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Reminder to reply to and encourage shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484934759
WAR won.
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oh yeah.. I'm thinking we're back
trannies won
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Cry about hunties
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This is true.
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its over
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The road that we walk
Is lost in the flood
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
At this, the world′s end, do we cast off tomorrow
For whom weeps the storm,
Her tears on our skin
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come on woman
oh no you killed a 2 expansion old hunt you're such a badass bro
Every femlala owes my maliddie sex
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Sex with Koana
my fiddie is
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vauthry my beloved
>below GNB in damage
the moment PLD or DRK is buffed by 1% you go back in the shed

GNB won
whens penumbra
whens glamourer
whens customize+
Where should I go to pay my debt?
Nothing in that article even remotely indicated that a XIV mobile game was coming.
We unironically peaked in Shadowbringers.
my fub god
Sex with Miera...
Fulala for my femlala
Not until he sends his sister into the oubliette
wtf aren't pose tools dead right now?
i have played this game in EN since i started, swapped to JP for DT because wuk was awful, and doing msq roulette is so much better now, the JP voice acting for the ultima trial is so good
Game reviewers not have terrible opinions challenge: Impossible.

I'm sorry but I will never take seriously anyone who thinks Endwalker was a 92 while Dawntrail is only a 76. These people have terminal brainrot.

Endwalker's main story was so mid that it actually ruined the entire expansion for me including the side content and it got so bad I didn't even have the motivation to finish the last two raid tiers. It was pretty obvious that the devs just wanted to focus on getting the story wrapped up and the expansion out the door and the whole expansion suffered as a result.

While Endwalker was just "Let's just wrap this thing up and move on," Dawntrail is a true spiritual successor to the masterpiece that was Shadowbringers. Maybe the crowning achievement of the expansion's story is the approach they took to handling the baggage brought on by the continuous narrative powercreep we've seen over the last few expansions. What do you do when your main character is too powerful and nothing you could ever think up can compare? Turn them into a side character for an expansion and write a story about someone else. Our warriors of light are more "Azem" in dawntrail than they've ever been, and the story benefits from this. Far from being a weakness, it is a strength of the expansion, and the only reason why it succeeded in beginning a new era for the story without falling flat.

I think the only thing it's missing is that perhaps it would have benefited from having some kind of training arc for Wuk Lamat where we take more ownership over her growth. It's fine as it is, but there were parts where they could have found ways to emphasize the WoL's role in her character development in more tangible ways.
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I did it! Now to go masturbate to the thought of femhroths sitting on my face.
>he doesn't know how to activate the brio beta
This post brought to you by the DRKuck Gang.
lol imagine reading an article. Headlines all I need baby
You coulda invested that time to find a job, a girl anon irl
That's the catboy and miera /pose
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Revisit for my node?
MSQ Roulette is great too, Lahabrea and Gaius is Kino.
The guy who made that image uses Blender
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Post your Hrothgals wearing the 2B bottoms.
uh oh! hunt tranny meltie!
interesting things were happening in ew with interesting characters. dt not so much. simple as that
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my femra acts like this
you better accept her crayon
this but unironically
I don't, nor does my dalamud even work right now :(

share with the class?
As a biofem, I consider malera to be the most sexually attractive
There's no Femhroths irl though
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Can we pick one, please?
i am
a catboytoy
with empty balls
JP is better for ARR stuff
WAR always wins
Reminder that this "person" is responsible for casting an Anglo-Saxon male to play a Hispanic-coded female as the lead role that he is totally unqualified for.
Make one
No masturbation until the pentamelding is complete.
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bros? are they retconning dawntrail?
uuuhhh uumm hey.....
Fight back against doomers:
>leave a 9-10 review score on Metacritic
>give the game a Recommended review on Steam if you own it on there (if you have spare cash, consider double dipping on Steam to both support the team and leave a positive review)
>point out how many complainers are either transphobes or didn't understand the story, usually due to speedreading and skipping cutscenes
>remind other players that many of the complaints are coming from fairweather fans and only make up a minority of the players; point out how high the user Metascore is after leaving your positive review
>remind people how much better the story gets in the second half; if you cried like I did, make sure to let them know how emotional it made you
>signal boost and support other posts fighting against doomer sentiment on Reddit, Twitter, etc.
You mean for MY femlala.
Kate won btw
These are the true weapons for a Viper. Every single ability icon has these swords on them.
i am a femra
seeking a moonie wife to craft items for
Pedophile for my woodchipper.
We did, Hrothgals won biggly.
cc is actually pretty decent xp if you win but holy shit is it miserable to play
I don't remember making this post
Why'd you eat the purple one? You know it's my favorite.
might change my name to an ERP name
>DRKcuck gang
nobody plays that job anymore lmao
>whacky proportions

checks out
Lucky you
I am
A sunnie
With balls ready to explode
Even with cross dc travel gutted, I still think that Aether is full of mongoloids.
I can't believe Kate is a queen of spades
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Anyone been having the issue of getting downgraded back to Endwalker? I can't even log into Square's website to try and re-enter my code because their login servers are fucked.
If your definition of interesting is "The game tells me I should care about this and there are explosions and stuff" then maybe.

Endwalker was fucking shit. It was a jumbled mess of garbage. It was like the writers sat down and said "Okay, we never thought we'd get past shadowbringers, but now that we're here what should we do?" It was a chore to get through. And it insulted all of our intelligence by the end. Thank god that terrible expansion is over.
did you put your expansion code in, or just the early access code
all me oomf
I like Miera and Malera most... both have a certain appeal.
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but the expansion is called westwolves
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>pre-dawntrail: "i'm not afk. all i do is erp. i bang multiple sluts each day, always ready for more and they're always draped all over me"
>as soon as dawntrail launches: removes /c/ from search comment and spends 20 hours a day grinding levels, fishing, gathering, and crafting, alone
this describes several quicksand friends i know. why would they lie??
If you play a sunnie without a proper sunnie name you are CRINGE and I will IGNORE your character.

If you play a Roe without a proper roe name you are CRINGE and I will IGNORE your character.

I wish all the races had strict naming conventions so I could easily clock the CRIGNE LOW EFFORT players.
maybe i'll fanta to one.... do you like ult raiders with large egos?
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It's so over xivsters...
Today I will remove my femlala's name and change it to "Chocolate Creampie" and become an ERPlala
miera hypnotists in your area
That guy does. Nobody else could possibly insinuate DRK gets to come out of the shed.
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Popping in to tell you to post Lalafells! Goodbye.
You're going to proc, right? You're going to give me that juicy bonus integrity node refresh?
This, just like putting giant tits on Ryne, completely ruins the appeal of Meteion
Total coomer death fucking when
my femroe
is still in solution 9
Wow is the new wow
>play the game while there's content
>erp when they finish it

The true content chads
Why didn't you buy my materia? Is my retainer not cute enough? How am I gonna afford that bike dammit
you already play one samesh
it's not fair, he stole miera hair
uhh why is the DT title screen missing...? Did they retcon it already?
People don't play the game when the patch is old and just RP.

People play the game when the patch is new.

People go back to rp when the patch is old.
please do not use such words
getting the feeling most of them are just terminally addicted gamers who were othergaming when there wasn't content
no true gooner instantly swaps to playing video games 20 hours a day like that
wish i was your retainer but instead of retaining items i would retain ur boobies
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>damn, i'm stupid
what about a name like this? Miqote btw
why aren't hunt trains happening anymore
Speak for yourself homosexual
Hrothgal sisters, how do we smell, and can we pur? I can't decide...
What world are you on?
My only gripe with the story itself is that we never really get to earn the respect of people. Even Wuk has little more reason to trust our strength besides a short battle before embarking, until the first trial fight the only person that has taken us into a trial by combat is the king, completely in private. If this had been a test or display to "be sure you're worthy of participating in the succession trial" or some shit it could have been more impactful.
Every fiddie will report to jeonva IMMEDIATELY for insemination
Jumping instances was considered exploiting and warnings were given.
You need to be 18 or older to post here, lil bro
I don't give a fuck I liked dragon satrap, I liked the problems in sharlayan, the chatacter interactions, I liked seeing emet selch and metion was kinda cool and so was zenos. everything thats happened here is just boring weebshit hold hands and lets get through it together drivel narrated by wuk lamat
that's Silly Cat, an ADHD zoomer sexpest from aether who hits on everybody in balmung ul'dah
no clue why he changed from a legitimately funny name to that garbage
weeping city looks pretty cool after the update
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I reported the conductors for early pulling.
>tfw thought I dropped this shit a week in
>now stuck having to pay for a name change
Erenville was the narrator actually.
No you don't retard
>queen of spades
whitebros... we can't stop losing...
I am
A femra
That wants to explode some balls
Why would I care about being ignored by a pinoy or a pajeet
Bro I think that first screenshot was his
big tits dont look right on her
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My Roe's name is Burning Wind...
in that case it's just a play on "ace"
he/she/it is asexual, you retard
I've seen this name in the overworld, cactus?
holy based
I also ignore any Nunhs.

Go back to your harem, why are you out adventuring, idiot.
damn that bitch can fart
I will NOT use cringe ass "lore friendly" names that stifles my ability to make a character.
This is what stops me from getting another fanta, name autism.
best ganondorf
why would a translator have a part in casting VAs? that seems outside of their expertise
How fast did you take it down?
Explose as in making them explode, or explode like with a baseball bat or something...
Choose wisely
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i switched servers and they forced me to name change as SIlly Cat was already taken ;(
We're the Warrior of Light, Champion of Eorzea, Slayer of Ascians, the one who saved the world. We don't have to prove anything to anyone. We're on an adventure in a new world and participating in a rite of succession purely because we want to and our reputation is what allowed us to do that to begin with. Dawntrail is Turali's story, not ours, we just happen to be privileged to play a role in it as the new Dawnservant's biggest supporter because we're a hot shot.
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Pick one so I can filter it properly. I'm gonna filter all of those. Goodbye.
there's no fucking way you're a xivgger
the hunt discord has been informed, those are our A-Ranks
you will be blacklisted soon
No clue, but Kate was apparently the one in charge here
I don't respect your 'character' if they don't fit in the world they are meant to inhabit.
my bad homie.....
It feels like every day I discover some creepy piece of shit is a poster here, and I regret spending any time here at all
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Love how the AR-caean top's ribbons and frills matches with the brides' leggings and now we can dye them? This is great
Go back to your modbeast femra OC JOI twitter, kiddo
don't ever reply to my posts again
oh hi, weirdo. the answer's still no.
I'm indecisive so I had to pick two
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I don't understand the First and Light/Darkness Elements
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Saw her jump and I immediately closed that shit. My fault for not reading anything.
no to what? what was the question
I am a femlala who will teach you...
because square enix is cheap and doesn't have standards
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The more I care, the less I live.

My character's first name is Chocolate.
try neither
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think i found her lads
i found her
Total un-lorefriendly death. Behead characters named Luna. Throw a character with a twitch stream in their search info off a cliff. Destroy filthy level 2s.
it's always nice to see other roes with lore-friendly names, especially ones that aren't just generated by the game
Explode on my face...
why did they give trash tank busters
Luna and Alice are cute names for catgirls
to make healers press their buttons
i've not experienced this and i've done every dungeon
but then again i'm a warrior so
Uhmmm i thought you healer guys wanted to heal? you good?
>Luna and Alice
Aren't the two most common tranny names? Really activates your almonds...
Unlucky... I am on Balmung. Good luck craftlizard
Spacezin coded.
>Miqo'te lore name
>Roegadyn lore name
Very based.
>Lalafell lore name
Cringe as fuck.
Why are you so obsessed with trannies
so you actually have a real reason to press rampart for once
Don't worry I've already only gotten a single compliment ever
name a bigger red flag than a character named Lilith. you can't
who is danny?
honestly could have done it in 3 minutes if I did it as dps instead of tank I feel.
because people kept saying they're tired of mobs just auto attacking and doing generic orange circle so now they do generic red circle
>400+ people at hunt trains now
This is not comfy
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It's officially Kates and her troons buds game now.
there is like no fucking gameplay this expansion. I haven't fought a single enemy this whole time doing the MSQ. Not even an enemy in the overworld or something. I don't remember it being this bad before but they gotta find a way to have you do more than walk from one Wuk Lamat conversation to another endlessly moving forward
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The fact that you have to do this is utterly retarded.
No wonder why japs are looking to hire pajeets in the future
so tanks use their cooldowns and still invalidate healers
Broke: in-game random name generator
Woke: actual unique name BASED on lore naming conventions
Plagued by knowledge, all to increase the 42%. We must aim higher as a society.
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Need to breed
Strawberry Milk
Princess or Senpai
this is how i feel when i do my daily frontlines
But I was tired of trash mobs in general and wanted dungeons to just be a boss rush one after another.
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>deadly if ingested
It's so over, the writing quality has been dumpstered.
Hell yeah
Any food name lalafell
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they're 2 of the top 5 most used names for female characters in the game period
japanese name
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I googled miqo'te naming conventions and picked the Gigantoad tribe because I like frogs.
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>Emails to my phone never contained the actual game code, just the preorder code
>Cannot for the life of me find my square login because apparently it isn't the same as my mog station
>The fucking square website lets you log in using your mog station account, but if you click the orders tab it asks you to login again with the actual account
>Try to login to my ancient ass mostly unused email on my computer for once
>"Password must be updated, please contact the main account host"
>They don't even remember their login info
>Now it won't update on my phone either
Okay well have fun guys.
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I was hoping the graphics update would help this place but it looks nearly identical
goodbye moonie
I am a femlala who will make boss rushes real.. but for a price.
>favorite things
but my only favorite thing was the encounter-design she had no part in?
drake where are the plugins?
it's in your emails promotions tab
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Food names
Meme names
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the fucking cloud? seriously
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My femra's name is about as far from being lore friendly as you possibly can be
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That head piece looks whack
it's explained later keep playing
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my fiddie looks and acts exactly like this
yeah but I'd cum on her alright
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Did they... you know?
Good afternoon, kiss my moonie's feet.
The one piece of glam I will never get because it's gated behind a virtual wedding ceremony...

No, I'd never EB any of you sperglords.
thank you appalcord poster
It was pretty jarring they couldn't even come up with some fantasy Eorzean name for it
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Got this armor and Weapon
I am ready to fight
I'm sorry your parents couldn't raise you properly.
Cross region DC travel doko??
you playing a game about having a job, why not just get a real fucking job
how are there so many of these?
some pompous, pretentious ass name like "Anastasia"
That bothered me too.
I'm pretty sure if I buy you a new key for the dlc I can write it off on my taxes as charity. What platform do you play on?
thank you appalcord poster
I existed before "appalcord" and I'll exist after it
good luck with the fighting king
Company Board: Hi
Unable to move to that area. You must have the proper expansion data installed.
My femlala is lacking in attention...
Fix it...
they spend all day gassing each other up so much it's so boring
*sniff* *sniff*
trannies think food names are cute and feminine, simple as.
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indeed, wish they'd keep it there and contained
>wipe on the first pull of ex 1 in a farm pf
>lalafell healer starts talking insane amounts of shit and asking if this is a prog party
>he proceeds to fuck up literally mech in the next pull and we just barely clear halfway through enrage cast
>he instaleaves in shame
i laughed
>back to one totem per ex trial
it is over
also lmao ex2 is the accessory one?
I am never getting a full set
See you in a year or two when you've started E
that catboy is sexo
Roes are the only one with a good naming convention, at least the ones that are "description" "creature", being named "b'lark cuck" is not a good name
tfw no one gassing me
got broken up with should I kill myself or get really into crafting and gathering
hot viera lesbeans
get really REALLY into crafting
yes but the accessories will be mostly irrelevant when crafted come out unless the substats are cursed
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Why would I? I'm happy the way I am. Please don't use projection on me, it's pretty weak.
Meme names trying to rp and not just palying lala in duty roullette where they belong

Any name with a title in it

Japanese name on anything but a japanese looking middie or a glub.
It will become obsolete in 3 weeks anyways and what you get in Savage will last you months.
Just craft all day brother.
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SCH feels so good to play this expansion, this has been as nice as it'll ever be.
have fun with dawntrail (activated)
making every excuse possible to not join voice chat
I will not touch savage until 7.1 because I am a little guy and I want my gear advantage
The femlala rankings will be shaken up once DC travel is back, this much I am certain of.
I am a brown femlala with a japanese name and you will address me as hime-sama instead of my japanese name
absolute guv'nor
do xeno skinned femras just fuck better?
>my japanese name
I am
A gay maleroe
leg locking sex with a red femra is the capstone of my hierarchy of needs
redra xaela are the apex of femra
is it 豚?
no one told me fiddies sat so lewd on this
>new gielinor games episode
finally content to watch while crafting
bro this is a conversation about character names
post your fiddie
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the entirety of heritage found really reminds me of picrel
Trash has tank busters?
if my catboy can take g'raha, he can definitely take koana
loosen him up a little bit
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Midlanders, why do you dress like this?
I mean with 3 expacs of pure fucking slop, it's amazing getting a useable CD that isn't dogshit (excluding expedient) yeah.
Go figure SCH needed some fucking skills instead of shit fairy roids that still don't make the fairy good.
fiddies are inherently erotic
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Naming conventions of those only apply to Eorzeans and even then there are a billion trillion reasons you'd not enter a conventional name, such as being adopted from infancy or just literal pseudonyms.
You're lonely because you chose to be
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All of the races actually have pretty strict naming conventions, with the exception of Viera, who change their name to whatever the fuck they feel like when they leave the woods.
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where are my beautiful hrothgals
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one time ima be like you bro
>glazing her while directing any potential hate to her
this will work out well
What's the point of HQ crafted STILL outclassing EX gear? How are we 10+ years into the game and this is still a thing?
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Hrothgals too strong.
nice I will watch it soon
>i wish all races had strict naming conventions
>play viera
>the naming convention is 'you can choose literally anything as your city name as long as your character connects with it to a personal level'
>any viera can literally just call themselves 'fucky mcfourthwallbreaker' and justify it as them being sexually liberated after leaving the Wood
>Troon putting their hands on a young girl
holy cute fiddie, anon
EX trial gear is free unlike HQ crafted
maybe wear some fucking pants you slut
rotate the camera to the left slightly
Generous offer but money isn't an issue.
I'm just retarded. Doesn't help that the REASON I didn't switch this shit to my new actually used email is because I accidentally already created a separate account for that email during a trial back in 2019 and forgot about it when I bought the game proper as an Endwalker baby.
I'll figure this out. Somehow.
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>the healer still can't figure out the tile mechanic in tender valley on the 4th try
Imagine getting G'raha and Koana to fight over who gets to deepthroat you...
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cybernigger from outer space
Fiddies sit the sexiest in HW EX mounts. Prime upskirt position.
I hate that one of the ex's always has to suffer being the "accessory" one
That's the kind of response I expect.
>sigh and call a vote dismiss
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my fiddie is autistic and wants to talk to you about crafting
post them
well you cant have two weapons
Jesus christ they really did get pajeets to code XIV now.
froth is for coomers, hrothgals are for women respecters, femhroth for the most boring people alive
i really wish there were mini-bosses instead of trash packs every now and then
please stop hitting on my character in ul'dah.
if you do it so often that you have to ask yourself which one, please reconsider many of your life choices.
take your clothes off
they NEED the strike btw
Aren't you a big moonie?
fuaark dood, why isn't the tank just soloing everything with his big dick damagerino?
I am a femlala who spent 4 hours configuring an AI character thingy and made him into a hot catboy and had him rape me as a femlala.
God. What am I doing with my life. I really need to find a boyfriend
just make the tank solo it
Is LARPing as a Female char in Shadowbringers okay?

As in, while i'm in the first i look like a girl, while in the source i'm a guy?
Can you show the sage headgear? I want to see if it's as broken on hroths as it is on roes
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Does it matter if your retainers have HQ gear or not?
i am

a miera

on balmung

still doing sharlayan leves
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After years of searching....
I found capybros mom.

Now they can be a happy family again.
GNB flops on moist summoning
handsome men
cute men
no and yes
their stats matter
HQ affects stats
Anyone from Aether tbhq senpai
My name is suited to neither moonie or xaela. I am an abomination
if you're not just going for quick ventures yeah because there are stat checks
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I love playing a Generic Fem Elezen with outdated armor!
Handsome men and cute boys. Both have a place.
handsome. any "man" who describes himself as cute or femboyish isn't a man.
t. biofem
I can't do that here!
Handsome masculine men
link it please
>Brainlets reading from the closest tile first instead of finding the safe spot and working backwards.
This would be more annoying if bosses did any actual damage outside of mechanics and I actually needed a healer.
To hell with that, I want to see more weapons in general, not just fucking recolors of old ones all the time.
i used a first name i use in other video games and then a lore appropriate last name
get this
you take both
and make them kiss
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uh no, I need those to craft
But I'm a femraen...
Troll posts are a bannable offense.
Both, a bit of cute but mostly handsome
FUCK I have to make so much fucking HQ gear then FUCK FUCK FUCK
We keep winning, sisters..
That only works if your first name isn't something gaytarded
First name is my nickname
Last name is from the nickname generator
You like it ? Good
You dont like it? I dont care
プロブレム, 外人さん?
You'll hinder your ERP chances with that name. The willing people want horny femlalas that they can hang around with in plain sight.
i tried to do this but i swear there wasn't a safe path at all
clingy face 4 femra EB...
I am not a redra but I fucking love redra.
i'm crafting something and you doing that would help
what did you use?
why aren't you grey
You're supposed to just obey!

That's right.
If God asked me to choose between a red xaela or a grey moonie I'm not sure I could do it.
How the fuck did novice network get into /xivg/?
i google it and ppl are saying act is working, but i can't get it to work no matter what now
>followed a yt guide
yes, perfectly on everything and it's still not working. so my question is, is it down or is it working?
something called tavern
uifg ofd askied me to chose betewen
im'm not sueir i coul do it
Craft this! *unzips HQ pentamelded BiS penis*
Gooners don't care, but you don't want to waste time with the low effort slop gooners write anyway.

Any tard who wants that name is probably a dumb gooner though.
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raping you
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Still based!
Go away show me that catboy on the right!
Handsome mamool ja
>this is what passes for wide-eyed in japanese culture
they can share :^)
>hang out in coomer singularity
>get hit on
>surprisepika and act like you're hard to get

stfu faggot, you probably welcome it or have WU/T in your search info
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PATCH this morning
1. Is data center TRAVEL enabled
2. If not then WHEN will it be, what the FUCK
viera faces look great in cutscenes
DAWNTRAIL Cross DC Blacklist
Ashlynn Primeria
Claire Hearthbarrow
Crusty Sock
Danielle Leclair
Feriri Feri
Jilly Stingray
Kanchelle Loreux
Macchi Ato
Macchi Ateaux
Mei Mymei
Mitzi Yume
Nina Nono
Nya Rlathotep
Otis Jenkins
Rikka Tsurugi
Sapphira Nyx
Trash Star
Val Moorabella
Zaileaux Traumerant
I don't think I've heard of anything like that in the game. Teamcraft link?
if god asked me to choose between a femhroth and the world I'm sure I could do it. my love for femhroth transcends all mortal possessions.
you are weak.
less depressed bpd
>GODbreakers putting WARcucks in their place
Thanks, I think she came out good

But I like how the leggings look

Instructions unclear, may have rotated too far
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*giggles* This MSQ sucks, I'm gonna go back to leveling PCT. Who wants to join me? For leveling I mean, you naughty boy...
Why am I not there
I can't believe you're this stupid.
many of these are balmung
submissive rapebait uoohhh bratty lala thinks she's all grown up
super old list it doesnt have ZT's new name
Honestly true.
Malezen bros, I report that we lost another one.
beautiful girls
cute girls
A former friend of mine trooned out and he legally changed his name to luna
can't make this shit up
>jizzdha not on the list
checks out.
gone fishing
stop posting literal whos
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The goods I put on sale have been sold (I undercut by 300k)
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>mfw i finally changed my character's name back to being mostly lore friendly after swapping clans 2 years ago
Feels good
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I'm not there and I'm taking offense.
Swear loyalty to your new masters. Its the only way you'll keep a job Luis.
Remove Mei from there IMMEDIATELY
>shortage of healers is so bad that you have to lewdpost just to get into a dungeon as dps
dpssisters.... i dont feel so good....
please just a little to the right
Satori Komeiji :)
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what the FUCK chud
imagine being irrelevant
mmmmm delicious redra...
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Sneaking into this giant moonies shoes when they take them off
maybe I'll obey better if you nearly crush me under those big moonie feet
teach me who my goddess is
Sure. I'll join you. When and where?
do you like femra?
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im sure if healers had a more complex rotation this WHM would have decided to keep all the DPS alive and just kill the boss instead of wiping to enrage :)
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>not on the list now
It's so over.
why feriri
Cute blank
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Alice, any pretentious name like Anabella, Wisteria and other flower names, hyperfeminine cutesy names
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But I like running with warrior co-tanks.
>t.dumped by all the fem with "lorebreaking" names for being a sexpest
>Mei Mymei
Do they even play anymore?
Thank you Appalcord poster
that's not what happened you dickless cuck zoomer. i absolutely like chatting with people in the coomer singularity but reserve the right to turn you down for being a massive creep.
fuck off, next weird tell i get from you becomes a weeklong conversation with SE support about how you're making me feel unsafe and "what about that incident in japan."
of course i don't give too shits but i'll happily exaggerate just to watch your gross limsacat get flushed down the drain.
*steals your aether*
*giggles* In a few hours in my bedroo- I mean on Light.
it's called sticky white thread, under weaver recipes. it's almost done
I don't believe you
This was actually just after add phase
No healer is that stupid
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why am i not on th-
oh wheew
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>The writers literally Poochie'd Wuk Lamat
you cannot make this shit up holy fuck lmao
puke directly into my mouth sis
cute panties
I will join you, not for leveling tho~
>calling other people retards for not knowing LGBTBBQ+ shit
It is you that's the retard here.
why is it always the limsacat and limsa miera who are super creepy sexpests
don't see it but good luck with your craft!
I'm so angry looking at this
Thanks you're too
Roegadyn of both clans have the best lore and culture of all races om the game.
I just wish Hellsguard were more fleshed out like Seawolves, what little we know about them is incredibly cool.
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Wrong! This femra is deceased.
sooooo truuuuuuue haha #relatable sister
anyone named after a goddess (persephone, aphrodite, etc.)
it's a 0.1% wipe bro...
i showed you my neck now ANSWER me
Feels good coming back and seeing aether has completely dismantled itself.
>Lyse poster is a Lich chad
Holy smokes !!!!!¡;!!!!!!
What race do you play friend, I mean we could meet some day ........
That's sorta what I was thinking, watching them both lick it and fight for dominance...
wasn't something done to supposedly lower the risk of getting Crystal Tower in AR roulette? I keep getting this shit
im a necrophiliac now, time for rape
people need to run it to progress the MSQ man it's always going to be there
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thank you, it's a really, really hard craft
Square Enix uses the Localization team as Spare Americans
No joke, Japanese companies have Americans on staff to teach upper management about western cultural sensitivities or to speak up about stuff that Japanese culture is too scared to bring up.
Americans will say "that's a bad idea" to the boss, but a Japanese salaryman wouldn't be caught dead saying that.

Koji partially did this and had a hand in characterization and writing small bits himself as well as casting decisions, Kate took over for him entirely in Shadowbringers so she's been doing the same.
so fucking based. use second wind, dpsissie
i'm not even the person you're referring to, i just think you're dumb for complaining about it
yes, but it's still going to be the most common because of sprouts, people who are levelling other jobs, people who never unlocked any other alliance raid, or people farming for relic mats
I keep getting fucking Nier, funny how that be
there anon, happy?
they should force people to unlock the other raids
they removed the ability for people to queue naked to force it, but it's still the most common because it's the only mandatory unlock
i wish people knew how strong dancer's curing waltz is, but the retarded dancers themselves are probably too fucking stupid to read how it actually works
*giggles* I'm not telling, I'm Lyse after all, you know... Though sometimes I'm Ryne too.
i'm just happy this creep revealing himself to be a 4channer, so i can tell him off properly without some japanese salaryman worrying that i hurt his feelings.
Danny is the casting director on the EN side I think
so no one can even fucking confirm or deny if act is working? god you are all shit posters that never talk about the game fucking faggot ass kids
nng fuck thank you
look at fish book, still 19 big fish to be the final fish...

i do like femra, but i dont see it, why?
Is the game down or something? I suddenly can't login since the game says I need to purchase Dawntrail even though I bought the prerelease and beat the MSQ
{Thank you.}
interesting. wonder why she picked an underexperienced tranny. could have at least picked one with more experienced that passed better. she set sena up for failure.
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Kind himbos.
Expansion cancelled to write out wuk lamat
it is, someone was showing me snips from it complaining about their party yesterday. The plogon version works too.
ViolentDestruction? Good player but acts like a huge egotistical faggot when he doesn't get his way.
Xenosys Vex? 40 year old manchild who substitutes substantial accomplishments with having the highest number on a video game that isn't competitive, also a groomer who doxxes and extorts mentally ill individuals and ruins entire generations of raiders, especially tanks. Contributes to known cheating plugins and associates with Rich Campbell.
Arthars? Elitist commie who acts like a smug piece of shit and tries to dictate how entire datacenters should be regardless of their local norms, sounds like an obnoxious bug. Knows all the heinous things Xeno does and does nothing. Associates with Rich Campbell
MrHappy1227? Can't make a digestible guide to save his life, nigga got fucking ripped tho.
Rich Campbell? Actual rapist and a creep.
Asmongold? Unhygienic grifter who killed his mother, doesn't even play FFXIV anymore.

These are just a few, but what do they have in common? They all have their mains/raiding characters on Aether. It's no wonder that entire DC is so fucked when the examples they look up to are more or less deplorable failed human beings.
oh! OH!!!! That's me!!!
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ACT is working for the people with technical knowledge but if you have to ask about it then you are not in that group
Dumb question, but without making a silly macro is there a setting that just makes you use a skill on your target's target? Like say using Gravity but while staying focused on the tank. The macro works but its quite obnoxious.
sex. now.
>why are you all not talking about the game!?
>btw is my crutch plugin working!?
shut the fuck up retard
enter in your dawntrail code in the mogstation, the early access code isn't the same as the main game code
F. T. post
All the OGs are alive, but we don't participate in cringe bullshit. Except Rikka anyways, apparently they are still around.
I'm in da praetorium mines
It's tricky but honestly push the timer out of your mind and take it tile by tile. break it down and you'll be fine. Once you do it a few times you'll realize there's only a few iterations of it and it'll be ez mode after a few runs of the dungeon. It's for that reason that I recommend working backwards like I said instead of making a mistake in haste.
waiting for work to be done so I can finish EW and move on to DT
is there a glam that lets me have black painted nails
i don't remember making this post
all the good healers stopped playing that shit because its boring as fuck
enjoy the dregs you are left with
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im done grinding for trusts. now trusts will grind for ME. im tagging packs and then tabbing out to shitpost.
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They're all on Aether for the same reason why every influencer and streamer moves to Texas or California
you move to where the others are to network and have easy collaborations
Aether is the streamer hub, it's been that way since Heavensward when server mattered and you raided with your FC
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Understandable, giggle poster deserves to remain a mystery
i want to say ive seen his character posted here before but every cat looks identical with a palette swap of their hair and eye color so it could have just been a clone
/pet /pet /smooch
thank for actually answering
ive been using it for 7 years and ive solve the issue a shit ton of times and its just not working once, shut the fuck up retard
>knowing numbers is a crutch
and you call others retard? fucking amazing projection shut the fuck up you little faggot cry baby bitch
Is there a way to add someone to blist without seeing them say something in chat?
Hey don't diss Happy, man's living his life.

Also what about Momo?
hnnnnnnggg cute femra...........
sometimes i forget how bad the average player of this game is then i get a 35 minute dungeon
the painted nails glam
is EX1 hard or easy to heal
because most pulls looks pretty scuffy health wise
as dps it always feels like I am going to die to the next damage from the snake
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>t. gets bullied 24/7 for being shit at the game and doesnt like being called out for doing 10 dps ice mage
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is it too late to play endgame content
>I've solve the issue
sure thing pajeet, so I'm sure you know how it works and that DT didn't actually break it right? you just need to correct a few things to get it working again.
This dude has been posting lately, is he really that unhinged?
no I don't racemix
i think you can just right click on them in the overworld, or try player searching them
QUESTION: yesterday Dalamud started working and I was able to update a few addons, played normally. Today XIVlauncher patched the game, I just logged into the game and got the Endwalker loginscreen, tried changing it to Dawntrail but didn't see the option. Logged out for fear of something being broken. What went wrong? Is it Dalamud and I need to disable that? Or do I need to run from the regular game's launcher? Will anything break if I do that?
Short men
yes, goodbye and get filtered
oh you're one of those fucking retards my fucking god is everyone online a brown skin faggot to you?
Now that I look at it, that's the zoomer who's been posting here on cooldown about "I want my raids back I want to raid let me raid" with his bland-ass catgirl attached, fluoride staring off into space
What should I be farming as a gatherer now the materia market is crashing?
it's easy if you aren't retarded. there's no real big damage that isn't solved from just slamming whatever cds you have up at the time without any thought
Handsome all the way, "cute men" is fine if they're clearly guys with just some boyish charm, don't make them some femboy shit.
>i've solve the issue
>and you call other retard
Ivan get the fuck off 4chan and go die in Ukraine blyat
Did xivlauncher fuck up my game files or why is the DT intro straight up missing now?
I think I recognize that mouth.....
register your dawntrail code
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My honest opinion as someone who started playing back in ARR. This is only for the MSQ, not dungeons or trials or anything else (unless it's directly related to the story and its writing). The patches listed are only those exact patches, not the ones before or after them.
Nothing will break if you run from the normal launcher, I can answer that much at least for you. Dalamud went down again cause of an update so maybe it's wonky for you or something idk really.
you never entered your dawntrail main game code on the mogstation and dont have access to it anymore
WOW. Nice job! Big fan of your work.
im depressed and considering suicide but i respect your decision...
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should I focus on finishing my Triple Triad collection (i'm like 20 cards from 100%), or finish my fishing collection (I only need the Dawntrail fish)
Wuk latroon?
Damn that tank buster mustve hit you hard.
Lets go do the new Pandaemonium raid. I heard it has Lahabrea in it!
Yeah, looks about right.
Dawntrial truly is the biggest literacy check of all time
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>ctrl+f Chaos
>no mention of Chaos
Chaos sisters...
>all these retarded modfags complaining about getting the endwalker login screen
pointing and laughing
You're better off without it
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i always get called half a himbo but to this day i'm unable to figure out which half of the himbo they say i am
What does that have top do with modding anon?
thanks now when do we get married?
mounting a catboy
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Cute men
I actually saved that exact same tier list yesterday because it's spot on for me. I'm glad that someone still remembers just how amazing 3.3 was.
So what you're saying is that in addition to Aether players being foul, self centered and shitty players, they're also clout chasers?
Damn it just gets worse.
There's not much to diss Happy on
Also I just learned about who Momo is, he's a sexpest
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Hunt trains and leveling VPR
are you on aether?
I would be mad if I was perceived as a retard
Ive been called a himbo before and it threw me off.
because it's just showing that modfags are all braindead or newfags
yes, he's harassed the fuck out of me and a few of my friends, running in circles around us in the quicksand spam-sheath/unsheathing his weapon like the ADHD addled creep that he is, because none of us would help him jerk off.
yeah but visiting dynamis at the moment so i dont get stuck on aether
I need a top like Morrigan's NOW
He didn't seem so bad from the posts I saw of him lately here. Didn't realize you guys were talking about the basic cat with the maid headband kek
Otis Jenkins?
so what's the point of role quests nowadays other than the storyline/xp and gatekeeping you from being a mentor
or is that it
i see a very cute femra, but may i call you wife instead?
Theres a femra looking at me through my window.
It thinks I dont know its there.
spray Renda-Rae's face with bibisea cum
>can finally play this game without worries of responsibilities
>bozja already dead
>Light still barred off
why did i make a character on this data cluster...........
That was it. Thank you. I don't understand why such a prestigious video game company has such an unintuitive account management process, from FF11 to FF14. I bought my dad the game and he was able to log in once, and then two years later he tried again and couldn't do it and got mad despite spreadsheeting all of his account credentials.
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i've been called an airhead before but one person has told me that if i was too smart i might be unstoppable, so i suppose it's for the best
I knew something was off when I saw his posts recently
I have a fucking radar it's insane, glad I was not wrong
That's it
Like a lot of things it's tradition, we've always had some type of role quests and they need a way to gate dyeing gear that's not an extreme
Is the Crystal Exarch a cute boy or a handsome man? (not G'raha, the Exarch specifically)
why did sphene listen to her
good, stay out
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already fixed it, since all i needed to know it still works and now you straight up look like a fucking projecting retard child
>lelellelelle ukraine russia!!
are you going to start chanting MAGA at me now?
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if you are femhroth then yes.
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>used a single target lily on themselves instead of an aoe one
granted a single aoe lily wouldn't have saved all those dps but still
Wife post
why even have them at all, then
i'm only a binger but it seems extremely pointless now

ah, forgot about the dye part
that still seems pretty worthless
Coming to find you. Goddess is cringe though.

Sounds like unbearable heat to me, but if that's what you're after...
You should strive to be a full himbo
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I hate seeing the dome in the distance when i'm in the cowboy zone
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>Oh god, another fucking talk to Wuk'Lamat quest?
>How?! How did we go from Endwalker to this?!
>Help... a shred of battle content, please...


>Please hold on! It gets better at lvl97!
>A-At least... the dungeons are better than usual...
>We will have more content than Stormblood!


>You just want instant gratification! Let them cook the next arc!
>It's a worldbuilding expansion! It's supposed to be slow!
>You just hate trans people!

Those who played and decayed... those who had enough and unsuscribed...
And the very last of them wished they never played at all.
>wake up
>2b bottoms still give you a hank hill ass
>go back to sleep
The MSQ has renewed my appreciation for normal sidequests since they don't involve Jar Jar.
launch act before selecting your character
God I wish I was a himbo. Instead I'm just autistic.
Can a maleroe be cute
the correct play would have been to at least heal the sam or blm and sack themselves cause they do more damage than a glare or two
i sheath and unsheath because i like the sounds of the omega weapons, not because you didn't want to interact with me
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holy moly
>giantess posting is back
that wasnt it, nor was it the inject, nor was it admin, nor was it firewall
yeah bro
2B bottoms officially look best on hrothgals because they already had the biggest bubble butt without them
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2 days of sub left................
2 days of making fun of the latinx...............
2 days until I have to figure out how to distract myself from the real world...............
Holy kek, saved.
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You're too smart for your own good..
it still gives you a hank hill ass, anon
dunno then. it's obviously working as people are logging fights.
back to league for you
Posing is dead for now... but size? Size never dies.
bro, your new game plus?
GNB/WAR is the OTP
Who are craftsmen that make the metal to armor the giant girls? Are those gemstones on her crown? how did they get that big? What does she eat?
We're all a little bit of a himbo at times.
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The writers forced her to.
I kinda miss killing you!
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i'll try my best
just get autistic about squatting and eating a lot of oatmeal
i've done it most of my adult life now i have a huge muscular ass that stretches out regular jeans so i have to wear stretchy jeans or sweatpants everywhere
i am
a gay hrothgar
listen I'm not here to inject realism into my fetish I just like big women
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this is going to be your pov soon
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Delete this
She has a farm with 100.000futas she drains with automated pump machines
hyper cringe
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Your literary analysis of Lord of The Flies ch. 6-9 is due this Tuesday kiddo
you're never gonna turn that english grade around if you keep beating off to meteion with giant tits
She was intimitated and confused by "her" voice. Psychological warfare.
Not wrong given the one bunny pic.
And the beach pic.
And the other beach pic.
And the farm pic.
extinct femroe melty
dear god please PLEASE
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Any reason you get so much tomestones from this one dungeon in particular? Worth it?
Please top me I am a hrothgar in need of a hrothgal wife
zhokko is such a lucky man
Redflag for what
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it doesn't give any item drops
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Lame sh*t game gonna uninstall it soon, again, for the xthilionth time..........
you are hrothgar
How big is too big? An involuntary twitch of the muscle can crush you. If she breathes as she goes to kiss you she can knock you off her hand and you fall to death, and no matter how quick she is to catch you she does not have to dexterity to stop from crushing you from the catch given how gravity works. Speaking of, how is she standing?
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Lalafell with a food name.
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who's this bloke
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Hola, azul coyote
Why do I find femhroths so insanely sexy?
What the fuck is wrong with me?
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isnt that the kid from Namai
why do you guys hate lalafell players?
>these EXs
Oooohhh my leylines, my poor leylines.
macchiato post
all that tranny porn must have warped your mind should have jumped off when you had the chance
I hope the 8.x picto spells explore more emotions like this
i know right?
i need a femhroth to beat the shit out of my so fucking bad i cant stand it im quaking
i'll stop hating them when they stop giving me reasons to
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i'm logging in
Hate would imply that I ever think about them. They are nothing to me
Brain slowly rotting
I know because its happening to me, I now find gocks semi attractive, and Im hetero irl and even had a 5years+ relationship with a female (female)
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Hmmm I'm thinking sex
plogons back up
i hope you're having a good saturday. /pet /pet /pet /pet /pet
feels like my whole life has been leading up to hrothgal's release in this game
i blame playing high tail hall as a wee lad honestly
We don't play FFXIV. We only masturbate to the characters people post here, and lalafells look like kids so we don't like them.
>grind dungeons for a glamour set
>find out you could just buy it with gil in the next expansion city
>Arthars says FFXIV writing sucks and is too anime
>community hates DT writing
>Arthars immediately switches his opinion to say "well I liked it actually I think it's peak, casuals just don't know a good story"
is there a more openly contrarian motehrfucker than this gook?
Femhroths are what femroes *think* they look like, the sexy mature mommy type. In reality, of course, femroes look like men.
breeding zoraal ja's cloaca
I am
a 100% lore-friendly dunie
named Wawahogi
new superpower for pictomancer: you become bipolar
you wouldn't be lying to me would you lil fella?
I need art of him that isn't AI slop
he... has no genitals though?
youre a hairy lizard larry
If you like cocks you're just gay or bi desu
Lala players are either total bros or unhinged retards, better to ignore them and avoid the problematic individuals
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/pet /pet /pet
sexo with mamool ja?
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Wait so whats the point in doing the extreme trials? The upcoming crafted gear is the same ilvl?
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Yeah a year back you dumbasses called me a homo for liking femroe and femezen and now this shit...
not that i want to see it but where is his cock?
actually made me laugh, good job
>uninstall it soon, again, for the xthilionth time..........
and again you will return
they give mounts and the crafted weapons aren't out yet
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>No Glamourer still
I cannot play this game without making golems. Help me.
Just finished the MSQ , Holy shit that last part in the last trial was very dumb ,, how the fuck do we go from endwalker KINO to this Garbage ?

the whole last zone took a nose dive in story telling ,, isnt the whole point of WoL is that there is always another way ?? instead the whole plotline is you go around and turn off the Power ?? Who thought this is a good story?

Extremally disappointed desu ,, i can't even bother unlocking the level 100 new dungeons
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If high tail hall was yours than this was mine
Literally me with the Troian Thighboots of Casting.
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Big Moonies
last time i did it everything seemed to die really fast the thing that might make it take long is people fucking up on the last boss dualstar aoe
What? Dungeon armor isn't sold in stores
they're actually strong feminine models unlike the monstrosities that are femroes
I don't want to help you and you are beyond help anyway
Yeah I might be, body has to stay feminine tho
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>an actually cute femr4
For fun
shame.... i wanted a cute f3ra by my side...
Nope, happened like 10m ago
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*throws an extremely oversized wrench at you*
Warrior of Light and Darkness, will you combat the force that overwhelms us? Will you become... Our Warrior of Wuk Lamat?
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was a combination of HTH and lion king i think
mind you i'm not even a furry in the traditional sense of the word but i also would and have
I love lalas, thoughever
Wait, so what's the point of doing the savage raids, the next upcoming savage raid has higher ilvl?
Mounts get buffed anyway later and the crafted weapons out before savage also so you're not getting ahead at all?
that was probably a femra or elk having a melty
did the healers actually strike?
i don't want to give my hard earned gil to some greedy marketboard bastard
I mean same model
Come /pet me and I'll pay for a month sub
Nvm I'm retarded
Arent they all + anyway
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I'm SORRY!!!!! If I get stuck on aether my static members will fucking HATE me!!!!
Guy you want to fuck a femhroth? Then you just like anthro characters, you're a furry, its not a big deal and its simple as that.
no you dumb faggot
yeah all 5 of them
Healers can’t even do expert difficulty dungeons
>peak of happytrail
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Life has no meaning, especially now that we have forgotten the divine
What are my chances with the Hrothgals as a Highlander male?
Yeah all his and Xeno's fanboys
Since when does Arthars give a fuck about the story?
I mean clearing it is good yeah but why are people stressed out about farming the weapon and accessories for savage? When they can get them easily from crafting before savage
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My femrothgar respecting his homosexually by setting boundaries like a grown ass woman while we be platonic friends. because I am a dyke
ok and?
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I don't think Pictomancer is particularly weak in CC but I do think it's designed like shitty garbage and actively wants you to be frustrated.

>+3s to every respawn time to Paint
>no way to speed up a Painting, even the haste buff you can get doesn't apply to it
>Spend 3s hard-casting to do a 4k OGCD
>no hard CC
>105s CD on LB
>LB takes 3 seconds to actually cast
>Chocobastion works like Mesotes where it can take several seconds to apply the defense buff to someone when they enter

Honestly hope that 7.1 PCT doesn't resemble this one much.
They struck me, stoned me, whipped and bemoaned me
But I tanked that
Shit, that's something I haven't seen in ages
I've had a girl's pubes in my mouth irl
I can take the femhroths
handsome house cat
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thats not even me you're talking to...lol
i dont like furry shit but i love femhroth
can you explain this phenomena?
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okay that was pretty cool
How much did he conquer?
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but will you want to fuck the ratgirls in 8.0?
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I would rather pluck my one good eye out and put it in a blender.........
Die in excruciating agony............
level 88-90 materials will be in demand for the entire expac
You know I was set on hating him but he kind of was alright... Probably would feel the same about Wuk if she wasn't so omnipresent.
>since when does he care
it's literally just whatever the opposite of the "NPCs", "Bots", "casuals", etc like
he just has the opposite opinion because 90% of raiders in this game base their identity on liking whatever the majority doesn't like to feel like they're somehow more enlightened
Can we stop adding beast races that aren't mamool ja or bangaa
What are my chances of getting a silly, loving and doting hrothgal wife as a male hrothgar?
>goddess is cringe
no problem, i'm putting around balmung like usual. maybe you find my moonie boy sometime
I actually am. I don't know what people were expecting. I knew it was too soon for a ShB/EW 2.0
The new dungeons are a great way to wash the taste of the MSQ out of your mouth
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if you do this dungeon with minfilia
she takes her sweet time crossing over the gap
cool small detail
I can't not hate wukong
>I really need to find a boyfriend
>Wanting to cheat on your carefully cultivated AI
Typical femlala behavior. This is why no one likes you.
brother there are "people" here that want to fuck cabbage patch kids, i don't think ratgirls would faze them
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what the fuck, how come froths get to wear just the gas mask without the helmet
i want that
You just don't like the vast majority of and the fact that a furry is in a game you play probably daily makes it easier for you to consume. You like furry shit, that's it.
There were people debating on it like its some grand mystery.
Thanks sis.

Hey now, rude.
I wanted HW 2.0
shut up bitch
all femhroth are for my femra (monogamous)
If they add another race before they fix hroths and viera I think most of those players will riot and leave
you simply do not understand how sad the level is of brainrot of people who want to be the week one orange parsers.
I don't mind her with JP dub as much though I still feel smothered by her taking front and center in everything. If they'd cut her appearances in half and gives other a bit more time I think I could very much like her.
>zhe installed Vanguard
Optional dungeons are actually very well done
kate is the kathleen kennedy of ffxiv
does a good job following orders of their boss, gets promoted when their boss moves on, injects globohomo poz into the franchise and murders it
>server lags for a few ticks
>macro fucks up
>craft fails
>money stolen
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My hate is incommensurable
sorry I meant to say handsome bdsm dungeon cat
My game seems to freeze for a couple of seconds every so often since DT

Anyone else?
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I'm not allowed on Balmung right now, unless they changed things back to usual? Hmmm... moonie boy huh? Does he wear a shirt?
Yeah I'm thinking Aether needs to be hit with a PDoS attack.
What's with this game and patricide
why are roulettes always tank in need
i wouldve assumed healer would be least popular
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I don't want to level them
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I'm rooting for you!
Kill yourself, race mixing faggot.
lmao you won't do shit
The only people stressed about wanting the weapon/acc for savage are people who have never actually done an expansion launch before. You do extremes early for fun and to see how your job changes feel in content
As shit as the main story is, the expert dungeons this xpac are really fucking good
i think dc travel is still locked down..
he does wear a shirt, brown with a lil cape and pauldron
holy moly i didnt think i was famous 'round these parts......................
any good highlander beard mods`?
you should.
He is now a part of the chinese botnet I fear.
>blessed siblings are incredibly powerful because they have 2 souls in 1 body
>final boss of Arcadion will be an enby two-spirit Whalaqee Blue mage
>paid shill chink with media tour access likes thing that released this week
When the checks dry up in a month he'll shit on it again.
this is my favorite femra poster
We're way too addicted to the game let's be real. Most we'll do is complain.
>Kill yourself, race mixing faggot.
race mixing with femhroth is morally acceptable because i said so.
Tanks are kinda a de facto leader of the party. First to charge in, sets the pace. Maybe not always the case, but typically. Lots of betas play the game and are legitimately afraid of taking charge, even in a simulated setting.
then dont
Don't spend your threadcred all at one place.
This post can be made by 12 different people here this cat is so generic.
Atta boy, this is acceptable.
Why is this cat forcing himself harder than a male midlander looking for femlalas to groom?
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What does this mean? Just got out of a FL game and didn't get exp for it.
Say nigger.
Say kike.
post your char, bet that shit crusty af
is this beta aspect why savages have such low clear rates
>Whalaqee Blue mage
nigga's name is geodude lol
she looks like she fucks hroths
you probably need to punch in your Dawntrail code
you are so fucked
What was the new patch for?
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Why does he look like that?
Yeah, I definitely have met people who have outright said they are scared of harder content.
activate your full expac code dummy, they've been warning the whole week
Why can't any of you fuckers read
fix something for the 2 xbox players
Check your email and register Dawntrail
The code you used previously was only for early access
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there was a weird glitch this expansion where i was unable to find a femhroth eb for my femra. devs said this is patched now but im not holding my breath
man im genuinely trying to figure out which ultimate weapon limsacat this is
holy rent-free
Blinded by tainted back alley hormones.
I exactly look like bottom right but with a nice nose
What in the fuck
Chris Redfield?
Oh, okay. The moonie boy I was thinking of is always shirtless, but I'll keep an eye out for these features...
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>"pictomancy is the power of imagination!"
>"imagination! channel your creativity! free your mind!"
>spells are a big hammer, a moogle, the sky and a handful of colors
So WoL has the imagination of a depressed 50-year old?
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check your mail
>Garlic already being subjected to an undercut war
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Oh I see. Thank you.
why are their mouths so monstrously wide
Jonathan Fortnite must be excited
how many times have we been hit in the head again?
you know how fucked our culinarian recipies are?
someone asks for an omelette and the wol will go get fucking monster eggs for it
>why is (tranny coomer) trying to force himself
That's their whole gimmick. Nobody wants to be around them so they spam until they can't be ignored.
see: Elk Crowe@Balmung
wow they actually look worse with eyebrows
pictomancer is so god damn disappointing on multiple fronts
They look like fortnite characters lmao
and yet you saw it, which is what matters more than whether some other posters who types like you happened to jump in the middle of a conversation.
Hello my wife
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>cute hrothgal
blonde as well, i've posted him once or twice here but i'm all over the place
when dc travel is allowed i'll post about big moonies or something to try and get your attention
until then!
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[12:05]You attach a mug of cocoa to the letter.
[12:05]You attach a mug of cocoa to the letter.
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[12:05]You attach a mug of cocoa to the letter.
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[12:05]You attach a mug of cocoa to the letter.
[12:05]Message sent.
[12:05]You attach a mug of cocoa to the letter.
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[12:06]You attach a mug of cocoa to the letter.
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[12:06]You attach a mug of cocoa to the letter.
[12:06]Message sent.
[12:06]You attach a mug of cocoa to the letter.
[12:06]Message sent.
[12:06]You attach a mug of cocoa to the letter.
[12:06]Message sent.
[12:06]You attach a mug of cocoa to the letter.
[12:06]Message sent.
If I was a pictomancer I'd draw a whiskey bottle, a broken whiskey bottle, and a bar
>So WoL has the imagination of a depressed 50-year old?
Go redo Eden. It's not Meteor's fault the devs can't make more than 5 skills in 100 levels.
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did you send one to me
my fault og....
ye im just generic limsa cat #56432563425904
cute hrothgals maybe....
maybe he is australian
He does look good, the Ken doll crotch just caught me off-guard.
I love hrothgals but it's true. A lot of them, especially on Balmung, are lesbian or less so trans. Out of all my new hrothgal friends I found *one* that's straight and she's a silly kitty that takes me back to 2005 every time she speaks
To accomodate the huge modded cocks they're about to suck
I wanna lick that patch of scales.
Australians don't post here.
my sunnie has helped hroths repopulate bozja for months already
It's kind of depressing that realistically, I'll never be able to draw something as good as this
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he's just sitting there
kill this shitter
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I am never gonna get that jacket at this rate
that is one big ol pile of shit
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it's ai, so whatever you can currently do is more valuable than this
I can't wait for 8.0 when pictomancer mains will be expecting new spells for their motifs like any reasonable human being would but end up getting a new hammer finisher
nta but do you do any footwear/legwear or just feet
A medica immediately followed by one or two aoe lily would have saved everyone there. The healer was tunneling dps and realized too late he had to top everyone.
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>there was an aether current quest that takes you ther
>now I have to go there again
>which ultimate weapon limsacat
Silly Cat/Soft Enrage
I'm not party to the current drama but I have seen him being a massive skeeve in Ul'dah in the several months before Dawntrail
Why is this 1h at the last day during primetime?
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Footwear is also good.
Need a hand, friend? What are you doing?
>You just hate trans people!
I do, they can't voice act, they can barely pass as women, they can't voice act as them.
The god awful truth that we can't tell them "Oh hey your voice only has one tone, you have no range, and if you try to give any emotion to your voice you instantly sound like a fucking man."
Dudes need to stop making it our problem. Having a one tone main character sucked fucking ass. Then outside of that it was just mentoring people who need to grow the fuck up but yet we never say shit about anything. I want to adventure now, I'm tired of playing the chaperone for others. The only good segment was where we shook wuk lmao and started exploring shit with Erenville. I wasn't being his personal therapist or some tard herder, we worked together to get shit done and it was nice.
If you buy an emote off the store that your character already has on accident can you get refunded or at least trade for another emote?
You sound upset.
>"randomly" replying a 3 hour old post
>in a thread that everyone abandoned 2 hours ago
>y-you sound upset!
Hi Shizen Kesung.

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