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Previous: >>484686749

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Countdown Campaign
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-04 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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I hope you didn't forget him.
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Kama Love!
Chiyome sex with the intention to impregnate.
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Habetrot sex
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2 more days
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>nobody make a fanart from this
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2 days
Which one?
Did they really only give 30 Sq the first anniversary?
Next year looks grim...
Aesc's anniversary is SHIT
Unless you're a longtime whale this anni and next anni give similar amounts of sq
Berserker 2 is the only valid option. It's so fucking stacked that it's insane.
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>1st anni
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Mom Love!
They will never have an abnormally generous anni ever again because of these retards
you said that last year
oh I was wondering why thread quality dipped
It's so fucking over for us boomers...
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Oh wow, you can easily filter posts made by queers who don't reply properly. Regular expressions are pretty great.
Rich coming from a f*moid
Maou and her cute boytoy
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I'm a wizard and I look better now, than I did when I was 25.
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Lip love!
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Does the string in the back do something
Where does the bulk of next years anniversary sq come from?
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There was a string in the video?
Advance quests
I wish I had a Ranmaru irl.
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Same, bro...
Is there with one with Medusa?
God this game fucking sucks now, no fucking content and the drip rate will only get slower over the next two years.
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the first anniversary was a complete joke.
What do you define as content?
>no fucking content and the drip rate will only get slower over the next two years.
You've been saying this since year 1.
Another 4th of July home alone bros...
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It’s not going to get better
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I still remember the rage of upping the new years GSSR to November in year 1 and cutting Jack from the pool
Gudaguda events.
I really want Molay but Bunyan is kms-tier
Mordred too
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Chaldea doesn't want you to know about this, but the Ranmaru in Planet Ranmaru are free, you can take them home, I have 458 Ranmaru.
>really want Molay but Bunyan is kms-tier
I feel the same way
Liking Ishtar is just liking Rin at the end of the day, because a Rinless Ishtar is the worst. Probably also ugly too
>1135 quartz
There's got to be some sort of catch to this. Is there a criteria to get that many?
Yes, be a whale.
Of course, 3 sq for every non-welfare max ascended Servant.
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is the future summer musashi really that good? it is only good to fight sabers...
The average player will get 400 to 500
Less embers to level lower rarity servants
Get to it
>get 1000sq
>next rollable servant is in lb7
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I gooned to him once.
Are you ready for our yearly anni Challenge Quest puzzle?
So anniversary tonight since AX started today?
probably on sunday
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her base np damage also gets a MASSIVE upgrade so it is not just for niche
that buff also means Jannu archer essentially ceases to exist and is now pure fap material
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>he's not in TEAGANG
We love Fate Grand Order and I'm excited for our anni
This but unironically, and I love Arc and the Tsukihime Remake too.
>Cerberus 90+ is 1-1-2
What the fuck
Why would you ever do this formation?
fuck artskeks ALELELELEL
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This is fate.
Lancer 2, I need something new.
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>looks like a 20 yo
You could also always join the good morning crew for peak alter early in the morning, bro.
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Summer Oi clears this easily
Just use your aoe buster np+vitch+support vitch, bro.
Everyone clears this easily.
I’ve learned to like AI because at least the person is kind enough to take my Medusa requests
You sure?
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happy 4th of July
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Servant feel for this?
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Complaining about the Jannies is a bannable offense?
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Yui a cute, Milly a cute.
I'm gonna use my Hajime-chan for this node and then I'm gonna have sex with him.
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yes posting offtopic meta discussion about the state of a general is against the rules alongside moderation complaints which are a separate rule of their own and you're not clever for observing it.
Whos this nerd?
This guy looks familiar.
who is this man
thats mark zuckerberg
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I'm on AX
i wasn't even trying to be clever just genuinely asking, thanks anyway
he founded reddit
how bad is the convention smell?
anytime bro. make sure to refer to the 4channel rules page to ensure all your future posts are up to standard
Why is the image mirrored?
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Read more VNs, /alter/.
Ain't nobody got time for that
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i'm reading bokuten+vlr and then im going to finish reading mahoyo and then im going to read kanon and then fsn remaster will be out on steam.
Fine, will read the aoko sex VN,just after I finish the ER DLC.
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These look like the Aliexpress version of the Japanese ones.
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shes a multi-millennia old woman, shes beyond a hag...

Id still go for Skadi though
Okay but more importantly who can 6CE it

No, crits don't count
She looks over 12 years old, so of course she's a hag.
It's a hassle to install the games and then the English patches with the help of YouTube guides...
What's wrong with Gudako's legs?
she's a cartoon. her age is based on the size of her tits, if she's flat she's 12, if she got something she's in her 20s, if she's huge she's 50
thats how it works
Who is this cute girl?
Needing an append makes him less viable.
I have a NP5 Bedi but because I rolled all my copies before coins were added and Lasagna is retarded, I can't unlock his append.
I still need to finish up Jack Jeanne. I got sidetracked pretty hard by the Elden Ring dlc.
lmao skill issue
Legs too thin for America standards
no it isnt that shit takes like 5 minutes
Doing 300k+ crits with Gogh is quite based, i wish i could use her more for general farming
Nice, I'm jelly. I wish I could come. AX is the only con I actually want to go to with just how good the panels are.
>if she's flat she's 12,
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I haven't done the whole japanese local VM shit in over a decade, bro.
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Big sister coitus
Why is Billy so goddamn sexy
no homo btw im 100% straight
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>he doesnt know the gooping method
Why does Molay dress like such a slut?
Didn't he used to be a man?
Fluffy Kama...
No straight person would find Billy's outfit there sexy.
Okay but most strong single target servants can do it, it's a 50% charge 200% damage CE. Okita, Bride, Saito, Oi, Roland, Kintoki, Vlad, Galatea, Kriem, can all do it.
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Maybe in this decade
I miss the good ol' days...
Freikugel, you mong, log in.
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Sup bros, happy fourth of July. I can hear gunshots from a distance.

I only know the gooning method.
>Maybe in this decade
even in 2010s it was easy albeit
Don't you know? all men in FGO are secretly women. This is why it falls into Gudao and Goredof to save humanity as the only men to be actual men
You're a fuckwit.
>i wish i could use her more for general farming
She's actually very good for 6CE, given that she can always start from 0. She was actually great in the dog event 90+ node.
But I play as Gudako.
>actual men
Didn't they both get dominated by their servants?
Bob is a lock.
Spishtar would usually be my second option, because I've never failed to pick a Rin before, but since I know I'm going to break this rule next year (picking Gray and Salome), I might break it this year as well.
Looking at which portraits I find the prettiest, the only ones I'd give up Spishtar for are Bakin and Ranmaru.
Nah, having to install the Umineko chapters were a torture. Also my PC was like from 2003 back then.
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you know I'm right. you love to see it when an anime girl has a mom that is just her, but with fatter tits.
Just because guda gets stepped on
doesn't make me any less of a man
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How would Yui and Big Mom get along?
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i only read umineko a few years ago but in 2010+ every vn i read was just a quick torrent off of fuwanovels or nyaa or some shit
I haven't seen a single person say they're picking Musashi Miyamoto for their anni CE. How the mighty have fallen...
That's really cool. Maybe this year i'll choose men CEs.
Which kind of freak nerd find this shit clown-mech ass cool?
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he's themed after LB5, the LB full of robots
It's her worst asc to be fair
From all of her forms
That's because of the brown skin. Turn it flawless again and I'll pick her.
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Like a daughter
Musashifags aren't a thing here. It's just that one rat who can't stop spamming her.
dont be mean to shrek
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That's because it's censored, this is the real version
I remember having to download something to read japanese characters and then install the game in japanese and then install the patches hoping my OS or graphic card wouldn't go to BSOD.
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Medusa actually regrets how she became a monster and wont kill people for fuel if summoned by someone who treats her like a person. She will however steal your boyfriend or at least taste test him, so you take the good with the bad

Did Nasu Medea personally kill her own children? because if so thats way, way worse than killing her brother which can be excused away due to mind control

Gilgamesh's beef with modern humanity is that they arent living up to his expectations of being post human space conquerors and are instead running around like retards
I'll pick her.
Checks out since it's actually a Shi Huangdi CE.
i still run system locale on japanese because i dont really do anything with my pc apart from jack off and watch anime so who cares
Why is the go to insult of alter being a rat
why does billy look so slutty here. what a fag. i wanna choke on his willy.
So musashikeks have low test. Explains a lot.
I'm two ceremonial blades away from maxing Charlie bros. IT ENDS TODAY
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i dont know because i thought the rats were pretty fun.
Shitskin<<<<<<<<<<<<<Snow white flawless skin. Even Alberto agreed with me on this.
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is he ok
Enma during peak Enma was very funny with his choice of insults so /alter/ copied him to make fun of him and it caught on.
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Goof ahh costume frfr
>A SEAnigger agreed with me on this.
Yep, shit taste indeed.
I miss her so much bros
i still laugh whenever i think about the word hylic
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Some guy I added has been giving me ~12,000 FP every day on my 100 Kojirou for several months and it's starting to freak me out. Is this some sort of a farming bot? Is there a use for Kojirou that I'm missing, or did I just stumble on a diehard Regend fanatic?
That's it I'm reporting anytime to my local PETA for this crime.
Yes, he's just having a good laugh.
i spend £80 a day on sq and farm it all with automata while masturbating to kojiros voice lines because i really like his voice actor
ya know what I don't really like proto-hisui
Post the one about getting banned.
>Is this some sort of a farming bot?
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>the oriental bots did not use my support
If Gilgamesh wanted for us to be space conquerors he should have left some blueprints for his Vimana.
Is he in you All slot?
That was also at the same time when juden peterstein's pasta spreading around. It brings my side to the orbit. Our resident clown truly is something else.
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And here's where I'd put my good rider doujins
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That was an insult? Rats are cute.
>juden peterstein's pasta
Which one?
heres a good rider doujin https://exhentai.org/g/1347856/6fbcdbdfc5/
?? There are a lot of good rider doujin, the hell are you talking about bro?
Like tears in rain...
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that shit was funny
He's probably referring to Iskandar doujins.
Also homophile.
Medusa you mentally crippled faggots
Calm down shinji
Who's that? Is she hot?
Liz burger....
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Rid'er? I hardly knew her!
What do you have as his CE. I need to friend some bots
Bedeviled egg! Adversary of Logos, repugnant perverter of thought, word, and basic human decency -- Can you not see that your immature and cowardly flight from yourself, your accursed "anonymity" threatens to sever the very fabric of our tenuous modern milieu? You, hyperbolic hatemonger, are manifesting malignity appropriate only for an endtime. Bloody hell, that is where we are headed. The apocalypse! You, malignant rat, externalize your extreme unmedicated psychopathic dark tetrad traits, and act out your undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder and it's we, the pro-social open majority who pay the price. Do you have the vaguest comprehension what wrath will be wrought when you wretched anti-Semitical werewolves have your way with the blessed, supple virgin that is our hard-won democracy?! Machiavellian vermin, go and find some other site to sully! Black wizard of hopeless folly, pusillanimous pipsqueak of perfidy and prejudice, idiot ideologue of Dunning-Kruger-deranged hatred and hostility -- I straighten my back and take my meds in bitter, eternal opposition to you and your despicable, damnable, Hell-doomed ilk! And mark my words, if there is a just God, you and your Holocaust-denying coconspirators WILL go to Hell. May you be devoured by The Archetypal Dragon and may I ever be rid of you interminably abominable, shadow-possessed, snake-tongued TROLLS!
But there's a lot of good iskandar doujinshi.
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I just shat my pants
Yeah. What, do bots default there?
Good job bro
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Say hello to your Grand Saber (true)
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Those were the days...
Sounds like something CWC would say if he was more literate.
It seems so. Someone has been spamming my alt account's Mash exclusively for a month now.
>Bedeviled egg!
Stopped reading there. Now I just have an insatiable urge for deviled eggs.
Yui, yui shouldsex(you)
Seal Designation, because he didn't have star gather when I set him.
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>If Gilgamesh wanted for us to be space conquerors he should have left some blueprints for his Vimana.
He more or less did though, after his death humanity plundered his vaults/his treasures got distributed across the world- for everything except EA and the chains. Its unironically a mongrel skill issue, anon
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>extreme unmedicated psychopathic dark tetrad traits
What makes one tempted to lick girl’s feet?
Brain damage.
give me arcueid NOW
cant believe Tsuna mana transfers that
Tsuna is like her uncle, you sick cunt
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i hate this general during euro hours
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dirty, bloody and sweaty oni feet in my mouth RIGHT FUCKING NOW
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here is your arc for the night
Cucksucker is in full Voidstance mode
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all hail ze king
in what fucking world is this euro hours
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Le fay
He thinks about her mother when he touches her.
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You say this every hour

Also this. Does that thing even sleep?
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FUCK you
I want to roll for her and not play for another few weeks
Why didn’t Touko give him a new eye?
>Origin is literally Normalfag
Nothing normalfag about a super-cool Touko produced fully functional prosthetic.
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you will roll for her only after gssr, retardcuck
i want a genuine neco arc not funny vamp shit
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lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick
Stop being mean to me
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God I wish that were me.
You guys spam porn here all day but fapping just makes me feel depressed bros what's wrong with me?
I am going to change his ways
I can almost see her anus
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>>Origin is literally Normalfag
my autism demanded calling this
>"He (Mikiya) may seem really ordinary, but his Origin is one that will never hurt others, more so than anyone else."
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poorcuck :D
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because you are unironic coomer retardbro... It's ackshually so over...
But Touko can produce identical replicas. The new eye would be an exact equal to his old eye, normal attributes origin and all.
TsukiRe is good bros
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sniff sniff sniff
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A complete mystery...
Post nut clarity can make you feel depressed.
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I'm sure they are like 3 different guys who post the AI pr0n
Centaurbros. We've fucking won.
It's Baobhan right
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gyat servants?
It's pikachu
Thats just a bob anni CE
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The princess of Fae Britain…
I'm reading Tengoku Struggle right now, bro
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>6 (you)s

Not bad. Bob is certified /alter/cuck servant?
I hope you're enjoying it, Goemon is best boy.
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>He thinks about her mother when he touches her.
>Tsuna is like her uncle, you sick cunt
hot + Ibaraki's mother would probably approve
>Multiple NP levels
>Skills not maxed out
I wanna kill every one that does this
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you jelly poorcuck?

FGO is casual territory, retardbro
Literally me. I need mats.
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>90% of alter will only have NP1 Arc
rates are too shit for trying for anything other than np1
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i will get her np2
I'm still in the common route. It's super long! I haven't been able to decide who is best boy yet but I'm going for the wolf boy first.
Yeah there's something shameful about someone not having 10/10/10 on their skills for their support list.
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NP6 for me.
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>implying i'll be rolling for brickcade brickstead
post Ere-chan!
NP0 is good enough.
I want to protect that smile.
Bros… I broke my Switch’s right joycon rail…
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Joycon... bros...;_;
NP4 is fine too.
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Mom and Wife
Have you told your Jalter you love her today?
Is Lady A the servant that is most carried because of how good she is gameplay-wise and how attractive she is?
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>but I'm going for the wolf boy first.
His was my least favorite route, but it was still pretty good.
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according to /alter/ she is bad
/alter/ is always wrong
That will be me whenever someone posts their 6CE arc clears
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She's not necessary.
castoria still win overall due to her story being good.
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Merlina is the best overall Arts support after Castoria, so most people will ignore her.
So yeah her appeal is that she's a semen demon.
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>how good she is gameplay-wise
She's superfluous when Castoria exists, but nice to have.
>how attractive she is?
imagine the hatesex
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It's just merlin disguised as a female.
Hatesex is the best sex ever. t. knower.
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that makes it more degenerate and hotter
Merlina is a cock expert in a succubus body. How could you skip her?
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Choose 2
Mily would never
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I'm not
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>Merlina is the best overall Arts support after Castoria
Arts has as hilarious amount of supports when you think about it
>Arts 5 stars
proto merlin
pope joan (silly arts crit support)
>Buster five stars
>Quick 5 stars
Skadi in a swimsuit with a buster crit skill for some reason.
I choose [-]
i'll take the ryuu castle model and one of the manga in the back.
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Good morning, bros. I hope you had a great 4th of July.
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Xu Fu soon
You forgot Oberon for Buster and apparently the rationale for Summer Skadi having a Buster crit skill is match with the introduction of Might Chains.
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most of the morons here will waste their wallets on the onibutt only to regret later not having gone first for skadi and merlina
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Is she for (you)?
I'm so tired of Nasu baiting.
ana is cute. i love her.
The drop rate of the stars is atrocious
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She's a succubus, she's for everyone.
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She has no cock.
Morning lippa
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>most of the morons here will waste their wallets on the bunch of new SSR jpegs this summer
>only to regret later

That's the plan, fake fairy~

(You) wait anni and summer to roll jpegs. I wait for colossal gacha roll fails
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i have every servant i want and i never spent a dime. luck issue on your parts
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Die you stupid dick wizard.
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>resident posters I don't like will be here during stream and anni

How do we cure this general...?
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anon, if you want white haired casters bad bitches then theres less painful options out there
>Arts 5 stars
Bro your bride?
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Won at footie thanks to Dibu, now it's time to say good night
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Who is their kid?
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My queen
np gain is not an arts skill
What about the short hair blond girl?
In prison.
Is he even still around? Didn't he get BTFO'd when servant coin dropped?
Been gone for over four years after THAT incident.
Xhe's dead bro, you have to let xim go...
yes it is
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would (you) male Kama?
based dibu
saved my progresar funds
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The queen of e-whores.
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She's for Shiki.
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Their kids are my kids.
Shiki is for the dog
Based stepdad
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Castoria? iirc yeah
the only girl (You) for sure get is corday. be happy with that.
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Biologically, numbnuts.
I'm pretty sure 99% of that list left because this game is fucking dead as shit
I'm the only cock expert Chaldea needs.
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>search myself on the archive out of curiosity
>appeared in a screenshot stuck between two ecelebs
It's a complicated feel...
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There used to be a time where /alter/ had a friendly rivalry with /feh/
Oh no shirou bros
all me btw
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I wish I had more friends..
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Nah, I have several on my FL and they still log in. They just don't post any more.
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i searched myself in the archive and theres loads of mentions in other generals because i use a generic name. i'm immune to being autistic enough to obsess over this shit.
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at least you can search yourself, my name is a regular word, so I can't really search myself properly
Now you get 3 orbs if they somehow feel generous
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>the only girl (You) for sure get is corday.
Ummm you forget about your best kouhai again didn't you bro?
I wish I had any friends at all.
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holy shit, i actually did. guess that shows you how memorable she is.
Oberon is also a big dick Buster support with his third skill.
It’s actually “War broke out in mooncell.”
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I know how that feels
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Atleast Shirou still has Rider
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I get namedropped on those huge copypastas where everyone gets namedropped
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She doesn’t know what love is.
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Yeah vamo again back to the game
Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more
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>search myself on the archive out of curiosity
>insults and some porn
Is Ushiwakamaru 3* Musashi? She seems to be on everything nowadays.
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I recently got reminded that this is actually how normal FGO player support looks like. I got so used of /alter/'s autism before that I think having 10/10/10 and up to date support is normal. Thank God though, I didn't ended up as a shitter.
why is this so hot
I know it's retarded, and there are so many better pools i could choose, but I want gogh really bad so extra 5.
I also really hate kriem and have her np2 so I'd rather try to make faker as strong as possible and use her instead.
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Good morning, bros.
>why is this so hot
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its more like Mash forgot desu, imagine being there from day 1 and latecomers still making more progress than you. Even in the LB which brought the Mash thing back again a bit you had Castoria's whole thing, and *after* the LB Morgan and Melusine do the marrying master any% speedrun, and after *that* Kukulkan (ORT) who also figures out things faster. Even Ushi Gozen who is deranged and at max divinity max schizo has enough cognizance to recognize shes kinda into (you) accidentally giving away her "underwear" as a valentine gift
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Taking Kuroha on a date
Wtf I love scat now
Buster has also Chen Gong and the Ox King CE.
Buster will always be above the other types in terms of damage.
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Taking requests of Servants in American flag bikini
You desire human connection.
You desire love.
>saturday morning maintenance announced
Who's ready to roll a silly vampire on Saturday?
Mary Read and Anne Bonny
Don’t forget how Oberon sat Guda down for a talk and told them to not worry about Mash so much. Equating Guda’s concerns to a savior complex. I think his example of Mash dying while Guda is away is put to practice in Ordeal Call 2, or something very similar to it.
Medusa please
Need to find her leaked nudes...
>who's ready to roll
Jalterwife and spishtarwife please!
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Pretty much. It's why Morgan always has massive tits in fanart even though she really has medium breasts at best. The idea of an older anime woman with small breasts is impossible to comprehend for most otaku.
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Men getting turned into cute girls and becoming massive sluts is hot as fuck.
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Xu fu! Xu fu! Xu fu!
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Mom and Mily side by side
Eric Bloodaxe
bros i cant log in
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>game server is busy
Bunyan and Abby. Hopefully together.
What the absolute fuck is this shit?

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let her cook
>try ZZZ
>finishing the first chapter (about 2-3 hours long) gives you 3 free rolls
>gameplay is just mashing a single button
Holy fucknuts and I thought this game was bad
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>the game server is busy
My AP...
>no pubes
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Time to login for another farming session!
They literally tell you the game will put you to sleep
stop posting this
Server's been busy for 20 minutes, what were you all doing?
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Let her coom
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Now that you're all furiously tapping "Retry" on your dumb little phone screens, I'm gonna spank you all.
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Happy 4th of July bros, I hope all my burger bros enjoyed the day even if I'm late for the east coast. The anniversary is almost here, so try to get past these last few days. good luck to those of you trying to summon in these next week. Now let's do our best to have a daishouri thread.

It feels like it's getting more common. I haven't seen it this common since 2018
It's also because her FA has big tits and so does a lot of other official art of her.
What the fuck is going on I've never seen this error before???
Good I just cleared my AP lol
I'm logging in to check if the anniversary is here
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From the thumbnail I thought that was a pokeball...
Which GSSR are you rolling on, Daishourinon?
Making a new Commander deck. Have a final list, just need to cut ~6 more cards and I'm done.
You weren't here for Castoria's first rate-up?
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I prefer this image.
Holy SHIT I just got past the error and they released NA exclusive Lip swimsuit!
Ive been playing for over 1900 days, including Castorias rateups.
I dont remember seeing this error before.
Crashing the servers
With NO survivors
Erm. What the sigma.
W. Big or Small
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Btw if you guys want an specific position or body part focus just mention it
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I was farming...
More like her FA has her in an outfit and is from an angle that emphasizes her tits to make them look bigger.
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>maintenance in progress
My AP is almost full
Seems like anni being later this year wasn't known to most people, lol
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Can we be friends once the server is back up
I was just reading Tunguska what the fuck. Did Koyan took the server with her in her egg?
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It's over...
game server is bussin fr
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Anni is canceled. We are going to EoS.
You’ll get one silver apple and like it.
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Its over...
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bro she is a drawing and her proportions change from drawing to drawing
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Calamity Jane
Erice please.
>2 days
O-oh okay
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>open game
>can't login
but why?
Takeuchi is the king of consistency though, he always draws his character with the same proportions
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In the same picture or separate?

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Maintenance Kama...
Kama, Ishtar and Heroine XX together, looking at you
>That condescending look downwards.
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You logged in before it went into maintenance, right?
Why are you like this
She's fucking 11.
What's the point, latelets like you will quite within the year anyway.
>Albert needs a surprise maintenance to finally remove Kama from the game
I have full ap, but I will gladly take it.
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Liz found a rat in the server's room and tried to catch it. She may or may not have trip over some wires
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So, surprise anni after maintenance is over, right?
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>yfw we all lose our streaks again
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Servers down...they will Kam back at their own pace...
she’s mogging us
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Yeah, because I always log in on reset.
Already lost it once, so I don't care any more.
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Do not expect free quartz from this you greedy bastards
Already lost it like 4 years ago. Who the fuck cares anymore
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Yes. I also spent all my AP, so I'm fine with a 40 hour maintenance now to get as many apologems as I can.
And touko
Yeah, i was farming since an hour ago and i had to restart automata since the day reset put me back on the main menu
Space Ishtar doesn't know how to clean her vagina correctly and it smells like rotten eggs and fish.
Albert's implementing the speed up that's why the game went down suddenly
What's the most competent thing Albert has done for FGO?
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>NA's got over 24 hours of maintenance
>login streaks all broken, devs don't care
>JP's streaks were broken in same way
>devs let everyone keep their streaks alive
Who the FUCK cares after that bullshit happened
But we can still be friends right now.
He bleached Emiya Alter
I liked when he convinced lasagna to bleach Demiya.
Here's a list
Thank you for reading!
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>original message was server problems due overpopulations
Did everyone wanted to roll for kiara before she was gone for good at the last moment?
Go report on actual human trafficking instead of pissing yourself over an AI image.
Bleached the hardest nigga in the game
No, I was playing elden ring
you don't know she's not 10
lmao why do you care about a company being competent? Touch grass
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>Maintenance is in progress
they bleached gudao?
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No, people just thought we were getting the anniversary stuff today because it's july 4th.
Separate please!
Normies thought today would be Arc's rate-up
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She's my wife.
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Servants for this feel?
Can you do both Tiamommies
Out of 10!
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Do you use bleached BB?
I can't believe Liz ate the fucking servers.
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>Maint until TBD

None of them are really stand outs to me. Probably rider one or one of the Archers Np upgrade fishing.
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Arcueid banner after this maintenance ends, folks! Because maintenance will last two days.
me on the right
At the same time!?
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>maintenance now
>maintenance again in 10 hours for 5 hours
Imagine if this lasts more a few hours and you go to sleep and miss both open periods and lose your streak from that. It's possible even if you were being AP efficient.
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I would if I had her
no, i use the supperior ascension.
>maint until TBD
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Good shit, thanks
Kiichi Hougen, drinking a beer
But it's july 5th?
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Servants for this feel?
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my streak will surely not be killed a second time
>in 10 hours
uhh bro might want to read that maintenance page again
how old?
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On the brightside, they can use this time to prepare the servers for saturday when they might go down for the actual cunny vamp rateup.
your streak is already dead
happy anniversary
zoos gyatt twerkin
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He’s putting us under maintenance right now to help us get a few more SQ.
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>36AP at 11:30
>Wasn't gonna hit 40 naturally before HQ go away
>Use a bronze apple and do one final run
>Successfully completes it, quit app with 6AP remaining
Seems like I minmaxxed just in time
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Cutie Shousetsu
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We need another YD Rin doujin...
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I don't care if they break my streak again. they've already violated me. if anything, I would laugh at the latelets for losing their streak virginity
We're aiming for at least 360 this time.
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Altria and Senpai the servers are down!
What do we do?
Welcome to America, here's your flag bikini and boobjob
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How hard did you farm the Cerberus hunting quest?
Do Illya
I wanted to roll Illya...
Jesus dude
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why are they doing this fag shit when they delayed the anniversary FUCK OFF I WANT OT MAKE MY BLUE APPLES THEN SLEEP
well, if it makes you feel better, you get another chance at getting her if you roll on the summer jannu/orion gssr
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Ishtar (but actually just Rin) sexo
More maintenance = more apologems

I wish the game had 20 hour maintenance every day.
I just realized I lost my login steak again, much less making blue apples...
this is quite clearly someone overdosing on memes not a latelet
toe sucka
That might be good, thanks. I spent like 600SQ and got fuck all.
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Who you mean? Vincis?

Together or separate?

Larva and milf form? separate or together?
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login streak means absolutely nothing if theres no weekly login thing going on. i pity the retard day 1 streak idiots who cope with their "real" cope unbroken streak.
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i wish this game went eos so i didnt need to worry about sq period.
Lip is so disgusting.
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>login steak
Sounds delicious.
Kagetora and Boudica
Wu Zetian. My bad, mistyped.
With how many SQ I'm going to throw at her, I better fucking not.
>maintenance until "TBD"
I don't like that.
>Larva and milf form? separate or together?
Together will probably be a pain in the ass it'll probably be easier to separate larva and milf forms
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i will have np 0 arc. not spending sq on tsukihime shit until len is added.
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I'm rolling for Arc to collect all the Moon Cancers, so I don't need more than NP1.
Rolling on summer Kiara today reminded me just how fucking atrocious the rates are here compared to any other gacha ever
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Is that what I think it is!?
>New Special NA Only Event
Unlimited Maintenance Works
why is there maintenance?
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FSR Raikou doesn't work since she is not in the database yet, too new
I could try a loli Raikou if you want
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we're on maintenance until the anniversary stream this sunday. BIG things are happening.
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>Sudden maintenance
I knew leaving the interludes for the last day was a bad idea
So they can release the anni without a maint is what I'm guessing
kama kamaleon
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my Ciel will be np5 though
Why doesn’t Arc ascension have her purple skirt casual wear?
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give me my quartz lasagna
do NOT check the maintenance news
yeah loli Raiko or similar Raita character would work
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You can simply stop playing any time, anon.
This is an unscheduled maintenance.
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if i had any impulse control i would have graduated university and i wouldnt have a porn addiction and i would have friends and i would have a real hobby and my parents would love me still
Can you do Himiko and Fujino, separated
Little Idolma...
Are you at least working and able to sustain your own existence
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Have you forgiven Aesc yet?
Would you resist?
Game is over, they decided no one should get to have Arc
Mom sexo
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I spent a few silvers for fantasy scales and qp. Not many people had bella up unfortunately, but there were a few page CEs.
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>£12.50 an hour
Kama Kama Kamaleon!
You Kam and Gogh!
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I can't believe we're finally speeding up bro after 7 long years
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Am I late to ask for Beni-Enma?
Liz and Big Liz
>game in maint
my second instance's game download continues normally
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>anniversary stream delayed
>abundant maintenance
Could you imagine if they were to upload Arc's rate up on accident?
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I'm gonna NP5 both but Ciel gets the Fou paws
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Aesc did nothing wrong. Morgan however is evil.
>less than min wage in most places
oh no no no no
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Cunny Barg please if you are still open!
At least you have universal health insurance
Abby just leavin it all out there...
I threw my whole pile of silvers at it. I need the QP for the Summer Servants.
Hey guys I slept under the AC and caught a cold. Should I go see Albert at ax tomorrow and try to get him sick?
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>modern unfunded nhs
shouldn't have voted brexit lol
I earn around $12,000 a year, but I still spend most of my disposable income on big packs.
The NHS is in shambles right now
she wants people to appreciate america
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you should go see albert and *censored*
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>yeah loli Raiko or similar Raita character would work
I went with Shuten as the option if you don't mind

It's never too late, ask away, specify a pose or focus if you want something in particular
Don't worry bro I make 3x that and still feel stuck in life. Let's just give up together!
>52% of the nation shot itself in the foot because brown skins are le bad
at least ill get to laugh at trump winning.
Please do Sei in the burgerbro bikini, preferably with an atomic explosion/mushroom cloud in the background.
dangerously based. i pirate all my leisure products and never go out so why not...?
Study on the side and lie through your fucking teeth on every interview you get and fake it until you make it
good morning, bros.....
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>~$16 an hour
Is this bad horrible in limeland?
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Nice to see that Raikou overcame her racism.
its fine if you're a dumb loser who has no hobbies and never wants to support a family or travel.
Good morning, bobs!
By shambles. What exactly do you mean.
This girl could use some underwear

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Every time I see Shuten, I'm reminded of that doujin with Blackbeard...
i have no ambition but i'll keep that in mind for when i go through a midlife crisis.
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So it's amazing for someone on 4chan, then. Got it.
Stop avataring
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>i am a cuckold
thanks for sharing bro.
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I wish I could knew about poses and drawing focus points but I'm sure she would look great in whatever pose you choice bro.
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>$3.8 an hour
Depends on your age/location
>early 20s and early career or studying or in a small city
>over 25 with no future prospects or in a major city
Start learning how to tie a noose.
Oh yeah we're going to be seeing some fireworks tonight. Thanks bro.
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This one?
>I went with Shuten as the option if you don't mind
not what i was looking for but stil hot so i'll take what i can get, thanks anon
Bro why did you skip Eric Bloodaxe?
Wake me up when maintenance ends
Eric Bloodaxe
today I will stop being a porn addict
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good short comic
I just spoke with Albert as I left Anime Expo.
He told me the reason why there's maintanence is that FGO JP wants FGO NA to test a new feature where if you get a servant to 120 with all appends unlocked and bond 15, they will send you an onahole of that servant's vagina/asshole.
The devs are trying to implement an address saving functionality so the system will immediately mail you onaholes once you fulfill the conditions.
She's a actually an imitation.
Dude already said he has poor impulse, man.
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what if its a male servant? fag onahole or dildo? asking for a friend.
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*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps?
Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.
And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to.
Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the subs...
>Together or separate?
Any way is fine
Don't believe your eyes
What do you do bro?
Sis they already sell horse dildos
Xu Fu and Paisen next
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No problem

With poses I mean simple ones like standing, lying, sitting, etc
With focus I mean focus on certain body parts like breasts or ass

The problem with Eric is that he has only 22 hits on Booru, a character needs around 100 references to work, so Novel can't make images with him sadly
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Castoria’s better than that autistic snob. At least she confessed. Tonelico would never. She looks like she reads fujo’s
that's Haibara Ai
This proto Aluce doesn't read like Hisui at all to me though.
I got a finance degree but I only got a 2:2 because I spent all my time sleeping. It's over...
Just started recently and I stated using Quartz as continues around Shimoousa, now that I have just started the second arc and I rally don;t want to keep doing that.
As for with servants that I have leveled I got Hercules, Waver (my main boys since the start), Emiya (NP2), Ishtar, and Hessian Lobo for my main team.
I also recently finished leveling a Kiara from the recent banner have a Kyokutei Bakin that I used but just didn't feels strong and a Wu that is also level but has no skill investment,
Otherwise I got a Valkyrie that needs to be leveled still, a Elizabeth which I just forgot about and a Scheherazade that I have not touched since I have Waver. Still no 4 or 5 star sabers.
Any advice on what I can do to overcome the mounting difficulty?
I can jack off to this picture easy
>using Quartz as continues
Don't do that
My degree is in Math. Finance degrees are worthless. If I could go back I'd study CS or stats.
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I wouldn't do uni at all.
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The only real info we have on early Alice is Character material. you can run it through google lens or something if you're interested in what it says
Draco 1st and 3rd
Use command seals if you need to continue. They recharge every 3 days. Save quartz to roll for servants you are missing in your roster. Or look for friends with supports that can carry you.
>Using quartz as continues
Reminds me of my retardation while doing camelot around 2018-2019 when i haven't discovered /alter/ yet.
I hate myself every time i remember it.
Invest all into Hercules coin. Get his skills maxed as well as his bond so you get his special craft essence. If you have any command code openers, use them on him and place any command code that removes burn/poison/curse (you get these from rolling FP).
I miss drinking with dumb sluts...
The reality of the situation is that gacha is a meme and you should use all your sq on revives.
I know it feels back but it feels like around Camelot the game started spiking in difficulty.
Is it because the content is built for someone who has years worth of resources and Heroes built up or am I just bad.
And why wouldn't we have one after the colossal fuckup last time?
You can visit your mom any time.
at least level up 2 or 3 servants of every class. low rarities like cu and hans are good.
None of which is worth a damn unless you have real world experience. Or go for PHD but get painted into a special snowflake specialty. Either way you will still need to wage for 10 years before getting anywhere.
But who cares about streaks.
Relying on whale supports helps a lot. Use Georgios and Leonidas to protect them by drawing aggro. Level Arash to clear a free wave too.
Just got back, thanks bro!
The immortal god king wants to conquer the stars

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