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Previous: >>484959379

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary!
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon (Class Specific x 20 Groups)
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Countdown Pickup Summon
2024-06-26 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png (embed)
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Where is the destiny order summon chart?

i don't know what servant can i pick before paypigging
>Arcueid is ba-
This is NP2 neutral damage. This enemy is not a man, chaotic, or evil, and yet Arcueid still does 200,000 damage to it.
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Skipping arc and skipping summer
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Kama Love!
>plugsuit broberon
even morgan could clear this
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let her cook
With Oberon. OP image is with 2x Vitch with atlas.
>Plugsuit Oberon
Is that easy?
Just realized I have 50 RP thanks to the anni rewards
What do I spend it on?
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I'm never paying for a GSSR ever again. It's always disappointment after disappointment. Wake me up when they let you pay for whale wheels.
it's been over a year and we still have not gotten a 1/2 AP rank up quest for all servants
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Lip love! Congrats to everyone who got who they wanted from the GSSRs or Arc's banner.
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Nice. I'm going to go for NP2 then
I lover super succ bros
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Thanks, bro. Hope you had a great anniversary too.
Where's the anon who said he'd play Mahoyo if I added him? I'm waiting on your friend request.
Melu or scat?
Wanted scat forever, literally fucking forever, missed her on release because i was overseas and bank freaked the fuck out when i tried to buy sq. I think she might be horribly powercrept at this point? Not a lot of people still have her up on support...

And i heard melusine is insanely OP or something
>BG and Oberon
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comming soon to a summer near you!
Yeah melu is far better than scat in every game
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throw maybe 90SQ and tons of FP on proto-merlin for the CEs, then spend everything else on skadi's rateup when she arrives a week later
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Sorry, didn't see your FC sis
care to link the post (or posting it again)?
Doesn't matter, I've seen your future, and you will only get your Rider.
Nice job anon. I'm happy if I get mine to 100 tonight.
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Alright think I’ve narrowed it down, wish me luck, make a prediction or tell me why my list is shit and why I should change it
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Thank you bro
Okay I'll bite.
Never mind. She's going to be on a split rate up and I won't get her...
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Well it's that time of year again. Time to post supports.
if you dont have mordred yet but still really want her go for it
Bond grails until the end of time. It's 30 SQ worth per.
Gil, squirtoria or jarcher np+? I dont know much about any of the ones i dont already have, but none a re cute girls so idc
So do we get 1 DSSR each time a GSSR cycles basically?
I'm considering waiting so I can at least get Durga on here.
Sub 500k with plugsuit black grail oberon is pathetic lmao
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>horribly powercrept at this point
shes the best single target lancer in jp now
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Post your Anniversary damage reports /alter/! Did you get who you wanted?
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lip love!
>roll for arc
>get her in 60 SQ
>roll the destiny summon
>get the servant I want most
>roll for GSSR
>get the one I want out of 3
>got 5 other new servants during those rolls too, 3 SR (one of which got NP2)
Based, Mahoyo is my favorite TM media
no, I'm in misery.
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For nearly 3 years, I've been waiting for her.
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>with BG and Memeron's help
Bro, my NP2 Kama w/ maxed Foumes does more than that without plugging in a third meta support to carry her ass.
200k is hilariously bad for a 5* Buster looper.
Super orion
Got Van Gogh and MHXX, both of which were my best outcomes there. Contemplating Destiny Order
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All I need is one
>got np2 romulus
>still no ryouma or melusine
Oh well.. i guess i do love rome..
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Perfect list, no need to change anything. You will get your Mebbers. Roll it!
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I have NP5 120 Melu, but at NP1 you'll find her a little underwhelming if you're not going with the tram for her (MLB BG, Koyan x2, Oberon). At higher NP levels she can use many, many more supports and team comps though.
there are 3 banners, each has 1 5* and 1 4*
>was wondering what I'd spend my time on now that my 3rd level 120 servant is almost done
>get 5 new servants during Ani
>get like 20 lores from new extra missions
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>Destiny summon is just Morgan again
I guess bigger number is fine too
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Approximately 21 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
90 quartz 10 tickets
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As someone who doesn't have and didn't get koyan, how fucked am I if I rolled for arc and got her? When is her next banner rate up?
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Wu-chan my beloved.
Wtf I can't even get my arc past 110
Shit already
We don't know JP only got their first and only DSSR last year, you'll find out in 3 or 4 weeks if it's a yearly thing
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This is sad
There has only been one so far, wasn't one for new years, so probably anni only.
It went like shit, terrible day in general. I'm not happy.
>Molay needs 15 star fragments per skill
Well shit. 8/8/8 it is.
Every SSR you can pick 1 from each class, extra is split into 2 different ones of 3 extra classes each
Spent about 1300 quartz for pity arc and a Galatea. I really want her to be usable but I’d have to swipe and today is clearly not my day anyway.
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oh, we're already friends
thought you were the mahoyo teacup sis, she said she'd post her FC here when she grails sono-g to 120
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>120 SQ+20 tickets
NP1 arc+xu fu
>Destiny+extra 6 GSSR
charlemagne+koyan dark+np3 XX
pretty happy overall, charlemagne unfortunately was a min-roll but Im happy I got what I wanted from anniversary and still got a big chunk of SQ saved for skadi
Don't you chucklefucks know the damage formula? Just plug numbers in that instead of rolling NP2-5 first then getting buyer's remorse
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>Arc's third skill is actually called funny vamp
Got a chuckle out of me
you're too late! I've already rolled and they were shit rolls!
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220sq for np1 arcueid
got dupe on gssr
skipping destiny order
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>went for Berserker 1 on the GSSR for Mom (1/4 chance)
>got MHXA'd (still cool)
>Destiny Ordered Mom (1/9 chance)
>got Mom
>and a Saber Alter
very nice
Did GSSR and got Gogh, which I was immensely happy with. Gogh was my target, and now it seems somewhat feasible for me to NP5 her once her next rate-up comes around, granted that Skadi doesn't ruin me. Threw a multi at Arc and got nothing.
>Dedstiny Summon
I got Enkidu NP2 which is pretty cool but there were better options for me.
Rolled for DaVinci, got Bakin and Constantinos, both new.
Not rolling until Illya's on the daily rateup.
Wrong. That's without Black Grail
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the half off extreme training quest is the best place for bond farming because it's 20 AP for 815 bond
I'm currently grinding to 120 but I've secured the Funny Vamp
Mom Love! Gratz!
>skipping destiny order
Why? You can literally set up a full set of new servants to roll.
>1k1 sq
Is this enough to get all the summer servant to at least np2 ?
>Medb vs Quetz
conflicted on this bros
Sono-G isn't out yet so clearly that's too early. If we're already friends that means you have to play it right now anyways so get on it
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If it helps, my luck was shit as well.
When are we getting this spiritron dress
>1000 SQ
>NP1 Arc
>Bunyan from GSSR
>Shuten Dupe from Destiny Order
Really shitty ngl
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210SQ for Arc NP2, got Xu Fu to NP5 too
Pity for np1
Molay and XX for gssr, wanted oberon.
Skip destiny
I feel like shit
is kiara good? or was that only summer kiara?
depending on your luck
Damn, I'm forced to pull the trigger here then.
I'm content with mostly NP levels, Nerd Morgan not being here is whatever, Cooldusa not being here is whatever, but the Durga is a bit more disappointing.
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What is she Bradamante good for?
520 sq for np1 Arc then I did one more ten roll and got np2. I might have screwed myself over for summer Gareth but I'm happy.
She's always been with you. She'll never abandon you. She's free. She's not like those gold diggers and hussies who only show up when you throw quartz at them.
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I am broke.
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Post FC anon. You don't have to wait for 2 years, I was busy working on my funny vamp
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Why are people rolling for Arc but not committing to NP5?

You know she needs that to function right?
They are both good but you want a bit more copies for Summer.
What was the damage? What you got off the GSSR gachas?
lol, lmao
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Mom Love!
Arc damage report?
Would you mind if I send a request? I've playing through Mahoyo and would like to have people added that also like it.
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Arc bros. Which ascension level are you using?
I'm not rolling for a servant who can't clear hands lmao
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Hi bwos, new master here, what should I do with my extra 3* aces? Should I just burn(sell) them? Or should I use for exp since CE exp seems to be somewhat of a premium since you can’t farm nodes for it
Normal Kiara is... clunky. Its really hard to make her loop, but that Invul pierce can be clutch on rare occasion. Summer Kiara is just straight up unkillable.
You had TWO fucking years to save why are you dumbasses still coping thinking that NP2 will be enough
Mom Love!
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I only rolled np1 for waifu-collection, Im never gonna seriously use her for farming in actual events
I like her but dont plan to use her much.
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>Wanted anything except Bazett since she's already NP5
>Got NP6 Bazett

>Destiny Draw
>Wanted anything except Rider DaVinchi-chan
>Got Rider DaVinchi-chan

>600SQ for NP1, didn't even get NP5 Xu Fu

Hopefully this drained me of my bad luck and everything will go well with Skadi's swimsuit...
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NP1 Arc will be enough.
NP1 Arc will be enough.
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She's always been with you. She'll never abandon you. She's free. She's not like those gold diggers and hussies who only show up when you throw quartz at them.
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One slot for a bro
Who would be better for Destiny Extra 2? Bazett, Molay, Koyan, or Bunyan?
Break it down for me bros I only ended up with NP2 how usable is Arc at that level?
Sure, just say who's in all
Late this year, so save everything you have.
Do you want me to sugercoat it
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900 for NP2 arc and 11 4* servants
So Arc is pretty good at NP1 with 2 Vitch and Oberon+ BG if you just want to fuck around and loop some basic nodes? So the meme of her being shit is only if you want to loop 90++ nodes with her at NP1? Is that not the same as with any other Servant, basically?
Sure compared to Berserker Arjuna at NP1 she is bad but compared to everyone else she is pretty good ? I mean she has 100% charge so she will fuck shit up with a BG.
Did you expect someone stronger than Berserker Arjuna at NP1? And she might prove very useful for niche challenge quests.
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Just over 2k sq and 192 tickets. So glad this is just a cheap account I bought for $5 as a throwaway. Guess I'll use her as a support for my main.
Maybe she can kill lvl 90+ hands maybe not
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Explain to me why did you choose someone you didn't want to get?
2. She's just too cute.
>iphone bobfag
1, I've loved how Archetype:Earth looks since KT she's so cool...
she's shit and you bricked your account
Gogh was my target for the GSSR and I got her. I got a dupe on the destiny summon.
oof that makes it a tough call because I really wanted spishtar for the first other slot... and am extremely flexible (have most of them already) on the second other slot and was like why not kiara

I don't have a single kirara of any type currently...
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I don't recall asking.
Who did you steal it from jamal
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Alright /alter/ give me your worst.
Np6 bazett means 120 and all appends though. That is based. Why did you add someone on destiny you didn't want... also holy shit, 600sq without np5 xufu? Sorry, that's awful...
Enjoy the grind to 120, hope you have enough fous for +2k attack
Gogh in all
>Sure compared to Berserker Arjuna at NP1 she is bad
But is she worse than Morgan? That's the real determining factor here.
omg arcueid!! hi!!!
I'm an indecisive fuck. Tell me if I should stay at NP3 with 900sq to spare for summer, or if I should pursue the foolish idea of going for NP5.
It's my FP bot account.
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Sent, Funny Vamp in all. 2026 is going to be rough, I'll 120 Sono-G first but I do want to reunite the trio too
Ay this nigga doesn't have Skadi!
Alright bros, new servant or Np copy for Destiny Order
She is a servant that gains extra much for every NP level. At Np1 she is a brick, usable at NP2, good at NP3 and META at NP5.
We only act like this because we know about Kuku who is just straight up better.
How do I use Tai Gong? He seems useless to me, but the memelist says he's really good
np3's good enough and lets you hit 120 this anniversary super easy which is what matters mostly for farming
If you want to choose only 1 Kiara go for... Actually I don't know. They're both good. Maybe AE is a bit better.
damn i stopped playing this trash ass game years ago and servants still can't clear hands? tragic
you gonna get mebbed
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That's a big result.
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>Append Skill
Her 3rd Append Skill is extra damage vs Avengers and I don't want her and Avenger to fight since they're good friends and it would take Bond 12 even at NP6 to get.

There was no one else to choose that I wanted, I guess I should have put Drake there for a potential NP3 or something.
Kamabro remove that Shirou before he NTRs you
2 obviously
Grail her and give her some fous
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There, we're friends now!
The only 3* CEs you'll ever use are the one that gives 50% charge MLB and the one that gives 15% charge when the user dies. Other than that I only like to keep 1 copy for completion and the rest go straight into CE bombs.
BTW, CE bombs save you a lot of QP in the long run. Just MLB a 1 or 2* CE and feed it exp until it hits level 50, then you feed 8 of those level 50 CEs to hut level 100 in one go.
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Actually anyone you have NP1 also displays the same as Unowneds here.
I don't have Skadi and I don't give a single fuck about quick loop, she's literally ONLY considered for being cute.
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15 paid sq
Wanted Miyu, Got Miyu. So I'm happy.

Although, I would have preferred castoria over Okuni&Crane
is 3* xufu limited or does she gets added later to the general pool?
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What about Thought Keys?
Already working on it. She's going straight to 120.
>Got NP6 Bazett
That's good tho? isn't she your waifu? now you can max her appends
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>1 and 3: Not funny
>2: Funny
The answer is obvious
Anyone not using 2 is just being contrarian or actively hates Tsuki-Arc.
General pool
you throw him on some quick teams instead of Oberon and he can do some work
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2 for me as well. I rolled because I'm an arcfag, I'm choosing the arc personality.
He's the closest thing Quick has to a multicore enabler, the Don is also good thanks to his buff.
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I don't want her and Avenger to fight...

I have Taigong Wang.

She gets added to the FP pool after her rate-up ends I think.
Permanent wait for Arc rate up to leave
Short hair is shit and 1 and 3 are cuter.
>I'm an indecisive fuck. Tell me if I should stay at NP3 with 900sq
Sure why not? Why would you even care about NP5 if you have other omni farmers?
I'd recon it would be much better to save for summer since you got her. Imagine if you didn't get her at all. You already won, why not continue your winning streak and have a guaranteed win in summer too? Instead of risking it all on diminishing returns. NP3 Arc and Summer Skadi is way better than just NP5 Arc.
Eh im just gonna aim for this i guess, at least no matter what ill get someone new, or get more consistent sashi looping with np2; so win win
Koyan Dark is actually really good for multicore, but I guess you can skip her if you're also going for Kuku. In that case go with Bazett.
Or too sensitive about that Arc being for Shiki. Who is by all intent and purpose not THEM since they didnt play tsuki.
>Break it down for me bros I only ended up with NP2 how usable is Arc at that level?
she's good, see
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Will do! the only thing that has me on the fnece is knowing that the current mahoyo content is half or less than the complete story, i hate facing years to finish reading something
Anyone? Bazett or Molay?
Yea I don't think I'll roll for summer skadi
713 quartz and 11 tickets, no Arc. No use in playing this anymore, don't even want to play Traum now. Section 20. It's over.
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Friendly reminder that the average HP values of 90++ nodes are 600K+.
If your loopers aren't hitting those numbers without BG's help, then you're unironically bricked for the next 2+ years of farming.
You were supposed to have a lvl120 NP5 5* looper by now. If you don't, well... guess it's time to hit that sweet "Uninstall" button.
The only thing preventing this from being a no brainer is the fact Arc never returns. I REALLY want Summer Skadoo and Merlina though.
Bazett is much better
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>receive all
>crystallized lore
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>crystallized lore
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>crystallized lore
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>crystallized lore
>receive all
>crystallized lore
Why are you gay?
You have been reading fgo for maybe years and will be for years more so no excuse, hop to it
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>Xu Fu skills don't enable Paisen
Explain this to me like I'm retarded
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What about the other avengers?
okay but what if I put on the damage CE?
Take that back right now. Short hair is amazing and it's especially better than the retarded mullets that Takeuchi draws.
Bazett is more unique.
Let's go bro.
Summer skadi is kinda sad since she ended up being just barely a sidegrade to her caster self. Only slightly better because her NP is much better. Her and Lady A feel like devs being extra careful not to create another hyper powerful support.
I'll send in a request in a bit too since I loved Mahoyo. Salter in all
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>not enough extra slots for support
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Reminder that Oberon's next rate up won't be for another 1.5 years. That's next December. 2024.
To put it in modern terms, you must go all out.
Time to skip
I will never take it back. Never ever. It's never good.
dat 5%
It's in preparation for 5* Paisen (True)
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Xu Fu is an arts support and paisen only has buster and quick variants
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For reference, I got Onee-san'd.
where are people getting all the crystallized lores in their mailboxes from? I didn't see any in mine
They don't work together, it's a meta joke
Third skill dumbass.
xu fu and lang ling are arts supports because they dont understand paisen
Uhh where are the half AP rank up quests. I'm still waiting to do then for maximum AP efficiency
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is there anything to do in this anniversary if I'm not an arcuck or should I just log off?
That's the point anon...
I'm full of bros.
It'll be out when it's out
Sure go for it, I cleared a couple of vets.
There's like uhhhhh... 6 advanced quests and... rankups? Ah no, rankups are coming tonight.
Might as well downgrade to 90 or 90+ nodes and cope with the subpar drop rates.
Claim your stuff and log out
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huh? my np1 arc works fine
Can't complain
This whole anniversary thing has reinvigorated my desire to play so I'm going to use my 220+ blue apples! and finish traum. and the back log of advancement quests. and the side quests i forgot what they're called but they have a story bit attached to them.
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And we like that "it'll be out when it's out"
But great work ethic
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That would be good, but my Bazett isn't Bond 12 so I can't even unlock that Append Skill anytime soon.

I don't have her either, but I thought DaVinchi-chan would be the better option since she appears more in events so it will be nice to use her with bonus Bond/damage.
I should have just put Drake for the NP3.

This Anniversary isn't very nice for me, no CE to pick either besides Okita-san's. Next year has 3 CE I really want and can only pick 2 out of which is sad.
it hasn't been out for 14 months
I said I would grail Xu Fu to 100 unless I got NP3 Arc and I got NP4. I only have enough grails for one, who do I do?
>less than 150K damage
Bet i can get Arc in 20 tickets
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White women bros....
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fox sex!!!
For your arrogance I curse you with Pity
What new Servants did you get from the anniversary?
Nah 5CEing 90++ still mogs 6CE on anything lower
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start using your grail crafting bro?
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I struggled to choose anything myself, but then I remembered about Lancer (Ruler).
I am not planning to roll Arc, but I did 1 GSSR and got Taira. I will do Destiny later.
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just take a longer break kyoudai
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I AM SO TIRED OF BEING KEKED BY OBERON FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I got auntie and Caren
I like auntie cause she's purple
Caren is a slut
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Here's a Kama there's a Kama and another Little Kama...
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Shit taste
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All the Kamas...
I dropped 10 summon tickets on the Arc summon and got Arc once and Xu-Fu once on the final summon.
I think I’ll stop there. I’ll eventually do a GSSR but I can’t decide on which one, yet…
Maybe the berserker one with Mama and X Alter.
The thing about arc is that when you're using oberon, you have to compare her to Melusine and kukulkan, because you're inherently taking away 6CE comps.
Compared to Melusine, NP for NP Melusine performs better the entire way when a target isn't chaotic, and compared to Kukulkan she only performs better against chaotic than Kukul against Earth at NP5, on neutral she never does.
If you're not getting at least NP3 arc, and you're rolling for gameplay, then save your quarts for either NP2+ Melusine, NP2+ kakulkhan or NP5 saber alter
half ap hands!!!!!!
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You're just feeding his ego
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I missed the stream, could someone fill me in or pop a link? I see a Destiny Order Summon, I can't recall if that's a year early
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at the beach...
It's right now. We got it early.
kek, I'm glad somebody got it
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I wish you luck for when you'll roll. I put Semiramis in Destiny Draw Assassin, but I didn't get her...
I hope the Summer 7 rate-up will be good to me.
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Congrats bro! Mom Love!
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Sent too, if you don't mind. I did sort of kickstart all this, it's also nice to know I have a kindred sis who will 120 Sono-G once his time comes. Funny vamp in all
speed up bros...
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earlier in this.
stream is exactly what we expected to get apart from the destiny order summon you mentioned which we get a year early. if we dont get it in a year im going to be pissed. also no fate stay night remaster release date announcement.
can't decide,
>odds Berserker 2
>evens Extra 2
Van Gogh and MHXX.
>you have to compare her to Melusine and kukulkan
No I don't. Neither of those servants is Arcueid. The entire point of using Arc is that she's Arc. If all I cared about was soulless gameplay faggotry I'd use melu or spishtar or gil or whoever else to farm.
Avatarfags get the rope
There are two old men together
Has NP5 Saber Alter ever been used yet in a 90++ comp? Most of the recent JP events have been 1/1/1 so the value of AOE farmers have fallen down.
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I have a NP2 Arc Lv 100 and I jave been doing some damage testing with double Vitch /w Maid Alter and double Oberon and compare them. I was doing the tests on HANDS

Vitch x2 Maid Alter:
W1 - 245k
W2 - 218k
W3 - 128k (x3)

Vitch Oberon x2:
W1 - 261k
W2 - 251k
W3- 215k (x3)

>MLB Lv 100 BG 5CE
Vitch x2 Maid Alter:
W1 - 495k
W2 - 391k
W3 - 236k (x3)

Vitch Oberon x2:
W1 - 442k
W2 - 419k
W3 - 410k (x3)

Wave 1 and 2 have 3 enemies, wave 3 only has 1 but tripple the damage if you want to compare it with waves 1 and 2.

TL;DR Use double Oberon if you want to omnifarm with her, but her best use is a wave 1 clearer in multicore lol
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>20 tixs for only 1 Xu
Heh i tempt fate too much..
I forgot there was anni. I was really surprised when I got 800 SQ from the rewards. I used 270 on Arc and got her. I might try the GSSRs for Gogh and Yang Guifei but I haven't yet decided if I want to pay.
You aren't ati get the fuck out shitter
>bricked your luck the rest of the year
sorry anon
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Deleted one inactive. One slot open.
>if we dont get it in a year im going to be pissed.
why wouldn't we? if theyre giving it to us a year early then obviously its going to be a recurring thing, if nothing else well get confirmation of it this JP anniversary
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All of you getting multiple SSRs should EXPLODE right now
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The funny thing is, this is bait. I spend a LOT of quartz after this for NP3.
KYS e-celeb simp
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MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm enjoy your potmaj
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Is Bunyan any good? I already have NP 1 King Protea.
What the heck are you even talking about? I haven't seen a single purely 1/1/1 node.
anyone get a destiny summon with an additional SSR that WASNT part of your pick?
I’ve got NP3 Morgan already for my farming is there any real need to get Arc beyond NP1? I like her and wanted a copy for collectors purposes but it seems like a waste to go for more now (spent the extra 10 tickets just to yolo and got nothing) unless I’m missing something.
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I deleted Shaoqi...
wtf bros… we can’t make fun of the scopelets anymore…
>memed about aiming for Xu Fu
>got NP5 Arc from just the SQ we got from the anniversary
Koyanskaya of Dark, Mysterious Heroine XX, Watanabe, Edmond Dantes, Lakshmi, Helena Blavatsky, Napoleon, Asclepius, Valkyrie, Xu Fu, and Frankenstein.
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Good night, bros.
>using AOE servants in a 1/1/1
You need NP6 for her to be good, sweaty.
Good night.
Arc and Morgan do not have the same role. There's many setups that run both of them at the same time.
Can't decide
>odds Berserker 2
>evens Extra 2
>dubs or greater Lancer 2
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Swimsuit Ibuki will be the best Plugsuit option since she gives better buffs to Arcueid with the cooldown reduction.
I think Edison is also better than Maid (Alter).
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Surely NP2 Arc is good enough for farming right?
Wasn't the recent christmas lotto a 1/1/1?
>unless I’m missing something.
You are
It's hard to say whether Manbo or Sephiroth is the gayest character this VA has voiced.
Thanks. I don't know whether I want to go with all new or all NP2+ or mixed.
How many quartz in total?
Here's a Kama there's a Kama and ano-
i dont see why not but dont expect to be using her on that 90++ lotto node that everyone jerks her off with
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Did we get just LB7 early?
So many bros are gonna read Tsukihime because they got Arcueid, awesome...
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>10 shot Arc with Xu
>Summer BB in destiny After spending 700 sq on her first banner
I'm getting EXTRA love today!
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destiny order
>loopsashi np1>2
qsh/spishtar gssr
>bunnytoria np1>2

well it's back to veteraning for me
Good night Lipfriend.
im never reading original tsukihime and im not touching remake until its fully out. i will continue to only know arc from the fighting game where i think len is better.
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>150 sq
got arc
>only np2 xu fu
good grief
sorry for being late bros, i had to move some furniture today
Why do you fags cry over redditors?
If it were me you would deleteme without a second thought....
I was on 0 when I started so the 500 odd from the anniversary and I'm now at 66.
I can kill hands 6 CE hands with NP2 Arc without Oberon.
I dont have Edison and I am not rolling for Ibuki, sorry bro
No they both fill the same roles as multicore enablers and you have Morgan at a higher investment so its not worth it.
Is Xu Fu in the FP Gacha now?
you dont bankrupt yourself to give me a million event ces
Damn. It cost me more than that for NP3. Congratulations, Anon.
she will be after anniversary, but not right now
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I like how even Big Summer Kama doesn't even have the insidious shading like regular Kama. She's completely given up on being the villain.
ojou aishite
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>got the rapist mystic code
soujuurou would NOT say this
No, she gets added to the pool after her rate-up ends.
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And to think Arc or Ciel are the most shit characters and routes.
Maidchads ww@?
That's right all I can offer is being soulful. Guess that doesn't ammount to anything
Thanks bro. You the realest.
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Good, Kama can be my wife instead
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>Gudako has her tongue sticking out
Very cute.
Shut the fuck up you have dozens NP5 SSRs get the fuck out
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I'm not sure what you mean by "insidious shading" but Summer Kama still has shading over her eyes with an evil grin as 1 of her 2 skill animations.
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i tapped through things too fast and have no idea where the anniversary ticket is supposed to be and it doesn't seem to be in box
>Destiny summon
>Summer Abigail
Im destined to fuck little girls
How good is Xu Fu for ART stalling?
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All the agonizing over Extra 2 was irrelevant because I now have Izo NP2! Fuck yeah! Also some meme caster support. Also I thought Xu Fu was a Caster, how did that happen? Still no Shuten...
just go to the event shop section
Pretty good
anni ticket is a quest reward
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>got Xu Fu and Thought Keys from my DSSR
>don't have to drop a single SQ on Arc
China will grow large.
Yeah it says i dont have the ticket
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Got NP5 Arc! on my fucking alt account with no Koyan
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ive been automating since the anniversary came out and ive only gone from level 103 to 104.
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Not really feeling Destiny Order...
There is no Archer/Berserker i actually want and the rest is just kinda meh, all of this for double the price of the normal GSSR is a bit much
Sorry BB, skipping this one
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i fucked up... i thought i only had to worry about merlina and used sq for arc but i forgot about skadi...
I wish I had MLB Black Grail...
>China will grow large.
Me and my Chinabros when The Emperor decides to take over Chaldea.
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Smug mystic code
ah cool I see it now thanks brah
tfw 1 copy short now
I wish.
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Of course, happily accepted! It's going to be Aoko first and foremost for me, then Sono-G after. Congrats on your Arc rolls! Jealous of your Void too. She has avoided me over and over again from the first event. Now she's all I have left for the full sweep of TM mainstays...
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I wish you had one too bro... and me...
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>Kama Vs Melt.png
What happens if they combine their powers?
No, 3/1/1 and you can even do it with just welfares.
Yeah the Extra layout is kind of rough because I'd prefer an Avenger + Moon Cancer or 2x Avengers, even a Ruler in the next one after Summer Skadi.
I wish you were gay
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My belovedma...
use the CE ticket bro...
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>Not wanting to protect the Head Nurse's smile
I just got Kintoki
So why exactly is he the GOATed ST servant?
His only buff lasts a single turn which means in a 1/1/1 wave you'd only use it in turns 2 and 3
Is it really because of the 50% charge?
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Don't forget your 10 anniversary tickets in the shop.
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At least you have a BG
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Milked harder than LB6
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nothing wrong skippin it if you dont have a good choice your 100% happy with for destiny order. Next year will have more characters you can pick on top of draco who you cant get from normal GSSRs
Thanks mom
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*Leviathans ride into battle on Parrots.
These paid gachas are so ass good God
>Forgot about Skadi when Ati posts a countdown post every day for the last 2 years
Rate this anniversary out of 10
She's gonna spook me eventually, also i follow the rule that the only Berserker i use is Kiyohime, i have to be at least a bit faithful to her, she's the only Zerk i had for 3 years
Anyone else farming QP?
I've never even finished the far side routes because the maids were so fucking boring,
Akiha was okay at least.
Got everything I wanted so 10/10
Thanks mom
As of today you have no excuse
Put qp bonus ces on your supports NOW
Got everything i wanted with change to spare for summer so 10/10
It's because of his NP. He's an old servant so he got an NP Strengthening Quest. Newer ST NP Berserkers with 50% NP Charge like Kriemhild and Swimsuit Caster Artoria don't have that.
His NP is really powerful.
I read it in high school already
Then the manga a few years later
I liked it (the manga is better) but I have no interest in rolling for Arcueid
Black grail is a meme. Sherlock Foumes is the true meta for minmaxing.
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White woman acquired
Got nothing I wanted and spent more money for the destiny summons / 10
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>he is unaware
Hisui route does have a bit of a slog in the middle but it's all worth it.
Kohaku's is shorter and just plays in tandem off Hisui's anyway.
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Thanks mom
Yes. The 50% charge and powerful ST NP makes him godlike for 90++ nodes
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I've been playing since 2017, and I still only have 2 BGs. I've come to terms that will never own a mlb black grail for while now.
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10/10, 7/10 if your not someone who buys paid quartz and was hoping for something new since only thing NA got early was destiny order than the free saber from FSN campaign. 7th anniversary still really good with the free quartz you get dumped on you with zero effort
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Wanna place a bet /alter/?
why is she straddling that dark surface?
You'll get Miss Crane
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>extra attack sprites
How is this real? One of these is an SSR and it's not the one with the effort sprite.
You're getting Crane
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lets go
The best anniversary since 4
QRD on Crane Lady? I know she's a pervert but is she also good?
If you roll today, you will only get King Hassan
>Only one class in Destiny Summon that I have every offered Servant for, Lancer
>Like 85% chance to get a new Servant
>Motherfucking LanceLoli summon
Well fuck you too game
Betting one story ticket roll on Crane.
Ok but why is the destiny summon so fucking expensive? You still only get 1 SSR?
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That was LITERALLY my picks and I got Morgan NP4.
Based. enjoy the bird appreciator genius.
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Because you get to tailor the pool.
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NTA but I wish I got crane
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>hurrycane got degraded to tropical storm and fucked off to texas
Yeah, that's how 120 goes.
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one is soul the other is clapbait
your basically building your own GSSR and guaranteeing you get a specific 5* you want instead of trying to rng luck normal gssr's and getting the 1 5* you didnt want instead. Should it cost 30 paid SQ? fuck no
Was I supposed to get a 4* somewhere? I got zero 4* servants.
I got np1 in 1500 quartz. The bad part is I want to spend more
Drake=ciudadano veracruzano promedio>>>poseidon
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I'd like to get Ocunny.
whens the last time you had fun playing this game
I said 'I don't have a single 5* Archer after 5 years in this game' and God said hello and gave me 4 of them. 2 Gils and an Ishtar from GSSR and a Sei from Destiny.
Are they going to introduce a $60 guarantee one SSR and one SR next?
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Thank you! I'm jealous of your Bazett so I guess we're even, haha. I tried throwing around 300SQ her way, but it wasn't meant to be and Arc was my priority this year... I just whiffed on the GSSR too, got Molay. I'd love to try again next Valentines on her rerun, but with wanting both witches NP2~3 minimum, I'm worried about rolling anything until 2026. That's a problem for future me though, I'll figure it out once the time comes. May Void find her way to your Chaldea too, one way or another!
>Reusing enemy sprite = effort
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First time, huh?
its a 4* or above, you can get the 2nd 1 be a 5* instead
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No, you don't understand.
This is an apocalyptic storm of heretofore unseen proportions due to CLIMATE CHANGE!!!
It will literally kill at least 6 million people in Texas!
This is absolutely not a normal annual weather occurrence.
Well? Pay the extra 15 dollars
so you hit pity and yet you kept going? you FOOL
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>only 15 paid sq
Bro i dont want to paid for Albert's new hat
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>didn't want anything from Archer and Berserker on all-class GSSR
>got Berserker
>want Ryouma/Melu
>miss the 66.6% chance and get Romulus instead
Fuck this game so much, holy shit, it's unreal how much I hate FGO. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
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How we doing bros?
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Back in my day you had to pay 30sq for the normal gssr! And we had to walk through the snow uphill both ways to do our dailies! And we had to close the app to go back to servant skills from the attack screen!
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I only have 200 sq left.
I am absolutely fucking seething over rolling the 25% dupe chance from gssr
>Hurricane got redirected to Texas
>In Texas
>Get Arc on first roll
Looks like we're winning hurricanefags
>Saint Quartz (Paid) Held: 15
you already did, retard
Probably playing Traum. The farming is never fun though
Sunk cost
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>Look at next year's GSSR to figure out whether I want to roll the Destiny Order this year
>Not even sure if I'll still be playing
literally nothing to do and no new quality of life changes or early AUs
I would've rated it as dogshit if they were generous with the SQ giveaways.
What's she pouting for?
Back in my day, packs were up to 40% cheaper and you could do the refund trick
I wanted Roma or Melu and got Ryouma. My GSSR luck is terrible, I keep getting what I don't want. E.g. on the new year, the only Servant in the group I did not want was Morgan and I got her.
Cool, but what about Destiny?
Something something sex
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Pretty good.
>It will.literally kill at least 6 million people in Texas!
6 million? Doesn't that seem like quite a lot for one storm? The logistics of it don't really seem feasible, even if the thought of 6 million dead texans isn't so bad...
I have resisted all temptation to meme roll.
I will wait for the next Lip rerun on New Years I think, some shit split rate I think when Kotomine runs, because Lip gets so few runs.
I will try to get my last 2 Lips there then hoard for Summer 8.
I would pay double the amount for a ticket, by making it forced to be between 8 choices at least 1 of them will be something you kinda don't want
I honestly fail to see the value
How much do they think a Limited SSR is worth if you could just choose it?
Not sure if you noticed but it's really hard to dislike Xu Fu so of course the devs gave her more love.

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>want melu
>win 33%
>want melu again
>lose 10%
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>30 sq gssr's
>only normal pool 5*
anon that's with the CE ticket...
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Mom sexo!
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im pretty sure the 4* or above guarantee is only on the normal GSSR, destiny order you dont get that luck
/ourgirl/ proving once again she is truly the MAIN heroine of Fate Grand/Order!
/ourgirl/ love!
/ourmilk/ love!!
I still don't get her appeal t b h
Aye, I guess the surprise limited 3* was good enough.
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>And we had to close the app to go back to servant skills from the attack screen!
I remember those days too. Honestly what kind of hell did we live in back then?
Good, make a good dinner.
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>screenshot saved
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>600SQ 110 tickets
>NP5 Arc
>NP14 Xu-Xu
>NP1 new Bradamante, Hephaistion, Astraea, d'Eon
>Dupes: Anne & Mary, Bezos, Cat, 2xIndian Jeanne.
>1091SQ remaining for something that isn't Summer.
Feeling rather good about this. Should I go for NP6 Arc?
you didn't miss out on anything lol
should've paid attention to /alter/, the maintenance for it was this morning so everything came out almost 3 hours ago

GSSR (Extra 5):
>Hephaistíon (NP4)
>Kingprotea (New!)

Destiny Order Selection:
>Okita Alter (Saber) (for NP2, and to save me some grief during Summer)
>Ishtar (a favorite)
>Mélusine (a favorite, also for NP3)
>Da Vinci (Rider) (I'm a sucker for main characters)
>Illya (a favorite, also for NP5)
>First Hassan (I don't have many wants here)
>Musashi (Berserker) (I don't have many wants here either)
>Sherlock Holmes (still a sucker for main characters, also he's useful)
>Ashiya Douman (once again to save me some grief during Summer)
>Another Ending CE
>First Hassan (New!)

Archetype: EARTH banner - 320 Summons (20 11-rolls, 90 Tickets, 1 DDB):
>A' CE x5 (MLB)
>Grand Marshal of Magic CE x1 (New!) (...ugh)
>Watanabe-no-Tsuna x2 (NP2)
>Zenobia x1 (New!)
>Tomoe Gozen x1 (NP5)
>Lancelot (Berserker) (NP3)
>Carmilla x1 (NP3)
>Atalante x1 (NP3)
>Diarmuid (Saber) x1 (NP2)
>Xu Fu x(lots) (NP5)
>Archetype: EARTH x2 (NP2)

Total SQ Value: 916

...Phew. I'm not enthused about having to spend all that SQ before Summer, but I was prepared for it. Got done everything I wanted to do in the end.
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Same, I've been getting everything I don't want on GSSRs lately as well...

Glad you got her, Melubro. Mine will stay at NP3 until her next rate-up, sadly. I'm holding out hope I can get her to NP6 then, but I'm not confident at all.
I need some help deciding:
Muramasa's questionable, but I don't see a reason to pick someone else at NP0,
NP1 Gil is ok since I aim to push it higher afterward,
NP6 Clae would save me from waiting for a spook for the appends and free up the SSR ticket I've been saving.
Quetz is Quetz, same as Gil
Crane is ok, Kama might be an issue but
an extra NP level for Arjuna feels like a good choice since the others would be NP1 (NP2 for Vlad)
Extras are a bit tricky: the choice is between Holmes, DJS, and Kagekiyo for 1 and either Bazett or Douman for 2
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I'm not sure I would consider Lu Bu the main heroine but you do you I guess.
I got the Aurora simp, what do I use her for?
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Had some quitters to clear up so have up to 10+ slots free for bros.
Stupid picture too large so had to crop it some
It was a giftcard, back when Google weren't anal with localtion n shit
You missed a 10/10 stream and a fun time with the bros bro. Shame.
I did DSSR just for a chance at random shit in each class that I want (for almost entirely coomer reasons). It wasn't a disaster but I probably wouldn't do it again. Not worth the price increase compared to GSSR, even if GSSR sucks.
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I don't drink that kind of milk, sorry horseslut!
To bait Aurora in 2 years!
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>NP2 Arc
>NP5 Xu
>enough SQ left for one pity
Pretty good
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The tiddy monk ruined my chance for an NP3 Arc
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she doesn't really need the charge append
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i got a np level for holmes on gssr so i only need one more until i uninstall.
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Someone post hte next ggsr list already
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Sent, melt in all.
uhhhh, it's be for new years I guess? hold on.
This wait is KILLING me. I am at 3/4 LB Black Grail, and have to wait until 9 tonight it seems to exchange the ticket to finally MLB it. I’ve been preparing for months.
DJS and Douman
Tab g ny2023 jp gssr fgo
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Did we get the increased SR chance before JP did?
Why is he constantly clenching his shirt like he's about to have a heart attack?
Okay I just tested Arc to loop and the problem is that her charge doesn't refund at turn 3 with 2 Vitch, Oberon and BG because it's on an 8 turn cooldown. So to 3 turn you have to sacrifice Oberon (meaning damage) for a cooldown reduction CE.
However, if you get cards at turn 3 that means that Oberon will let you NP at turn 4 and her charge will be available on turn 5 meaning that you can NP two consecutive times after skipping turn 3. This seems pretty good for challenge quests and those 1 wave, more-than 6-enemies story quests.
Also her own charge and party charge enables cool compositions. So all in all I am satisfied even if she is not fully unga bunga like Morgan NP2 and Arjuna NP1.
So id imagine the way the devs intended to use her is to have Ishtar, Muramasa, Astraea etc beside her and plugsuit Vitch/ Oberon when necessary. Especially since she has a team wide invincible. So what the fuck even gave you guys the idea that she is supposed to be an unga bunga clear all servant, when most of her skills are support oriented?
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Seeing your roll make me really reconsider the DGGSR, i may actually get something useful from Lancer 2 or Caster rather than this overpriced shit
He's about to have a heart attack.
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Actually for the first time I'm regretting NOT rolling and saving. She is just a 2nd concubine but still...
And I'm supposedly saving for summer, but wasted 300sq for a useless np1 Arc.
Gudako's ready to give him a heart attack like in Re:Zero
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He got the booster.
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I wouldn't say no...
>no nude of this
a crime, really
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>600SQ 110 tickets
He's trying to entice me. It's working.
honk honk
I'm good
Not exactly rolling this anni anyway, waiting on Skadi and Tea
I might like turkeyhandle more than fate but I'm not easily swayed by claps for the sake of them
>120 SQ + 10 tickets
>Destiny Summon

>Helena (4th copy), Beowulf (3rd copy), Arcueid (NEW)
>Tristan (2nd copy), Summer Anne and Mary (2nd copy), Gilgamesh (NEW), Gilgamesh (2nd copy), Ishtar (NEW)
>Sei Shonagon (NEW)
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its pretty cluttered compared to previous GSSRs
Breast milk, right?
1 Helena NP5
1 Liangyu NP1
1 Valkyrie NP3
1 Osakabehime NP1
1 Astraea NP4
1 Jeane NP6 (My first Saint Graph)
2 Ibaraki NP5
2 Heracles NP4
1 Suzuka NP3
1 Siegfried NP4
1 Tamamo NP2
4 Arc NP4

Super Bunyan (I wanted Oberon)

I don't have enough money for Destiny Order...
it really doesn't seem worthy, unless you have an endless list of servants you want
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On one hand I want a perfectly complete Arc, on the other it really does feel like a waste of SQ. Also I'm not sure what to do about the np6 copy, burning her just doesn't feel right...

I hope you manage to get your favourite even easier, Anon!
Get welfare'd!
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Looking at future GSSRs, i think this is the last time i'm gonna spend money in this game
By now i have servants for most scenarios and i'm not gonna waste my money for a 1 in 4 chance of getting something i actually want
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lol, lmao
>she doesn't really need the charge append
She actually need one for double Oberon 6ce.
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What the fuck? What is WRONG with her?
>perfectly complete Arc,
Her character is what makes her that, not getting gacha coins.
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>dupe bonanza
In practical gameplay terms, it's a great GSSR, you won't ever fail to hit an appropriate Class + Situation.
But the pools vary wildly in target quality, both against other pools and even within the pools themselves.
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The melu one got even better since I wont roll for Brito and dont have Eresh. It does seem like a good time to pick up Squirtoria tho.
I thought you hated futa? You're a cocksucker now? Did Samantha convert you?
You forgot to mention Xu
That's Gudao in a wig, isn't it?
Sent bro, Nobu on All.
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Is 150 servants as far as it goes for these missions?
>guaranteed to get one of maid/farquad/reines, all new
wtf I love gssr now
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>Tamamo Forever
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Ryouma & Oreo
>Also I'm not sure what to do about the np6 copy, burning her just doesn't feel right...
Throw her in the second archive forever
molay in all
>720 Quartz
>1 5 Star
>Thankfully Arc
>Out of seven options got the only 5 Star I didn't want on GSSR
>Got Arjuna on Destiny Summon
This is the worst luck I've ever had since Pity was introduced
I didn't like her at first but warmed up to her really quickly after going through her voice lines. Her VA Watada Misaki's voice work doing the heavy lifting. She's a massive dork and is kinda chuuni. She still simps for Consort Yu but also likes (you) even though she herself doesn't realize it or would ever say it. During her Valentine you have the option to tell Sancho that you two aren't friends and she gets really hurt but immediately brightens up when you change your mind before play-hitting you.
>3 black grails
>0 kscopes
Damned if I do, damned if I don’t
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Protea in All
Pretty good
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ew that holmes pool fucking SUCKS
Do Melu get more use in future 90++ node? I could pick lancer 2 with 33,3333% chance to not get dupe
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Steaming hot Caenis milk...
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she's a pretty sweet girl with a cute personality.
I believe she's used in morganfest though I'm not sure about np level
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You're welcome.
The other option is to say you love her right?
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>only ones that guarantee me something new are single target Archer and single target Berserker
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Salieri in All
What's the secret to make her viable
>introduce super cute mekakure girl
>make her gay
That's fine as I naturally select Gudako.
>not gay for me
Returning player here
See best anime girl + spaceboy is coming. think i'ma give this game a try(have not played since this game came out). gonna reroll and farm for gems
np5 120 and gold fous
Shut up... Nothing to do with that loser...
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You're right Anon, thank you for your guidance.

This really doesn't feel right either desu. Oh well, I suppose it doesn't matter all that much.
Nice work getting best couple.
Very nice.
Lost the bet, got a 3* FP CE on the story ticket.
>AGP freak
Shrek is trans?
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Kill yourself.
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Her damage is on the low end, you can only fix that via whaling. She does absolutely THRIVE in challenge quests.
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>buying singleplayer games in 2020+4
What about the Mystic Code? Summer or 2004?
Using her in non-farming content. She's genuinely top-tier outside of farming.
just pirate it dumb dumb
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>lady avalon
>van gogh
literally the only loss is if you get the chink ruler
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Man what a night
When's the Anniversary stream?
QRD on Ms. Crane?
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>got two copies of kiara
Finally bros... I love evil women.
its a shame she will never get a strengthening quest to buff her, she already buffs her skills
Hands at the moment. QP probably later.
>he didn’t buy the hit new single player game Fate/Samurai Remnant
my funny vamp looks kinda funny bros...
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i already have mothman at np5 and i dont care about anyone else there.
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It's just like the good ol' times!
already happened dummy, you missed nothing other than early destiny summon
How many more rolls does 6ce farming 90++ give you compared to 5ce 90++?
Can a bro please post dabbing Sei since I'm now a certified Seihaver?
It's to say, "We're great friends" and she tries laughing it off before getting really desperate like, "Oh? Yeah. We're friends haha...we're friends though, right? Right?"
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Owari da NP1 bros…..
Sweet, my second MLB Kscope.
Keep having to delete veterans so might as well post my code again, it's been a while.
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Best I can do.
Haha yeah. You know, for old time's sake...

How about you explode, Wu Zetian?
How do I use the 5 star CE ticket? Cant find it in the shop
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get the fuck out of here uruguayan tranny, nobody likes you
already good bros, bro
What are your thoughts on this?
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NP2 level 90 Mélusine farms Morganfest 6CE.
Now I finally have another CE worth leveling to 100
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read tsukihime
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Congrats bro!
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Who should I roll to support my Arcueid, Castoria or Oberon? I own neither and already have Koya
HAHAHAHA he fell for the Arcuck
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>not straight from the source
she's not killing shit without oberon
Can np1 grailed do it
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Of course, bro.
>NA shit
What did she mean by this?
Sorry bro, spilled coffee on my Sei drive.
>300 SQ
NP2 Arc
NP5 Xu
NP1 Artoria spook
>QP fucked
Please no, not like this.
Disgusting + you've got it all wrong!
120 2000/2000 or 100 1000/1000? NP1 can 5CE it.
NP3 Miyu now, not that I use her
Use good o'l Arash at turn 1 then. Then plugsuit for turn 3.
my np2 lv90 arcueid is dealing 200k single target with 2x koyan + edison
so get oberon
erm wheres your bg?
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Friendly reminder that farming the average HP values of 90++ nodes are 600K+.
If your loopers aren't hitting those numbers without BG's help, then you're fine for the next 2+ years of farming.
You were supposed to have a lvl120 NP5 5* looper by now. If you don't, well... it doesn't really matter.
The best ass in all chaldea
Can't decide what CE to put on my NP5 Arc on support.
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Getting 4 new servants at once really takes it out of you.
Holy shit it's going to take some time to overwrite my card chain order and do QAB
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Still friends, Maoubro!
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Bros whenever you're feeling bad just remember there is someone unironically begging with actual effort for $2 on /vg/
I dont have her so oblivious np1 100
tips for the robot and xx quests
i'd even g4p for $2 for sq
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Farm what? Game's 7 years old you should have everything by now
yeah he's some uruguayan homosexual that constantly posts about how good males are, extremely obnoxious, can spend days a la lucksucker shitting on your thread
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my jp alt np1 melu did round 1+3 with morgan lotto event just fine with 5CE+damage CE on melu
6CE is better yea but if its a choice between 5CEing 90++ and 6CEing 90+ you always get more currency 5CEing 90++ instead
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Good luck for summer rolls Wubro. Hope you got what you wanted today too.
That’s with BG bwo…..
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Is this the automata to go for? https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA does it have support for blue apples? Because mine doesn't and I'm already tired
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>Scamy Vamp
You could save it as jpeg instead for it to take way less space
Sent, funny vamp in all, and can you please spare a loose change copy of BG while you're at it...
She uses exclusively Black grail unless the ones using it are newbies who want Kscope for easy double NP.
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She likes to watch you drink it in front of everyone. Secretly guzzling her cum while everyone around you is none the wiser. They do question the musky odor in the air.
probably not even hyper np1 won't cover the damage difference.
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>constantly posts about how good males are
i agree.
there's only one and if it doesn't have blapples then you're straight outta luck.
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That game actually has a pretty funny anti-pirate system!
If the game detects it's pirated, it spawns a super beefed up, fast boss enemy that constantly chases the player and 1-shots them. The funny thing is, some people actually like that and have made it a speedrunning category for the game.
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oh nyo...
I managed to roll 2 arcs in like 750sq worth of rolls. my plan was to go for np3 at least but I'm not so sure I should risk it. is np2 "good enough" for arcueid?
>that constantly posts about how good males are
Sounds kinda based.
It would be fun if we could.just have a containment board/gladiator arena to force all the deranged schizos that lurk in every other general to compete in
Without context this is definitely a post about Serious Sam.
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Place your bets
Sorry bro, min np lvl for actual farming is np5
Was thinking about giving her my maxed BG, but its on another Servant there right now. Maybe I'll switch then.
How many times do you people need to ask this question?
It has been months since people started saying she NEEDS to be NP5
no. you need np5 or you will die.
Why is Gudako such a slut?
Eresh you'll get gold avenger card and think its taira but its actually just the doggo
i thought the pirated verison of SS3 just pointed your mouse up when you pass under the bridge 3 chapters or so in the game
Nice Merlin, bro.
>SR rate up increase
Put grails and golden fous on her and she can farm most of the content
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Let's do the GSSR!

>NP3 Castoria.

Tamatomo. It favors the permanent servants.
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I meant that my version is old as fuck sorry, did it never update for blue apples? That kinda sucks
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vive la Reine
It's based on Blue Mash to be fair
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Some Indian street shitter got my credit card info somehow and put a $7 charge on it and I was frustrated having to call my bank, but then I realized how bad the average 3rd worlder(let alone Indian) must have it to be scamming credit cards for 7(seven) whole dollars and genuine laughter overcame my frustration.
nice rats
They're already NP5.
yeah it did ages ago
You'll be giving all your QP to NFF Services.
literally me, except the mice were new for me so at least I got something
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I removed two people who haven't logged in over 2 months, could use a couple new friends.
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>I have spilled gallons of cum masturbating to this!
>Excalibur next to her
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Alright fuck it, cutting my looses at 60 sq+ 60 im saving on gift box for skadoodle,
dupe jannu + calamity jane
1 cunny vamp + np2 zenobia and some dupes of 4*s
>1 funny story roll
2 dupes from 4*s
Pretty good haul, would lloved np2 funny vamp but its better than nothing atleast.
Np2 is good enough for general content, Np3 is better, 90+++ needs NP5. People raving about the NP5 being a must think almost exclusively about big dick quest farming.
>got Morgan np4, zerker sashi np3 AND nurse np4
So many zerkers holy fuck
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works on my machine
yes it doesn't
everybody uses automata anyway so who cares if takes 12 hours to farm what you need instead of 10.
That's pretty nice. Is this early? I feel like we were supposed to get it later.
pretty sure that came with JP new year in 2023
Holy shit. I didn't even notice that. That is some excellent foreshadowing.
>60 sq
200 sq +60 on box*
Sent, Miyu in all.
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but it doesn't taste as good without the pulsating and hearing her moans
They got permission to put the app back on the Play Store. That one has the buster icon and it's being updated.
977 SQ and 47 tickets. got NP5 Arc and spooked by Jinako in the early rolls
Could have been worse.
So what do I even use my Arc for? Just clearing wave 1 while I switch out to Morgan + double KoL for waves 2/3?
the underpowered trio...
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>was worried about getting np5 arcs on friendlist for lotto farming
>a whole bunch of people impulse rolled her
haha retards.
>Female Merlin
>NP levels for Kama
>Kotomine NY
Artbros I don't feel so good
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Guess i bite, this is my last GSSR after all
She's a collector's item. Unless you got her at high NP levels, she's a big-titty paperweight.
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I did Aesc
>use my Arc
>he thought Arc was useful
At least the jeet was nice enough to only inconvenience you for 7$ he could have easily stolen a 100$.
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Good luck bro.
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>1808 sq
>237 tickets
>not planning on rolling until Takasugi releases
It's a liberating kind of feeling.
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Help me fine tune it:
Could be Charlie or Void, both to NP1
Squirtoria to NP2, Moriarty or Super Orion to NP1
Scathack to NP1
Rider Alter (waifu) to NP2 or Alexander to NP1 (BRO)
Illya to NP3 (waifu), Crane to NP1
Hassan or Kama, both to NP1
Morgan to NP3, Hijikata (cool) and Summer Musashi to NP1
>Extra 1
Caren to NP2, not sure about this one
>Extra 2
Bazzett to NP2, Kamavenger NP1
just a cheeky ten roll on story bro
I mean, out of those you really only need Ibuki.
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Wait, how is Arc supposed to loop with Oberon? She doesn't have enough charge on turn 3...
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send it chief
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good luck bro!
My bank instantly refunds it and deals with the vendor and gets it from them for me anyway. It was non-physical goods/service so no one loses but the shitskin.
Accepted. I respect the 120 Miyu. Real dedication.
No regrets
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Now this is quality writing.
Just b urself

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