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Previous: >>484955184

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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I chose Robin over Firefly
But I wanted both
Did I make a good choice?
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>It's time for the last thread... to end
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How long will Black Swan be with us?
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till she sucked out all your memories.
This game won't truly recover until we get to greece. We could go back to Penacony but who cares
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you can get firefly on her rerun
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>not getting both
Huohuo and Firefly are now on my rerun list if i don't get her before the banner is over.
I have no desire to pull for anyone else.
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I'm tired of waiting.
I got E2S1 Firefly.
I got E1 Raun Mei.

I'm pretty fucking tapped out on Steller Jade now.
I really want to roll Yanli's Light Cone for Clara, though. Hope I will have enough time to save.
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I’ve left four missions untouched, there are 10 chests I haven’t found, and I’m STILL not pulling for a stinky follow upper.
I'm waitered of tiring.
DU 6 guide pls
as a latelet, I want to get Kafka, Acheron and whoever they need to be good...
I bought the pass but I don't know if that will be enough
at least, I don't want any of the new future chink characters
Coming back to the game after a break.
I have a E6 Hanya I forgot about
She's a top tier support, right.
You just slap her in a team with a skilled focused DPS and go?
Step 1. Roll Hataru.
Step 2. Clear DU 6.
She's a generic buffer, increases ATK, SPD and makes SP management much easier, should work with just about every unit in your rosted.
So yes, just slap her onto any team (minus Blade, lol) and it should all work out, if you have Tingyun they pair pretty good to give your main dps a lot of firepower.
I don't look forward to the relic farming but I'll use her in building a team around Acheron
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It's hard being so successful
As one anon said last thread being free to play in this game fucking sucks.
It's almost forces you to want to swipe with how shitty it is.
You don't have to do the endgame superboss stuff. You can be a shitter until you pull for stuff you like.
Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.
I hate Sparkle
What douche
Lame, post the Yanqing one
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her ass is not that fat
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Seele won bigly
I thought this was actual sales but it's tiktok hours
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Doesn't count.
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Do you love Acheron?
Hmm nyo
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Why not?
Her for (You) moment made me like her more
No idea what she's yapping about half the time though
I don't dislike her either, but she is just there
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I love Ruan Mei so much!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
For me, it's Huohuo
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>10 minutes
>page 6
IPC takeover inbound
is this the first time that /hsrg/ has been this dead?
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Hi /hsrg/, who is having a melty today?
too dead for that
Me, m*le characters still exist in this game
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>/hsrg/ is so dead
is there anything to talk about?
>troonckeron is the most successful hoyo banner to date
>barely above flopvillette
tiktok hours will never be not retarded
I want to impregnate Silver Wolf
No, Firefly killed the game
How much damage does your Firefly deal in the highest level modes of SU?
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I've noticed our thread has been a bit quiet lately, possibly due to a lack of recent updates or news. Let's work together to bring some life back into this space! Here are a few ideas to get us started: Favorite Characters Showcase: I'll kick things off by sharing some images and insights into my favorite characters. Let's discuss their strengths, favorite abilities, and strategies for using them effectively in different scenarios. Builds and Equipment Discussions: I'm curious about everyone's favorite builds and equipment setups. Feel free to share yours and explain why you've chosen specific gear or skills. It's a great way to learn from each other and improve our gameplay. Fanart and Creative Expressions: To add some visual flair, I'll be posting some amazing fanart I've found. If you're an artist or enjoy fan creations, share your own or ones you admire. Let's celebrate the creativity within our community! Weekly Discussion Threads: Let's start a weekly discussion on various aspects of the game, such as lore theories, upcoming updates predictions, or even comparisons with other games. These discussions can keep us engaged and excited about the game. Encouraging New Players: If you're new to the game or know someone who is, feel free to ask questions here! We're all here to help each other out and share our experiences. Let's revive this thread and make it a vibrant hub for all things Honkai Star Rail. Looking forward to hearing from you all! [Insert your username]
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uhhhh how's snakewife looking in the beta?
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Good morning bros I love Xueyi I hope our thread recovers it's speed at some point
>meme about Firefly killing the game
>it came true
fofo sexo
why do you fags want to be fast so badly? shall we summon the gig cuckposter to increase the epic posts per minute?
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almost didn't make it
these type of events are rough for a newfag like me...
Leakers are quitting, didn't they?
Kind, dependable and has big tits. What’s not to love?
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Firefly getting used to her new life
So I have something to do all day by talking with hsrg. There have been multiple points in the last few days where I could have all posts be me if I really wanted to despite not being passfag.
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Sexiest cumdump in this game
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I won't last a month in her department
it's their only social outlet.
I don't want to talk about gachas to my friends or coworkers.
I obviously don't want to be talking about it on reddit, discord or twitter.
Candy Crush fucking killed this general
Fast threads are fine when there's something happening
Slow threads are fine when there isn't
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>it's their only social outlet
I feel called out
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It happens.
But the best part about these type of events in star rail is that you can go back and replay it and see how much your account has improved.
I do it everytime i get a character, redoing the boxing event and the one from the space chinese area restaurant guy.
phantylia is so hot bros wtf
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Did you pull for Firefly's LoveClone aka Whereabouts Should Her Child Rest?
Should have added Celestial Jade
Yes but I got spooked by Clara's dumb smile and now she owes me sex
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No Clara Sex...
damn zzz really did flop huh
>Sigga on the icecream Topaz is sucking on
Subliminal cuckshit everywhere.....
>Acheron sold twice as much as Furina
>same tiktok hours
>Firefly sold more than Furina
>fewer tiktok hours
retarded metric
>retarded metric
Didn't the name give that away?
Me on the bottom.
fofo reipu
No, Clara Sex!!!
I would literally never stop trying to impregnate Clara
rude, girls don't like being treated in this way
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Star Rail could never...
who invited the fofo paedo?
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Honkai Star Rail General bros do I buy some weird shit from the flea market or just food? They have outdated (not yet retro) games for like the PS4, PS3, 360 and weird suspicious electronics that may or may not explode.
>her stoneheart power is to grow a futacock
>jade who is known for loving little cockavashis teases her futa cock
>she would've never been friends with you because caelus has a dick and stelle also has a futacock
I threw in 40 pulls for her. Didn't get shit. Should've just kept going on the RM light cone.
Is this a good time to start?
bros I love futanari so fucking much I want a girlfriend (female) with a cock (cis)
The guy that did a bunch of the private server demos was like "this patch's characters are fake and gay so I'm not doing them" IIRC
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Disgusting, kill yourself futacuck
Hu Tao gods always win.
Her LC is a failsafe against spd 190 elites and bosses. Now that they've dealt with Clara freeriders they're going to add more spd >200 enemies.
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Any time's a good time to do the story content and get the rewards. From there you can decide if it's something you want to stick with.
Grace is good but I'll take 2 barefoot hebe characters over her

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