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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

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hate this bitch ass nigga
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Ah, the classic shared hatred over misunderstanding trope. The wholesome gimmick-build red, the enviable roleplayer red, they have a grasp of the mechanics of the game and so they explore their options to try and express creativity and engage with the platonic ideal of Miyazaki's unexpected miniboss. They invade the world of the average host with average phantoms, who have equipped items that someone else told them to equip, and are employing strategies that they did not discover on their own. They have no desire to explore the game's broader mechanics, they view the game and all within it as an obstacle between them and the dopamine hit of yellow text telling them that they have defeated the hard meme game. When the red arrives, they have no situational awareness of the circumstances, they have no threat assessment ability, they don't understand anything except that another player has come to take away their yellow text. The wholesome roleplayer approaches them with their Furled Finger Trick Mirror and their carefully sculpted appearance, suboptimal weapons gripped in their hands and no obnoxious invader tools up their sleeve. They present themselves as a fun encounter. The host and their phantoms do NOT see a fun encounter. They see the Bad Red Man. They think that this spiteful and malevolent player has come to ruin their experience rather than enhance it, and so they treat the red as such. The red, having experienced the unbridled contempt of people indulging in the only moment of control that they have in their life, comes away from the encounter filled with bitterness. He looks at what happened and thinks, "If I only had this, I could have won that fight." And then come the tools. The Golem Arrows. The Raw Meat Dumplings. The Starlight Shards. The hard swap practice. They become the Bad Red Man that the hosts think they are.

tl;dr who hurt you? what encounter shaped how you view this game's multiplayer? describe it
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I posted the mirror story thing under the picture that inspired it and she drew it and I'm so happy about it
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>invader enters world
>tries deathblight glitch
>kills himself in the process
Invaders just can't stop taking L's...
Meanwhile everyone in the group just laughed at him.
The empty Finger Ruins of Rhia...
Nice guns, Miq.
Dunno if anyone else has noticed this, but I feel like dodging to Radahn's left instead of his right usually works better.
Keen or Lightning on Misericorde for PvE?
How big is her penis?
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post your aspiring lords of the old order
I hope From continues to flesh out their character creator. From every playable character in DeS and DaS looking like abominations to some of the best character creation in ER at least in non coomer or straight up hentai games
Just bought DLC, so what's the current broken PVE weapon/spells?
I keep hearing claw of night is good in PVP but i'm not sure if it would work in PVE
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Why does every invader use the bloodhound gang sword
i mean literally every one
all of them
they all use it
nah he's still an evil bitch, he just got played
Greatshiled and bloody spear poke.
It's as good as it ever was, and none of the bosses in the DLC have any answers unlike say Malenia and her health restoration on block.
>I keep hearing claw of night is good in PVP
They are overrated by shitters
cna someone post the miqueela inage where she says bleh

can y post it in this thread right hewr right now
They should have cut the finer ruin near the dragon mountain, and just made the one near the Shaman Village be the only one to find. Just have both Erdtree talismans be rewarded for blowing the horn.
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why the fuck not?
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Testing indicates that scattershot throw on claws of night deals 100% base weapon damage max with its projectiles (some % each, with a maximum number hitting same target) and also does an R1 attack at the same time. That projectile damage is boosted by smithy talisman and shard of alexander and headshots, and the R1 on power stanced claws do 2x hits of 94% damage / 65% status.
Stands to reason scattershot is around ~288% base damage / ~230% status before counting talismans/etc, and due to the talismans can be more damaging than a normal weapon hit
and they have super long range, wide arc, no damage dropoff at range.
Dragon bruce lee dude, have you tried poison blooms twice ?
I really like how JP invaders are not bitching, they are just invading and having fun
I became the bad red man when I got bored of using one weapon iver and over again and constantly hard swapping pleases my adhd brain
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s the fire knight thrusting sword worth it if I'm going for a FTH infusion build or should I go for the colossal sword instead and use Queelign for the summon?
because she's a fucking cunt and the worst boss fight in the series
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>Rakshasa set
>bloodsucking tear
>golden vow
>exalted flesh
why does every player where full radahn and use moonveil in one hand and rivers in the other
literally every player does this, there are no exceptions
Holy filtered
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It's marika
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How do I make an INT/FAI build work?
Lastly, Immunity. No webm because it's too long
Lasts the longest by far. The total duration here was 2m, but I'm not sure if the counter begins when poison is inflicted or when it expires. I used the Poison perfume bottle WA to self-inflict deadly poison so the status effect lasted 30 seconds, which means the buff either lasts 120 seconds or 90 seconds. The latter still puts it at double the duration of Robustness. I can't test if the same is true of frost because I don't know of any way to self-inflict Frostbite.

The silliest part about this is that after the poison expires, your poison bar resets half-full to account for the added resistance. However this extra buildup does decay throughout the duration of the poison, so it's not totally worthless especially combined with the long duration.

Some other notes: different buffs stack, so for example you can have Robustness and Immunity boosts triggered at the same time. They don't refresh each other but run on separate timers. However, the same buff doesn't stack on itself if you suffer multiple bleeds or sleeps in a short duration.

Overall verdict is that this talisman seems kind of weak. The amount of resistance it adds is double that of the dedicated talismans but the short duration and the fact that the added resistance starts filled even in contexts where it doesn't make sense to be makes it hard to actually utilize effectively in combat. It won't save you from being stunlocked by a sleep shotgun or Nanaya's torch and won't help you very much against bleed unless you're able to create enough space to munch a bolus and then re-engage with the remaining buff duration. It's most effective vs poison and rot, which I guess helps if you're facing an invader with rot pots or crossing a poison swamp. Overall I think this talisman wasn't very well thought out and I don't know if fromsoft has the tools to make it work the way it should (or if that would even be good for the game)
>enter hosts game world
>full moore set, moore shield, claws of night
Sounds like the average redman
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What mirror story?
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>mfw accidently stumble across the fp regen talisman
also the arc stuff, trying to convince me not to respec my totally not mohg build to anything else. the fork is cool and all but they were doing NIHIL with it and thats exactly the build im already trying to make into a self insert tank or something

do not expect higher tier content from me in the future after last week, ever again. you won't be receiving it here. or lore discussion, or anything off topic at all, im done playing your games.
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greatshield + dagger
>full radahn
Best defense within their medium weight probably, afterwards they move on to veteran
Because normgroids go on Google and type in "elven scrolls best build" and then just copy what plebbitords tell them to do
It's why there's been thousands of cope posts and news articles about the fucking mimic tear lmao
Excluding Miquella's beguilement, what even was Mohg's ambition? Why should I apologise to him when everyone describes him as a demented weirdo?
Just to have his gay little kingdom of blood worship and pureblood knights in the banished netherworld?
Did he have designs on overthrowing the world order and instating a religion devoted to the formless mother by claiming the Elden Ring for himself?
How involved was he and Morgott with the sealing/incineration of the Frenzied Flame worshipping Merchants? Remnants of his forces prior (presumably) to Miquella's scheming still linger in the Lands between, predominantly amid the Altus Plateau battlefields, Liurnia.
>edited video
>they are just invading and having fun
they ARE bitching, they're getting just as much grief as any other invader, the only difference is that they edit that out and only keep the ones that make them look good. Remember, any invasion video that doesn't show their failed invasions has at best a 50% success rate
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Is this all this goofy?
>carian thrusting shield + glintstone kris
all the range
all the defenses
You beat the game
The Empty Fingers
Deflecting Tear should have been a key item you get at the start of the game that permanently enables the mechanic. I want to play the game deflecting shit from the start.
what, people post footage of video games on 4chan and only show the clips of them winning and never admit to their losses? holy shit
Impressive, very nice. Now post phase 2.
We want the Armored Core audience
I can't wait for these to be nerfed into the ground along with that gay thorn spell.
>dragon cult incants are fth, weapons and skills are dex
>death knight weapons, explicitly named as godwyns highest ranked dragon cultists and personal guard, are str with a fth tax
what did john nexon mean by this
I find it infuriating that the summoning in Bayle and Consort Radahn sucks so much for different reasons, the first because it's annoying to summon on the battlefield for such an aggressive boss and the second because it inflates the boss stats ridiculously. It's even worse when you know that they have the solution to both problems in the SAME DLC with the Leda fight where you can choose your summons before the battle and they only appear at scripted times during the battle so they don't affect the enemy stats.
after playing through base game with seamless coop, it truly shows how fucking dogshit this game is to play with a friend
it's BY FAR the worst in the series, not even remotely close
Most girls who love their brothers probably won't marry a dude who has a moral and divine obligation to inflict ultraviolence on said brother.
>Greatshield + short sword + throwing spear
The reason you largely edit out failures from a video like this is because 90% of the time you fail an invasion it's either just dying immediately to a massive perpetual AoE clusterfuck with no counterplay or getting screwed over by latency. Neither make good content. You also edit out 90% of your victories because they just aren't interesting or worth showing. The highlights show the standout encounters, and those are almost always victories for obvious reasons.
Yes it's a comedy manga.
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Do you mind linking the picture that inspired it so I can go down another Messmer rabbithole
How do I get the Marika's foot slave ending?
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Does this pass as STR/FTH fashion?
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What do you mean? I'm playing it co-op without tranny mods now and it's fine
The older games used to have SUMMONING FAILED all the time or just kick you for no reason. Or you couldn't summon because before passwords some other fag would summon you or your sign just wouldn't show.
Aside from my friends wanting to scour every inch of the map it's fine, just kinda boring.
what's your favorite and least favorite dlc boss and why?
messmer. he's such an incredibly intense, fair and fun fight with an amazing design
>least fav
radahn. he's spammy, uninteresting and lazily designed. it just feels like they ran out of ideas and decided to play the fanservice card
>You also edit out 90% of your victories because they just aren't interesting or worth showing.
This is unironically why chasethebro is my favorite pvptuber, he keeps in the invasions where he wins in 10 seconds because the retard host mashes R1 into his spawn iframes. It's more honest content.
Lorepill me on the specimen hall
Wtf was Messmer doing collecting random goats and shit?
Why is your face blue? You remind me of one of those demihuman monkeys.
Holocaust museum. Lest we forget
>Oh no! A player did heavy damage with a spell! Nerf it NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!
You thorns retards are so fucking pathetic
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motherfucker fucking tanked that fucking meteor wtf
didn't mean to quote
>bugged spell randomly instakills
>this is fair and balanced
Next you'll lie and tell me it only instantkills at close range, and this is totally fine because it's absolutely fair for a build specialized in constant ranged area of effect damage to have a long ranged spell that also instantkills without warning in close range, because melee builds shouldn't be allowed to approach mages ever.
>put down summon sign at Messmer
>spawn in
>Your skibidi level drops from 20 to 4 because the host never explored
How do you cope?
1. How the fuck did you tank that, I used endure on messmer and still got by shit pushed in.
2. How do you life steal like that?
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bro, admit it, you liked it

ALL of it
Just bitch instead
>oh hey I can jump down here
>jump down
>teleports me back up & tells me multiplayer isn't allowed there
>huge boring open fields with literally nothing that you can't ride your horse in for no reason whatsoever
cute cute cute
who's the artist?
>2. How do you life steal like that?
Great Stars + Malenia's Rune I imagine.
Does the Bolt of Gransax's ash of war scale at all with faith or just dex??
I'd basically just go all faith with the minimum requirements for the weapon in question, then slot flame art and a skill that leaves lingering fire damage, using it one handed to cast spells with the left.
I like the colossal sword moveset, combining the greatest R1 and R2 for the weapon class, but I didnt get the sword on my first DLC playthrough so I was wondering whether there's maybe more to this thrusting sword.
Great Stars has innate heal on hit and he's paired it with Malenia's rune, which lets you heal back a chunk of the damage you recently lost with each attack (and was buffed when the dlc came out).
He's also stacking defenses and buffing to keep his durability high enough to tank like that. Without buffs you can't outheal the incoming damage.
gay thorns are clearly not supposed to shotgun like that, people are getting 9+ hitbox connections at the same time for full damage/bleed each
claws of night are working as intended, damage is capped at max # of projectiles and melee hit, its just a huge amount of damage
and a phys+mag weapon that scales both damages with pure dexterity
No, the more places I show where I get art from the less people need me because they can just get it themselves.

Noyeah I dont care https://varliona.tumblr.com/post/755275731136823296/its-still-you-bought-myself-an-ipad-and-this >>485068653
>just stands there and tanks the meteor with a dagger
holy kek
A catalyst that buffs your current spell and a catalyst that is optimal to cast with your stats.
This isn't Dark Souls 3, INT/FTH should be a caster only build
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Carianbros, what's the consensus on the Carian Sorcery Sword?
A useful casting tool hybrid like demon's scar from DS3 or worthless trash?
>Demi-Human Queen "Marigga"
Forget about becoming Elden Lord. I want to know what sort of shenanigans the demi-Tarnished is getting up to and whether he gets to fight shitty, demi-knock-offs of the bosses we have to face.
Anon that means you would have to get hit AND be unlucky enough for It to be a bugged cast.

You're just a salty retard. You're gonna keep whining even after the frametime bug is fixed.
>a build specialized in constant ranged area of effect damage to have a long ranged spell that also instantkills
Lmfao you're on layers on cope here dude. Thorns is just a spell. People using it aren't "specialized in AoE" and thorns isn't a long range spell. It's a close quarters spell. Up close it hits like a truck and far off it's slow and weak.

You're a whiny retard with no sense of judgement or scale.
the last time I tried to play with a friend we had two xboxes in the SAME ROOM irl and still couldn't connect to each other but yeah complain when a mod lets you coop the entire game, I can see people like this complaining about full dive VR you can't even tell isn't your real life when we get that in 100 years cause "too much content"
the only deathblight weapon in the game is dex faith thoughever and death spells are int faith
dragon cult or probably gold knights since godwyn the GOLDen would have been quality faith with yellow lightning spells

im be real though building in this game has been a chore with the sub spell schools and the weapon affinities never matching the spell schools
>just block waterfowl dance bro
>it still tears through my health

is there really no viable counterplay beyond playing with my dick from a distance and baiting it out to trigger the cooldown?
it sucks at being a sword
it sucks at being a catalyst
Yeah the game will only be good once all the DLC shit is useless and we all go back to bitching about what was broken in the base game instead.
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Ty, have a Messmer
is the ruins greatsword even any good
Frost pot is 100% reliable.
I have both and that new tear from golem that gives heal on hit, might be worst using after all, thank you anon.
I defeated Midra with no scadutree blessings and I'm happy! I'm going for the Scadutree avatar next because I'll do anything to postpone fighting with Gaius
that or you learn the extremely specific close-up dodge where you circle and run with peculiar timings
it's a dreadfully shitty attack, just awful design
sekiro tear makes it semi survivable
I ALWAYS bloodhound step now cause they patched her a lot, I can't do the spin around her and misdirect for shit anymore even if it looks like I got it right, and aeonia is further back to purposely fuck people on phase 2 start, you can still run around her but she can land right on you if you fuck it up now, which used to be a problem if you assume you can roll BACKWARDS out of it (don't)
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Boy I can't see shit
yet tons of people here will defend it
I like to imagine it's like
The demihumans have a rough understanding of the Golden Order and how ut works and vaguely try to worship it but fon really understand it, they just kinda know there's a goddess named Marika
So like then the demihuman queen goes "I AM MARRIGA THAT IS ME" and the Demihumans are like kinda naive and don't understand yhe golden order so they just go "Ohhhh okay, it's her" cause it wounds kinda similar
The names give so much opportunity for likevfun side reactions
against Malenia you can just run away a lot and only engage when she isn't using waterfowl dance and eat some shit when she does, turning it into an RNG fight

against Radahn, he has 5 different abilities that are all waterfowl dances and gap closers at the same time, good luck
Where's your pocket lantern bro?
its alright but croizer hammer does more damage at same stats cause no split.
for gravity weapons I prefer the onyx lord one for gravity push AoW. I hear beast fang stick is good too, unique gravity "spell" on the ash.
I think cargo cults explain a lot of this game actually, especially now that we know the Two Fingers were just sort of winging it
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I love the damage on rakshasa set so much.
It was never good desu. As a colossal sword its damage is below average and it's both stubby and too heavy. The WA costs too much and blows up your stamina bar but isn't really all that strong.
Is Bleed Great Stars the best strength weapon in the game?
That is a shame, I was hoping it would be a good hybrid to be able to be able to use a power stanced moveset while casting sorceries.
Cargo cults?
The DLC makes Ranni look even more crazy and retarded
>people are getting 9+ hitbox connections
It has 6 hitboxes. If you get by hit by all of them, you will take big damage. Don't face it in tight spaces dumbfuck.
How much of a damage amp is the whole set combined? I haven't bothered with it because I wasn't sure if it was going to be a real buff or just like 2% or something.
or put vow of the indomitable on a shield
isnt this bitch like 20 feet tall
When your bugged spell gets nerfed I'm drink your salty tears
pretty sure it's just a vocal minority
my 20 hour review

>locked to 60 fps like it's 2005
>some bosses move way too fucking fast
>mid to late game enemies doing more damage than bosses is bullshit
>still no boss replay feature
>limited arrows, make them unlimited or regenerating already
>magic should cost stamina instead of mana, or let mana regenerate
>last half of game isn't as fun as the first half
>waaay too many weapon upgrades, what were they smoking going for +25?
>still no easy mode

>very beautiful game
>fun gameplay with ashes of war
>spirit ashes are fun, wish they could follow me everywhere
>the horse is neat, wish we could change its appearance
>ranni and marika are sex

8/10, i will never beat it or see the dlc
It's good and worth using now since they buffed it. Really depends on what you'd be using in your other hand, though.
>9 hitboxes all doing bleed
remind me why the pizza cutter couldn't have bleed on hit tick again? the "balance" in this game is all over the place.
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>Str/Int gravity weapon
Fallingstar Beast Jaw. Accept no substitutes.
bleed infused double chicken leg
Any guides for best spots on where to farm gear that only drops from enemies in the DLC?
Is it bugged or is it OP anon? You can't even make up your mind.
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can i kill messmer now, i explored everything except left part saars
Idk I don't play Elden Ring
half of this is like dumb casual shit but I agree with the other half
>vow of the indomitable
>bloodhound step
>just learn the easy dodge
>barricade shield
>just get a greatshield
>run away
>frost proc
>bleed proc?
Shitters always complain about things without trying to use any tools to counter it.
cold does more even at 99 dex iirc, and use RKR
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>How much of a damage amp is the whole set combined
8%. Basically an additional damage talisman. It's very noticeable if you stack everything.
Have no idea how it works with elemental damage in particular but lighting Milady has been casually shitting out 800 damage combos from jump attacks on mere 55 DEX without claw talisman with it.

I'm not even using it for the damage buff, the set is legitimately gorgeous.
Anyone else disappointed how weak the Lord of Frenzied Flame was? I saw him and expected a battle of the ages, instead I got a cool fight that wouldn't be out of place in the Dark Souls games, but compared to the bosses I've been fighting that was... kind of easy.
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Looks like I got it wrong, actually. Never mind!
TLDR islanders saw soldiers marching and doing drills during WW2 and planes dropping supplies. After the planes left, the islanders developed a pseudo-religion where they would imitate the stuff soldiers did like marching drills(using sticks instead of guns) because they thought it would bring the supply planes back. Basically attributing effect to the wrong cause

I'm trying to find the right word for the "eh fuck it"-ness of the Two Fingers and Queen Marigga but it's stuck at the tip of my tongue
Ok but when that inevitably gets nerfed, will bleed great stars be the best strength weapon in the game?
>The moment she jumps up
Sprint away for the first barrage
>She starts prepping the second barage
Roll into her
>Third barage
Dodge backwards to the left, and then left again
>locked to 60 fps like it's 2005
i modded my game to 120
Ohhhh that's interesting though!
because miyahacki hates everything nice and pure
and he will not let you have fun with bosses

you will murder them, like a good murderhobo you are

and everyone you befriend will die a horrible death, so you better don't do it

and in the end you can choose to fuck a deranged blue sex doll who used you to murder her family (and will murder you as soon as she finds a replacement)

or burn the world down (better outcome than fucking a blue murder sexdoll, desu)
>>still no easy mode
Summoning, spirit ashes, and powerful gear like the Blasphemous Blade kind of do that already.
Literally just roll into her. Jesus Christ how the fuck do people still struggle with Waterfowl in 2024?
Messmer is a good fight even if you do have a ton of blessings. Have a good time, anon!
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Nice cheated consumables and arrows shitter.
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>demihuman monkeys.
Make that comparison again and I'll make you into a sheath for this sword
>the set is legitimately gorgeous.
It's basically the alonne knight armour from 2 but rusted.
There are 9 hitboxes when the projectiles end, 3 at the each of 3 tendrils
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>every boss strategy on fextralife
>the key to this boss is patience
>time your attacks when there is an opening
>don't get greedy
>be ready to avoid attacks
here's an example of that vocal minority
based retard
nice to see margits shackle still triggers all invisible walls in a 5 mile radius
..and those fire traps that go up and down, apparently
Cry me a river, maybe Miyazaki will fix the consumable design next game.
Prove he didn't farm them, the burden of proof is on you.
>Nyooo he's not dedicating thousands of hours farming ingredients in the game's terrible crafting system!
Lol sounds like sour grapes to me
>looking at boss strategy
Just gotta git gud
They’ll also cry when the gravity spell gets nerfed
post a vid of dodging it by "literally just rolling into her"
how? the agreement said id get banned for modifying files
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Yes, we know fextralife is totally unhelpful. Always has been. I still have no idea how they manage to stay at the top of the Google search results. The writers can't even be bothered to complete most of their wiki's pages.
This is fake.
Out come the chinks to defend cheating.
Tell me, are you upset that EAC is a thing so you can't just constantly have Cheat Engine on for when you're losing?
Does the DLC have any missables pre-shadow keep rune event?
every item in the rakshasha sets gives +2% damage taken and +2% damage dealt in both pvp and pve, stacking multiplicatively, as well as having a rather low defense for its weight
its the same +8.24% damage dealt / +8.24% damage taken for all 4 items
SEO bullshit
nta stormwing isn't that hard to farm
2.5% drop rate from ALBINAURIC ARCHERS for st trina arrows is inexcusable though, I gave up before even getting a drop trying to get SEVEN HUNDERED of them the other day.
no rainbow fletched recpie in dlc is also inexcusable and I DEMAND a patch.
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They threw it all away
a mod that turns off anti-cheat. you lose online however but i always play offline in souls anyways, i hate bloodstains and messages spoiling stuff for me and cluttering the world
Oh there's a shotlived one as they end eh? Explains why the damage varies so much.

I wouldn't even believe the bug complaints but I did catch it hitting a boss for 10k damage once so that's probably not intended or normal. It's still not problematic given how easy it is to dodge and read. The complaints are super disproportionate. Spell's hard to land unless they let you punish them with it or they misjudge and end up whiffing their punish attempt. It doesn't even track literally very well, just rolling past and to the side of the caster is almost completely safe.
It’s not sour grapes if you’re literally cheating. I just hope they get rid of EAC it’s total dogshit
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My beautiful Carian spear, where are you...
I wish we saw pre-vore rykard
>I still have no idea how they manage to stay at the top of the Google search results
people are lazy enough to eat shit instead of demanding better services. its why I don't currently have a new phone. I could have one, but if its "unlimited data but not really unllimited" and the company that DOES unlimited doesn't have the phone I want why should I pay for that.
What is going through Rykard's mind at this EXACT moment?
What are your favorite DLC weapons/spells? I am looking for build inspiration.

My marais executioner build is getting old. I was something fast and a little flashy.
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Why didn't Ranni just support Miquella's claim to godhood? I doubt the Fingers would have given a shit about her after Marika's replacement did his thing.
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I feel like these two could have been pretty good friends
I'm still sad there's no human!Rykard armor set
>craftable infinite 28 damage 84 sleep buildup arrows
>farmable 30 damage 96 sleep buildup arrows
why do people minmax this hard
there's a site of grace you can rest, spam a skill and kill 5 birds and rest again nonstop in the fissure for pinions
Why is the raging wolf set the one used for promo art? Shouldn't it be the knight set you can buy at the Roundtable Hold? On a similar note, I don't like how underdeveloped the tailoring mechanic is. The knight armor should definitely have multiple customization options per piece.
Ranni's conquest was never about sharing power
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Golem Arrows is all the proof I need that he farmed nothing as well as the him and the 3 other chinkoinds immediately coping with "muh bad crafting system" as an excuse on why it's ok to cheat.

>nooo its not our fault
>its the big meany hosts who we cant beat without cheating constantly
the problem is trina's lilies, the drop rate is turbo ass
at that point either cheat or downtrade and backup your save
>No proof
I accept your seething concession
Divine beast dancing lion is honestly one my favourite DLC bosses.
Guys so fucking cool and the soundtrack goes hard with the phase changes.
But she didn't care about the ER, until you showed up. She was ready to fly off to space after her fingers got killed.
trying to defend cheating is the real seethe here
Because Miquella wasn't the Two Fingers' choice, Ranni was.
it looks good
>is a cheater
oh no no no no every time
then they have the audacity to bitch about buh buh buh summons
I don't give a shit if I can craft sleep arrows st trina ones LOOK better in the quiver, and you'd still have to farm lilies or ng+ for those too
hardly matters since they are impossible to farm, I got the fucking bow and entire armor set already and ZERO of the arrows.
I have literally 5 golem arrows across all ten slots so I can believe that at least.
>Shitter butthurt that he got dunked on by a redman with exalted flesh and radahn's greatbow
Cry about it
>he's actually defending cheating
This is getting embarrassing desu.
Yes when the spawn projectile (invisible hitbox flying in a straight line) hits an obstacle or enemy, it deals the direct damage and spawns the 2 extra hitboxes at the end for 3x damage.
If all 3 hit a target thats 9x damage

But as you can see, the projectiles spawn very high up and can actually just fly over people's bodies and miss them entirely (only getting hit by the ground thorns), so its very easy to 'miss' in pvp. Even though its visually a ground effect, you can DUCK under it lmao
in fact I bet you could optimize the PvP build by using some staff that has the minimum possible height for the projectiles. Carian Sorcery Sword possibly? Since it spawns sword blades at its hilt instead of its tip like staves. Maybe it could shotgun the thorns more reliably in pvp
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Rykard loved his older brother
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>the hysterical woman started samefagging
Roll away from the first onslaught and roll into the second one. This isn't isn't some mindblowing secret. People solved Waterfowl a week into fighting her and yes there is at least 1 video that showcases this. Go search "waterfowl dodge" or something on youtube. I'm not google.
Yes anon, we all know only Chinese people are capable of cheating in video games
He and his sister was made Empyerans.
Unless the Fingers decided to say fuck it after second guessing themselves, they had a right to claim godhood as much as Ranni.
it's amazing, i love it. messmer, dancing lion and midra were my favorite dlc bosses
I don't recall any promo ART, but they use several sets for promotional screenshots.
im getting filtered by hippo
yes thats the general strategy for every boss in every souls game
Staff of the great beyond on the left hand, Moonveil or a Great Katana with Flaming Strike on the right.
Vagabond looks better
Fight it the way you fought Syulyvahn's Beasts in dark souls 3.
Statistically, if you're facing a cheater, it's likely he's from China.
Every cheater in DS3 I encountered was either China or Brazil. Much more Chinese cheaters than the Brazil ones though.
>literally just roll into her
why are you lying? you made a claim, the burden of proof is on you
/dsg/ has been using CE to make builds before you were even born newshit
this place has literally pioneered curse weapons in ds1
mind your manners
FROM should disinsentivise it by adding more pot bell bearings that let you buy this shit (I found the string one today so don't even me with your bad arguments), cause its impossible to farm like I said a minute ago (trust me I have first hand experience since I never cheat and do farm for rares, I got FOUR gold weapons two swords two rapiers WITHOUT silver scarab in limgrave so I KNOW.)
didn't even bother replying to them cause rolling into her just kills you.
>the burden of proof is-
this is not a fucking scientific peer review board cut that out.
>this place has literally pioneered curse weapons in ds1
curse weapons are cringe
>its ok to cheat because it just is ok!
Ok chinkoid.
Stupid question maybe, but does Arcane do something for RoB and Eleonora's? Because they have garbage Arc scaling. Does high ARC increase the WA damage?
Back to your discord trooncave
>Roll into her
>Asked to elaborate
>Gives advice that isn't just "Roll into her"
could this work in normal game without scadu frags?
his cape is literally him defending the haligtree. lorelets absolutely BTFO and on suic
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my favorite is fingerprint armor. it's also the armor on the cover, though it isn't too visible
they just landed on the raging wolf set because the promoters thought it looked best
>hahaha we are le epic pvp cheaters!!
kill yourself
>not cheating in
you literally refuse fun
Why is Enir-Ilim seemingly floating upon the magical buoyancy of fossilised amalgamated corpses?
dsgtroons are weird freaks, using them as an example only weakens your argument
If you're not a part of /dsg/ you shouldn't be here either, newfag
are you a redditor as well perhaps?
>murky is back
Uh oh.
Coming from someone who used to be visit /dsg/ a lot. That's not a good sign. /dsg/ was filled with degenerates and faggots. Especially the later years. Fuck I visited it before it turned into all from games and it was really fucking bad.
/dsg/ should've died several years ago.
Kino fucking build, best thing that has come out of this DLC
This is very funny because the best strategy for almost all Elden Ring bosses is to be impatient, trade hits and go for stance breaking and/or status buildup.
reminder pc ds3 got taken offline for A YEAR because OF YOU.
STOP cheating (online)
the twin spiral is not exclusive to haligtree the perfumers wear it too especially the depraved ones showing a corrupted tearing spiral
its also the twin snakes on a caduceus staff which appears on the angel wing scythe.
i'm talking about actual dsg, circa 2012-16
not the trannoid shithole of 18-24 which has produced this funny anti-CE attitude among other things
>this is not a fucking scientific peer review board cut that out.
lol what, you can just lie and nobody gets to call you out? he asked me to look it up, i did and it didn't correspond with what he said. wtf do you want me to ask him?
I mean I farmed cursed weapons in ds1 legit, I have to ask what's the point, I did it just for style
Yeah it's possible that could be very strong. I'm not gonna worry about optimizing it at least until the bug is resolved because I don't appreciate how rabid most people get after I cast it even once. They act like I'm trying to chainsaw.

I have had people see Thorns get cast and hit for a pathetic 500 and then start using golem arrow and RKR Smithshield and shit.
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whens the bug dlc...
Bro...Your scadu blessings?
>still thinking of /dsg/ as anything but a degenerate shithole
Fuckin hell anon. Are you one of the /dsg/ trannoids?
i want people to stop treating every conversation ever like a point scored debate. it doesnt benefit anyone but your ego
Give it a few months and they'll start raiding here again, this place was unusable since winter 2023 up until right before DLC release
You'd post a build question here and a bunch of /dsg/ queers will start posting their "hmmm slurmy gemmy thobeit" circlejerk in response
>he can't even read
my condolences
i dont use them because i want to beat the game
you're welcome
>opponent shoots a golem arrow
>opponent uses any finite consumable
>opponent has backhand blades equipped
yup its chainsaw time
>t. /dsg/ trannoid
my condolences
/dsg/ was /erg/ (/eroge/) before discord raiders split the general in half so I don't know where these people are coming from like how can you raid yourself, after already being raided mind.
i dont know what the fuck you're talking about but he's literally claiming something that just isn't true. what do you want from me, to just say "ok i believe you, arguing is not allowed"?
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/dsg/ didn't exist until 2024 you fucking geriatric
fast and flashy, either dane's footwork/dryleaf arts or backhand blades
>Muh cheats!

Ok do it all over again because if you get BLOCKED (you are) you're banned from my game. Do all the heavy lifting for an alt and I'll block you again in 4 seconds
>kill furnace golem
>20k souls
are you fucking giddings me
no more rkr smithshield anymore
but they can still nanaya's torch you
your entire "argument" is just so you can prove them wrong and type "I accept your concession" for dopamine thats what im saying. im not surprised you don't understand
ok I believe you (been posting since ds1...I remember the bloodborne general. I played OG demons souls.....)
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you get a cool crystal tear at least
the only thing I know about dsg was that when it died sometime last year its users came over and started flooding this place with nonsequiturs about one of their thread personalities
extremely tranny behavior
i dont think cheaters care about getting blocked
if anything, that's probably the explicit goal
they probably start just for shits and giggles, but then as they start to get ostracized it becomes "i was on a mission to drive people away the whole time, actually. seethe"
Seriously, Rellana and Messmer became way easier once I stopped trying to dodge everything perfectly and just spammed jump attacks as much as possible. Unga bunga full STR folds a lot of the bosses in half
im really fuckin dumb and a big retard
how do i ezroll base game with magic and r1/rb spam
>the twin spiral is not exclusive to haligtree
it is when its depicting a tree anon, unless you think he's wearing the scadutree
git gud
because gem it and the cat and the others were treating it like their own personal msn rather than a general cause there hadn't been a new from game since sekiro. yes I remember of what you speak.
>just so you can prove them wrong and type "I accept your concession" for dopamine thats what im saying.
no i want him to shut the fuck up and stop shitting on people for not being able to dodge the waterfowl move. it's annoying when people tell someone to "just dodge lol" without being able to do it themselves
you're projecting so hard it's actually insane
Radahn phase one: fair, dodge timings are precise but satisfying to pull off, patience is key but there are several easy to punish attacks
Radahn phase two: dodge timings are fucked cause of delayed holy AoE, one mistake will easily cascade into death
It's always the shitters with the tryhard meta characters that are cheaters. Every single fucking time. And then they get extremely defensive when called out.
Rakshasa is pretty much the official Red Man armor.

allahu snackbar
i've cheated in dane's footwork lvl1 because i wanted to roleplay a karateka
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I assume he can see through the snek's eyes
its a life symbol from irl and depicts DNA thousands of years before that discovery
I have no horse in what radahns cloak means im just saying
have you tried talking to them instead of screaming at me like a little bitch for calling out your ego trip? I dont care bro. im here currently to see if I can stand even talking to you fuckers anymore (not looking good so far)
meant for >>485072442
>description states that the wielder becomes true Rakshasa through copious amounts of violence
>Hey guys can someone explain what the point of Dung Eater's ending is, is it just an obligatory bad ending for everyone or am I missing someth-
>"Haha yem it up gemmy althobeit. What a slurmy thread sloppa Farron coal XDDD"
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bbg never existt fuck you fuck you fuck you
Giving yourself a weapon is completely different to giving yourself starlight shards and consumables just so you can spam them all against absolutely trash PVE hosts who are more of a danger to themselves than to you.
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I cheated in bone bow and ansbach's bow and 600 each arrows because I wanted to do a bow playthrough that didn't make me want to kill myself
within 1 hour I respecced the char anyway, holy fucking shit even that is unplayable
no you're here inserting your personal grievances into other people's arguments and being an armchair psychologist. you're just plain wrong and you should have some self awareness
we were made by the dead general, undone by the dead general.
fear the dead general....
They can never lose anon. Sure I'll concede my defeat while just blocking people to never play again.

Same with this shitty website there's a filter feature now I just have probably as much words as I got people blocked by now. I just block the obvious shit stirrers speaking in maymaylingo or phrases that get spammed a lot. Some dude is mad I'm blocking cancer here and will think I belong on a safer site.
ask for clearer and more specific advice and you might get a better answer
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>Host is challenging the are boss, returning to world
only thing I agree with is the arrows and bosses
I'm so tired of bows only existing to lure enemies/cheese them
I give up on getting footage. As soon as I click record EAC goes berserk. Shit's just fucked for now.
Isn't steam adding native recording
I wanna feel the inside of Messmers mouth with my thumb
I dont even really have to mean this in any sensual way, I just want to know what the inside of his cheek is like
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Be honest.
If you were the red here, would you change your name out of embarrassment?
Also I never knew about this exploit.
Doesn't have to be those. I was just hoping to hear what people found fun and use that as inspiration. What are you playing as?
>ugh bro being a goddess sucks
>it sucks being omnipotent and a queen of all the land and having millions of subjects that love you and the hottest pieces of ass eager for a chance to bed you
>also sucks to be a 10/10 ultra hot megastacy blonde goddess that can have countless children and still look like a tight taut and toned 20 year old
does miyazaki expect me to believe this shit
im tired of seeing "i accept your concession" when someone can't prove a detail on any given thing implying they have to suck your dick for two hours to prove something is the case in a video game. like I said ibefore ts not a scientific peer review boards people are just trying to have a conversation, and every fucking time for the last 5? years its this shit every time instead and you're even trying to defend yourself and call me out for saying it, don't care, you people make the current internet unusable. and he doesn't have to prove anything, nor do you, nor do I.
and whats worse I don't even know what your argument was about all I was saying is stop with the fucking "rules of argument" shit, and you can't.
Kek I remember when some /dsg/oid had a meltdown here about how he was epicly owning this place because jannies weren't doing their jobs so he could spam all he wanted, but then he got too cocky and got beaned for underage
Still one of the more pathetic things Ive seen on /vg/ and thats saying something
How the fuck are fogwall invasions still a thing? Just make certain graces and stakes of marika give you a buff thats stops you from getting invaded this shit is fucking retarded bruh
>im really fuckin dumb and a big retard
I would lose my shit laughing
>Thumb instead of tongue
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>"Invaded by Bloody Finger!"
>"You may now challenge the area boss"
>"Bloody Finger returned to their world"
very rarely do people catch up to hosts at malenia's and idk who in their right mind thought to invade over there
you know what its not even worth it, you won't get it or ever listen to a word I say. simply being here is pissing me off, as usual. doesn't take much when this is the standard now.
bye again, forever this time. enjoy fucken arguing about how to argue or whatever gay shit.
Yes. Though I don't use that glitch since I'm not a faggot.
Also a single volcano pot would've immediately won the invasion right there.
oh yeah that fag was losing it over writefags the thread previous too wasnt he
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Does anyone here on PC actually spend time out of their day farming ingredients to make perfumes, exalted flesh, and arrows? Are you out there farming snow trolls for Arteria Leaves on the weekend? I mean I guess console players have to do that shit unless they're duping (isn't that basically the same as using CE?), but why would PC players do it? PvP in this game sounds exhausting, I'm glad I just do co-op.
The anti-hacking consumables seethe reads like it comes from a guy who thought he was the cleverest guy in the world by wedging himself in a corner with his phantoms and thought he was invincible only to get cucked by Radahn's Rain kek
him losing his human eyes is a minor inconvenience
>mantis blades never got a better version
I've been invading since the DLC launched and while I've basically never seen a coinvader use anything other than a physick flask, whereas every 3 man squad, every goddamn single one has a GUTS hurling rot pots and a level 387 int/fth build chugging starlight shards so they can keep spamming. Hell I've seen several routinely pop a starlight shard preemptively while they're pveing, before they even see me.

Cheating consumables is endemic and it's not invaders that are driving the trend.
like i said, pure projection holy shit. you just picked a random post to go completely mental on because of previous interactions with other anons
>try to mock anon for being unable to do something impossible
>someone calls you out for being an ass
>now a third party anon has a meltdown because ???
or are you the guy who i initially argued with? the guy who lied and tried to shit on someone?
im the guy who is leaving. I didnt read your post properly and im not going to.
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>Add deflecting mechanic to the game
>Everyone agrees its a vast improvement to the overall combat and game feel
>Make it a temporary buff locked behind a DLC instead of integrating it as a core mechanic

I cannot for the life of me grasp how FROM is still so incompetent at times.
nvm, now i remember why i stopped interracting with /dsg/
>invader appears right as host enters boss room
>they manage to find a way into the room and we have to fight both
Shut up and eat your reskinned DaS slop
>autistic obsession with a mediocre and un-noteworthy weapon just because it bears a superficial resemblance to a better weapon from a better game
What do you call this autism?
because you're an emotional retard who makes an ass of himself everywhere he goes. nobody wants to hear your idiotic crying
>start using glinstone sorceries against cancer ganks

Is this thing top tier or are they just retardedly confident since they are 3 v 1?

I keep lining em up on hallways and feels dirty like shooting pests
For my perfumer run? I did. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say 4/5ths of that entire playthrough were grinding materials.

There needed to be bells for literally everything. In DeS going full archer was more reasonable because co-op replaced the arrows as early as tower knight. So for a fraction of your time you could become massively arrow positive.
Not so with fucking perfumes man.
I could see someone doing it if they just don't give a fuck. You're not quite all there to begin with to want to invade in this game.
>carries on
here is my response to you:

just make your own games its very easy.......* procrastinates for 20 years unironically*
Oh, and another thing: miquella's faggot ass long hair taking up most of the screen in Radahn's second phase makes reading his moves like twice as hard. Fucking gay.
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I don't farm shit because I'd rather invade and play pve than collect flowers all day. Yeah I fucking cheat in every single fucking consumable, like 999 of em so I can use them whenever the fuck I want in pve and in pvp. It's no fun if I use a consumable 5 times per playthrough or whatever just because I find it dishonest. I'm going to fucking die irl some day and I'm not going to worry about a videogame.

Fuck farming. I really don't care what imaginary internet people think of me.
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>test Impenetrable Thorns at Malenia's
good lord i feel filthy all over
I do.
But only Lulling Branches because they are so easy to farm and so strong to use. I kinda don't want people to learn about this since invaders seem to only use starlight shards and not Lulling branches.
Do the nuRadahn swords come in pairs like the original or do I have to get both to have 2 swords?
>obsolete shields in a game that has shields
...good job? They should've saved it for a new game that is a total departure from souls combat.
>Do you know the difference between a general of actual anons versus whatever the fuck this newcuck-filled tumblrite shithole is? Ironic as it may seem, an actual sense of community. When /dsg/ passed away we came over to mess around with this place for the lols and there was no resistance at all, this "general" just rolled over and died
Holy fucking 12 year old melty, Batman!
>namefaggot circlejerk
If you know those players, you were part of zombie /bbg/ and not true /bbg/.
I don't pvp because I'm not retarded
>>obsolete shields
Not at all. Shields don't require precise timing to negate incoming damage, you just hold the button down.
Actually it's much cooler than the blades of mercy because each blade can unfold.
I was specifically trying to say nonsensually, I have been trying to not post badicallybjust straight up smut and porn and I feel bad for going too far before still about that
they're paired, yes.
Same exact R1/R2 moveset as well.
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It's top tier for invasions because it gives you a way to punish any retardation at range. Any high commitment animation turns into a window of opportunity, there's no stronger invasion build in the game.

Although FAI got a huge boost with DLC stuff too, they are almost equal now.
I’m not her brother
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>I feel bad for going too far before still about that
Why would you feel bad about that
you see radahn is a harder boss than weve ever had in this series
thought you left lol? it's also funny how you say i have an ego problem when you managed to squeeze in "d-didmt read your post anyways" to make yourself feel good
>Zamor Ice Storm
Is there such a thing as a too powerful spell?
well that's pretty lazy. Different scaling and ash of war only then huh
I'm fully aware of what the spiral pattern is representative of, the point is that the erdtree is not that and is not represented visually in that way.
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I beat Metyr with 0 skibidis but I had to resort to spamming dual curved sword jumping attacks because they did like 1800 damage to her.
Phase 2 you're forced to completely ignore the delayed aoe, trying to roll them will 100% get you rollcaught, and the only way to avoid is to roll the sword swing in the correct direction so the aoe misses you entirely. The timings are mostly the same but visibility is significantly reduced. I had to turn off controller vibration, makes it easier to ignore the stupid light beams if you get hit.
can somebody buy an xbox and help me beat mohg on my twink
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waiting for the next dlc *seppukus myself*
I am so sorry.
who the fuck are you even going to invade on xbox lmao
I like you
what's your absolute favorite souls game, be honest
for me it's 2 with 3 close behind, ER is lowest
I read Scarlet Aeonia shreds DLC bosses, is this true or am I getting baited?
I did it with Reduvia. I was stuck on her quasar attack for like 3 hours not realizing it's literally unavoidable and eventually just won on an attempt where I killed her before she could cast it.
Idk saying things like that just seems bad but it seemed too weird to apologize at the time
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>apparently half of my waking time since January has been spent on elden ring

alright, time to lay it off for a while.
take care, anons
Yep. They're not very well balanced against each other either so the one that requires multiple presses and shits pillars of light does substantially higher damage and poise break than the charged suicide button.
Maybe it does but you're never going to land it without dying lol.
2 > 1 > ER = BB > tenchu ac1 oldschool shit like eternal ring = OG DeS > 3
At this point probably ER followed by 2:Scholar.
Apparently the Clawmark Seal doesn't scale my buffs with STR. I've been using it since launch.
Am I retarded or is that not intuitive. It only boosts offensive spells I just learned.
ER, 2, BB (BB would be first if it ran with 60 FPS), Sekiro, 1=DeS, 3.
>craft 10 big madness pots
>backup save
>I am now as deadly as someone who cheat engines outside of 1 hit kill swords

Also has else noticed starlight shards coming back after invasion?
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Are there any autohotkey scripts to automate finger spam for invasions?
Melina's Fingers seem broken, they refus to invade near and always go for global
yeah its dumb
2 -> Bloodborne -> DeS -> DaS1 -> DaS3 = ER
I like games where it's possible to still die in the stage to regular ass enemies if you make a mistake.
Heal type incants and all weapon buff spells only scale with the real caster stat. So INT for scholar's armament and FTH for the rest.
30 str 60 faith is better than erd for a beast caster
I too found out the hard way its not a cast with str seal though.
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starlight shards were always a product of "meta level" making most builds dump MND. So instead of dealing with that cheaters just give themselves infinite FP just like their favorite pvp youtubers.
good morning erg!!
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Why does every character sound like they're cumming or describing a delicious meal when talking about Miquella?
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May try Garl Vinland's set next, with the Host's Trick-Mirrior it may be possible to cover up bad metal color clashing
Wow I love him.
No I mean they come back without cheat engine I used 2 and had 10 again after invasion
You are not HIM!
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art direction:
bb, ds1, des > ds3 > er > ds2

bb, ds1, des > er (thanks to the dlc), ds2 > ds3

bb, ds1 > ds2 > des, ds3, er
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BB > DaS > ER >> 3 >> 2
sekiro is not souls and i never completed DeS
DS1 still. DS3 has the best bosses. ER has the most interesting world, until you explore it. DS2 gets a mention for how open it is and how much build variety there is. Haven't played DeS or BB. Sekiro is NOT a souls game, but it is the best one if one were to count it.
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Good morning!
You had more than 10 in total and your carry inventory refilled because you didn't turn auto refill off.
Didn't notice that. They certainly aren't coming back after co-op so I don't think that might be an intended interaction given they specified that shit should only be working in the arena.
I won't tell if you don't.
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cause they're hypnotized MindRaped if you will as Cartman would put it in the fractured butt hole south park game
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Hey this is literally that one bloodborne set
When is a good point to explore the finger print ruins? I feel like I'm gonna get there too early and ruin something
He loves yoy too
A quest points yoy to them
This makes sense. Good thing for savescummimg
d-do you happen to play FF14?
Kirkhammer included baby
any standout ashes for breaking furnace golem stance? Been playing around with the int weapon ashes and deaths poker has done the most decent job so far
Also don't uh
Don't get your hopes up
no, didnt work when I tried the trial on ps4 and cba to pay for an mmo also I don't like how combat is just perform xyz in a chain I actually like the complex parts of FF like idk 8 is a good example usually since most people HATE junctioning whereas I love that shit, junction status effects to weapons ie elden ring statuses but its the 90s sign me the fuck up
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Shorn of ears
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WOW this is SOOOOO fun am I supposed to be summoning for regular catacombs too now??
stupid ass game
It's easy to forget that you can toggle the auto refill at all, the only reason some people turn it off is to store crafted pots since you can actually have more than the container limit in storage.
Tanith actually caring and being concerned about Rya's wellbeing was so cute and sweet
Does Mohgs shackle work on Radahn?
get owned retard
Today i will remind them

Triple rot crystilian pre-nerf
>they all attack you at once
>the spear guy leaps at you but its a short distance and pretty slow, easy to kite him
>caster guy attacks like once every 4 seconds, easy to dodge or run behind him
>disc chucker attacks once every 1.5-2 seconds, need to keep up a rythme of dodging him in between everything else
>the fight is spent kiting spear guy, running out of caster guys spell area, and dodhing the other while focusing on one to stagger first
It was an actual 200 iq multi boss design
Of course, the shitters complain, because they cant use strategy beyond "haha ima use OP weapon art and just spam it while summons gets aggro hahahaha" and the content streamers (not all of them mind you, i saw some girl gamer variety streamers who could handle them just fine, thats a double fuck you to the shitters. And of course fromsoft nerfs the fight into the ground so hard they may as well just have removed it.

And what sort of difficulty do we get in the DLC? a bunch of literal trial and error attacks where you are required to use a shield to not get hit the first time.
- Lion dancer boss who is 400% bigger than he should have been and fucks up the camera while wiggling around hitting you with his body doing.
- Messmer who does AoE attacks and you need to know to run under him to not get hit by his takes up half the area with a 2.5k damage aoe.
- Enemies that raise their sword and then teleport to you and hit in 0.3 ms
- enemies that have attacks that true combo into each other and are impossible to i-frame so you need to get away
- those knights that body slam you from 25 yards away

I dont mind bosses that are fast and require good reflexes but attacks that are basically guaranteed to hit you unless you know exactly how to dodge them beforehand are shit. they have always been shit in these games. Elden ring is the first soulslike that has these attacks every other boss, or regular enemy.
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Wasnt this thing in the files of the basegame?
yes if you believe hard enough
What quest? Is that after (tree-sealed city name)?
Because I found st Trina and killed myself a million times, I killed bayle, and I guess I'm working through the spooky woods now
DaS = BB > DeS = DaS2 > ER = DaS3

Don't care much for the direction these games have take over the last few years. Too much focus on bosses at the expense of level and encounter design, pvp feels neglected as well. Weaker story/lore, too. DaS3 was too much of a DaS1 retread and ER is just a jumble of incoherent writing.
>blue dew talisman
>bestial vitality
i'm fucking invincible!
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>defeat Midra
>still can't summon Torrent in Abyssal Woods
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you start as a tragic genocidal antihero with darkness in your soul and a unhealthy relationship with eldritch reptiles

you end as a punchline on twitter, pretty meme-boy with cutesy sneks

the deepest meta-horror, fromsoft, you did it again
DS3 > BB > Elden Ring = DS1 (nostalgia) > DS2
Never played DeS
Count Ymir’s quest.
are you just reposting your bait in every thread now?
There's a big church looking thing east if shadow keep, yoy gotta cut under a cliff to get up there, there's a quest there
So is the DLC pretty much the only time in a Souls game where you're getting there right as shit's going down rather than arriving between an undefined 1 and 1000 years after shit has already gone down?
Oh fuck I forgot about him, many thanks
>charge attack happening
>just take the whole thing
no it already went down before you arrived, miq is just making it worse
bloodborne and demon souls.
So of course, the fan base is made up of low skill shitters who think that the general idea of the games is you fight a boss and inevitably die a bunch of times as you "learn" their moves. They clap their hands like seals for the youtubers who learn bosses with cheat engines god mode on. They give a pass to moves that are literal trial and error. then complain about completely fair fights/moves, like triple crystilians, duo crucible knights, godskins heal punish.
These are the same people who think that Lords of the Fallen is unfairly hard because it makes you fight 3 enemies at once, but that Lies of P is the best soulslike ever made despite every other enemy/boss having trial and error attacks and LITERAL feint attacks (ie attacks where the animation is intentionally misleading) something even souls doesnt do.
Hey Arkhan. How's Nagash?
Sleep on ranged was a mistake. Way more fucking aggravating then the madness torch
I mean like while I admit I would've liked him either way, I'm not immune to the (conceptual) leather pants, I actually way prefer him like how he is
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>invade low level
>phantom niggers are always obviously overleveled
>invade a trio
>they all immediately turn tail and sprint back to the grace
>I don't follow because I'm not retarded
>after about 2 minutes of waiting they just throw themselves off a cliff because I won't submit myself for tbagging
its not bait. Only one of those posts was me. its 100% right. shitters ruined multiple fights in elden ring with their whining for nerfs and yet they seem ok with actual trial and error boss fights that are designed like shit. ITs over. the fanbase is taken over by shitters who think you need to die to learn the boss

I watched girl gamer variety streamers who didnt have problems with the crystilians pre nerf. You people who complained are just that dogshit
How did you make it to the DLC without knowing how to deal with enemy wizards?
she was such a loving and caring mom to her, and both of them were abandoned by Rykard in a way, in a game that gets bullied for its depressive quest endings what happened to Rya felt especially actually tragic
>carian filigreed + blessed blue
>holy ground and a warming stone
I'd use bestial too but I'm on an int build
>host summons me for romina
>midway through the fight
>hmmm she seems to have a lot of hp
>level 0 scabidoo

How ?
How did you get to Romina at level 0 ?
Just chunk them regardless, you do have hefty rot pots and other faggotry, right?
So this is a copypasta but that said
>It was an actual 200 iq multi boss design
It was shitty gank battle and I question both the timings you're claiming and it ever being nerfed in the first place. If it was it was at least half a year past release. And you forgot to mention they inflicted rot.
And it's a bit ironic that you're complaining about one enemy while claiming another's "fair and balanced". Do you not realize that you simply had an easier time due to various factors and it has nothing to do with how good the encounter's designed?
The Sword Lance (Captain Gay boss weapon) is unique in that it uses Lance R2s despite being a Heavy Thrusting Sword. This means you get access to actually useful Guard Counters, since the Guard Counter of the Heavy Thrusting Sword class of weapons is pretty damn useless.
You have to understand that it's the clash between two philosophies: difficulty as a test of reflexes and memorisation, versus difficulty as a test of awareness and strategizing. A fast combospam bossfight with bloated hp is the former, the rot crystalian trio was the latter.
thanks for pointing that out, I have a holy magic healer about ready to go to the dlc too, they have that on a shield
all of this really helps with no skibidi upgrades

you have to git gud
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this right here is my problem solver
My delusional headcanon?
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>spend roughly 20 minutes farming lulling branches
>rape the next 30 hosts without giving a single flying fuck about my FP consumption
>I question it ever being nerfed in the first place.
ok well thanks for outing yourself as someone who has no idea what they are talking about.
>And it's a bit ironic that you're complaining about one enemy while claiming another's "fair and balanced".
Theres nothing ironic about it you dumb cunt. Its possible for some things to be fair and others not. Some moves are honest, and others require trial and error gameplay.

The fact you cant even realize that when told explicitly really says a lot. you double digit IQ monkey. Congrats, the games are designed for your type of people now.
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Soaring Talisman
>Vastly increases the height of attacks and abilities that rise into the air
Ash of War: Soaring Shot
>Rise into the air briefly, taking aim and then unleash and arrow or bolt for precise damage
Sorcery: Paralyzing Nail
>Fires a magic nail that tracks and stuns its target
Giant Mushroom
>Turns human frame into a giant mushroom. Usable only while disrobed and unarmed
Incantation: Noble Cartwheel
>Extend your belly and flip onto your side and roll around, knocking aside any in your path
Serpent Talisman
>Increases the buildup of all status effects dealt by 17%
Dark Scorpion Talisman
>Increases all damage done by 15% and all damage taken by 30%
Ash of War: Elemer's Thorn
>Telekinetically swings your sword in sweeping arcs in front of you. Hold for additional swings.
You don't have to fight any bosses to access Romina. What's gonna stop you?
Could be infinite if you back up your save
I asked a while back and didn't get a response.
Does DLC Radahn have any voice lines? By which I mean any grunts or anything like that?
>Giant Mushroom
>>Turns human frame into a giant mushroom. Usable only while disrobed and unarmed
How can you tell how many shittutree blessings a host has when you invade/coop? Or is it just a guess based on dmg/enemy health pools
>DeS ≥ BB > ER = DS2 > DS1 > DS3
I bought a really beaten-up PS3 for like $15 from a yard sale in 2018 specifically to play Demon's Souls (after playing DS1, 2, 3, and BB), and I loved it a lot. To be completely honest I'd rather have a gimmick boss that's interesting than a straightforward fight that's really hard. ER is really fun to explore in if you ignore the discount chalice dungeons completely and just wander around the overworld.
>lose the godike HTS running R2 (the best attack in its moveset) in favour of the lance charge (the worst attack in its moveset)
>description says it "shows its true potential on horseback"
>horseback moveset is still just HTS R1s and bad lance R2s
It's kind of ass. In practice it's just a heavy thrusting sword with attacks from a weapon class that's slower than the heavy thrusting sword, but without the AR to make those slow attacks worthwhile. The only advantage is that it has the infused status values of a lance, which is probably a bug they will nerf.
Yes in the 2nd phase, he moans quite gayly throughout just like the male hollow form getting struck in DarkSouls 1
>opponent panic rolls when he sees me pull back my arm for a punch
>I hold my charged R2 and lunge forward five feet with the punch and rollcatch him
>The fact you cant even realize that when told explicitly really says a lot. you double digit IQ monkey. Congrats, the games are designed for your type of people now.
You sound extremely upset. And you posted claims with 0 proof. Substantiate or shut the fuck up you worthless faggot.
No I'm serious anon. I can't recall if he had any sounds. Though in hindsight I can just check the credits.
It's for a schizo theory
At what point is Quality better than Heavy and Keen? Is it 50/50 or 60/60?
>is that it has the infused status values of a lance, which is probably a bug they will nerf.
warped axe still has retard tier bleed so nah
you cant get to her without at least beating the hippo
Never, because you get 1.5x strength for heavy when you 2H your weapon like you should and don't waste stats
Do you think they replaced the actor or outright just reused the exact same recordings slightly modulated or something?
kinda feel bad for mesmer
If Sekiro counts then it's Sekiro
Otherwise I don't know, it used to be ER but ultimately I'm so disappointed of it
>DS1 goes down the shitter after Anor Londo
>DS2 is a fucking mess with good ideas for multiplayer
>DS3 is okay but every build feels so repetitive
You can get into the shadowkeep through the the flooded church district without fighting the hippo, and then swoosh straight to Romina.

The latter yeah. I think they just used the same recordings. I had to make sure they actually existed before I started rooting around and doing hard comparisons.
how do you use briars of sin, bare minimum faith req and then pump arc, only usable with a arc scaling staff?
never happening
>I'd rather have a gimmick boss that's interesting than a straightforward fight that's really hard
These games used to be about adventuring through tough but interesting dungeons and being rewarded with cool but not needlessly drawn out setpiece bosses. Alas.
Really? :( Man they really screwed over Quality in this game
>heres your empty field with a Smithing Stone (3) in it, a copy/pasted dragon fight and a consumable that gives you +4 stats for 12 seconds while causing temporary loss of focus
Just got the ability to level and keep dying at the gatefront ruins. Is there any good armor or weaponry I can grab this early for my hero? i need more survivability.
I don't know what it's like in Elden Ring, but in past games the benefits of quality has always been weapon specific.
>in this game
So what's the timeline? Probably getting this wrong as I've not read any lore analysis stuff for the DLC

>Miq leaves mother
>shacks up with Mohg
>rears haligtree to escape greater will's influence
>Haligtree gets diseased/destroyed
>Miq goes fuck this shit, gathers allies including Messmer and goes to the shadowlands
>Builds Kingdom, starts gaining power in order to get rid of the greater will's influence
>Messmer betrays Miq and starts a war
>Miq defends against Messmer but the land's now gone to shit
>Undefined amount of time passes
>Miq decides that he'll only fix the world by ascending to godhood.
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>blue dew talisman
>ancestral spirit talisman
>mohgs spear
Only Nihil. I don't need to R1 anymore. And the range and damage on the Nihil is so high that I don't need to worry about ambushes. Every corner gets a pulse of Nihil.
Enemies above me? Nihil
Enemies below me? Nihil, but it doesn't reach enough so I drop down and Nihil.
Fight Dancing Beast? Nihil
Fight Rellana? Nihil
Fight Gaius? Nihil
Fight Messmer? Die
Fight Miquella and Radahn? Nihil and get payback for Mohg.
albino staff, faith tax boost arc to 80, and use the one with range not the burst at point blank as your main spell out of two. combine with the blood incants with the same, faith tax + arc + "dragon" seal or a better one if dlc added any (doubt)

congrats on your transition to blood mage enjoy your wide selection of weapons to go with it which include....oh dear...
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Okay, wait a cotton pickin' minute. Lemme see if i got this right

So most of the "dragons" we find across the game aren't actually "dragons" but "drakes". Like they are some kinda lesser bastard dragons made by Bayle. So the entire fucking dragon race is basically just one huge /pol/ shitpost of

You can buy some knight armor from roundtable hold, but you should instead be leveling vig and learning to dodge.
He uses the same grunt sounds as main game radahn. There are 0 new ones for him.
it depends on the weapon, but I think around 50/50

of course, you should consider that 50/50 str/dex is 80 levels of stats, whereas 60 in one stat is only 50 and will give similar damage
Much appreciated, anon.
thanks. yeah, my dream was always to make this work with a nice weapon somehow. sheit.
>The latter yeah
I'd not be surprised in the slightest. It is Reused Assets: The Game. They surely thought players would be too tilted to notice or care about a detail like that. This game is just DarkSouls2 2, after all.
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I wish I were a drake, anon
>So most of the "dragons" we find across the game aren't actually "dragons" but "drakes"
isn't this a DS2/3 thing? like the only real dragons we fight in those games are sinh and midir?
whats the level range now? im hanging around 130 while cooping rellena
At the place where yoy xan level up for first time, face the ruins behind you.
Along the left side there's a chest with a weapon
Level vig for a few levels, most people who struggle focus on damage and stamina and the early game fucks them over.

Also, look for a few caves in the the starter field, you'll get some abilities, ashes and hopefully enough runes for a few levels.
yeah you have wryms, "dragons" and then ancient dragons which are actually dragons and then placidusax and bayle.
i saw a whole autistic rant video about how specifications of fantasy creatures doesn't stand up to scrutiny though recently (tldr: skyrims dragons are NOT necessarily wyverns) so its whatever elden ring says they are.
you got a halberd an axe or flowers. or bloodflame something with poor damage (*shrug* worked on my vykes build so its not impossible)
status menu shows it
Honestly, countering is my main issue. all I keep doing is holding the shield in front of me. No idea how I use it to bash forward or throw it to the side.
Have you tried a shield?
Yes. Only Ancient Dragons with four arms are true proper dragons, and the DLC made it canon that they hate their drake descendants and want to actually genocide them. Pretty metal.
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>TWO (2) major areas in the DLC hidden behind some secret bullshit
did the dlc give a nonfarming source for pickled turtle? am i still doomed to pick the herba?
you rike?
This is a common thing in many forms of media. True dragons are rare and immensely powerful, while drakes aren't as rare and aren't as powerful.
Also in a lot of them dragons look down on lower races considering them inferior including drakes, wyvern, etc.
In Dark Souls 2 almost every area had signature enemies that weren't recycled in other parts of the game.
Unironically 2, especially sots.
Scholar of the First Sin is undisputable proof that good design philosophy and fundamentals can make a fantastic game out of mediocre assets.
Which ones?
Good. They should've done even more of this shit. I love it.
Aren't most people annoyed by it?
Not just secret bullshit
boring dungeons with the same fucking tileset you've already done 50 of in the base game, so there's a good chance people just say fuck off catacombs and don't bother exploring it
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From is so BOLD not every game developer would do that this DLC is literally a 10/10
My only complaint is that there are only two instances of this.
>"Here's a map of a secret ruin"
>*it's a tiny low contrast image you can't enlarge*
This place gets spammed by genuine schizos trying to flood with vaccine /pol/shit or fighting against imaginary armies of trannies with Marika AI slop, someone posting actual fanart of Messmer with their lustposting is about as undisruptive as things get around here
I would, but I literally just wear Fia's robe and hood, which obscure my face, hands and feet, so even though I'm using legs and hands that match otherwise you can't see it, so I'd look just like any other Fia's wearing person.
I'm a caster, to boot, so no interesting/visible weapons.
12/15 of the base game Remembrances have cutscenes but only 4/10 in the DLC
Post weapons used EXCLUSIVELY by high test males. Colossal trannies need not apply.
I genuinely did this.
Followed the secret path to the Darklight Catacombs, said "fuck this catacombs are boring" and left to keep exploring, ran out of things to find on the secret path and assumed it was a dead end with a catacomb, left the catacomb for later and warped out

Came back right before Radahn to clean up unfinished content and lo and behold there's a whole (shitty) area squirreled away behind the imp gank gauntlet
with as few spoilers as possible PLEASE thank you
I have gone to the left cross through the cave and explored arcane boost town and that way, got the blue dew tali and the item you can see from the dlc entrance above you neat looking might make a ds1 black knight sort of thing with it on another character
I want to explore north of the three paths, will I break anything if I go that way?
its not marked like the other two paths. I haven't been over the bridge yet, or actually gone up to what looks to me like drangleic castle 2.0 from a distance. I bought everything the nice jar guy has to offer and did not kill the rot faction collector bug brood guy like a retard either, they gave me a recipe for pickled fire livers

my (female) rogue uses those.
so you dont get any reward from summoning igon? It literally the same stuff from his corpse?
ER > BB > Sekiro > DS3 > DS1 > DeS > DS2
dumbledore dies
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Endure is so fucking good against all DLC stuff. Pata may be one of the best hard counters to typical "spammy" shit you encounter too.
>my (female) rogue uses those.
Your rogue is too frail and weak to penetrate skin and flesh with her 9 STR wielding it.
Anon post a map because I don't get it
That said, just don't go near Shadow Keep. You can enter it from the front/south or the east.
Endure meta was boring in DS3 as it is in ER. Invasions centered around ganks were a mistake.
no-one cares, cheater
I guarantee the connecting minor dungeon is a catacomb specifically to trick people since everyone seems to hate catacombs.
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Is it me or does this have an entire different art style than other shit in the game?
Am considering trading over the kick moveset to a fresh character, giving him an npc name and just co-opping
Unironically voice work is too expensive.
Part of the problem with the base elden ring is that they spent too much budget recording a mountain of voicework that they had to discard when production troubles required rewrites. Like we're talking hundreds of thousands of dollars of studio hours thrown out with the trash because they had to change course to hit deadlines.

I don't think any fromsoft game will ever have as many voice lines as Elden Ring cut ever again.
im pretty sure they have more strength than that cause its a respec with the wrong starting class
three-path cross where you meet hornsent and freya
can I go north without breaking quests yes no questionmark
snape is the half blood prince
dumbledoor allowed himself to die so the wand wouldn't work for voldemort
>redsloppers be like
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>hear about how bad dex weapons are against radahn
I have been widickled to be the common soldiewy yet again.
>three-path cross where you meet hornsent and freya
>can I go north without breaking quests yes no questionmark
Yes. Just don't go much further past castle Ensis.
>I have been widickled to be the common soldiewy yet again.
to me that reads as its possible to fuck up while "blind" so im cloud save again, and thank you for answering.
I guess, but that might just be BECAUSE I'm avoiding it because I feel bad, I would probably be just as distuptive if I didn't
Like I have actual just porn I could be censoring and posting but that feels weird
>bleed-infused weapon doing good damage and status buildup, meaning high str/dex/arc investment
>all that fp
>but then also like 30 fth
What the fuck is this build
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And the true dragons got so ass mad about it they made a literal organization dedicated to devouring and genocide the ever living fuck out of these drakes?

Bayle wuz literally kang and shite? Is it required to have Sex in your name if you are a true dragon? Is Godwyn a Nazi sympathizer?
what is the practical difference between goldmask and fia's endings?
what are the best roleplay builds that work in both pve and pvp ?

Dragon so far has been my favorite and the dlc only makes it better

Nothing beats hitting a host and phantom with dragon maw at the same time and watching them both die or beating bosses at obscenely low levels by proccing rott and using low risk moves to chip away at health all while summoning giant dragon heads and arms

I don't care dragon form has no armor my character has been dreaming about becoming a dragon for a very long time
Maybe it’s just my build but Radahn was not THAT difficult. IMO Rellana is the hardest boss in the game if you don’t count Malenia’s waterfowl dance. I beat him two handing a dueling shield and with the deflect tear
Does Midra have frost resistance?
It legitimately looks like a piece of concept art.

What? You literally just run away from her and dodge into the last spin. Yeah if she does it while you're too close you're fucked so it's a bit RNG but other than that it's a very trivial move to avoid.
Abyssal Woods and Hinterlands
Anon just, if you hit castle Ensis, you can keep going a bit more north, just don't go TOO north past it
>what are the best roleplay builds that work in both pve and pvp ?
Prisoner that leans into Cold infusion and works for Ranni. Also wears the Raging Wolf set.
I've heard that the Dueling Shield is massively overpowered against him, especially if you get your damage reduction up high enough/
>raptor of the mists

you didnt beat the game
thats a cheese ash of war

i mean what kind of cheap bullshit is that, the boss hits you but it doesnt and you get a free hit ? total scrub shit
>invader joins
>name's im autistic
>bear claws and full bear outfit
Is that the certified autismo combo?
>I don't care dragon form has no armor
Doesn't matter. You can still reach 3 shot levels of damage reduction with dragon shit provided you apply your buffs and wear your rings.
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i will be raped
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Carian Knight
>not good enough to dodge the AoE shit in Radahn phase 2
>don't want to respec into STR and go in with fingerprint shield
I guess this is where my journey ends...
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i heard the summon is ass, and that hilde is the better fire knight summon. queelign's sword is good, and the identical requirements to the fkgs would allow you to swap between the two as you wish. id say get it
>murky is back
Should messmer's lance charge attack consume magic to work?
>hardswap hardswap hardswap
I should get mad but that kick into riposte was sick. Why doesn't From just implement the ability to create proper movesets for your characters instead of relying on ash sticks to do it?
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ive never seen someone pretend to care about so many things at once while using so many buzzwords along with it.
the vaccine has been proven harmful its in mainstream news now. and there is nothing wrong with ai generated art either, "people" only started complaining when it got good at making images, a few years ago it would output genuine bollocks. like this <---
I apologize for off topic I feel strongly about these things.
Huh? Fia makes the world undead
Ah yes, had to do a guide for that. I think the bullshit is that the gesture is off of a random corpse that's piss easy to miss and it doesn't have any hints about how you use it.
>I beat him two handing a dueling shield
So did I. Dueling shields are cracked. Especially if you were using shield grease.
Git gud or die tryin
Ive been co-oping with my boyfriend and have been absolutely dabbing on every red chud with my hyper mixmaxed pvp poise blob
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Bleed and frost are equal for initial buildup
They're heading in that direction but their animation system is still just messy enough that they have to restrict combinations to prevent shit from just breaking.
Autistic rationalism
Are shields really that effective against him?
hardswapping is for insecure people
like those who spam korean backdash in tekken
you can easily beat people without hardswapping for your muh most optimal weapon or talisman for those 3 seconds of the duel
Since most people fight her in melee it's very easy to get caught out by it.
>Rollspamming through WAs and status buildup until you can get some desperate shots off
How crude.

I miss when invasions had a bit more finesse to them.
The vast majority of his aoe shit just punishes rolling away from him. Roll forward and to your left on most attacks and it’s just like phase 1
so never
back in my day invasions were just backstab chaining and running attacks

Undead is now a "natural" part of life. Generally i think it just mean that you die---->souls go to tree root like usual----->your body gets possessed by some fag / your body gains its own conciousness---->life goes on

>Gold mask
>I improved thing
>It is better now
>Don't ask how
>It is better, okay
Can somebody explain murky and why is it hated to me
In Fia's ending, every soul upon death will rise and become a spooky ugly skele, and wander the realm of the living eternally until only Those Who Live In Dead remain. Not the natural course of death by any means.
In Goldmask's ending, the ways of the golden order are perpetuated for another age, but this time Gods are not seen as infallible, and scrutiny of leadership is (probably) introduced to the previously authoritarian regime. In the Perfect Order ending, with the rune of death reintroduced to the elden ring, death can resume its natural course finally, unlike the Fia ending. Gods won't live forever and mankind is left with a reformed central ruling body to figure out together how to address the Rot issue and the TWLID issue, unlike the age of fracture ending which implies further division and anarchy.
>phase 1 radahn is weak to rot, pierce and holy
>phase 2 radahn has no weaknesses
there used to be a time when grounded melee combat was king and we didn't have weapon arts
and consumables didn't one shot
and most of the times it was 1v1
and therefore magic was risky to cast
I leave
>coomer simp logic
>FTHchad golden order champion logic
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>And the true dragons got so ass mad about it they made a literal organization dedicated to devouring and genocide the ever living fuck out of these drakes?
a bit like the dragon war from the intro of dark souls before gywn fucked everythang up.

I swear to you all that its one big cycle that flows into itself and elden ring is a prequel to dark souls. haligtree is the great hollow, the outer walls protecting it from the ocean are the same walls you see in ds1. I am totally sane and can be trusted around human type enemies

ill try my best not to screw things up, im still going in slowly with a character I don't mind missing too much on (besides katanas) just like my og playthrough although I admit I used guides for quests THEN because quests were broken on day1 release. for about a month. I didnt want to miss patches (and I still missed "calm down" somehow, on my main)
note to self, do not go too far north past the castle penis

wrath of god, wrath of god, wrath of god
dark bead annnd the host is dead
full giants with dragon claws (maxed covenant of course)
full giants with avelyn this was one of my favorites, I kicked him off the bridge lol, dont fuck with burg
ummm...iframes are on every roll?
Hefty Pots are tempting me to make a pot build but I don't know if I have it in me to collect all of the crafting books again on a new character.
Those "drakes" are actually wyverns. The reason why wyvern models are used far more than dragon models is because they are easier to model and animate and make more realistic animalistic "dragons". It damages my autism every time.
Murky was the Murky handscythe from DS3.
It did really fucking big damage for being a dagger. But mainly it was so fast that you can't react to it. Because of this daggers were a pain in the ass in PVP.
Murky and the Harpe however were special because they were super fast, and there hitstun was longer than daggers. And being daggers they cost very little stamina.
So it was just a disgustingly strong weapon to use in duels because it's so fast and so strong and has such a long hitstun. It also came built with quickstep which made it basically impossible to punish all that aggression.
Why do hosts keep dying to that stupid knight at the beginning of the DLC?
It's a max level bracket invasion character and my goal is to literally max my level through invasions
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There are paintings in Volcano Manor my nigga
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so lusat's vision was of the death of the elden beast, correct?
Those guys are funny. Foids and troons simping over messmer isn't. Besides Messmer belongs to incels, he is the incel king.
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DLC vindicated him
>but muh fingers are making shit up
he contacted the GW directly. Stay seething (t)rannicels
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this must've been after I left
>he has a wife you know........
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One of my favorite invasion setups in DaS was waiting in the uppermost rafters of Sen's Fortress until the host and his cohorts would attempt to cross the last one before the bonfire. That's when I'd drop down and cast Force. Fun variations of this setup could also be done in Anor Londo and Blighttown.

The closest thing ER has to this is shooting people with the Jar Cannon, but there's relatively few spots where its really viable.
I meant as an NPC
Depends do you want do you want somber, spells, or both? The latter is the hardest to make work
But Ranni was also vindicated by the DLC because it proved the Fingers were a bunch of fucking schizos that weren't getting ANY direction from the GW. She was right to refuse to bow to their order.
Dare we say that both were right?
Wouldn't it be hot if you walked in on Tanith eating Rykard and when you rest at a Grace she's laying on the ground with a BIIIIG belly? Haha.
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I never doubted him for a second and also picked his ending cause in my mind its good+ if this was silent hill, the best we can do. the best anyone can do.
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There's a myriad of spots for gravity kills and a billion of tools for this in ER, the fuck you're talking about
You NEVER had anything like starscourge GS prior to ER
>godwyn the golden approves of fia's ending
Why should I listen to Goldmask's babblings?
Dark Souls 3 didn't have passive poise, so even the smallest weapon could interrupt and stagger you
The speed of weapons was horribly imbalanced with some taking decades to swing, while 2H curved swords and daggers were genuinely unreactable
Curved swords dominated the meta for most of the game's life because they also had a tonne of reach, more than most weapons, while also being faster and unreactable and confirming a 2 hit combo for big damage. Daggers were generally too short and low damage to compete with curved swords

In comes Murky.
It has innate shield-bypass while also being a dark split damage weapon (dark is the game's lightning equivalent, all players and shields are weak to it). It's buffable, giving it potentially greatsword-tier pure dark damage and allowing it to out-trade any other fast weapon (and even other slow ones)
It's long, nullifying the weakness of daggers
And its first hit, the unreactable one, had bugged stagger. Rather than causing a dagger flinch it would cause a katana flinch, which allowed it to truecombo even when it traded hits with you. So it's the strongest, fastest weapon in the game, that has long reach and is unreactable and out-trades everything else

On top of all this, it had Quickstep. You can't change your AoW in DaS3 so you're stuck with what it came with. Quickstep recovered faster than a normal dodge, so you could both use it to escape pressure, or to apply pressure. Anything bigger than a katana could be punished by quickstepping through its R1 and just poking the recovery, which basically meant that 2/3 of the weapons in the game had a genuinely unwinnable matchup against a murky that just hit L2 whenever you did anything, and the rest would just lose trades all day because murky is fast enough to just R1 on reaction to your R1s, trade, recover and get another confirmed R1 while you're staggered.

It basically ruined pvp. The only way to fight murky was to parry fish, which to be fair was also broken.
I grow weary of being summoned by hosts who die to radahn.
Think I'll load up my save state and summon people to watch me parry him to death.
He basically builds a perfect theocracy and sends women to the kitchen. Out of all default endings, he's by far the best.
Oh ok
In that case I'd say Godwyn is the character I'd love to see as an NPC.
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I don't think you understand. ALL of Sen's was a hazard. There hasn't been a dungeon like that since.
martial arts shouldve had the hornet ring fist animations
>theres no powerstance for dual torches
>none of the torches can take ashes of war
shit game 0/10
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Why did Miyazaki do this?
Because he's a visionary
Don't believe what the media or masses tell you
Goldmask specifically calls out the hunts on the TWLID as meaningless and self-serving retard anon.
>obvious bad guy looking character that's only been presented in a nefarious light turns out to be not that bad
>character everybody loves and fawns over how good they are turns out to be pretty evil
He does this in every game, anon.
godwyn does not approve of shit
you must remember Godwyn's SOUL is dead, what made him Godwyn is permanently gone forever, eternally, this is why Marika was so mindbroken by it, and his absence in the world is a very deliberate motif that was carried even into the DLC for a reason
what is protecting Fia when you attack her at the base of Godwyn's corpse is merely his still-living body's instincts of self preservation, Fia is feeding the soulless body literal life energy of champions she gave aids to, of course a living thing is going to want to protect its source of life, even if it is a soulless thing and a scourge abomination plaguing the world like a literal cancer.
he doesnt do shit though
Consort raddahn first phase is fantastic, everything I ever wanted, phase 2 is some bing bing wahoo tier garbage, did saki forget we are still stuck with this caveman tier dodge roll combat system or something?
Midras manse was very cool but needed to be twice as long, I had a way more fun time stealthing around the enemies inside than then frenzy fuckers outside.
Kino boss tho
Now imagine two of them with a quickstep that does damage and you have backhand blades
nigga he commited a genocide
Messmer's job was to appear evil so they made him appear evil in first impressions to amplify the effect. Same reason why most shit that points out messmer isnt evil is post-messmer
Hornsent deserved it, Messmer dindu nuffin
at what point are boss movesets going to get so absurd that it basically becomes mandatory to use summons? Because that's the direction this game is heading, Miyazaki himself says the game is balanced around them and he uses them
>genociderino of evil race.... LE BAD
Godwyn's personal knights support Fia's cause, that's enough for me
What's the difference between it and sneedsteel?
Skill issue.
Plenty of anons here are styling on him already.
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Goldmaskchuds can never make a post that doesn't seethe about Ranni in someway.
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Your response?
>he contacted the GW directly
Imagine talking about the fingers making shit up about communicating with the Greater Will while the very next thing you do is make shit up about some nerd communicating with the Greater Will, how can someone be this fucking blind to the irony of the claim
I know, right? I already like him, you don't need to sell me on him further
Yeah but radahn is harder with summons, unless they're running some super cheese build.
>Skill issue.
That means nothing here anon, I can cheese him if that what "skill" means.
didn't he only do this with radahn and malenia? what other examples are there?
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is it /fa/ enough
kill yourself.
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inflation is the retard disabled fuckup cousin of vore get that nonce cents out of my face posthaste
hardcore vore is the true way to go and Miyazaki himself knows it
he gave us dragonform, he gave us a world of things eating each other, he gave us SEVERAL deathcams of getting swallowed, in DLC he even gave us a gigantic dragon maw to walk into and sleep in
he LOVES us
Wtf even are these images, an AU where Melina and Messmer switch roles?
Yeah, it looks good, I like the like hair and stubble combo. Are you not wearing any gloves?
killed a bunch of evil niggies, i see no problem
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>Marika married Radagon to break Renalla's heart, therefor quelling the Carian Royal Family's influence over Liurnia
at least no brotherfucking and no mindcontrol in sight

not great, not terrible
He's the ER equivalent of a war vet anon.
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die bitch
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oh fer shure the children and women were all evil
>inflation is the retard disabled fuckup cousin of vore
It is (hard) vore, retard.
wheres your soiled loincloth?
Backhand Blades don't have ridiculously high damage or stagger or confirmed damage off a stagger, their R1s aren't unreactable and they can be passive-poised and out-traded. Blindspot is genuinely a problem and essentially hardcounters a lot of weapons just like old Quickstep did, but the rest of the weapon is just a strong moveset, nothing ridiculous. It's more similar to Bloodborne's Saif in how it's just a quick weapon with absurdly good reach and chase because of its forward-movement.
Sounds like cope.
I can beat him happily with just a normal straight sword +25 and med rolls.
He isn't even scary as soon as you learn how to dodge his flashy stuff in phase 2.
And there are no doubt people better than me here.
god i hate malenia so much (haven't gotten to dlc yet)

>random hyperarmor
>stagger damage resets if you knock her to 0 during hyperarmor
>waterfowl bullshit

how/why do people defend this boss
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I think like it's Messemer joining Melina, not them swapping places but like yeah I think. I don't speak japanese
>oy vey the women and children
Do you see any women and children impaled?
Can any anons help me decide between int or dex for my next playthrough?
I need something good in PVP and PVE, currently I'm leaning towards int due to that big fucking gravity explosion spell I can throw at the ground/walls to nuke shit.
Dex has a lot of interesting thing I also want to try though.
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I did not care for the bosses in this DLC
Ehh. In the end the GO assimilated Carian teachings and fucked off. The Lucarian coup was the academy shitting its pants at Malenia's advancing army and trying to keep their home out of a losing war. Remember that Ranni was, at the time, public enemy number 1 and still formally Carian royalty. Caria was ostensibly the Haligtree's enemy until the academy staged its coup
Ranni was their elder and not cursed, hence she was the first pick. The odds of them changes their mind was basically nil up to that point. Even disregarding the whole age and curse thing Ranni was the daughter of a queen whose forces fought the GO to a standstill and more or less forced them to marry for peace. She was presumably a powerful sorcerer in her own right as well. Marrying her off to the pro GO elden lord to be would keep the carians under their thumb and curb the chances of her coming into her power and opting to say “fuck the previous peace, dad divorced mom so fuck these guys”. In the end Ranni was simply the smarter choice.
holy simp you are so bonerheaded that it flew right over your head how her "champions" are in fact unwilling and unaware that their souls are suckered into defending godwyn forever after a careless session with her and her "hugs"
Messmer didn’t go far enough, he needs to stop brooding and finish the job already I want a horn chandelier for the shadow keep
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>how/why do people defend this boss
she's cute
kneel to your goddess, heathen
you will be raped and you will like it
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Does this strike you more as a DEX/INT or DEX/FTH fashion statement?
>how/why do people defend this boss
they think beating her is proof that they're good
Check out the sheer fucking state of my gameplay. Maybe Elden Ring really is too easy since shitters like me can get this far.
hard to tell, they're all burnt to a crisp
We'll serve em up a genocide they never will forget
Cause if we miss a couple, they'll breed a couple more,
And soon enough we'll all be hating twice as many as before
You already posted this last thread and people basically just said you can dodge the waterfowl easily. Which you can very easily.
Just look up "dodging waterfowl" and there's gonna be an easy guide on how to do it. Or you can just run away since that's guaranteed.
play stupid games win stupid prizes
should've realize your kids were gonna get crisped and impaled because you decided to kill innocent shamans
Because she's a very fun fight when you aren't bad at the game and busy blaming your lack of skill on everything but yourself and refusing to improve your gameplay.
You wouldn't get it.
Miquella's fate was never to become a god anon. He had to pull a reverse-ranni to achieve it
blue = int
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Elden ring has done irreversible damage to souls community. This DLC especially

now its all gays women and nonces
hard vore involves chewing and the realistic expect gore that comes with that, for millions of years this was the fate witnessed by the final moments of most complex life, dying devoured
soft pussyshit vore for babies is the kind that furfags obsess over with someone making it totally unharmed into a belly like some saturday morning cartoon gag
we are NOT the same
>Remember that Ranni was, at the time, public enemy number 1
We literally have to go through a mini-quest to find out that she's the culprit behind assassination, and that's on top of all the research Rogier supposedly did beforehand, it's definitely not common knowledge, she's not the public enemy n°1, she's just missing during those events
>he hasnt played the DLC
She's still a good boss outside of those issues. And she's hot. Radahn is way worse.
is this also u
Phase 1 is just Radahn, who is canonically vulnerable to rot and an empyrean but not a god
Phase 2 is Radahn and Miquella, becoming a god that erases the personal vulnerabilities of Radahn
Unable to summon cooperator
Your buzzword mean nothing to me anon, I already beat him, it was clean just not an enjoyable fight as soon as the second phase hits, no doubt people can beat him, that isn't the argument here you dumb caveman but whatever.
>Elden ring has done irreversible damage to souls community. This DLC especially
>now its all gays women and nonces
Always has been
Summoning aborted due to
time out
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How do I get over here? I can't get to the ladder from the bottom so I assume I need to get to it from up top somewhere but I don't see how
Godwyn's personal knights are crestfallen and suitably delusional. No good can come from reviving the soulless demigod. And no good comes. Enjoy your world of eternal restless dead, at least you got hugged and cucked though.
Yes. I solved the problem in that video by using Taylew instead and summoning after I dodge the initial charge. I'm surprised/embarrassed that you saved that.
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>Elden ring has done irreversible damage to souls community. This DLC especially
>now its all gays women and nonces
It doesn't strike me at all
it slashes
As a response to another genocide
it's funny
>Messmer going "I'll never kneel!"
>Tarnished kneels instead
>Messmer going "wtf are you doing" while Melina watches and goes "what's all this about?"
>Messmer showing up on a hippo
It's obviously a Tarnished x Messmer thing where Messmer was successfully talked into not being a shut-in castle NEET while Melina watches on in confusion and thirdwheels
From below, from a different area.
they still using the same lightning spells, they're truly honorable and dutiful knights
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>now its all gays women and nonces
>he didn't know
>vore getting the same treatment as futa (gynomorph and not full blown herm like it should be)
I hate coomers.
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Why does half this shitter's attacks just ignore blocking? I swear it's not normal for standard attacks from that sword to just ignore the fact that your shield is up and you have full stamina. It's like half his normal attacks are treated like jumping attacks.
>I personally did not enjoy the fight
Well say that then instead of starting to cope about how "durrr the rolls aren't capable anymore!", you just sound like a shitter when you say things like that given most people are now getting pretty comfortable with fighting him
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are the DLC bosses easier now after the patches?
or it's just the scooby-doo treats are more powerful now?
idk i had nightmares with gaius before, now it's reasonably hard but it doesn't take more than 3 tries
scadu avatar also feels way easier now
wtf miyazaki... i feel betrayed
She has her issues but she's also an out of the way super boss.
I actually think Mohg is now the worst of the two because he's required to enter the DLC. I think it might be the hardest DLC entrance to date.
It is terribly cliche, but this game more than anything really embodies the philosophy of "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey, and your adventure will be what you make of it".
I wish I could eat his body and become him.
welcome to the Dee Ell See
time to collect your Skibidis
The thing is, with his Empyrean durability, you could probably keep him around for a long time. Without Radahn, he's really just a taller-than-usual femboy. I'm willing to bet he has practically no STR in those limbs. You could manhandle him easily, especially by that point in the DLC, just about every Tarnished is likely to be monstrously overlevelled. You could grab him by those silky golden braids of his and drag him down from Enir-Ilim like a sack of potatoes, pulling him through the dirt and muck as you visit all the Crosses of Miquella left around the Shadow Lands and force him to regain his humanity, his compassion, his love... and most importantly, his fear. By this point he should be considerably more normal and also considerably more in terror of you. But regaining his sense of humanity has also regressed him to the submissive and uncertain youth he used to be, the one who could never have tried to become a god, much less nearly succeeded. So he pleads and begs. But you don't care. Imagine how filthy his hair must be by this point. They're completely stained with mud and full of twigs and blades of grass and Marika knows what else. Probably not a little blood, too. His beautiful golden braids. There's a neat cave in Limgrave you prepared just for this eventuality. His eyes light up with hope as you warp out of the Shadow Lands with him in your arms, but the hope dies fast once he realizes where he is. In that cave you can chain him up while he struggles weakly and meekly asks you to please, please, oh please let him go, he knows he was wrong now, he'll return to the Haligtree and not cause any more trouble, he's really sorry, say, is Malenia doing ok? Can he see her? Please?

That's when the first Lightning Spear hits him right on his smooth little ballsack. The noise of its impact and his high-pitched keening wail is deafening in the cave. With tears in his eyes, gasping for breath, he shouts for help. But nobody can hear him. He's yours now.
I had the same issue, greatshield just didn't do shit against some of his attacks and it was inconsistent as fuck. I guess they went with the "extra hard first boss everyone encounters" meme and just made him straightup not play by the same rules as everyone else.
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Oh, I see now. Now to figure out how I missed how to get over there.
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Oh nooo f*male w*myn who engage with the setting and characters beyond surface level aesthetics, how will you ever recover
>and your adventure will be what you make of it".
Knights being capable of remaining honourable warriors despite their leaders being corrupt, terrible, horrible people objectively in the wrong has literally been a recurring and central theme in Miyazaki's games since the start.
You're just getting better.
Crazy how that happens.
Things seem easier when you improve at them.
do the arrow talismans work on smithscript weapons?
The GO didn't do jack shit, he fucked off long before game events. It's all Fingers and Mother acting on their own accord and making shit up as they go, pretty effectively, admittedly.
If you find yourself in New Londo, you're on the right track
On top of what the anon said, the Raya "coup" was a rebellion by the cuckoo knights against the academy itself + Caria manor.
The manor is actually for all intents and purposes under siege by the cuckoo knights.
And this is my headcanon but, I wonder if that rebellion wasn't instigated by the Fingers in their pursuit of Ranni. I now am 100% sure the Fingers attacked Caria manor since the creepers are 100% related to the Two Fingers thanks to the Metyr connection
unironically the game started getting much easier when i stopped spamming dodge button and i started holding button to RUN instead, maybe try it anon
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I found this place instead.
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That's so cool that you can read that, I've always wanted to but I can barely even read and write English, let alone Japanese
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>Neat. Hey check out how hard I can throw this hammer.
Miquella better be well acquainted with the five D’s of dodgeball.
Weird question, but does the damage number you deal to a boss, is that number the amount of health you've taken off, or how much damage your weapon is doing?
Probably not, I was under the assumption that talisman was meant to work only with bows specifically, but I could be wrong and it may be all projectiles.
The smithscript daggers do deal Pierce damage, so the spear talisman might be way more useful with those anyway.
The one that adds range works because the damage falls off pretty quick.
I figured.
what did he mean by this
whats that red lightning spell ive seen people spam?
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I need an elf mod for this look
>Messmer upset that he's lost his fire and snake powers and is left in the body of an ordinary young man
Cute cute cute cute cute
Ah, it's ugly...
It's the amount of health you are taking away from the enemy. It takes into account the damage negation and resistance the boss has, so it is not the full amount of damage your weapon would do under ideal conditions, although you will hardly ever find those.
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Oh, so that's how you get over here.
>There's a neat cave in Limgrave you prepared just for this eventuality
St.Trina anon, is that you?
hosts just cant handle gauis' thrash combo

it kills them 100% of the time every time
its tough being a hostcel
noted, thanks anon
im using the cirques. the charge talisman/physick works still, so that might be my best bet
Kill Hornsent. Behead Hornsent. Roundhouse kick a Hornsent into the concrete. Defecate into Hornsent crucibles. Launch Hornsent into Mount Gelmir's volcano. Crucify filthy Hornsent. Throw Hornsent children into jars. Dunk Hornsent into vats of acid. Feed Hornsent to deathrite birds. Seed fly plague in Hornset villages. Throw Hornsent into furnace golems. Trap Hornsent in the Land of Shadows. Seal the Hornsent tower behind a shadow tree. Exterminate filthy Hornsent. Smash Hornsent divine beasts. Mandatory abortions for Hornsent. Insult Hornsent grandma's cooking. Rip the horns off of Hornsent. Abuse Swift Slash and Blind Spot against Hornsent. Cast Night Maiden's Mist on sleeping Hornsent. Steal the Elden Ring from Hornsent. Burn Hornsent cookbooks. Lock Hornsent up in the Abyssal woods. TOTAL HORNSENT DEATH.
Very distinct description anon. Full marks
I'll put your report card on the fridge
Has the icon dump for the DLC been uploaded yet
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Brat needs correction
Plap Fiction
I dont know if he'd be sad about losing the snakes, but I wonder like if he'd end up feeling empty and like he lost something when he realizes like he lost like them as like constant companions
>Block all swift slash spammers
>Still find some

Lel these fags ever wonder why they stop getting invaded? I can't imagine hosting a gank waiting 2 digit plus minutes hoping some red comes only to die to BS in 3 seconds and then wait AGAIN 10+ minutes for another goy to come
>finger creepers swarming the first floor of caria manor
>finger creepers swarming near volcano manor entrance
>just learned there's a string bell bearing now
finally I can use drawstring grease instead of ignoring them because I would have to waste hours of my life or cheat
The only place I don't get why there's creepers at is the mountaintop of the giants
Unless the Two Fingers and Metyr played more than just a guiding role and actually sent forces against the giants during the purge.
In the pic at least it says he wants to visit Rykard and the Fire Giant because he still aspires to return to the status of being 「The Impaler」but you can headcanon that he doesn't miss them if you want
I'm playing Radahn 2 with an honest build and no summons and phase 2 is really raping me. All the holy explosions completely fuck up my ability to roll his attacks
also the strays in the leyndell sewers and the fuckhueg one at flame peak for some reason
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This one?
There's some humongous ones there. Invaders often lure Fire Giant host to one of them because it's very strong.
Wait so if I'm understanding you right the way to get over there is from an entirely different area?
I used to think the finger creepers were Rykard's since they look almost identical to his actual hands
I still feel like it makes more sense if they were his and that it's a reused assets thing
The giants were an enemy of the erdtree dynasty and the fingers just like Rykard and Ranni are in present day. It's just that the giants lost while the other two battles have stalled since Leyndell has been weakened by the shattering.
I completely forgot those fuckers existed and there's one in the Hintherlands in the DLC
>drop down a cave
>massive fucking creeper falls from the goddamn roof
I almost pissed myself.
I fucking hate finger creepers.
I wish I could draw so I could draw my OC
tempting given how Miyahacki ruins the lore in one fell swoop

but also remember that he doesn't like explaining all the story so people have their own interpretations, and basically encourages people to have their own headcanons

that being the case I:

>went back in time before the Shattering in Farum Azula
>brought Miquella's schematics from Elphael with me so he could work on Unalloyed Gold sooner and cure Malenia before her limbs fall off and the Outer God of Rot influence can be expunged earlier
>corrected Ranni before she conspired with the Numen to bring about the Night of the Black Knives
>journeyed with Miquella/Trina across the Land's Between preventing tragedies from unfolding all the while advancing civilization
>spare Marika and have her relinquish the Elden Ring and taking her on as my secretary
>successfully grow a new Erdtree where all the Empyreans including Miquella/Trina, Marika, Malenia and Ranni reside having their own cute domains representative of their own powers and personality
>take the Elden Ring within myself and ascend to godhood under the watchful eyes of Miquella/Trina ensuring they remain cute and funny
>cue cutscene of all the myriads of descendants from the Empyreans and their Tarnished deity traveling across space with their own stars spreading a loving Order across all reality
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maybe because i'm abusing blackflame blade with my keen milady, also a full wing stance is unbelievable OP
>3 Divine Bird Helmets
>still no talons
Just end my suffering already
The reach one massively increases the range of the hammer.
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>his face when you confess your love to him
the beatings will continue until morale improves.
Yes, there's a long circuitous route around the east of the map. Thankfully you don't need to go through any meme dungeons and can just ride Torrent the entire way
Marika's fat ass got me acting unwise
ok godfrey
Learning to draw leads to degeneracy, soon you will be drawing your OC having sex with demi-humans.
Thanks, thats some good info
This dude spamming Miquella and typing like a fag is that same goyim when SeKINO came out and not shut up about the boy in that game. What is wrong with faggots
Still not getting how having a backpack erases your armour's structural vulnerability to piercing attacks. It just seems like they wanted to make sure the anime blingbling special snowflake phase was as uncheeseable as they could manage.
Calm down Messmer
name a single well written character in the DLC
Miquella's feminine penis is giving me the urge to ravish
new thread
I seem to recall there being a lake(puddle) with two hippopotami in it. Can anyone remind me where that was?
>post about midget miqqy
>"st trina anon is that you"
whats the lore rundown on this
At most I'd draw her holding hands with Malenia with interlocked fingers and no gloves
The current /erg/ thread has ended.
For every 10 posts made in this thread...
>...7 were made by men
>...2 were made by women
>...1 were made by trannies
Additionally, for every 10 posts made in this thread...
>...5 were made by normies
>...4 were made by autists and maladjusteds
>...1 were made by the truly mentally unwell
Keep in mind that the same individual can submit multiple posts over the course of a thread, so this statistic does not necessarily represent the user demographics of /erg/, merely the makeup of its posts, rounded into fractions of ten. Similarly, the pursuit of simplication means this methodology could omit statistically insignificant numbers of posts.

That said, the next bread has been baked at >>485087046. Please check your flask charges and migrate in an orderly manner.
Thank you all for participating!
There was an anon here who was obsessed with posting Ryona fics where he had St.Trina trapped in a cave and viciously abused her.
fanfiction of Marika finally visiting Messmer and taking him to six flags (he wanted to go to disney world with mommy but it will still be the happiest day of his life)
>Thought I'd get disheartened by the sabotaged scribe's fan fiction? Nah Miq, I love you. Always have always will.
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Oh, it's from this side? I hadn't been over to that side yet. I don't feel like fighting Messmer yet so I'll go over there.
Nvm, found it. Directly south of the Eastern Nameless Mausoleum.
Post your detailed method of scrutiny or I will start calling you faggot every chance I get.
Made my dick twitch, not going to lie.
Holy shit lol
>why didn't ranni support the guy who wanted to mind control everybody
are you retarded?
>half of the hosts who summon me get one shot before/as I enter the boss room
The single most mentally unwell post per thread should get pointed out in these.
Dryleaf Dragon here. Bloom Twice works really well for closing distance, jumping through attacks still craters my HP though. I think it just comes down to the weapon not causing any stagger. If I could get them to flinch after a few hits they would be perfect, here's to hoping they'll get a buff. I'm off to practice my moveset
Fav is also Messmer for the same reasons you mentioned. He's refined but sickly at the same time. Not sure why he has a Roman-esque design considering most of his castle/knights are later medieval period and he's clearly a reference to vlad the impaler and dracula complete with the spooky castle and literal bats around. I would have preferred if his set was more medieval knight-like but his helm is a nice design as well.

>least fav is either Rennalla or Reddidahn because of spam and gay lore and no justice for my boy Goatwyn.
buck doesn't know what the jump or block button is button is keeeek
After invading some person using this I presumed they were using a blood-infused smithscript dagger but turns out they were using that thing. I wonder if blood smithscript daggers with that same AoW on a dex/arc build would be even more busted?
I don't even know where this thing is sorry anon
Is the damage really worth the added negation? Sure you can off-set it but that requires constant maintenance. Probably worth in invasions but duels or pve?
Be off (((hornsent))) decent
Don't give a shit about duels, but in invasions it's barely noticeable and in pve everything that 3shots you will 3shot you anyway

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