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"'Stop crying about Radahn, nobody cares' He posted it again" edition

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

who keeps making these godawful marika pictures
Marika sex
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What spells does ERG like? For me? It's the frenzied flame spells
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SOTE is how open worlds should be designed and utilized if you want more "content" you should go play far cry or assassins creed
Heres your crow quills, bro
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Stop crying about Radahn, nobody cares
Every thread its the same arguments, over and over
If you had spent half the time you do, coping, bitching and ragebaiting in these threads, you would've started to get a grasp of his mechanics already.
Yes he attacks alot, and yes the pillars of light can be a bit much, but he doesn't have any undodgeable attacks, he doesn't have any oneshots, and literally everything he does is reactable. Stop crying about his cross-slash move what the fuck.
Everyone keeps constructing their little scenario, where Radahn does 20 second long combos without any opening, and then teleports away from them and takes forever getting back into the fight, etc etc.
This hasn't happened once in my 100's of fights against him. But if you try to argue with these people, they'll just refer to their made-up (or extremely unlikely, super-unlucky) experience with the fight, making any discussion useless.
Big blue hammer
>He made an OP out of it
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Sacred Vow and Flame Grant me strength. That's all you need.
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Oh so it does glow in the dark. Pretty/
This almost feels like an apology for how shit quill's WA was
Be careful with your words
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They weren't kidding, the golden hippo bloodstains are funny.
So now that the dust has settled, what is Destined Death? Why was this a power held exclusively by the Gloam Eyed Queen? If it was originally hers, then how did death work in the Lands Between before the Golden Order? Death wasn't sealed, but it was the possession of a single entity and shared only with their followers, instead of being a pervading element of the natural order.

Did the GEQ gain the power of Destined Death from someone/something? Were they favoured by some Outer God with that power? Was it just an inherent power they were born with? Or was it some kind of ancient sorcery they had mastered? Was it given to them by the Fingers?
I love how many bosses just have a mountain of bloodstains outside the fog gate from folks that cross and instantly die to the first attack
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>dual lgs running attacks on 300 ping
>light rolling with backhand blades / dryleaf arts
>bleed beast claws
>rakshasa katana crouch poke + running r1 spam
>cragblade pata rr1/rr2 spam
>niggers still using 2h cleanrot / shamshir but now with the havel set
>midra gs wa spam
>sleep bolts with shotgun bow (bonus points for sleep needle WA 2 shots)
>light rolling with bone bow
>swift slash (still)
>blind spot
>night claws
>halberd + off duel shield
>madness fists
>backstep talisman
>smithscript bhb r2 spam
>smithscript shield throw spam (still)
>red klan mask
>death knight twinaxes hardswap into l2 wakeup
I enjoyed the NPC battle royale.
>Even if that's the case it doesn't take away from the fact that I have a completed RL1 run already - you don't.
You don't though, tiche has a completed RL1 run.
You didn't do anything and you posted video evidence of it too.
You might as well have just used a password phantom and summoned someone who was actually skilled to do the same at that point.
Like really it's incredibly sad that you think this is somehow incredible stuff.
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Its the power to flashbang people and kill them with undodgeable 1shot attacks like Radahn
Insane that anyone has ever beat him ngl, seeing as he literally 1shots you and cant be dodged
bros got the npc build
I did too. It wasn't a super interesting fight gameplay wise but the presentation was A+
Holy shit you're still seething AND you still haven't posted anything you've done to discredit me. Success breeds jealousy.
Is meta 150 or 120
120 has almost no activity in the dlc so I wouldn't bother with it right now.
>Yeah bro here is my super skilled RL1 run where tiche solos the bosses for me im so fucking good at the game lmao
You just had tiche kill the bosses for you and you can see you doing nothing in your own videos.
>Yeah bro well fuck you I'm doing a new run that is no tiche and super fucking skilled with my antspur greatshield pokey combo
Yeah man that also is not hard to do at all you're just greatshield turtling.
>Yeah man well fuck you that screenshot was an old screenshot even though I said earlier that it was taken while I was fighting mohg and no I wont post any videos or webms now that I have been asked to prove that im not using antspur/shield because im not your slave (I'm using them but dont want to prove it)
Alright then
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I really really like Lucaria Academy spells

>A whole ass fucking system that starts from throwing pebble to throwing large pebbles to throwing more large pebbles at the same time to throwing huge ass pebbles
>Galaxies and stars and moon themed
>Even invented spells for the jocks to use with their metal sticks
>The world is full of fucking hobos
>Everyone dressess like they are fucking Mad Max
>Probably doesn't even wipe their ass or use soap
>Enter the Carian Knights
>Spotless bright blue garment
>Shining polished armor
>Fashions are always on fucking point

The royals are really built different
bunch of 300s too
Leda's fight was better than Radahn's TBQH
The meta is to have multiple characters within different matchmaking brackets so you can invade and do co-op at every point of the game.
homos, i guess

they want to convince you that yummy mummy marika looked, in fact, like an ugly pornstar past her prime

typical gay agenda and brainwashing

don't worry, they will end up in jars
If that's all it is, then you do it. We all know you won't, because you are not able to do it. People like you wouldn't even be able to reach Tiche in the game at level 1.
you say that as if you've posted some irrefutable proof of your skill. you've only shown us that you're a shitter
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I did it after 10 days bros...Radahn the faggot...you shall haunt me no longer
Where is your level 1 video? With or without summons? Oh, that's right. You have none. Must be because of how incredibly easy it is.
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>having tiche beat the game for you while you run away whenever the boss changes aggro and spamming ranged weapon arts on them
>refuses to post any gameplay of them using a normal build despite how l33t you are
what level should my first character be?
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it's no secret that this DLC pushed the very limits of what the classic souls gameplay can offer, with the ever increasing skill level of the playerbase fromsoftware keep pushing the difficulty further, with longer and more complex combos in addition to higher damage, and even then there are strategies that make the game way too easy (greatshields)
so the game ends up either too difficult or too easy, with no middle ground.
i have 2 propositions for the next souls game.
>remove the iframes from the dodges
even when the addition of the jumping mechanic and a high number of boss moves designed to be avoided using it, the players still stick to the good ol' reliable dodging through attacks with i-frames, which leads to the infamous meme about spamming circle and R1.
my solution is simple, remove the i-frames, the dodge will be an evasive maneuvre used to go away from attacks, and the jump will be used for the attacks that can't be dodged, now the player will be forced to diversify the gameplay since both options will have a use.
>add a stance mechanic like "for honor" ( see pic related) to blocking
greatshields are lame, they allow you to ignore the ennemies moveset by just holding L1, this is a problem because learning a moveset is what makes these games engaging, since the player can't do any complex multi input combos.
by adding a stance mechanic, even someone who blocks everything with a greatshield will have to actually learn the moveset by knowing in which direction each attack is coming from, and you can spice it up by having the boss change the direction of the attacks midcombo.
as for how many directions the player can block that's up to fromsoft and their team, but 3 directions already offer a lot of possibilities.

what do you think of these two ideas?
Just beat Messmer and it was by far the most satisfying rewarding and fun boss so far i enjoyed fighting him much more than Bayle who was quite disappointing and doesn't let you get on his face as much. More bosses like Messmer and less bosses like Bayle please.
It doesn't matter what you call it. The character is still level 1. The character has completed the game. You have not done so using those parameters, thus you are bound by jealousy and pettiness.
Malenia was pure dogshit and then they decided to do her like 5 times more.
For me it’s beast communion. I admire the simplicity in a sea of spells and incants that are over the top and flashy. Heal a little, remove a little status build up, scratch the ground really hard, throw a bunch of rocks at people, throw a really big rock at people.
Cool story bro, I tell you what I've got an SL1 guy and I can fast travel to mohgs arena right now and you can summon me and I can watch your super skilled gameplay. That way you don't need to do any recording.
Sound good?
Congrats, you beat the game.
good job cutie
Yay! Good job!
Good job!
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>More coomer OPs by offmodel amerimutt models
I came here to laugh at you since i notice you have been doing it for a few days now
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Frenzy spells are pure soul. Only bogged down by the fact that the madness status effect is pretty much useless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0f6W23Dezo&t=12s
I also like bloodflame and blackflame ones. Kinda mad that FTH gets all the cool shit as an INTfag.
It was kino. Everyone giving their speeches and talking to eachother, and Ansbach and Tholier coming through and being bros was a million times more interesting than dying Zanzibarts and item deacriptions.
I hope NPCs take a more active role in future From games.
Yeah I dunno about that but thanks for the superchat
nigger, go back to hgg2d and shitpost about pronant
>5 times more.
5 more times.
Marika and Ranni did nothing wrong
Where do I see this?
>my SL1 still counts if I didn't actually beat the game but I had a summon do it for me while I sat at the background because my guy is still SL1
Lmao, whatever helps you sleep at night.
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How did a gankfight end up having one of the best OST's theyve done in years?

Like, I felt nothing for these characters and we basically spend no time with them. Yet the OST is enough to make it feel fucking awesome and emotional at the same time, like the climax of some epic journey that is destined to come to a tragic end.

Music lads cooked much harder than they needed to, but I aint complaining. Bless em.
>The rot god? Nah.
>The finger god? Nah.
>Rennala's twin? Nah.
>The avatar of this world's version of the Erdtree we only use once? Nah.
>The dragon that went against Placidusax and survived? Nah.
>Two fuckers in a lion suit that we reused later on? GIVE THAT BITCH A CUTSCENE
this is reddit-tier logic
you could also summon a player at level 1, you didn't beat shit
I don't have anything to prove to you. We've been through this. You want to take that as some sort of victory so you can sit there and jerk off to your own terminally online self-righteousness, then go ahead.
People like you will _always_ try to shit on other people's accomplishments because you have none yourself.
I refunded the DLC and now I cannot play on my main character until I buy it again
It's because the normal brained people wait till a normal time but the tranny had to shove it into people's faces so he makes them early to spam
>11 days of attempts
>didn't resort to shields or ashes
holy based
you beat the game
At the top of Enir-Ilim before Radahn.
Going into boss rooms and watching the bloodstains is easily my favorite way to kill time. Hippo is basically the new hoarah loux and I love it. Watching people either fighting for their lives or trying to dodge only to suddenly fly several dozen feet into the air at Mach 5 is glorious.
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Where is your level 1 playthrough?
That's not how summoning works. At level 1 _at most_ you can summon a level 11 person.
>provide easy opportunity for you to display your self proposed skillful gameplay
>does not require you to do any recording or anything except just do your super skilled gameplay while I spectate
>bitch out and give horrible shit excuses as to why you can't and then come out with some more self soothing cope
Yeah I figured you'd say as much. Good luck with your antspur/greatshield pokey run.
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sounds more like Radahn was doing repeating thrusts on you
well done
>Verdigree armor

Should someone tell him?
This, so much this. What was Miyazaki thinking?
Using summons at SL1 is cringe.
>t. beat Malenia no roll
>I don't have anything to prove to you.
you've been attempting to justify your "RL1" playthrough for the last 30 minutes, you are desperately trying to prove something to us
>Still hasn't posted any of his own so-called achievements.
>Continues to spew bullshit and deflecting.
Figured you'd say as much.
fromtroon of the week award
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>hes STILL seething
Anon, its probably time to move on. I dont think this is healthy...
Oh shit I thought you guys were talking about some youtube video lol. I am retardo. But yeah that was dope.
For the fifth time; I am already doing a level 1 run without summons. If you can't keep up with the conversation, refrain from joining in.
a lot of those are from people who alt+f4 and their death only records after they turned their games back on
>yeah man I'm just going to be intentionally retarded and pretend I don't know about password summoning which I very obviously do because that would mean I acknowledge the valid point being made that I may as well have summoned another player to beat the boss for me since that is what I was doing with tiche
We know

kill yourself porn addict
Cool, post it later.
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>Marika did nothing wrong
Giving birth to Miquella is not a good thing.
And no threesome with Rennala and Rellana? Wrong!
>return to Elden Ring SOTE after immediately quitting at the Divine Tower just before the Leda fight when I found out the game wants me to face Miquella
>slurp Trina's cunny juice
>age of bee ending
I had no idea about password summoning bypassing any limits, but I doubt you'd believe that. It doesn't matter to me, though. You _still_ haven't posted any of your own accomplishments, which means that you're afraid of scrutiny and criticism from others.
My mohg is very much dead in my SL1 guys world. I've offered to come and spectate you so I can tell everybody about how you aren't a shitter.
You refuse to let me do so though, are you scared that I'll record the gameplay of you playing like shit or something?
Oh of course you are.
Keep coping though.
It's pretty obvious that they had planned more cutscenes and ran out of time. Lion got one just because it's both the first boss, and the boss featured most prominently in the marketing.
Radahn's cutscene is super scuffed and obviously as last minute as the rest of the fight.
>beat morgott
>go check his weapon
>"sweet I'll get the holy weapon creation thing that he uses!"
>shitty usable and shitty blood weapon
What’s the point of playing like this? If this is what gets you a dopamine hit while playing a FromSoft game, you are probably not Miyazaki’s intended audience. Go play something else.
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>tfw any discussion that doesnt fit the neatly-packed Vaati lore video narrative gets dismissed
whoever it is, he/she needs to be publicly hanged or sent to prison for this atrocious art
Dude. Jumping has iframes too, it just only applies to your lower body.
What weapons should I run on my dragon form boy? I want to have more utility than just maw spamming even though that gets the job done.
>flask of crimson tears +12
I often play without summons/spirits but never without levels or cool weapons. I don’t think I’d find a lv1 playthrough very fun honestly.
i know
I don't record videos of my SL1 guy watching tiche kill bosses for him.
I just do it myself.
You're welcome to summon my SL1 guy and fight mohg without your antspur/greatshield pokey build that you're using to demonstrate your incredible skill though as I've offered.
I'll even record it to show everybody how good you are to save you the time and effort.
Good offer no?
Thanks all, still high on adrenaline.
I was unironically shoving that Greatsword up his ass due to the height.
beast claws
If you land the Flowerstone Gavel WA against someone in water/rain can it make their lightning negation negative?
The main problem with removing eye frames is that it will cause people to dodge just away from the bos rather than the more fun and exhilarating rolling into the attack
>using these for radahn
>realize I get more damage from just pressing r1 than L2

It's good for big bosses though
why does it get to deal 3000 damage per hit but a greatsword does 900
In ER at least RL 1 is pretty flexible. There are so many stat boosting items that you can use a lot of different weapons.
I still wouldn't do it, but it's not as bad as it sounds.
Third time; I owe you nothing and will give you nothing. Any further replies from you will be ignored until you post some of your own accomplishments. Until then I will accept your concession.
The point is to do something different than just vastly outgear content and to see what I need to work on for certain boss fights. It's fun to isolate parts of the fight that can be overcome using affinities or magic types that I didn't know about, such as the Rellana fight where she's in water and in full plate armor, thus vulnerable to lightning damage (which is not listed in the wiki). It doesn't do anything beyond that, which is why I have multiple saves. Some to collect all the stuff in the game (also pointless, but it's fun), an old save to do achievements and try to get all endings, another to practice invasions at different brackets etc..
because it's a huge target. most enemies won't take every single projectile.
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Does Carian Slicer count as beated the game?
He's right, there is literally 0 coomer shit in elden ring yet coomers find a reason to turn it into one
Marika is literally a 3M lanklet.
Why are you so concerned about it?
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>reds running around 150 ish with 1200 HP
Lmao it's like it's opposite day.
Man reds are getting decimated out here. Did several dungeons with tongues active.
I just can't stop running taunter tongues. Shit is a lotta fun.
Also came across my first red who alt-f4'd in a 2v2.
Of course it counts, but people will still shit on you for using it.
>Level 165
>80 int
You didnt beat the game
>Is meta 150 or 120
Meta for what exactly? I thought these arbitrary character levels were for systems in older Fromsoft titles. Doesn't Elden Ring bypass all of this with down-scaling or up-scaling invaders/summons?
Nta but that sounds like a fun way to play. What are some cool underutilized mechanics you’ve discovered so far?
>there is literally 0 coomer shit in elden ring
unless you have a foot fetish
Am I the only who thinks that Remembrance looks like Miqqy with his legs spread and one arm up, like he's getting his bussy pounded?
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>never roll again


He needs to know if he beat the game which only I can decide
This. iframes don't exist because they make the game easier or because they're less effort to code. They exist because the play patterns they create are more fun and engaging for an action game.

You see a lot of why iframes are important for game design in something like Monster Hunter, where depriving certain weapons of them leads to a play pattern where you basically don't engage with the enemy's moveset at all, because the best way to dodge is to just not be where the boss is attacking, ever.
>Third time; I owe you nothing and will give you nothing. Any further replies from you will be ignored until you post some of your own accomplishments. Until then I will accept your concession.
So what you're really saying when you look past the obvious cope and lies as demonstrated by your own videos and the contrary evidence in previous threads is:
You can't beat him without using antspur/greatshield or tiche and you don't want me to be there to record you because you know you can't fight him without cheesing even though he's an incredibly easy and fair boss even at SL1.
I mean, I know this is the case already and you're never going to willingly expose yourself when you can keep lying otherwise. I just find it really cute when do it and think you're fooling anybody.
Getting the Carian Slicer isn’t enough. You have to defeat the Final Boss to beat the game. Have you done that?
>down-scaling or up-scaling invaders/summons?
That only applies to password summons and even then not everything gets scaled down from what I remember.
projectiles are limited it only takes ~2 hits to get max damage
the reason its dealing so much is that it has both melee hitboxes and ranged hit at the same time

its the same issue with a bunch of DLC weapons/skills, like lizard greatsword. You're hitting with scattershot melee attack for 1500 + bleed and scattershot ranged attack for 1500+ bleed at the same time and dealing 3000 + 2x bleed per hit
hell yeah boobies
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I don't think you "came here" from somewhere, you've been here all along, fag
I know he's associated with fire, but do you think he's waem to the touch or cold?
tumblrfag, please.
kinda want to get into hosting if im being real with you, as a long time invader. feels like the only way to "set the rules", especially if you want to get rid of password summons from ruining shit. think im just gonna start summoning 2 random yellows at the beginning of every legacy dungeon i go through. i will happily fight the invader + mobs if i have some backup of my own, or 1v1 them if it comes down to that.
Blood incantations are pure kino
Downscaling only works for password phantom summons. Invaders still need to abide by DeS-style matchmaking. It's a tacit admission by Fromsoft that downscaling is imbalanced and unfair for the people that are at the correct level, but won't stop them from forcing correct-level invaders from facing off against "downscaled" phantoms with triple their effective stats.
Are there any actual magic weapons in the DLC? Why is literally everything just a Str/Dex weapon with an int tax
Holy booba, honk honk awooga hubba hubba awooooooooo
It's been a while since I made new discoveries. My previous videos that I posted were from 1.07, which is a long time ago (October 2022). Back then I discovered that freezing pots interrupts certain attacks, but it turns out that people were already using that for Malenia, so I can't take credit for that.
Another thing was that enemies that use fire spells do less damage if you're out in the rain (about 10% less), which is cool.
If you roll in scarlet rot as you exit the pool of rot water you get a weaker version of it as opposed to if you had stayed in it, meaning you can let it tick for less damage and save potions and/or cleanses.
Your clothes retain stuff like poison and rot, which means that you more easily get those affinities on you unless you use soap or rest at a grace.. Just to name a few.
Because no one should ever have fun.
What it's a real question. Like he's fire so you'd think hot but also he's snake which get warmth from stuff around them or something I think, they're cold blooded I think that's what that means
Is it that dumb of a question?
In a perfect world with unlimited computational strength and ai learning, hitting the dodge button would create a unique animation to try and avoid the hitbox while still looking natural to the human body. Since we don’t have that, we get rollslop instead, where you get a dopamine hit dodging thru an attack that literally touches you but doesn’t deal damage. You are supposed to simulate the unique dodge for that attack in your mind. Your brain gets the same rush of wooshing through a bug sword swing.
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>skibidi 11
Because they're weapons, not books nerd.
>jumping is OP

i mean yeah we kinda already knew that from the jumping L1 meme.
I was arguing for ifranes yeah
I dont think that'd be good because that'd be lime way too inconsistent looking, it'd be hard to ever tell why you "failed" a dodge
Marika is canonically sexo THOUG
>seething homo meltdown hours
good entertainment, as always
I've loved the DLC so far, but I have to say I'm pretty disappointed to know that none of the new perfume weapons build up sleep; I feel that'd be perfect, paired with the new sword, fist, and talisman.
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Man, such a shame that the only viable dedicated INT spear we have in the game is some shoddy harpoon wielded by golems so badly maintained they regressed into mounds of clay, how am I supposed to LARP as a cool spear-wielding Carian knight with that thing?
Nope. Carian Sovereignty is all you get and you will fucking like it.
Damn I wish those types of mechanics were more integral to playing the game. It sucks you have to self impose restrictions to really feel the game’s mechanics. Even I play conservative but now I’m feeling robbed of some cool anxiety moments and problem solving.
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Cannot unsee
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That's basically what I'm doing. I summon 2 random yellows, often times they're not very good. And then I just keep progressing forward. If they hide behind enemies I will keep moving forward and fight them with the enemies. It's a lot of fun.
You die sometimes, but mostly win because you really have a pretty decent advantage.
I used to invade primarily, but now I added in taunter runs.
You also get to see a lot of interesting fashions people are running around with.
This gold was called "Soaring Moon". Magic user dressed up like an indian, and used the moon magic.
Also a magic teammate is disgustingly OP. We must've killed a dozen people as wel made our way through this map.
just magic infuse a partisan or something
>coop summon sign doesn't appear at bonfire where it used to appear
do you lose access to coop in some areas if you kill the boss or some shit?
Can't coop at castle front anymore and still wanted to check out the shit to the right of the bridge
You can also drop those rainbow stones down places you are unsure if you will survive jumping from. If the stone shatters, you will die. If it stays there, it's safe to jump.
Just play the game the way you want, man. It's primarily a single player experience. It is what you want it to be. Fuck all the haters and have fun.
It's beautiful, and great for pvp. And that is all it'll ever really be optimal for.
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Summoner of Tiche are you going to summon me to watch your fight or are you going to hide behind your greatshield and poke my patience with your antspur?
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>Sekiro tear doesn't work with Carian KS heavies
cringe. cringe I say!
why is messmer suffering, what's his problem?
renalla likes him right?
>carian spear with an ash of war to turn it to glint and throw it
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i don't understand what horned people is, why they have horns and all that jar stuff
Ooone wiener, next to another wiener (wiener, wiener wiener, wiener wiener)
Two wieners alongside yet another wiener (wiener, wiener wiener, wiener wiener)
Soft wieners, nice and soft, non-erect wieners (party, wiener party, wiener party, party party, wiener party, wiener wiener)
Five wieners in my face (keep them flopping, flopping wieners, floppy floppy, dangle wieners, dangle dangle)
>Sekiro tear doesn't work with Carian KS heavies
That was going to be my next build...
don't bother dude, that guy knows he's shit and he's coping
Depression runs deep.
believe it or not, there are other types of suffering than "tfw no gf"
I also want to watch.
Imagine giving a fuck about what other people think
Who drew that? That spear looks sexy as fuck.
death ritual spear
If you didn’t beat Battletoads without a savestate, then you have never beaten Elden Ring. You have to beat Battletoads first.
That's roughly what I'm doing, but it still doesn't have that slick silvery look most Carian weapons have
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>Furnace golem rushes into trash mobs to make shit as annoying as possible
>All spirit ashes are useless
>Try flame art and sacred to kill furnace golem, still no damage LOL
>Takes like 15 minutes to stagger, even spamming light attacks or charging heavy attacks
>Attack animations so slow that Torrent refuses to jump LMAO
>Game lags from 60 FPS to 30 FPS from effects or whatever the fuck which gives me more lag on my inputs
>When furnace golem falls down, the ground is too low for me to reach his face and perform a riposte
Why are furnace golems so fucking garbage and poorly designed? Why do my actions queue up? Why is there so much input delay?! WHY DOES THE GAME LAG?!?!?
They're just the civilization that had power before the Golden Order
horned people whip the shaman people and turn them into blobs to put them into jars.
apparently messmer is one of the shaman people so he burned them all
120 is funny. I have a 110 character i invade with in DLC, and i see significantly more level 100 hosts compared to 120/125.
I know which is what makes this all the more fun.
I would gladly record the spectacle on his behalf, however I do believe he is not of passing skill to summon me.
Will I get laughed at for using the jar head?
Laying down to sleep without hurting one of the snakes is hard
>Invading RL1 with Cold Backhand Blades + Blind Spot
Oh man this is vile.
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Bro? Your meds?
>how am I supposed to LARP as a cool spear-wielding Carian knight
By using the Carian Thrusting Shield.
>Start a new Vagabond
>Guy literally has sword and a shield
>Already didn't beat the game
>Uninstall and cry
The way /erg/ intended.
They used jars to turn Marika's mom and sisters into blobs of meat
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Bros will the PvP ever improve? Or is it fundamentally fucked?
will you not use it if the answer is yes?
Definitely. But you remember what happened in the movie Joker with Joaquin Phoenix when they laughed at him, right?
You didn't start the game
laughed at by who? those people in-game who can voice chat with you? the fuck are you scared of?
Yup, "let me solo her" and the reddit fandom did unimaginable damage to that piece of gear
Just like ChaseTheTroon singlehandedly ruined the scaled armor
I'm stuck on Rennala no roll (she won't stop summoning her spirits) I hate it.
He feels abandoned by his mother, he is a symbol of fear, only his Fire Knights know him and, as had happened in the past, his other men may rebel against him if they learn about the snakes. He also hates the fire within himself because it can harm the Erdtree.
who's this semen demen?
I'll still use it, I like it anyways.
just summon leda
>Start a new Vagabond
>Switch to secondary weapon
>It's a Halberd
>"Oh noes, you used a poke weapon with exceptional range, you didn't beat the game."
We already know how this goes.
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Do you even know the doctor's tax policy?
DLC attracted a lot of dudes who don't have a clue. I've had three co-invaders attack me now.
discus hurl spammer vs scattershot claw spammer
nanaya's torch spammer vs blind spot spammer
the actual state of 2024 pvp in elden ring
The pvp meta level is too low have fun two shotting each other retards. At 200 it’s a lot of fun but not very active. Also crow quills are Op.
It's fundamentaly fucked. At least invasions are, duels are probably fine but invasions are cooked, as the kids say
The Raya Lucaria bitch, not Messmer's girlfriend.
Kitagawa Marin
Don't jerk off to her, she's actually pure underneath her slutty exterior
What are the enemies in Enir ilim and that inquisitor Jori guy? Are those hornsent too? What's the difference between them and the npc literally called hornsent and those naked dudes in bonny village? Why they look different if they are both hornsent?
I beat the game but I had a coffee this morning. Did I beat the game?
Shard Spiral and Great Oracular Bubble.
PvP is fine. stop invading the open world you fucking mongoloid smooth brain faggot. the key is doing a lot of damage with whatever the fuck it is that you're using.

unironically watch someone like oroboro, even just for a little bit. just to see what he does. because he literally just does this with everything he uses. then it's just a matter of figuring out what the damage threshold is that makes something viable, and there are tons of ways to make almost anything do big dick damage in this.

>damage über alles
its been extremely fundamentally flawed for the entire series bro
>those people in-game who can voice chat with you?
The best Souls game did it
>why is messmer suffering, what's his problem?
He has been cursed with the Abyssal Serpent inside of him, much like how Malenia has been cursed with the Rot God inside of her.
>used buffs
There's the Frost Perfume, though it's DEX/INT, with slightly more INT than DEX scaling.
>she's actually pure underneath her slutty exterior
That's not what all of the NTR content would have me believe
>Password phantoms here to stay
>More and more people want co-op to function like Seamless Coop
>Covenants never got added to the game despite having obviously been planned at one point
>Flashy Weapon Art spam everywhere
Doubt it. At this point its best to hope some other developer picks up the torch for Souls invasions/pvp. The LotF devs may be able to deliver, if they get their shit together for the sequel.
what if you get laughed at, what will you do?
Shit OP
Shit boss
Clearly not as you didn't suffer from self-inflicted impairments like sleep deprivation, hunger, depression and inferior hardware like Mitsubishi intended.
I sketched it out on a whim, was really inspired by Rellana's helmet
There are actual Chinese polearms called Ji that can have somewhat similar crescent blades on their sides, though those aren't angled the same way and are more so used for chopping rather than as fancy looking quillons
What problems does the serpent cause him? Does it constantly rub against his prostate, but stops just before he is about to cum, leaving him in a state of perpetual arousal and frustration?
Did I beat the game if I used cheat engine to give myself 10 stacks of 14 healing flasks and maximum level?
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Finished the DLC
I honestly feel so SMART for going greatshield build (real) everygame since DS1 to ER
Miyazaki loves me, and creates the perfect experience tailored for me and other fellow shieldGODS! feels fucking good
>duels are probably fine
Not really
>Use something that the other player doesn't like because he has an internal set of rules that's you're supposed to know
>He takes the cancer and if he manages to kill you he throws shit pots, points down and teabags you
Yes if you didn't get banned
Is the abyssal serpent an outer God too? Is there any info on it at all?
Are the new finger spells any good?
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Yes, and it reminds him of what Marika used to do to him
first 2 years of DS3 invasions were kino, i can vouch for that at the very least.
What level is good for invading? 160ish right?
>filter every post with an image
holy shit this general just got a lot better
166 to reach 150-200.
>bucks when no bwc
Damn dude, you're really good. Very fancy and ornate but not too crazy. I'd kill to have that spear in the game.
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>want to talk about the actual game
>posts hidden because I posted a screenshot
I miss Dark Souls invasions.
All the invasion videos were better then too.
So soulless now.
someone help me
The only matchmaking in PvP is Japan vs outside of Japan. Aside from that it's P2P connections with third World shitholes and laggy retards from Texas connecting via Brazil to a German host, resulting in silly fights.
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What's the canon John Elden Ring armor set? Raging Wolf? It's kinda hard to get.
Which ds was your fave?
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i still continue to feel like the problem is that people take the PvP too seriously and it should not be taken seriously at all. flashy weapon art spam is fun, win or lose, if you stop taking it so fucking seriously like it's EVO or some shit. you can still win a fuckload as an invader in this. i've been invading at RL130 in the DLC legacy dungeons (near only no near/far) and i win probably 2 out of every 3 invasions.
Finally killed Miquella and Radahn. With Ansbach, Thiollier, a Mimic tear, Sacred Blacksteel Greatshield, Boiled Crab in Phase 1, Lord's Divine Fortification in Phase 2, Swapping to Impenetrable Thorns to deal bleed build up from a range while Mimic tear spams Scarlet Aeonia for rot and Thiollier builds up poison, and it still nearly killed me in the end.

Seriously, I destroyed Malenia. This? This was mind-melting. I feel like if I had sucked it up and did a Rebirth for ARC I could have cheesed it way easier with bleed or if I did buff autism to try and one shot with Ancient Lightning Strike. Either way I feel satisfied with this one kill with stupid amounts of planning, preparation and practice.
>inb4 you didn't beat the boss
Yup. And I still feel elated that it's dead. God bless.
Why is Marika so fucking hot bros? I wanna remain faithful to my wife Ranni.
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Speaking of, we all know Marika fucked her sons and stepsons or whatever the rest of them even are, but what about Ranni and Malenia? Forceful fingering? Making them obey and put their mouths to work? Freaky divine power sex?
Ranni is giving of serious vibes in this regard, no wonder shes misbehaving
Fingerprint, it's in the cover, duh.
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>Is the abyssal serpent an outer God too? Is there any info on it at all?
Maybe. Watch this video (correct one this time).
What do you mean difficult? Just do the Volcano Manor quest with Bernahl or whatever the fuck he's called. The moment you reach the capitol you're good to go.
Elden Ring Timeline
-the GW gives intelligence to beasts
-Metyr and the Elden Ring lands
-Placidusax's god(maybe a Rauh?) takes the Ring and Placidusax becomes Elden Lord
-Ancient Dragons rule the lands with Rauh and Uld as inhabitants
-Bayle attacks Placidusax and severely injures him
-Placidusax's god flees and Placidusax seals himself away
-various kingdoms emerge due to no God and Elden Lord to unify everything
-an astronomer has a vision of a rain of stars that comes true and births the study of Glintstone
-onyx lords land
-Marika is born
-Hornsent Jar Marika's village
-Marika somehow comes in contact with Metyr and is told to seek godhood and take control of the ancient artifact known as the Elden Ring
-Marika becomes a god and grows the Erdtree and creates the Erdtree kingdom
-The Erdtree Kingdom grows and peacefully mixes in with various other cultures for a period of time
>Age of the Erdtree
-Marika marries Godfrey and begins waging war for complete control of the Lands Between(and the scattered pieces of the Elden Ring)
-decides to just veil the center of the Lands Between because there's way too much sensitive shit there that she'd rather not even fuck with
-the warring finally ends with Maliketh defeating the GEQ and taking the rune of Death, completing her quest for the Elden Ring beginning the Golden Order
>Age of Abundance
-the Golden Order rules the Lands Between with Godfrey as it's Lord
-Erdtree is overflowing with blessings and everyone(that isn't a minority) is happy
-the land of shadows is still cut off from the rest of the world but they're just chilling
-Messmer and Melina are born
-Godwyn is born
-Radagon wars against Liurnia
-2nd Liurnia war ending with Radagon Marrying Rennala
-Rykard, Radahn, and Ranni born
-Godfrey defeats the Storm Lord
-Godfrey loses his grace and is banishes
-Godwyn defeats the ancient dragons
-Radagon is called back
Oh yeah, can't forget that they don't give summoning pools for furnace golems.
It's performance enhancing drugs, what did you expect? Ideally yous spend the w3ek before playing in one of those floating sensory tanjsto make sure its just you, since imo any outside influence can spoil a running even thinking too much
There's a difference between broken but fun and broken but aids.
full pic pls
why do invaders just kill themselves when they spawn at stormveil castle gate?
holy fucking SEXO
Which Bayle spell should I get?
>kill rykard before reaching the capital
What'd I do? I'm sorry
overdosing on flower wife nectar, while staying in the shadow realm for eternity! LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOO!
>More and more people want co-op to function like Seamless Coop
Aside from the invasions being opt in I definitely would love it if the game worked like Seamless coop. Being completely unable to do co-op in the open world because you're blocked from entering a cave you find or entering a legacy dungeon or any number of things like this is fucking SHIT. I want to be able to complete the game with someone without having to use a faggot mod which will severely limit how many people invade me.
Ranni and Malenia were strong independent women who chose their own partners.
For invasions?
The first, second was still quite fun but had a notable decline and then the third one just finished it off.
I miss being able to invade solo hosts and just dick around.
Can't put the literal dedicated polearm-using Carian knight ash of war onto it unfortunately
As if that thing wasn't crazy strong without Ice Spear already
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Yeah, after mommy had taught them how to be women
Maybe I'm a shitter but I feel like I lose so much and the fun experimentation phase is over now we're back to mega gankers, open world slop and boring arena rejects stacking everything they can to win, I have started severing out of open world stuff lately maybe I should start doing dungeon only stuff
The fact that this isnt a real spear in-game is going to live rent-free in my head forever now.

So fucking sexy. It could have been so good....
it's interesting to consider that white people are universally considered the most attractive of all races, and black people the least. even in the same race you have light skinned individuals being considered better than darker skinned ones. you see how korean girls are getting all of these surgeries to basically just look like knockoff white women, it's crazy.
touched by divinity vs not
>not taking Marika as your second wife
Marika snuck into their rooms and carefully undressed and fingered them until they were awake, if they resisted she stuffed a tit in their mouth.
any sort of competitive pvp will be taken seriously, regardless of whether it deserves to be or not
>no summon
>no great shield
you did it, you beat the game
Yeah, that's fair. Just kill Rennala and Godrick to get into the capitol. You only need two runes for entry.
Making unique models takes time, so From just used the character creation for some enemies. Character creation obviously has no horn option.
It's why a guy called literal Hornsent has no horns after you remove his mask.
good man. that's the key that changed everything around for me. you could also do near/far invasions and simply sever out and block anyone in the open world but i feel like that shit is tedious, and at least for the moment the activity is good enough for invading specific legacy dungeons over and over again. the difference between regularly having access to powerful mobs to help you and not having that is like night and day in terms of enjoyability.
Take comfort in knowing that LTT's cuck genes are effectively dead and gone because of his race mixing.
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Do any spells do good stance damage after the phalanx nerf?
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I'm sorry if I said something wrong, here you go 5PAD2-JF7VP-V7GR7
guys hello I asked which Baylee spell is better please reply
>no cheese build
Finally someone not mindbroken by radahn.
Good work.
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It's fucked
>not available for purchase in this country
the fuck is this
by "taken seriously" i mean along the lines of giving a shit about who is better than who, who is more skilled etc. anyone can spam L2 and win a lot if they make their build properly, and that's not even that hard, usually just 60 VIG and dump into your damage stat of choice, with leftovers going into END. maybe MND if you need more mana.
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True, real, lore accurate, and confirmed by ingame NPCs dialogue
Glintstone Nails unironically does very good stance damage.

The spell is still kinda shit due to its slow casting animation, wonky tracking and slow projectiles, but it does do good stance damage.
Do you think he's dying inside or did he completely drink his own Kool-Aid? Any sane person looks at that and sees how his wife and kids are all ugly as sin. I mean, he's not a particularly handsome guy but he definitely could have done better, especially with his money.
I bet Summoner of Tiche is desperately trying to improve his gameplay right now so he can post a video given he has ghosted my offer to spectate.
This is compelling evidence that telling people they didn't beat the game is effective at improving the average shitters gameplay.
The science is there.
So lore-wise, does partaking of the new ancient dragon hearts/forms mean that your dragon communion character is not fated to become a wyrm anymore? Though you're still fucked if you eat Bayle's heart.
Steam codes might not work between countries, where are you at? I'm in the US
I only invade where there are unskippable sub bosses like enir ilim to gank for them anywhere else is cbt/humiliation ritual/chasethebro/etc.
>not mindbroken
>wastes 10 days becasue he bought into retards spewing retarded shit
fucking lmao
>sir, Cerulean Coast, Abyssal Woods, and the Finger Ruins appear to need more work
>leave them empty
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it's completely over I'm starting to see night claws in 1/3 invasions
stupid ass weapon
Nah it'll only get worse.
You will use the meta cheese sweatfest build as an invader or you will have a bad time.
Next game probably won't even have invasions.
the funny thing is that the kids are actually given a leg up in the world because mixing any race with white makes them more attractive.
>Cerulean Coast
Bro?? All your spirit shitter upgrade materials??? Hello????
It's been a while, does burning the tree fuck with Ranni's quest any? Want to grab some shit from Faruum
get off it
yeah i realized it is no longer a obscure op weapon that it was earlier

i'll be moving to use the ansbach bow as soon as i either redo the whole dlc or get someone to mule it for me (thanks for the broken quest scripting miyazaki)
>parkour my way down from scadu altus and run along a wall to get an item in castle ensis
>Starlight shards
Least I stumbled into the catalyst sword
Now I wonder how I was supposed to get there
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Does burning the tree have any influence on the DLC story? heard people say yes, others said no, others said it was a bug now fixed. What is it?
You mean in gank squads they sound kind of shit for invading
Yeah he wasn't mindbroken.
Anon kept strong and improved himself to beat him unlike the other milksops who were broken and quietly whimpered their defeat whilst they consulted youtube for the meta cheesebuilds or desperately tried to the summon lottery until someone did it for him.
Anon earned his win.
Did you?
do you think anyone will mod this shit? how is the modding community in ER so far? it's just so fucking empty bros why did they do this?
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Thanks I'm trying to help people fight bosses and since I don't do any damage thanks to scudfrag shit I figured I might as well go for staggering
>a leg up
everyone hates halfbreed mutts
literally nothing you do in the base game matters in the dlc
Which NPC voted most like to step on your face? Sellen? Marika, maybe?
Melina was made out of paper mache all along?
No, the DLC has absolutely no relation to the main game. It's effectively an entirely different world. You go in, kill everybody and then leave unceremoniously.
How do I unlock the 5th talisman pouch
fire golems
>it's just so fucking empty bros why did they do this?
So you will better appreciate the moments when you do find something out in the world :)
Marika for me
i will cheese radahn and move on to my ever expanding backlog becasue i have to time to waste it on retarded garbage. Enjoy your fake sense of accomplishment that you played a videogame in retarded way retards on the internet told you to do fucking lmao.
Hey guys, hows it going ChaseTheTroon/OnlyWaifu/Lost here! Check out this C-C-C-CRAZY ash of war or bug or whatever I (read: reddit) found!
>Goes on to kill braindead coopers who are already dying to mobs
Thats insaaaaaaane!
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I wish there was a "Loretta's Shortbow" spell that worked like Lightning Arrow from DS3.
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Ajin was so fucking good
canada, but what even is it? not that it matters, somebody else has certainly grabbed it by now
Tender, moist and delicious Miquella (with smoky Ranch dip).
Steam friend code maybe so i can gift it? Again I'm really sorry
>I didn't earn my win
>I was mindbroken
I am so sorry to hear that.
Another for the heap.
Is it worth getting 25 faith to use Golden Vow on an Astrologer?
Or should I save 18 levels and just use the weaker Golden Vow skill on a Dagger.
there's a phantom using night claws every other invasion
as soon as you see that shit it's basically over
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would you rather be full asian or half asian half white, tho?
You're insane if you think Miyazaki actually helmed this project. I don't mean that in the sense that he's some golden goose that can do no wrong, but he's the CEO of the company who also largely helms its flagship productions and this DLC was very, very clearly neither the flagship production for Fromsoft these past two years, nor even a major priority for it.

They probably had some new, young designer helming the DLC that had a lot of exciting ideas they wanted to workshop. We got experimental open world-dungeon hybrids, we got stealth sections, we got a tonne of stuff relatively new to the formula that they were clearly using the DLC as a testbed for, but at the same time the actual combat design across the board is clearly a huge departure from the solid fundamentals of fromsoft action games.

Whoever was in charge knew how to design a playspace but didn't know how to make an enemy fun to fight and didn't know how to meld gameplay, art, environment and storytelling the way that fromsoft games usually do.

When the smoke has cleared people will look back on SotE's writing and compare it disfavourably to basegame Dark Souls 2
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only ranni's questline does
I always see the moon at all times now even in the dlc
See >>484937576
Outer Wilds
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My spellfu. Tho I still wish Ancient Dragon Lightning got it's own Carian Slicer/Catch Flame.
I havent used it in a while, but im fairly certain Rock Sling does / used to do pretty good stance damage too. Could also try that.

With that in mind, its possible the new 2-slot gravity spell does decent stance damage too seeing as its also Physical damage. Could be worth trying.
are you alright buddy? what are you even sorry for?
It's a shame the anime adaptation we got was CGshit.
does anyone know if after beating consort radahn talking again to St. Trina does anything?
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You did not beat the game if you used deflections.
Being unclear and like not knowing what I said wrong
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Radahn-bros, we got another!
>Age of Radagon
-Radagon becomes Elden Lord
-the Erdtree has dried up so they create Golden Order Fundamentalism to cope
Miquella and Malenia are born
-Marika sends Messmer to the Shadow Realm to kill two birds with one stone and get rid of both the abyssal serpent and the Hornsent
-Rellana chases after him
-Ranni steals a piece of DD does the Night of Black Knives
-Marika shatters the ring
-The Shattering begins
>The Shattering
-The roundtable is created
- many great tarnished warriors gather at the roundtable and aim to become elden lord
-the fingers create an order of assassins that kill tarnished that stray from the path of grace
-Rykard is eaten by the god devouring snake
-Mohg creates the bloody fingers
-Morgott becomes king of Leyndell
-Vyke eventually joins the roundtable and joins the ancient dragon cult of Leyndell
-Vyke gets to the forge of the giants and realizes that he'll have to burn his maiden causing him to seek the Frenzy Flame
-Vyke almost becoming the Lord of Frenzy spooks the 2 two fingers making them seal Leyndell from anyone they don't see as worthy and makes Morgott hate tarnished
-we come in
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He probably gay anon, look at how he ERP for most the thread, offmodel fag are also into futa dicks too, look at /d/ or /aco/ is for example.
>oh look! a thing! i finally found a thing!
>glass shard

Yea I'm noticing this, smithshield, thorns, basically all the ranged spammy shit is a phantom's best friend but not that great for the invader so they're going to get reputation as faggot weapons. At least sword of night is just good
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>No real knight sets in the game for fashion
I just want to make a DS3 type character.. The Vagabond set is OK, the Knight set is too bright.. The rest of the sets have the stupid crest on the chest. Anything else?
because I called you a tumblrfag? relax, dude
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>top left
Holy kek not even the filter could save her.
They are 100% going to nerf the poise damage and stagger duration on the shotgun attack
Look, I don't hate asians or even blacks, and I have a good amount of jungle fever, but even I wouldn't want to put halfbreed children into the world.
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How much time do you think Rya spends laying on a rock in the sun?
>find something
>its a cookbook
>a cookbook for a single item you will never use
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>retarded post
every time
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>I've run out of new lewd-but-not-nsfw Elden Ring pictures to post in this thread.
You sure know alot about the psychology of offmodelfags, futa dicks and where to find them, anon..?
Give up and just go for the greathelm and a tabard.
No idc about that
Do you think Rya would accept the fact that I like her but I'm only attracted to her human form?
Yeah, the greathelm looks OK. I think maybe I can use Blaidd's Armor (Altered) and lean on that for a semi-knight look.
she can lay on my rock for as long as she wants, anon. :3
Why not make some? Have Marika take Miquella under her arm and rub his gooch until he can't take it anymore.
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Good. Maybe the thread will start getting a little better.
Should I do Igon quest first?
Or Ymir quest.
Or exploring church district.
Seems like there are 3 ways I could go.
Str/Fai btw.
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>Frenzied Flame
>Messmer Flame
>Dragon Flame
>Flame Flame
How many kinds of flame does a game need?
Call me a pleb or casul, but I think deflections feel cooler than roll spam.
Just post old pictures then. Drown out the trannies and fujshitters with coom. You are doing God's work.
>searching for things in DLC
>oh look at hidden path
>wonder what will be hidden here
>lordsworn bolt x5
I feel rewarded and my time valued
is this the first usable / useful lightning spell in the game?
the first one since ds2 pre-nerf lightning spear?

>its basically just giantsflame but lightning
is true, but that's still god tier because giantsflame is god tier

god damn all the other lightning in this game sucks. At least honed bolt worked when it was chain castable from rock sling
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throw axes at people
Best staff for 40 int?
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I am going to find the Dungfucker in the Royal capital and instead of freeing him I will punch his stupid face
You're absolutely correct. Deflections and parries look great. Rolling seems retarded - especially if you think about it logically.
You forgot Giantsflame.

But yeah I liked it better when all the fire stuff was just Pyromancy.
I think rolling is retarded, next game should be about sidestepping
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>The one in the back just flat out disappeared
Igon leads you to an optional boss that's probably the hardest optional boss of the DLC
Ymir leads you to an optional boss that's pretty easy
Church district has two paths and will lead you either to Messmer or to an optional boss.
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>forgot glintflame, taker's flame, and godwyn flame
>calls the only person trying to keep this general above the filth that is the Miquella-fujos gay
shame on you, monkey
>low quality post
every time
Rock sling does stance damage but it's fairly low to the point where you'll virtually never stagger bigger bosses in a reasonable amount of time
Well, there is no logic. Logically, if you fought a house sized dragon or 5 story tall giant, you'd just die.
If Gaius, an albinauric, was allowed into the highest echelons of the GO and become friends to two demigods, why does the modern GO seethe about them so much?
Hours, especially when cuddling with her champion
My Carian Knight character started off with the Harpoon, then dropped it for the Carian Knight Sword because the Harpoon wasn't "knightly" enough, then picked the Harpoon back up after training in the Mountaintops and realizing that being "knightly" doesn't help you beat Ice Dragons and Fire Giants. He still prefers fighting with a sword for normal humanoid enemies though.
Damn, him calling you out as ESL really struck a nerve didnt it? What eyecolor are we talking here? T50's?
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Anime site
You'll need to get through the castle to Gaius to finish Ymir's quest, tho you don't need to beat him but you do need to find a gesture to open up a secret path.
I'd probably finish exploring the castle then do those 2 quests before Fighting Messmer. I killed Messmer first tho on my first playthrough.
But we do die. Over and over and over. It's basically just rolling the dice until we succeed.
It doesn't. The Cuckoo are the ones hunting Albinaurics, not the GO
He wasn't? He was a member of the Carien court, not the GO. They have no problem with the humunculi freaks. He is just another Loretta, but with a penis.
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I don't thing trying get other people off by pretending to be a woman is vary straight anon.
PvP has always been a badly-thought-out addon to what is essentially a single player game
Invaders are supposed to be just another obstacle in the world for the host to defeat, nothing can fix that fundamental imbalance
The cuckoo were just dicks to everyone ot was Gideon who was actively hunting them
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>hostnigger starts dumping his entire fp bar's worth of comets into me
Yeah, but the point stands.
Saying "tranime" is the fastest way to out yourself as a 2020+ newfag btw.
top weapon skill of any kind still remains unblockable blade on cipher pata and that's especially true for dlc

>30 poise damage and 300% damage on a super fast, fast recovery weapon art
>staggers bosses in 3 hits
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The ability to press a button and instantly delete the enemy attack while allowing for an instant counterattack completely overshadows everything else, as well as every single tool, parameter, buff, special skill and mechanic tied to blocking.
People will say that it's "just" 12 frames when that is the exact same window of Carian Retaliation and Golden Parry, except those are not universal or work on every attack, they don't come instantly but have start up frames and they have substanrial recovery, so every deflect apologist or anyone that wants this shit, let alone default and baked into the game and defends it by claiming that it's "just" 12 frames is clearly a secondary and a fake fan without the slightest understanding of how parry works in Souls games.
And you know why that is how Souls games parry works my dear secondary newfriend? It's because the series is choke full of telegraphed and slower attack balanced aroud the player slower recovery from actions.
We already have multiple skills based around blocking and countering, there's no need to put deflects into weapon blocking.
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>forgot rotfire and omenfire
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tranime website albiet
tranime game also
Why did H*rnigger do that
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Just bros being bros, bro
Would (You) get people off by pretending to be a woman?
I am crestfallen
Gideon isn't hunting Albinaurics, he's hunting the secret lift medallion that he knows they have. He sacks their village and chases THE ALBINAURIC WOMAN in search of it.
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How's this?
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You forgot Flame Lightning. I fucking wish we actually got some cool Flame Lightning incantations instead of a glorified Dragon Claw.
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>kill the phantoms
>it's just me and the host
>he tries to block with his cute medium shield ;^)
I always savor these special moments
kys dsgtroon
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>basegame Dark Souls 2
>The GO isn't hunting albinaurics
Explain Rykard
I mean mages in this game have like 6 good pvp spells and 4 of them are some variation of comet
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>see someone invade
>whack em 4 times with my sword
>guy disconnects after panic rolling down the stairs
Invaders always have the advantage you retard
helmet is too basic, for such an intricate armor
sad that the dlc finally rid us of noxfag and the void he left was immediately filled in by the same thing but with a different coat of paint
Rykard isn't working for the GO, anon. He literally burns the minor erdtree in gelmir down. He's doing the cardinal sin thing. He's called the fucking LORD OF BLASPHEMY for a reason
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What's the most disgusting blood build that a man make? I want to go full antagonist for my next run, eating Ranni's dung.
probably got in a work-related accident.
That's what I mean by the time the game starts he's the only one actively killing them.
sooo proud of you xister!!! you show that nasty redchud whos boss!!!
how do you even react to inpenetrable thorns spam in pvp
it ignores terrain and can't be cleanly dodged
>things that didn't happen
>Find Trina
>Become her Consort
>She entangles herself around the Tarnished's body forever, even across NG+
>Shoots out cute little magic bolts that sleep enemies
>Flavor dialogue at different HP %
>Opens up alternate ending where Tarnished puts the fellowship of the bussy to sleep
>Then puts Miquella to sleep before the rite and ascent to godhod
>Cue cutscene of him getting tossed on the Tarnished's back as he rides away with Trina still entangled around him back to the Haligtree
>Roll credits

DLC saved?
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Every /erg/ character is either some animu girl or pic related.
The helm works better with the gelmir set.
>red man has the advantage even doe the host can run indefinitely, summon infinite help, or simply refuse to advance the level until the red man comes out
Quit baiting.
that's a faith thing so I have no fucking idea. Remember anon if its cool and effective it cant possibly be a spell in this game.
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You feel manly dancing through flower fields and summoning exploding pink butterflies?
Girl game. Girl DLC. Cope.
I dont like spells. magic in these games fucking sucks.
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>Invaders always have the advantage you retard
I clapped. I will never complete another run of the DLC because I don't want my daughterwife to die.
I've literally forgotten what my first ER character was called
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Why did you guy said that Formless Mother is Evil?
You forgot to mention how red man can't even rely on larger enemies, since they'll damage him too.
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Yeah.. Are there any other options you can think of?
The Gelmir type armor has that stupid crest thing on the chest. It looks so insanely retarded and it's intended for jousting armor.
Baiting redfags into trying to break your guard when you have the sekiro tear is great.
I don't like giving my characters a fridge like body as it makes most armor sets too wide.
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post your current guy, r8 others
>start greatshield heavy armour run
>already incredibly bored
he's right in that 9 times out of 10 you're going to be invading pablogonzales2010 and his baby brother neither of whom understand what an invasion even is
[to the tune of Sin City by the Flying Burrito Brothers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCqxq6xqoXI ]

This old tower's filled with sin
It will swallow you in
If you've got some Rune Arcs to burn
Go up the stairs right away
You've got a Hippo to slay
But the Impaler is waiting his turn

This old Scadu's gonna leave me in the Storehouse
It seems like this whole tower's insane
On the thirty-first floor a heavy iron door
Won't keep out Messmer's burning flame

[Verse 2]
The Hornsent say
It'll all wash away
But we don't believe any more
'Cause we've got our recruits
In their black iron suits
So please put your sign at the door

This old Scadu's gonna leave me in the Storehouse
It seems like this whole tower's insane
On the thirty-first floor, a heavy iron door
Won't keep out Messmer's burning flame

[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 3]
A friend came around
Tried to clean up this town
His flame spam made some people mad
But he trusted his Knights
'Til the snek gave 'em a fright
And they lost the best friend they had

This old Scadu's gonna leave me in the Storehouse
It seems like this whole tower's insane
On the thirty-first floor, a summon sign at the door
Won't keep out Messmer's burning flame
>npc that you can’t get rid of talking in your ear
>somehow stays across NG+ cycles because waifufag brainrot reasons
Kill yourself.
>all that seething
dangerously based
>refuse to advance the level until the red man comes out
wait what? am I supossed to keep going to get buttfucked in the middle of a fight against 2 mobs and a red? I use the taunter's tongue I don't have 2 boyfriends killing everything for me
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Guess we're gonna have to lean on the basic bitch look.
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I will expand your axe wound, trannoid.
>noooo I have the whole area enemies on my side and constant player radar but I’m totally at a disadvantage in invasions guys hurrr durrr

Retard reds not even once
le edgy and uninspired, yes I saw the filename, but still
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i really wish i could have recorded that, funniest shit i've seen so far. only took a picture of the host jobbing to messmer's grab 5 seconds into his fight
Man I forgot how easy DS3 was...
Is there a single spear in the game where the strong attack is just a forwards stab?
No fancy bullshit like a double poke, no poking towards the sky for no reason, no swinging it like a sword, an actual, simple strong stab forward?
I'm still early in the game but it bothers me that the weapon that gives me the most reach is one of the two-handed swords instead of the pike simply because the strong attack is an actual simple forwards stab.

I just want to stab niggas, but every spear I find has wonky strong attacks.
I'm almost about to switch to rapiers because of this shit and rapiers are gay.
Yeah the helmet doesn't have many options, it usually looks weird
post yours faggot
you don't invade
I wish the older Fromsoft games had proper PC controls and a dedicated jump button. I get that it's made for console, but me having played Elden Ring just make me hate the limitations of the older games.
If this was me I would have simply won.
Man, the FP costs of these flashy weapon arts should be way higher. 20FP for Radahn's laser lightshow is ridiculous when the fucking Jellyfish summon costs 31.
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I like it with the Haligtree Surcoat
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Imagine losing to a dude 3v1. Reasonably speaking, invasions SHOULD be unwinnable for the invader. Imagine just how much an invader has to outskill your merry bunch of buttfuckers to win the invasion.
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What should I do with him?
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He looks like he robs people in the back alleys of london, 8/10, two points deducted for not doubling down on the highwayman drip by rocking the shadow militiaman chest.
>fighting 1v3 straight-up instead of running away to the mobs

your own fault.
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>t-t-theyre all SEETHING, thats right, they're not laughing at my newfag ass, they are SEETHING!
>invading in the first place
>Fire Knight weapons are fire and infusable
>Black Knights weapons are holy and infusable
>Carian Knight weapons are magic and not infusable
I like being a better dragonborn than skyrim's dragonborn.
Shame it's faith based cause all faith weapons are ugly.
What's the deal with the frenzied Inquisitors near Midra's Manse? Do you think they're just casualties in the Inquisitors' efforts to fuck with Midra or is the Inquisition secretly a bunch of Frenzy cultists disguising themselves as holy dudes to push Midra further towards frenzy?
Do you not want it then? I apologized but that doesn't feel like enough
why do you play souls games if not to waifu and lore fag? these games are easy with enough trial and error
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Oh no, the big manly man is going to twirl his skirt and spray perfume at me.
he also uses sword of night, rakshasa's great katana and dane's footwork. hope this comprehensive edge makes you seethe more
Anime website lil bro
I think deflections look disgusting against anything bigger than player-sized.
In Sekiro it's alright because it's supposed to be a weeb katana game, but applying that logic to Souls is disastrous.
One of the biggest things that makes every single Souls clone look like shit compared to the originals is the complete lack of sense of weight to the combat.
fucking bodied, get destroyed loser
thanks. Time to rush to get it.
The fact that this retard starts his 1v3 fight and uses his immortality period by fucking around in the menu with his helmet always cracks me up

Its like, how can you be so far up your own ego to the point where it sabotages your own gameplay. Fucking hilarious
you're seething holy fuck lol
Can someone tell me if I fucked up on Ansbach if I helped Hornsent in Leda's quest (when he got invaded I aided him and killed Leda's invader).
I just did Ansbach's part of the quest (talked to him, talked to Freyja, delivered Freyja's letter to him again), and he simply vanished.
There are no invasion/coop signs on his position.
Leda is also nowhere to be found.

Am I locked out of his scythe again or will he make an appearance in the team deathmatch later...?
Which gloves and boots are you using? It looks great. Maybe that's the best gear for my Sunbro.
it's called 4chan not 4chud
7/10, chest needs to be something beastlier. maybe blaidd's, if you need the poise still
why the fuck are you so upset, you asked me to r8??? Sorry?
I play to hit things with swords and hammers, same reason I play monster hunter. The real question is why the fuck would Trina magically stay with you in a new game cycle for any reason other than coomer shit.
That's a valid point. I don't really consider the big enemies when looking at combat, because most of the time you're technically fighting feet.
its actually 4cel
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I ended up getting it, but I have no idea why you did this in the first place

are you alright mentally, anon? this is 4chan, don't take things so seriously
how red is your face rn?
I did the same thing as you and Ansbach's summon sign appeared for me at the end of the DLC.
NTA, but looks like scaled
Elden Ring is anime doe
I keep the chest because it has a horn on the pauldron and bits of fur on the coat. Lets me lean into the cursed banished knight aesthetic I was aiming for. More than happy to take alternative suggestions though
>pressing L2
>red comes in front behind
>1.9k damage done to red without me even realizing he was here
Being Red. Not even once.
Being menulords is their whole persona. Without it they're just ordinary players, but the whole premise of their legitimacy as pvp streamers is that they're masters of some annoying skill the average player can't be fucked to engage with. If he saw the situation and just said "I need to use my window of oppourtunity here and now to gain the upper hand" then he wouldn't be showing off his super special menu skills, he'd just be doing what any competent invader does. If he can't profess to the zoomzooms to be special then he's nothing, and they'll shuffle off to go watch someone who is.
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Scaled. I used Scaled boots and gloves with a LOT of other armor because they look unoffensive and don't clash with most other metal, while having really high protection. They're great.
Thank you.
and then everyone clapped!!! so stunning and brave, xister!!!!
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Are you the same person who outed themselves as a tourist earlier and then instantly pulled out the "I was only pretending to be retarded" card?

If so, then thats fucking hilarious
When someone asks you for rate they're asking for compliments
That's the Kaiden set, right? I think it would be possible to make a great berserker look with some of the new bear pieces in the DLC.
No but the guy I summoned who used swiftslash pointed down on the red.
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If Placidusax was the Elden Lord of the Age of Dragons, then who was the Empyrean Goddess of the Ancient Dragons?
Remind me where the name of the site you're on comes from?
Because I was sorry, it's normal to make it up to someone when you're sorry
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I belive you bro, you've probably been here a real long time, longer than any of us.
It is. I haven't tried it cause I never found the bear stuff, but I did consider that. Unfortunately the built in fur cloak cannot be removed, so I'm not sure how well that will work.
Cause I like good romance in my adventure stories. What's the purpose of hitting things with a big metal stick if it isn't to protect someone or something, or come to a greater understanding about myself and the world I live in through acting out a heroic tale in real time?
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Pretty much what every le holy warrior wears now, but it still looks good
STR chad here, what weapons can I use in the DLC besides the GS you get at the start? i keep finding dex shit.
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would be taking this a lot more often if those damn beast claws weren't somber crap
>Pull out actual facts
Oh no, ohnonononononno
used bleed. you didnt beat the game.
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I mean berserkers are supposed to have that bear hide hanging over them. It's kinda the point. Or were you talking about something other than that?
you don't even know who I am. maybe I'm not even the anon who originally called you a tumblrfag
>Pretty much what every le holy warrior wears now
who cares? it's a singleplayer game
no one is playing the game anymore
400k active players but if I invade its 90% taunters
>What's the purpose of hitting things with a big metal stick
Loot, the thrill of combat, discovering whatever cool shit was behind the thing you hit with a stick.
>watching a squad pve, waiting for my moment to strike
>one phantom is just spamming charged L2s with black flame tornado
>one time the do their L2, no flame comes out
>think they must be out of FP and pick my moment, break cover and charge at them while they're stuck in the animation
>loljk it was just lag, run straight into delayed fire tornado hitbox
>rest of the squad notices and immediate retargets to me
>rot breath comes pouring in, double colossal jump L2 lands while I'm still stuck in the tornado stagger
>tornado stagger is inescapable so even with two other players wailing on me I can't roll out and just remain trapped and stunned for another several hits and then die
Probably my worst invasion ever. I've had ganks at Rykard's fog and patches' tunnel where I was able to do more before dying
M'lady, Great Katana, there are also a lot of weapons with fth tax.
>Get invaded
>No sign of invader
>Progress through area
>Hunter joins and almost instantly dies
>Continue through the area
>Randomly die, nearby the invader is repeatedly hitting a door frame, his red glow barely visible
Ah yes, the great Soulsbornekiroring PVP that we all love.
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>try invading in different level brackets
>137, designed to "catch 125", barely even witnesses any of them because they don't fucking exist outside reddit pvp subs, you just invade 140-160 most of the time
>120 mostly invades sub-120, like 110, 110 mostly invades 100 and not 120 too
>how to out yourself as the biggest election-tourist
i heard the martial arts fists are good on STR builds
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7/10 not a huge fan of all back edge
8/10 bretty good
>What's the purpose of hitting things with a big metal stick if it isn't to protect someone or something, or come to a greater understanding about myself and the world I live in through acting out a heroic tale in real time?
To proclaim dominance over all within your domain. Also because it’s fun to hit things with a big metal stick. I don’t need to be the hero of the story, I just need a big stick and something that I can hit without any moral conundrums.
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Here (You) go big boy
I'm getting nonstop invasions at RL1.
Because tauntcels have the highest priority in this dogshit system
Can someone please post a meta loadout or a super OP weapon or a easily missed (99% of players) catacomb
I mean that from what I saw the bear head looks best when draped over the shoulders. If you put it on the Kaiden Set it will probably be tucked under the white fur cloak that's built into the chest.
I think it looks fantastic over the altered (no cape) Messmer Soldier Chest. That raw chainmail looks very vikingy.
I can buy the game again then like if that happens, I just don't know what I said wrong with the question
the election was 8 years ago holy fuck shut up already
fucking millennials
any way to fix it or is it fucked?
Is there a way to tell at what point coop becomes available again?
>Black Knights hammer
>Haligtree Crestshield
Post build
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But why are the men turning into flies?
God damn that's clean lookin'.
so proud of you, xisters!!! keep being stunning and brave!!! show that nasty anime hater whos boss!!!
must be weird looking at your kids that look nothing like you.
It was literally just a contrivance to recycle the fly-men from AoA
>I just don't know what I said wrong with the question
are you a fujo?
>adding that awful joker smile surgery mentally ill women are getting these days.
who ever made this art and OP needs to be tortured to death.
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>the election was 8 years ago
Do you say 8 years ago as in it was a long time ago, or it was kinda recent, in terms of oldfaggotry?
>joker smile surgery
The what?
An affliction within an affliction. The crucible is too powerful for men.
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The weird stats are because I'm going for max level and wanted to try everything out
>all the seething anime troons btfo
Based lad
Summons exist tk beat the boss, once the boss is dead they shut off, can't you just like explore on your own?
Why would you ask that and why is that a question to that?
the flow of time is convoluted in lord- err I mean drang- err I mean lothr- err I mean the lands between
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Can confirm it gets tucked. Imo pelt of Ralva looks best with a lightly armored or all cloth aesthetic.
Bleed chicken leg if you want to throw on some ARC.
Lamenting Visage (a torch with A scaling lol).
Bear Claws, pretty sure they're strength.
Devonias Hammer (requires some faith)
Smithscript Hammer. Pretty fun but requires 11 int/fai
Putrescent Cleaver. Small arc tax.
Freyjas GS. Never tried this before, it buffs redmane ashes of war put onto it.
Sword Lance. The new BEST Heavy Thrusting Sword. This thing fucking rocks I love it. If you want to be ultra cheese though you can bleed infuse it and it will have as much bleed as an ultra.
Carian Thrusting Shield. Int tax, pretty sure it goes best as heavy though.
idk what's worse, the election being that long ago or this guy admitting he's a newfag
Because they were a subject of a targeted genocide, likely from hornsent. There's a clue that the ones who took care of them never got sick themselves.
It's just another detail to the portrayal of hornsents and their fucked up culture.
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holy fucking damagecontroll, JEJ, ZOZZLE even!
Try it with the Rotten Gravekeeper Cloak (Altered).
its like a weird cargo cult style phenomenon that appears in competitive games without MMR or a similar ranking system. since there is no way to determine who is actually good at the game, it is inevitable for autists that spend 12 hours a day playing the game to assume control of the narrative. inevitably their autistic counterproductive behavior, like trying to increase their damage by 0.5% by hard swapping mid fight, gets mixed up with everything else and is assumed to be "good player" behavior.

i've encountered it in some other games as well, such as dead by daylight
The ailing village has a few dudes walking around casting blood spells in support of the fly-men. Maybe Mohg's boys are behind the spread of the fly disease.
>Why would you ask that and why is that a question to that?
fujos really like messmer, apparently
Gave the one I had to a friend so I have to trundle through the snowfields to get a new one. Been putting it off because I’m lazy and despise all things cold and snow related even in vidya.
>can get a 1000+ AR Carian Thrusting Shield with a 54/80 STR/INT build
Maybe I'll try making a level 200 mage for this.
I've been having a great time with my Heavy Great Katana.
>can't you just like explore on your own?
nah playing with girlfriend & we come from seamless so we just do everything together
40 STR/40 INT for cold infused spiked caestus?
Sure that's fun. But eventually it becomes stale. There's a reason why the culmination of the pillaging and killing of Soulsborne games very rarely leads to anything resembling a happy ending. We must ascend past murderhobo.
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the shadow militiamen headpiece is my favorite in the game, i used it on my first playthrough. 9/10

starting my 2nd playthrough of the DLC right now on NG+ with a beast claw build. i've always used colossal/big weapons and this is my first time using a short range weapon, this should be fun
I haven't gotten to the DLC on the save I have the armor on.. Guess we'll have to find out later :D
why do 90% of characters in this game look like corpses / zombies?
Its decent and im surprised how good Blaidds armor looks, but the Helmet is like 500 years less advanced so I dont feel like it matches.
But maybe thats just knitpicking.
how hard was rolling sparks nerfed?
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first souls game by any chance?
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I meant why would you ask that as a thing to the thing you replied to? How does that change what I asked, which I still haven't gotten an answer to
That's sweet, but yeah I think you might not be able to. You could try using a password on the multiplayer section in settings with her and seeing if that works?
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Curved GS ash of war:

Lion's claw
Royal knight's resolve>jump R2

for highest damage+stagger in pve?
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Is there a way to cover Rellana's chestpiece boobplate for a male character?
It looks so fucking good but i'm not playing a type 2
Golden Order = Byzantine Empire
Leyendell = Contantinople
Godfrey = Basil II/Heracleus
Rot/death blight = plagues, and in paryicular the black death
Frenzied Flame = Roman interpretation of Persoan Zoroastrianism
Formless mother = Islam
Godwyn = Constantine the Great
Miquella = John VIII
Morgot = Constantine XI
Ranni = secularism
Godrick = various cruel inept wasteful retards
Smithscript shield allows STR builds to outspam any mage.
Into the dirt.
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>all that seething
tranime won i guess
>Carian slicer only deals 100 more damage than just poking
I really thought this was gonna be a good combo. How do I use this thing?
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Elden Ring is animated and made by nips therefore anime
also full of waifus and all the bosses do anime moves
Just use a different chest piece
imagine being named Basil lmao
what's his brother's name? Oregano?
Has there been any smut of Metyr already?
Savage Lion's Claw.
You wait for them to decrease the delay between swinging and casting.
Should only be a good year or two.
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The slicer is best used to break through shield cunts.
This DLC is for girls. Sorry the pink butterflies and perfume didn't tip you off.
You boys can still, like, build houses and die in wars and stuff.
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That combo fucks rollspam in pvp tho
no im just wondering what the lore reason is
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This is like, the worst imaginable game to be a pvpfag. Why would I fight other people in this unbalanced laggy p2p piece of shit?
good morning erg!
Marika removed the thing that allowed people to die but they still can decay like normal
>add enemies that do 360 aoe attacks everywhere
>they can hit invaders
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I've forgotten what your original question was at this point

so you can think you're good at something for once
Are there any saves on nexus that JUST have Radahn and Mohg dead and I missed them, or am I just gonna have to cheat every time I want to do a playthrough with DLC gear?
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So does this guy serve Mohg or something? Why is he "knight of blood"?
His whip's description says it has flower petals, too.
Mensisters........ Girlchads are maling fun of us.....
The rune of death was sealed away which stops people from dying, hence they just grow old and emaciated, eventually looking like corpses and going insane
oh some lovely combos here, 9/10
What? I woke up hours ago
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Beat and rape!
>nanaya's torch still procs madness on people nearly instantly
>the madness animation applied by nanaya's torch in pvp isn't interrupted when you get hit, allowing you to deal 2+ attacks to someone before they can roll

the old "lose 20% of your max hp and then eat a 2 hit true combo from a greatsword" that ignores roll iframes
Good morning.
Bend over.
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Erm oldfagchuddie? I though you had authority?
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>How do I use this thing?
Guard Counter them Spam Gavel until poise break then crit.
>That's sweet, but yeah I think you might not be able to. You could try using a password on the multiplayer section in settings with her and seeing if that works?
yeah that works fine at other graces but not that one
let's hope it's a small section, I was just confused because I thought it connected to a lot of shit through there
Did someone find a fix for all the FPS issues in the DLC?

I mean I played the entire base game, multiple times, on 60 FPS and never had it drop. The DLC is giving me like 45 in most areas, it's really triggering me. Think I'm just gonna wait for the performance patch if I can't fix this.
It doesn't have a guard counter!
>also full of waifus
you know that they are not meant to be waifus?
it's just fans latching onto anything vaguely resembling a breedable creature

VAGUELY being a key word
m-AI-rgitt, and Slohpg
Sometimes I just get so sad bros. I wish Miquella would charm me under his spell. At least then maybe I could be happy.
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Redcel moment
Do you think that Messmer is hot to the touch or cold to the touch? He's like fire so that could be warm but he's also like snakes which are cold blooded and need warmth from other things, like you, and also it might fit the cold hands brooding aesthetic better if he's colder
I'm not sure
If you were doing seamless Co op before, why not doing that now? Just curious
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Backhand blades get nanayas torch.
hope you die, sodomite
who cares
giant boobs
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No it isn't the game is literally full of cute girls. Most modern AAA games have none
you don't, the weapon is ass garbage
on haligtree knight
(shard of alex+claw talisman+two handed talisman)
savage lion claw: 870+1050 for a total of 1900ish damage in 2 hits
lion's claw: 1100 damage
royal knight's resolve>jumping R2: 1300 damage

I think I'll stick with royal knight's resolve
everyone in this webm is evil but the backhander is evilest so it's deserved
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its still real to me damnit
based spellblade but you need a wizard hat
God, that Mohg looks fucking amazing.
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Ranni is a literal waifu depending on your choices.
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>literally full of cute girls
Best girl reporting in.
We will all die, friend
Careful now newfriend, you saw what happened to the last retard
Id just do Impaling Thrust into mashing Gavel then.
This DLC made me sad. I literally cannot end the game as a Miquella and Trinafag... probably biggest disappointment of my lifetime.

At least I can slurp Trina's cunny juice while sleeping in a field of flowers forever
Thanks for the responses guys. Also, fth/arc/int taxes are fine (hero class so probably more fth/arc than int tbhwy.).

any of these viable in invasions too? just need to be able to do high enough damage to blow up hosts consistently. i'm looking for options for weapons and associated AoWs.
a surgery that lifts the corners of the mouth permanently. you can't unsee it once you notice one thats done well.
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i havent found any cool looking gear yet
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>why not doing that now?
isn't it broken?
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Stupid sexy Morgott.
My little princess.
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>Ranni cute blue doll girl with 4 arms seven vajanyas also LITERAL waifu
>Sellen cute witch girl who wants to train you
>Renalla cute tall girl
>Roderika cute blonde who is arguably the best girl for noobs because she makes them spirit buffs
>Rya CUTE tfw no hug option
>millicent the typical depressing story waifu which we cant save
>Malenia TALL waifu
>Miquella Fag Waifu
I'll put my needle in her
fujos are obsessed with messmer, you're asking a weird thing about messmer. do the math
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Trina dies after total Miqqer death. Go check on her tylenol cave if you don't believe me.
bros, why am i horny for Marika?
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Still working on my lvl 166 pyro. Unfortunately i don't think i will be able to use messmer's spear.
Tits too big
I like all of them. Except maybe Rennala, who has freaky bizarre proportions and a tiny head.
hire fans
How does the new gravity corkscrew WA work? Does it have its own scaling like a bullet WA, or should I just put it on the biggest, highest-AR beatstick that I have for maximum damage?
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Why wouldn't you be?
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there's like a dozen fuckin waifus
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>not meant to be waifus
Imagine saying that unironically when this is the same company that made and put out pic-related.

Souls games are waifu games. Always have been, always will be.
>canonically tall blonde waifu with a pretty good body
>in /erg/ thread sexy mom waifu with nice tits and ass
Either are pretty normal.
Oh no clue sorry I guess I should probably not comment on things I don't know about, sorry
How is it weird? I think thats a normal wuestion, its about how he would feel
Also technically it's not necessarily that unless it's one of the yaoi pictures, most pictures saved aren't that
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Refer to: >>484922783
There should be a stake of marika outside every boss door.
We're not dark souls 1 anymore.
>St. Trina
>It's not actually full of waifus it's just porn of the cursed male demons
That's why I can't end the game :c
her face kind of looks like a noh mask
Smithscript shield is a must have in any STR invader build.
It's cheap and light and great for harassing please from a safe distance.
Every boss door in this game has either a Stake or Grace next to it, the fuck are you on about?
>seven vajanyas
Impossible. That would make her even more powerful than Quattro Bajeena.
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oh shit you're right
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It's what St. Trina wants. Kill the dumb twink.
My wives Marika and Ranni
So this is the shitposting thread right? I mean OP is a pajeet spamming AI shit
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Is canon marika body achievable natty or do you need to genocide hornsent?
>Smithscript shield for STR
>Claws of Night for DEX
Who won more?
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>get invaded
>red starts lagging and presses L2 with Drillsword
>teammate hits him for a 1.3k with Flowerstone Gavel Lightning Bolt
>red panics and presses L2 again
>finished off with a Gavel Lightning Bolt
Fuck this weapon is pretty annoying. It does crazy fucking damage, I know the guy was standing in water, but still... What a nightmare that would be to go up against 2 people while 1 sits back and spams that shit.
If it wasn't for the arm band, I could have mistaken Marika for Fia.
They look a little too alike.
Tits too small
Thats literally me during cutting & cardio season, minus the tits ofcourse
So no, not achievable natty for a biological woman lmao
I get the distinct feeling that the entire DLC was balanced around the Sekiro tear and nothing more
erg is the containment thread, fsg (formerly dsg) is where actual discussion happens
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unga bunga strength woman i beat the dlc with for the first time, all the bosses were expectedly easy
>fire coil
underrated and based
>do you think anyone will mod this shit?

The two major mods for Elden Ring are Convergence and Reforged. Convergence will probably add some questionable shit but if you're playing Convergence you're already in it for the power fantasy. Reforged is basically Vanilla+, but they have added field bosses in the past and a good amount of new weapons, so they'll probably fill those areas out in a couple years.
Still seething because I said you have T50 eyes the other day?
She grew nearly three meters tall. There's nothing natty about ascending to godhood.
All women will be at least this big after I become Elden Lord.
Did I stutter?
>one of the best faith consumables can be farmed so fucking easily
Man that is busted in PVP and PVE
You have a breeder's hips anon
>tumblr filename

Dumb trannyfgt
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You consistently manage to be the least entertaining invader ever posting in these threads. Is this the best you can do?
is it worth trying to parry as a summon? i heard the distinct ping sound when i deflected malenia earlier but i still took damage
Yes, I hate it, and its why I compensate by gymceling
predicting that somebody will call you retarded doesn't actually diminish your retardation
>snek and gamer posture
>dead and rotted
>dead/made of clay
>dead and rotted
>dead and burnt/wants you dead
>decided to bur with dad
Such a selection
Be happy they are underrated at the moment. Shit is fucking annoying to deal with. Combined with Fire Snake? You force people to play 2hu.
What is the best farming routine? Camp near the Fort of Reprimand?
>filename showing youre using the app instead of the website
>backhand blade
>blind spot
yup, it's trooning time
post figure
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>"HORNSENT could be here" he thought
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Keep doing what do you Poopa you're by far the best OC creator in this shithole
>dead is a negative
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Yeah still too big
Midra was a simp lmao.
I would smoke St. Trina’s wonderful dream sauce. To drift off into a peaceful sleep with good dreams whenever I want? That would be the best drug ever.
That also means she wants to kill herself. I want to save them both.
>Backhand blades

You are getting BLOCKED faggot. You are banned from my matchmaking and worlds, eat shit.
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corhyn is such a chipper guy
I dont care about that, I do too, I'm mad that you use thw app, the app is awful and I hate people who use apps when websites exist because it encourages places to try and break their mobile websites to make people use the app
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Not sure if it's the best but near Dryleaf Dane. That little encampment and on the road. You can find 7 in and around that spot. The immediately run back to grace. Real fast, best I've found at least.
it's not gay if it is rule 63
The site's been slow as fuck for months
Not big enough. What am I supposed to do with those mosquito bites?
His ingame model really has that chud frown it's really fucking funny
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Semi-related question: have you ever played Undertale? With the full pacifist ending?
Someone pointed out really funny that it would make more sense for her to have lean since she literally like has purple nectar that makes you sleep
That's part of the experience
Oh neat.
I have to say, the consumable design in DLC is fucking brilliant. I just wish spamming the remote detonating bombs in Rauh was simpler.
>type b character
I did.
>nooo how dare you use two normal-ass swords to kill meeee you should be spamming flashy WAs with 20 minute animations aaaaaaa
Then this is just Asriel all over again. You can’t save kind Miquella. You need to let him go.
I'll rot in the Shadow Realm looking for a solution like Fortissax except my love is so great I remain incorruptible.

DLC is never being completed until From patches an acceptable alternate ending/FB.
How playable are the older souls games with kb+m? Elden Ring is the first one I've played on PC and it works fine with a gaming mouse.
In theory it would work for 1-3 too but I heard you need a controller anyway since they don't let you freely keybind shit and jump attacks are basically impossible.
Actual thread
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retarded nigger lmao
>including Sellen as dead when you can just not tell her the locations of Lusat and Azur to stop her death.
Coop summons can't parry bosses iirc
got it, gonna go find that weapon now lol.
buy a controller you cheap nigger

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