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prev. >>484794323

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter that sees players battling to win an interstellar struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. You are a Helldiver, a member of Super Earth's most elite fighting force. You and your squad choose to wage war on a number of contested planets, completing various objective-based missions within a procedurally generated area of operations. Each successful mission contributes to the complete liberation of that world, and ultimately, total strategic victory in the game's ever-evolving galactic campaign that doesn't really work, much like defending against this thread's subject.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Released in 2015, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The most major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down, twin-stick shooter, neither of which are two words. You can expect similar gameplay between it and its sequel here in /hdg/.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






July 4th patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4246413199434585562?l

1st for rigged MO
tumbeling down tumbeling down tumbeling down
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Hear me out, we should kill fluteposter
You don't enjoy the story Joel's been cooking?
The current patrol spam is just ridiculous for bots. When I got the game for the first time, my first mission ever was some friends dragging me straight into a diff 9. The diff 9s I used to play are nothing now compared to even something like a 5-7 in the game's current state. How are there SO MANY FUCKING ENEMIES now? Holy shit arrowhead. Is this a bot stronghold or is it a fucking sithlord rave party with how many red blaster bolts are flying around? Tone it the fuck down.
The impossible defence mission spam gambit is getting tiresome.
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>begin bug mission
>full patrol spawn right behind our asses not even 30 seconds in
they're not even trying to hide it anymore
I want to get off Mr. Joel's wild ride.
bro it's on the known issues list surely it will be fixed in an [ERROR] amount of weeks
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The galactic war system is balanced around the players not understanding how it works. Terrific game design really
The problem with Arrowhead saying they want to pivot to a forever war instead of a series of wars means nothing matters. Oh, we lost planets? Oh, we gained some planets? Oh no, Super Earth itself somehow got turned into a black hole? Who cares? None of it matters from a gameplay or story perspective, because the war will never be allowed to end one way or another.
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bugs 9 3/4
Chud armor never ever.
Inputting an arrow sequence incorrectly locks you out of putting it in again for 50 seconds, like what modern phones do if you put in the wrong password too many times.
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dark fluid jump packs
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>choose an empty spot on the map to drop and comfily call support weapons
>actually drop right next to a large base with a factory strider parked right next to the drop zone
I can count on one hand in the last three days the amount of times I have been able to land in a new mission and not be instantly swarmed by a million bots. Its just too fucking crowded, maps these days. Goddamn.
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>Patch 01.000.405 notes
>Helldiver PDA OS switched to Suicide Linux
It's a sign of an incompetent GM if everything just looks like ass pulls out of nowhere.

>here's a defense mission for Aesir Pass that you only have 16 hours to accomplish instead of 24!
>oh, and it has more HP than the attack on Vega Bay, which we gave 20 hours for!

All this because the player base made the smart decision to set up a sustainable defense in depth around X-45 by taking Meissa to create a buffer zone and give up Wezen in favor of Vega Bay because defending an ice planet is a lot easier than fire tornado fuck valley. And let's not forget the 8k bugdivers that refuse to budge from Gatria despite there being literally zero visible progress for several straight days.
Whenever you dive your primary and support weapons get an increment of 8,3% of chance of jamming in the next shot, the unjam animation takes 9 seconds to complete for primaries and 13 seconds for support weapons and can't be interrupted/have to start over if interrupted
There is a 0.1% chance that any stratagem you throw instead is stuck to your helldivers hand upon activation. Destroyer crew using the super glue ship module upgrade accidentally also moved straight to working on the stratagem balls without wiping their hands first.
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Don't worry he'll rig the numbers in the last few hours, just go kill some bugs
We weren't supposed to take Meissa and push out of the buffer on X-45. Papa Joel is punishing us for trying to derail his perfect narrative.
>And let's not forget the 8k bugdivers that refuse to budge from Gatria despite there being literally zero visible progress for several straight days.
Anon, as much as I dislike bug-only divers too you and I both know it wouldn't have made a single iota of difference. Joel would just get even more mad that we DARED to not suck his Swedish fish at all times and crank the numbers even higher.
>community does the epic gambit meme
>joel punishes them for it
epic just epic
why don't you break spm again you faggot
"Shit, the community for once actually tried to cut off the bots and managed to deliver a decisive blow. Shit... how do I resp- UH, SURPRISE BOT ATTACK WITH FORCES WAY BEYOND ANYTHING DONE THUS FAR, WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED OH GOSH NOT ME, JOEL."
This is some Didney Worl nu-StarWars shit all over again. If the bots had this much in reserve why didn't they fucking use it before, Joel?
Because this time it's serious!
Joel is good for the game and good for the communinty.
You pay a tax on anything found in missions (including super cash).
>community kills the automatons
>2 days later
>somehow the automatons returned
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Posted in the wrong thread.
>Play with RL friend
>Bots 9
>His playstyle is to run into an objective area, drop ordinance, take potshots at everything, then sprint away once it gets hot
>90% of the mission is spent getting shot at from 3 directions
starting to think the bug only's have been doing it right, Joel is just gonna railroad MOs at a whim. Might as well play on whatever the fuck planet you want.
The only player actions that matter is NOT going for AT mines.
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>Take mines
>Hold them all mission
>Drop them at the back of the shuttle as I run in
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>Massive SEAF forces crucial for the next operation
>Can't hold one (uno) planet on their own
What would you say...you do here?
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>Hi there, would (You) like to sign my petition?
They're making money off of the experience of the players in the game. The least they could do is try to be competent/professional about it. Either hire someone with GMing experience who knows how to weave a narrative/operation without making it look like ass pulls, or put some time and effort into learning how to do it properly. Don't just toss a bunch of shit at the players because they were doing too well, and as a result completely take away their progress and leave them with a broken MO that you then have to backpedal completely with the next one.

There are nowhere near enough players to hold Aesir Pass, and there's no incentive to do so given how much progress there's been at Meissa. The blob (such as it is) will try to complete the Meissa defense first because there's already been so much investment, and then Vega Bay and Aesir Pass will be lost because of the shortened defense time that was literally ass-pulled out of nowhere.

Oh, and let's not forget that the decay rates at Marfark and Matar Bay are stupidly low now for zero reason, but the blob doesn't know that because decay rates are not visible in-game. So even though a gambit to defend Aesir Pass is technically possible, nobody knows about it.
Ok, I guess that sounds pretty good.
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No way you freaking pinko!
How does Aesir Pass affect the X45 campaign
We're already cut off by like 3 planets, why is this one decisive?
Good day everyone, I have two questions

1.How are we gonna unfuck this situation? I imagine maybe finishing Meissa then saving Aesir Pass and just let Vega fall? Or are we going all in on defending X-45?
2. I asked in the last thread but figured more people should have a chance to answer, what sort of enemy Side objectives do you imagine the Illuminate will have
Aesir Pass gambit
>what sort of enemy Side objectives do you imagine the Illuminate will have
recover artifact
turn off the thing that reverses your controls
i dont remember anything else
I've gone back to taking clusters for bots just to deal with all the gigantic waves of flashlights from behind cover. The other chaff clears just don't hit a wide enough front to catch everything when you're taking lasers from everywhere within the entire 180 degree field in front of you.
I mean they took a lot of planet last MO. Still bullshit they have enough resources to launch this many attack.
To provide a reason for "lol you lose this one, if ONLY you had defended [distraction planet], the MO would have succeded!"
Ignore Vega bay.
>How are we gonna unfuck this situation?
No no no. The correct question is how is JOEL going to unfuck the situation?
Not going to happen but it would be funny if we ignore the next bug MO and just finish the bot encirclement out of spite for Joel
Good morning I hate Sweden.
They said at the very start that forces are amassing on Aesir Pass for the push to X-45, and then decided to attack Aesir Pass after throwing two other major attacks at Meissa and Vega Bay. Shit is literally untenable, and you wouldn't believe it if I told you that the number of bugdivers on Gatria has only increased.

At current rate, all three are going to be lost, so it's going to be up to the next MO to make up for it.
>make game satire about imperialism and forever wars
>players become indifferent to it, just like the real thing
Once Joel takes Vega Bay and/or Meissa he is going to launch nonstop attacks on X-45 and stagnate the entire bot front until the MO ends. Expect to lose the entire Ymir sector the minute were done with X-45.
Probably because even some botdivers are tired of all the bullshit and start playing bug.
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>successfully capture Meissa last night
>go to sleep with all of X-45's border planets secured
>wake up
>see this
>half the playerbase still won't leave the bug front
To call the SERF force fodder would be an insult to... fodder.
I'm going to be one of them soon. Three days of nothing but botdiving. Need a change of scenery for a little while.
The X-45 gambit. Those anti-tank mines will have to wait.
You thought you were clever capturing all the planets that lead to X-45, huh? Didn't expect Joel to pull out a giant offensive out of his asshole, did ya smartypants?
Oh and pull a new rule out of his ass too.
You can give your heart to Super Jesus, but your ass belongs to the Leandivers.
Oh great now those comment bot are here too.
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everyone should have expected some board flipping after the bug MO where a planet "miraculously" needed to be defended behind secured supply lines.
joel is a childish DM who sees his players winning as him losing so of course the "fuck you play my way" rule changes come out.
copefags will try to justify this as hamfisted approach to teach the playerbase about supply lines bit clearly we already understand them from undercutting the Wasat attack by taking Meissa.
this is just joel having a hissy fit for us being effective at controlling x-45.
War...has changed
Helldivers clone with FMV cut scenes when
Woah look at that totally organic looking progress on aesir.
The worst part is that this isn't even teaching the right "lesson" because more than half the important information still isn't available to the average player. Nobody knows about decay rates, or planet HP, and so on. Hell, requiring multiple missions to actually contribute to liberation rate at D7 and above severely handicaps progress because if a host quits in the middle of an operation then it was all for nothing.
NTA but please explain, I haven't been paying attention to MOs lately.
joel can smoke my cock, I'm gonna go play bugs with the MMG and new 10% increased reload speed. Fuck 'im
Is the Clan system really happening?
Botdivers play bots because they're better not because of an MO retard, they're not botdivers unless they prioritise bots.
If you're swapping to bugs because some MO is gay bullshit scripted then you were never really a botdiver.
Just remember that at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is holding X-45. Don't bother trying to go above and beyond the MO, just focus on the exact letter and wording of the MO itself. Nothing in the rules say that holding Aesir Pass is required, and the next MO will just be restructured if it's lost.

If you liberate the planet that an attack is coming from, before the defending planet is conquered, the attack is immediately cut off at the knees and the defense becomes successful no matter what.
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>its going down
>Nothing in the rules say that holding Aesir Pass is required
The zeroth rule is that the rules can be amended at any given moment.
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I'm gonna dream loudly.

>Imagine if on enemy planets we could see "enemy battalion XYZ" stationed here.
>each battalion tied to an enemy seed, so in time players would learn that battalion X = shitloads of tanks, barely any hulks. Battalion Y = almost no troopers, instead shitloads of devastators. But mostly basic devastators, with barely any rocket or shield guys. etc
>multiple "enemy battalions" could be on the same planet at the same time, giving a good explanation to decay rate.
>"Why is the decay rate so high on this planet? it's cause they've got gorillions of bots. Look at that other planet over there with only one battalion and a slow ass decay rate"
>similiar to how Malevelon creek was just an ordiniary planet that got memed in internet culture, the community might develop rivalries against specific battalions, or give them all dirty nicknames.
Guess for bugs you'd have to call it "Hive strains" or some shit instead of battalions, but the idea stands.
it's already been datamined
posted a few threads back
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i dont feel like looking for that particular screencap
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Sounds like being a cuck, but with extra steps.
Joel was supposed to be on vacation. Why is this happening?
Neat, lacks specific enemy Legions/Broods but to a good step.
>Meissa is on track to lose by like 30 minutes, despite all the previous work put in

not rigged btw
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I will kill Joel myself.
Please do. It is driving me insane.
>rain stops
>game goes back from 30 fps with stutters to 80 fps
>game crashes 5 minutes later
I'm really getting fucking sick of it.
>more unimplemented features
So what youre saying is this game is in a public alpha state, and we all paid for Early-Accessâ„¢ trash?
i just wish we could play on more planets than being deadlocked into fighting on the same 2-3 worlds
Early access implies that over time the game should get better not worse
If Aesir's pass shows up as a requirement on the MO the bugdiver would probably play their part.
We are going to fucking lose this MO despite the playerbase doing things right. What the fuck is the point. This is more rigged than the AT mines vs Airburst choice
It's funny watching the playerbase realize this is horseshit and trickle back to bugs at a slow but steady rate.
I hate Swedes so fucking much.
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There is always a choice. Nevar4get.
No we're not, what the fuck are you on about today?
Imagine playing the game perfectly and then the statistic chart looks like gore when you wake up
Joel just gave us even more reason to complete the encirclement so bullshit like this won't happen again.
>Throw grenade
>Get ragdolled
>Want to shoot bot that is infront of me
>Throw grenade when pressing LMB
>create 5 defenses at once and makes up supply lines out of nowhere
What are going to do now, play the game? Fuck you.
Yeah you can be interrupted out of weapon switching.
Stagger does it too.
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Something something SEAF garrison. But would any swigger like to explain THIS??
Let's say we manage to defend both Meissa and Aesir Pass. Where would the bulk of the player go next, Vega Bay or Matar Bay?
Does anyone have that gif of a guy, I want to say he's wearing some kind of sleeveless tux, flipping a giant switch from "WIN" to "LOSE" and then laughing.
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Why dont the bots just attack like this, are they stupid?
Don't give joel any more ideas
desu i still don't really understand the supply lines
I know it's basically a checkpoint towards any target, I also heard that "taking the planet that was attacking" auto-wins the defense or somethng? can someone explain it to the retard that I am
The UI should swap out your gun silhouette for your grenade, way too often have I seen my gun in my peripheral and assumed I wasn't interrupted.
Lack of space roads.
no attack lines
but joel can just make those up literally on the spot and has before :)
That's pretty much every MOdiver, I play bots because I like bots.>>484935018
Because that would open up Cyberstan to attack and Joel isn't ready for that part pf the story yet
They never do their part unless it involves a goodie that would benefit them. The only reason they helped with getting the Petafactory was because the Emancipator is better for bugstomping than for fighting bots. Anti-Tank mines suck against bugs so none of them bothered crossing over to help increase the bot kill count.

The playerbase just congregates at the planet with the biggest numbers, because none of the information that would help them to make smart choices is available inside the game. Do you think Gatria would still have 8k players on it if they realized that it has the highest decay rate out of all available planets?
Been using the LC more and its actually really fucking solid on cold planets
but I don't think the DCS pairs well with it as its already an accurate long range weapon
Any ideas? PP maybe?
The LC could probably have its durable damage be bumped to 100% and it would be another top contender on non cold planets
It's just paths that tells you which planet are available to play on, you can only attack planets that are connected with a nearby super earth controlled planet. And yes, if a planet you have gets attacked by an enemy planet, liberating the latter will completely cancel the attack.
at least MOdivers actively play on bots when needed
>because none of the information that would help them to make smart choices is available inside the game.
Hey maybe in a year or so they finally give us actual proper information in game.
nvm found source
Depends on whatever arbitrary decay rate Vega Bay gets once it's lost, and if Matar Bay gets its decay rate arbitrarily fucked up.
Yeah but they're not botdivers. Also MOs are bullshit and you know it.
Can't wait for bots attacking X-45 with a 10% decay rate as a reward for us doing so well!
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Friendly reminder:
The people obsessing over bug and bot players are schizos. The majority of players are fine playing against either faction and usually follow the needs of any MO (though other factors that can influence them are dispatches and new biomes/effects). The truth is that the diehard "tribals" from either side are no where even a third combined of the playerbase.
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Whipped one up 4u. Fucking size limit.
I know but I can't really choose between either. Outing myself as a MOdiver but I like to swap between Bugs and Bots to keep things fresh, and the MO gives me enough incentive to do so.
No, bad players just stick to bugs instead of attempting to get better at the game, and that fucks with the way the MOs play out.
U the best anon.
Heartwarming news, the botdiver becomes smarter after losing the entire trigon sector. As a reward Joel
>that fucks with the way the MOs play out
>still believes the players have agency on the galaxy map
Fucking idiot
This is just the Meridia shit all over again, storytelling through numbers you only see on third party apps. Absolutely abysmal GMing
>Fligu gigu playing loudly
Thanks anon
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One of the best armors in the whole game is in the shop again, miss it and you'll regret it.
All the shit Joel pulls wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't just numbers in a fucking xml file.
Sorry pal. I only ride in heavy.
Clearly an MVP but they're in deep shit because they didn't switch engines the second AutoDesk pulled support.
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>game doesn't get updated
"huh, dead game already?"
>game gets updated
"What? They sold me an unfinished game?"
>Sorry pal. *pant* I only *wheeze* ride in *cough* heavy. *pant*
Didnt this game sell like 10 million units or something ridiclous?

They should have enough money around to make autodesk a fat offer, or pay somebody to find out who worked on the engine at autodesk whilst support was given, and then make them some fat offers.
camo and skin shit smears are both dogshit aesthetics thoughever

they will eventually release the premiere PEAK PHYSIQUE outfit, but it hasn't happened yet
it'll be light armor
I miss Jenna
thanks, had been waitin for that one to return to rotation. Wanted to try it out rocking MGs and Eruptor.
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Reports of my slowness have been greatly exaggerated.
>they will eventually release the premiere PEAK PHYSIQUE outfit, but it hasn't happened yet
I hope it's something similar to the default armor, or something like the enforcer or juggernaut sets.
There's nothing wrong with camo you flaming homo
15 million now and getting some programmers familiar with the engine would be good but who's to say they'd want to come work for such a clearly dysfunctional company?
What is the purpose of the scorcher? Holy shit.
Medium is for real players that know what they're doing against bots. Not incompetent rocket sponges like yourself that need to compensate protection for lack of skill. Don't worry the real divers are here to pick up your slack
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Keep coping. I am still waiting for my heavy arc resistance armor
>clearly dysfunctional company
>I'm no longer the cool kid running jag when everyone else ignored it originally because PP didn't work
You can get reviews removed from Glassdoor.
>Wanted to try it out rocking MGs and Eruptor.
That's exactly why I love it.
But i wear heavy even against bugs...
It is visual diarrhea that is only enjoyed by military fetishists who think
and hicks who think it's actually helping their 300 ass blend in while standing in a forest panting their lungs out and smelling of ass sweat as the deer stops dead in its tracks and stares directly at them in wild confusion
>heh, he can't see me...
Oh so you're just a beta who's intimidated by militaryesque things ? Got it, chud. Guess you didn't grow up leaving the house and playing in the woods. You sound weak and pathetic
Childhood is using light armor
Adolesence is using heavy armor
Adulthood is realizing the starting armor is the best in the game
no one is intimidated by your camo print pants you bought at walmart for $30
Nothing surpasses combat technician and champion of the people so far for me.
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>tfw engineering armor and supply pack
>with GL, GP, and impacts
I just like heavy
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HMG emplacement + RR or EATs + EMP mortar carries so hard on bot asset evac.
>hmmm, there's this empty gun, your backpack, your autocannon and your sample container from where you died
>you could either get the samples
>or you could get the autocannon to blow up the 4 stalkers respawning on a 10s cooldown chasing you
>or you could spend 20 minutes picking up the useless empty gun on the ground that's an exact copy of the one you already have with less ammo
>game prioritizes the empty gun at all times if you don't carefully line yourself with the exact same thing you want to pick up
Don't forget to press E to interact.
>find SEAF air support
>Run to nuke shell
>pick up, nope. examine cheeky lore tablet.
>pick up, nope. examine cheeky lore tablet.
>pick up, nope. examine cheeky lore tablet.
swedes need to learn prioritization if they're going to make everything on the same fucking button.
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Y-yeah haha, that's why I wear it...
I understand the attacks on Vega Bay and Matar being "pick one" but 1/3 with Aesir Pass included is total bullshit. The first two are cut off and a part of a pocket but Aesir isn't.
Bottom of the barrel tier GM'ing and blantant setup for the next MO.
Anyone else noticing mortars don't shoot over objects as much anymore, if at all?
Yoghurt diver version when
They probably added a check to see if the mortar can see the target you're pinging for targeting, and it fucked everything up.
when did they change debris?
yesterday i instantly died when trying to climb ontop of a dead tank, then a mission later i get thrown into the debris field of a dropship and when i try to climb out it just drains my hp at an incredibly rapid pace, luckily i had a jetpack to get out with
>Inb4 the mortar upgrade broke the mortar AI
I almost forgot to ask. Does it work?
yea it actually does work, its nice for the EMS especially, but I tried running both at once and noticed they basically ignore shooting anything they can't see now, which is like, the whole point of a mortar
needs queen of spades
sorry i dont realy pay attention to mo's what happened this time?
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When nobody was looking, the swedes reverted the buff to the OPS call-in time.
is it really that fucking hard to keep a proper version control?
Alexus sneakily reverting every buff and hoping people don't notice
I don't even wear camo IRL, chud. But it's ok now...those mean ol redneck bullies can't hurt you here. Did they take your lunch money ? Do you not like when they rev their truck at the red light ? Poor baby
>Sell a solution (Mortars prone to teamkilling due to their targeting)
>Make a problem (Mortars don't do their job anymore)
When will he sneak in an undocumented AC nerf?
MO is to hold planet X-45.
Yesterday a bit after I left:
The Helldivers successfully liberated Meissa (sorry I mixed this one up with Matar) and cut the bot supply line to Wasat, securing both planets at once. Vega Bay, the last of three planets neighboring X-45 was also under Super Earth control.

Today, when I get home:
Vega Bay and Meissa are both under attack. The GM's changed the rules for these attacks since so far all defenses have been 24 hours but these arent. The bots are also attacking Aesir Pass because fuck you. The numbers on these three attacks are set up so it's impossible to win more than one defense.
I have just realised that I haven't seen anyone using the arc thrower since the nerf.
Turns out, people don't want to use a weapon that misfires half of the time and shoots every 2 business days.
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>Alexus sneakily reverting every buff-

>w-what, where the fuck am I, who are you people... I don't understand, I nerfed all the things the discord trannies told me to! What are these cables on my balls? What's that SMELL?
>oohgghh ffufcckk, HRRRRKKKGGHHHHH
>w-whhhyyy? the players can't even access it let alone complete it, WHY DO I HAVE TO PLAYTEST?
>but it can wipe a chaff patrol in one shot if I'm lucky, this is imbalans-
>just a sidegrade, i-it's not so ba-
>very good, now that we've established a baseline, for your first Inner Circle of Hell run you'll be using the base Liberator with no support weapon and level 0 stratagems, have fun!
BZZZTposting is so back
>arrowhead says its not a dakka shooter, its somewhat of a milsim
>your diver using an autocannon does NOT take off their backpack to access the ammo slots on the back side, the AC stripperclip magically just appears somehow
>no different reload states, your diver will always reload the exact same way no matter what even if their voice is literally having a mental breakdown
>cannot assist another diver in reloading using THEIR backpack
>cannot assist another soldier using the mg or the hmg to help with recoil
>cannot deploy a stratagem or land wherever you want
>certain objectives are impervious to nearly all weaponry for no reason just to force you to use a hellbomb, raising the question of why didnt they just evolve/build an enemy with that armor to begin with
>destroying a dropship doesnt hurt its occupants even though they are falling and ragdolling something like 150 meters
"Milsim" my fucking ass, you swedish fucks
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based based based based based based based based based based based based!
It's only milsim for the negative aspects.
Someone mentioned eagle cluster for bots.
Does it reliably clear devastator hordes or just trooopers?
That's what the scout strider explosive resistance buff is in essence.
It's inconsistent, because fuck you having reliable tools to take out enemies. Sometimes, it'll wipe out devastators, sometimes, it won't do shit to them.
seriously what if it isn't swiggers having version control problems at all though

what if Alexus is repeatedly creating problems in every patch through strategic reverts and pretending it's a version control problem, all so he can create makework fixes for himself to do every patch and justify his position at the center of this spaghetti that HE'S creating to avoid being fired with or without cause as everyone else around him proceeds to fully take over his job
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I'll keep using the orbital airburst, then.
I once saw an orbital airburst kill a stunned hulk. Was it a fluke or am I sleeping on this strat?
The worst thing is as schizo tier as your hypothesis is, I can't completely discount it. There is a greater than zero chance that this is indeed the case, and that's horribly depressing.
i like this post
It can kill hulks if it hits the heat vents on the back. Unreliable. Tho I haven't tested it that much; last time I hit a hulk with it, it indeed died.
That has to be the case, otherwise, how the fuck do you do an update that doesn't touch any of the values of a certain stratagem, and still end up nerfing it. Even with fucking spaghetti code this isn't possible.
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Schizo theory post:
Could the Aesir Pass message be an in universe fishing attempt? a few days ago we saw messages about how there have been attempts with funny examples, what if this is another one? everything about Aesir Pass is against what we're doing. the location, the fighting force. it just feels like a trap.
You can turn off screen shake
Fucking 200 hours in and I didn't see it
They are literally just putting their finger on the scales periodically at aesir to make it look like it's still close. I don't know what the endgame of this meddling is.
Didn't it come out that the team is working on somewhere beteeen 4 to 7 different builds of the game simultaneously? Then a fix is implemented in one build but not the other so when the latter finally gets implemented it reverts the fixes caused by the earlier build to go out.
think about it anon

if the swiggers can't catch and prevent any real accidental version control fuckups, and we've already seen that that is the case bare minimum, how could they possibly catch Alexus acting as a deliberate saboteur in ways that LOOK like version control fuckups but are happening so often and so inexplicably that it beggars belief?

sabotage, the cutting room floor, and failing upwards before running away leaving the other devs holding the bag is all the ukieserb knows, why would he do anything else?
I don't live in the third world, so there's no rednecks here
Everything related to the Superdestroyer costs money. Stratagems, FTL jumps, reinforcing, crew maintenance
Joel has us all duct tapped to chairs at his DnD session and he's just going "WOAAAAHHH WHO KNOWS WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN GUYS, THINGS ARE SOOOOOO CLOSE, ITS SO CRAAAAAAAAAZY" while everyone else is just making the :| face.
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>RR "accidentaly" getting a reload speed nerf that matches the animation cancel
Yeah probably just a bug
So that people don't just fuck off from aesir because the progress bar isn't going up anywhere near fast enough.
Team reload RR is pure sex. Wish there was more people like 6
>:| face
The funniest is the people who stay with Vega Bay.
Ah the critical role experience.
there is a non-zero chance this is happening and it is worrying
I bet the spear broke so many times due to malicious meddling.
If the devs claim it's been fixed for 50 fucking days and it still comes out broken in the end, then yeah, malicious meddling.
>ICBM detonates in the distance
>blast wave hits
>foliage doesn't react
In fairness this game does have a lot of nice little details, but it's missing this one. They clearly have the code for it somewhere cause the rainstorms make the foliage billow in the direction of the wind.
they probably also had the blastwave affect players at some point but removed it, or have the necessary code but haven't bothered to try and make it matter if you're standing, crouching or prone when it washes over whereever you're standing
For anyone who got their FPS murdered by the last patch, turning off overlays (geforce or AMD) mostly fixed it for me, I still get some slowdowns but it's much more smooth
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Does recoil reduction affect the Laser Cannon's "pull" to the left?
>Laser weapon
>They give it recoil
every time it happens it pisses me off
Wouldn't want to have an accurate weapon to take out enemies while you get aim punched all of the time now would you?
It's not fixing anything, you're just getting rid of other shit to gain half the FPS you just lost on their shitty patches
stimming you :)
Honestly, at this point this is the best case scenario. At some point the incompetence stops laughable, if it's just someone maliciously making sure they get to keep their job, I can at least respect the hustle, as annoying as it is.
Then I wonder why you're so traumatized by them
Wonder how much it costs for me to go stare at the blackhole.
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Gonna run some tests. Will report back with results.
you should go back and get your masters in feminist theory, the required psych 101 for the bachelor's wasn't enough
>When you get that pro team and finish eradication with 75% time left.
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Joel in absolute shambles
>implying it's not rigged in the other direction
Thanks, bud. I'm really trying to justify keeping my Enforcer armor but I just don't use weapons that benefit much from it anymore. I'm close to just jumping to peak physique or extra padding and calling it a day, but I don't want to because I just love Enforcer drip so much.
>both defenses suddenly gain 25% enemy progress for some bullshit lore reason
Not really, now he can attack x-45 with Vega bay.
When you finally leave you need to inspect and repair the destroyer, you won't be able to play for a week
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of course he'd want to actually threaten the target planet in the last 48 hours, otherwise it hardly feels like a fight for whatever weapon they're going to tease at the conclusion of this that still somehow won't enter the game until a month later
>take a break from doing nothing but bots for the last several days, go to bugs for a small vacation
>jump into what should be a quick and easy diff 7 blitz map
>everything goes smoothly, everyone is watching each other, etc. even got the super rares
>starting to get to 3 minutes, I start exfil process
>pelican is on his way, everyone holds rather well, except for one guy who is on the COMPLETE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE MAP doing the artillery objective
>pelican lands, REALLY almost no time left, and me and the other sample guy is there
>get into pelican to preserve samples
>other sample guy jumps down, proceeds to kill me in the pelican so now those samples are lost, then he himself doesn't get inside and is killed and now the supers are lost
>pelican takes off with exactly zero helldivers on board
What was the fucking thought process here, you fucking tards? YOU HAD A JUMPPACK AND COULD HAVE JUST GOTTEN INTO THE PELICAN AND WE COULD AT LEAST HAVE TWO EXTRACTED WITH ALL SAMPLES YOU FUCKING IDIOT. Bugdivers I swear to FUCKING GOD. Even eating crayons is too good for you.
Probably some brainlet retard playing with a friend angry you didn't wait for him. But bugniggers are retards anyway
I bet you never even made it into college. You're probably a bullied little neet permavirgin who spends his days whining about his games online from mommy's basement as she drinks herself into suicide before tyrone comes over to creampie her face because her son is a worthless faggot
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It's not that he is targeting the MO planet thats gotten everyone pissed. its being a little faggot behind scenes cranking numbers to make player agency non-existent and introducing bullshit like a 16hr window for defense instead of the usual 24 or planets being able to be taken behind secured supply lines.
That's some imagination you have. Do you often bring up blacks fucking women close to you completely unprompted? Let's get to the root of this issue.
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>game is already bugged to shit and back
>can't finish one game, let alone one operation without running into some kind of gamebreaking bug
>patrols bugged for like two months now
>every patch players are stuck wondering what AH broke this time
>hurrr let's fuck them up with maximum asshurt DM bullshit
HD2 deserves worse than -90% player count
I'm guessing the next course in Joel's meal is to take matar bay and marfark to connect a direct line to X-45 which is why Aesir pass is necessary to defend now.
>"He's taking away player agency!"
>We're still winning the defenses
>all these newfags finally catching on the the MO/galaxy stuff is all horseshit is rigged and pointless
Just give up on it and stop paying it any attention. You'll feel better. Play what you want and laugh at the schizos that try to get you to buy into their tribalism.
Bro just stay in one place and fight the bot drops stop running :)
>fight the bot drop, a patrol spawns behind the current wave of drops and calls in another one
>fight combined patrol and drop
>enough time has passed that another patrol has wandered in and spawned another drop
I feel like I just fought fucking world war 8 to move 50 meters
90% of all our squads kills were in the last 10 minutes trying to get a whopping 100 meters to extract
Like holy shit we barely made, how do swedes excuse this shit?
>Q: Up to recently, the Recoilless Rifle and the Spear increased the number of rockets from 2 to 3. That was reverted with one of the latest two hotfixes. Was this intended or is it a bug?

>A: No, the RR and Spear revert isn't intentional, we didn't know about it. If we did we would've mentioned it in the patch notes. We’ll take a look at this. Thanks!

Nice version control, I can't imagine why the game is a clusterfuck of bugs.
You're assuming they play their own game
I'm pretty sure none of them even tried a team reload to realize it's extremely dumb to use your own backpack
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>week one notice erata prime keeps "resetting" overnight
>start speculating the devs are fucking with it
>naysayers claim it's just because of people going offline
>play one night and see erata get to 85%
>lay down and take a nap and get back on 3 hours later
>erata is at 15%
>the next day they reveal Joel and what he does

Schizo posters always win. Unfortunately.
Agency doesnt mean just winning retard. its all apart of the disney park ride.
>Early access implies that over time the game should get better not worse
I don't think you have much experience with early access games.
Link any of it.
You can't because you are schizo.
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another victory for the White side of history
lol don't deflect with my off- the-wall insult. The root issue here is why you have an autistic screechfit over camo paint. There some deep hatred there. I bet you are a skinny beta weeb living in Louisiana or something aren't you? Girls down there don't like weak homos? The country bois call you a queerbait on the daily ? Grandpa is ashamed of his sissy grandson ? What could it be, anon ? ... you can talk to us. We're here to help
Kike post.
Can a nigga get a lobby?
Did a low IQ brown retard make that edit?
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>he wasn't here for the early times
Tourist or Alexus.
>Behemoth spam still present
I sleep.
Not gonna buy into your schizo shit. You can post it or you can not, does not alter the reality.
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ni hao
But they're usually white? The guy in your image just acts white too.
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Literally what are you arguing about? The fact that the devs were in panic mode because they got more than 10x the playerbase than they expected and gloated about Joel getting up in the middle of the night to futz with numbers?
I just like killing.
Kek he is white
>you're winning the defenses
>literally 10 seconds after the planet gets liberated, it's back for another defense on the same planet
>this is supposed to feel good or something
I used one against bots yesterday after opening a POI and after seven failed shots in a row against a patrol of bots being only sort of near a tree and a rock I will never pick it up again unless it gets reworked.
>Literally what are you arguing about?
Link any of it.
You can't because you are schizo.
>The fact that the devs were in panic mode because they got more than 10x the playerbase than they expected and gloated about Joel getting up in the middle of the night to futz with numbers?
Not gonna buy into your schizo shit. You can post it or you can not, does not alter the reality.
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jump and shoot chargers w/ EATs
share EATs with your teammates
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You made me open leddit, now shut the fuck up faggot
>off- the-wall insult
is that what you call it when you reach into your brain and the first thing that comes out is niggers fucking your mom's throat?
I have said before their buildmaster is a fucking retard. He clearly has no idea how to do his job.
Original post was about 4chan not reddit. Good job outing yourself though faggot
>using reddit as a source for laudable thought
You really do belong there
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it's summertime, flutey
If even redditors are starting to notice then AH might have to do something about it eventually
Grow up kid, he's right
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Here are some side by side tests of the laser cannon i did real quick. All firing from the crouched position, no mouse movement during firing, and holding until burnout.
1st test is the standard armor, for a control group
2nd test is medium engineering armor (recoil)
3rd test is light peak physique (handling)
I tried the viper armor because some are saying the way it works provides an in-kind recoil reduction. I'll let you be the judge.
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I'm not gonna spoonfeed some filthy fucking tourist trying to argue established dev comments. Go back to fortnite or whatever slop you shovel up.
Appreciate it but you should do the test at extraction since there's a few flat objects which always spawn that you could use to measure in a more controlled way.
hey stop fighting and get along, faggots
Yes, this is exactly what you did.
He is clearly some shitskin thirdworlder and some warlord or troops wearing camo smoked his family and burned his mudhut
Well from yesterday's peak we're down more than 92% now. It's a fucking Saturday and there's less than 35k on. It's over.
Not gonna buy into your schizo shit. You can post it or you can not, does not alter the reality.
See this >>484954916 is a normal imagination. He came up with something funny, and not at all related to black men brutalizing your own mother.
pretty good numbers
>thinks every insult generated by anyone must be truth
Oh, sweety you are just a social butterfly aren't you. Have good day now and try not to let the cammie boys hurt you. It's been fun but mostly sad. One day I'm sure you'll hold a woman's hand. Bye bye now, junior
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Remember when that one dev said people abandoning operations were the cause of the decay?
>look mom I posted it again!
Dumb nigger doesn't even realize my first post was agreeing that it's all rigged bullshit.
>thinks every insult generated by anyone must be truth
That's not what I said at all. I'm saying your neural pathways have black cock wired directly. It is floating at the top of your brain 24/7 to the point where it just comes flowing out at a moment's notice.
Bugs are easy sample collecting, and people need a lot of samples again.
>implying most warlords and half of troops aren't black
Did you prefer them bombing your family and razing your village rather than consensual sex or something
I am aware, that is not what I replied to.
Anyone who posts cuck shit is a cuck themselves. The funniest part is that some of them will think of themselves as bulls while posting their cuck shit lmao.
Firstly where is her cape? She’s god damn naked without it. Secondly that ass too flat, it should be two bouncing globes that make you think of how big and round Super Earth is.
My bad, I wouldn't know because I don't live in the third world. Thank you for informing me with your direct knowledge of the situation there.
In all fairness, it's a pretty believable excuse as long as people blindly believe you to tell the truth. Now that we have the websites that looks through the api or some shit, the same excuses don't work anymore
2nd one is maybe better but I can't really tell with the different distances
how about this for some bug diver fuckery
>jump into mission
>land, immediately call down ac
>notice host is in some shit, get him out of it
>host takes my ac; doesn't call anything else down
>kill him
>leave game
If I were to do something like this again, I would definitely be more selective with location and distance from the backstop. The viper armor was light so that may have also affected the results.
Funnily enough I had almost the exact opposite problem playing bots yesterday.
>jump into mission, everyone is decently high level (80-90+)
>host is a 110, but has taken a spray and pray and for some reason zero backpack or AT
>summon him a spare AC once it's off cooldown, tag it cos he's literally right next to me
>he won't take it
>he plays the mission competently but like 25% of the time he's way too close to me to shoot without endangering him
Level 110 dude, you havin' a giggle there, mate?
It was a CM, not a dev. And I warned you about listening to them.
That's not much better, since they are supposed to be in contact with devs and give accurate statements.
>thinks you have to live somewhere to know current events
You sound so dumb bro. You're trying too hard
It was an actual dev, and he's no longer on the discord so I'm hopping he got fired
Yep, we're back to not being able to complete a single mission without crashing, so fucking awesome.
Verify my boy.
God bless your little heart
This doesn't work and has never worked, stop pretending that it does anything.
>It was an actual dev
I recall differently. Post proof?
>and he's no longer on the discord so I'm hopping he got fired
Absolute pipedream. Pilestedt doesn't have it in him
>bug front hasn't moved an inch
Surely they'll realize all of them need to go to Gatria?
The current "system" (literally a guy tweaking numbers by hand) is flawed as fuck and Arrowhead not acknowledging it is pretty grim. Right now the bare minimum of people required to hold a planet is 16k
Wrong again, everyone I know that has issues verifies and are okay for a session. Especially after every patch.
evilbosse had the dev role (cyan name), can't post proof anymore because he's gone
I'm about to go play some bugs just because I want to have more fun.
Wrong, it doesn't work, I tried it before, multiple times and it did nothing, enjoy prison.
I thought evilbosse was the one that cleared it up, not who made the initial false claim.
>enjoying peak physique with the AMR
>get instagibbed by a spiky plant
>respawn as a nigger
well it was fun while it lasted, back to servo assisted I guess
Gimme a good loadout recommendation for d9 bots .... I'm so bored with hmg and autocannon
There's 3k people in Crimsica basically not doing anything instead of just going to Gatria which is the exact same planet with a different name
>be white
>replaced with black
This might be the only based thing sweden has acknowledged
Sickle and AMR. Or a DMR. I don't even remember if DCS is actually better or not at this point.

Ever worked anything to do with the public? I'm not surprised in the slightest.
Gatria is actually the worst planet to go to, it's the highest decay rate on the bot front because for some reason joel really wants to keep that sector open. Not that it matters because as we've seen multiple times in the last 12 hours alone he'll asspull whatever numbers he wants.
>oh you're attacking a planet with low decay to expand the X45 perimieter? have a higher decay rate
>oops have a defense
>and a 20 hour defense
>and a 16 hour defense on a planet that's supposedly really important and has a huge SEAF formation massing on it(not that you could tell in any way)
In short; joel will get the outcomes he wants however he has to twist the numbers to make it happen and trying to blame anybody other than him for shit going a particular way is copium.
Literally any loadout, but run away from every fight and let your team deal with the enemies. I call it the Enlisted Officer loadout.
a cool new huge exosuit that is equipped with four huge autocannons, larger than the AC that the sentry gets
and then we make it fire rounds that are equal to the player's handheld autocannon lmao
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Remember to pay attention to your surroundings.
>and then we make it fire rounds that are equal to the player's handheld autocannon lmao
That would be an improvement actually.
It's not unheard of that 3k of the player base is actually foaming-at-the-mouth retarded. You've played with these morons right ? Literally watched a guy stand on barbed wire, fixated on trying to hit a hulk eye with his scorcher, without realizing that it's killing him and died slowly to fucking barbed wire
Well, you just said it yourself. Decay rate doesn't really matter. Specially when it's 8k vs 3k. The Galactic War is 100% dependent on the blob and the GM not asspulling something
Is that a meteor? Where do I get those?
>100% dependent on the blob
It's not though. It's 0% dependent on the blob and 100% dependent on joelâ„¢ not being a cunt. On the few rare occasions where the blob actually pulled together and dogpiled a planet he just raised the rates so we didn't win too quickly. What reason is there to care at all?
Enlisted office implies he'd be worth something. More like cherry ROTC grad junior officer loadout
90 day wonder.
I never use precision strike or barrages but I'll get high-density explosives for the big dick gun that's added to the ship.
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we like cosplaying as robots ON BOARD THE KEEPER OF THE STARS
It's pretty funny when you get flattened by one of those
And of course they don't make any sound at all
Bugchasing on d9, with emphasis on Rare Samples: steam://joinlobby/553850/109775242318959289/76561198029796764
cant join :(
Failed to join
Ok, I turned crossplay on if that was what was stopping it. I just didn't want the unwashed masses, you know?
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So close
>What reason is there to care at all?
The illusion of choice...
Being incompetent at fixing bugs is one thing, entirely failing at coming up with a believable story?
its not crosplay, try putting it on public instead of invite only.
Failed to join
i had to look up what it was the last time you told me about banner
Probably just bored.
But also you can be a high level and retarded at the same time. You just need to be carried for months at a time.
I'm dumb how so I join with this link
copy it into your internet browser. you dont have to do this via steam, just. your. browser.
It was on public, I flicked it private and then public again and restarted, so if that doesn't work then I am probably softlocked by the swiggers for extreme racism or something.
Ok, try steam://joinlobby/553850/109775242321145926/76561198029796764
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il do it myself.
d9 whatever, bugs maybe?
Failed to join
Ok, everyone go here, my internet is broken or somehting.
3/4 hurry the fuck up
This game has zero competitive aspects what's the cause for this autism
Failed to join as well on my end.
4/4, make your own
yeah it's full
Is this true?
Standing up from a prone position makes your vision darken
Running over pebbles and barbed wire makes you fall over
Automatons have nanobots to heal themselves, they can also deploy them to create a metal fog that nullifies explosives and stratagem balls
this happened to two guys on my team and i watched it all
stratagem balls always bounce, magnetically towards players.
>Standing up from a prone position makes your vision darken
holy shit anon
name thirty games that do that
So what happened with the hacking thing
>The Automatons have launched a surprise attack on Aesir Pass. If it falls, it will jeopardize efforts to rescue our position in the Ymir Sector.
8k people fell for it, there was post on Reddit
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>Aesir pass now at +30%
>>more unimplemented features
includedin the full screen cap of that list are "airborne divisions" and "flying broods".
It doesn't take a genius to figure out those are the new gunship and shrieker patrol modifiers. It also doesn't take a genius to figure out these are the patrol spawn list variations that already exist. They're just going to make them a visible operational modifier instead of being hidden under the hood.
is that part of the miscommunications the super earth message was about?
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I find this way more sus
Unironically pair it with the Scythe, since they play exactly the same. Just rotate between them with the scythe for raiders and the occasional devasator and then switch to the LC for bigger guys/groups or if your scythe is cooling down.
Yes, would explain why the defense rates are all over the place
That or tomorrow we'll lose everything and they'll just say "hehe you got hacked"
No jumps in the graph, so it's more likely than not just more people piling on to defend.
PP is the best because it supplements your lack of stagger otherwise.
you realize progress isn't scored until operations complete and 3 mission operations can take an hour+ to finish, right?
Gatria is now -1.5%
is this post ironic
lol brutal, at least you tried
i want to see it happen, baby
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you realise you're a massive fucking retard lol
Is this some new pre-fix spear-schizoid level of cope?
*taakes EAT*
"Thank you"
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So after not playing for 2 months the game runs like absolute dogshit now, cant even play constant 60 fps, and since there's a steam summer sale going on, i bought this and i tried it with HD2, seems to work with ANY GPU (I have a 1660 Super)

>Options in-game
>Set to Native Resolution at 1080p with Borderless windowed (doesnt work on fullscreen)
>Capped my fps to 48 fps
>Open Lossless Scaling and Select "LSFG 2.1 on X3 mode"
>Magically have 144 Fps for my 144Hz Monitor with no noticeably image degradation and input lag

Holy shit the difference was night and day. what kind of fucking black magic is this?
Just leaving it here in case someone is struggling to run the game at their monitor's Hz
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bots, bugs or squids 9
Well it's 2.2% now
Do you play on 1080p or 1440p?
*waits for you and stims you*
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Fixed that for you
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we're doing the last two bot missions I have on x-45 then going to bugs
Gotcha, I'll try this out with my 1440p monitor then. Hope it works
This makes Meissa look extremely sus too tbqh.
>OHHH look how close it's going to be guys! Matching the bot progress neck and neck with no variance for 10 hours! WOW
>Call these in for my team while I blast away with an autocannon
>Nobody uses them
>Grab one myself
>As soon as I do, one of my teammates scurries over like fucking Gollum and snatches my AC
>>Capped my fps to 48 fps
Why this step?
The one thing that I hate about getting a new wave of ship upgrades is for the next 2-3 weeks there is a surge of plebbitors who think that the new orbital buffs will finally make 380 barrage good. It takes them forever to realize that the most recent set of small incremental changes to the stratagem did nothing to resolve its fundamental flaws.
Well. finished the elden ring dlc.

Anything worth booting this up for? About to uninstall a few things.
New ship modules came out, other than that we can expect 3 weeks minimum before the next warbond.
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Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of the Viper Commandos warbond?
actively made the game worse thanks to the vision-fucking booster.
I saw the modules. In general very disillusioned with how things are going. Seems like they managed to ride their initial hype into the ground. Unfortunate.
Do you have to do this every time you launch the game?
Was better than the last one.
Testing the waters for warbonds with less content. Who gives a shit about skins? Give me some different guns you Swedish fucks.
just make sure to Cap your framerate to a stable value if not, the image will be unstable, you can still play it uncapped but the generated frames will be more noticeable, also by capping it you get less input lag.

I capped my game at 48 fps because i have a 144Hz monitor, and with using frame gen X3 you just do the math (144 / 3 = 48)
Basically put your monitor refresh rate and divide it by 3, thats your capped fps you should set. or just cap it at 60fps if you want then you'll get 180fps or whatever your monitor's refresh rate it

Digital foundry made this video 2 days ago about the software, it explains how it works and how to make it work flawlessly:

Explained above

Yes, First open the game you want to scale, then open the program and click the "Scale" button on the top right, and go back to hd2, its that easy.
Easily the worst warbond. Offers way less content, and with the execption of the bushwacker and the booster it's not even good content. I'd be fine with less weapons, but you can't just shit out a Liberator reskin with some tiny stat changes and expect me to be happy.
>retard keeps punching me
>see him blasting a teammate
>immediately delete him with my HMG
>call reinforcement
>kill him again
>call reinforcement
>kill him again
>call reinforcement
>kill him again
>call reinforcement
>kill him again
>call reinforcement
>kill him again
>host kicks me
No good deed goes unpunished
you can set it to start with windows and bind the scale button to something you won't accidentally click in game, mine's ctrl + p
no need to add or select the program if you alter the default instead
Hilarious, but I don't think that's enough to make a dent still.
>Who gives a shit about skins?
As someone that runs mechsall the time on bots and bugs, me!
The input lag is atrocious
wonder if that faggot had another twitter tantrum over the helldivers discord not bending over threefold for troons
Let's be honest, you did that once or twice, and then got dunked on or denied more kills and came here to post about how the scenario would have gone in the best case scenario because you wanted to ride the high longer.
Somehow better than polar despite having less content. I like there being skins even if I don't care for these ones in particular. I like the armor passive, though it was real shitty to move one of the armors to the super store. Short term that sucks, but I wonder if the idea is making it a cheaper alternative to buying the whole warbond for one passive. Regardless, add it to a non-theme armor then.
? It's stupid easy to teamkill
not for me.

Enabling "allow tearing" can help though
IDK who it is, I just have an intense autism-driven pet hate for anyone who watermarks their shitty photo edits as if they're going to make it big off a meme but they're worried it's going to be the one that got away.
Thanks for the tip, it really does work, but it causes this kind of warping effect when your camera pans around quickly that I assume comes from the frame generation trying to keep up, and I can't stop noticing it so I'll have to pass on it. Interesting approach though.
bots d9 2/4 come join, NOW!
Yeah it does, when You enable "performance" under X3 it's most noticeable since it's the cheapest solution.

No problems, if anyone is desperate to get some more frames at the cost of some image like me this could help.
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>we removed rocket one shots
I'd tell you to stop wearing light armor but there's no enough pixels in your shitty webm to even see what kind of armor you're wearing
nice bitrate man
oh nevermind, i thought that guy and gianni matragano were the same person considering how much and how often he just dubs over his shit
tldr is that gianni is a massive trannychaser and extremely mentally ill
Anon, all social media (((influencer))) are mentally ill
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I forgot a zero in the ffmeg size limit :)
medium armor btw
You could clearly see that rocket coming out of the fog, skill issue.
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Pls understand, the raider was moving forward when he fired that rocket.
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Crystal clear :)
and with only milliseconds to react, thank you alexus
true citizens of Super earth will NOT supersearch what really happened on the SS Liberty
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>teammate shouts, "Out of ammo!"
>see him with only secondary out
>blindly run towards teammate to help them out
>it was a trap
Why don't you host one?
Bot are just better. Bugs got stale pretty quick once you realise you just have to prioritise hunters and spewers and can dodge everything else easily.
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I thought a poltergeist killed me until I rewatched
Very funny spiky ball plants super hilarious!!!
>botfags are terrified of bugs and cope about it in the general
>bugfags are terrified of bots and cope about it in the general
We’re here to stay, cuck ;)
Sometimes I lose 70% hp with no idea what the fuck hit me with no enemies around, and now I know it's probably these fuckers.
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Whats this >we shit, are you two motherfuckers in a trenchcoat or something?
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that's not me, but true >>484975624

>imagine caring about the MO
>imagine caring about planets
>imagine caring about medals and not being capped
i spit on you
>Have tried four different people's houses routers trying to play this game, mine, mom's dad's, nans, GF's.
>Still constant disconnects 30% of the time
>Crashes 15% of the time
>Return to ship 10% of the time
>Only 45% of all missions finish
Anyone that's says these disconnects are my Internet is a massive faggot.
based fluteposter schizoposting

he unironically shops his anime girlfriend into photos of himself

i am not joking
lol normie
>defence against bots
>random guy punches me.
>follow him and punch him, he falls of the wall.
>then we're chill for the rest of the match and hug before extraction.
k4 was a good friend.

Also HMG emplacement + SPEAR is busted on bot defence, emplacement blasts everything up to striders and tanks, whom the spear deals with.
Oh yeah, it's guaranteed kino evac spawn time.
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nah that's an AR app through her game. i got some good pics of her with some fireworks a few days ago ;)
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haha, you got me!
>it’s an AR app
how does that make any difference
>there's a janny who unironically waifu posts

zero editing involved

me? i would never doxx myself to 4chan staff. my info costs and makes money
>Joel has put his finger on the scales at Aesir Pass at least five times already
Then why fucking attack the planet in the first place.
>i can ritualpost the same boring shit no one responds to in every thread that no one responds to
>if you make fun of me i WILL delete it and issue a warning
Their litmus test for if they could get away with taking the same amount of time, or now longer, to put out less shit and most of what they do put out is mid or outright unusable in the case of knives. The armor passive is pretty good if you run heavy weapons often.
>schizos gonna schizo
To cause a distraction.
>Ho ho! You nearly got the carrot, come on! Just a little more! Oh! Ohhhhh! Too bad, you missed it!
>Oh by the way whilst you were trying (lol) to defend Aesir, you lost Ymir, good job heroes
Damn, at least when this happens to me there's a teammate using a flamer. Like 50m away
whether or not editing is involved makes no difference with regards to how pathetic it is
>decide to check up on the game after 2 months
>quickmatch into diff 8 bugs
>1 guy only in lobby
>9 minutes left
>0 fucking holes plugged
>scramble to survive
>5 minutes left
>guy returns to civilian life
>have to do the rest of the mission solo and haul ass to emergency evac
D1 if you're reading this, you're faggot.
>It's the game throws everything at you at the very start then becomes increasingly boring and empty as you complete the objectives then starts spamming factory striders as soon as you try to evacuate map seed
I'm just going back to bugs
Maybe DRG bugs...
>>9 minutes left
To be fair, they're 12 minute missions.
Man 500KG is a joke for killing anything other that BTs isn't it.
B-but the huge ass bomb should only work as an Eagle railgun!
oh, I could have sworn they were 15.
still, that sounds like 3 minutes of an unauthorised break!

I was so sure they would have fixed it while I was gone that I didn't even check. That 4x broke my heart a little ngl.
For people who want some extra performance but don't want to see jaggies, turn off anti-aliasing and then turn down your sharpness to zero. Doing it this way also makes foliage not bad at all when viewed at a distance, which was a big reason why I left AA on despite how bad TAA is. Also, turning on DoF completely cures rendering/foliage issues at a distance, if you are fine with the DoF effect. It doesn't seem to have any impact on performance so it's your personal preference.

Anyways, I got an extra 5-10 FPS by doing it this way. Give it a shot.
look at this faggot being nice and helpful and shit
fucking lol!
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I'm not helping you with that completely avoidable bug breach of yours. You caused it, you close it.
it's not even a big bomb
500kg is really small in the context of this game
1000kg bombs would make a lot more sense and be more useful

they don't need to even change the visual effects, just increase the blast radius by at least 100%
bag my groceries bitch
>Blow head off brood commander
>Farts and teleports a BT behind you anyways
Utterly fucking ridiculous isn't it. If it was an orbital precision strike it would probably have cleared everything there (and possibly killed you at that distance).
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saturday night drink and dive
9 bots, meissa defense 3/4
That's a really interesting juxtaposition. How does the OPS work so well when the 500 works like shit? Just make them work the same way with the 500 being bigger.
Oops we broke SPM again instead.
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>How does the OPS work so well when the 500 works like shit?
so what, you and your buds have a spot for 1 anon? kinda scuffed.
fixed, join my aurics
how do webm :(
Just realized gunship patrols are there because shrieker patrols exist and they couldn't bother making a smaller automaton drone unit
I turned off cloud saving and saw the biggest fps jump ever yesterday
Today it went back to being shit
My PC isn't the best but it's clear to me that the game runs like shit because of bad optimization
Google webm for retards
Perhaps it's because AH are taking the capacity upgrade into account, which lets you drop two 500kgs back to back. Even so, the cooldown between Eagle reloads is what, 2 mins? And 500kg still feels wonky as shit like the blast goes upwards in a cone shape allowing it to kill anything that you drop it directly underneath but not much else.
Isn't there a new upgrade that will also increase the blast radius? 500kg will be utterly mogged
OPS has noticable less AOE than 500kg even when 500kg AOE is nothing write home aboutm I'm pretty sure the 500kg actually hit a tree somewhere in that webm so it didn't quite hit the center of the mob.
Fuck, do you guys even play this game???
I just use the 500kg to kill titans and striders exclusively. I don't expect anything else from it so it serves me well. Big number doesn't mean the bomb is an end-all problem solver.
So, do you like Joel's meal? Is he a good swedish chef?
Proof of what
That looks pretty close to where he dropped it lol. Are your eyes working???
still 3/4
All DM faggotry could've been forgiven if they gave use the SEAF trooper stratagem on Aesir pass.
Or just... You know... Enabling SEAF artillery without having to do the side mission...
playing some RIGHT NOW
That is a pretty dense forest area. If it gets stuck like a tree just 10m higher, it would reduce the AOE significantly because 500kg AOE cone up awkward. The brightness flash from behind doesn't mean anything unless you can physically see where it landed.
Idk why people complain about the 500kg so much. I feel like it is already an extremely good eagle that is mostly for bug heavy. I don't drop it unless there is at least one heavy there and every other kill are extra bonuses.
>get to extract
>engage incoming patrol
Hope the mortar knocked you all to 1 health before clearing everything else
Oh yeah the fun is just pouring through the fog
Why didn't you take orbital smoke strike?
>Retards not going immediately for the Pelican when they see that shit
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guess I'm going this way
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>Bring flamethrower to bugs
>Charger spam is no problem
>incin breaker handles chaff
>OPS and 500kg handles titans
>coast through missions until spewer seed
>breaker incendiary keeps hunters under control but is useless for spewers
>dominator can handle a few spewers but sucks against chaff
>go mmg instead
>handles chaff easily
>destroys spewers
>can technically kill chargers but they always turn to face you when stunned so you may as well not even bother trying to stun and kill them
>OPS and 500kg isn't enough to deal with their sheer numbers, and 3 titans are guaranteed to spawn if you waste a stratagem on a charger
>get fucked if the modifier is scatter
>never have time to reload with your dodging 3 chargers because the team left you to die so they could go die to across the map

Bugs are fun until you get loadout checked by an unfavorable seed and need to rely on teammates for anything. This is why bots are better designed, you're never in a position where you need to rely on teammates to handle something for you. Good teammates are a crutch.
That's why I take the legionnaire armour so I can airstrike / gas them
>This is why bots are better designed, you're never in a position where you need to rely on teammates to handle something for you.
What are gunships?
inb4 goal post shifting and coping
Let's be real, If it got stuck in tree 10m higher it would have killed sweet fuck all.
Grenade pistol
Or use the gas strike or the strafing run instead of getting two (2) stratagems for BTs
It's quite small if you put it on performance mode and allow tearing.
I run that exact build but with the blitzer instead of the incendiary breaker just because of bile spewers
Pics or it didn't happen
>Doesn't arc
>Gets stuck on corpses
>No range whatsoever
Every time I try it it's stinking dogshit
I doubt you even play bot if you struggle that much in bug with a "meta" load out lol.
Bot will fuck you harder if you get caught alone by a mass bot drop without teammate support
easily killable with any weapon you bring to bots
With "any" you mean LC, HMG and Dominator?
>Loadout checked by gunships
So many things kill them. Not neccesarily efficiently but still.
I'm convinced that heavy devastators are coded to auto hit you after a certain amount of shots. Even when bullying one with the HMG and staggering it, the fucker still managed to hit me.
yeah, and the AC, EAT, Spear, AMR and HMG emplacement
What do you bring to bots? 3 orbitals and an arc thrower?
The flinches don't really affect heavy devas's accuracy.
Or spear, or autocannon, or recoilless.
All support weapons besides arc, flamethrower, stalwart(?) and railgun.
Killed by sentries, killed by a few primaries.
The things you need to kill most bots also kill gunships so really you shouldn't be having issues.
>excuse me, pardon me, excuse me
Then you're able to kill spewers with any weapon you can find too, why are you complaining?
Where did I say I struggled? I just said its not fun being loadout checked because of spewer and non spewer seeds. If i have a flamethrower on a spewer seed it just becomes tedious, and if I have a machine gun on a non-spewer seed, it just becomes tedious. Tedious doesn't mean its hard, it just means its not fun.
I forgot grenade launcher

Yea man just use a rail gun and get like 8 overcharge shots to the same engine or use a machine gun and empty about 1.5 magazines into the same engine or take the airburst and pray it hits the same engine enough times with the rng scatter. Better yet, take an EAT and hope your two rockets hit the two gunships exactly in the engine and also hope there aren't more than two! You could be spicy and take the quasar and hope the gunships are nice enough to wait for the next shot to recharge and also let you wind up your shots each time.
>drop in
>take one step forward
>get launched into the air and out of mission area
nice to see that's still in the game
They're being dishonest, don't bother
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can you explain the fluteposting for me please? if not i completely understand. i find it based
Armored spewers take the utter piss to kill though with conventionals and come in numbers, the supports needed for bile titans or chargers are poor against spewers and vice versa.
The weapons you bring for other bots kill gunships too.
Railgun was included in my other post faggot >>484984939.
Railgun fags are my favourite people to hear seethe though, things been borderline useless for a while now take the AMR pill.
I'm never taking 500kg again.
So? Aren't you throwing grenades at gunships and destroying them? Just do that for spewers, what's the issue
nigga did you really AI gen the flute girl
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support weapon that is a backpack fed tri-barrel shotgun, instead of reloading you have to manage barrel heat.
Has enough pen to bully gunship engines so you can use it like a ghetto flak cannon.
Downside is it drops your overall run speed a bit.
>that one guy who spams request reinforcement when the whole team is tackling a stratagem jammer
>Just waste your hole closing grenades on spewers bro
I do, I also use grenade pistol to headshot them, but they're still ass.
You're wasting fabricator closing AC shots on killing gunships too
Spewer explodes on death and take down other spewer with them. Even primary like eruptor or dominator alone can handle them well enough if you keep aiming for the type of chain kills
I'm back from my booze run, lobby status?
Increase bot grenade radius by 500%
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please don't, the repercussions might be tragic
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>get hard
its over for me
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>me purposely panning my camera to the wall of heavy devastators in front of the tiny rock I'm behind that are between me and the jammer
has anyone experienced an increase in a low lvl players attempt to steal your support weapon by trying to kill you?

I've had multiple try on recent bug MO
They don't do anything desu, look at that
Hope you brought the guard dog.
Cute cat.
dont feed that faggot. the gunships werent a great addition in their fabricator state, chop their models in half and make them take damage from any medium pen. they really are a gear check and forces me to change up playstyle

also, to the faggot who gave me shit for only taking orbitals on a blitz mission as i cleared the map single handedly, i hope a gunship crashes into your house irl. i tried to kick you, but the game itself crashed
other anon said they should have been drone patrols instead and I think it'd be much better, like a bunch of evil guard dogs
gunships really make the aimlets seethe, it's fucking hilarious
>Interrupts your rocket devastator cockslurping session and gangbangs you out of the map
id also be a fan of that even if they had the same stats as the zerkers. high tanky health, same rocket spam. just allow them to be destroyed with primaries. do you know if they spawn on lower difficulties?
I would like the grenade launcher to be more viable. It currently does 20 impact (2 durable) and 400 AOE damage with 0 AP. For comparison, the grenade pistols is 250 impact (250 durable) and 400 AOE with 3 AP. I would like the damage of the grenade launcher to match the grenade pistol but also have AP 4. For bots, this allows the grenades to hit hulk eyes, tank vents, gunship engines, cannon tower vents, and also defang and kill factory striders more reliably. For bugs, you can kill bile spewers with probably one less nade (currently takes 3), allow damage to spore spewers and shrieker nests, and you damage bile titan sacs faster. Finally give it 3 spare belts instead of 2 so you don't feel forced to use the supply pack.

Do note, swiggers make many body part hit boxes immune to explosive AOE damage to avoid damage stacking from the explosion overlapping multiple hit boxes. However, this is bugged out as it often stops the AOE damage from doing much of anything. This can be seen when trying to assblast a charger with the grenade launcher. Fix this issue too along with the mentioned buffs and I think the grenade launcher will be a viable support weapon beyond bug blitzes.
I just bought the helmet because I thought it'd go well with Twigsnapper but it didn't
Now I dunno if I go full sunk cost and buy the armor or just leave a useless helmet hanging around
>why can't my favorite weapon do everything?
+2 nades is ass
Helmet goes great with the medium physique set.
>stratagem jammer spawns between 2 gunship fabs and a bunker
>it's being protected by a stridor and 50 patrols
Maybe the Chinese finally found out about the game
you can cheese it by dropping a walking barrage at the edge of the jamming

All those things I listed are what the auto cannon ( also AMR, laser cannon, etc) can do. The divide would be the grenade launcher is imprecise and the auto cannon is precise.

Oh wait its bait... uhhhhhh skill issue or something.
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>It currently does 20 impact (2 durable) and 400 AOE damage with 0 AP
>400 AOE damage with 0 AP
are you sure about that?
I know, I'd rather take the explosive damage damper
Ehhh, I thought it'd look good too, but it's just too wide
I'd fit Twigsnapper perfectly without the mesh
who the FUCK is having a hard time hitting the glowing red engine, what's annoying is the arc cannon and railgun should be capable of ass fucking gunship engines too.
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would you ever want to wear that armor if you had it already? if not, then it's a waste
if you don't already have another armor that performs the same role as that one and/or looks good to you then it might be something you can use
sometimes you just gotta take a hit with buying something you don't need, just accept it
Too wide for the frame
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>infinite loading screen
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Unless the website I used is out of date this is the data I went from.

I mean, it works for BTs and gives you two chances instead of 1, but yeah it sucks shit for everything else.
I guess I just have to bite the bullet and recognize I wasted those credits
It doesn't show AP for the AoE, just the projectile, unless I'm blind
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Why would you assume the AP not being listed on that screen means it has 0 AP?
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it's extremely difficult to tell but that looks like it could be a headshot, which means it could be a head break, which means instant death. or just enough damage to kill you anyways.

swede fuckery isn't off the table though, it's a bit low for a headshot and those typically just remove your head
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The medium physique armor is what I've been lately. I personally like it, I look like a green Sontaran.
I think the ground breaker medium looks ok with it too. Just slightly mismatched colors.

You're right, its only showing the impact AP.

I will say this 3rd party datamine shit wouldn't be necessary if arrowhead didn't hide the stats to "avoid minmax metas" when people figure out what is and its not viable easily through trial.
i swear it used to be more consistent but now it just feels like a fucking gamble, i just use OPS at this point
All this hand holding for what exactly? People still aren't going to touch Aesir Pass after Meissa is defended, Joel.
Headshot or not it's stupid
Enemies being able to deal massive damage to you for headshots is a dumb concept altogether

You see, it's the SEAF troops stationed there assisting in the defense! Trust Joel, he's a good chef!
we're the only destroyer with live music (so far)
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there's the expanded tab, but i swear the GP was pen4 and now it's pen 3. it doesn't seem to be an error in the table because the AC is still pen 4 and its explosion is pen 3

yeah, the inconsistency that enemy headshots cause is much more annoying than anything, especially in the case of bugs
It's the better of the two engineering kit heavy armours in the game so far. And while +2 grenades aren't that special, the recoil reduction is nice as an alternative to fortified armour.
I love the superstims
same. they're fast
>Retard keeps punching me
Anon what if they wanted to reduce their health to <50%/break limb so they could stim them?
>30 seconds until Meissa is defended.
Alright boys, where do you think these guys on Meissa are gonna go to next. I'm betting Vega Bay. In an hour or two we'll know at least.
They still haven't added decay rates to the in-game map, I bet all this under the hood approach was decided by a corpo retard who doesn't have a clue
Nah, that's for pepes.
Who's joining me for the Vanldalon 4 gambit?
Goodbye, bottards
The correct play is to log off until Vega Bay is lost and then start liberating it since it'll be at 50% progress.
Buy the armor. Become grenade momma.
>Used the winterized heavy armour with servo-assisted on Vega Bay since I wanted to suit the environment + larp as a snow trooper from star wars.
>The extra throw range actually allowed me to harass the bots with orbital gatlings and airstrikes even better than I usually could manage.
I mean, Vega Bay is already lost and desu so is Aesir Pass
I'll be farming SC on Crimsica
>started not taking support weapons so that I can use the ones you find at PoIs
>have to get used to using random shit like railguns, machine guns and arc throwers vs bots

it's really fun guys, give it a try
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>gacrux was never taken
Explain this.
>11%/hr defense (Winning)
Joel did it again, didn't he? He just couldn't let this community of shitters hold the L for being retarded and not listening to his in-game alert.
I'd rather blow my brains out then not bring a support weapon that can deal with gunships.
the correct play is to go to vega bay because snow planets are kino and the galactic war will sort itself out in the long run
What site is that from, the ones I visit don't have all that information
i just drop my current one, but that seems really fun. if bugs, i'll pick up break-action shotgun
my primary is a scorcher, you can kill a gunship in about a mag / mag-and-a-half
companion, OP
I do it sometimes or grab some support weapons the others left behind when i the sentry lust is too much
>bug helldive with quasar + shield pack retard
Oh boy
Oh wow this is much better
I'll do a quick d4 op to say I helped
is that a viable strat? hm. ill report back
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kino sunset for the liberation of Meissa
How are there 132 Terminid kills on Vega Bay?
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>got a guy that ran arc thrower and resupply
>"huh, weird combo"
>he actually gave out ammo
I fucking knelt then and there
fighting back the bots from the wall through the night to end on a sunrise was pretty darn heckin kino
it's a diceroll on whether it reaches or falls short by a few meters
it worked for me once
Arrowhead fuckery in the backend, probably.
Up for round two? I didn't catch the first one.
>Eagle Airstrikes, Orbital Gatling Barrage, Spear, Rocket Sentry.
>stims went from starman powerup to 10 sec pervitin
Meth stims is my new favorite thing now.
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>tfw like comfy supply pack and shield generator relay
>like to protect my team and supply them
>kill mostly elites when i have to
>always the one with the lowest kills
Am I a faggit?
armor is neat and the weapons are nice for meme builds, booster is good besides the parrty wide sprint fuckery. The cosmetics for strats could easily be added to the strat panel and bought with reqs. Tired of being capped at 50k reqs.
It's satisfying to land a RR hit on their engines in 1 hit or just simply shoot them with the HMG and they go pop after maybe 10-15 rounds each.
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What should the /vg/ platoon be called?
Is Aesir Pass winnable?
thank you for your service
your presence allows me to waste my missiles on shooting down dropships with the spear
>Teammate calls in extract
>Another teammate runs over, grabs all the samples, and then just sprints off into the wilderness
>Never comes back
>We eventually board and only then does he start making his way back
>20 samples across all rarities gone
It feels way too easy to grief in this game.
I think it is, but it would need everyone to dogpile it now. Vega is lost and i find it funny there are people that still find it more important than some fucking narrative "buff" from aesir.
Bringer of Balance
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i would love to be part of the vee gee ache dees
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>call in supplies, weapons and shield relay at the same time to make comfy camp bubble
You are always welcome at my campfire.
She out there living her best un-noggered life. I remember when they came for her head because of the Nicki Minaj joke cosplay
Chuds of War
what would the managed democracy version of a chaplain be like
We already have one, the democracy officer.
Give it to me straight; what is the impact of shooting down a dropship? I know it glitches devastators into inaction, but it feels like the cargo mostly survives.
Light will always be the best. It would be nice if the other armors moved as fast as light, but for a shorter duration (not both)
You feed me so I can keep killing and get top scorer, i have no qualms with you.
It's only easy to grief because hosts aren't kicking faggots as soon as they catch a whiff of suspicious moves from griefers. That guy should have been kicked the instant he touched the samples and left extract with them.
I would wear heavy if it wasn't for the fact that you still get ragged doll'd when you're suppose to be a juggernaut. They should at least remove it if you have heavy armor or at least a few seconds of hyperarmor when shot at. Running across the map fast and on time really means a lot to me and I won't just trade it for more damage reduction but including all the other crap that comes with getting shot at.
Or you get flung out of the map
The dumbfuckery cannot be stopped. Yeah sure retards you're going to make up that gap in 10 minutes.
rare chance to smash fodder,.
if done early enough can make certain units a non issue, like tanks being off course from their intended position and behind something they can't shoot through.
>Give it to me straight; what is the impact of shooting down a dropship?
Enemies can shoot out of the rubble but players can't shoot into it. It's a waste of ammo that could have been spent on a tank/hulk/factory strider.
If you're running away, shooting down the dropship and getting a tank or hulk stuck while you run away means your problem is solved. It's pretty bad if you shoot the dropship and need to stay around it, you're better off quickly shooting it's contents if you have the weapon for it.
>shoot down a dropship in rocket defense as it's decelerating
>next dropship drops a shredder tank on top of the corpse
>the tank can now shoot over the walls
>and most units of the first ship survived

Don't bother shooting dropships.
>asking vg to give it to you straight
the answers that arent trolling will be from d5 shitters
Got to love how often the negative IQ masses have some kind of amazing spidey sense for piling in to a defense exactly after the point where it's possible to win.
I love the shield relay, but I just can't part with my usual stratagems.
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600 fucking kills, from start to finish burning down shit without a moment of respite and just surviving by being in a state of perpetual stimming
>everybody's doing their best to fail en masse at Vega Bay instead of pivoting to the actually completeable Aesir Pass defense at least until an X-45 defense is actually started
why are they like this
It's totally something you can take if you are using a backpack weapon. You really only need two red strategems.
Orange carried
The Bug Chasers

>what is the impact of shooting down a dropship?
It looks cool when it crashes, and you get to watch the explosion. That's all the reason I need.
Everyone did a good job honestly, no complains whatsoever
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>Bug Chasers
holy fuck hahahahaha

Please do this one
What's your loadout? Also, you seem to be a bit SHORT of 600 kills.
That's why you're with me.
Flamethrower, laser dog, strafing run, EAT, incendiary breaker, grenade pistol, stun grenades
100% F U N
Getting top kills is easy, just be a worthless piece of shit and pull every patrol whilst taking only stratagems that kill chaff en masse and any armor that shows up you just run from and let someone else deal with it. Ignore objectives, since you can use that time to throw strats at more patrols.
What's the actual top stat to pay attention to on the scoreboard? Or maybe a ratio of two? Kills to stims used?
>AMR is statistically good
>don't like sniping
What's a good alternative no backpack support weapon?
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well, he cleaned it up.
I still don't understand it. It feels like it goes away way too quickly and comes down too slowly for true "oh fuck I will not survive" moments.
Laser cannon
HMG. It's the AMR but ranges from chugchugchug to chhhhht
Please understand that this community is EXTREMELY retarded.
There's hardly any reason to wear Heavy when it gimps your movement so hard
There really needs a stagger mechanic for HD2
Fewest deaths, no doubt.
It's the AMR but you have to aim and compensate for recoil even harder
>laser dog
Makes sense
I once got 400 at d5
Rover just kills and kills
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Bots btw
I find it useful for a few scenarios
>calling in reinforcements and giving them a space to safely spawn in
>protecting objective equipment such as hellbomb from getting shot at or terminals when you need time to punch in the codes for objectives or pelican
>creates a temp bunker to rally in and kill the enemies before the shield is used up
I agree that it should last longer or at least a cooldown decrease but it seems to come clutch when it's about to go down and you need to do things fast before enemies dogpile the dome.
There is also those rare times when you get overran with berserkers and devastators and then they are in the bubble with you trying to shoot into it.
Accuracy and deaths
sometimes you get killed by bullshit but a low death count and high accuracy usually mean there was intent behind your shots and you weren't just spraying into mobs. high kills is a bonus because that also means they didn't pick useless strats.
>still caring about the galaxy map
Why are (you) like this?
No, it's nice when someone brings a relay
Yeah, little dude never stopped killing, didn't even kill me once too. It's great when you can just spray fire on the chaff and the dog will just finish all of them
>incendiary breaker
Take the training wheels off and get back to me
Antifun detected, opinion discarded
I take it on missions where you have objectives you have to sit on closely, like the geological survey. As soon as drops start happening, I throw it down so we can keep moving the drill through the different stages ASAP. Usually goes well. I also bring it on civilian evac to cover the button and beginning of their run to the exit.
I'm sprooooying
In my experience, definitely kills and accuracy. Kills = "I like to get into conflict and this is my tally" Accuracy = "I get it done efficiently" Also ratio with deaths so you don't just get HDs running into death squads like caped lemmings. Someone can have high accuracy but low kills means he doesn't fight often and tends to avoid patrols or is new. High kills but low accuracy means he's always starting shit, attracting attention and likely paired with many deaths.
You're like those people that complain about niggers using government programs to pay for raising their kids but refuse to do the same. You're just going to get left behind.
Stay mad, you know I'm right
Relays are comfy.
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>Lib carbine
>Gatling sentry
>Machine gun sentry
>Eagle strafing run
Salt and Tears
No more than 4-5 deaths
Decent amount of kills
Decent accuracy
Actual top non-retard non-faggot stat: doing the damn objectives
It needs a bit of foresight to pull it off.
Having said that, if you have 1 based retard who is noisy as all fuck but never dies despite aggroing half the map, who can hold that aggro and doesn't lead them back anywhere important, that can also be quite useful cause they'll take all the breaches/drops and keep everywhere else quiet. Based retards who don't die are rare though.
problem with this is the incendiary breaker results in very high accuracy since a single pellet needs to land to count as a hit so someone just constantly getting into fights and mag dumping can still end up with 80%+ accuracy by the end
Hulk: *yawns*
Relay + HMG emplacement beats every other stratagem but it's a hassle and not really that enjoyable
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bots 9
>squad fucks around, wastes time, wastes reinforcements, and stays on each others asses for no reason
>spawn rate is normal or even underwhelming

>squad goes full commando, splits up, speedruns objectives, kills off every enemy in the way, all with little to no reinforcements used
>spawn rate blasts through the roof to such an extent that even the best players struggle

This game rewards ineptitude and punishes success. It really was made by communists.
Janny??? Your jobbb, do it!
>objectively the best weapon
>training wheels
I usually kill the berserkers quickly but devs become a problem if they really are nearby so I tend to throw the relay when my team is together or near objectives but always ahead of time. Never throw one when bot drop is nearby otherwise they'll overrun it.
>stun grenade
>liberally apply lead to back
everyone else can party with the fabs and gunships, besides I'd just bring the HMG if i were bot diving.
>>spawn rate blasts through the roof to such an extent that even the best players struggle
because if a player is more than 120ish meters away from another player they both get their own patrol spawn timer and their own patrols. Sticking together gives the group a single timer, everyone splitting up gives everyone their own timer.
Botfag jealous no weapon is as good as the IB against automatards
I think the regular breaker is almost as good for bots
>kills the chaff at close to medium range well
>stumped on larger enemies
>good fire rate
Unfortunately almost entirely useless against devastators
Also you can set bugs on fire from 100m and they'll die. The slugger had that place but they nerfed the fun out of it
>Everyone went to Vega Bay, even though it was going to be a guaranteed loss instead of Aesir Pass.
I hope Joel sees this and makes us lose Aesir Pass now. Clearly we're too retarded for anything other than 100% railroading.
Don't worry I'm sure everyone will pile in to aesir at the exact moment it's clearly a lost cause.
>-2.5% decay
Lmao. Joel definitely wants us to suffer for this move.
Punisher Plasma is the OP bot getter.
Have they released the commando yet?
This, simply because it can stagger so many enemies at once to where you won't get shot at. Despite it's slow TTK on devastators, it's still S-tier for bots and has great TTK on hulks too, not to mention that it isn't slowed down in the slightest by scout striders in the mix.
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>run off to bumfuck nowhere on your own to do whatever by yourself in the co-op game
>get overwhelmed by enemy spawns
so this.... is the power........ of technology............
not OP but it's pretty fun to use, I'd slightly increase the blast radius and make it able to two-headshot devvies

lmao no, as a PP main that would be insanely busted. Just a bit more damage to make devs a 4-shot kill and troopers a consistently 1-shot would be enough to solidify it as perfect in its role.
I legitimately had no idea scout striders were such a pain in the ass until I started trying other weapons besides the PP on bots.
No, and we probably won't get it now that we pissed off Joel by being retarded.
>Unfortunately almost entirely useless against devastators
Sure, but the AC is for that. Every other primary has huge drawbacks that don't really compensate
Dominator has a slow fire rate, short magazine and the bullets will often wiz pass the skelly frames of the automatons. Plasma can kill anything short of a hulk, and in fact kills striders faster than even the AC, but it doesn't have a lot reach, you can't fire it up close, is shit on zerkers and in foliage dense environments it fucks up a lot
I haven't tried the scorcher desu
>Also you can set bugs on fire from 100m and they'll die.
I heard people wanting to nerf that, and the only reason I don't agree it's because shriekers are one of the niggerest enemies in the game
Scorcher > plasma punisher
Yep, it's why I don't use non-explosive weapons on bots. Either the PP, Eruptor, crossbow, grenade pistol, or AC is on my loadout on all times, just one will do but good lord I'll really be annoyed if I don't have one.
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this the mf that runs off to speed run in left 4 dead and gets mad when the game purposefully spawns a hunter/charger combo to fuck with him
Funny thing is is everyone on aesir had gone to MarfUark instead it would probably be taken by down with the shitty 0.5 resistance. But of course this information isn't available in game tee hee.
Nah, doesn't stagger well enough and usually takes 2 shots to kill a trooper, not to mention the terrible ammo economy. Good for handling gunships if need be, the only primary that really can, but you should be taking a support weapon that can deal with them regardless.
AMR pops scout strider legs off in one shot, the LC isn't helpless against them and the HMG isn't too bad either. There are non-explosive options that work but they're pretty much exclusively support weapons.
Joel can go suck a dick
He wanted people to defend Aesir, then make MOs two days long and constantly update it, instead of just throwing one for a week and fucking off to screw with refresh rates
If the retard doesn't understand how gamers work he shouldn't be a GM
Knight has a larger capacity magazine with a higher rate of fire. Knight unironically invalidates the new lib carbine which is hilarious.
>Defender obsoletes liberator
>Knight obsoletes liberator carabine
Ehhh....no, not at all. It still doesn't get full resupplies, low mags from ammo boxes, and such low damage compared to its mag size that you'll run out so fast. Lib carbine lasts longer, at least.
I guess we're losing Aesir Pass now
1000000 HP liberation even with -0.5% decay rate likely wouldn't have been a won campaign since Meissa and Vega Bay were also under attack and attracting people away from it. Especially with how the Aesir Pass defense campaign was not a 24hr defense.
>20000 players on bugs
Liberator is actually solid now after the 50% extra damage it has over launch lib. It's essentially a sidegrade over the defender where you trade maximum potential damage output and one-handed operation for much burstier amounts of damage.

Knight not getting full ammo is an oversight and not intended, they literally just forgot about it when they fixed the primary ammo economy. The liberator damage difference doesn't matter either since it doesn't hit any extra breakpoints with the extra damage.
Yea, scorcher is S tier but not better. Most of its strength is being used friendly and low floor while plasma punisher, eruptor, and dominator are S tier with higher ceiling because of the true stagger on dev once you can get used to the handling of those weapons
Yes. And it also doesn't matter so long as Joel is in charge.
there's a few weapons they forgot about. The DCS for example only had 14 durable damage while the regular diligence has 32, and the poor Liberator penetrator is still sitting at 15 durable damage and didn't get an upgrade, meaning the other thing it had over the basic liberator is now almost meaningless.
>Knight not getting full ammo is an oversight and not intended, they literally just forgot about it
>the special gun only people who paid more money to the developers is completely forgotten about or otherwise ignored
If that isnt a perfect summary for the game as a whole, I dont know what is.
It can take out gunships, sure, but you are probably better off using whatever support weapon you take for that. Other than that, it's just feel like half the damage with twice the ammo capacity as the PPunisher, with no lobbing mechanic to get used to. I felt pretty underwhelmed with the Scorcher after grinding my way to it while using the PP.
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What does "info feed visibility" actually change? What is the info feed?
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>20k not giving a shit about joel's shitty DMing
based actually; and if he could he'd try to rail road them too like the gay narrative fag DM that he is, but he knows he'll eat shit for cratering the playerbase another 20k
Then again, the OG poster is the peak min max spreadsheet midwit because he assume the the explosion would have AP 0 and if he spend a good amount of time on the weapon, he would know that it's not AP 0 already.
timer and objs on the hud, dynamic is they appear sporadically when objs are completed/you're near them and static is how it was pre patch.
You know, outside of something like John Deere or Adobe, I am genuinely struggling to come up with a company that outright loathes and hates its paying customers more.
Thanks, one more thing, what does the compass angle range do?
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>14k players
>negative SEAF progression
It's like the stupidest thing i've ever seen in my life, every 30 fucking minutes with these swiggers.
Bioware and Blizzard
Also Guinness
Not now, but the Guinness family hated the Irish with a passion of a fiery red hand
I'm pretty sure scorcher has better single damage ttk than plasma punisher. However, I take the ability to stagger lock dev and even multi dev and not giving them a chance to fight back even if it takes like 1-2 extra sec to kill a dev. That is assuming you aren't getting multi kill on dev with the PP, which is fairly common in diff 9 when the enemy density is thick enough for PP to hit on multiple enemies at once
width of the compass iirc
That's a separate setting, actually.
>Even if its spread out across an entire planet, its still 14,000 people each armed with their own destructive space destroyer and air cover taking out bases and launching ICBMs at huge concentrations of enemies, etc.
>And this somehow counts for nothing
Thanks Joel. HD1 didn't even hit these numbers and here we are with more than that many divers on just one planet, and that still means.... nothing, apparently.
>24%/h on Aesir Pass
>o-oh wait, did that go too far? no wait why is it blatantly failing, +10% +10% +10% go on play the game go on go on you can 'win' now
god I hate Joel, graceless bullshit
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you gonna pretend joel wouldn't fuck with the decay ratios even more if they weren't playing bugs?
How much of the compass gets crammed into the compass bar. The narrower the range, the more it will spin as you rotate around. It's hard to explain, fuck with it and you'll see.
Light armor boosts all damage taken rather than having lower armor. I stopped using that shit a long time ago. Speed means little when bots have retarded accuracy at every range and bugs catch up to you anyway
You will defend X45 at the last minute whether you like it or not. I'm going bugs, fuck this shit
basically, when you are looking north do you want to see the marks for east and west in yoru compas too or do you just want to see.. say +/- 30 degrees to either side from north
Ahhhh, thank you, I see it now. Thanks.
>victory in 90m
I guess, I'll come back?
God this is bullshit
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I swear those swedes are giggling over shit like this
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>use plasma punisher on bots
>calm, focused, in control, feel capable to handle anything coming my way
>use literally anything else
>stressed, on the back foot, feel somewhat powerless, scattered and liable to being overwhelmed
I didn't realize how good having a weapon that staggers devs and berserkers, kills scout striders, 1HKO's troopers. and never runs out of ammo is until I started experimenting with other options but now I'll never go back.
if defenses operated the complete opposite of the way they do now, where a minority of players can be fully capable of delaying the enemy long enough for an automatic victory timer for SEAF relief forces to expire instead of racing a failure timer that needs disproportionate rates from full participation by between half and the entirety of a front all at once to do cleanly, we wouldn't be having this problem now would we
Will go down in a few minutes, he's been messing with it all day
>quarter of the playerbase is generating 0.4% lib/h on Vega
Sasuga, Joel. Hope you feel good about that one.
It's like I'm exploring a dungeon and run across an obvious trap, use detect trap, get a strong roll, and still fail to find a trap.
And then spring the trap and die when I take a step.
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Alright I can 100% CONFIRM mortar AI is fucked
This fucker is shooting 150 meters away with no issue
I haven't tested further, but I'm going to guess they have unlimited range now
No only that but mortars now require LOS if you have the ping upgrade whether you ping or not
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>Use your Karate Chop Action!
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>No only that but mortars now require LOS if you have the ping upgrade whether you ping or not
Hahahahahahaha an upgrade that actually makes your stuff worse. I guess I won't be unlocking it.
Imitating spergdivers meleeing a dead trooper
How many times do we need to have this conversation? Wait an hour or two

>mortars now require LOS if you have the ping upgrade whether you ping or not
Thuis was not my experience today while running with 3 other anons from here. They were getting shelled despite being on the other side of large rocks or fortifications.
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That was fun, cya next time.
its been inconsistent with me
But definitely way less consistent than before the update
Sometimes they shoot over walls, sometimes they don't, but they for sure have unlimited range if they have LOS on their target now
>But definitely way less consistent than before the update
Again, I have had a very different (perception of) experience. Maybe I was just being oblivious and taking it for granted; I can't be sure. Regardless, I'll keep an eye on it in the future and I'd suggest you be more open-minded as well.
>but they for sure have unlimited range if they have LOS on their target now
This is for sure something I am gonna try

I will point out that one facet may be that I was using the regular mortar and your webm is using the ems one. May be something there
Play like a retard, retarded shit happens. Who would have guessed with this community.
Good developers:
>Wow, you guys did such a good job with this MO that our guys managed to slam into the enemy from behind and carve a path all the way through, and command issued accolades to you all for going above and beyond
>pic related
KINO of the highest magnitude.
And I feel you on going on your personal off meta. I've been experimenting lately, and I feel like I'm too "locked in" as the new kids say nowadays to my personal favorites that I've practically been running since about a month in from the game's release.
There are some exceptions, of course.
This is pretty much the last time we get a defense bonus before this campaign on Aesir's Pass ends. If players don't play on Aesir Pass to close the wire now then they are fully allowing themselves to get gaped by the bots come tomorrow.
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>they are fully allowing themselves to get gaped by the bots come tomorrow.
oh no, the anti-tank mines will be delayed again, whatever shall we do?
I feel like this with the eruptor on bots as well. It's just super comfy to be able to CC devs so they can't aimpunch your reticle into the goddamn sky.
>we're losing now
Why do I play this game again?
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Are they gonna let us win this time? Is Joel gonna stop being a fucking shithead? Who knows!
It would honestly be funny if we lose even more unlocks because of the sheer retardation of the community.
I would use erupter if the chamber time wasn't so long, but they'll often start shooting back in between eruptor shots so that's why I use the PP. If they manage to clip you with a hit before you're able to hit them again, it'll knock your aim off and you'll be on the defensive again.
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Should I rewatch this movie, /hdg/? I don't really have much of it in my memory except this scene since I saw it as a tiny child. Will it hold up?
>even the captcha is wondering
I'll be interested what this means losing Aesir Pass when we've already got 2-3 planets around X-45 as a buffer zone.
>inb4 Vega Bay shits out billions of troopers to attack X-45 from nowhere when we've only recently liberated/lost it within 24 hours
Weird, dev never manage to start shooting back in between the chamber time for me. You actually have a huge window between each shot.
Aesir pass is lost, short of AH pulling a major asspull right now. We need 17% liberation an hour, and doing it at the very last second with eyes on it is going to raise eyebrows even further.
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>22k bugdivers
Inb4 simultaneous 10hr defense missions against X-45, Wasat, and Meissa
Also, to secure the precuous dildo factory, you now also have to be holding Aesir, Marfark, Matar, and Meissa by the end of the MO or no Anti-Tank Mines for you ;))))))))))
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cool lobby
I mean between each shot of eruptor stagger. The dev shouldn't be able to start shooting you before you shoot it again
>10hr defense missions
These exist? I thought all defenses were 24hr
The ones on vega and aesir were 20 and 16 hours.
>Players never budged from Vega Bay to defend Aesir Pass.
Alright Joel, you better make the punishment severe to prove a point to listen to the alerts otherwise people will just see these losses as a nothingburger and continue to ignore you.
Thats what i thought, too. But apparently anything goes, now.
I'm just memeing man. For the funniz. If I die, regardless of what the "Killed by" bit says, I take it as a personal skill issue.
I'll still get mad, of course. But deep down, I know it was me.
>Finally unlock Anti-Tank Mines
>It's literally just a Hellbomb with a proximity fuse
>"AH is so sorry, we forgot to make the proximity fuse not activate when a low-level enemy walks by, we'll fix in in the next patch!"
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plebbit things its a skill issue /hdg/ git gud scrubs
Post another lobby pls I wanna play with anons instead of randos right now but I don't want the pressure of being squad lead.
>Verification not required.
No it sucks
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Guess how I know your ship sucks.
That's pretty much true
Ragdoll isn't the problem. The insta death by impact after ragdoll is a problem though. It's crazy how that makes ballistic shield so bad now because the ragdoll causes the ballistic shield to crush you on your back after they did some stupid change to the riot shield. I've instant died at full ho from a bot grenade exploding like 5 m away.
what pressure? you just post the link and wait
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>""""""""""""""""recoilless"""""""""""""" rifle
That might be the one time death by impact has seemed accurate to me in weeks.
Well fuck that's disappointing.
you saved that picture from the other website. stop making the internet so fucking small.
This really feels like a D&D game where the party got through a fight in a way the GM didn't anticipate, so the GM threw a tantrum and forced a party death scenario.
Why is this game run by an autistic 17 year old?
But I have to pick the mision and shit and I'm druk as fuck right now.
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lmaoing @ ur lyf
no one expects you to do anything other than picking the mission on the map
I'm going to sleep
>suddenly random typos
No one believes you, post the lobby
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Relying on teammates is a crutch. Getting carried is not a strategem.
Go back.
>Verification not required.
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>lmaoing @ ur lyf
We're gonna start on bots this time because I currently lack critical thinking skills.
3/4 we lost a man
>gonna lose aesir pass
Man joel really is a faggot
you unlocked schizophrenia mode
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personally i don't like it because i feel like i need to run a certain amount of missions and inform everyone when i intend to quit the game and it stresses me out
and i need to wait long enough for people to check on new ship modules or equipment they've gotten or just allow piss breaks if it ends up being that extended
but i also can't wait too long or else people will leave and sometime it takes ages before a new person might join

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