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Previous: >>484876275

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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i think resident schizo might be onto something
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morning wuwers.
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How the fuck am I still missing 17 chests, I 100% the entire map
Playable soon
so is this legit now? What happens if you roll a crit, then try to save pity on other shit echos but get a crit instead? Do i start again?
Too hag, Anon.
>10 rolls on yinlin's weapon
>get it
>10 roll on jinhsi's weapon
>get it
>yinlin herself in 20 rolls total
>jinhsi herself in 70 rolls total
I swear I'll never be this lucky again.
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>2 Crit DMG
>1 Crit Rate
>1 HP
Overall a good day of bullying of Jue
>so is this legit now?
Of course not
yeah thats how it goes but time method can be consistent with this even more so. you can guarantee heavy basic and any stat
I can see it as an enormous tuner and exp sink then... maybe helpful in the super lategame if they don't patch it out.
What about Yuanwu then?
Is this the right thread?
Also wtf are you guys talking about, im retarded
>Snooze revealed its next character before we know who the fuck is in 1.2
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Wuwa for this feel?
Who's Snooze?
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This stuff never works and requires a massive sample size (thousands of echoes ) to properly verify, it'd be fine if people test it but with the amount of tuners you'd need for this it's unreasonable for most people.
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we have sample sizes in a discord. ill try to find itt later anons
holy fucking
>How to burn through your entire xp and tuner stash for a placebo 101
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basically they're saying you can build pity on other shit echos to farm a crit stat on the main echo you're building.
my brainlet mind gets it this way. You get a crit substat on your main echo. You can now try to farm pity substats on other echos 8 times, then go back to your main echo and get a "guaranteed" crit substat.
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I think Rover might enjoy ZZZ bros
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What happen to HSSR?
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arknights hanging in there!!
no i get it, but its just sounds snake-oily-dumb to be true
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Magistrate strong
Jue was right all along
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I can see some kind of use for this tho for super endgame when you just wanna build echos for a character and you have all the shells, tuners, and exp to spare. If... this "pity" is truly statistically true.
Will be funny seeing this week chart, i wonder how much indogs like ZZZ
A different way would be using the purple tuners if you still have them.

You may be asking where to get the purple echoes...you can still get them if you lower your SOL3.
>didn't get Jinhsi wep
It's so over, bros...
doesn't really matter tho SEApags dont spend on gacha. I think the japs like it tho since it's just a stupid button masher.
You got two more weeks
I don't think they like it that much...
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FUCK the monkey and FUCK all of his imaginary friends.
He's the easiest though
Only problem is his HP pool
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What do we think about Konshi-sama, magistrate of Konshuu and resonator to the great dragon Kaku?
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is this shit really worth it? Like holy it also needs premium oil.
4chong literally brainwashes zoomers into being racist!
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I understand wuwa fucked up launch, but zzz just lmao
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No, just use the pity to snipe echos you want
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meant for this
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yeah zzz bored him to death lmao
I really hate the gachawar bullshit and honestly dont care for other games but man am I glad that zzz is getting ripped apart by everyone
after all the endless shilling here Im so glad they got what they fucking deserved
on one hand, i feel bad for people who were sincerely looking forward to the game
on the other hand, the faggots shitposting in this general for the past month getting BTFO'd is hilarious
holy shit it's real lol
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wu won!
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>Shilled their non stop on multiple generals
>Everyone hates it
>Shitposted nonstop about Kuro copying Mihoyo
>Mihoyo gets sued for plagiarism in ZZZ
Karma at its finest.
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I still haven't used my free selector ticket on anyone, I'm level 54
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are the furfaggots having a melty? I can't be arsed to go to their furrycave.
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You already know what you must pick.
I used mine on Calchud and I wish I hadn't
I picked the Monk she's fun.
>The fact that Wuwa came out before ZZZ made ZZZ look worse
Baldy is pretty based
Honestly I feel there's nothing wrong with you enjoying it cause everyone needs some mindless fun to just turn your brain off
But stop shilling this shit pretending it's anything else than a glorified autobattler cause that's the problem this board had with hoyodrones shilling it
At this point the only hoyo game that is "loved" is HSR.
ZZZ is a mess and Genshin is a fucking joke.
Meanwhile we are eating good, everyone loved 1.1 and are looking forward to what's next (especially for Black Shores kino + Vanguard Sound coming back) and PGR is still going strong despite having a small player base.
I think Kuro is winning.
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I'm only missing Calchudo and Jianxin. Got Encore/Verina from the two initial banners for the blue currency, then got spooked by the lion boy and a dupe of Verina. I've heard that dupes for most base characters are pretty much useless unless you're willing to go all the way to C6 or something... so I don't know... I think the monk lady might be my best choice since I still haven't invested into any other support other than Verina and I feel like I could use some more help for the 2nd and 3rd team. I have no clue how to play or build her though...
Monkgods build her full dps while shitters take the support route
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12 electro echoes bricked. See you next week, Yinlin bros...
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punch monsters until the bar fills up, hold down the heavy attack button for a AoE attack that gives you shield + healing. When an boss tries to use a move on you, use your skill to counter it.
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>farm scarletthorn
>think that this is just mindless mining, already cleared other areas
>get in the cave and absentmindedly get in the cave
>get ganked by a fucking lvl 100 clangbang who freeze my ass and send me to the shadowrealm
Gotta respect these little niggers.
Jianxin will only grow stronger on your immortal journey through WuWa.
Calchud is fun but I'd skip him if you don't haev Yinlin and/or are satisfied with the other DPS (Rover, Encore, Jinhsi and Jiyan). He's not really better than any of them and he's much harder.
Jianxin is a good generalist character that can slot into most teams and you can use her as a support instead of Verina, she's pretty fun, too. She's in the current Illusive Realm so you can try her out a bit there, although of course the chaacters in that have a lot more sauce than the actual characters do.
Don't you enter that cave during the main story?
Did you miss the lv100 death icecube?
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>unstoppable when attacking
>no posture break

fuck those little fuckers
I shudder imagining a bunch of them buffed to lv 120 at the tower mixed with some kind of buffed boss too
I distinctly remember killing it before, that's why i thought this was gonna be a stroll in the park. Do red mobs get reset when you increase world level? I just got to UL50 very recently
>/zzz/ currently melting down over their mandatory hi3 expies
When are we getting more PGR ones?
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I've already invested into 3(4) main-dps carries, I'm more interested in having her as a support, but how are you supposed to achieve that? Is it moonlight or healing for the echo set? What's the stat priority like? How's the gameplay strategy? What are some good team comps that could benefit from having her? I'm afraid of searching for any information anywhere on any of the build-making guide websites because of how much stupid shit these people were spewing out when the game came out only to move her from the F tier into S tier or something, I feel like I cannot trust anyone but the players that actually play the game...
Taking notes...
hopefully never
i didnt see him, may be because im too focus on Changli
Yinlin is already in the game
Abby is probably Lucia
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hi wwbros
how bad is it, if they already need to bait dying hi3 playerbase to the "cool new game"? 50 mil downloads my ass lmao
>calling my wife a furry
Abby is Alpha.
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you knoe
since sounds waves and shites
They even dropped the most popular HI3 char, she's not in Genshin or HSR either.
I don't think so.
But even normal cubes can easily fuck you up so you might have gotten lucky the first time.
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>Korea gets all the merch
>Korea gets all the live events
>Korea gets all the theme cafe
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Hopefully in 2.0
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Still much better than any of the bullshit marksman thugs / tacet archers and shit just melting you from off-screen while you're trying to dodge other stuff
mihoyo are a bunch of hacks
Freshly squeezed milk
me on the right
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>"People that said this game is good are on massive fucking copium"
>mihomodrone will defend this
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>only way to save their game is to try and bait hrtg troons to spend on their furry game...
are the /hrtg/ xisters even gonna take this bait? I bet they'll hate the mindless tv and "battle" drivel in zzz since they can just auto-battle in hsr.
wuwa is huge in gookland so I'm not very surprised
bro in honkai troonpact you can at least jump, no way they're switching
Well actually....no, they're melting down over this.
Elysia is peak soulless, wtf is that nigger on?
>ZZZ us unique game that won't be connected to hoyo games
>the 3 goddesses are Kiana, Mei and Elysia
Oyohim can't help themselves
I've played HSR only a bit when it launched. How are the early limited characters holding up? From what I hear it's the best Mihomo game right now but it really bugs me that it's a fucking FNiaL game where characters can only do three things. Therre's so much room for depth in turn based RPG games yet they've made it this shallow
They're not holding up at all. HSR powercreep is pretty bad.
If you want to build her as support you basically build like Verina cause she both heals AND shields, though she's kind of a jack of all trades, you can both build her like Sanhua or full support
Also her charged procs Mortefi's ultimate
It's a game that doesn't have many meaningful ways to interact with combat so they're resorting to >>484917515
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Behold, I've solved the puzzle with my stunning intellect!
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Good morning my fellow wuggers
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Imodest Magistrate
>it's the best Mihomo game
Some normalfag told you this because it has pop music and reddit humor. The game has no redeeming qualities, literally nothing is good about it
Solve your framarate first bro
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>How are the early limited characters holding up?
Pretty fucking bad
Bladebwos got hit the most
Nah if anything only HSR was the good game after MHY went to the big leagues cause HI3 part 2 flopped so hard they had to pedal back in a lot of things and ZZZ we can watch the trashfire from here
It's the best because they treat genshin like shit
you can now post Powerpoint presentations on 4chan?
use encore heavy as the weight, brilliant.
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Don't care
Still enjoying the game
HSR meta is pretty much whatever gimmick they're shilling atm. Early units are unusable pile of dogshit that only become somewhat usable if their element happened to be the same as the stage's weakness.
enjoy your alchemy star character bro!
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bro your gameplay?
regardless of being shit or not, I hope the redhead gets a lot of porn
alchemy stars girls are cute thougheverbeit
shame about the game itself
ded game lmao
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Ummm... /wuwa/ general...?
As someone who has HSR as a side game, don't bother, the animations are very well done and over the top cause turn based but after the tenth time you'll just press 2x and auto story has its moments of hype, but so does FGO
It was known for being the most horny game cause of gayshit but wuwa also mogs in that department
I thought I was having a fucking stroke anon, jfc fix your framerate.
yea no denying it
i still got hard on by gronru even after uninstalling long time ago
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Who let you out off the zoo?
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Left mouse about to break
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No more contents, i'm bored
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i waited for that shit for two years. i thought it would be the gacha for me. i was hyped as fuck and looked forward to it.

im glad i found out PGR and then WW before ZZZ. i thought i would drop PGR but ZZZ's combat just plainly fucking sucks. idfk what magic Kuro adds to their combat that makes it extremely satisfying.
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>zenless zoo zone
The only 1.0 unit who sucks is Blade who was never good
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wtf is this abomination? Is that furry bear literally in the game?? is this what the zzziggers are saying will kill wuwa?? is that why it's 50gb?
so this is what women think about when ppl asked them bears or men.
I had to watch this 3 times to understand what you were trying to do with this bullshit frame rate, but well done ankobro
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Newcutie here, should I try my skills on this red echo?
Also it's peak comfy to play the game and post here at the same time.
You have the fat bear and a tiger in bdsm gear
Wanna know more? They're both meta af
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>open /wuwa/
>8 out of ten posts are about zzz
jelly wish i could do the same
yeah you monk so should be easy, parry and dodge counter do amazing against red
>the car
Go for it, the only real strong ones are the bear and monkeys
Protip, abuse dodge counter, they do a fixed hp% damage so you can kill them even with lvl difference
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wuwa won
new asmongoloid video about how wuwa mogged zzz just dropped, so it was a valid topic of discussion, furry xis.
Just beat it, man it was only a lv40 echo I thought he would be 100+ like the lightcrusher
I'm disappointed.
Lmao, what did wuwa win? The fastest dead game award?
having la augh about zzz getting btfo'd by asmon and already needing hrtroon-squad money? yeah, fits /wuwa/ perfectly, what's the problem?
how does the echo substat pity work?
The powercreep in HSR is pretty bad but this is an idiotic post
>Prydwen tier list, the site that didn't put the unanimously agreed on best character in the game to T0 until their waifu was added
>The same website that has Calchud T0.5, thought Jianxin was trash and thinks autism rotations and spreadsheets matter in Wuwa
>Seele, the very first limited character, is T1.5 18 months later
>1/2 of the characters are T0.5 or higher, more than half of them 1.x characters
>Kafka went from irrelevant to broken
the car is only lv25
that one is a patroller robot but i remember it also fairly easy. the three lv100 little shits in the forest tho...
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Not all of them are level 120
It's just that their level is fixed instead of changing with your world level.
Check this out >>484913413
>Kafka went from irrelevant to broken
>literally useless without the dyke
lmao come one dude
bro your game can be beaten with AHK script spamming left click
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anon... I-I'd rather not consort with furries and their games.... some things are better left unknown...
>The other 2 are about HSR
The game will EoS before 1.2 and so will the general.
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hi wuwa sisters I dropped the game early because of performance but thx to lossless scaling it seems playable to me now also is this acc ok or should I reroll? also when does the yapping stop safe to skip or am I missing some early kino? I heard 1.1 is good storywise.
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go there
Finally a good daily reward
Just reroll for Jinhsi.
The substat pity discussion Was way better than making this a zzz general
It's good, you have the ticket right? Try to get as much as you can to roll for Jinhsi
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the magistrate will pray for your rolls anon, now gamba time...
You can get one more 5* for free still so unless you want to roll for Jinhsi there's no point in rerolling. The game is pretty accessible F2P (the 2nd form for the MC is one of the best DPS).
I would not skip the story if yo uthink you'll like it at all, but it doesn't pick up until Scar shows up which is Act 3 or so. After that it's pretty good up until the end, some parts of it are great.
The new story stuff in the latest patch is the best bit of story by far, better than all the 1.0 story quests and character quests IMO, so definitely pay attention to that when you get there.
Alright thanks anon
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whoops wrong location, my bad
hsrg hates ZZZ more than any other hoyo general, what are you on even
Okay, how the fuck do I do this pity thing?
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which weapon should i pick on my standard weapon banner?
This actually seems kind of meh for WuWa. Genshin banner went up 3 days before this chart starts, HSR one was like a week and a half old by June 27 and the week it's covering is literally the day before the start of the WuWa banner. Everything is in WuWa's favor here and it still just barely outgrossed Genshin and only did a couple million better than a game where it's banner was half over already and well past it's peak revenue.
some will say the gun, but a spare sword wouldn't hurt as well anon. Chixia just shreds when she has the standard 5* gun tho
both location i showed are just normal critters but they fight together, quite a fun challenge.
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The last lvl is too hard, I'm turning on the reverie memes. I didn't even mess up this time, Sanhua just gets hit during iframes
Nothing until you know what you need
Wait for 1.2 drips or something
Check this out >>484919526
Holy shit those 3 niggers spammed their elemental balls on me lmao I wasn't ready for that
I'm going for the second sword because I use Rover/Danjin team.
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iirc someone said that after you get a crit on the main echo you roll 8 substats on other trash echos and then go back to your main echo. if you accidentally roll a crit then you start over again... it can be taxing on exp and tuners anon so spend at your own risk
He's reacting to a video by one of Tectone's hangers on here and clickbaiting with the title, he doesn't actually say the game is shit, just that it needs work. Not that most people really give a fuck what Asmongold thinks anymore these days anyway since he often has the worst takes on purpose for ragebaiting meta
And that's a good thing. Why would I want to waste more time with "gameplay" for a gacha game? Gacha games should always prioritize the gacha experience, something no chink gacha game is capable of with their retarded guaranteed pity literally sucking the soul and fun out of the entire concept. At the very least zzz has 3 types of gachas to make up for it
Nice cope
holy shit
go back to fgo you nasufag
why do you think he's saying the game needs a lot of work, retard?
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>And that's a good thing.
>Why would I want "gameplay" on my gacha game?
least demented mihomo shill, just play pachinko fag
...was I that obvious?
ZZZ is losing so hard bros
>Play gacha game
>Seethes about the gacha
It's literally in the name retard. Go play a real game you mentally ill faggot.
Based, unironically why I play dokkan more than any other gacha game. The gacha is unironically peak when you manage to roll the banner unit.
Hmm, I dunno...
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srry mb I havent touched this game since release so Im kinda lost this was like day 1-3 acc I havent farmed the chest and stuff yet I just bumrushed story so Im act IV already so I think I can still roll for Jinhsi also verina decent for selectable I'd prefer to avoid males.
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Verina is by far the best standard banner character and top 3 characters in the game period.
Retard bro...
Does drip marketing ever happens on weekends
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i tried anon, i'm sorry... i just said what this guy said >>484913117
You faggots are basically normalfag who came to our hobby and shat all over it and now are gaslighting us about how the big pile of shit you left on the floor is good for us. Fuck off already.
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Yes Verina it's probably the best thing you can get from the novice banner.
Check your emails, you should have a selector ticket for a free 5 star also.
If you think you can explore everything in 3 weeks you should be able to get enough to roll for Jinhsi
OK I got my 24*s and I think 30 is unattainable with my current roster until I hit the next UL, so I will spend the next 3 weeks farming everything to Changli so I can max her day 1, even her useless talents.
See you on the other side, bros.
cba to watch the whole thing, but by the half of vid he mentioned that combat, stage visuals and tv garbo suck, did you watch different video?
Bro, stop seething for a second and work on your reading comprehension.
You're making a fool out of yourself.
>Check this dogshit general
>4 image of latest Asmongold thumbnail
Yup figured it was these jealous dumbfucks shitting zzz's general lol. Just fuck off and play your dead game you stupid shits
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explain yourself changli
>"our" hobby
>gaslighting "us"
are you a schizo?
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>Yup figured
Its called rent free. Then again. With what else a ZZZcuck's brain can be filled with during its gameplay?
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I speak for all gacha enjoyers. And you know I'm right too, that's why you don't engage with my post directly.
>bro mad so hard, he needs to check "dead game" generals for validation
the state of zzziggers lmao
>I speak for all gacha enjoyers
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>a bunch of fags pretending to be someone else suddenly popped up just an hour after asmong's vid dropped
welp, there goes our peak comfy general wuwabros, the ODSTs Overweight Discord Shill Trannies have arrived...
We are obviously enjoying the game unlike the certain retards going to other general and doomposting it. You are talking about ZZZ in YOUR own general. That's rent free stupid.
I won't lie, I can't find any Adderall anymore thanks to retarded college brats pretending they have ADHD to get prescriptions.
bro, just reroll
bwo her nipples are supposed to be black
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>Overweight Discord Shill Trannies have arrived...
I can't find any percocet either. Fuck this gay world.
good to know.

yea I picked jianxin for the ticket before. what should i spend my gacha energy on this early?
Whats a good second team to build to 24* tower? I can only do 21* now because my second team is shit and can only do the fodder floors. Second team is encore, havoc rover + 5* sword, jianxin. My main team is jinshi s0r1, yinlin, verina. UL 51. Thats all my 5*. I have all teh 4*. I think I have s2 danjin.
Is this the fabled Mt Tai I'm seeing?
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never fails to put a smile on my face.
Skills material i would say
I wish I still had that picture of the overweight spic FGO tard bragging about getting fucked by FGO rates and shitting on AL for being too generous and pretending it is a bad thing kek
Use Sanhua with Encore instead and then build HMC/Danjin team.
Unironically based. The problem with these games is that the rates are so low you're basically buying the characters thanks to having to reach soft/hard pity 99.9% of the time. There's no gambling anymore at that point which completely defeats the entire point of a gacha game. I want to gamble. Fucking let me gamble.
Switch either Rover or Encore with anyone else. Mortefi, Sanhua, Danjin
Ah, a true gacha enjoyer. The problem with generous games like AL is that you don't feel like there's anything at stake when you gamble. You're guaranteed to get what you want. That's boring.
your echoes?
>the gacha experience
Its the coom aimed at heterosexual men with no exceptions.
>something no chink gacha game is capable
why would they hate their sister game?
>Muh stakes
Just go gamble irl and all-in your whole bank account and assets then you fucking retard
At least you have the chance of getting something back instead of pngs or 3d models that you don't even own and will be taken away once the game EoS
>substat pity exists
Wtf is this shit? Sounds like voodoo cope.
You should be getting 3* on middle tower with that
Skip Aix
why do you even play a gacha game if it's not to gamble in it or for coom you retarded faggot? Neither of which this shitty chinkslop has. Go play a real game.
menhera hour
>/wuwa/ dead quiet after getting btfo'd by gachaGODS
>dicksucking asmon and cucktone
have some standards
When are they going to add a way to disable skill effects? I can't see shit when I'm playing jinhsi
Play on low settings
>have some standards
We are not playing ZZZ though? Nothing else to prove there.
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wish we had transparency slider option for effects or a much more zoomed out camera.
that's exactly what zzziggers were doing at the beginning, until both said their game is at most 6/10 lol
Meidos let anko manko stay for hours, they're not coming
>Make fun of genshin's simple effects
>Literally beg for a way to turn off/tone down wuwa's over the top effects
Deserved kek.
how do zoomers delude themselves into liking literally everything
someone explain it unironically
people with big following tell them to like something, so they bend their spines to do so, so they can "fit"
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>only 30 rolls
thanks kuro for the free 10 rolls
I know right? You have to be a real turdie to like something as bad as wuwa
bro you gotta be subtle
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Relax bro the beacon of zoomeroid opinion already disowned THAT game so everyone will soon drop it.
Oversocialization: you have to like *thing* or you don't fit in
so someone can touch you
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Why would I want anyone touching me? Don't project your desperate need for human contact unto me.
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this feels impossible to 3 star at lv70
i want to touch you anon
I can’t do it at level 80 but I also don’t have yinlin.
At lv80 I can do this blindfolded
you literally have no excuse
No shit
what vid?
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at least give me an example so i know what am i doing wrong
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dont be shy
>wonder why we're getting raided
>look at /vg/'s furry general
>see them doomposting their own game because of the new hi3 expies
>see them doomposting their game coz it's not fun
>see them doomposting their game coz chinkland didn't like it
>see them doomposting their game coz of stingy draws
these faggots really can't contain their chimping in their own zoo huh?
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I think you're looking for /zzz/, whiny bitch bro
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i did it
I was so excited before HSR came out and so fucking disappointed. Mihoyo had so many possibles for strategy in a turn based game, and they went with:

>Use the red character for the red weakness enemy
>Use the green character for the green weakness enemy

It took me 4 years to realize all their games are for children
I'm not, come get me.
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>that face
So what Kuro has to do for thier HSR clone they are going to release in 2-3 years?
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>48 and still nothing
I'm tempted on using astrite
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10 different elements and each enemy has resistance to each element ranging from 60% to 200%
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You don't understand. It wasn't Mihoyo who censored THAT game
It wasn't Mihoyo who added furries into THAT game
It wasn't Mihoyo who added BLACKED references to THAT game's character outfits
It wasn't Mihoyo who made the combat LMB spamfest
It wasn't Mihoyo who made naked bear models
It wasn't Mihoyo who announced Honkai expies for THAT game even though dev EXPLICITLY stated on pre-release stream that THAT game is "its own thing" and not Honkai
It wasn't Mihoyo who disappointed the twitter and youtube normies as well as Tieba shizos into disliking THAT game
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can i just give her my anko's echoes?
wtf release those chibi standees NOW
This but unironically
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Anons, are people getting 24 stars in the abyss this cycle? Is that too unrealistic to aim for?
Kuro should seek out a Baki collab, it'd be a funny way to justify a "gender toggle" for Rover. A Yujiro hologram could also be fun

There's the "physical damage" substat that's not used by anyone right now, as well, Kuro could make a martial artist Baki-inspired character to put it to use. The only iconic weapon from Baki that I can see working in Wuwa is Musashi's sword tho. Maybe Strydum's gauntlets?
Is she playable soon? I must know.
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damn, John Kuro is too powerful to be left alive... he mind controlled Da Wei into making zzz the most crappy disingenuous game they've ever made to date.
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I'm genuinely starting to like Yangyang for some reason.
>I'm tempted on using astrite
and how else are you gonna roll?
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>Someone stole my post and reposted as shitpost in /zzz/

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