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>Speak with Wuk Lamat Again edition

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous Umbral Era: >>484764092
what is it about mooncats
No, morbols are stinky.
I like wuk lamat
(do you like xeno femra)
wrong opinion
I hate this man like you wouldn’t believe.
>bwooaaang-CSHHHH haaa
>bwooaaang-CSHHHH haaa
>bwooaaang-CSHHHH haaa
>bwooaaang-CSHHHH haaa
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wuk lamat
I feel like people would hate Wuk lamat less if she just didn't need to talk to you every 10 seconds. She can stay the MC of her shitty expac, but fucks sake it's okay for her to not be around for more than one scene.
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Wuk Lamat is the greatest fictional character to ever exist and if you disagree you’re a bad person.
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/micon "Limit Break"
/action "Limit Break"
/wait 1
/wait 1
Any catboys here to clean my Nunh cock?
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VPR is fun but wish it had more to it than hit the flashing button for more dmg.
how should I prep my crafters and gatherers for Savage release?
I can't afford buying everything off the MB
>reddit spacing
I like Wuk Lamat.
Your quote aim!

It missed!
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I liked the Gondola, I kinda wish I didn't switch off the guy that makes it go.
>reddit spacing
Confess *coughs up blood* to your femra crush... before it's too late...
my femezen should get raped
Reminder to all catboys, Miau Miau is mine. Stay away.
>reddit spacing
do you think people would like lamaty'i more if she was younger
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We love them
lalaboy eb doko .....
I don't think my femra crush likes males
when does viper get fun i just hit 82 and its boring as sin
I think I can live without a diaper fetish man in his late 30s pretending to like boys for attention
People like me for my personality, not my cripplingly obvious lack of sight.
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same sis
many will tell you 90, i say 92 when uncoiled fury gets ogcds
enjoy your gonorrhea
A 2-line is fine. If I'd gotten 3 lines here on a sub-level-100 book that couldn't access a gold certificate anyway, that might have been annoying.
Nice projection.
*gets an uppercut to the chin and crashes into the ceiling*
why are moonies... so violent...
cunny hrothgar? imagine
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how can i expedite this dogshit 82-92 leveling experience
>reddit response
What server on dynamis is THE server to be on
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Love mining trees for money

Roll durr dice roll durr dice
bozja until 85 and suffer trusts until 90
aw hell no what the fuck
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>no ravel keeper vip/pic weapons
are the palaka ones any cool
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nigga looks like he's about to melt in 93 degree weather
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someone sent me this bc Im selling HQ Crafter gear in PF, is this true?
I remember seeing people selling HQ gear in pf since 2017
This feels racist.
better than a 40 degree day
ain't nobody got nothin' to say about a 40 degree day
feeling kinda melancholy might idle in amuarot
>Self insert catboys naming themselves Nunh
>They don't realize that Nunhs don't rule typically. They are basically the jock they force to stay in the house.
how new? hope you’re enjoying your first expansion release, anon!
>Male bottoms not picking lalafell
Catboys would be acceptable if they didn't look like constipated bone creatures trying to escape the fleshy prison. They look so fucking weird. Like even male elezens are hotter because they have enough neck room for important matters in the bedroom.

I tried to make this a funny horny post but the thought of male miqotes just bleached everything.
They were there, fren
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>latinx culture with jews and llamas
>latinx culture but they need a troon to tell them why their own traditions matter
>latinx culture but they can't figure out that they need different seeds to adapt to the environment they've lived in for hundreds of years
>cowboys but they have their guns on their backs so quickdraws look stupid
Why the hell was this expansion so ungodly stupid.........
>says the brown man larping
>”im really white i swear”
those are american salesmen retard
The only person who would bother sending that is someone trying to heavily undercut the marketboard so they're probably threatening to report you and it can lead to a ban if the person reports it puts in a sob story and the GM interprets it as abusing the PF function
Are you really going to let a few hermanos bother you sis?
Just Latino or Latin American you fucking moron
level them all to 100
craft the 100 set
grind scrips to penta meld it all.
le tacos haha (:
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I'm not really feeling RDM in pvp, it kind of sucks
did they reduce the xp roulettes give?
Man, I was actually excited for a latin expac just for a change of pace. Turns out it's just the japs idea of latins. Meaning trannies and tacos. That's all of latin culture everywhere always forever.
And ofc there's a brigade to protect the dipshit tranny, but it's okay for the racist stereotypes to be around. At least be consistent, lmao.
Last call; is the GMT fiera that wanted to meet me yesterdat around?
>and it can lead to a ban if the person reports it puts in a sob story and the GM interprets it as abusing the PF function

I dont believe this is true.
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It's not our fault our skeletons are so persistently trying to escape. They might fail today but tomarrow is another day.
find the squishiest target at half health, bind and silence then lb
remove them
Where are the good pictures of Wuk at
Bros why tf does picto do so much damage
>I was actually excited for a latin expac just for a change of pace. Turns out it's just the japs idea of latins.
Why the fuck did you expect that, its a Japanese game lmao
that's it?
sounds simple enough
anything I should pre craft or gather?
thanks for the answer!
>mesugaki wuk
uooooh, instead of a rat race to the throne its an educational travel and you can protect her from the big bad monsters
bakool can be a bro without the BS in the first half
zoraal can still have his insanity arc
papa gulool can send us because he is an old fuck
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I will catch you and hang you by your tail Red.
milking this cat whole
Chuds lost
Wuk Lamat won and everybody loves her
she is a woman though
I expected a good story because every retard and their downie dog said the story was good. Are you disabled?
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>Watch a youtuber who plays FFXIV
>He generally likes the game but has 0 problems with ripping them a new asshole when they fuck shit up or mess with his job or whatever
>He's friends with a tranny youtuber
>He started playing Dawntrail as soon as early access hits, and he's done 8 hour streams every day since
He hasn't said a THING about the story or Wuk Lamat. He likes the content, the glams, the music etc. but he's just stone fucking silent on the writing. Won't say a word about it. This is a man who went on like hour long rants about Persona, Bayonetta, Mighty No. 9, Indivisible etc. and he's absolutely terrified that if he talks about Dawntrails writing he'll be crucified.
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I'm whiter than the entirety of this board......
Now look at the demographic of the people who work in finance......
>anime girl
Seek help my dude.
You must be disabled if you unironically expected a Japanese game to care about a foreign culture outside of putting in general stereotypes from cartoons to represent them
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skill issue
She's neither woman nor man.

She's a goddamn failed abortion. We don't give genders to cosmic freaks.
I hope Wuk fucking dies of feline leukemia
Wuk Lamat (The character) is a woman
>avoids mb tax
>takes longer
>have to be online
>have to engage someone else
sounds reasonable
and either way, people have done this for years
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I refuse......
my catboy's a tia in the streets
and a nunh in the sheets
okay so you just discovered XIV today. Got it.
Anyways, global released like 15 years ago. You wouldn't believe the cool shit we got since then.
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yup.. that's my wife
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How fairs your colonization efforts?
All they'd have to do to fix Viper would be to remove the button hints, and I bet that's the way it was initially designed and intended.
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>dev meltie.
What happened now?
Also, is there any youtube channel with all the DT cutscenes yet?
Can't find any
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Someone actually pet me today but it was cause I was out in the open desynthing about 50 fish and they ran off before I could start screaming.
*commends you since you have the best portrait*
Will job homogenization ever end?
It's said that they come to the world in times of great need
innocent stork raped golias
When the game finally dies. Seriously. I don't think CBUIII will ever stop taking shots off the job system. They're streamlining Viper already, for fuck's sake.
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>Friend recommends me games all the time
>"Oh man it's amazing! It's so awesome! It's insane!"
>Try it out, usually reaction I have is "I mean it's alright..." and I trudge through to the credits and it's an ok experience
>Found out last night he doesn't actually play any of these games even halfway through, in 2023 he only finished 2 games
I only start a game if I think it's good enough to play to completion, I thought everyone was like that?
The "meltie" was one person posting a single discord message slightly annoyed that someone was sharing the beta key publicly, but in /xivg/ terms that means a gigantic meltdown happened
is it just me or does ex1 hit as hard as some savage floors? the incoming aoe waves sometimes feels overwhelming or maybe my party just isn’t using their mits
nta but this community loves to weaponize the shitty tos/report system for stuff like this. i do not doubt that the guy will try it, and i bet op might even get warned for "misusing the pf" or something. these gms suck. most of them are third worlers using a script so you can't even communicate with them or debate your situation, and furthermore they won't tell you what you were reported for either so if op does eat a warning/ban for it he'll never be able to confirm whether or not it was for the pf situation. there is no way to track precedent and you're at the whim of the reporter's feelings. it's why nobody talks in dutyfinder and it's why everyone's afraid of each other in this shitty fucking game
>Palaka weapons
The VPR blades are really good. I don't know about Pictomancer, but the Valigarmanda PCT weapon looks great and fits the same theme.
everyone is just using AF gear and shitty dungeon accessories bro
nothing major, one of the xlcore devs just got pissy that people were sharing beta keys and instructions in here (better instructions than they have btw)
the admin of goatcorp, mr. john goat himself, already said in the same conversation that nothing was gonna happen to the beta
Are mooncats Doordash?
My miera hypnotist has defeated countless fiddies
But that happens every single time
Dunno why they even bother to use a beta key anymore
this whm is trying to heal trash packs with one regen and nothing else
t. Foxclon tricked by Yoshida
name or it didnt happen
good morning everybody, make sure to /stretch before you start your day!
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what are you gonna do motherfucker?
>talking shit about llamas
You are not allowed to use apothecary diary reaction images ever again
Moonies are the ultimate lifeforms. Some part time in delivery
I'm guessing its to add an extra step to keep out the absolute dumbest mouthbreathers, if someone can't figure out how to edit a text file they probably don't want them on a testing version of a program where crashes might happen and they don't want to deal with them spamming discord about it
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what games anon name and shame
>why are moonies... so violent...
Violence makes it better
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So if Sphene just warps herself into bodies of grunts then how the fuck do I get to really smell her feet and lick her pits?!
Good morning /xivg/
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This you?
Guten Morgen bro
go to where she's buried 6 feet under and start digging
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>moan and groan how you want to be an adventurer again
>moan and groan how you want low stakes tasks
>"I wish we were collecting bear asses like we did back in ARR that was soul!"
>got exactly what you wanted

Why are mmo faggots like this? Why do they beg for shit just to hate it?
are people doing the new expert dungeons with no healer? it just seems hard to imagine given the difficulty increase and the ways certain parts seem like miniature healchecks, but mostly given the fact that every time I go in and heal these, people eat endless shit. hell, sometimes I do too. the design of these is great. I've never been caught off guard in story content before, but this managed to get me a few times. there's so much pressure when i'm healing these because everyone's eating shit and I can afford them infinite chances to screw up, but if I screw up even once I'll probably die and then the rest of them will die too.
this game sucks i won a house and now i have to figure out how housing works wtf
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Yummy her lightning ravaged body
What happened to tanks not needing healers in dungeons? Plus regen is usually enough since holy is basically half a hallowed ground per pull.
Doesnt that mean that no matter who you turn to, you can really smell her feet and lick her pits?
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I'm starting to suspect my thread crush is even more autistic than me, but I'm still scared of talking to him first.
I distinctly do not remember collecting bear asses
Look at him go!
Dynamis, queue for casual crystal conflict.
Should I craft everything that I'm gathering to HQ quality>>484781882
>>"I wish we were collecting bear asses like we did back in ARR that was soul!"
>>got exactly what you wanted
I got 30 hours of unvoiced cutscenes and follow behind this NPC quests though, I wish they just told us to collect bear asses
Just toss a couple of sleeping bags onto the floor until you get the hang of it.
>Wanting to low stakes means wanting a dogshit story.
o im sorry o high and mighty scholar scribe masssa. didnt realize those two were one and the same.

Read a book, faggot.
A lot of indies, and a handful of AAA's:

>Vampire Survivors
>Outer Wilds
>Genshin Impact
>Watch Dogs 2
>Red Dead Redemption 2
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Most don't mind taking a bit of a backseat, the problem is that one character gets very aggressively shoved into your face. So if you dislike her, for VA problems or whatever else reason, then you obviously not going to have a good time.
Even those who like her seem to admit that she's a bit much front and center, cutting out Scions and potentially other interesting characters. I thought I'd hate that green haired Catboy but he seems alright, I'd like more conversations with him, Urianger and Thancred please.
Also yes, more gods to slay please.
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Rate my hrothcel.
Even in ARR my WoL was getting sucked off because of the blessing and being the only one able to fight primals.

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Why doesn't my character have voiced lines?
>costed me a grand total of 30 mil to get all crafters and gatherers to 100 and budget melded
fucking hell
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>tfw no femra for my femra
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>choke the life out of a solution nine catgirl
>she resurrects, an entirely new soul imprinted with that dying memory
>repeat until she's on her last life
Its funny that the low stakes meme is still the main point for shitposters also, makes it insanely obvious that they didn't even get past level 94 in the story
Weirdly, all the ass-collecting mechanics are when you run an FC.
It's so annoying how you can't even say the VA is shit without being called a transphobe. I don't care about culture war bullshit, and I'll even respect her fucking pronouns, but I'm still gonna say it point blank: she did a terrible job as Wuk, and they should have hired someone more qualified.

Krile was also pretty bad, but you know what? She had like 1/20th the lines Wuk had, so I barely noticed. There is no excuse, none, to have someone who speaks as much as Wuk does be voiced by someone who can't emote and sometimes sounds like a guy. When I did the dungeons with trusts, Wuk was there. Every time she said "back off!" she sounded like sora from kingdom hearts and I mean that in the most boyish way possible.
Wuk Layap is Poochie
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I'm logging in
Yeah I'm sure solution 9 has some freaky fetishes with the low-consequence deaths
Why did you drop smoking? smokings 'cool.
Doesn't help that, unless I'm misremembering, DT was initially billed as an expansion to explore Erenville and Krile, but they effectively get cut out in favor of Wuk Lamat. You can't even discuss important things about Krile's family without Wuk Lamat feeling like she's essential to the conversation.

I actually really like Krile and was excited to get some more developments than the meager stuff in Eureka, but instead I got some furry. I fucking hate furries. So I'm gonna feel a bit bait and switched.
fiera please have a vag
I like you, catboy, you're funny
looking AND smelling
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Sex with Koana.
No? This is me
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Awaken my meowsters
fetch me their souls
show us the femezen behind you instead.
She’s built for my meena
tfw no f3mra for my f3mra
sex with femlalas
t. bigger
>Intentionally misunderstands argument
>"Wow, I'm so smart!"
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I do feel sorry for Krile enjoyer, she among others really got the backseat. Erenville got a decent amount I'd say but I will never not be angry at Urianger getting like 20 lines.
The WoL has been in The Dead Ends this whole time
He was shown a vision of Dawntrail and now he's begging for Ra-La to end it
>cog image
who are you and what did you do with EU Maliddie?
Tommy no.
Too many people didn't like it, so I stopped using the mod, and I can agree with them

She's just a heavy alcoholic now only
I prefer her with puss puss but some people want her with a dick
Is it hard bro...?
This is me when trusting my friends' tastes, except replace "finding out he never completes them" with "thought dawntrail was a well written story and believes Wuk is a great character." I'll still be your friend if you believe this. It'd be weird to unfriend someone over their taste in games. But if you thought DT was good, I won't trust you when you tell me that other stuff is good in the future. I just watched you swallow a bowl of shit and call it delicious. Now you want to recommend this new restaurant that just opened up? Nah. I've seen what makes you clap.
The build up story to DT made it seem like Krile would be a key part to the xpac but she barely contributes at all and you could've just brought her earring and left her behind without changing anything about the plot
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She saw your post and teleported away
Can you follow a dorito...
Can someone post the Sphene armpit webm
>I prefer her with puss puss
I prefer it too, please be on Crystal.........
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Can someone who is smart at latinx culture tell me which cultures or people each of the zones correspond to......?
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>like 20 lines
Twelve. Twelve lines.
this is a good S rank
Tommy yes.
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Why should others get to dicktate what you do? Take a stand for your labia.
sounds like shadowlands cope from wow
>its all n'zoth vision
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Can someone explain the "viper is high apm" meme to me? It's legitimately the slowest melee dps. I feel like the boomers that play this game must just be finally suffering from early onset dementia.
I smell funny? Serves me right for spending all day catching clownfish I guess.
>Wuk Lamat: 647 lines
>Main antagonist for most of the story: 139 lines
Fuck ME, who thought this was a good idea?
Thhey knew what they were doing.
Is that purely voiced lines, or does it include stuff like the brief Urianger/Thancred cameos in Ihuykatumu?
You have to double/tripleweave more than most other jobs but its still low APM compared to other mmos
Viper is the second highest APM wise I think.
Miera husband for my femra.
And this is the reason I genuinely fucking hate this expansion and I focus so much of that hate on Wuk. I was promised an expac with not high stakes, but exploration of one of my favorite scions. Instead, said favorite scion got completely sidelined by, love her or hate her because you can't deny it, one of the writer's "original oc donut steel".

A shame because I do like MMOs, but the market is dogshit. but I'm not gonna keep paying SE for this, lmao.
You'd still be ERPing with a mid man that can't ERP with a vagina.
Get. A. Girlfriend. In. Real. Life.
Finish leveling up the job instead of posting opinions about its awful lvl 80 gameplay.
Very strong masculine features
you deserve lalabull correction, period.
Woke.... Le mutt! ahahahahahahahah
>level SGE purely through PVP
>have no idea how to play it
So uh. How do I drive this thing?
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It takes some getting used to. In Black Shift, your melee combo will shred any job, so often you'll focus whoever's out of position. Remember to use Disposition to charge up the end of your melee combo (usually Verflare).
Tag as many as you can with Frazzle (Black Shift debuff) and Resolution (line AoE with silence or root) as you can. I prefer White Shift resolution if you're nimble at switching between White and Black Shift.
The biggest thing, though, is that you're mostly melee and don't have a lot of mitigation, so the best defense is not getting hit. Smart usage of Disposition makes it hard for others to chase you, especially if you can use it to get around corners.
I'm speaking mostly about CC, but Frontline isn't too different. You'll use your melee combo on anyone out of position, and have Resolution -> LB or ideally Verflare -> LB -> Resolution to cast on any AoE groups.
Lastly, camping White Shift can help you waste a lot of enemy oGCDs if you're being focused hard while your allies are putting in work.
What level are you?
>eu maliddie
i have it on good authority that that middie also cums inside femlalas
Hello, it is I, Miera husband.

Captcha: J0H4G
Characters who only appeared in the last 2 zones got more lines than him. Fucking absurd, I know.

I believe that's a count of all voiced lines, Wuk Evu definitely said more than 12 things but only got like 1 voiced cutscene.
It's the highest, slightly above NIN. But APM != Difficulty, the job itself is very easy
shut the fuck up nonwhite manlet, men are tlaking
keep having a weird obsession with players real identity when you play a fucking mmo you retarded nigger
>duty finder extreme
Don't worry, 90% of healer on DF don't have any idea how to use their jobs either, you'll fit right in!
You are what you catch, I suppose
>Can someone explain the "viper is high apm" meme to me?
Because instead of doing your basic melee combo and then having the button turn into the finisher move it's on a different button. And when you press the button to activate your super melee combo you have to press another button to continue it, and then two more buttons to do bonus damage that also have their own seperate button. That's not even mentioning the other 80% of the jobs buttons.

It's like they took your intestines and laid them out on the ground so now they stretch like 60ft down the street instead of being contained within your torso.
Best I can do is miera hypnotist for your femra
*forehead smooch*
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Only Leatherworker and alchemist left to hit lvl 100 and I only spent 200k Gil to get my 690HQ gear penta melded with 10/11 Materia.
don't talk shit about OTIS bro!
I'm not feeling PCT in PvP
All you do is just push your buttons and pray things work out while you're useless
>Head of Resolve spends 3 years planning the Rites
>Farming Rite only happens because a Storm destroyed the float so they couldn't do the festival
>Moblin Rite only happens because a Storm destroyed part of their houses and the Artisans they hired left because of poor work conditions
>Fortunate that each Promise did each Rite in the same order, imagine deciding to do the cooking one first.
>Giant Man has to sit on top of mountain alone waiting for all Promises to show up, which should take days/weeks
You know that gear is completely replaced in 6.1, right?
Is that so?
Does he make them dress up in boys clothes first?
anon its my golem
its more just giving my friends what they want, and what they want is a fat bun with a fat cock coring their cats and lizards out but shes still OFFICIALLY has a vag
Hey if you convince 8 people to all do it at the same time, it works. Or if you're on JP, it works anytime because they're queueing it anyway.
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I'm coming
>leveling healer
>bardams mettle
>tank tries to pull to the wall on first pull
>doesn't use any mitigation whatsoever
>instantly dies
I don't get how people like this exist
right side gear remains relevant until 7.3
Last screenshot I saw was slightly behind Ninja, though I'm too retarded to find the stats on FFlogs myself to check.
You're not wrong though, though faster makes you more prone to mistakes.
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{Same}, I love its aesthetic and PvP gameplay so much. Wish I could help with the PvE side of things.
/surprised ... is there a /flustered emote?
I meant materia 9/10, not 11
>You know that gear is completely replaced in 6.1, right?
I only spent 200k gil, why should I care?
Are you implying that the writers just made shit up as they went? In an MSQ as critically acclaimed as Dawntrail?
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... I guess my car IS pretty spacious.
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I feel baited but I queued
Huh? I wasn't talking shit about Otis, I was talking shit about Sphene and Cahciua.
I don't think I'd want to play it in CC but the job has the perfect toolkit for FL and shits out insane aoe damage
is wuk lamat the new writers attempt at making their own graha :c

its sad krile got fucked over so hard
Does this also include Erenvilles Narration?
i had a friend i met from here who did the same thing except after playing the games and wanting to talk with him about them he would then pretend like the game was shit and he never liked it, despite spamming me with screenshots every day about it and begging me to play it for weeks
>queue as healer
>alt tabbed every time Bardams mettle starts
>Tank pulls wall to wall and dies
>Benny hill music plays.

what the fuck? bro just go gather shit and make levekits
I don't understand Sphene and the Endless
Queen Sphene is an AI that was recreated using memories of Alexandria's citizens. The people love her, and the only thing that's odd about her is that she doesn't age, but they brush it off.
The Endless are the people of Alexandria that died of old age and whose memories were uploaded to the cloud. Those memories then get shoved into a soul and they get to live in the Unlost World. The problem is that the more people in the "real" world die, the more Endless there are and the more souls are required.
Why did the Endless have to be powered by souls in the first place when Sphene is practically indistinguishable from all the other Endless but isn't running on souls?
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>japs can't handle braindead VPR positionals
>japs run to forums and cry about it
>yoship instantly bends the knee
I thought japs supposed to be good gamers, what happened? why are they asking for dumbed down game?
Outer Wilds is damn good though. Primarily if you like puzzle games. I need to play the Myst and Riven remakes...
>Hello everyone, this is Naoki Yoshida, Producer and Director of FINAL FANTASY XIV.
First, I would like to thank you all for your patience and cooperation in dealing with server congestion during the early access for Dawntrail. With your support, we were able to reach a record number of concurrent users we’ve not seen since the release of A Realm Reborn in 2013.
i thought dawntrail is a flop?
Sphene is a better leader than Wuk ever will be
someone flooded their car at one point and I don't know why I associate it with you, am I remembering wrong?
>I thought japs supposed to be good gamers
thats koreans and not japs
The feats were decided by the electors, not the Head of Resolve, speedreader. He picked the electors and the electors were free to decide how to evaluate the claimants.
Honestly both of those descriptions kind of fit SMN as well. You have a ton AoE (and a bit of a burst combo with LB up), but not enough single target burst to dictate the battle against key targets. That's why high-end CC players don't care for SMN too much. But in Casual matches or Frontline, you can just spray AoE damage everywhere and usually get the job done.
cute. would move her bookmarks around
No, no, no, no! He’s lying and it fucking FLOPPED. It’s a fucking failure and you will NEVER post anything like this again, understand? FFXIV is fucking dead.
But she is. She’s literally part of the biggest soul computer there.
unnamed chan posters deserve the death penalty for always posting off topic shit 24/7
Those aren't true weaves though. They slow the GCD down half the time.


It's just continuation on a few more buttons dude. Which the job barely has any to begin with so it's not an issue.
i choose to respect my time over my money.
>he believes what square enix says without question
>instead of observing all of those concurrent users firsthand, with his own eyes
okay sheep
and now you do what they told ya
its one guy
>urianger lines 12 words 192
>Estinien lines 15 words 163
>Yshtola lines 34 words 486
>Thancred lines 35 words 429

jesus fucking christ
mmorpg: koreans
mobas and rts: koreans
fps: south america
fighting games: japs or blacks in general.
May I request lewd pics with your fiera golem with my character?
Sphene is an endless too. Otis tells you this
I'm no longer coming and am going to frontline instead, gomen
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Just filter it man
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>not gaining money as you craft to level up
The only reason to buy in hard for leveling is to get a head start on materia sales to make up for it but since you're here blogging about it I assume this is just pure skill issue.
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>even the jp officil forums, which are relatively positive most of the time, has a dawntrail complaint thread that's popping off

so now that the jp gods have posted their far more listened to complaint, how do you think the writers will pivot away from this mess in 7.1?
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Oh that's definitely me. There's a blockage somewhere causing rain to seep in. Still trying to find it, thought I had it but it flooded again. Next weekend I got some time free we're gonna do some hardcore unscrewing and poking with a stick to try to find it.
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Look at this handsome man
That pull hurts even if you're mitigating properly and in up to date gear. I think it's worse than holmister switch, but easier than Mt. Gulg.
>made 100mil leveling crafters and gathers to 100
I have no idea what you did wrong
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>We've not seen since the release of ARR
wasn't THAT a flop? It took multiple patches to bring it back and the reason people are so misty-eyed for HW is because it retroactively fixed a lot of things in ARR as well.

I don't think saying it's the best since your last attempt at recovering from a catastrophic failure is impressive. In fact, wasn't the WoW exodus bigger? Basically, I'm accusing Yoshi of using corpo speak to make the stats sounds better than they are. But because anons are bootlickers, they believe corpos on a dime.
Everyone told me to go back to PSO2 so I turned FF14 into PSO2
I never believed Dawntrail would be a failure at launch. I thought that it would be a critical failure, in the sense that its story would be trash, and I was right. I also thought that it would not be able to keep the people who come for the launch to check it out, and on this... time will tell. XIV's launches are always peak activity though. Anyone who thought DT would be a ghost town was/is delusional. This was always going to happen.
Throw Kardia on the MT
Use Druchole as your standard gauge spending heal, cast it on someone even if they're topped off to avoid sitting on maximum stacks as your gauge spenders recover your mana
Taurochole is a stronger single target heal that mitigates on a cooldown
Physis is a regen that boosts healing
Kerachole is a regen that mitigates damage(mit does not stack with Taurochole)
Zoe + Pneuma for your emergency party heal
You gain Toxicon when your single-target shield breaks on anyone, or when your AoE shield breaks on you
Haima/Panhaima operates like in PvP - a stack of five shields that heals and reloads itself when broken
Pepsis consumes shields from Eukrasian Diagnosis/Eukrasian Prognosis and turns it into heals, like Emergency Tactics but backwards
How can we fix Wuk Lamat into a more likable character?
>he would then pretend like the game was shit and he never liked it, despite spamming me with screenshots every day about it and begging me to play it for weeks
Based schizo.
Uhm... my femra is immune to hypnosis.

that's even better
How did you do it. Im halfway through leveling my crafters and I've only made 10 mil
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Blud is trying to larp like he's white.
Why the fuck does this village make my game stutter? No other town does it. Just the little duck faced fuckers.
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Oh good I did remember correctly even though that convo had to have been like a year ago. Do you have a sun roof?
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She's perfect, her characters just growing and developing.
Sorry, I only fuck + until their dick is floppy.
No, fanta to a catgirl and then we'll talk.
Only if they had a vag too
Anal, oral, and taking is for bitch boy faggots.
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FUCK that looks good
look at how the melted cheese is dribbling off of it too, god
it's 7 am and I want a BURGER
The most hilarious part is just how utterly incompetent they made all of them at living their own lives in their own environments within their own cultures.
koreans aren't good at mmorpgs they just swipe and make everything p2w
what the sigma
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I meant to say Reason not Resolve
why'd you sign a blank post
Then your femra better enjoy the deep relaxation sessions I foresee in her future.
I need her to bleach me
>fps: south america
lmao what
anon that is a catgirl
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I started with gil so I bought raw mats, mass craft, sold them and repeated until I maxed out all my crafters
Sounds like a huge task though
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>Wants me to listen to his shit music
>wuk walks like 50 meters back to town along a path in full view of where the scions were waiting
>gets kidnapped
This lala is making me act up.
Less screen time
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Penumbra status?
Valigarmanda EX was something on BLM, how is Zuraal EX?
>We have been here for many generations and we don't know what's happening
>HELP SAVE US MISTER WHITE MAN, hol up you say you're a woman? You sound like a man...
Hiroi's masterful writing
every time thancred says "MY TURN" in duties i shout out "MITER" in real life because it's funnier
Would let plat my femra yes.
the scions wanted her to disappear.
That entire bit felt like padding.
Nope! I think it's somewhere in the front, gonna have to pull off the wipers and yank up the bits at the front I don't understand cars I'm expecting to reinstall it all backwards once I'm done and find I'm driving an airplane once I'm done.

You're welcome!
that's not the argument that was made, speedreader
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>It's just continuation on a few more buttons dude. Which the job barely has any to begin with so it's not an issue.
To play Viper comfortably I have to have my hotbar set up like this.

You can't really say "Oh it's a job with barely any skills to press" when the reality is you're still pressing 30+ buttons they're just not bothering to give them unique names anymore.
I thought you guys wanted a colonization expansion?
They need you to pay for extra frames.
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>shit music
sounds like you only enjoy final fantasy music
For a culture that's actually a pretty funnily racist rendition of an IRL race, I'm surprised so many of the soys and "PROTECT DA TRANS" aren't mentioning literally any of it.
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Gulool's husband
did these 2 have the same voice actor? they sounded so similar to me.
that arc was where I mentally dropped the plot entirely. obviously I concluded the msq, but right there was where I stopped assuming the best and began nitpicking and being very negative about it. the entire thing was so stupid on everyone's part. a complete stranger approaches wuk like "got something neat to show you ;)" and wuk just believes her and runs off and we let her do that and waited around long enough for the problem to compound
ffs even her brother is baffled by how stupid we are
i honestly think he wished he was schizo
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it's not enough
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I get why they couldn't do it due to the story but ungolding Living Memory was a fucking terrible choice. I doubt there is ever a chance they will step back on this decision huh?
>Fps: south America
Nigga browns and blacks play fighting games.
FPS is for chinks and self deleters (whites)
If your job has to stand still, you're not getting invited
He also didn't plan the feats, the electors decided what the claimants would need to do. They explicitly tell you that and you can even go back to the cutscene after the first Trial where they explicitly tell you that the feat of Ice they planned only involved fortifying Valigarmanda's seal, but defeating the beast was more than they could have ever asked.
Never. we're stuck with the ugly shithole.
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Gay sex with Turali hroths
maybe they'll do it like the doman restoration. it is hinted that scientists are there studying the place now, so i'm sure they will do something more with it.
>We need to avoid making any sort of white savior storyline.
>Which is why we got an american that's white as chalk to put on a racist accent!
you only enjoy the most popular shit
They absolutely didn't need to uglify that zone. Just like Ultima Thule didn't have to be so fucking boring looking. This is just the devs trying to get cheap shock value via "look at pretty zone AND NOW ITS GONE NOW YOURE MOTIVATED TO STOP THIS YES???"

It's Dora the Explorer fucking storytelling tactics. Look at the thing! Thing bad now! Let's go stop bad thing!
So what the fuck was the Head of Reason planning that he had to "labored nigh without cease" if his only job was just selecting the Electors.

He obviously had a hand in what challenges the Promises would face.
But BLM has a billion free casts and more mobility than RDM and PCT :^)
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So at this point are the rest of the expansions just going to be taking different reflections of Source and creating entire new fantasy worlds and conflicts with them?
So, how strenuous was raiding The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 back when it was current content during 2.2?
god yes that part with the reeds was unbearably stupid, especially since the ritual VISUALLY SHOWS THE ENERGY GOING INTO THE REEDS but these dumb motherfucking birds are all surprised that it helped their crops
fucking stupid
hiroi is a hack
Pictos PvP LB is so bad
when's the despicable me 4 meetup
I know this is not what you asked, but at least you can cope using NG+ to revert it back to the full theme park form and with flying unlocked you're able to visit every place prior to their terminal getting shut down.
>Face 3 femra
The shirt should say they love stormblood
Fuck wuk and fuck the scions

>Bros it's so hard to become rich as a crafter
>"Huh? I easily became rich as a crafter"
>How did you do it bro?
>"Well you see, I was already rich so I used my wealth to get a headstart on everyone else and became even richer"
This is the EPITOME of asking /xivg/ for advice on anything. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
>Healer dies early on in boss fight
>BLM dies
>Tank keeps me alive (Viper) and we clear the boss
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It is time for me to remind you that Shallow Moor was a total qt.
i hope youre all excited for 10 more years of Hiroi's writing
he also had to come up with the idea to find the golden city, set up the keystones puzzle, arrange all the people and make sure he chose trustworthy people as electors (which he admittedly failed at)
morale of DT: thank god white people showed up to my country we literally only ate tacos and stared at sand before they showed up and colonized us.

You just don't understand how hard it was for the writer to come up with these trials.
Still the best MMO. Still better than WoW. Deal with it, transphobes. Did you poo in loo today, Rajesh? Still coping that TWW looks horrible? Yeah, thought so.
PvP sucks ass in xiv, who gives a fuck.
>>How did you do it bro?
>>"Well you see, I was already rich so I used my wealth to get a headstart on everyone else and became even richer"
Wow its almost like a video game economy mirrors how a real economy works
100mil is not rich
nor is 20mil
You make 20mil just by getting to DT from ARR
i feel like the knockback doesnt even work 90% of the time
Ask me how I know you weren't playing DRK lol
this right here is why blm should do less damage than pct
just give pct's buff to blm and call the damage disparity a day. they made blm so fucking easy in dawntrail, it legit feels free. if you are still bad at blm after dawntrail then nothing can save you. they did everything short of just removing the enochian timer, and with how fire paradox is now instant cast, they might as well have removed the timer desu. seriously, the only people i know actively defending what blm has become are people who were horrendous at blm before all this. and thank god for these changes, because now those types of people who made blm their identity but still manage to suck at it can finally contribute some proper dps when i bring them for stuff.
Male highlander?
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yes south america

>481 ratings vs 992
dead game
You make ~1.5 mil from ARR to DT.
Gil rewards plummet after ARR.
make her start fucking up extremely badly at leading and have conflicts with koana
Because if he tried that on the WoL he would be atomized instantly.
Bro? New crafting sets are coming out in 3 weeks that will require pentamelding.
Point proven immediately. At least now I can say I hate trannies because they're generally racist and not the funny kind
It was so fucking easy to just make a fully functioning society, that simply stumbles upon some kind of enormous threat from outside, and we help them overcome it as also help from outside.

But no, gotta prove Wuk Lamat is the best person to ever exist so all of these people have been living their life incorrectly until she showed up.
No you don't. You'd barely make 250k in that timespan.
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I am going to kill Wuk Lamat, Krile, Graha, and Erenville and close the gate so me and Sphene can get married and I will live in Living Memory forever!
not to my knowledge no
think he just likes lalas in general
oh yeah then give me 20 mil right now
just use a spell or gas that knocks them out, i mean fuck weve been drugged before in the msq we can get drugged again
They should do the Tekken approach with voice acting.
Compared to the average player who does not go out of their way to make gil and regularly uses the market board to purchase things like minions, gear, orchestrion rolls, etc, 100m is considered rich. 25-50m is normal to have in liquid gil once you reach DT from ARR.
SOUTH AMERICA HASNT DONE SHIT IN COUNTER STRIKE SINCE 2016. FPS is a white mans and asian (forma de american) genre at the highest level. Brazil is dogshit at Counter Strike
New crafting gear won't be out until 7.1. The patch in 3 weeks is 7.05
>people who literally afk complaining about being poor in the game they don't play
my femra's face when
Well then I guess I'll have to investigate that
I couldn't take the dawnservant seriously because his english voice had that sort of stereotypically slow nasally mexican voice that my racist neighbor does when he rants about illegals. Like they sound the exact same. He sort of sounds like my mexican friend when he's stoned.
It's sort of useful if your team actually stands in the LB for the defensive buff
The 690 pentamelded crafting gear will last you for at least a year, the accessories even longer most likely
>100mil is not rich
99% of players don't even have 10 million gil, a lot don't even have 5 million gil.
Need her to breed my moonie
I'm going to make my money from the next foray. I will be on that shit daily and practically living inside of it. They will add stuff to farm and sell like the other 2.
Accessories last til 6.3
That crafter set lasts til 6.1
Did you try to say asians are american lmao
Man Krile and Sphene sound so similar.
i cant remember if its blazblue or unist or some other anime fighter, but one of them lets you pick what language individual characters speak. so you could have jp wuk lamat, en yshtola, fr alphi, etc. i wish more games did that.
fuck off transphobes
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post your moonie
anyone know the file location of dalamudconfig? it's not in my appdata folder
Wow, it's almost like you're out of touch with the common man and your contributions to someone asking how to get rich are worthless...
It's not good enough to be LB material tho, feels like a regular ability
>only half way through the story
>some of my friends are already done, did the extremes, got the mounts, fully geared, grinded side content, and all they have left to do is level jobs
Man, they really should timegate stuff more. I feel like there's no point in continuing since I seemed to have missed most of the content already.
Fighting games have been doing that for years, Street Fighter 4 had that feature like 15 years ago
wunk lamat hateposting has arrived

And why couldn't he come up with the idea to say that waiting for others do all the intended trials and tasks, then swooping in to steal their keys wouldn't be allowed?
I'd love that because even though I'm not actually annoyed by her Feo Ul in french is goddamn adorable and I want her over the english version.
he sounds exactly like a puerto rican guy i used to work with
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This scene didnt feel earned
can someone post the burrito pic for dalamud
no chatbubbles is pissing me off already
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Okay wait, so...not only is Dawntrail the fifth-best FFXIV expansion of all time, it's also the best MMO right now AND it lets you be diverse and tolerant by supporting Wuk Lamat? Woah! Dawntrail is the 4channiest expansion of all time. Let's show those plebbitors who's boss.
God fuck no. I hate when they timegate cool stuff just because faggots like you need to scratch your ass every fucking millisecond. If you fall behind, you get left behind. With the millions of other people. You got help.
Unfortunately I am not EU, there would not be a point
bruh who cares about money
just make friends with rich crafters and they'll build your shit for you if you give them mats
>but mats cost money
mats are like the bare minimum, just do your roulettes and you will afford mats
everything else in this game costs tomes except niche shit like mounts or minions but you get those by playing the game.
i have sat on 20mil or less for years because every time i get more than 20m, I buy gifts for my friends. that's my only reason for caring about gil. i'll never understand these submarine autists who buy an entire ward to amass billions of fake dollars that RMT for next to nothing irl and can't be used to purchase anything but gaudy golden mounts and minions you're too dogshit at the game to obtain by playing it. unless you just like looking at a big number i dont get why you'd care after you gear up and surpass like 15-20m
i felt nothing for this scene, Kriles and Erenville's were much more impactful
because he wanted that to be an option, retard. a good leader should be strong enough to defend themselves from that, or smart enough to have people that can do that for them
I am literally LGBT. Diversity doesn't excuse you being bad at your job.
most if not all the accents in dawntrail are completely fake.
Erenville really got shafted this expansion
They should've had a Papylymo, Haurchefant, Lady Iceheart, Moembryda, Yotsuyu, and any other folks that died show up in Living Memory to really tug at our heartstrings.
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>eyyy holmes... like, the rite of succession, dawg....
>*takes a hit off the bong*
>duel me sometime, mayne....
there's shit on the MB that costs more than 20m
you are a faggot
>dogshit team and region hasnt won shit since
every single person on this team is washed up now
85% chance of being a tranny.
admin, the femlala is doing it sideways
*bunnyhops on my omnicrafter table across solution nine*
>Doing the Crafting Quests
>The Leatherworker/Weaver one
>Find out the Great Grandfather of the quest giver knew Gulool Ja Ja
>Gulool Ja Ja sent him on a journey around the continent to learn about the different cultures

This guy uses the same fucking solution to every problem
make her black and I would
i need to buy that bike
BLM players, do you still need sps if you want to play it comfy? Before playing crit wasn't for me, because it was more difficult, easily punishable mistakes
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Mr. President a second femlala has hit the quan
>Pull at our heartstrings
She was unredeemable and only did a good act in the end out of spite
right and my post explains that you are a shitter for buying it instead of just getting it by playing the game.
bike's 7.5m. my "who the hell cares" cutoff point was ~20m
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Made some progress in the last 36 hours. Hopefully the new trial will unlock soon.
its a shame cause i was really charmed with his relationship with his mother from the getgo
Living Memory is literally just Elpis reskinned.
Rent free
crit was easier than sps in high end content tho...
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they already played that card in endwalker bro
You're implying I wouldn't fuck her.

You are the one who will not survive the coming storm.
Pretty sure they wanted to fire Wuk Lamat's VA but couldn't because she is a tranny and thus a protected social class. Imagine having to sit and watch this unfold, can't believe the cringe.
Was it? I thought sps is easier because it's easier to keep AF up...
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Would it be incest or selfcest
Exactly, that what makes it fit so well in DT. Take what previous expansions already did and do it worse.
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Fiddie Friday
esports have a younger age restriction than football, comparing them to the people playing today is unfair

Is like comparing Cristiano Ronaldo to Kylian Mbappé
they already did that with endwalker bro
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BLM bros what the FUCK went do wrong?
Now that the dust has settled, did Dawntrail meet expectations? Or did it exceed expectations?
It's simply masturbation.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Wattpad has done irreparable damage to the internet.
Someone repost that chris chan aura meme, I fucking love that
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Living Memory felt a lot like Final Fantasy 10's farplane.
Hell, our role as Wuk's guardian on her way to a culturally relevant place (a pilgrimage really), as well as Wuk getting kidnapped, also felt a lot like Final Fantasy 10.
The Japanese do not give a fuck about social classes in other cultures if all this "taco taco burrito banana leaves taaaaaaaaaaco!" is anything to go off of. I think they just genuinely suck ass at their job hiring people.
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I already sucked dick irl this morning
Viper and Pict have a much higher sample size because people are playing them as they're new
BLM in particular requires mastery over things so expect it to grow
exceeded expectations by a long stretch. Easily one of the best expansions to date
It has some nice moments but the Wuk hate is justified and she drags it down
depends on who is holding which hemipene
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I still gotta beat it
BLM has no mastery now
At least he got better off than Krile
I fell for the crafter/gathering meme and it's just a pain in the ass to make gil.
Barely anything sells and people undercut all the time.

It's way more fun to just spam maps when that is relevant and sell the mats/gear from that.
some stuff on the MB is no longer obtainable by gameplay FAGGOT
They hired SBI they clearly do care
>BLM in particular requires mastery over things so expect it to grow
Does it now? Really? In dawntrail, where you can take your leylines with you? In dawntrail, where you get free f3, free thunder, free fire paradox?
Does it?
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>yeah let me bring my friend to voice this role you will love them
>huh you mean you had ideas with that latina over there? They don't even know voice training you should hire my friend they have had previous work in other video games they'll beat her out of the water
>you'll only have a few chuds mad at her voice acting but most people will love her I promise
>I think they just genuinely suck ass at their job hiring people.
But why now of all things?
Shadowbringers acceptable
Endwalker acceptable
Dawntrail is hot july trash what happened???
Games fun. Story is lame, but you only have to go through it once then you can enjoy game. I'm having fun.
Met me down in the abyss of how low they were. Ankle deep in the loam where Endwalker is buried.
How about you beat my meat first...?
Is a clear a clear mentality acceptable when clearing stuff in PFs?
It feels like there might've been an okay story somewhere, but Wuk kept pissing over any buildup. I think the writer's shitty OC mighta ruined the draft.
There's literally no reason to waste gil on left side gatherer/crafter gear if you've got ilv620 pentamelds from EW (materia farming is a meme for the terminally autistic). Just get the right side pentamelded, those will last you for a lot longer.
remember when those two confessed to each other and then nothing happened afterwards? what the fuck was that about?
Sprout EB to be groomed by me
The SS rank is sick as FUCK holy look at this design
>lookup hemipene
>inadvertently learn that hemiclitorises also exist
nature is weird
Even if you only parsing gray?
I only level crafters and gatherers so I can make my own food and pots.
Hiroi and Wuk Lamat really tanked my expectations for the MSQ, however the battle design is really good and i am exicted to see where they go with it from here forth
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Sunnies and moonies are for femra.
Why was Shadowbringers so good?
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Is leveling gatherers easiest through the timed collectables or should I levequestmaxxx from 90 to 100
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idk guys, this is looking kind of tough
yes, only raidtroons care about high parses. They are mentally ill and ruin the game with their drama and whining.
Yes. You need your clear to access farm/reclear parties.
What are you trying to buy? If it's some submarine garbage, then I genuinely empathize and that does suck, but I can't think of any submarine exclusives that cost 20m unless you're gunning for the newest shit on release in which case just wait like another week. The undercutters do nothing but drive costs down. This is why you're broke btw.
Story Sucks
Fights are fun
If they drop the ball in Savage I will unsub
please queue the gilded araya on chaos
That's what they said last time and then 6.4 crafted HQ had much higher requirements. Might as well go all in.
wearing lalagirl clothes

Storywise it's the worst Final Fantasy ever made.
Gameplay wise I do think it improves upon Endwalker and the battles too.
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die 1000 deaths *shoots you*
>dawntrail down to 8 on metacritic
please stop reviewbombing it chuds
endwalker already proved that the quality of the story doesn't matter because people will just continue to play the game without saying much regardless.

dawntrail dungeons are better but the job design is really shit and the soundtrack is a new low for xiv.
Takes zero time if you levequest and do the crafter role quest deliveries.
my moonie had sex with erenvilles mom
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It had deep themes etched into every part of the story, as opposed to Dawntrail which is just amateurish shonen slop.
I hope the raids are fun at least.

The dungeons and trials were good.

Story was 85% shit but maybe patch msq will be better
Anyone want to put 2.5mil gil on the line in a game of mahjong?

1 point = 100 gil
7/10. Too much Wuk in the second half.
Spefically Living Memory, it felt like Wuk is a kid who gets an equal attention gift at someone elses birthday party.
Do both at the same time if you really want to get it done super fast, but either way it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to go from 90 to 100
the actual dungeon battle soundtrack is great until the leitmotif starts up imo. the buildup to it sounds like something out of kingdom hearts
This is literally an actual plot point.
Can you believe this shit
Decay is a transition. It isn't a stable state. The game has been in decay since maybe Stormblood and we're just starting to see more and more of the design slough off. That's why a lot of people are also chiding hard on quest designs which haven't changed in years, or job desigsns which haven't changed in years, or boss design, which hasn't changed in years, or dungeon design, which hasn't changed in years.

As incompetency is standardized, decay ensures that quality continues going down until said decay becomes "stable". I genuinely think the source of decay is in large part Yoshi P. The man's a washout now. He hasn't done anything impressive in years and even now he's still touting his ARR accomplishment like it just happened yesterday.

Ishikawa leaving probably accelerated things a good deal between EW/DT. I understand she's technically still on the team, but the quality drop was sudden and violent after she took a consultancy role, so I have to assume her hand on the draft was minimal if at all existing.

Anyways, maybe I'm wrong about the source, but I'm confident about the process. It will continue to get worse whether you like it or not. And "voting with your wallet" will not work. After all, lest you forget which incompetent corporation is at the helm, Square Enix has been eating loss after loss be it in product or marketing for the past 4 or so years ,with XVI failing to recover any good will.

XIV will die, frens. There was a time I thought I was just yelling at clouds, but then this happened. I genuinely thought DT was gonna be a success. I was gonna be a dumb faggot who has to eat his words. And I was gonna sub and play the game. But now? I'm not touching garbage. Let alone paying a subscription to be around it lmao.
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I started Dawntrail with 4M gil and already have 115M Gil just selling Houses.

My crafters and gatherers also hit lvl 100 bc crafting the also gives you XP when you turn in the mats and crafts.
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Trash story, trash new characters, dungeons and trials are great, classes are being dumbed down even more and overall I want to drop the game.
good story, good characters, good pacing, good music, fun fights, fun foray
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if your name is "jet" and you pulled up to me irl check for herpies
>My jobs
8/10, last two pull this down a lot
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>shows up
>zoom in on face, does /smirk
>exposition dumps about society wronging them
>uses stolen relic
>smirks when our job quest partner has a twist that conveniently connects them to the relic in bad way
>flies away
>repeat three times
I'm noticing a trend here
skibidi ja
Lala girls
wearing lalaboy clothes
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How do i join the secret femlala clique on Chaos
Role quests were a good shout, thanks
>XIV will die, frens
Really that's making me so anxious because you might just be right
>I genuinely thought DT was gonna be a success
Me too like I'm surprised that it's so bad, so surprised that I'm not even disappointed yet
that is such a good way to put it
>krile finally meets her parents
>there's an awkwardness to it
>instead of letting that awkwardness sit or maybe even one of the two older lived adults in the scene coming to terms with it outright and then getting over it to enjoy the time they have
>instead of that
>instead of anything emotional that's worked out between them
>wuk jumps in
>sends me to go get it
>like i'm the fucking butler
that whole scene encapsulated my issue with wuk in this expansion.
Convenience is the death of the soul. This applies to irl and games
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Pat isn't that smart to avoid it, the man who thought he was a genius playing Evil Within. Since SBFP died and he had a kid he is just infinitely more chill than he used to be everything you mentioned was pre
Are you a lalagirl or a femlala?
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How gil is enough to be considered rich?
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Maybe you should watch this
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Unironically, FF13 is better than Dawntrail as a narrative. ARR is a more fun experience than Dawntrail if only because it lets you actually play the damn game.
Stormblood niggas are going to come up in here asking "you sorry yet?" Due to how shitty DTs story is.
sometimes a lalagal
There is nothing fun about playing ARR.
rich and dumb you're still poor.
It exceeded my expectations. I went in with no expectations beyond what we were told and I just wanted a decent Final Fantasy story which is what I got out of the MSQ. There are a few scenes where I have issue with the English VA but nothing that detracted from my overall enjoyment of the story. The expert dungeons and trials are sick as fuck as well so I see this expansion as a win for me personally 8/10


500+ mil = rich
50-100 mil = middle class
-50 mil = poor
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>FF13 is better than Dawntrail as a narrative.
God I hate that you're right
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when plogons coming back...
The flying squirrel will be MINE!
>team refuse to fight ever and just sits on ice
>flames about to win so my team pushes into mael base fro some reason
>lose horribly because theres only like 2/24 people with battle high
>people say its because of ice rng
its amazing how after nearly 10 years of this map existing people are still this retarded
If Wuk Lamat was a miqitten then people would've been pogging out
Post screenshot of (You) and G'raha Tia on the boat in the last zone.
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I enjoyed the first half more than the second, Wuk was annoying but I didn't want to do another fucking shard invasion story right after we wrapped up zero, also extremely disappointed we didn't get to fuck around with Erenville more in cowboy town, I think S9 creates too many plot issues as well

3/10 hopefully the post msq is better but I get the feeling it's just going to be the same shit for the third time in a row
now all the people who acted like refunding subtime was inconceivable are gonna be real fucking quiet
>wuk jumps in
It was literally G’raha that jumped up, deepthroated ice cream in front of Krile and her parents anon. I get you hate the character Wuk Lamar but at least get your facts straight
>SB 2.0 (bad story, good content)
>all shadowbabs and endsperm leave
>subs go back to comfy 300-500k active players
I got exactly what I asked for. I am thriving, I am living. Now all I want is for Soken and his team to make more music with good lyrics.
What's the best item to mass craft while sleeping to flip on the MB and get spiritbond materia at the same time?
I love this big dumb kitty
>Really that's making me so anxious because you might just be right
NTA but the destiny of all mmorpg is to eventually close down or to enter into upkeep mode - and even then, if you consider XI is still serviced, the "death" of XIV might just mean a dignified retirement and merely a change of our experience
Personally I'd be pretty excited if extended maintenance for XIV meant SE was ready for its next mmorpg
Wuk Lamat really should have stayed at home while the Scions investigated Alexandria.
No need to resist anon
>>subs go back to comfy 300-500k active players
New cope just dropped and I like it.
Maybe the shadowbabies will fuck off finally
NTA but Raha ate the ice cream after we got it like the butler, please get your events in proper order.
This is possible if the raids aren't amazing. Everyone's waiting to see if they can make them live up to the opening salvo of content.
they ain't
they ain't
Just call them ice lickers.
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>fianlly cowboy vacation after we helped wuk on the throne and she gave us the cockblock pass
>its just 15 mins and then its back to wuk
Its cool that they reused the p8s model
>game is down for 2 days
>cricket noises
>people are unable to play for weeks
>"here's 2 days of free time, don't use it all in one place :)"
this is insulting
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Now that femhroths are a thing, can the gays go back to roe and catboys please?
Hroth is the designated hetero race now.
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You could commission a painter to paint you an actual painting for 350 fucking squidiroonies.
that comes after. there's a moment where the camera pans away to you, raha, and wuk at a table and wuk starts bitching about how their touching moment is "unbearable" and won't stop whining about how we have to do something.
Such a blatant fanservice moment.
Every poster I hate is Kong
I know XIV is gonna close down eventually I just didn't expect the signs so soon
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would it be possible to rip the flat textures of the arm and neck scales for female au ra? i'm trying to make the scales for a costume but i wanted a flat model to work with so i can trace it onto the foam i'm using. if there's an easy way to do this i'd love to know how
>Estinien already there and having fun with the locals killing and eating exotic cactaur
We should just surrender the Azem crystal to him at this point, he's the only true adventurer in the main cast
>Ok gaijin we give you two days
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What's the difference between Duty Support and Trusts? does Duty Support do less damage or something?
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/xivg/ meetup
Solution Nine
July 5th
gil is useless, if you have more than 50 mil you're set
You are a man
Stop wanting to be a woman
>Ok gaijin we give you two days
Did you even read the link?
can you get snow cotton with gemstones
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Was that other anon right and you like femlalas as well?
Funny you say that, I did.
>for weeks
the only things they mention are issues console players have had since early access, which dropped 1 week ago
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cats with cattos
yeah but malehroths belong to femra
So it's entirely self-inflicted. Just admit you've been playing wrong this entire time and plugin the ol sword and board.
oh nvm xbox players specifically get 10 days total
that's nice, i guess
so ironic how this was the only part of the game that felt like an actual vacation
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here bud
Its literally only for ps5 and xbox players
>Why did you cut my lover into 13 separate pieces and made them all retarded and not know who I am? And they all collectively hate me.
>It's to save the star my child
duty support is a pre leveled and assembled npc party that helps you with the dungeon and earns no xp, its its own thing per dungeon
trusts is the full gang of npcs that you have to level through dungeoneering yourself and you cant go i ndugeons that you didnt level the npcs high enough for
Guesting is required and all other DCs are locked down completely, anon.
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>nearly peak player numbers
Regardless of if you think it's good or not it literally did not fail by numbers alone, this is the same shit as when you faggots claim that blizzards next game will be their last and then they release a shitty mobile game you're all allegedly going to boycott and it makes them more money in a month than their other games have in years, your opinion on quality is not in line with reality which is driven by sales

>wah ur defending muh trannies
I play in JP dub and I think the story was the worst so far that doesn't change how square has already called it a success
So did every black mage just switch to picto which is why there are barely any complaints about how they completely fucked up blm in even the most basic ways like thunder potency?
>98 quest
>4 cutscenes in a row
>"you should set aside some time for these upon speaking with WUK LAMAT"
This anon gets it. When I say "XIV will die", I don't mind some explosive shattering loss like HD2 did when it lost 90% of it's playerbase in like 2 months.

I mean decay will continue to accelerate until the game is just put on life-support. Starting up an MMO is expensive, so shutting such an established one completely down would incur smaller, albeit still similar costs. I'm not gonna wait until XIV is literally offline to write it off, but fact is that I don't have to. MMO's can die well before the servers go out and that's my worry.

I would want so much to this game FIXED, not ADDED, FIXED before they pulled support.
Anon, it's a fantasy race. All the hroth are very masculine, including the women. All the viera are very feminine, including Erenville, who really deserves a week-long break after all this with my WoL in our private cabin.
It's a plant so no
Only monster parts and hides for leather
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t-touching tips...
My expectations going in were admittedly low when compared to previous expansions, but outside of the instance dungeon/trial fights which I do quite like and will be the lasting part of this expansion rather than the play-once-then-ignore story, I did not have a good time going through the story.
>On controller
Get a look at this retard
why did they have to put him on the other side of the boat.........
theyre silent quitting black mage
It's interesting that yoshida himself didn't notice since he mains the job. Maybe he doesn't care as much about XIV anymore so he finally took a hands off approach or something. I was shocked by how much they ruined the basic principles of the job. There's basically no management at all involved in this role anymore.
>only console
console browns must die
Not the same person, but smart keybinds and you're at no disadvantage from playing on controller and it's very comfortable to not have to hunch over a desk.
Have you tried not being in a dead dc
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you fool that's not an answer
>wol and a whole bunch of scions just looking on as zoraal kills 2heads
>just.. staring angrily
I jumped headfirst into the void to fuck up zodiark 2 like a month ago, surely I shouldn't be intimidated by some red lizard?
>latinx culture but they can't figure out that they need different seeds to adapt to the environment they've lived in for hundreds of years
That part was honestly retarded. They shouldn't even need seeds, they all have carnivore teeth. They should be raising some pig-like creature and eating them. There's abundant vegetation everywhere, you just let some 30-50 domesticated hogs roam around and can feed the entire village.
imho this was a good decision to hammer down that nothing good lasts forever and was a based move by devs
I can imagine you guys getting pissed replaying undertale a 2nd time and it mocks you in several ways for doing so
I agree that this expac will now live and die on post-patch content. I might still be wrong, but wasn't this the situation in Endwalker too? Sure, to a lesser degree, but I'm not enjoying this "It's normal to be shit before patch content." pattern lately.
Based on recent events I really don't think Yoshida plays the game anymore.
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It was an honorable fight, you wouldn't understand woman
Yoshida plays standard BLM
Yoshida hates unintentional rotations more than anything and everything about DT BLM was done to spite non-standard rotation players.
Wuk talks about it later as being a matter of her father's honor that she couldn't interfere, so maybe it's assumed the WoL was aware and observing that same rule about the duel? I realize that doesn't really make it better though, but at least they kind of acknowledge it.
Set it in Aether: Only Aether players can attend
Set it in Crystal: Only Crystal players can attend
Set it in Primal :Only Primal players can attend
Set it in Dynamis: Everyone from all of NA can attend

Makes sense. At least prior to July 16th's Patch 7.01.
damn... alright so what should i buy with my gemstones? idk what's all the rave right now
Healers were doing this too, but now people mock it because some retard loudly called it a strike.
This is the solution though. If the job sucks, just state your distress clearly on official channels and then stop playing it.
Square Enix needs to hold a meeting about this shit.
Endwalker had the toughest content drought at the end in years and years.
Then they launch an expansion of such low quality.
What were they thinking?
is there anything useful to use Wolf Marks and the pvp crystals on or do you just sit capped on them permanently?
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My femlala looks like this
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how does he do it
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He asked everyone to let him handle it, okay.
It's not like everyone could've just jumped in anyway when the guy activated his fucking Battle Continuation implant because it was clearly not going to be a fair one-on-one duel anymore, his word is law.
I'm not fucking going to Dynamis
>that other anon
had to scroll up a bit to get what you meant lol
but yes, i love femlalas. i just also have a fetish for crossdressing lalaboys
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Again, have you tried not being on a dead DC. Funny that you leave out Materia as well and just exclude an entire region of people anon
wol had his weapon drawn and was standing in front of erenville and i think another non combat npc IRC
you could construct an argument on why he didnt fight from that
but it would have been funny if you did and just ended it there
>ok lemme just pull a second life out of my ass
so if a dude pulls a gun on his opponent during a boxing match it's still honorable, I take it?
seriously what the fuck was he thinking
Speaking of unintentional rotations did they ever kill the Dragon Kick meme?
>replaying undertale a 2nd time and it mocks you in several ways for doing so

As we all know, you should be mocked in several ways for ever playing Undertale for the FIRST time.
>Doesn't understand population spikes or release phenomena.
>Randomly brings up trannies
The people who will remain in the game well after it's lost its shine are right here. Guess the game is in good hands.

Ignore the reviews. The complaints. The complaints in the actual game. Ignore it all. GAME DOING GOOD. I know this might destroy your mindset on how the world works, but you have to actually interpret data instead of just staring and going "HAHA NUMBER BIG I WIN"

god he's such a throat goat, imagine the size of the cocks he could swallow
What Dawntrail mat should I farm while watching youtube to craft later, I already farmed 2000 levinsilk yesterday
Haven't joined an FC since I've just been making my way through the story (on Endwalker now) and doing ALL content in between (yes even side quests). I had this weird pride where I didn't want to join an FC with a sprout and be coddled but now that I've lost it I kinda regret never looking for one. I don't want to join any of those random FC's that are just constantly sending invites to people. Is there somewhere out of game where you can browse and talk to people in an FC before deciding to join?
*pushes you off the roof*
Glad he kept his composure this time.
me too. i want to hold her hand again, but i think she's too strong now
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has anybody actually read this thing
>mesugaki Wuk and tsundere Bakool
we were so close to greatness
*Insert Mass Effect 3 comment about Honor*
>Balance players snitch to in-game devs about the paradox rotation because "it's not spamming fire therefore it's not true BLM"
>Devs hard lock BLM so you can only play it standard
>Paradox niggas laugh as they switch to picto and the "die hard" BLMs have been seething to the point of insanity

Maybe next time don't snitch :)
Yeah, they replaced with Pouncing Opo rotation lol
>Sound still randomly dies for no reason until you reopen the game
The whole expansion is full of these shitty moments, but that shitty moment in particular is the worst because someone finally actually dies from our inaction. Remember that part where they got wuk's biological father on his knees looking like they were about to execute him cartel-style, and we just stood there with our arms folded like nothing was wrong? Or when little baby jaja got picked up by the fucking throat, and all we did was draw our weapon? We've killed gods btw. Had planets thrown at us btw. We could snap our fingers and the concentrated aether from that would probably turn the lizardfag into paste. Stupid fucking plot.
Yeah I already knew that one cuz of the MM pics, but it's good to know you like my kind as well
Need a niggercat eb like this
>go stop it
Nigger??? We were the ones CAUSING it.
I am cursed to only be able to cum inside lalafells. How do I cope.
>sales are good
>subs are high
>it's doing bad because.... because.... BECAUSE I JUST DON'T LIKE IT OKAY!!!!!!!!
What will Pagliacci paint today?
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>once again maining the hardest class in the game
>once again looking to do hard content
yep it's another epic season of macchi kino
early zones were cute, but took way too long to get to the first dungeon (mablu sex bottom text)
i liked wuk lamat early on when she was just a goofy retard that was trying her best
the kidnapping arc was fucking retarded. it was obviously a trap, and ruined the pacing there really bad. they should NOT have done that right when we were about to go back to urqopacha (they shouldn't have done it at all desu)
i thought the cooking trial was dumb at first, but it was quick enough that it was fun in the end
mamook was kino and the last challenge was epic, simple as
if wuk lamat never showed after this point, DT would've been perfect
cowboy filler arc lasted too long without giving anything meaningful. i also hate the estinien bait that they never did anything with
heritage found was interesting, and spleen's introduction was actually really good i thought, if not a bit late. also why could i not call her tf out for being at tuliyollal during the attack? that seems like a big thing
solution 9 is fucking amazing. the music and the aesthetics are great. i will be spending a lot of time there
otis is the giga-est of gigachads and will be remembered forever. exploring archeo alexandria was great. approaching it for the first time, i saw it over a ridge and was pogging at the heckin ff9 referencino
last map was kino. i understand why we can't turn things back, and im glad it can be done with ng+ at least, but i hope they do something more with it
every single dungeon and trial was incredibly fun (except for the fucking teacup attack in strayborough because I DONT HAVE FUCKING OBJECT PERMANENCE APPARENTLY). but it's weird they didn't do a phase 2 with the last trial, even tho they did it for the previous ones. oh well, probably for the best
overall, i liked it. woke lmao overstayed her welcome by quite a bit, but everything else ranged from alright to really fucking good. im looking forward to where the patches go, since so much is opened up now
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anon it sounds like you got dabbed on
i'm starting to think the anti-dynamis people don't know how to travel
Alright you can finish in me but I'm not stopping this balatro run...
Woke Lamat
EB me
I'll let you empty your balls inside every time
t. marilith femlala
Gaining access to solution nine should have been some sort of gladiator/resistance arc where we get to fight in the accordion to get temporary citizen rights and Zoreel Ja did the same
(because of some bullshit handwave that Sphene couldn't grant access, only let the new citizens live in the outskirts.)
bigger recasts = more ground covered per instant cast
on higher SpS build you could squeeze a few F4 more and can afford some mistakes like failing slidecasts, taking too long to hit your buttons and clipping you GCDs but as a rule of thumb SpS makes movement tighter
Yeah, get fucked PC peasant.
killed valicharmander ex im finally free
Do you have lewds of your moonie?
There a way I can test the new hairstyle before I drop 20,000,000 monopoly bucks on it?
>everyone praise the zones
>i found them some of the worst we had so far
Deal, but I wanna be able to do it again a few times. Y'know. To make sure it's out of my system. Bless lalafells.
Hostage situations and honor duels can't really be resolved by walking at the guy and punching him.
The rescue with you setting up Thancred was fucking great tho
I'm EB'd already sorry...
damn it's 20m? no wonder the non-party maps are going for 140k each on my world
>fight in the accordion
BRD mains wet dream
I stopped playing BLM the moment they killed paradox mage and the trannies in the balance kept pearl clutching.
I'm full stop laughing at the consequences of their actions while in painting happy little trees
Anon! Get your mind out of the gutter!
Kick you out. I'm a paladin, I can heal everyone all by myself.
Can't believe I'm actually tempted. Dangerous. I think I remember having a gold EB laying around, so maybe.
You killed gods, with other players. You survived planetes, because of dynamis.
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Whats wrong anon, don't like 7 different iterations of latinxslop jungles.....?
You don't like armadillo from red dead redemption 1 with an even more barren desert....?
Don't like having a cyberslop city that's completely dead and empty even though there's billboards everywhere......???
It's just harder to find femlalas from my experience, as an outsider looking in it feels like femlalas stick more to their own groups
But yes, I'm open to both
also hey...
Smooching this lala's forehead
I have two reasons for not being on dynamis
1. Can't talk to my friends in the cwls because it's only on aether
2. Roulettes on dynamis are actual suffering, from queue time to quality of players
If I discard a hand wrong because of you, you're taking responsibility
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Picto is for really dumb players, you're embarrassing yourselves.
I didn't even know Wuk Lamat's VA was trans until the voice work got sloppier and sloppier as the MSQ went on. I eventually had to google why she sounded like a guy trying to sound like a girl.
I don't know how that game works so I have no idea the ramifications and I will still probably do it.
This but unironically, it's growing on me.
now sort it by 95+
Hey bros, what's the betashit for Dalamud?
empanadas and stg
The story is infinitely better if you set to voice language to anything but english
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This is pointless btw get the fuck out of here
WoW players barely even know that this game exists, they're not in the thread like you think. I'm friends with someone in one of their circles and they cannot comprehend the idea of playing a different multiplayer game.
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Not a big difference
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good morning
>You killed gods, with other players
it's always funny when people bring this up as if it mattered
you do coils alone. you fuck up thordan alone. i think you fuck up nidhogg largely alone, although you do get the eye as power-up. you fuck up shinryu alone. you fuck up everything in eden alone.
yea, wol is clearly a big pissbaby that can't win a bar brawl on their own. give me a break
You're also on the wrong DC for finding femlalas unfortunately, but I know what you mean, even as someone who has been on the inside
I know your lore, I'm too dangerous to be allowed to roam free
>WOL uses azem stone
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>new expansion
>need to kill 2000 A ranks again
>and 1000 S ranks
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Shaking black hands made this post.
You can buy 1(one) level 12 materia with 15k. Other than that it's mostly cosmetics.
Any of the hides are core LTW materials, plus shit like wool/fleece which are WVR mats
WoW players just don't care if someone says their game is ass. In fact, they'll agree then raid on it for 12 hours. XIV players are the cucks that require nonstop validation and comparison points.
It was obviously going to happen based on everything else that already happened prior. I don't think it needed to be earned in any way.
You might be retarded if you think the peruvian highlands is a jungle, in fact there's only two jungle zones and one of them is half jungle
Higher SpS doesn't feel super beneficial to me right now but I'm doing it anyway
I'm all out of energy to complain more
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Nope it did not. I’m actually glad my character is not in the spotlight and I enjoyed all zones except Heritage Found. I did not like how my character have to babysit Wuk on this rite of succession and was really rooting for Koana to win. The only brief adventure I enjoyed was in Shaolani with Erenville. I’m hoping the Arcadion raid, FF11 alliance raid, and the MSQ-post patch storylines will make up for it.
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fake queues 14 dawntrail
grade 8 dark matter
ration manuals
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oh i forgor to mention wuk lamat's voice is fucking awful i genuinely might switch to jp voices because of it, despite being the number 1 shill for en voices
actually a lot of the voices early on were kinda crappy, but they got better over time
Important question: What is the correct DC for hunting lalas? Might as well RP out an ACTUAL vacation I'll enjoy.
>femlala looked at me today

My femlala is incredibly pregnant right now
This was the first time in my years of playing the game that I've actually been disappointed. The gameplay is fun as usual but I really look forward to the story the most and really didn't enjoy it
When are you going to stop using that mouth to bitch and start using it to suck my cock
>Femlala pregnancy
I sleep
>Malelala cumflation
the balance has actual registered sex offenders and its groomer central, no surprise when the main people behind it are lgbt
>BLM main I know has been seething non stop getting into arguments with anyone talking about BLM being not that bad
>He's been excommunicated from the discord and now he just DMs me doom and gloom
>Remind him that it's actively his and their communities part for ratting out paradox mage
>He blocks me calling me a nigger fucking melon muncher
It's because nothing else really offers what WoW offers in terms of gameplay loops. The people who want to play WoW will just play WoW regardless of whether the game is trash.
>Flashes pointless text on screen
>Get incredibly confused because I tried to read it
>No idea what the fucking mechanic does
>Look back to see what the fuck it even said
>Text wasnt helpful to solving the mechanic at all
Cool game design.
>freelance on Adders
>its shitter
>they dive across the fucking field into Mael's ice
>get pinched by flames
>they do it again 3 minutes later
>get pinched again
>finish the game with only 500/1600
Are you retarded? Or are you trolling?
dalamud works and plugins are being updated
close your game
you will find your config file in %appdata%\XIVLauncher\ using windows explorer
you will find the config named dalamudConfig.json
search for "DalamudBetaKey" and change it to "DalamudBetaKey": "burrito",
search for "DalamudBetaKind" and change it to "DalamudBetaKind": "stg",
yes even the comma
it should not say null such as "DalamudBetaKey": null,
click save, reopen your game
congratulations, you have dalamud beta
do not share the key with a name next to your message, they are banning people from the discord
if this does not work for you, try "empanadas" as the key and "apiX" as the kind instead (this is plugin dev branch, the other is player testing), and then type /xlbranch in game and select burrito as your branch, you do not need to restart for this
or use this https://rentry.org/g453tuzz
something looks off about the picto sheathe weapon animation
You are literally me except you're potato. Agree 100%.
Unironically crystal, depending on what you're looking for, but crystal has the most vocal and forward ones
some of the best hags too
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holy moly shoot those guys
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On my way.
my femraen gave birth to gulool ja
Do you like thread femlalas?
>still says "select burrito as your branch"
How often do you use verstone/verfire? Do you generally go for the melee combo asap and then poke from afar until they're off CD?
Do you hold onto frazzle to use before a combo, or do you toss it out as often as possible? Why do you prefer white shift resolution? Do you use it as part of a combo, like:
Frazzle > white shift > resolution > corps > melee > displacement > verholy?
Which shift in LB do you typically use, if in different situations if applicable?
>*thing happens*
>If you don't hover over a tooltip and read it you will die and not know why
Stellar game design. MMO's are truly the pinnacle of gameplay.
Content good and much much better than what I was expecting after EW.
Story bad and I wish I could already forget about it.
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Yeah but I'm not a weeb and no matter the language, the story is gonna be dogshit. I'd rather be watching my other monitor and wanking it to Sphene r34 than read.

Captcha thinks i'm gay wtf
>my lore
Should I ask...
>Malelala cumflation
I do this to crossdressing lalaboys
The biggest problem with the expansion for me is the lack of Miqo'te ears on the Vanguard Helm of Fending/Maiming. The Viera get ears but not us? Absolutely unplayable.
I AM a thread femlala
Allow me to recap how Wuk Lamat was introduced.
>Erenville tells us someone has requested to meet with us.
>She's not here though, apparently she just ditched him?
>Wuk Lamat shows up late, says she literally just wandered off, ignores Erenville telling her to at least be polite in meetings she herself has requested.
>Pushes G'raha around for no reason.
>Embarasses Erenville in front of everyone.
>Immediately tells WoL to come with her to another continent before even explaining why.
>Brags about being a great warrior and hunter, demands we go for a hunt because she wants to know that we, the people she came here to request aid from, are worthy of helping her.
>Then shits her pants when the animal she has to hunt is an actual boss and not just a random mob, needing G'raha to coddle her to regain her footing, then Krile to save her when she turns her back on it.
>Erenville can barely tolerate her and is visibly annoyed at having her around despite having known her since childhood and meeting her again after years.

Wuk Lamat's whole introduction just stank to high heavens of "that one person who thinks she's plucky and upbeat but is actually just obnoxious, self-centered and rude".
Guess I'm starting over on Crystal. I was unsure, but then you used the words "Vocal" and "Forward" and now I'm packing my bags. My biggest bane is people who are way too shy or beat around the bush. I'm pretty bad at cracking the ice, but obliterating what's underneath is easy. So glad to see there's an ice-skipper DC.
>Miau Miau 4 male
hunt train fiddie
(I will die to every mechanic)
Reminder that the top WHM player there tried to end their life on a high speed drug fueled bender because a boy ended up talking to a woman that wasn't them.
I'm not paying 16 quid for a level boost.

Can one of you 3rd worlders level my job to 100 for me? I'll buy you a months gametime.
is this the really annoying lonely fiddie who used to bother EVERYONE at the bench
Really wish I had a wife like this
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she is literally no self-centered she is the least self-centered person have you people NEVER encountered the well-meaning dumbass archetype in media
>Erenville can barely tolerate her and is visibly annoyed at having her around despite having known her since childhood and meeting her again after years
I wish we'd see this dynamic more in fiction.

Usually it's "oh they're mean to each other but deep down they care". But a lot of people have grown up with siblings and relatives they do not give a single solitary fuck about and would rather go through life pretending they don't exist.
you're a third worlder too
>self-centered and rude"
oh I see you just didnt pay attention to 6.55 or 7.0 at all
AFAIK, the only TOS mention of PF selling that isn't allowed is mercs trying to offer their services for duty clears and raid loot. However, their reason for this was to keep people from being a nuisance
and flooding the pf with sell ads... while I am not 100% sure, you making a pf ad to sell items could fall under this, but I doubt anything would happen.
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>uhmm actually technically it's not a jungle sweaty :)
Don't care, it's jungleslop.......
I didn't use my mouth I typed with my fingers r*tard..
Eb me NOW

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It exceeded my expectations in almost every way, honestly.
It's not perfect, especially where the story is concerned, but everything else seems to be the best its been in years.
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story met my low expectations then dumped even those to the abyss in the last hours
zones and fights are good
music is good except for that one track
Or what?
I don't need a third Eternity Cake to sit in my retainer
Is picto a selfish dps like blm and Sam which justifies the numbers?
And that works, because her character arc is all about her learning to stop being selfish and ignorant, so she can win the throne by actually listening to her subjects.
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Says the man surrounded by mexicans, blacks, pajeets and koreans.
>music is good except for that one track
The one where they sing all inspirational like?
not its a support that shits out fuckloads of DPS

its putting every class in the cuckshed
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Frontlines moment
Love Wuk bros
I can't bother people at the bench no more since I'm stuck on dynamis
>no dude this old bad writing was GOOD because it made me the mega cool OC donut steel isekai protag
She is self-centered. The way she keeps trying to make every situation about herself, the way she interrupts the emotional moments of other character, the way she literally pushes people around as "friendly" gesture, the way she skips any sort of polite gesture or protocol because "look how casual and above it I am lol". It's all self-centered dudebro behavior. The mere fact that she decides she deserves the throne despite having no fucking idea neither about what her country really is like nor what would she do with it beyond "just not let that other candidate have it" reveals a gigantic ego. If she truly thought it all comes down to not letting the Ja candidates win, she'd just have contacted Koana and united forces with him.
Crit matters more as expansion goes on, but for now you can just use as much SpS as possible.
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I do.
zones were cool
music was good
story was meh
job design still feels boring but im holding out hope for the changes they mentioned
dungeons bosses actually having mechanics now is nice but i hope they give mob pulls more personality or something closer to criterion mobs
dye channels are great for some pieces and might as well not exist for others
graphics update is great for zones and really hit and miss for characters
waiting until the foray and alliance raid to give my final judgement
stop being transphobic you stupid nazi suburban/rural retard bigot cishet chudcel wankstain
>Feel bad, pushed to do evil
It's zodiark trancers all over again but somehow worse
so true endwalker has uhmmm uhhh
might not be what you want but you can grab the bibo textures
this is actually perfect, thank you!
I think now having met Wuk Lamat I understand a fraction of the hate and disgust Emet-Selch felt towards the sundered humans.
Don't be silly, they're all himcesses and at least bi if they're not completely gay
I have 40 degree days where I live, though so far it hasn't gone past 38. I say: Bring it on. You think that heat matters to me, you think wrong. I'm built different. I drink hot mate under the noon sun. My ancestors were steppe nomads who crossed the Chinese plains on horseback, I am literally meant for this heat. I didn't see AC until I was already a man and by then, the cool dry air just felt like daggers in my throat.

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