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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previously on /xivg/: >>484737923
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"We want to go back to being a no-name adventurer!"
>we have zero role in the story and is replaced by Wuk Lamat
"We want to go on more humble adventures instead of apocalyptic threats!"
>they immediately introduce a tool that lets you travel to reflections and a villain who wants to consume the entire universe
Every fiddie owes me sex
my fiddie is
i eated a moony
what is it about hrothgirls
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my lalaboy is for nobody i don't want to get ntr'd
I would have thought the tomato and spices would overpower the eggs, but it's delicious.

fid deez nuts
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my fiddie is also
My moonie
for my middie
imagine looking at all the options in character creation and actually picking elezen
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get with PD and cuck her, join the lalaboy masses
Their stink
>meet up with streamers and viewers in-game
>realize all my glams suck ass
Goddammit. Help me guys.
this but femra
>get with PD and cuck her
every time i see this i have to rub one out
could be wose
someone somewhere out there thought malehroth would glok vi fj sssssgoo op j p chhcaracter creact even before the hats
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post your fiddie
>8 days for xboners
>2 days for everyone else
I won't say no to it but it's not really going to make or break me.
You appear to be having a stroke. Hang in there, help is on the way
it's his thread gimmick
t. hroth in the middle of sucking cock
wait, Preebitz ISN'T a lalaboy?
The hour is at hand! Behold but a sliver of my god's power!
>just unlocked are trick
>no more positional
Fuck yoshitter
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so is that healer strike actually accomplishing anything? I forgot what they even wanted again
less healing from tanks? make healer feel important?
i didnt make my character for you
it was five people screeching in an echo chamber
they accomplished nothing and were forgotten about
expert roulette has been perma locked in healer in need for the entire week, even if it's not due to a strike there are definitely less healers around
kek no nobody fucking cares
remove bloodwhetting
remove clemency, vercure, and verraiise
remove defensive upgrade traits
Remove healers
What happened to catboy players. They used to be mysterious and hot and now they are e-boy lite.
They were saying that healing felt unimportant and there was almost nothing to do. Now there's heal checks in dungeons and they're getting slaughtered left and right in expert dungeons because every healer just stands still and presses 1.
you shouldn't have made your character at all
Can someone explain to me how Wuk Lamat the character that loves tacos was not able to tolerate spicy food when she visited elephant land prior to Dawntrail?
hasn't been the case on primal, can't say for other dcs
*shows off her gock*
I'm literally on primal so you're talking out of your ass.
did they recast thancred or something? his voice sounds really weird
Double DPS expansion, that may be causing some of that as well.
cry about it more i guess then
>healer onaholes achieving anything other than emptying my WAR balls
because the spicy food was made for zero and tastes retardedly spicy (it is 99% ghost pepper powder)
she likes her tacos without salsa.
only aguacate, cebolla y un poco de limon
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>BLACK mage feels ok but doesn't have a nice flow to it (all the hardcasts in a move move move game gets weird, especially having to deal with timers)
>LOBOTOMer is ok it has 1 button
>CDPROJEKTREDmage is ok but doesn't really have a satisfying flow to it because it's just a very lame filler and sometimes melee
now what
i tried all the casters at level 80, it didn't work
what do i play
She eats Mexican spicy but Indian spicy. Mexican spicy puts some fire in you, Indian spicy burns a hole through your stomach, your ass, and the pot it's cooked in.
that was the giga spice powder, wasn't it
that wasn't just normal hot sauce
It was Zero's special spice blend made for her inability to taste. It killed native thavnairians when they tried it too.
who knows
they all have different demands, some conflicting with each other
miau miau is the only one here who supports it, even though he is still actively playing healer, so you know it's a shit "cause"
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i am a pacified sunnie
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thats fucking stupid, the game would be no fun then. I'm honestly scared of my Bloodwhetting being gutted but thankfully Yoshi-P doesnt have the balls to do that
oh so it was a nothingburger?
even the extreme fight has a bit of healing, it's not much but compared to the EX fights at the start of EW it's a start
post character and class you want glammed. any themes?
>top100 apes are in casual again
indian is typically a far more aggressive spice than mexican
I am
a tired male middie
who doesn't want to do hunts anymore
but has to because he needs to get a mount
defang this bitch and send her to the milking room
my catgirl is ugly and nobody likes her
Throw random kino together and dye it to match
Yes it's a lot of guesswork
Use uhhhh eorzea collection to look up every gearset in the game with visuals, for help
Or just steal glams from there too
For healing to be more fun. It's boring as fuck outside of SOME savage fights, not even half of them, and Criterion.

I think voice actors are getting older and phoning it in more.
Urianger, Thancred, Alisaie, lots of them sounded off and worse performances to me.
I'm sure that's not true. Post her
the game is afoot!
sunnies dont have fangs
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I am
a level 100 pictomancer
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Play Pictomancer. It's literally the greatest feeling class to play once you learn it, it is genuine insane how good it feels to play
Just run it down if you get one of them on your team, sis.
i dont believe you
prove it
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>malehroth would glok vi fj sssssgoo op j p chhcaracter creact even before the hats
Anon.. y-you good?
I have no fucking clue.
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Femlala EB for my Malera
>get 1440p monitor
>screenshots are too large to post
>too lazy to compress/resize them
>stop posting pictures
can the size limit go up to 5mb mr gookmoot
why does no one want to play tank?
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How would people who've done both EXs rate them? Which is better in your opinion?
>somehow I ended up in an FC with troons
They talk like caricatures of women.
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go into game settings and tell it to save screenshots as jpg instead of png

What race makes

The cutest archer

Or bard ?
I became a fishra because I got too much attention but not by the race I wanted it from and wanted to kill all interest in me
Will try thx
I am a woman cat with a large pointy stick
why are you so ugly
Goddamn imagine Zero farting.
any attempt at an organized "healer strike" is a meme, but there is a passive healer strike going on, in the sense that very few people want to play healer because it fucking sucks
Because it's boring compared to dps and healer
Be careful where you point that thing. You're gonna poke someone's eye out
I wish I could hack Sphene and turn her into a cockslurping dick vacuum.
anybody willing to help with levelling roulette on crystal? :c
but I'm the protagonist?
because they act like what they think women acts like
Why are you so beautiful?
no we don't...
Sure, throw up a PF.
based warchad
df roles in need are picked by some retarded incomprehensible jap code that has no relation to actual reality
DRK actually, I don't pick easy mode
why do your eyes go different directions
>love vieras
>can't equip most helmets on them
I hate you yoshi
The absurdity is we even got two biofems that dont behave like that at all.
>why does no one want to play tank?
Well for one tanking is intimidating because people are scared of being in front of everyone else like having to give a speech
For two... ehhh
The tank aesthetic is very particular and while your gameplay is ok most people on the planet want to be the "killing guy"
nunca-one careas about los duty finder "issues"
healer strikerino is a joke jajajaj
whatever the case, the df is not locked to healer in need
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there is different tanks? its all just war or shitties war or shittest war to me
en primal
MMOMinion PVP modules are in stock, please look forward to it.
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“But that flower will die, someday.”
My guest knew not of manners
But nonetheless I humored him
“Sure. But I’ve discovered
That watering this flower
Brings me peace and joy.”
“Even knowing it is a waste?”
My guest seemed sincere
Even curious
“Is peace and joy a waste?”
He didn’t catch that one though.
“But that flower will die, someday.
Why do you you water it?
Why do you speak to it so softly?
Why do these things
If the effort is better spent elsewhere?”
My guest took a sip of his water.
I laughed.
moony got t
>been a miqote since the beginning
>want to wear hats
>become earless and bald
welcome to hell, might turn into a mid or elezen
I need to plap that sunny
I want to be honest with her about how I feel, but if I lose her, I don't know what I'll do... I want to EB her...
yeah throw a PF
>aether current quest about how being a loan shark is great
are the writers retarded?
I've been automatically logged out due to inactivity.
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>trying to get used to VPR while playing Copied Factory for the first time
At least I got a good amount of the loot. Even rolled on a 91 and a 99 on the 9S cards.
Is it me?
You just know.
can someone post a pic of the s9 cul collectable turn in list when it's maxed out? wiki only has the carpenter one right now
When you play tank, people default to you making decisions because you're the one in front. You're also the one who is most expected to know mechanics because you have to try to do the mechanic in a way that gives the most uptime to other classes
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why do miqos gas themselves up so much itt thread
>not using antiafk
Damn bro I can appreciate the dedication
>decide to level BRD
>a million buttons to press
Why does BRD have such a high bpm?
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i was wondering, and it'll probably be explained when i finish the msq
but if sol9 is the remnant of a rejoining, then one of it's shards would be inflicted with the element that matches one of the six umbral calamities.

the timing was said to be the third astral era or something, but that would be the calamity of fire which didn't make sense to me.
then i remembered there is some time dilation going on, which means it could be possibly older. and with eras lasting tens if not hundreds of thousands of years between then the dilation could easily put it into the first or second calamity.

then i remembered the description of the calamity of lightning, and how they had gutted the land for it's resources and it all fell into place, matching up with how all the robots and buildings are made from special stone.

i kinda assumed the calamity to be inflicted on a people who were primitive, but that was never explicitly stated by the encyclopedia.

what does throw me off is that the description the scholars used describe eorzea itself, and the story of alexandria would be of a distant shard. how could similar stories play out on both sides before a rejoining?
the poison that would have rejoined the source and the first and acted as the calamity of light had no bearing on the flood of light, they are both light aspected disasters but they aren't the same thing, so how could the events leading up to the calamity of lightning be so similar.

and then it hit me. after a rejoining, the worlds fuse. the histories fuse. we saw that in real time when we got to heritage.

all this cool shit from simply reading and listening. the story is cool, and i'm glad i didn't rush because i got to actually think about this.

>inb4 they explain this in the msq and i'm not there yet
because you're confusing reflections for pupils?
this but femlalas
I don't know, anon... are you a femlala?
Say somethin or lose somethin. Don't pussy out bro
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pictomancer should have been the limited job and beastmaster should have been a real job
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Thoughts on black bunnies?
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do you like femroes now?
twitter likes it and there are far more people on twitter than reddit or 4chan
*the stench of half-eaten tacos emerges from a dark corner of the room along with the sound of a wheeze*
*heavy latino accent* eh... dawntrail graficos have been, como se dice..... very bueno for me.... now ees the time to find mi E.Bey, forma de *rolls R so hard he nearly passes out* mierrrrrrrrda MUY MUY GUAPO
......en primal (pronounced "pree-MAL")
usually have penises
Because you don't have a rotation, you have a filler and a proc
The rest of the stuff is your kit
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Crystal please help! I just need to do this to unlock expert!
Good but they all have cocks and/or always want to top
they're cool but 99.99% of them have penises which im not about personally
half of those lazy niggers didn't heal before their "strike". lol@them (but let astro pick le astral/umbral phase with a hotkey. that'd be nice)

remove your head, faggot
I don't have the poop nose
Black pussy got him by the BALLS
I've always like femroes though, at least the ones that don't have a dick.
My moonie would kiss one
Cute when they bottom, even cuter w/o dick
they remind me of sylvia (konosuba)
Retard casual here. I'm interested in trying the Extreme trials for the first time. Is there anything specific I should do before going in?
What do Hrothgals smell like?
more like BREASTMASTER ahahaha am I right gamer???
Mine looks like this but with short hair and i'm not a futafag so she doesn't have a cock
People complain about them all having dicks but anyone who's played a dickless black bunny could tell you that nobody actually likes them
depending on the PF listing you can either make sure to watch the guide or go in completely blind, depending on your flavor.
maybe meld your gear if you haven't already
bring decent food for your job

if you do those 3 you're already doing more than most PFers
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sex with final boss
Literally looks like gay lovers from a manhwa
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How have they still not made proper orange hair in this game?
>1 - light blonde
>2 - blonde
>3 - dark blonde
>4 - dirty blonde
>5 - platinum blonde
>6 - strawberry blonde
>7 - as close to orange as you can get while still being completely washed out and unappealing, still not ginger
>8 - brunette with the tiniest hint of orange tones, still not orange or ginger
>everything else not even close
>the reds are not real hair colors, it's just fire truck red and highlighter pink
What the hell?
go do a hunt train or a few expert roulettes and get yourself a set of Neo Kingdom gear
Ideally meld materia on it
Do Stone Sky Sea (unlocked in S9 iirc) to test if you can meet the DPS check
Optionally watch a guide
I am dating a woman who plays one IRL.
thats a big woober
Play the game nigga
you're right. they do that a lot. had some guy ask me if I wanted heals on my warrior, and I was like 'yeah and thanks for asking. some just don't bother healing" and he was a solid player. be like that guy, 1-presser dipshits reading this
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Post bun.
Know your rotation, know the boss mechanics if you're not in a blind group
That's it
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Depends if you find one after raid night or before.
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Good night /xivg/
>got an FC invite from its own master
>252 members, and made a few weeks ago
Wonder if I should
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It's because now everyone expects them to have one so all the dickless blackbun enjoyers have moved on and the blackbun enjoyers left are the ones expecting them to have cocks
it's nuts how we're in launch week and queues are longer than this. Actual fucking joke; 6 instances of most zones but youre telling me you cant put 4 together in a leveling queue in 3 mins?
Who wrote the role quests for DT?
after raid night
Do you know what a queue is, anon?
I like it how theres always something to press.

I hope they at worst remove positionals and dont do anything else but my gut tells me they will somehow mess with Reawaken. Reawaken is nice to use bevause it looks like a mini-LB.
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goog nigh
Spoken like a true warsissy
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I have no name
>you cant put 4 together in a leveling queue in 3 mins?
You can if you're playing a tank or healer
If you're a DPSissy you're waiting a long ass time no matter what you're queued for, most viper niggas are waiting 10-15 minutes on the final boss arena
i am a secret, third catboy (a complete retard)
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>pick the role with infamously long queues in literally every mmo ever because everyone picks it so they can avoid having responsibilities
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you are now manually breathing
never reply to me again
Sweat, wild berries, and a slight int of Iron.
The bench is so empty
drk needs some love desu. it's bretty fun.
t. warrior main
You do realize that these kinds of loans were the norm, yes? It wasn't until the advent of credit cards that short-term loans became less relevant
You are held at gunpoint and you are forced to EB one /xivg/ femra
Which one do you pick?

You get more threadcred for picking a glubra
We're all playing the game sis
and the taste?
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The texture work and lighting can look really really good nowadays.
Yeah it's what I spend 80% of my xiv time in. Lord heavens forbid you can queue for more than one kind at once! Don't bully yoshi! You will sit in Trial for 28 minutes! It's a small community!

Anon, even at the worst times of WoW a queue has never been 30 mins for a dps, and it's the norm in xiv during a new expansion on a congested server during peak hours

you could tell me the game had 900k subs and id believe it. It truly is amazing how xivvies are all-in on the slop. can't say one feature is bad cause thatll hurt their purpose and personality
post a picture of it anon
I'd love to find one after raids and help her destress.
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Do you like femhroths?
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my femra looks and acts like this
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I have been and now I want to sit on the bench...
did anyone make the roulette PF on crystal?
my cute thread crush easily
the one that shares their lewds with their dad cause of that funny metro gif
another day spending my time and playing ffxiv alone
because it's a good class and fun
i would pet a hrothgar
that doesn't make it any less predatory.
credit cards are evil too.
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a cute one thats not a modbeatsed transvestite
I'm always manually breathing, I also manually circulate my blood. Just like you, now.
>even at the worst times of WoW a queue has never been 30 mins for a dps
As someone who spent that long in queue fairly regularly during Sneedolands you are very much a lying nigger and should stop making shit up
Find me after raid night and find out
Shame you're unlikely to be on EU
I'm going to be sad if the bench doesn't get moved to Solution 9
I hope it goes well for you, for I feel much the same. No matter what, it'll be in your best interest to say how you feel sooner rather than later. I believe in you.
My schizo femra friend who i play with
korkana's father posts here?
Wizard hat cat is a cutie
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I am now cute
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a ghost town
NA, what a shame
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does this fucking guy ever play the game or does he just invite random fiddies to his cross-world linkshell and afk at the bench
Is it ever explained why we can just turn off the terminals? Like do we have an access code or something?
give a time and a place...
embarrassing samefag
wow's never added two DPS classes in a single expansion. people flock to new things. also like that other anon said wow has absolutely had queues that went that long for DPS
Chaos has near instant DPS queues for any DT dungeon/trial.
god i love the paladin AF set so much its unreal bros...
Cameron Ingerland seems like a pleasant fellow and with a nice ass to boot
erm, did you mean,"Am I now cute?"
Anzu Miyumi (no idea if its a transvestite)
First give me a race
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I honestly didn't mind Wuk Lamat at all. My WoL was just chillin' during the MSQ anyway so I got no problem hanging out with her. Tural is pretty cool glad we got to explore it.
Sechen I guess. He has a good goonra
spoken like someone who has never tried to queue for epic bgs on horde
But maybe more time is better...
I'm making my own Hypno-themed FC
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Can I choose myself since I am an xivg femra?
Correct, but the need for short term credit is omnipresent and in the absence of a centralized banking system people will have to rely on individual loaners such as the quest guy.
um..... erm.........
plogons back???
How do you people manage not to think about the grown ass man on the other screen piloting the female character you are plapping when ERPing?
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I like new dungeon gear
I don't ERP.
shame lalas dont look like that
>meet someone new in Dawntrail
>been having fun, cool friend
>turns out they're hot and have nice big tiddy
>they already had a cute personality
it's over I don't want to fall for this person shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up time to distance myself
That just makes my dick harder
Thread Schizo no contest. She's one of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure to speak with. I wish xivg had more people like her.
miki okada
damn she's actually pretty good looking
I would gladly choose a /xivg/ glubra if I cared enough to learn any of their names. Xaela fucking suck.
I'm into females...
Maybe. But, tell me, when will be the right time? I find that there will always be an excuse to be made for why you won't say anything.
Why is this general like this? Who is responsible?
I get the pleasure of getting off to a cute character and the pleasure of knowing that I helped another man cum
I just dont fucking care, how hard is it to understand
hell yeah
surprisingly i've only been propositioned by a single femhroth so far on Primal
>three combed wool rugs from one sub voyage
>literally worthless so i just throw them away
I miss when these things were one of the most expensive furnishings in the game.
ic does not = ooc my friend
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please explain to me what this chart measures and what it means.
mccucken. she'd immediately cheat so i could easily annul
That just makes it better. Unless it's a tranny that my friends on 4chan have said is bad, and then they're disgusting and should 41%.
yoship and the dude who made mare
Yes, yes you are.
sex with grown ass men is pretty good when you ain't got a bitch in your ear telling ya it's nasty
I don't care. Text and pixels on a screen are what activate my neurons.
They're just too low IQ to think that abstractly.
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OL fhroths
how much cum they produce per second
Iron Meido by beloved
I've found that people that say this often have the most bizarre kinks and fetish
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Don't do this, EBs are supposed to be consensual!
builded to sit on men's faces
Nta but Im the most vanilla guy on Earth
That's a man.
>a good chunk of these replies aren't even femra, they're blobs
pretty much yeah
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these npcs look familiar...
I want to marry this woman and regularly engage in romantic sexual activities.
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Reminder femra never lose
I don't know. I just don't want to make things painful.
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>4 in expert queue as DPS
>come back
>number 6
what the fuck
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I'll take one for the team and tank Akemi. Go one without me, bros.
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>player limit reached in Instanced Area for snake fate
>number just keeps getting bigger regardless
what the FUCK
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You got this from twitter. Post the other one as well.
I desperately need to plap a femra
we need an iron mierda
i don't like femra bro, them being a blob is a plus
I don't care if someone is a blob, I care if their character is cute and makes my dick hard. Skill issue on your part.
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good night sers
miera who are squishy in both word and deed
is anyone considering cc queues on AETHER?
Considering I only erp with girls I've met at cons this isn't an issue
why not lol
I can't decide on vibes for glams and it makes my character look so shit
*jumps up as high as I can*
*lands on the sewer lid*
There's a soft limit by proximity to aetheryte and a hard limit of 600 or so
Femra stink. You would basically need to buy new sheets if you don't want your bed reeking of lizard musk.
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I'd rather you shoot me
check this sick frag
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it's kinda depressing that the dawntrail zones are so nice because we will rarely spend time in them after msq
in a few years we will have zero reason to be back except maybe to gather some things for potions and shit.
I'd describe Laz more as "bulbous" but I guess squishy works too.
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>open teamcraft melding guide for DoL
>there's a little blue line about fishing
>text is slowly sliding back and forth along the page like it's some geocities blog from the 2000s
i'm not sure if this is based or silly
heh 360 noscope mlg!!! updoots to the left!
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Anon that's not how a monkey's paw works, for one we're not a no name adventurer, we're champion to contender of the throne to a foreign nation, that's about as big name as you can get, and an apocalyptic threat is the opposite of a humble adventure

A monkeys paw is supposed to give you what you want but with a twist that makes it undesirable, not just do the opposite of the thing you asked
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If I was the WOL, I would've taken one of the many 2B bodies. For research.
i ERP with the person behind the character, not the samefag face 4 or sunnie everyone makes.
The monkey's paw moment was that we wanted to be a noname adventurer but became a no screentime/relevance adventurer.
Try to keep up little guy.
>massive wide open empty sandlots with the same few textures repeated over and over
iight so is penumbra working now? send halp niggy
word on the grapevine is he hates DT
We're getting a couple Foray zones at least which will hopefully look as good.
soulcrushingly based
Im a free trial bitch at post stormblood and I have never used the glamour dresser, max I did was trying dyes
Imagine caring about your glam, get a grip
T. Got a cute character that the beauty outshines whatever Im wearing
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The devs are too lazy to work on updating everything
please understand
Just one?
But enough about Shadowbringers.
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I am gay, I am moving in with a grown ass man I met through this game soon, I will be erping irl soon
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i can't even name one much less one i'd be okay with eb'ing so i guess i'm picking the gun...
Do you want to hold tails
I understand, I really do. Know that the most important step someone can take is always the next one. No matter what I trust that you'll do what's in the best of interest between the two of you, but you have to take that leap first and foremost
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I am PROUDLY refusing to SCAB the strike and humbly leveling my healer through FATEs.
I feel like I'm playing Picto wrong. Am I really supposed to just do nothing but dedicate 9 seconds to my motifs every time they're available mid-fight? Feels unnatural.
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You guys are so negative all the time about everything. I'm having a blast with Dawntrail and think Wuk Lamat is a fun cute little sister character who's growing into herself and you're all over here crying like women.
>dresses like a poorfag too
At least you're immersed, I guess.
Just one. Maybe another to act as a control variable.
he had a meltdown about not renewing his subscription because he hated dawntrail
he's also generally a huge creep
sometimes i wish my thread crush was schizoposting me
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we're in every scene, I know you're probably an ESL that read an auto translated version of the monkey's paw wikipedia page and didn't get the nuance but don't get mad when someone corrects you, especially when they do it in a nice way
what's his IGN
a tranny
Femezen make the cutest anything
i schizopost my threadcrush and i know my threadcrush has schizoposted me from time to time
>chest wrap armor
Now my femra has an excuse why her breasts shrunk down recently
lucerne white is his fiddie
i don't pay attention to male characters so i have no idea i just recognize that's him
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They are tangible and the endless cannot interact with them, as lame as it is, we basically flipped a switch
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Why are you all so angry and horny?
Do you guys have ERP alts?
I main a sunnie but I dont want to be futa, at the same time I dont want to bottom. Should I create a male char for sex purposes, and log off when both him and me are empty?
What about erping as a strap-on wearer, with a pump full of milk power and water to emulate a cumshot ?
Im lost
no, I erp on my main
Yes. But I also use him for subs.
>someone /tells me nice glam 2 pintoseconds before my duty pops
>you're all over here crying like women.
they are trannies of course they try to cry like women
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>we're in every scene,
Somebody post the image where Woke's axe is completely blocking us
great protest just afking at the bench i suppose
i know the second part, that's hilarious though
lucerne white is his fiddie. you will know it's him because he always posts 'lol lmao even' with a boring fiddie
or a 'midlander supremacy' post on his middie siegben dietrich
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lets go gambling
Can Revisit proc twice on the same node?
>VPR and PCT prove that SE knows how to make fun jobs that have a unique(-ish) feel
>they just don't do it for the other jobs
I am a 25yo virgin.
Evens = You play a GROWN ASS MAN character
Odds = You play a GROWN ASS FEMALE (MALE) with a cum pump
0 = You play a GROWN ASS MAN (MALE) character with a double dick
>can just make ads that are only 3 words long
I don't know if meido is ever coming back :(
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Which NPC do I talk to to exchange my old tomes?
>Shadowbringers is 80% Ardbert
>Dawntrail is 80% Wuk Lamat
The west has fallen
>being in the background isn't in scene
really makes you think....
The funny part is the handful of biofems I know love DT and Wuk, they think she's adorable and want to adopt her.
middle mhigger in mor dhona stall
she's not after a lala doxed her
Same one as always dude
Never had that happen to me but a friend told me it happened
Wuk has 600 lines of dialogue.
We have 0.
Checkmade retard.
So cute!
You have a limited time to exchange it with certain NPCs for a valid currency
Lads, I need to eat some hrothgirl pussy ASAP
Are people with suggestive plates good lays or complete schizos
Im so fucking horny
DNI with him or his fiddie alt
really anyone in this cwls
>cute little sister character who's growing into herself
Haven't even started EW yet, but I feel that that's not the same thing.
Not specifically, I have a futa alt for when that sort of mood strikes me but I use it to play some different jobs in some harder content as well. Play a male character, sounds more straight forward than the pump
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The expansion was fucked from the start
They had zero good new characters
>>Shadowbringers is 80% Ardbert
me every time i go to an unspoiled node

I've heard rumors that it can but I've never had it happen
Still waiting on proof, if it happens to me I'll post a webm

Isn't she like 19 or some shit
Personally I think it should show kore skin around the chest but it's fine.
The healer set is the best one though.
qrd on that cwls?
>a friend told me
Good enough for me.
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the handful of biofems I know hate wuk lamat and thinks she's annoying. I wish we had a council of biofems to vote on what we could like.
good lays bro
Wuk Lamat is 17. All teenagers who haven't gone through traumatic events like Alphinaud and Red Alphinaud are idiots.
>>Shadowbringers is 80% Ardbert
God I wish even half of that was true it would be the best video game ever then
who here skipped the cutscenes and why
we're all anonymous
Ardbert is cool
Wuk Lamat is lame
Its that simple
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A dia sleevejob would fix me
>fanta to malezen
>suddenly filled with racism and disgust
>the ARR tribes got new framers kit
All this time I could have been getting their currency
Shadowbringers is literally 50% femlala and everyone likes it
Dawntrail is 20% femlala and everyone hates it

Are you going to grind out the gems mount?
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Honorary biowarefare femraen here, this is my objective opinion on WUk and DT:
I like
>fanta to moonie
>suddenly filled with hrothgar cum
Really? That's news to me, I assumed the EB breakup killed their will to play
Can any biofems here confirm or deny these statements. What are your thoughts on this matter?
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>gulool ja was supposed to be gulool ja ja's son
>otis is a mamool ja bot and was clearly supposed to be a soul sucked mamool ja earlier in the writing
>wuk talks about the yok huy being from the completely wrong area
>sarool ja dead after seeming like he was planning something with no payoff
There's other shit I'm forgetting, this expansion clearly went through rewrites and rough development

Do we think Wuk was the foil that caused this, was she the addition that threw everything out of wack?
I feel like a lot wouldn't change if she wasn't in the story
I wish I skipped cutscenes
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I stopped caring about wuk when she said she had a bright idea of hitting the largest drum in the world that's an important ceremonial part of the city with her fucking axe to see what sound it would make.
She's literally mentally handicapped, and I fucking hate retards.
Miau Miau post
fuck off lalanigger. youre the reason we cant do cool stuff in the story
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I forgot my file like a retard.....
>he believed a lie that didn't even come from the businessman yoship himself
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Let's be real, you wouldn't listen to them anyways.
Probably will eventually, he's just been extremely busy with work and has a horrible laptop
>>gulool ja was supposed to be gulool ja ja's son
that would be retarded
my femlala is going mad
70% xivg 30% random fiddies that the creepy leader finds on balmung
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This shit true? You're forced to play the story with a tranny? I don't think I'll do the story or get more gametime
I WANT to but I don't know if I have that kind of strength.
10 Seconds of Ardbert has delivers impact than 7000 voice lines of Wuk
Do you think hrothgirls go into heat?
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I like that set, very FotNS/mad max style
just wish the caster/aiming side didn't go full bondage gear but still kept the rugged wasteland look
youre trying too hard to fit in lil bro
So, I dont know what would cause this but Whenever im tabbed out waiting on dungeons my game isn't giving me the loud Notification that it did when I first started playing a few months ago...?
Anyone know what caused this? I have a cat that is on my keyboard constantly
Living a life like that guy must be incredibly miserable
Sorry but we support Kate in this general
Son of a bitch literally changed after I entered this extreme party. Before I went in i checked and it was with healer in need.
I think she's overeager and a bit annoying, but people are overreacting. The bigger issue for me is how they sidelined so many characters I like, and how this was supposed to be Krile's expansion too, yet she barely speaks until the last levels
>try to craft without artisan
>fuck it up
It's over. I can't make Restoration collectables.
I'm logging in to Dynamis to tank right now.
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check your sound settings to make sure this is on, and then i think the queues is just system sounds
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Stop posting this chinkoid you stupid third world nigger.
yeah she's cute as fuck
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stop being a transphobe. it's they/them
People that obsesses over a specific race are always weird to me, worse being non lalas loving lalas, but applies to any races really
Let me have what you're smoking faggot.
>ill never have a froth EB irl
i know it's over
and it never really began
I'm running through S:9 looking for hub spots with a collection of seats but there are only a few bench's scattered around and not placed together. Is the dream of /xivg/ Solution 9 dead before it even began?
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Anyone want to do roulettes?
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>a decade later and nothing still beats the lvl60 shire set
Tankbros is there anything similar out there?
t. just started endwalker
More like "It", and before 40 "Was"
FF16 proved SE can make a fun game, and they haven't done that for 14 either.
Says the eurocuck walking on eggshells to not upset the migrant bvlls around town.

I know how frustrated you all are watching your history get whittled away at while your gocernments let it happen.
My Femlala has a sticker on her which reads:
>shake well while using
sonar is working, yeah
people are getting to s ranks super fast and the instance is like instantly locked
I'm talking about Grummz or whatever his name is you disingenuous faggot
sorry bro there is no helping your sense of style
Someone's intimidated by freedom
this fit been mid for about 7 years
I only ERP with biofems desu. I don't care about the character as much as I care about the person behind the character? IC and OOC? These terms mean nothing to me. I RP bleed in every ERP session and I know they do too.
good night, cute witch!
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shut the fuck up manlet. you don't even have free healthcare
i'll pass
this game really feels like garbagio without noclippy
Now you understand why plugins that automate anything ruin the game in the long run
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I like Wuk Lamat. She's very young and inexperienced, but has a good heart and wants to do right by her people. She adores her father and loves learning. She's ignorant at times, but willing to admit to it and learn more about the subjects that she's lacking in, which I think is a fantastic personality trait. She's very cute and I've enjoyed my adventure with her so far.
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I love this little guy like you wouldn't believe ;w;
been working for a few days
been happening already
my femlala is going crazy!! ahhh!!
Nvm theres a set of benches outside The Arcadion
>rowdy teenager doesn't respect tradition
anon this is one of the most widespread, cliche character traits ever
no u
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I think something is bugged with Sonar because I'm not getting any coordinates ingame and have to rely on Faloop for navigation.
How do I not kill myself from boredom while doing the MSQ
why would a biofem erp when they can literally get sex from 90% of men just by asking?
*puts a big head on you*
*forces you to eat two exaflare hits*
Just femlala things
whats wrong sis
based warmthwielder
you have too much love to be in this thread
It's updated though? Besides, xivalexander works better than noclippy in my experience.
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this post sounds ironic but i have a feeling its not
Lack of mental illness, I guess.

I don't think about the artist who drew hentai I'm looking at.
I don't think about getting fucked by the male porn star in porn, nor the guy who is filming or directing it.
I don't think about how it's a guy who wrote most of those female characters.
The only brief moment I ever think of that, is when you as the question like every other day.
If only
I completely isolated myself as the most social dude in my server only because of the no chatbubbles, that shit is UNPLAYABLE
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/484267896/#q484277881 >>484277881
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/484267896/#q484276573 >>484276573
Easy, twinadders-chan. Best personality.
Not anymore I've got a pet femra that takes care of it for me
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yearning sis
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Mamook is a really comfy zone town, even though most of the buildings are empty it almost feels like a morrowind town.
>caring for hunts or fates
cmon lil bruh
chat bubbles has been back up since day 2
true story
tranny VA singlehandedly ruined this expansion
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Bro is searching wikipedia in desperation because of his burgerphobia lmao is this what europe has become? Maybe the Muslims will actually make men out of you again.
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my catboy is like this rn tee bee haych
No seriously am I doing this wrong or missing something? Surely there's not a DPS with 9 seconds of downtime, right?
I really hope so.
i am
a gay hrothgar
The thing women like out of sex is foreplay and ERP is literally nothing but foreplay you idiot
Maybe you'll get lucky and your wife will find some vouchers in the trash or something.
I didn't put in the beta key or whatever for dalamud since I thought the devs were about to have a melty and I wanted to wait for things to settle in.
for what?
you were probably banned from sonar
what would i use your femlala for...
Yeah but crafting isn't fun. Then again, I have NO idea how to optimize this shit like Artisan's been doing so I guess you've got a point.
>implying people don't enjoy both having sex AND erping
It has nothing to do with going against tradition or shit. Die retard.
Nobody's talking about the worst part of Kate's localization.

NONE of the quest items have funny joke descriptions. I have checked every single one in every single side quest up to area 4, no jokes whatsoever.
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lord knows i'd be filthy rich
i was indifferent to wuk lamat as a character but the amount of dialogue/attention she gets compared to the scions, krile especially, is inexcusable. they desperately want you to like her for some reason, and she acts like you've all been friends for years but in reality we haven't had enough time to know her and really start to appreciate her character. at least with lyse we kinda knew her for a really long time before we were forced to help liberate her home
pls queue...
casual CC............
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A femlala was very assertive with my lalaboy today. I was scared with how close she got...
This is untrue, I've randomly checked on a few and have been amused.
Is this mole modbeasted? I couldnt find it when I created my char but now im confused
NTA but its not. I am simply, infinitely more interested in a persons irl pussy than whatever modded pussy people here are jacking off to.

legit you people are sad
>Should I create a male char for sex purposes, and log off when both him and me are empty?

>What about erping as a strap-on wearer, with a pump full of milk power and water to emulate a cumshot?
God no that sounds incredibly convoluted and hilariously stupid don't do that anon, just make a male ERP alt. You'll do better that way. Hell that might even become your main when you realize how nice it is to be validated as your own gender instead of an opposite-gender like your sunnie.
ok midget tranny
another femlala sis
Did you have your whistle ready?
My femlala has a lap you can lay you head in for soft hair pats if you need to calm down a bit
This is 100% something a spunky 17 year old would say and do
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Also did anyone find this cellar door that's innaccessible but has a ramp that looks like it leads into a basement? I just think it's odd someone would bother modeling all that for something you'd only ever see if you looked in first person.
is anyone playing cc on AETHER?
This game is designed to be botted.
You don't craft 10,000 collectables and shit without botting or playing this game 50 hours a week your whole life.
Why would anyone listen to the video game opinions of a man who was born before the moon landing?
There's a lot of chairs at the true vue and neon stein area. The downside is that it is a MSQ spot, ofc. Ideally it would be in some corner of the residential area.
This is exactly what a 5 years old kid would think, not 17
No. Moonies can have moles, suncats get more scars or bushier eyebrows
just go up and talk to them then..
>been a full week now
>still no plugins
I could
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I still get pings but they're super delayed and there's no such thing otherwise people like Diavolo or Amelia would have been banned way before me. Not to mention I'm a spawner for Crystal.
honestly can you blame her? kate wrote the entire english script and every single item description and also the entire plot on her own with no outside influence or help. she even made the dungeons #woke.
i was talking to them sis...
You clearly didn't have any friends in high school so I don't think you're speaking with any experience here
Might be used later on for patch quests/beast tribe quests
>otherwise people like Diavolo or Amelia would have been banned way before me
they are banned lol
getting around a ban is very simple though
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>tries to dumb down monk
>adds miniscule gain (sub 1%) optimization by accident
>removes it in a patch
i hate this dev team
That'd be neat
>she genuinely, and by that, manually wants to farm 1000 fucking triad duel wins for a dumb achievement and a card
Non botters are worse than botters*
Change my mind

*cheating for your shiny weapons and titles is cringe
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>Frequent talk about femlalas losing to magic wands
>Haven't seen it happen
Proof or stfu
I dont care about how some backwards savages create and run their shithole nation.
Anyone interested or fascinated by them are ignorant of how superior their own nature is in comparison.
NTA but personally I too like sexually gratifying women and not men
i unironically miss when we all sat around idling, doing nothing or chatting
game is sovlless right now, just a bunch of rats in a maze doing content they hate so they can hit omni 100 or max their gear
it was nice when each day was a mix of actually playing the game and just shooting the shit
now, could sit around if i wanted but then mix in some content
now i just feel pressure to playplayplayplayplayplayplayplay
You never done fun stupid shit as a teenager for the hell of it and it shows.
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probably because a lot of - if not most - erp sessions involve playing out fantasies and scenarios someone isn't likely to experience through sex irl. t. a biofem and occasional erp'er
Do you have any proof Sonar bans?
skill issue
t. Expert Craft enjoyer
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Does she like moonies
viper AF is so good man I love playing dress up with my action figure wol
shit, is this why girls play love nikki?
>try to optimize quality gain
>it barely works
>run out of durability despite durability decrease buff
>no gauge
Make it end
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I am becoma a mall ninja
>early access ends in few hours
>haven't received expansion code yet
>game is sovlless right now, just a bunch of rats in a maze doing content they hate so they can hit omni 100 or max their gear
No one is making you do this
>i unironically miss when we all sat around idling, doing nothing or chatting
No one is stopping you from doing this either.

Diagnosis: Personal Problem
Solution: Gain some height and have sex
Are you talking about opo rot bootshine spam? I don't want that to be the meta thing when the tiger roar is so much cooler so it hope it changes
Why would anyone listen to the opinions of a man who thinks he's a woman?
>Why would a biofem watch a tv show or read a book when she could just had sex all day long with different strangers?
You have displeased the cornservant.
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Please don't post Kikuri without my permission.
We will do that a week from now jeez. Can't even stay a week without idling with the thread.
Are you time travelling again
okay casual CC AETHER at 12:00noon et
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>haven't bothered updating my plugins
>they STILL don't work
Umm, hello? Square?
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Do I have to burrito my shit to make it work?
Bad haircut sis, but will fill up with my miqote juice nonetheless
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You post videos day in, day out. What's your endgame
If you really think like this when you're 17 then I have bad news for you retards
Bro how the fuck do I get better at this
Post your stats and what you're attempting to make.
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and what if i do?
i was talking about other players being rats in a maze mostly, i'm burnt out on it and so i am not doing that
and yes, idling with 1-2 dozen xivg friends is not feasible if they are all mazed
my complaint is more about what others are doing than what i am doing
we're going to be doing oporot anyways, i'm referring to bootdk which actually has some optimization around burst windows
>tiger roar
first thing i'm doing when mods work again is modding the level 92 gcds back to their old versions
I dont even know what artisan does. Does it generate macros for you?
Crafting is fun as it is unless I'm doing dozens of identical items.
Oh shit new race?
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Yoshi-P can we split the difference on the Gap Closer changes and rename Hypervelocity to Rough Divide?
>t. a biofem
Is that true that you guys hate futa
i am femroes
wuk lamat
Someone post the chart of Wuk Lamat voice lines compared to other characters.
You must be so fun to have at parties.
This dude gonna cry himself to sleep after he finishes shitposting.

I must be retarded because other than every 120 seconds I have 3/4 buttons to *maybe* push
How does one acquire a miqo'te juice filling
Trial synthesis or using a rotation simulator that you can put your stats in
For expert crafting it's a bit harder but it comes down to knowing roughly how far a quality change gets you for certain actions, fishing for procs, the like

It's pretty fun once you're deep in it
roger that
Wild guess here: You didn't have your first beer until you were 21, huh?
sorry i withdrew
the person i was hoping would queue, didn't queue
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Sorry but he belongs to Blessed Dawnservant cock
my favorite femlala is a biofem
>Wuk Lamat is 17
How do I approach a femlala for the purpose of love, affection, and EBship?
i just really like flirting and teasing and erp is just what i have to do when i've pushed the actual fun part too far
Artisan has built in macros based on typical levels of gear and will craft whatever item you're attempting to craft using that macro automatically. It's no different than just making a macro on teamcraft and clicking it in game, there's just less user input involved
The EW equivalent is far superior.
Not that person but a lot of women I've talked to honestly don't hate it as an idea, I'd wager in XIV it's more the kind of person that plays futas
I'm chatting constantly with the aetherbros, this has been a wonderful time for me since aether xivg had been dead leading into dawntrail
Is this modded clothing?
oh hi ^^
I'm almost 100 on btn and min after gathering all day...
I am a femlala is in queue for Main Scenario roulette
They said I'm #3...
this is it luigi
Crystal CC anyone?
I just logged off but I generally don't understand how to optimize my abilities and have been trying to brute force it, maybe that crafting mentor shit exists for a reason.
>the hearts
Clearly drawn by a man
No Rough Divide will come back as the lvl 110 upgrade for double down that gives it a gap close.
>Chinese Hunts data

Completely unrelated

Anyway I'm still getting audio pings and text pings, they're just seriously delayed
pretty much, yes?
yish-toller rules
boomer kuwurianger
krile crocodile
>vine glass
oh i get it you're german. that explains the lack of joy
stop mansplaining and let the women speak for their self if they like futa.
>Completely unrelated
you asked me to show you proof that sonar bans people?
please tell me what it is, bitch (endearing)
Oh now I understand why're you're so fucking stupid and think this is the norm
Artisan's solvers are actually quite shit and there's a reason the plugin itself will tell you to not use it on current Master-level recipes. It's functional, but making your own macro will get you better and reliable results, often faster.
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well if you just close your eyes
and just imagined everything's alright
but do not hide your tears
cause they were sent to wash away those years
Post character, it's that simple
Do you prefer male or female juice?
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This part of the Residential sector looks pretty good and afaik its out of the way of any MSQ/Unlock quests
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i find it funny that king kong burbmcdonalds tries to shame me for not respecting his dogshit mmo where only "community content" that exists is following plugins and letting the discord conductors lead their discord kittens from point a to point b

not to mention the botted economy
i will treat this game like a singleplayer game and yoship can smell my nuts
england wins the euro 2024
Sis, even I didn't do any of that stuff when I was younger but I understand the lack of impulse control kids have when it comes to doing stupid stuff to see what happens. It's still stupid to do from the perspective of an adult, but it's normal for them.
you're 100% right
futa is fine, futa players are ridiculously unattractive
good job!! that's awesome!!
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just filter them
>rose-colored glasses have an exclusive color option that makes the frame and glasses black
Uh, based?
Bakool Ja Ja is posting in this thread RIGHT NOW
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anybody on Crystal to help run this? :3
i don't hate them, personally. i feel like most don't hate them but it's hard to say.
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Im praying raid food are tacos, im kinda sad that they used Tacos al pastor this early into the expansion and for low lvl stuff, i wanted to do nothing but craft tacos for hours as bis raid food but... its looking like it wont be the case.
Perhaps we will get some Chicharron later into the expansion.
Wait til u guys find out Bart Simpson is voiced by a woman.
please please please please please please please please please
i would also take lightning shot -> rough divide i just wanna use my funny limit breaks
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I'm going to be the Arbiter of the Land...
Come to Dynamis ride my cock (if femlala) then we can if you're not we can skip to the dungeon
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just a while longer
then we will be as one
to think even someone like me can have this
anything is possible!
chase your dream to make it true
so like the rest ok
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using this opportunity to post an old rori nft
It's not normal to think hitting a drum with an AXE would make a sound, then be genuinely surprised when you destroy it and get scolded.
post my favorite femlala
>every time I try to rape Sphene she turns into a robot and falls over
what the fuck man?
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I randomly DM'd a catgirl with lewd search info the other day and had so much fun domming her, now looking at this thread has me wanting to do stuff like that again but I don't even know how to find play without just idling in the quicksand getting bored
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Pretty good xp for an ingot

You're already and arbiter of the hand...
pcinice-nezo glassses aeR NOT a pesonality
I don't hate them, it's just not my kink. People like Elk who make it their whole personality along with shitposting are really annoying, though.
Bi M Hrothgar superiority.
i despise it and most of the people who play them desu
Can I have a qrd on how to approach people and how to dom?
Just call out Otis Jenkins with his full name like a real man
Yeah exactly.
but Elk is a man
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They're saving these bad boys for bis
Take a look at these, the expert crafting guide is a little out dated, but it gives you an idea of what you want to be doing while gillionaire will just flat out give you macros and their stat requirements. You can copy their macros to your macro thing in game and just click it to complete your craft "automatically."
This one for example is one I made myself for the time being so I could do my weeklies. The first part gets all the quality out of the way, and the second part is the last two synthesis buttons that don't fit on the first macro because of space constraints.
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Anyway problem solved, this is exactly the bug I was getting. Thanks for the scare though Anon
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When are we going to get more glam storage?
I'm absolutely stuffed with gear I want to throw in there, but I ain't got a bit of room left
are plugons back? i will not reinstall until i can give my femlala nude body mods.
tell them to queue for cc
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you're welcome.
>Barista at the End of the Universe
What even is that
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Not a bad spot
I've seen ADULTS do stupid shit with instruments just to see what happens
You wound me
Title from finishing a beast tribes quest line.
*summons you away from w/e you're doing to balmung with my trial crystal*
Should I make a lewd FFXIV twitter to dump lewd hypno autism on
>that sad filling
Omicron allied tribe
You literally open a cafe at the edge of the universe
should i start posting queue syncs
i was thinking of logging off for the night but i can always be persuaded to do more cc if enough anons care
>hold tails
it should have been meee
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Your opinions on face 4 miera?
It's normal for a child to make the decisions a child would based on the knowledge they've acquired during the span of their short lives. This was a lesson for Wuk Lamat to maybe exercise a little restraint when it comes to intrusive thoughts.
>Should I make a lewd FFXIV twitter
>to dump lewd hypno autism on
And did you remember to defend them saying it's a normal adult behavior and not being retarded?
I mean, it fits very well. 2 large benches, a lot of smaller benches, vending machines, wandering NPCs and fountains. The area inside the building right by it is pretty good as well, there's even a gaming room.
The thing is, doesnt it look too good to be true? Why would they make this area and never use it? Feels a bit weird. But otherwise the only disadvantage is that it is a naturey area, which goes against the novelty of being in a futuristic city.
go for it bro
laz is alright tho
I should really try to have more suggestive stuff in my search info
I was the one who summoned you with my trial crystal actually
Kong perma'd? Why pedo is always winning? haha
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Alright thats it, im coming to get you.
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I think Hitchhiker's Guide is very overrated, but I also read it in middle school so maybe that's why
how do i make it *very clear* that i want people to use my horns as handlebars?
How did you get this quest note of my lala?
I am
a femezen
That is thinking about changing skin color (blue to blue)
yes please
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I could tank it for you if you want
Its more about the players being huge retards that gives the ick, rather than the actual penis on a female body then. I will keep that in mind.
i just exposed the corrupt cop in shaaloani. how far am i from being able to buy the bike in solution 9?
the blue looks nice and stands out, what other blue were you thinkin?
No, because they're not teenagers who are naturally prone to doing stupid shit
2 hours if you skip
12 if you don't
No I don't think you would be capable.
Couple hours depending on if you're skipping cutscenes or not.
4 hours if you skip
14 if you dont
These two got to me
Miera beat the brakes off every other male race.
I am a fiddie who just woke up
The blankets are too cozy for me to want to get up…
And yet, Shared Fates call my name…
(I will sleep instead)
>Not to mention I'm a spawner for Crystal.
Crystal hunters are like the army. They'll take literally anybody.
Why would we lose to magic wands? I'm confused? What kind of magic would be stored in a wand to cause that? Please advise.
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Alright well
If you need bodies I'll still be here
Had a shitty day at work, yep time to rape my EB once i log on
Probably not exclusively hypno

Slightly lighter blue desu
If I had COVID a year ago and still have symptoms to this day, should I go to a doctor? My doctor told me not to worry about it the last time I went
why is everybody a cutscene skipper now
All plugins are being held up by the penumbra developer, who won't even share his work in progress due to fear that someone else might do it for him.
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are you fucking serious? that's literally the norm in this game
you should consider changing face too
femezen won bigly but your character is still ugly
because this is the worst the msq has ever been
exactly. glad you got your answer, anon.
Looks like the greasiest looking mexican uncle ever, especially if they use that mustache option. Ironically it looks a lot better than it used to but still
good mornyan
this is a good hrothgal, thank you for sharing
Yeah that's unfortunately kind of normal but if you feel uncomfortable not going in, go to the doc.
Bro asked for a time frame and I gave it to him. I didn't tell him to skip cutscenes.
poo in the loo
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You know why
Yeah and it's proof that they trust me to a reasonable degree vs actually banning people like Diavolo/Amelia because they're such notorious early pullers

Anyway the point is, even the developer of Sonar has acknowledged there's bugs with Sonar
licking this femhroth's fangs
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the norm is to bully cutscene skippers
at least it was a month ago
>hit drum with flat side of axe
>drum breaks because it's meant to get hit by a softer mallet, not a metal piece
Miera are garbage regardless of face
AETHER queue casual cc 6:00 et
cute fiddie. also I want to play white mage more now
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>1 week after expansion lauch
>Tuliyollal market quare is just 1 person afking at the bell and 3 crafters botting shit with Artisan
DawnFAIL is finished
What about this empty room off in Residential 9-11 (7,21)
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Indoor area
>neither my home server nor the server i want to DC travel to has had any queues in days
>still can't travel
This is really killing my motivation to play the game.
begging to get sleeved
Thanks friend
Mods are not needed for clean fangs afterall...
Terry Prachett's writing is fucking amazing. I guess you just don't appreciate literature?
I'm more of a The Colour of Magic fan, though
People that complain about early pulling a whiny little babies. Don't like early pulls? Don't waste everyone's time by taking forever to get there.
funny how these mierahaters never reply with what race they think are better (there are none)
>sniffingcat is a healer
Im gonna EB you one day
but i'll do it for the aetherbros
Yea the nature area, while nice, goes against the novelty of the zone. I still think its a decent option but im hoping theres some where in the Recreation Zone thats out of the way of MSQ with a few seats.
I would unironically love this place to be the hangout spot, i fucking love that little corner of the map.
>person i wanted to queue, didn't queue again
>so i withdrew again
literally all of them except for lalas
I thought this was a JAV pool room reference for a sec going based off the thumbnail
>Terry Prachett
I said
My catboy is better liked than my meena. Are they just the kings twinks?
What the hell are you even arguing anymore, are you just arguing for the sake of it?
Max level isn't equal to capability.
Catboys, malezen, and malera
I'm a cutscene skipper now only because I already played through it once with no skips last weekend. All cleared to speedrun skip it now.
ew patch quests were pretty trash, but I'd say everything until lvl 98 is skippable. I WISH I skipped until then holy shit what a waste of time
>Forgot a t
You know who I meant.
>hangout spot
>near the tail end of the current MSQ
will never happen
Point and laugh at this man for being scared of soft rush
everyone's queued for it bro
>meanwhile on NA
>100+ people socializing in tural
I think its a bit small. Only 4 people can sit down + 4 outside the room. And there's a room identical to that in the other building, in the ground floor by the entrance. Not a bad place, though. Very out of the way.
Thank you
Will probably go in but worried I'll be told there's nothing that can really be done again. I thought I would be able to exist with it all but my chest burning and the feeling of not being able to breath properly makes it difficult. But what can ya do. fuck COVID
Should I level DRK or WAR and should I level SCH, AST, or WHM?
if you want them to queue then tell them to faggot
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I think they look fine
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Alright how about clearing one of the EXs today then?
Sorry twink but the maleroe, hroths and highlanders got a glow up. This is the bara era.
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I think I may start skipping after all
Either you are NA or your meena looks like shit, also the vast majority of biofems I know prefer ravas for some reasons
Probably also you acting differently on those characters, Im a fanta blob with a ton of alts I notice patterns now
Thank you for buying my femlala's tacos...
i shan't
>VPR has high apm
Play the other scouting class.
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I'm thinking dawntrail good
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id say the same if the fear of messing up didnt loom over my head
im anything but a healer that was for cc only and i just really like the skirt
I've seen you play, probably been carried through.
Bro is waffling. He doesn't have the Ultimate Thrillseeker mindset.
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alright but no promises
if time goes by faster in the dome how did dude make a deal with the dragons?
we were in there for i’d say a week at max. shouldn’t only one hour at most passed outside the dome?
You're making jokes I don't understand or you're being retarded and I also don't understand
Yeah, the thing that sours the expansion for me is that they told us they were finally going to put some respect on Krile and then completely shit on her. I think it's actually worse than what EW did with her, because in DT they actually tied her into the heart of the story and made her circumstantially important throughout 7.0 but somehow STILL managed to keep her on the sidelines almost the entire time. So now they've cashed in Galuf and her unknown parentage to introduce another reflection and a cool new macguffin, all without giving her any meaningful character development beyond a new name.

Also cool of the writers to seemingly forget that G'raha is her oldest surviving friend at this point and have her slap him in the fucking face with a "he's my coworker" during the ONE HOUR where they ostensibly took her seriously. Also cool that there's no bonus dialogue if you did Eureka with her, a storyline that actually added to her character in meaningful ways. You can sum up her treatment in the entire 7.0 MSQ with that one scene where she presses her cute macguffin earring to the gate terminal and it fucking goes BZZZZZZZZZT WRONG in her face. By that point I was convinced they were actively hostile to her character. I hope these writers get the fucking axe for real.
If that's the case then why haven't i gotten a roesband yet....
Spots kind of nice but rather small. Need something more open
Do you play a femalala
Nothing out of the ordinary, someone here is trying to start drama.
>vast majority of biofems I know prefer ravas for some reasons
you know actually why
>if time goes by faster in the dome
it doesn't
stop skipping cutscenes
They're just very similar and often compared to each other.
Endwalker's over, there's no reason to pay attention to the story anymore.
Alright well, hope you get your trial done, have a good day, anon.
i simply think it's an unfun map but i'll still play it out
Time synced to us as soon as Zarool Ja opened the dome to kill his father
>if time goes by faster in the dome
It synced as soon as ZJ left with his army
Is this the filter? I play a femlala?
You can set it to another language that's not English. Problem solved.
yeah its pretty fun but I'm a tank main because I don't like dying to one fuckin aoe on new shit
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I am NA. I think cats just lure in more. Fujos and real homos by not OVER doing the twink bit.
post pic!
fucking blue biatch, you said that 3 times today
Is that your meena? then yea it looked like shit
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i cant play tank either i mean i have and it went fine but idk im just a reatrded mage
respectable decision o7
I kinda wanna go back now.
so true :'(
whichever biofem is most mentally ill and wants to be gaslit by my male middie ceruleum tycoon
It's like I'm back in /sgg/
he said archer/bard not tranny.

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