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>Speak with Wuk Lamat Again edition

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

July 5th, 5:00PM PST|1st Dawntrail /xivg/ meetup|Marilith Solution 9, Recreation Zone >>484788265

Previous Umbral Era: >>484779148
Is there Sphene R34 out yet?
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Every fiddie owes me sex
Everkeep EX looks a little hard...
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Hey smoothskins,
My name is Boris, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy that isn't futa? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on the lodestone.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the Bozjan Resistance, and lead WAR of my own unit. What jobs do you train, other than "jack off to naked drawn Hingan Au Ras"? I'm also straight, and have a banging hot queen (She just blew me; Shit was SO gil). You are all swivin' bastards who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my queen.
Was being able to type "/r <enter" and lock your chat channel to tells with that person a plogon? Or was that a system thing that's been changed now? I miss being able to do it
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Laid bare
I'll go Everdeep in you Queen Akemi of Alexandria.
Which AI is this?
Bunnies Please
it's a confirmed bug
You realize "smoothskin" was a cope slur invented by ghouls to cope with the fact ghouls look like walking corpses?
Why's there a hook on the collar for a leash
I wish I could bet money on predicting XIV patch notes. I would bet all my money on BLM getting buffs, we all know the director won't allow another caster beat his pet job.
I saw one post but she had insane cowtits and a weird face
Final Fantasy XIV?
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viper needs more armor glam
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Is that a 'ra on the 'ead?? I'm 'ooning! RAPING THIS SHIT! RAPE SEX CUM FUCK!
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it's friday
fiddie friday to be specific
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I'm grateful for Wuk Lamat being the main character instead of me because it's a refreshing experience not to have everyone jerk off your peanits every 30 seconds
>can't make a character on Crystal
>can't travel to Crystal
Zoraal Ja is the kind of antagonist you make if Magnai needs a nemesis. Or maybe if Thancred got a newbie protege and was showing him the ropes.
Me deciding to live among the Endless and close the gate forever so me and Sphene can have endless popcorn dates as my wife.
idk after seeing how he allowed them to completely destroy the design im not sure what theyll do anymore
Raping Wuk Lamat
Deebly goncerned xdd
bending erenville over and making him feel like a girl
So SMN seriously didn't get ANYTHING new at all?
It's not about not being the main character, it's about doing absolutely fuckall for the first 5 levels of the MSQ
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Is pentamelded crafted gear better than grinding out the scrips for gatherer gear?
love this gato
No Femlalas for you
>Crit matters more as expansion goes on
I'll never understand this meme
>with with
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if I play Ninja will I have to learn how to play Viper for progging? or is just Ninja fine?
>"Im happy about the thing that never happens never happens"
Woke Latroon cope is real.
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Sex with Koana
>freelance on Adders
>its shitter
>they dive across the fucking field into Mael's ice
>get pinched by flames
>they do it again 3 minutes later
>get pinched again
>finish the game with only 500/1600
you have a heal on your big summon now, that's new... oh wait, phoenix already did that lol
its visually cluttered but its really fun once you start doing it
Both are annoying. I don't think finding a happy medium between "persona protagonist" and "background extra #3" is too much to ask for.
That was based though. I liked chilling out in Tural learning about the different tribes.
Posing tools back?!
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yeah it looks a bit silly
it's the wrist i think, cause of how the brush rotates the short way around instead of doing almost a full rotation the other way
picto's 2min cd is a 5% party buff, and it gets a 10% hp party shield every 90 seconds
Beating Wuk Lamat to death with a bag of bricks
No, the guy who made that uses Blender.
no im hoonting
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I am a femlala

Who is going to find that fat fuck femlala

And slap her belly real hard
good, you were an annoying creep
There's no way pic actually does more damage than blm. That graph anon posted last thread had bard doing more dps than mch which is mathematically not possible unless everyone playing mch is retarded.
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I watched a big lion lady grow as a character so I'm satisfied
>unironically playing dubbed
Better gear = more crit = bigger number. It's not hard to get.
What happens to Gulool Ja. Idk why but I’vebeen very sensitive to kids hurting in all sorts of media lately. Did they at least let him visit Tural? Spoil me idc if I’m near the end of the story
It's better in the sense that you don't clog the fuck out of your armory chest with 13 unique gear sets
You have 50~ post-MSQ quests from 7.1-7.55

How do you fix Wuk Lamat within this window of time?
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some of the brushes look pretty bad sheathed too
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my froth looks and acts like this
I think the scions are annoying too, even more so in DT
We could have done that while being active participants in the story like the Texas zone
>unless everyone playing mch is retarded.
I mean...
I knew I liked you for a reason.
for gatherer gear? the one that onyl has unique mainhand/offhand?
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WtfLOL El Creaturo
he nearly gets choked to death by his dad
That bitch doesn't need anymore screentime. Just move the fuck on.
I'm mad now.
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Do you just pick up the lalas and use them or is there a process.
Post Viper/Pictomancer weapon ideas you wanna see:

>Sword in one hand, sheath in the other
Wuk Lamat buys him future ice cream and then his dad shows up and slaps it out of his hand and scolds him for having fun before teleporting away
Manservant, come flush my toilet.
yeah pick whichever one
Sure, but I've got no problem tagging along with Wuk Lamat either. Cool to see her get to know her people better and grow stronger. I am a certified Dawntrail enjoyer.
so what are the post patches and next expansion even going to be about? This kinda feels like a dead end.
Have her never appear again save for 1-2 lines top. Then not exist for a full expansion and maybe she can come back in 9.0 like Lyse did for a few scenes.
You just pick up femlalas. You have to swoon malelalas though.
Is anyone having problems with FFXIV not shutting down properly on exiting? Most of the time I have to forcibly kill the process. It's not a huge deal since it's just when exiting, but it's a bit annoying.
i know you are joking but only the one high luminary guy looks the way they are supposed to, the rest are degenerated creatures due to the common cold they got fromthe north
Skill issue, learn to use real posing tools and not in-engine jank.
Akemi looks sort of rapeable in this image, ngl bros
palette that changes based on your white/black paint and which rgb/cym you're on
I am
A horny sunnie+
Certified Pedophile
This, the rest of the post msq should be either about figuring out how to travel to different shards with the new tech we found and/or the WoL actually getting to have their vacation

Wuk should be Lyse'd immediately
Grab and go
I thought it'd be the reverse. Well, I want both so I'll figure it out.
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they're very much unneeded and all pretty boring I agree
the reason HW still has the best MSQ to this day is because they were out of the picture for 90% of it
Did you see the cutscene right before the final trial? The patches will almost certainly revolve around the mystery of The Key.
Sunnie+ are always horny
He gets to go around tuliyollal with his aunt and uncle. He gets to be Alexandria’s king but Wook Lamutt is queen regent because yes the most incompetent and least qualified for the job of leading two nations gets handed the role.
Why are chuds like this?
I didn't even notice its a tranny until you guys started talking about it
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i got a new eb
did i do good
Yeah it'll be the key thing, why it has the azem symbol show up, and what the hell is the white crystal core of it
>"Dont ask for better conditions, just accept your lot and stay in your lane. Ill bring you incredibly specific plants from across the ocean to grow in your shithole"
you have to dribble or it's travelling
You did terribly
>it's a refreshing experience not to have everyone jerk off your peanits every 30 seconds
You mean like when we first reached Ishgard and nobody knew us except the Fortemps, and in fact at first the population judged us as a heretic suspect?
Or when we went to Ala Mhigo, to Doma, to the Azim Steppe, and nobody knew us and no one was initially willing to stand up with us in war?
Or when we went to the First and were in literally another dimension where not only did nobody know us, but we actively had to keep quiet about what we were doing?
Or when we went to Sharlayan and we were so fucking unknown the customs lalafell almost didn't let us pass, and there was a gag about how to Sharlayan society, we don't even have a job and are just hobos?

You like the thing that happens every single expansion? That's what you think is a refreshing experience that justifies effectively not being involved in this story at all?
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*saves the expansion*
I guess but they'll need to make it lead into something much bigger. You would think they would be a little more foreshadowing about what's gonna happen for the next few years
unmotivated gamer reporting for duty
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I will broker trade peace by also letting them smoke some of the specific plants.
these both look so bad that they sort of deserve eachother. I suppose you did good, idk which one is you/EB
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check out my cute chud lizard son
but... they WANT to stay in their miserable little shithole
there's a whole backstory there how most of them fucked off to better lands, and then 2heads invited them several times to come to his constantly growing city. they don't WANT to go anywhere else, they want to stay in their little detroit, they're just mad that their poor shithole is poor
Wanna meet ingame?
Unfortunaly, I wish I had someone to help me with that rn tho
Yeah it's retarded, usually bringing plants from other parts of the world isn't good either because they'll become invasive species. I know Alphinaud mentions they'll be careful but the whole resolution feels lame.
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Bravo soken, the soundtrack is such a bland mix of latinx trash, synthslop and orchestral piano compositions that the only thing people are praising is the most basic pentatonic riff played over the backing track of a guitar lesson dvd from 2006.......
This expansion just refuses to give us anything to praise........
We're going to open the door to another reflection and kick Wuk inside before closing it off again
He deserves a father with actual braincells.
The fuck is "+" you autistic fucks?
is he in need of a femra mother by chance
>I must go now. My planet needs me.
Based. Who's the mother, anon?
A few VPR weapons have asymmetrical designs already, so I'd say that's a good sign.
why do so many of you play a game you actively hate
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It seems like a lot but take it slow, its not that hard.
Theres a cheese strat that makes the fight WAY easier
Chappell Roan? Lol just playing.

Anyways, I've fallen in love with Sphene and am close to the end of the MSQ.. we save her right anon...? We save the kind and soft Sphene...?
I could maybe help you out. What's your DC? Post your sunnie?
>no replies
The credits song is probably the worst thing I've heard, sounds like it belongs on something from Disney+
my femlala+ can show you...

If they want to stay in their hole why do they breed chads like Bakool? Surely they want to live in their shithole but think their shithole should be all the places they want.
Futa penis. Elk spammed it enough that it became a meme.
I tried, blender is too hard
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anyone in the mood for dynamis CC?
The lalafells.

The moment another MMO has lalafells I'm peacing out.
please be patient, raiding is his life
More reflection stuff, azem/ancient wank

which frankly I'd be happy with after having to deal with wuk lamat the entire msq
This baby gonna hate women when he grows up.
fat pussies. puffy labia. chubby cunny.
that's what I'm here for
he has no mother I don't want him developing mommy issues
>clear ex1 in the party finder
>0 commendations
wtf bros
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how did so many of you miss the point of the Mamook resolution entirely
My fiddie is going to be a Pelu in due time.
i'll give this femlala+ an hfo
t. male bigger
It means their character is trans
i like this game
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Have Wuk Lamat actually know and understand the country she is vying for complete ownership of, while she's doing rite of succession stuff we break away to learn and interact with the cultures for ourselves or explore occasionally linking up to help her with things as she encounters difficulties but not always being up her ass.
>Nobody knows who we are, so we don't get people constantly rimming our asshole and a fresh blank slate to adventure with
Keep Erenville and Krile but introduce new characters instead of the Scions who join our journey, maybe still have them show up later when we request help with the Halo Arbiter still
Then you're my wife.
thanks for letting me know to disregard everything you say from now on. It usually takes several posts but you amde it really easy to come to that conclusion.
This expansion was an audition for new characters on who gets to be part of the main cast in future expansions.


Erenville is winning by doing nothing. He’ll be sporting as a Bard or Archer soon. Wuk and Koana will have one or two liners in 8.0. She’ll be endangering sales like Lyse back then ShB if they preview her being prevalent in future stories. They wont risk it
This dude loves complaining
/v/ tourists. Nobody likes video games on that board.
Moonie eyes make them look retarded
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I logged into my fiddie alt to make this screenshot and saw how intense they made the eyebags
F1 fiddies are extremely tired now
Wuk Lamat is now accompanying you. Keep her at your side in order to proceed with quest objectives.
i liked it
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locked in just for a short time
But we already have good gear now capable of bigger number
can i drag "her" corpse with me
My main complaint with FFXIV's writing remains:

>No one does anything of note unless the WoL is there
>Nothing of note happens without the WoL sticking their nose in
>No characters is allowed to have their own "thing", it's always just a tool for the WoL
In other words, the world of FFXIV exists for the pleasure of the WoL. I want the WoL to be just another person in a living world that doesn't revolve around him.
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It means their character has a penis. Probably futa, maybe trans.
punching femra bellies
Post your Cait Sith Doll
anyone wanna run an expert roulette on aether
Performing solution 69 on this bullied femra.
>Wanna meet ingame?
We probably can't...
Then go play Wow classic up to MoP
Please refer to the new character as "Woke Leman" and push this on social media channels and the forums
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I'm gonna give my viera a horse cock.
She realizes she’s inept at actually ruling, fucks up something or gets an angry mob, yields her half of the crown to her brother and lives as Gulool Ja’s caretaker instead. She quietly takes him to travel around Tural to teach him about different cultures. She never appears again for at least 2 expansions.

I mean there are plenty of MMOs where that's how it works. Why not play that for your fix?
daring aren't we?
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ravaging bushy femra jungles with my tongue
I'd be happy with Koana. He seemed cool.
*slap* ba-DOIOIoioioing...
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You wouldn't dare nerd.
cute lalaboys...
wearing skirts...
Where do I find Dawntrail leves?
Honestly pretty based.
My innovation starts and ends with my libido.
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>rightoid censors things he doesn't like
yep. big free speech advocates, they are
The pupils enlarge from the sheer volume of high level ideas
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The main "theme" song is such a colossal failure compared to Shadowbringers and Endwalker which I still have on my Playlist......
I'm literally right about everything I say.......

Are you doing this to spite me
*Woke Leman
Have her start to work as Dawnservant and quickly realize she actually doesn't have the smallest iota of an idea on how to runs shit like taxes, public works, policies, the army, or anything at all. She mainly spends these patches at the palace with Koana helping her figure out how shit actually works.

(You) and the rest of the Scions just go around doing usual adventures across Tural, trying to figure out shard travel, you do, you go back to the First to visit, from there you also use Gaia and the bounty hunters to set up a stable portal to the Thirteenth, you start to figure out travel to the last remaining shards but Sphene actually survived in the crown and she uhhhh, does something, and stuff goes wrong and there's aether all over the place and the Azem key breaks but dunno just fucking have whatever this plotline is, then set up that we're going to Meracydia or northern Othard or even Corvos next.

Just have Wuk Lamat stay the fuck where she's supposed to be, leading the goddamn country we just spent a whole expansion on giving her, and leaving us the fuck alone.
>He’ll be sporting as a Bard or Archer soon
why would erenville be anything but beastmaster
Seriously though, why did they push her so hard?
Need to get my first logged top/dsr/tea clear on Dawntrail ASAP
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Really funny how Erenville is such a fucking nothing character getting by by being conventionally attractive to fags and women, but Wuk was written very intentionally as making her a main cast member backfired because the way she's presented only appeals to a specific type of person *holds up spork* or you're letting your OOC tendencies influence your perception of her.
Then there's Koana who is Lamaty'i's foil but he's not present enough to always be foiling for her
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i'm goin outside have fun
>Lyse: "Have you guys tried doing the thing?!"
>NPCs: "No, you fucking moron. We tried that. It didnt work. Fuck off with your bullshit you have no idea how anyt of this works.

>Wuk: "Have you guys tried doing the thing?!"
>NPCs: Good heavens! Why didnt we think of that? Wow, Wuk! Youre so smart and such a good leader! I put my support behind you!"
>And then everyone clapped
Tell me again how Lyse is worse than Wuk.
Breathe some fresh air for me too bro
I want to see more mistakes being made.

Alphinaud going from ARR-HW was great, but now he's just always right about everything and a perfect person who never does wrong. That's not how people work. They stumble, they fall, they get up and try again. Even when you're an old man you make mistakes. Thancred is ripe for this kind of writing, he's always teetering on the edge.
Because she's literally the main character of Dawntrail and they want to introduce more "scions".
how come none of the thread lalaboys like femlalas
>anon conveniently forgets the part where Wuk Lamat is constantly saying "I never would have gotten this far without you!"
Lyse and Wuk are both stupid useless characters that the story bends over backwards to praise despite being useless but at least Wuk didn't overwrite an existing character to do it
If you play NIN you will be a buff slut. Your job is to keep Dokumori and Kunai's Bane up as much as possible and DPS in between that
stop you're gonna make him show up
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DSR is broken due to the ice effect rework regarding EX1, iirc
>The credits song is probably the worst thing I've heard, sounds like it belongs on something from Disney+
How is Final Fantasy not Disney+ material? It's always been power of friendship saturday morning cartoon cheesy as fuck.
Lalaboys like men. I've met maybe ONE who likes other femlalas.
black coded
i am
a viper moony

Our poor man Connor who could have had a neat arc about balancing progress against traditional methods.
Lyse was hated because she'd keep asking why nobody tried to do the thing even though everyone kept telling that the thing doesn't fucking work.

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as soon as the vocals came on i had to take my headset off
a big crayon and a box of crayons as the palette
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btw i was in that bitch hitting this pose games over
i was recently told it got hotfixed. but idk if thats true since i havent tanked it yet
Blacks can't code
They had to delete both Yda and Papalymo to have Lyse.
MMOs are shit.

I only play FFXIV because it's a JRPG shoved inside an MMO.

I did not make a male lala to ERP
Please give me a headpat in-game sometime...
Very pretty
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Oh my god he's actually going to be the beastmaster job quest guy
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>Yda and Papalymo
I miss those...

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I need a hrothgal wife!
lyse is smoking hot and i want to fuck her in every outfit lyseposter has posted on here
wuk is an ugly tranny furry
i skip cutscenes so these are the only facts that matter
skill issue
Lalaboys only love male biggers who fuck them
There are no straight lalaboys
I'm not tolerating this "oooh who are you?" from anyone on the Source after Endwalker. What? You just HEARD the planet was about to end and it just SUDDENLY solved itself?
The writers are retarded holy shit.
I can't believe this part was signed off, having the finale ruined really sucks
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The sacrifices shall continue
Fetch me their souls
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Go on...
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that's one small stinky nerd you got there

So you're asking for a JRPG where you're not the blessed main character? Is that even possible?
lyse is a hy*r
wuk is a furry trans goddess who doesn't shower or think
>Fork in one hand, spoon in the other

>Another airbrush
As new queen of Alexandria, I order your soul to be harvested before you can take your next breath
It's fashion, you wouldn't get it...
It does sort of seem like "a lot at first but easy to get down" but omg those transferring line AOE swords look like they'll be the death of me
whats wrong bro don't you love it when he pouts
ffxii is literally this
Queen Brahne looking mofo
i am
a very hung over catboy
Cute bunny
But it's just a bog standard JRPG credits song.

Why do you have a problem with it now? Woman sings, it's all very bombastic and "epic", I don't get what the big deal is.
actually the least good of the 5-6 i've seen
it's still great
just hung a catboy
I read that as very hung catboy and got excited
VPR is so fucking ADHD
instead of a brush and palette they should get a weapon thats just swirling paint effects around their hands
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This, Bakool is the answer. My man is great and pulls off what Wuk tried to be much better. I need this fuck huge lovable bastard by my side at all times. I would actually do trusts finally
if you cant clear an EX on patch, uninstall ffxiv right now

What are you talking about? You're playing as Captain Basch Fon Ronsenburg of Dalmasca
It's really fucking gay and comes off the heels of the 'Wuk Lamat does her final insert' moment. It's the low point of Dawntrail.
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>Stopping players from capping nodes while focusing high BH targets.
Yeah, I think I'm doing alright.
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Stop being bratty...
i also have no idea if the hotfix was only for Syrcus or all the affected encounters.
large woober.. it's not hyper though
Give Picto a Wacom tablet in one hand and a pen in the other.
why does mirage dive still exist?
>But it's just a bog standard JRPG credits song.
and that's a bad thing, yeah
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I need lewd pics of Lyse with this body type pls…
Lyon and pepegal
trust the plan
He'll probably introduce us though
This is the reason I max out the height slider every time.
>and that's a bad thing, yeah

JRPGs are better the more they make your parents wince with second hand embarassment.
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selling FATE vouchers is a good make to make gil now while lvling jobs Don't tell anyone I told you this
So how did Cahciua die??
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the power of a paladin with a fucking oath
why are PLDs so fucking cucked from hour zero when they can have this kino instead
A fiddie who is trying to mask her pain and discomfort.
>on a job with melee protection and riddle of earth
>on a job designed around executing a target every 75 sec
>on a job that is not useful without battle high
try warrior at least you can blota someone with your 0 battle high
dear lord...
what if this is foreshadowing and we catch the shrink cold and spread it to eorzea and all the races become lalafel sized and there are only a few normal sized people left.
>4channers who’s music taste amounts to video game OSTs and anime OPs think they know good music
goodnight wuk lamat likers
bad night wuk lamat haters
This is the type of JRPG credits song I'm more accustomed to.

Well someone had to be the mother af Galool Ja
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also did that orange fuck call me a loser
i don't like this fake body type as much
What bog standard JRPGs have you been playing where black gospel choirs sing at the end?
I didn't say I couldn't do it, just that it looks hard
I thought the endless were mostly people dying of natural causes but Viera live for like hundreds of years or some shit
Maybe she got sick, I guess?
Lack of meena cock
30 year passed without a single BWC
square enix forgot to make the soundtrack sound like persona 5
>then it's revealed she was perfectly fine and he dies for nothing
Otis...Gulool needed you more
eyebags are cute especially on neetcoded girls
i can see why
graphics 7.0 somehow made you even worse
I just met Sphene, but I will die for her
would there be any EX learning parties on aether or crystal? i don't want to PF with complete mouthbreathers but slight ones are okay
>Needing vast musical experience to judge corporate funded and vetted music for a highly visible product
Shocking what your character looks like without a million mods. Have you tried making a good looking character in the first place
bloated and old
graphical "update"
>randoms in farm parties keep uploading logs when i do extreme 1
I don't care, that's not the point of this post. Every run logged by DPS goes up by 500 or so. I'm at 12.5k right now as Warrior, which is a 35. Six runs total so I barely know what i'm doing and i'm not optimizing. Again, none of that matters.

Why the fuck are tanks doing so much goddamn damage? Comparatively it's not, to the actual dps that is, but in general I feel like tanks shouldn't be really doing any at all. Feels weird.
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So this expansion is all ff9 references? What a big let down.
Ok, here you go bro
Plump femra butts
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When my character walks I can see her panties.
cheating on my bf erenville with his hot dead mom
Well, we would've died too if he didn't absorb the lightning so while he reactivated and was himself to protect Queen Sphene, he held onto his duty for our sake too.
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Lyse x Fordola...
I will fight you fuckers over this.
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Just give me the first benchmark's makeup and all is forgiven, Yoshi...
Fordola sucks bro
Left or right for my Dawntrail MSQ glam?
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I think ill stick to being an impenetrable wall and one man army.
My monk can only go up from here.
Why can't the lalas have tits.
Give them huge tits.
I want my fucking goblin wife.
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>I didn't say I couldn't do it, just that it looks hard
That's what she said.
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It's called final fantasy for a reason. except this won't ever happen.
The three deaths are somewhat troublesome, but he's doing what he's supposed to be doing on the Onsal map by interrupting node caps with rising phoenix/enlightenment combos when no one else is applying pressure and then going back to being a royal pain in the ass to one or two specific people.
You can also somewhat reliably harass tanks and push DRK out of their gay little circles or entirely cut off their combos on the ramen bowl if you get them with six-sided star and enlightenment fast enough.
Fuck you.
Why, are you shy anon ?
How so? I'm on Crystal
>What bog standard JRPGs have you been playing where black gospel choirs sing at the end?
So you hate that there's a sheboon choir singing even though it sounds good?
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BK promotion when?
same way how Emet and Zenos was.
Left is quite adorable.
My femlala looks like this
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Ass is better.
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Beeee Kaayyyy, have it your way.
you didn't need to say you skip, you demonstrated it in your post
... tell me they don't look like monkeys. Tell me. Look me in the eyes and tell me, without smirking, that they don't look like literal fucking monkeys. Final Fantasy XIV Online is an MMORPG btw
Look, I'm the most racist person ITT.

But the ending song sounds good, the blacks can belt out a tune if you write it for them.
I don't want any of them. There's already a decade of way better side characters they can pull from.
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plogons back??
I liked the part where it was revealed "Sphene" was actually an AI with all of her compassion but none of her ethics
I hate the furfag! I love lyse!
Every femlala owes me sex
i would assume an accident
if only they fucking let erenville actually have a chance to talk to her and come to terms with his entire heritage getting obliterated before pulling the plug
what does this mean
I don't really see anything wrong with the song itself.

If anything I feel bad for the chorus that sung such a nice song and now it's forever bound to this flaming trasheap for a story. Even the victorious and happy tone, which would have been fantastic in any other expansion, falls flat here because all hype I had remaining in my body died when I heard the word SPHEEEENE
Even this pvp femlala?
I am getting more of a seared bite
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nuh uh
I liked the idea but the main singer was all over the place in some verses
church choir was kino though
From the impossible whopper
Presumably a plugged-in toaster fell into her bathtub and repeat-killed her until she ran out of soulstones.
At least it's accurate to real life women.

>Infinite empathy
>Zero survival instincts
I'm sorry anon did you just suggest letting ANOTHER character actually have a scene? In Wuk Lamat's game? Go fuck yourself you transphobe.
>I'm the most racist person ITT
Nuh uh, this title is mine!
ESPECIALLY this pvp femlala

Uh huh
Why does everything need to be explained to you
I am considering installing fucking xiv combo for viper my hands are hurting from this artifically padded APM even more than GNB does but that job is only every 30s compared to it constantly being busy FUCK I hate this job but I want to get everything leveled
Maybe I should just do 10 weeks of wonderous tales + frontlines instead so I never have to touch this thing again I hate that I have to ruin my hands further just playing this
I'm also on Crystal. As for how, I'll just have to find a way of tending to you
Removing all agency from her by having her just be programmed to do what she does is shit.
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Only if they had the BK crown and a burger eating emote
>please mr sandnigger come into our house yes you can sleep in my daughter's room on the floor
And you all wonder who Gulool Ja's mother is
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I am loving this karmic retribution.
the ending song gave me whiplash and that ending was worse than stormblood's highschool musical shit
that's a quick way to level gatherers besides fishing?
Anyone here regret stopping the song bird in EW after seeing DT?
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I want goth Meteion to step on my dick
>can't stop lightly headbanging to daytime shalooni
>eb only ever plays with me when i invite them to do something
>never asks if i want to do anything or even just help with what they're doing
*shines a flashlight in your moonies' eyes*
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5? try 8 lol nothing happens until le tron invasion
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Thanks for the gil...
Nope I enjoyed DT MSQ a lot actually. It’s a true Final Fantasy fans story, secondaries don’t get it
rape either way
>people make it their thing to be a crafter/gatherer
>they use plugins that automate everything for them
Why even play the game at this point?
why does erenville need to be relegated to just moping about for an entire zone
just saw a character who looks the exact same as mine and am now considering fantaing
getting fired for having sex on the photocopier with this hrothgal
>stormblood's highschool musical shit
But that was kino...

You guys have 0 appreciation for joy.
sis can you post normal pictures instead of this
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I'm confused here, didn't he just invade already with giant airships that dropped in his troops? Why would he need to go through vanguard?
this is every fl since shb on aether
>SE too retarded to make a good crafting interface
>Players do it
Gee, I wonder.
where the fuck is penumbra
where is my customize+
modbros is it over?
>wake up
>put on playlist
yep, comfy crafting time. 5 more to go until they're all maxed out
>person that I suspect is thread schizoing me gets permabanned
>haven't been namedropped since
I wonder why he always denied it
yes. I liked DT more than EW but I still hate both of them. At least EW had good music in some areas
He doesn’t him and his mom have a very good heart to heart right before he shuts down the Aero terminal at the end of Living Memory or did you just skip those cutscenes entirely
don't you need all your fates done to be able to do that?
But that's level 96. Unless you overleveled the MSQ by a margin.
we sent this guy to represent 4chan in the 2023 CCRC btw
Stop being an antisemitic transphobe and just enjoy the story.
plot hole
The airships launched from Vanguard.
I fucking HATE fulalas so much
This isn't even lala proportions anymore why can't you just fanta into one of the tall races instead
aah uhhhm, dont think to much about it ahah
talk to wuk lamat
I'm so racist I don't drink chocolate milk.
i guess they had their entire fleet hovering over tuliyollal
Stfu lorilee
Yeah, but that's only 400 FATE's or so
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She has weird bird feet anon why would you want that?
don't think about it too hard
What ever happened to those AI voice things? I'm surprised we didn't get more from Y'shtola out of them, her voice is amazing.
Development just taking there sweet as time.
But don't you DARE talk bad about them!
Yeah I was trying to get the alignment of enlightenment all game.
Not sure if its just netcode or positioning, but I'm not optimally pushing them where I want them to be.
A few instances of them knocked to safety when I was ahead of them too but practice makes perfect I guess.
perhaps joy should be conveyed with better writing and not an out of place cutscene and music
>the only part of msq you shouldn't skip
>"hurrdurrr what habben"
>Expansion has a cheesy ending scene
I mean...it's Final Fantasy...what do you expect?
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Bro? Chocomilk has milk and is therefore bad for lactose intolerant, it's the white mans drink...
Disgusting, real fulalas need to stay small like an actual lala but have small cocks as well
The only lala thing about her here are the ears
The airships came from there to begin with didn't they?
How do you evade a ban on pc ? Are you accepting your fate and will phone post for 3 days ?
They used it in the MSQ.
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someone make me levequests
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Anon most of the posters here don’t actually like Final Fantasy as a franchise
Do we have to like Wuk Lamat because the voice actor is trans, even if they did a poor job as a voice actor? If we go to a restaurant and the trans waitress eats my food in front of me, do we forgive them because they are trans and lose $40? Aren't we literally hitler if we accuse a trans person of ever doing a single thing wrong in their lives?
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I enjoyed the final song of Dawntrail.
I just know the "brain damage" one still makes me chuckle to this day.

Not only that, but they bitch and moan about having to do anything other than afk with a macro running. Niggers of FF14.
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Divine punishment..... how could this happen...
one cutscene, right at the very end of it all, after spending what felt like an eternity of being emotionally abused by her. hell even before the final zone, he just straight up vanishes from the story and doesn't get to confront her at all about hiding behind a robot. man didn't deserve the treatment he got.
there's nothing ample about akemi LOL
not all fulalas are like this some are just cute popotos with a stamen and a pistil
>the "brain damage"
>no way to blacklist based off race played
damnit this system was almost too good to be true.
idm the cheese, but i really dislike the ending song
B-But it's brown and that's bad!
yeah only like every time. good thing I can ctrl alt esc that shit and not wait two minutes for taskmgr to decide to load

t. linuxfag
hello my wife
The airships didn't go through the (grounded) fortress, they simply flew through the dome.
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Can you show me what she looks like in the character creator
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Free ice cream on Fiddie Friday
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this is my moon cat
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>UH Fulalas need to have c-cute penis and b-be small haha.
At this point you're just a male lala coping. Either go big or fuck off
Don't have it sorry. Maybe some kind anon will have it saved.
can someone make a funny dawntrail lamitt ai voice
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Are the msq andys gone yet? Can we talk about the actual game now?
I had something like this too, but I never really brought it up when I should have. Have you talked about it at all?
And some minor ff10 references. One could argue that wuk lamat journey is Yuna's pilgrimage and that living memory is a dream just like Zanarkand.
say one thing nigger
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i am-
>get permabanned from a video game
>still spend all day posting in the thread for the video game
Move on jesus christ
so is there a beta for plugins now? and if so, is glamourer working? I wanted to use it to finalize my idea for what to use this fantasia on.
These look impractical all hell.
Cool though.
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good mornyan
ill accept small but i dont stink
yeah but you are only allowed to talk if you dont use cheats
Yes and a bunch of faggots will shower said tranny with nothing but praise and shield it from criticism so they can score social brownie points.
I'll continue to dislike hyper fulalas with my entire being
99% of them are
Futa and boys are two entirely different demographs
>What ever happened to those AI voice things?
Within days it was monetised and policed so hard by copyrights holders that unless you wanna pay a monthly sub fee to make silly voice clips you're shit out of luck. The only real application of this technology I've seen is make cheap ads.

I went to get new glasses the other day and the optometrists had an AI poster of a fake human wearing glasses hanging up out front.
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They're real (embellished in game)
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Hot take time: The Fell Cleave animation is not that good and should've been the VFX to get updated along with Inner Chaos. I genuinely do not understand why its so liked. Its trash.
FYI, having a forious wank to this as we speak.
>plays moonie
>doesn't expose fangs in every screenshot
why bother?
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Eat shit I’ll post whenever and wherever I like
My moonies always on drugs
you still haven't cleared an ultimate lol
Looks like some wierd ass kind of Rennaissance european kopesh.
Those look so much more cool. Reminds me of Eileens swords from Bloodborne.
Aren’t you the faggot that can’t clear savage week one and is afraid of doing ultimates in PF even though you cheat
shotels are based as fuck
Stormblood sucks dick, and is pissing me off.
Sphene's VA in French gets me hard
she lost her ballistics...
11 days to Arcadion
25 days to Arcadion (Savage)

Will it be more or less fun than Pandaemonium?
good, it means we get the laugh at you
>FF9 expansion
>No Vivi-like character
No wonder it's bad
why is lightning hair so erotic?
who and how? you'd have to be fucking stupid to get perma'd in this game
Was Conditional Virtue released for tomestones recently or something? I thought it would be much more expsensive but I could get it for 500k
when can we have a dub where at least one of the scions speaks german or french or japanese and everyone else speaks english
Shut up and go recruit more literal whos to attack some garlean base in the middle of nowhere so you can fight some named character again.
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nobody else can throw it back quite like my melf
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I am capped on gemstones but cant spend them on anything because i never unlocked the last levels. what mats can i spend them on in the early levels that are worth some gil?
It's easy to beat pandaemonium since the only good fights were p3 p4 p8 and p12
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his character isnt wielding a khopesh, the blade is on the inside of the curve
But we've already been up the Tower of Babil, and it didn't sunder everyone's speech.
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I thought I'd be free from wuk lamat for more than part of a zone. Silly me.
Holy shit what an ugly character without mods
You're getting special cells for this one
Mine is like this too. It makes me feel unwanted.
i want to fuck this cat
dumb cat BITCH has never heard of Lactaid...
why don't you look at your own fucking marketboard and figure it out
How the fuck is that ugly
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Can sometroon tell the plugin r*tards that they need to stop dilating and release the thing already....??
The retarded aussie Kong finally got permabanned because he can never stop shitposting in public chats like a normal person
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>get perma banned for not being able to keep 4chan on 4chan
>all your precious cheevos and parsies you've done are thrown in the wind
>Still pays yoshi more money to play the game.
Moonies everyone.
It's not like Yuna's pilgrimage because everyone knows what awful fate is going to happen to her.
yeah but it would be cool if someone goofy spoke like, german or something and everyone else just understood them
I forgot about that one I liked p10 too
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are you some kind of dentist
first they came for tifa, then they came for my moonie, can't have shit in SE games
y-you too
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my lalaboy looks like and acts like this fighting for his fiera/catgirl/femra/femzen/femhroth/femroe/fiddie/highlander eb (i dont have one and i only like biggers better luck nice time femlalas)
stop dilating and release the thing already
Which tank would you eb?
Do you have autism? Legitimate question because that would explain how you're faceblind
that part annoys me a lot
Because I said it was
lol you got perma banned
I still think she looks good, but definitely needs her makeup back for that particular vibe..
>so is there a beta for plugins now?
>is glamourer working?
looks like he did accountant and gatherbuddy first, currently working on penumbra, so he'll probably do glamourer afterwards
I am a moonie currently crying in Living Memory. What a beautiful zone, from the stories told to the music that gently plays in the background.

Why did this zone get so much hate?!
You get Woke Latroon instead.
Besides too much red I don't see anything wrong with the face whatosever.
Jeb this better not be you.
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Good thing only console niggers will see the character without mods and who the fuck cares about their opinion?
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so what's with the mixed response
who likes and who dislikes the expansion
t. undecided whether to buy
I love that little nigga so much it's unreal
Disingenuous shitposting
like pottery
Rehash of what we already went through at the end of Shadowbringers
Bigger asses then. I'll take either.
Nah bro, this expansion should be called Asspull because that's all I'm getting from it. Already fried my brain on youtubing the story anyway, and I got a lick of Shadowbringers, now I'm desperate for it.
>eyes are bad
>chin is too pointy
>hairstyle is awful
a female DRK
I bet they're secretly very awkward and nerdy and hide it behind a broody facade
This game got way more enjoyable when I just started skimming the dialogue. Most of it is irrelevant crap that's never brought up again anyway
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This guys sword has a special power, every time it cuts you your bodyweight doubles. So when you're on your hands and knees he just stands like this with his sword in line with your neck and with one little knick your body will become so heavy you'll fall and behead yourself.
the story has numerous plot holes and an unhealthy amount of one character specifically

other than that everything else is fine
Doomers had it right from the start
Jeb is a full-time femlala simp it can't be him
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He just helped me cheat on the tower jump puzzle by ringing to him.
>Eyes are fine
>Chin is fine
>Hairstyle is fine (personally I don't like red but whatever)
I don't visit this general often so not sure if it's some avatarfagging retard that everyone hates for other reasons but I don't really see what's so offense about that character
this moonie looks like she WIFE WIFE WIFE WIFE WIFE WIFE
how about i fucking kill you, huh? how about that?
And we go back to
>that would explain how you're faceblind
My PC game client doesn't use any mods either.
I let you find the How then
What race are you playing btw
It’s ugly to me and I gave you the reasons why I think it’s ugly. It’s not any deeper than that bro
uh oh melty
my miera hypnotist has defeated countless fiddies
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Like how does that disgusting moonie with a goblin face get simps but I get called an autist for thinking the fiddie is fine? You guys are something.
What are you even talking about
You have shit taste
she reached miles deep into her ass crack with those heels to dig out that swimsuit to do this pose
and you watched it
Now it's time to cheat on him.
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Modding is the same as being trans.

>Normal people can see how ugly you are
>All your enablers have to pretend they only see your mods and act like that's your true self
>MARE in their search info just like Trans Rights or LGBTQ+
>If you criticise mods or trannies then you're "projecting/jealous/insecure"
notice how the middie who always posts on cooldown stopped posting long enough for the guy who "doesnt visit this general" to come here and defend him, also dropping the "hated avatarfag" comment unprompted
youre replying to that midlander anonymously defending himself
Ak*mi always looks rapeable. Prime instant loss material.
good morning these threads are too fast
Not regretting unfriended Kong at this moment.
may i taste this catboy's tacos
and maybe his bussy
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>Elk banned for a month
>Kong mcfaggot perma-banned
Thank you yoshi for making this thread even better
I am
a french Anon (from France)
I think you might be obsessed.
permabanned from what?
This but unironically
Shale Sexo
I know cumtears samefags anon I’ve read the archive. His character is ugly without mods and he can’t cope which is hilarious
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goblin is wife
You forgot the best one, Izumi being banned for a week.
I'm sure something can be figured out. I'm a moonie
Actually braindamaged, take your meds
>keep using elusive jump to close in instead of the new drg gap closer
i'm just not use to it yet
Can we all agree to hang out in Solution Nine instead of Limsa?
>added a cool new weapon to classic doom
>now everybody thinks I'm a tranny
I'm mysterious and cool, shut up!
cute middie
Do you notice moderators are on overclock during a new expansion or major update, people banned, gaoled and reprimanded left and right. But it's mostly the content tourists. y'know, 'people' that don't matter.
I just want my mods back so that I can change Eos into Feo Ul, as she should be
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Yeah, Enlightenment is pretty weird and a pain in the ass to get just right, you have to do a lot of extra positioning because there's a bit of a delay on the push and sometimes you have to just say "fuck it" and use it as an emergency AOE cap interrupt when you have nothing else up. I still have a lot of trouble with it.
sorry you got busted cucky, spend more time on your character and less time samefagging and people wont have a reason to say its ugly
Are you SURE Elk is banned
I took the new one off my bars
what's better exp for my dumb dps
cc spamming or highest level dungeon with fate in between?
I found Ooki Himaa yesterday on a roulette and they seemed to be pretty fine. Was only my second time interacting with someone from /here/ but it was cool. Maybe you fellas aren't as bad as I thought.
same but an nsfw version of her
I wish male vieras could be bigger. I need my size difference.
>"we" sent
judas on a job he doesn't play and 4 of the worst xivggers in existence
>Kong mcfaggot perma-banned
you're welcome
This except Selene into Statice
How about you make a good looking character without mods then :^) it’s not hard
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degenerates what the fuck
y-you too
>Maybe you fellas aren't as bad as I thought.
Ingame? Most are quite nice actually.
On one hand I'm sorry, on the other you deserve it for being french
i don't play a midlander, but thank you
Really fucking nice looking maps, they finally started putting some effort into them again.
Good content, really fun fights with some novel moments.
The sidecontent is as good as always, you can always find the occasional memorable character or scene.
The Scions get put on swimsuits in Trusts (this is literally the high point of the whole expansion as far as any character from before 7.0 refers to).

Wuk Lamat.
The MSQ is full of plot holes.
Wuk Lamat.
There's filler fucking EVERYWHERE.
Wuk Lamat.
The main villains are absurdly dumb and non-threatening.
Wuk Lamat.
You effectively no reason whatsoever to be involved in this story, nor do you do anything noteworthy in it to justify being there.
Wuk Lamat.
Krile's entire backstory and tragic past is revealed in a handful of scenes at the end of the game that are hijacked by
Wuk Lamat.
Every single character in the game is completely lobotomized so that they can have their entire lifes dictated by
Wuk Lamat.
You might have noticed how often I mention
Wuk Lamat.
That's because this is how the fucking MSQ feels.
Wuk Lamat.
And she isn't even a good character at all.
Wuk Lamat.
Also the final parts of the game where stuff gets all high stakes and risk of rejoining and all that has a whole bunch of awkward, questionable plot decisions and reveals that retroactive make the entire Hydaelyn/Zodiark/Ascians saga stupid af in really important plot points.
Not that you'll have time to acknowledge is because Wuk Lamat is still protagonist even during these scenes that have little to nothing to do with her.
oh boy, cumtears melty and samefagfest at the same hour every day
Max height miera look pretty nice with minheight femra
because there were no more airships that can jsut warp through the barrier?
>delay on the push
>delay on earth's reply heal
max height male viera is still a full head taller than min height fiera
and max height is like 6'1 which is more than a foot taller than my moonie so i'm happy
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what was so bad about those two?
jus' havin fun, is all
jus' horsin around
They are so desperate to hate that they'll believe anything. Truly some of the people here are scum sucking troglodytes.
True bestie
>Tranny gets a boobjob
>Modder gives his femra bigger tits
It's the same thing. You're trans.
Wuk Lamat should've just been the female answer to Kasuga Ichiban. More active regard for the old man, passionate in bursts but able to go properly stoic from time to time. Perfect balance of childish whimsy but the ability to be an adult for five seconds....
>There's filler fucking EVERYWHERE
that's literally the entire game
>cheats in savage and still cant clear week one
>gets carried by Ooki in UWU
>kicked from appalcord
>no friends
>gets permabanned not even a week into Dawntrail
Kong lost bigly
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Which melee DPS is the most fun?
The writers in this game can’t write a good story arc for women. The closest we ever got was Yotsuyu and they just wasted Fordola and discarded Ryne.

Everytime they shove a female character to be prominent in our face, they become toddlers not knowing shit (it only ever worked for Ryne). I say give that up altogether and just make evil women more. At least theyre entertaining.
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No I just turned around for 5 minutes and this happened you guys need to go read a book or get off this website
Okay fine how do I make him more muscular too then
i am
a gay femroe
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I am Nanamosexual. No other lala matters to my WoL.
you can just see the pastel pink and baby blue fireworks going off 24/7 in this anon's brain until he finally succumbs and procures HRT
go into create-a-sim and drag the muscle slider to max
True, but this is on another level altogether. This is absurd levels of filler. It's not even like previous expansions that are "important plot beat > filler >important plot beat", this is like, a LOT of hours of filler in a row.
It just doesn't work for female characters.

No one likes a woman who runs her mouth that much.
>no i just stopped posting at the exact moment several completely random anons jumped in to defend me and shitpost my detractors
>and now i'm back! what did i miss?
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i ran into another tank+healer EB couple in a dungeon. i ate two TBs as PCT and the instance took over 30 minutes
She looks stunning, no idea what the other posters are talking about. Good job anon
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For me, it's Ninja. Though Viper seems alright, if a little braindead but going blue activates Neurons.
>guy defending him disappears
>cumtears comes back at the same time to talk about how he wasn't here
bro give it up youre doing the samefagging for dummies plan right now and everyone is hip to it
LalaMEN only date Femroes
is kong really permabanned? proof?
i have a couple things to do that involve dancing on that shitposting faggot's grave but i want to make sure he's really dead first.
woke le mutt
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You retard
>Baloon tits Lyse
Stop using trans people as a shield.
None of you retards could have made a better story than DT so shut the fuck up
its only 2-3 weeks, he posted a screenshot a few days ago
Time to get your phone out, bro. Maybe fire up the 4chan passed VPN too. You're not beating the allegations without a few well timed multiposts from different IPs. Gonna be a long morning.
they aren't
If the game is so full of filler why don’t you give examples of said filler? I can do this easily
>Shaaloani as a whole
>Following Gulool Ja to his house
>first half of solution 9
>the entirety of Heritage Found
i can't throw a football for shit but i can tell the difference between a good qb and a bad qb and i absolutely have the right to shit all over my team's management for getting a bad one
I could. I 100% could. Easily, even.
You never know what you got until its gone.
2-3 weeks from what? ffxiv? for what reason? he was already 20-dayed before so if it's ffxiv then he should be permabanned now, 3rd strike
from here? good riddance, that seanigger is my only remaining schizoposter
I pay my bills with my book sales on amazon, so I think I can
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I'd just put the focus a bit less on Wuk and give other characters some screentime. I think that would improve the overall experience for me a bit, she's cute and all but damn is she shoved into my face.
Sphene, more like my Spenis in her Svagina
I could at least remember what happened two expansions ago. Probably would've nerded out and focused 70 percent on cowboys, thus making it very hard to get all the areas in.
Bro idk but I've gotta preemptively smash that Earth's Reply and pray to God the heal registers before something tries to pop me, the timing is ridiculous and I'm right there with you.
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from FF, i think it's till 21st? 23rd? something like that
It's not that bad actually
the story was fine it just wasn't told well
>be WoL
>travel around
>let the scions do their succession babysitting
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why has no one posted the new inn room?
hyeeeelpppp i wanna hit 100 from 87 tonight
with beta
Fetch the icecream, sir.
>No market board

I have no idea why they refuse to give the second city in each expansion a market board.
people usually level cul+alc first right
Oh yeah baby, bend over.
split up players
Congestion. They split it so people have to be in 2 different zones.
somebody post hung dark f+ characters
Fastest might be CC, but its probably more productive to do FATES now and work towards your Shared progress while people are actively running full parties
how should i know
A lot of the rewrites would amount to either having the WoL just slaughter and entire people because Wuk Lamat was slightly inconvenienced, giving Erenville/Krile unearned protagonist powers like Krile being able to open the golden city gate because she just can ok???? Most of these people upset about the story couldn’t ERP their way out of a paper bag
i do weaver and blacksmith first then carpenter so i can make all my own gear for the other jobs
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It's not whether I could make a better story than DT, it's the fact that Square Enix and Creative Studio 3 can and has made better stories than DT.
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Didn’t Heiko say we’re going back to the ‘bin ‘tin?
I wish we got simpler gear like this for a NIN AF. Maybe next Expac
All lalas matter to my WoL.
More than they should.
I want to know this too. It's the role I just can't seem to find an option I enjoy playing.
post book
no idea, i just did all of them
but if you wanna churn out xii materia to sell while they're hot and you don't wanna level all the gearing jobs, cul is probably gonna be easiest for tacos
So both cities remain populated to some extent post MSQ.

For example, Old Sharlayan with an MB and some key NPCs to serve as a crafting and commerce hub while Radz-At-Han to have the tomestone NPCs to serve as a battle hub.

Thinking back, Crystarium for commerce and Eulmore for combat. Kugane for commerce and Rhalgr's Reach for battle.
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>Metal working quest
>Its just a yuri plot line
The enclave also didn’t have a marketboard but that didn’t stop the usuals, did it?
My picto fiddie is unapologetically black owned and bbc only
I will now do your quest
Where did the shadowbringer lady go?
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You ever wonder why we’re here?
What was FF9 about this besides the obvious Alexandria and Steiner ripoff?
>giving Erenville/Krile unearned protagonist powers like Krile being able to open the golden city gate because she just can ok????
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S9 is too limited aesthetically. If you're wearing anything but modern glams you look kinda out of place. Also I honestly believe have a bunch of normies around is good to keep the schizos in check
how is Ninja now? did it change much from EW in terms of rotation? i cant decide if i should play it or viper
he's like the 3rd wheel in the mean girls clique who tries to direct the group but everyone just ignores him
Funny enough my pen name initials are DT.
They can in the side quests. They can't in the MSQ because they need to be marketable waifubait.
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Posing tools back when?
Thanks for your contribution to the thread, John Hernandes, resident of the Philippines in south east asia.
Why would the terminal open the gate for a nobody?
Because they already used Vivi for HW Redditbrand.
Wuk should've been a male hroth.
my moonie needs to try bbc
I'll be hanging out on my lawn, you're invited if you're on my friends list
I wish for one expansion they would just make one city and split it up like the three starting cities.
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one of life's greatest mysteries, isn't it?
Wuk should've been my wife.
your moonie needs a tv license
hey... dc?
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My storytelling is superb thank you very much
Endwalker was the FF4 expansion but they didn't rip off the plot until the 6.X patches.

Dawntrail is the FF9 expansion so if they rip off the plot for the 7.X patches then....
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>that title
God dammit, good job though
>The Japs hate the lizards
Once again proving they have phenomenally bad taste.
And yet look at how many of our friends got banned because of DB. We can’t risk that again. We’re all scared of getting banned, right? And while I hate Kong as much as you do, if he got banned, the rest of us could too. Especially if DB comes back. We do NOT want him around. Ever.
It's the same pretty much but you Bhavakra or whoever is spelled get's upgraded every Mug (Which is also upgrades now). Also you get a nuke after Ten Chi Jin.
Had to get used to not prepull huton (which is now used to AoE Trick Attack).
I think it feels more or less the same but is a tiny bit more rigid. I like it so far.
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logging in
It smells like cat piss.
no, i know why im here. im here to shitpost, ignore the porn posts and occassionally talk about the story. underneath all the shit there are occassionally a few good posts with good points discussing the story.
She is though, she’s a nobody with no authority that’s why the terminal goes red when she held up the clover to it.
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Speak to Wuk Lamat to instantly die.
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>beautiful zones
>battle content is on point difficulty-wise (EXs are great, dungeons are excellent but will most likely get nerfed like in Endwalker due to the collective whining from casuals)
>great soundtrack outside the xillion rehashes of the main theme leitmotif
>swimsuit scions if you max their Trusts
>gatherers won: REVISIT is the most broken trait in the entire game

>there is an annoying cat that never leaves your screen, and when they finally do for 15 minutes, characters won't stop talking about them; (You) are subordinated to this cat throughout the entire MSQ
>the most filler-tier MSQ quests in the entire game; you will spend 4 hours in cutscenes and fetch quests before unlocking the first dungeon
>just like stormblood, this expansion feels like an amalgamation of two otherwise unrelated plotlines hastily stitched together
>the main theme gets old really fucking fast with the xillion rehashes in the first half of the expansion
Kong nonstop shitposts in public chat, one random brazilian didn't get him banned when he already had a history of always getting reported and suspended
coffeeiato my art ho wife
I'd like the saloon in wild west town
blm bros we are going home!
where can I find you?
return of skywalker ass expansion
I've gotten more of you banned than DT with a fraction of the effort. He was a showboater, not an actual threat. Real G's move in silence like lasagna.
>Ser Otis claims that because he is one of the original living memory prototypes, if he dies then he's gone completely, no ability to be revived or restored.
>Ser Otis is alive in Living Memory

Did they forget they did this?
Queue for the Interphos NOW
>those reviews
Damn. Drawntrail really was a dawnflop.
As someone who asked the same question, finish the quest.
>This book is just so raw, sad and funny. The Pussy was great, but it got somewhat repetitive with too many too similar "it's all hopeless and I'll die alone" chapters. Since then Tacos has really perfected feeling hopeless and being sure of dying alone.
The combat hub tends to be dead as shit though. That war the case for RR and Eulmore. They only fixed Radz by staking a ton of side content there like the relic weapon. And Idyllshire has wondrous tales.
skipper question
Play the entirety of SOMA before continuing the MSQ
>finish gearing crafters
>starting to slowly make my spent gil back via flipping
so begins my comeback arc
this is explicitly talked about in more than one of the cutscenes
he was the first they tested memory extraction on
so he is an earlier version and why he doesnt remember robotis stuff
Unironically a better story than Dawntrail.
A week after and there's still little Wuk Lamat porn...
same but unironically and without the larp
These are the kind of people that say the story is bad and makes no sense btw
I'm killing you. Anyone doing this to femra, even other femra, is unworthy of living.
>want bbc
>don't play a white character
im unironically killing anyone doing this
The final zone made me really sad.
god i fucking love jungle bungirls
The cute meena boy next to me is targeting a catgirl...
Elk is a futa-obsessed schizo femboy that thinks male players are trans and Kong is a schizo cheater with undiagnosed tourettes
>And yet look at how many of our friends got banned because of DB
There was, like…uhhh…Izumi and… Who else again?
Jack off before you post
fantaing off mine because of you
I will simply kill all femra.
nta but I jack off to my own posts
Ndja got hit too but that’s not a big loss really
I will simply marry all femra.
If that's actually you, good fucking job buddy.
i will simply impregnate all femra.
I miss appal.
>swimsuit scions if you max their Trusts
No one does this
If I masturbate it's because you all masturbate to me.
Crazy how he killed afk spots despite getting no one banned
Femra players don't even try to hide that they're attempting to be the "popular mean girl" they didn't get to be in high school huh
I only care about fighting stuff and the dungeons/bosses are all good fun so I'm happy, that's more or less it I guess.
>These are the kind of people that say the story is bad and makes no sense btw
Are you saying DT is good and makes sense?
There have already been people in this general posting screenshots of them.
I've maxed trusts on two different characters and will do it in DT too. Someone posted a screenshot of them having already done so, which was amazing I admit.
>Ndja got hit too
Yeah that’s exactly what I’m saying
How do I swoon a male lala?
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<Target is too far below you.>
>She has nowhere to go. Stop making your readers think I’m a hooker, she says. Will you please buy me a plane ticket.

>And I do. It’s cheap, a hundred bucks. And I’m a trick for doing it. But who fucking cares. In six weeks I’ll turn forty. Nothing left to prove with pussy. I look like the fucking chamberlain from the Dark Crystal. Never had money. I’ve had the shittiest, most debased jobs; spinach pickers are cooler than me. Went to the shittiest schools for pussy. Lived in the shittiest towns for pussy. Walk around feeling my gangliness, ugliness, stupidity, weird voice weird face small penis like a cigarette burning the back of my neck since I turned six fucking years old and I’ve still got more pussy than anybody. I’ve fucked like god damn Caligula. The Floyd Mayweather of pussy. No fun to watch but I am un fuckin defeated.
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Big if true.
my femra is probably taller so you are below mine
this means you are going to be plapped
The culprit>>484801713
As opposed to books for femcels like you?
Calm down he only got a 3 day, now he’s restricted to Dynamis for a month
stupidest line I've ever seen
it's literally just a fountain
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enjoy your materia.
I feel like I like the way MNK plays, but I hate all of the MNK glams. Should I switch to VPR?
You can't be taller for I am max height.
she lived in the 1500s
extremely late reply but you mean the carne asada ones right
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She lived in Mexico governed Texas, she has literally never seen anything like that.
Did you literally miss the part where she says the fountains haven’t run in a long time?
rarefied carne asada tacos are the best to farm orange scrips yeah
Don’t talk to my wife like that
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did they update penumbra yet
As soon as there is a fan design contest the first person who makes the picto palette a tablet and the weapon the tablets pen it'll be an instant win
Reminder you can get a new mount from watching /ourgirl/
Alvarez has been paying my moonie for years
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>nobody asked me to do roulette or any kind of content with them
I wish I had an EB to play the game with...
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>sidequests give you two identical earring coffers
that's a first
skip skip wahoo
Getting them to 90 alone was hundreds of hours. Wtf are you doing with your lives.
tanks should not be able to solo bosses for 10 minutes while dead players watch. Or if they can, every other role should be able to.

why won't they change this stupid shit
Already have
yeah it is a mistake
one of them is meant to be a ring
she traveled the world with Gulool Ja Ja
she saw this
Have you tried not dying like a shitter
Usually watching TV or something on another monitor while I stand around on a dps waiting for the trusts to do all the work
Just don't die and have self-sustain.
sometimes i actually cant believe people play femra, its crazy
they just look so awful
nah i already have 2 ring coffers
ok th-
what the fuck
What is honestly the point of healers when tanks can pull off this shit
>Blaming the tank and not the healer for your current state of affairs.
Lol. Now watch this sick solo kill.
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Look at you, so quick to defend the xaela. She's not the real one bullied here!
Hmmmmm yes.
Not an argument. If the tank is a shitter and dies, why can't the other roles solo? It's simply retarded design.
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Yep this is an elk pose.
>A waterfall is the same as a giant fountain show
These are the people that say this story makes no sense. God bless your heart anon
Hey Amber.
Unless the enemy is low on HP I will usually just let it kill me because it's faster to just try again from the top with the DPSs.
a fountain is a completely different thing you moron
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my wife Mablu....
What makes you think I would ask you to do content if I EB’ed you?
which gooner on the team decided to give her those lips
Is there some way to tell male and female apart. Is it in the name or something?
Has anyone managed to remove the shlomo beak yet?
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SE added a bunch of hangout spots without fucking NPCs littered about
it's like they figured it out finally
the beak is important
wukong... THE MUTT!
why are femras so evil? the world would be a better place if we could just genocide them all
Nope you’re wrong and inferior
But no market board.
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The emotion she is expressing in the scene is wonder. She's a wanderer who's seen things that are thousands of times more impressive than a fountain show.
It's a just a Hyur kid wearing a special hat.
the couch area right next to those chairs have npcs tho
can someone post the chart of each character's line count on DT? I'd appreciate it.
Fountain shows are impressive!
Have you ever seen one?!
can you get more than 9 seals on khloe journal or are you capped at 9
Lu = female
Li = male (like how Tobli from FFX is male)
For hanuhanu
hanu = male
hali = female
Female lizards are the ones wearing hats, I'm pretty sure
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That's great, so I don't have to sit alone... haha...
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you have me confused with someone else, sorry...
They are all too small. And lots of those areas have wandering npcs that come and sit down.
Okay, Amby.
femraen are evil because of the injustices done to them
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>Fuark dood. I'm so fuarking ALPHA dood. Look at me flex my 1-2-3 pressing skills man. I'm an absolute BEAST. Big dick damage big dick damage going out. Fuuuuark that's a meaty cleave. I'm so fuarking good at this game surviving solo on the unkillable job dood.
You guys sure that wasn't just a cheeky reference to that one streamer that saw the fountain in Sharlayan and called it anime af?
does xivg have real OC creators or does everyone here just recreate memes but with their favorite ebin character inserted in?
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Tanks never change.

Tankmain btw
Not an argument.
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Because we like each other
give me your macro
maybe you shouldnt have died then nigger
Yes, and it didn't stick with me nearly as long as the views from climbing mountains, or walking through redwood forests, or even nice spots for ocean viewing. The only thing she'd be marveling at here is human accomplishment, but nobody built the fountain, it's part of the larger accomplishment that is Heritage Found.
if it was that'd be pretty funny
>dying in dungeons
>cries about someone finishing content and giving you a free pass because you died to it, showcasing your low skill
Give me your stats and I will make you a macro.
hello surely someone can answer this
can you post the one where he says that GNB should be more like WAR?
when are they finally cleaning up healer kits?
they have too many spells and abilities, I don't wanna manage so many things if I ever pick up healer (I probably wont)
xaelas are fine. raen are the real evil
I've created a meme or two, sadly mediocre GIMP and gposing skills is all I have.
you're capped at 9 so just spend them weekly
do you like moonies
4628 Craftsmanship
4221 Control
533 CP
I can start melding if necessary Ive been spending my purple scrips on materia
Skipped Stormblood. Boosted WAR.
femraen are deceptive and evil because they are weak
most femxaela are virtuous, good and honorable
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Kong won
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look at this fag that gets mad over hunt jokes
k I'll make you one as soon as I finish this AR
I dont get it
>banished to primal then literally banned
fucking LMAO
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i want to suck off a thighlander
Is this your first cutscene watch? NPCs try to tell you how great insignificant shit is all the time.
fuck those niggers, xiv community is full of unfunny annoying faggots like that anyway
>Not Xaelans
Still great though
Why are Malera like this
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I asked for no pickles on my burger and I got pickles on my burger.
How did he get permaed?
give me the pickles bro i'll dispose of them posthaste
>normies talking about finding a new "L A M P"
>gather around ceruleum chimneys in texas
>but there are so many of them that they can't settle for one
It's so funny and cringe at the same time.
Wuk completely ruined my Solution Nine tour with Sphene by making everything about fucking tacos
Hey /xivg/ just ate my birthday dinner and after beating the MSQ, getting a few jobs to 100 and farming a lot I think it's time I can finally kill myself with no regrets. Thanks for the fun times, enjoy the rest of Dawntrail.
What are you 12? Suck it up buttercup. They're a good source of fiber and vitamins.
>post 98 dungeon cutscene
>yshtola casts a wind spell to part the clouds
>cpu overheats and entire PC crashes
alright bros, what thermal paste do I get
Take the whole borger. It's ruined.
Shut up.
Worst part of hunt trains. Every single person there thinks they're the funniest person in the room despite repeating something ten other people just said.
Hey, that was a good topic. She made Sphene sperg over such a simple question, giving us a glimpse into her true nature.
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2 macros and you have to be using HQ dark rye flour and HQ jhinga biryani but this will get you to 3rd collectable stage and crafted each time.

/echo Use Jhinga Biryani HQ <se.5> <wait.5>
/ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Manipulation <wait.2>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
/echo Macro #1 finished <se.1>

/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Master's Mend" <wait.3>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/echo Craft finished <se.2>
It's weird how obnoxious fags immediately spring to "u mad" when people don't want to listen to them.
It's a step away from self-awareness, but there's still some barrier keeping you from realizing you're annoying.
>queue as healer
>tank is war
>oopsie kill myself because I don't feel like mashing 11111 anymore
>WAR now spends 15mins soloing one boss
>dps gets mad at WAR and this will eventually get it nerfed
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My favorite part of the DT MSQ
Is that the first part is fucking over holy shit
like an in-game twitch chat
I blacklist a ton of people like that
>dps gets mad at WAR and this will eventually get it nerfed
You said this all of 6.0/x
prove it
Nobody tell him
The last zone is soooo bad.
*whips out dick*
i thought it was against tos if the tank kept soloing a boss after the party asked him to just wipe so they could redo it
how do you cope with how fucking boring this is, anyway? i assume you just watch something on another monitor and check back every 30 seconds or so to refresh your macro?
Thanks, Should I toss any materia on the gear as well or will this work with the base HQ crafted set
You thought wrong. YDPMS so you're not allowed to tell me how to play the game. If I want to fight the boss to learn the mechanics while you're dead, it's your fault for dying.
It’s not. You shouldn’t have died.
i've never made a report or had this issue, just heard other randoms talk about tanks snoozing through the boss for 15 minutes in the same way as people intentionally doing nothing to drag a dungeon out, and it feels hard sometimes to separate the bullshit when people are talking about tos to each other
Why isn't EB status something that is listed on the lodestone? You'd think people would want to show off who they are EB'd to and also it would be a good way to tell if someone is single or not.
>it feels hard sometimes to separate the bullshit when people are talking about tos to each other
On the other hand it's a lot of fun to make up stuff about the tos in shout chat while hunting.
But the tos is there for everyone to read and it's actually pretty clear what is and isn't reportable.
Having said that, Squenix doesn't care about reports unless you hurt someone's feelings with no no words anyway. You'll get gaoled for inting but banned for swearing.
i used to make oc when i was younger
Overboard was a better summer vacation than Dawntrail.
>i assume you just watch something on another monitor and check back every 30 seconds or so to refresh your macro?
That's precisely what I do. I read manga on the other monitor
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>arrive to Tuliyollal for the first time
>south american aestethics
>but let's give it a jazz bgm

Literally wtf

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