? tomorrow?
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>bobkeks being obnoxious
Thomas Edison
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Yes, she's a prostitute. Let's just ignore the fact that she suffered trying to help the fairies for countless years. Forget that only started killing fairies because they were shitstains and because she was desperate not to lose Morgan's love. It doesn't your narrative after all.
This. But it seems /alter/folks learned the new funny “whore” word so interesting discussions concerning Bob mostly reduce to the circus here. That’s unfortunate because there’s a lot of things to talk about.
haha prostitute
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>there’s a lot of things to talk about.
There really is not
That's what I'm doing, but I made a mistake
I started thinking
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>Can you do Himiko and Fujino, separated
Do Nursery Rhyme with doll limbs plz.
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Somehow Bargh is the LB6 waifu with the least mental illness associated with her.
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>Let's just ignore the fact
that I don't understand why every single one of you has this idea that you have to validate your own taste and perform some silly show for everyone to look/laugh at?
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Ophelia had a better backstory than Bob
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Nothing wrong with liking prostitutes
Hey, it worked for Superman.
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Would (you) be this cutie patootie's mom?
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dont do that
i jizzed to this
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Bobkeks can't argue with canon
Yes. We love AI.
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>Bob supposedly gets a new content
>/alter/ is in meltdown mode
Every single time.
She manages to keep this half dead shithole alive I guess.
>Tam Lin
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That is true.
Also LB2 = or even > LB6
Don't tell me you've forgotten all that reddit autism about "AA" and cummer.
>she was good and mistreated once, therefore her becoming a sadistic serial killer is justified!

The state of Bobkeks...
Nero summer please
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I'm sick of Bob winning. She doesn't deserve it.
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so what was the maintenance actually for?
based dollfucker
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the tracks have been laid. the train has set off. the speed up is approaching. the time is now.
>NP Strengthply damage Cu
>for yourself urns) & increase
>Gayge for you
What did they mean by this?
Go back, Gromaeda.
Bobkeks who convinced themselves that Bob was an innocent virginal tsundere and that either Albert made a fake translation as some sort of character assassination or that all the fairies were lying about her being a whore are pretty hilarious.
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How much does Bob charge for that sloppy toppy with a twist?
I don't get the high regard KnK gets. It's rarely interesting outside of the fifth movie and the characters are boring. Mikiya is especially pathetic and gay and ruined the seventh movie.
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>Am I late to ask for Beni-Enma?

Sure, I'm just finishing the ones from the previous thread
My apologies to the anons still waiting
5 churros
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>Albert is known for the shitty translation
>gets called out about it
>any translation concerning bob is 100% canon and translated correctly
Ahh the infamous duality of alter
what's wrong with bob being a quick fuck and forget girl?
So they said they have "surprises" for us at the panel. Think that'll be anything we aren't actually expecting from Clairvoyance EX?
this works so well on her
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>people post the nip text
>bobkeks be like noo it doesn't count noo japanese dictionary is wrong
yes our very own American GSSR that you pay 30 dollars for
But even in the myths she was a whore
>"Bob being called a whore is a mistranslation, she was called a maid!!!"
>the fairies immediately after that line start wondering how many men fucked her

Yeah man, totally a mistranslation.
1 bonus blue rider gem
They did that extra throwaway GSSR for NA last year. Might do another one of those, or include some extra early QoL upgrades that JP has gotten since (probably makes sense to keep them consistently close on QoL since it's the same codebase).
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lb8 and all ordeal call and part 3 of the story full release just for us
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/fgoalter/ - delusional bobhaters general
>countdown ends
>no anniversary

Sorry, I'm not into retarded psycho whores.
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>reddit spacing
You are
This is literally Albert wtf??
Anniversary delayed.........
>muh reddit
Yeap that's the sign of someone who has no argument but hates being wrong
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Fuck off tourist.
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i like looking at retarded internet arguments like this because it reminds me that i look like a mental spastic whenever i take part in one. what a truly foolish waste of time.
What should I get for dinner?
>muh arguments
Shitposters ignore arguments, retardbro.
>reddit spacing apologist
Eww, calling you a whore is an insult to whores.
a nice pizza
A Holy Grail
Carne con chilli?
Bob is /alter/ core
It's 3am bro... eat dinner sooner.
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Open your mouth zako~
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Thank you so much.
>Shitposters ignore arguments
wow so you actually do have self awareness
oh wait no you don't since you ignored the proof for going against your narrative
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penny... is her game worth it?
Stop projecting, retardbro
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Don't eat too much santan for dinner, gan. It's not healthy.
the background looks ai generated
It was enjoyable but the technical aspects kinda ruined it for me
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Here's a version with the spoon hand sightly corrected
It really needed a fix
nothing more than a suprise rate up
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>No content
Well, I am back to the Traum ash mines.
it's a crappy game but I had fun with it. Cute characters and writing. Violet's postgame story is genuine pokekino.
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Go to a conveyor belt sushi restaurant.
>There's nothing
It's over.
but it's my favorite food next to dendeng balado gan.
That wasn't NA exclusive, it was a new starter GSSR that all new players can do moving forward. The gimmick was just that NA got it first instead of JP.
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It's funny that my brain filters the mistakes. Thanks for the fixes.
So you don’t need fang ce on assassin anymore?
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>is her game worth it
Not really, it’s an open world game and the open world looks and feels pretty soulless and pretty buggy. Whether that’s due to technical limitations of the switch or what I don’t know. The writing is okay. >Most of the recent Pokémon games fit this mold.
Did JP ever get the starter GSSR? I thought they didn't.
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That list is accurate, or at least it is for gay men who have daily anal sex.

Now, here's REAL /alter/core confirmed kino list.
Go eat some pecel or gado gado instead you fatty
Right now - no. But I will go back to the fang mines roughly in 4-5 days I think.
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Fairy dango daikazoku
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>Most of the recent Pokémon games fit this mold.
I feel this but I haven't played a pokemon game since i was a kid with my DS and i sometimes see clips linked from my friends of all these new games and I can't tell them apart except for whatever new pokegirls they added
whats dango daikozaku
this is american board
I love it but the flaws are 100% legitimate and valid. It really technically sucks, but conceptually it's a fun twist on the franchise. If you can put up with the tech issues it MAY be worth your time. I love the open world and the way Pokemon are out in the field and a lot of the new mechanics interactions

Pic related it's me
lol you look like a girl
Only the most wholesome ending theme ever
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>Liz and Big Liz
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Cute autistic jewish dancer princess.
Is her bond CE any good?
Fairy Oyakodon
In terms of what?
I used to think this anime was sad
Then I was exposed to the state of this place
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If you can put up with the terrible character designs and performance, it's unironically the most kino pokemon game to date
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>Cunny Barg please if you are still open!
The switch 2 will save Pokémon! Honestly though I forgot how old the switch is at this point
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>spent two cs to figure out taisui cant 6ce 3/3/3 riders
Ere-chan request!
Kk, I won’t remove it from Cleo in this case.
Your FC?
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As in, is there any remotely conceivable circumstance in which you'd want to use it? For example, yesterday I used Douman's bond CE for the damage quest, since it provided Oberon with an additional 30% NP damage up.
So in total, Douman provided him with 40% damage up ,30% NP up, and applied an AoE 30% defence down, that's only counting the effects relevant to buffing Oberon's NP.
>Terrible designs
>Posts a top tier cutie
Awesome, thank you
Barg is doing her best to show her dedication to a new homeland
sdxl + horsefuckers solved the bad hands problem along with pretty much everything else
Yeah but what if I'm into FEET?!?!
Post Ciel
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>Please do Sei in the burgerbro bikini, preferably with an atomic explosion/mushroom cloud in the background.

Do you want one with Sei bigger and the explosion a bit far/smaller? Or this works for (you)?
is this chicks game worth it btw?
I want bigger Sei and bigger boobs
what if i forced morgan to eat bread instead of potatoes
There is nothing to 'save' pokemon. Its main target audience has always been to a new generation of kids. People who keep playing the new games well into adulthood are the minority and they're not gonna bother doing more to cater to them.
Roadless Camelot GG your ass
Hey, NTA but can you generate Touko naked but covered in some whipped cream? I want to ask you to use a different art style, since I don't really like the one you usually use, but at the same time I don't know what other style to suggest. Maybe use the official_art tag.
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Who dis?
/alter/ is doomed
That's Cu Alter.
/alter/ is saved
Finally managed to dodge the region lock.
If I get Mushashit tomorrow after all this trouble I'm going to get pissed. However I just googled her and found out that she gets a huge buff (albeit in 2 years) but still I want Morgan NP3 or Arjuna NP2 more.
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>horsefuckers solved the bad hands problems along with pretty much everything else
I would hope so, they seem to be the main fuckers that use it
Stinky snek
>horse dude with lots of hands
Yu's husband?
>overdesigned garbage
90% chance of raita
>spiky tail with excessively thick base
>lack of feminine figure
>balancing on a spear
>edgy imagery (hands)
It's gotta be Cu Alter.
060,288,128 but I am full. Though if you want to add me I think I can make a room or two.
I will be honest, I will never use ANY bond CE until they cost 0.
but Cu doesn't have horse feet
Before finding a job I unironically thought spending 30$ on the GSSR was a crime against humanity, now I dump big packs on random shit all the time, how does that work bros? Am I part of the problem?
Most more mainstream fetishes have regular human artists available in bulk. The more depraved fetishes don't, so they turn to AI.
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What the hell? Who is using them so much?
Wow hey, thanks for the Arc and summer funds Albert, maybe you weren't as bad as i thought.
what ce?
/alter/bro rolling GSSR for oberon but got clown monk instead.
Son, explain those 60 SQ right now.
>tricks you into buying big packs with a visual bug
anni is shit
summer is shit
rest of the year is shit
what's there to explain
Max Black Grail.
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Mystery nigga...
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>read Gareth interlude
>she called Lancelot her "first love"

Holy kek. Garethcucks, your response on this one? Oh right, we don't even have them here to make fun of... SAD!
that spear tip isn't new, right?
I miss the Gareth anons actually. They were nice.
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>Am I part of the problem?
Don't think about yourself like this... You actually a good guy here! You KEEP NA server alive!!

Be proud, piggy.

don't watch this>>484758998 blasphemous video btw. It will rot your whale brain. We both don't want this, right? Keep whaling. And post gssr results tomorrow!
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>pointy ear

Literally who?
You just miss their tits
I spend hundreds on big packs every month. If you enjoy the game, there's nothing wrong with spending money to get what you want.
based BB showing me the right path
the strangest thing about Medea is how nobody ever seems to talk about Kukulkan being a Medea Demi-Servant even though she very obviously is
>rider materials was yesterday
end me please
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>I want bigger Sei and bigger boobs
Here, more Sei focused and with bigger breasts
What's wrong with that? Nothing wrong with a girl having had other men she previously loved or previous lovers.
I don't enjoy the game, I only stick around not to betray my wife and not to let my bros down
you're enabling shitty business practices
but it doesn't really matter because no epic gamer boycott has ever worked
everything will keep getting worse.
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/frog/cuck spotted
Rare voidstancer W
Here are my attempts in putting girls in American bikinis. What do you think?
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>I spend hundreds on big packs every month. If you enjoy the game, there's nothing wrong with spending money to get what you want.

Holy bazed almighty pigger. Keep it up!
WTF lucksucker is actually based?
>another man was inside her
Gross AND used goods.
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It's time to go back, redditcuck (unironic one)
Catbox is down.
are there actually faggots on here still caring about virgin wives? are you real? this is Fate, most of the women have had fulfilled lives with families and children
Yes, if he is being ironic and not rolling GSSR's
Also yes, if he is unironic and rolling GSSR's
Otherwise, no, most likely he is being ironic but still rolling GSSR himself, so that makes him cringe
litterbox isn't
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Why won't my screen flip, what the fuck is wrong with the app?
this works on a lot of people, "well i already spent so much time on it why not give a little back :)"
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My fav little girls are virgin's.
full pic?
Turn on auto-rotate, sis
He most definitely does spend money as well. Crazy how there's still anons here who don't know that his whole purpose here is just to make fun of anyone over anything, even things he does himself (because he's a retarded hypocrite).
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Don't FLIP out anon!
My waifu had married two men when she was alive and I see nothing wrong with that.
Mine aren't TuT
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>My waifu had married two men when she was alive and I see nothing wrong with that.
Meant for
What's wrong with imgur?
>Server responded with 0 code.
Anyone getting this too on catbox?
>always flipped whether you had auto rotate or not
>now it doesn't anymore like BA
I can't hold all this spaghetti
what's wrong with AI art?
it enables me to enjoy my niche fetish.
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I wish an experienced woman will take me haha
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While my wife is unquestionably a virgin, it's a quality I don't really put much stock in, so it's not like I'm going to go around proudly announcing I wouldn't care if she was not a virgin. That would just be pointless.
it's just the anti-ai schizo
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It used to rotate with it locked. Fuck this.
Fuck you.
Look for Santa if you want it without text, can't be fucked finding another version.
I play both sides actually sometimes I give him a (You) to make him keep going other times I call him a cuck and rail his void shiki.
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>it's just the anti-ai schizo

Holy fuck. Dare I say, /alter/cucks finally accepted their defeat and gave up on hating AI posting?
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AI is /alter/core ackshually.

>puffy vagoo
I breed this
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thanks bro
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Miyu has such great nipples
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AI is a problem because it's literally killing true and actually talented artists
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Here it is. Now, what do you think?
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No it's not. It's cure our community
>it's literally killing

Yeah man, it's sending out Terminators and slaughtering them.
I need to see Beni-Enma breeding male master with her huge futa cock
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make Musashi a Terminator
I love Bob, bros.
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>Xu Fu and Paisen next

>Hey, NTA but can you generate Touko naked but covered in some whipped cream? I want to ask you to use a different art style, since I don't really like the one you usually use, but at the same time I don't know what other style to suggest. Maybe use the official_art tag.

Sure, here, if you remember any artist you like just let me know
>niche fetish.
girls in bikinis? go to a beach bro
catbox is up btw
nobody said it was the only reason
I have to support real artists because I'm a shipper and AI can't understand making two characters interact while staying on model with both of them.
See all these FUCKING GARBAGE images with the Master having command spells on his left hand, or god forbid, both hands at once.
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Anyone else uses AI to make art of his waifu getting gangbanged?
haha who would ever make such a thing...
What was the maintenance for?
AI isn't consistent enough to be better than actual good artists, the only thing it beats are the bads who've coasted by for too long.
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AI doesn't really understand my wife due to her overly complicated hands and the difficulty of teaching it an appropriate breast size.
It's extra ironic because she's an AI.
bad artists need to eat too
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>true and actually talented artists
no, those are the ones who are unaffected
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>Draco 1st and 3rd
uooooh dracunny who illegally immigrated to the USA and refuses to be deported
no my niche is
male with futa(friend) both fucking girls together with no cuck insinuation.
go ahead try to find art with male and a futa fucking a girl/girls together.
I think you should give up
Our AIfags are nowhere near based enough to make that.
>"whore" of Babylon
>a literal loli
how did they get away with it
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>Draco 3rd
Me too, maybe I'll grail her to 120
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Holy based
Japan is based
I hate Bob, bros.
i'll marry her so she can be a citizen!
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Is your favorite servant submissive and breedable or dommy mommy?
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>Penth, Nobu, Maou, Jing Ke
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they pretend to be a dommy mommy but are actually a push over and is submissive and breedable,
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Bob only pretends to be a dom. You should pick Kiara as your favorite.
RIP the entire beach
Just get a friend with a level 120 Cuzilla, bro.
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>Create text and visual AI trained on ages of myself with an anime filter
>Have her beaten up and raped and even murdered a few times (she remembers all of it, even when she had her skull cap removed and her brain used as an ashtray while she was used as an onahole)
>Haven't fapped to anything else in over four months and keep thinking about it at work
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It took a good while to finish the requests from the last thread
I wish more girls were able to be true sadists
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My wife is very submissive and breedable.
ohh yeah that's it keep np shaming me, I'm almost there
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do Reines
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Why is Bob angry on that picture?
2 of the GSSRs I've rolled on were to get the NP6 of my wife and I've failed both times, and I'm about to try again with the upcoming one

wish me luck bwos
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Ohhhh myyyy godddd its Saitan man
Who is your wife?
a certain smol bird
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Jing Ke
What tool did you use? And what are the prompt tags and negative prompts you used for these?
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that's not the direct, literal translation of the original term
No, sorry I won't
Nobu isn't that big
1 more year...
Gudao gave her tea for old women as a Halloween present
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But i know where Rider and Berserker Miyu's are.(not here)
>Anniversary countdown campaign ends
>Actual anniversary doesn’t start
Are they stupid?
Should I activate my thought keys? Where is the catch?
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>Do Carenussy

I use Novel AI, there's an option where you can take the metadata of the images and take the prompts used to create it.
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you sound greedy
Go to the nearest girl and tell her she’s the old hag. Her reaction will be funny.
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That's what I'm using too!
There's so many arts with style like this in pixiv. Is that just the default art style or what?
way too pale, give her a normal skin and let's compare, or at least pale white
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Give her a normal skin color and blue eyes and blonde hair and remove that stupid black thing from her head
Pffffffffftttttt hahahaha ZAKO
Chacha microbikini! please
Pregnant Ashiya Douman with microbikini
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This is no zako boy! No zako!
can you do Jerma?
Pregnant Napolebro
Pregnant Iskander
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>ibaraki betraying her race for america please

I believe a lot of people copycat YD (the original artist that draws with this style) since his doujins were very popular and well received years ago
Myself I use a mix of YD with some artists that an anon posted before

Dark skinned circe with huge tits and big lips
Holy shit amazing, perfect bodytype and great pose for showing off her oni heritage, thank you!
Kama with a bulge
Melusine kissing Gudao
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I kinda want to delete Jordana I think. I think she is like 151 level for a year at this point. The same goes for Novis, maxi, Fat NTR Man, Garm, Cesar. But some of those at least change their event support lists so they may be still alive. But maybe they are just pretending to be alive. Also I probably will delete Incarnation if he didn't come back during this anni.
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>I was thinking about sitting while eating a burger to increase her american points.

No problem, glad you liked it, sorry for the wait, I was finishing previous requests
Smiling Morgan with a suggestive fluid on her face
I don't think Beni would ever eat an extremely unhealthy food whose only saving grace is the taste
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Bros there's fucking nothing
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So are these threads just AI coomer slop now?
don't remove your bros, shitter.
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Unfortunately yes.
you only have Nasu to blame
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nemo sex
>Fat NTR Man
what was this guy's original name? I don't remember adding him
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Lana Xes
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Jordana and Incarnation are the prime targets. Everything else - just want a confirmation.
Big BOSS I think.
Far NTR Man here, I'm still active and I do put on event CEs for most events but I just couldn't be bothered to for hunting quests. Do what you have to if you must bro, I won't judge.

Uh, depending on when you added me either FaeGenocider or Gohanposter
Post your fc for me to remove you.
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>If you're still taking requests i can ask for Eresh? frontal shot, preferably embarrassed/blushing
Oh yeah and Big Boss briefly.

(small boss not "BOSS")
Oh okay, I won't delete you then bro. Sorry for bothering you.
>Fat NTR Man
>reddit spacing
Like pot and kettle.
Wouldn’t even added that faggot tbqh.
ah I see, I preferred that name honestly
That's a lock
Gudao in American boxers
Gudako in American bikini
need this as a set
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Garm here. I'm still alive and leveling up.
If you're going to spam AI art, at least make some cool stuff like futa.
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Finally, FSF News
It's not a release date, but I'll take what I can get
post more kama
You won't do shit
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I summoned NP2 summer Kiara, isn't there a bug or something where she has to be in her 3rd ascension? I really like the first two way more...
No, that was just for Tunguska.
3A is absolute dogshit jesus
Really? What was the bug anyways? I only read about it in passing.
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This deletionmaxxer pays way greater attention than I do. I'm still gonna clean up my FL for anni but none of the bros mentioned were on my list of consideration
Akiha if you're still alive by then!
it wasn't a bug, it's just that tha 1A and 2A don't have the demonic beast trait
No bug, except bugs in ur anus
I'll even accept AI slop of my monk wifey, thank you.
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