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Previous: >>484953132

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary!
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon (Class Specific x 20 Groups)
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Place your bets.
>All these people posting multiple SSRs on their paid pulls
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>buyed regular GSSR
got dupe

>buyed destiny summon
got dupe
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Lip love!
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Yeah looking over the choices for servants it's just not worth it for me to bother with destiny shit. Too many disappointing classes whose SSRs I either already have or don't care about
Next year once the options expand I'll shell out but this time it's a >>>SKIP
nice ilya
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Holy crap, look, it's Van Gogh!
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Kama Love!
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>Destiny summon dupe
You literally have only yourself to blame for that one.
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>got NP1 Arc in 90sq
>befor NP5 Xukek

This is our Fate...
holy shit this is worse than I thought, at least in a gssr you can get multiple SSRs, here youre paying double AND you can only get 1
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Bros, I have no fucking clue which GSSR to paypig for...
That's a lot of money Kama... spend it wisely okay?
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At least you got Hephaestion, my fellow Bober
berserk 2 for soulless but useful
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All on the destiny draw!
you can get multiple SSRs, any 2nd SSR will just not be one of the ones shown. But it can be any SSR even limited.
The softest
this is our fate...... our fate............ grand order.
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holding this for you until you come back
degeneratesodomite@cock.li with your master name/birthday or some shit and i'll give it back.
What's yours looking like, /alter/
I had to pick between Abby and Summer Abby since they're both at the same NP level
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Only 27. At least you have your youth. Enjoy your life without the burden of fgo. You’re finally free.
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>half ap doors
Bros, put Bella Lisa on Castoria please.
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Wrong. NP4 Morgan.
>NP2 Arc at 300SQ
>NP4 Xu
>In same window got NP4 man of yellow skies
So I got Earth in 90 sq.
Do I NEED to roll more np levels for gameplay purpose??
I like summer servants and Kukkulan.
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Literally who?
>at least in a gssr you can get multiple SSRs
Be honest, have you ever rolled multiple 5*s in a single 10/11-roll?
unironically skip
Kama love behind the ramen shop!
dumb tourist
I was lucky and got Arc with 5 tickets. Is NP1 useful for anything?
>will have sq for pity Skadi

grand order. Z...
You got Morgan from GSSR too? Maybe she really loves you
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Anniversary is here! Wake up!
After the show you gave yesterday?
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dork aquired
Tell us his name.
Based anon
She's poop for gameplay unless you get NP3+. The issue is her gimmick (Anti-Chaotic) is tied to NP level instead of overcharge level. This makes her hit fucking crazy numbers at high NP levels, but she's flimsy at NP1.
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bros... it sucks that this has the CEs tied to the servants... bros...
who was it
post the name
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>based account preserver got it
Whose account was it?
>anon on the last thread said he was holding his dick as catalyst for Caren
>Give my dick a few strokes and do the same
If you want to use her NP2 is good value. Wouldnt go over 300SQ depending on how much you have left.
muh three kingdom strategist
its not a regular here.
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>He's a 3 kingdoms historylet
She gives 3 sq at max ascension so she's not completely useless
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Is this really supposed to be just A?
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>np1 arc and xu in 90sq
I'm ready for summer now
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>Dumping out the Second Archive embers.
>There are 8 gold fous in there
When did I do this? Why did I do this? This is fucking retarded...
600 sq and only one Arc. I think I'm going to be sick.
Is Np1 Arc still good?
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let her cook
Maybe I have him on the list, so tell me.

No. It's a reference to a line in Traum, it's supposed to be A'.
>480 SQ
>no SR
>no SSR
>none of the useful CEs
>3 Xu Fu
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Approximately 21 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:

Bros I got Bazett in the GSSR. She was already NP5... She really loves me...
Read Traum.
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>all higher functions cease operations
>reverting to basic primal functions
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I mainly focused on the characters I didnt have, but some class choices were alot less desirable than others like rider. Happy I got charlemagne but the 10 roll itself was pretty bad
I did it bros!
Is this how you SQ refund? I bought the big quartz pack and got literally nothing.
I once got Arjuna Alter and King Hassan from a GSSR in the same roll and I basedfaced.
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No clue what I'm in for.
>800+ SQ for only NP1
Holy shit, I've never had such shit luck in FGO. All my ani gifts are just gone. Thankfully, after summer nothing worth summoning until the arcade collab.
post your FC so I can add you
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Congrats, bro.
Nice, how much?
make that np3 Xu Fu
Well, collection it is then.
another 150SQ
I wonder if any of them actually come back
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if you see someone with this support not logging in then its time to delete them
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That took pretty much all of the free SQ we got but I got her. Two of her. And an Enkidu spook before this.
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Whoever lied and said Arc only comes with rainbow sparks was very rude. I got a Mooncancer card off no sparks and thought I'd been Jinako'd, but then the card changed.
Pay me and I will
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>500+ sq
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I'm still reclaiming lores
I’m tempted to go big and do this like 5 times and refund. What are the consequences?
thank you
>it's just not worth it for me to bother with destiny shit
The Final Shape is the culmination of a decade's worth of live-service storytelling that has pushed the whole genre of free-to-play online first-person shooter games forward and done credit to the entire medium of video games. It's a milestone experience in interactive narrative media. How could you possibly claim to be a True Gamer and not bother to engage with Destiny at this point in this zeitgeist?
Eh, I really wanted Scat but this was the second best choice.
Just had a succulent Chinese meal
How cringe was the stream from 1-10?
What is there to congratulate with, dumb Lipper? He got USO
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Hoping for Gogh, bros. Wish me luck.
Give me your wisdom Skadoo. I have NP3 Arc and 900SQ. Do I go all in for NP4/5 Arc, or save the 900SQ to guaranteed Summer Skadoo? I'm worried since Arc never returns and the FOMO is crawling up my ass.
Not muramasa or tametomo and I'll be very happy
Is Xu Fu actually on rate up? It took me 400 quartz to get 5 copies.
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So much to do this anni but this comes first.
is arc worth getting if you don't plan to np5 her?
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>gold summon ring into foreigner
>gold summon ring into foreigner
>gold summon ring into foreigner
koyan dark took pity on me the third time around
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Happy anniversary, /alter/!
What the fuck, I wanted to do 10 tickets for Fu and on my very first roll I thought the game bugged out when I couldn't skip the summoning animation only to witness absolute kino...
Change his message to "grinched" at least.
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gogh luck
I got Gogh on my roll, it should be a hot period.
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Youll get Haohao and youll fall in love with her and her thighs. happened to me last time
good luck
3* rate ups are really bad.
What does his summoning history look like. What was he potentially aiming for
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Reply to this post if you were more invested in getting Xu Fu than getting Arc.
10% chance nothing happens
50% chance you get banned from the google store
30% chance your account gets deleted
10% chance 2kun comes to your house and shoots you
Your account will probably get fucking banned. You may be able to excuse it once but 5 times back to back then they are definitely banning your account.
pity reached
got spooked by Jannu and Dioscuri, a bunch of 4*s including 4 Tamamo cats and 3 Nezhas
stupid dumb vamp
Due to the way NP levels scale, NP5 is a piddly 10% more damage than NP3 (450% vs 500%). That being said, she seemingly doesn't get a second rate up.
I am still indecisive on who to pick for regular GSSR.
gogh luck bro!
Me. 40 rolls and NP2 Arc but no Fu-chan....
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>$1400 kun
never forget your roots /alter/
I think saving for Skadoo is better. NP3 Arcueid is very nice and you might get more copies in the future from the GSSR.
I was but after50 rolls fuck the 3* rates i'll just hope to get her randomly
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NP2 at 120 sq now, I will push np3!
Ohnononono bro Xu fu just told me about Semiramis in your future!
I can make space if you post yours, don't really feel like posting mine sorry.
About 2200.
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>message is saving for lady avalon
>they have 20 sq np1 arc and an ana spook and 750/700 craft essences
a mistake was made here.
avg 75sq/copy (11-roll bonus ignored)

expected is 375sq, you're dead average and should have calculated odds beforehand
her supereffective damage also scales with level at full values so NP levels for arc are more important than almost anyone else
Is it safe to spend FP now or do we have another FP servant coming up?
Yeah, double Oberon.
I just want the 5* limited CE
Oh, the non-friend NP is also available
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can't remember last time I got 2 5* at once
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Got what I wanted from Anni, only 1 copy with 700 SQ, but cool nonetheless.
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Managed to avoid that hag whilst getting NP5 Xu Fu
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>was originally gonna pick a different cĺass
>got suckered in by evil woman breasts
>She actually showed up
Between that and Feika I cashed out pretty well
bro or death
What are you jamming to while playing FGO /alter/?

if you wana spend FP to get xu fu wait until after anniversary since thats when she gets added to general pool/FP pool
Same i shitted myself when i saw jinako and the guy next to me laughed only to see it transform.
He got punished and it took 600 sqs for np1.
Wait, you're still here? Bro...
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Arc love!
incarnation why did you destroy your soulport, I don't understand
I made it. bros...
Me, rolled until NP5 Fu and got NP2 Arc in the road
That goes up an amazing 12.5%, from 187.5% at NP3 to 200% at NP5. It's a REALLY tiny difference once you hit NP3. Plus NP3 is enough to comfortably level her to 120 if you're into that.
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they dont ban your account i did it like north of 20 times (unironically) and nothing happened. it doesnt work consistently anymore so i stopped though.
>About 2200.
Bro no! You got too cocky! Youre burning up all your summer/Kuku luck!
Let's fucking go, ne deciding not to do the berserker gacha paid off
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>NP4 Morgan from GSSR
>NP1 Dinozerkerwife from GSSR
>NP1 Caren from Destiny
>NP1 Arc in 10 Tickets
Today was good.
>120 SQ and 10 tickets for Arc and 2x Xu fu
>GSSR gives TWO Gils AND an Ishtar
>Destiny gives me Sei
>all after going FIVE YEARS WITH NO 5* ARCHER
I am fucking REELING
Yeah it hurt since I saved all of that up but I'm glad I got her in the end.
>Destiny Summon
Tai Gong.

This is fucking bullshit. For the last three fucking GSSRs, I've just been trying to get my 4th copy of Muramasa. It's literally ALL I FUCKING WANT AT THIS POINT.
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Dantes and Amakusa or Summer Kiara and Moriarty GSSR?
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I’m a launch player, why did I get so little quartz
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Holy shit...
Grail his Xu Fu to 120
Damage reports?
>400 SQ on Arc Banner for one copy + Seiba spook
>Destiny Summon - Jeanne Alter
>Berserker 2 - Morgan
Could have been worse I guess but my Lady Avalon funds are in shambles, but I still have stuff to farm so hopefully I can get her.
mine is 041 178 648
I wish this game was more like SRW.
I have one Black Grail and four Kaleidoscopes. Which one do I pick with my CE ticket?
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bro it's not 2018 anymore...
I'm grailing her too before I do anything else
I guess all's well that ends well right? Going to 120 her?
900 is only for whales who have every servant in the game, 600+ is more than good enough
Because you didn't whale and summon for every servant ever, that's a decent amount.
How many rolls?
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>Trung sisters
>NP5 Barg
I guess Charlie is going to stay NP1
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600 is pretty normal.
Those 900SQ pictures you are seeing are from whales that roll on fucking everything.
Had to hit pity for np 1, that was brutal
Now i'll full save for next year summer
Is destiny order worth it???
Damn thats exactly what I wanted, double SSR too
Have to reconsider my destiny draw now
>1200SQ for NP3 Arc (400SQ per copy is fine by me AND NO JINAKO SPOOKS THANK FUCK)
>Morgan NP level from GSSR (was hoping for this)
>Summer Sei from GSSR (new, also cool)
>Muramasa from Destiny (wanted him)
I am glad with this outcome.
guess I'll stay an arclet then...
Unless you're a giga whale who has every servant, yes
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Xu Fu-chan!
lost my 1/3 to fucking semiramis...here goes my chance to become a busterchad. well atleast it is my first google play purchase so guaranteed refund
Congrats! Gogh is a very fun servant to use in all types of content, you'll enjoy her greatly.
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are you this guy >>484960536
congrats brogh
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Rate our anni. Are you happy with what you've got?
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are you >>484960536? if so big fuckin grats goghbro!
>np1 arc
yeah. that's perfect. im stopping here.
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Not really, I just remembered it's anni time.

Because I don't play the game anymore. Some update fucked over the performance so badly it's running at like 5 fps and it's just unplayable. Loading into the game takes approximately 2 minutes, not to mention anything else. So I can't & won't play for the foreseeable future.
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1650SQ, I only feel relief
What does Arc do that NP2 BB can't?
>400 for Arc
>2 Carens in GSSR
I'm so much happier about Caren than Arc
All her ascensions are cute too. Leaning towards ascension 2 for the bare legs but might just set her on random.
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Kamabros...I MADE IT!!!!!!
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When will Oberon rerun? Will he ever again? I was caught offguard when he rerun recently. I won't roll for anyone after getting Summer Skadoo until Draco...
This is all the sq we get for anniversary, right?
you're fucked bro
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Happy anniversary!
It took me 1530SQ, congratz
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i'll probably delete you the next time i need someones event ces but just know i'll always welcome you back
100% NP gauge
That sucks bro. I'll miss your clae. I assume you simply also just don't care about the game anymore since emulation is always a thing.
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Play on PC with bluestacks?
I'm really looking forward to using her. I have NP5 Molay as well, so I'm excited to see their synergy.
I am! Thanks for the luck, broghs!
>forget I didn't NP upgrade my Xu Fu
>fed her extra copy to Arc on accident
>fuck it 10 more tickets in the Arc gacha
>get NP3 Arc instead of another Xu Fu
i got nothing at all
even in gssrs
i got 5 new servants out of this anniversary, i am very satisfied
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>only 1 copy with 700 SQ
It was worth it, luckletcuck
>2kun wants to know your location
>500 quartz so far
>Not a single Arc
Yeah, she can stay on the throne. Not worth a pity for NP1.
Get a phone that's not from 2012
BB deals pityable NP damage. BB is there only to lock the cards for big crit chains. Arc is there to busterloop while dealing ok dmg, with great against chaotics. They are NOT comparable despite their class and both being buster aoes.
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600 SQ for NP2
>Destiny Summon
Tai Gong. He was the one destiny call servant I didn't want btw. I just put him there because I already had every ride I wanted at NP3+
Ibuki. I don't like her and I wanted NP4 Muramasa so....

All in all, I fucking hate this anniversary. Aside from NP2 Arc, RNG absolutely fucked me in the ass.
I'm really happy for both of us, Arcbro. Meet you on the 120 side soon
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>anon rn
>summoned np2 arc even though I haven't even read tsukihime
>kind of want to go higher because of the she's useless below np5 memes
I am a retard...
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np3 at 450 sq
should I stop ahhhhhhhhh
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How do we get people to start making fgo doujins again?
I don't want Arcueid do I roll her bros
duality of bro
Congrats bro.
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How's Arc at NP2? May make more sense to save up for Summer, but it's gonna be awhile before I see her again..
I didn't have my first copy show up until 800SQ blown, and then another two copies in 90SQ. Gacha is fucking wack like that. I really fucking hate saving/rolling too
>save for months
>start rolling
>servant isn't showing up
>being panicking and shitting pants with thoughts like "I am about to hit pity and get NP1 after saving for 6+ months"
>manage to asspull multiple copies
>get hit with the adrenaline rush of satisfaction
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Beni wasn't even one of my choices in the destiny summon but OK!
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I'm so fucking glad I got Arc bros, those rolls before you hit NP1 are nerve wracking
Yep that's the plan. Hopefully it'll be of some use when I get to Illyafest for everybody who needs her.
Added you both. Arc in all.
just buy a $2000 phone
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>300SQ NP2 Arc, NP4 Xu
>Destiny summon - Molay. Just meh, least favored choice for sure
>Berserker 2 - fucking summer Musashi NP2 and Np3 Summer Bryn (utter worst case scenario)
i need the next GSSR
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>120 SQ for np1 xu fu+arceuid (will probably wait for her to be in FP pool to get xu fu to np5)
>charlemagne destiny order
>koyan dark+np3 XX gssr
im pretty fuckin happy

SHE'S TOO STRONG she broke my game
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thank you bro
Come up with an AI algorithm that has higher consistency and sector tagging.
>450 and nothing so far
Can I go an anniversary without hitting pity please?
Is arc always rainbow orbs?
Based NP1nation
>542 quartz
>NP4 arc
>NP1 Qin
>NP2 Napoleon
>NP5 D'Eon
>NP5 Chyome
>NP4 Yuri pirates
>NP5 Marie
>NP3 Atalanta
>A couple of 4* i've already have maxed
>A bunch of Xu fus
Probably my best run so far! I feel a lot better after getting shafted so hard in TRAUM
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wtf, we got two servant intros.
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PSA: I am removing anyone from my list if you rolled for berserker 2. Please let me know with your username so I can promptly remove you.
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I am aiming for Oberon.
>360 SQ for NP1 Arc
>Destiny Summon - Himiko
>Extra 2 - Bunyan and Heph
Arc and Destiny Summon is decent, but I am a bit salty with my GSSR. Should have picked Berserker 2 to be honest. Not even Douman or Koyan. My only consolation is that is not Molay who I already have...
I’m more concerned about my iOS account being banned. They wouldn’t ban you just deny your refund right?
post the superior design
I got fucking spooked by the special summoning animation, holy fuck
I thought my game bugged for a second when I couldn't skip lmao
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Did we get the free 5 star servant ticket?
Definitely stop there, 4 and 5 gains are often not worth the gain unless youre a whale. And we are RIGHT before very high priority gauntlet.
>archtype islam
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90 SQ for Arc
Destiny Summon - SKIP
Extra - Vitch D
I'm comfy
it freezes the summon no matter what to show you her special good boy summon animation
i remember when i had to go to 1.4k sq for skadi... if that whore makes me pity for her summon alt i'm killing myself.
>Extra 6 Bunyan
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How...How do I get a refund?
>1sq off from doing another 10roll
>finished weeklies
I thought I was rolling for Atari Dumbledore
Twice, actually. Kinda crazy.
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Feel free to delete me anyway, I don't blame anyone for it.

Glad to hear that my F2P clae found it's use to someone. I am using an emulator right now and am probably getting a new phone soon (thinking about Pixel 8 pro) but you are kinda right that I also lost most of the interest.
Will probably play LB7 though, if I don't die by then..
For me it was a generic silver card summoning and then shit went down with the sparkles and the spirit origin graph breaking and shit
Thing is I was just aiming at NP1. I didn't plan to actually use her, I just want her because I like Arc and I know I get fucked every time I try to roll for high NP levels so it's really not worthy for me unless I miraculous get NP3 in a 11 pull which is not happening.

I'll save the rest for summer because consistently, since year one, I had very good luck. So I like my odds there better.
bro your strengthening quests?
Really wasn't expecting to get 4 of her
Good luck with that bro, right now is a good time to start with the 3x succ
thanks bro
You have to send Google a pic of your bussy
Pity for arc
Molay for gssr
fuck this game
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Is she even good for anything? She can be cute. but Riyo ruined her
There is no 5* ticket this year, you're thinking of last year.
270 sq + 10 tickets for one Arcueid
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>Funny Vamp EX
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>that /alter/cuck who always wrote "funny vamp ex"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>it's her... LE ACKSHUAL REAL skill name

This is why we love Fate Grand Order here. For moments like this............................
Funny Vamp EX
Refunding makes google lock your account. They got fed up with having to pay for peoples gacha addictions.
I think you mean Arcade Bumpstick.
ok I think so too...
I do like Merlina and KKK a lot.
I have a few tickets left so gonna use those only now lol
700 SQ for nothing... it's over bros
I been receiving lores for the past 30 minutes. What the fuck
this was a good anniversary
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I hope with about 900 sq and 60 tickets to get a decent np, in the meantime... BOOBA finally acquired
noone has ever bought me a surprise pizza
>roll zerker 2 for morgan
>get poogod
>pang of sadness but its fine hes good
>also get zerker musashi in the same roll
What the fuck
>tfw your smurt account has np2 and ur main account np1 and smurf doesn't have the mats
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>Get 800SQ
>Already doing weeklies
You people are animals...
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I'm gonna pull for the Destiny Order while watching Sakuna and the rice of ruin hoping for a Beni copy.
Do you get to do the destiny summon + class summon or do you have to choose either or?
But what does Apple do? Surely Apple isn’t filled with as many gacha degenerates as android is
you can do both bro
Yes, you get two GSSRs
How important is Arc NP3, like is she a brick at NP1 even if I run her with double Koyanskaya of Light?
Based NP1CHAD!!
Anyone know off hand what Bond level I need to get lv120 for Morgan NP4 if I already have the 2nd Append unlocked? Like 14 Bond?

You can do both.
I don't believe you.
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good luck!
This, unless google's cut from your total spend exceeds the refund, google essentially eats the refund
>70 rolls in
>6 4*s already
are the rates increased?
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>np5 archer Ishtar from destiny gssr
>Bunyan alterego from gssr
>still more than 4000 sq for summer 8
Not too bad
Destiny feels like a great deal but almost 40 bucks for a character its way too much for me. Thats ER dlc
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np5 this cunny in the process
>NP3 Melu from Destiny
She's gonna hit even harder now.
I got a lot too, but isn't the rate increase only for rate up servants? I think 4* rate overall stayed the same.
FGO isn't connected to your google account so can't you just make infinite accounts...?
This is a level 86 Arcueid with a level 100 MLB Black Grail, Max Fous, and 2x Vitchi. The damage actually isn't that bad, considering that 1) Arc isn't max level, 2) it's neutral damage, 3) she isn't hitting her niches, and 4) I didn't plugsuit in an Oberon
NP3 hits 750k neutral with a MLB BG or 450k with no CE. She's fucking nutty.
Yeah, 4* are appearing like it's nobody's business now. Good shit
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Rate my Destiny Summon. I'm a bit torn about archer and the extra classes.
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>Least desired result
>Destiny GSSR
>Least desired result
>Almost hit pity

Fun day... Happy anniversary...
they refunded my 6 big packs i bought at once, I had a history of not trying to refund and had a bit of little purchases for over a year. I've heard they only refund 5 times though or something silly but I think they just stop if you're clearly abusing refund policy to buy shit. So if you space it out and have some legitimate purchases it looks legit like in my case
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20 tickets for Arc - Got nothing
Merlin and Nero Summer from GSSR
what np level bro
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Thank you Bakin-san, 1 out of 4 was already a miracle and I appreciated it.
I gotta farm with her more often, even with class disadvantage she still clears some waves
I don't have Oberon, bros. Can Arc even loop with two Koyanskayas?
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wish me luck bros...
should I change my saber to ibuki to get NP3 or should I go for collection autism?
Racism against Liz is...
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I'll never have my Shiki Bride...
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I'm still shaking
Probably November.
Are you going to NP5 her?
>spooked by Kiara
im sorry for your loss
>300-400 SQ, NP5 Xu Fu no Arc
>Destiny - Gay frenchman
>Caster 2 - Kabuki girl
it was kinda shit but none of my archers really benefit from more NP
yes, you can use BG and atlas mystic code
uh bro what NP level?
I like it
Arc is definitely a NEEDS MLB BLACK GRAIL type of servant. And the NP levels up to 3 make a huge difference. Generally NP2 is super worth if you want to use her, but she isnt completely bricekd at NP1 either. Just that she really does gain ALOT from those first 2 levels.
>300 sq
>no arc
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I completely forgot about these.
>we're three so far (I think, too busy going for the 120 to really check)
We made it, that's the important part. Grats, bro
She has a rate-up literally tomorrow...
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The King has decided to show you favor, mongrel.
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which one did you put on destiny?
How many of you have actually read Tsukihime?
bros do i buy the Mashu valentine ce or the pooman's valentine ce or Joint Recital? i can only afford to buy 5 copies of one right now
What happened to your FGO account. Did they try to claw back the SQ or did you get any email or notice.
>I'm shaking from the jpgs...
what went wrong with humanity
Thanks a lot, bro! You're the best
I don't read crap.
yeah, this is the only destiny summon im gonna roll, i dont think its worth it
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Thr Neo New A Team
I have the original on my PC and I still haven't read it.
I'll wait for the remake to come to steam :^)
I read it three years ago (the old one)
I only got NP1 arc for trophy reasons though. Give me Akiha and I'll splurge
Tsuki-what now?
Me. Not rolling for counterfeit Arc though.
That damage is actually pathetic for np2 with max Black Grail
i read it. i remember that arc is a cuckquean in ciel's route
Don't listen to the shitposters, the core /alter/bros are primaryCHADs and have read both Tsuki OG and the Remake.
Nothing, I don't think they reveal that kind of information
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They call it A prime in the jap script
I only read Arc route and will never read any other one
when i was 16 or so. it was meh
Not sure how 6 at a time doesn’t flag abuse. But surely I can get away with 2 then. 3 might be pushing it.
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Mine came on Thursday.
I listened to some YouTuber read it on the background.
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I think this might be my destiny summon but I am still deliberating on np upgrade vs new servant for a couple of slots...
I am shaking too!!!
dos it count as reading if I watched the youtube playthrough of it? I also watched carnival phantasm too
I read the original but I'm skipping Arc. She's cool but the story didn't convince me enough to twist for her FGO version. Only the maids and maybe Akiha would get me to spend quartz.
omg is this is a type lumina reference??
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Memories of calculus just rushed back.
Did you Destiny on Astolfo or Gil?
Only read the original translation (TakaJun's translation can leave a lot to be desired)
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>got Arc with 200sq
>got Tamamo Lancer when I could've gotten Bazett, Nobbu or Shiki or Nemo
sad, not gonna lie
>got Murasaki
meh but I didn't have much hopes there to begin with, at least I dodged a dupe Castoria

All in all, 7.5/10 result
I paid for one actual pack and marked the 6 extra for refund (selected I didnt mean to purchase this) dont know if that helped or if i could've gotten away with 7 free big packs
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>yeah that's me the really hot scathach cosplay
He's a better character than Melusine
I won. I beat the game. I have all of the meta supports (Oberon, Caster Artoria, Skadi, Reines etc.) and all of the meta DPS servants at NP2+.
I can minturn literally every lotto, boss, and CQ.
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I'll aim for NP4.
Wow, congrats!
love you, ma
>localized it as A tilde in LB6
>CE still kept the JP prime instead of A~
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NP5 in 1.8k quartz. Even with all my 5* embers that I've saved since last year it's still not enough to immediately 120 her. I don't want to farm hands all day aaaa
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why are people just lying for no reason
Why is it ALWAYS QP?
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Xu fu is pretty good for Castoria-less farming
Way better than asclepius
I read it because /a/ was like 50% tsukihime shitposting back in 2007
i forgot most of the plot and it lost me in Akiha's route
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So when using NPs, do I select NP Buster Buster, or NP Quick Arts, or Quick Arts NP now?
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good luck
I'm gonna do it. All of these servants are new to me.
>xu fu
what is this menhera creature
That’s odd. Why not all the way to 5 if you’re going to go to 4.
got 30 lores, i can work with that
Yeah she's a total gamechanger actually
not me. 600 sq to np2 arc btw.
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Help me decide. Extra 3 or Extra 5?
It literally doesn't matter for NPs. No card bonus increases NP.
>That damage is actually pathetic for np2 with max Black Grail
It's not. That's neutral damage for an AoE servant not buffed by Oberon and not hitting their niches. That's actually incredible for a no plugsuit setup
What Arcueid ascension level is your favourite?
Sex the Arc cosplayer
should I try to NP2 Arc or no
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Hey don't trash a fellow dragon wife appreciator. He can immortal team with Merlina and Castoria.
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NP6 in 1k quartz bwos, hope /alter/ is still doing well these days
good luck
np2 arc isnt enough unironically
is xu fu a fwb, a fuck buddy only, or someone you just talk shit with
Ohhh good strat. I’ll buy 1 officially. Then refund the next 2 so it looks like a processing error/glitch. How long did you wait to request the refund once you bought and used them
Do you want to use her? Yes
Do you just want her to admire? No
Simple as.
Yeah it's pathetic
This but Extra 1 or Extra 3.
Extra 3 for you btw.
NP3 Arc is fine since I've gotten Xu Fu to NP5.
>Why is it ALWAYS QP?
Because you're a filthy newfag who doesn't farm a 100 or more boxes every lotto?
what is the minimum requirement to make Arc usable?
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If they don't give us destiny order again in a year then this anniversary is unironically -1/10
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Should I rush doing the rest of my Traum free quests for the quartz?
>only had about 80 servants on max ascension
It's over for me
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Imagine not choosing this banner
lucklet cuck...
all 3 depending on the mood
fuck, I only have 700sq left
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NP4 gives enough Servant Coins for 120 + 1 Append Skill before Bond 10 and it would fit the NP level of some of my other grailed servants (Okita-san, Aśvatthāman, Edmond Dantès) while also leaving it as a non dead draw from future GSSR. I like NP4.
I just used em all for my 120 target and then requested refund, you could just keep the SQ though if you want
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Servants for this feel?
Jesus christ, I seriously had to hit pity
Barely rolled at all the last 2 years saving up for this bitch and more than half of my F2P savings are gone for 1 copy when the goal was NP4 or 5
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you're mutual allies in your pursuit of vampire pussy
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I stopped at NP2 Arc and NP3 XuFu. It's a shame about Xufu but the NP level isn't as important and I need to save. NP3 grailed is fine.
uhhhhh i didnt mean to do that
I thought it would be permanent but we really did get fucked over, my Destiny Order picks haven't even been released yet
I've been playing this kusoge for 7 years. I have literal hundreds of every material and I can max any servant the moment they come out. Do you think I actually give a shit about bond, qp, or how many boxes I can farm? I have literally everything I want maxed. So why the fuck wouldn't I just mindlessly 5 CE farm every node?
I did. Guess who I got.
>nothing to do after summoning xu fu and leveling her
Fate/Grand Order...
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My fate has been fulfilled. Miyu could not scape this time
Not gonna brick my account further with more Musashi copies.
you have to sex her now
KNEEL to pity, Albert is a generous God
>GSSR with 6 options, want anything except 1 of them
>Get the 1 I didn't want
It happens occasionally, I got a 10 pull with 2 SSR's today in the Gssr
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You're stuck with Dork Sex now, buddy. Get her to 100.
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Hide her in the 2nd archive in shame.
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>np6 Mo as f2p and I've never rolled during her rate up once
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There's a little Kama...
What's the next event that requires Traum to be complete?
poogod, destroyer of morganfags...
i kneel
I already got all 3 and I dont use morgan/musashi when my arjuna's np5
Honestly when I'm rolling for a SSR I always start with the assumption that I might need the whole 900sq to get her.
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im using all my saved up blue apples on half ap 5* hands to 120 a servant.
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I didn't know we were getting a new mystic code.
He is come
Are Kscopes on rate up?
I got like 2 of them in 10 rolls
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>senpai has a buster version and a quick version
>xu fu is an arts buffer
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I'd rather have new servants
Oh, he's coping now.
NP2 min, there isn't much difference between NP2 and NP3 and we have the most insane summer banner lineup later this month.

I have a job.

Getting 60 boxes is already rough enough
Please help
>What does Arc do and is it worth it at NP1?
>Will Destiny be a yearly thing or is it at NY too?
>Who for Destiny should I put on Caster if I have all the metas? Zerker? Rider?
I'm trying to not feel annoyed by inflation. Wasn't it $60 for a big pack before?
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I pulled the trigger. QUICK LOVE! One of the best results for me! I got Ivan off Rider 1, and Arc in 400sq. Blessed anni! Good luck to anyone still to roll!
i switched my xufu to A2 for my 100 screencap as well. It's just the comfy ascension.
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Rough, NP1 will have to suffice
if you need the SQ for upcoming rate ups yes. I'll wait until we get half AP free quests in november or so.
I already have Morgan and Musashi and I don't want the poo servant
don't cum in xu fu
Looks like he brought a friend...
nows the perfect time if you want to grind to level someone to 120 though
>ear gets pregnant
>heart gets pregnant
This is some chtulhu level of gore anon, what the heck
>is it worth it at NP1?
>Will Destiny be a yearly thing or is it at NY too?
depends how much they feel like cucking us.
>Who for Destiny should I put on Caster if I have all the metas? Zerker? Rider?
crane because shes funny. the one you want to fuck the most. the one you want to fuck the most
why? my morgan is np6 120
>from NP2 to NP4 Morgan from Zerker GSSR and Destiny Order
>>Who for Destiny should I put on Caster if I have all the metas? Zerker? Rider?
just pick a servant you don't have that way you can do their Interludes and Rank Ups if they have it
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I was gonna use the destiny summons for the newer servents I might have missed but looking at whos on it now its mostly dupes for me. I hope those gready fucks double dip so I can spend money on the servants I planned on because that kinda knocked the wind out of my sails.
Got Super Bunyan from the GSSR...the one servant I didn't want.
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>thought I was gonna get a good haul of sq for being an old player with all servants maxed out
>only got 530
Where do I exchange my CE?
Which banner can I get Salter from?
Bros is Arc good enough at NP4…….
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Why is Gudako such a whore?
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I haven't seen a golden servant in like 400 sq
My next 120 target doesn't come out until next year
holy stacy slut energy. Ciel and Arc, watch your man, Gudako is lurking.
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Do not worry about it at all! I just know, you just know as well, actually we all know it even.
This will happen.
Senpai will get an SSR version, very powerful, beautiful, and I will be there.
She's good at NP3 and lvl 100.
I only got 471...
Can you destiny and GSSR?
How does destiny work?
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Want Molay
The rest are all dupes I'm ok with
Except Bunyan, if I get her I kill myself.
Wish me luck bros...!
Arc unironically can't even farm Embers at NP1 without Black Grail.
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she is on the standard pool, isn't it?
No reason to roll specifically for Arc rateup
For omnifarming, you need NP5 Lv 120 Max Fou+d
cold period. stop summoning immediately.
comfy buster looping, np1 is alright if you got BG too but it wont do jackshit in 90+/90++ content
destiny order on JP was only on anniversary, they didnt get it during new years so it'll probably be a anniversary only thing
pick who you want, would say getting limited characters you like but dont have is better since your guaranteed 1 of them and could get other 5*s too
>only NP1 Arc
It's over for me...
same, got 500something too
guess not whaling was going to get me someday
>Have to collect Ascension lores one at a time
I hate these people
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Stop attention whoring
Good luck bro!
>Except Bunyan, if I get her I kill myself.
the universe has the chance to do something really funny
That's correct, following the anni rate ups. You need to wait a little bit, but yes you can just be patient.
Destiny is basically the same as any other GSSR except you get to pick the servant lineup.
So you pick 11x servants that you want so you can't get a truly bad result no matter who you roll.
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>don't cum in xu fu
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i got the servant i wanted this year np5 in less than 600 sq so i dont care how badly the gacha fucks me over for the rest of the year.
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Hahahaha, good luck bud
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Go extra 3. I used up all the bad luck in it.
Not yet, but she will be in f2p a bit after the Anniversary.
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And I also got NP3 Arc, it's been a lovely anniversary!
Oh, okay, that’s fine, I was planning on 130’ing her anyways. Thanks anons, I have a NP4 Morgan who does most of the heavy lifting
I got 510. I knew ascending all those 1 star randoms would pay off one day even if I never used them.
>all it takes for voidstance to be ignored is for a huge of anniversary tourists spamming their gssr results to drown him out
I'd never have the balls to go for a 5/6 chance at failure.
So is it better to do a destiny roll or one of the class specific if I just need to full out my roster? I basically just have archers and casters.
I’m down to about 1300sq, I’m not sure if I should prioritize Lady Avalon or summer Skadi.
bros i am out of exp because i spent it all grailing the cups and now my arc is stuck at level 71
what do?
Nah, he won.
summer skadi if your original skadi is already bond 15.
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Well, /alter/?
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H u h ?
sure but the 3* pool is so diluted that it'd take a while to get her to NP5 if you wanted that
Obviously Skadoodle unless you never ever want to use anything but Arts.
Their banners are up at the same time anyways though, so just roll for Skadi and dump the remainder into Merlina.
Holy shit Arc does no damage
>Arc unironically can't even farm Embers at NP1 without Black Grail.
Why are you lying? She can use plugsuit Oberon just like any other buster looper can
Do both? Don't you have 45sq to spare for two guaranteed SSR, one of which you can guide?
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Congratulations, bro! Welcome to the club! She's really fun to use.
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and some rice
Don't think, imagine.
Sadly no Carmilla but I couldn't go wrong with any of the Servants in this banner. Glad I got both Vinci and Sima.
It only took me a few months in JP.
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Finally we have Xu Fu. Budget Nero Bride.
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I summon Melusine in attack mode!
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this fucking bitch took 100 tickets and 480sq, my Merlina fund is drained…
>two arcs
>one xu fu
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Not bad for little ol latelet me! I’ve only paid for GSSRs it you’re wondering how much I’ve spent. Should be 453 but I was waiting for the success rate bonus.
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>Extra 2
Summer BB + Astraea
Enkidu + 2nd Bedivere + 3rd COOOORU + 1st Nagayoshi
90 quartz: NP1 Xu Fu, NP0 Arc, 5th Zhang
I wanted Mothman :(
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congrats bro, you used up all your summoning luck for the next 5 years
She's objectively better than Bride.
Lady avalon is the least useful out of upcoming summer servants. Best part about Summer skadi is that you can use her and normal skadi in no support setups. Her gimmick is that she supports Quick/Buster more than just quick.
Avalon is just arts version of merlin.
Neither is really gamebreaking compared to summer Ibuki and KKK.
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im gonna use my bros 120 arc for it
The prophet of Shrek...
What's the order to use skills for Arc to loop?
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>super Bunyan
It's dead jim.
You're an illiterate moron
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Little Cutema...
keep rolling
>bunch of Lores for ascended servants
Wasn't this supposed to be a massive amount of SQ or was that something else?
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>Roll for Xu Fu real quick
>Suddenly old man
>Finally get Arc
>Not even any extra 5 stars
>Got fucked on GSSR
Holy fuck this is actually the worst luck I ever had. I thought my Kama luck was bad. This is ridiculously depressing.
She is better for Arts, but Nero Bride is in general better for both arts and quick. She adds that extra damage Xu Fu doesn't also.
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Its been fucked up for weeks. I stopped using it to check mats and just use the wiki
wave 1 skill 1+2 + mystic code on arc, skill 1 koyans on arc
wave 2 skill 3 koyans on arc
wave 3 skill 1+2 on arc
Check your present box bro ;)
check your gift box
I put them up, but not because you asked or anything.
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Just SKIP the animation bro
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Lol they fixed it so you can redeem them all together
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I have 2500SQ now and want to roll for the biggest baddest gameplay slut there is.
I want to shit all over 90++ nodes and never be bothered having to think about any CQ again.
Who should I roll for?

No male characters. Obviously.
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>everyone gets double/triple SSRs except me
He's super based though
It's better to roll both, retardbro. You are NOT a poorcuck, riiiight?~

roll roll roll ! ! !
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After five long years of playing I finally got spooked by Siegfried!
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I wish it was Kiara but... that's alright.
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Giving Kama lots of ice cream for showing up...
I mean I got NP1 Arc (mainly for collection purposed lmao because I figured why not) in 10 tickets and a ten pull right before this
inb4 >np1 but I got plenty of coverage anyways
>Only just finished clicking through them all
0060 SQ.
oh fuck off
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Good, I was getting ready...
i only got 1 too
and it's the one i wanted second least, the worthless koyanskaya
waiting to REDEEM was the right call
Wait a few weeks for Ibuki, she's perfect for a soulless gameplaykek like you.
>np1 Morgan or np1 poojuna or np3 sashi
easy pass
Kukulkan or Summer Ibuki are both top tier big dick dps. Other is buster, other is Arts.
so uhhhhhhhhhh how does this whole destiny order summon thing work in relation to the "choose one group" summons?

is it like one or the other? or you get to do the destiny whatever AND choose one group?
>mystic code on arc
What's this now? She can't use plugsuit?
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She's actually decent for buster comps
Melusine is still the queen of gameplay
no, you get both
you can do both
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>they fixing game asap

we love fate! Time to thank them and buy 1 big pack
Still have over 900 quartz after getting Arc, and rolling destiny order and GSSR...
holy crap i just got so much sq holy sh*t
atlas 1 since her 2nd skill has a 7 turn cooldown. You can use plugsuit and oberon with a 50% np gauge CE though, just avoid using her 2nd skill on wave 1 if you do that
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>can't even read rabbit's review on archetype earth because their gamefaqs thread just links to gamepress
I got double SSR the last 2 GSSR so I knew my luck was running out this time. Got one SSR and one SR. I did get my target SSR tho.
got Arc and the twins in 450 quartz, along with a handful of old SRs
she can do BIG damage over time against the few enemies that don't have high debuff resistance or immunity
Summer Ibuki looks like they have a futa cock.
I want someone more feminine.
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I got Kintoki bros! Mama will be happy.
swings and roundabouts bro, your luck is fucked as the universe equalises itself
Gameplay wise Arc only becomes reasonable at NP2, good at NP3 and only becomes meta at NP5 (NP4 at level 120 +2k fou)
The nature of her NP and the scaling bonus with NP levels makes her NP1 atrocious
I've never got more than one SSR from a guaranteed summon like these lucky SOBs, but I have gotten double (and triple) while blowing my quartz load before
>np5 arc
Now what
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>original site is there but broken in places
>new site is fucking barren
What were they THINKING?
i chose berserker 1
Did you press receive all?
how long until she's out
Took 900 quartz for 1(one) Arc.
Looks like I'm skipping summer.
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My luck for this year has ran out.
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Did you get Kintoki like you hoped for?!
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>do Trial Arc
>NP2 with some type advantage
Bruh she does half the damage of my NP1 Kama...
Realize that she can't even clear hands and cry
Thanks bros!
Now that the dust has settled, who won?
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>play 7 years
>do all GSSRs
>STILL didn't get a 2+ SSR roll from them
>but got double Oberon from usual rolls

It do be like that sometimes. This is... FGO after all... Just don't be greedy
NP5 120 2000/2000 Arcueid.
Where do I get my free CE?
Ok, thanks.
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I only get double GSSRs on my JP alt, been years since it happened on NA
You have to use the Atlas Mystic Code
Wave 1: All of Vitchi's buffs on Arcueid except for the 50% charge skills
Wave 2: Use Atlas's CD reduction on Arcueid. Use Vitchi's 50% charges on Arcueid.
Wave 3: Use Arc's 1st and 2nd skills again.
ALTERNATIVELY, you can do this
or this
or this
web 3.0 with mucho white space and nested menus with icons and no text labels
U RIKE????

I got her in like 2 rolls + 20 tickets. I think I'm gonna sit on a Pity's worth of quartz for later.
they aren't even updating the old site anymore. it's stuck in bakin event mode forever.
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too many…
If I actually wanna use arcuied in combat I should get her to NP2 right?
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Forget doomposters, if KKKao can't hold his shit together for the ANNIVERSARY, no amount of early paypiggery can sway me into buying price-inflated yuropoor SQ
You're not alone.
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give them to me!
You can't claim it until next reset because fuck you
He's great even at NP1. My go-to single target nuker.
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My summer 8 funds.
put her in the basement with Nobukatsu
Can you use Summer Skadi herself to farm? She has an aoe quick NP
For GSSR I'm supposed to pick the one that has the least chance of disappointing me right?
>I hope with about 900 sq and 60 tickets to get a decent np
apparently I'll settle for np1 with pity... what the fuck bros
>Wanted ruler Moriarty
>Would be ok getting the others except one
>The one I really really didn't want was himiko as I already had NP4 of her
>Get himiko
such is FGO...
>1500 sq
>NP4 Arc
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yep, saw that too
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What a fucking cluster fuck.
I made it bros. Went from 1800 quarts, down to 711.
I won, bigly
retard here, how do you loop with arc? her np charge has a 7 turn CD
>200 rolls
>7 5* CEs
>5 4* servants
>last 10 roll gets Arc
bros, she's playing hard to get
Go big anon, pick your white whale waifu. There's some magical shit going on this Anni.
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That's cuz Kama is strong and cool.
yeah, that's how you guarantee elimination of your biggest wins
yea since you can technically run triple skadi+oberon with her
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And now to go even further beyond...!
>Arc of all servants is my first NP4 SSR
I did not see this coming
NP5 with only 1100sq isn't bad at all.
Albert's wallet
we have quite a few NP5 arcs...
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i got hijikata. i was fine with anyone of them because they're all new
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Ten tickets + 30 SQ = done
Use the Chaldea app instead.
That's why I always choose an option that guarantees me a new servant if possible. If I pick the one that has even one servant I don't want, I'm guaranteed to get that servant.
how do I loop with Xu Fu? Can I just replace Castoria with her?
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>Most of the anni SQ went to arc
>But I still have enough to hit pity for summer
All is well
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*pat pat pat*
There, there Kama...

Yeah my Kama had to pick up the slack too
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cool, thanks, also is archetype earth "good" and worth pulling for? I'm not familiar with the uh... melty blood franchise other than that it's tangentially related to other fate properties and just haven't been watching threads much recently and mostly veteraning (love these sapling things, have like 200 blue apples atm)
Is A a good craft essence? I ended getting a shitton of them...
Lucky you. I spent all 1000 quartz I had and only got NP1.
where can I see banner schedule now that game press imploded
it doesnt even feel special to get arc like they gave everyone so much sq so ppl can guarantee her I'll hold onto my stash for now
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>Get himiko
Kama spammers are back. Please save us Morganfags.
if your willing to go for np2 and grail her to 100 or even np3/120 100%, np1 she'll quickly brick on 90+/90++ quests
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No, wtf are you smoking lol.
In the OP:
>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png (embed)
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Every time I read these kind of posts it feels like it's written by someone who is disappointed he can't afford. I'm sorry if that's the case.
When are the announcements for JP?
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Post Kama.
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Alright, it's time to grail my Liz!
Bros, it just doesn't feel right starting chains off with quick...
Why are you guys going so hard all in for Arcuied? Isn't she pretty mid or are you guys actually Tsukihime veterans?
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I swiped for GSSR and...last year it took me nearly to pity just to get NP1... bros...
Holy based
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>continuing to spend after pathetically hitting pity
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Gachacoomers gonna gachacoom
because i got a lot of free sq and i have a gambling addiction
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i think russia is blacklisted from every online service, including google.
they arent even allowed to have mcdonalds anymore....the hamburger curtain has risen....
You still have to use a friend's castoria.
And plugsuit or the np gain MC
You mean that one morgan schizo who falseflags using pics he grabs from the archive?
I just got Dechi from the Saber GSSR while watching Sakuna.
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>get the french slut after playing this kusoge for 5 years
Wrong saberface, AAAAAAA
I didn't either bro...
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I don't know anything about those extra 2 slot servants I was gonna roll nun because shes sexy but is there anyone there of actual note?
Also jeanne or jalter?
Detective fou mes on NP1 Arc
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Can NP1 Arc clear hands?
Got NP2 Arc in 50 Tickets... Do I keep going? Is NP2 vs NP3 a big difference?
I wasn't actually planning on rolling for her at all, it was super spontaneous..
np2's good enough, pretty sure you'll get a bigger boost in damage grailing her to 100 instead of np3

I'm reading the remake right now and she's turbo cute + there's nothing until Nito
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Congrats! She also showed up NP2 in a multi for me too during her first rate up.
You can also use a Plugsuit with a cooldown reduction servant instead of Atlas. Swimsuit Ibuki is the best option but even Edison works.
3-4 weeks
What CE for Support Arc?
I want her on my first list but my MLB BG is already on Melu-chan
Is Destiny really worth it? That could be 2 GSSRs with better odds of getting a jackpot versus a new servant, depending on the lineup.
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This dude is cursed
Still trying hard to evade your ban, huh?
Who's the cuck now, little bitch?
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eh thanks for the warning, will hold off for now I guess and read up on her before I decide
its over
No one is gonna use your Arc just put whatever CE you want.
So many tourists itt
se acabo
am I a boomer for finding the 2scoops thing really funny?
What did you expect, just give it a week
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Ok /alter/ its cool that you spent all your quartz getting Arc but what's the plan for getting the summer servants as well?
het is voorbij
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So do we get a DSSR alongside each GSSR from now on or what?
Because I might wait...
we warned you about the sub np5 arc bro
Thanks bro. I'm just curious to see what we'll get in 2024+2.
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I did pretty alright, but didn't get Bazett. Between my destined roll, alter ego roll, and some free rolls on the Arc banner, I got Watanabe, Dantes, Koyanskaya of Dark, Heroine XX, Valkyrie, Helena, Napoleon Lakshmi, and Frankenstein and got Dobrynya to NP2, Salieri to NP3, Martha to NP2, and Xu Fu to NP4. For some reason I always end up with at least one Tamamo from these things.
Who are the summer servants again? Why should I care?
>$100 pack x5
she can't even clear her own trial's W2 with Koyan + Merlin's help.
I thought the "she needs NP5/120" was a joke, but I guess it's not.
>3am, sleepy as fuck
>realize anni was supposed to be today
>log in
>throw a joke roll
>funny vamp comes as the 1st fucking card
i feel like a total clown, i got incentivised to np2 her to at least make her not a potato
How the FUCK do I use that 5 star CE ticket I don't see the menu
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I got Arjuna, anniversary is ruined...
Wtf that's a lot of SSRs
np2 arc is still useless
I read the original TL from mirrormoon, and I got the remake sitting on the table.
used all 800sq and got to NP2

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