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Previous: >>484653556

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Countdown Campaign
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-04 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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I wish I could go to AX and I wish I had friends to go to cons with.
Yuyu love!
Kuroha debut at AX
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Kama Love!
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its cringe bro
Which VAs will be at the Anime Expo panels?
I'm sick of being scared of cringe. I want to be sincere. I want friends who I can nerd out with and laugh confidently with.
Does anyone know where to find what this years banners are gunna be? I'd like to save up for Shuten or Francis Drake.
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It is now canon Gil is losing to non magus 30 year old balding ojisans.
Let's have an /alter/ meetup bros
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...in Europe!
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Such booth. Much fate.
Blows my mind how much spotlight this game still gets despite living in the shadow of mihiyo and the other new popular shit.
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The cutest genius...
Grand Rider.....
It's bigger in Japan than those chinese games so they've got a really big marketing budget even though it's smaller in the states.
It's still a giant money maker and AX is the perfect stage for it. Just cause Mihoyo exists doesn't stop FGO being one of the biggest gachas out there.
Are you planntng to attend FGO panel?
This shit is in California isn't it
What do you think of the stuff I brought back from Tokyo featuring some of my favourites?
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I don't want too imagine the smell
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aoko sex spotted
not bad
Nice stash sis.
show me your arc rolling war face
Cute Friendicardo
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>can’t find myself caring for the FGO panel
>Trigun panel won’t start till I’m already at work
I have clicked every link there but am too stupid to figure out which one it is. I assume FGO rateups in JP but I don't know where we are on it.
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Artoria(Saber) vs Artroria(Lancer)
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43 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
All I see is Eric Bloodaxe
we are always ~2 years behind JP, except for around this point in time where our anniversary is 1 month before. So you can use the FGO event compendium or the Rateups in JP.
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just 3 more days bros...
only absolute retards use the buster card last btw
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Are there any more oni that should be added to FGO?
Where is your max damage quest clear, bbro?
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Yeah I would buy that bronunnos plushie as well, but not the one that ugly creatura is holding.
Cute friends
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the chick from the latest dlc and suzuka husband shuten summer any day now...
Oh, thanks anon. Using the event list and knowing about the difference cleared it up.
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Yes! And both of the fate cosplay meets. I met a Draco 3A cosplayer earlier. I was in too big a rush to get any photos but they said they'll be at the gate cosplay gatherings later so I'll have that to look forward to.

Yeeeeeeap. High concentration of things you hate.
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All my fellas...
i see albert
Its 2
4 days
I actually went and looked up the values. You can call him a rat all you want but he’s right. 3rd card bonus is higher than 1st card. Buster in 3rd position gives base 210% damage which is more than starting with it. Anon who fled either doesn’t know the values in which case why you arguing or you won’t post the values because you know you’re wrong.
Holy shit you're right LMFAO.
>not everything is about sex
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This is what I get on my 1st try. Quick is sadly not very good for it because we only have 1 Skadoo.
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i know its on the 7th
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BBro Theme Song
Please find Kuroha and take some pictures.
>Albert is at the door for prize redemption to monitor who is being greedy
...and it deals even more damage if you use a Burster card first as well.
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But he was asking about a situation with only one buster card...
Will there be maint before arc?
I missed you, bros...
You’re either being disingenuous or you lack reading comprehension. The question was whether a singular buster card would do better in 1st or 3rd. Not if you have two.
Bro you were almost free...
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What am I saving for?
Who's the elven bitch that's gonna have a banner/event which requires Avalon le Fae finished?
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let her cook
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New account
Are you a newbro or a nthaccountbro?
where did you look up the values and did you consider that B 1st extends the buster buff to all 3 cards?
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kuroha isn't there...
but Usagicos is!
But I want Kuroha...
Was it now? I assumed >>484677823 asked how to get the best damage value in general, in which case my point still stands, not in the case where you have only one Burster card.
If so then my apologies to that morgan poster.
That other nigger can die though.
>first card bonus doesn't affect extra
someone here lied to me
Fucking WHO?
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No, he directly asked about highest buster crit damage.
How braindamaged do you have to be not to get that?
Extra damage is hard to affect, you only get bonus damage from 1st append, full Buster chain or if you are S.Ishtar
I gave it a shot
No. I hate you. Kill yourself. I pray to God I don't see her at the con.
He's good at his job. Don't ever think otherwise.
>full Buster chain
oh that improves it?
Ask Albert for his FC
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why does samurai remnant look like a switch game?
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>No. I hate you. Kill yourself. I pray to God I don't see her at the con.
Holy based + I kneel
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20% atk up, so basically a free charisma
Get it for yourself, fag.
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I barely got physical Fate stuff while I was there last year, I should've got more

That said what I did get was cool. Primarily the Kuroboshi artbooks and the Raita and Wada Arco ones too. They were from Nakano Broadway too where I also won a Scorbunny plush from the UFO catcher machines.

I wanna go back again but not sure when and what for.
>anytime is a summon using bitch
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Where are my bros…
Cute couple.
Doesn't it just add flat damage?
Triple buster chain adds 20% extra damage (not boosted by anything, not blockable) to all cards in the chain
Buster in first slot makes cards 2 and 3 deal 1.2x and ?1.5x? respectively, so for a triple buster chain that would be 150 - 180 - 225
>missing on Kino
Wait. Quick and arts face cards do more damage if they're used later in the chain? I knew star gen and np gain were increased, but damage too?
Later cards do more damage regardless of card type.
Quick face cards have a shit damage multiplier though.
That applies to all the card types.
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I promise you
A 1000 year voyage, guide by compassion
Let us go together
That could have been us...
I should go to Nakano next time I visit Tokyo, isn’t that place supposed to have a lot of older anime stuff? I mainly focused on Akihabara for my shopping during my trip
Ask him for a speed up.
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Wake up at 1am on an expired /alter/ thread
Gargle fermented reptilian Piss.
love. Doomscroll 6 dead /alter/ threads at once as you drag a tyre to work.
lizposting on the current /alter/ thread keeps you going. Ex Wife calls, says you can't see the kids this weekend.
Good. they only distract you from your lizposting.
get to work, gargle more liz pee.
do work on Hungarian keyboard.
don't know hungarian? you will. Broken piss bottle for lunch.
hag boss comes in, says you're falling behind.
She doesn't understand.
she can't.
she isn't a liz in this world of carmillas.
get hit by 3 cars on the way home while listening to Love is Dracul at x5 speed.
new record.
Legs broken?
pass out on lizard infested kitchen floor, lizardskissing you all over.
they understand the grind.
set an alarm for 1am and drift into a coma while gargling liz piss.
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>3 turns
I probably should have done that, spending a turn just to buff. There's no reason to do 2 turns even if if I don't use Maou Nobu with her growing attack buff.
Any full colour brave chain gives you a massive extra attack boost.
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Liz love! I think...
Imagine getting an earjob from her.
Quick still holds the short end of the stick until the anni...
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Idols don't pee
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Bro, who needs mechanics. Just use Castoria.
Blatant samefag
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What would you do if you bodyswapped with Kiara?
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3 days to go...
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I forgot to point out that one was with mighty chains implemented. This is without.
Buster crit deals more damage on the 3rd position, but as a whole it loses the most damage by not having the starting Buster bonus.
Kill her in my body.
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It's a mall basically, I went with my sister and she got this 7 layer stacked ice cream in the basement area, but yeah it has a bunch of Mandarake stores (among other stuff like it) that specialise in books, LNs, art books, h-manga (and non-h too) etc. While I was there it was the best place for stuff like that, close second was some of the stores at Akihabara. They also had a lot of really classic merch and model kits too. I think if you're looking for really specific classic stuff, it's great too.

There's a pretty distinctive store front for one of them that has a bunch of piping. The one just across from that had a bunch of thicker artbooks like Kuroboshis and the one downstairs from there had doujins (include Raita and Wada Arco stuff among others). If you go, the staff are quite helpful even if you don't know Japanese. Have their online store listing up and they can look up a book code and tell you which section it's in.

The ramen store in the path outside the train station was really nice, I want to go there again. Very filling meal.
Latelet here. Is summer skadi enough of a support to enable quick or do I need the original one too?
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Do you remember?
Ok, that makes a lot more sense. I was surprised about the results of >>484690320 at first.
Triple skadi is a meme, 2x Summer skadi+oberon is good enough
>Is summer skadi enough of a support to enable quick
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>Start watching My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho
>Urge to grail Tamamo rises
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Become a woman of God unironically
>Korean drama shit
kinda gay anon
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Truck question
No thoughts head empty
Gogh spotted
I wish Liz was real
>first card bonus affects extra attack
Finally, some proper knowledge in this shithole.
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x2 swimsuit Skadoo + Oberon is often more viable than x3 Skadoo. Sometimes x3 Skadoo is better, and there are times in some Challenge Quests that prevent bringing duplicate servants so having both swimsuit Skadoo + Caster Skadoo is good.
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for new ones 2 skadi is enough, for old shiters you need 3
>That Redman
What a unit.
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I also read shoujo manga...
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2x skadi + xu fu is the future
bro.... are you a girl (male)?
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QAB should to slightly more damage with mighty chain
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If you have Broberon you'll probably never use triple Skadi, even then you can use Xu-Xu in place for most things.
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This would be the easiest Servant to cosplay as. Both his physique and hair are a perfect fit.
there are a few /alter/sisters (female) here even if not a lot
>wasting broberon's bond
Most of the time, triple Skadi is sufficient.
God I want Rikyu so fucking much. I want her so much I can't put it into words.

I'm gonna roll a bit on Arc to get an early Xu Fu, then roll for Skadi, but after that I'm all in on Rikyu and I really hope I get NP2 at least.
I'm aiming for NP0.
I conserve so much Broberon bond that he's still bond 0, heh.
I recognise that artstyle. I fapped to thought of being Hanekawa in this artists stuff so much.
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There's nothing wrong with reading otome visual novels...
Same, desu
I'll be rolling on Rikyu's banner for Yamanami Keisuke, but I wouldn't mind getting tea granny at all. Kibadori Rue is such a god tier artist.
Bro at this point your skadi should be bond 15
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>your skadi
S-shut up
There's no reason to worry about Oberon's bond level, he'll reach 15 sooner or later.
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Skadi is better than Oberon because FGO is a waifu game.
Remember when Castoria released and you couldn't even log in for a few hours after maintenance
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None of you are my bros
Bros before hoes
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>Being in a party with Koyanskaya leads to mutual murder attempts
>Being in a party with Caster Artoria is very awkward due to their past
Oberon is a Quickfriend and prefers being in a party with Skadi over the Arts and Buster teams.
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futurebros is tametomo for (you)?
I will now proceed to 120 my Oberon...
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Whatever did happen to Robot Jones?
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Yes, he just has a hard time explaining due to his programming
Is it efficient to do the daily quests for farming materials or do I farm the free quests?
Oberon is not only a better character but a better girl than skadi, how fucking embarrassing
Damn, sisters really won out with the robot...
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Skadi's tits are way bigger than femOberon's tits.

He was beheaded by Coleman Trebor in the Clone Wars.
Will the current set of teapotse we got last until the lostbelt 4 stuff?
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Lip love!
I wish her bikini in her final ascension actually fit
>750 saint quartz
>35 tickets
She's coming home!
Fingers crossed for NP2!
I would femDouman
I bet she's a big sub dispite all the theatrics
Did you do it, bro?
She is not coming home, lil bro, it's too early
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It can't contain them.
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Would /alter/ have rolled for Taigong Wang if he was a girl?
Lip hate I hope she dies of disease
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Which daily quests in specific? The ones that drop pieces and monuments? Probably not unless they are on half AP.
Probably not. I didn't want to roll for anyone else from that event either
I hope I'm not just "whelmed" when summer finally arrives. I thought last year's was just okay.
Would Oberon being a girl make her any more popular than he already is?
I know you go out on an entire date with her, but how for You is Skadi?
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I counter your hate with LIP LOVE! Lip love will save /alter/!
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Would you like to have an abo gf?
But what does the other bros will think bro?!
thoughts on this year jp summer event?
i was hoping for new swimsuit servants instead of 1 literally who clap ssr
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This is Japanese dragon
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>Female Agravain
Imagine the femdom pegging hatesex.
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She has a fat ass, sure
Does female Agravain hates men or women?
>Japanese dragon
>Has no ass definition
That is so.
Women. Aggi's hatred transcends trivialities like gender.
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Hate to break it butt ntr fgo mashu is hotter than regular shy kouhai mashu
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Ooku is so shit bros...
I play dungeon crawlers so I don't even mind the labyrinth, but having to spend AP and read a textbox every time I make a step in a corridor... Who the hell thought this would be entertaining?
And the fights are completely worthless too. Ugh...
I want to deepthroat her tail
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>Imagine the femdom pegging hatesex.
Reading Shoujo manga is comfy. Who else read Kimi ni Todoke, Karekano and gekkan Shoujo?
I thought it was entertaining.
Your first mistake was implying I care about mash at all fag
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finally we speak the same language
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damn sisters have good taste
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Comparing Ooku with actual dungeon crawler games should be a punishable offense. Kama will stomp you for 15 minutes every time you commit this felony
Chibi Vampire/Karin was the shit back in the day
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My essay about FGO chapters
>A man and a woman — The Story
Do you like it?
Is the woman for the man?
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You DO remember that Jesus is watching you from Heaven, right?
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Why do I love beautiful young Japanese women that are actually old men?
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How can a Jew who died 2000 years ago from getting nailed to a stick watch me?
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why is he watching me?
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It'd be nice to get another Salome interlude some day.
He's seen the show before, he knows what he's getting into.
Saint Onii-san is a comfy manga too.
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Satan is also watching. Now what?
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Does the woman have a feminine penis?
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it wont happen
It's a story with an open ending. Headcanon it by yourself.
Wtf I love power creep now?
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How can jesus watch everyone at the same time? Why earth on particular and not some other alien planet?
If Jesus is ominbenevolent, then he'll still help you even if you don't worship him, but since Satan is evil he might be appeased and spare you if you worship him. Therefore worshiping Satan is the logical decision.
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I don't know what kind of Pizza to order tomorrow
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Peperoni and bacon
Which fanfiction is this from?
School rumble, arakawa under the bridge, hamefura and danshi kokosei were also good animes.
needs pubes
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pepperoni with stuffed crust, no hard feelings but if you order anything else I'll have to name drop and blacklist you
2x pepeloni
Banana and ketchup
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AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH i can't believe i forgot about that one
needs to be fat and pregnant
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>Banana and ketchup
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>Baby salons are an interesting case in point. Nurseries where businessmen could exchange their workaday suits for diapers and bibs and receive the ministrations and occasional scolding from firm but kind "mommy" figures, baby salons did very well for a while, with customers rarely complaining when their wallets were suckled. The late author Shusaku Endo set several scenes in his 1986 novel Scandal in Kabukicho. "Our clients dress up like babies," the main character is told: "They play with rattles and baby toys. A lot of men wish they could be babies again."

Which Servant would you like to treat you like a baby?
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happy 4th july, murricans
Can I save her?
Canadian bacon, pepperoni, mushroom and olive
it's a blessing in disguise. she had a fantastic appearance in traum because she had a different writer, if sakurai gave a fuck about her she would ram her into the ground like every other female character she writes. the best case scenerio if you like her is enjoying what amazing showing she did get and pray sakurai doesn't fuck it up somehow.
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Who do you prefer more?
I will consider these
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J-just one touch of those tits...
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BBQ chicken
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Wtf I love america now
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>/alter/ likes reading shoujo manga and otome visual novels
Thoughts about Sakurai's VNs?
Never read anyone of hers
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Reminder that Arcueid's rate-up during the 7th Anniversary is the only rate-up outside of the GSSR that she has ever gotten to this day in JP. If you want to get the Funny Vamp, she won't get another rate-up for 2+ years after this one.
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it's too fucking hot too play fgo man
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Happy America day bros
Probably not, I don't really like the aesthetic.
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Sekien no Inganock is very nice.
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Servants for this feel?
I dont care
Goghzo ehehe
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Eric Bloodaxe
I don't care
When are they ending lostbelt?
Thoughts on the new Van Gogh's Sunflower colossal weapon in the DLC that is obtained by defeating the Skadoo tree CQ?
Ati... i'll try to read this one and the one with Tesla
Maid goghie sex
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Pepperoni, spicy Italian sausage, and mushrooms
*image of chibi mother holding out an empty basket while tearing up*
>Look up which VNs Sakurai has worked on
>Yuri Ghosts
Okay. You got me there. That one was cute.
something with Jalepeno
2 days
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Sekien no Inganock actually has a male protagonist. Ourai no Gahkthun (Nikola Tesla VN) does have a cute female protagonist.
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Why doesn't FGO have a cheap $5 monthly pass thing like all other gacha games?
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For me, it's gold.
Erice bloodaxe.
Use a shitload of peppers and hot sprinkles and give yourself mudbutt.
I love diarrhea, you just sit down and blow it all out and go on your way.
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3 days for it, order a pizza for the wait
Why doesn't Nero have a cheap monthly pass?
Because that would mean making it good and we cant have FGO being good.
Chinese and Korean gacha won
Japanese gacha LOST
Genshin can’t claim to have a good soundtrack anymore they fired their musical genius like a year ago
Everything is dubstep now
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/alter/'s most closely guarded secret... the hidden goho tea club...
Cranberry Chicken and Brie.
Kiyohime comes to mind.
Maybe Kama.
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Just woke up from a nap where I dreamed I leveled up and was able to add more bros.
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Reminder that there's no point in rolling for Clapcueid if you don't plan on grabbing at least 6 copies.
Draco got a rerun before Arcueid did, right?
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Summer Lip soon.
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resize the pic to a smaller res and ill inpaint
Contrary to the minority of people in /alter/. We're not actually being ironic when we say we're spending SQ on Xu Fu.
Xu Fu is the true anniversary servant.
comfy dream
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Contrary to what ironic weeb teartiaries may lead you to believe, true /alter/ bros have read Tsukihime and are actually rolling for Arcueid out of love, not gameplay.
Haha... what a funny vampire
The reason she's good is cause she has 100% charge with 30-50% aoe team charge dumbass
uhh but jp summer event already dropped
>We're not actually being ironic when we say we're spending SQ on Xu Fu.
Why? She's not even story locked, she'll be shoved in the general pool after Anniversary.
she can't be any weaker than the np1 ruler titoria and summer abby I farm hands/doors with. she'll be just fine.
I'm an octogenary.
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LipCHADS, I kneel!
To have a day 1 Xu Fu to prove you are a real Xu Fooist
>Shark teeth
Arcueid doesn't need those gimmicks to look cute
Xu Fools...
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>wanting the clapbait version
You don't love Arc, if you loved Arc you would have decried her being added to the game.
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Would you like to have a Marie gf?
How did Anastasia and the Oprichniki raid Chaldea if the meteors that sprouted the lostbelts fell during the time the whole Chaldea staff was running away in the Shadow Border? Did the Russian lostbelt sprout beforehand?
Idk, her spouse didn't seem to have a good life after marrying her.
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but unlike arc titoria is sexy
It's fine to make fair criticism like the first half, but being a disingenous retard making the latter claim on 1 subphase track from 1 boss means people won't take you seriously due to your dishonesty.

It's like if I said every chapter in FGO was Literal Hu nipwank trash.
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Either koyan or kotomine teleported them I guess.
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Bayle the Dread!
You shall haunt me no longer!
Reminder that her husband had a rather large penis that couldn't even fit in Marie's vagina
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Which one should I play next, Seraph, Ooku, or Christmas. Which one will give me the most SQ for Arc?
Imagine outing yourself as someone who would accept discount Arc purely because it shares the same name.
>try to fuck Marie
>'why is your dick so small? I can barely feel anything'
Ooku gives the most quartz
>discount Arc
Can you retards not think for yourselves? Have you even read the remake or are you just one of those subhumans that hate it because other people said it's bad? Lmao. I'm actually glad you're not rolling for her, bet you haven't even read Tsukihime tertiarykek.
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You need to clear seraph to play ooku...
Christmas will take you 10 minutes max to clear.
Tsukihime was shit, and one of the weakest TM works. Nasu was just lucky, right time right place and all that.
>wanting the remake Arc
That's worse in a way, you're not even respecting the OG, you want a discount of a discount.
>2hu streaming for 18 people
sad, /ourguy/ is falling off...
Remake Arc is way better than the original.
>I'm based and 4chan because I hate new thing and love old thing
This is worse than being an unironic clapfag, holy shit. Don't reply to me again, thank you.
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Yes, and I want to turn her into a grade-A dairy cow.
Proof that not all humans belong to the same species.
Here, for example, we can see a rare lost human-baboon evolutionary link/
It's just the same AMWF fetish stuff that sold all of their other works, if anything I'd say it's one of the better things they did.
Literally who
Strongest potato
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>Tsukihime was shit, and one of the weakest TM works. Nasu was just lucky, right time right place and all that.
Yes, since the old thing is objectively better.
Now, fuck off and choke on your HRT pills, tranny.
>tsukiretards seething
yep, i'm right and all you can do is attack the poster instead of the message.
sucks to suck.
Schez needs to be darker desu
Your 'message' sucks as much as your entire pointless existence.
Do us a favour and end both.
fgo is the only good type moon slop
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You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run
You never count your money
When you're sittin' at the table
There'll be time enough for countin'
When the dealin's done
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On which Servant would you use a hypnosis app?
do Sion
>spams off-topic shit
>call other anons rats
truly ebin
What makes Illya perfect for hypno?
Her IQ of 2
I hate anniversary tourists

How is discussing the anniversary Servant off-topic you disingenuous rat?
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You have your own general. Go back.
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post top ten
I haven't read it...
Messmer did nothing wrong.
>retarded /fgog/ rat that has no idea about /alter/ culture tries to tell regulars here what they can and cannot discuss
You don't fit in. You will never fit in.
This reminds me of Outlaw Star.
Who's the Aisha Clan-Clan of FGO?
>go back
Umm, tourist-kun, /alter/ is a VN general, if discussion of TM VNs make you feel inadequate because you're an illiterate subhuman rat you may feel more comfortable here >>>/vmg/fgo
Dropping Morgan in Caelid...
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There's Iyo and Kuku in there but I had to enable JP servants to include Arc.
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>hurricane hits tomorrow
>high chance of a power outage and low data signal up till sunday-monday
Bros...go on without me....cough....enjoy the shitposting...
stfu shrek
stfu sam
you fucking clowns
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>character is from a wizard school
>wizards are known for waving wands
>name character Waver
Can't wait for my Evil wife to be released.
iwtwm being seduced by that cocky gyaru brat
>wields a sword
>wields a spear
Hard choice, but I think I'm gonna go with Eric Bloodaxe personally
>get a friend request
>illya on support
yea i don't add pedos, fuck off.
Does this damage chart not take any weakness into account? Unless they're fighting a foreigner, I'm sure pooman would outdamage seiba and kama.
I can't trust this chart.
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>uses a bow
Oh wait that checks out... what's with the retard throwing telekinetic swords?
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Caenisu, one wrong move and she'd kill me on the spot but the danger makes it more exciting
>grab previous Greek villainous character
>replace the "E" in their name with an "O"
FACT: If Shirou or Shiki were the master of Chaldea, then the world would've already been saved. The alien god, the beasts, the demon pillars, the lostbelt kings? Shirou and Shiki would've dabbed on them twice as fast as Gudao because they're way more charismatic and they can actually fight.
Throw Shirou in LB6, and he's saving Barghest, Baobhan Sith, Melusine etc.
sounds nice.... I have to work tomorrow. ;__;
is that the reason why people hate season 4?
Meanwhile, not even all the gimmicks in the world can make this disaster look cute.
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it's alright hermano i won't delete you over a couple days
It's measured against a dummy which seems to be classless even though its class is tagged as "ALL".
>Throw Shirou in LB6
But he was already in LB6.
He blew himself up for Altria Caster.
The great Greek hero.
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kinda wish you could use a friends support so you could do even bigger buffs without getting bricked by the party cost but it was pretty fun trying to figure out how to boost the damage higher with what I got
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>villain's name is Hitler
>second in command's name is Himmler
>Japanese counterpart's name is Hirohito
Shirou =/= Muramasa, just like Ishtar and Ereshkigal =/= Rin, Sitoani =/= Illya, and Kama / Parvati =/= Sakura
Maybe you should stop using that damage chart to prove a point.
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>Funny mustache guy wields a spear
Just got my Arcueid catalyst today. I was worried since it was still in the "ordering" phase until yesterday when it suddenly ended up as delivered today.
What is it bro? Tsuki:re physical edition? A figure?
Is it a cosplay outfit?
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Stay safe hermano...

It reminds me... did we ever hear back from the catbro whose neighbour's roof collapsed under heavy rain? I hope he's okay...
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Dude Ishtar is literally just flying magic Rin.
And Parvati is just as much of an annoying fake bitch as original Sakura.

Shitonai's not Ilya though, and no true Ilyabro would ever claim she is. Secondaries or Tertiaries might, but no one who ever played FSN would say Shitonai is anything like Ilya.
Both blonde too
Coincidence, I think not
>Dude Ishtar is literally just flying magic Rin
Hmm, Miyu probably but I would set it up so that she retains most of her mind while still being unable to refuse my orders.
He's literally me.
Hypno on Miyu is a waste, she's for blackmail clearly, her reactions and reluctance are 90% of the appeal. A true Miyubro would know this.
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You call it bait yet you do not even attempt to provide a conflicting account.
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>Shitonai's not Ilya though, and no true Ilyabro would ever claim she is. Secondaries or Tertiaries might, but no one who ever played FSN would say Shitonai is anything like Ilya.
You're right, but I still like Sitonai since her bond CE is kino
Damn you really sound like a massive faggot.
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Also pictured, my Aoko catalyst.
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>Final battle with the Alien god
>Nemo, Holmes, and Da Vinci are all dead
>The summoning briefcase is destroyed and all of your servants spirit origins have been shattered
>Solomon and Goetia returned and they died in vain protecting (you)
>Mash is unconscious
>The Alien god advances on a defenseless Gudao
>All hope seems lost until suddenly pic related shows up
>"Well done master of Chaldea. We'll take it from here" they say
>https://youtu.be/jnJqGLnc49M starts playing in the background
Your honest reaction?
ignoring the fact that she talks a ton about FSN cast or pseudo servants using their appearance how do you explain bersercar? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot10w6MxIbY
What stale pasta.
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I'm a lot more into the reverse though...
Jeannu Archer I guess so I can be her little brother?
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I clap and shart myself while yelling "I love you" at seibah.
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Britfag meant getting both of these would've been expensive imports and in both cases I regret not doing it. I did buy both for myself and a friend at least, so there's that.
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I'm in
Was it an anal plug with Albert's face printed on it?
They add clapbait to Sitonai but she has none of original Ilya's personality.
Ilya was intelligent and ruthless and only playing the role of a mellow loli.
Rin is a good person.
Ishtar is a homewrecker who tried to murder everyone in the world and kickstart the apocalypse because a boy rejected her.

Rin is loyal to her partner.
Ishtar is the literal goddess of prostitutes.

Rin is incredibly kind and willing to sacrifice herself for the happiness of others
Ishtar is selfish, cruel, and extremely wrathful. Never forget that she casted me spell on the earth, to resurrect herself, and let her forcefully take control of a homunculus's body if Gilgamesh and Enkidu ever reunited. She did this so that she could torment the couple and prevent them from ever truly being happy.

Rin saves innocent people.
Ishtar murders innocent people
In what?
In your walls.
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Unironially jelly, wanted to get this but amazon was charging me some scummy taxes out of nowhere for the first time in...ever, and it was way too expensive for a catalyst, ill wait for my birthday to get it.
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Cleo rateup?
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Not again
Maybe so. But the situations are different. In blackmail she's willingly putting herself in the line to protect Illya. In a mind controlled scenario she doesn't want to do it but she's unable to do anything about it. In both cases you're looking at someone that doesn't want to partake in it but has to.
>only 70sq for Arc

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Did we ever find out what the fuck this guy's deal was?
>Rin is a good person.
>Ishtar is a homewrecker who tried to murder everyone in the world and kickstart the apocalypse because a boy rejected her.
Reminder that Rin tries to geas Shirou and if successful she promptly murders all opponents in the HGW and fucks the world with the Grail. She is "good" when being tard wrangled, like a certain bratty goddess...

>Rin is loyal to her partner.
>Ishtar is the literal goddess of prostitutes.
So they're both loyal to the extent that they're getting paid, probably by wealthy old men.

>Rin is incredibly kind and willing to sacrifice herself for the happiness of others
She literally does no such thing. She's soft so she chickens out of being a total ruthless monster (usually), but she does not perform these great grand selfless heroics you are claiming.

>Rin saves innocent people.
>Ishtar murders innocent people
Again to the point on "Rin is only as good as she is tard wrangled" because she's pretty much a retard prone to fucking the world if left to her own devices.
Which is exactly like Ishtar, because Ishtar is just flying magic Rin rather than her own entity.
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He's Randolph Carter aka H.P. Lovecraft
Rin isn't a good person.
She's willing to kill anybody who might be an obstacle during the HGW.
She sides with Shirou for her own interest.
Ishtar and Rin are two sides of the same coin, and their likeness is why Rin ends up as her host in Babylonia
Hope I can make it
This dude has actually been here for years and repeats the same talking points, he literally sees no Rin in Ishtar and is insane.
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>it's 3 degrees C in my room
>no heating
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>Greece introduces a 6-day working week.

>It will be the first EU country to take such a step.

NATO status?
There is absolutely no reason why the anniversary event couldn't just be today.
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>getting paid, probably by wealthy old men.
This is a literal meme, retard
>She literally does no such thing. She's soft so she chickens out of being a total ruthless monster (usually), but she does not perform these great grand selfless heroics you are claiming.
read the vn.
She gave her necklace with years full of mana to Shirou to save his life.
She confronted Shinji when he tried to harness the mana of high school students for his servant.
She let Sakura impale her because she couldn't bring herself to harm her beloved sister.
>Which is exactly like Ishtar, because Ishtar is just flying magic Rin rather than her own entity
Nasu literally said that Ishtar is only 30% Rin. And Gilgamesh says that the only reason Ishtar is even tolerable in Babylon, is because of the host (Rin) whom has a positive impact on Ishtar
do some push ups you fat fuck
Rin is just Aoko but as a shittier person.
>luckchadder in the thread
alright bros, act cool!
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it's a holiday in america. i will enjoy my fireworks, barbecue, and a nicely air conditioned room
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This is so kino bros
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bundle up bro
>Rin isn't a good person.
She is. Read the VN.
>She's willing to kill anybody who might be an obstacle during the HGW.
Stating facts doesn't make me insane.
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I say the same goes for Parvati too, she's doing the "good" Sakura bit. Which I guess mean Durga actually gets to be "dark" Sakura.
While Kama is far more just "slutty brat who visually looks like Dark Sakura" but since "Dark Sakura" really doesn't have anything for a character, Kama's pretty much just Kama.

Pseudos are not all equal in how much they're written to just be "Character but cosplaying as a Servant" versus a distinct character. Kama's a big exception possibly by intent.
But Sitonai's just like "Some guy who never played FSN thinks he's writing Ilya... but it's clear he never played FSN so he has vastly inaccurate assumptions on Ilya's personality and demeanor".
>Arc flame war into a Rin flam ewar
Now this is an epic thread
fate is just a worst limbus company
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Happy 4th bros.

I'll trade you, I've got a heat advisory warning and we're reaching a heat index of 107 apparently tomorrow. It was miserable today already...
>and a nicely air conditioned room
This is how I know you're a real American.
Getting real ratty around here
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>Read the VN

I read the VN and I would not consider her to be a good person.
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Don't mind me bros, my dog just wanted to check the place so ill leave him here for a couple hours.
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You DID bring out the big firework, right bros? It's the 4th of July after all.
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Must have smelled a Shiki
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its hard to fap and play fgo at the same time
Remember that time Rin was going to be totally cool with murdering a classmate for seeing her irresponsible magic duel after hours at her high school but only stopped because Sakura would care that this one specific person would die?

haha just thought that was funny (rin is the best girl by the way)
>but since "Dark Sakura" really doesn't have anything for a character
She kinda does, well I guess not really. Dark Sakura is just Sakura but not really hiding any of the bad parts of her personality, like she's more open about blaming other people for her problems and kinda just seething all the time (similar to Kama you know).
>She gave her necklace with years full of mana to Shirou to save his life.
>She let Sakura impale her because she couldn't bring herself to harm her beloved sister.
>She's soft so she chickens out of being a total ruthless monster (usually)
Rin did not do it for nobility, she did it because she's too soft to be ruthless (usually).

I don't recall the Shinji school bits with enough clarity to speak intelligently on her motivations. Reminder that Holy Grail secrecy and cleaning up witnesses was a big deal earlier in FSN. It is, in fact, why Shirou nearly died when he was killed.
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This is my onaholes
Rin is Chaotic Good
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Boy or girl, alterbros?
Use Brave Browser, it's better than Chrome spyware and it blocks ads automatically
All Mages are self-serving, ie. Evil alignment. Rin is Lawful Evil.
Rin is lawful neutral if anything.
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Rin is Smelly Good

I sleep naked and uncovered in anything over 10C
Naked and thin covers for 1 to 10
Comfy naked and thick covers of under 0>>484707947
>She's soft so she chickens out of being a total ruthless monster (usually)
i.e. she's a good person, because she always does the right thing.
Can't say the same about Ishtar, considering she's a goddess of prostitutes, a mass murderer, and an incredibly spiteful individual who literally tried to kickstart the apocalypse because Gilgamesh wouldn't give her his dick
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Cute and canon couple
Reuinion soon
whens the stream
Rin does have some form of a moral code and isn't entirely self serving though which I think would push her up to lawful neutral.
Please tell me Arc is tomorrow...
I only drop into the place once every 2 months or so, and I think it's funny how things never change.
Yeah I think I was too harsh, Lawful Neutral is more fitting
Rin would have had a wish for the grail and murdered her sister if she was truly evil.
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>realize I downloaded like 20GB of porn just in the last week
AI is too powerful...
>She kinda does, well I guess not really.
Exactly. It isn't a distinctly separate personality or anything, it's just Sakura dropping the goody facade... kind of, while on a power trip revenge spree.
Kama had a power trip but it was based on Kama's warped love god motivations, not that Shiva was present for her to add revenge anyway. Also this is the Nasuverse, half the heroines spend time on a power trip villain arc at some point.
And then Kama was just a lazy prankster.

"Dark Sakura" was just a lot of boiled anger for Sakura.
Rin is Lawful Baka
stop giving medb big tits
medb is petite
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>20GB of AI content

Saturday after maint...so technically really early sunday.
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>Downloading AI porn
for me it's the blacked jannu set
Arc is tomorrow
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keep giving Medb tits and post AI Medb hookers
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>Degrees commie
no thanks
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>Rin is lawful neutral if anything.
No? Lawful Neutral is the autist alignment. They prioritize the law / a code over concepts like good and evil. Lawful Neutral would be someone like Dredd, a soldier in an army, or a judge.
Rin is true neutral imo. While she values the law and the magus code, she's not beholden to it. And while she values good, she's equally willing to do evil acts (like trying to Sakura and Shirou in bad ends) if it meets her goals. Rin would LIKE to do good, but she's willing to do shady shit if it helps her reach her goals. So if you go by DnD 3.5's handbook, then she's textbook true neutral
and the stream??
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yesterday, retardcuck
Y castrosos.
I want Medb to punch me (non-sexually)
I call bullshit. There's no way you churned out over 5k generations in a week.
It's tomorrow too bro, trust me :)
>i.e. she's a good person, because she always does the right thing.
Except the ending(s) where she fucks the world because a man in her life didn't tard wrangle her. I mean this IS Nasu writing after all.

>who literally tried to kickstart the apocalypse because Gilgamesh wouldn't give her his dick
I refer back to "Nasu Heroine Syndrome". If Shirou weren't giving Rin the dick, or at least it wasn't a likely possibility, Rin would be doing stupid shit too including an ending where she literally kickstarts the apocalypse...
It is very clear Ishtar was written as "magical flying Rin".
Rin is pretty autistic.
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Rin can be tardwrangled by a certain other woman too.
is Sion considered a hag?
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you underestimate how accurate this shit can get to press all your buttons
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Which app is this?
A true neutral would try to uphold balance, if she's willing to do shady shit if it helps her then she's Evil. I'm going with Neutral Evil (she has sex with old men for money).
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I do love me some Medbs but it would be nice if she was more accurately petite.
All girls should be appreciated in their true form!

Okay maybe we can put like 10lb or so onto Melt...
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Reminder that this is canonical artwork drawn by the official Prisma Illya artist.
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hey bros time for my swimming class, maybe it will help with the upcoming Beryl hurricane about to wreck everyone's shit
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>Yes I'm rolling for Arc, what gave it away?
This is how things end up after Case Files
Nice I’m a sucker for keychains
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Nah, I'd say I'm pretty aware
Why did someone draw a TV on her back?
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Why has my Himiko been the top servant used for the past two weeks? Is there a new meta I missed or do I just have a HagCHAD curated friend list?
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>Yes I'm rolling for Arc and grailing her to lvl120, what gave it away?
That is pretty cool bro.
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Imagine the hatesex...
>refer back to "Nasu Heroine Syndrome
It has nothing to do with Nasu. Ishtar being a crazy bitch who wanted to murder everyone because she didn't get enough dick is straight from the original epic of Gilgamesh.
Rin is NOTHING like that woman
>It is very clear Ishtar was written as "magical flying Rin".
The only similarity they have is that they're both tsunderes who are incompetent and get flustered easily.
HOWEVER the original Epic of Gilgamesh and Strange Fake both show that this IS NOT Ishtar's personality. It's RIN ENHANCED ISHTAR that makes her a good person.
Strange Fake and Epic of Gilgamesh Ishtar portray Ishtar as a wraithful, spiteful cunt without a shred of empathy or morals. Moreover, she isn't a tsundere, she isn't incompetent, and she's not flustered easily. THIS IS THE REAL ISHTAR.
Cute! I hope your acrylic keychains last longer than the one I got. The outer edge of the hole snapped after like a year...
The question is why is it hovering over that table.
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Luvia forcing Rin to beg for it...
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oni love
>no skid marks
put them back on
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>Okay maybe we can put like 10lb or so onto Melt...
Way ahead of you.
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Rin's also a Tsundere so she's kind of bouncing between polarities.
Starting Rin is Lawful Neutral, she's trying to strictly adhere to a specific code but is largely amoral.
Tard wrangled Rin is more of a Neutral Good, she's suspending some of that code to push herself up to Good.
I can't really ever consider her Lawful Good because her conflict of character is between Lawful (Mage shit) and Good. She is only ever maybe both at once in her ending where she goes off to Hogwart's or wherever.
>A true neutral would try to uphold balance
Incorrect. You're thinking of the druidic / aeon interpretation of true neutral. True Neutral is a spectrum. It can represent the Druid / Aeon pov, or, it can represent a fairly normal person who is neither good nor bad, neither chaotic nor lawful.
Most people both in dnd and even in real life fall on the true neutral spectrum. We like to be good people when it benefits us. But we'll lie, steal, scheme etc. if we know we can get away with it. We respect the laws because they benefit and protect us, but, some people will still break them, especially if they believe they can get away with it.
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For me, it's Abyss Actors. Sawatari defeated Zarc, fuck the anime.
AI bros can we get some Astolfo or Nemo kissing Melusine?

Or Aurora if you can
honest opinion on ZZZ?
imo it's mid.
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>honest opinion on ZZZ?
>title makes hohols seethe

It's already W gacha day 1
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Kama Sippy...
>It has nothing to do with Nasu.
The Rin parts do.
The fact that whenever you leave women to their own devices in this franchise, they're usually causing an apocalypse or at least committing some degree of murder, is absolutely a Nasu thing.
It just happens that Ishtar also has these elements in real mythology.
>muh real ishtar
Then you're saying the Pseudo we got, the one I was referring to, is magical flying Rin and not Ishtar?
I don't have an opinion. My phone can't support it.
IDk what a "hohol" is but it's filtered.
Played it for 2 hours and closed it, FGO or nothing.
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Nah, see >>484709845. Also, she doesn't bounce between personalities like a schizo. She's a classic tsundere, not a nu-tsundere
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>"hohol" is filtered.

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Rin pretending to hate it to preserve her dignity...
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>honest opinion on ZZZ?
This is the closest Fate image I have to someone dozing off.
Gameplay is shit. Shame since elsewise the setting and characters looked like having some potential maybe.

That's a plus but there's like bara furries I think too.
Damn the dogs are also fucking his cat in front of him as well.
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nta but
>spending all that time explaining how Ishtar is fundamentally different from Rin.
>proceeds to mention the fact that Ishtar in Rin's body (who 90% of people are going to be talking about in a FGO thread) is more like Rin than actual Ishtar
>this was what "magic flying Rin" was describing to begin with
>The Rin parts do.
No, they don't. That's your baseless head canon. You can't just assume that Rin would ever do something that cruel or stupid just because she's a women.
>Then you're saying the Pseudo we got, the one I was referring to, is magical flying Rin and not Ishtar?
No. That's not what I'm saying at all.
Pseudo servant Ishtar is 30% Rin, 70% Ishtar. The 30% Rin is what makes Ishtar a decent person.
Strange Fake and Epic of Gilgamesh Ishtar are 100% Ishtar, 0% Rin. This is the real Ishtar, whom is a heartless bitch and psycho
gssr when and where
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yesterday on AX
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I can't believe you guys actually pay attention to new gacha games that come out. Like seriously, it's like being excited for your next bowel movement.
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GhpGt.L,o jp$41%#^3 9oKN brP;L...rX$21
You misunderstand. Rinchads don't like Ishtar because it's a terrible fucking person in control of Rin's body. It's a testament to how good a person that Rin is, that Ishtar isn't a heartless and spiteful bitch like she normally is.
>keksucker is having a meltdown again
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Which of the for (you) servants would disapprove of (you) being Jack's mom?
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>I'm based and 4chan because I love Gogh and ummm and love Gogh.
This is worse than being an unironic clapfag, holy shit. Don't reply to me again, thank you.
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So who we blame for the state of this thread?
Who's that british person next to Rin?
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Too far bro... The cat is (probably) innocent.
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Ukraine. If their military wasn't so shit they would have defeated Russia already and keksucker would be dead.
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I wonder according to the chart
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Retarded fgog chart
You really enjoy getting banned don’t you /fgog/cuck?
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56 hours
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I will get Scathach on the anniversary Lancer banner. I will get summer Skadi. And most importantly, I will get summer Ibuki!
I love Archer but there's no way he took 6 lives
Its cucksucker. No one, but cucksucker tries to call him something else.
But Nasu said that he did.
Lawful Good: Shirou
Neutral Good: Taigs
Chaotic Good: Archer Emiya
True Neutral: Rin
Lawful Neutral: Cu
Chaotic Neutral: Hercules
Chaotic Evil: Medea
Neutral Evil: Kotomine
Lawful Evil: Cursed Arm Hassan

Rats have no home
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If Gil could do it. Shirou is stronger than Gil. Therefore Archer taking 6 lives was him sandbagging.
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in my house, come to roll bby ;)
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VR technology...
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The only physical contact you'll ever get from a woman is when the nurse comes to make you swallow your retard pills.
Literally me.
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Whether "Rinchads" like it is irrelevant to the fact that Ishtar is a Rin stand-in who does Rin-ish things in whatever meme event she gets written into. Anything else you want to argue, whether it is correct or not, is irrelevant to why Ishtar is literally Rin in a costume.
stop with this pregnancy garbage
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Impregnate hags
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Do not shun your duty to the human order
Lb6 was translated Mashu confirmed virgin and Bogart's testicles shattered
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>old men
>finally found an alternative link to that ai song by neco arc that youtube deleted a month ago
today is good day
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>Artoria not for you
Whole litter of kids in there.
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Caenis reminds me of Aisha.
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My feet are cold
Why are we so dead?
We're too busy giving Albert money in person to post.
>4th of July
>no Lisette
everyone is at AX fighting Gil like >>484686749
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Its dinner time plus still 4th of July
Anniversary tonight?
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>finally got 11 bond for Oberon
>togethaaaa with 30sq

[Great News]!
Dead during anniversary too
Errrtm whale AND kino have dubstep.
its over
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The mirror no longer shows hope
The road to new lands goes unrealized
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you saw nothing
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I did! To the anon who lent me Morgan thank you very much
Just give us that EoS and be done with it. No use kicking a dead horse.
I only know about it because I sometimes lurk on /hsrg/ and ZZZ's release has siphoned most of its posters. They're about as fast as us now.
>No use kicking a dead horse
that is the FE franchise tho lol
dead shit
I hope that's what Kawasumi announces on Saturday
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Aesc is my gf.
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>Rumi Okubo (Astolfo)
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It has been months and i'm still unsure which of these two i'm going for, from a gameplay perspective bottom is better, i don't even have an AOE Lancer yet, but Summer Abby is the last Foreigner i need and she's hot as fuck. the only real "loss" would be getting another Yang, just because i use her very rarely
How useful is Ryouma NP1?
need bune girl...
do Gudako
Can you do Jeanne Alter?
>turn 35
Just go for the Forina one, unless you don't have a universal looper at this point, having specific classes (especially at NP1), is pointless.
last day of sub so ask away
Kiara farting on guda pls
Gorgon, possibly with ripped abs
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Is it weird to kiss your mom on the lips?
Disappointed no mo san in gssr
Buff stacking
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>Yuu beat Promised Consort Radahn without summons and without Fingerprint Shield
Your excuse, /alter/? Surely you're not worse at video games than a 48 year old drunk hag?
since the AI can somewhat do some characters with at least 50. can you try Olga Discordia in asanagi?
>last day of sub
Thank God. Please fuck off forever.
I want to date her.
Yes, I actually beat the game and I dont cope like other people
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Dumb ugly hag
what's the point in a hag that can't breed
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You aren’t wasting money on condoms and can enjoy raw dogging if you never wanted kids in the first place.
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someone already asked for this some time ago
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forsaken lizard...
Lip breastfeeding
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>filter AI filenames
>whole /alter/ disappears
It's over
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I just ate two avocados.
I’m eating lucky charms at 7 pm
>They'll get tired of their new toy eventually
im in constant pain
>NAI can't do farts
I stick with Local then
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No, just avocados.
Eat something home made bro, don't eat that junk!
I’ll get the nurse
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Go see a doctor.
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I ate a shit load of meat from all that 4th of July bbq.
Sleep tight bro
Hahahaha how’s that holding up.
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She's getting a swimsuit this year, right?
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Let her Kuuk.
5 months to go until LB7...
She’s already wearing less than a swimsuit so idk if that’s gonna happen
do Penth and ShotaGuda
post the gssr list
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lewds plz
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Post this oni when they least expect it.
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I would like that
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I really wanna roll for 3 extra copies but I can't afford....
why is Chiyome almost naked in the middle of Siberia, is she stupid?
Requesting >>484714975 again.
ninja arts
Imagine not picking Kama.
Damn can't pick between Kama/Bob, Chiyome/x, or Siegfried/Kriemhild
Secret kunoichi tactics
Imagine picking Kama
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What is a good 2D hentai game to goon to?
Damn, I'm now confused between hokusai and Da vinci.
Seems good I will pick kama
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Summer and Winter memories
Billy doing fingerguns is great
I did this
Peter parker!
She's based.
Reines and Ranmaru.
For me its Kama
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Billy looks like a girl there
I'm thinking Barg and Zenobia, but damn Ranmaru and Chiyome are cute.
Uhh new bread?
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