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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

I noticed the game performs significantly worse since the DLC released. Not even the DLC areas specifically. I used to be able to OBS record in the base game but now just having OBS on dunks my framerate and recordings come out as slideshows.
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Using the talisman and chest piece that improves jumping attacks I realized doesn't do much, since the main benefit of jumping attacks is the poise, not thw damage
I don't get how he stayed alive for that long after having a sword pierce his head.
Phineas gage
What is Trina’s sleep drug made out of?
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How playable are the souls games with kb+m? Elden Ring is the first one I've played on PC and it works fine with a gaming mouse.
In theory it should work for 1-3 too but I heard you need a controller anyway since they don't let you freely keybind shit and jump attacks are basically impossible
Kek how the fuck did fromsoft ever think Projectiles doing as much damage as melee hits without taking time to charge would be okay? Do they even have people who balance this joke of a game
>infinite range
>stupid damage
>absurd bleed buildup
Has anyone else messed with the deflecting hardtear flask? I slapped it on for my NG+3 run and it has made the game genuinely good. It feels like the bosses and enemies were specifically designed with this kind of gameplay in mind, but it was cut for some weird reason. I went from dreading replaying the game again to having a blast. The only draw back is that it isn't a talisman, which it should be. Its not bad in PVP either. I catch people off guard with it all the time.
Why would you do that to yourself?
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>Mogs 90% of all glintstone sorceries for 2 years and counting
Why is this allowed?
Is it even a drug? Tholliers is a drug, Trina just leaks plant fluid or some shit, when we drink from her the animation looks like we're sipping from her hand/fingers
Not exactly. It has more range than spells for sure but still slower than spamming comet or whatever
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"Like a polished crystal, a tranquil mind is colored by what is nearby, be it the perceiver, the object of concentration, or the very process of perception." - Yoga Sutra 1.41
>This is going to be nerfed to the point where the claws are just unusable.

Why can't Fromsoft ever achieve a balanced middle ground?
I play souls games but they aren't the only thing I play. I'm simply more used to kb+m and it feels more natural to me than going back to my old console and picking up the controller again.
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For Kind Miquella only.
They "nerfed" swift slash and it's still fucking ridiculous so I think you'll be safe.
Remember it took 6 consecutive nerfs for Corpse Piler to finally become bad.
Dark Souls Remastered and Dark Souls III are okay with KB+M but you might to remap some controls because jumping and rolling are bound on the same key and switching weapons can't be done through the mouse by default. With DS2 you'll have to re-map all your controls since the defaults are total dogshit and you'll also have to turn off double clicking each time you boot up the game (These Japs never test anything)
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Are these two the most powerful characters, lore wise? How do I get on their level? Why don't I get any cool crystal buffs when i use their magic?
>Fate stay cucked

Keep it
They're probably the most powerful baseline humans in the setting, but they paid for that by slowly turning to crystal
oil tear and flame grant me strength let's frenzy builds do decent damage. regular fire builds do nutty damage with it
>>infinite range
>>stupid damage
>>absurd bleed buildup

you forgot
>hits a gigantic arc bigger than fucking giant arc of light itself
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>Are these two the most powerful characters, lore wise?
Maybe? You can't exactly do anything to them. They're meditating too hard or something.
>Why don't I get any cool crystal buffs when i use their magic?
Marika would never allow the Player to shove a primal glintstone into their heart/soul anon.
Are they going to do any more DLC?
Like a Deadpool cameo or a Dead by Daylight creature?
Yes, a Fortnite and Funko Pop double collab has already been announced, ELDEN RING: TILTED TOWERS is coming in 8 or 9 months
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That is what im talkin bout, heh
pfft I can get fan knives from an item why would I use this
I did not care for this DLC
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Whats the difference between green glintstone and blue glinstone
i'm using this one, fuck the other coomer shit, always happens when it's prime mutt hours.
I want Ansbach’s armor and I’m finding conflicting information about getting it.
If I side with Leda and invade Ansbach, will it drop or no?
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>Release dragon form
>Release omen form
>Both forms are useless
>Had a loving Carian royal wife who's always down for unprotected mating press creampie sex
>Already had three kids with her
Wtf was Radagon's problem? Why did he do it?
you will get it, but you won't get his scythe and incantation, only his bow
Doing the DLC a second time with my INT character, and while I used normal sorceries, now I want to focus on Frost spells. Any recommended setups or advices?
>free 20% damage
Skill issue
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this was pretty easy but it was a cool fight
Some frost spells are basically glintstone spells but better
Glintstone Icecrag is pretty much comet with frost
Adula's is Carian Greatsword with frost and an extra slash
If you want to invade there's some decent AoE spells centered on yourself for fucking up gankers and keeping you from being stuck in a blender
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Carian glintstone is not proven to be cancerous like Raya Lucarian glinstone, and this is why it is superior
I didn't do any of Leda's invasion and Ansbach dropped his armor + schythe + spell after beating Radhan. You only miss out on the bow that way.
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Thanks, anon.
Are the scythe and incantation any good?
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>dupe rememberance at a mausoleum
>can't get another weapon with it
whats the fucking point?
i think the puterescent spells deal frost
Playing an int build and I just found the frost perfume bottle weapons. Are they any good? I haven't really done much with frost so far
Lorewise it's the same shit. Raya's issue is they did mad science experiments despite using the most "stable" spellcasting method in the setting.
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Summoning magic swords will never stop being cool
dragon form and arc seals make dragon incants hit pretty hard. rock heart buffs your damage again too when you reuse it
where was his incantation?
the scythe is fun but i don't know how strong it is since i'm not into meta stuff, the ash of war is very good too, a lot of people don't know how to deal with it when i do invasions.
the incantation is fun too but it sucks ass, for some reason it can't proc bleed even though it's a blood spell, and the damage is not good at all even when charging it
Will SOTE surpass DS3 in sales [~15 million]?
SOTE sold 5 million it is opening week, Elden Ring was sitting around 25 million total sales last time I checked
Perfumes are shit now sorry
Probably, but keep in mind the time frames, I havent looked up the numbers so to use yours,
>DS3 sold 15 mil in 8 years from 2016-2024
>ER sold 25 mil in 2 years from 2022-2024
DLC sales are always less than base game sales(obviously) but who knows how many copies ER will have sold in another 6 years
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>Lorewise it's the same shit.
I don't know. Lore wise I think red is cherry flavored.
you're late to the party
perfumes got gutted this patch
we got too cocky
Azur has a green crown and Lusat has a blue crown, Azurs pupils (Karolos) wear blue crowns and study comets, Lusats pupils (Olivinus) wear green crowns and study meteors.
Sellen was taught by Azur, wears green and Shard Spiral is available at the end of her questline, it says it was made as an attempt at creating a new type of "comet" spell.
A bit weird that AZURE wears green instead of blue, I wonder if this is some sort of mistake.
What happened?
>Glintstone Icecrag is pretty much comet with frost
Except weaker, slower and much less range.
The other frost spells are fine but this one is trash.
It was a specific bug with a specific ash of war that made it do insane damage if you aimed it right at the ground.
The weapons are otherwise unchanged. They aren’t great, but give them a shot anyway.
he is exagerating, it's just that there was an exploit that made them overpowered (like killing the final boss in 4 hits)
they are not totally shit now
They were too strong. It's as simple as that, with the right build people were killing Radahn in 3 hits without needing scadu blessings
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Uh oh Jeesissies you're being called out
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rolling sparks originally dealt a bit more damage than intended
Blue is related to meteors which is related to gravity which is related to the color purple. The eye-brain thing appears to be related to Astel in some way, and Astels, as Malformed Stars, are related to gravity, and have purple powers, and purple glinstone that empowers purple gravity magic is a thing.
I bet it was intentional to muddy the distinction for the sake of mystery. Turquoise and cyan are blue-green colors anyway anyway. They bleed into the other. The greener the less evil, I think, although I can't be sure. It'd be ironic if the Olivinus, who are against the Current, are using more sinister glinstone than the Karalos, who are for the Current.
do you get any armor or damage reduction in dragon form? anyone know?
The twinsage that uses Spiral Shard also is wearing a unique twinsage crown that's a combination of the Lazuli and Olivinus crowns.
>It'd be ironic if the Olivinus, who are against the Current, are using more sinister glinstone than the Karalos, who are for the Current.
That would be funny. Olivinus and Lazuli are faggot traitors to the academy.
Wow, well besides that I was mainly curious how they stack up against something like bastards stars. I'm already at end game stats but I really haven't touched frost as a mechanic. Do I need to change up my build or anything to get any use out if it?
For the rock heart you get 10% dr and 50 status resistance
damn, pair that with dragoncrest greatshield and u got 30% dr and ur lightrolling
I assume Karolos and Olivinus are both against the current, hence Lusat and Sellen being imprisoned.
I think Sellen implies that most at the academy just want to study safe magic without caring about the stars and cosmos.
(Was Azur exiled or did he just leave by his own choice?)
i only play kb+m master race, beat all the games with it
feels great if you remap controls to your liking. i use lctrl for R2 and r key for L2 (or whatever the default binding for ash of war is on controller)
Outside of reworking weapon skills and adding in bloodborne dashes idk how much more From can improve the combat.
What they need now is a gigantic improvement to NPCs, we're still at DeS level NPC complexity.
some lorefag did a writeup on this the other day
Spell casting combos
>Be Azur
>Lose tenure
>Have to go work at some demihuman community college
>The mad scientist meme is actually canon
Wtf I love Sellen (even more) now??
If Godfrey the biggest fuck up?
All of his kids were evil
upheld a dead and oppressive order
Bloodsucking evil pedophile
Dragonfucker fishman

Meanwhile Radagon's kids
Goodest most loving caring individual in all the lands
Courageous and loyal, never did anything wrong
Hero chad of the lands, no one disliked him
Smart cute witch that tried to save the world
N/A died and was taken over by a snake so we dont really know about him other than being a very smart strategist.
Why do the Astel have humanoid skulls and hands?
A lot of the native species seem to be more bestial, are all humanoids alien?
You already posted this bait.
Hello friends.

Can someone post what Rakshasa armor looks like with crucible knight armor?

I find the latter is almost impossible to texture match with any other metal armor in the game.
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Favorite ashes of war for pic related? Wing Stance feels clunky to use
Malenia when close to losing a battle will unleash her rot that devasted a chunk of the continent and is spreading.
>See NPC
>Walk over and talk to them
>"Hrrmm... a Tarnished, eh? Althoughbeitfully the mimsy broves outgrathe... heheheh..."
>Gives you an item
Bambieshart's Brocade
-Improves critical strikes shortly after rolling five times in quick succession with a ranged weapon in your right-hand armament slot
-Though Bambieshart left Zanzibart to the Glimmer Tugs, the promise to the Old Nanny was never removed from the High Gate
>Next time you visit the NPC is gone
>Can't find them anywhere
>10 hours of gameplay later as you're progressing through a legacy dungeon they show up again
>Collapsed against a wall, dying
>"Ahh... My thimby toves... Thou were... truly... Tarnivorous..."
>Dies, you pick up their items, it's dogshit
>he fucked up Lewis Carroll's questline
Should've checked the looking glass, faggot
I'm late but here's my Carian chad, nay, Carian God
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whos this
>using girl armor
Sword Dance if you don't like Wing Stance, it's always good and fits the weapon well.
Didn't expect giant, woman
great, i locked myself out of the last set of armor in the game in my quest to get all armors. stupid war surgeon set becuase when you kill mohg the npcs dissapear. time to play the ntire game all over again hahahhaha
It's over...
pls kind fashion chads, what metal armors go with crucible knight sets, pls
personally I really like the self-buffing ashes, especially if they come with a good move
sacred blade
lightning slash
flame spear
flame skewer
flame strike
frost mist
poison mist

Endure is also great on any build, the damage reduction and poise allows you to tank a hit and stay extremely aggressive.

Otherwise I'd use something that complements the moveset. Piercing fang works great on it.
You can run right to Liurnia and get teleported to Mohgs area as soon as you start NG+ retard
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absolutely none of them, it's hard enough to make anything match with the generic armors, pretty much impossible with the more unique ones
none, you better keep that crucible aesthetic pure and unsullied, unalloyed
Im going to say it
Fire Knights are not a fun enemy to fight
why would they make an entire talisman for buffing storms and only add like 1 storm thing in the whole dlc
0-4 greatsword+magic ranni simp
5-9 DEX/fth dragon cult marika simp
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You better make mommy proud
They're easy to stunlock, great spears can just spam lights and they never get retaliate
Sure let me pull out my carian knight great spear
What's wrong with using the regular lance? And if you're a Carian RP then greatblade phalanx into piercer should work, or some heavy poise ash.

Maybe I will just forego the damage buff to Aspect spells and skills entirely. I was thinking Militia chest, Twinned Helmet, and Crucible Greaves and Gauntlets but the poise was too low. Maybe if I just crank all my torso sliders to their lowest point, or simply stick to invasions so the metal mismatches aren't so over the top.

I cannot full cosplay as characters that are 3x bigger than the player character. Just makes me feel like that "DON'T TALK TO ME OR MY LITTLE BROTHER AGAIN" meme.
>rellana is rennala's hidden twin sister
>epic anime lightsaber powerup dual swordsman OC spellsword lady
If someone ITT said they wanted this exact boss to come in the DLC you'd all say it was low quality bait and/or tell them to kill themselves. This boss was cringe as fuck and you know it.
>a carian boss uses... swords?!?!
no way!
The lack of any kind of buildup or dialogue is cringe, the boss itself is fine. It's ER-level pontiff
how many swords did renalla use
All she needed was a cutscene and boss dialogue and maybe a proper legacy dungeon with more carian knights/squires
femboy or female?
like 9 different playthroughs and i have never used a faith build
After 2 weeks to ruminate on it I can still safely say that the Miquella/Radahn lore is godawful, ruins the characters of basically everyone involved and no amount of cope essays will change that
well get started already
Trapdom on Female is kino
sure, gonna start one today
i dont think anyone would disagree. Most discussion and argument comes from the actual gameplay itself. Very few people outside of some weird fetishistic homosexuals liked the boss' lore and story implications.
Is Elden Ring a cunny coded game?

>all endings basically lead to different variants of Age of Fire without anything being resolved permanently (I.E turn off your brain and follow the Order as it was originally without distortion, or run away on a space rock letting nature take it's course and people find their own way without any tangible Order, ironically the haggery of Marika and Ranni is what created the most of the tragic events of the base game and you can only side with them to partially fix it or run away)
>only hope is the alchemical rebis child who has the intellect, faith and aptitude to get rid of Godwyn's death blight at the base of the Erdtree, and the Outer Gods entropic influences in the form of Scarlet Rot and Frenzied Flame in one generation
>they're a prodigious Golden Order talent and even succeed in growing a pseudo-Erdtree and creating Unalloyed Gold artifacts that are capable of resisting the influence of Outer Gods
>their efforts in the Land's Between fall apart as soon as they try to become an adult (god)
>follow rebis child (Miquella/Trina) to the Shadow Realm, and as the Tarnished explores they find out he's discarding parts of his humanity in a quest to become a god (adult)
>essentially SOTE is about a child messiah who forced themselves to grow up and became that which they swore to fix (pre-Radagon Era Golden Order Marika) complete with his own meat puppet kill bot similar to what Marika had with Godfrey
>Had he remained cute and funny with Trina he'd get a good ending with the Tarnished because he wouldn't be afraid of their ability to resist their charms, and would see beyond the raw strength and reliability of a meat puppet.

Basically the moral of the story of Elden Ring is don't let hags fuck up the world, don't let them raise kids and never grow up or allow innocence around you to defile itself for the sake of obtaining the illusory power of haggery.
You can have one remembrance boss removed from the DLC, who do you pick? I can stand fucking Gaius and his merry charge with 3 hitboxes
>hold up shield
commander gay more like
Romina if it's replaced with a better boss
Rellana if not
Why are there two active threads?
Some schizo has been putting their Radahn dicksucking vendetta/spam in the OP for a few threads and insisting everyone who doesn't support him is tranny
Yeah looking online there's a lot more discussion surrounding Metyr and the implications she has on the story or Marika's backstory
I'm gonna steal this fashion. Are these base game pieces or modded? Also, what kind of build should I go for with it.
>muh old bloodhound step
God I hate MP subhumans.
why is str/iont so popular when cast speed scales with dex?
It's a netorare fanfiction from a doomer corporate executive who got paid under the table by saboteurs looking to demoralize an audience they can't reach.

Don't take it seriously.
radagon icon exists
you still need 40 dex for the cap
Long ago in a distant land, I, the Bleed Shitter, Lord of 9 - 5 office workers and gamer dads, unleashed an Rivers of Blood. But, a foolish strength "player" wielding a juvenile banlist stepped forth to oppose my Boss Speed Run Dex Build. Before the final R1 was through, I overcast Blood Slash, tearing open a Blood Blade, and flung him into Shadow of the Sneed Tree, where Bleedshitting is law. Now, the fool seeks to return this restriction and undo the magic that is Bleed.
cast speed it way less important than peopel think
it only affect a certain part of the animation of most but no all spells
and anyway the DLC has the new startdust talisman
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How can I make this PoS effective in PvP. Is it even possible? Thinking of putting it on a wing stance Milady.
>Lowering damage negation
Death sentence in a PvP where you can one shot people easily
you don't
>We used to laugh at over leveled shitters
>Now /erg/ is filled with them who autistically rage any anyone playing any meta or with any decent weapons
Have you seen the recent fight clubs? People are literally scared shitless of using any good weapons in fear of being ostracized by this "community". It's like playing with a bunch of battered housewives or some shit. I've never seen something so pathetic in my life. If you do one crouch poke people here shit their pants and cry.
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I hate this fucking place so much who thought it would be a good idea to make a platforming section where you slide off 90% of the ledges
Is it cheating if I kill Greyoll at the start of every playthru?
nah,as long as you don't abuse the death skip
Buffs are largely obsolete in ER.
Things I would like changed in the next Souls-Game after having played all of them
R8 H8 Deb8 Celebr8 my M8s

Part 1

-No Teleportation, at least for the majority of playtime
-Fewer/more thoughtfull Checkpoints, not always a checkpoint in boss-rooms
-More focus on wordl-building, less on combat
-No dedicated hub
-No waifu-NPC tied to leveling. Done too often
-Less detailed map
-No player-marker on the map. Learn to actually orient using landmarks
-More "Legacy" ideally no Ubisoft-Open world.
-Shorter game with fewer repetition in enemies, buildings, everything basically
-Fewer dependance on "gotcha" held animations for enemies/bosses.
I agree with this
Will my experience be diminished if I don't pay attention to npcs? I just want to charge in and wreck shit. I already killed hippo boss at shadow keep.
Part 2

-Less tracking for enemies
-Fewer AOEs. Especially when the enemy lands from a jump. There shouldn't be active damage that far around and especially not behind it.
-Shorter combos, less anime-esque, twirl around enemies.
-Less dependance on i-frames for Bosses. Ideally the Medium to heavy rolls would have no i-frames. This stuff should be reserved for dedicated ninja-characters. Just I-framing everything is bullshit both for the player and the developer. Make placement, distancing, patience more important.
-Less rolling. Different dodge animations for different weights, like Bloodborne's sidestep. Looks more believable for most characters. Fat-rolling should be viable.
-More wittle down from enemies when retrieing a boss. Yeah you read right. Getting to the boss in good condition should be part of the challenge for the majority of bosses. Only the super-tough final bosses should be balanced to fight the player at full capacity
-Slower leveling, but bigger increase in stats per level
-Less video-gamey enemy scaling. Enemies in the beginning could potentially do as much damage as endgame if senseable within the world. Makes no sense a dragon in the south does less damage than a wolf in the north
-Less enemy damage. Dying in two hits with 80 VIG and medium armor is BS.
-Tie input-reading to if the enemy actually has a visual on you. Same for projectiles
-Actually develop an AI for NPCs. Stop reusing the same one since fucking DeS. Having to make them damage-sponges with dmg-output unreachable by the player is BS
-Fewer heals. No Regaining Flasks
-No "no-aggression"-zones. I should be allowed to kill whoever if I so choose
-Easier to follow NPC-questlines, less "Fuckupable" stuff
-More transparent reasoning for NPC-motives to actually make informed decisions (e. g. about what ending to chose) on the first playthrough without having to watch lore-videos
-An actual ending cutscene longer than 20 seconds. Doesn't need to be expository but the artistic/minimalist endings you can't possibly understand on your first run are a meme now
-No swamp. Meme. Repeated too often.
-More thought out elevators, More thoughtfull placement/not just for player's convenience,no pressure-plates to step on and no complex opening mechanisms
-Fewer/more thought out, shorter ladders in places where they make sense. Ladders that are not perfectly vertical
-No respecking stats. A well optimized build should be an achievement for the few to put in the foresight
-More potent talisman/ring-effects. No +n versions
-No crafting
-Less trash-loot
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how do I get this item?
The bells hidden in pots you have to shoot is cool, I hope if fromsoft keeps making open worlds they lean a bit more into stuff like that
Play a different game made for low iq retards then, fromsoft games aren't for you
maybe stick to assassins creed or some other slop
>The bells hidden in pots
Kill yourself desu
>load up game after patch
>"inappropriate activity starting in offline mode"
>Hmmmm, wierd.
>Load up save
>Black screen for 15 seconds
>*Hundreds of prop breaking noises*
>The ground is gone and everything is floating.
*weapon buffs
*for pvp
in pve buffs are insane
pretty awful list unironically if not bait, if your ideas were put into place these games would be utter garbage
Hanging pots you shoot with arrows around the dlc, filled with bell barrings for crafting mats
get an enemy to shoot the tent, or quit and respawn next to it, the standing up animatino can break everything but it's finicky
>-Fewer heals. No Regaining Flasks
This point is strongly disagree with. Farming grass or blood vials are the least fun parts of Des and BB. I'm not opposed to a middle road like how Nioh does it with only a set number of flasks being replenished though.
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Fuck it, I'm clearing my saves. Starting fresh when I've got the time to get back into Elden Ring again. Feels good to detox.
Should have worded that better. You are right. Regaining flasks on rest is superior to farming. But making every enemy deal so much damage to then get a band-aid of four flasks sucks. Just have them deal less damage and remove the crutch.
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remember the elden ring mobile game that tencent was reportedly making? looks pretty tight so far, im pre ordering the deluxe edition right now!
Yeah you have to be mad to get to the bottom of that place, it's the entire point
Jump attacks prevent forward momentum when landing.
Use the binoculars when turning.
I picked it up after being stuck on Rellana for 2 days and there wasn't a single dlc boss that I've fought with it that wasn't either fun or easy.
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How the hell do I get up there? It's near Temple Town Ruins.
A significant portion of this problem is ER's design. They wanted you to be able to explore without needing to rest and reset everything constantly and that requires a more constant flow of heals even from smaller chip damage. You can see how much they worried about it because they still felt it necessary to add several refills to your Crimson tear flask.
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Get good
>death skip
Wachu mean
top3 faith/str swords? the bigger the better
Dumb. I just eye ball it and never have any issues.
theres a brap elevator nearby that will get you up on your horse
she takes a long time to die so if you rush to the grace asap atfer killign her, you get the souls but she doesn't actually die so you can repeat it.
So you can keep farming her to overlevel fast?
Ordovis' Greatsword is your best bet I believe
Blasphemous Blade is a given
Fire Knight is also pretty strong
Horned Warrior's Greatsword maybe if you count the faith tax

yes, 75k every couple minutes for as long as you don't fuck it up.
>read thru patch notes of updates since I wasn't playing ER for a while
>saw that they gave the Godslayer GS's L2 hyperarmor cuz "oh fugg, we forgot to"
>use it against duelists using DLC weapons with coldsteel-tier L2's
>Always two-hit them and never get knocked out of hyperarmor
I already mastered this sword when it was "bad" but I'm gonna be a WMD with this fucking thing now
Yep, you need to be on torrent to get to the grace fast enough though
The only people it upsets are fujo/shota gooners and people who didn't pay attention to the lore.
If someone came up with that as a theory before the dlc released they would be laughed at by everyone. There was literally no solid foreshadowing for this. Shit has to be a retcon or fromsoft fucked up setting it up properly
What the fuck is Miquella's Age of Compassion? Just mind control everyone into being nice and happy?
If that's the case, how does it actually cure Malenia, the very reason Miquella turned from fundamentalism and decided to do his own thing?
do I get locked out of anything by burning the turdtree after the fire giant?
Bayle got more hype and build up than Radahn did lol
Is it worth it trying to poison stuff with low arcane?
Radahn has the twintree on his cape.
There are multiple carian things at the haligtree, most notably a carian sword with haligtree amber that was never given a master

I actually did predict it but as a betrayal story, not a cuckqueen story
normal leyndell
it break goldmask's quest if he's not in mountaintop
it break any quests of npcs still in the roundtable
He doesn't cure malenia. Most realistically he'd have sealed away his haligtree and left her in there forever.
What things? All I can remember is Loretta
Will I get locked out of anything if I just bum-rush enir-ilim? I want dane's footwork asap desu
I don’t remember but very few things break when you light it on fire, it’s activating the Rune of Death that is the point of no return for most shit.
no iirc dane shows up no matter what
You’ll get locked out of the quests that are related to members of Leda’s band.
Other unrelated quests are not affected.
is elden ring reforged worth trying
>alt tab while on SOTE
they need to tone down the music
not really unless you really like playing rock paper scissors with game mechanics and overtuned bosses
Which leaves you with pretty much Ymir’s questline.
Dragon Priestess ties into Thiollier and Moore if you want the “good” ending.
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>Every host I invade whether solo or 3 premade gank is competent enough to dodge on cue or try to stay alive while help arrives
>Decide to help out randos via sign
>Every fucking hosts doesn't know how to block dodge or try to stay alive for 10 secs

Fucking hell I must be cursed with bad luck or something.
Some of these are kind of reasonable but overall this is an extremely short-sighted and overall profoundly retarded take, I bet you are genuinely on the spectrum for wanting even half of these things
what about convergence? idk if i want to play another straight vanilla character but the mods seem to be pretty lacking
are they in the 7th layer yet?
Is 99fth or 99int gonna get me closer to the 99arc bloodborne experience?

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