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ye olde: >>485066539

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
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Mystery glow in the dark niggas
I can already tell I'm never going to bother playing the DLC again after I finish it.
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its over...
Name a single well written character in Elden Ring that is not Ranni
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The spiral has unironically ruined my entire idea of Elden Ring because so much is built around spirals (omen horns, the rune of death, dragonlord plastictax, ring discs)

I just beat Bayle at 0 skibidis. He's very annoying so fight and I had to use the raptors of the mist because I couldn't be arsed to iframe some of his more annoying attack. I just whacked its tail with a cleanrot's and use jumping R2s to strance break him. I would do between 4-6k damage on a stance break.
As much as I hate to admit it, that's where I sit too having finished it. I started a new character thinking I'd be able to psyche myself going through the entire game before loading a backup save to start the dlc with that character only to just not bother at all once I waltz about collecting skibidis.
Down the waterfalls from the shadow keep runoff.
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My Eldensona is called Repulsive Deepus aka "The Despicable One" and he sounds similar to Seluvis. He is a most wretched character that specializes in poison, rot, and bleed warfare and will always play dirty if it can gain him the upperhand. He is an all around dishonorable and conniving creature.
Marika's backstory in a nutshell: https://youtu.be/ZqZdfxc-fq0
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For Kind Miquella only.
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rate the fit
Oh no like that's kinda what I meant, like he initially being lime "Oh, I get to get rid of the curse? Yes, I'll take that" but then learning that he misses it and wants it back, and slowly also realizing that he wants companionship as a whole, and very very slowly not realizing falling in love with you along the way, and so it makes it so like if he does get it back, he won't just be going to the same lonely existence as before, he'll have you too
>All those stripped of the grace of gold will meet death in the embrace of Messmer's flame
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Great fi~
>giant glowing night-lite
You sicken me, wretch.
I don't understand why you made this image.
>respect to bleed build
>read that the Varre's White Mask is the best helmet for this build since it boosts damage when you inflict blood loss
>look up guide and see I'm locked out of getting it due to From Software's Quest Structure LOL™
>go on one of the Elden Ring subreddits and arrange for someone to summon me and drop the mask
>doesn't work because the shit password summoning system doesn't work
>go to Roundtable Hold and change my player's name to "plsdropVarreMask"
>invade someone, act non-hostile and just do the O Mother gesture
>they walk up and drop the mask for me
Talk about his mom
>Reverse search
>0 results
Did you draw this yourself, anon? it's pretty good if you did
confessor got thar DRIP
Whatever you say, stepson.
Impalers Catacombs in the southern peninsula
If Leda is Saber, who is Rin?
Unironically Marika.
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post your guys
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We've had her since the base game
I block his attacks with my Fire Fingerprint shield
And I tell him to cope and sneed
Just think in all that time you spent being a faggot on reddit you probably could've beaten radahn with your original build
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>get to malenia second phase
>dodge aenoia
>buff while the flower blooms
>start wailing on her, knock her down with lion's claw
>she immediately goes into waterfowl and kills me instantly
>faggots will claim this is fair and balanced because I didn't memorize a frame perfect dodge that requires me to go in and out of lock on while dancing around her (that they only know about this because they saw it in a youtube video)
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This implies that the frenzy infected Midra long before Marika got involved, the Hornsent view it as bad juju.
since ds1 i have always picked bandit or the closest thing, and always will, anything else is hypocrisy, we the player character are nothing but emboldened looters and pillagers, and always have been, and the choices that alter the game world around you do not change the true nature at the core of every step you take
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so when does the dlc get difficult
i got like 6 scadutree blessings and it feels too easy
Sounds like an appropriate low level Tarnished invader backstory. Good character.
I'm pretty shit at the game. Which of the divine beast guys is the easiest to farm for their armor set. I know that the ice one at least is cancer.
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>"No problem, I'll just parry his ass to death"
lol jk
half his attacks ignore parries AND can somehow drain 100% of your stamina in one hit
This shit is killing all hype I had for the DLC.
Can't block him.
Can't trade hits.
Can't parry him.
It's like Miyazaki WANTS to incentivize cheese strats.
Unless you're supposed to come back to this shit after getting 12+ scat tree buffs to make it not suck?
>Bayle got absolutely destroyed by ghostflame explosion on deathpoker+10
cool but Im still looking for my new weaponfu
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Animation cancel into point blank waterfowl is why I don't like the fight and why I don't take obtuse praise of the game seriously.
>That's no way to talk to your new dad
Then I step aside to reveal that I brought Marika with me and let her fawn over him while he tries to keep up a tough face in front of the new Elden Lord AND play momma's boy for his mom at the same time.
Do Death Sorceries eventually hit harder than noodles

I'm lvl 60 and rancor ain't doing shit. Death poker and Death spear ashes are taking up most ot my fp usage atm
"Ok cutie" and then i spill my Marika's Blessing in front of him and while he desperately licks it off the floor i take pictures to post online
How are elemental resists on enemies/bosses in the DLC?
Enjoying the pew-pew of the astrologer so far but wondering if it'll be another DS2 moment or if'll just be fine like DS3
The description of some item I can't remember states that the frenzy flame could burn the undestroyable spirits, which is why they view it as an abomination.
Understandable, honestly. I don't think there's a single faction in this world that wouldn't consider an all consuming fire that burns, drives insane, and destroys everything to not be an existential risk.

>all because he listened to some obviously evil women
This franchise man.
What's with royalty and insane chicks.
literally beat the game last week and now I'm just fucking about
Scadu 3-5 is enough to completely turn it around. Not that it mattered to me, since NPCs have no counter to shield crash.
should've stayed at 0 shulaloolees
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Still haven't found anything in the DLC that really resonates with me like this getup. Kind of a bandit/brigand/will-shank-you-for-your-runes kind of fit.
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Yes you're heavily encouraged to cheese the DLC NPCs
Rakshasha for example has infinite status resist, impossibly high poise, infinite stamina and infinite fp
but they also use parriable attacks and open for riposts in 1 parry unlike all the bosses so go nuts
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>summoned for Bayle
>host has ZERO scadu fragments
You have got to be kidding me.
That's some nasty bleed damage
>since NPCs have no counter to shield crash.
I've killed enough mages with Fire Serpent to truly understand the meaning of those words.
From what I can tell they pumped magic resist on the dlc because nothing in the base game resists magic aside from academy shit
Greatshield + Antspur = you didnt beat the game

Greatshield + Lance = honorable and honest gameplay
absolutely fucking not.
If you want to run a "death build" you use the weapons.
Actually that's not entirely true, the new rings spell is alright. As in just alright. Solid 6/10. Due to being attatched to the deathbirds it's a personal 100/0.
Oh and ghostflame breath is pretty alright. But, that's not a sorcery.
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soulless pvp metagame poise blob reporting in
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he does beat the game
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I really like the idea that he has a stereotypical "ugh, I HATE it!" teen attitude towards his snakes. Like a retired dad who insists he doesn't want a puppy. But secretly he enjoys their company and, until the Tarnished comes along, they're basically his best friends. Especially the pale snek that's going :D at the camera during one of his cutscenes
the tldr is that no bosses in the DLC have huge immunities or vulnerability unlike the base game
every resistance is in the [-20,40] range
every build works, every element vs every boss. Some are slightly better/worse
magic has a worse time than the base game, holy has a better time
It's an RP build that you take to RL200 if you actually care about PvE performance.
>One Skibdi for Divine Beast fight
Bro please
How about greatshield+greatsword?
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most magic can bruteforce through anything but you need some specific spells like Shard Spiral and if nothing of that works you can just throw magic rocks at the enemies.
Is the Scadutree just window dressing? As far as I understand the Sealing Tree is a different entity, and if that's the case the Scadutree serves no mechanical nor narrative purpose. It's just there.
>hyper armor on literally every move
>if you stagger her while she has hyper armor on she just rolls back to 100

indefensible. Yet fags will just say LE GIT GUD xDDD
That honestly sounds fun considering you normally can't rune "pure casters" past RL 150.
>until the Tarnished comes along
what level of yumeshit headcanon is this? when we come along we kill him, we dont become his friend
How do you even check something like that?
I think the scadutree is what separates the shadow realm from the lands between
I just realized the "throw rocks" anon is referring to gravity spells this whole time. I thought he meant throwing actual rocks like the peasants in stormveil do
I guess this will do. The fact that I can pretty much tank him really helps.
I literally have the grace of gold you moron. Did you poke out your eye with your widdle spear? Messmer, more like Pisssmer lmao.
It says he hates his flame, not the snake
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On a related note, are there any bronze colored weapons that don't have INT or FTH requirements? I have the man-serpent shield and briar greatshield for shields already.
I want to run a martial artist character with both of Dane's "weapons", one in each hand and switching to two-handing either depending on situation. What kind of a fit should I go for? I don't really like the bare-chested raggedy man stuff and the trenchcoat is too obvious.
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(Y) Read message
the scadutree is literally the erdtree
its the metaphysical dark side of the moon, its the same moon
the game points this out repeatedly and its in the exact same position on the map
wait there's a finger hat?
Bayle has the best OST in the DLC.
Are people just ignoring the scadu shit on purpose? You can easily get to Lv5 with the beginning area alone.
Wizard robes. As tranny as possible. Ranni hat, Alberic cloak, Seluvis' legs, etc. You become the "I cast FIST" guy
>Wow! How did you graduate from Raya Lucaria with only 6 INT?
>I didn't, I gave the dean wedgies until he gave me a diploma
That's the Hornsent's anti-horny caterpillar mask.
It's the Hornsent's headwrap.
Bayle is the best part of the DLC.
I want to smell Igon's pants.
Why are people still having problems with Malenia in the year 2024?
nb but you should use altered high priest robes for a bag of cocks on your chest
Ah. The lightning took me for a loop. Thanks anons.
>expecting brain dead pvpers who see this game in only 1s and 0s to do any kind of exploring
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Is there any boss with as few and shortlived openings as gay radahn? I've been doing a lot of coop on him since release and something just rubs me the wrong way with this boss.
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dumb snake needs protection and love
This doesn't match at all
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I already kind of do that on another character though, this is primarily a faith/int caster but every time I bust out the martial arts people seem to have no idea how to react to seeing basically a nun kicking their arse.
This isn't going to be one of those videos where she does it at most once and you're already two rolls away from her, is it?
You let me know now before I waste my time, anon.
He worked with what he had, the albinauric chestpiece doesn't work with anything.
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if you put your summon sign down or send it to the summon pool, that should open you up to get invaded
She looks like she visited Midra's Manse, saw the headless corpse-statues kneeling outside the front door, couldn't control herself, and started using their neck stump dildoes to pleasure herself until the Frenzy stacks made her squeal and squirt
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what she needs is one of these
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Shield Crash worked great until it started just not doing anything but push him back 50% of the time. And not ONCE did a leaping heavy with the spear deal any damage while he was on his ass after getting knocked over when Shield Crash did land.

I'm convinced this is just programmed to be a bullshit fight to make people think the DLC is just super hard. I've done tons of pvp and cleared the base game with all kinds of builds and never before have I seen an enemy just ignore 70% of every common strategy like this. Just ignoring spears through the chest. The only thing I haven't tried are sorceries and incantations, and I expect if I do he just ignores half of them and charged through them.
Use the divine bird chest if you want to use armor. It doesn't look armored enough to the point where you look like a knight.
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There is no difference between Recusant and Bloody Finger. Why not do a Mound-Maker type beat or something fun? We have plenty of houses, yet no covenants.
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>played elding for over 100 hours
>keep making new characters because everything after the grand lift sucks
>furthest i ever got was the golden city
>a lot to explore but enemies were bullshit
>now i find out i was one tree branch away from two major boss fights
what comes after the morgot fight?
go to the snowy mountains?
Go into the status menu.
Godfrey has very few openings as well but you can tank him. You can also tank Radahn but the issue is that a lot of hosts haven't collected enough scadu tree fragments. Honestly the idea of the fragments was great on paper but it got a lot of flaws in practice. Still an step on the right direction and with some tweaking it can become an staple of future games. I really wish a similar mechanic were done for the base game on NG+ in order to stop them from being just victory laps.
Ooh, there's an idea. Thanks anon, I hadn't thought of that.
me on the left
I knwo it pribably mwans nothing and is just Godrick's dying brain teying to remember long lost grace and splendor, but i think the line "“I am the lord of all that is golden and one day we’ll return to our home, bathed in rays of gold.” is verybinteresting now like that we know what happened with Marika's village
That made me really sad but yeah thats really sweet. Like he doesnt really view the people under him as liking him, so he doesnt think that any of that can count as close to him, esspecially wince like the crucible knight that defected that thw description said hurt him a lot when it happened
Maybe YOU don't, if you gift him 15 bouquets you can unlock his romance route. Hate to say it, but yoy disnt beat the game
>my colleague got falsely accused of rape publicly by and an heroed before he was exonerated years ago
>accuser took over his life's work and faced no consequences
justice for mogh and his dynasty when
Morgot is essentially the halfway point
It's supposed to be symbolic of the magic separating the land of shadow from the real world. It serves no other purpose.
Absolutely maidenless post.
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>holy shit a sorcery tower
>finally something int related in the dlc
>it's a fucking cannon
How so?
The chestpiece works great with the gloves and grieves/boots
Do you mean the hood?
You can pretty much just run away from Waterfoul if you have enough poise and damage negation. You can even just block the first flurry of attacks and evade the 2nd and 3rd. Yeah, she's going to get some health back but you'll be able to outpace her healing if you got the right build.
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Shadow Keep is such a gauntlet of bullshit, i love invading there
>first area is a set of endless pits to the left plus a bunch of messmer soldiers aka professional rapists
>then an elevator where you can send the hosts down with a starcaller cry
>then the first floor of the specimen storage aka Grand Archives 2.0, full of mazelike narrow passages where you can hit several coopers at once
>then the giant omen corpse giving you a fuckload of gravity kill opportunities
>then ANOTHER outer wall with a strong Fire Knight also trying to send the host into a pit
>then a gauntlet of Fire Knights before they can even pull the plug
Literally nobody can survive this if you pull them far enough
And the side area leading to the coffin has a long ladder that instakills if you knock someone off
Back Entrance is similarly fun
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....its a good cannon
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can't decide if i'd rather be...
A lot of Godfrey's attacks can be strafed or jumped for an easy punish. Radahn's moveset pretty much needs to be rolled in its entirety, I honestly can't think of a single attack that can be jumped or strafed.
It's also insane how quickly he follows up with a new combo, I feel like only a few attacks have a large enough pause to actually punish, leading to massive slog of a fight.
It's got magic damage, what do you want
MY back needs this
The blue silver mail is made up of entirely different colors. The hood can work with the carian knight arms and legs but the chest is all wrong.
I mean, it's completely safe if you time it right. I killed that guy by doing nothing but spamming charge forth with the girandole.
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WOW this is SOOOOO fun am I supposed to be summoning for regular catacombs too now??
stupid ass game
why do you care, you look like godskin noble irl you aint gonna be no miquella nigga
what is the best build to play with a buttplug up your ass?
just juggle his ass with giant hunt, works for all other npcs too
Stop asking for dumb pvp shit you secondary
>Invading world...
>The Host has begun the area boss
>Returning to your world
>The Host has been summoned to another world
>Returning to your world
>Returning to your world
you don't know what you are talking about
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The Miquella happy ending exclusively for type Bs
Where is it?
>I knwo it pribably mwans nothing and is just Godrick's dying brain teying to remember long lost grace and splendor, but i think the line "“I am the lord of all that is golden and one day we’ll return to our home, bathed in rays of gold.” is verybinteresting now like that we know what happened with Marika's village
Godrick and his followers were hounded out of Altus after he (or Godefroy) laid siege to Leyndell. If you walk around the Outer Wall Battleground you'll find that the place is filled with armors and weapons used by the Banished Knights. What Godrick refers to is he and his followers being able to return to Altus and the capital
*Exclusively for Type A's
>exclusively for type Bs
Nope. Miquella belongs to disgusting fat old STR type A poiseblobs.
this game is way too fucking big
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>no cage
Type Bs deserved a happy ending with Messmer.
literally just shoot them with a crossbow to interrupt their animation and get close.
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10/10 would not want to cross your guy in the sellia backstreets at night
has miyazaki confirmed if marika is a pawg or not
i raped last boss with two summons
me very sorry
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This game is simply awful. Fromsoft really missed the mark with all the artificial difficulty bullshit. GO ahead an try to counter this image, I bet you can't.
messmer dating sim when
look how they massacred my boy
fucking rakshasa oh my god
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I used to watch this guy a lot in dark souls 3 days, just guy invading and doing awesome plays with pyromancy. Any good elden ring PvP channels which are focused on spells?
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You're right. Once I stopped trying for follow-up attacks and backed up enough to bait him into crossbow machine gun spam, shield crash only did 0 damage twice. Still miffed about that, though. I caught him mid-flask and pushed him into a wall and instead of the last hit knocking him over, he immediately went from drinking to a heavy attack.

I recently discovered that I missed the cavalry that drops Giant Hunt every time I cleared its area. I actually missed like 4 nighttime outdoor bosses. I guess I got used to clearing the zones a certain way and never passed by their areas at night.
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That makes more sense, he never like seemed too "with the plan" even like though the fact he was one of the few demigods to not end up relying on the power from another Outer God
Right now, just daydream it in your head or go read stuff. Your brain is full of imagination
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2nd playthrough type B, gotta collect some skibidis and fight rellana
She has no poise anon, what are you struggling with?
I see Crystal Cafe is raiding again
Define "well written" because you seem like the kind of faggot that points to a single perceived inconsistency and then says that the entire character doesnt make sense
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Could you explain your meme, young man?
Eh, not really. It's fairly close as far as this game's colours go.
i miss bloodborne
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>having to make my own content
You can check another player’s fragments that way?
You can still play it
that guy dies easily to crouchpoke spam from a colossal sword, he can't hyperarmor through it either
I want a followup or spiritual successor. Imagine what the Fromsoft of today could do with that kind of theme.
>She doesn't know
Just go read fanfics you sorry bitch, be glad you don't live in 1800 and have to trade hand-typed Sherlock fanworks around by snail mail like a primitive
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Why can't I play as a spellmachinist?
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>questline with her giving you two two weapon options
>if you kill bayle before doing some random other stuff you miss all this completely
How WAS I supposed to know?
It's not even remotely close.
Why did you roll too early?
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Thinking of making a Faith guy next, either Haligtree Knight w/ Leda's Sword or Dragon Cult with Death Knight Longaxe.

Is Str/Fth or Dex/Fth the way to go?
my kicks aren't reaching her
can't poisebreak only stagger, and her attacks all have hyperarmor
very suicidal to go for poise damage
Can players get that npc's spell?
Equip Rabbath Cannon
Equip the magic crossbow from Raya
Equip some magic throwables
>boss gives you a massive telegraph
>wtf it’s too hard to dodge
Skill issue
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It is though.
Are you focusing too much on the chainmail?
Hey /vg/, could someone please instruct me on how to merge regulation.bin for mods?

I've looked up Yabber/Rune Bear, but that doesn't work anymore, and I don't understand how to use Witchy.

I'm slow, would really appreciate help.
>magic damage aim bot cannon
its kino
Youre better off cooping.

Playstation chad
This anon clearly trained their brain to passively make randomly generated fantasies 24/7
Also there are fics you could read, one was posted last thread, but yeah dating sins probably won't ever happen because copywrited character and all that
That divine lion warrior in enir ilim with the frost attacks keeps kicking my ass. He kills me in like 3 hits even though I have 70 vigor and 16 shcadu fragments.
>add throwing dagger weapon category
Oh cool I wonder what kind of
>it has 1 weapon
>its throwing mechanic isnt even unique because its a smithscript weapon
Oh, well atleast there are backhand bla-
>only one, with unique backstab animations
>the rest are just chakrams with the punching critical animations
W-well beast claws are neat I gue-
>awful moveset
>low damage + slash
>almost no stance break
>no dragon claws

What the fuck were they thinking?
I don't think you're focusing enough on any part of it. The plate on the chest is muted silver blue. The mail is a dull silver. The plate on the arms and legs are a shiny silver. The hood is a vibrant blue with gold accents. The chest piece does not match at all.
I reached the mountaintops at around 80 hours and then spent 1500+ hours getting summoned for multiplayer only
They’re really tough. Each one is a miniboss.
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went to 150 after 300 hours on 139 and im having significantly more fun invading, the amount of bonfire duelists have gone down considerably and theres still plenty of really good pvp players to have good fights with
i mean i miss the design
Finished DLC playthrough 7 and I was just struck by how poor the design of the games is now. Instead of BB's focus on smart positioning and quick reflexes (Giving the feeling of a human hunter with aggression outsmarting beasts and kin) you sort of just iframe/jump stuff in ER
You don't smartly strafe to the side to avoid the flailing limbs of a beast and attack its flank, in ER everything has infinite tracking and there's no turning animation, they just pivot in place like a mid 2000's MMO boss.

There's a cohesive theme that bleeds through the entire game and into the combat and it's executed well. The dash has fewer iframes than in ER but the game doesn't feel poor because of it - positioning matters a lot and bosses don't track on a dime.

I just want good mechanics again
>What the fuck were they thinking?
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Don't forget:

>Add a single throwing weapon in the throwing weapon category
>Its default ash of war is Piercing Throw
>Add Piercing Throw Ash of War item
>Can only apply it to.... throwing daggers
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so captain america shield is the new op shit for pvp?
Is it any good though? How would you build it
>What the fuck were they thinking?
Wirr they rike this?
What do people think about standard enemies having four hit true combos that annihilate high lvl60 vigor healthbars?
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dire times
I don't want to play this shit anymore dude, why are some attacks slightly delayed for some reason? While others hit you immediately.
It feels so fucking stupid, I'm tired of pretending this is good gameplay.
Skill issue, unironically.
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here I made an update for SOTE
Stagger is all you need, I literally just two-handed R1'd her to death with my banished knight's greatsword and she couldn't get a single attack off.
beast claws feel like they're supposed to be an all-in meme combo weapon

incredibly horrible for trading or poking or fighting bosses. But they have true combo into their own hits. But their chains are limited and consume ridiculous amounts of stamina.

the biggest issue is that there are better weapons right now with true combo WA that do more damage/bleed by landing the hits anyway, without having as shit a moveset
ie sword of knight
his freezing storm is the same type of bullshit as garg's poison mist in base game
125 is a dogshit meta only used by like 1000 autists that ban or restrict 50% of the items and mechanics in the game
can't remember the last time I used a shield in these games
Here's your dating sim lol
>You push aside the heavy doors and enter Messmer's bossroom
>Messmer: Mongrel intruder. Thou'rt Tarnished, it seemeth. Mother, wouldst thou truly Lordship sanction, in one so bereft of light? Yet...my purpose standeth unchanged. Those stripped of the Grace of Gold shall all meet death. In the embrace of Messmer's flame.
Quicktime event, fast, pick a response!
>"Your mom sanctioned my lordship in bed last night, actually." [Req: 60 VIG]
>"Nice snakes, where did you get them from? Petsmart?"
>"Y-You too"
>"You know we don't need to fight, right? I already married your mom. Plus, one of your step-siblings is trying to replace Marika right now at Enir-Ilim. Help me burn a path in with your flames and I'll give you your old bedroom in Leyndell." [Req: 50 INT]
>"So this is what you look like in person. You're not half as hot as the fanart of you on Tumblr." [Req: 99 ARC]
There’s only 3 of these guys in the game right?
Also it’s pretty nice to have a mook that’s a threat.
Its one of like 5 different OP things and its the only one that is just spammable chip damage instead of murdering you outright from 100-0 so its probably the least offensive
it would be really obnoxious if the others didn't exist
>capping your level
Wait a second what level are you guys?
pretty sure he only hates the fire and not the snakes
but they do be going :3 and :D in cutscenes
>There’s only 3 of these guys in the game right?
This one is still a standard enemy because he respawns.
what are the other ones? is swift slash still a thing after the nerf or is that gone?
how do I disable pools? I'm tired of being summoned for radahn by people with less than 10 blessings.
i'm considering dropping mushroom head and gravebirds armor to use dragon form but this would probably remove 20% of bonus damage
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Why so many hosts cannot do 1+1 and simply wait until the dragon kills all the enemies and then go and fight the dragon?
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finally killed the big gay
there are some attacks like messmer's grab or radahn's up-down combo that just take the piss with how long the starts are.
Me on the left
me on the left
Beast claws shouldve just been great claws, heavy unhinged slashes with comically large claws, with big fucking pose and poise damage
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dumb image
nanaya's torch
sword of night
claws of night
impenetrable thorns
uh im probably forgetting one
I love how Gravitational Missile has lots of utility as aiming it towards the ground allows you to immediately detonate it.
L1 while in map, Summoning Pool List.
You just said yourself everything's ultimately in a silver hue
More importantly both the legs and arms are primarily about the leather boots and gloves not the armor pieces.
The only thing that I'd concede on is the hood but it's what's there.
Bloodborne is literally just strafing to hit the back of the enemy for viscerals
Elden Ring has way more complex mechanics
me watching in the corner jacking off
that's not even a true combo, you literally got skill issue'd.
>that's not even a true combo, you literally got skill issue'd.
My finger was on the block trigger the whole time.
this will be nerfed just like rolling sparks
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roll gets priority over block idiot
roll nigga
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>give up and decide to check x questline
>realize i miss stuff to complete y,z and xq's questlines as well
every single quest is HOW I WAS SUPPOSED TO KNOW tier aaaaaah
Are you fucking retarded?
>roll gets priority over block idiot
If you roll the third attack you get caught by the fourth.
>>"Y-You too"
is it really so hard for miyazaki to implement this mechanic???
the claws are actually good? interesting
So like, Marika is fair game, right?
Are you blind?
Marika is for _me_
What is it like to share a deep, mutually loving kiss with a woman?
Yea, you're fucking retarded.
Me on the right
Looking good.
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If Malenia can pollinate herself and have quintuplets possibly on accident I wonder about Miquella.
Lock me in a room with him and one of us is coming out pregnant.
Their WA is cancer in ganks because its stagger is stupidly high, it's extremely spammable and covers a massive area. You basically can't press buttons when someone is standing in the back spamming it at you.
Do you have to summon Ansbach and Thioller to get their gear? I dont feel like fighting Radahn with HP bloat.
how is it against ganks? i pretty much only invade and find myself on the other end of 3v1s
Dryleaf Dragon here. Bloom Twice works really well for closing distance, jumping through attacks still craters my HP though. I think it just comes down to the weapon not causing any stagger. If I could get them to flinch after a few hits they would be perfect, here's to hoping they'll get a buff. I'm off to practice my moveset
Only once and they don't need to be present on the winning attempt.
Idk how to tell you this, anon, but Miquella's prostate doubles as a boiwomb. And it doesn't even have a cervix guarding the gates. You can impregnate him much more easily than women.
Lately I've noticed more and more people summoning me without blessings or barely any, how are they this bad at exploring?
About as good as any ranged tool. You maybe meme one person and then get run up on by 3 people and you'll never have enough space to use it again.
The people who are good at exploring already beat thw boss you got summoned to
>there are 8 Night's Cavalry encounters
that is way too fuckin many
Finished the DLC, shit sucked.
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who was the final boss for elden ring again
I suck at this game and need help with Radahn, should I:
>keep using my current build (Pure DEX with Rakshasa's Great Katana) and keep trying to git gud at dodging
>respec into STR/FTH and shield tank
You are. Because in the final stage of the game, you are the boss
>beat the game
>dont beat the game
I just pick whatever starting class fits the playstyle I'm going for
Does the pose left on a message use your current loadout or the one you made the message with?
just think of it as a fast sweeping 1H-R1 with extra poise damage that hits out to 20x normal range, because it covers an arc and distance almost all the way out to lockon range and has no damage dropoff
and at the same time it also has your power stance R1 hitbox which deal their full 2x hit damage/status and they can hit along with the projectiles to shotgun for huge amounts of damage/status
ie 2000+ damage and 100+ bleed in pve at melee range (in base game, so 4000+ damage with skibis in DLC), and stupid range single hand R1 otherwise
That alien worm from SNK
is that lavos?
Can you get both the Sword of Light and Darkness if you go into NG+?
The one you made the message with
Thanks, I guess I'll just drop the DLC and go back to base game :)
Ez mode
>poison mist bleed antspur rapier
>cold cross naginata
>fingerprint shield
>mimic tear
Warning: this will not feel like a victory
One you made the message with, you can check your old messages and see your old outfits
Technically 7 because the Snowfield encounter is a double boss. Some of them are so fucking forgetable, like the one in Caelid that drops a fucking poison WA (right next to a dungbeatle that drops the other poison WA lmao)
elden beast the space whale
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(((Elden Beast)))
this would be so much hotter if she had a soft, plump belly that folds over her thighs and a raging hard on
cute feet
>poison bleed mist
why when poison blooms twice exists
I can see them...
The main thing hindering my progress in the DLC are all those shitty quests.
Because PBT will get you killed with how slow it is.
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sorry I miscounted, there's 9, 10 if you count the snowfield one as 2
poison is a meme just seppuku it on a bleed antspur, you'll do way more damage with faster bleed procs
messmer's soldier spear > naginata

mimic tear can be a problem if it pulls aggro and radahn circles around you. I'd rather have a bleed buildup ash from range
/vg/ would be so much better if we stole the rule that crystal Cafe has, that replying to and encouraging posts that break the rules is also a bannable offense
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>this complete psychopath is what anons were saying ruins the lore of elden ring
I don't trust even half of what this dude is saying he's clearly a lunatic.
medium shield is enough, you don't need a respec. Learn to dodge, add a shield for tough situations
>people are crying about sword of night
>even with the true combo its weaker than corpse piler and transient moonlight

is this shieldfag tears?
b-but what if my mother dies in her sleep tonight because I didn't reply
I totally forgot the weeping peninsula and forbidden lands ones.
Personally I think phantom slash is very cool and powerful so I always get it.
Why he was in the graveyard at times?
PBT is faster than PBM
Sometimes I just wanna use my own claymore to go through the game and infuse it with different ashes of war for different situations.
But I could just use Blasphemous Blade and press L2 and kill literally everything in the game instead
because it true combos into followup 2x R1 which makes it far deadlier
if it was just the weapon art comboing into itself it wouldn't be broken
Messmer soldier spear doesn’t have natural bleed build up.
I've seen that katana shred through 2k HP bars.
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Is this a guaranteed drop? The guy doesn't respawn.
No you see the manvestite that breastfeeds a fingermonster with his fingernipples INSISTS that the moon sucks and that he's a woman you aren't allowed to question him bigot
That's where his son is buried
>because it true combos into followup 2x R1

this is wrong you only get 1 R1
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>Int Build
>Bastard Stars for WA
>Gravitational Missile, Great Oracular Bubble, Cannon of Haima & Gavel of Haima

Is this the most explosive build you can do in Elden Ring?
Maybe he's talking about the R2 that hits twice.
>beast claws
While the actual beast claws are viable with the two ashes it has, Red Bear's Claw unique skill can hit multiple times which upticks the bleed proc and can stagger even high poise enemies
>get summoned for bayle
>1 blessing
2x rupturing crystal tear flask and a weapon art that launches you into opponents
Your Messmer's Orb and Giantsflame?
Bonus points for Miquella's tactical nuke.
If you go Faith you lose out on the Int stuff!
That's not a true combo its only R1. Also I wouldn't care if they nerfed it but it wouldn't make sense with corpse piler and transient moonlight doing more damage without a true combo
all he had to do is kill the dragon guy
He had a son, his son died and he buried him in that graveyard, then he went nuts and thought a fingercreeper was his son
god I want to make a perfumer build but I know i will just want to blow my brains out when I actually play it and deal 0 damage/poise damage to anyhing
Technically the only thing between the start oft he DLC and Bayle is a fucking dragonman NPC fight in the cave.
The drakes are all skippable and there's no real reason to fight them since they're just base game mooks recycled. It's not really intuitive that you'll advance Igon's quest by fighting some recycled shitters with bloated stats.
>florissax gets a red lightning dragon claw incant unique to her
>no way to obtain it for the player character
in elden ring 2 im eating ancient and lowborn dragon hearts alike.
>Ride up to Castle Ensis
>Take a right turn
>Kill the weakass dragonman invader
>Ride along the road with all the headless dragon statues
>Run through the dragon cave
>Kill the weakass dragonman boss
>Ride to the mountain
>Ride up the mountain
>Ride up the mountain
>Ride up the mountain
What's your favorite DLC music? For me the obvious
but I'm looking for hidden gems
And you're blind.
Girlchads truly stay winning
wait, your skibidi levels get scaled to the host? lmao there go any plans of doing co-op in the dlc
Does that work with the Obsidian sword?
WTF is the lvl for PVP. I'm a new player and want to build something with poison letal something But people tell me so much numbers

when I played Dark souls wasn't it 125?
is it still that

also whats a good build for VENOMOUS FANG/ VENOMOUS FANG

I was going to make Fang with arcane as I am playing thief to increase poison buildup to 95 but I don't know
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What the fuck
It got so overnerfed because of the bug, heres hoping they give it some buffs in the balance patch
i dont know
>use genric weapon with specialized ash of war
>feel like im mising out on the special weapons uniquness
>use special weapon
>feel like I'm missing out on making a weapon 'mine'
>Can't retrieve item. Inventory is full
I want to equip sleep pots god fucking damn it. I already emptied most of my inventory and dumped to chest I can't still equip them. Does anyone else is experiencing this bug as well?
You could wield the Staff of the Great Beyond and use almost all of those spells in the same build.
138 if you want to match up with tryhards in 125 for more activity.
It didn't get overnerfed, they literally just fixed the bug. Now it's exactly as strong as other perfumes that weren't bugged.
it does huge damage and mediocre poise
its definitely not zero poise, you interrupt some attacks but you don't poisebreak bosses
damage can be way above most weapons when you use multipliers
you're basically running around as a jump attack build though, without the poisebreak of a jumping greatsword but with more damage and big aoe / lingering hitbox
I will now respond to your post.
Alright retard, colors come on a spectrum. I understand that's what you're on and that you ignored the parts about how I described the shades of silver and blue, but just because something is the same "color" does not mean that it's the same thing. It's okay if you like your outfit, but it is different colors and does not actually match.
ive been getting plenty of activity in the 125-150 range
and pick hero for arc
can you edit your save for summon statues?
idk blink bolt is clearly the best if you time it because it locks people into its combo while you explode to guarantee the damage
heck this guy was just streaming it but he switched to doing discus hurl spam;
gotta rewind his stream
Too low spell damage :(
You guys said 200 was the new base level...
How do I level down...
My jolly cooperations...
What the fuck? No they don't, there's only seven.
Occult Venomous Fang with Poison Flower Blooms Twice is pretty decent.
200 is way overleveled lmao what a retard
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>people crying about anything other than sleep bolts/blindspot/thorns right now

are we playing the same pvp?
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>If you find yourself in New Londo, you're on the right track
I get it now.
Am I understanding this correctly that 139 is the best level from this pic?
>holds nanaya's torch in the sky
>spams scattershot throw claws
>spams discus hurl
Um anon? Your Greatsword of Damnation?
did he beat the game
all inferior to what I listed
>holds nanaya's torch in the sky
dies to sleep arrows out of range
>spams scattershot throw claws
dies to sleep arrows out of range
>spams discus hurl
dies to sleep arrows out of range
Did who beat the game
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but whats your lvl that you get active people

>pick the hero


willing to start over if its a good one

this is the build I'm working on right now for a 119 build
138 seems fine. how active is 150

occult is something I never got used too. it ranks with arcane right?
why is it good
>wearing heavyshitter poiseblobnigger armor
didnt beat the game
what's wrong with blind spot exactly? keep seeing people complain about it but they never say why it's a bad thing.
>not using chicken claw boots
So why tf did Ranni even employ Selvius?
useful idiot
The more we learn of the lore, the more I wish we could see the Demigods from the perspective of before the Shattering and outside the lens of a taciturn murderhobo hunting them.
Messmer seems like a bro if you're not Hornsent.
Yeah From will buff hoarfrost stomp any moment now.
patsy to take the fall
The DLC is bullshit, how can people still use that "git gud" argument to justify how badly designed the difficulty is?
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You know, this post made my 60 Int mind twist and turn in thought. As the DLC establishes, Miquella now has (well, HAD since we shanked him and Radahn) an adult body. And during the DLC you gather his parts again. Meaning you can restore Miquella's kindly and manipulative yandere nature without the creepy aspects of his age-locked form.
THEN you take into account me being a Rannifag, and how her doll body can be upgraded further and restore her to a look similar to her pre-burned state, the answer becomes rather obvious as to what to do here.

I will claim both, thereby I attain a giant, pear-shaped femboy and a giant hourglass-shaped woman. Both, obviously, tower over my Tarnished, alas he is their Lord, with Ranni and Miquella splitting the work, though Ranni obviously having the lead on the rules of the new world.
Now imagine, two giant perfect butts, two sets of thick thighs, a set of giant, milk-rich tits and two lovely faces with lips to match any heavenly touch. And don't forget, two sets of 4 arms, making 8 arms total.
Miquella shall be claimed, he will attach his might to the DMGS that Ranni made, making it gleam of both blue and gold, akin to the older titles, and my Tarnished shall impregnate both, as Empyreans are hermaphrodites.
His Dynasty shall rule any and all nations of the future world and all shall bow.
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They are too hard to get!
"Seluvis" is just a doll. She employs Pidia, because Pidia is a dollmaker and she has a doll body.
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I'd be willing to bet that lever drains all this fucking water.
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you understand nothing
Elaborate on what you think is bullshit.
At 175 you could still connect to 150 AND 200 (in co-op).
i have three different characters at 125, 138, and 150. all get good activity for invasions and co op
and you go hero because that 16 str will give you much more access to arc weapons than the 13 dex from bandit will give you. unless you intend to ONLY use the fangs, you should go hero.
>chicken wing
>ancient meteoric ore sword
>marais executioner sword (with millicent's prosthesis)
>putrescence cleaver
>beast claws
just some of many examples of the weapon variety that whopping 16 starting strength offers you. also, you're gonna want 60 arc.
Yes but like apidoa still tries to betray her and rapes people
kill yourself retard
Love this one, pure kino.
You see any other dollmakers around?
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>golden vow
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What happened with this cutscene?
spiral is a pretty basic shape, not everything has to necessarily be connected. if the only connection you can draw is they both have spirals then its not really a connection. they can't just make everything else perfectly straight.
What difficulty?

damage is so low its like I'm playing wind waker lmao
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You don't deserve Ranni. She deserves a consort who isn't an adulterer.
Because she knows he can't hurt her and if he ever tried she would kill him.
t. Marika
What's the lore on this? Sounds schizo
It's the destiny of all Carian women to get keked.
why is there still no way to level down in these games, man
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Why bleed still does 10% max health damage to DLC bosses? Wasn't it supposed to do like 5% since DLC bosses (without cheese builds) feel like they have 2 health bars stacked into one. I remember in DaS3 the 3 phase bosses taking something like 3.33% max health damage per bleed since it's 10% but against one phase of the three.

Asking cuz doing a arcane 0 blessing run and i just know i'm doing 10x times the damage i would do with any other build at 0 blessings 150.
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>gankshit started camping in Belurat because nobody goes to First Step anymore
you can on PC :)
There are 8 furnace golems too, and that's DEFINITELY way too many.
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>Putting a fake cut scene in the trailer to make it look like we can side with Miquella
That was pretty fucking evil, but deliberately misleading trailers have been done before as a way to keep players from guessing the inevitable. They even went the extra mile in the launch trailer by framing it as though Miquella is talking to us about promising to be his consort.
>a slow telegraphed grab that everyone is now aware you roll away from

I guess they could nerf the grab's damage I've never seen the hype though don't use it
cut content, perhaps a scrapped 2nd phase transition. There are a couple of things in the trailer like that.
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Rauh Ruins is tedious as hell
you can on PC with the Collectors Edition
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There is one game which allows you.
Easy peasy.

The hitbox is fucked up and vacuums people into it even if they dodge it correctly.
Secret Miquella ending nobody has found yet
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They do that sometimes. I think they're communing with the worms or something.
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You fail to understand the implications of my statements. For two Gods to be knocked up by my Tarnished it will create powerful demigods and people like Ranni and Miquella, along with my Tarnished, will do well to raise them.
Therefore, the world will have eternal rulers and when raised together and well, they will seek to keep the calmness of the world together so nothing like the Shattering War happens ever again.
Not to mention, Rellana and Rennala, because of Ranni, will join in as well, creating an even grander dynasty. It will be an era of legend, an era of cold, an era of love. Compassion and Wisdom will lead, creating the perfect world.
All this just to make our Lord-Grandsire, Godfrey, proud and let him and Marika rest without any woes.
But it is super pretty
The 'hype' is that it ignores iframes and only checks the attacker's client. In practice it's a dark souls 1 lagstab. The worse the user's connection, the stronger it becomes.
>Miyazaki straight up lying when asked about this scene in the chinese interview, even being specific about Miquella lifting the shadowlands veils.

There's misleading advertisement and then there's straight up bethesda tier lies. Miyahacki can go fuck himself.
You're maximizing health and using buffs to recieve less damage, plus it's just a normal enemy, and maybe you're lying about the 6 blessings.
Its the Greatsouls II of Damnation
What lore does he even ruin?
NTA, but I've been able to dodge it fine though? Maybe it's just that I have gigabit internet and am in Norway.
>chinese interview
He was probably lying to them because the Chinese do not deserve respect
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Kill yourself faggot
If there was a rewrite on the story surely it can't have been last minute? Ansbach has recorded dialogue about Radahn and those are done like 6~ months before release if cadence is similar to other games
>>awful moveset
Lol kys
this post deserves frenzied flame ending
Young Ranni and Miquella being absolute terrors in Leyndell. Imagine the pranks they'd pull. Imagine trying to enforce curfew against the two of them. Malenia is well-behaved but simply can't stop herself from helping Miquella out, which means also helping Ranni out, which means inevitably all three of them are missing and a day later you hear that someone has stolen all the keys in the city or locked all the elevators or something
What makes this particularly indefensible is how Hulk is treated from this movie onwards.
/erg/ has a habit of believing complete psychopaths at their word, look at the ranni simps
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S U P R E M E!
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wtf was miyazaki thinking when he created this monstrosity, when you get this the rest of DLC is already beaten
dex bros... do we deserve this?
Everything pre-radahn in the DLC has been nerfed to the ground health-damage wise (skibidi blessings giving now double the benefits per skibidi early is too much of a nerf)
And you are playing in easy mode (not a bad thing but it's what it is) ignoring the entire game as any other easy mode does.
I wish throwing daggers did more poise damage in pve so I don't spend all my time rolling and running away from enemies
That is so so fun and cute
Are there any good PvE Katanas?
literally any of them
Interestingly, three most fun weapons have a 17 arc requirement. Wish one of them wasn't locked behind the awful nuRadahn fight
Sauron but woman and dex
Nope, you should try looking it up elsewhere
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anyone know how to fix this? Happens at specific camera angles
Yeah, like... most of them, lol
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I'm scared for From's future games.
I love their games and studio, but they've very obviously gone a bit too far with boss design in the DLC. And unfortunately, they've always had the complaints about difficulty in every game, so they're genuinely blind to whether the complaints about the boss design in the DLC are actually valid or not. I'm terrified they'll dismiss it as "the usual" and keep this up for future games.

Couple that with the fact that the soulsborne combat formula has really worn itself thin after so many games and the future begins to look very uncertain. So they pretty much have to cook up a new combat system in the next game, while also recognizing legitimate criticism in a storm of unvalid complaints for what it is? I'm worried, truly.
Yes, yes there are.
I sleep shotgun/ansbach these to death
I'm thinking of running this and the nuDarkdrift on a character at around RL100-120 and invading around Leyndell. Are people still there or is everyone in the DLC?
>believing schizo ramblings of a tranny
Couldn't be me lol
That's intentional
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>Tibia mariners summon undead skeletons all the time
>Weak to holy/sacred damage
>Everything undead dies to sacred instantly
>Somehow phantasmal soldiers are immune to it
>DLC tibia mariner summons Revenant
>Sacred and holy does jack shit against him
>he is, however, weak to healing magic
>no other undead enemies are weak to healing but revenants
Your video card is dying
Also, try verifying your game files
Same as what happened with fighting a Crucible Thron Golden Hippo outside the Shadow Keep and seeing Gehrman in the Fishing Hamlet.

It doesn't matter and you're a prick for fixating.
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do you think mommies did it?
What weapon should I kill radahn with
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PSA from your friendly Tank cooperator summon
>DO fucking level Vigor up to 60
>DO fucking use armor and dont go actually buttnaked or wearing your filthy kitchen appron
>DO use a Greatshield, not a buckler, not a medium shield, but an actual good Greatshield, specially with good fire defenses
>If I can fatroll away Memer's grabs and pike explosion blast, you can too
>If you got hit and you're low HP, and see me taking the boss attention and pull him away from you, do fucking heal and rebuff, and dont go into melee again
>If the boss is in the middle of a fucking combo, do not fucking rush in and spam jump attacks like an ape just for you to get murdered and risk my neck trying to reaggro him
>Loot some fucking scadurinos ffs
>Use some healing incantantions holy shit

I can't believe I'm saying this, but with all these random helping sessions, I found more kinship with fucking wizards that have the courtecy to hang back and spam pew pews than your average DEX bleedfag that charges in spamming attacks just to die on the very first hit
is there any reason to use clothing armor when you're missing out like 10-20% physical defense?
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I got him down to 50% hp with half my FP and like 4 flasks
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>see this
>run away
>switch the staff to pic.rel
>greatshield talisman
get fucked
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What are these things?????
Is it part of the hat? Like weird ear muffs?
Is it his hair? Does he have like super long hair that he has in a bun then?
Wtf is it
Fromsoft's recording schedule is a mess.
You know how Yura comes back as Shabriri and shouts CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD
That script was recorded the month of release. They used Yura as the NPC because his voice actor was the only one available on short notice to get into the recording booth, so they had to make up the "I'm a bodysnatcher" thing on the spot. This is also why Nepheli, Kenneth and Diallos' quests weren't finished for launch, and why Jar Bairn didn't exist until almost half a year after release. They weren't able to schedule the recordings in time.

The network test datamine had almost 20 minutes of audio from Irina's voice actress moaning, grunting and making disgusting throat noises because apparently they took a million takes of the scene where she vomits because they couldn't decide how horny to make it.
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You're a retard if you think:
>High scholar and priest who knows more than almost anybody
is also
>Completely insane and spouting utter nonsense
https://x.com/ScottJund/status/1809754341680579060 cant escape
It's not even accurate, samurai is one of the most picked by normalfag weebs whenever I see other playthroughs and it's just a less efficient vagabond for melee.

Hero and Prophet and solid choices as well with no wasted stats for str and fth and or fth/arc respectively. In fact Prohpet > Confessor stat-wise.
Marika + Rennala is peak
>STR/FAI blonde bombshell uberstacy
>Sullen pale INT tradwife
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1. Don't use that angle.
2. Install DSfix.
I’m not using incantations, eat shit. I’m a samurai sorcerer so I intend to act like one. And no I won’t wear ugly ass fatboy armor.
They... they go through shields anon
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So I started the DLC, everyone has a high stagger threshold and can score a hut or two amidst my attacks.
It makes me think that I should play with a shield to parry those inevitabilities.
Does anyone have shield recommendations to me?
im a wann ahv sex your image
and shit stats too fr fr no cap skull emoji
>confessor was my first playthrough
>genuinely the worst class in the game
surely this meant i beat the game
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So i finished dlc and i'm kinda sad or depressed i don't know and don't care, especially after jar gachimuchi dungeons, shaman village and being forced to kill almost every npc in the dlc

fuck you mike yazaki
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>Does anyone have shield recommendations to me?
>The network test datamine had almost 20 minutes of audio from Irina's voice actress moaning, grunting and making disgusting throat noises
Holy shit where do I listen to this??
The throw doesn't only R1 and R2
Going through the old trailers it looks like you were supposed to fight all the Mausoleum invaders in the open world.

Blackgaol in that forest near Ensis Castle, Dancer in the Cerulean Coast flower field, not sure about Red Bear or Rakshasa. I think the only one who stayed a world encounter was the Beast Claw hobo.
Already did a carian sorcery build for the DLC. what should be my next sorcerie character be?
>gravitational mage (no good weapons available, sadly the meteoric greatsword scales with ARC)
>Death sorceries (any good weapons that arent INT/DEX? no)
>magma sorceries maybe combined with briars)
>Faith sorceries (honestly might, even without abusing arcane scaling for the bleed, they seem cool)
Anything else?
>never get invaded because I don't summon like some bitch

Online basically doesn't even exist for me. If this is how they will continue making online they might as well just not have it in the game and waste time on development.
I'm not trans.
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thank for the lvl info.

Was thinking of doing this since I wanna do a lot of illment buildup. AR is how much damage I can do correct. do you think that is low. should I drop arcane a little?

i see on the wiki fang only goes up to 95 for poison unless arcane increases it
If you were around at the time you probably heard it on /v/ spliced together as "ELDEN RING SEX SCENE"
It's a little bleak, but part of the main theme of the dlc is the fact that like peace and love don't mean much if yoy abandon yourself along the way, everyone of the regulsr npcs who died, even the ones who died while fighting against you, died fighting for what they believed in
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>DO fucking use armor and dont go actually buttnaked or wearing your filthy kitchen appron
The reason they do this is that they literally don't understand how buffs work or straight don't know they exist. Dragoncrest shield talisman? Crab? Hard Oppaline Tear? Most hosts don't even know about this basic stuff so they get raped with armor anyway, which is why they just go buttnaked since from their point of view there is little difference and light rolling got an obvious advantage.
You completely missed my argument
>More importantly both the legs and arms are primarily about the leather boots and gloves not the armor pieces.
Never mind that in most lightings the different in colour you're referring to is not noticeable, but whatever.
people got used to cheese the base game so now that you 'had' (i say had because the dlc got nerfed a bit too harsh imo) to think about your build capabilities and your options, people got mad and instead of thinking about it, 90% of people (based on the phantoms i saw on my first run, 90% of them) just respecced into youtube shit like retard mode shield + bleed or into the glitched aromatic.
Mimic tear alone was enough of an easy mode and there's all of those "builds" to ignore the game's difficulty yet From still gutted every enemy and boss from the DLC except the only offender that might had to be changed somehow, Radahn 2.0. They're so retarded sometimes.
Brass Shield with Carian Retaliation
what makes a good pve weapon?
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Spoken like a man who rushes in and dies in the first 30 seconds of the battle.
>Dancer in the Cerulean Coast flower field
fuck i just started exploring this area and was wondering when that boss/npc was gonna appear. fuck the trailers man
how can you look at this and think it's fashion? nothing matches in the slightest. this might be the worst one I've ever seen honestly.
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She is a rapist
Anythung that I could wield together with my Rivens of Blood though?
Or that was always the plan and they just thought to put them in the overworld to show off the environments. Like how the Gehrman thing was just to hint that Gehrman had visited the Hamlet in his time and the lore confirmed that.
Brass shield is always the general use option.
Well at least you had good fashion to start with. DS3 Knight taught me well to pick Vagabond for my first run.
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wrong picture sorry

that was when I started playing
You are.
looks like he's wearing a wimple & escoffion style thing, so cloth with embroidery, basically a medieval women's headdress. the wimple is the white cloth wrapped around the head, hair would be under that.
No, I didn't, because it was irrelevant. Those plates still exist and are 50% of those pieces. You're just wrong.
They leaned too much into hard = good. Let the youtuber twitchtranny RL1 no hit runners think that the game is too easy. Release some GOOD bosses for the rest of us.
I will keep the suggestion but be a bit more specific: not one solely for parrying because I beat the entire game without ever parrying and only rolling on the mud like a dog. I seek a shield that will protect decently when I miss the window.
Anyone have the Japanese script for Nanaya's Torch? Is it ambiguous as to who the spine belonged to, or is it more straightforward and to the point?
Feel intimidated? It's all red and gold, the only thing that doesn't quite match is the shield but it's got gold on it at least.

>Inb4 the copper helm
It's gold order linked so it counts.
man only Radahn 2.0 is troublesome in this entire DLC you people are such faggy little drama queens shut up
Every boss was good except radahn
And what did they do? gut every boss except radahn. Spicy goty design decisions. Too spicy.
There's nothing vague about it you fucking illiterate ESL subhuman

>In a distant land, in an age long past, was born a man who failed to become the Lord of Frenzied Flame. All that remains of him is cradled gently by Nanaya.
You loot the torch off Nanaya herself. There's ZERO ambiguity.
AR is attack rating, yes
also, your mind and end are overkill. take some out (and maybe some out of dex too) to get your vig to 60
Next question
>check Fag95
>no feet tag
Is it that good? Cause I don’t seek one solely for parrying all the more because I haven’t ever parried but something that will defend me when I fail at it too
I don't read gay subversive manga like Berserk doebeit.
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for comparison
But radahn is a good boss.
If I die I die. Next time I’ll dodge better.
Nah he's right it looks like dogshit dude
It's the best shield when it comes to Weight/Protection/Guard Boost balance.
NTA but your fit is ass. does your mom still dress you irl?
man i really wanted to like the ghostflame ash of war but it just comes out way too fucking slow and doesnt get hyper armor to even trade
He's okay at best, Dancing Lion Rellana and Messmer and everyone even scadutree avatar were much better than radahn, but they all got nerfed into the ground (if you use scooby blessings, so 99% of first timers) except Fagdahn.
Noted too
It’s a titty-focused game sorry
Alright that shall be my priority then
Anon, the gloves don't even HAVE plates on one one of the hands. The legs are mostly just on the upper thighs. The rest of the legs is entirely the boots.
Brass Shield with Carian Retaliation
It's the best general-use medium shield in the game, if you don't want to be autistically using a different shield to minmax a non-physical type of negation. In case you didn't know, Carian Retaliation overwrites the shield's base parry animation and frames. Even though it's a medium shield, it gets parry windows on par with the Buckler.
Ohhhh yhat makes sense
I guess like he still would have longer ahirz but I was thinking like a rolled up braid, I guess it doesn't have to be THAT long
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Hey, what percent of 2 is 1?
>all the bosses give you such small windows to react that you are forced into a certain playstyle
None of them, NONE of them except for Sunflower were well-designed. It's just like From to give you cool shit like these big spells or AoW and then make 99% of them completely unviable for all the bosses because you never have 2 fucking seconds to breathe and use them. What happened to the dance of combat? Look at any boss from DS1, all with maybe the exception of Gwyn leave you enough time after doing their shit to let you get back at them. Fucking hell, some even had built-in phases purely for you to wail on them, like Moonlight Butterfly.
This DLC is shit. It's literally just the same experience, boss after boss of roll roll -> single attack -> roll roll -> single attack. Worthless
Nta but like 50% I think?
I'll take tranny opinions 1 and 2 into consideration.
>nerfed into the ground
I've beaten them before and after the scuda changes and there is virtually no different.
Like at the greatest difference it is 0.15x better than pre-patch.
Nerfed into the ground is a gigantic exaggeration.
But I do agree that Dancing Lion is significantly cooler and that OST goes hard. Messmer is a really cool fight but I don't remember much of his OST.
Scadu is kino because that third phase makes me feel bad for a sunflower.
women cant be rapists
Cant relate, every run I do is going to have to include the dlc bosses now too just like the other games.
What flavor of Str/Faith do I go bwos

>Fire Knight w/ Messmer incants
>Black Knight with twin blade and GH
>Tree Sentinel
>Death Knight Longhaft with Ancient Dragon stuff
>Blasphemous Blade Pyromancer
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. I will seek that shield and Carrian Retaliation posthaste
Being a Caster sucks ass in the DLC
if you don't like the look of brass,
scorpion is almost as good and very good against holy,
the two new DLC crest shields (serpent and wolf I think) have very good guard boost and protection against fire/magic
not sure about lightning protection, maybe jar shield? Each can take a parry ash
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Just got another Jester award on steam.
Thats the cursemark of death sigil for that spell? why we cannot get this spell?
Yeah it's the same playstyle as every other souls game.
You attack the boss when they're recovering.
You should try the deflect tear with a big weapon and Malenia rune/godskin talisman for HP back to stay aggresive. It's a super fun playstyle maybe you're just burnt out on rolling. I know I was and decided to switch it up
Yeah not into the ground but still, too much of a nerf for the bosses that didn't need any nerf. You can really notice you're 20% stronger and tankier than what you're supposed to be at some points. And actually more since the bonus is multiplicative.
Idk what that means
>git gud
How soon we forget that "git gud" used to mean surviving a dungeon thanks to methodical play rather than grinding boss patterns like a monkey.
fire knight.
you can do better than that anon
based red gawd
do people really expect me to carry them to victory if they have no blessings
Ymir's whole character design is about making almost look like an hermaphrodite. It is why no one could tell if he was a man or a woman on the trailer.
Nah fag that shit looks awful never post that shit again
>faggots think you're a clown because they don't like how you play
>they spend steam points (bought with irl money) to brand your steam account with a clown emoji
>You can't remove it, you can only hide them if you choose to do so
yes thats why they summon to begin with
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Stat spread for babysitting hosts w/ Impenetrable Thorns @ RL150? I'm assuming the Maternal Staff is going to be used.
Decide which weapon I will kill radahn with
They meet, of course, in the library.

Ranni was far from coming of age, but her father had thought it best for her to be brought to court early, and her mother had agreed with her father as she always did. But the golden queen in Leyndell was known to disdain shadows - she had sent even her own far away - so Blaidd hadn't be allowed to come. He'd pawed at the ground and keened and whimpered as Ranni waved at him sullenly from the back of the carriage as the convoy left Caria Manor. The little princess arrived in Leyndell with only her father for company, and soon after he was taken from her too, snatched away into the palace chambers on official business, day in and day out. Regular evening meals together became every two days, then every week, until Radagon was all but missing from her life.

She did have her tutors. An army of maids and servants. Doting palace nannies. All of whom treated her like the untouchable half-divine royalty that she was.

In retrospect, it was practically impossible for her not to have started messing around. She hid from the legion of simpering staffers. She escaped from her bedroom after curfew. The first few times, her father came when he got word, to fetch her from the places he knew she'd go(well, just one place, really. The east wing of the palace library, where she'd curl up in a convenient nook between a shelf and a misshapen ledge. No one but her father ever found her there) and carry her back to her chambers, waving aside the frantic apologies of her maids.

After the first few times though, her father no longer appeared. And that's when Ranni went from idle mischief to what the Twins would later agree were "proper pranks," not just running off to hide somewhere.

Her magic wasn't very good. But it was good enough. Sudden flashes of light in the hallways. Glintstone turning up in the kitchen saltshakers. The Lunar Princess waged a one-girl war of antics and petty vandalism. Hoping her dad would come.
Fire Knight
based rage baiter
make the wagies pay for your emojis and steam profile

That's funny, that seems like a lot of effort.
Though small thing, steam points aren't bought with money, I think I have like 170,000 and I don't know where I got them from
I'm sure I am, and maybe that would alleviate the feeling for a little bit, but I think the criticism is still valid. I don't necessarily even mind rolling, but I'd like to feel cool too by dumping Messmer's Orb onto some boss after dodging for a bit instead of taking a single swipe with my sword or poke with my rapier behind my GS
>claim that 50% of those pieces are plate
>only on the thighs (which last I checked are not 50% of the legs) and one of the gloves
>50% of the pieces
This is getting a bit silly
you talk like a zoomer mutt so don't talk to me ever again until you learn some proper English talk.
Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword
>think I have like 170,000 and I don't know where I got them from
you get them as a bonus for spending money in the steam store
Why'd you have to choose something so ugly
Curse you
>still no bowler hat
>still no greataxe skeleton hood/cloak thingy
>still no tall juvenile scholar cap
you get the points when you buy stuff like games
Lol that's great
You can't be summoned for leda gank right?
>they spend steam points (bought with irl money)

Anon you get points just for buying a game
>lvl for PVP
Depends on what you are looking for. You pvp at any level. Level 1 or 713. Weapon level is also a factor. Generally though
>1-70 for base game invasions while progressing through the game (what the entire pvp system is based around)
>80-100 for late base game invasions
>120-150 for meta dueling + Haligtree or DLC invasions
>200+ for off meta invasions and pvp
Of course this doesn't account for overlap, you'll find level 1s in the DLC, they are just uncommon. You'll get invasions at 180 it's just slightly less frequent. You'll also note that lower levels progressing through the game will often have gank squads with end game gear and spells. So if you're trying to make an off meta invader at low level you should account for that.
For me, it's Melina - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour.
>still no big hat
Speaking of skeletons, can you get the armored skeletons set?
>semantic nitpicking because you know you're wrong
Just give up, your outfit looks like mismatched shit.
>boot up the game for the first time in a year
>remember NOTHING
>can barely handle the controls
>close the game
I'm unironically going to have to spend days training my muscle memory back into action before I can play the DLC fs
He's just keeping up his cardio. You could learn something from him.
yeah, these were strictly female fashions irl
>give up
Why, if I'm right?
You don't even use the damn outfit on the regular. Why do you think you'd know better how it looks in motion and practice?
i' just trying to get the max amount of people. from what I see 138 seems to hit both 125 and 150. I may stick with this lvl since it attacks both.

Not gonna lie I always see so much people in lower lvl that's why I never wanna leave it
Hahaha, now you'll have to beat Radahn with that big, fat, and ugly sword and you WILL like it.
Looking for the place where Miquella discarded his cock, can't seem to find it on the wiki
>from what I see 138 seems to hit both 125 and 150. I may stick with this lvl since it attacks both.
You aren't really invading 120~ dudes at that level, you just aren't. Metafags use that logic but you mostly invade up, way more people are at 150.
You turned antics and made me tear up from it with the last line, CURSE YOU BA-
But yeah thats really good
Well I don't really know if it's super accurate to say they're bought then, though obviously money was like given for it it's pretty passive and you'll just have a ton. I use then to give out steam workshop awards, I figured they were free
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I place this joke message with each of my characters, usually whenever I remember it.
The responses are varied, some being placed in the most central dungeons are ignored while others in optional side areas receive dozens of praises.
Why is that?
20, 50-60 and 80 are early to midgame co-op ranges.
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nice textures...
no taunters tongue? coward
>Why, if I'm right?
Because you're fucking wrong, that's why.
No issue with the looks I will get the Carian Relatiation for the Brass Shield now
>looks shit
>is shit
True, the fact that you need 60 vig to get the same return as 40 in previous games is proof enough that something closer to 140 should have been the 'meta' to accommodate for that. Interesting that the early preview events had level 150 as standard for the DLC.
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was there a new menu item dump? I have to get it!
[super bit-crushed "CURSE YOU BAYLE"]
What are "all manners of Death" exactly?
125 anon. you green text it and someone took 5 lvls out.I never said 120 and doesn't really matter if I invade up. i will still have the option of 125(not 120) and it will be in the pool of people I fight
>need arcane for a build
>but anyone who uses arcane is a homosexual
This sucks
I'm invading you with a poison handshake.
Do people really have issues with Ukcerated Tree spirits? I see people complain about them a lot, you can just like wedge yourself like into their side and just roll into them any time they start moving weirdly like they're gonna attack, you basically can just damage it and didgeridoo everything super easily
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I see picrel
I updoot
Simple as.
ps2 mt engine souls...
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Explain this then
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Messmer is a bad fight. Flying around the arena at mach 3 with 10-hit combos isn't a good fight, it's just tedious. "oh he went for the grab but he just stops for a hot second at the end so your intuition is wrong and you get roll caught" isn't a good fight, it's just tedious to die to the same move 50 times because you can't react to things like in the previous games, everything has to have a rollcatch now, every sip needs to be punished with an input read. every combo is 3 hits too long with most of my time being dodging just to get 1 R1 in. it's just really fucking lame. i can do it, and i will do it, but i miss the days when i could fight Nameless King for the first time in my life and beat him on the first try with a 2 handed LKLS. because you could actually react and intuit the rhtyhm of the fight instead of just dying to it a million times until your muscle memory kicks in. it's just bad game design, and i probably won't play the game anymore after i finish this playthrough.

i know you guys don't give a shit and i'm just venting, but it's true. you can deny it but i don't really give a shit.
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Fromsoft should make a full on horror souls game
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_mG9_8C07E starts playing
it's their next game
Didnt read
I blocked with greatshield

Skill issue
I laugh whenever I like see two paths, left or right, and read all the messages to decide, and then walk through and they lead to the same place.
And then like there's a message basically saying the same thing
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He never did. Away on official business, the tutors chided her. Pre-occupied with the affairs of the realm. Ranni escalated.

As fate would have it, she wasn't the only lonely youth in the palace. So once, when she'd filled a pail with itching powders stolen from a Perfumer's workshop and carefully balanced on a door left slightly ajar...

"It's you! I knew it!" Ranni jumped. She had been waiting around a corner, hiding herself behind a pillar so that she could spectate some poor sod come and trip her trap. She'd gotten very good at keeping quiet and sneaking around.

Miquella was quieter though. He'd made it all the way right up to her side before speaking.

"What-" Ranni sputtered, whirling around to stare wide-eyed at the pile of golden braids which had snuck up behind her. "Who- Thou'rt-mmph!"

Miquella had clamped a hand over her mouth. "Shush," he whispered. "Here they come." They? Ranni peeked over her shoulder, past the pillar the two were hiding behind. A duo of Tree Sentinels heading off duty were striding down the hall. She looked back at the golden... boy? Girl? Their eyes met. A tacit look of understanding. Miquella removed his hand and winked at her. Nonplussed, she blinked back. Adolescent handshake protocol carried out, the two of them pressed themselves against the pillar and peered down the hall.

It was a big score. The bucket landed perfectly between the two golden giants as they passed through the doorway. The frantic flailing that followed helped spread the itching powder around so that half the guards who responded to the shouting got covered in the stuff as well. And Ranni and Miquella even got away, red and gold streaks of hair bouncing through the corridors as they fled the crime scene. But when Ranni tried to ask him who this new friend was, he'd vanished. Like he'd never been there. The isolation was crushing.

Three days of loneliness later, someone who definitely wasn't her father found her in her hiding spot in the library.
Because faith/int is only for suffering.
would be sick
Good job avoiding interaction and skipping the entire game!. No skill involved but you did it and that's a good thing. Accessibility is a very important matter at From's HQ.
annoying, but still miles ahead of the radahn
Get yourself the winged serpent shield anon, it will fit your setup better. It also has like 1 point better guard boost.
People try to treat Elden Ring stats like Dark Souls but it just doesn't make sense. VIG caps at 60, MND caps at 60, END caps at 50 (for stamina, but not for equip load), damage stat scaling caps at 80. Even if you neglect one out of four core stats in a build you have a LOT of points to spend before you see any kind of diminishing returns.
>with 10-hit combos
You can avoid his shit by walking and every attack has an opening so large you can fit a dragonclaw in it.
His delayed grab is SO delayed that you can roll three times and still avoid it.
His snake attacks each have twinblade R2 windows of openings in them.

He even lets you heal whilst he's walking around doing absolutely fucking nothing if you do it after his string. I've fit erdtree healing in his shit. He is arguably one of the 3 actually tuned boss fights in the entire DLC.
>fatroll only because youre an out of shape dude
>flashlights and lighters as weapons
>exploration rewarded but also enemies could be anywhere
>being grabbed is a death sentence but maybe not if you prepared and know what to do
>sprawling areas in states of decay that loop in on themselves
Okay, I'm in
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Shamefully I died on my first attempt while learning which windows I could get charged heavies in and the second run here was a bit sloppy but this thing actually hits very hard.
>icon youre only supposed to see at a tiny resolution
>wow why isn't this a 4k hd lossless image
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>dude releases an hour long lore video on the dlc bosses and their lore
>still refers to this scene as Marika plucking a braid of hair
And dropped. How the fuck are people capable of taking the time to write up an hour long fucking video on this shit still manage to think this is fucking hair?
Metyr is the epitome of

>when is it my turn?
that's what worries me. but again, same deal. i'll just die to it a gorillion times until muscle memory kicks in and i win. i can do it, and i will do it, but i shouldn't have to do it. it's something i feel makes the previous titles in the series better by a mile. the frustration isn't even about losing like "oh i died again," it's "oh great another bullshit thing that wasn't in the previous games, this is so much worse than the previous games, why didn't miyazaki just make it like the previous games?"
I did Messmer without Scadu blessings and using a giant crusher.
I dont play elden ring, what is it?
We crying about Metyr now? That bitch died in 1 try. I think most of you are just bad
No scadu is unironically better than with scadu post-buffs.
The only time i had to swap this weapon was against the scat tree avatar, just went with fire because i wanted the shit done with.
What happens if you're cooping, the host dies, and you as a summon kill the boss before going back?
Does the host still have to kill the boss or not?
That has happened to me twice just playing the DLC.
making connections is easy, weighing assumptions and judging evidence is hard
Metyr's actually just dogshit. Terrible boss fight that can still jump halfway across the arena
I don't even know if you can roll through lighthouse. I always have to hug a sweetspot that's far enough to avoid the full body nono field but close enough to avoid the lighthouse

Fuck Metyr
I fucking HATE having to carry hosts through this dogshit fight.
Because I get really fucking pissed off when I get hit and I always get hit 1-6 times from Metyr
let's be honest, every late game and dlc boss is dogshit because they're balanced around summoning at this point
AGP troons would answer Marika because she's the only actual woman you mentioned and is voluptuous and womanly. The other two are just troons/malformed femboys so that already hits too close to home for they/them.
They aren't though.
They're balanced around being solo.
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Come on mane
>per-rendered icon looks worse than the actual boss
>loretuber makes obvious observation that there are a lot of spirals in elden ring
>"look guys i solved elden ring lore its all sprials im so smart listen to me be smart while playing dramatic music that makes it sound like a revelation while showing a montage of spirals"
>ok so what conclusions can you draw from it. what do the sprials mean and why do they all have it
>"idk its all sprials man i solved it already stop asking questions"
nah dont worry
was the same for me but give it half a day and you are back
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If a boss is being a bitch, do the following:
Poison arrows + bleed bolts on a repeating crossbow + running away
I just did the exact same thing for the giant finger creeper. Just like I did for that stupid fight. As if I'm actually going to fight a magma wyrm in a tiny arena when a small tunnel is right there
Does the strength two-hand bonus apply to bows?
He's very annoying at 0 scadu levels.
She's sleeping...
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>bleed procs in dlc coop
>10-18k damage
if only their resistance scaling mechanic wasn't useless. bleed is better at everything once again.
yep even more annoying now that with the DLC there's stuff that melee builds will want like the smithscript weapons needing 11 fth 11 int or that Carian thrusting shield I wanted to use but it needs 15 INT and is just better than the dueling shield in every way that matters.
no, Miyazaki has outright said he expects people to summon and that's what you should do.
What's the new Melina lore? I forget.
absolutely agree
but you also got filtered and need to get better
The only one that isn't is the dancing beast and putrescent with holy.
>only bosses left in the DLC are Metyr and Gaius, who are apparently both awful to fight
Guess I'm finished with it then
Their resistance is shit because they put literally no thought or care into it's existence.
Either a boss has a -20 weakness, it's fucking immune, or it has 20-40's across the fucking board.
But, bleed doesn't interact with this shit. It only interacts with HP, so whilst every weapon and split elements are getting absolutely fucked by this dogshit system, bleed pierces right on through.
El Anel Elden: Las Sombras de La Erdarbol
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I can happily beat them solo.
Summoning makes most of the bosses in the DLC harder because it messes with their movement and attack patterns and most of the summons/hosts are horribly garbage so serve only to bloat the boss HP and make it less predictable.
suck on miyazaki's asshole enough and some more flavor text to explain it might come out
right?? it sucks so much
The Elden Ring. If not the entirety of it, at the very least a Great Rune or two. But probably the whole thing.
Very curious to say that when Radahn will jump across the arena to smash you if you try to summon at boss fog or really just any boss
Elden Ring is the epitome of

>when is it my turn?

With few excellent exceptions and also enjoy a dogshit midroll idiot
Now if it had been anyone else, Ranni would've been outraged that her spot, the one place in this spotless, alien palace that was HER'S and HER FATHER'S, had been found by someone else. But because it was him...

"Oh, again we cross paths," she began, with as much dignity she could muster. "Thou'rt th-"

"Hi, I'm Miquella!" Delicate hands swept hair away from a delicate face. The pile of golden braids had a boy underneath after all. The palace staff all wore friendly faces in her presence, but this was the first genuine smile she'd encountered since coming to this city. It glowed like the sun. Maybe even the moon, a part of Ranni thought, but she wasn't ready to give Miquella that honor just yet.

They were both lithe and small and fast. They were both vaguely okay at magic. With the two of them covering both sorceries and incantations, however, the possibilities were endless. They were kids, but they weren't stupid. They knew the potential they'd have, working together.

Two days later, someone unhitched all the giant horses from the Tree Sentinels' stables and let them on a rampage through the city streets. A week later, visitors to the west wing of the palace found themselves forced to roll through a series of illusory walls. The day after that, the illusory walls spread to half the royal quarters. A roast turkey went missing from the kitchens and appeared, mysteriously, leaning on the door to the Erdtree sanctuary. An illusory moon with a golden ring chased a trio of terrified washerwomen down the halls.

Ranni hadn't laughed like that in a long, long time. And neither, she suspected, had Miquella. He was happy to hear her vent, and rarely made complaints of his own, but he did make them.

"Mother did not even visit," he mumbled with his knees tucked to his chest. "She lost her arm and all Mother did was send doctors." She? Miquella's eyes had taken on a glint.

The next day he dragged Malenia along. And that was when things really went overboard.
It's over.
you're not supposed to try to dodge them when you're summoning, you're supposed to just mash attack and dump damage and pray the summon keeps aggro
>I just did the exact same thing for the giant finger creeper.
Good boy, I'm proud of you
>but this thing actually hits very hard.
Never doubt the power of uglybastardGODS again
El Ano de Elden: El Scooby-Doo del Anoárbol
funny how xhe doesn't look that good in the game and has a weird baby face
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I told you I'd do it. Still a bad fight.
why does your tarnished have downs
>using poison claws in arena
You gotta be such a fucking faggot to do this shit.
I'm just a bit fanny flustered that they gave his dragon transformation and bayle's skills and both of them are borderline completely fucking unusable solo against Radahn. He can (and does) get up after a stagger during Bayle's roar and shits directly ontop of your chest if you ever even LOOK in the direction of Bayle's Flame Lightning

I know everything not being balanced is From's fucking MO but it pisses me the fuck off.
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Velvet Veil PS5 Exclusive for 2027
Holy shit, Malenia does whisper something to Radahn . I remember people talking about it on the release trailer but people said it was just her casting a spell.
Going there was your first mistake.
I believed you until the bleed part.
What is that weapon?

Havent played elden ring for a long time. My first character was the typical Dex/bleed RoB build, second was Str/Faith. What has changed since then and what new weapons/spells should I keep an eye out for both builds?
Whatza mattah anon?
You look a bit... ill~!
Take the poison hahaha
Have a sleep shotgun too
Gonna cry? Umbasa~
At the end of the day, I got my perfectly round 100% physical block medium shield. It even looks nice, I am happy.
this >>485102170
anon there's a niche title you may not have heard of it's called 'Bloodborne' and that area has Winter Lantern's at home.

To be more serious though they have history in survival horror with echo night and Kuon so yes I could very much see them dabbling more into horror. Horror and character action is my prediction for the direction fromsoft is going and perhaps B-Team get delegated into the soulslop mines
Nah, missing the point. You won't be invading people down that much. You'll be fighting at a forced disadvantage most of the time.
bleed wasn't really a factor, i just buffed once before the fight started and that was it. not really any time to do it otherwise. i think i bled him like, once. surprised no one complains about endure tbhwy.
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Good stuff, Anon.
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This thing absolutely shreds anything not strong to fire with Flame Art, even then just a quick swap to Sacred and you keep shredding
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Surely they'll add something in later bigger patches like an alternative finale.
she too tired to think
no thoughts, just sleep
Let me add:

Great VISUALS in the fight. But the fight portion of the fight sucked. I'll admit miyazaki knows how to do spectacle.
>the origin of the Tibia Mariners is actually in the DLC
Didn't really expect that to be touched upon again.
Do gods and demi-gods shit?
Can anyone test/confirm the mechanics that:

>impenetrable thorns only shotgun if the invisible orb spawners collide with an enemy
>invisible orbs are launched from the attach point of your staff
>they're launched too high to shotgun people in pvp on lower terrain / crouch / etc which is why it screws up seemingly at random
>if you use carian sorcery sword it should launch from a lower point, and thus collide with people in pvp easier

all that check out?
They can cum so probably
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Malenia took a big shit all over Caelid.
lol mad cuz bad
people use cragblade instead of endure
I forgot where it was shown but yeah this dlc had a bunch of reveals for some of the more niche stuff.
>they have history in survival horror with echo night and Kuon
The people that made Kuon don't work at that company anymore.
Most of that early from crowd that made the experimental shit like Kuon and Lost Kingdoms either got old, retired, or moved on.
I'm not even sure what Atsushi Taniguchi (Lost Kingdoms 1 and 2, Tenchu (DS), Evergrace, Shadow Tower) is doing anymore. But, it ain't videogames.

All those designers/graphic designers are gone too
New From is near completely incomparable to old From. For better and worse.
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is there a catch to this or is it just fire erdsteel dagger for me and the other six erdsteel dagger users
>godskin peeler has a unique set of R2s meant to represent its asymmetrical shape, which the description even mentions
>Black Steel gets the same unique R2s despite being symmetrical
Feels lazy desu
i'm not missing any points.
>that much
Thats literally proving my point. They will be in the pool of people. I'm fine with 138 and don''t care for 150 putting a little bit of more points into str cause I'm trying to poison bleed them
Oh yeah endure is a big offender but only with bleed. Star fists endure are your no brain go to.
It's just fire erdsteel dagger.
Some stuff in the Charo's Hidden Grave
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the r2 is good
>there will never be new ER content
why are people suddenly saying they know for sure that marika was gloam eyed queen or melina was gloam eyed queen or that geq was an aspect of one of them? i saw literally no reference to her in the dlc but people are acting like we got a huge lore drop that explains it all
If you go up to 150 now there will be a pool of people higher. But you'll still mainly be invading people at the 150 meta, the largest pool whether you go higher or lower.
Just trying to help.
They are retarded.
it's in the op
good. even outside of the bullshit that is radahn i would rather not have anymore of the boss design that permeates the entire dlc or whatever even more cancerous horseshit they cook up to try to outdo themselves in terms of difficulty again. make a new game.
cragblade is a completely different AoW anon i don't get your point. pretty sure cragblade doesn't give you hyper armor and extra defense.
There was no reference and they're coping. The only thing we know for sure is that there were indeed plans to expand on gloam eyed queen but none of that shit made it to the DLC and only exists for dataminers like putrescent knight being the GEQ's Knight and shit like that.

It'll never be explained. This is the last ER content.
The lack of a desert area is a real killer.
Well, at least that DaS3 mod will have one.
>This is the last ER content
You're joking.
jeenine literally has a video out about how broken this is, anon. probably gonna see a lot of copycats so idk what you mean.
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>0 Scadutree blessing runs
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start doing WHAT
It's stupidly good. It's the longest dagger by far (as long as some curved swords) and has the good R2 where you step forward and double-swipe. Just like the Greatsword, you want to flame art infuse it and go all in on fth, with a WA that buffs it with lingering fire.

I think it's going to be one of those weapons that gets ignored for a few months and then is suddenly meta. Its AR gets to be too high for the dagger moveset and it's long enough that it has basically no downsides for being a dagger.
found it
> Skull bone of an old grave keeper. Material used for crafting items. Mainly found in hidden grave of Charo. The old grave keepers are boatsmen, and continue to summon the dead even after withering away.
do we ever meet pre-mariner grave keepers? Are they just some of the sorcery-casting skeletons in the graveyard?
theres going to be a second dlc
Their pranks had been restricted to the palace grounds thus far. No matter how quick the dastardly duo could run, they weren't strong enough or tall enough to vault the walls. But Malenia could do it for them. Even with a gilded prosthetic arm that reminded Ranni of the odd clanky machinery her brother Rykard had enjoyed toying with before he'd left home, Miquella's sister was perfectly capable of helping both of them climb over a wall and then leap right over.

"She swore herself to me, did you know that?" Miquella had boasted when he caught the look of admiration in Ranni's eyes. "Because I'm small. She'll protect me like a knight." Ranni's mind had flashed to Blaidd.

He would approve, she thought, of what they were doing. Years ago he'd revolted against being potty-trained by leaving gifts for the Caria Manor gardeners to find. Once even in their mother's precious moon-gazing pool. The spanking had been legendary.

Later that week, the ringed moon that had first been reported in the palace and dismissed as the fantasy of some work-weary washerwomen appeared again in Leyndell proper, barreling in and out of taverns and leaving a trail of spilled drinks and curses in its wake. A mile away, crouched on top of a tower, two delinquent demigods fought against laughter to maintain their spellcasting focus. Malenia never found their pranks very funny, but as long as Miquella was happy she was just glad to be there. And for a while, that was life. Ranni would worm her way out of her tutors' custody and Miquella's pile of hair would come flouncing down the hall. Then the two of them would go to the courtyard Malenia habitually used for sparring practice and beg and plead until she put her training sword down and joined them.

Neither Radagon nor Marika ever showed up.

The pranks were all in good fun, and Miquella insisted they mustn't do anything truly harmful, but they put it to a vote and the council of three agreed that further escalation was in order.
damn that was clean
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I can't beat Messmer
Not because he's too hard but because he's too fun for me to lock myself out of him until NG+
Messmer has defeated me with love
Scadutree Avatar is such a shit fight, it just spends the entire fucking fight running away after phase 1 this is just Elden Beast all over again
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>people are gonna abuse my top secret erdtseel dagger R2 spam technique now that it's on a better weapon
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join ergies
i fucking LOVE my flame art erdstee dagger
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>pic related progress
>11/5 blessings
>haven’t fought any story bosses yet
Not sure why I’m playing like this, I guess the exploration is just too addictive despite the mostly shitty loot
>dives across the arena
>throws easily dodgeable thorns
>finally get in range
>hit it thrice
>dives across the arena
>One shots the retarded host.
kek it was more of a nuclear queef
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>Host is Scadu 3
fuck lol
Well, I agree with all of that, butnyoud be a fool to think that their design decisions aren't going to carry over into the next !NotSouls that they're already working on.
And it wont feature improved Sekiro/ BB combat mechanics, you can count on that.
Would you remove the Stake of Marika mechanic in the next game?
keep the stakes, reduce the number of graces
Do we have the draft Martin actually wrote?
It comes up a lot when it comes to his contribution to ER, but I don't think anyone has seen a copy of it.
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Neck yourself dsgtroon.
>All the blue and velvet blue/purple references in SoTE
>The shadow realm is under a veil
>From always hint at upcoming projects in their DLC

Looks like the Velvet Veil rumors are legit. There's a new magic canon in the DLC called 'spellmachinists' magic canon or something...

I recall another meme leak to the effect of 'spellbound'? The spell/steampunk machina-named weapon could be influenced by Lies of P's success. Then again by the time LoP released VV or SB should have already been well underway.
So your telling me right now that 150 has more people compared to 125 and that going to 138 is a waste?
can you confirm?
That was my first run. Fun peaked around Shadow Keep, where enemies were individually difficult enough to be scary without being so strong that each encounter was a midboss.

And while it helped me get the most out of fighting each boss I honestly felt like the exploration and the major dungeons were the highlight of the DLC for me. In hindsight it didn't feel like a challenge run until literally just Radahn
Add a make-your-own bf/checkpoint mechanic in addition to reduced bf/graces so that Graces of Murica is no longer needed and also just have players' signs around the nearest grace or fog wall instead of those 4th wall-breaking summoning pools slopped everywhere. Also, they should stop spoiling a boss with the gravestone summoning symbol above the ash of war name on the HUD. Keep that shit hidden until after a boss is revealed if it's not already behind a fog wall.
That's my experience, large majority of 138 invasions I get hit 150. Rarely someone is in the 120s or 130s and it's likely organic people still leveling instead of people picking that as their meta level.
150 is the meta most people have settled at. And with DLC many are leveling up even higher, PvE "meta" will probably be 200.
This time Radagon did come, so that he could drag all three of them back to his room for a proper dressing down. But his heart wasn't in it, they could tell.

One day Ranni will be sent back to Caria Manor. One day Miquella will storm out of the palace, his sister in tow. One day the trio will see each other for the last time in their lives, not knowing in the moment they'd never meet again.

But for that night, lying together on dad's bed, with an exhausted and bewildered Radagon sleeping on a sofa nearby to make sure none of them escaped while the city watch was still figuring out what the hell had happened, the three of them were at peace. Red hair and gold hair and red hair fanned out on the mattress. And as Ranni drifted off to bed, weak from mana exhaustion, she thought that maybe this palace wasn't so bad, if it contained such companionship.
The current /erg/ thread has ended.
For every 10 posts made in this thread...
>...6 were made by men
>...3 were made by women
>...1 were made by trannies
Additionally, for every 10 posts made in this thread...
>...7 were made by normies
>...3 were made by autists and maladjusteds
>...0 were made by the truly mentally unwell
Keep in mind that the same individual can submit multiple posts over the course of a thread, so this statistic does not necessarily represent the user demographics of /erg/, merely the makeup of its posts, rounded into fractions of ten. Similarly, the pursuit of simplication means this methodology could omit statistically insignificant numbers of posts.

That said, the next bread has been baked at >>485108080. Please check your flask charges and migrate in an orderly manner.
Thank you all for participating!
How do you calculate this
6.2k from a charged r2(?) is absurd
It's a "bug" from Messmer's 2nd phase. After his snake attacks, when the snake is laying on the ground I think he takes damage from bofh his snake and his actual body.
Do you think Radagon ended the colosseum because it reminded him of his son Messmer? Also did Godfrey have red hair when he was younger?
eh was was pissed when i fought him but it hindsight its actually a great fight and pretty easy as well
whats weapons can a level 1 wretch use?
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doing what?
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I did it reddit!

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