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Forager Buddies Edition

LastSoftware: >>484658563


>The main information documents for Elden Ring (/erg/), Dark Souls (/dsg/), Bloodborne (/bbg/), Demon's Souls, Sekiro, King's Field, Armored Core (/acg/) and Spellbound

>Soulslike games like Nioh, Lies of P, Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen, etc...
good attempt at an 'ullie thumbnail but it needs less black space
Rot is just a natural part of the cycle of life.
the next time some faggot uses sleep consumes i'm shitting myself on purpose, fuck you
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they are cute!
>Ymir comments on you ringing the 2nd bell first
>didn't exhaust Seigmeyer dialogue outside sen's fortress because I made a new save
>unfixable bug where you can't speak to him for the rest of the game

This game is cool but also so fucking bad at the same time
Old ass janky game but filled with soul
NPC quests are consistently the worst part about any souls game. Elden Ring got a little bit better at it giving you leeway with shit, but in the earlier games if you miss a guy somewhere because you do things out of order you're just cucked
greatbow in eldog would be unapproachable on pc if the netcode was similar to god3 but here we are
it doesn't track 360 degrees like in god3
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fc soom?
I’m going home soon i will maybe play for a match if u have a new bill to try
>do a seamless coop invasion
>it's fucking lag free
it doesnt need to, just free aim golem arrows on the ground
Rotkin good
Malaria and Mike bad
Simple as
There are too few cutscenes in the dlc
they scrapped everything but shadow keep
Shadow keep is the best area they ever made so it was worth it
Marika and messmer were the best parts of the dlc weirdly enough
Half-Baked Ring
do you actulaly think so or are you joking? I liked the specimen storeroom but it only stood out because every other level in the game was badly designed and boring. It's objectively boring compared to basegame stuff, like base of the haligtree is 100x better designed, has cooler loot and more enemy variety and interesting events in it
the storeroom is like 80% of shadow keep
>every other level in the game
I meant in the DLC*
the base game had some cool legacy dungeons. DLC didn't really, peaked at the storeroom
aldia's keep 1.2
aldia's keep was cool. You really felt like you were in some wacky asshole collectors mansion and chaos broke loose at some point. Even the boss is a bird in a cage
The only bad part about aldia's keep is how broken the ogre grab was and it kept getting spammed at you throughout it, but that's just one of them ds2 things
aldia's keep is a hallway you can run through in a straight line in 20 seconds
and yet the level is compelling enough to make you not do that and explore it instead
>do you actulaly think so or are you joking?
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> Bloodborne as my first
Unironically (which is a word) good call, it's the best game to start with; it's got the best story, the best difficulty curve, a unique setting, it doesn't require you to know any backstory and it's the most (most) finished game From has bothered to put out that lines up with the general original vision. There is an extremely good reason why the PS4 is called the Bloodborne machine. Will probably go down as zaki's Magnum Opus, since he appears to be surrounding himself with yesmen and staffing jeets to sort out background stuff; so while he's "planning" on making his perfect game, the result might not line up as he falls more and more into being a hack.
Sekiro comes a close second, but it's more action than slike.
Irrelephant for the most part, the meta is sadly ded and optimisation isn't important in the slightest (because all you needed is 50 Vit, 50 in your primary damage stat, then either 25 in your secondary damage stat or spread out just to hit requirements for weapons / spells).
Strongest of the three starting pokemon, can hardcarry most builds to their weapon of choice. You'll get the other two later anyways.
"Easier" of the two, but only because shottie is useless and its the best parrying tool in the game because it's cheap and quick.

Only thing, make sure you play completely fucking blind. Do not look anything up, the less you know, the more fun it is to figure out things yourself. You don't get a second first experience, and your first sousgame is always the most challenging while your figure out what the fuck is going on.
tf2g crossover?
>check seamless comment section on nexus

>fall through the map
>loading screen loop
>loading screen loop
>loading screen loop
>fall through the map

THIS is the mod that saved /dsg/?
going to sleep thimking about godmask and fromsofts next game. gn
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>look this up
>it's real

>video ends, suggested show up
>see some nigger on jewtube has stolen the in-thread artist's bayle thing and uploaded it with a shitty broken ESL quibbling voiceover (or at least, they stole it from leddit, who stole it from us)
>by my calculations on general adrev rates, ~$1500 just by talking over a comic somebody else made

>by these conversions, with the original comic getting 24 (You)'s when posted, the price of a single (You) in normalfag attention economics is ~$63
>and is worthless otherwise lmao
and you wonder where all the OCfags went, with content thieves like that!
thank you for reading my ted talk, like and subscribe and dont forget to hit the bell to stay updated
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It'll get better with time, trust me
Don't we steal their memes too, sometimes?
it's just bizarre to me that people get $30k for making these shitty chicken nugget and nikocado videos
Shits gotten so bad 4chan also has twitter and other sites pouring shit down its throat which then gets shitgurgitated back into those websites again
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shadow of the blackpill
My garbage weaponfu...
Her garbage matching spell...
Why did they do this to you...
next post decides the bill for tomorrow
>low quality image
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bring the pink back
dogshit idea and video
good afternoon, zaki
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yeah i stopped making as much OC when something i drew got reposted on twitter without credit, used for a youtube thumbnail with the uploader (whom it was referencing) asking if anyone knew who drew it. DM'd them, never heard back.
have some extremely unfinished OC from elden ring's release
>activate windows
>the spoopy atmospheric madness lantern area should be post pontiff open field
Lmao no.
Icecrag kinda goated
there's no incentive anymore. 4chan has no sense of community, the majority of posters are insufferable retards, and everything gets reposted by grifters trying to turn a trick with your shit. i take pride in old stuff i made getting reposted here, but it's hard not to think that people have an ulterior motive elsewhere. you're better off posting stuff on social media if you really want to make anything on a semi-consistent basis, because it can at least be traced back to you when someone uses it for personal profit.
This. It’s not worth it for the artists and the internet has been bent over and raped to death.
>Used in the offhand
Is it any good?
Do you think that From Software games could benefit from a permanent NPC companion?
i have yet to find a use for it. we need to know its parry frames to be h. that's basically the gimmick: dual thrusting sword moveset, but you can parry in the offhand.
He was kinda fun sometimes, I'll miss him a little.
doesn't it just have normal dagger frames lol
depends on how its executed
you have that in armored core 6
dagger frames are better than rapier frames...
this image doesn't even work anymore because of how dogshit this site is
no. psts is already a niche strat and replacing your long-ass offhand rapier with a dagger is not very helpful
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The Cycle of Life
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Nail or Nails
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thanks for the $378 (You)bux kind strangers! her'es a $63 tip to you each in return!

i just do OC when the act of creating it is the reward in of itself (aka fun) (mostly basic color or typesetting TL's so i can use them at a later date and know what it means instead of jargon chickenscratch) (or when somebody asks politely)
speaking of which, not had an excuse to post related for a while because kinoh doesn't often get brought up - it's a portmanteau on japan's radical stance on how their mythological superdemons should look from a controversial artist that people greentext me whenever i post their hit for some reason (i don't know the lore) (i just like shuten doji's ost really https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6xE54-zGi8 )
culture will persist irregardless, the philosophies of [esforess] make for good thesis on the anthropomorphism of funposting (or something)

>you're better off posting stuff on social media if you really want to make anything on a semi-consistent basis, because it can at least be traced back to you when someone uses it for personal profit.
1. >implying i have anything that links back to my real identity aside from my (dynamic) ip address
1.5 >implying i do normalfag social media, or anything that requires a login in general
2. >implying imageboards aren't social media platforms (literal definition)
3. >implying i want an anthology of the usage of the term nigger linked back to me, or my heartfelt convincing of vulnerable peoplex on /adv/ to go through with the suicidal ideations
4. >implying anyone but a sellout cares about profit

i will do what i like and i will be happy (fuck uuuuuuuuuu klaus swab!!!!)

lifes a bitch then you get married / die
they're both shit since you can't chaincast (so offhand loss + night comet is still optimal), but nail is cheaper and deals more damage more reliably (nails is not x6 the damage, sadly).
their gimmick is just being highest damage per shot for the fp cost + they do stance damage + they track like motherfuckers, but the lack of chaincasting leaves them as dogged tools of the wretched

middle finger / 10
Fromage Softs next game will be Remnant 3: non proc genned edition
I would tickle zaki's taint for Otogi 3 or Ninja Blade 2
ol' klaus stepped down tho
Those who dwell within poison know rot all too well. The death that begets life, that comes to all equally. That is to say: it is the cycle of rebirth put into practice.
FC in 2 hours?
Fromsharts next game will be like old vindictus (before it turned into a coomer fashion show) but with a good setting and better gameplay and no korean p2w shit
Pthumeru or Loran?
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oh wow i cant wait for the oolacile township fc today :3c
sewer or underground field
crux woods
2v2 in dalaran sewers
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Grandpappy Nurgle said it best
putting my ailment talisman on bitch fuck you
*swaps to bleed and frenzy*
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Did not know this item was here in over 1000 hours.
wow someone defeated a shardbearer woah
bleenzy is not a real build
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Wrong and loading screen pilled
Let him cook.
they nerfed that doe
It still insta-frenzies at point blank
i'll stone club you
dryleaf arts more like dryleaf farts where my poise damage I'm going back to endure caestus
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"people" think malenia is cute but wait until she loses all her hair and grows the probiscus and twiggy limbs, no more sloppy toppys from a STDridden fit tall girl with severe family issues any more
shes going urethral and you better hope that feeder ain't covered in stinging barbs covered in rot grease

domina got of light desu
You're stuck in the animation doe
I knew
i'm TANKING that and then stone clubbing you more because you only have a torch
Malenia is perfect no matter what form she may find herself in
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*softswaps and pwns you with headshots*
do 2h charged r2s benefit from the 2h talisman?
mmmh do 2h attacks benefit from 2th talisman mmmmmmmmh
i think so (you might have to check with a high-health enemy next to a grace tho....)
putting crucible knot tali on
You still get blee'd
Didn't expect to be able to beat artorias in under half an hour of attempts on my first ever soul level 1, SL1 really does make a man out of you
I'm not looking forward to Tinnitus OR gwyn
retarded nigger sprint, jump and roll attacks dont get any benefit from the 2h talisman. you are so fucking dumb. you think you're so smart but you're actually the dumbest person in the room lacking the critical knowledge everyone else has. fuck you
no. 2h tali is only for standing attacks.
rolling the blee
poison+rot is still ticking
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this game is dumb... who designed it
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I actually managed to pull it off in live combat...
dumbest fucking weapon in the dlc
what the spruce
How did Vyke guy lose
Madness overtook him...
>sprint, jump and roll attacks
wtf not even sprint attacks? What about charged attacks?
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umm just backstep...
bro... your axe talisman
the abs penalty will rape me in invasions and I'm too crappy to hardswappa consistently
in worm ring what's the best wep/build to do invasions with if I
>dont like spamming l2
>dont like spamming spells

I'm thinking something bleed otherwise I won't have the damage to burst a guy while his 2 friends shit out WAs at me. Greatspears are also really good for chasing panic rolls right
also i can't believe zaki made us reverse quicksteppas FUCKING USELESS now that ds2 backsteppa is back
also I said "the best" but I really just meant something cool that works good in your experience, i'm not really trying to go sweaty on em but whenever I level a character it turns out the thing I'm going for is dogshit so now I'm crestfallen
>>dont like spamming l2
>>dont like spamming spells
Why are you playing slurm to begin with
Main means hand and gauche means left you dummy.
question: do you like spamming crouch a bunch? my answer depends on if you are willing to wavedash or not, since some setups need that.
good fashion or 40 Endurance
38 end
That's not an option
: (
CRKS is all a niggaman needs, chainsaw macro if you're down low.
once you've got those down, just do whatever stupid shit sounds good in your head idk
The bird head isn't /fa/
wtf is a crks
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in elden ring, i can keep playing after i get one of the endings right?
i've never beaten a soulsborne before despite playing most of them
had to look it up, I forgot about crouch tech entirely, yeah I used to do that 2 years ago when I last played I think
Yes, you don't start ng+ until you want to
maybe I should fuck around with thrust counters in general more, always seemed fun to me, I'll dick around with it
don't think I care for chainsawing though
>stone straight sworn is actually garbage
no......my str bill is ruined
You asked for a straight sword you got one.
This dlc is such an unfinished mess. Cut content: the game, and somehow even moreso than the base game. I'd like to see a making-of documentary one day so we can see what was going wrong at Fromsoft that led them to scrap everything and push out this empty garbage after 2 whole years.
it's dishonest, that's what

>don't think I care for chainsawing though
babe, prepare for the worst and hope for the best, sometimes some bastards need the chainsaw (it's for their own good)
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: (
It is
It's been like this since ds1, crazy isn't it.
Well you got your strike damage, have fun beating up jars and miners with it.
It only looks decent with goatse and tree sentinel
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whens ac6fa and elden ring dlc 2
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>everything left open again
Can't wait for ER2
DS1 is more dense than this. There is nothing to do other than fight the remembrance bosses+bayle. It's so boring.
is ugs + hatchet meta or something? I've been encountering it quite a bit in the arena
I've mainly been pve'ing and invading on the side so I didn't know
what makes it meta? the guys using it against me weren't really good
They should just make AC7. AC6 is too much of a turd, they're better off reworking it to make a better game than waste resources on a dlc.
That being said the next AC entry is myost anticipated game from them, I'm not interested in the Elden Ringified soulsborne thing they shit out next.
invading at these hours was not a good idea bros...
start a fc then
So where's the dragon cults incantation hammer?
there has to be a weapon which casts miracles and does damage at the same time right? they always include these in the games
lol not in elden ring.
the dragon cult hammer just does a shitty lightning bolt and it has a god awful fucked moveset
So for the DLC they gave sorceries, the second most broken and easiest build in the game a melee weapon that can also cast spells, while incants still have the objective worst form of damage in the game and still require having a seal in one hand. I do not understand fromsoft, things like katanas, bleed and sorceries got so much time dedicated to them and they are so powerful but lightning, sleep, faith, incants are all so bad it is painfully obvious they didn't even want them in the game in the first place
got pwned by madness fists...
finished the dlc yesterday. what the fuck was up with all the empty areas and low enemy variety? should've shrunk the map and sacrificed a few bosses to make more regular enemies
that said it was overall very good, messmer is the best boss in ER
faith has the cool blee wave stick at least and most of the somber weapons ahve some sort of fth thing goiung on in the dlc
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fuck you bitch here's your flower hammer
incants are better tho
also the last boss was uninspired lazy trash, left a sour taste
you can cast the faith requirement thorn spells with this sword but it won't be good the sword doesn't scale with your faith
Their design is shifting more and more towards bosses. They figure people skip the other stuff anyway so they dont bother adding 10 new enemies to it
Is there any boss in any game as bad as bed of chaos?
not in terms of actual quality no, but there are several less enjoyable bosses. a lot of them in ER
it makes me sad, i also thought the level design was really bad. bosses should be the dessert, not the main course
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bugsnax + knights lightning spear incants, build finished
sword of st trina just got a more cancerous sister-sword to pair for it's already cancer dual moveset, and the cancerpots are now on infinite respawn material, so get ready to see every casual pvp nigger throw ultrasleep at you on wakeup
impenetrable thorns ~5shots the final boss almost as hard as pre-nerf rolling sparks, and was not touched in the slightest, and are hands-down the most busted thing in PvE right now
nanaya's deletes fucking everything at CQC even after a nerf and it's an offhand torch lmfao
you just got pest threads 2.0, and incants are the only spells with literal 100-0 truecombos even on block even before the DLC, they are disgustingly overpowered beyond compare in duels and if they existed in any game with a remotely knowledgeable PvP scene they would be instabanned.

tl;dr shut the fuck up. please, just shut the fuck up. you are not oppressed, you are a useful idiot.
>sword of st trina just got a more cancerous sister-sword to pair
1 Int retard
*also blinkbolt for lightning
>incants are the only spells with literal 100-0 truecombos even on block even before the DLC
Your retarded true combos suck
ps trinas sucks fucking ass what are you on about
preaching to the choir buddy i hope they stop flanderizing their own games into glorified boss rushes
wait a minute i recognize you from the "why aren't incants banned in comp???" line. you're right about faith being good but you're also fraudulent af and don't know what you're talking about so please zip it when it comes to viability.
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just use the ailment talisman bro :^)
should've rolled after the r2 and then swapped to a btsr full regen setup and played passive smfh
>run straight into a l2
What is the point of this webm
meant for >>484861383
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>shitter is the reply baby
my sides
I don't know who this post is meant for
??? i dont think bleachedmask is the reply nigga
meant for >>484861715
> I do not understand fromsoft, things I don't like got so much time dedicated to them and they are so powerful but sleep is so bad it is painfully obvious they didn't even want them in the game in the first place
>cut questline + ending in the basegame
>entire working beastiary that was cut last-minute due to implementation issues
>every single enemy in the game has a unique sleep animation dedicated to this specific status (unlike madness), including unique ones like basilisks actually closing their eyes, and wolves having both a trick-sleep and a real-sleep
>brand new buffed up version of the same status in the DLC, that now lasts for literal fucking minutes on minor mobs
>dedicated DLC sleep quest + 2 NPCs
>more accessible in PvP than ever before

maybe if you spend less time whining and more time hustling, you wouldn't have anything to whine about
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im scared
What does that have to do with PSSS being awful for status?
why are you replying to me about pve sleep
ps trinas is bad for pve anyways because the double hit wakes enemies up if the first hit sleeps
not if it's eternal sleep
PVE can still ignore sleep procs lmao
what would this weapon have been?
a whip?
im putting joris barbed spear into Z tier btw useless weaponart
I thought it was me, sorry about that
Just be smarter with your spacing
I got poked while doing it and instantly died, it's worse than bubble hammer
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what happened to my siegfried?
Went to go help him against the slug dudes but he was already dead
Let go of L2 and roll, dummy
:( its bad
You're BAD
>would have been
its in the game dog its a lantern
I'm going back to using messmer soldier greatspear
dogshit somber weapon
ok i just gott someone with it but they were standing still so its still bad lmao
Post your build.
Did you have 20 faith or something?
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new 'esh 'ebm
ignoring thiollier's needle, all the eternal sleep stuff is impractical for pvp because the grease just doesn't give enough build-up and you lose out on frost pots if you bring eternal sleep pots.
that's the stone head lantern tho...
I hope you don't think to imply it's this.
It does damage it's just not worth ever using *SPITS*
Try beanpole.
sorry im blind but i bet it was a lantern too then
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ok now that im done ranting whens the next ds3 dlc coming out
dark souls 4 with open world and l2 spam
brb shooting up miyazakis longhouse
they will put women into the next game
screenshot this post
*type b
I called my mom a type b once by accident and she was like wtf??
from their perspective you just flew in the room and blew up lmao
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just fought 6 rakshasa swift slash hispanics in a row someone please fucking destroy the servers forever
>Brandon Sanderson like souls games
No wonder he's such a hack
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>you lose out on frost pots
are you not in the know
It’s that time of the day again. During this time of day, a lot of people on 4chan take time to drop a fat shit before it hurts. A lot of anons at /fsg/ take this time, too.
While not everyone is going to be away, there will be less posts during this time. The next post is expected in the first full hours post shit.
>pot that does 200 easily dodged damage
>pot that prevents enemies from healing for 30 seconds
guess I better go with the frost pots because the youtubers do it (and I can't think for myself)
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the funny earthen peak pit
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>Playing Dark Souls, first souls game.
>Spend days struggling on Double Gargoyles, finally beat them
>Make a shit ton of progress afterwards, kill a giant butterfly pretty easily, run pissing and shitting myself through dragons and blunder my way into poison toxic wombo combo fuck you town.
>Continue pissing and shitting myself now literally as well as metaphorically as I wade through a poison swamp hoping to christ I find a bonfire
>Find a spider cave instead
>No Estus Flasks, used them all to ride out the poison and only have a little less than half health left.
>Guess I'm fucked
>Don't just win, absolutely slap Quelaag's shit completely blind without even taking a hit.
I don't even know how the fuck I did that but is this what gitting gud feels like?
you got gud, it's funny when it happens
ooooor i could easily dodge (kys for that line btw) your stupid albinauric pot and then phantom hit insta-chill you with the frost pot's aoe
>do you rike
>do you rub Gandam?
When are they gonna talk about dark souls?
>pot that prevents enemies from healing for 30 seconds
There's a heal block pot now? Or did it always exist and I'm jsut retarded?
>albinauric pots NEVER phantom hit
>but frost pots do
>Its REALLY important I get that -10% stamina regen on you for some reason
>retard doesn't know about frost
Oh wait i just remembered about these pieces of shit. I tried them out for hours and I just couldnt' figure out how to hit this dogshit reliably and they were cancer to make and I wasn't gonna cheat so I gave up on em
oh god
did you forget about the giant damage vulnerability debuff, dummy
>he will never find out about albinauric pots because his favorite youtuber doesn't use them
>ack pots are sooooo good bro
0 webms.
I use rot pots
i'll just pop a divine blessing in your face if you albinauric pot me while im low :D
if ack pots were deleted from the game nobody would even notice
undead hunter charms were famously overpowered in ds3
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>already filtered it
was that this guy?
I encountered him TTing
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catch flame spam + endure spam + bfp? yeah you lost and he won
>I must simp for the "honest" level 80 taunter with the youtuber getup and cheated consumables
I tried them out myself and they were shit cause they never manage to hit even on wakeups. Did they get changed at any point or are you just trying to trick people into wasting mats
says the guy with cheated pots
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Other question about something that just happened.
Do I need an online connection to hunt down the motherfucker that killed that caged lady and kicked a bucket of water on my fucking 10 estus giving firelink shrine bonfire?
says the free thinker with his own original build*
he cheats them in tho. he only pretends to care about hating meta strats, but he abuses them when he gets angry...
the * goes at the front, you esl MONKEY
I only care about if someone is a youtubernigger or not
I would rather fight a lightroller using sleep bolts + shotgun bow than the 99th guts armor great katana crouch poker or faggot with rot grease shamshir
sleep bolt shotgun xbow is youtube-approved tho
>Infine iframe backstep spam
Lel Elden Ring is so good
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what now
>had the chance to add covenants
>fire in the braziers isn't actually Ghostflame
Did I just dream up a connection between the Nox and Ghostflame because the torch is found in Nokron? Did I also imagine a connection between the Nox and the Gloam Eyed Queen? Does the Putrescent Knight being originally called the GEQ Knight offer a clue as to what the deal with the coffins is?
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im angry today.
why would they?
ppl r just gonna bitch about how they dont want to farm bloodlust and warmth for t en gorillion years or something
stupid ergie
>had the chance to improve covenants
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>Renalla's fire sword is a straight sword, and it always dominates the l1 moveset
>It can't be powerstanced with another straightsword, namely SoNaF
This game is soulless.
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just encountered one of those lads myself
I hate it
i will admit it's gay as fuck that these pots aren't just purchaseable, I hate how easy it is to chug. Take me back to DS2 days where it's not only slow as fuck but also only heals your HP slowly
well they've been going downhill for a while..
ds1 and 2 covenants were the most interesting
they were kinda phoned in for 3 and bb too (arguably)
i wasn't expecting them to improve on something they've been neglecting more and more over the years
ds2 estus isn't that slow overall, but i do like how you drink at the end of the animation instead of almost instantly
yeah that ontop of the slower heal meant if someone just tried to facechug at low HP he got raped 10 out of 10 times
chug punishes in elden ring are just
>take a bit off the double flask he just poured down his gullet
empty ass area
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>fire in the braziers isn't actually Ghostflame
The candles in Midra's Manse aren't frenzyflame either, and it's also the same fire found around the Clayman ruins. Turns out the shit you burn doesn't align your faction standing.
>Did I just dream up a connection between the Nox and Ghostflame because the torch is found in Nokron?
Yes, Ghostflame is just burning bodies; since the "people" in the setting aren't people in a traditional sense, as much as they're immortals waiting to be reborn in a tree; hence burning bodies with fire that is both physical and spiritual is ultra-taboo and why the Fallen Hawks fucked themselves over.
>Did I also imagine a connection between the Nox and the Gloam Eyed Queen?
Yes, considering the GEQ and the Godskins is practically solved now, and was Melina + the other snake-things of Messmer's kin dealing with the Hornsent that passed through Godgate.
>Does the Putrescent Knight being originally called the GEQ Knight offer a clue as to what the deal with the coffins is?
Does Ulcerated Tree Spirits and Red Wolves of Radagon being the cut enemies from Dark Souls 3 mean that the Erdtree is made out of the Pus of Man, and Radagon was a Farron Knight?
Does Rykard having the same flags as the cut Bloodborne megasnake boss mean that he's actually controlled by bloodticks?
Final Product is the final product.

Zaki's style has always been vague, because his inspiration is illustration-reading foreign books he doesn't understand and piecing what little he does understand to make his own narrative. In previous titles, it was mostly kept in a bow even in spite of cut cahntent, but with the scope of Elden Ring, it's obvious that there's plotholes fucking everywhere.
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they added a talisman that lets you poise chug estus and mfs still are acting like they're some enlightened free thinkers for using the frost pots that every metaslave and youtube jeenigger fan uses lmao just wait until you get a real nigger that taunts you into his world and starts chugging in front of you with lock on
erm.. why the fuck would i invade in slurm
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im invading in slurm right now with my new endure poisechug havelmom tvch

there is a centipede in my room i just raw it run by my salt lamp guys

>'ipede house
Sucks to suck
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btw the tooth whip is good in a bad kind of way but good and it fucks with stam
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>Finally finished the DLC
>Already killed everything except Radagon on this character
Damn, I really don't want to go to NG+ yet
Is Dark Souls 2 really as bad as people have been saying for the past decade? From my memory, I didn't hate it on release and I've never played the DLCs so I want to finally try them, but do I play DaS2 or SotFS?
it's fun
>but sometimes I lose or get ganked
yeah and that happens in ever game
It's okay, but frost makes it good
also off 'berd L2 combo JeeTech
>follow the link in the description to the Reddit post
>there's a pinned reply from a mod calling out the OP for stealing it from here
Fuggin lmao
the WA has crazy follow-up true combos, especially if you freeaim it to get all 3 wa hits in
did an ergite make it. i dont remember it being posted here.
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ds2 is so bad that if you boot it up you will instantly fucking wither away and perish.
I meant 4chan in general, but I remember seeing it in /erg/ first. But I didn't know it was some anon's OC.
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peep the fit
no, people parrot false info that they hear from video essays...
also yeah sotfs
you make me sick
if i find out this is a 138 bill im gonna fucking post the cat laughing gif
when I invade my hands start shaking from the adrenaline
put the swappa in the first slot so you can reach it faster
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It's 138
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also is the dueling shield worth it with the worse guard on magic infusion??
happens to me sometimes
yes because it does a billion damage
The worse guard doesn't matter when you buff it and shit out damage
Does near and far summoning pool ever work? Am I just in a dead bracket or something or is it bugged? I'm RL35 +5 and have (i think) every summoning pool in limgrave unlocked and there isn't a single summon even after 10 minutes
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go go gadget fireball form
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>you don't regain stamina in the mist
It's over for the spellpoker
jee said its broken... its so over
Bhs for m'ages (tip)

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